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AT THE CHURCHES. Special Services Appropriate to the Day of Thanksgiving. Union. Exorcises at tbe E.ijjllsh Luth eran Church—Larato Attendance at sit. I'aul's Church. Tho Knglish Lutheran Church on Six teenth street was densely crowded at yesterday's union Thanksgiving services, which were Interesting and impressive. The pastors of several churches C there in celebration of the day, and the music and addresses were exceptionally good. The choir, consisting of Mrs. J. C. Walling, Mrs. Weiss, Misses l.ily Evans, .Li/.zie Adams and Messrs. Kidder and AValliug, with Mrs. Laura Perry as organist, rendered a number of excellent (selections, ilov. \V. S. ilo-kinson, the pastor of the church, conducted the services which opened with singing. Rev. R. M. .Stevenson read eleven verses from the forty-fifth psalm, and was followed with a hymn by the choir and an able prayer by Brother Davis. President Harrison's Thanksgiving proclamation was read by i!cv. Mr. iloskiusou, and after a hymn by the choir and congregation, Rev. I;, li. Bur ton of the Christian Church delivered an md patriotic address, in which he fcaid: THOUGHTS OH THANKSGIVING. There are certain days in the life of the family and tho church and the Nation that aro specially significant of sentiment and feeling. 'I hese days are in nowise intended to usurp the place of other or do the work of other days, but are simply given over to fuller and richer expressions of thought thoughts, however, that should How In a constant stream through oat the year. I rejoice thai tiii-. day which we celebrate did not originate by Divine command, but rather fromadoep sense of gratitude spontaneously spring ing up in the human heart. The annual observance of this day i the national recognition of a personal <iod, who without weariness of slumber Or shadow Ol turning is presiding over and shaping the destiny of nations, ar ranging and gnidingand inspiring, and in ten thousand ways working in loving affiliation with the children of men. The observance of this day to many of as links the present with the past by a chain of hallowed memories. Not only are we earned back in thought lo other j days and live again in memory ol yes, old-fashioned family reunions an I Thank-giving dinners—but we are carried back In thought to the early history of oar country, where we lind the origin of this day. in the New England colonies in tbe year Iftil there had been a failure of crops. The blades of corn had withered and starvation seemed imminent. Hope had almost died out, and many ol th< pie were thinking of returning to their native land. At length it was proposed to appoint a day of lasting and prayer, when a plain, common-sense old co arose in the meeting and suggested that they had brooded long enough over their misfortunes and it seemed high time they should consider some of their mercies that the colony was growing strong, the rivers were full ol fish, the woods full of game, air sweet, climate salubrious, wives obedient, children dutiful, and, above all, they enjoyed what they came for—full religion?, liberty, and, therefore, he would amend tbe resolution tor a last, and propose ins isl and a day of rejoicing an 1 thanksgiving. from that time forward it became an established ens hi New England and :; lv ad vted by many of the other : !-t:ites. in 1860 i.i.mam Lincoln iusueu bis proclamation for a national thanks giving, and to-day from the rocky shores Atlantic to the sunny slopes of the Pacific, and from the great lakes ou the north to the balmy waters of the gulf, there is a general suspension of business and .1 day o! gratitude and thanksgiving pre vail-. Hut the man who keeps his gratitude for Thanksgiving Day has no true thought of the day or the tilings it symbolizes, lie is like the man who when delivered from some imminent peril ejaculates, thank God! and then goes on his way forgettul of the kind Providence that spared his life. This day should be but one of the 365 days of the year in which we give thanks and these exercises by which we publicly i maki acknowledgment of Devine guid •nee and care should to be the constant current of out thoughts: what the spray flung from the urest of the wave is 10 tho deep, strong, constant current beneath — So, 1 trust, we have not come together to day --imply because the executive officer of the United States has so ordered it. .Not because It is becoming a time-honored enstom > 1 this country, but becanse we would fain give expression to the deep sense of gratitude that tills cur hearts when we remember that we have, each one of us, received a portion of the innu merable biessings which the benovolent hand of a loving Father has-spread so lav ishly over this land. I'he thought has come to me that among all the assembled thousands throughout the United States, there are none, who have more reason to feel grateful than i those who have come together in various : places m tiie gnat stale of California blessed as do other state is blessed with that which lies a) the very basis of wealth prosperity and ban]>iness: asoilinexhaus tible in its richness and fertility, water as pure as Bows through the veins of tho c a climate as lair as tbe sun ever kissed under Italian sky. with winter !.■■ <io\\ d from snow -capped mountains upon perennial summer green and the most redolent Bowers and luscious fruits, with i our mountains stored with gold and other precious metals, with the mightiest ocean bearing to our harbors the com merce of the wolrd, and blessed with rain and dew and sunshine in its season that has given abundant reward to tho laborer for his tod. Hut these are not the chief glories of our great State. In addition to blessings which nature has so lavishly bestowed may be added those things which contribute to and declare her inar velous advancement in the great march of moral, intellectual an\l material prog ress. Her charitable and philanthropic Institutions; her beautiful aud prosper- ' cus towns: her magnificent school colleges; her churches and public and private industries. And now while we rejoice in these things that contribute to 1 comfort and happiness in I realm of life for health and prosperity, fruitful fields, growing industries,and increas ing investments, yet there are things that ove and beyond these that should. j. ii.c noblest impulses of the heart ingratitude, greatest treasure that man can — in this life is liberty, freedom, in dividual rights, and where my friends is there a country on the face of the earth j where liberty in its highest sense can be enjoyed so well aa in America? As tho isol the earth pass before our tius morning iv panoramic succession we see among them many, which, notwith standing they pretend" to rank for among ih 0 civilized nations of the world, i yet their subjects arc oppressed by all" intolerances of political and religious conservaUaai. But we behold one which, although but yetin the blushing activity of youth, is leading the way in the great march of I mental progress and liberty, one 1 very watchword is "life, liberty and pur suit of happiness." A nation great and 1 Krand in all that constitutes national I greatness and grandeur, in liberty, in i philanthropic enterprises, in public in- j dnstries, In her homes, in literary and esthetic culture, and our hearts swell ■with honest pride when we see emblaz- : oiudupon her banners "America"—our I land, our country—where every niau is a freeman aud every freeman a kino-. The colossal statue of Liberty standing upon Bedloe's Island, in New York harbor with her uplifted torch atlair.e with ; brilliant electrio lights—triuiuph of SACRAMEXTO DAILY RECOKD-rXTON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1802.—SIX PAGES. American gi nius—is a fitting symbol In lightened America sending forth her lighl and scattering tha darkness ol the world. Other nations may Bur-1 ! p:t-.s ours in rare antiquities iv colossal statuary, in mighty pyramids, in gilded ; ] palaces, in spl< udid cathedrals, in vener- ; able Institutions an 1 titled pomp, but w hat are these but monuments to aristo cratic and autocratic power and couserv atism that speak as plainly as the pages I ol written history oi the wretchedness (ualorand servitude of the common : ■ who are obliged to wage a bitter, ! constant battle, not for position in so ciety, not to enhance the beauty and com- I ■ Home, not lo secure education, but ■ure enough of the coarsest and food and domes to meet the ! imperative demands of their poor, half starved bodies from day to day. While ! the laborer iv America receives ample remuneration for his toil, may enjoy an I honored place In society which, outside ! of a little circle in our tew large cities, is ; based not on wealth but moral character and worth, his children enjoy the ad- I vantages of free schools and ure at liberty j to enter the race for positions of honor and trust aiong with the sons of million aires and merchant princes, and our Jaokaons and Jeflersona and (Jarlields are only a few of the thousands oi suc a competitors from their ranks. Again, we enjoy what few nations at ' the or sent time know little about—peace, absolute peace, all over the land. While v, threatening growl of the Russian bear and Hie British lion is keeping all Europe in a fever of uncertainty a- to the future, each one ol the great powers watching the other with v zealous-ey : it gain some advantage, and sapping the ■ very life-blood ot the people to sustain i their immense armies, -we ha\e peace all over lac continent, with thousands of ■ oi water to separate us from tho i turmoil. The only use we have for our | cannon is to thunder th_- patriotism of j our forefathers on the Fourth of .. uly or wreath in garlands on Decoration Day in metnorj ol our patriot dead. ! he highest eulogy paid to our country is the fun poked at our miniature army an i navy. Well does the world know Id cali into line and equip m a leu months the grande -i army that ever trod tne earth. And in recognition ol this fact, when he really knits his brow and frowns si upon usurpation and encroachment, iho I haughtiest ruler ana most arrogant diplo ire in haste to retire or uiako repa ration. Uur Hag, like the star of kiethle hi hi tnbleinalic oi pi aci an ili lerty— is received and honored In every ,.to. the world. Again, we bless God on this Thanks giving Day that it is our privil to live in this present age—this age oi all other ■ ij,e^. We are li\ Ing, we are dwelling-, In v _r.;nu ,i..-; awful tune, * ' og — lo be ii. Ing la suDriine. The closing century has been freighted with more marvelous conceptions ami witnessed more revolutionary discoveries than any other .score of centuries since the dawn ol creation. Every branch ot learning, every Bold ol investigation, every department of inventive and creative genius, every line ol human endeavor is coutrioutiiig to o ir rt and convenience. 'ihe lumbering old stage coach has given way to the majestic tram, with its palace cars and cushioned seats and dining nails and sleeping berths, rivaling the splendor of Oriental palaces and dashing from coast to through valleys and over mount and across frightful chasms and ! over mighty rivers, at fifty miles perl hour. 1 he little sailboat, creeping along with I the udes and currents and tacking with I I te wind, has disappeared for the ina j stic steamer that, with her hundreds ot I'■ -': freigiitand passengers, plows her way from New . ork to Liverpool iv five days. The progress in the tnotb dsof communication can be realized when we remember that the treaty of peace Bigui i between England and the i nited States ai Ghent December 24, 1814, did not reach ! the United States in titne to prevent the terrible battle ol .New Orleans, which was fought the Bth day of the next month. Hut to-day the must minor details of na tional legislation ha\e scarcely been for mul .ted beiore they aro received in every part of the civilized globe, and scarcely have the last echoes of tuc statesman's i voice died away in the halls o! legislation before thousands of busy hands and j nimble lingers are arranging it for the j d illy press in every city in tne land. A few centuries ago religious and historic ] Literature was in the hands of a lew priests and schoolmen, while in this age hundreds of volumes of books are bound each i.ay, and presses are rolling off their i ten thousand sheets per hour and scatter ing literature and current news all over! the land at prices that come within tho ' reach of all. But not alone in the mechanical and scientific fields is this progressive march of man apparent. In tiie higher realm-, of human thought and life wo see the same marvelous a 1\ ance. Jean Paul Riehter said if he were to ; write the epitaph of the twentieth cen tury he would write over its gateway "Mere is the way to virtue and to wis dom." These words no doubt seemed to his contemporaries as but a vain fancy; bin friends, the dawning of that century is already breaking a few years and it is here, and it is ours to thank God to-day that the world has moved for on toward the realization of the poet's dream. And now. while we enjoy the accumn wealth of human knowledge and e.\ enee which the stream of centuries has poured at our feet; while we are permitted to stand as we do upon the threshold of a new century, a century that must bo rich in thronging events, let us not be: forgetful of the abundant opportunities ' that crown our lives, an.; let us pledge' ourselves upon this Thanksgiving morn- Ing that we will henceforth show our gratitude to God and perfect our faith in God by consecrating our lives anew in their whole flow to bis service. By launching into every enterprise by which we may aid in bringing beauty and sym metry out of moral deformity; by striv ing to so increase our precious inherit ance that we may present it to the com ing generation, richer and fuller in all its tmenls, with a larger liberty, a broader civilization aud a brighte b ppe. Citizens of Sacramento, the work fa forth commuted to your trust in the future of this city ami valley is peculiar from that of those identified with its earlier history. It was the work of the iir.-t settlers, many of whom are ainon" us to-day to execute primarily the first great commission <iod gave to man, "to subdue the earth." How bravely and ! faithfully they went forth to this"work and executed their doty we have but to : look op and behold. It was given to them a wide wase of unbroken prairie, clothed in but nature's owu garb, and although but a little more than a quarter of a century hasp away, it is now embellished with all that betokens advanced civlliz ition. 1 believe it makes a man stronger and braver for the nitir-s thai await him in the highest plane of citizenship to feel an honest pride iv tho state aud city of his choice. V ou remember that when the Apostle Paul wa I apprehended at Jerusalem and addressed mo moo that surged about him, this natural pride of city was the first impulse that seeme i to pi him, for be declared: "I am a Jew of Tarsus, a city m Cilicia, a citizen of no m an city." Therefore if I should speak in terms of ; praise of our beautiful and prosperous city, I trust you will understand that it emanates from no desire to boa^t or (lat ter, but purely to stimulate an honest pride and a noble purpose to so shape tho tr.turo destiny ol this city, that not only this but coming generation* who shall live within her borders mar take pride ' in the fact that they belong to "no mi an city." We have resources and advant ages that can make Sacramento, in point of thrift and prosperity, one of the fore most cities in this gr, at state. Her shops and factories and mercantile institutions havo grown to proportions that are a guarantee to future prosperity, while her I beautiful homes and prosperous schools : are unsurpassed by any city of her size in the land. Surely we may say in all truth and modesty, this i< "iio mean city." Hut in shaping our future course let" us remember that shops and factories, and storehouses, and stocks, and money are but means to an end, ami what end i"s there but to build and embellish home and further the cause of intellectual, i I social ami moral progress? Lot us not strive, then, with the single j • purpose of excelling in a financial way, but let us endeavor to so mold the char | actor of our city that when she is me:is : ured aside Gram the hun% of business and j viewed from the standpoint of moral and spiritual culture we can still say: "I be- I long to no mean city." To our individual 1 solves, as we look rack over the past, we see how few of our most sanguiire expecta , tions have been realized: how lew of our ' cherished plans have been carried to com pletion. Yonder ia the debris of youth's brightest air castles. There hangs the faded garland of budding hopes that never blossomed. Yonder the grave where cherished dreams lie buried, and, sad ; dest of all, yonder plain strewn with lost opportunities. Ah, bitter and hopeless indeed would be this life, were it not for | that faith which sues in all these things ! the vv i.-,o and loviii}* dispensations of a sovereign <iod. And could we lift the veil and see, not through a class darkly, i but lace to lace, and behold the pattern of , each life complete which God is weaving for us, each recurring day would bo to us a joyful thanksgiving, even though lie lead us through dark valioys and over bleak and barren hills. i lod in various ways, dark to us it may seem, is carrying on the great work of preparing His children for their heavenly mansions, and when at last they shall en ter the door, dark on this side, but on the oilier radiant and ljsht, and look : ack on the mystery of life, there will not have been a burden they have horn, a tear they have >hed. a thorny path they have trod j den, a sorrow-mixed cup they have i quaffed, or an experience they have bad, ' that has not in some infinitely wise and mysterious way been connected witu j their translation and emancipation. I Kind friends, in this faith and hope li t us ehoerlully surrender our destiny to Him who ruieth all things well, and re bat there is an omnipotent* Sod, who ia casting the shuttle for us and weaving outol our thwarted plans and withered hopes, mir losses, our sorrows, our tears and pains, a robe of glory and immor tality. OTHEB ADDRESSES. Rev. T. C. George followed with an ad . and held the attention of the ;.u --idosi y for half an hour. Mr. j ■ leorge spoke of the origin of the ci of thanksgiving, and pointed out the pro cess ol civilization, and tne benefits and privileges enjoyed by Americans. His discourse was;; patriotic one through oat, and aroused considerable enthusi asm. Pastor Eloskinson made a few remarks calling attention to the colleciion which was taken up for the foundling Home. and urging liberality for so good a cause on such a day. His plea met « ith .1 u"ii erous n spouse. Key. <.. i". Tindall was requested to lead ai prayer, which be prefaced wiiii a few remarks calling attention tothesig . the .uglisu Lutheran (:hurch, and ' ulogiziug Martin Luther as the fore most man of hia time, 'iue services then I closed. ST. PAUL'S. Special Episcopal Services—Bey. Mr. ot'.miui'.'s Surmon. At St. Paul's Episcopal Church : Thanksgiving service* were held in the forenoon. Key. i ■. A.< ittmanu, rector of the church, conducted the ceremonies and delivered i ihe Thanksgiving sermon. Special pains ! were taken to have the music unusually I good, and the effort wasasuocess. Mrs. i A. T. Pinkhara presided at the organ, ' and directed the choir. The latter was : enlarged, and its singing showed thai it ! had rehearsed considerably for the occa sion. The choir consisted of the follow ing-named: Sopranos — Harry Arnold, Uustave Carroll, William Causley, Clar ence CardwelL Percy Douglass, Lindsay, Koberc SJtcMurray, Howard ! i'odd, Kmil Sachs, Herbert Shearer, Wal ter Broughton, William Oharlesworth, ! Robert Causley, Foye Cotbrin, Roberl Hastinplug, Charles Morris, Alfred Na than. Irani; Podd, Ed Strachaner, Rus sell Williams, William Willis; aito—i William Sachs; tenors—E. F. Ashworth, i Mr. Megowau, R. Webber, E. Williams- j bassos—J-:. L. Gerrish, Frank Johns, I Ueorge 11. Reynolds, •). K. Week, Will- ! iam I'.arl. The musical programme was as follows: I Prelude, organ; processional hymn, 305; ! Venite, Croton; Te Deuai, Lawes; Jubi- i I lati, Soaper; hymn, 4^!; Kyrie, Gilbert; ] Gloria Tibi, -Monk: hymn, 309; offertory, i Thanksgiving hymn [Speranza) Mr. Bell house; recessional hymn, :,W; postlude, organ. Key. Ottmann took for the text of his I Thanksgiving sermon Psalm xxiii., 5: ■ "Thou proparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Thou aunoiut est my head with oil. My cup runneth over. Sorely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and 1 shall dwell in tho house of the Lord for i ver." "Those," said tho speaker, "aro tho j words of Da\ id, and were evidently writ ten as a result of long contemplation of past events. Theyseem to be a summing 1 up of the evidence of past years, and ex ; press plainly the feeling that he had \ ben richly blessed, and had, therefore, ] great cause fora deep feeling of thankful m as. And thoso were the wonts ot a man who had passed through a wide range of experience. "Year by year wo are summoned to ; confront existence," continued the er, "and to pronounce upon it. And what is the verdict? i'ne coucensus of the religious world is that life is good, . li: the words of our prayer of genera] thanksgiving, wo bless Cod 'for our en - ation, preservation and all tho blessings ol this life. 1 In this we do well and what is true. In this we differ from the world—that is, the people of the world. With them one of two things is true. They either have nothing to be thankful for, or else they have no <iii'i to thank. Herein we diilcr. for we believe that we have both. And this is true regardless of the special tunes of the year. & .single V v , long enough to balance accounts^ n. . the whole of our life. It is very in teresting wh 'ii Thanksgiving May c around to note how much ingenuity is wasted by many in seeking si grounds of thankfulness. This is not only a time for thankfulness, for specific blessings of the past year, but as > for thankfulness for tho many general iv's that have coiuo into our lives. "In obedience to long established cos torn, and in accordance with the procla mation of the Cliief Executive of these United states, and of the Governor of this noble s>t:>'e, we have met here to- lay to render thanks to Almighty (iod for the blessings of the pas; year—tor peace and prosperity; for preservation and plenty. And it is meet thai we should do mi. Our mother church, long before such a day as this was provided tor by our law-makers, ar ranged tor the annual gathering together of her children for Bach a »ervi> f prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty '■ d. And it is meet and right that we should combine this civil commemoration I's ble—Ings with the servieo of the church. l.ut, mj^ brethren, let us not make this a mere formal observanos of the day set apart by civil and executive proclamation. Let us make it more than this—a religions observance; a day of thanksgiving for all ilis mercies to us, and not alone tor the blessings of the past year, and yet. even the year past has had much in it which is cause for thanklul ness. Sorrow may have come to us: death may have come into our homes and taken ] some loved one away. Hut many are still ; left to us; dread pestilence with all its ! horrors has been kept away from OS. And even with those who have been taken wo have the blessed hope of the life eternal which has iconic to iis from <iod through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Seed time and harvest have come, bring ing plenty to our loved ones. War with j all its horrors has been kept away mmi our shores. Our hearths and homes hi\ c been kept, even though adversity may have entered within our doors. This year we have felt that God has been with us, and the hope of life eternal through Christ has been made more real and cer tain to us. In State and city, in parish and home, in the family and individual— j God baa guided and blessed. And, so, I to-day, in all this broad laud there is not one that has not much reason to litt up his voice in thanks giving to God, who has blessed j him far more than he deserves. Then lift up your hearts I Go to-day to your! homes with ■ feeeling of thanksgiving lo | (iod for his goodness. Thank Him for the sweetness that lingers about you from the good influence ami example and lovo of those who, having iinished their course, do not rr-t from their labors. Thank Him lor life, health and prosper ity. But, above all else, thank Him for the gift of Hit dear Uon, who baa made life not a thing of years arid days, but the gateway to eternal blessedness. Aud iv your thankfulness forget not those who are more destitute than you, but seek to make this a day of thanksgiving for them by reason of your gifts for their pleasure, your words for their encouragement. joax prayers for their uplifting. And may He, who is a <iod of love, till our hearts to-day with His love, and enal Le us, in word and deed, to show forth our recognition of all His great mercy and loving kindness to us during all our lives, our thankfulness for the personal care of a personal God who lias kept us." At Other Churched. The services at tho Cathedral wore well atti oded in the forenoon, especialy the 8 o'clock mass, at which tho Children of -Mary were present in a bodv\ Key. Father Grace preached an able sermon appropriate to Thanksgiving Hay. in the evening the German Lutheran Church was crowded with old and young to participate in the Thanksgiving i ser cises, which were conducted in German. GOOD THINGS FOR PRISONERS. The Inmates of the .;ulis Had a Share of TlianksetvliiK Delicacies. Through the zea! and thoughtfulness of Janitor Curtis the prisoners in tbe City Jail, about a dozen in number, were] amply provided for yesteaday, and par ticipated in a I :•- . wa ■ a re. ing change from the regular jail menu. Roast duck ■ and . . with their proper accompaniments, hares, pastry, fruits and wine niadi of the moat distinguished ol the company. The dinner, which wa pre pared by"! neie Jolfn" L'faff, the c 00.,, was serve i on the plan and pine tables, and the v; would ha\ i pleased an epicure. After the banquel music was furnished by the ''Dutch fiddler." Han I Brady sang -i solo en itle "l)o Not We Let Me lin am Again," . :;11 joined in the popular epidemic, "Ta ra-ra-boom," etc. Owing to sudden departures for the County Jail and elsewhere, several talented guests who were counted upon ■nt. ..thing passed off peacefully, but | nine was hrou rut out and Uie ; tiddler li v: n< d up, I t'sdog'i'owser and the jail-yard cats. Both vvhippi I. Dr. Curtis, who pre ided with his cus tomary allab lity aud dignity, wasgreatly pleased v ith the ... - • r .. -. ,le ■ brie! op, ii!!.:: iddr< ■s, returning neere I tan a to the merchants who so lil erally responded to esl tor contributions; to "Uncle John," the cook; UiUreer,who collected theessen irl ■ it, and to Jailei Mantis, who acted as a sort of serg at- .i ims to maintain decorum. Tho merchants contri luting were aa follows: Curtis Bros., geese and hi California Market, apples; Fulton Market, apples; I-'. W. Cook, pip s and tol acco; Platt Bros., gr Christiansen .v Dierssen, geese and h ipples; a. Sehaden, . and tobacco; Koni's Bakery, assort i pie ; Mazzini Bros., wine; K. 11. !', ttit, ptpes and tobacco; Supervisor Black, as sorted eak< - and crackers; 11. F. Dill man, liquid refreshn AT THE i • i. .N : v .1 M 1... Through the generosity of a number of merchants the prisoners confined in the County Jail also enj >j ed a bountiful I Thanksgiving dinner, which Mas served up in good style. Sheriff Stanley, 1 nder Sheria Bug bey and the deputies in the Sheriff's office all aided iv the effort to : a inmates "feel at home,'' and considering the circumstances—they were quite 3UCOeSSfuI. SNAPPING COLD. A sudden Drop by tho Mercury to Thirty-two Decrees reaterday. The Weather Bureau reporis show the extreme southwestern side of the storm center (that did so much damage in \\ aahlngton only reached thi> valley as far south as Stockton. The rainfall was I quite small, not enough to benefit plow ing, but sufficient to nourish the sprout ing grain already sown. There we re heavy frosts in tho Sacra mento Valley yesterday morning. The highest and lowest temperature!) were i • l and 32°, with gentle southerly winds and a cloudless Bky, except over both the Sierra .Nevada an 1 Coast Ranges of Mountains. It was much more dense and ominous looking over the Sierra ."Nevada iiange than over the < oast Range, the former giving us a good-by view of tho departing storm, whose wake was followed by cooler weather aud heavy frosts in Northern and Central Cali- I lornia. The barometrical readings at.3 a. m. and 5 p. a;, were 3J.01 and 50.09 inches res] tiyely. : he highest and lowest thermometrical readings one year ago yesterday were 7U and r~ , and one year a^e, to-day 08° and i N. esterday was among the coldest days need in Sacramento during No r since observations by the Weather Bureau br;an. The following i data show iho coldest Novembers when the temperature fell to 3£ tl point and below, viz.: November S ; l-i, 32 ; !s.:;, ■_;, . j^,;. 32 : US$7, 23 ; :--s, :,j , and 188J (yesterday ::. . Thus, in a record ol sixteen years, there • '• oa j ears in ■■■ ich the tempera ture receded to tho freezing point and below. The coldest was -Novem 1 , -iii li a . In Olden Times overlooked the importance ofper manontiy beneficial effi eta and were sat isfied with transient action, but now I that it ia generally known that Syrup of I Pigs w ill permanently enre habitual con- | .ii, well inforui"d people Will not buj other laxatives, which act for a lime, but finally injure the system. MAIiULED. JONES-HEMBKEfi in thia city, November - ■■■' '•"■" ' hi i ■ ■)! bj 1;. \ 1: is Burton, frank ;JI. Jones to May Uemtiree! b itti ol Sacrami nt >. > FISK-PATTERBON-In tbig city, November ~ ■''• --v. l:e;- i{- M. Stevenson, i;.. .li., to Miaa Ages Patterson. * DIEJ). QONZAJLES—In Ban Francisco, November iussie, son ol A. ami Joele Uonzalea aged ;yi ars, monl ba and :• days, 4VFrlenai ana acquaintances are respect fully invited to attend the luneral to-day ■ y . November Sstb,at :> p. a from the residence ol Mrs. Buyers, 120 ii .-. in Uacrauuento. W DELICIOUS V Flavorin| '^1 V" I* ysll^i!^^ NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla -^ Of perfect purity. oSSS : of-eatst -^ Aimond -[ Eco™my*<* their us* Roseetc^-I Flavor as delicately ! and delloiouslv as the fresh fruit, i Saturday at 9:30 A. M. We will hold a Special Sale of Stamped Linen Goods, suitable for Holiday gifts. Also, Hand-painted Satin Novelties of many kinds. CAMELS' BAIRS. Camels' Hairs, in light and dark grays, 40 inches, at 50c, 75c and $1 a yard, according to fineness. Black and White Plaid Dress Goods, in all size cheeks from pin-heads to quarter inch plaids t sOc a yard. Soft Black Camels' Hair, excellent for wear and always stylish and desirable. Price, $1 a yard. ulLlll/Uiilij Ail li lujlLku. Men's Melton Overcoats, smooth finish, tan color and not heavy weight, $7 50. Men's Dark Blue Chinchilla Overcoats, of good firm quality, carefully made, lined throughout with strong material and made with velvet collar. A neat appearing Over coat and excellent for warmth and service. Price, $10. Men's Medium-weight Melton Overcoats (similar to heavy broadcloth) in tans and brown colors, good lining and good work manship. Price, $15. Men's Gray Chinchilla Ulsters, extending nearly to the feet, with large collar, upright breast pockets for hands. Chinchilla is a rough, wooly cloth, excellent for turning the wind and rain. Price, $10. Our $3 60 Trousers are made especially for us, and in very large quantities, hence the price. They are the best goods obtainable for the money in cut, make and finish. The cloth is durable and in neat dark or medium light patterns. The Pants are suitable for dress and business wear. Price, ipS 50. WEINSTOCK, LUBIN & CO. AGENTS FOR STANDARD PAPER PATTERNS. 400 to 412 X Street, Sacramento, Cal. ; — .—, — The largest aud best selected stock of Millinery on the Pacific Coast at MRS. M. A. PEALER'S, <>i<) to 6^3 J {Street. Saoroniento. Cal. ' BOOTS SHOESI 607 J Street. Men's Fine Dress Shoes, lace or « « gaiter style $3 OO Men's Kip Buckle Alexis, full stock lj 7| $1 65 J.l ::;7 | Ladies' French Dongola, square or x»V f'yl^Jk ' opera toe and tip $2 25 4f^~*"^^'\ Misses'sizes, 11 to 2 $1 73 !r^ai J sX J Children's sizes, 8 to lOv* $1 25 :^3r~___^^~**X_i.-I ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY TILLED. ADDRESS ~W_ J". O'EZRIEJiNY "07 J Street, Sacramento. S,LINDLEY&CO.»S, Si 00. v gft PURE FINE GOLD SIT^PC 1 BIG REDUCTION IX WALL PAPER FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS AT C. H. KREBS I it'S TEMPORARY SHE, gas U Street. , — : j^t; : ; PCLUjSTEZ 01 FLOBERG. -ITTATCnMAKHRS AND JEWELERS, 42S .1 STREET. BFTWKKN VorTRTCT »w^ VV ruth, dealers in \VATriIKS JKWEUiY and DIAMOMWT REPAIRWoiS «^S tonches q iptcialty. pricier Mr. t iobcrg. Agent* lor ROCKFOUD WATCH COMPAN V. XL WACHHORST, I- FADING JEWELER OF SACRAMENTO. AGENT FOR I'WKK PHiitriT i m , a j WATCHJES-to«t in the world. BIOH OF THE TOWN CLOCK?3Ii^HTBBraj2i2 \T TA f D BBManttaßAJmimw VV iVI, D. iVlilvlvr/iVj DIAMONDS. WATCHES AXD JEWELRY Ko. 628 J St.. Bacr»meoto. Cal.. wSSSgSSS*? *'*"*" ""^ JeWtlr) StHaccllrtrteoua, / ■ C--7A \ < ■■-■■' A .m \\ i \ rfTHE COUNTERSIGN I« NOT I.VPER4 _1 tivo. but YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO I'ASS The line without an Inspection, for It would only result In a complete capture by the ene mies ol reasonable prices. OUR GUARD Will be pleased to show you the largest and HOLI DA V GOODS, consisting or th< ,erj latest novelties in FURXI'II KEo i cry Variet: and descrip tion, i AKI'EXs. Oilclol .-. I. igs, i:i... m i nd ariety,and onr ; rice* behooves visit. L. A. JACOX & CO., &yo X Street, SHERWOOD HALL NURSERIES, Timothy Hopkins, MEXLO PARK, SAX MATEO COUXTY, CAL. Carnations;, Roses, Chrysanthemum* am! Cut Flowers. JB-SWKET PEA SEED A Sl'i:ciALTY.-fi» MILLER BROS. 1110 .T Street. nOYNTON'S HOT AIR FURNACES A I) specialty. D, ovesand Ranoes, Pumps,Tank3, Hnware, Etc. Agents for M.-! d:iiin,:: Ranges. All work guaranta .1. C. SCHNERR & CO., SACRAMENTO. Sarsaparilla and Iron and Orange Cider. PROPRIETORS CAPITOL SODA WORKS, Agents for Frederic] . r Dtalera In all kinds of] ,;. . and MTnsral Waters. D. MeDOUGALL, Mlercrha-nt :-: Tailoa RepairiDg: and draiiig letlr rone. 619K S THKEX,< i .^i V .NKAUI,EHO. <^ First-class work guaranttf^L fflotel» anJf Ksstitwranta. ■ *!*• iTr?» «■ "i —^ • •- _ GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL. Corner Seventh anil X Streets. STRICTLY FIRST-* LASS. FREE 'BUS to and from the \V. U. HOWiIKS. Proprietor. __ I I WESTERN HOTEL, mHE LEADING ROUSE OF s VCRA 1_ mento, CaL V nts. WM. LAND, Proprietor. Free 'bu* to and from hotel. STATE HOUSE HOTEL, Ben Johnson, Proprietor, Cor. Tenth and X Streets, Sacramento, CaL mm* FINE FAMILY HOTEL CONTAINS -L 140 rooms, and is the most desirably lo cated Hotel in the block Irom the s*:\te Capitol. Electric ears j'.-.s* the door. Hoard and room, $1 25 to §2 p*jr day. Heals, 25 ci nts, Special Rates for Families, Theatrical Troupes am! Commercial TraYelen. Ac© Btrdass. Free baths. Free'bus to md from hotel. R. B. BROWN. Manager^ PACIFIC HOTEL, Corner X and Fifth Streets. Sacrnmtnto. CENTRAL! ¥ LOCATED AND CONVEW- IenI toall pla esol nmunement. The best in the city, 'riic? {able always the marltel artunia. ears irom the di - door every live mi.iui. >. Mi ■■'. i UT> <•• i i. r. -J \ .: : .'. in, Pmprietc.r. THE NEW PLEABANTON, ry-i pj HOW LEET, NEAR THIRD, I !•) Francisco. :i Fir ; rooms, lulteandsil i r In the world. I. r d»y 50 cents ;md up; pot- w vk, ?1 .">aßnd up. riiK \!.\\ GRAND, 246 Third street t«. tween Howard and 1- . Francisco: Uy refitted and refurnished; 2001 .en >niT^ and sin •> oentfl and up. unrl per week, si B [RE HOUSE, i!3B ' ommeroial street, s'111 Fi ; -i ii,; iso neiit and well-kept roon -. ivr day, 25 cents and up; per week, Si :md up. ':•■• Houses are open all nl . MWS JACOB HOEoESd CX>_ I'roDs. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL EMPLOYS WHITE MEl_f=» OINJL.V. Meals, -.'5 < ents. F. BAYERSDORFER, Proprietor. _W._G. Hall. Cai«-t C . r.. MANSION HOUSE, Stocliton, Cal. RATES, si TO 92 PER DAT; MEALS 25 cents. ' ite Couru bouse. \ A.N NESS v •»,!!. IN, Props. THE SADDLE ROCK. Restaurant and Oyster House. FIRST-CLASS HOUSE IN EVERY KB a day anil night. BUCKMANN .1 CARRAv GHER, Proprieton I l Beoond between J and X, Bacramento. RESTAURANT AND OYSTER I'AULOR, 712 (md 711 X street. Openday and I. 'I. MOR d A. M. OAULT, 1 UTS. MAIBON FAURE, TCRENCH ROT] STREET, i Bacra into. J,. I IUIiE, Proprietor. I amily orders, bs nd weddlnx parties a specialty. Reatauront de France, fiEO. WIBBBMAKN i CO.. PROPRIB \JT tnrs, 427 X »tr. et, near Metropolitan Theater. Fa rnfiy orders, banquets and wedding parties -i specialty. Rocura-weiy Restaurant MEALSAT ALL HOCRS s!;i:\-F.D IN \ !■:■ ■->•::>■« manner. Oysters in rror* ityte. 3iJt X street, Sucramßato, Cal. Ii KkU^lf-H. I'rourietor. 3