Newspaper Page Text
COMMERCIAL. No Trade Doing in Wheat on Shipping: Account. Firm Holding In the Barley Market— The Oat Market ot Steady Character. BAK Francisco, April 23d. No trade doing on shipping account in Wheat. For Call Board purpose.--, cu.-tom cun bo found at a range ot fl 05(_.l 07*_ though the demand is not ol pressing character, in speculative circles this morning there were bo sales of May Wheat, the only option dealt in being December delivery. Firm holding is the feature of the Barley market, sales not being very brisk. In some Interior sections quite high prices are being paid for stock that will tie used eventually lor •eed purposes. Speculation in the Call hoard Is carrying December Barley up to still taller prices. The tone of the Oat market continues ol Bleady character, witii a moderately good •mount of business in progress). The receipts of Asparagus to-day were the largest of the iMiim M Bar. Tbe i'otato Xuarket is steady, with Onions very tirm. There is nothing new iv tiie market ior Oranges and Apples. Xlie receipts of Straw berries were large, aggregating 7u cheats. Honey is higher nnd in nam and. Butter holds Arm at quotation*. Eggs are Steady under un improved demand. Cneese Is unchanged. The Poultry market is heavily supplied with aii varieties. Turkeys are dull. Market. FLOUR—Net cash prices for Family Extras, fa 60®3 70 V bbi; Bake rs' Extras, $_ 50<_» _ .0; superfine, 5;- . >.-_#2 95. WHEAT—No. 1 Shipping, '>2J__»93-L_o; Choice, Use; Milling, si 05<_.l 07"_%*c_L BAKLEY—Quotable a 1 $1 v? 1.- 1 10$ ctl lor feed, and §1 1 ;£>_.<_ 1 20 for brewing qual ity OATS— Milling, *1 17._<_.1 2"3..; Surprise, tl 3.)__» l 87Jfg fancy teea,f 1 SJ/J_@l 3-.'.; tood to choice, $1 15(_>1 25; | our to lair, t'7>_c{,fl 12*_; Black, fl o?J^®l 22'. 2 ; Bed, lioiuinal; Orav. $1 lo_>l 2o »> ctl. CORN—Quotable at $1 25_>1 ou %t ctl ior Large Yellow, $1 35(g»l 40 for Small Yel low and $1 27}_@1 3b for White. BRAN —S18&1- >( ton. HAY —Wire-bound Hay sells at flftton less than rope-bound Hay. Following are vuolesale city prices lor rope-bound Hay: "Wheat, $I__,l_; Wheat and Oat, $13 ©10; Wild vat, $14@1G 50; Alfalta, §11_> 13. Barley, §11(_i14; Clover, f11_.13; com pressed, S13&16: Stock, $11<_&12 "j* ton. STRAW—7S<_ 85c « bale. HOPS—I4_TOc 9 tt>. RYE—SI 17*. »ctl. BL'CKWHEA.-SliftH 15 $ ctl. U-ROUNL) BAULK. -'5 * ton. POTATOES—New Potatoes, l@lj_c V ft; Bweets, 75c@§l 25 * ctl; Eary Rose, ao(_»3sc; River Burbanks, 25(_iloe; River Bads, 20(a» 5.5 c; Oregon Burbanks. 60_;90c ». ctl. ONIONS—Firm at §2 _ 3 «! ctl. BEANS—Bayos, f_ 50_>2 05 ?. ctl; Butter, f 1 75ff1l k5 lor small and $2_.2 25 lor large; link, $1 9U<&2 05: Red, #2_>2 L>s; Lin. — 10; Pea, 5>2 su@2 GO; Small White. §2 su_. 2 65; Lar«e White, §2 _o_._ 55 rgcti. VEGETABLES—Cuca-UO-TB. -10(_;50c *p doz ior common and 25 ior good to choice; Asparagus, :j 5 _><>0e *fl box tor the or dinary run and 76c_fl n box lor choicer quality; Rhubarb, 25@75c $ box; Gh-een unmon, 50566 cf. sack; Sweet (in, 75c fc-jil *£ sack; string Beans, lo@l2J_c > to; Marrowfat Squash, —> ton; Hubbard Squash, — ton; Green Peppers, 25<_ 35c © ft; Tomatdes, —f! box lor poor to fair and $2 5003 for good to choice; Turnips, 75c %» ctl; Beets, 75c "p sack; Parsnips, fl 25 fket!; Carrots, .."®10c; Cal lage, 30@40c; Oarlic. l(_.2"._c # lb; Cauli l'ower, 60@70c *£* dozen; l)rv Peppers, 15c » ft); Dry Ukra, —c $ lb. FRESH FRUlT—Apples, 50@75c *fs box for common. _ sc@Bl 25 for lulr to good, and $1 50.-2 tor choice. BLRRIES—So@»>Sc * drawer. Receipts to ciav were 63 ch< s's. CITRUS Flit li—Fair to choice Naval Oranges, §1 50@3; seedlings, $1 25.^2; i Mexican Limes, $ 1 50 to §5 ¥ box; California j Limes, 60® 60c ior small box and 75i _.. 1 ! Jor larue; Lemons, Sicily. 54.-5; California i lemons, 75c@$l for common and §1 25@2 I for good to cuoice; Bananas, Si so_>2 50 i V bunch; Hawaiian Pineapples, $2 50®3; Mexican Pineapples, $3 to $:{ 50 %»• dozen. DRIED FRUlT—Apples 6j_<&:3_c for quar- UNPRECEDENTED OFFER OF THE " ir_oo-^s£i^ RECORD-LXiON Al WEEKLY II ____] JTJ_T - 1, IS9_- — Three Magnificent Papers for Practically the Price of One! For the small sum of |i 75 the SACRAMENTO WEEKLY UNION, the most newsy, the ablest and the foremost weekly journal of in terior California and the cleanest and best family paper on the Pacific Coast, is furnished, together with the CHICAGO WEEKLY INTER OCEAN, by all odds the most progressive, brilliant, courageous, attractive and newsy journal of the middle West, for one year. Or it will be furnished to all subscribers to the DAILY RECORD-UNION anywhere in the United States, postpaid, for the trifle of 25 cents added to the RECORD-UNION'S annual subscription of $6. Good only until June 1, 1894. OCOOOCCOOOCOOCOOOCOOOCOOOOCO^^ IJ» jifi-fNOTE THIS REMARKABLE FACTj ,p» , j 7 _„tl -* 8 ONE HUMID IN IE HISTORY OF JOURNALISM, 8 7_ -JL Kb j The Price of One. 0 That whoever now takes t_s ____co__id-uKrioisr or the "_7__e__l _■ union 0 The Price of One. ' i W for one year, by the expenditure of _-Scents more, can have the "W__E___-"_' 0 ———————__—________ —— . •***r X INT____-OC__jQ_ST mailed to any address for a year, postpaid. : : : : M -^K OCXO(XXXX_*COOOOCXX3QOO^ THE INTER-OCEAN is a splendid twelve-page illustrated news, family and business paper, and each number is accompanied by a YOUTHS' INTER-OCEAN, a sixteen-page paper for young folks, with colored illustrations, tales, puzzles, general useful and entertaining information, educational articles and papers on history, biography, invention, discovery, natural science, etc., all adapted to the plastic : <xx-r:X. :^;: IRE THERE ARE TIIREE MAGNIFICENT PAPERS FOR PRACTICALLY THE PRICE OF ONE! W'-}-^ THE WEEKLY IXTER-OCEAX alone is $i 50 a year, the WEEKLY UNION $1 50 a year, but for $1 75 both papers and the Youths' Supplement to the INTER-OCEAN is furnished. Never before in the history of journalism was so fine an offer made. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT BEFORE JUNE 1, 1894. tered, 7@7*'2C for sliced, and 9c to lie for evaporated; rears, 6_>*e T to forbieacbed halves and 2<&4e for quarter.-; bleached Beaches. Il@i2' 4c; sun-dried l'e.-iches. —£ j —c; Apricots. Moorparks. 14_)15<-; do ! Royals. 12^4*13c for ..leachrd and Sr<sMc for sun-dried; Prunes, sJ_@Cc for the four sizes. —c for the live sizes ami 4%_>s){- for small: Blums. ->@>-,f for pitted and 2<.-'..c forun pitted; Figs, 304 c for pressed and Tj<,@2c for unpreseed; White Nectarines, — _ <•; Bed Nectarines. — f<v—c %« ft. ZIRA J SlN'S—London Layers, 60c$fl; loose Muscat! Is, in boxes, 50@75e; cluster-, §1 so#l 76; loose Muscatels, in sacks.-.' 3c "j* ft mr 3-crofl n and 2'ik.-'-.c for -'-crown: i dried Grapes, 1 ./..l ,c v ft. BUTTl__t— Fancy creamery. 19#20c; I fancy dairy, 17 "..(^lS'-.c; -ood to choice, l»>,v_> j 17c; common grades, it 15«-, store lots, 12;., 4S>l3c; pickled roll, i;§lm' V ft. CBEESE—Choice to tancy, >-L,i©'.M..e; fair " ' ,c; Eastern, ordinary to live, 13<&14*.c r ft." EGGS—('aiiforuia ranch, 13<$15>-; store lots, lu._-l:.e f) docen. POULTRY—Live Turkey-—Gobblers, - , 10c; Bens, 10012 c; dressed Turkeys. 7@ lie-ft for Qobb-ers and 7®lle fur Bens; Roosters,S3 so_>4 ior old. $6 50_»7 5o for young; Broilers, f3QS: Hens. $4<_u.; Ducks, $3 50#4 50 lor old and 96®. for young; Gt ese, *1 50 .2 *£ pair; Pigeons, f2(f 2 5o $ dozen. Moat Market. Following are tl>c rates for whole carcasses from slaughterers to dialer-: BEEF—First quality, s"_@i>c; second qual ity, 4!.,x5e; thud quality. 3j_@.%c *ft ft. CALVES—l@sc lor large, ana 6_.'7ci»to for small. MUTTON- -»>ft. LAMB—Spring,<- $ ft. PORK—Live Bogs, on foot, grain Bed, heavy and medium, i.c; small hogs, 1: _<.■; stock lio_:s, 3.' 4 _. lc; dressed Ho^s, o<_7e y lb. Eastern and Foroijjn Markets. CHU ago, April 23d. WHEAT—AII the speculative markets were weak a: ihe opening, and ooutinned so to the close. Liquidation nras more urgent In Wheat than in the otber articles. Wi-eat eras comp aratively dull ail da>. • oil. It re covered io Saturday's closing, but soon sold oft. For an hour aud a half the trading was more lively, but tne (iuctuuttous in that time, after the nrsL break, were light. Thepn i limn between May and July wideneu to about 2 ,_) 2*_c, against 2o spread at the close on Satur day. The weakness was dU" to a variety of causes, but primarily to an increase oi 1. --: 640,000 bushels on ocean Voyage and to ru mors of raw on the Bacl tic slope. The bears threw what discredit they coulu upon . dition ol Bed Winter w heal . it was steu lily maintained tbat it would be dumi ed upon the markei on Ma> 1-t. The visible supply decrease oi 792,000 husbels I have much effect ou trade, as it correspond d with what had been generally looked for. Wheat closed: April, 67J_c; May, July. 60"_c, Ni:v. YORK, April 23d. WHEAT-April, ul'.c; .May, dl ■...■; June, July, 64c; September, 66.4 c; Decem ber, 61 Liverpool, April 23d. WHEAT- Firm; demand poor; No. _ Bed Winter, is lid. SACRAMENTO MARKET. The Week Opens with Quiet Trade in Local Circles. Sacramento, April 23d. The week opened <n a quiet market in local circle-. All lines of produce were well repre sented at prices which ruled the latt. r part ol iast week. are coming in more freely and prospects point to lower prices within the next lew days. Cherries, Sacra mento-grown, have made their appearance, but not in sufficient quantities to warrant quoting. Following are tiie retail prices for the vari ous articles mentioned: t.KKEN FRUlT—Apples, Old, f 1 25<_>1 75 ! -pb >x; Strawberries, 2~>c *#» pound. DRIED FRUlT—Apricots. 10&12 C*? lb; Apples, Peaches, 12_.1t;.-; Plums, 12 (g»l4c; Prunes, 8_»16c; Bears, B@9c Nectar ines, 12(*16c; Grapes,fl j* bos; Figs, s<_>6c CITRUS FUrilS-Linies. 10e f doz; Eu reka, Hoc «* doz; California, 20c; Bananas, 35c v doz; Cocaanuts, 10ceach; Oranges Navels, 20_;50c _. doz; Riverside, 20035 c; Pineapples, 65c each; Dates, 8c $ tt; white Figs, 1 2 >. c * lb; Black, 60 ** 1!.. DAIRY PRODUCE—Butter--Valley, f roll, 35c; pickle roll, fair, 35c; Petaluma, 15c; fancy creamery, 50c; firkin, 25.. oOc. Cheese —California, 15c f rb. Young America, 14c; Eastern Creamery, 2Uc; Limburger. 20c; gen uine Swiss, 10c; American. 25e; ICartua's Creamery, 2oe: fancy cream, 25c each. POULTRY—Turkeys—Live Hens and Gob blers, 15c ft ft>; dressed, 17c; Chickens—Hens, 5c each; Spring, so_,r>oc; Broilers, 4u<_, 50c; Tame Ducks, 75c; Geese, ii pair, §3. EGOS—Fresn Ranch, 15c*doz. VEGETABLES—Onions, old. 5c ft ib; Cab bage, old, 10, new, 2c; Carrots, lc; Beets, $ SACRA^O-NTO DAILY ItECOKO-UNION, TUESOAY, APKIL 21, 1804.-STX PAGES. doz, 12>_c; Turnips, l2'.:c; Bunch Vegetables, 12>ic; Parsnips. 12'_ c; llor.-eradish, 12^.c?i it: Garlic, 5c %i to; Artichokes, 40c %4doz; Dried Peppers, 15c "•* to; CauUflowcr. loe each; Spinach, 5e 9 to; Aspar-cn-, 2>ia>4c "^ to: Beas. sc; String Bean-, '.Oc: Cucumbers, 50 075 c v doz; Tomatoes, 25c «._>. POTATOES—f-irty Rose, 50<- f sack; Ore gon Burbanks, 75ci$>fl; River Burbanks, 50c; River Reds, 60c; Nevada Burbanks, lo*ftß>; New, U-; Sweets, 3e. meats—Beef—Prime Rib Boast. I2>i®lsq chuck Boast, mc; Rump, b; Brisket, 8c; Corned Beef, 8c; Porterhouse Steak, 1591 sc; Loin steak, i :.'.,@lse; Round steak, 10c; Chuck. 10c. Veal—Loin and Rib Cbo| s, 15c; Boast \'<ai. 12c, Mutton—Leg, ll@l2j_c. Loin and Bib Chops, 123_c; Mutton stew, 8c; shoulder Chops, Be. Pork—Roast or Chops, 15c; Corned Pork, 15c; Sausage, 1-': c; \'i enna Bauaage, 15c; Bacon, 1 l@ltic; Ham, 16 BREADBTUFFB—FIour, f_ * bul, $1 lor 50-_> sacks, f■_ (or 100 — sacks; Oatmeal, lo ft sacks, IOC; Cornmeal, 10-ft sacks, -23c; Cracked Wheat, 10-to sacks, 35c; Hominy, IO —sacks, ioc; Graham Flour, io-_> sacks, 30c; Buckwheat, 10-ft sacks, 30cj R\e, 10-to sacks. :;sc. HAY AND GRAIN—Oat Hay, 76»80c f cvvt; Wheat, 75@«0 ; second quality, To® 75c; Parley. $1 25; Alfalfa, 70c; ''round Baney,fl 10; Feed Oat_.fl lOSui 60; Mld _ings,fl 10; Bran,fl; stiaw.rbi.7se. »A-N FRANCISCO STOCK MARKEI. San Fi.AN'Cis.-o, April 23, 189 l. MOKNINI. S-S-TO-t. Alpha _o@23c G. & C 05c Alia 30_)31c •!. A N 7'.@7 4e Andes Lady W 7c Belcher 1 46@1 s<> Mexican. .1 70@1 75 Bodle l lOj.Mono 31@32c l>. a B l 9d®2 Overman KiiUion 45c Occidental 16@1(J Bulwer llcOphir„ 3 95 Cbalienm 56c l'otosi l 20 Choiiar _ 6 l_}6sc Savage 8 - Confidence 1 80 -corpiou 10c C.CVa ..1 40@4 50| 27c t'. Imperial oc s. Nev l 25 C.Point 6b_i~o. Union Con 'j;'c Exchequer iOc| V. Jacket 77@nOc AI'TIuKNooN SB3-IOH. Alta ioc It—tiee 2:.'@,,.'Jc Andes 56c Kentuca Ise Belcher l 50 Mexican..„l 55@1 <i 0 B.A 15 1 8091 -5 .Mono 47.; Bodie.. l 25<a 1 30 Occidental 15e Challenge 55@50c Ophir 3 45@s 55 (hollar 67c l'otosi 1 lo.cvl 15 CCi( \'a...4 10@1 2() -avail.: 77(g178c c. liiiDerial... 5c Sep. Belcher 25c 1 C. Point 68c Union 91c : w..v C s>7c Uiali 9C ! I!. AN 71(_72c|V. Jacket 3 , Julia 5. j CLOSING ii OTATIONS. ■ Aita "...30c ii. 4 X 730 B. Isle 1 40 Mexican 1 r.o •■r 1 60 Mono :..45c if. a H 1 80 j Ophir :> _5 iiodie Con 13c l'otosi 1 10 1 'hollar os<- Savage 7 3c I.A C. Va 405 _. Nevada 1 L'O C. Point 64c Union 9 lc Eureka Con 50c Utah 8c G. «.v c _9c| lucket 75c RESULT OF BAD DRIVING. A Street JUot.ts.on That Cost F. Babol sis 25 for Damages. In Ju>ige Catlin's court yesterday was heard the case ot Frank .Johnson against F. Babel for damages resulting from a collision of vehicles. It appears that in October last, as Mrs. Johnson was riding iv a buggy ou Qh street, between Twenty-first and Twenty* second, Label drove along and, although ; Mrs. Johnson pulled her horse almost upon the sidewalk to avoid a collision, the vehicles oaxne together. The result was tiiat she was thrown out and her horse ran oil and smashed tiie buggy. Judge Catlin awarded tne Johnsons §18 _5 damages. Land Patents Signed. Governor Markham has signed a land jiatent to the San Francisco Collateral Loan F.ank for forty acres in Lake County under the grant of the sixteeuth and thirty-sixth sections for school pur poses. The Blood is the source of health. Koep it pure by taking Hood's Sarsa parilla, which is peculiar to itself, aiul superior in strength, ecouomy and medi cinal innrit. Hood's i'ills are purely vegetable, care fully prepared from the best ingredi ents. 2-k;. Apples cost thirty cents a dozen at Houston, Texas. BILIOUSNESS. Simmons fa Regulator. "I wns affected for several years with dis ordered Liver, which restlited In a severe at tack of Jaundice. I had t;ood medical attend ance. bul it failed to restore me to tbe enjoy ment of my former healt-.. I then tried tha fa\orlt>"> prescri] (lon oi oue 01 the most re- Downed physicians of Louisville, Ky.. bul tc no purpose, wiieicupon 1 was induced to ir J Simmons L-ver Regulator. I found imme diate benefit irom its u.«e, and it ultimatel. restored me to the full enjoyment of health.' —A. H. s iiri fi. Richmond. Ky- Ladies Who Value A refined complexion must use Pozzoni's Pow-I der. It prodnces a soft and beautiful skin, j ■r_^________-^qfTT|»p__. *"?e^-'-*^^-»lRBB--WBMa__IMMBI_M-M-BWI-PW--BM-W-rf EXTRACT.* AVOID JC %£,*£_ M.L IMITATIONS. . _. . ,- . mgtm ■■;-v_L PAIN 1^: ■' ii|Rheumatism j Lameness |9@P9 Soreness t*Ssf_3 Wounds F AC-SI Mi LE OF DrtllCOO BOTTLE WITH Q\ UlOCb BUFF V/RAPPER. , U_ Catarrh Burns vt Piles THACT _^It will Cure. ;,'!■:.' be tfrested before decay; strorcth may be rest >cedj powers wliph Impoverisoed by : < ut'i's 1 -ki'-.— overdraft-may be reiuvig orated by «jur _om« treatment. CONFIDENCE n.v ieilntbebi uts of those who have weak, shruuken, on levc loped or diseased . th*. .-.,. d da chroagh igao raaee lo boyb -: and errors of early manhood leaves ws Ung RESTORED t«> rtaw-os vitality yon might be B-ceessfolla business, fervent in spirit. ' »uronrattve meth ods are unfailing, write fori urbook, "iJ_K- FECT MANHOOD," >>;n/"<, si-.utd. lT^.':T-ri ERIE BEDICAI CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. CROSSMANS SPECIFIC HIXTDRE Vl-lili THIB REMEDY PERSONS CAN W cure themselv-e without tho least ex« ! posure, change of dial or change In applica- j tion to business. The medicine con tains notn in_ that .sol tiMleaSi Injury to the constitu tion. Ask your druggist lor it. Price. #1 a bottle. TuF ©UT GREAT INDUCEMENT! It is a solid fact that we are giving greater val ues at this time than we have ever been able to give before. It takes but a few dollars to fit you out from head to foot. A neat Business Suit in all-wool gray tweeds, sack style, $10 50. A line Black Clay worsted Suit, in sacks, for >"ro 50. A Medium-weight All-wool Sack Suit, in dark brown, for 95. Sizes 34 to _z. Those handsome $5 Worsted Pants are now selling at I 3 45. Mens Medium-weight All-wool Dark Gray Pants for $1 95; a great value. 75c take away a Fancy Check Boy's Knee Pants Suit; ages 4 to 14. Men's All-wool Blue Serge Suits for summer wear; worth $12 50, for £6 45. MILLINERYGOODS. It is of no use to tell you how good values we are giving in our Millinery Department without you come in and see for your self. When we show you what an elegant Trimmed Hat we can sell you from 98 to $4 you will open your eyes to the fact that you have been paying from $o to $8 for the same goods. Our Trimmed Hats are all patterned from the latest imported styles and just as fashionably gotten up as those you paid treble "our prices for imported ones. See samples in show window. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. We have an extra good assortment „ _. TT - 0 _.„ of Men's Gloves, all of which are selling I,uuu FAmb vt * under the regular value. If ' f n i m Men's Goat Gloves, 25c,33e, SOe, 76c: l\|ft|| S iflflT It OVPSI Men's Buck Gloves, SOe, 73e, $1 i!lVil ° UUUI UUMLO $1 23. — AT— Men's Dogskin Gloves, 45e to $1 60. 9Rp *n^p Pair Men's Heavy Calfskin Gloves, $1. Cl srcXiL- Boys' Heavy cheviot and i«ianoeiette j Men's Summer-weight and Heavy XValsts for iSC- White Merino Drawers at 36c per pair. Q TTAT^C Lni!ics' $* 75 Heavy Goat Shoes, riveted, for 95c. OilUlvU. Mea's French Calf $* Con Bress and Lace Shoes, slightly soiled by water, for $1 75 per pair. Boy:-/ $z Calf Shoes, soiled by water; sizes 3 to 6, for Si per pair. Infants' Short Dresses, yoke of embroidery and pleats, skirt and sleeves trimmed in embroidery, 75c each. Infants' Short Dresses, yoke and sleeves in embroidery and pleats, 50c each. Infants' Short Dresses, tucked yoke, sleeve and neck trimmed in embroidery with pleated front, 65c each. Infants' Short Dresses, embroidered yoke and sleeves, skirt trimmed in embroidery and tucks, Si each. Infants' Long Dress, yoke of embroidery, sleeves and skirt trimmed in tucks and embroidery, 75c each. Infants' Long Dress, yoke of embroidery, sleeves trimmed in same, 50c each. Ladies' Black Drop-stitch Fast Color Hose. Value for 25c. Sale Price, two pairs for 25c. Ladies' Tan Hose, drop-stitch, fast color. Sold for 25c. Sale Price, two pairs for 25c Ladies' Black Hose, Hermsdoif dye. Sold for 75c. Sale Price, 25c. C. H. BUCHANAN, Secretary. J. P. GILMAN, Manager. THE RED HOUSE COMPANY (INCORPORATED), J Stre-e-t, between Se _*-er_t-h. __j__c_ Eigtitln, Saeramenta 5