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2 DAILY RECORD-UNION ISSUED BY THE SACRAMENTO PIMM COMPANY ©fflo«, Tfclrd Street, between J and K. THB BAILY RECORD-UNION Tor one year $6 00 ; or six months 300 qr terse months 1 50 Subscribers served by carriers at Fiftken Cklnts per week. In all interior cities and _? _3* B "•* EaPer <"*m be had of the principal Periodica! Dealers, Newsmen and Agent-. THE WEEKLY UNION Is the cheapest and most desirable Home, News and Literary Journal published on the Pacu\c COast. The W_-_c_.t Union per y-~» f» 60 *T" These pubhcatlons are sent either by l_ail or Express to agents or single sub scribers with charges prepaid. All Postmast ers are agents. The best advertising mediums on the Pacific Coast. Entered at the Postoffice at Sacramento as tacond-clasa matter. **"■*' ■ i i • i ■ . , ■ ..' i - "Record-Union—Telephone No. 49. For Editorial Rooms, ring one bell. Tor Bvyiness Office, ring three bella Prospect of Rain. Saw Francisco, April 22.-Rain to the amount of .06 Inches fell at Los Angeles last night, and light sprinkles of rain tell about San Francisco to-day. The conditions to night are favorable for light showers Monday along the coast and in the interior from Stockton northward. There are no decided storm conditions present to-night, but show ers are expected tc occur from the influence of an area of high • ressure moving northward along the California coast. A slight disturb ance is shown in the north to-night, but un less it should develop more there will be no rain to materially benefit vegetation. An area ol low pressure Is central over the eastern portion of Washington and Oregon. If this low pressure should be retarded in its east ward course It will be deflected southward, In Which event more heavy and general rain will occur over Nortnern California. Cloudy weather prevails over the Pacific Slope. ERRONEOUS IDEAS OF GOVERN MENT. Under our system the Government is the people, the voice of the majority de termined by ballot and made effective through legislation by the agents of the people so chosen. The idea that is industriously circu lated that the Government owes to every one of its members a ''living" is errone ous; it owes only such protection to the individual right of each, as the people have themselves by partial and voluntary surrender of rights enabled it to give. It has not the right nor the power to take from the common fund for the special assistance and promotion of any one person or class. Hence it is held that it has not the right to even extend charity. While this has not been, how ever, enforced as a rule, it always has been a matter of protest. The aggregated body of agents we call Congress, has the power to legislate for the general good along several lines, and it is here that issues are joined as to what is the general good. But the right judg ment is that the general grant of power referred to is controlled by the specific declarations of the Constitution. Cer tainly if the doctrine is to obtain that so many now preach, that the Government is to do any and all things by expend iture of money and employment of in dustry in works created for the purpose, to aid the distressed and unemployed, then we getito paternalism in its broadest and most impracticable sense. There is unquestionably a limit within which the government of the people may act that will have the effect desired in part, such as the withdrawal ot special privileges that under the laws are gained by one class at the expense of other classes; the disposal of irritating legis lative subjects, uncertainty concerning which paralyzes commerce and industry; the forwarding of such public works as the needs of Government demand, and for which there is means of payment. Beyond these and a few similar lines the demand for other activity by the Gov ernment for the relief of abnormal condi tions and industrial distress leads to the questions of nationalization of products, industries, lands, works, etc., that forms the text for so much of the speculative po litical economy and economic fallacies of the day. It is certainly clear to whoever reads or observes, that just now, more than at any previous time, the no tions prevalent among a large number of our people of the true office and the func tions of self-government are more than vague; they are dangerously erroneous, since it is a wild and impracticable idea that in some way that which we call gov ernment is a thing separate and apart from and above the people, which has the power to do that which in the very nature of things under our system it is im possible to do. At Muncie, Indiana, the Humane So ciety has opened war upon the employ ment In the factories there of children under twelve years of age. Such is the law and the society proposes to enforce it. If so, several hundred boys and girls will be released from the nut and glass factories. It is right action. Besides be ing inhuman to confine these children of tender years in factories, they and the women displace a large number of adult workers who are thrown out because women and children by displacement render them helpless and dependents. This process of ousting natural bread winners and care-takers by the place ment of those who belong in school or in the home, is a positive and augmenting evil. Return the women to their homes to cultivate the taste for domesticity and acquire the arts of housewifery; return the factory child slaves to the schools; in their place put men who can and wiil maintain homes; put up the bars to ex clude the low alien class that drives the American workers to the road and we will have less distress, more indus try, and hear little of the marching of the unemployed. «. The bill to retire Federal Judges after twenty years of service is good in princi ple. But it would seem to be best to make it flexible. Some men after such service : would be more fit to remain upon the j bench than any who could be named to supersede them. Twenty years ought not to incapacitate. The rule in England fa to make the lep»l limit, but to mn"'<- it* SACRAMENTO DAILY RECORD-UNION, MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1894.--SIX PA6KES. acceptance a matter of choice, savo where the ollicer has failed in his mental powers obviously. ■ -♦ There is, now that it is all over, cen eral agreement that the late Mardi-Gras blow-out at San Francisco was a gigantic fake, and that San Francisco made a su preme exhibition of herself in promoting it. It was more pitiful in its failure than it was ludicrous—pitiful that a great body of people should be so completely and humiliatingly hoaxed, and that so much money should have been thrown away in such trumpery display. The usual treatment of catarrh is very uusatislactory, as thousands can testify. Proper local treatment is necessary to success, but many, if not most, of the remedies in general use afford but tem porary relief. Ely's Cream Balm, which is so highly commended, is a remedy which combines the important requisites of quick action, specific curative power, with perfect safety and pleasantness to the patient. Tho druggists all sell it. NEW TO-DAY. PICNIC PRIVU-SGES.—BIDB WILL BE received fur privileges of bar. ice cream, ciuar-. refreshments and games at the Grangers' Picnic, to bt held ;tt I Iraham's Uiove on SATURDAY, May •">, lb'.'4. Bids must be left at Grangers' Store, T. A. Lav ler, 10U0 X street, on or before halurday, April 2sth, at 10 o'clock a. m. No Intoxicating liquors of any kind will us permitted to be sold on the grouaus. The committee ies rye the rigiit to reject any and all bids. By order olf iap^J-stj_ l'i±-_ COMMITI--K. DATE TAKEN. mUESDAY, MAY Bm, ANNUAL PICNIC JL t>f D. of il., A. O. U. W. at Last Para. It Bids for the Burial of the Indigent Dead XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT __\ bids for the burial ol the indigent dead of Sacramento County will be received by the Board of Suj ervisors, at their office on I street, betwieu Sixth and Seventh streets, Sacia mento City, California, on MONDAY, May 7, 1b94. at 2 o'cioctc P. M. [s-ALj Attest: W. B. HAMILTON, ap23-6t Clerk ot said Bourd. GRAND REOPENING! CLEAR WATER SWIMMING BATHS, Twenty-first andO streets. Exhibition by the Champion Id vers and Swimmers ot the World: PROP*. M. H. GAY, Champion High, Fancy and Trick Diver. DANA C. _-_OMP- S< >N, Champion Half-mile swimmer, i API. JACK WI LLI AMS, Trick Swimmer. Friday and Saturday Evenings, April ;.7th and 26th, at 8 i>. ML, and Sunday, April 29th, at 2 P. U. ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. ap23-6t FLOWERS, SEEDS, SHRUBBERY. Our Magnifieeiit German Paiisies Are grown from the choicest seeds, which we import from Erfurt. Ger many. Every plant has a beauti ful flower. Step into our store, 417 J street, and order a dozen. OXLY 25 cents. For really FINE FLORAL WORK we have no competitor in the city. BELL traVAMV CMFffl FLORAL PIECES! Only place in town for CHOICE SEEDS. C. a STRONG & CO., 513-515 J SL The Reliable Florist ! Everything True to Name Or Your Money Kefunded. HAS COMPETED FOR FINEST FLOWe rs and Floral Work and gained FIRST PREMIUMS in each class. Gained four ot the Principal First Premiums for PLANTS .it State Fair in 1893 aud only one year established. Largest GERMAN PANSIES 15c per dozen. Evervthlng for the garden equally aa low. M. IVicV\/ll_,_.lA*VlS, "The Florist," Twelfth aud U streets. Tele phone 90. " MY FINE PANSIES AXD PINKS Reduced to half price. CHRYSANTHEMUMS now ready. M. SCMNA/ARZ, Twenty-rifth and O streets. TREES AND PLANTS. LARGEST AND FINEST PALMS. CORK Elmsi, Magnolia and Orange Trees In the city. Fruit, Hhade and Ornamental Trees at greatly reduce- rates. Yard next to Passen ger Depot. Capital Nur_erle*. M. N. WLLLIAMSON. Manager. LISTER & McCRAKEN, t Tailoring Parlors, Sacramento. Cal. SUIT CLUBS always open for subscribers. Perfect tit guaranteed. We do not sell by sample, for w.' carry a most complete and se i.c: stock of goods. ■' Nlckell. Freight sheds' Sl2. Club 4—Charles Sherman, 712 Eighth W. Guthrie, 1 -7 J street, SIO. ' Kilgore 4 Tracy. LEADING CASH GROCERS, X. I COR mm AND J STREETS. Sacramento, Cal. ATKINSON'S Practical -:- Incubator. MAIN OFFICE AND FACTORY .___ __. 1029 J street, n. F. PIL'L'QP ___ maautacturer, M. L. WISE, mana WEajJ gsr. Send for catalogue. " __________ ' TN THE~SUPER-OR COURT. STATE OF j i Calitornia. county of Sacramento—ln the matter of the estate ot ELIZABETH BOW STEAD, deceased—Notice is hereby given, that FRIDAY, the 27th day of April, 1894, at 10 o'clock a. m. ot said day. and ihe Court ioom of said court, at the Court-house, in the city of Sacramento, county of Sacramento, and State of Calitornia, has been appointed a3 the time and place for proving the will cf said Elizabeth Bowstead, deceased, and lor hear- • ing the application of Peter Bohl for the ls>u- | ance to him of letters testamentary thereon. Witness mv hund and the seal of said Court, this 14th day of April, J 894. £__-_.] W. B. HAMILTON, Cierk. By E. a. Waciih R*r. Deputy Cler'i. Indorsed: Filed April 14. 1894, \V. a HAMILTON, Clerk. By E. >. sVachhorst. Deputy. Holl <_ Dcss, Attorneys, for Petitioner. apl6-l r 't ■VTOTICE TO CREDITORS.-ESTATE OF _\ MAIiYE. HUMPHKEY (formerly Mary E Hail .deceased—NotLe is hereby given by the undersigned, executor of the estate of ; Mary E. Humphrey (formerly Mary E. Halh, j decerieed. to the creditors uf and ail persons ! 'utvin" claims against the said deceased, to ; exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, ; within ten months after the first publication j of thi* notice, to the said executor, at the ! lawotnces of Holl _: Dunn, i>2o Fifth street, | sacramento. Cal.. the same b ing the place j for the transaction of the business of the said estate A. B. HUMPHREY, Executor of the .state of said deceased. Dated April 2.1894. Holl A D*-*>'>*, Attorneys for Executor. njv?.s*M ■ _. SPECIAL NOTICES. Hit. WELDON. Dentist, has opened an office at -OH J street. SOZODONT. This word, which has been staring every-> ! body in tne face for the past years, and is now i | g« tiing inio everybody's mouth, is a prepara tion for cleansing, beautifying and preserving the teeth; sweetening the breath and arresting ' the progress of decay. i MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used over fifty years by millions of j : mothers tor their children while teething with j | perlect success. 'It soothes the child, softens , tiie gums, allays pain, cures wind colic, regu- \ lates the bowels, and is the best remedy for ! diarrhea, whether arising from teething or other causes. For sale by druggist- in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for Mrs. wlnslow's Soothing Syrup. Tweuty-flTe ceuta s bottle. OOOOOCX)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ ! 2 PAINE'S MAKES § REOF»L.E WELL. : >000000000000000000000 I NEV/ SERIES. THE OCCIDENTAi_ BUILDING AND ! Loan Association have i 501) Shares, New Series, For Sale. The Best and Safest Investment Apply to EDWIN K. ALSIP & CO., 1015 Fourth stretu Big Reduction in Wall Paper ROOM WANTED FOR SPRING GOODS. j SEE OUR PRICES. _& | KREBS & CO.. 626 i__ NEW YORK MARKET. JXL. F. ODELL, Wholesale and Retail Butcher. SPECIAL REDUCTION IN HAMS, BACON and LARD. SPUING LAMB now in the market at rea sonable orlces. FRESH MEATS of all kinds. Domestic and German SAUSAGE. Has. 1020 and 1022 1 street, Sacramento, Cai 49-Telephone No. 900. Furniture! Furniture! AT LOWEST PKICE9. W. D. C OMS TOCK, B«rt_east Corner Fifth and X Streets. _ Established 10S2. GREGORY BROS. CO., | i COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND | , Wholesale Dealers In --'RODUCE ANO FRUIT, ! 126 and 128 J streot, Sacramento. General Agents for the celebrated BOBERTS' KIDNEY AND LIVER BITTERS. ROR THE FINEST fUtUIT CAKES, POUND CAKES AN! ail other varieties. Plum Pudding and Boston Brownbread every Saturday. Couu« try orders promptly tilled. i EAGi-E CONFECTIONERY. 826 Est. I 11HE FISHING SEASON"IS «^ a, _^ at hand. Come and make vO*-**? your pick from WM. H. ECK- Jk_7~J* HAHDT'.S new invoice of Rods ~_W j/■*>. and Tackle, l-'lics. Baskets, etc.v^ V / v from ;illthe best makers. New lot of Shooting Coats—duck, corduroy and fustian. Guns choke bored, stocks bent nnd repairing on guns and rifles a specialty. Send foi«_>rice list. No. 52:' X street. YOU CAN SAVE GOLD PIECES bear 'By clothing yourself at this great sale. These goods were manufactured by mind c well-known and reliable San Jose Woolen Mills Company. Bought odds These Great Bar- a t our own figures, and prices placed on them that will make them yours twswiii be the | gains go on sale . L Clothing event of to-day. at a great saving to your pocket. the season. Ctit, Make and Finish. _Eqixa.l to Made-to-Order, _£__ FFMT /ft /ft. L/ft- SOME Special * Attractions f l7 M 4s'^ 9S » 95.w cial Pnfe Cots I At this price, Mens Here you have a pick; I FROM DRY_GOODS ROOM. Sack Suits in medium from thirty patterns FROM OTHER DEPARTMENTS. IDre-ss G-oocLs. and light weights. All- of Men's Suits in Dark all are seasonable, 38-inch aii-wooi French wool Cassimeres and ior Light Fancy Plaid or T .. ,-^ _-- "Whipcords in heavy corded _-,_• ■__ • . '^j -L_-_.cli<?=_S lan iDJnoes. effects, with small fancy dots; CheVlOtS. Sizes 35 tO StriDed CneVlOtS ana Ladies' Tan Colored Oxford e^r advnrd° T?e rea^iar 42» in a choice of eight Cassimeres. Sizes 38 Jf^ soft flexible soies me oSfi per yard, lrie regular » w dium opera toe and heel, V value was 90c. patterns. tO 42. shaped tips, all sizes, at the -i —i . . special price of 93c per pair. , n ru ie des,.ab.e snver gray. SEE CORNER SHOW WINDOW. I NEXT TO CORNER SHOW WINDOW. Boys'shoes A good, standard brand, T"* r» h i w • h r worth 7c. On sale at 4_c per oooodooooooooooooooboooooooooobooooooo()oooooooooo6oi)0 ror scnooi wear, maae or , aood veal calf, sizes 11 to 1. -_af_=-__.-_ WO GET 1 GOOD THING SORE HERE. "-ICL In plain blue, 27 inches wide crown and medium brim, at la nic a'fS'c p e 0r 0y rard° n SPeC,al „ Ll fl 1 Ifl '_ 11 ' the specla. price of 28= each. Bedspreads, Sft„XAllfl )fl iflftf S Jit SafiFl Ififl I PICPS «^ts' H^^ Hose White crocheted, size for UvlllJUUlUJll/ Lll/UUk) lit Ullulllllv 1 llUVk)« Of black cotton yarn; are full three-quarter bed; worth 73c finished and worth <20c regu regular. On sale at S9c each, qooooooooooc^wooc^ }o*__. J^ ™tr> special Prlce of Xa-blcz: Damask, > ■:■■■* Turkey red, 60 inches wide, TT f w TT f w (fT^ A-" i?T^ rv -*-■ I Gents' Susoenderg in bright colors and good pat- XI; k. \\ \ \-\_ iS\Z U*^. iS\ Z U*^. Made of good French web, terns; worth SOc. On special -f^)» fH __L^«^l_-y V^t f->-_^ U^N. oversho t with silk, corded sale at 29c per yard. | « JLv^ ±kJ kJ %J end _ Qnd drawer attach _ Sheets. This figure buys a Here you can make 'SoSbfc!' ISc Per One case Bleach Sheets, I , . _> ** -«/r >_-.•_ t x- _. .» air > ready-made, 2} yards wide, Choice frOlTl Men S Suits Selections from Men S Stationca-ry. Ird am dus\?n g,On 9°ale' a?96c °f CaSSimere Or Cheviot SuitS in many Colorings One thousand boxes. Each per pair. You can't duplicate _ n fancy checks and of checks and Stripes in papSJandTwo^L?! or°enl h!i£ Flouncing stripes; some seven pat- both eassimere and ox °nw^rth a doubie. at m a large line of choice pat- j terns. Sizes 35 to 42. cheviots. Sizes 38 to 42.1 Tablets. terns. On special sale at SOc , _ - I -, ,_-.-«_, per yard. Worth one-half One lot of fine Pencil Tablets, SEE CENTER SHOW WINDOW. SEE CENTER SHOW WINDOW, ™] c t °n special sale at I<J w h „ fh 7 . • J y| Feather Dusters, Band Dress Trimming, two We purchased the SUItS at force-Sale prices — IeSS than One lot of Genuine Turkey inches wide; worth 73c per i manufacturers' cost. Have marked them at prices that per- Eeat^ r, Dusters'/ we r li Tnßde yard. On sale at 25c per yard. ; n „ >i 4 i • i j. j j. £ ni n ■ * Regvilarly worth 40c and y t • F y \force make them the richest and rarest of Clothing opportu- soc. On sale at 2Sc each. Taf^Saumie?s^ Smodes nitie* ever ered j_\ tkis #* Nursery Outfits and tans; very stylish and _.___•_•. --, °f t!SSUe paper for making worth 30c a pair. On special X-J?*** W lien YOU think 01 the X^* The HChneSS and nOV- dolls. On special sale at 20c sale at 28c per pair. - . . r ... *__•*_ _■ ._ v i *n r> j each, which is less than on°- L* d.' 'XT st Spring Jacket or Cape think of city of the whole Dress Goods third of their worth, in^ecru^nsie,f-uify Richelieu us. Largest, best selected stock world are here awaiting the Cloth Brushes, ribbed elaborately crocheted j n tOWn. Udies" pleasure. Genuine bristles and solid at neck and armholes, low ! : E backs in good size, at the sne ?s cec k O^rsal Si cea e t V3 e 0c Se Sach^ Orth SEE SKOW WINDOWS. .OO g^nVSore^" W °rth HALE BROS. & CO., 825 to 835~KSL The Latest Styles in _fi_K____ Tho3e Wide Brim 2_^STRAW HATS 4^fJ|(HP-**- I*'1*' J"^**STRAW HATS For Men, at 49c, 93c. $1 20, \ f^StM Can be had ,rom us for aboul ORB-THIRB $1 45 and $1 95. IV "!_'__L_J\ ill LBSS lban hat slore prices" (TM r\ Will buy choice of ;^_iß_^iWi|l^fe 0f $2 4B se™res for you vJ) j\J about 25 styles in the pick rom -5 st3'!es of Men's Men's Tailor-made Suits. iw 1/fwiW'Pr ress auls" E. S. ELKUS, * S^Wl^'*"* 922 and 924 J Street AMUSEMENTS. METROPOLITAN THEATER. J. H. Todd Manager Tbe Musical Event of the Season. TWO NIGHTS, Apnl 23 and 24 CONEIED'S FERENCZY COMIC OPERA COMPAKY, The largest and most complete Comic Opera Organization now before the public. MONDAY, April 2Lid, presenting the great success, Carl Zeller's charming operetta, TME XYROL-EA N (Der Vogelheendler), m its entirety. TUESDAY NIGHT: DIE FLEDERIVIAUS i 1 be Bat>, by Johann Strauss, with exactly the same star cast, magnificent ucenery, gorgeous costumes, augmented orchestra, as produced for over 100 consecutive nights at the Irving Place Theater iv Sew York. Large chorus and orchestra. 4*r- Dress Circle and Orchestra, reserved, Jl and $1 50, Balcony, 600. Box sheet now open. ap!B-6t C_,UNIE OPERA HOUSE. J. H. Todd Manager Week Commencing: Monday, April 23d. Magnificent production of the spectacular play Tour of the World in 80 Days. V Grand Ballet. Handsome Costumes, special Scenic and Mechanical Effects, Etc., Etc. PRICES. 10, 80 AND 30 CENTS. Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert —AT THK CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Monday Evening, April 23d, With Eminent Vocal and Instrumental SOLuISTS, assisted by a MIXED AND MALE CHORUS. Conductor, MR. THEODORE MARTENS. Tickets, 50 cents. To be had at Purnell's and Hammer's Music Store. WFM ~UNDERTAKERS7~ ~JL FRAHK CLARET UNDERTAKING PARLORS, 1017-1019 Fourth St., Sacramonto. EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. GEORGfI H CLARK, Funeral Director and County Coroner. Telephone No. 131. W. J. KAVANAUGH, Undertaker NO. 613 -I STREET. EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. OFFICE open day and night. Telephone No. 305. L-ACE CURTAINS. §PRING TIME HAS ARRIVED, AND house-cleaning is under way. Send your ca Curtains to the AMERICAN STEAM LAUNDRY, Nineteenth and I Streets. ti. W. GUTHRIE. 127 J Street, Plumber, Gas and Steam Fitter, TIN ROOFING. *&- Telephone No. 165. OFFICIAL. CITY TAXES, 1894 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Assessment Roll of the taxable property ot the City of Sacramento (real estateand personal) for the nine months commencing on the first Monday In April, 1894, has this day been received; tbat the city taxes for the said nine months are now due, and payable at the office of the undersigned, Room No. 8, 328". J street. Said taxes will be delinquent after the second Monti-.- in May, 1894, and unless paid prior thereto 5 per cent, will be added to the amount thereof. Taxes payable in gold coin. E. H. McKEE. ap4-7-MS3w City Collector. TOBACCO, CIGARS and CIGARETTES EASTERN AND KEY WEST ONLY. Get a Good Cigar for Your Money A. COO LOT.! Times 1 Not Be Hard For those who desire to pat ronize the place where goods are sold at the lowest mar gin and where the object is to please. Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Canned Goods ia endless variety can be found at the popular store of Southwest Corner Eleventh and J Street*. ; H. S. CROCKER COMPANY t'Ui't'Uiuuuiuuuuummuiu ; who DOES YOUR I=rlrstlna? WHY Can't WE DO IX? With our Superior Facilities. Prompt Atten tion, Fair Prices and Honest Work:. •mmmmmmnmm'mmmn - 208-210 J STREET. - iiU,'MU'IM'W'i''WWWMW AUCTIONS. AUCTION SjP_LK CHOICE REAL ESTATE. On the premises, 716 and 718 Eighth street, G and H, TUESDAY, APRIL 24. 1804. At 10 o'clock sharp, BELL & CO. "WILL BELT, THE NORTH 53 feet of lot No. 5, in block bounded by O and H, Seventh and Eighth, and all the im provements (being a part of the estate of Judge Cross, deceased), two fine dwellings, elgnt rooms and bath in each, and all modern improvements. For location and situation cannot be surpassed. Now open for inspection. Bale positive. Terms, cash. BELL A CO., Real Estate Auctioneers, ap2l-3t 323 J street. OUR MAMMOTH REFRIGERATOR is now ready. "We can furnish our customers with refrigerated Poultry, Game, etc. Buy your BUTTER where it is kept on ice. CHRISTIANSON&CO. Cheap for Cash or on Installments. THE FINEST LINE OF* BABY CARRIAGES See them before you buy. a. J. POM MER, corner Ninth and J streets.