Newspaper Page Text
4 OAKLAND IS AROUSED. Splendid Example for Citizens of Sacramento. Determination to Put Down Lawless ness and Protect Every Man Who j Wants to Work. [San Francisco Chronicle, July 18tb.] The citizens of Oakland have at iast or- j ganized for protection of property aud to preserve the peace. They have demanded i that the riotous gatherings in the city; isiiail cease and that order shall prevail, ! uo mattflf what the cost. When Mayor i ardee arrived from Cas tle Crag yesterday he surveyed the scene and at once determined that something i should be done. During the afternoon j he sent out notices to nearly all the prom inent citizens in the city to assemble at the City iiall and take some action tend iug to better the condition of the city. In response to his call the Council chamber • ■was crowded last night. The speeches j v.-ere exciting, and for a time matters j ■were very interesting. President Roberts of the American ! Railway Union was present and came j forward to answer some of the charges < made against the strikers. During the excitement there were calls for his arrest ( at once. It looked for a moment as : though he would be arrested ou the spot. Tho meeting was called to order by Councilman John F. Towle, who was ehoaen Chairman. Among the promi- \ nent citizeus noticed iv the lobby were tho following; John Towle, George W. McNear, John P. Irish, Warren Palmer, Albert Brown, Major John L. Bromley, Pliney Bartiett, W. H. Barnard, A. C. Henry, J. W. Tompkins, (>. H. Burnham, D. C. Brown, Edson Adams, W. E. Dargie, D. W. C. Kirkland, Rev. Dr. Chapman, James Momtt, Charles Kellogg, L. G. Cole, 2s. W. Spaulding, J. B. McChesney, Hugh Craig, A. W. Burrell, Rev. Rader, James Cahili, J. A. C. McDonald, W. G. Falnian teer. L. G. Booteo, Isaac Requa, Mark lioqua, W. W. Garthwaite, Simmer Bug bee, Mack Weber. D. Edward Collins, & A. Heron, W. H. Miller, ThomasPrataer, Dr. Frank Adams, W. R. Thomas, W. C Little, Mr. Strong, J. L. Wetmore. John P. Irish was the first speaker to address the meeting. Ho said that an archy openly prevails in Oakland day and night. He said that the man who does not support the law now is a traitor to tho Government under which he lives. Rev. E. Chapman of East Oakland made a very spirited address. He said that it was now time for the good people to arise in their majesty and might. Ho would say to the ill-advised men, "hush," it is time to stop. "As for that man who Bends his edict across the continent I ■would spit on him," said Mr. Chapman feeiiugly. "We have suffered an indig nity to the American Hag. The idea that a man should issue an edict that we should not run our fruit trains. Irreparable damage is being dove to the cause of |abor every hour this condition of allairs ex ists." Ex-Mayor Henry says that the citizens should have organized two weeks ago. "Alter the devilu-y has been jdone," said he, "we get together to put down tho deviltry. \\ c have been paying thousauds of dollars to support the law, and not an arrest was made until a couple of days ago. The oiiicers have violated their oaths. Alter tho deviltry has been done you get together and pass resolutions. The other day here a gentleman iJudge Gibsonj who seeks the highest oflico in the gift of the people, said it was agaiust the spirit of the Constitution to bring out tho troops. Talk about your Athens of the Pacific! Why, your city has gone out to the world as being riotous and tyrannical." At this point Mayor Pardee arrived and saiu that he had surveyed tho scene dur ing tho day and thought that tha city was perfectly safe, He found 1,000 militia in the railroad yards ready to do their duty. "It behooves the people of Oakland," said he, "to take some action so as to let others know that you are not in sym pathy with these lawless acts. All the ■way from Dunsmuir down 1 heard that the people of Oakland were in sympathy ■wiih these actions. Let the people of Oakland stand on the side of loyalty, order and decency. The means aud methods remain with you." Captain W. R. Thomas of Appomattox Post, Grand Army of the Republic, fa vored an organization of some kind, and haid that he stood ready to do his duty. "Order under arrest thi3 man Roberts," said he. "It seems to me that the City Prison should have boen full of these men two weeks ago. If they did not have room for them there they ought to put them iv the corral. 1 believe i:i quieting them first, and then tell them what you did it for afterwards. That is tho quickest way to suppress mob violence." John L. Bromley suggested that the Mayor issue a proclamation calling on all good people to remain at home nights. Then if moos gatner at West Oakland the people would know whom they had tv light. .seal Frick, an engineer in the employ oi the company, was called upon i.>r a Hj^eech. He was received with cheers. "I have pulled the local train out of Oakland for twenty-live years,'" said ho. "I have 1113'boy firing lor me to earn his daily bread. I do demand the protection ol my fellow-citizens so that 1 can earn my bread." Cheers and shouts of "You'll get it," "We will give it to you," greeted liis remarks. Stunner Hughes suggested that the man who is caught carrying dynamite these days ought to be hit with it- War ren Palmer of the Southern Pacific Com pany made an appeal for tho men who wanted to work. He said they should be protected. There were cries of "Arrest Roberts!'' "Put him in jail!" At this point President Roberts of the local lodge of the Americas Railway Union stopped forward and faced tho audience. "I am here to surrender my self," said he iv a most determined way. The excitement subsided for a moment as tho little President faced the angry crowd of citizens. "I have lived in this city lor twenty-live years," continued Roberta "1 ana a voter aud a law-abidiug citizen. What little education J have was secured at the old I'rescott public school when it liau only four little rooms. I have vio lated no law nor have I advised uiy men to violate any law." "Did your men kill any engines?" asked a u;an in tho audience, "jfot that I know of," replied Roberts. ''What rot!" "Get out!" were the remarks which greeted his answer. "I thought that 1 came to attend a meeting of gentle men," repliod Roberts. "Wo are better men than you ever dared to be." said an excited citizen. "i^uiet!" "Silence!" "Keep cool!" called twenty voices. "Who killed the engines?" was asked. *'i do not know," answered Roberts. " Who pulled the fireman out of the cab?" •'I do not know," again answered Roberts. "How many men have you in your organization?" "About I,_>uO."' "Are they all railroad men?" "Yes, sir." "Do you mean to say, Mr. Roberts," / used in making \ /Cleveland's baking pow-\ f der is named on the label. \ I Cleveland's is simply a I \ pure cream of tartar / \ powder. No alum, / N. ao ammonia. / i said the Rev. Chapman, "that your men | agree with the sentiments in Debs' letter I that they have tho right to quit, but must not interfere with trains?" "Most assur edly yes." Engineer J. H. Taylor accused Roberta on the tloor of being \>re-ent when a tire man was pulled from his cab. He also j accused Roberta of other breaches of tho , He said that Roberta had fol- I lowed a railroad man with a crowd, j "That is an absolute lie," shouted Rob erts The excitement now ran high, j Chief of Police Schaffer rushed into the! room and held a hurried consultation i with the Mayor and others. "Arrest him at once,'* shouted an excited citizen. Ouiel was restored, and Roberts stiil i Stood facing the audience. "'1 may be dynamited to-night for these i remarks," said Engineer Taylor. "Then you will have plenty of compauy," shouted Mayor Pardee earnestly. jSugh Craig of Piedmont made a spir- j ited addressi. He said that when he was invited to attend the meeting he did not j know thut it would be resolved into a i proposition of dickering with the Presi dent of tiie American Railway Union, tho man who seems to know nothing. Mr. Craig said: "We ought to make the Chief of Police and all his hangers-un do their duty. If they don't do it lock up the Chief of Police and the whole gang and get out a posse aud run tho trains." Mayor Paruee stepped up alongside the Chief of Police and Roberts and said to the latter: "If there is any more violence you will sulicr, sir." "Why," answered Roberts. ".Never mind why," replied the Mayor. Tho following resolutions were then passed: " Wiiekkas, The obstacles to travel and transportation to and :rotn this city to j other"parts of the State and the rest of the country exist only by persistent and or ganized violation of the law; therefore "JResolved, That we oiler ourselves in any capacity most eriicient to put down the lawlessness aud disorder instigated by the American Railway Uniou and its sympathizers; "Jlesolved, That we demand that the Prosecuting Attorney and the Sheriff and the Chief of Police shall promptly arrest and arraign men who prevent peaceful laborers on their way to daily toil, drag them from engines, cut air-brake pipes, use dynamite on tracts and in other ille gal and murderous ways interrupt travel aud transportation. "A ■■ *>.li •<.' /, That we request the Mayor to at once appoint a committee to draft a condeused expression in accordance with tho foregoing and invite thereto signa tures of all law-abiding citizens who will co-operate iv its enforcement." Mayor Pardee at once appointed tho following committee: J. L. Bromley, W. C. Mason, J. P. Irish, \V. R. Tliomas, A. C. Henry, Pliney Bartlett, G. W. Me- Near, A. K. Harmon, R. W. Gorrill, R. M. iitzgerald, C. D. Bates, Warren 01 --ney, Frank Soule, O. H. Burnham, J. West Martin, F. O. Brigham, W. R. Davis, Albert Brown, N. W. Spaulding, C. D. Haven, A. 11. Breed, James Moiliit, Rev. E. C. Chapman, J. W. Bradford. Colonel Little, George H. Strong, W. EL, Friend. Alter ten minutes' recess the committee returned. John P. Irish baid he had been directed by the committee to make the following report for signatures by such citizens as cared to allix their names to i the declaration: "The signers here to pledse their per sonal influence and their personal pres ence and if need bo the exertion of force and tho use of arms in maintaining tho law and bringing to punishment tho President, Advisory Committee and members of the American Railway Union and its sympathizers who block ade the railroad, use violence against peaceful laboring men, kilt engines or in any unlawful way interfere with travel and transportation by rail or disturb the peace and order of this city and county. To accomplish the foregoing we otter our selves aa a posse comitatus to act separ ately or collectively as peace officers to enforce the law, anil we are ready to take | such oath as will givo us legal authority i to carry out this purpose" The report was signed by the members of tho committee, and was then sub mitted to those present for signatures. About fifty citizens signed the roll. Mayor Pardee administered the oath to those who had signed the declaration to uphold the law. The posse was in structed to assemble at the City Hall upon the sounding oi the riot-call on the lire bells. «. . Articles ot incorporation. The following articles of incorporation have bean tiled m tha ofHua of tha Secre tary of State: The Fisher Loan and Trust Company- Principal place of business, San Fran cisco. Capital stock, £100,000, with E. S. M. Judson, C. L. Fisher, F. J. Lockay, J. A. Holmgren and S. H. Lucas of San Francisco as Directors. Pajaro Valley Fruit Exchange—Princi pal place of business, Watsonville. Capital stock, £30.000, with J. L. Curtis, J. M. Herbert, William Henderson, William A. Beck, J. A. McCune, William Mcurathand Edward White of Watsou ville as Directors. The Santa Cruz County Fruit-Growers' Uniou —Principal place of business, Santa Cruz. Capital stock, £40,0011, with B, R. Wallace and H. R. Dakin of Soquel and A. G. Rose, P. T. Stribling, F. A. Jlihn. W. H. Galbraith and S. F. Grover of Santa Cruz as Directors. The Scavengers' Protective Union of j Oakland—Principal place of business, j Oakland, with Francisco Biggi, Angelo Molinari, Gesipe Peruta and Nicola Barbagelata of" Teuiescal and Pietro Moliuaii, Domenico Zunino, Nicolo Ratto, Antonio Porata, Felice Risi, Benedetto Deluchi and Secondo Dusio of Oakland as Directors. It is formed for social aud beneficial purposes. The J. E. Mitchell Carpet Cleaning and Renovating Company—Principal place of business, San Francisco. Capital stock, &),ouo, with William Campbell, Soren Soreusou, Lawrence Campbell, Lizzie Simondß and Theresa A. Camp bell of San Francisco as Directors. Notaries Public. Governor Mark ham has commissioned the following Notaries Public: Voluey L. Fox, French Gulch, Shssta County; W. S. Clark, Otay, han Diego County; G. A. Dobonson, Los Angeles; Peter Siebe, Cordelia, Solano County; Thomas Stev er.s-m. Berkeley; Allied A. Enquist, San Francisco. He has accepted the resignations of the following Notaries; M. B. Williams, Santa Clara County; Thomas M. O'Brien, Sau Frauciseo. ♦ Folsoin's Native Sons. District Deputy G. P. Scott F. Ennis luis installed the newly-elected officers of Granite Parlor, assisted by members ol Sacramento and Sunset Parlors: Past President, W. P. Burnham; President, Lee Luttroll; First Vice-President, J. O. Brown; Second Vice-President, W. Hy nian: Third Vice-President, J. E. Burke; Secretary, H. M. Smith; Treasurer, J. 11. >>ouaelley; Marshal, J. B. Harris; Trustee, T. J. AlcFarland; Sentinel, Ed ward Riley. ♦ "Weather >otos. The Weather Bureau reports show the highest and lowest temperatures yester day to have been 98? and 88f\ with gentle to fresh southerly wiuds and clear weather j prevailing:. The barometrical readings at 5 a- m. and 5 r. m. were 21>.b7 and iSy.sG inches, re spectively. The highest and lowest temperatures one year ago yesterday were 9S J aud 00°, and one year ago to-day 94 J and 65". .«. Petition for Allowance. Laura A. Terry has petitioned the Su perior Court for an order setting aside the personal property belong to the estate of Wallace E. Terry, deceased, for her use and benefit, and JttOO per month aliow anco for her maintenance pending the settlement of the estate, which is valued I at |362,197 60. .». Fined for Petty Larceny. Michael Silvestre, who was arrested the other day for stealing a quantity of bar ley from Mrs. Julia Coyle, pleaded guilty to the charge in Justice Henry's court yesterday, aud was fined §50, which he paid. SACRAMENTO DAILY JREUOiUJ-UJSTOISr, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1894. SAORAMENTANS LOSE. Tho Supreme Court's Decision In a Disputed Land Case. The Supreme Court has decided the case of W. C. Merrill and S. Solon Holl, i appellants, vs. Mary Clark, John Doe j aud Richard Hoe, respondents, in action of ejectment to recover possession of 120 acres of land in Lassen County. Re spondents had judgment in the court be low, and from this and an order denying a new trial an appeal was taken. Both parties claimed title from W. H. Clark, who on November 5, 1881, made final proof on his pre-emption claim of the traci, and paid for it, but by reasou of the neglect or dishonesty of the Register no action toward securing a patent was taken for several months. Shortly sub tequent to the date of rinal proof Clark transferred the land to his wife by bar gain and sale deed. A patent was subse quently issued and Clark then sold the laud to appellants. The deed from dark to his wife was re corded in Lassen County prior to the making of the second deed. The court holds that tho deed to Mrs. Clark transferred all after acquired title, and when his right eventually ripened into a perfect title by the issuance of the patent, it passed to her regardless of the other deed. The judgment and order are allirmed. NINETY DAYS EACH. What It Cost Three Men for Stealing a Coll oi" Wire. Bert Bradley, W. F. Grey and Thomas Gorman wore tried yestorday in the Po lice Court for petty larceny. The evidence showed that Gorman picked up a coil of wire at Popert's grocery and carried it off, and when Pop ort arrested him the other two managed to get him loose and he ran away. Pop ert and others caught Bradley and took him back to a saloon near by, and Gray and (Iranian came back and tried to per suade them to give him up. Failing in this, they armed themselves with cob bles and threw them, breaking the win dows of the saloon und hitting Popert four times, the last time beiug in the lace, and freeing the prisoners. The neighbors, however, gathered and captured the crowd, giving them soino pretty rough handling. The prisonors pleaded the old story of being drunk and not intending any harm. The court sen tenced them to ninety days each, and di rected the" witnesses on the charge of assault to murder that they would be 110 --tilied when to appear. GRANITE WORKERS. Five of Them Sent to Exercise on Sheriff O* Neil's Kock Pile. In the Police Court yesterday Justice Deviue sentenced William Hawley, Ed mund Brown, Frank Dunn, Thomas O'Brien, Robert Lake and Thomas Mc- Curdy to thirty days each in the County Jail. These, with the exception of Brown, who is an opium fiend, are the men who wore arrested, having been complained of by residents near the Buffalo Brewery as njukiug themselves a nuisance, drink ing beer at the brewery in the daytime and sleeping in Richmond Grove at night. Sheriff O'Neil bad anticipated having a dearth of granite workers, as most of those who have been exercising on the rock m'le will go free shortly, their sen tences expiring, but the police will ap purently help him out in the matter by plenty more arrests. CRIMINALS SENTENCED. Three Who Pleaded Guilty In Judffe Catlln's Court. The following criminal cases were dis posed of in Superior Judge Catliu's oflice yestorday: Frankie McMahon, who was charged with grand larceny in having stolen §25 from Frank SelS^nuck in the early part of this week, withdrew her plea of not guilty to the charge and was allowed to plead guilty to petit larceny. She was sentenced to thirty days' imprisonment in the County Jail. Charles H. Turner pleaded guilty to having entered the house of A. Mendes a few weeks ago, and was sentenced to two years in Folsom prison for burglary. Rudolph Winn took the same course when asked to plead to the charge of en tering tho house of Max Feidier, and was also sent to Folsom for two years. THE SCROGGS ESTATE. Alexander Scrojres' Sons Petition for Lottors of Administration. Alexander Scroggs, Jr., and John C. Scroggs have petitioned the Superior Court for letters of administration on the estate of Alexauder Seroggs, Sr., deceased. On the 112 th inst. Almira J. Reichert. a daughter of the deceased, also petitioned for letters of administration on the estate, and as the two petitions create a contest in the matter the Superior Court will have to decide who are entitled to letters. The estate consists of property in this city and shares of stock in the Sacra mento Building and Loan Association, ail of which is valued at §40,000. Harper's War History. " Harper's Illustrated History of the War" will be sent to all subscribers in the country direct from Chicago. All who desire the work must notify the local agents or this office direct, and.within two weeks they will receivo the numbers paid for. Nos. 1 to 11 are now ready. All who desire to subscribe for tho full 20 numbers can do so by remitting $!:2 OS to this ornce. None but bonu lide subscribers to the Ri;coiu>-Union or Wkkkly Union can get the history at 6 cents per number. Far From the Madding Crowd. This is what many a nervous sufferer wishes himself every day. But there will soon be no necessity to forsake the busy— albeit somewhat noisy—scenes of metro politan life, if the nervous invalid will begin, and porsist in the use of, Hostot ter's Stomach Bitters, which will speedily bring relief to a week and over strung nervous system. Day by day the body acquires vigor through the inllueuee oi'this reliable tonic, and in the vitality wliieh it diffuses through the system the nerves conspicuously share. iSleep, ap petite, digestion— all these are promoted by this popular invigorant, and if they aro, who can doubt that the acquisition of health aud nerve quietude will be speedy and complete? Constipation, biliousness, malaria, nausoa, sea sickness and cramps iv the stomach yield to this remedy. —.*. New* Citizens. Arthur J. Cooper, a native of England, was yesterday admitted to citizenship by Judge Catlin. Sarsaparilla and Iron. Get it from the sole agent, McMorry, 531 M st. ■■—HiiimntnnEatnMUHiamHmanißam^m-! I And it will Keep You Cool f I Drink !t when you an- thirsty ; when you 5 5 nre tired ; wbon you arc overheated. Wbon- 3 1 pveryoufeelthatabwiUh-sivlug temperance | S drink will do you good, drink = 1 HIRES' ! | jßootbeer | 2 ASScpkg. makes 5 gallons. Sold everywhere, g 5 Ecsd 3c. tucp far besotiTal picture cards and bo>k. S | The Vkmm, E. Hires Co., Philadelphia.- S MEETING NOTICE 3. SUMNER CORPS.-REGULAR MEETING at Foresters' Hall, THURSDAY, at 2 p.m. It* HANNAH J. LINDNER, President^ WC. T. U. - REGULAR MEETING . THIS (Thursday AFTEKNOON at 2::;o. Mission-rcoms, T..,rd street, between X and L. MKS. w. .scH A DT, President. Mks. S. C. QaBOKN, Secretary. It WC. T. U. COUNTY EXECUTIVE WILL meet at closa of regular meeting THIS (Thursday) AFTERNOON, at Mission rooms. Thiid street, between IC and L. It MBS. J. DIXON, President XT D. G. W.-REGULAR MEETING CAL jN . ilia Parlor. No. 22. THIS (.Thursday) KVENING at 7 o'clock-. It ABBIE J. EITEL, President. (^ A. R.—REGULAR MEETING OF SUM- X. nor Post, No. 3, THIS (Thursday; EVEN ING, at Foresters' Hail. Visiting comrades always welcome. \V. H. H. WILLEY, Post Commander. W. B. Maypvell, Adjutant. It RISING STAR REBEKAH >____£_ v . Lodge, No. 8,1. O. O. F.—Rt'tf-_2JP_g!tvi ular meeting THIS (Thursday)'^^_^_SaF EVENING.atB o'clock. Members ot Bister lodges are cordially invited. Installa tion. EDITH EBERT, N. G. Ella B. Shehbuhn, Secretary. it LOST-FOUND. LOST-FIVE KEYS ON RING. GOING lrom Eighteenth and J through Grammar !-cuool yard to Fifteenth and I. Return P.O. Asylum and receive reward. jyiy-^t* WANTED. I PARTNER WANTED BY* A YOUNG widow in a good, profitable business. , Lid! at (JLEEMAN HOUSE, corner Third and J, room 46. It* ITTANTED—BY A NORWEGIAN GIRL, W a position to do gcnernl housework or qp-stalrs work; Apply 123 N st. jyl'j-3t* \\ 7E OFFER TO GENERAL AGENCY VV and canvassers exclusive territory Iree newspaper advertising, a chance to deliver goods before paying tor them, immense protits and a permanent business. Address CON SOLIDATED, Lynn, Mass. TTti WANTED -BY TWO COMPETENT Swiss trirls, positions to do Housework; no objection to country. Apply NEW HOME RESTAURANT, BQ(i X st. jy!B-3t* A RELIABLE YOUNG MAN, SHORT lime in city, came from the East, wants work of most any kind; good driver am! un deratands care Of horses. Address C. KNLD SEN, 1^32 J, or call between the hours of 10 and 12. jylb-Ct* JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION TO DO fj choking and housework, city or country; speaks good English. Apply T. ts, 310 M Mtrcct, Sacramento. jylb-2t* T ADIES CAN MAKE §3 DAILY BY J_ loldlng aud addressing circulars for us at home; no canvassing; position permanent. Reply With stamped envelope, MISS GRACE PALL, South Bend^nd^ Jyl7-8t WANTED— GOOD MAN TO GO ON THE road with regular physician in medical business; must have small capital; good pay. Address PHYSICIAN, this office. WANTED-A NEATLY DRESSED MAN of perseverance: §75 a month guaran teed. Address or call, O. C. JOHNSON, 717 X street. \\T ANTED—GOOD ENERGETIC MEN OF f V perseverance; to such men I will pay well; $5 deposit reuuired. Call or audress O. C. JOHNSoN^7I7Jv .street. MONEY TO LOAN, IN SUMS TO SUIT, nn city or country property; also, real estate bought and sold by N. L. DRSW, 10>;i. FOR SALE. FOR SALE-A MEAT MARKET, IN GOOD location; doing quod business. Apply to 118 J street. jyl;i-it* /-^OOD-PAYING LODGING-HOUSE OF 25 \JT rooms; great bargain. Apply 122 X st._ / (ROGEBY IN GOOD LOCALITY DOING \JT a line business for sale, or will exchange lor city or suburban property; physically on able to attend to business. Address L. S. this office. I7OR SALE-A REMINGTON TYPE -1 writer, but little used and iv first-class I condition. FABIAN BROS., Ninth and J. _ fpOR SALE.-WELL. ESTABLISHED 1 Candy Store; best location in the city; or will trade. Address Box 101 this office, tf FR SALE.—Lot 80x120 feot, east side Ninth street, between M aud N, Sacra mento. For particulars address X., 14OS California street, San Francisco. jy'J-MWS2w nAHDWELL COLONY—IO-ACRE TRACTS \j only $100 per acre; water pipes will be laid to each and every tract in said colony. J. T. CARD WELL, owner, 1201 JN street, or at 301 J street, Sacramento^ [X)R SALE-200 FEET AWNING. CALL JO at Cli'Y HOTEL, 311 X st. P. CON LAN. FOR SALE—CHOICE BUILDING LOTS, only tivo minutes from Tenth and X, via, electric cars; from §300 to $000 each. M. J. DILLMAN, 417 J street. FOR SALE-A LIMITED NUMBER TWO and four-acres tracts ot choice land adjoin ing Oak Park. M. J. DILLMAN, 117 J si. 17<OR SALE—A LIMITED NUMBER OF JP five and ten-acre tracts choice small fruit lands in New Ramona Colony, Brighton. M. .). DILLMAN, 417 J Street. A NICE HOME, TWO MILES FROM CITY, five acres; new house of six rooms; will trade for cuy property. N. L. DREW, 40S J street, Sacramenux ivaa CORDS OF LIGHT, DRY POUR-FOOT i\J\) summer wood, $ 1 per cord in yard or S> 1 50 delivered; special rates lor large lots. Inquire at KENT BROTHERS' STABLE, 1617 Third street. m_B BEST FRUIT LAND IN THE STATE J_ for sr.lo; no frosts, no irrigation, no failure. Addres* W. L, COTTER, Arbnekle, Cal. FOR SALE-THE CONRAD R\NCH, 370.09 acres, situated on the right bank ol the Sacramento River, below aud adjoining the town of Washington,and opposite tueeity of Sacramento; the land is tirst-class and mostly under cultivation. For particulars inquire of MtKUNH & GEORGE, Attorney;- at-law, 401 J street, Sacramento, or of tne undersigned, at his resilience in V. astiington, Yolo County, California. ANDRLW CON KAD. A BARGAIN-LOT 30x160, WITH STA bie; also, lot 40x90, with two-story dwell ing. Apply 405 Fifteenth street. IpOR SALE CHEAP, OR EXCHANGE FOR ' city property, ten acres assorted orchard, lull bearing; also, ten acres, uuimproved, ad joining; first-class soil; barn, stable, wells, etc., one and a (marter miles east ot city; tine place for country homes; no city taxation. Apply at l»09 J street. I:\OR SALE-A GOOD WORKING LAW ' Library, containing over 400 volumes, all in good condition; will be sold cheap. Call at 0~"J M street, Sacramento, Cai. J. C. TUBBS. I7IORSALE—ON EASY TEtiJIS, A CHOICE X 1 residence property in good location. Ap ply at this office. £IAAIN CASH BUYS 5-ACRE TRACT 01 \J\) near Oak Park; balance on easy pay ments. Call or address F. W. HUNTER, room 11, 420 N street- THE BEAUTIFUL LOT AND SOIUU, improvements situate No. 1416 H street. For particulars see CURTIS & BOWLEY, 1012 Fourth street. FOR SALE—I,SOO HOP POLES; DELlV ered on cars iv Sacramento or elsewhere; length, 20 feet; 4 and 0 inches at butt. Ap ply at this oflice. SECOND-HAND 35-HORSE POWER EN gine; good order. J. P. HILL, 1307 J st. PASTUKAGE. mo RENT—SOO ACRES OF FINE PAS- X ture land. Inquire of L. WINTERS, Clarksburg, Yoio County, Cal. ACCOUNTANTS. 4 CCOUNTANT — BOOKS EXAMINED, J\ adjusted and kept; charges reasonable, J. bCOTT, 1009 Second St., between J and K. GENERAL NOTICES. CARD OF THAINKS.-WE DESIRE TO | express our gratitude for the sympathy and many kind offices performed by our trienus during our recent affliction, our situation and the peculiarity of Uk- times made us largely dependent on the charity of our iriends, and they proved themselves more than kind, thereiore our gratitu c is heai tielt and abounding. MR. AND MRS. J. R. BCBUBNSK. It* A NCHOR LINE UNITED STATES MAIL XX Steamships — Saloon, Second-Class and Moorage rates on lowest terms: New York, Londonderry, Glasgow. Liverpool. Belfast, and all Continental points. Auchoria, .July 21.-;, 4 p. ::.; Cir«.-a>sia. July 28th, S P. m.; Ethiopia, August 11th, 2 r. Ji.; Furnessia, August 18th.7:30 a. m. For tickets. Drafts or Money Orders, appiyito any of our local agents, or to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago. ?" 1S _ JAST WEEK ALBERT VVILLI; CLAIR j voyant sittings 9to 4 daily. Parlors 017 iith street, between I and J. jy!B-6t* /~\RNAMENTAL ARTIFICIAL BTONE \J fronts, e:\rthiiufike proof. E. HA WES, 1121 C street, Sacramento. jylU-lw* /CESSPOOLS. VAULTS AND CHIMNEYS \j cleaned; no dirt; lowest prices. VVM. SLAUGHTER, 317 X, 531 M. LAWN MOWERS SKILLFULLY RE paired by machinery andjwarranted, at GOLDSMITH'S, at B^4 X streeu r ADIES' HATS PRESSED. ANY STYLE, Lj 25c. BUSH L. JONES, 1008 Sixth street. BEST TAMALES AT MRS. HERNANDEZ. 1112 Fourth street; Mexican meals cooked to order; also, Mexican beans. En chilades served on Sunday. _ 171ARLY ROSE POTATOES, 50c SACK; 8 li bars soap, 25c; Peaches, Apricots, Black berries and lomatoes are cheap at BIMONS :<V: BLESLEY'S new store, 818 K. MAY FLOWER REMOVES TAN, freckles, pimples and blackheads; leaves complexion sou and clear. For saieat 1022, 1 i Fifth street; also Gogings/ drug store. FIREWORKS. WHOLESALE AND RE tail. All*size bombs at lowest prices, at HOY KEE A CO., ±3O 1 street. jy2-lm C-i FOR MEN'S CALF SHOES (LACE OR Vl gaiter,; ladies' shoes, §l and up; chil iTren's shoes, 50q clothing; men's suits from $2 50 up. At Receiver's .-Sale, 510 J. 1 1 (\Q FOURTH STREET—GO TO THE 11' 'O Colusa House for cool, comfortable outside rooms, from $1 per week upwards. OAK STOVE WOOD, $0 PER CORD" DE livcre.t; measurement guaranteed; yards filled with din at lowest prices. Yard on Twelfth-Street road, near American lti\er bridge. W. H. BASLER, P. O. address 920 Jst. /~1 BEAT INDUCEMENTS—LOOK AT THE V 7 opportunity Offered to start a small ma chine sh>>p; »cc large advertisement in this paper. Wi^SLEY ROSE, 1031 X street. _ LF. BASSETT, CIVIL ENGINEER AND . Surveyor; Deputy United States Mineral Surveyor; special attention given to problems in civil, sanitary and hydraulic engineering. Office, 100G Eighth street. EVERY LADY IS INVITED TO CALL and get a bottle of Old Rose Enimel, the best preparation in the world for the com plexion: send lor printed circulars; the secret how to make yourself pretty. Put up by 1». <:. WINTERS, Eucalyptus Suppositories < !om pany. Drugstore, K. J. Van Voorhies, 800 J street. Agents wanted. \\TINDOR NO WIND, GET ONEOF.IONES VV & Co. 'a tree supporters; also garden trim ming made to order at 1420 O street. READING MATTER. STATIONERY. ETC., for sale by S. A. DOANE, :.'(>:.' X street._ PROF. D. G. CLARK OF NAN FRAN cisco, test and business medium and mag n< tic healer, gives sittings daily at 1011 G st.: circles Wednesday and Friday, 8 i". M., 25c. RICHARDS & HASKELL (SUCCESSORS to H. M. Bernard) in carriage, wagon, sign and fancy ornamental painting; also trimming; lib ral discount for cash. Corner Sixth and L streets. SAY, YOU DON'T KNOW YOU ARE alive! it you did you would stop at Geo. Gray's, on the Riverside roud, lor cool drinks and too lunches; he knows how to make ail feel at home; piano and parlors tor cucsts; come and be "wid" us lor once. GEO. GRAY, Mixologist. \\T MAYER HAS REMOVED FROM 521 VV . Oak ay. to 623 Saw filing, kuifo grinding, locksmith, general repairing. JAPANESE INFORMATION AGENCY, tl 'Jo(> Second St., Sacramento. Farmhands. general help furnished and contracts executed. A GOOD SET OF TEETH FOR SO: FILL- X_ »igs, 50c and up, at DR. NEWSOM'S DENTAL I'ARLORS, 1120 I street. CRYSTAL SALT; BF,ST EVER PRO duced; samples free; 1119 Fourth street. E. P. FIGG. HOP LAND, $50 PER ACRE—I,SOO acres finely improved hap land, 1% miles from railroad on river, $50 per acre; $30 per acre down; balance long time; low interest. EDWIN K. ALSiP & CO., 1015 Fourth street. EVERY MARRIED WOMAN SHOULD know that "SEGURO" is the greatest boon to them ever discovered. All dru-isi*^- Price, $1 50 and $5 per box. Every box guaranteed. Send 2-ccnt stamp to WILBUR'S SAFETY PACKET COMPANY, 531 X street, Sacramento, for private circular. FRENCH TANSY WAFERS - THESE wafers are lor the relief and cure ol pain ful aud irregular menses, no matter what the cause, and are sure and sale every time. Be ware of substitutes. For sale by all druggists. HELP OF ALL KINDS FURNISHED AT Capital Employment Office, 527% X street. R. H. CLEGG. DEESSMAKEKS. M^RS. H. G. BIDWELL, FASHIONABLE dressmaking; children's clot lies a spe cialty; satisfaction guaranteed. Ulo>^ 1 St. QUMMEK SUITS. S2 UP; COTTON JO dresses, $1 50 up; cutting and fitting, SI f>o; ountry orders solicited. 1223 Sev enth street. GROCERIES. SIMONS & BEESLEY', SlB X, OPPOSITE Hale Bros., apricots, 25c box: green corn, 10c do/en. ■ '■ ■ riRUIT JARS-MASON'S, %-GALS.. PER JP doz., 95c; quarts, 75c; pints, «5c LIGHTNING-'.o-gal.s.. f 1 DO; quarts, SI 50 l.-a pints, SI 45; pints. SI 35. All jars guar anteed. Don't forget to call lor Fallon Cream cry Butter at LYN N'S, Fourteenth and O. RILEY'S GROCERY. TENTH AND E, IS the best place to buy your butter, 30c, 35c, 40c roll; dew ham, $_, 2 for 25c; ' t , 2 /or 10c: c. beef, 15c for 2-pound can; dry .salt pork, lie pound pickles, 10c bot tle;L!___3es_____L__________—_—__ BOARD AND LODGING. <7A£ M STREET-* 1 PER WEEK-GOOD i \)0 home cooking; also lurnished rooms. 1 OAT L STREET-LARGE FRONT BAY l^U 1 window room with boaroL MANSION HOUSE. SEVENTH, 1 AND J streets, trout suite, first floor, lurnished or uiifurnisned; rooms en suite or single, with or without board; board, ?4 per jrettK. , __ CARPET CLEANING. HARRY W. RIVETT. STEAM CARPET Cleaning, corner Twelfth and O street-; Carpet Cutting, Sewing and Kenttlng; Furni ture Packed for Shipment; Second-hand Car pets and Furniture Bought and lor Sale; Telephone 2J2. PHOTOGRAPHY. C?O KA A DOZEN, REDUCED FROM §5. 9) 4i 0'' for nne cabinets finished on artisto paper. KELLER'S, 719 X street. COLLECTIONS. XTOTICE TO THE PUBLIC—FA RIS & jy{ SI'INKS, General Collection Agency, 61 1 1 street. Prompt attention given to all mat ters. Bad bills a specialty. TO LET OR SENT. SOA FOR RENT FOR TWO MONTHS TO ' f)U. a small iamily, a farnisaed bouse, witaaseof piano. Address, wiin rn.vrences, ! RENTOR. this office. j£l "»1 AO L-HOUSE WITH EARN, §20; UP- | rvlUO I'er tlat, 5 rooms, :?1O; tower 6, fIS. ■ COMFORTABLE HOUSE OF 5 ROOMS. Apply 1430 Tenth street. AOOI N STREET-FOUR ROOMS, FUR-! rj4)O2 "islitd complete for housekeeping. 1 WAA G ST.-MODERN HOUSE OF 5 IOUy rooms, biitli, closeUs._Apply_lsosG. HAI L STREET—TO LET, NICELY Fl'R \){fl nisiied front rooms. MRS. SNAi'i-:. mO LET — THREE NICE, PLEASANT X rooms for light housekeeping. 15:35, cor ner Second and 1' streets. i - i - FOURTEENTH ST. - PLEASANT XOxO furnished front room; also, other rooms, with bath. NE. CORNER TENTH AND J STREETS. . Nicely furnished front rooms. 17OR RENT-TWO CLOCKS OF LAND. ±2 Addnss J. i., this office. ,«-Q1 1 X STREET-NICELY FURNISHED 0012 front room, suitable tor one or two geutiemeu. ~AI 1 TWELFTH ST.—5 UNFURNISHED OUx 2 rooms suitable for housekeeping. -1 -oi OSTUEET—NKSV MODERN JI<'USE i.OOX of five rooms. Apply 1528 O street. mO P ST.—COTTAGE OF 5 ROOMS AND *■") btun; also, smnll house of 5 rooms ctoeap, 703 Twelftn. Apply 701 Twelfth at. 1 COC H STREET-NICELY FURNISHED .LU,-*U large iront room; also, single rooms; with or without board. HOUSE OF S ROOMS; RENT, »12. AP ply F. C. HYDK, Real Estate uud Insur ance, 100 m 5, ~d lloor, o<!d Fellows' Temple. /. /\ A 1 I ST.—FURNISHED FRONT SUITE 1)U«l/2 for housekeeping; ulso, Bingle rooms. 1 i i 4 TENTH ST.—NEW MODERN FLAT l-±ltt of 6 rooms. Apply 141u Tenth st. Q-I/JJ ■! ST.—FURNISHED ROOMS FOR ' r > 102 Wgnl hoosefceeping,an<l single rooms. JAQS STREET— FURNISHED ROOMS 4rUo Wltn bath. MRS. H. N. SHEETS. rynry L BTREET—HOUSE OF 9 ROOMS. I £ I Inquire 731 L Btreet. 1 £Ol\ NINTH STREET—NEW HOUSE, 8 IOrCU rooms; hot water, bath and closets. Apply 1015 Filth street. STORE, BARM AND ROOMS OVEBSTORE, at Sixth and N. Apply E. K. ALSIi J it CO. IMI D ST.—PLEASANT FURNISHED 1011 iront suites for housekeeping or two | gentlemen. I mO LET—A NEW FLAT OF 6 ROOMS, J. containing eleetrle burglar alarm system and all tiie laust impiovemets, iii<j Sev enth street, between N and 0 streets, within three and a half blocks of the new Postoffice. Inqalre of .J.\M;-:s i;ILEY, tathor on the premises or at Lavenson's sho store, 500 Jst. £i}£t HOUSE 8 ROOMS, 713 L STREET; £>/-£*). Jl3, 4-roonl home rear 713 L street; i?ir>, 5-room house, 1725 X street; §18, 7 room house and barn, 1731 X street; lu<iuire [ 71-\'.. X street, 1 jan .1 STREET—TWO OR THREE iUK- IttUO nlshed rooms for houst-bfopiug. -i,)|Ol ST.—THREE UNFURNISHED Irwlu rooms upstairs and one below. aio P BTREET—COMFORTABLE TWO t/lO story bouse; six rooms: rent, $IG. f*(\<y X BTREET—NICELY FURNISHED [)\f i front room, suitable for oiliee or two gentlemen. mO LET-A FURNISHED COTTAGE OF X Jive rooms, all m good condition. Inquire of E. K. ALSIP & CO. FOR RENT—DOUBLE PARLORS ON first tloor; rent low. Inquire at this office. QIA TWENTY-THIRD STREET—GOOD »./ I 4-rooiu house and basement; ront, §13. 111 X I- STREET—TO LET—APPLY TO 1110 FABAIN UKOS., Ninth and J streets, agents. GLEEMAN HOUSE, CORNER THIRD and J—Fine furu&hcd rooms by the day, week or month. LOWER FLAT; MODERN IMPROVE- men ts; hot and cold water; Foarteenth street, between I and J streets. CURTIS & BOWLEY, ltilii Foorth street. 1M jO STREET—TO RENT—HOUSE OF 10It nine rooms and supplied with all modern improvements. For particulars in uuire of E. K. AjISIP i Co. Lif> QUEEN ANN COTTAGE. FIVE cM 0. rooms, in Oak Grove, at end of cur line; new. CURTIS & BOWLLY, 1012 Fourth street. Aqi 141G H STREET-FIVE ROOMS; 3>r*l. everything nrst-elass. CURTIS A BovvlEY. 101^: ITonrthstreet QQI 906 O STREET, BETWEEN NINTH cj-01. and Tenth; six rooms. For particulars see CURTIS ct BOWLEY, 10ia Fourth sc I^lo° STREET—FURNISHED HOUSE 101/ V °f ftvc rooms; ,/as, bath, hot and cold water; rent reasonable. -I -1 -1 j- EIGHTH STREET — FURNISHED 1110 rooms for houdekeepiu^'. -1 iQO FOURTH—FiVE-ROOM HOUSE; L-trit) rent,f 13. Apply 1223 Seventh. "17RATERNITY HALL—NORTH PORTION 12 Masonic bnlldlng. Apply on premiaes. TO LET-THE 20iS0, UP STAIRS, OF the 8. VV. corner of Ninih and J streets, In whole or in two parts. Apply to AUGUST FABIAN. PERSONALS. A TO THE PUBLIC-MR. E. C. JONES, . late foreman of the Golden Eagle Barber snop, has now opened and is ready to accom modate by rendering tirst-clasa service to his old friencts and the public, at hi.s new shaving parlors. "THE ACOKN." IOIJ2 Sixth street. Sacramento. Ca!. First-class workmen only. E. C. JONES, Prop. Juiy 6, ib'Ji. WATCHES CLEANED, ?1 ; MAIN Springs, 91. All work warranted :or two years. Goods sold on installment plan at 419 X street. DON'T FORGET SMILEY, THE BARBER, formerly Twelfth and E, but now located 1007 J struct. Pleased to see all old friend* again. LAWN MOWERS GROUND :P.Y EMERY lathe, saws tiled, razors and scissors sharpened: good work guaranteed. VV. W. LINDLEY, 917 Fourth street. BLACKSMITHS, ETC. AW. HARRIS (SUCCESSOR TO H. M. . Bernard), Wagon and carriage repairing done and special attention given to horse- Shoeing; liberal discount for cash. Corner Sixth and L streets. DCARMHFIAEL. 1009 EIGHTH ST. . offers special Inducements on all wagon repair work. Remember, for cash only, ~5 per cent saved. Call and see Ills method of setting tires. Special attention given to horseshoeing. MUSICAL. f ESSONS ON THE PIANO; TERMS REA- Lj sonable. MRS. C. BENNETT, room 3U, Mansion House. /"IUITAR AND BANJO—RAPID AD VJT vuncemeut. J. FKANK PALMER, teacher, r-tndio. GIO,^ I street. BOOffBINDEE3. TfrOOKBIN DING—GOOD WORK, REASON JL> able prices and promptness; the only nrst-clHi-s biiidery in Sacramento, 319 J street. BRBUNING'S. T> SCHULER & CO., BOOKBINDERS, J\. 405 J. Examiner's Worla's Fan- and Cull's Picturesque CuliXornia Portfolios oound. SFSIITKSS CAED^ WATERHOUSE A LESTER, —I;KALE!t> IN — Irou, Bteel, Cumberland Coal, Wagon Lun» ber and Carriage Hardware. 709, 711. 713, 715 J street, Sacrament J.^ H. W. ROOT. ALEX. XEILSON. J. DRISCOIi ROOT, NEILSON' <t CO.. Union Foundry—lron and Brass Found* er« and Machinists. Front street, between N an> 10. Castings and Machinery of every dm scrlption made to order. QACRAMENTO FOUNDRY, O Front street, corner of N. WILLIAM OUTENuM-iuKB., Proprietor. Work for sidowalUs and buildings a speciaJtf. Gasollue and Steam Engines to order on suorl notice. AWASSMANN, , 822% X street, Having recovered" from his recent illna«s. is again prepared to make and vepair BooiJ and Shots. Hj- Firat-clasa workmanship. TOURNEY CAB COMPANY. \JT It has come to my knowledge thatpartle* have been overcharged, f have dismissed th« old drivers and iia\e a now set of :urj.. Pies— remember to \>uy 25c per mile or iract*ou. Any overcharging reported to me a? tne offic* will bo rectified at once and the driver dl* nussed. WILLIAM H. BRADLEY. ATTORNEYS-AT-LA]^ * L, HART, Attorney-at-Law. Office, Southwest corner Fifth and J stre«t* Rooms 12, 14 and 14, butter QKOVE L. JOHNSON. HIRAM W. JOHNSO* IOHNSON & JOHNSON, 0 Lawyers, 604 J Street. . . . ■ CHAITNCEY U. DUNN. 8. SOLON HOltfe HOLL A DUNN, Lawyers. Offices: 920 Fifth street, Sacrament*. Telephone No. 14. TTTILLIAM^. GETT, JR., VV Attorney-at-Law, Sutler building:, southwest corner Of Fifß» and J. Telephone No. So'J. ARTHUR M. SEYMOUR. CIINTOML. WHXT^ JOS. W. UI'GHP.-. "\I7HITE, HUGHES & SEYMOUR. W Attorneys and Counselors-at-Law. liooms r, 9, 11 and 13. 4^o J street, Sncr«i» munto. Caliloriiia. PHYSICIANS AND SUSGEONS. DRS. WHITE & ROSS, —office:— Southeast corner Seventh and J streets. Sacra* mento. Office entrance 1009 Seventh street. Dr. Ross' residence, northeast corner Eightfl and Hstreets. mHOMAS CECIL. M. P., JL Physician and Surgeon. Office, 91S X street (Golden State Hotel). Office hours, 9a. K. to 12; 1:30 p. M. io 5 and from 7toS p. ii. Sundays, ito -1 r. at. DR. T. WAH HING. OFFICE Southeast coiner Third and J streot3. Office entrance. 1007 Third street. Telephone No. 3i4. DENTISTRY. F. F. TKBBETS, _ DENTIST, 914 SIXTH ST.. g&Eße&fa betwfen I and J, west sidf.^j- ;, '; \ opposite Congresational Church. "^-UOCLXJP -^^Lm^SsiT^"^^^^^ and X streets. BANKING HOUSES. NATIONAL BiM OF D. 0. MILLS k CO. Sacramento, Cal.—Founded 1850. DIRECTORS: D. O. MILLS. EDGAR MILLSL S. PRENTISS SMITH. FRANK MILLER President CHARLES F. DiLLMAN CashieS Capital and Surplus, $«800,000. CALIFORNIA STATE BANK, SACRAMENTO. Does a General Banking Business. SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS. officers: FRKOKRICK cox President JOSEPH BTEFFENS. Vlce-Presidenl W. E. GERBKR Cashier C. E. BURN HAM Assistant Cashier DI HECTORS: C. W. Clark, Ghorge C. Pkhzin^ Frederick Cox, Joseph Sn • fens, PSTJOtUOHL, ADOXJPH HKILHKOX, W. E. Okrbkr. SAGRAMMTO BANK. fTiHE OLDEST SAVINGS BANK IN TUB J. city, corner Fifth and J streets, Sacra mento. Guaranteed capital, 9500.000; paid apcapital,goldooln; $400,000. Reserve fund, $55,169 45. Term and ordinary dep §3,183,640 S2. Loans on real estate .fanu«.r/ 1,1894 t #8,428.950 31. Term and ordinary deposits received. Dividends paid in .Tauuary ami July. Money loaned upon re:ii estafe only. Information furnished upon applies tioa to W. P. COLEMAN, President. gp. R. Hamm-ton-, Ccishiev. FARMERS' AND MEGfiANH'S' SAVINGS BANS Southwest corner I'ourth. uud J SLro«its, Sacraruento, Cal. Guaranteed Capital $500,000 LOANS MADE ON REAL ESTATE. IX terest paid 3(wni-annuully on Term a:id Ordinary Deposits. B I STEINMAN Presidpnt KIiWIN K. ALSIP Vice-President D. D. WHITBECK Cashier C. H. CDMMINGS. Secretary JAMES M. STEVENSON Surveyo* i>ikkci'oks: B. U. STBnncAH, Edwin X Ai^ip, C. 11. CUMMIN(i9, GKOiK.: A. .^M!TiI, Hot. Run vox, James McNas-skh, Jas. M. Stevenson. .. IWWI SiYlfiS BANK. Sacramento, Cal. Guaranteed capital §410.000 Paid up capital and surp.u? 301,000 TNTEREST PAID SEMf-ANNUALLY ON X term nnd ordinary deposits. Money loane'l on real estate only. Address all communica tions: People's Savings IJank, bacramenio. WM. BECKMAN, President. Georo* W- I-<J«tNZ. CROCKER-WOOLWORTH NATIONAL BANK, Crocker liuildlnjr. Market nnd Post Streets, San Francisco. PAID UP CAPITAL, $i,OCO,COO. SURPLUS, $400,000. DIRECTORS: President WxNf. H. CROCKER Vice-I'resldent \v. E. BROWN r G. W. KLINE CJIARLKS F. (ROCKER E. B. POND Garden $- Hosel J. A. M. MARTIN'S HARDWARE STORE, 820 J STREET. OPPOSITE PLAZA. £3ts»fc>|!srn<3ci 1352. GREGORY BROS. CO., /COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND \j Wholesale Dealers In produce: and fruit, 120 and 128 J street, Sacramento. General Agents for the celebrated BORKRTS' KIDNEY AND LIVEK BITTKRS SENO TUB WEEKLY UNION TO YOUtt irwmis in tb« Kmt, It leads th«u »U,