Newspaper Page Text
6 BICYCLISTS OUT IN FORCE. Capital City Wheelmen Enjoy a Run to Elk Grove, They Tackled a Country Cnrt-Horse on the Bond, But the Farmer "Won the Race. Yesterday -was a delightful day for irlieelingr, and all those being so fortunate as to possess a "cycie" took advantage of the good weather and good roads. The Capital City Wheelmen held a club run to Elk Grove, under the command of Captain Headman and Lieutenants Harlow and McDonald. Everyone was feeling in the best of humor, and the Cap tain had considerable trouble in preserv ing order, as someone would always "Want to ride a little faster than the others, thus crowding the riders together, which, in case of an accident to any of those iv front, would cause a general smash-up. Captain Read man wa3 equal to the oc casion, however, and preserved the best of order, as he always does, and at tbe lame time making a pace that everyone could stand. An order was passed down the line that a general "scorch" would be al lowed from Old Elk Grove to the rail road. Immediately on arriving at this point everyone struck a three-minute clip, making such a dust that Carnahan. who was in the center, couid not see the road, and he ran into the leuce, coming out second best. No stop was made as a horse and cart were sighted up tbe road, and everyone started for what they supposed would l>e their victim. The driver, finding that he could do nothing by trotting his horse, set him to running, and for three-quarters of a mile a pretty race was iv order, with the horse in the lead and on a dead run, the driver plymg the whip on his back, and twelve llyiny wheelmen right on his heels. The horse won the race, but was hard pushod at the hnish, and probably would iiave been beaten had the distance been a little longer. A couple of the riders having lady acquaintances near Elk Grove, desired to give the rest of the wheelmen the slip, and as this is general^ the case on a club run, everyone was on the lookout for someone to start. The occasion presented itself, but only one man sighted the de serters, and not being last enough to over take them, he returned lor help. A track ing parly was inaugurated, and the (ly ing 'cyclists led them a merry chase, tak ing a roundabout way, but landing with in three-quarters of a mile from the start ing point. The pursuers lost tlie track wnen within half a mile of their men, and gave up the race. Alter disfiguring a number of spring chickens at the new hotel at Elk * .rovo the wheelmen started on their return trip. The usual stop was made at the black smith shop (lor water), after which the trip was continued through Oak Park to the city. Those attending the run were Read man, Harlowe, McDonald, Brown, I'p bou, H. Bennett, Carnahau, Kirkpatrick, Pierce, Canlleld, Laviusou and Leuge lii an. The start was made from Kimball A: Epson's headquarters at 9:30, and the party returned at sr. m. The party were met on the road by J. Brewster of Gait and the local wheelmen from Elk Grove and i-loriu, under command of D. S. Buoli. THE "SCOBCHERS" A Yesterday the Capital City Scorchers had a run to Lincoln. Leaving the city at 8:15 o'clock, all went well until they were half-way across the ltaucbo del Pum), ■when one of the tires of Herbert Medea's light racing wheel exploded, which caused a delay of thirty-five minutes to make repairs. Remounting, the pace •was increased to make up lor lost time. When nine and a half miles lrom Lin coln another stop of teu minutes was made to allow McCrea to tix his tire, which had been carelessly done at first. From this point. Captain Elliott, know ing the kind of men he had riding behind him, set a furious pace, bringing the crowd into Lincoln over that distance in the very good time of thirty minutes, or at the rate of nineteen miies an hour. Not satisiied with this pace, when about a quarter of a mile lrom Lincoln he gave the order to .''scorch" into town, which all did, to their sorrow, for as they were tearing along at a 2:50 clip, with the Cap tain leading, he suddenly ran upon a^ cross street which had recently been' graded up about two feet higher than the one he had been riding on. It was found that McCrea's racing wheel had failed to stand the shock and had broken beyond repair. So it was lett at the express otbee to be shipped home and another wheel telephoned lor, which arrived on the 4 o'clock train. Iv the meantime the boj rs had cone to the hotel, where it was found their cy clometers registered^!*:, miles, which was ridden in just two hours. After a good dinner and waitirjg till the traiu came in with the new wheel, the start was made lor home at 4:15, and a warm pace was kept up against a pretty strong wind. They were able to reach home at 7:-io, having lost an hour on the road. The men taking part in the run were Captain E. Eliiott, \V. G. Hill, W. G. Elliott, \V. A. Hubert, George McCrea, YV. Piersou, Herbert McCrea. ♦ AMUSEMENTS At the Ciunie Opera-fiouse this evening the stock company will present the thrilling sensational drama, "The Sea of Ice." There will be much new scenery, several new mechanical devices, new properties and music. Miss Oeorgie "VVaidron remains to take part in the play, and the whole company will appear in it, cast to the full strength of the troupe. "Doris," the play Robert Drouet has written for Eftie Eilsler, will receive its initial performance in the city to-night at the Metropolitan Theater. The play has been one of the positive successes of the season, meeting with great favor wherever produced, and Ktiie Eilsler, an actress who can always be de pended on to preseut whatever role in which she may appear in a eonaistentand intelligent manner, has, in "Doris," given theater-goers further evidence of her mastery of the art of acting, and sur prised even her most friendly critics by the power she lias developed in the por trayal of a role that would severely test the strength oi' one of larger and more robust physique than is possessed by this j talented and favorite artist. In the ear lier scenes of the play l>oris is the young wife, who, having put aside her first great sorrow, is living in the family of I the good old rector in the quiet English Tillage,and whose only ( care is the cm. dren intrusted to her as the village school mistress. Later, when scandal, calumny and uujust suspicion have made her a victim, she is a woman patient in suffer ing, st-h-sacriheing, yet determined in doing what she considers right. The character gives great scope to the actress, and Kll;e Llisier h;is demon strated her ability to artistically portray it. The other characters of the play are especially well drawn and form impor tant iactors in the development of an in tensely interesting plot. "Doris* 1 will be repeated Friday and Saturday evenings and SaturUay matinee. The one charac ter that has done more coestablish Miaa Ellslers reputation as a great emotional actress, than any other, is Hazel Kirfce, and it was in tins beautiful play she ap peared three successive yeai>, tilling the Madison-square Theater, New York, to its capacity during that memorable run. Wednesday evening will be the only presentation of tins play. Tuesday and irsdav she will bo seen as La iy Alicia in "'A Woman's Power," a character whici' i> »«id to be in marked contrast with tL'e other impersonations oi Uie Week autf one that clearly proves her to _ SACRAMENTO PAILT SECORD-TOftO^ MONPAT, APBIL 2, 1894,— SIX PAGES. Highest of all in Leavening To wer.—l Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PV^B be one of the most versatile and accom plished actress on the stage. <'. W. Couldock, the oldest actor on thn Ameri can stage, the creator of the character Dunstan Kirke, is .Miss Blister's chief j support. He is one of the best known artists of the drama, and bis name is in timately related with some ol the great est dramatic successes of the last half century. The Independent Order of Foresters will give a social party Friday evening, April loth, at Turner Hall. TO ANNUL A DEED. <uit Against Hie WoU-Kiiown Farmer, J. J\ Oflbert. Suit bas been commenced by IT. F. <;. Trumpler against J. P. Odbert, Mrs. Od bertaad George K. Odbert, their son. to recover on :i judgment for $2,493 obtained iv September, I*'.'!. The obligation was incurred in is^s. <>n the 17tb of the present month an ex ecution was issned upon the judgment against the real and persona] property of Odbert, but the execution was returned by the Sheriff unsatisfied. The complainant alleges that in Janu ary, 1891, Odbert and wife deeded their property to their son for the purpose of defrauding creditors and with the fraud j alent intent of hindering and delaying the enforcement of J. P. Odbert's liabil ity. Wherefore the plaintiff prays that the deed be adjudged fraudulent and void, and that the title to the farm be adjudged in J. P. Odbert; that t lie defendants he enjoined from disposing of or mortgaging the farm; that a receiver be appointed and that the farm bo soid and the pro ceeds be applied in payment of the jiuig ment held by plaintitl. i loll & Dunn are plaintiff's attorneys. TO-DAY'S MEETING. The 'Women of Sacramento and tho Humane Society. The adjourned meeting of Sacramento women having under consideration the claims of the County Humane Society, is to bo held at -1 P. m. to-day at Pioneer Hall. The Advisory Committee, which met at the Mayor's residence on Thurs day, will then report. * The committee request that an argent appeal be made to the women of the city to come to the meeting to-day. There is every reason why they should, and nono to the contrary where health and duty permi. It is to be sincerely hoped tnat the ball will l»e filled to-day with good women who are conscious of the value of the work of the Humane Society and wish to see it extended. Assurance is given that a very gratifying report will be made by the Advisory Committee, and it is therefore desired that there shall bo a large number present to act upon it and decide upon the suggestions to ba made. THE CURFEW BELL. IJoys "Will Do Well to Hunt Their Homes When it Rings. Eor the lirst time in several years the "Curfew bell" tolled last night. A reso lution was passed last Monday night by the lloard of Trustees to the effect that the ordinance, which has been enjoying a Hip Van Winkle sleep, should be en forced. As it was generally known that Chief i Drew was in favor of its enforcement, the ; boys were evidently on the lookout for squulls. The officers had scattered them i pretty weli a couple of hours before, but some still liugereu on the streets. Within five minutes alter the bell tolled, at ■:» ; o'clock, however, scarcely a boy was to bo seen on J or X streets below Tenth,except J v few who were hurrying home, and tho : shouts and. cat-calls with which the j BtreetS generally resound till a late hour , were all hushed. As the Trustees ;ind j tho Chief of Police are determined to en force the ordinance, it behooves boys i who do not wish to spend a night in tho City Prisou to keep oil the streets after 9 j o'clock. «. Tonne Hoodlums. A large number of boys collected at Seventh and J streets last night and threw Hour and eggs upon passers-by. Another gang took tiieir stand between Fifth and >ixth streets and did the same thing, di recting their attention more especially to Chinamen. The nuisance became so hud that Myron Lafayette, .Joe Bloomberg, Homer Mona ghan, Lazaroa Bloomberg a:ul Charles Perkins were arrested. They considered this a smart way of celebrating April Pools' Day, bat have doubtless changed their minds by this time. A number of men not only encouraged the boys in their hootliumisrn but jeered and abused the officers when they made the arrests. Funeral of Edith Lln.lley. The fuueral of Editb, daughter of T. M. Lindley,took place on Saturday from the faniiiy residence on H street, Key. T. J. Homer officiating. There was a large attendance of the deceased youne lady's friends, many of whom brought beauti ful Uoral tributes to adorn the eask*et and the grave. Tiie pall-bearers were Fred South wortli, lrauk Dray, .T«>hn 11. I.aKue, (.ins S. Turner, iial i'eusou and K. M. Kicii .•irdsou. „. _ A ( :i-.h Appealed. The caso of C. W. Dillard, adminis trator of the estate of C. VV. Dillard, de ceased, vs. S. Prouty has been appealed to the Superior Court. Some personal property belonging to the estate was soid I at public auction to Proaty for $153 6U. ! lie refused 10 pay, and was sued in Jus ' tice Devine's Court. The plaintiff was gives a judgment, and now Prouty ai> oeals. .*».—, Charged "With Embezzlement.. Milton S. Halaey was arrested on ! Saturday by Officer Hardy, on a charge of embezzlement, on complaint of Charles : I'isk, who charged that the former bad collected some money and bad not turned I over the proceeds. Halsey gave bail and , i was released. - -• ■ >Ilk and Orange*. A silk train of six cars came up from j San Francisco last night and passed mi j its way I'.asi. A train load of oraniressix- ! teen cars, will arrive here this morning, j ; bound lor the market. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. The only Pure Creatn of Tartar Powder. —No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes —40 Years the Standard. AN ANARCHIST'S PLOT. How a Uttlr> Man and His Little Tin Ilo\ Cleared « Snloon. "I want Sio toward the fund for send ing a regiment of unemployed mon to Washington!" A small, gray-beardeH man yesterday entered an up-town saloon, and taking up a portion in front of the bar, thus made a demand on the proprietor. "You do, oh?" ejaculated the dispenser of fluids. "Well, you won't get it!" "I tell you, sir," said the stranger in a wild and excited manner, "that I must have it, and you've got to give that much!" "And I tell you," responded the mix ologist, who was now getting hot with anger, "that I won't give you a cent, and if you don't get out of here d d quick I'lVthrow ". There was something i:i the visitor's looks and movements that caused the saloonkeeper to out short his remarks. The visitor had advanced a step nearer ihe bar and thrusting his band inside the breast of his coat, he roared in a tragic manner: "If you don't come down with that $10 for the unemployed, l'il blow your d ——d saloon oil the street!" And striding up to the bar he laid thereon a small tin box with a siiort fuse attached. Quick as a flash he struck a rriatch, touched it to the fuse and then broke for tho door. So did the saloonkeeper and about a dozen loungers in the place. A party of | card-players overturned a table in their mad rush to escape being blown to pieces by the bomb. They all got out safely and then turned to witness the destruction of the saloon. But they waited in vain. The proprietor remembered that Le didn't wait to gather up bis cash register, and he was about to venture into ihe saloon to recover it, when the little man with the long beard yelled out lrom the sidewalk opposite: "You blamed ijit, don't you know this is A prii Fool's Day V ' "Come, boys, take one with mo," said the proprietor, us ho emptied the sand out Of the box. "That was a good one !" "That's right!" chimed in the other fellows. OLD LADY INJURED. Mrs. Ilobei- Ran Down by nu Express Wilson on X street. Another instance of reckless driving, with results, took place on Satur day evening about &30 o'clock. Theie is a large class ol drivers in this city who seem to proceed on the principle that pedestrians have no rights. These people drive far beyond the limit of speed allowed by law and will often whip around a corner close to tbe curb ing unexpectedly, giving no chance to the pedestrian who bas taken a step off the sidewalk, supposing the way clear, to protect himself. Dozens ol narrow es capes oivur in this way almost daily and sometimes the pedestrian does not es cape. Some drivers have done this so long with impunity that they fancy they have a right to do it and a remonstrance against their recklessness is met by tbe answer, "Why in don't you look out for yourself ?" and sometimes with foul mouthed abuse to the foot passenger. Jt is about time that the Trustees issued | Stringent orders on tins point. The law j uives the pedestrian the right of way On j all street cross crossings, and it would he i well if bullying drivers were taught that j fact by the infliction ot a Heavy line in ! the Police Court, and a civil action for damages. On Saturday evening Mrs. Eber, an old lady <i,s years ot age, \v:is run down at Sixth and k streets, by an express wagon and badly injured, she was taken into Phillies' drugstore and lier hurts at tended to. The driver of the wagon } whipped vi) liis horse and was soon out of sight, although Chief Drew and ufliqer Lowell pursued him. it is stated that the expressman is known and will be prosecuted, it not being his first offense of the kind. —•- — YOUNG MATn ARRESTED. lie Forced a <. lacinnatl Kailrond Superintendent's Name. Captain Greene :;nd Officer Hi<*sjins made an important capture on Saturday, arresting a young man about 20 years old named Alex Paris, on a telegram from the < hief ol" Police of Cincinnati, O. The charge against him was forging the name of the Railroad Superintendent under w horn he held a position. On entering it drawing-room car they found the young man, who had been spending money lavishly on his way across tin' continent and who traveled under the name ol ('. \V. Hutchinson. lie protested indignantly against his a:rest, denying his identity, but on ar rival at the station bouse he weakened and admitted it. He also acknowledged the forgery, stating that lie had held au i moor unit place in the office. in his valise were found a number of checks on the National J;-.uik of Cincin nati, ranging in amount from -40 to $150 ami amounting in all to about $1,200. They ail purported to ho signed by tiyau, the railroad Superintendent. Jle also j had about $5 I in greenbacks in his pock ets. In bis valise also was a letter t<> his mother in vvbich he admitted that he had i committed the forgery. The Cincinnati authorities were noti- Qod and an answer received that an oili cer would start Saturday night to take back the prisoner. >uit for fSO^OOO Damatrm. Fred Castle, the man who was badly injured a year ago by the explosion oi an \ oxygen-gas retort, while in the employ of the Calcium Light Company, lias mied | fctie company lor £20,000 damages. He lost one rye, a ie^ and a btiger by the ezploitiou. Itankrunt Stock The Red House Company purchased last Thursday a bankrupt stock of mer chandise [dry goods, fancy goods, etc.) The same they Lave advertised to com mence the sale ol' to-morrow. They promise some nice bargains to the iadies I'lilcss you.kill your doubts they will sotno day kill you. If you doubt ttieme dicinal powers of Hood's £arsaparilla lake hall a dozen bottles, and then doubt and disease will be conquered. Dv.tnk the best, and the best is the • i c Whiskies. WASH --goods To-day! We will place on sale many interesting things in our Domestic Department. An opportunity to buy Cotton Dress Fabrics and House Furnishing Sjoodsßt prices much below their value. ■i O/^ A- new lot of IDress tSciteens, clurl-c grounds with col* x '^ ored designs. Worth, .20c a yard. i Black Brocaded iSateens, soft liiiish, Worth J-wU yard. M f^\/n Cashmere-.finish Sateens, Make nice house gowna -Lv^^ Worth, i6e a yard. • ! ■ n 1 ii Qp A. new line of Spring Dress Ginghams. They have I <~Jvy sold every season before this at 12^0 a yard. (^if> flannelettes—Only twenty pieces, light and medium \-/\^> grounds. They all }j;o. Worth, ioe a yard. Rp Indigo I-'rints. Why pay 8c a yard elHewhere ? l ■ I ..I MUL*.^*** 1.1.1. II I ■ I Q. 4*4 rvltislin, soft finish. "Worth, ioc a yard. On FVuit of the Loom IVluslin. Why pay ioc a yard else ; O^ where? I c~\ pr? Turkey Red Damask in several patterns. Wortli, ;^OO 40c a yard. Q^ Bleached Crash. The kind you always pay ioc a C3L/ yar< 1 f< »r. Qn^ Knee Curtain Ends in lengths from i\ to 2J yards. Wortli double. j/j C) _j Indigo Blue Percales, suitable for boys' waists. I J.^_iO Worth, iOe a yard. /~5 pine Quality Seersucker in plain colors, cheeks and 00 stripes. Usually sell for ioc a yard. IC\ T^yoipp For short lengths in Cotton Goods, Linens, ~*^— i \-~J I lv^O Muslins, Swisses and Draperies. WASSERMAN, DAVIS k CO. Corner Fifth and J Streets, Sacramento. AGENTS FOR BUTTERICK PATTERN®. 1 3 <SiF3l_S WHO USE , "WELL /— x A r-^ /~s^ t ! x-^v =\ isss' SA P 0 L 0 VV J^.l-/. j ARE QUICKLY MARRIED. JI^ 5 * Try it in Your Next House Clet-aninac^^ZJ j (Gvciccftee. mHE NEW PLAZA CASH GROCERY, I Corner Fifteenth and 14 Streets. Fresn stock of tine Groceries, Wines, Liquors, | Digars, etc. Wood *! to $6 per cord; also gTaln and feed. Prompt delivery. Givemes call. M. L L.noS. Proprietor. rpKY VANNOMAN'S NEW GROCERY, 1 700 I Street. Fresh stock of Ranch* h :-js Fruits and Vegetables. Coal Oil MO ceti. s per can. 01 i: TASTE lIA MS 1;:'.. CENTS PER POUND; 3 c;ins Tomatoes 25 cents; 3 cans I'ie Fruit 25 cents; 2 cans Table Peaches 25 cents; all Kind- 01 Tal !■■ Plums, :; cans for oeuts. Bel ire to call for Kal lon Creamery Butter, the best In this market. At L\ NJN'S, b'onrteeni b and 0 Btreeis. (^ORN.IOoCAN; TOMATOES, 3CANS2Sc: choice Pet. Butter, •!•■><•; Creamery Butter, 50c; Prunes, sc; good Ham. i^>-; uryduraoc ••i"'at KILEY's store, Tenth and E. FRESH BUTTER, 35C ROLL; CHOICE, loe; Creamery, 45c; fresh Egss. 15c; (■oo 1 Potatoes, 75c a sack; Corn, LOoj 1 0 U Oil, 80c; liest Gasoline, S6c. SIMONS & BKESLEY, .^lO X street. TO THE PUBLIC—FARIS A i Spinks, (ieneral Colkvtiou Agency. 61 1 I street. Prompt attention given iiil matters, iiad liilis a sj). cialty. \ CGQUNTANT — 800 KS EX A MIN EI >" X\ adjusted and kept; charges reasonable' .1. Si w'rT. LOO 9 Second Btreet, bet. J and K. PATENTEES! IF Y(>!" WANT YOUB PATENT NOVKL tien properly and successtully Introduced ua 1 manipulated in all partsof the 1 nil ■! States, addres-< THE WESTERN PATENT NOVELTY AGENCY.B2I Market street, San Francisco. 6p-nir3oap2-4 OCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i=>Air\jE:'s § § tLLuill luJll UUiMJ 8 O Q q MAKES O F=EORL_E \A/El_l_. 2 j CKDOCOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ; YOUNG MAN! t Jjcjn TTAVE YOU READ S^SlJ^w AX my lectureaboui the if . prf pitfalls of yoangr men and j KS-y^fflfw of lost manhood? I will Ss^l^^^B PROF- J> H< HlDSoN iSin^^H^lo3£ Maricrf streol, San' ■ 'Jm iiiLuJ Francisco. CaL ON INSTALLMENTS. FIRST P> R E IVI ILJ rVI . SEWING MACHINES. FROM $40 to $00. mHE LIGHT-RUNNING^ g^^^Z^. F»O M\l IZ R ■ \ /I^MSe\A^ing Machines For ?y5. at 52 50 a month. f Jy Discount for Cash. Bee j l& llW^&m tn m oo!or'' buying el«e- uia^a*j v.i ere. Machints rented • J> * and repaired. 1 J. POMMER. Cop. Ninth and J Streets. GLASSJ GLASS! F. N. WOODS & CO., Importers and Wholesale Dealers In Piate, Window and OrnameoUil Glass. Mirrors a Specialty. 51 AHD 53 FIRST STREET, NEAR MARKET, SSara Francisco, Ceil. BEST QUALITY. LOWEST PRICES, j bend fur Trice Liats and Discounts. go&t—soitni>. FOST— SUNDAY. A BUNCH <>X DESK j keys, with a Postofflce k.( y on a ring. I Leave al this office for 50 cents. It LOST— SMALL BUCKSKIN I 1 ('USE. brass mounted, oontalnlnK sio; SlO in paper, >'"> in >, rold. Kevvard ottered. Return to this office. ' mr3o-3t* FOR SALK-100 ACRES FINE LAND; 4O in grain; 2,000 almond and 1,000 feach trees, iill benring: 6,000 Muscat and Tokay bearlug grape vines; 1,500 fine Black berries; v' (|od building and water; 15 miles from here, i miles from railroad; a big bar gainat96,ooo. Particulars, CARLSTRUBEL, j :U7 .1 stnet. ap^-:2tdAlt\v I,X)K SALE -GOOD I'AMILV CARRIAGE ' horse; ride or drive, also one two-seated Surrey. 13ai Seventh street ap2-lw SOME ELEGANT DESIGNSIN BRUSSELS Carpet at 55c per yard; :.'-)ily Ingrain Carpet, full yard wide, s>sc per yard, at CHAKLUS M. CAMPBELL'S, io;» k street. Have your hair inailresses renovated by our new improved machine. ap'}-;:t. QAFE FOR SALE—OB WILL TKADK Folt 0 bicycles; is burglar and fireproof; weighs a,OO0 pounds. C. A.s., l^t.i. X st. tnr3l-2t* /-IENTI.K FAMILY HORSE FOR BALE. VJ Inquire 811 .i st.. upstairs, or 1-1 o M st. FOR SALE—THREE ACRES OP FINK land at Thirty-second and T streets; new house, lai Lje barn, cMcken-hi mse, wagon-shed, air moter windmill with tank and tunkhoase; water fixtures lor house and garden; every thing new a.:;d comfortable; terms easy, or will exchange the place for count ry property. ! For particulars apply on tho premises, near < ink Pai it. mr&7-lm* FOR SALE CHEAP—A FRENCH COOK ing range with all utensils. Apply at this onice. ptONTRACTOR'S WAGON FOR SALE \j cheap, or will trade lor v buggy. Apply 10-^1 Tenth street. I^ORSALE— NO. 1416 H STREET, NICE bouse and lot, 40x160. at a bargain. Ci R -11S A- l'»« AVLI-n , Keal Estate and Insurance, 1012 Fourth street. mrl2-tl tj^Oß SALE—DIFFERENT SIZE PIPE, dipped, guaranteed to stand high pressuer, sitlow rates. SAUKAMENTO PIPE U'oUKs, in octagon bnitding near depot. (nah*tUMtant&» MADAM PORTER, CLAIRVOYANT; fortune telling by cards and palmistry; ladies, 50c; gents, $1; clairvoyant sittings, $i 50. tiUo L, hot. Sixth ana Seventh. ap2-lw* MADAME ST. CLAIRE DE MONCEAU. tortune teller; natural elfti d seeress with cards and tarots; lias never tailed to please in her extensive tnnels. iioo Eighth street. inr29-lw /CLAIRVOYANT. —MRS. BARTHOLMES, \j Denver's well-feoown business and test medium, can be consulted upon all affairs oi life; sue icads the past and unravels the fu ture; diagnoses disease without questions; satisfaction guaranteed; (rail and be con- j vlnced. ; :»1;-, .1 street. DR. BAKTHOLMES, I magnetic healer. nu:j-;-iw* f ADi'Ks: DO YOU BELONG To A CLUB? 1^ Do you know you may obta>n a S~O or 835 suit lor 91 ? At the PARISIAN CLUB, Fourth and k. Call and see samples. mrao-lm* OTYLIBH DRESSMAKING AT SEDUCED J3 prices: cutting and iittniij a specialty. 1 12$ Seyentb itreet. ___^_ Ml.'Shi EFFIE DORUM. 1315 SEVENTH street, between M and N. mr2o-lm* ptAKPETS CLEANED AND LAID: OLD \j carpets bought, sold or exchanged at JACOX BROS.. W2O X street. Teleunoue 37: J. ! Caso paid for second-hand fnrnitnre. . j I HARRY W. lUVEIT, STEAM CARPET { cleaning,corner Twelfth and o streets: carpet cutting, sewing and retiuins; furniture i uacKed for snlpment; second-hand carpets . and furniture bought and for sale. Teleplioue j G<KM GALLERY - CHINESE HELP I taken for regUvratlon for -j j e caen at ' IiEALS', 6^7 J street, corner beveutu. ZXleetxnar *lottcc*. EL DORADO LODGE, NO. 8, 1. jritt .^ O. o. F.. wiil meet on Tills iSPei- MoNDAY i:\ENINO at 7:3o^^^^* o'clock, initiatory degree. All ■WrmXF' members requested to attend. Visitors invited, A. CUNNINGHAM, N. G. GgQBQi; G. O<;u. Secretary. It* QTATED MEETING OF TEHAMA a 0 Lodge, No. 3, F. and A. M.. THIS -^k. [Monday) EVENING,at 7:30 o'clock. }OC Visiting brethren cordially invited./ ▼% . v*u* A. J. VERMILYA, W. M. QACRAMENTO LODGE, NO. 11, K. ol "■—Regular meeting Monday evening. April 2d, at 8 o'clock. Eteo-^ tion ot representatives to the Grand Juoage. A good attendance of members is re spectfully requested. A TTENTION, EKE M P T S - <~^ 2:\. Your regular monthly ■■ > m- will be nt-ld THIS , Mondavi fl&RfeX EVENING, April 2d,at 8 o'clock |#MPfl Delinquents, take notice. CHARLKS BARNES, President L. U. T, Secretary. It* ©cucral Jlottcca. A— SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS for ladies aud children. The Universal Fashion Company's perfect rittins patterns now ready, call for a catalogue at the WHITE SEWING MACHINE OFFICE; bO4 J street. ap2-lw UAVE YOU ANY REAL ESTATE THAT you want to nave turned into cash witu out waiting the slow process of private sale? 11 so, it wiil be to your advantage to commu nicate at once with BELL <V CO., Auctiom ers, :j.j3 .J street, or call ana see them, as they are making a specialty ol that class ot business. Q,uiek sales and low commissions is their motto. JUST ARRIVED, PROFESSOR .MYERS, >j Phrenologist, and who Is acknowledge 1 by press and people to De the most famous aud tellable scientific palmist oi the present age; who lias many imitators, but no equals, and j suco c :> when all others foil, ),\ his wonder ful powers or reading the pasi and r, , li.c mysterious tuture; he advises with a cer tainty iv all affairs ol love, marriage, family estrangements, evil Inriuence; tells you ta'e business that wiil bring you the greatest suc cess, and b.. bis wonderlul knowledge w. ill give yon full description ot the one you will many. Sittings from 9 \. »r. to S r. >i.,ui Uii 1 arlors, 700 M street, Sacramento. mrao-6t* IpRENCI I .TANSY W A FERS. - Til KSB . wafers are for the relief and cure of pain ful and Irregular menses, no matter wnat tne caube, andare sure and Bafe every lime; be ware oi substitutes. Kor sale by all druggists) Qhxixteir. VVT ANTED BY A GERMAN GIRL, A VV position to do cooking, housework,etc. Apply at Fit- l'HslUEf> L 11O1EL, b'iltU, L»c -i weea .1 ami K. aD2 lAPANESE YOUXQ 801 WANTS SITU p) ation 10 iiu housdPorK <>r tieiji cook. tIEJsRYt P. O. Bo.\ 116. tiacrameuto. apy-lw* WANTED— A SITUATION TO DO GEN ei;,i bouseworK by a competent woman: is a fine cook aud laundress. Call at La 18 Hind street. inr3l-3t» JAPANESE GOOD COOK WANTS A BlT uation in this city or country. Address K. iS., corner .Ninth and. ■} streets. mr:;i -■■i r ITITANTED—THE LADIES <'F SACRA \\ memo to use the Eucalyptus Supposito ries for lemale weakness. 1 mice ol v M street. mr3o-tf DYE STRAW WANTED FOR HORSE ti collars. Address W. DA \i.- .v SoN 110 .\iai-Ki-t street, San Franc. no. inr2y-4l&wlt ITT ANTED —GIRL Foil GENERAL \V housework; inusi nave references. .\p pij at yol X street between '.) and 11 a.m. ITTANTED—LADY AGENTS FOR A VV quick gelling specialty. Apply sit 417)£ I X street, room inr27-lw* I ._ ._ ®a £ct or |^cnt. mO LET HOUSE SUITABLE FOR* BUSi JL ness. Apply 2701 S street. up2-3t rfK) LET— A COTTAGE OF 5 11 _i_ witu bath. Apply at northwest corner j i'ourtn ana f si mr3l-3t' ■1 O LET—A HOUSE WITH 0 ROOMS AND J_ batn. Apply to MittS. T. i*. TAYLOU, 700 <<i street. mr.;i-i,t'_ /CONVENIENT FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, \j laO t> H street. Inquire at 1900 H street. mrao-tf HIV N STREET—FURNISHED ROOMS, "xUo with bath; will take a lew boarders at $4 per week. -Mus. 11. M. r-ui-.1-.TS. mrao-lm mo RENT-MAY IST, IN SAN FRAN- X Cisco, furnished house, l^: rooms; Broad way, near Buchanan; tine marine view. Ad dress flood, 'J2!' Pine street, San Francisco, mi-2'j-l w OURNISHEDOR UNFURNISHED ROOMS J. in suits or single. Opp. 1 laza, "ju'j'le;ith &t. iraVE-ROOM FLAT, §12, ENQUIRE AT 1 RILEYS STOKfcl, Tenth and E streets. mr29-lm* IJIURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN; . batn ana gas; references required. 711 t± street. uiras-lw ni/?J -I ST.—FURNKHED OR UNFUR »*i_\}'j nisi- d rooms for liynt huusekeepi.i^c. I Alii NINTH STREET-FURNISHED JU 11 - rooms to let; one small beuroom and large iron; rcouo, suitable lor two P> rsons; no chilur< n. j 1 1 > O STREET — FURNISHED ROOMS tIO for nouseseeplng; also single. \- ICF.LY FURNISHED ROOMS FROM §3 x\ up al 1211 seventh street. -1 A M STREET - TWO FURNISiIF.D ;jl\J front suites for housekeeping. mr27-6t rpO RENT—BY APRIL Ist, A HOUSE OF _l y rooms: gas, water, hot and cold. Apply : ■}:'. KU'iith street. rpO LET-APRIL IST, AN EIGHT-ROOM J_ house ot modern liaprovementa, facing ( apital lark, located at 13t'5 L street. Apply at 13U1 L street. mr2o-tf mp- L STREET—TO LET. APPLY' TO t) b'ABIAN BROS., corner Ninth and j,agents. t^!OR RENT—STORES IN OLD POSTOF -1 See block, X and Fourth streets. Build mg to be remodeled and subdivided. Fino large store at corner of alley, Fourth, J and K. Call early and select from plans. EDWIN" k. ALSIP 4 O >■, Real Estate and Insurance, lUlo Fourth street. mO LET-HOUSE, 8 ROOMS AND BATH, X barn in rear; $;>O. House, 5 rooms, §11. r. C. HYDE, real estate and insurance. R00R) 5, second floor, Odd Fellows' Temple, NiutU aud X streets. .).)/• SUITER STREET (GLEN HOUSE), ,iO\} near Kearny, San Francisco. Visitors from the country can secure neatly furnished, rooms, en suite or single, at reasonable rates, mll <)-1 m M RB. E. A. NAHOR. I«-1| 0 STREET—TO RENT, HOUSE OF l»)I-f nine rooms and supplied with all modern improvements. For particulars iv» quire on the premises, lilusicaU JUST ARRIVED, FIFTY DOZEN NEW style Harmonicas at cut prices. Call and s.-. tuem at C. A. NBALE'S, «2'J .) stieet. Headquarters for cheap edition* of sheet inu si.-, books, etc. O chooU of :Art. mHE NEWEST OF ALL-TINTED CREPE c paper tor lamp shades and all kinda ationtq full assortment at School of Ait; needle woiu. MISS L. SCHUBERT 1011 Eighth street. DCAHMICIIKAL, 1000 EIGHTH . street, otters special Inducements on all wagon repair work. Kor cash,2s per cent, saved. I all and see his method of selling tires. Special attention giveu to horenhoeiu;;.