Newspaper Page Text
COMMERCIAL. the Wheat Market Easy in Tone, While Trade is Notably Light. Movement in Barley slow, Both in Feed and Brewing Qualities —Oat Prices Weak. San Francisco, July 26th. The Wheat market keeps easy in tone %.___• the volume oi trade Is notably light. The movement In Hurley is slow, both ie Feed and Brewing qua Sonic new Salinas Oats are coming along just now, D eing quotable at csc@Sl 10 _. ctl. jsaies are slow and prices ihow weak-*--. (.applies of Vegetables continue heavy with jjiice. steady. Potatoes are in fair demand and receipt* are liberal, unions are un changed. Ihe Fresh Fruit market is dull with heavy |-ceipts and price, weak. Berries are in large {supply. Apricots are doing belter. Peaches •re Arm. The demand for Butter holds firm, and Mm are well maintained. Eggs are steady. Cheese is in good supply. Poultry prices are unchangod. The market |b well supplied ana dull. Produce Market. FLOUR— Net cash prices for Family Extras, S3 4003 50; Baker.' Extras, $3 30@3 40; fcuperiine, 92 soy<2 75 *» bbl. WHEAT—(Quotableat .oyiSrj^c^i ctl for iso. 1 shipping, and 88% c lor choice offerings. Milling Wheat salts at a range of §I_>l Ub! 4 %. ctl. 14 A RLE V—Feed, new, BQ®B2%c; old, 82>_ lew, -~. y.y'juc; Cuevalier, Standard, $1 2(>g i. :.o%u:tf. . iATS — Milling, jl 15g,l 23; Surprise, §1 _o©l 35; Fancy Feed, SI 20@1 25; feood to cnoice, si 10@1 17).; poor to lair, i) sc@sl 05; Black, nominal; Bed, nominal; Gray, 91 os@l 15 %* ctl. N-Sl lo_>l 17K for large Yeliow; §1 _o<a>l 32% tor small lellow, und 9 1 _.uj. _. 45 lor White. ill .AN—Quotable at $>15&16 * ton. HAY—Wire-bound lny sells at flfl ton less thau rope-bound Hay. Following are tne wholesale city prices for rope-bound Hay: "Wheat. §9@l_; Wheat and Oats, $S<§.ll; Wild oat, #-(s._o; Aitaiia, ST^'j; Barley, 4>oa. 50; r-.10 50: compressed. $9011; Stock, 160. '-■ ton. nTKAW—Quotable at {.0060 c "pi bale. H< »_-s—Nominal at.ol .c f. to. UYE—Dull ut . s<<sDOc s. ctl. BUCKWHEAT—Nomina-. (.BOUND BARLEY—f 19 50@20.SUon. A Early Ko»e, 20025. in sacks ana SOO4OC ft ctl in boxes; Whites, 25040 c iv sacks and 30@5ocin boxes; Sweets, 203 c ONIONS—2S@3Sc V ctl for Bed aud 60© .70c f. ctl for White. BEANS—__yo.,?>2 25@2 35; Butter, §1 90 i small and $2<_»2 20 lor large; Pink, 51 7u@l 75; Bed, S2 8002 25; Lima, S3 Go_i :■ T 5: r a,\ y> hite, S2 5o d . 75: Lir-e While, $2 50^,2 05 »4 ctl. VEO en OJ_ra,6sc@s l fbox, jy% Plant, i;sc@fl r '<ox; Cu"umbei_ «l <»o..uc %* box "Or buy; Siring Beans, . 25 %. sack; Summer Squash, -a® ;5c %>. box; Green Coru, 50cg,7 5o 54 back lor common and 12 cozen lor bay; Berkeley Corn. os_>7oe %t liox; Marrowial Squash, Slo %» ton; Hub- Squash, —0— ft ton; Green Peppers, 25 < GO. *» box lor Chile ana ... §>76c '_-. oox for _5e »* box; Elver Tu xnatoes. si 5002 r box; Turnips, 75c V ctl; ft sack; Parsnips, fl 25 ft ctl; Car .. s(jj> loc; Cabbage, 600. oe; Garlic, lj-j,_i „c %. lb; Cauliflower, bO_i7uc |) dozen; Dry I c: Dr.\- okra. —c «t lb. . — U bite_.ecU-_-_es,lo#3oo S box; Bea Nectarines, :_ ._*suc f» oox; _rub jij pies, 25®50c |! box; Ciiapes. 25ig.5uc; . ia '4aga Ora]ie.i. 75ctc.Sl "p box: .x-iu... .'eaehes. _5_.40c f* oox am_ 20030 c - Black Figs, 4_'_>s(>c ?. box lor 1-layers aud 75c@Sl lor 2-!a.vers %t box; White 1 igs, 1-la; lOc, _i-iayers, 50@7 sc; Cherries, 20®40c %. drawer; Apricots, 25@40c v. lc%* ftln bulk; Piums, %®iy 2 v ft _>; Ap • 6c_tsi Tfi box; Pears, common, 25<& iuc %t box am. V bskt; Bartlett Pears, OeV box; Cantaloupe., SI 50®. 25>. crate; Watermelons. 8lo_»l"> f. hundred. hEßßlES—Haspberries, S2(g».j f) chest; strawberries, S_ sii@i |) chest lor anarpless iind $b@7 for l.ongwortns; Blackberries, VI 50i3j2 5u » chest. CITRUS FBL'ir— Mexican Limes, §3 50®4 %* box; Bemons, Sicily, —@—; California :is. SI _o_>2 lor common and t&3 for good to cnoiee; Bananas, §1 50^ U su? bunch; Pineapples. S2<_*4|. dozen. BKIEB FBL'IT — Apples, :>e for quar tered, 5c for sliced aud B_*9c to* evai'O rated; Pears, (j@ .c %. Si lor uleachod halves «___ 2<SHe__r_m__rterb; bleached Peaches, Au • u-:-»ei'Lem_-r delivery, ti%c fi tt>; sun driea l'eac:ies, —c * ft>, August-Juiy de li\ery; Apricots, t>y.(_>7___ %i fi) spot, 0> 2 i*7c ft>r August uelivery; Prunes, b*pte__ber delivery, iy„ _, 4.4 c; Plums, for pitted and 13_cforunpitted; l-i_., 3_V4C for pressed aud i.. a _»2c for un -1; NY :.it_ Nectarines,—®—c: BedNec iariues, — <&— c f. lb. RAlMlNS—California Layers, 60c@$l; loose Muscatels, in box<'S, su(<j'7uc; clusters, $1 25 _.l 50; No, 1 loose, lv sacks. 2}. Jt &y>i: %. tt>; Vac;Y a c; dried Grapes, !%&l%p BUTTER — Fancy creamery, 17J_@19c; fancy dairy, 16@17^c: goou to choice, l-^.@ 3.5 c: store lot., 11&12 C; pickled roll, new, 17 (./• 1 'JC ID. i.SE—Choice to fancy. B@S>_c; fair to •'. _®~;. _c; Eastern, ordinary to fine, 14 (i>_sc R). s—California ranch, 16@19c, with ex ceptional sales ol selected higher; store lots, 13c %. doz; Eastern Eges, nominal. PoULTKY—Live Turkeys—Ciobblers, 8® lie; liens, y@iic: Boosters, 54.J)4 50 for cM. :....»; tor young: Broilers. 41 50 .5 tor small and S2 50®3 25 for large; frryers, St@4 50; Hens, §4@5 50; Ducks, Creese, sl(_>l 50 %i pair; Pigeons, fcT 25@1 50 V dozen. Meat Market. Following are the iates for whole carcasses from slaughterers to dealers: BEEF—First quality, s@sJ._e; second qual ity, ij-.iflioc; third quality, 4@4%e %. _). CALv XS—o.uotabie at 4<a»_c %t ib. MUTTON—Quotable at 4i. J (-_5 I_c1_c a lb. LAMB—Sprim., tii7e>tb. POBlv—Live Hogs, on foot, grain fed, Ueavy and medium, 4}^@sc; small Hogs, 4 7.j -tockHogs, _;_e; dressed Hogs, 63407 c %.2>. Eastern Grain Market. New York, July 2Gth. WHEAT—JuIy, 51 ,c; August, 54-^c; Sep tember, 55;;. c; Octooer, 57. s c; December, .; May, 64 Chicago, July 26th. WHEAT—JuIy, 50i s c; September, 52J_c; December, 55>_c. California Fruit Sales. Chicago, July 26.—There was sold seven Cars of California fruit at auction to-day at the following prices: Bartlett pears. §•.' 15® 2 5u ?" iox: tragedy prunes. 9 2 25_2 50 * rate: Bradshaw plums, 5.(5,2 25 %. half crate; Purple Duane plums. SI 20<&2 25: Ington plums, 91 70(_)1 HO; Boyal apricots, fl oo_>l 7 0 %. halt crate; Hale's Early peaches, SI 15(»1 25 per box; cher i by the strike, Boyal Ann, 25c_i }$! per box; Black Republican, 350.0 c. July 2G.—ihere was sold at auc tion to-day three . -ars ol California iipped via slow freight; ar rived ripe and ..old at SI 7532 $ box. _\".:v, \okk, July 2b.—At auction to-day Early peach s sold tor f4t_.s 55 ft box; _y piums, $3_>3 55 %t crate: Purple - 15 %i crate; anricots, $1 05 %i \mx; gross sale ou the car. 50,731. i. ided in Sacramento June 2 . th, delayed at i ruckee by the strike and was twenty-nine in transit. Mi> July 2G.—At auction to-day • . . . olifornia Bartlett pears, Nhii.ped via slow freight, told at 92 15_.2 25 D. ... ...CIUMEMO MARKET. Business Fair iv Produce Circles— Prices Remain Stationary. Sacramento, Jul." £6t__ Trail, was fair in local Produce circles to * all cases were fully up prices remained un changed. itul supply of Fresh end Salt-water Fish to-morrow. Following are the re__ti prices forthevari mentloaed. -s—Watermelons, 10(3 2 3c >, 16#20e; Crab Apples, 5c *,*; torwa jc ? tb; Peaches, 3c S B>; .• ->; Prunes. 3. y tb- Pears 3c » to- Apricots, So % ft,; Blackberries. 5c * basket; Grapes, sc »ro. r i rs—Lemons, 20@30c a doz; r doz; common, 15@25c each; Bananas, 25c » doz; Limes, 10c f doz. ' :..!■ FBUtT—Apricots, 10^.2. » j_ I'iums. 12 ~_>i.<e; Ne__ai__ea DAIRY FRODL LE-patter-Va_fy a roil 350; pickle roll, .air, 35c; PetahuxU. 46tf jauoy Creamery. o<,c; firkin, 35.'a .Oe- C —California, 15c $ ft; Voun- Aiuer.C-, 14e- Eastern Qreamery, 20c; Umburzer, 2uc: Ken' vine swis... _0e; Ajneriean, 25c: Martin's Oeamery, 20c: fancy cream, 25c each. - .—_s@l73_c%4 dozen. PUULTKY—Turkeys—Live Kons and Gob- for Infants and Children. *' Castoria is so well adapted to children that Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, I recommend it as superior to any prescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, known to me. "* H A AacHEa, M. D., Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di ll 1 So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. gestsoa, Without injurious medication. "The use of 'Castoria is so universal and "For several years I have recommended its merits so well known that it seems a work your 'Castoria,' and shaii always continue to of supererogation to endorse it. Tew are the do so as it has invariably produced beneficial Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria resulta." within easy reach." Enwilf X PardeEi iL D^ Cablos Mabttn, D. D g^ ?th York c _ York City. Th- C-STArR Cokpant, 77 MraaAY Street, New Tore Cttt. In Hot "\x7e;_a.t_ner Use ! SANITAS GRAPE FOOD! (A CALIFORNIA PRODUCT) For Sale by Leading Druggists and Grocers. ♦ . —23— i jC Enclose this advertisement, with your address, and we will send you, postage paid, i r a beautiful water-color view (size ior 14 inches) of" THE GOLDEN GATE." the entrance _ _ to San Francisco Harbor. There is no advertising matter printed on this picture, and _? W only one copy will be sent to each address. ♦ J THE CALIFORNIA GRAPE FOOD CO., San Francisco, Cal. J A****************^****_.4***_,A_r_.**«***_,t_A**_,_.* biers, 15c 9 ft>; dressed, 17c: Chickens—Hens. 50_i60ceach; Spring. 50^460c; Broilers, 40® 50c; Tame Bucks, 75c; Geese, $3 ? pair. VKOETABLES—Tomatoes, river, 5c * ->: Wax Beans, 3J^c; String Beans, 3._ c; Shell Beans, sc; Summer Squa. h, 2c; Crookneck Squash, 2c; Gumbo, 20c; Egg Plant, loc; Cu cumbers, 10c f, dozen; Corn, 12>_c dozen; Lettuce, 3 tor sc: Green Onions, 3 ior sc; Gar- Lc, lOe ? ft; Peppers, 7c; Celery, 10c $1 head; Cauliflower, 10c; Sacramento Peas, 5c _>; Alameda Peas, 7c; Onions, 2c; Cabbage, lc. POTATOES— 50_>75c.8 sack; Sweets, 4c » S>. MEATS—Beef—Prime Rib Roast, 12}._> 15c: Chuck Roast, 10c; Rump, 8c; Brisket, 8c; Corned Beef, Be, Porterhouse Steak, 15@ 18c; Loin Steak, 123_<ai5c; Round Steak, 10c; Chuck steak, loc. Veal—Loin and Rib Chops, 15c; Roast Veal, 12c. Mutton—Leg, ll@l2>_c; Loin and Rib Chops, 12>_c; Mat ton Stew, Se; Shoulder Chops, Be. Pork- Roast or Chops, 15c; Corned Pork, 15c; Sau sage, 12J.c; Vienna Sausage, 15c: Bacon, 14 Ham. 16#20e. BREADSTUFF^—FIoor, S4 .a bbl, $1 tor j 50-ib sacks; $2 tor 100-ib sacks; Oatmeal, 10-fi. | sacks, 40c; Cornmtal, 10-m sacks, 25c; : Cracked Wheat, 3 0-lb sacks, 35c; Hominy, 10-3. sacks, 40c; Graham Flour, 10-fi. sacks, .Oc; Buckwheat, 10-to sacks, 30c; Rye, 10-to sacks, 35c HAY AND GRAIN—Oat Hay, 80@85c « cwt; Wheat, 7"irgßoc; second quality, 65(g) 7 5,; Allall'a, 70c; Barley, SI 25; (.round Barley, tl 25; Feed oats. $1 40@1 60; Mid dlings, §1 10; Bran, SI; Straw, 70@75c. SA_. FI.A.NC-SCO STOCK MARKET. San Franci-00, July 26, 1994. MORXrXQ SESSION. Belcher 69® 70c Kentuck 12c Bodie 95c Mexican 92@93c B. <_ B 1 05 Mono „ 20c Bullion _ 18<j ophir 1 \'o Chaileuee :.4c Overman 10c Choilar 25.-Potosi 45@i*>e C. C. Jl Va 3~5 Savage -Oc C. Point ti4@(»sc 8. Nev 52c G.<_ c 47(_>4Se Union 56c H. <_ N 5Se Utah 6c Justice 15c;Y. Jacket 41@42c AFTERNOON SESSION. Alta 20c B._N 50c t 71@73c Mexican i)2c B.&B 1 05,Ophir 1 85 CCA; Va 3 20 S. Nev 59c C Point 69®70c Union 59e G. &C ...45c'Y. Jacket 42@43c CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Alta 17c Union Con 62c Belcher SOc Utah 5c li. 4B 1 05 Y. Jacket 47c Bodie Con 95c Andes „ 40. Bulwer 14. Bullion ltic Choliar 26c Caledonia 15c C. C. & Va _.3 25 Challenge Con 35c C. Point... 74c Con. Imperial 2c Eureka Con 25. G. Prize 3c ... A C 45( Justice 14c U. & N 50c Kentuck 10c Mexican 95c Overman ..^c Mono 10. Hes.Belcher 12c Ophir 1 85! Scorpion 2c Potosl 40c| Alpha 8c Savage 25c Confidence 90c S. Nev 63c|C. N. V 5c VOICE OF THE PRESS. [San Francisco Spirit of the Times.] The testimony against the " trestle as sassins" cannot be perpetuated unless the witnesses against them are preseut in person: therefore see to it that they are not spirited away or sandbagged and taken to a place of confinement until alter the prosecution is disposed of. A QUESTION. [Eureka News.] After reading one of the San Francisco morning papers we are not so sure that "freedom of the press" is such a boon as it has long been esteemed. it is. [Fall River Times.] If it is necessary for us to go to shoot ing each other down in order to make room for laborers, isn't it about time to shut down on foreign immigration for a few years? THE IX AND THE OUT. [Colusa Sun.] The Sun would put every striker back in his former place if it could be done without discharging some other man with an equal right to earn a living. Jus tice nowhere demands that one man shall give up employment in order that an other may have it, more especially if one man quits and the other takes up the job without a reduction of wages. Some peo ple have an idea that tho noisy working man is the only workingman, and the quiet man, who goes aiong earning a dollar wheu ho can, drops out of the pub lic view: he does uot seem to be a subject for sympathy. The unthinking symoa thetic would ignore the quiet man and give its whole heart to the noisy one. COMMI.NI. ATIOX. [Seat Ue Post -Intelligencer, j It 19 but simple justice to President Cleveland to say that he promptly sup pressed the lawlessness incident to the strike. His answer to Governor Altgeld of Illinois was complete, and bis subse quent proclamation recalled people to their senses. The President deserves to be heartily commended for his prompt and determined eflorts to enforce the court against opposition in every form. ■♦ _ Ilostored to Their Senses. [New York Evening Post.] The train-wrecking in California—the last resort of a discomfited aud cowardly mob—seems to have restored the public to their senses. It is obvious that when a train plunges over a trestle into deep water no discrimination is made between friends ana foes. Eveu the editor of a San Francisco paper might be crushed or drowned. The only safety-for sympa thizers with the strike is to stay at home, liovcotting the Pullman cars is no pro tection, because other cars will go off the track as easily and come to grief even more surely, since the Pullmans are about 50 per cent, stronger than the ordi nary coaches. This is a situation calcu lated to produce general rellection and to teach the lesson that mob violence is no remedy for monopoly. People who have observed the systematic way in which .tranger legislation has despoiled rail roads in the Northwest without tho aid of i Debs or Sovereign will be apt to conclude that public sentiment is very badly di- ; rectcd on the slope if it needs the help of rioters to "get even" with the Southern Pacific Company. Cobonapo Water, MeMorry sole agent. Groceries and provisions. 681 M St. * SACRAI-IEKTO DAILY BECOBB-UKIOK. _?BIBAY 9 JTJT.Y 2T t 1894. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphrey-' Specifics are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies, used for years ln private practice and for over thirty years by tbe people with entire success. Every single Specific a special cure for the disease named. They cure without drugging, purging or reducing the system and are ln fact and deed the Sovereign Remedies of the World. 80. CURES. r RICKS. I—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations.. .25 SJ—Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic 5J5 3—Teething • Colic, Crying, Wakefalness .25 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25 7—Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 25 8-Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache 25 9—Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 10—Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation. .25 11—Suppressed or Painful Periods .. .25 12-Whites, Too Profuse Periods 25 13—Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness 25 11—Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25 15—Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 25 16-._alaria. Chills, Fever and Ague 25 19—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head. .25 20—Whooping Cough .25 2-— Kidney Diseases 25 28-Nervous Debility 1.00 30—Urinary Weakness 25 34—Sore Throat, Qulncy, Ulcerated Throat .25 HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL, "The Pile Ointment."-Trlal Size. 25 Cts. Sold by Druggists, or sent pre. aid on receipt of price. Db. Hu ufbbkys'»4p»_<». ...\i___ fbek. 11l Jl. UKKYS' BKD. CO., 11l * 113 William St., NEW YOBK. SPECIFICS. OOOOOGOOOCOOOOOCKX>OCOOOCrOQ © PAINE'S 2 CELERY COMPODND MAKES 8 g PEOPLE W ___._.. X 00000000000000000000000000 CAP!. RUHSTALLER'S Extra Gilt Edge Delivered to Saloons Ice Coll Capacity, 75,000 to 100,000 Barrels Per Year. BEST BEER IN THE WORLD TRY IX. mmmmmmnimmmmmm H. S. CROCKER COMPANY uuiu.mmuiumm.uimi.iuu WHO DOCS YOUR Printing? WHY Can't WE DO IT? With our Superior Facilities, Prompt Attpa* tion, Fair Frices and Honest Work. - 208-210 J STREET. - UU„UUUUU„M.MU„t.WU.U NOTICE TO CREDITORS. . ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE J_N undersigned, the administrator of the estate of MARGARET McNAMARA, de ceased, to creditors of and all persons having claims asjainstthe said deceased, to present them to the undersigned, with the necessary affidavits and vouchers, for approval, at the office of.Frank D. Ryan, Courthouse, in the City of Saoramento, County of Sacramento, State oi California, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said es tate, within four {-i) months from the date of the first publication ol this notice. DANIEL O'CONNELL, Administrator of the Estate of Margaret M.Natnara, deceased. Dated July 6, 1694. jy6-4tF NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. CONTRACTORS ARE INVITED TO BID on ditch ami pipe line, to be built by the Live Oak Consolidated (joid Mining Com pany, specifications of which _an bo seen at the office oi the company at Sacramento, 914 Ninth street, or at the offlce of the superin tendent at the mine. All bids must be ln the company's office not later than AUGUST 1, 1894, at 12 p. m. jy26-t>t A. MEiSTER, Secretary. W. L. Douglas 3_*fc QU.,? ISTHEBEST. V-* Vlivt NO SQUEAKING, _^*-*s_ *5. CORDOVAN, J& ITV FREN-H& ENAMELLED CALF m \*4.^.s°n^CAlf&lOVN6Al_ll HSmB $ 3.5P POLICE.3 Soles. Km' 3__J I EXTRA FINE. tl1» ■■■■ Jsmd $2.*l._?BoysSchoolShoes. Ilyp^l*. • LAD lES • _____r\"\___-_--B» SEND FOR CATALOGUE * K*W«l_* DOUGLAS, •*""^■•', BROCKTON, MASS. You can save money by purchasing H . _» Douglnn -»taoe_, Because, we are tbe largest manufacturers of advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every where ot lower prices for the value given than sny other make. Take no substitute. If yoar ealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by Weinstock, Lubin & Co. Garden $ Hose I J. A. M. MARTIN'S; HARDWARE STORE, P.O J STREET. OPPOSfTE PLAZA. < fr\ 'Ol___|p "*" "" -JL__/_______ -__-«- mJLm _■ o w Drives! ~ § PEPPERELL MILLS, BIDDEFORD, MAINE, SHEETINGS. A STANDARD BRAND LITTLE UNDER THE REGULAR PRICE. Bleached 46-inch Pillow Case Muslin 10c per yard Bleached 6-4 Pillow Case Muslin ..15c per yard Bleached 8-4 Bed Sheeting 18e per yard Bleached 9-4 Bed Sheeting 19c per yard An Everyday Hose Which Takes the Lead Over All Others For Wear. Ladies' and Misses' Standard Beacon Hose, fast black, seam less, regular made, double knee, heel and toe, 15c a pair. ——- i. Specials in Clothing at Summer Clearing Sale Prices. Men's Small Check Dark Worsted $12 Sack Suits, summer weight; sizes 34 to 40; for _j_4 95. Men's Extra Quality $15 Navy Blue Conductors' Suits, square cut, double breasted, medium weight, for ip 9 75. Men's Fine $16 50 Black Clay Worsted Dress Suits, medium weight, frock or sack; sizes 35 to 42; for $9 75. Extra Fine Young Men's Dark Silk Mixed $15 Square Cut Sack Suits; ages 14 to 18 years; for $7 95. Who Does or Ever Did Sell Footwear as Low as it is Sold by us? 60 pairs $1 50 and $1 75 Misses' and Boys' Kid and Goat Button Shoes, heel and spring-heel with patent leather and plain tips, heel and spring-heel; sizes 10, 11, 13 and 1. Closing Sale price, $1 25. Ladies' $2 Fine Kid Oxford Ties, medium and narrow round toes with patent leather lips. Sale price, $1 25. Men's $2 Full Stock Kip Brogans, bellows tongue, broad sole; sizes 6to 10. Sale price, $1 25. Misses' Dongola Kid Spring-heel Oxford Ties, plain toe; sizes 12 to 2. Sale price, 50e. THE RED HOUSE COMPANY (INCORPORATED), -T Street, __<_,t*-_7-e. <_.:__, £s<z\r<zntln and EigHtln, Sacramento. In Camp. . ABMT SCENES ON THE CHICKAHOMINT. SAMPLE ILLT_JST_S_jOITIO_NP from Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War. Size of page, 16xlU inches. Number of pages, over 830. Pages in each part. 32. Price of each part,ONLY 8 CENTS. Number of pictures, over 1,000, and all of the history besides. For Our Readers Only at 8 Cents. REMEMBER, Only the Complete Ge_uioe Harper. War History, with the Real Life Pictures, IS WOP__T_s_- _S_CjC_.\7l__<rGr. T_E3:.A_T IS THIS 03ST_B_ AT THE "RECORD-UNION" OFFICE. HOTELS AI.D HEBTAURANT3, ■ - ■ —_ Z=S GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL, Corner Seventh and X Streets. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. FREE 'BUi to and from the cars. (WAY _ TITUS. Prftuiejorfc, CAPITAL HOTEL. CORNER SEVENTH and _. streets. Strictly Fre* •ou. to and from depot. BLESSING- <_ GUTHRIE, Proprietor*. WESTERN HOTEL, nnHE LEADING HOUSE OF SACRA. I ruentd, Cal. Meals, 25 cants. WM. LAND, Proprietor. Free 'bus to aud from hotei. STATE HOUSE HOTEL, Corner Tenth and X Sts., Sacramento. BOARD AND ROOM, $1 25 TO $2 FEB day. Meals, 25 ceuts. JS-Aeccommodatlons FIRST-CLASS. Free 'Bui to aud from hotel. W. J. ELDER, Manager. _ THE SADDLE ROCK Restaurant arid Oyster House. FIRST-CLASS HOUSE IN EVERY RE. spect. Ladies' dining-room separate. Open day and night. BUCKMANN J. CARRA GHER, Proprietor.. No. 1019 Second street, between J and X, Sacramento. METROPOLITAN, N. W. Cor. Fifth and X Streets. ri .HE MP_TROPOLIT._N IS THE BEST L appointed and only tirst-class lodgdng. house in tbe city for families and the travel leg public. Term . reasonable. MRS. E. J. C. KETCHUM, Proprietress. JOHN HAUB'S DINING AND OYSTER PARLORS^ 720 _' Street. 4_~Oyster Coc_tails a Specialty. MAISON FAURE, FRENCH ROTISSERIE. 613 X STREET, Sacramento. L. FAUKE, Proprietor. Only French Restaurant in city. Family op. der«. banquets and weddinc parties a specialty. VJACIFIC HOTKL, COR. X AND FIFTET JL streets, Sacramento. Meals 25 cents. Nearest Hotel to Post and Express Offices and j Theaters., street cars pass the door every three minutes. Elegantly furnished rooms in single or suites from 50 cents to $1 per night. C. ¥. SINGLETON. Proprietor. CALIFORNIA RESTAURANT AND OYS. ter Depot, 101' i Fourth street, Sacra, mento, ANDREW MIKULICH. Prop. Newly jopened. Call and give him a trial. Frst-class meals served at all hours. Prices reason 1 1.. Oysters—Eastern, California and Olympla— any style. Oyster loaves put up. Oyster COCktAilß. 100. LIQUORS, WINE, BEER. ETC. EBNER BROS. COMPANY, 116-118 X Street. Front and Second, saoramento. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEAL, ers In Wines and Liquors. Telephono 364, M. CRONAN, S3O X St., and 1108-1110 Third St., Sacramento, CaL, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER in Fine WhisWics, Brandies and Cham* paime. _ HUGH CASEY, 218 X Street, Sacramento, CaL, WOULD ANNOUNCE TO HIS PATRONS and the public that he has received a large cargo of Reimported Wl-islcies., All of Kentucky's favorite brands. Dealer* will tind it to their advantage to examine these goods and set prices on same. CAPITAL ALE VAULTS. QAO J STREET.—JUST AJRBIVKD. EX O\J/C ship Ballymore irom Antwerp, 25 bar rels of reimported Bourbon Nutwood Whisky, Also, tine Wlue., Liquors and Cigars, ISA GELE vV SVENSSON, Proprietors. Tele phone 38. HARRY KOFNTriCK, JAMS. M'GRATH. ONLY THE CHOICEST VIANDS Dis pensed by JIM & HARRY, 1009 Third ■treet, between f and __, Snermneuto, Cal. Wm. .1. Lernp's Extra Pale Lager Beer, Capt. F. Ruhstaller's Gilt Edge Steam Beer. White Labor Goods. SUMMER RESORTS. : " — ...» HO! FOR KLAMATH SPRINGS! THEY ARE TWENTY MILES FROM Ager, on the California on route. Stage rldn delightful, no dust. I^arge siona hotel; accommodations flrst-class. TerinsL f>lo to $1- per wee;.. Good hunting and tish ing; scenery grund, Hot iron nnd sulphur water and the femous Hot Mod Baths for all blood aud skin d:< LCh troubles, rheumatism, alcoholism, etc. A few weeks at these springs will work wonders and build up any wrecked constitution. ;■'■ rl ■■! lars address <.EU. B. STILES, Lesse. merly of Webber Lake), Beswick, Si.kiy.u County, Cal. TOBACCO, CIGARS aiiiiapETTlS EASTERN AND KEY WEST ONLY. Get a Good Cigar for Your Mooey A. COOLOT. Telephone 3<Q-1. WALL PAPER! * WALL PAPER I OCR SPRING STOCK IS NOW COM. plete and we are prepared to do Papering and Painting In all its branches. C. H. KREBS & CO., 636 J Street. Steam Soda and Seltzer Water, COS. H AND SECOND STS., SACRAMENTO, CAL j-V t. C-ooe-t. D_.llv_.P_td Fre«. 5