Newspaper Page Text
RECLAIMERS AT WAR. The Supervisors Hear Some of the Troubles of a District. , Wrangling Over an Assessment—Tbe Counti* Jail Prisoners Nearly Lose Their Tobacco. The Supervisors met as Swamp Land Commissioners yesterday forenoon. Afte# a number of claims against Reclamation District No. SIB had been audited, ex-Judge J. W. Armstrong pre sented a petition to the board from tho trustees of that district asking that the board appoint Commissioners to leavy an assessment upon the district for the pur pose of raising fuuds to further prose- Cute works of reclamation and improve __uerit. It appears tliat the landowners in this district are divided into two factious, which are lighting each other. Albert M. Johnson, for the faction opposed to tho trustees aud their followers, addressed the board when .ludiro Armstrong bail liuished. He objected to the petition be ing considered for the reason that his clients had not been consulted with refer ence to the petition. He declared also that the proposed new work was un necessary aud not desired by a majority of the owners in the district. THE JUDOE REPLII. .. In reply to Mr. Johnson Judge Arm strong said that tho most of the assess ment was for repairs to the levee, and everybody would bo benefited by such repairs. Unless the repairs are now made it would soon be too late to complete the work and the land would be in such a condition tbat it would bo impossible to gather a good crop. Mr. Johnson said that it was not necessary to be urgent in tbe matter, as the other land-owners in the district had never been consulted ou the subject, and they should be given a chance to be heard. He asked that consideration oi the petition to appoint Commissioners be deferred ten days, to givethe laud-ownors In the district an opportunity to settle the matter among themselves. Supervisor Curtis, who owns land in Om district, thought that the matter nhould be deferred, aud moved that it be considered on August 23d. ! ho motion was carried. Major W. A. Gott presented to the liouru a petition from the trustees of Dis trlct No. HL, asking for the appointment ol i ouimissioners to levy an assessment t' raiso funds for reclamation. This isa n w district and no disturbing elements have bobbed up yet, so there was no op j -ition. lhe board granted the prayer ol the petition, and appointed T. W. Is eau, William Holttum and A. T. J. Reynolds as Commissioners. 11. -M. Larue. Jr., presented to the board a petition Irom the owners in mation District No. 341, asking that the boui I set a date and call an election of ■ rs for mat district. 1 vi motion of Supervisor Jenkins the prayer ol the petition wus granted, und !iii*r lyth wus listed for the election. Judges aud inspectors were also up pointed. wast their CREDITS. Lawyer Platnauer called the board's attention to tbe fact that a law wa.s re cently passed allowing Couuty Jail pris oners rive days oil' ofeach mouth of their sentences for good conduct. The Sherit! undor the law, he suid, should furnish a ]'• port to the board as to who Is entitled to the credits. But Sheriff O'Neil had not on ly refused to make any kind of a re port, but liad shut I'latnauer off with the _ .iioniont that he was the sole judge in Urn matter-—that attorneys, Supervisors ami olhor ollioials had nothing to do with tlie matter. Mr. Platnauer was informed that the board was oniy considering swamp land mutters at that timo, but wouid hear him in the afternoon, and would also havo the Sheriff present. Mr. I'latnauer is tho attorney for three prisoners in the County Jail who think ihey aro entitled to credits. Their names ure John Barratt, John Billon and Chailes Lee. MR. CTCRTIS' RECORD. Supervisor Curtis, arising to a question of privilege, asked the board not to con sider him on record as being in favor of u^ing the residue ofthe World's lair ap propriation for the Midwinter Fair ex hibit. True, he argued in lavor of iton '1 hursday, ho said, but since then he had consulted with the District Attorney, and liad beon told that surh a proceeding would be illegal. Ho therefore wanted io go on record as changing nis views, and ns not advocating lurther the proposition he previously suggested. A communication was received from Miss Josie Began asking for a sixty days' leave of absence as a member of the County Board of (education. Sho is going to the World's Fair. lho resignation of R. T. Cohn as in cioxer of the county records was received and tiled, on motion of Mr. Jenkins however, the resignation was not ac cepted immediately, as the board would want to know what work Mi. Cohn had don*. Supervisor Todd was afraid of the document, and warned the board against accepting it at any time. He was afraid laptance would amount to an ad n on the part of the board that Mr. (otm had been in the employ ofthe county. Chairman Morrison said so far as he wus concerned the resignation would nsver bo accepted. His idea was that Mr. Cohn was uot in the employ of the county. Mr. Cohn is one ofthe "extra depu ties" whom the board has recently re fused to pay salaries to. road convention. A communication was received from tlie movers of the proposed Koad Con -v. n.ion, asking that delegates be ap pointed to represent the couuty iv the convention. County Assessor Irvine, President of -sociation, addressed the board in relerence to the good tho convention would do for the State, and suggested tliat the men the board would appoint would ; take interest in the matter aud work for the interests of the county, •sucramento, suid Mr. Irvine, was more interested in the matter than auy other locality in tho Stale, and the delegates from this county I be men ot large caliber and famil ial with the needs of those who travel over roads extensively. J. L. Butler of the Half-Way House, P. B. Beckley of Franklin and Ur. Ci. M. 1 lixon were appoiuted deioguies to repre sent the county. A communication was received from Thomas McCue, who lives near lolsom, informing the board thai his bill ot sio lor a piece of road through his properly had never been paid, lie notitied tho board that unless the money is paid p. d. ; q. lie will close the road. The communi cation was tiled for future consideration. Recess. MODEL PRISONERS. In the afternoon the board met as the .supervisors. Attorney Platnauer re appeared and renewed his request ihat bis three alients in the Couuiy Jail be j giveu the credits allowed them by law j for good behavior. I'nder sheriff Rooney informed thej board that tho three prisoners referred to ' were deserving of the credits, and on ■ motion of Supervisor Todd they were allowed the same. Tbe board then adjourned and con- | yeued again as a Swamp Laud commis- ; sion for the purpose oi approving a batch Of demands agaiust Reclamation Dislriet . N i _ 5 Jo. Reconvening as the Board of Super visors, the members listened to William M. Sims, attorney ior Reclamation Dis trict 335. He presented a petition ask ing the board to call au election of Trus tees in that district, to be held ou Sep tember lilih. Supervisor Curtis called attention to i the la-t that there were two factions in \ this district, ime faction had already beeu before the board requesting a gen- , eral investigation into the recent assess ment levied, and the board set the mat ter for a hearing on the 23d instant. He thought that Sims' petition siiould be heard at tho same time. Mr. Sims said the other matter bad | nothing to do with the election. Any owner in the district had a right to call lor an election. The terms of the pres ent Trustees would expire on the Pith of September aud he did not think they sbould holdover longer than necessary. Chairman -Morrison coincided with Mr. Sims. Ex-Judge Armstrong, attorney for the other faction, came in at this juncture, an 1 asked thai the two matters be con sidered together. He referred to tbe other side as "klcKers," and said tbey should come before the board on the 23d and face the music. j Mr. Curtis moved that Sims' petition be heard on the 23d, and the motion was carried. _-_7X_7_______i KOR PRISONERS. Mr. Morrison olfered a resolution that I the couuty furnish no more tobacco to tho Couuty Jaii prisoners. Supervisor Jenkins opposed the reso lution. He said tobacco did not cost tbe county much, and was one of the few comforts the prisoners had. Ho re minded the Chairman of his own weak ness for clears, and askod him how he would like it to be shut oil' from them. He thought Mr. Morrison had started iv at the wrong end to economize. Hun dreds of dollars a month could be saved to the county by doing away with the chaiu-gaug whereas only a small amount could be saved by stopping oil' the tv bacco. Chairman Morrison said the prisoners in the jail were there for punishment and not for a picnic. Because a man had au appetite for tobacco was no reason why the county should furnish it to him. i'heie were prisoners tbero who had un de-ire for tobacco, but longed for whisky, ile had asm,ich right to be supplied with whisky as the other had to get his to bacco. Thero were those, too, who craved for opium. Why shouldn't they nave ii as well as the other fellow his to bacco? He was iv favor of punishing prisoners in every shape and form, so that they would not como back as hobos. Mo wanted them to keep away from Sec ramento County. Mr. J nkins replied in a witty speech. aad there was considerable fun over il. ile said there were lots of people iv the . .i:l who were there for gelling drunk. ihey might have gone into Mr. Morrison's place and got a little too much lia uor, utter which a brass-buttoned "cop" would take lhem to jail. "oh, my whisky don't kill ou the spot," said the Chairman. "No, that's so," said Mr. Jenkins, "I can testify to that myself." Morrison's resolution was defeated and he declared that alter tbis he would be in lavor of supplying prisoners with opium and whisky, too. "'NEIL'S The opiuion of K. T. Devlin to the eilect that Sheriff O'Neil is not entitled to mileage at tue rate ol 20 cents a mile, as ho has been in the habit of charging, wus then road by the Cierk. It wus simply placed ou iiie. .Major Uelt then addressed the board agaiu witli refereuco to the claim of In gram Sutlilfe, for damages, alleged lo navo boen sustained through beiug dumped into the drainage caual because there was no safety-rail on a bridge on tho Riverside road. The board has here totore refused to consider the claim be cause they claimed that the bridge was undor the control of the city, aud not the county. Mr. Lett said that ail he wanted wat tor the inrurd to either allow or reject the claim so that a suit could be com menced. in motion of Mr. Morrison the claim was rejected. The board then adjourned until to-day. — ______ _ —, SUPERIOR COURT. l)«*l»iirtmont One—Prewett. Presiding. FKIDAY, August llth. In re. A. J. McCormack vs. His Creditors- Order appointing receiver. Peters vs. t.arcia—Continued two weeks. 1 ■'. W. st.iislield vs. His Creditors—A. M. tii > iiiuur appointed assignee. Hanlon vs. Waggoner—Continued two weeks. \Sa_ner vs. Heisen—Continued one week. \V. I. Orth vs. His Creditoia Continued Mollie Kiernan vs. J. H. Klernan; Silva vs. iio.-eathal—Continued two weeks. Martin vs. Kelly et ai.—Contluu.d two weeks. People vs. Capital Furniture Company— i o .tinned two weeks. Mailer of Bertha Kinspel, an insolvent- Eti ceiver'g account allowed. Jane Walsh vs. Cosumnes Tribe ol Ked Men —Continued two weeks. Matter of W. C Overly, an insolvent—Order tor publication granted. Department Two—Prewett, Presiding. Fuiijay, August llth. Estate ol Mary Flaherty, deceased—Peti tion for letters ol administration; continued two weeks. l.state of Mary Richardson, deceased—Order approving saleof real estate. l-state of A. K. iioutwell, deceased—order appointing I-. S. W'achhorsi referee; settle ment of hnul account-und petition lor distri bution; continued two weeks. Kstate aud guardianship of Bryan minors— i uu.niued two weeks. Kstate of Patrick Fagan, deceased Frank Miller granted letters ot administration* bond $11,1100. ' Estate of Sarah J. Oxender, deceased—C C Clements granted letters of administration" bond. *f l.OOO; appraisers, John Kay, J ij' Brewster and J. B. Furnish. Estates of J. It. Gllliiund, Ernest Ehrieh Mary ;•:. Wackman, Uriah Uhler, deceased-- Continued two weeks. fixate of John Brophy, deceased— Martha Brophy grained letters of t-dmlnistratlon bond, $3,200. Estate oi Matthew Madge, deceased—Will admitted lo probate; Martha Madge appointed executrix; appraisers, John Croltou, William Hollum and s.ol Kiinyon. Estate of fillzabetn Duff, deceased—George F. Bronner granted letters of administration. I-s.n'e anil guardianship of Wolf minors orders allowing linal account and attorney ie.»M'S_tiiiii_ guardian fees ol joO; August Weber appointed guardian; bond, $350 to each mi.ior. Estate of Joseph Guth, deceased—! irde: granted to erect monument at a cost of $_>i h i. E-tateof It. W. Hicks, deceased—Oruer to oeil personal property granted. Estate o! ____anle_r, deceased— Decree of due notice to creditors granted. Estate of Adolph Alexander—Decree of due notice t" creditors granted. i:. A. i iray is. EL L.iuiijach -Motion to dis miss appeal irom Justice's Court gran ted. Alex Scruggs vs. J. C. 3 Toggs et al.—De murrer submitted and Ui__eu uuder advise ment and continued two weeks. Frank DeWitt vs. Frank Meckfessel—Con tinued two weeks. John T. Stoll vs. Mrs. M. Leonard—Demurrer overruled; fifteen days to answer. | J. Charles Jones vs. County of Sacranlenlo— Demurrer sustained; ten days to amend. CL W. l'hi'esh. r vs. E. J. Gregory et al.— Continued two weeks. Ix>uise J. linen vs. George Green—Decree of divorce granted. Horatio B. Livermore vs. E. G. Waite Mo tion for a new trial denied. *_*» . Articlea of Incorporation. The following articlesof incorporation have been filed in the office of the Secre tary of State: The Byron Hydraulic Gold Mining ! company of Oakland. Capital stock, SWO.UOo, with S. G. Smyth, Byron C. Hall and B. F. Woollier of Oakland, and Ci. Hazelton and F. Gutmann of San Fran cisco as directors. The Jewess quicksilver Mining Com pany of San Francisco. Capital stock, |1,000,000, with D. F. Hughes of Alameda County, George Ho Igkiss of uaklaud, and Thomas J. McMannis, Adolph Lars bach and John A. Sotzen of Sau Fran- ! cisco as directors. - --♦ . Glimpses ofthe World's Fair. On Friday next, at the Sixth-street ____, , E. Church, Rev. Thomas Filben will de : liver a stereopticon lecture on "A Trip to I the World's Fair." fur the benefit of the Central Church, of which he was formerly ! the pastor. The views have been carefully selected, ! and an entertaining aud instructive even ; ing is promised. This lecture was re ! cently delivered in San Francisco, and ■ drew a large and appreciative audience. , «. Ihe Children's Shelter. Recently a child was received at the Children's Home at Nuith and X streets which shortly afterward WM attacked with eczema, and the disease has spread to the other infants, who are down with ' the disease. They are all doing well, bu; the Home i will not be open to visitors for a week or | more. SACRAMENTO DAILY KECORD-TjyiO_N T. SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1893.-EIGHT PAGES. WANT TO GO TO WORK? Assessor Irvine Says Hundreds of Hop- Pickers Are Needed. A Desire to Give Employment to White People Rath»r* Than Chinese, Japanese ov Indians. "What's all _a.»4a___ I bear about the unemployed ff asked Assessor Irvine yesterday, stopping a Kkcord-Union reporter. ,/ "Guess ytfre's lots of them who cau't get woruj^^entured the scribe. "ThatSo? *\Vell, there's no excuse for thorn not ireuiujt all \he work tliey can attend to right vow—men, women und children. V.'hatdo I mean? Why, just what I say, pi* course. 1 assert, aud can back it up, toi. Jh'at there is plenty of employment to LT? had right hero iv Sac ramento County, to say nothing of the suriotnuUiiK counties. And good, whole some employment, too. I refer to the opportunities iv the hop-tiekls. Being asked to bo more explicit, Mr. Irvine said there were millious of hops to be picked from now until the tirst of November. "There are close on to l,r_ "i acres of hops right here in Saoramento County alone," ho continued, "and hun dreds of men, women and children will Ibe required to pick them. To give you | an idea how mauy people employment lean be given to, lot me tell you that it , takes one hundred pickers thirty days to ] clean up twenty-live acres. Now, last j year the hop-men of this county paid out : 550,000 to the pickers, so you sco tbat was distributed among a good many people. This year the hop acreage is larger, and of course still moro money will be paid out. But the great trouble heretofore has been that all of this money went to Chinamen, Indians and Japs." WHITK PEOPLE PREFERRED. "Don't the hop men want white peo ple?'* asked the reporter. "Want them ! Well, 1 should say they do. There is not a hop man in this county who does not givt- the preference to white people. But the trouble is the white folks don't seem to want this kind of work here. It is not so in the East. There the work is all done by whites, and they are not paid as much as the Calilornia hop mon pay. Why, even up here at Wheat land, in Yuba County, whole families go Into the hou lields and do the work. It used to be done principally by China men, but it is not so now. I want to see Sacramento County like Yuba—none but whites iv the lields. They aro just as good, if not bolter pickers than tiie In dians and Chinese. I have a hopyard myself, and am getting all the whites I can, but of course will have to do us my neighbors will also do, and that is, till iii the gap with tho copper-skins aud red skius." WHAT THE.* CAN EARN. "What wages can the hop-pickers earn?" asked the reporter. "Well, that depends upon their I rapidity. You see, we pay thetn 1 cent ior every pound of hops they pick. An average man can pick at least 200 pounds a day. iho women average from 160 to 175 pounds, and the girl-; and boys about the same. Last year there was a 18-year old girl on my place who picked over 200 pounds a day easily. The families camp right on the lields and it jSirtakes more of a picnic than anything else, ln the East houses are provided for the pickers, but out here we have not done so as vol, as the Chinese aud Indians prefer to sleep outside. But we put up tlie cabins as last as the supply oi whites increases, and would house tnem all if we could got whites exclusively. Now, I'm in earnest about this matter. There's no reason in the world why anybody should be com plaining that there is no work to do, and tbere is no reason in the world why all this monoy should go to Indians, Chinamen and Japs, when needy famil ies of our own color and nee could have it just as well as not. Wo don't want the Mongolians, but we liave to take them, because the hops have to bo picked, aud picked wheu they aro ripe." OTHI.H OOUKTU-S, TOO. Continuing Mr. Irvine said that other counties wauted white hop-pickers just as bad as Sucramento does. Yolo County hopmen will expend between $15,000 and 820,000 this season for picking, and give employment to hundreds. Yuba County wauts more of them, and Lake Couuty, Mendocino and other hop districts were all in the same condition. Apropos to what .Mr. Irvine says, it might be added that the frnit men have beon experiencing about the same trouble getting white pickers, lt was only re cently that a prominent fruit-grower, whoso orchards aro ou Grand Islaud, in formed a Record-Union reporter tiiat despite the cry of "no work" he could not get white men to work, and nono of his neighbors could either, lt was not because they wero not willing to pay good wages, he said, because no fault could bo found on this score. But it was simply a case of not being able to induce anybody to go to work. The fruit was ripening fast, and had to be picked without delay! In their dilemma the fruit men had to full back on the Chinese and Japs again. « A DETECTIVE TRICKED. How a Sagebrush Swindler Played tho Check Swindle. Even shrewd detectives are not always "onto themselves" in the presence of the trained and oily-tongued swindler. If anyone had told Railroad Detective Ben True that a stranger could work off a bogus chock on him tho oflicer would have considered such individual a ht sub ject for an insane asylum. But it was done, just the same, and now the detoctivo has all the ollicers on tho looi-out for Charles ____, Lester of Keno, Nev., on a charge of swindling. It appears that on Wednesday evening a friend of Mr. True's introduced to him Charles SC Lester, just from Reuo, who wished to nave cashed a cheek on a Reno bank for $lt> 55, it being after "baakiug hours." True accommodated the sagebrush tour ist, and the next day deposited tiio check in the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank for collection. Yesterday he learned to his dismay that the check was a bogus one, wherefore the charge riled by him against Lester for swindling. The fact has been learned that tbe fel low had recently served sixty days in the Keno Jail for a similar transaction over there. He came to Sacramonto a few days ago aod put up at a J-street hotel, lie told people about the placo that he was on his way trom Keno to Sau Fraucisco, and had remained here for a few days to see the Capital City and the "elephant" he had so often heard of as being oue of the curiosities here. He was iv no great hurry about leav ing the city to escape the consequences of the trick he had played on the detective, for ou Thursday he called at the poiice station and told the officers ho knew Fredericks, the outlaw, and that he was iv a camp near Rono. He said his name was Hoffman, and he wanted the police department to supply him with money to make the trip there and bring the outlaw back. He did not get the money, per haps for the reason that the police depart ment is dead broke ail the time. Lester is described as a German about 35 years of age, live feet eight inches in hight, with sandy short hair, mustache aud beard, and wore a light brown suit of clothes, all made of similar material. -♦—— ON A BIG SCALE. Some Walnnt Grove Men Incorporate on a Broad l'lane. Articles of incorporation of the Ameri can Investment Company of California were filed with County Clerk Hamilton yesterday. The stockholders are all residents of Walnut Grove, and tbe capital stoclc of the corporation is #o,_KX),OOO, divided into i 500,000 shares valued at $10 each. C. W. Gammon, W. C. Gammon, W. L. Jones, C. A. Barrett and William Holltuin are the projectors. <if tho capital stock (2,000,000 has been actually subscribed— C W. liammon being hooked for |1,909, --900, and the others for SIO each. Walnut CJrove is to be the principal place of business, and the corporation proposes to buy, sell, lease, hire, obtain, develop, improve and dispose of real estate, deal in bonds, stocks and mort gages, build railroads, wagon roads, street railways, bridges, ditches, etc., lo cate town-sites, engage in agricultural pursuits, manufactures—in fact, they are in for anything. THE WEAPON WAS POOR "Which Wat Probably "Why the Chicken Thi.-t" Sue iped. There came near beiug another dead j chicken thief on Thursday morning for j the Coroner to sit liis well-upholstered ! frame upon. C. B. Thompson, who lives on E street, j near Eighth, having sull'ered consider ably lroui the depredations of chicken j thieves, rigged up an alarm aud con | nected it with wires leading to his poultry yard, so that he might bo warned of the presence of tho uo.xt thief that visited liis premises. The thing worked to a charm, for about -o'clock on Thursday morning ho was awakened by a furious ringing of bells in his house. Ho grasped his old-stylo bulldog pistol and rushed out just in timo I to see a man climbing over his back fence. ! Ho opened up lire on tiie enemy and the fellow fell, but again got up and escaped. j leaving his hat behind him as a souvenir j oftho occasion. —*— THE GATES -BoTATE. Dr. 11. tV. Tbonaaa Applies for -Letters of Administration. Dr. E. W. Thomas applied to the Su perior Court yesterday for letters of ad ministration on the estato of" J. li. Gates, deceased. The application was made at the request ofthe widow. The deceased was a well-known resi dent of (ialt, and loft nn estate valued at £-8,000. tt consisted of 825 acres of laud in the Rancho Sau Jon de Los Mokeluui nes, also personal property and monoy. The heirs are, wife, a brother, Truman (iates, residing at Pulton, .Mich.: a sister, j .Mrs. Lucy Goodwin, residing at Chagrin I Falls, ().; a nephew, Louis t.ates, resid | ing at -May lield, i). lucre is also another j brother, but his residence is unknown. Tho .Mercury < llmbiti... Tho Weather Bureau reports show the highest and lowest temperatures yester day to liave been 98° and til , with gentle southerly winds in the morning and evening, while during the forenoon and afternoon light northerly winds prevailed. Weather clear and hot. The barometrical readings at 5 a. m. and o p. n, were 2_U_l and _1!..7i. j inches, respectively. TLe highest and lowest temparatures : one year ago yesterday were 7d and M , and one year ago to-day 88° and fhl°. Alter sundown last evening there was ] a marked lowering of tho temperature Y. W. C A. .Notes. The Young Women's Christian Asso ciation has been presented with a hand some rack lor Indian clubs and dumb bells. It was made and presented by W. Vi. Lewis, Hassett A Miniord kiudlv do nating ilie material. Fish Complexions If you have {tumors, pimples, boils, eruptions, it is because the system needs tontog and pu rifying. Nothing yives such good health, smooth, clean sk?n and vigorous feeling as Simmons Liver Regulator, a simple vege table compound. It stimulates the Liver, cleanses the eyes and skin of yellowness, improves di gestion and makes the breath pure and sweet. "Having sutlered a lon<_' tune with Indiges tion and constipation, mv health became broken and my complexion assumed a \ellow i-h hue After using Simmons Liver Regulator for a short Unu: my health was restored und nl-o Uie fresbnees of mv complexion."—Mus M. Brooks, Clinton, Ga. This Precious Ointment is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a curative and healing application. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. Cures Putts or Hemorrhoids — External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—ltching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures; Fistula in Ano; Worms of the Rectum. The relief is imme diate—the cure certain. WITCH HAZEL OIL Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. The relief isinstant. Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Fis tulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is infallible. Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. Price, 50 Cents. Trial size, 2% Cents. Bold br Drugs!.!., or Bent p_.l-i._id on mai*. ol price. KtJIPUREVS' HED. CO., 111 *11S WUIIsm St., NEW YORK. THE PILE OINTMENT mm^^mm^im^^^?_ r_' mau _m_ _"'*'*' """■' -—*—'—^"?___ LOST __MtA.TV_E.COOD Easily, Quickly and Permanently Restored. C_t-.__Ba_.TEn ExoLisa RzMEnr It is sold on a positive jtf f% guarantee to cure any Em S? **j_f form of nervous pros- i(* o-J 1 tration or any disorder 1 «_n/ of the genital organs of io>__/ Before, by excessive use of Aftor- Tobacco. Alcohol or Opium, or on account of youthful indiscretion or over Indulgence etc.. j pi-iiuess. Convulsions, Wakefulness. Headache, I Mental Depression. Softening of the Brain, Weak Memory. Bearing Down Pains. Seminal Weakness. Hysteria, Nocturnal Emissions, Spermatorrhoea, Loss ol lower and Impotency, which if neglected. may lead to premature old age and insanity. _■ pi?M,Te^B°arameed**p"ce.Bl.ooaboi;6boxes for 85 00. bent by mail on receiptof price. A writ.»n guarantee furnished with every 85.00 order received, to refund the money if a permanent euro is not effected. 0 NERYIA MEDICINE CO.. Detroit, Mich. JOS. HAHN _t CO, Agents, Fifth ancU IU Don't Pay Money for Water! A Solid Extract of Beef is more Eco- • nomieal than a liquid, for th- reason that it Is concentrated, and House keepers wili nnd lt much cheaper to BUY Liebig COMPANY'S Extract of Beef, A solid, concentrated extract, free from Int and gelatine nr any loreign substanccana dissolve It themselves. The ff/ Jf. signature genuine jfc^^^^ *** '* *fj on the jar bas this 0 f3 in blue. For those you love and ciierlsh Secure the shadow ere the substance perish. Gi O T O jgEALS' NEW GALLERY,^ 627 J. corner of Seventh streeL a.- FINF PHOTOGRAPHS. *1 per dozen: CAfiTNETH. 9- per dozen * rnHE WEEKLY UNION IS THE STAJi J. weekly 01 the Macule Coast. FACE ALMOST RAW Eruption from Birth. Doctor and Simple Remedies Failed. Cured ln 3 Weeks by Cuticura. I wish to thank yon for the good that C CTlcri___ has done my child. I send portrait. A short time after its birth its face broke out with seme kind of eruption Icm wjdfe.., suited our family doctor iffljjljlllu \ about it, and lie told mo flE^jljßwVv. * there was i_..t much to be Hp_f_H_..*_Jll ;j. I done for it. We tried some W __— —sis simple remedies, and they n _c^ jgfc vs all faded to do any good. y [y At last I thought to try A *2» J y CiTiei ua. Kemeiues, and A />» ihe result is wonderful. My Tv //* wife u-ed Cltici ra __„.____ -y^-'-^\^r DISS about four tunes a day. At the time we tirst comm enced to use Ci-tici-ha. the face uas almost l>w. lt looked the same as a burn would look if the skin was peeled oif, and after about three weeks' use of the CUTICUKA Keiiedies it was cured. 1 w ill never be without them. XX. A. BANG, 174 William St., Newark, N. J. AN AGGRAVATED ECZEMA Having had an aggravated case of eczema on ankle and knee of two years' standing, I was in duced to try your CCTICI EU RBMSDIES, which bareentirely cnred me. I would with confidence recommend tbem to othi rs similarly afflicted. J. CABXBB, 404 K. 1-Nid Stieet, Xew _.or__. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS Itching, burning eczemas of every species of Itching, scaly, pimply, blotchy skin antl scalp diseases, relieved by a single application and speedily cured by thoCDTICI'BARE-iEDIES, when the best physicians fail. The records or" cures effected by them are not only wonderful, Unt marvellous. They are beyond all doubt tho greatest humor remedies ever compounded. Bold throughout tbe world. Price, CcncrnA, 60.-.; Soap,2sc.; Resolvent, ft-. Potteb Dsca and Chem. Coup., Sole Proprietors, Bonton. ti' " How to Cure Skin Diseases," mailed free. DlMl'l''-^* blackheads, red, rough, chapped, und I 111 l oily skin cured by Cdtiouba So__. A SHORT BBEATH ~ &o^_.,j Chest Pains, Soreness, Weakness, 5/JCifc Co°6h, Asthma, Pleurisy, and In- __amraatlox* relieved inoneiniiiute v _)»-_* s j by the Cottcnra A-t-UPaln Plaster. KEELEY [NSTITUTE, —SII'IATED AT Auburn, - - California. Renowned lor its Positive Cure of the Liquor, Morphine, Opium, Cocaine and TobSCCfl Habits. mills IS THE ONLY TRKATMI-NT RKC _I ognized as producing a harmless and per fect cure. Over 100,000 Graduates Ti siity tt) its efficacy. Tv There are only THREE QENUINEfBI' Chloride of (.old) KEEL hiy IN.-TITI TKS IN i '.vl.ll-'iillXlA (O. N. Ramsey, General Manager). Are located at Los (/atos, River side and AUBURN. For full information and pai ticulars address KEELEY INSTITUTE, AUBURIM, CAL. TTSdorlu CUAS. 11. DEANE, Manager. (T.HE WEEKLY UNION Is TIIE STAB 1 weekly of the Pacific Coast. CAPAY VALLEY! The Earliest Fruit Land in the State Equal in All Respects to the Famous Yaca Talley, liet It Adjoins, UNPRECEDENTED TERMS. ONLY FOR FIVE YEARS AT 7 PER CBNT.*U Capay Valley is situated in Yolo County, about 90 miles by rail from San Francisco, and is traversed in its entire length by the Woodland, Capay and Clear Lake Railroad, the distance from Esparto to Rumsey being 21 miles. ■ The Capay Valley Land Company is offering the most fertile lands in this beautiful valley upon terms which enable the purchaser to pay for the land out of its own product, viz: Interest only for five years at 7 per cent. The only condition imposed is, that a reasonable pro portion of the land purchased shall be planted to fruit trees or vines. Land may be bought without this condition on payment of 20 per cent, cash and re maining 80 per cent, at the end of five years, with in terest annually in advance, at 7 per cent. The various tracts owned by the Capay Valley Land Company have been subdivided into 10 and 20-acre lots, which axe for sale at prices varying from $50 to $150 per acre. Simi lar unimproved land in Vaca Valley has recendy been sold at $400 to $500 per acre. These Capay Val'ey lands are under the most favor able climatic conditions for the prosecution of profitable fruit growing, and the locality has proved itself to be one ofthe earliest in the State. The grape crop of iBgp from the company's vineyard at Cashmere was picked, dried and shipped to Chicago and Philadelphia before the Fresno County grapes were ripe. The railroad passes through all of the tracts owned by the Capay Valley Land Company, thus insuring excel lent shipping facilities; and land may now be purchased in the immediate proximity of either of the following stations: Capay, Cadenasso, Surrey, Guinda, Sauterne, Cashmere or Rumsey. At many of these places fine orchards of the choicest and earliest varieties of peaches and apricots may already be seen, and during the coming season considerable ad ditional acreage will be planted out. One of the recent sales made by the company was that of the Tancred Tract, containing 600 acres, to a colony association. This tract has been subdivided into forty holdings, all of which will be planted to fruit trees this season. The fine orchards on the Guinda Tract, where 400 acres have been sold, are especially worthy of mention, and it is a significant fact that several of the blocks are owned by successful Vaca Valley fruit-growers, who ex pect to make their earliest shipments from here. FOR MAPS AND ALL INFORMATION REGARDING THE CAPAY VALLEY LANDS APPLY TO OR ADDRESS WM. H. MILLS, Fourth and Townsend Streets. • SAN FRANCISCO. gtoilrgttft t?Ttmc Cable. smuu tim WM [PACIFIC SYSTEM.] JULY 1893. Trains Leave and are Dne to Arrive at Sacramento: LEAVE TRAINS RUN DAILY.ARRIVE 'Fori . (From) 10:50 P Ashland and Portland ' 5:40 A 7:UO A Callstoga und Napa , 11:20 A I 3:00 PCaiistoga und Nui* «:10 P i 10:25 A Deming, El Paso and ICast T:o. r > P 5:00 P Colfax 1005 \ 7:10 P Knights L'ding _t Orovilie' 7:06 A ] 5:oo 1' Los Angeles '■ 10:25 A i 11:40 A Ogden and Fiist—Second I Class 5:45 p fcOO I» central Allantlc Express | for Ogden and E___st 6:;t5 A \ 3:0o PjOrovliu* via Hosev'ie J'n'c 10:15 A I n:3OARed Bluff via Woodland 6:50 P I 3:05 P;Kcd BlulT via Marvsville 10:15 A j 10:30 AlRedding via Willows ... 8:56 P I 6:00 A San Francisco via Benuia 10:30 P 7:00 ASan Frauelsco via Beuicia h:4O P 3:i 0 PSan Francisco via Benicia 8:10 P i;. 05 P Sau Francisco viaßenicia 11:20 A *l(i:Oo A;San Francisco viasteamer \ 6:00 A lti:2s A San Fran, via Livermore 2:50 P 10::_5 A San 2:50 P 6:56 P Santa Barbara 10:95 A *7:00 A Santa Rosa 11:20 A 3:00 I'Santa Rosa »tvlo P 8:20 AlStockton alld Gall 705 P 10:25 AlStockton and Gait 8:50 P 5:55 PStocttton and Gait 10: '5 V 11:40 ATruekee and Keno 6:4b 1' U:00 PlTruckee and Keno 0:35 A 3:00 PlVallejo 11*20 \ 7:ou A| Vallejo 8:10 I' *!:lii I'iFolsoinandl'lacervlUe "0:50 A •11:50 A1F0150m...... _*H:55 AI folsom *2:.5 P •Sunday excepted. [Monday excepted. A—For morning. P—For afternoon. RICHARD GRAY, Gen.Traffic Manager. T H. GOODMAN, Gen. Passenger Agent. JUDSON EXCURSIONS TO WORLD'S Fair.—Judson t v Co. have succeeded In re taining their special privileges and the great scenic route lor the World's Fair ami the East with lowest rate ticket. No crowding to se cure large numbers. Leave Sucramento EV ERY THURSDAY. No cl.unge to Chicago Our own munasjer ln charge. Address JUD SON ,1- CO., D 24 Market street San Fran cisco, or call on C.J. F. pot. Sacra men to. mREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE SU- I pervislng Architect, Washington, D. C. July 2.""), 1893.—SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this otßee until 2 o'clock p.m. on the 3oi ii DAY OF AUGUST, 1893, and op n d immediately thereafter, ior all the labor and materials required to pat in place complete a Heating and Ventilating Appa ratus in the I". S. I'ostodice, etc., Building at Sacramento, Oal,, in accordance with the drawings and specification, copies of which j may be nan on application at this oflice or the office of the Superintendent al Sacramenl i, Oal. No convict labor nor the use of any pm duct ot convict labor will be allowed iii this work. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified cheek for a sum not 1.-ss than:: per cent, oft he amount of the proposal. Theri-ht Isreserved to reject any or all bbls and to waive any defect or Informality tn any bid. if lt be deemed In the interest ol the Govern ment to do so. All proposals received after i the time stated will be returned to the bid : ders. Proposals must be Inclosed in envel opes, sealed and marked "PROPOSAL lor lieanng and Ventilating Apparatus al the it. j S. Postoffiee, etc.. Building, Sacramento, Cal.," ■ and addressed to JEREMIAH O'ROURKE ■ Supervising Architect. aul-TTB6t ' f V_______ 53,__«_i_5*e; F i«l____- -^ splendid Illuminated ___ Ifß lecture entitled "From Er jß-^gtJß]| rim; Youth to Perfect Man jfl. SU hood." Tells ofthe errors i«!k,iV« of youth, the pitfalls for __!■ IrWSS L .vA youn.: men and of Lost ' ,'y'f|H____&i. P anhood' Prine25'=* Sent G^f&fc-^^^ff Hudson," Too much stress cannot be laid upon the great ad vantage to the fruit-grower of being in early locality. In most cases it makes the difference between success and failure. The industrious orchardist of Capay Valley may rest assured that he will derive all the benefits gained by the first fruit shipments of the season, and that 2c acres of this rich land, when the trees are in bearing, will yield a handsome and assured income. The Capay Valley Land Company has an agent re siding in the valley, whose duty it is to show the various tracts to land seekers. Four townsites have been laid out in different points in the valley, viz: Esparto, Cadenasso, Guinda and Rumsey. Town lots may now be purchased at reason able prices and on easy terms. The enterprising and flourishing town of Esparto is situated at the lower end of the valley, and $125,000 worth of substantial buildings have already been erected, including a fine four-story brick hotel, two large brick b.'ocks and waterworks, with pipes laid in the streets, besides extensive warehouses and numerous residences. The town has a postoffice. school-house and a weekly paper, and the fine railroad depot contains telegraph and express offices. Postoffices have also been established at Guinda and Rumsey. This latter place, situated at the head of the valley, is the present terminus of the railroad. The com fortable little hotel makes excellent quarters for hunters as well as land-seekers. The advantages enjoyed by the settler in Capay Val ley may be thus concisely summed up: A soil of great fertility, yielding bountifully of every crop. A soil and climate which will ripen all kinds of fruit and vegetables earlier than anywhere else in the State. A climate perfectly adapted to the curing of rai -ins and drying of frnit, without the aid of artiticial evaporators. A location that is central and close to markets. Railroad communication which enables shipments to be made quickly and cheaply. Lands which are sol 1 cheaper and on better terms than anywhere else in the State. _3u»ilU'B« H. F. ROOT. A_______.H__X_.SO_T, I. ZHUBOOfa boot, neilson & co., UNION FOUNDRY—IROH AM> BRASS I ounders and Machinists, Pront street between N and o. Castings an.i Machinery of every de-. ription made toorder. SACRAMENTO FOUNDRY, FRONT STREET, CORNER OF N WILL IAM GUTENBERGER, Proprietor. Work for sidewalks and buildings a specialty, u.s oline and Steam Engines to order on sbor» notice. WATERHOUSE ft LESTER, DEALERS IN IRON. STEEL, (TMBER land Coal, Wagon Lumber and Carriage Hardware. Ton, 711, 713, 715 J street. S .ermaento. S. CARLE, SUCCESSOR TO CARLE A CROIiY, CoN tractor and Buihler. Orders solicited and : promptness guaranteed. Offlce and shop, ■ 1124 eeoond street, between Kand L. CITY STREET IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. /CONTRACTORS FOR ALL KINDS OF I Street Work, Railway Construction, Wharves, Bridge*, stc. Bacramento oflioe, 411 J stnei Mm Francisco office, room 45, flfth floor. Mills Building. WHERE TO BUY GROCERIES. T J. WINGARD, AT TWENTY-FIFTH ,) . and O streets, lias the best ussortment and at most reasonable rates. CASCBBB, mUMORS, ULCERS, WENS. I.! MI'S AND _l_ Excresrnces. etc., removed and- no knife used. Special treatment for all SkoTfr üblc. Best of references cr Bel tor circular. Rooms 21 aud 23 Postollice Building, corner Fourth and X streets, Sacram* nto. 1i1t.... 11. SHIRLEY. EMPIRE LIVERY STABLE, lAlf** NINTH STREET.—FIRST-CLASS lUID turnouts. GRAFMILLER BROS., Proprietors. TeleDhone 368. AM WvO U R S E L FPH «-- 'iieet, Whites. Ppermatorrlicei-H BttmsOfSm^mny unnatural discharge a___" fl^Vßynu.* 'druggist fer a bottle of HftWl Big Ci. It cures ir. a few days or publicity ofa HB_r"^B doctor. Non-poisonous and Bl^JfcMguaranteed not to stricture. ■Mdric Vnivertal American Cure. *!-* Eft Manufactured by ■B^^^B hp________. vs*- ._______r^El GOftaßflox IMPORTING TAILORS. SZO O -STREET. GKEAT REDUCTION FOR NEXT SIXTY daysln prices of SUMMER GOODS. «_T- First-class workmen. Fit always ..uar antced. THE ROSY FRESHNESS, And a velvety softness of tbe skin b invariably obtained by those who use Po/.zoni's Complexion Powder. 5