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2 DAILY RECORD-UNION IBBDKD BY THE SACRAMENTO PUBLISHING COMPANY Ofliif>. Third Street, between .t and K. THE DAILY RECORD-UNION For one year f 6 00 _r'or«ix months 3 00 For three month* 1 50 But* rved l.y carrier! at Fimra .reek. In all interior cit:.;- snd I'""- tin paper can be had of the- principal Pert rs, Newsmen and Agents. THE WEEKLY UNION Is the dMapest and mo-t desirable Home, News and Literary Journal published on the PaC;V The Weekly (Tkioh per year $1 50 SV-These publ sent either by \j - to Wgenta or single suti ■ with charges prepaid. All Postmact m are agents. 'ft.- best advertising mediums on the Pacific Coast. • :eri at the Postofllee at Sacraniento as tie..!■■.... \ar_ matter. Record-Union—Telephono Xo. 49. i er Editorial Rooms, ring one bell. For Business Office, rini; three belie. Special Agencies. This paper ls for sale at the following places: Is. P. Fisher's, room 81, Merchant-.' Excl California streel; the principal News - and Hotels, and at the Market-street 1-. Ny, Ban Francisco. Los Am.i,i...-.—Eclectic Book Store,corner Second and Main streets. .-san liiti.ij.-tuim-liCo..B6oFilthstreet. O.hoxado.-Hopkins <J_ Cox, Coronado Botei. * in'ta Barbara.—Hassin-rcr's .News Itepot. F_ucsxo_—C. T. Q arley, 111 l J str. et. Santa Cauz.—Cooper Bros. News Depot. *#-.'■. ■ ■ on a_l Trains leaving and somine Into Bacramento. The Reoord-Uhioß and \,Y Union are the only papers cm the Ooast, mmttUt of »-*o. JFVanoMOO, that re ceive the full Associated Pre** !•■ --patches from all parts of the world. < nil tide of Han Francisco, they have no com petitors, either in influence or home nnd general circulation throughout the State. ■Weather Foreoasc Official forecast for the twenty-four hours ending at midnight. November 30th: General rains; southerly winds, brisk to high in places, especially along the ions!; snow in the mountains in the eastern portion; slight. a temperature,except coolei iv the northwest portion. THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE AND THE POLICE FORCE. A correspondent in yesterday's Rec ord-L'nion presented some very sensi- ble views concerning tho suppression of crime in this city. \Xq are not permitted to give his name; could we do so, lie would bo recognized as one of the very best authorities upon the subject in the United State-, a man of long extended experience in dealing with the criminal classes, and whose opinion has great ia on ail subjects related to them. <'ur correspondent poinlcd out, in re ply to our question referring to the ap parent license given to law-breakers to do us they ] lease in this city, and asking if this thing has not gone far enough, that we have the means at hand to correct tho evil. The police force is small, rent by the jealousies of cliquos aud controls, and its efficiency therefore greatly Im paired. Jt i-;, moreover, the creature very largely of political creation and manipulation, and hence the force is not, and has not for years Keen up to or any where near tho standard that in other cities is required in the personnel of the men, the discipline essential and the in dependence and permanency that must characterize effective forces of police. This has been the condition of police administration in this city for twenty It is not at all surprising, there fore, that police surveillance of the crim inal classes and the detection and punish ment of offenders, have been tho mini mum, while as a natural result tho pro ttvtion of life and property from criminal assault has been very slight. our corre_q>ondent deplores theso con ditions, but does not place the blame wholly upon the police department. He fixes a larfje share of it upon citizens who have consented to the conditions, having tho power to change them, and who have not only not done so, but at times urged and demanded lhat lawlessness shall not be interlered with. The writer of the letter then points ont a remedy, ono perhaps temporary, since wo will soon have what it is hoped will be an independent police force, and one not subject to the evils that afflict the present one. This remedy is the full ex ercise of his powers by the Sheriff. It has so long been accepted here that the Sheriff is to take no action within city liniits for tho suppression of crime, or the punishment of offender*, that it has passed into the form of an unwritten law, and, as a consequence, tho chief execu tive officer of the county, who is equally by the people ol the city chosen to office, and to them owes as much as to tho peo ple of the county not living within the municipal limits, is rarely heard of mani festing the authority wi;h which he is in vested. in San Joaquin County, our corre spondent points out, that a very ditlerent practice obtains. Within Stock ton the Sheriff is as much Sheriff and conservator of the peace as he is outside of Stockton. The city, in his estimation, is as much a part ofhis jurisdiction lor all purposes as is the county without the cily limits. Tho -Sheriff who holds to this view acted ac cordingly, and assailed crime wherever he found it regardless of lesser authori ties. If the police co-operated with him, weil and good; if not he acted independ ently. The result has been that Stock ton, instead of being the refuge aud resort of the criminal classes, is shunned by them. The jail bird, the professional thief, the thug, burglar and cut-throat give the city a wide berth. The law when invoked is enforced, rascals are run to earth and pun ished with celerity and certainty. So beneficial has been the ...tion of this Sheriff that for twenty-on _ years the peo ple of San Joaquin County have retained him iv the office. There is no political power that can oust him outside of the people; no pull swerves him; no threats , daunt him, and despite the dangers he j has braved, the reckless characters he has encountered, and the hundreds of crim inals he has brought to punishment, no SACBAMEyTOj3AILY KECORP-TTXIOX, WEPXESDAY, XOYEMteEK 30; 1802.-^TX PAGES. I harm has befallen him or his deputies. '. , Crime hates but fears the man; criminals j ! mutter threatenings against him, but ! , never attempt to make them good. Aware of his inflexible will, his determination to enforce the law, and that the whole people stand at his side to aid him, the ! criminal classes keep without his reach, i and content themselves with the license that the neighboring city of Sacramento grants them. Here they hibernate unmolested and luxuriate in summer; here they do pretty much as they please, and only now and then, with very long intervals between the periods, is one of them "run in and Visited with the penalties of the law. True quite a number of lesser wretches are daily lashed by the judgment of the , Police Court, and the District Attorney pn seciites to conviction agoodly number annually. But these are the few com pared to tho horde that infests the city, commits crime and escapes detection. Within afi .night robbery and burglary have been more frequent than the rising of the sun, but not one ofiender for a cer tainty i n within the grasp of the police, while the Sheriffs office has taken no j more concern in the premises tban if the people of the city wero not within its bailiwick, and did not pay taxes for its port. We agree with our correspondent; ; what has been dono in Stockton can lie done here. Tlie Sheriff's office owes as full duty to that part of tlio county within municipal limits as without them. Its jurisdiction extends lo the city as well as to the country, lt is within the province of that office to 'make "pulls," with the police quotable rs worthless; to make [ police incompetency and inefficiency matter! of small concern; to so reduce political influence in the Police Depart ment that it. wiil become valueless. It can so terrorize tho criminal classes that they will give Sacramento as good a char acter as Stockton enjoys. The Sheriff's otlice can awaken the people and make clear to them tho grossness of the mis take in which they have indulged for two decades, to wit, that crime within the political division known as the city is matter exclusively for the jurisdiction of the Police Department. THE PANAMA CANAL SWINDLE. The Panama Canal scandal throws into the shade anything of the kind in \ ! history. Tho whole scheme of the canal \ is developing as a most gigantic swindle. j The reckless manner in which con structors squandered money in it makes ' all other financial outrages pule. For instance it is charged that one con structor spent more than half a million to build a road to the chief works, that he might ride to his weekly inspection in his carriage. Tho survey first made, : | and upou which work was begun, turned I ', out to have been mere guess work, and as a result the belief is that (100,000,000 wan lost. Resiliences for officials were built costing as high as $150,000, and labor- I ers' houses were erected that cost ten j times what they should, besides sacri | ficing many human lives in transporting the material over mountains and swamps. Railway tracks were laid by the tens of miles that have never been used, aud a hundred locomotives bought aud put l upon the rails that have never turned a : wheel, and both the roads and tho loco motives, and costly dredges and a score of tine machines of high cost, that proved useless, are now rustiug and rotting, aud the jungle growth is covering them from sight. From all accounts tho expenditures ! ; were worse than reckless, and amount to fully ten limes the sum that can bo justi fied. Thousands of lives were lost in | constructing so much of the canal as is I cut, and cheap laborers were imported by I the shipload only to die of fever and miasma, until their graves form a line of rude cemeteries from Panama to Aspin wail. The outside transactions were not less outrageous. Enormous sums were paid to agents to float stock; costly officers wero maintained in several cities for which there was no need. Legislators, it is charged, wore bribed in France, and high officials of the French Government were subsidized by immense slices from the company's treasury. No wonder that all France is in tur moil over the recent revelations, for all the coin for this extravagance came very largely from the small investors, the common people, and the artisans and small farmers of France. Not only are some of tlie supposed moneyed people ruined by the collapse, but thousands of the French industrial classes will lose the savings of a lifetime. That Americans did not invest much in the French scheme is to be credited to their good sense and their suspicions that the aifair was not ! souudly based. They will lose very little, and those who have been bitteu in this country are of the class that is able to bear tho loss. m- An active war upon the publication and saie of vile and suggestive prints, | books and papers has begun in Chicago, j It is not promoted by cranks or en- j thusiasts, but by the press and the j thoughtful fathers and mothers of the | i ity, by the Mayor and most of the dis- I guished scholars of the Western nietrop- ' olis. It is full time that such a war broke \ out in every city, great cr small. Inde cent literature is doing more to sap the character of the rising generation, and fit it for vile tastes and vile practices, sensu ality, grossness and corruption, than all other evil influences combined. The French Ministry has resigned be cause the Chamber of Deputies refused to pass "the order of the day," which was an interpellation asking the Government •why it did not require an autopsy in the case ofthe death of Reinarch, the banker, mixed up with the Panama Canal swindle. The act of resignation was ac cording to the usage when a vote of want of confidence is had. The defense of the Premier for failing to seal Reinarch's papers and to order a post-mortem is that a certificate of death from natural causes had heen made by the attending physi cian, and that therefore tho Government could not order an autopsy, and that the liberty of the citizen conld not be in vaded by a sealing of the papers of the deceased. But it is to be replied tbat in the presence of charges ollicially made that Keinarch's papers would disclose corruption in tho Government in connec tion with the Panama Canal scandal the supreme power of the State ought to have been invoked. It would seem that the situation is such as to justify the action of tho Deputies, and to strip from the I Cabinet the excuses it makes. The peo- I pie of Franco who aro least able to bear the losses have beeu punished in this canal affair, and they will, without doubt, stand hy the Chamber iv this crisis. Cer | tainly the Government has not shown a t desire to penetrate tbe scandal and bring ; the guilty to light. NOTE AND COMMENT. W. W. Fells has commenced the publi cation of a weekly paper in Stockton called The Stocktonian. - Why Buffer from scrofula when Hood's Sarsaparilla is such a potent remedy for all blood diseases? Send for a book con taining! statements of cures to C. 1. Hood ! <Jc Co., Loweil, Mass. ! . _ SCROFULA 12 YEARS Always Sore. Burned Uke Fire. Ashiimc-il to in- Seen. Got Worse Under Four Doctors. Cnred by tinlcnra. For shout ten or twelve years 1 have been troubled with scrofula. Myl: ad was always sore, mj face was dry and scaly,and burned like fire most of Urn time. .'•. body had !.i_; red spots on It, and 1 did not know whal to do. fl went to four dlfi. nnl doctors and they bel ■ I me ;it Brst. in the fall I K..t worse again; thi a I trie ' other rerai dii b they did me ao g. od. I wa- asharn. .1 to go into public. I was a sight to :...!; at. Everyone would gay: "Whal i- the math r; why don't y. a laki ■ thing?" Even at in . S labor I had to wear a * > ; of cap to ];. ep thi dirt from ._eitin_ Int i the 1 ' ' 9i - ■-. .'.in r 1 would I would be covered n itb bi overmyneck and thee. Bo wo or three people advised mi to try tho Cittici ra H i. s. I did try them,and am -id I bave dene so. Glad to say I tun a well man. and in the best ot heel! I: since. 1 .anm.! praise the Cuticuea Remkij] es too highly. 1 inclose mv portrait. LEWIS sv. RATON, Larksvllte, Pa. Ci-tticLtra Remedies CUTictntA Resolvent, the new Blood and Skin Purifier, internally to cleanse thi of all Impurities and poisonous elements ... i i-rii-ri: k, the gn at Skin I tai Ci -icuß-_ Soap, an exquisite Skm Purifier and Beautifier, externally (to cleai thi and scale and restore the hair., car, ■ '■ humor of the skin, scalp and blood, with loss ol hair, from tntancvti . .. from pimples to scroiula, when the best sicians, hospitals and all otlier remedies tail. Sold everywhere. Price, CTJTICUBA, oOc- Soap, 25c; l!;, $\, Prepared by the FOI I cc Dltro A_STDCHEMICAL COBPOBATK N Boston. How to Cure Skin Diseases." f, f pages, 50 illustrations cud testimonials, mailed tree. DTUPLES, blackheads, red, rough, chapped, i i-'i and oily skin cured bj Cpticpi-A Soap. <"JL/- X 0 RHEUMATIZ ABOUT ME! a^Hf^ I" one minute the Cutlonrii •*^A Anti-Pain Plaster relieves rheu ™*» malic, sciatic, lop. kidney, mnscu "B— &Xyy\&T :inf' che-t .pain-. Thi Brst and only Instantaneous paln-kllling strengthening plaster. Stwcctrtl itcrttres. A PENNY WAVED "is 'TW, )I'K m/E earned. A little SOZODONT. used right all ngev. ry day. costs bnt little trouble and is pleasanl al ways. It saves years of suffering from dis eased gums and teeth In later days. Its n-e is economical of time and eonilort. Use SOZO _> 'NT. F, AS T .^ IMK T0 THE EAST.-The Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Fe route) is now twelve hours shorter to Kansas City and St Louis, and twenty-four hours shorter to Chi caj,'.. than formerly. Fullman Tourist Sleep mg . urs to Chicago every day withoutchange I irsoually conducted excursions (verj Wednesday, with tourist car to Boston. Ut. (RGB VV. RAILTON, Agent, 1004 Fourtfc street, Sacramento. MWF MKS. WINSLOW'S'"SOOTHING SYRUP, oas been ln use over fifty years by millions of mothers lor their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the en:!.!. •ortens the gums, allays pain.cures wind colic, re^uaues the bowels, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. For sale by druggists la every part of the world. Be sure ana ask lor Mra. \\ inslow's Soothing Syrup. Twenty-fivs cents a bottle. m Tf/ff PAINLESS EXTRACTION OF TEETH bj nse of local anesthetic. DR. WKLLON.Den tist. Eighth and J streets. FESTIVAL OF SEASONS AT WKST niinster Presbyterian Church THIS (Wednesday) EVENING. it FIRST ANNDAL BALL-BRANCH NO. 07 of the National Brotherhood of Boiler makers will eive its first annual Ball nn FRI DAY EVENING, December Sd, at Turner Hall. Admission, Gentlemen 50 cents; Lu.lies free. n3Q-:i t* WITCH ENTERTAINMENT^ AND PARTY BY UNITARIAN LADIES, at Pythian Hall, Thursday. December Ist. Dressed Dolls and Home-made Cases will be for sale in the afternoon. In the evening. Novel and Dramatic Scenes, with recitations, will be produced, followed by a Dance of the Witches. Afterward, gen. ral dancing^ n3O-2t jfILX^CTIO-N SALE | BELL, GREER & CO. WILL SELL ON Wednesday, November3o, '92, On the premises, 2421 I street, at 10 o'clock .v. M. sharp, all the l-le_,ant FURNITURE AND CARPETS Of five rooms, consisting of Parlor. Bedroom, _ room and Kitchen Furniture, to be sold o the highest and 1 - r without re serve. Sale positive. Terms cash. It BKLL, Auctioneer. mm, STROUSE&& iin&4g swißj BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! STSS&& BURN'S. 323 X strett. A lartre collection of j Rare and Illustrated Books, in Fntrhsb, ' Fr.nch. German. Spanish and Italii.n. com- | prising many scarce and valuable works In History, Biography. Travels, Classical and Miscellaneous Literature. Poetry and Natural History, Masonic, Encyclopedias. Folitics, ; Novels. Romances, etc. Sales ou MONDAY, '■ TUESDAY and WEDNESDA T. n2B-3t« ANNUAL IVI EET IMG OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE PFO plesSavings Bank of Sacramento will be beld at the otbee oi ttie bank at half-nas: 7 o'clock MONDAY EVENING, Bectmber 5 1698, __ U6-UX ' i SPECIAL VALUE Men's Half Hose lof medium weight merino, in tan shades, now on sale at one-third less than regular value. Special price, 16 2-3 c per pair. FlV]r~~ VERY^EAR^" CLOTHING EVERY DAY R A R G A TN^ WE RECEIVE XEW A prominent clothing house of nta v - nP D 11) Tll Dv T New York wishing to close out 11L UA JV Ll LI Alll 31 LAI. SX STJI SUit, S T° a That'S what kee Ps » such a being f..r advanced) our bayer Btate 0 f COMPLETENESS and not picked up some over .50 suits at o nly that, we are constantly I mu'h bt; loW *;".?<?*• 1 ! watclliQ^ the mari«t for new and ; We have decided rather than attractive styles adapted to our : put them in regular stock to sell; c!imate and - trade You see we ; them at prices that will soon give don ' t intend anyll]ing desirab i e :us the space they occupy, and at S j !a |i be overlooked. same time give our customers the . benefit ofa GOOD P.L'Y. * b SO~Ladies' T2n Melton Cloth ti „ • • um/-_ jacket, full shawl collar ot lhe prices made are !i>lo. v.-,.,.,... .„, », - H i<tlo c-cs ars ct-ip ars a lunch coney, halt silk | $12, $>i 2 SO, $16 80 and lined. A special value. : $18. Every one a great value. $18 OO—Labis' Mode shade Melton It will pay you to look into Cl,jtll Reefer with deep these. ___, -^ gaunUet cuffs. $22 50—Ladies' Navy I.lue Reefer, T~\^~\ "\7"/^\T T strap seams, lined throngh i-^KJ lUU out with handsome piaid \AT A T'-JT 1 lining and trimmed with vv niN J. fine pearl buttons. !Thc HEST POSSIBLE VALUE for'$ 22 50—Ladies'Mixed Cloth Reeter, your MONEY ? l'"11"1 raade- Something v y p a.w ani very stylish. II SO, $23 OO—Ladies' Light Shade Bng i-p r t a t- 7— '(->, Lish Melton Jacket with Ily rT-Z^-LilliO pearl buttons and half lined i rty f. —\ ( — r < Willi vers pretty silk. :4)o bnoes, Nothing better made at the price.!-^OES - rainy weather remind you EVERY j that you ne^d an HOUSEKEEPER UMBRELLA? In town shonld have a set of those HERE'S KNIVES AT §1- fbe P'jce to get one to suit you. 'BREAD. CAKE and PARING from Cotton to the KNIFE of the very best steel and FINEST SILK. 50c to sto. guaranteed to give satisfaction or I money resuuded alter 10 days trial RGm6mt>Qr — : ! OUR FIFTY-CENT LINE ()F COMETO US FOR iDRESS GOODS DOLLS.! LEADS^IEM ALL. I LARGEST STOCK IX THE CITY. &ul WINTER NOVIITILS in lhe City. KILE BiS. I .»«QU.O. CALL ON US BEFORE PURCHASING ~~ A-nd we will endeavor to save you some money. Our goods arts all fresh and desirable, m Silver-plated Hollowwai . you _2B per cent The INK STANDS, SALTCELLARS, ROSE JARS SUGAR SIFTERS. SHAVING CUPS AND BRUSHES, SMOKERS' SETS, CUPS AND SAUCERS, Eto. Theyareespei tally desirable for holiday and other pre sentation purposes A handsome a -. irtment of LADIES' PURSES and CARD CASES of Real Leather with Sterling Silver Trimmings We have but ONE PRICE. Everyone treated alike at the haudsomest jewelry Store in town. 219 X Street. Western Hotel. Slimtoctitcittft. METROPOLITAN THEATER. Friday aad Saturday, Dec. 2d and 3d, First Engagement of Mi. s Julia Marlowe! Assisted by a company, including IVIR. ROBERT TABER. Friday Xight....MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING Saturday Kigbt AS YOU LIKE IT Box sheet OpenatClunlei 'i era-house Thurs day, 9:.;o \. M. I'RJCES—3Oc. 75c. Sl. gl 50. METROPOLITAN THEATER. Wednesday Xight, November 30th. PKESKNTATiON OF DAMON AND PYTHIAS! rTNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE L KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS OF SACRA- M KN'li 1. din eted by tl MR. i:. B. I.AC: ii: i ..nipri-es the best local talent, ln addition to the beautiful • it., ss, MKs. KATIE HE and LITTLE SILVIA. Seats at box-office Friday, November 35th. A -■• n tickets, . 75c ]:■..< siuut now open at Cluilie 1 .pera lions, .n!.5-5t •KEEP YOUR RECORD CLEAN.'' LECTURE ON JOHN H. GOUGH BY HEY. .1. H. SILO 'X. lor the I enefitol the Lai 1 -' Auxiliary of tie V. M. c. A., at the Congrega tional Church. NVKDNESDAY EVKM.Vii. No • mbea 30, 1 - Admission, 25 cents. n2--:;t The BrotheAood af Railroad Inraies \TTILL GIVE THKIR THIBD ANNCAL \\ Balla. Turner Hall, TIIUI.SHA V. I .. -!■ Ist. Ticket- admitting gent and '■•I'll'-.. Sl. "n2S-4t j DISTRIBUTION SALE Real Estate AXJOTIOISriJ — BY AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HEIRS of ORLANDO SMITH, deceased, I am In structed to sell at the Courthouse door. Sacra mento, Cal., i Saturday, December 10th, At 10 ts. m.. the Northeast Quarter of Section 18 and the Southeast Quarter of Section 7, in township No. 23 north, range 4 west, Tehama , County, 320 acres of good farming iacd, with I a never-failing spring of flne water; a creek running through one of the quarter section-; j nou- c, barn, fences, etc., etc. TERMS CASH— IO pe r cent, payable at ! . time of sale, balance after 5 days for exami nation of abstract. Deed at purchaser's ex- i pense. Title perfect or deposit refunded. W. H. SHERBL'RN, Auctioneer. ! wilder F. i.eoki.e and Ho_.l a XsVmm, i Attorneys Ws Heirs. MILITARY A'SD SJCIEIY GOODS. MA NUFA( TI"ItEB OF- Military. _\ :l v..,1. Socl-^gSBES^^ en ,',. L ;•"'','': :"ld Thektrical goods; Gold and Sll ver Trim- '^l.'^-o: all kinds. B.PASQDALB;af WaslUngton Btreet, San Fran- STOCK BROKEH OFFICE. /ORDERS FOR BTOCKS AT THE CIGAR Wstoreol A.Nathan,2os X .!..s.n. F,un 'rre pendente, Zudlg, Wollberg A c<»„ M<_LSl^___S. cry"treet- '''"'^'^e- and sale prompoy made. S. MOosEK. ___ J. J. V/ISfOABD, Q W. OOR. TWENTY-FIFTH AND O STS. kJ. Sacramento, dealer ln Choice Family Groceries, Provisions, Wour, Hay, Gmin. Bu t ter hease Eggs, ;,.,., oOees, Hams, Bacon, J. be-,,. |ara, Wlnee and Liquors! JOHN J. BUCKLEY, S RECORPS ' «« I STREET, A. NATHAN, £ ■ THi XT- ADJOINING WESTERN &\JO Hotel. Sacramento, dealer in Cigars. To nee., and Nottonß. Every purchaser .. tbe celebrated Lillian I.v.■ ii Clear will be ■ed with a handsome souvenir. | H.F. KOOt. ALEX. NEILSON, J. DRISCOL. BOOT, NEILSON & CO TTNION FOUNDRY-IRON AND BRASS ' <U Founder., and Kachlnlato, Front street. - and Machinery ot every de-eriiiti. n made to order. S. CARLE," ODWEBSOR TO CARLE a CROLY CON- O tractor and Builder. Orders solicited and Promptness guaranteed. Olliee and shop, ii-m Second greet.betweeng andL. A. MEISTEB, CARRIAGES, VICTORIAS, PHAETONB 9io u^«?ri* ]'r Dg ■ "" Fr;-" «agWi J, 91 < -Nmtn street, s_kramento. \ WATEBHOUSE & LESTKR, DEALERS IN iron, STEEL, CUMBER. land Coal Wagon Lumber and Carriage' FINEST TURNOtTTS IN THE CITY rpo HIRE AT REASONABLE RATES AT _4__TTIS6 Im_n-1 m_n-»le,*i, <>1S :Nintb «reet,UitAE- Mj-LLER BROS. Telephone 3Gti. CESSPOOLS AND VAULTS CLEANED. APPLY AT SO6 I STREET. J- H. CAMPBELL._ NEW LIVERPOOL PURE SALT, MANUFACTURED F.XI'RKSSLY FOR dairy and table use by the New Lt'. erpool Salt Company, samples free. Address F. i. ' FloO, 1119 Fourth street. Sacramento. CaL TeleDhone No. 21_i. NOTICE TO TKE PUBLIC. I HAVE THIS HAY PURCHASED THE interest of A. Mikulich in the Seal Kcx;k wtaurant, and will pay all bills and assume all liabilities from anci after this date A. STAHL. Bacramento, November 17. \S92. I f -_, __.UJLI Jl Ail W 410 J STREET. | | OROtRS FSOII THE COUNTRY PHC-IPT-V FILUEO ' § E'rftssAru-.-T mtttmmmm' mmmmmmmmm 1 _-_-_-ll _ir_r__ff ' littoccUancoua. 14 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. ACRE LOTS for HOMES. We again call tbe attention of tho pul .'son TJne; :: Louisiana :: Tract] k fruT 'V' ] ,' ' ,lnlng Oafe Park, -Stteiluofthl '" reasono< »ts location, quality and topograph. --J™? ™"? _£S r F: r MOST pMOffABLE: ONLY ONE-THIRD CASH, BALANCE IN THREE YEA__iS, WITH INTEREST AT SIX PER CENT. PER ANNUM. i^!™!;"^!: l!;r i!: lM: 11;,,,,'Cll'lii,ii: row_n ? verT&s. wwlthM. -apital ,1 .'■', "V,," ■'' r' 1' Manyhave ■Hi, ■■,,. i.,u::-,,i li. r- ;>;,.! .-,,-,■ «-, ii pleased with the Louisiana Tract. FYOU DESIRE A SHOP that is peculiar in itself, inasmuch that it is the combination of even essential necessary to make it a perfect article, combining as it does, the extreme service of the heavy plow shoes with the perfect-fitting ant! nam appearance of tiie pair for full dress, then buy a pair of our MEN'S $2 50 CALF SHOES. Men's Heavy More of that Bed Conforters Cashmere, All-wool Dress lite you. Wool Soots Goods at mother made, 22 cts. 50 ets. a Yard. $2 Ift E. S3. ZELKXTS -630 J Street.j QRTITSN'i Street- ART MATERIALS For Holiday Trade. Arrasene, best quality 9c per dozen No. 1 Embroidery Chenille lOc per dozen Ribosene 20c per dozen Roman Floss 3>..e per skein Filo Floss 4c per skein Filo Silk 2c per skein Purse Twist 45c per spool Knitting Silk 30c per spool Cut Steel Beads 9c per bunch Silk Tassels, all colors Sc per dozen Silk Ball Pompons lOc per dozen $1 Pompons reduced to SOc per dozen 7c3c Pompons reduced to 40c per dozen SOc Pompons reduced to 25c per dozen UMBRELLAS. Cambric Umbrellas 50c Fast Black Sateen Paragon Frame We have a great variety in Glorias, Henriettas and Silk Umbrellas from $1 23 to $15 J^ CALL AND GET ONE OF Ol'R COTTAGE PUZZLES. <^TJ ORTH'S, 630 J ST. I Joe Pofceim, Tlie Tailor j fSJfi it 55_*_.0&r i best fatting amt^k. ~ -,_ clothes in the §M__ FromslB. State at 25 JS/jf " PantS percanllesi^M p^ $ g than any 1 ■ other house Br H Eules for se,f lti} measurement On the , jL aDd Samples __,_,_.___ *.'._£? i^ "••>' frte to any Pacific Coast, xgg m address. CCO J Street, cor. Gill, Sacramento. RUHSTALLER'S Extra Gilt Edge IS THE BEST BEER IB THE WORLD.' TR-V IT In buying unreliable COAL OIL because it is low priced when the safest and best can always be had by simply asking your grocer to send you EXTRA STAR. The trifling additional cost ot" thi.s oil is doubly re paid by the sense of abso lute security which its use anords. As an illuminating oil it has no equal. Beware of refilled cans, it comes packed only in original cans. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS FOR LADIES ONLY. XTOV WILL FI.VD THE PROPHYLACTIC .I Compoun l what you want. The only bure and r.hsoluMy si_!e preventive e-.-r discovered uy medical science. En;rr bottle guaranteed. JOS. HAHN a. 00. Fiftfl sad J auctio. sol* Meats.