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2 DAILY RECORD-UNION ffISOKD BY THE SACRAMENTO PUBLISHING- COMPANY; Office, Third Street, between J and K. j THE DAILY RECORD-UNION For one year. $6 00 • For six months 3 OO i Kor thrsr months 1 '<•■> Subscribers served by carriers at fITTKXS t'tvi- per week. In :i!l interior cities and towns the paper can be hail oi the principal l Jcnodical be&len, newsmen and Agents. THE WEEKLY UNION Is tne chpai«st and un>>t desirable Home, .News and Literary Journal published on the Pacific toast. The Wkkkly Union per year $1 50 «3- These publications are sent either by Mull or Bxpreai to agents or single rab- Mliben with charges prepaid. All l'ostinast •rs are ujjent*,. The best advertising mediums on the Facilic Coast. Entered at the Postofflce at Sacramento as •econd-class matter. Record-Union—Telephone Xo. -10. Kor Editorial Rooms, ring one bell. Forßusiue** urhce, riu>+ tone i/ells. Special Agencies. This paper is for sale at the following places: L. P. I-'ishcrv. room :j l. Merchants' Exchange, California street: the principal News stands and Hotels, and at the Market-street Ferry, ban Francisco. Lot An(;ki.ks.—Eclectic Book Store, corner Beoond and Main atra is. San bii.ct.. -Ku.mal J; Co., 800 Fifth street. Coronauo.—Hopkins & Cox, Coronado Hotel. Santa Barbara.— Hussiutrer's Hem Depot. Fkksno.—C. T. Cearley, 1111 J street. Santa ckuz.— Oooper Bro*'. Ham Depot. tn Also, for sale on all Trains leaving and waning into Sacramento. The Kecord-L'.mun and Weekly UsTIOB a/v thr ohly papers on the Qxtst, outride of Asm Franeiteo, that n - the full AmoekUed Press Dis patches from aii parti of the world. Out side of tiait. Francisco, they have no com petitor*, either in mftuenot or home and general circulation tin oughovi thr State. IVentl»er Forecast. Official forecast for the twenty-four honrs emllnc at midnight, November 17th: For Northern California—Fair, but partly cloudy along the coast; win la generally northerly; gradually warmer, except cooler in the soulh tatM portion. - ] THE COMMIT TEE OF ADVICE. "We again call the attention of our mu nicipal authorities to the wisdom, econ omy and foresight of raising the commit tee of inquiry and advice on drainage, suggested in these columns a lew days ago. It will cost but a tritle; it will give the people the experience of other cities without sending engineers abroad or wasting time In debating propositions that have, under trial, been settled else where. When this committee of inquiry re ports in the spring we will be in a posi tion to know precisely what Sacramento is financially capable of doing to prop- | erly drain the rity and dispose of its f Bewage. If any citizens' committee or self-raised organization undertakes the Inquiry It wQI not answer the purpose nearly so well. The thought that prejudice, solf-intorest, bips, may have had to do with the matter, will arise. But let the j Board of Trustees ask an engineer, a j financial expert, a sanitarian, a mechanic j and the City Superintendent of Streets j during the next three months to examine the plans and reports of the successes and failures of other cities similarly situated, in the matters of drainage and sewage disposal, and to report these results. Such a committee, with a clerk to con duct its correspondence, would gather in three months all the plans, surveys, drawings, estimates, reports of financial and sanitary results, from every city in i the Union and Kurope that is located j much as is this. It would baveatuoinmaud 1 complete details of the exhaust system, the chemical deposition system, the sew age farm method, etc. —all this at no other cost than for postago and the time of one clerk. Wo submit that it is a simple proposi tion, and one comporting with the dignity of the Board of Trustees. San Francisco lias done something of this kind. She has created a Board of Engineers and Scien tists to examine her present sewer sys tem; to examine into those of other cities, and to report by way of advice its opin ion as to what San Francisco ought to have in the matter of drainage, and what will be the probable cost. This matter should not be delayed another week. We are increasing in population. The late vote proves that ■we have fully SS.WO people at the lowest estimate, and with more proba bility atS&JOM. As the city builds up the more difficult and costly will become the work of putting in a sewer system meet for our needs. If it is a fact that we are now paying just about twice what ■we should pay for the disposal of our Bewage. the facts In detail should be laid before the Trustees speedily, as a mere matter of economy. The three members of the board cannot give the time neces sary to make the inquiry, nor will they claim that their board is so constituted as to lit it properly for the work. It has upon it three business men, but no en gineer, no sanitarian, no mechanic. The board will, therefore, do itself credit and honor by calling to its aid the capacity that resides in others to examine the scores of systems in use in sewago disposal, with a view to reporting what is best. Even if it makes no recommenda tion,|the facts such a committee of advice will gather will be of infinite value to the Trustees, and greatly aid them In meet ing and settling a problem that is upon us, that demands solution and that will not be put aside any longer. THE EDUCTIONAL TEST VOTE. A Marysville exchange says: It may seem strange, but, from what we can learn, every znan, with two exceptions, who was unnbit; 1" read, «nd tad 10 have his ticket marked lor him tn this and the pre cincts surrounding, \otea in fovor of an ado cational qualification for voters. The prin cipal vote against c-ducatioual qualilioa tlon was cast by men who cau read and write. It is not at all strange. The same state of facts was notable in this city—in the precincts where it was believed by most people that the heaviest vote would be east against the educational qualification tMt, the vot« was praotically affirmative SACRAMENTO DATLT KECCVRD-TTXTQy, THTTRSPAY, yOTE^rRETI IT, 1802.-SIX PAGES. ! of the submitted proposition. We say it ! is not strange, the uneducated | ■have admiration for those who can read ' I and write and who have some learning. ', \ Crippled by their own disadvantages, : ] thej- do not wish their children to grow lup hampered in like manner. Moreover, I the illiterate did not wish by their votes j to confess or affirm their condition. They ! knew that a negative vote from them ] would be used as a powerful argument iv a second assault upon illiteracy. As to the vote of the educated, it was j mainly for the proposition ; but so much ! of it as was opposed, represented a senti- | metit based upon a false philosophy that the qualification proposed is a limitation I upon the liberty of the citizen that is not justifiable in a government by the gov erned. It is needless to discuss that sug- ' gestion—it is weak and nerveless; if it i has any force and vigor they will ap ply to any and all restraint imposed, or qualifications exacted as conditions pre ceding the exercise of the right of suf frage. TALL BUILDINGS AND LIGHT. Engineer Adler does the country a I service in protesting against the craze for ! tall otliee ill-lighted buildings. There is j overreaching in this matter, and it is full time for architects to call upon owners to halt. Mr. Adler holds that unless sulli cient light can be secured the tall office building becomes a nuisance. But our observation is that only on gore or cor ner lots, and often not upon them, can ■nfflfient light-space be reserved. Mr. Adler gives some examples of the folly of utilizing all space for rental at the ex pense of light and air. He says: I remember thre< buildings, two erected by myself, and the other by another architect, all for one client. He considered the proposi tion that the areu of his buildings sliouK; he reduced tor the purpose of gianni;; large light courts as exceedingly unbusinesslike, and as a most improvident waste of valuable realty, and treated toe possibility that hiß neighbors might profit by his generosity to himself as something ai;in to communism, and there fore highly reprehensible. This persOli was a banker and had Invested a large portion of his own and other people's money In these particular buildings. They were dark; it was Impossible to rent them; and they formed an Important factor in his eventual financial ruin, ami the utter collapse of the institutions v. vii which ht-na.s oonneoted. All of these buildings havr pmmort into other hands; two have >ince been remodeled and provided with lur^e light courts, and ha\e tx come proiituble Investments. The third is held by persons aa narrow-minded as the original owner, and no change lias bees made. The result i, that It is to a great extent unoccupied, and the parts which are rented bring but a very small in come. Another instance is Hint of a building ! Ie Chicago by a- speculator and soli to a rich corporation. It abutted upon a narrow alley, on Ui<- opposite Bide of which a "sky scraper" was erected. The result was the ne cessity for completely reconstructing the In terior of the tir»t building and providing it with a lui'ge light-court. There is—l will not lay where—a building among the mosi notable of ull "sky-scrapers" ever erected. A very large sum of money has been invested in the ground and buiidm;.'. Its projectors were unwilling to give up any I of their realty for lighting purposes; in tact, they even went further, and all around their building projected bay-wlndowds into the sur rounding streets and alleys. The result, is that they have offices from t irfy-iive to forty reel deep, of which only those in the very uppermost stories are well lighted; and. not withstanding their building is situated on one : o: the best business skis in the United btates it has thus lar tailed to rent, and bids fair to remain an uuproluable investment. In stances of this kind could be multiplied in definitely. _»- , Tiik lady who left the United States to marry the Duke of Murlborough and en dow him with her handsome fortune, I now that he is dead and her money nearly j gone in fitting up his palace, has been j ousted by his heir. The dispossession is I spoken of by the dispatches as rude, sud- I den and contemptuous. But that is not surprising. 'Whenever English title has conferred upon American citizens high rank by marriage, it has, when the tie was severed, always coolly deserted its one-timo recipient. Mrs. Hammersly, now that she is but tho widow of a Duke, whose estates by entail have passed to a son by another marriage, has no more attraction in aristocratic circles in Eng land. She shone only by rellecting the rank of the man who offended Knglish blue blood by marrying an American who came of common stock. American women never can hope to keep place in the English aristocracy except by sulier ance. The whole English system is op posed to these side-bar marriages and tolerates them only because of the defect in its code that permits them—that is to say, a nobleman may take into his atmosphere a plebeian wife, but he cannot give her the permanency or position that is insured in social circles to one of aristo cratic lineage. ■•■ There is reason to believe that the Democracy in its triumph will bo con servative. It well knows that it will be watched with joalous regard by the van quished of three parties; it well knows i that its success islnot due to love for party traditions; that this "landslide" was set in motion and given momentum by some hundreds of thousands of voters who do not affiliate with the Democratic party, and if it errs will apply the lash to its back lustily. The responsibility put j upon the party, and the fact that it can not command all ihe strength given to it I on the feth of November on purely party i calls, will, we think, make it more ■ cautious, thoughtful and generally con servative than In any prior period of the histury of the party. The Derby Hat. If the derby hat is to be crowded out by the easier and softer styles of headgear, there won't be much regret over its go-I lag. In spite ol its advantages as a cross between the silk hat and the slouch, it has never had the merits of either of those styles. It has always had the discomforts I of the silk hat without having its dash or I beauty, and it has not been much dressier ; than a neat soft hat, although it has been j niore uncomfortable. It is a bad thing j for a hot day, Bad it isn't much for a cold j spell, and heaven help the man who wean it the morning after a banquet. j The tendency now is to easy hats, and it ought to bo encouraged. Men have laughed a great deal at women's slavery 1 to fashion, but they have never been able to point to a more forcible illustration of i i that slavery than their own adherence to the derby hat supplied.—Philadelphia In quirer. Mr. W. D. Wkbtb of Geneva, X. V., was cured of the severest form of dyspep- I sia by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Full partic i ulars sent if you write to C. I. Hood & Co., ■ Lowell, Mass. The highest praise has been won by Hood's Pills for their easy, yet efficient, action. • Brown's Bronchial Troches have a di : red influence on the inflamed parts, jjiv j ing relief ill coughs, colds and the vari i ous throat troubles to which singers and public speakers are liable. Sold only in boxes. Most men like to see themselves in print, but women don't; they prefer silk or satin.—Texas Sittings. BURSTED ENTERPRISES. Failures on the Pacific Coast Durinc the Month ol October. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency re i ports 110 failures in the Pacific Coast Slates and Territories for the month of October, with assets ftt7,BG6 and liabili ties $744,15:;, as compared with iM) for | the previous month with assets 5200,36-' i and liabilities £J45,734, and 103 for the corresponding month of 1891, with asseis JUjl.vjT and liabilities 8421,113. The fail ures for tlie past month are divided among the .states and Territories' as fol lows: slate. No. Assets. Liabilities. I Caliloniia 77 ¥225,(>18 #439,928 Washington... 17 &4.68S 135,447 I Oregon 14 114,350 165.277 Nevada.... 2 3.6U0 10.000 j Totals 110 5407,85(i 9744,158 The following are the causes assigned for the lailures: Incompetence, _'': Inexperience, >: inadequate capital lor I the business undertaken,-"!: extravagance, 11; neglect of business and bad habits, 5; 'excessive competition, 1; unfavorable j drcnmintanoea, floods, lires, etc., I7;spec ulation, 1; fraud, 14. The World's Fair- The Chicago "Inter- Ocean." This great weekly, and the Weekly Union can be had lor $2 a year, or the Daily Hecokd-LMon and the Inter- Ocean for 98 SO per year. All about the great World's lair will be elaborately I treated in the Fnter-Ocean, Can be liatl for this price only by subscribers to tho | Kkcokd-Union and Weekly Union. To tone up the system and stimulate the appetite, take Augostura Hitters. Dr. J. G. 15. Siegert A sons, sole manufact urers. At all drueeists. gty»ciql_%tPticeg. -*■■'' jS Every sufferer is earnestly requested to try it and they will acknowledge it to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE For a Wonk Siomacli, Impaired Diges tion and All Disorders of tlio Liver. It acts like magic, and a few doses will bo found to work wonders upon the most important organs of the human machine. "I have used Simmons Liver Regulator many yeai's, jinil can con.-ci'iHiouslysuv it is t lie Kong of all Liver Remedies. I consid er it a medicine chest in itself." —J. H. UAItIiKKK. Suffolk, Vil. PAINLESS EXTRACTION OF TEETH Dy cue of local anesthetic. DH. WELJjON, Den tist, Eighth and J streets. •glen* 3li>t»*rti»cment». N~~EW ENGLAND lUNNF.It Ti M> VyTaT the Congregational Church lor from 11:30 A. M. tO a I. M. It THANKSGIVING FESTIVAL WILL BE HELD IN TURNER HALL THURSDAY EVENING, November 24th, tor the benefit of the Sistersol Mercy. Music by Jones, Flsch <£ Watson. Audmi slon, 50 cents* There will be dinner served by the ladies durlUij the day from 11 A. M. to 4 P, X., and sapper at night. nl?-lw SPECIAL AUCTION SALE CROWELL & LAMBERT, Auctioneers. Will sell at s;ih sroom, ;)27 X Hlreet, Thursday, November XT, 4T 10 A. M.. THE PERSONAL PBOP- J\ erty belonging to the late .1. U.Simeon, consisting of the following: l Bookcase, 1 lie-: Lounge, l Office Desk, l Cornet, l Violin, 1 10l of Jlund and Bbeet Music, 1 iot of Hooks, 1 Hausrin^ Lamp, 1 Marble-top Table and other articles. Also, at same time, a consignment of 890 Picture Frames of all kinds, 40 Lamps, 1 lot r ctures, 14 Mirrors, 1 I'.ook Hack and other articles. These goods must be sold to dose regardless of price. It CKOWELL & LAMBERT, Auctioneers. RUHSTALLER'S Extra Gilt Edge IS THE BEST BEER IN THE WORLD. TRY IT FRIEND & TER R V Lumber Company. MAIN YARD AND OFFICE, 1310 BEO ond street. Branch Yard, corner Twelfth and J streets. W. F. FRAZER, —WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Lumber Dealer. Office—Cor. Fifth and 1, Streets. J. W. GUTHRIE, 187 J Street, Plumber, Gas and Steam Fitter^ Sanitary Engineer. «■- Telephone No 165. LAC E C U RTAIN S . QPRING TIME HAS ARRIVED, AND 0 house cleanine Is under way. Send youi Eace Curtains to the AMERICAN STEAM LAUNDRY, Nineteenth Bad I Streets. FOR LADIES ONLY. YOU WILL FIND THE PROPHYLACTIC Compound Just what you want. The ! only sure and absolutely sale trfvektivb i ever discovered by medical science. Kv~rr bottle guaranieed. J<!s. HAHK i£ CO., Fiftil and J streets, sole aeents. HOTZ AGUE CURE (Sure Cure) IT HAMMER'S DRUG STORE, «KQI X Straat. NEW SERENADE, "TTEART OF MY HEART, SLEEP ON." XI contralto or baritone, by Miss Emma Gee. The most charming thing of thednv. Oliver liit.soti a- (V, Boston; 1.. K. HAMMER or POMMER & N'EALE. Sacramento. nU-iw AIMINJUAL. PVIEEXir>J<3 OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE PEO -ple's Pavings Bank of S icr^meato v ill be ; held at the oadce of the bank at half-pas: 7 o'clock MONDAY EVENING, December 5 M» n5-td ' DRUNKENNESS Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cored by admlnißl^riuji,- ttr. Iluiaen* <...:•!< n Kpt-riiir. It can be (riven in a cup of ooffec or tea, or in food, without the knowledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmlesi. and will effect a permanent and speedy sure, whether the patient i« a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It bis been riven In thousands of casee, and in every inntanee a perfect cure has fol lowed. It nfvrr Fullm. Thesyatem once imprejrr*»f i wkh the Bpedflr*. it becomea an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. U4>M>E* NI'CriFIC CO.. ITopVa, riaelnnafl «>. c.i-paee book o? aMrttaa] in '-e~. To be had ' ios.Uahn & Co., Fifth and J Sts., Sacramento ' DDTWPTWfI D- Johnston & Co. 1 1 tiXia 1 lEi II 410 J STREET. B ' ORDERS FROM THE OCUHTItV PROMPTLY FUtED"™^ B 1 On November 17, 1796, Catherine 11., Empress of Russia, diei in St. j Petersburg. She was the most ex-! traordinary woman that ever lived, and the founder of the subsequent greatness of Russia. She attracted streams of emigrants from Germany, fostered agriculture and manufact uies, established freedom (or all re ligions, auuexed Poland, wrested many provinces from Turkey and in troduced numerous reforms. Hosiery Notes. Taio Hem Lines of j Pure Wool Hose. First 1 Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Natural i Gray Hose at 45c per pair. No DYES used in these goods, the color being obtained by the ( mixture of natural wools. [ Second. Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Black < Wool Hose. Price, per pair. We wish to call attention to a few of the merits possessed by 'these two lines: They are PURE WOOL, entirely free from shoddy, - finely fashioned and seamless. In finish they are soft and agreeable to the touch. We consider them the best at the price we have seen. ; HElfl PERFUMERY. SPECIAL ODORS. We have in stock the largest [ variety of perfumes to be found in L the city and of the best makers in the world. Just placed on sale a new lot, and among the odors are -, the following new ones that are , highly recommended: J BOQUBT A LA PRANCE, '- ARABIAN NIGHTS, S LI! AC SPRAY, ROMAN HYACINTH, QUEEN ISABELLA. Also a fresh stock of the Finest Imported French Perfumes from DELETTREZ, Paris. A full line of odors. Price, 7^o. Elegant Col!edion¥Cut Glass Bottles, ! Filled with the very finest makes of Perfumery. Prices, $1 50, $2 1 and $2 so. 1 HALE BROS, d CO HALE BROS. <fe CO. THE HOLIDAY SEASON IS THE JEWELER'S HARVEST TIM To insure an abundant harvest the farmer mustsowqood seed The jeweler must keep good goods. We ask you to inspect our stock' obtain our figures and corn pure. There is nothing more appropriate for a Christmas present than Jewelry. W© keep only the best quali ties of tacii class of goods. Ourmethodraiw cumraend itself to the public. Go a block or two out of your way and visit us. It will pay you to do so. ONE PRICE. F»IvAIX FIGURES. 219 X Street, Western Hotel. A. WOOD IBILZT TS SOMETHING VERY NECESSARY IN ALL WELL REGULATED •*■ families, but it does make one feel blue to receive a card like this: I To JOHN JONES. For winter's wood SCO. I When youmight have saved one-half of the above sum had you bouaht one of our celebrated GRANGE RANGES with Dalfs Patent Heat Co ndenser. Then the account would r To JOHN JONES, I I For winter's wood $QO. I A little difference, isn't there? Suppose you call and buy one ofthf«e eel ebrated Grange Ranges, price only 423, and begin at once to save tiVis bia leakage in fuel. We give below a cut of our celebrated PARLOR QUEEN a cook and parlor stove combined. Just the thing for a small family It has sliding top, two griddle holes, open front and a nice oven. JB ■ Q&& Send for price. Our ioo Page Illustrated Catalogue now ready. L. L LEWIS & CO., 502-504 J and 1009 Fifth St. COLUMBUS LANDED D AMERICA 1492 J. F.~HILL LiKDED IN SACRAMENTO 1852, AND HIS STOCK OT Carriages and Wagons Is complete. Call and see them. Thirteenth andj streets, - - Sacramento. SHERWOOD HALL NURSERIES, Timothy Hopkins, MENLO PARK, SAN MATEO COUNTY, CAL. Carnations, Roses, Chrysanthemums and Cut Flowers. JSP b\YE£T F&A xF»-'r> A SPKCIAI/TY.-B* Cjrtle & Co. ft JVIOHEV SAVING ITEM FliOM CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Is that lot of MEN'S TEN DOLLAR SACK SUITS. Good weight, neat, durable and an exceptional bargain. See them. SEVERAL NEW LINES Just received in Ladies' Jackets. We are showing the largest assortment, best values and most stylish lot of garments to be found in the city. In fact, many of our lines are made exclusively for us and by the best makers in the country. We invite examination and comparison. DON'T FORGET The place to buy DOLLS is here, where you will find the greatest variety to select from, be sides we offer you better values. 25, 35 SLrad SO Cents Per Yard, At these prices you will fiud the largest collection of DRESS GOODS In the city. New patterns, pretty weaves and colorings. Baker & Hamilton, —JMPOBTIRS 4JTP 2OBBEBS Or— HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, COAL, POWDER, Agricultural Implements anil Machines, BARBED WIRB, CORDAGE, BELTING. Sacramento.--_ — i■■ California RICHARDS &KNOX DEALERS IN LUMBER. | Office—Corner Second and M Street8 f I Saoraouento- 3gßttaceUmte<ro». 14 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. ACRE LOTS for HOMES. We again call the attention of the public to those One one acre IoU on Tine::: Lotiisiarra. :: Tract 1 "h'i >-ifi l'm ", I,v""ii' tSi"' :;lk f""" '"'' of •■!"'t:i;- rnilway.and almost adjoining Omfc I'ark. n' .th- l y,, ■ ' •> people who have and wi 1 build homes there. Nro lan J near ISacjS as ttelots of thi^i^t y reaßOn lu»l«»Uo».«naUt3 and topography 1« offered ai low TH ™ 2sf™ £* MOST SEASONABLE: ONLY ONE-THIRD CASH, BALANCE IK THRiE YEARS. V/ITH IWTEEEST AT SIX PER CENT. PER ANNUM. is dro!;,::!;;^,',! M: ' '"'■ "'"' "" ::" ; !":" oj- irowtag very But and ttwl capital a.:!-.:.'.'.: 1 ■-.■." :-. l. l '-;:,^u, l,'j'.;'^\vj: i l •;.;:, 1, i ," i :;;.VT B 1;,:,-. 1 ■ -t—■ -^ "aye ZA l J—< — >^®®®®®&® HN A \ / ®$®®<M>®<*}®€>€>®@ " )ZA V ®^###^®®®### BOYS' FAST BLACK r^ f— RIBBED COTTON HOSE. /hO extra heavy, sizes from 7to 9, *-— F»ER PAIR.] GIRLS' FAST BLACK or" RIBBED COTTON HOSE, J O fine gauge, sizes sto 9, - L—\J\j F=ER PAIR. X^* Both of the above items are much better values than can be found elsewhere for this money. Ladies, don't forget our _ HEAVY COTTON RIBBED QF^n VESTS, regular 50e value, for v 3 \J \^ LADIES' SWISS RIBBED MERINO VESTS, in natural QF^n and white, - Q \^j LADIES' BLACK CASH- r— r\ MERE HOSE, - )r\ Place them along side of any other 50c value. PER RAIR- A Full Line of Men s Celluloid Collars and Cuffs. ORTH'S; 630 J ST. Heal Estate, <gte. W. P. COLEMAN, Real Estate Salesroom, 325 J St ' $350 —East half Lot No. 4, corner Thirtieth and T streets. $375— West half of Lot \o. 8, corner Twenty ninth and U streets. $I,2so—Twenty acres of splendid Land near the town of Florin, inclosed with wire fence. This will be sold if applied for soon at this vtfy low price. MONEY TO LOAN. P. KOHL. E. A. CBOTJi I! MONEY TO LOAN. 1 loan of - - - 1,800. 1 loan of - - - 2,500. CHAS. COOLEY, I. ill Kstato and lusuranee Agent, 1013 Fourth Street. Telephone \ TTAP Q \ T "17-ONEOFTHE vk; y JPI/tl OAJLjEj beet-paylng Lodgliu Houses in the city; 3iifnrniMie<J rooms; he a lo<> i transient trade. Thiß is a, go<jj ojiportunity. EX L. HAWK, Real Estatear.c Insurance 1010 FDUHTI! BTMCBT LAWTOX & WHITBECK, Insurance. Real Estate 403 .7 STRKET. r) KENT FOR A TERM OF YEARS, IN tracts to suit, 5,000 acres of good pasture lund at f.O cents ler ucre- KXX}ERS~ Woven Edge Typewriter Ribbons. A LL OBJECTIONABLE FEATURES OF f\ the old style removed. No smutting, blurring or bag^iug. Ribbons of any i-olur j for any instrument. HHUEKS' IMPEOVEB TYPEWRITER CARBON PAPER will not dry out: air c»n- I not affect it. I H. S. CROCKER CO., Stationers and Printers, SOS J STREET. SACRAiIEXTO. 3.m«ftcntcnts. KETKOPOHIAN THiiATEK. Wednesday Night, .November 30th. I'KKM.N I ATIUN UK DAMON AND PYTHIAS! UnUei- tlie auspices of the KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS OI- SACKAMENTO, directed by the experienced wior, MR. K. «. LAURIE. oomprtw ■ -ii talent, In ou to Hie beautiful and m actress, IXLrs. KLatie: Laurie \nd i.rrii.i: grtviA. Admitsii ntickLts, .">0..-; reserved seats. 75c, W. H. SHERBURN, -A- uetioneer, OFFICE AND SALESROOM, M X STREET, Sacramento, Cal. Consignments of Any Kind of Mer chandise Solicited. Highest Cash Price Paid for Second hand Furniture. Etc. Be sure to call before you have Onaily disposed of your effects. Agent for American Fire Insurance Co. OF \£W YORK. SCHAW, INGRAM. BATCHER k CO. 317 and 819 .T Street, HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL AND PIPR AGENTS FOR Oliver Cbilleil and Steel Plows. Casaday Sulky Plows. Casaday Gang Plows. Bonanza Gang Plows. Bonanza jr. Vineyard and Orchard GancPlswSi FOR BEAUTY, For comfort, for improvement of the complexion, use only Pozzoni's Powder; there is nothing equal to it