Newspaper Page Text
THE TRAFFIC ASSOCIATION. Some Correspondence on an Im portant Subject. An Address Lately Adopted—lt Is Time, so the Merchants* t ommlttco Says, to Drop Politics anil Proceed to Work on an Earnest Business Basis. _____ [Kan Francisco "Examiner" December 6th.] I-'ii.xm-is. ... December 5, 1892. Ti, On BdHor ■■: the Exam su;: We wish v, Inform you tbat the inclos ■ adopti ci by tbe M I iramltr I men who are nol in accord with the . ist political methods of theasso-' in and believe thai something th ■ c t.e- th. bene!.; ... sen Fiall clsco's mercantlelnterests. With v..- In vi. m na-;. bave c mon,_sl tbe ■ is a petition t. be presented to tbe said p UUon baa ut. ol the in.-iii bers ol the Traffic .\-s<. latlon. -'ours truly, Ml l.c OA.Ms' I.MM! I El , By L. il. Sage. Been tare, :i2.; From street i. o. box 22 IS. In refsreooe to recent decisions ofthe Inter state Commerce l_iw, which all tend lo the in a... ing i.i san l ranclaco a distributing point>e .a ail kinds, we,as members Association, have been assort l supuort of over 85 per cent, of the members '■! tne Traffic Association in ou:- en- Ue avor te. bring about an Improvement in the c.iiiin. re-Hi position .j: this city by having the original objects ol the Trailie- Ass iciation tout by lv Executive Committee and 1..- traffic Association was organized by . Loess purposes and to carry out certain business propositio business methods, lor the Improvement ol tbe mercantile conditions e.t the c;t... an-isiai., which cannot besepara ed, as they are recip rocal and depend on t aob other. If tan Fran c 1 i. bj i" il ribntlng point, as - a is entitled to, improves ber commerce and trade, tiie- interior receives the benefit >.t the progress and Improvement ol the metrop olis. If articles are utilised tiy the interior pip, rs w that an antagonism exists between lian Francisco and the interior, it cannot be heltied. [f such antagonism exists at ah, ft ia oiny on a -count of i he narrow-mindedness of rtheinterlor p. opt- and newspapers, who persist ln easting slurs al Ban Francisco, ber merchants and her business Interests, and xvho will not recognise that San - ran. tbe leading seaport of Lhe coast, is a natural distributing point and Bhoul l be =o treated in ablishmt nt oi fn i^hi ratees. cc.-d afl. r the I n merchants' fix Igbt ass . clations, who ledin bringing about a understanding between the merchants and transportation . ompames. In organizing il.e Traffic Association, certain telaiis and propo c outlined In ihe addn ~s adopte l by the Executive Committee, and In He ad Iressmadeatthet hamber of Commerce ma-- le. -lian.J. 11. HI Ti.. re was no Intention on thepartol the chants to antagonlzi the transportation cor ns, but ny il.e force and power of a united mercantile community to bettei and improve tin-tee- doing the business of that community. The merchants oi Han Fran cisco, who comprise 97 per cent, ol tlie mem pot thexraffic Association, did not as sociate themselves for :!.• pureposeol abusing or injuring tbe carriers, bat for tin- solepur .. organising business men, with busi ness method's, in endeavor ... Improve the Conditions of busim- - ty. s.tu Frauei see, Is so situated geograpb that three things are necessary in the trans portation line lor me improvement ol her . -Ibj Competing lines of railways, the Nicaragua ('anal ami the making ol Ban Fran cisco a distributing point for her merchants. Without the latter, while- clipper ship compe . -■.-ill be a good thing for this city, yet ii .-an i am.e.r be ml Irely a success. additional legislation maybe necessary,but pas; experience in this direction, both iii this and i'ibe:' states, haa been so discourai , rchants ai commercial e.i. - Kranclsco as to iv..v.- them to seek other more and surer metbods to promote their in s. cut of this came the organization of itiona similar to tbe Traffic Association, whereby tbe merchants undertook by such powerful commercial tnduences as they unitedly command to work upon the s.■!': ■tof the carriers In the promotion of the mercantile Interests. The object of Uie Traffic .xs- . laii'.n was i" jet r-.r snu Francisco what could uot be hoped for through legislation, and the diversion ofthe efforts and Influences t.i the association to matters or methods purely political wasinalargt measure ol Us original object, of course, during the heat ofa political campaign the original "nl the association were possibly 10-t night ol and ai' drifted Into politics, but It ls now time to cry a bait and to return to the original objeeta ot the association when i - -meed. ■-R.H ing" i- a vain endeavor to ace impllsb something that is many yeara on. and that will uoi Improve th.- conditions of business in this .- ..ot m< e-i tn of tbe merchants who comprise tbe majority of tl..- membership of tbe association. Al _ b th.- Traffic Association bas been m ex istence over c, .ear. nothing practical has beenaccom] rceptthe establishing of a line oi clipper shins, xvnicli in reality would have been done outside the association, ami wblcb should bave been established by the eints of this city years ago, aa It is a plain business pr- ij osil :e.n. Chicago, Omaha, St. Louis, St. Paul, Kansas City and Sail Lake City bave, through Ireight ■ bants, so operated tliat importation companies have been com pelled P. r< c ts of their n B<pect dlstributing points, bui they bave only -i-.c.-.. ie-.'. by exclusively looking after th.- Interests of their respective cities. A scattering oi Interests never succe anything, but concentrated united eilorts ov.ntuail. must succeed. The merchants «ho Jol 1 Ihe Traffic Asso ciation joined for the improvement or their business and not to abuse, antagonize or coerce the carrie rs. Thej In.; c I l.y pi means and in a business way to ace something, and when -all negotiations I, " :e- stated in ; lie op. nlng they would then ';.- their full i em. No negotiations xr. r.- ever undertaken by the Traffic Association, Setatements to tht irary notwithstanding, as can be demon i by reference to the minutes of tie Executive. lommitte -. Buncombe and sentiment may all lee well enough in their way, but t1..-.-. are not busi uslness men cannot afford ;.. lend themselves to anything of the kind. Ban Franolsco nas lost the trade of me- Northw st owing to tlie construction of ten- northern lines, h ba-. lost ihe trade of the southern part ofthe - .- i instruction southern in . bul there i- - - i rltory north, south a ast thai practically and geographically belongtothe luerehants and manufacturers of this city, and tbat tbis city should be plan, d In a position to control, so flu: as transporta tion :. As merchants aud businea nun we must i nlze the good that the transportation eomp for the interior by . — ling terminal rams for the r the H it.-, bul as thex bay- ' - ntcrior ma lyof l teadvan -1 . eeisco have cliesap] ear. d. In ■days transportation c impanles reco ■- ■■t Ban Francisco to utlve rat. -. which discriminated in bei This was at the tun. ■ thai many goods came here by water. Now that this era has re turueel. owing to the clipper-ship com pet i t on, a unlb d eflorl ...--, .uablx bring this about again, but it ca eieon. [no comi-I.sii this pol tict matten In the as«ocia shotild be to thi i _. ro md ami work begun on business p Incii.lcs Much shoe: .. with mm , 1 .-. c- ; it Inti res - na irall -. , ! op in the pros) rltj ol , ur city and State, i-i' "v our prosperity depends In a great measure t:. following up the present plan of actit a we can only tie up the I en for m.ans years, beside doing Injury own merchants, to their trade and to our city. As an association for ii... Francisco's business Interests much will be accompli. h<sd In a business way, otherwise s will go on much a- at pres nt and ng substantial will be done to li ercantile conditions e,r t__ C iiv. b-. order Mi R ■■■; .: I r: a, By L. H. Bage,Sec . ta.-y. .San Francisco, I. 0 mber 3q. Elections of Officers. Fair Oaks Post, No. 120, G. A. R., last evening elected the following officers: N. il. Hurray, Post Commander; .T. 11. • ooley, Senior Vice-Commander; J.J. McMurray. Junior Vice-Commander; S. I_ Richards, Surgeon; A. L. Jones, Chap lain; J. J. Trarbach, Quartermaster; M. D. Bronson, Officer of the Day: Charles \V idten. Officer ofthe Guard. Delegate li. tne Department Kncampment which -a; Loa Angeles in January, JD. J. Simmons. Alternate. J. 11. Cooley. The iollowing-named officers of Sacra mento i hapter, No. ,;, };. A. M were . last evening: j. Hurley, 11. I' ; F. i„ Thirki. Id, X. : J. \Y. Rovd; S.- W 1> Knights. C. of H.; C. K. Goss, K. A ('. --_, C. bchiudlei'. P. S. ; W. _. Willis. M. SACBAMEyTO T3ATLT BECOKD-rXTOX, WED^vESDAT, BECEAmET. 7, 1802.-SIX PAGES. ol third v.; XV. H. Davis, M. of second V.; D. Farr. BCof first V.; G. F. Bron ner, Guard; K. Lyon, Treasurer. Saoram. ir... Council, No. 1, Royal and ' ct Masters, ha- elected these old • R. I. Burr, Thrice Illustrious Master; Clive \Y. Porter, DepntJ Illustrious Mas ter: Alex. J. Gardiner, Principal Con ductor of tbe Work: Wm. B. Miller, Treas- Wni. U. Davis, Recorder; David I I air, t'aprain of the Guard; Wm. li. Davis, Conductor Carl _. Soheunert, Steward: George F. Bronner, Sentinel. ! Delegate to the annual meeting of the 1 Association, t.'. N. Nelson. CENTS NOT DOLLARS. An Error Makes Certain Tables Head Incorrectly—Tlio < or reet lt<-adlne.. In the publication of Expert Mor- ' gan's report to tlie Railroad Commissi-en ers ol" the state, certain tables xvere given ■a ing the rate per ton por mile on | commodities. By typographical error the tables xvere made to read in dollars and tents, a dollar-mark being inserted j that was not in tlio Oopy. \S c reprint ' the tables below as they should have ap peared, tbe column figures of Values be j ing in cents and tractions ol' a cent. lIATK PKK T..N IIK XIH.K From Ban Francisco to Eastern points on uring summer of 18..2 .20,000 pounds eper carload): Oi Ol O O O C I y.- £ S J»S *jj? a «-j =r = =i- %-• ** y c— — j. —— ~ s --~ ;; = '~3 — 5— 2. ?S i'OINT. So •=? -J -"?S. ?S M«. Blver... 1,915 Ll5 IjOo 1.56 1.46 1.15 St. Louis-.. _ 1 0.86 1.-".i I.J" 0.9 i Chicago .',■■' OjUll ".-:: 1.25 1.1; 0.91 Bt. I'siui.... . - l.::i I.J. 0.46 Ualveston... 2,1^ I.o] 0.91 1.36 1.-> IjOI N. i nl.;,us.. 2,449 8.9U ''.-I !._'_ 1.1 i 0.90 Louisville. ■ .1 ".:: 1.15 !. Cincinnati... :i,670 ".-.' 0.75 1.12 1. i'ir- urk' 2,875 0.77 U. 69 l."l 0.98 < >.77 Cleveland.... 2,764 ".7.1 0.72 1.09 1. Baltimore... !,J .< 0.89 0.62 0.9 0.87 0.69 Pbiladcl'ia.. ?,-228 0.68 0.62 0.93 0.83 0.68 New York.- 8,319 0M . ■• OjM 0.6« Boston , : 1.64 0.69 ".-7 OJH 0.64 Houston 12,134 LIB 0.94 1.40 L3l 1.03 Value ]■• r 100 pounds, wholesale prices, in Ban Francisco market: Canm d goods, ■-. » 55; raisins, sr, -7; dried fruit, §5; white beans, S2 Ob; Lima beans, 92 60. RATE 11-.l: lees I'Fll SIILE From San Francisco to Eastern points on commodities during the summer of 18t>2 (20,000 pounds per carload). Missouri Hi., r St. Louis < liieuyo St. Paul Galveston New Orleans iville i l:i> iiilluli Plttsburg i eland ; Baltimore 1 Philadelphia Now York j lioston a " bj "wo c ■ = . C = r-C = : It' : 4 0.62 2.30 1.82 ■ . ■: i.v.i ;. i 2,*J7 0., M 1.83 1.45 '•.,- 1.92 1.53 _'.;-; 0. i 2.0] 1.60 0.51 1.43 1.69 l.:i o^2 1.60 1.31 ; 2,875 L 53 1.22 2,7( I l.i.i I.l'T 1.87 1.09 ::,2JS L 36 1.09 1-3! 1.06 3,446 i 1.-> 1.02 2,18 2,44! ■■ J. 7' Houston .;■ Value per 100 p..anils wholesale prices in san Francisco market: Hops, $25; Nuts, sin. KATE i-i:u T...S i-i.i: Miia: From San Francisco to Eastern points on commodities during summer of 1892 (20,000 pounds carlo,nl. Foist. g ~? £ 5 R 2 pi 1 1 ■ ■ — ~z. ~ -- — ■ Mi-souri River j .-i. Loals , I Chicago I St. Paul i lalveston New Orleans....! l.oui-vllk' Cincinnati Pitlsburg Cleveland Baltimore Philadelphia... New York Boston Houston 1,915 1.08 1.30 0.i»4 2,3aa 1.07 1.07 0.77 :.'.;<■: l.oi 1.04 o T.i 1.09 1.09 0.78 :-',i^ 1 111 1.14 0.82 2.44y 1.08 !.(>:> 0.78 :;/.<>^ 0.96 1.1.'i 2,670 0.93 1.12 2,875 0.57 1.04 2,761 0.'.'0 1.09 . 3,2011 0.78 0.93 .. . 3,22 - 0.78 0.93 3,319 0.7 5 0.90 : 3.1 tt; 0.7: i 0.87 2,134 1.17 1.17J o>4 Value per 100 pounds (wholesale prices In San Franclesco market,'—Green Fruit. S3 50; Sweet Potatoes, (1 373-._; common Potatoes, 57e. _». RECEIVING THE MESSAGE. Hoxv- tho Local Operators Did It—How it Used to be. The President's message was received yesterday iv Sacramento simultaneously on four dilTorent wires at the Western Union Telegraph Ollico by some of the most expert operators in the business. Sacramento received the lengthy dis patch xvith but one repetition betxveen here and Chicago, and that at Ogden. It was divided into seventy-eight parts or sheets, and great care xvas taken to keep the files straight and to be sure that it dovetailed. The message xvas started at 1 a. xi., local time, and tho most of it xvas iv at 5 \. xi. In years gone by xvhen the entire mes sage was sent over a single wire tho re ceiving of it was the event of au operat or's telegraph i ito. and many men dated their promotion from this i vent, liut xvith the in.'tease of facilities, with dn -. qoadruplexes. Wheatstono auto matic instruments, etc.. the taking of a President'! message in a city of thia size is but a small event lo anyone. It is sale to say tliat there is no city of this size in the Union which is better sup plied by this company with t.-legraph fa cilities i'or handling press ami business of all kinds promptly. The recent storm played havoc xvith ihe wires in all direc tions, but notwithstanding this fact all circuits xvere working clearly and to their lull capacity Tuesday morning. It is a feet tbat in scattering the Presi dent's message broadcast over thecountry the best energies oi over 1,500 expert op erators, with all thai this means, were employed between midnight and U a.m. Tuesday, December nth. NEW PUBLICATIONS. From the Bancroft Company, San Francisco, we have "Sicily," another of the handsome series, "The story of the Nations," which G. P. Putnam's Sons began to publish some yean ago. The present volume is by Edward A. Free man, Professor of Ancient History in the University ol' Oxford. Professor Free man made this volume the peer of ali of tho series that bave preceded it. The Si cilian history is told in a lucid, attractive, concise manlier, so that it is a arcely le-> satisfying than tue more elaborate his tory of Sicily that the .accomplished author be^an somo years ago, and that i the thin! volume. Mr. Freeman has written the story of one ofthe most romantic of historical narratives upon the lines of the original work. Unfortu nately for tbe reading world he was not spared to complete his task, for he died in March last. This volume is hand somely illustrated, anil i.s supplemented by au exhaustive index. An admirable feature of tbe book is the syllabus that precedes each chapter, "'iiie Ston- of the Nations" series is doing very much | Indeed to broaden and better the laste for | historical reading. It is introducing to bistory study thousands who have not | the opportunity nor the means nor the Una to rea.l, the full history of the na tions of the world. It is presenting ! history without omission of any ma- j terial facts, or the passing of any par allels that serve to throw light upon the evolution of the races of meu. "An Artist in Crime" is the the title of a novel by Rodriguee OttolenguL It is from the press of ii. P. Putnam's Sons, New York. A clever story of shrewd crime and baffled detective skill. We have never read a better ofthe class. The plot contains material for a dozen sensa tional dramas. It is not especially nota ble for literary graces, but is an admira bly told story. _ SACRAMENTO MARKET. Little Chance in tho Situation in Local Circles. Sacramento, December Cth. There xvas little or no change in thesitua lie.n among Produce dialers to-day, business being fairly good, with enouyu of everything in to satisfy all customers. Hare were 1 a drug, and Weill Offered at retail as low as tuo \ lor 25c. Quail were also plentiful, but prices continued at old figures—25c per pair. The i markets are now xx-ell stocked xvith winter vegetables, no shortage being reported In any j line. About the only thing at pres in bring- I Ing a fancy figure is Hen i-'iu.'. Etanch eEggs is scarce as L:ucle Semis silver dol i lars, aud the lew that come to market find ready sale at 15c per doxen. llutler is weaker, and prices a:e eouiing down. I total 1 Prices. Following are the priets asked by retailers lor the various articles mentioned: GREEN IfßUlTß—Apples, $] 28, Sl 7,0 anel $2 ft box; pears, .1 25 r box; Grafx-s, 65(sJ/5c ip box; Cranberries, l:.-!.;ec»ii,c %« ibi Persimmons. ...■ y. 00/.. i.'UIKL) FKl'iTi.— Apricots, lOc » ft; Ap ples, luc; Feacbes, 12.Jc; Hums, 12J4c; Prunes, 12!-ic; Fears, —,■; Nectarines, ioc; Raisins, 10c: Ura es, 10 ; Figs, lOc ill.a B FRUlTS—heme — Mexican, lfio » doz; .xiandarm Oranges, 25c |) doz, sl 75 f box: Uananas, 15_ loci loz; Oocoanuts, 10c each; Mexican Oranges, 25®40c > eh./; Loa Angeles, 20c; Northern California, 70.-, Pine apples, 60c each; California Lemons, 40c t* e,e./: Sicllj , 50c V doz; Australian, :loe doz. DAIRY PRODI CE—Butter— Valley, > roll, 50@60c; Fancy Petaluma, 65@70c; Califor nia Creamery, : oc; Eastern Creamery, 30c h b; Firkin, 30c Vb; I'x.le Roll, 55c » roli; I'lii'.-s —Callloruia, 12-..c v ite; i'oung Amer ica, 15c; Eastern Creamery, 20c; Limburger, 20c; g.-nulne Swiss, due; American, :.oc; Mar tin's Creamery, 20c. BUGS—Ranch, 45c 9 doz; Eastern, fresh, 35c V .loz; cold set-rage, 30c '.-' no/. POULTRY—Turkeys—Live. 22c v lb; Gob lers, 2iio; dressed, 25.-; Chickens—Hens, Su 60Hdoz; nse each; Roosters, $5 50 ; . t i ,/ ; c- each; Broilers, $4 on r doz; ".0.- each; Tame Hue ks, j: 5u fl doz; 70c each; i.e. ae, 92 50» I'.iir. 11 AMI-.—Hare, :15c each; Rabbits, 86c "^ pair: Squirrel 36c v pair; x.vail, $1 50; ah snipe, §2 60; Ducks—Mallard, uoc '& pair; Canvasbaeks, §1 25^1 50: Teal, ;;.">c; Sprigs, 60c; other varieties, 10c; Gray - ?si; Brant, 50c; White. 25c. VEGETABLES—Turnips, Ij-...-> :oz; Yel low Turnips, 12..c; lleets, lii.,-; lan Is, 1-."./■; Parsnips. 12!._ c; Oyster Plant, 12 v u e-; Lettuce, 12 1./-; Radishes, 12-...; tireen 1 mions, 12J-„c; Leek, 12!,e-; Oabbage, l-_ v- lb; Ba -oy Cabbage, lo -' hal; Celery.loc; Cauli flower, me; X.d Cabbage, l.c; Kale, Ine; Onions, 2!._c%»tti; Hubbard Squash, 1...c S th; Dried Peppers, 20c; Garlic, 10e-; Horseradish lto..ts, 12>_'-; Mushrooms, 10c; spina.-h, scs I.reen leas, me; Gieen I'enpcrs, 10c; Dried Okra, Uu.-: Celery Etoots, scfl bunch. POTATOES Early Rose new), 90c ft cwt; Peerless, 81 35; Kiver Burbanks, 90c $ cwt; River Reds, bsc_l cwt; Sweets, s 1 25 fi cwt; Nevadas, si 35; New Potatoes, Be r lb. MEATS—Beef—Prime Rib roast, 1 -."./; Chuck roast, Ine: Rump, s C; Brisket, sc; Corned Beef, sc; Porterhouse steak, 15c; >Loln Bleak, i_!v-; Roundßteak, ln.-; Cnuck, Inc. Veal—Loin and Rib Chops, 15c; Roast Veal, Mutton—Leg, too; Loin and Rib Chops, l-'-.c; Mutton, Stew, 8c; shoulder Chops, inc. Pork—Roast or Chops, 12' a c; Cornea Port 12._ ; Sausages, 12'.,c; Vienna Sausages, 15c; Bacon, l_<a)lt;c; Ham, Id® ltlc. LAKH — Eastern, 12J-ie; California, l-i(3 B&EADSTI IFS— Flour. §1 25 a) barrel; S 1 10 for 60-tt> sacks; $2 16 for 100-tt Uatmeal, 10-_b sacks, 40c; Cornmeal, 10-lb sacks, 30c: Cracked Wheat, 10-lb sacks, Lisc; Hominy, ln-lt. sacks. ii.:e; Graham Flour, lu-tb sacks, SOc; i(-.;c:c«-heat, 10-tb sacks, One; Rye 35c fl 10-lt. Back. HAY A.Mi GRAIN—Hay, Oat, 65c fl cwt; Wlea'. liSc; second quality, 55c; Alfalfa, 55 e;e,e; White Wild Oats, §1 15 . 1 25; n round Barley, 91 15: Feed Oats,sl 60 i -5; Mid dling., §1 10; Bran, 05c; Straw, 70@7Sc Itutes, to Producers. Following are the prices to producers of the variousartnies mentioned: GREEN FRUITS—Apples, $I@l 25 %* box; Peats, 75c; Grapes, 40@60c; Cranberries, ss - in « bbl. DRIED FKU ITS—Apricots, o@7c fl lb; Peaches, 9<_Hoc; Apples, s@Bc; Plums, plttc 1, B@9c: Prunes, de.- lOc; Pears, 4@sc; Nectar- Im s. 7®Bc; Baiuns, il 5u box; Figs, sc; Grapes, 7c. DAIRY PRODUCE—Butter—Valley, 27c fl ft.; Fancy Petaluma, 112 c; t'alifornia Cream ery, :i2e; Firkin, 26c: Pickle Roll, 25c. Cheese—California, Be: Young America, lor; East 111 Creamery, 12c; Limburger, 15c; Genuine Swiss, no.-; American Swiss, 2lc; Martin's Creamery, 1 3c. EGGB—Ranch, 35c ft dozen; fresh Eastern, 27c; .old storage. 22c p dozen. POULTRY—rurkeys, Live Hens, 16c<ptb; Cobblers. 10c; Dressed. 20.-: 1 blckens, Hens.' dozen; Roosters, S>r>: Broilers, 93; Tame Ducks, $6 50; Geese,s2 ft pair. HAM]-;—Hare, 25- > pair; Rabbits. 25cfl pair; Squirrels, 25c fl pair; Uuail, $1 25; English Snipe, $2; Hacks - Mallards. 7 5'- » pair; Canvasbaeks,9l; Teal 25c; sp igs, ioc; other varieties, 25c; Gray Geese, 50c; Brant, 35c; White, 15c. VEGETABLES.—YeIIow Turnips, 8c '. dm; Beets; 8c; 'turnips, se, Carrots, se; Parsnips, - : Oyster Plant, ire; Lettuce, 8c; Radishes, Be: Green Onions, 8c; Leek, 8c; cabbai "ji lb; Savoy Cabbage, 50c P dozen; Celery, 50c- Cauliflower, 50c; Bed Oabbape, 5.x-: Kale, 50c; Onions, ijic fl lb; Hubbard Squash, ' -; Dried Peppers 12 ._c; Garlic. Oe; Horseradish Etoots, s, ; Mushrooms, Oc: spinach, .;■ .-; Ureen Peas, 6c; Green Peppers, Oc; Dried Okra, 2ne; Celery Etoots, -Uie- fl doz. FOTATOES— Larly Rose, 75c f cwt; Peer less, 50e@7oc; Oregon Burbanks, si fl cwt; Riser Burbanks, 75c ]•■ cwt; Centennial, 65c fl ctl; saliua-s Burbanks,choice stock, Sl; Kiver Keds, t;nc %i cwt; Fancy Snowflakes, 60 (_>7sc; Sweets, Sl ft cwt; Nevadas. J1 '. ewi; -\ew Potatoes, lc > lb. MEATS—Beef. 4X®sc fl lb; Mutton, 7@7;..c; Lamb. 7.c 5,.; Veal, large, ;i. .->.•: small, dressed, 7@Bc; H..^s, i'^;',..; dressed Pork, 7 i-i 7 '. >•: Hams—Eastern, 13J-- a fg)l4c fl lb; Cali fornia, 1 301 :;'..!■: Bacon, 1 1 ..- 1 V ,■. 111. EA I isl ii- i-s Flour, $4 fl bbl; 1 latmeal, ln-lb s„ck.. SJic 'fi If-; *;'. 35 p 100-B) sacks. Cornmeal—White, $1 75 ;-lon-tb sacks: Y'el l.e.v. sl 75 fi 100-lb sacks; Cracked Winn:. *2 :;5"_il00-tb sacks; Graham,s2 fl 100 lb sacks. HAY AND GRAIN—Oat Hay.Slo@l_ ft Ion; Wheat, $10(2,11; second quality, $9; \: ralfa, so in; Wheat, whole, sl 25@] :;■".. 9 cwt; Barley, 82Jk@90c; White Wild Oats. fl« I ::0; lorn. $1 no'.rl Xi; Bran, Sl7 ft ton; Middlings, $20 v ton; I.round Barley, $20 t* ton; Straw, 51 iue.o- fl bale. Hirses, Etc. at Auction. On Saturday next, at 10 a. .\r., Peter Miller will hold an auction sale of eleven hea.l of horses anil a largo lot of farming utensils, at tho Lake House, live miles from Sacramento, on the Upper Stockton road. «- Berlin Cough Cure. For coughs and colds and all lung and throat affections this article has sutiei ioi merit. It is perfectly harmless, gives im mediate relief, and euros the worst eases in from txvo to three days. Indorse I I v our best physicians. Try a bottle au.l you xvill always keep it. Price, 50 cents a bottle. V. C. Linimont, the best remedy for aches and pains. Compound Sulphur Powder, the most perfect laxative and cathartic known. Gives instant relief in eases of constipa tion, indigestion, piles, biliousness, liver te üblcs, rheumatism, gravel, etc., etc. A blood purifier and pleasant to the taste. The W. 11. Uone Company, San Francisco, sole proprietors. Kirk, Geary ! _ Co.. Sacramento, solo aurents. CON STIPATION. _-_____________7_u_________m Afflicts half the American people yet there is o-jly one preparation of cersaparilia that acts on the bowels and react ?s this important trouble, and that is Joy's Vegetable Sar.-.apariila. It re lieves it in 24 hours, and an occasional dose pre vents return. We refer, by permission, toC. E. Elkington, 125 Locust Avenue, _an Francisco; J. I 11. Erown, Petaluma, Cal.; 11. s. Winn, Geary ! Court, S.F., and hundreds of others who havo j used it in constipation. Ono letter is a sample of hundred?. Elkington, writes: "I have been j for years subject to bilious headaches and constl- I pation. nave been so bad for a year back have ! had to take a physic every other night or else I would Lave a headache. Ono battle of J. V. S., put me in splendid shape. It positively controls constipation." IflY'Q Vegetable Jill dSarsaparilla As J. V. 6. is positively the only Earseparilla compounded to control constipation, insist on Joy'i sai daa't be talked into ___t __r oticr. J.ltaccUanftJM». >*• .631.C M^ MJ__WJ__WS^P^erf TAmc THE GREAT LIVER AXD STOMACH REMEDY. Cui-os nil disorders of the stomach. Liver, Bowels, Kldnov . *tl—___ Nervous Diseases. Loss or Appotilo. Headache, Const ipat I,ul, V oltivei.e .£' IndUrestlon. BUiooaneas, Fever, lMlos. Etc., and renders the system !_!__■ liable to contract tii.caso. J' ""* "-*" DYSPEPSIA. HADWAY'S PILLS are a cure for this complaint. They tone up the internal secretion, i to healthy action, restore strength to the stomach and enable it to perioral its functions l-llii X 25 t l-Vfs I'KK BOX. SOLI) HY ___ DKUGGISTS. "SMUGGLED" GOOD. A Fakir Tries to Work a Moss-Gi-ovrn Trick Here. A man dressed as a sailor xvas coinjj around toxvn yesterday xvith a bolt of cloth wrapped in oilcloth, and called at several places, trying to xvork an old trick. He represented that tho cloth had been smuggled into the country xvithout hav ing paid tho "protective tariff" tax, and that be xvas able to oiler it ata remarkably loxv price. So far as learned ho had not succeeded in .finding any credulous purchasers, but ho xvas persevering. BRIEF NOTES. Railroad travel between Marysville and Orox ille has lieeu restored. The annual meeting of tho Board of Trade xvill be held on the 1 ith inst. The rooms of the board aro at 918 Fifth street. The fire that occurred in the otliet- of Kummerl'oldt it Schmit's woodyard yes terday ou I street, near Eighth, caused damage to tho extent of about $100. Yesterday a second reprieve waa grunted l>y Governor Markham in tho ease of Dr. I. O. Vincent, the Fresno wife-murderer, until January 'JTth, to permit his attorneys to perfect an appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States. Yesterday the proprietors of tho Bee filed their answer to the complaint of George I*. Royster, praying for -. damages for alleged defamation of char acter. The defendants admit the publi cation of the article .of xvhich Royster complains, but deny that it xvas false. C_.t_.rbh is undoubtedly a disease of the blood, and as such only a reliable blood purifier can effect a perfect cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla i.s tho best blood purifier, and it cures catarrh. In Boston the thing, according to the Transcript, ia "to lake the blinds off yotir houses and put blinders on your horses.'' Economical Practical and Dainty Dishes T • * . B_ USE OK Liebig COMPANY'S Extract of Beef. Send a postal for the Com] any's Cook Book to Dauchy & Co., 2: Park Place, New York. Unlike the Dutch Process j! No Alkalies |j||^ Oilier Chemicals ml j| jl\% are used in the f. li i,\| preparation of liljjjW. Bator iW Breakfast Cocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times tke strength of Cocoa mixed xvith Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, costing less ikan one cent a cup. It _ delicious, nourishing, and easii.y DIGESTED. ______ Sold by Grocers everywhere. _W. Baker & Co., Dorchester, Mass. RUHSTALLER'S Extra Gilt Edge IS THE BEST BEER IN THE WORLD. .__ TRY IT J. W. GUTHRIE, 187 J Street, Plumber, Gas and Steam Fitter, Sanitary Engineer. ___rTeleniione No IUS. FOR LADIES ONLY. YOU WILL FIN?) TUE PROPHYLACTIC Compound lust what you v.-ant. The only sure and absolutely si(e prxvkntiT-I ever dbreovered by medical science. Ev.-ry bottle guaranteed. Jus. lIAHN _ Ou.. fifth and J streets, sole aeenta. DRUNKENNESS Or ihe Liqaor H.ihit Poaitflvely Cured by udoitnl-iri-ihjk 3*r. Haines* 4*olcien Byrrinr It can be «ivczx in n cup ci c^Hec or tea, or in food, trithout thf itcowledpn ofthe patient. It is atwolutciy harn-Josa, and ■will effect a permanent and speedy oure-, -whether tbe patient ie a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It ii-.e beon jfiven In tnoupanda of c*s-3, and in every instaaoc 3 perfect cure haolol lowed. It nrtrp Fall*. Tlie Ay stem oncetmpr<?s_na,pd wi'h the Speeiflc, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to erist. GftLDrN M*P.efriC CO.. Prop'ro, Ctnrlniifit;. ©. 43-pa«3 book of parti cvi ara r-r cf._ To be had •" Jos.Halia A Co., Fifth and J Sts., Sacramento r - Xlii^Q 1 MMIX 4.0 j street. j jW * "OflOtRS FROM THE CCUhTKY P*»CMPTLY FILLED ' % L -ilM——-_' Ifjiif1fjiifi m -j; tfl,n- n;-,,-' - - *—- ~v -- ■-•■?_ -- Zt-\zr rzTys:^ ■ganJthtn txottoce. SACRAMENTO BANK. THE OLDEST SAVINGS BANK IN THE dty, corner Fifth nnd .1 strei ts. Sacra, mento. Guaranteed capital, 8500,000; paid up capital, gold coin, (350,000. eßeserve I land, 550.1 iOO. Term and ordinary dt p..sits, 1G3.H45. Loans on real estate January 1, 1892, . ;>.o v.i.f 1. . Term and ordinary de posits received. Dividends paid In January and July. Honey loaned upon real esiate only. Informatlou furnished upon applica tion to V.. P. (.'- II.EMA.N, I'ri-.-idellt. En. 1;. Hamilton, Cashier. CAUFORMA STATE BANK AND SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS SACItAMENTO, CAL, Draxvs Draftson Principal Cities ofthe World SATOT-DAT ll..L'ns. 10 A. K. TO 1 P. M. OFFII President N. D. RIDEOUT Vice-President t-'RED'K COX Cashier .A. ABBi ITT listant Cashier W.E. GKKBEK DIRKCTORS: r. W.l'i.AiiK, .!. -. Sr:-:i--i--i.N<, tin., i. Perkins, Fri d'k i loi, N. D. RIDKOUT, NORMAN KIDEOUT, \V. E. Gerbeb. NATIONAL BANK OP ft 0. MILLS iii Sacramento, Cal.—Founded 1850. DinECTORS: D. ti. MILLS. . EDOAR MILLS President S. I'l'.F.NTlss SMITH Vice-President FRANK MILLER Cashier CHARLES F. DlLLMAN....Assistant Cashier Capital and Surplus, ' FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' SAVINGS BANK Southwest corner Fourth nnd ,J Strei (?.. Sacramento, ( al. Guaranteed Capital $500,000 r OANS MADE ON REAL ESTATE IN | j tere.-t paid aeml-annually ou Term and i irdlnary Deposits. B. C STEINMAN 1 .esid -ut EDWIN K. ALSIP Vice-President D. 1». WHITBECK Cashli r C. 11. CUMMINGS Secretary JAMES M. STEVENSON Surveyor directors : 1!. C Stkinman-, Edwts X Alsip, c. 11. ci-MMiNies, \\'. K. Terkt, boi.. l;t'>-vox, .lamk- McNasser, .! as. M. Stkvknsoss. PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK. Offioe, No. 400 •! Street, Sacramento. /CAPITAL STOCK PAID OP, $225,500. \ , Te i in .1.1-1 ordinary dt eposßs ret eived. Div- Idends pc _ icmi-annually. Money loaned on real estate only. WM. BECKMAN, President. Gko, XX. 1 ...;. N/.. Secreetary. CROCKER-WOOLWORTII NATIONAL __\\ Crocker ISiiiltlinir. Market and Post s-u-i - ts, son Francisco. PAID UP CAPITAL, $1,030,000 1 IUS, $330,000. DIRECTORS: CHARLES F.CROCKER...E.H. MILLER. Jr K. C. WOOLWORTH. President W. i:. BR< >WN Vice-President fl M. H. CROCKER Cashier 3..atirinnd c.tmc tTcUxlc. Sor[!![ll.\ PACIFIC COMPANY [PACIFIC SYSTEM.] NOVKMI-Kl_ r, iS 9 2. Trains Leave and are Dae to Arrive at Sacramento: LEAVE TRAINS RUN DAILY. ARRIVE (For) r ,]■ ■ 10:50 P Ashland and Portland... 4:l.T> A 7:lii A Callstoga and Napa.. ._ 11:05 \ .TO.. P...... Callstoga and Nai>a. . ,s-lo 1' 10:40 AiDemlng,__ Pasoand East 7-05 P 1:55 1' Colfax 10:10 X 7:lo P Knights L'dlng A OroTllle 7:10 A &:oO P Los Angeles 11:10 A Ogden and East—second 11:55 A Class 5:40 P Central Atlantic Express 0:00 P .l'er tigden ami East G:5O A 8:00 P Orovllle via Rosev'le J'n'c 10-30 \ 3:00 P Red Blulf via Marx-sville 10:30 A IO: ■ A ....Redding via Willoxvs. .. 4:00 P 4:35 A Sau Francisco via Benicia 11a 5 A 6:15 A San Francisco Via Benicia 11:30 A 7:10 A San Francisco via Benicia 8:40 P 3:ii"> P San Francisco via Benicia >:lo I" 6JOO P San Franciscoviaßenicia 10::,0 1* *lc>:iio A San Francisco via steamer J6:00 A 10:40 -V sun Fran, via Livermore u::."i0 P 10:40 A San Jose a:so p 5:50 I' Santa Barbara 11:10 A *7:lo A Santa Rosa , n.-or, _ 3:05 P Santa Rosa »8:10 P 8:20 A Stockton and Gait T:tis P 10:40 A Stockton and Gait 2:.".0 P P Stockton and Gait. 11:10 A Halo A Truckeeand Reno 5:40 P U:00 P Truck.-..-am! Reuo 11:50 A 8:05 P Vallejo 11:05 A 7:10 .V \ aileio »:iu i •7:30 A ..Folsom and Placerville.. *2:40 P •12:15 Pl.-Folsom and E__eervi_l__ »10:10 x. •4:45 V Folsom »3:QO A •Sunday excepted. BMonday exeepted. A.—For morning. P.—For afternoon. RICHARD (.HAY. Gen. Traflic Manager. T. li. UUODMAN. lieneral Passenger Agent. Sportsmen's ITearlqiiarfcrs*. l_fENRY ECKHART. MANU- \_S3_7'' XI lacturei and Import.r of _tt^_rS_. Uuns. Ritles. l'istols. Fishingv^ * Tackle, and Sporting Materl&li of every de-j r^ription. tiuns choke-bored, -neks bent, anel , repairini. on gunsand rifles a specialty. Si-a.l Orpriee-iist. No. 623 X street. Sacramento. CMAS. F-|_Omß, IAQj SIXTH STRKET, IM-^. « _- l\i nj-t porter and dealer in Fine v^__L-i^T , Shotguns, Ritles and l'l-t..1-e. VjagT/ Agent Itor the celebrated Inip. _w^w!i__ i Sl.i.tgun. Sales- and Scales ie-*W ■ S.lre.i and Locksmlthlng given prompt atten on. Repairing ol ali kinds neatly done and warranted. FOR COUGHS AND COLDS — USE Hammer's Glycerole of Tar. 101 X STREET. (NIGHT CLERKI. CURE YOURSELF l'hymcie.n iiutiH-.'Jrd. 1 will gladly eead (teal e-ei.rnrr t. .--a', c, -. : pr. mi t.fee reee-.le. -,t cure for lasT (nLC »IT4LIIY. V.Ulttil.LE. intTOCS BXBrUTT, saissioas, rlt. rnlarL-fine .it certain. Addrei. .uh -' lei. _. l'Cl'l'Alt. %r_t___'s Good*, __ni_liull.lll-h. TN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF In.. I I County oi Sacramento, Slate of California. In tbe matter of the estat; of A. K. BOUT xv'l' deceased. Frank D. Ryan, tbe administrator oi estatt oi A. _C Bontwell, deceased, having tiled ids petition herein, duly verified, pray ing tor an order ol sale ot the xvhole, c such I arts.. f the real estate of .-aid .: dent as sai-i Court sball deem necessary for the purposes tht re in set forth, it Is therefore ordered by la- Judge ot said .- .urt thai all ;>• rsons Interested lv tbe estate of said deceased, appear bel the »ald Superior Court on FRIDAY, tbe day of December, a. v. 1892,al the lOo'clock a. m. 'it said day. at Uie court-room of Eepartment Two e.f s.ud Superior Court, ' st tbe County Courthouse, in th ramento. Oonnty of Sacramento, State e.t Oal ' I ilornia. t'. she r sb-.ui'l 1 j not he granted vi the said administrator to j i s^li ;e. j.- teb "i the real e.siat.- e-i said deceased • I as shell] be necessary, and that a copyol j order be published al leasl : iur ! we.-k-In the Daily II: i- ar»-U-tlox,a news paper printed and published In naid County • of Sacramento, a. P. CATLIN, Jud'.'eol Superior Court. Dated November ]h. jB.i-.'. Indorsed: filed Norembe: 18,1892. \v. W. KiioAl s Cierk. By R. A. Roßnrson, Depntji jAiits B. Devise, Attorney for Adminls* trator. nia^w Siotcla atxo jKcataurctnts, — — s^^*^*^s^^*^___wmm GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL. drncr Seventh and X Streets. QTRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, FREE 'BUS O to and from the W. O. BOWHRS. Proprietor. a^a a p a/^r-^_ * * fl _fc WESTERN MOTEL, H.HE LEADING HOUSE OF SACRA JL menlo, Cal. Meals,2s cents. WM. LAND. Proprietor. Free 'bus to and irom hotel. STATE HOUSE HOTEL, Ren Johnson, Proprietor, Cor. Tenth and X Streets, Sacramento, CaL mms FINE FAMILY HOTEL CONTAINS ■a- 110 rooms, and Is the most desirably lo cated Hotel in the city, but one block Irom the stute Capitol. Electric cars pass the door. ll'.urd and room, $1 25 to §2 per day. Me.i'.ls. 25 cents. Special Rates for Families, Theatrical Trotip^snnri Commercial Travelers. Accommodations lirst-. lass. Free laths. Free 'bus to and from hotel. B. B. BROWN. Man;.ger. PACIFIC HOTEL, Corner X and Fifth Streets, Sacramento. pENTRALLY LOCATED AND CONVEN \_I lent to all places ol i The best family hotel in the city. The table always supplied with the b"st the market affords. Street ear.> tf..:n the depot pass the door every live minutes. Meals. 2.", cents. c. i. SINGLETON.Proprietor. THE NEW PLEASANTON, 71,. HOWARD STREET, NEAR THIRD, lltl San Francisco, a First-class 1. Hotel; 2(!0 rooms, en suite and single; (.osand running water ln each room; best beds in the world. lYr day, 50 cents ana np; per weeh §1 50 anil up. THE MAY GRAND, 246 Third street be tween Howard and Folsom, Sian ■recentlyrefitted and refurnished; 200sunnv .- :• suite anel sing c. Per day, _.. cents and up SOandup. FMiTIiK IHiFsi:, • ■::., Commercial street, San Franclsc i , ae _\ anil we'l-kept rooms; clt anesl b ds. r.-r day 25 cats and up; ;.. r wet k. $1 and up. it.., ■ Houses arc open all night. MWa Jac >;; lie.l. i.S [ c INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. BOARD AND Km : - _50 AND Sti 50 iienveiii. Meals, 2» cents. F. BAYERS) ORFER, 1 .oi.rietor. W Y. Hall. Chill Clvra. FHEEMAVS HOTEL, Opposite Depot, Auburn, Cal. THE LEADING HOTEL OF CENTUM California. Every room Uchted b; triclty. Every accommodation furnished guests. v.. A. FREEMAN, Proprietor. MANSION HOUSE, Stockton, Cal. RATF.s, $1 TO $2 PER DAY; .MEALS 25 cents. Weber avenue, opposite Court house. VAN NESS A UGULIN. Props. THE SAL-OLE ROCK Restaurant and Oyster House. FIRST-CLASS HOUSE IN EVERY RF, spect. Ladies'dining-room separate, open day and nl^ht. Hl*, is MANN ._ CARRA i.II IK. Proprietors. No. 1019 Second street, between J and IC,Bacramento. PJEKTAURANT AND OYSTER PALLOR, I 712 and .l-i X street. Open day night. J. M. MORRISON and _. M. GAULT. Proprietors. ' MAISON PAURE, FLENCH ROTISSERIE, 613 X BTREET s... -rainento. L. FAURE, Pro] rietor ' «<j 1-aaniy orders, banquets and weddlnc parties a specialty. 6 Rest,-iurant de France, pi'"". WISSEMANN ,t CO., PROPRIE \T tors, 427 X street, near Metropolitan Theater, r ami ly orders, banqn. tsaml weddine parties a specialty. THEY 1 COMING « S FAST AS EVER AND A SITI.I. BET ,_\ ter quality. We are now packing i pally CORN-FED HOGS and can I recommend our productes. , Ou HAMS are g nuln SUGAR CURED. i ■ LARD is striotly PURE AND File SH. All kinds of SAUSAGES made FRESH EVERY HAY. The only plac where you can always find BPARERIBS. TENDERLOINS, PIGS'FEET. TONGUES, FTC. MOHR & YOERK PACKING CO. •PI ■ ••«-+««* IIS»»»*«««et4» I »4I HMH.It T I»"Ab t RECULATE THE } STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, j AKD PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR IndlcesttciTi, __t.loimiie«*, Hcu'!n»)ic Conttl- • Ptit itm. *>ypipri.«l», < hr..u> Uver I rmiMn, * 1M ft zt !.«•<_, Kihl « oir pl« xltin, ->v*i»it .-ry. f .ffft-iiplTe Kr.-Mlh, (.tut all dl»ordcr» ot iho 1 fi.omnfli, Liver and TIowcl«. ♦ __ipa.r.B TalmlPß enctnin injoriom lo J tlif- moat -tticttXe oonatitutioDu PJyawuit to take, j w_fe, effectual, t.iive imn:i-<!iatf iretlef. * Bold by dxunißtfl- Atrial *m-u> s^nt by mail i on receipt ot 15 cents. A THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. 10 SPRUCE STREET, NEW YORK CITT. J —e**.»*»»»»*«e>»»»*»<*«»»«»««***«>»«l»»>e>»«>> ll> * j DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. mHE FIRM OF JOHNSON, JOHNSON & X JOHNSON bas been this day dissolved by mutual consent. l tated Sacramonto, -- UR" e\-..; > . ji iji.Nse v. ALBERT M. JOHNSON, di-lOt HIRAM ft . JOHN IN TBE SUPERIOR COURT, STATE Of California, t lonnty >ef Sacramento. In tho niatt.r ofthe estate ol PATRICK GARR \. llan. ele.-, eased. Notice is hereby Kit-en that KRILWY, tin; 16th da. ol I 'i.-c mbt 1, 1802, at lv i a. m. oi said day, an I i be c >url... poort, at the Conrthot se, ln the City ol in.'nt i, c, : Hacrami • an- of nia, has 1...- re a] ■ the time tee for proving vie will ol said . piica; las Grace for the Ismanceto Dim of letters testament iry tbei Witness my hand aa .: saidcourt this 2d duy of December, 1802. \V. W. I ;, rk. By R. A. '. . rie;iuty t;ierl_. Frank I), Ryan. Attorney for Petitioner. d:;-i(.t TIIE WEEKLY UNION 18 THE PAPER to tend to friends ln the East. Urn! -73tttte, _stc. j W. P. COLEMAN, i Real Estate Salesroom, 325 J St TITE HAVE FOR SALF 1,190 ACRES IN "' Gleon County; Onesl kindof grain land; l:d acres In orchard; 800 ai res in grain; some iti; all i. i. | into »|x . [good dwelling of seven rootns; two lam; granary. Tills ranch is located neat- the railroad ste ' tton, WII.I.IAMs. rty has got lo be sold and can be hiidat a bargain. Call or W'rlto tor Price. MONEY TO LOAN. P. ROIIL. K. a. CROUCH COOLEY Writes Insurance, Sells Real Estate, Loans Money, Kents Houses. 1013 ROURTM STREET. 1 Telt phone FO I. S. A T V~ n VK' "'THF VERT £U_>nt_.4t_ft ":,Z^e E. L. HAWK, Real Estateand i no 1010 FOURTH STREET. LAWTON & WHITBECK, : Insurance. Real Estate. 10-. j STREET. TO RENT FOR A TERM OF TEARS IN tracts to suit, 5,000 acres of good pasture i land at 50cents ter acre- I £ truits, ftr e^B^, il^• u^u^rc, (Cic. GREGORY BROS. CO., 120, 129, 186 and 188 .1 street, Wholes..le Dealers in FRUIT AND PRODUCE. s ile agents for the Davis < ;.-<■■ n Fruit Pack in. Send for circulars. Q~avb«. MILITAHY AND SOCIETY GOODS~ MANUFACTURER OF. „, . t-**3e________ hurcli i.nd Tln:,.tii..:a md Silvei I.- m- ol allkluds. B.PASQUALI cise...'rai. Washington Btreet.sS Fran- SACHAMENTO PIPE WORKS, TN EXHIBITION BUILDING, BT DEPOT. 1 DllTerenl size Iron Pipe at low rates, a: reasonable | , NOTin.. t 1.1. INTERESTED WILL find tele .: - iphii - i -k list ii. mj cci.c at A. Na than's , ,205 X street commencing al 10 A. n ■ '.. ; 892. s. MOOSER, Stock Br SACRAMENTO OYSTER MARKET. F.RESH OYSTERS, EABTERN, CALIFOR nia snd Olympia. Families supplied. ' ■• ry st; li . lb, ioc. Ire. •! ; t, bet ween Seventh and Ei __ __ J. J. WINOARD. C W. COR. TWENTY-FIFTH AND 0 sts., ' '• ""■'.'• amento, ileal. r In . Family r, Hay, Grain, But :,''',' Coffees, flams, Bacon, loPacco, c igars, Wines and Liquors! JOHN J. BUCKLEY, OEARt HER i iF RECORDS, Gil I STREET, 0 sa rainento. ' A. NATHAN, OA", '". STREET, ADJOINING WESTERN ,w-t Hotel, s:. ;- in clears. Tobacco and Notions. Ever? purchaser ol lebraled Lillian Russell Cigar will l.c in. .-.-iited with a lianits.nnt souvenir. iH. I. KUOi. AI.KX. NKn.sO.N, J. DRISCOU ROOT, NEILSON & CO . fTNION FOUNDRY-IRON AND BRASS 1 Founders and Machinists, Front street 0. Castings and Machinery ofj ". to order. S. CARLE, QUCCEPISOR TO CARLE « CROLY COW n tractor and Builder. Orders solicited and promptness guaranteed. Otlice and shop. 11-t aeoond stn .:, between X and L. A. MEISTEB, CIARRIAGES, VICTORIAS, PHABTONB ; Buggies and Spring and Fruil Wagons! \_>l2, 914 Ninth streeet, Sacramento WATERHOUSE & LESTER, DEALERS IN IRON, STEEL, CUMBER, land Coal, Wagon I tmb i and t rriaao Hardware. .09, 711, 713, 716 J street, eSacram nto. GRAFMILLER EROS., ITTHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS >V In Hay and Grain, 101s Ninth street Telephone 3GO. CESSPOOLS AND VAULTS CLEANED. APPLY AT fcOC I STREET. J. IL CAMPBELL, HEW LIVERPOOL PURE SALT, TIiJANUFACTURED EXPRESSLY FOR jl'l dairy an ihi New Liverpool Halt c ompany. Samples free. Address L. P. ,1119 fourth street. Sacramento, CU. Telephone No. 2 ) _J NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. t HAVK THIS DAY PURCHASED THE I Interest ol A. Mikulieb in the Seal Rode rill pay all hill, and assume all liabilities from and after thlt A. M'AHL. hacrami nto. November 17. ist.2. ROGERS' | Woven Edge Typewriter Ribbons. ALL OBJECTIONABLE FEATURES OK the old style removed. No ?muttiiif, ; blurrlnp or _ Ribbons Of any coior for any Instru i ROGERS' IMPROVED TTPEWBITEB OARBON l'.\ "i.Rwlll Dot dry out; air can not affect it. ;H. S. CROCKER CO., Stationers and Printers, ; -OS .. STREET SACRAMENTO. Baker & Hamilton. —.*r<-.RTB_s __»D joni-EBS or— : HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, COAL, PO>A/DER, Agricultural Implements and Machines. BARBED WIRE, CORDAGE, BELTIXG. Bac_-__aento...— _-—-. .California , LAC E CUR TAINS. | QPBIMG TIME HAS ARRIVED, AND O house cl.anlne is underway. Send your Lace Curtains to the AMERICAN STEAM LAUNDRY, Nineteenth and I streets. ©■EHROHS'OFYOUTHsrSS &»I__VooB I.tilUTrplLlA All fmim m _ Nerrons Debfllr. and TVwitrfe^. aati having beon unaac^ co-.n'ty feefatod. will Bnd t_ls famoue .- a wrtata :ud fcpecdy cure lor ' ket mnohood, rtm-ivTe. det^y. t.ahi!ify, lack ot con_den-v,, _: doprceaioi., naliett^.tcn of the : t.-art. yeas memorr. Mtcanatetl nttllty, bad drrnm-, ! tc Pric* JI perbni. orßboxae. which «_iciu»ei___l cse__ for 65. or cation il. iTaiXJDICAI. INSTITIJTE, I " - U 7 _____», i_».- ___f <ntn : 5