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ANOTHER ROUND OF INSTALLATIONS. Many Lodgeiooms Filled to Over flowing. Knights and Ladles, lied Men, Veter ans ofthe Army, Ladles ofthe Olive Branch and Others. The officers of Warren Post, G. A. R., and Edward Roby Circle, Ladies of the G. A. R., wero installed last night, W. R. Sinedburg, Post .Department Com mander, acting as installing otlicer for the post and Mrs. E. D. Shirland as in stalling oliicer for the circle. The ceremonial is an impressive ono, and the address of Mrs. Waggoner, the President of Roby Circle, was an eloquent one and was listened to with tbe deepest attention. Remarks were also made by Commander Jones. The remainder ol the programme was a piano solo by Miss Josie Jones, club swinging by Miss Bon nie Waggoner, a recitation by Miss Pearl Baldwin and some very appropriate and patriotic remarks by Adjutant-General Allen. The ladies of Roby Circle have purchased a beautiful banner, beariug ou one side tbe name and designation of the circle and on the other the emblems of theorder. , , . After the exercises were concluded the crowded assembly adjourned to tbe ban quet-hall, where the veterans proved that the hard-tack and salt-horse diet of the sixties had impaired neither their teeth nor their appetites, and tiie ladies demonstrated that they could enjoy the viands .as well as prepare them. Re marks from several of the comrades were in order and were duly appreciated. The oilicers of Warren i'ost who were installed aro: J. S. Jones, Commander; Harry Moore, S. V. Commander; S. V. Hurlbut, J. V. Coiuiuanaer: M. Rangley, Surgeon; J. J. Gore, Chaplain; <«. H\. Herr, Quartermaster: J. S. Easterbrook, Officer of the Day; Enoch Milier, Officer ol the Guard; D. H. Macdonald, Adjutant. The otlicers of Edward Roby Circle are: President, Mrs. Eliza W. Waggoner; Seuior Vice, Mrs. .Mary J. kitul Ul; Junior Vice, Mrs. Harmonia Jones; Sec retary, Mrs. Relle S. Hern i reasurer, Mrs. Emma Renwick; Chaplain, -Mrs. Betty Bare; Conductor, Mrs. hliza C. Grolhen; Guard, Mrs. Sarah Easterbrook. Tho Pythiau Sister*. California Temple, Pythian Sisters, in stalled its otlicers last nigbt, aa follows: P. C, Hattie Giffen; M. E. C, Lizzie Teb bets; E. S., Emma Morrell; E. J., Shellie Barry; M. of F., Hattie Moore; M. of R. and C, Georgie Guthrie; M. of ¥ Sarah Bragg; P. of T., Samantha Johnson; <>. of T. P.. Emma Kelly; Trustee, Sallie ! Wolf. The oilicers weie installed by D. j D. G. C. Mary Fitzgerald, assisted by Delia Peitit and Carrie 1 owier. Alter the installation a social dance was indulged in and they repaired to the banquet-hall, where a table had been set that would delight the eye of an artist and tempt the appetite of an epicure, ana full justice was done to the viands pre pared ior them. Olive Branch Ladies* Society. Past President Amelia Stunner last night installed the followiug officers of the Olive Branch Ladies' Society, for the ensuing term: Past President, Maggie Wilson; President, Emeline Cronkite; Vice-President, Sophia Graff; Recording Secretary, Delia Haedrich; Financial Sec retary, Flora Knox; Treasurer, Laura Berck; Warden, Laura Clark; Conductor, Josie Van W albeck; Guard, Martha Ma thena; Chaplain. AnnieMonaghan; Pian ist, Lizzie Dillman; outside Guard, Car oline Mohler. At the conclusion of the installation the members repaired to the Maison Faure, to partake of the banquet prepared for them. Voiinji Men's Institute. Capitol Council, Y. M. [____, last night in stalled its oilicers as follows, Kd Tesreau acting as Installing Officer: A. J. Wil soi__y President; John Costre, First Vice- President; George F. McLaughlin, Sec oud Vice-President; .). 11. Davis, Record ing Secretary; Thomas M. Divinney, Fi nancial Secretary; i». McLaughlin, Treas urer: Joseph DeCosta, Manual; Edward Boyian, Sentinel; Executive Committee —John Lodge, James Longshore, Jr., M. Nellis, J. J. Moran, D. J. Loug; Physi cian, Dr. George Ogden. , Knights of Honor. There was a joint installation of officers of California Lodge, No. 1,580, and Unity Lodge, No. 2,068, Knights of Honor, last evening, when the following were in stalled: Unity Lodge—Past Dictator, F. J. Bid well: Dictator, A.Phelps; Vice-Dictator. AY. W. Mott; Assistant Dictator, Kobert Meyer; Reporter, _____*, G. Shepard; Finan cial Reporter,GeorgeO. Bates; Treasurer, L. B. Sutliti; Chaplain, J. L. orr; Guide, F. W. Sauze; .Guardian, P. Brennan; Sentinel, W. "Woods; Trusiees—J. L. Orr, W. W. Mott, E. W. Sauze; Repre sentative to the Grand Lodge, A. Pnelps; alternate, J. L. Orr. California Lodge—Past Dictator, T. T« Crump; Dictator, Wm. H. Kern; Vice- Dictator, P. S. Lawson; Assistant Dic tator, Wm. H. L. Urban; Keporter, Jos. Davey; Financial Reporter, .1. __ i stroll; Treasurer, C EL Adams; Chaplain, L. Bree; Guide, C. 11. Stephenson; Guard ian, Martin Steinmetz: Sentinel, J. C. Cotton; Trustees—A. J. Pommer, Simon Koth aud C. H. Stephenson; Auditing Committee—ll. Bennett, Wm. H. Kern and il. E. Drumoud; Representative of the Grand Lodge, J. C. Carroll; alternate, C. E. Adams. Knights and Ladles of Honor. The following officers of Equity Lodge, { Ho. 1,219. Knights aud Ladies of Honor, j were installed at Grangers' Hall on j "Wednesday evening by Past Grand Pro- j tector Judge C. N. Post: Past Protector, j E. M. Barnes; Protector. Silas orr: Nice- I Protector, Miss K. lloileit; Recording i Secretary, Charles E. Hill; Financial See- Ntary, Adua Phelps; Treasurer. .1. D. Lockhart: Chaplain, Mrs. L. Kidder; Guide, Kobert Joy; Guardian, M_ss Car rie Ehinau; sentinel, Miss Kittie Wetzel. After the installation dancing was tn order, which was kept up iiil a late hour. Those present enjoyed themselves greatly. Red Cloud Red Men. The officers of Ked Cloud Tribe wore duly raised up by D. D. G. S. John Do miugoes on Tuesday evening, as lollows: Sachem. S. U. Hurlbut; S. S., A. D. Mil ler; J. S., A. \Y. Curtis: Prophet, Kobert Hunt; K. of W., B. P. Johnson; C. of X., Thomas J. lames; First fcunau, L. W. Grothen: Second Sanap, G. W. VVhitlock; I First Warrior, J. B. Burdg; Second War rior, K. J. Kady; G. of \\7, E. C. Hop- : kins; G. of 1., C. F. Latham. Chosen Friends. Friendship Council, Order of Chosen Friends, installed its officers last even ing at their hail, which was crowded to overflowing, showing that the members do not lack interest iv the welfare of ihe ! organization. Alter the installation cere- j monies were concluded an excellent pro- ; gramme was rendered. The musical j sketch of Brier and Biack was very laughable, as were the specialties of Phi lips and Hanlon, aud everything in the I niusicul line was excellent. Miss Mur- i rells' recitation evoked a well-earned en core. Following is the programme: Instru mental quartet, Ed Hart, Misses May and | Aggie Glenn and Miss Hughson; recita-j tion, Miss McCarty; musical sketch, ! Messrs. Brier and Biack; vocal solo, Miss Futterer; specialty, Nai Liebling; spo- j ciaity, John Hanlon; piano soio, Laura Morrison; voiai «oi<>, Mrs. F. H. Kieier; j specialty, Mr. Phillips; recitation, Miss . SACftAME-STO DAILY BECOBD-UyiON. FEIDAY, JAXUABY 12, 1804.—SIX PAGES. Murreils; vocal quartet, Messrs. Mere dith, Mealand and tbe Duhain brothers; recitation. Meliie HusteJ. Following were the otlicers installed: J. N. Dodson, Past Councilor: Benjamin Schwartz, Councilor: Mrs. Kate Futteror, Vice-Councilor: E. ___, Teal, Secretary (re elected); F. 11. Kiefer, Treasurer (re elected : Miss*;. D. Jisrgens Prelate; M. M. Glenn. Marshal; Mrs. Nettie Kiefer, Warden; John Watt. (Uiard: F. 11. Schar din, Sentinel; C. D. Monaghan, F. H. Schardin and W. C. Hart, Trusteos: J. N. Dodson and Prank H. Kiefer, Represent atives to Grand Council; John Watt and F. H. Schardin, Alternates. THB CHARITY BALL A Well Patronized and Successfnl Af fair Last Evenlnsr. The capacity of Turner Hall was taxed to its utmos' last night to accommodate the large assemblage of ladies and gen tlemen who attended tbe charity ball given under the auspices of tbe Catholic Ladies' Relief Society. The hail was handsomely decorated for the occasion, the walls being beautified by oright banners and oppropriate mottoes, oue of wiiich read: "In taith anj hope the world may disaferee, Bul ail mankind's pacern ..-■ barity." The programmes bote the sentiment: "Kind hearts are more than coronets." ': ne oilicers and members of the society, wbo gave their personal attention to the management ofthe ball, are: Past Presi dent, Miiis K. Wittenbrock; President, Miss X. M. Ogden; Sr. Vice-President, Miss L. J. Conrad; Jr. Vice-President, Mrs. J. W. Wiliem; Treasurer, Miss ... Uormad; Financial Secretary, Miss .'. Swill; Recording Secretary, .Miss P. Murphy; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. •I. C. Scroggs;Guard, .Mi-s E. tjaufkotter; .Marshal, Miss M. Uagarly; Directors— Mrs. W. J. O'Brien, Mrs. Norton, Miss MeAdams, Miss „s. lioplev. Miss I\. O'Neil, Miss L. O'Brien, .Miss A. Mc- Donald, .Miss Agues Kyan. Reception Committee—Miss M. Lauf kotter, Mrs. H. Shorroek, Mrs. C. W. Baker, Mrs. R. B. Moore, Miss May Quinn, Mrs. V. K. McClatchy, Mrs.T.W. heehan, Mrs. T. Lynn, Mrs. J. VV. O'Neil, Miss tiagariy. lloor Managers—Miss K. Fitzgerald, Miss A. Harney, Miss 71. Gorman, .Miss A. Haley, Miss P. Murphy, MissN. itop ley. Fioor Director, ."Miss L. Conrad. NORTEERN CITRUS FAIR It Will bo Heady tor Visitors in a Few Duys. L:ist evening's '•■'an Francisco Bulletin says the exhibits for tho Citrus Fair of Northern and Central California counties have ben: nearly all received at tlie Parli, but the siiow wiii not be completely ar ranged ior a day or two yet. Butte County is setting up a picture of Ceres made out of graiu. Most of tho citrus exhibits will be in the space inside of the area described by the outer line of the galleries. This does not afford opportu nities oqual for display to tiiose funnelled in the Southern California building. Tne pagoda lower aud other structures to ox hil it to the best advantage northern cit rus producs have'previously 'oeen men tioned. Not much moro cm be essayed in tne way of accurate description beiore the end ofthe week. it is said that the oranges to be exhib ited by the northern and central counties will be very line in quality. The quantity is necessarily limited by the exhibition space. 'ihe Southern Californians have re ceived oranges in boxes, oranges on the tiees, etc. As their Citrus rair conies later they are proceeding more leisurely than their moro northern neighbors, 'ihey have already displayed potted plants around the gallery on projections and are making pro-ress with their gen eral exhibits ior the Midwinter Fair. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Hon. W. M. Crutcher is down from Auburn, l'lacer County. Sheriif Wyckoff of Yolo came over irom \V oodland yesterday. Mrs. Charles P. Gardner, who haa beeu quite ill, has recovered her health. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Bert of San Francisco are stopping at the Golden Eagle. Miss Mamie Hagerty and Miss Lizzie Burns have gone to Courtland lor a lew weeks' visit. The next party of "The California" will be held at Turner Hall, on Thurs day evening, February lst. James ti. Monroe aud Corena M. Heath were married ou Tuesday, Key. Chailes ' teuier officiating. They will make their home at Littie SUasta. Arrivals at the Capital Hotel yester day: O. R. Runyon, Courtland; Ray ooil, Nevada; John Blaney, Ed Haynes, Truckee; T. J. Hawkins, Keno; W. M. Crutcher, Auburn; D. 11. Wyckoff. Wood land; C. C. Herzog, Carl Leonard, Sacra mento; W. J. Bartnell, G. Ouesti, Sau Francisco. Arrivals at the Golden Eagle Hotel yes terday: Jay Park hurst, Chicago; N. K. ! Hawks, Fhiladelphis; Harry A. Taylor, Nev. Voik; E. W. Jones, Coiusa; Mrs. Williams, Sacramento; George L. Mc- Candless, J. !__-. Young, C. H. Gray, O. N. Hall, C. F. Mailett, George W.~ Stark, | Eugene F. Bert aud wife, M. S. Born stein, sau Francisco. __*. BRIEF NOTES. Yesterday a boy named John McXa mara sprained one ofhis ankles iv try ing to board a railroad train near the de pot. Hattio G. Philiips has brought suit for divorce from 3. W. Phillips on the ground of failure to provide. The par ties reside at Gait. Officers Alter and Kripp had thoir mi i niugs beforo the Urand .fury yesterday in the matter of the charges made agaiust them by certain Chinamen. The annual installation of officers, banquet and ball ot .Sacramento Com mandery No. -, Knights Templar, will lake place, at Masonic Temple to-night. 11. K. Southwick, a member ofa New York banking linn, writes to Weather Service Director Barwick: "I wish to ask your courtesy in remembering me with a copy of the eleventh report of your State .Viineraiogist. as weli as oopies o; your interesting and valuable weather reports from time to time, for which ac cept my heartfelt thanks." A Lady Lawyer. Sacramento has her first lady lawyer in the person of Miss Laura M. Tildeu, daughter of Judge M. C. Tilden. The latter has also again taken up his resi dence here, and .Miss Tilden is associated with him iv practice. Tiie young lady passed a very rigid ex amiuation in Nevada. . .» The shoes w ere a Blind. Deputy Sheriffs Hendricks aud Rooney overhauled Ah Fong's shoe shop, ou Sixth street, at 4:' M) o'clock yesterday afternoon, aud found it to be au elab orate lottery den. Ah long was taken in and locked up on a charge of selling lottery tickets. The officers captured a pile of lottery plunder in the place. 1 rausmlsslssippl Delegates. Grove L. Johnson has been selected by the Supervisors as delegate from this county to the next Transmisetssippi Congress. Chairman Morrison is aiso an ex officio delegate, hence there can be no doubt tbat Sacramento will be ably rep resented at the coming Congress. - -» Cloaks and Jackets On sale to-day at Red House at closing prices. Silk sealette jackets. S4 95, that sold for more than double. < ther styles equally as low iv value. Cioth cloaks lroni $2 50 aud up to #> and tB, that sold for about three times as much. Anyone wanting a cloak has a chance to buy one low. They will remain on saie until closed, at Bed House. Corset sale com mences to-morrow, -♦- Virgiliu9, Bishop of Salzburg, was de clared a heretic in the fourteenth century for publishing a book to prove that there were antipodes. UNDER THE SOD. Funerals Yesterday of Well-Known and Esteemed Persons. The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary A. Alsip took olace yesterday, the services being held at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Rev. R. M. Stevensou officiat ing. There were present many friends of the deceased lady and family, some of whom had known her duriug all the long years she had resided in this community as a woman of marked individuality and loftiness of character. Many beautiful flower pieces were scut to tho church for the adornment of the grave. The' services were plain, but deeply impressive, both at the church and grave. The Cathedral was nearly filled yester day during the funeral services of the late Mrs. Sarah M. Howrigan, wiie of Thomas Howrigan of Brighton. The deceased lady was but 34 years of ago, and leaves an only child, an infant sou. She was a daughter of .Mrs. Ann Burns and the lato I'eter Rums, and sister of .Mrs. Mary E. Mclntyre, Mrs. Catherine A. Dunning, Mrs. Lucy J. Doyle, Mrs. Annie B. Lord and Nellie aud Agues Burns. was lorn at Burnsville, in this county. and was loved and respected by a very wide circle of acquaintances. The (lorai offerings were beautiful and numerous. Requiem high mass was cele brated by Rev. Father Grace, who also preached a touching sermon, in winch he referred to the lovely character of the de ceased aud her mauy virtues. Tbe Ca thedral choir sang sever.:! appropriate hymns, and altogether the services were vi ry impressive. At the grave a quartet rendered several selections, anc Uev. i uther Walsh officiated at tlie interment. The pall-bearers were: W. J. O'Brien, Pet .• _ laherty, Alex iiaii, i. J. Rooney, J. Coyle aud M. Keele. The luneral of Miss Madge Hilbert, daughter oi Margaret J.and the late Mar tin a. Hilbert,also took place yesterday and was very largely attendee. The de ceased ' another native daughter of Saoramento aud^a young lady widely esteemed in thismmimunity. The profu sion and beauiy ofthe lloral offerings and tho presence of so many friends attest this tact. The death of Miss Hilbert makes the third in the family wiihin a year, her sis ter and father having preceded her within that time. Uev. bather v. alsh, in his re marks at tho services, paid a handsome tribute to tne deceased young lady's lile and character. Tlie pall-bearers wero: A. J. Johuston, J. O. Funston, •). M, Higgins, Fred Hig gins and J. VV. O'Moara. Eugene Reedy, a young man well known in tho community, was buried yesterday from the Cathedral, Rev. bather Grace officiating. The pall-bearers were: John Nelson, Jonn iiiii, M. Brocker, M. Gruber, ueorge Trafzer and John Zitliuger. THE "SCORCHERS." Organization of a Now Bicycle Clnb Last Evening;. Lust evening a number of wheelmen met at the forester building for the pur pose of forming a bicycle club. They or ganized under the name of Capital City Scorchers, and elected the following offi cers to serve till .Inly Ist: President, W. A. Hubert; Secretary and Treasurer, W. G. Elliott; Captain, E. Elliott. They decided to limit tlie membership to ten, and adopted a winged "10" as the emblem which tbey expect to carry over many a pleasant ride. All applicants for membership to this club must be able to ride eighteen miles in one hour. Among the members are some of the hardest road riders in the State, who ex pect in the near luture to let people know that they are still alive. AMUSEMENTS. At the Clunio Opera-house again to night the lineiy preseuted aud well-acted spectacle, "Tho Black Crook." It is played lor the benefit ofthe "Sacramento Day" fuud at the Midwinter Fair. At Armory Hail to-night the Xew Y Tork Stock Company will present the beautiful domestic and romantic drama, "Queena." Mossrs.^Lailey and Thom ason promise somo especially line stage tittings in the mounting ofthe drama. At the Metropolitan Theater this even ing Hoyt's "A Trip to Chinatown." . The theater, we are assured, wiii be thor oughly warmed, as the furnace for the stage will be completed in time for use to-night, thus doubling the former heating capacity. The low comedy or farce comedy, "A Trip to Chinatown," tlie author modestly an nounces aa a musical tritle. It has j had :i run of 656 performances in the city j of New York at Hoyt's Madison Square i Theater. This excels the longest run known to any previous New York pro duction, regardless of how pretentious it may have been. "Adonis" has next ap proaciied it, iv a run of 608 performances, and "Humpty Dumpty," 483. Sacra mento is to have the farce identical with its production in New York, to the smallest detail. The cast includes Harry Conner (who created the part of Wei land Strong!, Anna Boyd, Nellie Rosebud, George Beane, Jr., Harry Gilfoil, Madge Dean and. as a fitting climax, Bessie Clayton, the phenomenal dancer, who caused a furore in the metropolis, but set lioston agog with her eccentric dancing. The people bring a complete carload of scenery built by Voeghtlin for this pro duction. Farce comedies have not hith erto, even iv Mr. Hoyt's career, caused the transportation of scenic eilects so elal iorate. The success of the play in this city last year is still fresh in the minds of theater-goers; hut oven those who havo heard it before will be pleased to know that much of it is new, including some pretty musical numbers, noticeably "Love Me Little, Love Me Long," "The Pretty Widow," "1 Long to See the Girl I Left Behind" and "Margurite," to say nothiug of the ever popular "On the Bowery," that is bristling with new hits. The company plays again to-morrow night, and leaves Sacramento Sunday forenoon tor Salt Lake. Ladies' Wear At clearing prices. Ail millinery, two counters oi remnants of dress goods and domestics, a large lot of cloaks and jackets, dress goods and fancy goods, corsets, go on sale to-morrow. See show winows at Ked House. iJOUX. DRYNAN—At Lowell Hill, Nevada Couuty, D< cember 10th, to the wife ot Alex Drynan. a sou. DIED. SHERMAN—In this city, January 10th, Mrs. Agues M. Sherman, mother ot Mrs. F. M. MeKeveraud siste.- of Mra. L. K. Hammer a native ol < ihi<>. aged 59 years, 2months ana 1 day. .San Francisco and Ohio papers please copy.] v |.- Funeral strictly private. KAY—In thiscity. January llth, Roy Edgar, iniaiit son of (Samuel and Mamie Kay a native ol Caliiornia, aged li montlis "and d Cays. i- riends and acquaintances are respect fully invited to attend the funeral to morrow .Saturday, at 2 o'ciock from the residence <;f his parents, No. 1801 Four teenth street. Interment private. KARCH—In this city, Jaaoary the residence of Harry A. Nauman, oi diph theria, Mary F., daughter ot W. S. an i .Min nie Karen, a native of Pennsylvania, aged 5 years, 7 months auu 10 days. **-l- uneral private. Furniture! Furniture! AT LOWEST PRICES. W. D. COMSTOCK, Northeast Corner Fifth and X Streets. lace curtainsT QPRING TIME HAS ARRIVED. AND jj hous -cleaning is under way. Send your Late Curtains to the AMERICAX STEAII LAUXDRY, I , and I Streets* fpatlg fcv Wcixx&toclx, gttbttt &J£<** Monday at g:jo A. M. SPECIAL SALE OR Ten Lots of Dress Goods INCLUDING Scotch Mixtures, Serges, Suitings, Sills, Etc, At prices sure to interest. 3§£ $$£ Full particulars later. MUCH "FOR LITTLE. Ladies' Full-finished Balbriggan Hose, unbleached. Price, 12ic a pair. All-wool Tricot Cloth, 26 inches wide and in plain garnet, navy blue, green, gray and black. Price, 26e a yard. School Hats for Girls, cloth brims, shirred, with velveteen bow and puffing. Price, 88e. Good Six-Cord Spool Cotton, black, or white, and in all numbers. Price, 40c a dozen. Ladies' Sealette Jackets, satin lined, at $6 48, $8 48 and £12 48. Men's Neat Dress Shoes, solid leather throughout. Price, $1 96. Child's Wool Hose, seamless feet, merino heels and toes, sizes 6 to BJ. For mer price, 26c. Sale price, 9c a pair. Ladies' Mohair Wool Leggings, fast black and stainless. Just such as we have been selling at 60c a pair. Reduced sale price, 28c per pair. _ I Plain Colored Eiderdown Flannels. We carry three qualities in stock. The following reductions have been made for this sale: First Grade Eiderdown Flannel reduced to 32e, 46c and 6Se. English Anconia Cloths in a few choice patterns. Specially made for house wrappers. Reduced to 16c a yard. WEINSTOCK, LUBIN & CO. AGEXTS FOR STANDARD PAPER PATTERNS, 400 TO 412 X STREET. SACRAMENTO. I __, TT _ T I GIRLS NA/MO USE eQHsapolio • I ARE QUICKUY MARRIED. Jl^* Try it in Your Next Houae Cleaning. C%^X ONLY * ONLY S2 $2 U'EAR* PER W \ Tim iiinwf v ivnpnn Ann iit IHE * WEEKLY * INTER-OCEAN, CHICAGO, AND *-IB * WHLI *m* SS_C__.j-_l><L_l.2<lTO. BOTH ONLY $2 PER YEAR. «S- ALL POSTMASTERS ARE AGENTS.f* a**a^MMMMßßßwaß_____._____________________a_M__a_M a__aa_a_____at________t_________a____________________i IV. H. TX7OOE) & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS CALIFORNIA, OREGON ANO NEVADA PRODUCE. SPECIALTIES: BEANS. POTATOES, EASTERN EWS, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Fruiui, Nuts, Eto. Agents for Douglas and R»uo Creameries, the most perfect Butter made H. K. WALLAt E,"iniWS nd BAXGES ' OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Headquarters for Galvanized Iron and Cornice Work. 811, 813 AND 816 J STItEET. h:. WjQlcimimopslst, LEADING JEWELER OF SACBAMENTO. HIGH GKADE AND COMPLICATED Watches of celebrated makers, sucii as Patek, Phillipe & Co., Jules .Jurgensen. A. Lange and otiiers. Also, Fine Diamonds a specialty. 31 5 J STRKET. Sign Town Clock. KXXHSTE & FLOBERG, 1T TATCHMAKERS AND JEWELERS, 42S J STREET, BETWEEN FOURTH AND \V Fifth, dealers in WATCHES, JEWELRY and DIAMONDS. REPAIRING In all Hs branoheaaepecialty. under Mr. Floberg. Agents for ROCK 1-uKD WATCH COMPANY. Metropolitan * Market, j S. W. COR. TWELFTH AND E STREET& SELLS MEAT CHEAPER THAN ANY other market in the city. Try it and be convinced. j CONRAD SCHEPP, Propr. I ATKINSON'S Practical -:- Incubator. MAIN OFFICE AND FACTORY .-^ O. 1020 .) B. F. PF.i_'o^ .« manufa- turcr, M. L. WISE, mana' rangy ger. Send for catalogue. - g)atel# *nfe &e**auvant»« i GOLDEN EAGLIi HOTEL, Corner Seventh and X Streets. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. FREE 'BUI to and from the cars. W. O. BOWERS. Proprietor CAPITAL HOTEL, CORNER SEVENTH and X streets. Strictly ttrst-class. Pre* 'bus to and from depot. BLESSING AG U THRIE, Proprietory WESTERN HOTEL, THE LEADING HOUSE OF SACRA. mento, Cal. Meals. 25 cents. WM. LANI_\ Proprietor. Free 'bus to anci from hotel. STATES HOUSE HOTEL, Corner Tenth and X St 9., Sacramento. BOARD AND ROOM, $1 25 TO $2 FEB day. Meals, 25 cents. *S-Acccommodations FIRST-CLASS. Fre« 'Bus to and from hotel. W. J. ELDER, Manager.^ "toeTaddle ROCK . Restaurant and Oyster Housa. FIRST-CLASS HOUSE IN EVERY RE spect. Ladies' dining-room separate. Open day and night. BUCKMANN & CARRA GHER, Proprietors. No. 1019 Second street, between J and X, Sacramento. Restaurant de France, (^EO. WISSEMANN & CO.. PROPRIE- T tors, 427 X, near Metropolitan Xneater. Family orders, banquets and wedding parties a specialty. METROPOLITAN, N. W. Cor. Fifth and X Streeta, IMIE METROPOLITAN IS THE BEST appointed and oniy first-class lodging house in tho city for families and the traveling public. Terms reasonable. MRS. E. J. C. KETCHUM, Proprietress. SACRAMENTO OYSTER MARKET. SHELL OYSTERS-EASTERN, CALIFOR nia and Olympia. Oystera in every style «?Oyster Cocktails, 10c."61 All first-class saloons handle Olympia Oys " t?r Cocktails. Families supplied. Telephon* No. X 27. bl7 X street. CALIFORNIA OYSTER DEPOT ANE Chop House, 1025 Fourth street. Bea* Oysters and Oyster Cocktails. Salads, sboil fish. Hot Clam Chowder even-day. Regulai meals. Families supnlied on short notice. ANDREW MIKULICH. Prop. ROR "THE MOUS DAYS. FRUIT CAKES. POUND CAKES AND all otiier varieties. Plum Pudding and Boston Brownbread every Saturday. Couu trv orders promptly filled. EAGLE CONFECTIONERY, 826 X St. _ JOB. POHEIM fl have i ust received tbe Finest Assortment of Trousering Full Like of English Worsteds Which I purchased AT A BARGAIN And Now Offer tbem to the Public 20 PER CENT. REDUCTION BBS TIIK WINDOWS! I Perfect ritSnaraßtecfler Kb Salt? 111 \ joe poheimTthe tailor _{ Co;> J STREET, Cor. Sixth, Sacrament*. TRUSTEES' SALE. PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF A certain deed of trust executed by Francis M. Kirkpatrick of Colusa County. State of California, to E. C. Atkinson and E. J. Croly ot the City ol Sacramento, ('ounty of Sacra mento. Btate of California, as Trustees, dated December 5, 1- SS and recorded on December IX. 1 sBB, Intbeomceof the Cuunty Recorder of tii" County of Colusa, State of GaHtornla, in Book 18 of Deeds, at page i,and on appli cation ot tbe bolder and owner of tne promis sory note, secured to be paid by said deed of trust, and because default has been made in tbe paymenl oftbe indebtedness secured to be paid by s dd deed of trust, the undersigned Trustees will sell, at public auction, to the bigbesi and besi bidder, for casb, in United Sates gold coin, at the frontof tlie Court house of the Connty ol Sacramento, in the City of Sacramenio, state of Caliiornia, on FBIDAY, tiie 2d dfty of February, 1394, Detween the hours ol 10 a. m. and 12 k. <»f that day (said sale commencing at the said hour or 10 A. m. of said day), the following d real estate, with tbe improvements thi reon, formerly situated in the County of Coiusa. bnt now situated in the County of Glenn, .-tate of California, to wit: Tiie north west quarter and tue southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, the south half and north east quarter of tho southeast quarter of Sec tion twenty-lour, Tow nsbi] twenty-two north, raiis.'tour west, Mount Diablo base and me ridian. E. C. ATKINSON, I Trustees ?:..]. CROLY. j-nustees. Sacramento, January 11,1894. A. L. Hakt, Attorney. jall-12-l:i-18-l'J-20-25-2G-27 NOTICE. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders ofthe CapitaUias Company will be held at the office of the corporation, Front and T streets, Sacramento, on MON DAY, January 15, ISS*4, at 12 m., for the pur pose of electing a Hoard of Directors for the ensuin^yeur, aud to transact such other busl nesethal may come before the meeting for consideration. d3O-td C. 11. CCM.MINGS, Secretary.^ Notice of Dissolution of Copartnership. 4 LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE CO- A partnership of BENING & TERRY will pay the debts to A. H. Bening. as the firm has been dissolved and he alone ls authorized to collect' the debtb due the ttrm. A. H. Bening assumes all the indebtedness of tlie firm. January 2,1894. A. H. BENING. Jk., _ja4 JENNI ED. TERRY. BUY A LAND BOND I_N COKSUCOI'XA OF THE California Savings Investment Conipany GIEN. (HAS. CADWALADER AND GEO. r Champlin, Trustees, Ited Blufl, California. ONLT $20 PER MONTH, And when paid out will bring AN INCOME FOR LIFE. Offlce—Room 21, lostoffice blook. Entrance on Fourth street.. 3