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2 DATLYjIECORD-UNION ISSUF.D BY THK SACRAMENTO PUBLISHING COMFANI Office. Third Street, between J and K. THE DAILY RECOKD-UMON~ For one year 96 00 For six months _ _ 3 OQ For three months 1 50 subscriber* served by carriers at Fifteen Cknts per week. In all interior cities and {owns the paper can be bad of the principal Periodical Dealers, Newsmen and Agenta. THE WEEKLY UXIO.V I* the cheapest and most desirable Home, .News and Literary Journal published on tha I't-olflc Coast. Tbe Wiult Union per year 91 50 W These publications are sent either by Mall or Express to agents or single sub scribers with charges prepaid. All I'ostmast •rs are agents. Tbe best advertising mediums on tbe Facitlc Coast. Kntered at the Postoffice at Bacramento as second-clans matter. Iteeord-Union—Telephone Xo. 40. For Editorial Rooms, ring one bell. For Business utiice, ring tbree bells. Special Agencies. This paper ls for sale at tbe Allowing places: ___, P. Fisher's, room 21, Merchants' Exchange, California gtreet; the principal News Stands and Hotels, and at the Market-street Farry, ban Francisoo. Los Angeles.—Eclectic Book Store, corner ; Becoud and Main streets. Ban Diego.—Emmal __ Co., 860 Filth street. Coronado.—Hopkins <__ Cox, Coronado ' Hotel. Banta Barbara.-Hassiußer's Newt Depot. Fresno.—C. T. Cearlcy, 1111 J street. Banta Crcz.—Cooper Bros. News Depot. tm- Also, for sale on all Trams leaving and eoniing Into Sacramento. Eastern Business Office*. 48 Tribune Building, Xew York, 609 "The Rook, ry," Chicago. *■ C. Beckwith. sole agent foreign advert lilo*. At ("hlcao-o. Visitor** to the World's Fair can get the lt-.Cilin-UN ion at the Urand Pacific and Great i Northern Hotels and at Mai-Donald dt Co.'s news agency, 58 Washington stroot. The Recoiid-Union and Weekly Union are lite only papers on the Coast, outside of Am Erancisco, that re ceive the full Associated Press Dis patches from all parts of the world. Out kide of San Francisco, tliey have no com petitors, either in influence or home and yeneral circulation throughout the State. Weather Forecast. Official forecast for the twenty-four bours ending at midnight August 12th: Northern I California—Flair weal boi, cooler in the Bw ra mento Valley; warmer along the coast; nortii ] to west winds. WHAT DX. BROCK THINK-; OF US. lir. Brock, in the London Fortnight!,/ Jl, iT <_, tells the English people and ail others some solid truths. Dr. Brock has visited the ci position at Chicago, and lio traveled slowly and observed care fully in many States of the Union. Ho Writes vigorously to disabuse the English mind of tlie idea that the United States is as yet in the very green stage of develop ment. • He tells them that in one hundred yrars this country has made progress aud leached a proud eminence, achieved by European States only through slow ad vances during more than a thousand or liiteen hundred years; and Dr. Brock, to ' i niphasize his allegation and quicken j J British comprehension, adds these sig- ; nificant words: $ "This surprising development is not oy \ any means coniined to commerce, trade, ; and the industrial arts, but covers all j tiiose conditions which are manifest iv ■ an advanced civilization.'" Which means that the learned sociol ogist would have the people of Europe understand that they make themselves ridiculous when tliey estimate the Amer ican States and their people as infinitely or at all inferior. That European society is older and fuller developed in art and architecture, and is more advanced in higher and technical education is to be conceded ; that European society is more Belect and in many respects is more re fined is due to the age and the monarch ical conditions. But, as Dr. Brook tells the Europeans, the people of America, in matorial wealth, in conquests over nature, tiie occupancy of new lands, the peopling of the couutry, development of territory, the upbuilding and variety of industries, the establishment of institutions of popu lar education, in agricultural and me chanic arts, in the volume of industries and the aggregate of values handled by tin-in, in progress in mining, in coinage of gold and silver, in marvelous pros perity, in railroad construction, in com fortable conditions of all classes, have made advances in a hundred years that Europe has not made in a thousand and bas not surpassed during the spaoe of fifteen hundred years. He goes further than this, and declares that it is all directly due to the forms of constitutional government, constitutions interpreting liberty, protection and j human right. In conclusion, the learned writer tells bis European readers that "the American people are the most comfortably housed, tlie best clothed and the best fed people in the world; and they are advancing on right lines to a higher, better and purer civilization than has ever before existed in the world's history." The doctor ought to have added that England, Germany, France and Italy are ! Bonding to us constantly people wbo look j upon this country through very different glasses; who make first use of their new found privileges to declare that every thing is all wrong here; that labor is op pressed, human right tyrannically cir- j c inscribed, personal liberty manacled, the conditions of toil abhorrent, the iaws oppressive, the people's officers au autocratic class, the people's government \ a mockery, the American social system a i .ham and a cheat, and that the right thing ! and only thing to do is to "stab the iaw," upturn order, cry havoc and let slip the dogs of anarchy. If Dr. Brock is right. then we are wrong in tolerating such people his Europe sends to us as would undo all the achievements with which be credits us. __ -«. RIGHT ACTION. Police Judge Buckley has rendered a decision in accordance with well-estab lished principles of law that must go a long way in relieving the Trustees of any possible embarrassment in the matter of | SACKAMEXTO DAILY RECOBD-UNION, SATFimAY, AUGUST 12, 189.3.-EIGIIT PAGES. issuing and revoking licenses. For years it bas been the custom to permit tho i takers of licenses to browbeat and over- i ride tbe authorities whenever an attempt : wus made to limit license issues for the keeping of drink places. Notoriously, j last year the license holders defied the ] Trustees and challenged their right to re- j yoke or to refuse licenses for such places. Judge Buckley holds that license issu- j ing is a police regulation, and so is license | revocation. That there is no such thing as a "right" to a license; on the contrary, it j is a mere privilege, within tbe discretion of the municipal body. That a license is I not a contract—indeed, the ordinance j under which it is issued specifically re- i tains the right in the city to call in the license and conclude the privilege at will. The holder of a license takes it under ! such condition aud is estopped from denying it. This commendable decision should en courage the Trustees to go ou with the good work, and close out the dives, and shut up all saloons that by private en- j trances aro made lures and snares for ' women, girls and the unwary. Cities ! have the right to protect themselves against any andall influences detrimental I to good morals, order and the well-being ; of the people. If it were not so, liberty would mean the right to do that which injures one's neighbor, without let or j hindrance. It has been too much so all j along in this city. Liberty bas seemed to be enjoyed ouly by the lawless and theso who ignore the rights of others. Unfortunately, our authorities in the last few years have been very weak-kneed in protecting tbe right of tbose wbo wish good ordor, peace and quietness. The bour for a change for the better has been struck by Judge Buckley. , „. . LEECH AND WIIITE O.N SILVEIt. j Ex-Director of the United States Mint, Edward <_. Leech, pronounces emphatic ally, in the For tun, for a single standard of value, and believes that therein lies our financial safety. Since the actiou of British India, be declares that (except Mexico, whose coinage cuts no figure in the case., ours is now the only country buying silver bullion and coining it into legal-tender money. Mr. Loech remarks upon tbis in these words: This policy has already resulted in changing oar currency from gold to sliver, and lias created widespread distrust ol our ability to maintain the gold, standard. It is noi possible, now that barbaric ludia, our great silver ally, lia- 1 idled down her silver iuoi and taken steps Us coniorm her monetary system to tbat ot the civilized world, tbat tbe United States will continue to act in mouetury isolation, iv ..i tbe resi ol tbe world, and stiil fur ther imperil its magnlfleent prosperity and credit by paying ..old for a discarded, a depre ciated and a depreciating metal, it must be remembered that whatever importance there may be in the ose of money as a in, dium of exchange, Its greatest value is as a measure of all,-.and that in Ihis respect the I'nited siates lias not departed since 1534 from the gold standard. Gold is still the sole standard of value in tiie I'nited Slates, both legally and actu lly. aud the determination and ability of the United states to main am all its money at a pai ily with gold is still unabated. While the road back lo sale financial principles may bi rough aud stony, it is still open, aud the sooner we enter upon lt the surer will he our reiiel irom tne present distressing and threat ening business difiiculties. To a great extent Horace White, the eminent financier, agrees with Mr. Leech in this matter. He has written an essay declaring his belief to be that while tho closing of tbe Indian mints to silver has really acted beneficially, instead of harm fully, the present scarcity of money in our country is unrelieved by the sur plus ot Kurope, solely ou account of the silver scare. Mr. White says that he can recall no other time iv our history within his recollection, when the offers of high rates of interest have failed to at tract foreign capital to America. _» ,— ROADS AND WALKING. It is said that the English women are stronger and more healthful than our women, becauso they walk more. The English woman thinks nothing of a live mile walk before breakfast. But what provision do we make for walking in this country, outside of the streets and stone walks of the cities? Who has ever seen a woman attempting to walk upon a Califoruia country highway and bas not pitied the poor creature from the bot tom of his heart as she waded through weeds, cockleburrs, dust and sticky plants aud over the rocky or knobby ground. What inducement is there foi people to engage in the exercise of walking here? Our roads certainly do not invite them; on the contrary, they actually repulse. Thousands of people who would take tive and even ten-mile country walks and think nothing of it do not indulge now, j mpsily because the roads forbid, no pro- I vision being made for pedestrians. In I France every main highway in the Re- j public has on either side well-kept walk- j ways for pedestrians. A farmer's wife can there visit another's without riding; children cau reach their sehoolhouses in a neat and cleanly condition, and men can walk upon the highway and not soil their holiday attire. For these reasons, as well as for others, we hold that road building should not be put upon the country alone, but upou ail the people, those of towns as well as of rural parts. Both classes have equal interest in good roads; both use them, and there is no reason, therefore, in charging the cost and committing the administration to one ciass to the exclusion ofthe other. The Chicago Herald is merciless and vulgar. It denounces the silver platform of the Chicago convention as a rehash of coarse and unsavory historical falsehoods, libels on distinguished men, living and dead, the calamity shrieks of stark-naked fallacies and the stock in trade of a con glomerate crowd of silver mining mill ionaires and wild-eyed money-maniacs. This is alliteratively very well put, but it is brutal, and does not comport with the dignity of a first-class journal, and be side it is not all true. ___. The entire official force of the kingdom of Italy is engaged in concealing and j suppressing the facts about the cholera ! epidemic in that country. This is the I worst bit of policy that bas ever been j adopted by a civilized people. The facts leak out, however, about the conditions in Italy, aud they are bad enough. The ; ! pest rages in Naples, and the authorities I appear to be unable to control iL Iv i breeding places are in groups of wells into which garbage is dumped, but from . which people are still permitted to draw a water supply. In this country that ! source would be closed out before the _c j count of it could be written. Italy is a j I good place to stay away from just now, ; and as to the governments of the world, i tbey should one and all quarantine abso- ' j lutoly agaiust all Italian ports, since the j ! Italian Government by its insane policy ] renders it impossible to distinguish be- i ; tween cleau aud infected ports. The silver men, according to that I ! erratic and radical enthusiast, Colonel I Fisk, who created much amusement at thu Trausmississippi Congress, are to boy cott the rest of the country if Congress does uot do just what the Fisk faction wants done. Among other thing-, tbo pension list is to be enlarged so as to tako in all the Confederate veterans, all I tho cousins, aunts and uncles of soldiers, and their cronies; then an income-tax j law is to be passed, aud tho people of the Atlantic East are to be taxed heavily to ; meet the pension expenditure. AU this is as silly chatter as was ever indulged j in. But then Fisk is the sort of man for j that business. He is remarkable for the iength of his writings, and while a man | of considerable ability, he never knows : | when he comes to the place to stop, either in an essay, a speech, or a threat. _■_- _ The Courier-Journal says England bas given evidence of no desire to annex Hawaii, and therefore we need have no ; fear iv that quarter. Indeed? But Kng- I land never does run about spouting of her intentions. Her Cabinet makes up its mind without tbe aid of newspapers or telegraphic correspondents, and when it acts the thing is done. We believe, however, that there is evidence in plenty i that Kngland has long cast a lustful eye j upon Hawaii. Such a plum could not fail to make a monarchial mouth water. j A uiid-I'acitic station is, of all things | else, the one great desire of Kngland. Of tbis desire sbe has not been especially se cretive, and, in fact, there is not a nation in Kurope thai would not jump at the chance to gain such a footing at our very doors. - -_»_ ___ A San Francisco paper comments sagely upou the shrewdness of tlie Long Islaud girl who slipped oil' her shoes in a sinking boat, and by the occupants using tbem as baling vessels the iives of tbo sailing party were saved. Tbe San Frau cisco paper suggests tbat tbo publication of the story may serve a useful purpose, as indicating how drowning maj' be pre vented where tbo ordinary baling basin is lacking. That will do well for the lati tude aud longitude of San Francisco, and for the girls of tbe metropolis. The inci dent has no value in tbis quarter, how ever. The boat would sink if freighted with Sacramonto girls. No vessel could be saved tbat was dependent upou such small baling appliances as tbe shoes of our girls. Down below, however, a single ] slipper would serve to lower the tide. ._». . Georoe Augustus Sai.a is quoted by a San Francisco contemporary as declar- I ing that while in-almost all othor callings | of the professional order versatility is a drawback, in journalism it is an essential qualification. Tbis is so true iv tbese days, that a newspaper man who ia not versatile, ready for auy and all kinds of newspaper work, with few exceptions, adaptable, plastic to the need of tbe hour and his paper, is really out of his ele ment and ought to get into some calling that requires only a groove for its track. — __» If the paper is not misreported, and the SU Louis (Republic did say that "what is not Democratic is dangerous," I then that paper said a very silly thing, j and deserves contempt. No party ever j yet absorbed all political virtue or wis- i dom, and no party was ever yet entitled I to say that its opponents held uo position not dangerous. _ ___. Let Sacramento vote down the clear water proposition and she may as well hang her harp upon a willow tree. She has been promising the people of the State pure, clear water for the Capital city for twenty years and now there must be performance. The hour has struck ; when "talk" will no longer be tolerated, j The anarchists refused to leave the So cialistic Congress at Zurich and had to be ejected by force. This was all right; the anarchists were consistent: tbey simply lived up to the law of their creed, "resist all things orderly." ' = THE KIN-.PEL FAILURE. Sheriff O'Neil Submits His Report to the Superior Court, It was expected that there would be another hearing with relerence to the pe culiar failure of Mrs. Bertha Kinspel's grocery business yesterday in the Su perior Court, but owing to tne absence of Judge Catlin no further evidence was takeu. Sheriff O'Neil, as receiver of the prop erty, reported to Judge Prewett that he had sold the stock of groceries for £!___. He further reported that, after he had been appointed receiver, he was informed that one Solomon, a merchant at .-san Pablo, had received from .Mrs. Kinspel and her husband a large quantity of merchandise, as wei. as a horse and harness and delivery wagou. The Sheriff went to Sau Pablo aud obtained the prop erty from Solomon, who protested against delivering tbe property. The Sheritf said he had not disposed of tbis property, for the reason that an assignee must be appoiuted, and he prefers that the assignee and Solomon should settle the right of title to the property. The receiver's report was approved. The taking of evidence in the hearing de manded by the creditors, was postponed for two weeks. ___ First Blood for the County. Judge Prewett, acting tor Judge Catlin, ! sustained the defense's demurrer yester- '. day in the suit brought by Assistant Dis- j trict Attorney J. Charles Jones against j l the county to compel the payment qi bis ; salary. The ruling was on a technicality, i and Mr. Jones will amend his complaint ; and try again. ♦ Eighty Cars of Fruit. Sacramento still holds up her cud as a fruit shipping center, the shipments in creasing every year. On Thursday eighty carloads of fruit were shipped from this city for the East, most of which was pro duced in this vicinity, and the remainder ; brought here from outlying fruit districts. A NIGHT OK MUdlO. Splendid l'ro_;i-uiiiiii_, tin* tho I'laza To-morrow Nielli. Following is _t.eproct___Bl-___.Of music to bo played at th.. Piatt OH Sunday night, at7:3oo'clock, sharp, by the Second In fantry Band (C. A. .Noalo, Conductor. It is claimed to be the linest complete pro gramme over played by this band, and Contains several oftho finest selection. exlant for a military band. Mr. Neale requests moaio-lovera to be on band early, as the numbers aro choice from tbe beginning ofthe programme. ••liul. Oolnmbia." 1. March, "The Corcoran Cadets" Sousa 2. Overture,"Jub I ' I. M. Yon Weber y. Grand American Pantanata, " lone pictures of tbe North and Mouth," a line collection of old-time American air- "My Mary land," "Old Zip Coon," "Bonnie ESlolae," "Carry Me Baca," "Arkansaw Traveler," etc. 4. Finale from the Opera Ariele/'TheDaugbert of the Air" K. Bach 5. Urand tantiisin cornet solo, "L:i favorita" Hartman (Performed by Chaa. B. Ellerman.) 6. Grand seleetlon, "Lucia cli Laiumurmoor" (Including the beautiful sextel 1 ... Domett! 7. Selection, descriptive of a trip 10 Covey Island: The march to tlie boat -all aboard—"A Life on the Ocean Wave"— steamboat orchestra, with ilute tolo Ju bilee singers—first landing, passing—free and easy—a row—"The Little Uerman Band" play **T ii, Blue Danube"—Arrive at West Brighton Hotel—enter tbe greatest Uviiij_c cornet ist solo, "A Btorm" and ■("ciouring i.'p". Seidl'a famous orchestra in Lohengrin :a iroad Boene—Gll more's Band In "Anvil unorus"—fireworks—and home again. _. Caprice, Herolque, "Awakening of the Lion" Lil Kontstu Special attention is called to Nos. 2, 4, ti and 8, as beiug the linest of tbeir class. The cornet solo, "La Favorita," is a dif ficult number, and oue very seldom at tempted. Mr. Filerman will come ap irom San Fraucisco especially for this oc casion. No. 7, the "Coney Islaud," is tbe best of iU class of descriptive music, and even to those who have never made the trip will give a good idea ofthe same. No. -i is justly popular, containing many old-time melodies. If tbo program me does not run too late, a new featuro will lie presented—a cornet quartet, by Damm ler. How Williamson Worked It. The lawn mower which was in the possession of a man named Williamson, arrested by Deputy Constable Brissel on suspicion Thursday, has been identified as the property of Fred Birdsall. it ap- I pears that Williamson applied to tho I Chinese domestic at tbo Birdsall mansion fora mower, saying it was lor a neigh bor and would be returned. Tbe Cbina man supposed it was all right, and gavo him the mower. Williamson took it down town then, and was trying to sell it when arrested. -•> Snite Fair Employes. In addition to the State Fair employes whose names were published yesterday, Harry Preston has been appointed Clerk of the course and Fred Chase Entry Clerk at tbe park. Church Jloticco. F'OUIMEENTII-STI.EKTPi{E.SHVri:i:iAN Church, between o and P.—Preaching by Ke' . W. 11. Baugb at 11 a. ___, and s p. _. Horning subject: "Pilgnmaeg." Evening theme: •■!;■ s:." All w loome. Seats free. ME. CHURCH SO! Tll-11. W, CONEY . D. !>.. pastor. Preaching at 11 a. it, and sp. m. Mens pra ver-meetlng at l" v. H Epworth League al ti:4s P. K. C'f. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, IO Eighth street.between I an 1 J.—Rev.o. a. Ottmann, rector. Bervieea al T:;io a.m.. 11 v. «..<;:■. m. Sunday-school at 16:45. Music: -I'i-Ileum," Pease in E flat. Offertory, "O thou that tellest," ooniraito solo from "Mes siah." C IXTEENTH - STREET LUT hTeTn f* 1 1 nurch. -Rev. W. S. Hoskinson. Morn ing: "1 s ,11 Not Want.-' A Cordial welcome fur yon. No evening services. * MIXTH-STREEI M. E. CHURCH, BE- O tween X and L.—The pastor. Hey. T. C. (Jeorge. will preach morning andevening. Sabbath-school at 12:15. Epworth League at 0:43. You will be very welcome. • VSTESTMINBTEH PRESBYTERIA N V> Church, corner of Sixth and Lstreets.— Key. H. M. Stevenson, pastor—At 10:45 am. baptism of iiitnnts. Subject ol sermon "(>| eiiin..* of Christ's Publio Ministry." Sub ject at . :45 p. H_: "Seeing the Man." gftractot jtoticcft. IF AFFLICTED with Sore Eyes nse Dr. ISAAC THOMPSON'S EYE WATER. Sold at 25 eenta. g $tcn> ero-cian. " k TRIP TO THE WORLDS FAIR." J\ AUGUST ISth, at the Sixth-street Church, Hey. Thomas Filben will deliver a 1 lecture Illustrated with magnltlcent views. j Admission, Uoe; children, 10c. lt Special Auction Sale. I K. E. GKEER & CC»7ioo4*ioo() J STREET WILL •SELI. ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 12th, AT lo A. St., two fine Oak Bedroom Suites, two Pine lieuroom Suites, one tine Parlor Suite, elegant China Tea Set, one Sideboard, one fine Oak Bookcase, one Piano, one Japan ese Screen, line Oil Paintings, one pair elegant Portiers aud Pole, oue Oak Hat Tne, one Chif fonier, two Gasoline Stoves, set Double Har ness, Single Hanie-s. Horses, Buggies, etc. N. B.—One Chest Carpenter's Pools, one Chest Machinist's Tools. All the above will be sold without reserve. Sale positive. Terms, Cash. R. E. GREEK ft CO., Auctioneers, 1004-1006 J St jps-xjcxionsr s-A-Le: At 323 J Street, at 10 o'clock A. K. 2_^ T O - U A V *\Z _3 _______ & CO. \\TILI_ SELL ALL THE FC*__U9lT___B OF \\ residence No. 1724 Sixteenth street, ci .slating of everything in the housekeeping line. If you wan; nice Bedroom Sets, line Walnut Bookcase. Walnut Extension. 'Tables, elegant Silk Eace Curtains, sph ndid Feather Pidows; in fact, anything iv the line of Parlor, Hedroom, Dining-room or Kitcheu Furniture, Crockery or Glassware, Banging Lamps or Mason's Fruit Jars, come to our sale TO-DAY at 10 A. ■_, as our store is crowded full and we must sell to make room for other goods. Don't miss It. as there will be io;s of bargains. Also regular salesday for liorsi s. Harness and Wagons, tv Sale posi tive. Terms, Cash. BELL si CO., AUCTIONEERS, XO. 323 J ST. SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF Three Buildings for the Veterans' Home Association. JN ACCORDANCE WITH A RESOLUTION adopted by the Board of Directors of the veterans' Home Association July k.7, lbH3, sealed proposals will be received ou and after AUGUST 7. Isy3,aud up to and including SEPTEMBER 13. 1898. for performing the labor ano furnishing the materials for erect ing three buildings lor the Veterans' Home Association, to wit: One dining-room and kitchen (combined;: one ten-room, two-story eotta.e, and one eight-room two-stor.v cottage, to be built at the Veterans' Home. Yountville, in Napa County, state of Calllornia, as per plans and speeiflcatlons prepared by W. H. vv hat-It, archil, ct. plans aud specifications, and tlie de script ions and bills of materials, can be seen from this time until and including September 19, l_d<3, at the office of sa.d association. Room 13. No. 32u Sansome sireet, San Eran cisco, California, and on the last named day a contract or contracts will be made based on such sealed proposals. The work to be dose under the supervision and direction of said W. H. Wbarfl, architect, and the Buildings and Grounds Committee of the Board of Directors of said association, 1 and each building must be completed wituln NINETY working days of tbe dale of the ' award of the contract. NOTICE-Bidders will estimate and bid separately on eacn of the above-named build ings; and as to eacn building, bidders will [ estimate and tnajju separate proposals for, ; first, carpenter and plaster work: second. 1 plumbing, heating, steam and gas-iitting; 1 third, painting, graining and varnishlm.'; . tinning and gal Tan ited Iron work; I with the distinct understanding that a sepa rate contra t wi,; be awarded for eacn class of work ab ye specified, and to the lowest re el-* msibie bidder tberefor. The Board of Lilreetors reserves the right to ! reject any and all bids. By orderof the Board of Directors. j aull-4'.S J. J. SCOVILLE, Secretary. -_-___-^ rrr __________ = i^ate jßvoa. Sc (tio. ~~ "SILVER? Its Market Value is on the Rise. SO ARE THE BARGAINS AT ANNUAL SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE. Tliey won't last forever, and if you are in need of anything in our line 'twill profit you to give us an early call. \ FOR TO-DAY. Three New Offerings in Cents Wm. FIRST—S6 FOR $3 50. Men's Fine French Calf Congress or Hook and Lace Dress Shoes, with flexible, hand-sewed soles. .A regular $6 shoe; to close at $3 so per pair. SECOND—6Sc FOR 33^a An assorted lot of Gents' Fine Balbriggan Under shirts. Also some sizes in Drawers-, colors, unbleached, blue and gray. Value, 6sc Sale price, yxc per gar ment. THIRD—2Sc FOR 10c. One lot of Extra Strong Suspenders with leather ends. Value, 25c. Sale price, ioc each. reductionsln shoes. I Youths' or Misses' Puritan or Kangaroo Calf Shoes, neat tip toes, unlined; a tine vacation shoe. Sale price for sizes u% to 2, $1 per pair. Ladies' French Kid Lace Oxfords, fancy silk-mixed cloth tops, patent leather tips and low heels. Value, $4. Sale price, $2 50 per pair. Misses' Russet Button Shoes, spring-heel, tip toe; sizes, nh to 2. Value, $2. Sale price, $1 as. Boys' Seamless Hook and Lace Shoes, square toe and tip, good, solid soles; sizes, 2' to $. Value, $1 so. Sale price, 03c per pair. Ladies' Red Lace Oxfords, low, French heel, hand turned soles. Vaiue, $4 so. Sale price, $2 qs per pair. An examination of other stocks will not only post you as to what we are doing but interest and benefit you. HALE BROST & CO. 11l MEAL VAPOR STOVES! __f-______»K-K«W9*9| OAT T\ AY[ T^TYTT? 1 Remember, the hottest weather is uULIJ Ul\ llA__J__/_ yet to come, and what would be nicer than a Quick Meal Vapor Stove to do your cooking and keep your kitchen cool ? REMEMBER, it costs less by half to run a Quick Meal Stove than that of wood or coal. Remember, too, tha Quick Meal Stove gives out no heat and will cook a meal in ten minutes. ' We are selling the old style Quick Meal Stoves as follows: 1-burner Quick IVleal, - $3 OO 2-burner Cjulck Meal, -_._,_. _______ es 3-burner Quick Meal, - -y _3S L L LEWIS & CO., 502 and 504 J street, Sacramento. BICYCLES il GUNS REPAIRED! Competent Mechanics. KIMBALL _fc UPSON, - <J2s and 0.27 J Street. .3U_rttcm». AUCTION! AUCTION! AUCTION! AT'OUR ATTENTION* IS CALLED To AN X auction sale to beheld under our direction AUGUST 16, 1893, AX 10:30 /\. IVI., Of the Entire Stock of Groceries, Store- Fixtures, Horae and Wajjon, Cash Register, Patent Retrljrerator, Etc. Splendid Opportunity for Securing a Bargain. WSALE ON PREMISES: 100 l J ST. EDWIN K. ALSIP & CO., Real Estate and Insurancce, 1015 Fourth Sl I ; aull-5t W. H. SHERBUItN, Auctioneer. CAPT. RUHSTALLER'S Kxtra Gilt Edge MADE OF HOPS AND MALT ONLY, IS THE BEST BEER IX THE WORLD TRY IT. Summer Stealer*. RICHARDS & KNOX DEALERS IN LUMBER Offloe—Corner second aud M Streets, Saoramento^ j W.F. FRAZER, WHOLBAU AND KETArL Lumber Dealer. Offloe—Cor. Fiftli and L Streets. T)R. T. FELIX (JOIKtID'S O.t. EVTAI, ** t'BEAJ.. <»H -lAUKAI. 111-. AIT! II EX £5? i^_S^SV Freckles, __tot\_ Patches! J _ J "a*1' **- fs '£^r^ ffl_f _f_f. '''*'■' ____''• r A iy v^ -t'.nci ni. p 3* 1 cm b__n__l-___ we taste ~ __-.*.:: !r*> X—K — jf; ltteb« un It Is ys* cj ya. r ( W°P**ly made. /_», ____-£=3_ J^YfrfK \ ■■-■ - _VK*#!> < I \ t**'I*'*- lJr- I-. A. /_A__^'-i#*7a. t I \9ayar .aid to a //^ _*"PX__tea s^ I^>V_ / ' "^ the hant _/ t\ V** ""^^ "A~ -c-,t \^S j — \ j\/\ v.ill us. them, i nr.ieiid'Gou rands Cream' as the least harmml of all ttu preparations." For sale hyaMdruui. rid rope. I'l-.UD T. H(jl'Kl_.-i, Proprietor, 37 meat ..__>.-.r..-,,,\.» 'n^ „._, l ■ _=* __ j&wmmcr "Resort*. So well known have the curative qualities of BARTLE IT WATEB become that mpSSfi incurable invalids come from all parts of the world en partake of its life tiring lowers esta wfll tind at ths _PK.lM_._i a tele* phone,express and post-office. Advice of resident physician gratis. - i and. Dancing, etc Tiie route Into the fP RINGS can be learned of the nearest ticket agent. For rates, pamphlets,etc., write to Minfrm. •: Onn I, No. __> Fourth St., 3. F. or to B_.KT_._c-n BrstHOß, Lake County, Cal. N. B.—Those unal.le to visit the Bprlngs will be greatly benefited by drinking then • - I '■ ,-,-,. . y-- ... PINE GROVE HOX_EC_U Gold Una Station (Two hundred feet frora Passenger Depot). Placer County, California. THIS HOTEL 18 NEWLY BUILT AND furnished. Best room, east of Hacra tneuto. Altitude, 3,200 feet, l-'lne place for sufferers from pulmouary troubles and maia {ia. Livery Stable In connection. Tha Intel s situated in a pine grove. Pure water. B. ALBERTO .MOODY, Propriet or. "KLAMATH HOT SPRINGS Slaklyoa County, tal. mWENTY MIXES FROM AOER, ON THE 1 Calllornia and Oregon liailroa i. Board nnd service tirst-elas.s; line tishltiL' and huut- Ing; scenerj .rand; large stone hotel; com tnodious aocommodatlons; warm nulphur, steam and t..e famous mud Hatha, for ail blood and skin Jl« uses. A large crave near hot 1, supplied with hammocks, easy chairs, eic. Come to Klamath and spend your sum. n,ei outing. Every attention shown guests Terms, $10 to $12 per week, which Includes baths,etc. Send for circulars. QEOBGE B. STILES, Formerly of Weber Lake, lessee, Beswick, C*1* JylS-lm -LAKE TAHOE. THE GRAND OENTBAI, HOTEL, .LAM X tahoe, ls now open for the season. Special rate tickets, via Truckee, round trip from Sau Francisco to Tahoe, including seven days* board and room at the Grand Central Hot. 1 f-!., and irom Sacramento, $24 6o TicketJ now ou sale at Southern Paciflc onice.. Ton rate tor board und room Sii to $2 r>_» per day. or -sl'.' to $16 per week, accordlnK to rooms. Telephone. Weds. Fargo __ Co "s ex press office aud P.M.omee in hotel 'Daily ■tag< s and steamers to and mass the hotel Thebest point ror lake or river trout flabinir Only fourteen miles from rruckee—two hours' staging. Fine road and grand scenery k , A* J* BAYLEY, Proprietor. _^hoe £ _£uiie_ljO^!t^ ; SEA BEACH HOTEL, SANTA CRUZ, CAL. Tbe Leading Family Hotel, Located on a Blntf Overlooking tbe Beach and Monterey Bay. The Finest Land ami Marine Vlow oa the Coust. QTREET CARS pass die DOOR. F0» 0 terms and Illustrated souvenir apply to JoIIN 1. si 1.1.1 VAN, Propi letor and Manager. FACIKIC OCEAN HOUSE, TUe Leadlne Hotel In the City of ••until Cruz. Conveniently Located on Paci6c Avenue, the Priacipal Strttt MODERN IMPROVEMENTB, NEW MAN agenieut, goo t ia .sti.LIVAN .t CHACE, i'r oi r . rors. thiucir*, ILitm-, $e*V, <ttc. EBNER BROS. COMPANY, 110-1 IS X street. Front aud Sec*o_«-I, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEAL ■ r- i;i Wines and Liquors. M. CRONAN, «30 X St.. and 1108-1110 Third St., Snornmento, Cal., IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER In Fine Whiskies, Brandies and Cham pagne; JUST ARRIVED EX. SHIP EDEN BALLYMOBE, FROM Antwerp, twenty five rjarrels of re-lm ported Bourbou Nutwood Whisky, to be had Xt Capital Ale Vaults, nuD meicautile I.nn* h in city. N AGILE .1 BVENSSON, Proprietors. 302 J "treed. Telephw Only the Choicest Viands Dispensed by JIM <& HARRY, 1 AAO THIRD ST., BET. J ANDK. PABBT J yU." -Milwaukee, Ruhsuller's Steam. White labor geoda fruits, Scefta, ilvobtue, (gtc. GREGORY HRUS. CO^ 180, li'J, 120 and 128 J streot. Wholesale Dealers ln FRUIT AND PRODUCE. Sole :i_rents Inr the Davi- Green Fruit Pack lng Macliiue. Bend lor circulars. TRY SANTA PAULA LEMONS. \V. H. WOOD & CO., ACENTS. TTTHOLESALE DEALERS IN OALI XX lornia, Oreeon and Nevada Fruit P:< cluc , Keno Creamery and A. L. W. Butter, aiean, pure and perftct Ilavor. 11l to 1 i.i .1 str.-et. _U» J. FRANK CLARK, UNDERTAKING PARLORS, 1017-1019 Fourrh St., Sacramento. UMB.\LMI.NO A SPECIALTY. QEOHOB Jj H CLARK. Funeral Director and County Coroner. Te.ephone* No. 134. E. M. KAVANAUGH. Undertaken (Sucee-sor to W. J. Kavanaugbj, No. 51U .1 St., bet. Fttth aud Sixth. ALWAYS ON HAND A LARGE ASSORT ment of Metallic and Wooden Caskets. l.ur:a. Cases, Coffins and Shrouds furnished. Coflin orders will receive prompt attention on short notice and at tlie lowest rates. Em, balmlng a specialty. Oflloe open day and i;._ht. Telephone No. 805. TrainsT Tripe, Oxiails, Pig Tongues, Sheep Tongues, Calves' Heads and a va riety of Cooked Meats fresh ever) Way, at Mohr t£ Yoerk's Packing Co. VEGETABLES. THE FINEST TO BE FOUND IS THE market, at R. A. OLMSTEAD & CO.'S, Corner J'ourth and I_ strata. Also, dealers ln Groceries, Provisions and General Family Supplies Wire Cloth, Rubber Hose, LAWN HQWEK-i HillLSfi TACKLE HARDWARE. SCHAW, LN'GRAM, BATCHER k CO., •17 and Stt% J /Btreet.