Newspaper Page Text
4 SUPREME COURT DECISIONS. A Siskiyou County Insolvency Case Decided. Tte Validity of a Homestead Flllnc Depends Upon "What the Prop erty is Used For. The Supreme Court has rendered a de cision in the case of the estate of J. E. McDowell, an insolvent, being an appeal by McDowell from an order refusing to set apart to him certain real estate as a homestead. Appellant was adjudged to be an insol vent debtor on Jauuary 21, 1893, by the Superior Court of Siskiyou County. At that time he was owner of the property in question, which consisted of land and a building thereon in the town of Sisson. Ten days afterwards he tiled a petition asking to have the property set aside to him as a homestead. Some of his cred itors oppdsed it and after a hearing the court denied the request. The Superior Court found that McDow ell built and conducted the El Monte Hotel on the property iv Ibb7. His wife died in 1889, at Los Angeles, leaving a female child, who was taken subse quently to Sisson and kept there about two months and returned to Los Angeles. On November 20, 1889, McDowell tiled a declaration of homestead and had ft re corded, and in ISJJO leased the whole of the premises as a hotel for one year, and did not in the lease reserve any portion for his own use. It further found that the hotel had, ever since its construction in 1867, been leased primarily as a hotel and not as a home of McDowell, and that his residence therein had been for the purpose of managing it and lor no other purpose. As a conclusion of law, therefore, it found that McDowell, at the time he tiled the homestead, was not entitled under the law to tile the declaration, and is not now entitled to have it set apart as a homestead. The appellant argued that these find ings were not justified by the evidence, and the conclusions of law were not sup ported by the facts found. The Supreme Court quotes the lan guage of the rule declared in McLaughlin vs. Wright, (» Cal. 113, that "the use of the property is an important element to be considered." Upon this authority the order appealed from is confirmed. ASSICJJSKK AND INSOLVENT. A decision has also been rendered in the case of Malcomb Stewart, assignee, etc., and respondent, vs. Herman Dun lap, appellant, an action brought as as signee of the estate of W. 0. Bauer, an* insolvent debtor, to recover the value of ! personal property alleged to have be- | longed to the estate, and to have been converted to his own use by the defend ant. The complaint averred that certain creditors of Baber tiled a petition in in voluntary insolvency against him, and the court ordered him to lile a schedule and inventory of his property with tlie clerk. He did so, and the assignee was duly elected by the creditors, and the real and personal property of the insolvent was duly turned over to him by tho clerk. 2so demurrer was interposed and the answer denied none of the averments in j the complaint and judgment was given to the plaintiff, from which the defendant appealed on the judgment roll. The point madfi was that there did not ! appear that the court ever acquired juris diction of the insolvent in insolvency proceedings, for the reason that the com plaint contains no averment, showing that a copy of the petition filed by the creditors was served upon him, with a copy of the order to show cause, as re quired by Section 10 of the Insolvent Act. The court holds that the record is sim ply silent on the subject, and that he ap peared and filed the schedule and in ventory and thereby voluntarily sub mitted himself to the jurisdiction of the court. The law presumes that a court or Judge, acting as such, was acting in the lawful exercise of his jurisdiction, and under the circumstances shown it is too late to raise the question of the jurisdiction of the court here. The judgment is therefore affirmed. JUMPED FROM THE TRAIN. A Member of an Eastern Excursion Party Goes Insane. Thomas Kailsback, a young man about 25 years of age, who resides at Paio, Lynn County, lowa, was a member of the Phillips excursion party which arrived in this city yesterday morning. He was going to Pasadena, and on Sun day the manager of the excursion noticed that he commenced to talk incoherently at times and kept a watch on him during the evening. About midnight, when the train was about nve miles east of Colfax, however, he told the manager that he was going to the closet, but stepped out on the platform instead. The manager followed him as quickly as possible, and just arrived in time to grasp him by the collar of the coat, but before he could secure a good hold the unfortunate man sprang out into space in the darkness. The train was gqing round a curve, where there was a high embankment, and the conductor was notified and quickly stopped the train, which was backed up to the spot and all bands searched for traces of him. The place where he struck the ground and slid down the embankment was lound, but although all hands searched for an hour no further traces of him were discovered. The train came down to Colfax, where Constable Dyer with local officers started in search of Kailsback, and at last ac counts were still searching. Weather Notes. The Weather Bureau reports show the highest and lowest temperatures yester day to have been 55° and 39°, with fresh northerly winds and clear weather pre vailing. The barometrical readiugs at 5 a. m. aad 6 r. m. were3o.3o and 00.00 inches respect ively. The highest and lowest temperatures one year ago yesterday were &r and 37 U and no precipitation, and one year ago to day 55 - and 44 U, and .ul of an inch of rain. The rainfail Monday uicrht was .05 of an inch, making for this, season 14.51 inches, as against 18.58 inches to a corre sponding date last year. Uneventful Session. James Fox was arraigned in the Police Court yesterday for battery on Manuel Dubois. There was a wide discrepancy in the testimony of the two men, but the court found him guilty and fined him §7 50. Jennie Johnson, charged with exhibit ing, forfeited her deposit. Under Advisement. The case of J. D. Tate vs. F. W. Fratt, for damages growing out of the latter having used a division wall on which to erect a second story to his building at 30i» J street, has been argued and submitted in Judge Johnson's court. " Pure and Sure." « _ 9 Always makes wholesome food. & •It is not like any other; it is stronger, therefore of more value to the consumer. Cleveland Baking Powder Co., J\'ew fork, Successor to Cleveland Bothrcrs. SACRAMENTO DAILY RECOBD-trNION. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, IS94.=SIX PAGES, GET GOOD DIGESTION. Pafne's Celery Compound the Greatest of Remedies. Influence of the Nerves on Various Diseases — The Way Frank Bair of Chicago Regained His Health —Professor Phelps' Wonderful Prescription. _^_ % Increased cares and duties, increase in mental strain, lessened physical labor and increased mental work, have been gradu ally giving us bodies in which the nerv ous elements predominate. Diseases are to-day as different from diseases of a century ago as is their treat ment. While the average individual now does more mental work, we are not as well able to bear the strain as they were. ZSine-tenths of us neither eat, sleep, ex ercise, bathe nor recreate ourselves in a proper way. It is all hurry and turmoil. Little rest and much care. When the albumen and librine ot the blood—the nutritious principles of the blood—become deficient in their relative proportions to the other parts of the blood, the health suffers. Jf nervous power be depressed, then the food is imperfectly digested, assimilated and converted into blood and tissue. There is the cause in a nutshell of half the diseases and illness in the world. Here is the cure—tho greatest medical discovery of modern times—the remedy first prescribed by the greatest physician of this age, Prof. Kdtvarri Phelps, M. D., LL. D., of Dartmouth College—the rem edy that has icade more people well than STATE MINERAL CABINET. Tho Trustees Fill Certain Gaps in It— Mlneraloirical Series Enlarcetl. The Trustees of the State mineral cabi net in the art gallery in this city, in the last two years, in studying and arranging the specimens in the case, found that cer tain examples to complete the chain of representative minerals were not in the cabinets. They resolved to supply these, deeming it a proper part of the expense of maintenance and perfection. They have partly succeeded in this by receipt of several specimens from a Massachusetts collection. The new ex amples have been placed on view in the new octagonal case in the lecture-room. In the same case the J'ac simile of the Chilcat meteorite has been placed, to gether with a remarkably brilliant group of amethyst crystals In a geodtf, and a geode tilled with the colloid form of quartz. The collection will repay inspec tion. The new specimens from the Massa chusetts collection, and which enlarge the series of the California State cabinet, were thus described by the Secretary, Dr. Pyburn, to our reporter yesterday: A magniticent crystal of stibnite (sul phuret of antimony) from Mount Ko sauy. Japan; alongside lies a lump of metallic antimony. A fine specimen of graphite from Cey lon; beautiful crystalline specimen of selimum sulphur from Sicily. Specular iron ore (.hematite) from island of Elba. A fine crystal of apatite (phosphate of aluminum), imbedded in pink calcite (carbonate of lime), from Canada. A specimen of true lapis lazuli from Andes Mountains, Chile. A fine crystalline specimen of wulfen ite (inolybdate of lead) from New Mexico. Wavellite, a rare mineral, from Penn sylvania. Here, too, is a large concre tion of flint from the chalk formation of England, and beside it lies a smaller nodule of Hint partly imbedded in the chalk. A brilliant group of crystals of calcite (carbonate of lime; from Cumberland, England, and a group of quartz crystals from the hot springs of Arkansas. A large piece of rose quartz from Maine; milky quartz in fine but small crystals, and another group of quartz and crystals, with copper pyrites inter spersed. Among copper ores is a fine piece of azurite, with its deep blue crystals, and beside it a ball oi the same mineral, which is found in a bed of kaolin: Ari zona. Galena crystals from Illinois; green fluorspar from New York; niontmoril lonite on quartz, and white feldspar from Connecticut. Herschelite from Mount Etna; a mag nificent group of crystals of chabazite from Nova Scotia, and, lastly, a speci men of bcauxite, the ore of the new and coming metal, aluminum, with a speci men of the metal lying alongside. Release of Mortgage. Governor Markham has signed a par tial release of mortgage from X. P. Chip man to the Regents of the State Uni versity, releasing lis) acres of laud in Tehania County. New Citizens. In Judge Johnson's court yesterday Antonio Vincente Pereira, a native of the Azores Islands, and .Jacob Koehler, a na tive of Germany, were admitted to citi zenship. There are ISO.OOu suicid*3 yearly and increasing. FRANK BAIR. any other ever known—the truest food for the nerves—the best kuown strength ener of impoverished blood—the remedy that from ou« end of the country to the other, and in Kurope as well, is indorsed by physicians, prescribed and used by them, recommended by the plain people, unequivocally indorsed by men and women of wide reputation, blessed by thousands —Paine's celery compound. Try it. Any druggist has it or will get it for you. Read the following unsolicited letter from Mr. Frank Bair. whoso portrait is given above, one of Chicago's best known and most highly esteemed young business men, the Western agent of the great firm of Nash, Whiton A: Co., saltdealers of New York : "I have used Paine's celery compound for the past six months, and must say that it has helped me wonderfully. I had pain in my back and chest, and faint, tired feelings at the stomach, aud when I would eat the taste would make me deathly sick. I became very weak, and lost about 20 pounds. Aftor having used a few bottles of Paine's celery compound 1 am feel ing better than I havo in all my life." Try it. BOARD OP SUPERVISORS. It Was Finance Day, and JJttlo Else Was Done. Yesterday's session of the Board of Su pervisors was a very uneventful one. There were no contested matters set for hearing, hence the usual attendance of farmers with road grievances was lack ing, and the board settled down quietly to the inspection of demands against the county. The only other business trans acted was as follows: Henry K. Miller, License Collector, re ported collections for the month of Feb ruary, amounting to £2,;>>o 50. The report of County Treasurer Lyon for the month of February was filed, showing the total receipts to have been §31,415 40; cash on hand February Ist, $114,831 80; total. M K-47; disbursements, $33,523 62: balance in the treasury, si lii, --7l!» 18. The amount in the general fund is $6,515 59. County Clerk Hamilton reported the re ceipt of claims for coyote scalps amount ing to |25, which were approved. A communication was received from Sheriii' O'Neil requesting the board to allow credits for prisoners as follows: U illiarn Alavis, petit larceny; William Clarke, escape; H. C. VValker, petit lar ceny; Jack Kyan, obtaining goods by false pretenses; John Howard, petit lar ceny; Charles Smith, petit larceny; Grace Cook, drunkennoss. George W. Young, Poundmaster of Sutter Township, reported that he had impounded several animals, and that his receipts were 811. The following saloon-keopers' bonds were approved: Charles Yates, O. Clacv, Ackerman & Green, G. P. Betz, W. A. Drown, Leiva Bros., M. J. (^uaid, Her man Fischer, Adolph Keser, Charles Schlutius, John Freitas, A. M. Campbell, G. B. Fossati. PAINFUL ACCIDENT. William Lamphrey Severely Injured at Folsom Yesterday. While assisting in loadiug some heavy freight upon a flat-car at Folsom yester day morning an accident happened to William Lamphrey, the baggage-master of the Placervillo passenger train, which will be apt to confine him to his home for several days, if not for weeks. It seems he lost his footing and fell from the car to the ground, his head and back coming in contact with the rails. Tho fall was so severe that he was picked up in an insensible condition. He was brought here on the return trip of the train and at once received the best of medical treatment. The first report of the accident was to the effect that his in juries were of a dangerous character, tut this fortunately is not the case. They are painful, hut if no unforeseen compli cations arise he will pull through all right. "Billy," as he is familiarly known, has been connected with the Placerville road for some twenty years, and every man, woman and child along the road (ami at both ends of it) is his friend. If their j good wishes avail anything, he will soon be at his post of duty as smiling and genial as of yore. DR. POWER'S LECTURE Before the Mnseura Association This Evening. Dr. Henry D'Aroy Power lectures be fore the Museum Association at the art j gallery this evening, on "Glimpses of Civilization at Periods of One Thousand Years." The lecture will be illustrated I by drawings and charts. It is one of the i regular monthly series of the association Lectures, and is free to the public The annual meeting of the association will be held this evening and election of directors had. The genuine Angostura Bitters cure indigestion and restore the appetite. Manufactured only by Dr. J. G. B. Sieg ert A Sons, sole manufacturers. Shigaken, Osaka, claims to have a dwarf 36 years old who is only seventeen inches in Light. X^ TROUSERS FOR WORKINGMEN, SI. Warranted not to rip. Made of dark, serviceable material. Cut full. Have the appear ance of fine eassimere and the strength almost of iron. - - E. S. ELKUS^ - - 922 and 924 J Street. CLEVELAND SICK OF THE HAWAIIAN CONTROVERSY; but he does not feel so completely de moralized as the fruit-grower who finds when his trees commence to bear that they are not the variety he thought he had purchased. It 1 makes a great diifereuce with the length of I your face whether you have a strain of fruit 1 that soils quick at ?5 50 per box, or one that requires considerable diplomacy to work otf at 30 cents per bos; for, like cows, cook3 and cotiee, all are not squally desirable. To pet tlie finest strain of trees, true to name, send your orders to tlie Saoramento Eti\er Nursery j Company of Walnut Grove. Sacramento i County, who are located in the heart ol one of the oldest fruit beltd of California, which pro duces at least 500 carloads annually, and where tho finest and most profitable strains of fruit are grown. They not only guarantee their trees true to name, but growing them upon fertile river bottom land, without ex pensive irrigation, can aflord to sell them rvt one-half th^ pri.^e charged by less favorably located nurseries, nnd they make terms that matter how hard you were squeezed by tho financial cyclone of 1893. BELL CONSERVATORY COMPANY. Floral, Plant and Seed Depot, 417 J STREET, BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH. Pansy Plants 25e per dozen Daisy Plants 25c per dozen Violet Plants, white 25c per dozen Violet Plants, purple...2sc per dozen Flower, Vegetable and Grass Seeds, Seeds, Plants, Flowers. Everything for Garden, Lawn, Flower or Field Growth. Alfalfa, Eastern Clover, Timothy, Red top. Freshest, PureHt, Best. Wholesale or in small quantities. Lowest rates. Bit Flowers and Floral Requisites Always on Hand, C_B. jtfßONG^ri O)., 515-517 J sL SEEDS, PLANTS AND FLORAL ARTIST. HEADQUARTERS FOR SWEET PEA Seed, only the very best varieties, true to name. Also, Hyacinths, Lilies, Valley Tu lips, etc. Now is your time to plant. I don't sell on commission or am in any way con nected with any nursery or seedsmen on the coast. Primula Chinensis. the finest strain ever in troduced into Sacramento. Colors: red, white, blue and pink. Six principal first premiums at State Fair in 1893, for Roses, Plants and Flowers. HUGH fV! c \A/M L. L. I A (VI S, "The Florist." New Sacramento Conserva tory, Twelfth and U streets. #,»*• Telephone JS'o. (JO. Ruction©. EXECUTOR'S SALE. VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE j.\ undersigned, exeotrtor of the estate <>i JESSE SLAUGHTER, deceased, that under and in pursuance of an orderof sale made on the 2d dayof March, 1804, by the Superior Court of the County of Sacramento, State oi California, hi the matter of said estate, I will. on TUESDAY, the 27th day of March, 1894, at 10 o'clock \. m., at tht: premises, In the City of Sacramento, Cal., sell ai public auc tion, to the highe-t and beßt bidder, the fol lowing described real estate, Bituate in said Count v nt Sacramento, to wit: The west half of lot number seven (71 in tho square bounded by 0 and P. sixth and Seventh streets, In the City of Sacramento, as laid down in the official map thereof.and the Improvements thereon. Terms of sale of said real estate: Cash, in gold coin of the United status, payable as follows: Ten per cent, at time of sale, balance at confirmation of sale by said court: deed at expense <>t purchaser. At 10:30 o'clock \. u.on said 27th ikiyof March, 1894. at the southw< si corner of Sixth and M streets, in said city,the above-named Executor will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, in gold coin of the United States, payable at time <>f Bale, the fol lowing described personal property, to wit: Two (2 horses, two [2) top familj carriages, two (2) open top >iniii!_ r buggies, two '.!> carts, 10 dwelling houses, situated i>n iota three (3) and four il), in th^ block bounded by M and N, and Fifth and Sixth Btreets, in said city; also a lot of miscellaneous artlch s. Dated March ;?, 1894. » WILLIAM SLAUGHTER, Executor of the last will and testament of Jesse Slaughter, deceased. Lsaag Joskph, attorney for estate. D. .1. Simmons a- Co.,auctioneer, office cor ner Eleventh nnd J smvt^. T>ir:'.-M A. L. HART. \ TTORNEY-AT-LAW.—OFFICK, SOUTH- J\ west corner Fifth and J strcK-ts, Rooms 12, 13 and 1 I, sutnr building. H. C. & LAUSA M. TILDEN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNCILORS-AT Law. Office: 504 J Street, Rooms 8 and 10, Sacramento, Cnl. QROVK L. JOHNSON. HIRAM W. JOHNSON. JOHNSON & JOHNSON, F AWYERS, -^ GO4 J Street. CHACSCEY H. DUNN. S. SOLON HOLI/. HOLL & DUNN, T AWYERS.—OFFICES, 920 FIFTH ST., lLj Sacramento. Telephone No. 14. WILLIAM A. GETT, JR., A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, BUTTER BUILD /\_ ing, southwest corner of Fifth and J. Telephone No 359. AKTHUK X. SKYMOUR. CI.TNTON L. WHITE. .]<>s. w. HUGHE& WHITE, HUGHES & SEYMOUR, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT Law. rooms 7. 9, 11 and 13. 4l'O J street, Sacramento, California. j P"OR THE FINEST FRUIT CAKES, POUND CAKES ANJI all other varieties. Plurn I'udding and Boston Krownbread every Saturday. Coun try orders promptly filled. KAGLE CONFECTIONERY. S2G Kat._ IT WILL PAY! Self-protection Demands that You SHOULD INVESTIGATE. PURCHASERS OF GROCERIES, PRO dnce, Oranges, Mountain Apples, every variety of Canned Goods and Delicacies should call and Inspect Our Goods and Prices. EHMANN'S Southwest Corner Eleventh and J Streets. ~ CQLUMBIA HAMS!" New Brand, Try Them. Better Than Any. To Be Had of All Dealers. OPARERIBS, PIGS' FEET, TENDER. O loins, Brains, Tripe, etc., AFRESH EVERY DAY-» Mohr ftYoerk Packing Co. FRANK WICKWIRE, ■\fANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Saddles, Harness. Whips, Robes. Blankets, Etc., 317 K STREET. UUST THINK OF ITIj S Unprecedented Offer of the Record-Union and Weekly Union. | S THREE MAGNIFICENT PAPERS i Sacramento § -roa- oj Weekly Union, 8 8 ft \9 hnmmi ml i°' CHICAGO § rjm »L S Weekly Inter-Ocean, § | A v EA «. ;°| Yoiitlis' Inter-Ocean. \ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCMDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NATIONAL BANK OF !). 0. MILLS & COi Sacramento, Cal.—Founded ISSO. DIRECTORS: D. O. MILLS. EDGAR MILLS B. PRENTISS SMITH. FRANK MILLER President CHARLES V. DILLMAN Cashier Capital and Surplus, / CALIFORNIA STATE BANK, SACRAMENTO. Does a General Banking Business. SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS. OFFICERS: FREDERICK COX President JOSEPH STEFFENS Vice-President W. E. GKKBKK Cashier C. E. BUBNHAM Assistant Caßhler directors: C. W. Clark, George c. Pekkinh, Frederick Cox, Joseph Stkfikns PKTBKBOHL, AIHU.I'H HKILBiiON, VV. E. Gkkbkk. "SACRAMENTO BANK. milE OLDEST SAVINGS BANK TN THE X i^ity, corner Fifth and .1 streets, Sacra mento. Guaranteed capital, 8500.000; paid np capital,gold©oin, $400,000. Reserve fund, $55,169 43. Term and ordinary deposits, £3,183,840 82. Loans on real estate January 1,1894, $3,428,950 31. Term and ordinary deposits received. Dividends paid i:i January and/July. Money loaned upon real estate only. Information furnished upon ap] llca tioii to \V. I*. COLEMAN, President. Ed. k. Hamilton, Cashier. FARMERS'AND MECHANICS'SAVINGS BANK SoutriwfSt corner Fourth and J Streets, Sacramento, Cal. Guaranteed Capital £500,000 LOANS MADK ON REAL ESTATE. IN terest paid semi-aunually on Term and Ordinary Deposits. B. D stkinman' President EDWIN K. \ Lsii* Vice-President 1). I*. WHITBECK Cashier C. H. CUM Ml Mis Secretary JAMES J£. STEVENSON' Surveyor directors: B. IT. Stkinman, Edwin K Alsip, C. H. CUM MINGS, C. H. W \•! 1, SSOL. KUNYON, JA3CBS McNASSEB, Jas. M. SjTKvr.NSDS. ____. PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK. " Sacrnmontc, Cal. Gnarantpod capital $410,000 Paid up capital and surplus 301,000 TNTEREBT PAID SEMI-ANN TALLY ON J_ term and ordinary deposits. Money loaned on real estate only. Address all communica tions: People's .Savings Hank, Sacramento. WM. BECK MAN, President, GBOBGB W. LOBEITZ, Secretary. CROGKER-WOOLWORTH NATIONAL RANK, Crookt-r BnlldlnK, Market and Post Streets, San Francisco. PAID DP CAPITAL, $1,000,000. SURPLUS, $400,009. DIBBCTOB3: Prosidont WM. H. CROCKER Vice-Presldeht W. E. BROWN Cashier ti. W. K.LINE CHARLES F. CROCKER E. ii. PUNi) £%quav*, (Stc. EBNER BROS, COMPANY, 110-118 K Street. Front and Second, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEAL era in Wiues and Liquors. Telephone 364. M. CRONAN, S3O K St., nnd 1108-1110 Third St., i Sacramento, Cal., TMPOHTER AND WHOLESALE DEATrKB ! 1^ in Fine Wtiiskies, Brandies and Chain- j ragae. ; HUGH CASEY, 218 K Street, Sacramento, Cal., WOI'LD ANNOUNCE TO HIS PATRONS . and thp public tliat he has received a J large cargo of Reimported WHistcies=>, Ail of Kentucky's lavorlte brands. Deui^ro I will lind it to their advantage to exumiuo these goods and get prices on same. ' _ CAPITAL ALE VAULTS. j nA{) J STREET.-JUST ARRIVED. EX »)V-» ship Ballyniore from Antwerp, 25 bar rels of n'iniported Bourbon Nutwood Whisky. Also, Fine Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars. NA GELE & SVJBNSSON, Proprietors. Tele- i jitioni 1 38. I HARRI' K.OT.SKC KV. JAMBS M OKATIt, • ONLY THE CHOICEST VIANDS DLS- ; pensed by JIM * HARRY, l-»09 Third street, between J and K, Sacramento, Cai. Wm. J. Lomp's Extra I'aif Ijnger Beor, Cap!. F. Kulistaller's Gilt Ecige Steam Beer. White Labor Goods. j " I : CATJTIOV.—If a dealar offers XV. I*, Dou^iav. J^hoeß at a reduced price, or says hfthaiithcra Trithoat namo «ta;upcti on bottom, put hini tlown as a, fraud. \9y P$ I '■■■ ■■'■ Sj ?Q W. L. Douglas S3 SHOE. THE WORLD. W. Eb DOUGLAS Shoes nre stylish, easy fit tfogi ami ?ive better satisfaction at the prices ad vertised than anv other make. Try one pair and be convinced. The stamping of \\ .L. Douglas' name and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who pu-h the sale of W. L. Douglns Shoes gain customers, v.-hich helps to increase the sales on their full line of poods. They can afford to sell at a less profit, and we believe you can save money by buying all your footwear o'f the dealer advertised below. C:it.ologue free upon application. Address, W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. SoM by 1 __Welnstock. Lubin & Co. PIONEER BAKERY, 124 and 126 J Street. HOT BREAD EVERY MORNING AND afternoon. Try our Celebrated Milk, Rye and Cream Bread. bCLLNEXZ & SLJfcIUCJw. PrODrtetora. ißlatlrorti uTinte stable* SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY [PACIFIC SYSTEM.] FEBRUARY 27, 1894. Trains Leave and are Due to Arrive at Sacramento: LEAVEJ TRAINS ULJN DAILY.'aRRIVB <*°r) I . (Prom) 10:50 V Ashland and Portland 6:20 A 6:40A Calistoga and Nap« 11:15A 3:00 P Calistoga and Napa n:1o P 10:25 A Demlng, El Paso an i i-iist| &::uy P 4:30 P Collas : 2::J0 P 7:10 P Knights L'ding&Orovllle 7:45 A 5:30 P Los Angeles 10:23 A 11:40 AjOgden and Bast—Second! Ciaes ■ 2;40 A I0:oo P Central Atlantic Express I for '• >gdon and East 5:45 A *3:05 P Oroviiic via Bosev'le J'n'c,'*lo:ls A ►6:46Atßed Bluff via Woodland >~-50 P 3:05 l' Eted Blufl via Marysville 10:15 A 10:30 AlReddlngTla Willows i" 3:00 A sau Francisco via .B^nicia 11:15 A 6.10 A san Franclftco via Beuioia 3:40 I J 6:45 a Ban Francisco via Benlcia 10:30 P 3:00 P San Francisco via Benicia 5i:10 P *10:00 A Smu ly-ancisco via Steamer g6:00 A 10:25 A ,san Fran, via Liverinore 2:50 1 J 10:_,T) a San Jose :.':5O P 10:25 A Santa lifirbura s:^o P *6:45 ASanta Rosa 11:15 A 3:00 PiSantaßosa *8:10 P Stockton and Gall s:3<> P 10:25 A Stockton and (Salt 2:50 P 5::'.0 PStockton and <.alt ; 10:25 A 11:40 AlTruckee ;\n<l Reno.. .. 2:40 A 10:00 PjTruckee and Reno 1 5:45 A 6: 15 A ValUjO ; 11:15 A 3:00 PjVallajo mjo h *4:10 P Fo'soinaiid Placerville *ll:05 A *6:JJS A folsomand Placerville..... l<> !' ♦Sunday excepted. excepted. A—For morning. P— ■ oraiternoon. RICHARD GRAY, Gen. Traffic Manager. T. H. GOODMAN, Gm. Passenger Agent. REDUCED RATES TO CHICAGO BY JUDSON ct CO. SELECT EXCURSION, delightful scenic route. Wonders of the Rocky Mountains on line of l>. rind U. ''. K. R., seen by daylight; besl accommod t"i-. Address JUDSOiS <S CO., 6-JS M;i kel San Kniiicisco, or call on C. . L 3 uc:nt S i ■ ■ ,- ; ■ ■ -. ■ ■ t&ine&B v. irosr. WATERKOUBE & LE3TIB, DEALERS IX I]>>>S, STEEL, CUMBKR- Iand Coal, Wagon Lumber and Carriage Hardware. 709, 711, 713, 715 .1 strw;t, Sacrmai nto. 11. F. ROOT. AI i:\. NKII.^ON, J. DHISCOL, K'JOT, NEILSON & CO., ITNION TOUNDRY—IRON AM) BRASS Founders and Machinists. I >nl street, between N and 0. Castings and Machinery "t i vi v\ :,. Kjription ma le to order. BACRAHENTO FOUNDRY, ' FIU>NT STREET, CORNER OFN. \V!1.1. -l.\ M GUTENBERGER, Proprietor. Work , for sidewalks and buildings a specialty. Gas oline and Steam Engines to order on short notice. S. CARLE, QUCOESSOB TO CARLE A: CROLY, CON -0 tractor and Builder. Orders solicited and promptness guaranteed. Office and shop, ll™4 Second str< et, ix tween iv and L. -EK TO BUY GROCEKIES. ! J. WINGARD, AT TWENTY-FIFTH n. and O streets, has thr best assortment and at most rea ionable rates. F. F. TEBBETB, ~~J DENTIST, 914 STXTII -"?.,<&&%%%** betTTcen I ancl .1, west --ide.^f^*'/ opposite Col . »] I'hrircdi.^^-UCXILLF /^?J> •*" &* f\TFI(JE, MA- JgfoP fd>jF<£!fs~~\\ ■' ■""''•■ Tem- Jw"4*~-*£—ZZJz*-^ Ji-ii-. cor. Sixth 7SS^ iinU K Btreetß ,\rfp>* Km. }~3 J T-, :!;'^_z±*)fM-? ppfi O4 |5.." CT C 1 R C a s:Thy»iclrt»tef ant' DKS. WHITE & BOSS, OFFICE: S. E. CORNER SEVENTH AND .1 streets. Sacramento. Office entrance jOOy Seventh street. I>r. Ko-^" residence tiorthoast corner Ki!<uth and '. J. FRANK CLARK. UNDERTAKING PARLORS, 1017-1010 Fourth St., s*acramento. EMBALMING A SK2CIALTY. <f!;o!:GE il CLARK, Funeral Director aad Connty 1 oroner. Telephone No. 131. W. J. KAVANAUGH, Undertaker EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. OFFICE open day and night. Tc e>l one ffo GREGORY BRC^tS. CO., l*a, 182, 12G and 1«8 J streot, Wholesale Dealers in FRUIT AND PRODUCE. HoU- agents for the Davis Gr< en Fruit Pack* ing M.-ichin,-; Send for circulars. TNTHE SUPERIOR COURT, STATKoK I California, Connty of Hacruniento. in tno matter of the estate of THOMAS I*ORTER, deceased. Notice is hereby given tbatFUI DAV, the »tn day of Mar 394, at 1O o'clock a.m. of said day, and the courtroom o: said co irt, ai 1 tie < tourthonsc, in the City ol Bacrami oto, < kranty of .Sacramento, and sla'e of California, baa been appointed as the time and place for proving the will of said Thomas forter, deceased, and for hearing tue apji lea tion of Mary A. Port* rforUifl issuance to lier of letters testamentary thereon. Witness my tianu and the seal ol' said Court ;t!i dp.y of February. ] 804, FSEAUj W. B. HAMILTON, Clerk. By F. J. Hktntz. Deputy Clerk. DRIVKE A Si.vs. Attorneys for Petitioner. fe27-10t NOTICE TO CREDITORS OK B. B. BROWN, insolvent—Those having claims against the above will present ihem within ten days from date to the undersigned. EDWIN K. ALSIP, Assignee. Sacramento, February 24. 139 1. Ce26-10t rnllE SHOOTING SEASON ls v ~^, A at hand. Come and infiko x***Jl^T your pick from HENRY KCK- rjJ^^» HARDT'3 nev invoice of Hain- ' 1 od HammerlPss G!ins from *r X^V al! the- best roakers. New lot of Bhootina Inck, corduroy and fustian. Guns ctioke bored, stocks bent, and ri>piiring on cuns an,: rifles a speelaltgr. Send tor pric« li«t. Ho. 523 K str^cU