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LIVING WHIST THIS EVENING. Novel Entertainment by the Ladies of Sumner Corps. The Great Card Game to ho Played with Men and Women—lnfanta March, Dance, Etc. An event of more than common inter- : eet is promised for this and to-morrow ; evenings, at the old Pavilion, by the la dies of Sumner Relief Corps. It is iess tban a came of M^vin X whist"—that is, a game in which the cards will be represented by living beings. The conceit of playing the game of chess with human beings is as old as the days when the Oriental splendor of the city of Agra was the wonder of the world. Shah Jehan, whose memory has been so vaguely preserved by the glory of his tomb, Taj Mahal, conceived this royal j equipment for the game of chess, and ■ played it with the most beautiful maidens and handsomest youths of his kingdom for pieces and pawns, on a mosaic ot precious stones, with hia royal son a> his opponent. The game of living whist haa no Bitch royal lineage, however. Just when and' where it originated is not precisely j known, but it has been the attraction lor , recent garden parties in England aud tho very latest novelty in amusement lines in Eastern cities. "To-night the ladies of Sumner Corps will have the pleasure of presenting living whist to its lirst Sacra mento audience. SYNOPSIS OF THK GAME. In order tbat the audience may have an intelligent understanding ofthe came while it is proceeding, the following synopsis is given: The four players will take their re spective positions, and while the opening march is being played the cards appear in suits and pass up and down tiie stage. At a certain signal, designated by the music, the shuille takes place, and at once the cards change from an orderly procession to an intricate confusion. The deal then lollows, and tlie living char acters, by a series of dexterous evolu tions, are seen to arrange themselves to ward the four parts of the stag. The players are then supposed to sys temize their hands and bo ready for the game. The play now opens. In playing a trick the cards are led into the center and there execute a dance, varied accord ing to the dignity of Kings and Queens, the vivacity of Jacks, or the cheerfulness of lesser cards. Every trick has its owu figure, with music continually changing from minuet to waltz or quickstep. As the tricks are taken they range themselves near the winner. Eacb person bears upon his costume the respective card he repre sents. This makes it easy for the audi ence to follow the tricks as they are played. The order of the first trick is "deuce of hearts," led by A; "king of hearts," led by X; "ace ofhearls," led by Ji; "live of hearts," led by Z. some OP T!l_ FEATURES. The ladies say that the best of music has been provided, and that they have arrangements to have tlie hall thoroughly warmed, thus insuring the comfort of the guests. The costumery of those repre senting the court curds are said to bo very line. In the "Infanta March" there will be thirty-three children captained by .Miss Hose Sheehan, who says they have at tained perfection in their drill. Another feature that is promised to be a charming one is the Louis XV. minuet, by ttie kings aud queens of the deck. Governor Markham, who is an ex soldier, has promised the ladies that he will endeavor to be present, ami all tlie Slate officials in the city, as well as old soldiers and (Jrand Army men generally, will attend. At the conclusion oi'the entertainment a danc_ will be given. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. John CTendening of Blue Canyon is at tho Capital iioiel. ____ssellJ. Wilson of San Francisco is at the Golden Eagle Hotel. Judge D. T. Murphy of San Francisco came up last evening and is at the <_ olden Eagle. (1. P. Dutton, J. W. Houston, 11. F. j Isham and several other prominent citi-j _ens of Courtland are iv the city. A quiet wedding took place on Mon- j day at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Douglas, the contracting parties being Frank J. Kalhaugh aud Miss Alice Rice. On Tuesday eveniug several friends of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tanquary surprised them at their residence, ___4 M streot, the occasion being the thirty-fust birthday of Mr. Tanquary. At 11 o'clock an eie gaut luncheon was spread. Arrivals at the Capital Hotel ye-ter- ! day: A. D. Reckey, Philadelphia; W. D. j Little, San Francisco; Mrs. Fonntaiu, ! Miss Eliis, Dixon; O. P. Dutton, J. VV. Houston, H. 1 _ Isham, T. J. Stephenson, J. L. Aldrich, Courtland; J. W. Frost, J, B. Pitchford, Mrs. 6. Walsh, W. R. Senter, H. C. Ward, San Francisco; Fred J. Martin, Hardenourg: Mrs. !•.. Myrick and son, Fresno; John Clendening, Blue Canyon; Thomas Painter, Oakland. Arrivals at the Golden Eagle Hotel yes terday: J. Hoseubusii. George F. Klein berger, W. 11. Stinsou, Dave Posner, New York; T. S. Chirk, Dikalt, 111.; B. W. Noyes, Boston; l>. J. Johnson, Cin cinnati; Charles B. Wells, Oakland; John D aut, Philadelphia; J. E. Terry, J. E, Jacobus, A. Bachman, S. S. Stiles, A. 'I. Chase, O. Erlebach, Kussell J. Wilson, H. S. Reinstein, S. M. Eugs, Frank D. Myer, W. A. T. Agard, <'. 11. Conaugh, Judge D. J. Murphy, San Francisco; F. S. Decker, Joseph Hoy, Catskiii. N. _ . John F. Devine and Miss Emma Der ringer were married last evening in their future residence at I_ls G street, Rev. 1 ather Grace otliciaiing. The wedding was attended by relatives aud intimate friends of the happy couple. Miss Mollie Kelly attended the bride, and T. J. 1 inn acted as groomsman. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. John F. De vine, Mrs. Mary Livens, Miss M. H. Kelly, T. J. Finn, John Develiu, William Gormley, Samuel Johnson, James Mo- Niff, John Gormie-y, A. E_ Nathan, Richard Henry, John Higgins, M. J. Sullivan, Thomas Keliy, James Mack, B. McDonald, Emmet Phillips, Johu llan lon. Fred Gunther, M. J. Desmond and John S. Dorau. The evening was pleas antly spent iv singing, recitations, cu\, and all adjourned wishing the young couple a pleasant voyage down life's stream. BRIEF NOTES. The transcript on appeal in the case of Robert Mcßouald vs. Coyle has been tiled id the County Clerk's otlice. The appeal is taken from the Justice Court of American Township. Attorney A. L_ Hart is in Los Angeles for the purpose of obtaining depositions to be used for the defense in the ease of W. A. Perry agaiust Drs. T. A. _uider andT. AY. Huntington. It is the present intention of the Sacra mento Couisiug Club, if ti.e weather should permit, to have coursing matches next Sunday at some point ou the lower Stockton road—probably the \\ hilcomb ranch. One James Murphy asked George Mc- Kenzie for money on Tuesday night to pay for a meal. supposed he gave him three nickels, but afterward dis covered that one of the pieces was _-.. He has -worn to a complaint charging Murphy with petit larceny. _»- - Kobert l.nrns' Anniversary. This evening, at Pioneer Hail, the members of tne Caledouian Association will appropriately celebrate the 135 th anniversary of Robert Burns, the Scot tish poet. Au Interesting programme has been prepared for the occasion, and a ■test enjoyable evening is anticipated. SAOTA____EXTO DAILY T-ECORD-UXIOy, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1894—SIX PAGES. FIRE COMMISSIONERS. The Old Board Numbered Among TbfOffS of the Pa-it. Among the other bodies legislated out of existence by the new charter was the board of Fire Commissioners. The members of .the board held their last meeting yesterday, at which were pres ent also Secretary Seymour, Chief En gineer Guthrie, Assistant Engineer Mont gaillard and other otiicera of the depart ment. As soon as the routine business was disposed of Chairman Morrison made a brief speech, in winch he warmly com plimented the officials and men of the de partment for their elliciency, and ex pressed regret that circumstances ren dered it necessary for the members of tbe board to sever official relations with them. i '(.marks were also made by Commis sioner Ahem, Secretary Seymour and others, and then tho board adjourned sine die. MORS EASTERN EGGS. Why Does it Not Pay to Produce Et_s.s in This (State! Another carload of eggs arrived from the ECast yestorday to supply the farmers of California, who are unable raise euough hen fruit for homo consumption. How is it that Eastern people can pay c-.U a car freight on eggs and sell theni here, when our farmers and poultry raisers cannot make it uay to raise them here? The eggs brought from tbe East, jsvith tbe freight added to tiie cost before they are shipped, always sell for about one j third less than the California eggs, and ! how it can be that under the circum ' stances it pays to raise ihem East is one j ol those tilings "no fellah can liud out, ! don't yer know?" Who can answer tlie conundrum? MILITARY NOTES. Recent Chances Made on Colonel Guthrie's Stair. Quite a number of changes are being made on the stall of Colonel J. W. Guth rie, commanding tlie Second Regiment ol infantry, _.. G. L*. James Anderson, the veteran Color Sergeant of the Second Infantry, has ap plied for an exemption certificate. Colonel Guthrie has recommended that the following changes be made on bis staff: Lieutenant Ira A. Kobie, In spector of iUlle Practice, to bo Adjutant of tue lirst battalion of the regiment; Edwin !.. Wright of Auburn to be Adju tant of tho second battalion; Foster L. Atkinson, Assistant Surgeon, to be Sur geon, with rank of .Major, and Egbert 1). Adams lo be inspector of Xi lie Practice. TKE GRAND JURY. A Great -Many "Witnesses Are IJeiny Examined. Yesterday the ('rand Jury appeared to be having a busy session. Among tho persons summoned beiore the jury were Day Jaiier McManus and the cook at the City Prison. Tho supposition is that tbe jury is making soma sort of inquiry into the matter of supplies for tiiat institution. Tno District Attorney will to-day sum moo a large number of residents of the north side of the American Kiver, pre sumably ou road matters. AMUSEMENTS. In addition to the pretty and whole some play, "Little Barefoot," at the Clunle Opera-house last night, Siegrist and Silborn, two mid-air trapeze per formers, gave an exhibition of l'yiug and turning from swinging bars, from the gallery to the stage. The acts were few, but of the best order of trapeze work. The men are tine examples ol physical development, and do their perilous feats with an ease and grace tnai removes the sense <>f danger, so far es the spectators are concerned. '1 he feats of these per formers will be varied each evening this week, and will be given immediately after the last act of the drama. The rea son for thu brevity of the trapeze acts last evening is that it was found that the ap paratus used was not hung at the correct with the nicety that is requisite. These hangings will be adjusted to-day, and to-night a much fuller performance given. There was a large and well pleased audience in the Opera-house last night; the old-time Iriends of Andrew Waldron and Jennio tale; are rallying in strong numbers to see them in favorite dramatic characters. A grand concert and organ recital will be held at the German Lutheran Church, corner Twelfth and X streeis, on Tuesday evening, February _th, on tho occasion of the opening and trial of the uew pipe or gan. Admission, 50 cents; children, _o cents. Tickets are for saie at Peters A: I Jay's drug store, and at ail the music stores. It _ I. y Be Dedicated. Permission having been received from tlie Secretary of the Treasury for a local demonstration and dedication of the nciv Government building, Mayor Steinman yesterday appointed J. O. Coleman, C. 11. Hubbard and S. E. Carrington a commit tee to make arrangements for the pro posed celebration. Instructions have been received ft rr tiie removal of the Postollice to the new building on the -'id of Febrnary. 'this (act will not, however, cause any change in the dale ol' the dedication, which will be February __d. _ loynilinn in Trouble. Mrs. _ 103-niban, mother of J. A. Moyni ban, late of this .city, iias brought suit in San Francisco against the latter and his wife to annul a deed to a piece of prop erly on Berry streot, to which deed she says her son obtained hor signature by false representation. __. relative Of Moynihan says the trans action baa ieen misstated, and that _ lnyuihan will be hore, probably to-day, when he will he able to explain the matter i satisfactorily to iiis friends. It Was "tho Other Fellow." The following communication speaks for itself: l'.i>-. Ki. ok;-.".io. : In your issue of yesterday you tell of the robbing oi one "Farmer Osborn" of this town. As sev eral of my frieuds seem lo suppose nic to be him, please state that it was some "other lellow.*' 1 have not been iv Sac ramento for nearly two weeks, and my watch stili ticks in my own possession. < . V. Os_____. Elk Grove, Jauuary 24th. Elk .rove Hijjh School. The dedication of the Elk Grove Union High School building will take place on Saturday next, the _7th, at _ p. ... The exercises will consist of speeches, recita tions and music. The people of Elk Grove and vicinity are justly proud ot their High School, and it is expected tbat there will bo a large 1 attendance from the country districts. Hank Commissioner Appointed. Governor Markham has appointed and commissioned J. B. Fuller of Marysviile P.ank Commissioner, to succeed A. Ger berding, term expiring February 1, !{.__. Coffee Is rendered more wholesome and palat able if instead of using milk or cream you use the Gaii Borden Eagie Urand Condensed Milk, or if you prefer it un sweetened, then Borden's Peerless Brand Evaporated Cream. The Drawing _____ night at T. EL Lister's tailoring par- | lors. _13j J street, resulted iv R. Scheopag of Thirteenth and W streets winning a -iit for Jl. Aii tion sale of clothing, furnishing goods, hats, et-\, every day at 2 and 7p. 1. Goods _>>ki at private sale at auctiou prices irom 6A. m. to 12 i_. Chas. Robin, Rl*? an <" ■■'•' I X . fr of. * DISMISSAL DAY. Complaint- 'lhat Were Not Sworn to Alter Arrest. Are Made. In the Police Court yesterday J. Q, Bourse and D. Connolly, charged with disturbing the peace, were discharged, no complaints having been tiled against them. John Doe, A. Notsworth and J. Parkhill met with the same good luck. The first two were arrested by officer Kripp, on complaint of a saloon-keeper on X street, betweon Second aud Third, that they were raising a disturbance at his house, and the other two were arrested by Officers Naghel and Kripp on a simi lar request by a saloon-keeper between Eighth and Ninth ou K. Both promised to swear to a complaint in the morning, but did not do so, and the officers com plain that it is the usual outcome of such cases. Levi Holben's case of threats agaiust life was dismissed, it not being desired to prosecute it. «. Articles ot incorporation. The following articlo of incorporation has boen liled in tho office of the Secre tary of State: The Los Angeles Mutual Life and Acci dent insuranco Company. Principal place of business, Los Angeles, with James K. Toberman, Frederick J. Cres* sey, Horatio G. Billings, John C. Salis bury and Henry G. Brainerd of Los An geles as directors. This is is the first company to tile arti cles of incorporation under the law of _B_l allowing the formation of life, health, accident and annuity or endow meut asso ciations on the assessment plan. An Oakland Embezzler. Deputy Sheritl* Lane of Oakland ar rived in tliis city last night with a pris oner named B P. Gallagher, en route to Folsom. Gallagher was lodged in the ' ounty Jaii and _ ill be taken to the State Prison this morning, where he will servo a five-years' sentence for embezzling funds ofa street-car company in Oakland about two years ago. Suits lor Divorce. Jean E. Duchene has brought suit for divorce against Nellie M. Ducheue on the ground of Infidelity, darken __ Ross are attorneys for plaintiff. Mary H. Striff, by her attorneys, Driver tfc Sims, has brought suit for divorce against Johu M. Striff on the ground of cruelty. Seventh-Street M. E. Church. The revival services at the Seventh-street __*. 1". Church South, between J and X, continue with increasing and deepening interest. Services at _: .0 P. __. and 7:•'_> p. m., Saturdays excepted. All are; cor dially invited to attend. "Wan" Lottery .Joint Closed. Deputy Sheriffs Johnston and Hend ricks raided a Chinese lot tery joint near the southeast corner of Eighth and J streets last evening, and succeeded in capturing the keeper of the place, who gave his name as Wan Wong. Reception at St. Paul's Church. A reception . will bo tendered to the members and friends ol" St. Paul's Church this evening by the rector, as sisted by the young ladies of the Daugh ers of tho King. Satisfaction of Mortj_a___e. Governor Markham has signed the sat isfaction of mortgage of the Regents of tiie University of California to John and Jane E. Johnson for property situate iv Alameda County. Nkw shares Union Building and Loan stock now ready, thirteenth series. Ap piy early ana secure. Edwin K. Alsip, secretary, 1015 Eourth street, Sacra mento, Cal. • (lood +6 eat are still better wften rnacfe witfi tumult fbrihes are r/?£lf from LfflE/ISS _.hs{ are easf/y d/ -v*~ J> — gested . jor trying Cr.orTen.rtfl ; anc. al. is Setter anc. jbure.* Jr.** /arc,. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. Genuine made only by N. K. FAIRBANK d CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. MARBLED. COMPTON-MURPHY—In thli city. January IStb, hy Kov. Father<_»race, Daniel & Comp to.i to Oora __ Murphy, both ol I'leasuut Gi'-ve. * COFFEY-KALAGHEB —In San Fraucisco, January 1. th, by Uev. Father Klrby, Mar tin Cottey to Louise Kaiaghcr, both 01 Bacra mento. * OPP__N HEIM - BURTON -On the Lower Stockton road, January __d. at the ivsi the bride, by _tev. j. h. Keider, Emanuel Oppenheim of Sacramento to Miss May A. Burton of Oak Grove. * DIED. BROOKS— In this city, January 23d, Mar garet N. Brooks, a native of Oregon, aged e_7 years and _0 duys. _h_r-'r riends and acquaintances are respect fully invited to attend the .uneral to-day, at lOo'clock, fitom t_te undertaking parlor. of .1.1 rank Clark, luio Fourta street, be tween J and K. BUXTON—In Napa City, January loth, Lu cetta, wiieoi Oeorge <__. Buxton, a native of Michigan, aged 49 years. W.__i is ana __^_a_____c_sare respect fully invited to attend the funeral to-day, at l2:_oo'_!oc_, lroni Clark.', undertaking parlors, i.i; and 1019 lourtn street, be tweeu J and K. ALLEN—In tliis city, January .Mth, Arthur B. Allen, a native ot Caliiornia, a^jed 17 years, I<> siOUtUS and 27 days. _:_•_• u_eral private, friends can view the remains at t..e residence ol his parents, 1005 J_ street, from 1 o untii ;12 o'clock Fri day morning. Piease omit llowers. When Baby was sick, we gare her Castoria. "When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became -liss. she clung to Castor'a. mien she had Children, she gave them Cast. ri*. (Changr* .Daily for 3&?cin&.art., gubin & <&o. s:__cao__>T_D s____i_»_e_] — -"--.or-, the— Fisher Bankrupt Stock, TO WHICH WILL BE ADDED A FEW TELLING VALUES FROM OUR OWN STOCK, FRIDAY AT 9:30 A. M. LOT i—A few odd pieces of Dress and Shirting Prints, 4c a yard. LOT 2—Mixed lot of Dress and Apron Ginghams and Flannelettes. All at the uniform price of 5c a yard. LOT 3—Good quality Bleached Sheeting, 81 inches wide, standard brand, soft and free from filling. Sale price, 19c a yard. LOT 4—Bleached Muslin, soft finished, ready for the needle. Frice, 6_c a yard. LOT 5— Remnants of Muslins, Flannelettes, Table Linens, Linings, Calicoes, White Goods, Sheetings, Flannels, Crash, Canton Flannels, Dress Prints, Tickings, etc. All reduced to prices below values. WEINSTOCK, LUBIN & CO. AGENTS FOR STANDARD PAPER PATTERNS, 400 TO 412 X STREET. SACRAMENTO. Woven Wire Mattress. price, _$_a _Z6. Central Supports and Spriugs in Center, Adding Strength and Comfort. IT "WILJU PAY TO LEARN OUR PRICES ON OTHER GOODS BEFORE ORDERING ELSEWHERE. JOHN BREUNER, FURNITURE _A._N._D CARPETS, SACRAMENTO, CAL.. GREEN TCRTLE Milffl TURTLE! ON OUR FISH STALL TO-DAY. ORDER EARLY AND SECURE CHOICE CUTS. D. DIERSSEN COMPANY, 725 to 729 J Street. Telephone 129. I GROCERIES. THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK. Before purchasing your eatables and accessories, do not forget that EHMANN carries a line of delicacies at his regular prices. The list includes: ORANGES, APPLES, NUTS of every variety, CAN DV and all the ingredients for MINCE MEAT. Also, all kinds of VEGETABLES and a most complete line of GROCERIES. EHMANN'S, Southwest corner Eleventh andj Streets. I GROCERIES. The old and well-Known Grocer, J. BIEL L M ____ P_-, ! TS NOW LOCATED AT 015 X STREET, ; X and will be pleasa! to attend to tne wants of his old customers and the public. *S* Telephone _._. FOR THK MOL.IDAYS. FRUIT CAKES. POUND CAKES AND all other varieties. Plum Pudding and Boston Brownbread every Saturday. Coun try orders promptly filled. EAGLE CONFECTIONERY. 8 26 Kst. Attention, Country Postmasters. \\TB WILL SELL ALL OF THT-: LOCK VV boxes ana cas*. now in the old Post office bulldlne as soon as the same is va .ited. These boxes are all in goo.l order, and keys will be lurnished. Correspondence solicited. EDWIN K. AI-SIP & CO., Real Estate 1 _ ________ 1015 Fo-■■-th S-v. ct.. Big Reduction in Wall Paper. ROOM WANTED FOR SPRING GOODS. SEE OUR PRICES. C. H. KREBS k CO.. mi NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TKAT THS Board of Directo:s of the Eseondido Ir;_ gatlor. District v.ill receive sealed propo.als for the 1 .-.rciiase of $250,000 of the bonds ot .aid district, tald bldsWlU be received there for at ttie office cf said board in Eseondido, California, unt 1 10 A.M., on the _th LAY OF FEBRUARY. 1»94. A. J. WERDEN. Secretary ofthe Eseondido Irrigation District. Dated. January 8. l.v.- ja3-20t, I ______ g Fl_D tt JUlli >.VN T MAKE, made from extra quality oil grain leather, bellows tongae to keep out dirt and '.'.ater. Sold at the wholesale price, 92 50. Waterproof Hoots, §4. Brewer's Boots, extra quality. made hy tho I nited Workingmen. Reduced to $6. Fry a pair oi onrown mak ml Boys Kveryday Shoes. Will outwear any two pair oJ*Ea__ crn made Shoes, 81 50 to $2 50. IL'.Si' RECEIVED, tbe latest novelty In Ladies' Walking Shoes, called the Mid win?... Call and see them. They are handsome, _.ll Shoes -old at the Manufacturer's Price NOLAN Bli" SIS 11. (.Successors to Nolan <_ Son, Nolan Bros. and Nolan _ Co.), 308 J STREET, SACRAMENTO Bran, h of San Francisco. ©(.tela tm* S»c_f.«_urant*. GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL, Corner Seventh and X Streets. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. FREE 'BUI to and from the cai s. W. O. BOWERS. Proprietor. CAPITAL HOTEL. CORNER SEVENTH and X streets. Strictly ilrst-clas.. Free 'bus to and from depot. BLESSING <_ GUTHRIE, Proprietora. _ WESTERN HOTEL, THE LEADING HOUSE OF SACRA, mento, Cal. Meals. 25 cents. WM.LAND, Proprietor. Free 'bus to and from hotei. STATE HOUSE HOTEL, Corner Tenth and X Sts., Sacramento. BOARD AND ROOM, §1 25 TO $2 TER day. Meals, 25 eenta. MOS- Acccommodations FIRST-CLASS. F_e_ 'Bus to and from hotel. W J. ELDER, Manager^ theTsaddle ROCK Restaurant and Oyster House. FIRST-CLASS HOUSE IN EVERY F" spect, Indies' dining-room separate. Ope, day and night. BUCKMANN & CARRA GHER, Proprietors. No. 1019 Second street, between J and K. Sacramento. R-_»t£_ur____t de France, /"NEO. WISSEMANN & CO.. PROPRIF. VT tors 427 X street, near Metropolitan Theater. Family orders, banquets and wedding parties a specialty. CALIFORNIA OYSTER DEPOT ANI! Chop House. 1025 Fourth stieet. Bes' Oysters and Oyster Cocktails, Salads, shell lish. Hot Clam Chowderevery day. Regulai meals. Families sum .led on short notice. ANI'UEW MIKULICH. Prop. JUST RECEIVED. Z ___ ryn I s %>* Z o.T i a 0 -. ° K^. g z '.8 Ctf " r. ** L__ o r. i-— + s < H 1 THE MARKET OF NEW SACRAMENTO, 703 TO 707 J STREET. CHRISTIANSON & CO. NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER TBlanl* Books with Tnr. MILLER-MEGBE PATENT BACK. The Strongest Blank Book Ever Made. H. S. Crocker Company, PACIFIC COAST AG_.NX_ . HAY FORSALE. Fifty tons of Good Feed Hay, to be delivered in lots of five tons or more. For particulars apply to Edwin K. Alsip & Co., KM 5 Fonrth Street. _*__.3w PIONEER BAKERY, l .4 aud 1.0 J Street. HOT BREAD EVERY MORNING AND afternoon. Try our Celebrated Milk, Rye and Cream llread. __, BC___«l*TZ <_. SCHUCK. Proprietor*. 3