Newspaper Page Text
4 TWO COMMUTATTONS. George Williams lieduced From Seven to Four Years. Governor Markham has commuted to four years the sentence of George Will iams, who was convicted of grand larceny in the Superior Court of Sierra County and sentenced to San Quentin for seven years, in August, 18!»1. This case having been submitted to the State Board of Prison Directors, they have, after a full investigation therein, recommended that defendant be com muted for the reasons: That the District Attorney, Mr. Ford, who prosecuted, states that the prisoner does not belong to the criminal class, "Was not particularly bright, and for a time was committed to an insane asy lum. Hia aged mother is now a subject of charity to her friends, and many influ ential citizens are ready and willing, should the prisoner be released, to supply him with money to defray their expenses to Utah, where employment will be given to aaid prisoner by responsible parties. The resident physician at San Quentin, Dr. I. L. K. Monafield, certifies that the prisoner is really in the iirßt stages of consumption. KILLED IN SELF-DEFENBE. He has also commuted to nineteen years the sentence of Samuel Gregory, who was convicted in Kern County of murder in the lirst degree and sentenced to imprisonmont for life. Alter a full examination of all papers on tile in this case and a personal exam ination by the Board of State Prison Di rectors, they have unanimously recom mended his commutation. Judge Brun dage, who tried the case, states that at the moat the verdict should not have been greater than manslaughter. The com mitting magistrate, A. K. Wilkerson con curs in that statement. The Sheriff states that the deceased was a very tough char acter and wan killed by the defendant to preserve his own life. Ex-District Attor ney Fay states that he is satisfied of the prisoners innocence of the crime of ■which he was charged. Judge Conklin also signs the petition, a number of jurors who tried the case, nearly all of the county ollicers of that county, and a large number of leading merchants. Defend ant has been a most exemplary prisoner since his confinement at the prison, and under all these circumstances, with the unanimous recommendation of the Prison Directors, his sentence is com muted. INJUNCTION ASKED FOR Mayor Stein man Avers Kent Had No Authority. Mayor Stein man has applied to the Su perior Court for a writ of injunction re straining City Auditor J. D. Young from drawing a warrant upon the City Treas urer for the payment of the claim of James Finuey for ?o"9 75, allowed at the meeting of the Board of Trustees last Tuesday evening. Tho claim allowed was for the construc tion of a culvert at Thir/d and V streets, and the Mayor alleges in his complaint that the claim was illegally allowed and without any authority of law, and was never authorized by him or by the Board of Trustees, and the only authority for the allowance of the claim was the order of Trustee Kent to Finuey to do the work. It is also averred in the complaint that Kent by the making of the order at tempted to and did usurp and intrude into the functions and oilice of the plaintiff and of the Board of Trustees, and the court is asked to adjudge the claim illegal and void. It is set forth that there is a Superin tendent of Streets in this city, whose duty it was to perform all the services charged for iv the said claim. Superior Judge Johnson has granted a temporary injunction against the Aud itor. Albert M. Johnson is the Mayor's at torney. JOSEPH UETS HIS. The Others Get Whatever Happens to Be L,eft. Superior Judge Johnson yesterday Tendered judgment in favor of the plaint iff in the suit of Isaac Joseph vs. A. Miller, Pauline Miller, the L. Elkus Company, W. Rigby, Jr., and J. E. Gor man, assiguee of the estate Of A. Miller, an insolvent debtor. The action was brought to recover the sum of $1,100 due on promissory notes executed to Joseph by defendants Miller, and for the foreclosure of a mortgage on their property on the northeast corner of -N intli and O streets, which was executed to secure the payment of the notes. The Elkus Company held a second mortgage on the property, and Rigby held an attachment lien, and therefore were made parties to the suit. The court.appointed H. J. Goethe com missioner to sell the property, and fixed his bonds at §I,sou, and directed him to pay out of the proceeds the claims of Jo seph nrst, and apply the balance to the payment of the claim of tho Elkus Com pany. HARPERS WAR HISTORY. Kuinber Twenty Now Heady for Rec- ord-Union Subscribers. Part Twenty of Harper's War History has arrived, and there are as yet to come only six more, exclusive of an index, which the publishers are going to issue. Those who have taken advantage of the offer made by the Rboosd-Uhiok speak in terms of hiehest praise of the great ■work, and when the numbers are com plete they will have in their possession a history of the civil war, which, for detail and correctness, has never been excelled. The illustrations (and there are many of them) are wood cuts by the best of en gravers during the rebellion, and they add very materially to the well-written accounts of marches and the battles on land and water. All important corre spondence that rjassed between the com manders or either side and higher au thorities is given, and it proves an inter esting feature of the work. The parts are sold at eight cents to subscribers of the Kkcord-Union. UNIMPORTANT CASES. A Portuguese Misunderstanding and a Vagrancy Charge. Mrs. A. J. Silva was arraigned yester day in the Police Court for disturbing the peace of Mrs. Mary Silva. Mrs. Mary Silva said defendant had stated that her husband stole her wood. She was in the street and spoke very loud. The parties and witnesses are all Portu guese and the ovideuce couliictiug. The case was dismissed. George Lloyd, charged with vagrancy, pleaded guilty, and was given twenty days in jail. He was also charged with petit larceny, in stealing a trunk, but the charge was dismissed. An Abusive Tramp Shot. On Wednesday night the brakemen of the East-bound overland train found some tramps riding on the brakebeam •when the train arrived at Davisville. They put them off and one of them showed tight and became abusive. He was shot iv the leg by one of the brake jjien, the bullet makiug a painful but not adangerous wound. One of the Super visors sent him to the Yolo County Hos pital yesterday morning, where he is be ing cared for. Squeezed Between Cars. T. J. Applegate, a brakeuian, was cau»ht between two cars which he was coupling at Newcastle yesterday morn ine and badly squeezed about the body, lie was brought to the Railroad Hospital for treatment. While his injuries are painful, they are not believed to be Beri ous. m Tired weak, nervous, means impure blood, and overwork or too much strain on brain and body. The only way to cure ?s to teed the nerves on pure blood. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Don't delay. Saksapaki^aandlrox. Get it from tb« »ole agent, McMorry, 531 M sU CAPTURE OP MEXICO. To-Day Is the Forty-Seventh Anni versary of that Event. To-day is the forty-seventh anniver sary of the capture of the City of Mexico by General Scott with the small army under his command. On August loth his force, consisting of 10,748 men, was in front of Mexico and confronted by General Valencia with 7,000 picked men, supported by a reserve of 12,000 under Santa Anna. On August 20th he successively carried Contreraa and Charubasco and could have taken the capital, but an armistice till Septem ber 7th was agreed on to allow the Peace Commissioner, N. P. Trist, an oppor tunity to negotiate. At the close of the armistice operations began on the southwest avenue of the city, which was defended by 14,000 Mcx ! leans occupying the wooded and strongly j fortified eminence of Chapultepec, and on the Bth General Worth, with 3,500 men, attacked it. lie captured 800 prisoners and consid erable material, but lost about one-fourth of his command, including fifty-eight officers. On the 13th, iorty-seven years ago yesterday, however, Chapultepec was stormed and carried. Peter >lc- Graw of this city was one of those who clambered up the scaling ladder and aided iv planting the stars and stripes upon the fortress. The next morning Scott's army marched into the city and ran up the United States flag on the national palace. Some English officers who were in the city at the time, afterward stated that as the army inarched into the great plaza, they looked with astonishment on the handful of men who had successfully stormed in succession and in face of a far superior force several fortifications hitherto supposed to be impregnable. There are a number of Mexican veterans in this city, but time is telling on them and their numbers are annually | diminishing, and not many more years will elapse before the last of the men who were instrumental in giving us the fair State in which wo live will have passed I over to the silent majority. 1 ANNUAL TARGET PRACTICE. Colonel Gnthrlo Issues Orders In Itetsard to It. In compliance with orders from bri gade headquarters, Colonel J. W. Guthiie, commanding the Second Infantry, N. G. C, has issued orders to his command to participate in the annual target prac tice, which will take place this month. The field,staff, non-commissioned stalf, band and Companies A, E and G will shoot on Sunday, the 90th instant. Com panies C and F will practice on the iJd instant. There being no funds available for the purchase of ammunition and medals lor the new companies B, D and H, (hose companies are not required to shoot for rocord. Should they desire to do so the respective company commanders will notify regimental headquarters, and arrange to hold the practice on Sunday, the loth instant. The target practice will be held under the supervision of Lieutenant E. D. Adams, Inspector of Rifle Practice. Continued Cases. The charge of battery against Mrs. Heuley, Miss Henley and Mrs. Flowers was continued in the Police Court yester day till the 17th instant. That against John Michel for disturb ing the peace was continued till to-mor row. That of O. M. Downer, charged with obtaining money under false pretenses, was continued for one week, to enable him to get witnesses. He is agent ior pumps, engines, etc., lor San Francisco firms, and was charged by one Charles Slack with having sold him aeasoline engine that belonged to one of the firms. Downer claims tbat the sale was per fectly regular and he can prove it. The charge against John Laughlin of interfering with an officer was coutiuued till to-day, as was that of Ike Greenberg for gaming. The cases of Mrs. A. Eitel and F. If. Ray, tor violating the sidewalk ordi nance, were continued two weeks. PULLED THE SPIKES. Four Mea Attempt to Wreck a Train Near Dnnnigan. The track-walker who has charge of the railroad near Dunnigan discovered four men tampering with the track near that place on Wednesday evening about 0 o'clock. He ieturned to the town and reported the fact, giving a description of the men. The Sheriff and officers immediately started iv pursuit of the scoundrels and have strong hopes of bagging them. They had removed about thirty spikes, and had they not been interrupted a seri ous wreck might have been the result. Weather Notes. The Weather Bureau reports show the highest and lowest temperatures yester day to have been 78 J and 54 J, with brisk to gentle northerly winds and clear weather prevailing. The barometrical readings at 5 a. m. and 5 p# m. were l&.'jy and 30.00 iucUes, re spectively. The highest and lowest temperatures one year ago yesterday were nP and 63° and one year ago to-day 85 J and 53°. Appraisement Filed. E. L. Green, Lucas Kreuzberger and Bartle Kreuzberger, appraisers of the estate of Maria Guadelupe Romero Reuz, deceased, have filed their report in the County Clerk's office. The estate is ap praised at $1,800. Declared Insano. T. W. Gliddens was examined by Drs. Gardner and Wiard yesterday and de clared to be insane. Superior Judge Johusou ordered him comuiitted to the Stockton asylum. Notaries Public, Governor Markham has appointed and commissioned the following Notaries Public: Minnie W. Figjj, Walnut Grove, Sacramento County; Joseph U. Kucker, San Jose. Filed Tlielr Bond. Isaac J. and Charles E. Trainor have filed their bonds in the sum of §13,000 each, as executors of the estate of Hugh Charles Trainor, deceased. University Checks Signed. Governor Markham has signed Univer sity checks, Nos. 15,!*10 to 1a,957, both in clusive, aggregating §y,77U i! 7. The Fondest Hour Memory Recalls. The question naturally suggests itself: Which is "the fondest hour memory re calls?" Has the reader, whose attention we hope to engage, ever had a controversy with his stomach on the subject of dys pepsia? After convincing proofs that the digestive organ has got the upper hand, has a wise resort been made to Hostetter's Stomach Bitters? If so, the '-'fondest hour" has been recalled by memory in the shape of a lasting resumption of a power to digest, assimilate thoroughly and eat heartiiy without fear of being un comfortable afterward. When the dinner bell, that "tocsin of the soul," strikes agreeably upon the ear, the auditor then greets it as a welcome sound and hastens to obey its summons. The Bitters, so re nowned as a stomachic, overcome, too, malaria, bilious and kidney trouble and remedy nervousness, rheumatism and sick headache. Notice. The fine stock of carriages belonging to the estate of the late H. M. Bernard is now offered for sale. luquire of Julia Bernard at Metropolitan Building, Fifth and X street, or at the office of Harry G. •Souie, GOT I street, Sacramento. Julia Bernard, Executrix. "Have you sufficient confidence in me to lend me $5?" "Yes, certainly I have the confidence. But I haven't the $5." —■ Truth. SACRAMENTO PAIL.IT gJWUJUMJiaoy, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1894. ASYLUM BTJPPLLEB. SUPPLIES FOR THE Mendocino Asylum JB AT UKIAH, Commencing November 1, 1891, and Ending April 30, 1805. \fOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT _L> sealed proposals will be received at the otßce of the Secretary ot the Board of Di rectors of the Mendocino A«ylum, at Ukiah. up to 10 o'clock a. m. of .SATURDAY, Octo ber 0, IWJ4 (Asylum time), lor furnishing supplies lor said Asylum tor the six months commencing September 1, 18y4, and ending April SO, 1805, *aid proposals consisting of the following schedule, and to be delivered as ordered: Groceries. 600 pounds apples, dried, sliced, No. 1. 1,500 pounds beans, small, white, last crop. 60 pounds baking powder, Koyal, 5-pouud cans. 350 pounds coffee, Java, No. 1. OHO pounds ooflbe, Costa Kica, No. 1. 500 pouuds chicory. 6o pounds currants, dried. 450 pounds crackers, extra sodas. 350 pounds codfish, California, 100-pound case!-. 20 pounds cinnamon, ground, 5-pound cans. 15opound.scornstarch,Klng!ora'8,1-pound papers. 80 pounds finger, ground, 5-pound cans. ti<» pounds mustard, ground, 5-pound cans. 8 go-s matches, Suiety, Swlit & Courtney's 3 UL'5. 12 boxes macaroni, 15 pounds net in box. 120 gallons pickles, mixed, in barrels, No. 1. 50 pounds pearl barley. No. 3. »o pounds biack pepper, ground, 5-pound cans. 1.000 pounds prune.-}, California, French, 6</s 10 ;os. 000 pounds ri. c, Sandwich Island, No. 1. 7 .> | ounds spilt pMS. ■},uoo pouiiun MUgar. granulated, dry, extra fine. 0,000 pounds Rttgar, golden C. •-:.uoo pounds salt.oalry. luo gallons syrup, golden, 30 gallons to the baric I. o barrels salmon, Colombia River. 50 pounds soda, bi-carbonate, 1-pound pa pers. 160 pounds tea, Japan, oa.sket tired. ! BO pounds Ua, Diamond, M. E. li. Congou, No. 12. 100 pounds tapioca, flake. If l>oxes vermicelli, white, No. I,lspounds net eacii box. iioO gallons vinegar, wine. 'J dozen bath brick. llour, Kran nud (iraln. 210 barrels flour, bakers' extra. Ia.OOO pounds ground barley. GOO pounds corn meal. 3,000 pounds roiled wheat. 5,600 pounds rolled oats. Ji.OOO pounds of bran. »■«;-■*. 1,000 dozen eggs, fresh California. H utter. 850 pounds butter. No. 1, fresh dairy. 3,Zlu pounds butter, No. 1, pickle roil. 1 lieni, Million, Ktc. 15,000 pounds No. 1 fresti beer, delivered in sid< s. 2,000 pounds No. 1 fresh mutton, delivered wnote. U.OOO pounds No. 1 fresh veal, delivered whole. Mam*, Bacon, and Pork. GOO pouuds bacon, breakfast, bidders to state brands. 000 pounds hams, bidders to state brands. Ji4o pounds ol lard, A. 1, 10 pound cans 4 barrels salt pork, extra clear. ilttts. G dozen wool hats. « loth ma;. 2 dozen coats, eottonade, cotton lined 37 to 44. 3 dozen coats, cottonade, not lined, 37 to 4 1. G dozen pants, cottonade, unlined, leg 30 to 34, waist o2 to 44. 11 do/en vests, cottouade, sizes 37 to 44. 15 dozen oversliirts, gray, neck. 15 to 17 27 in. wide by 33 in. long. 0' dozen hicitory shirts, neck 15 to 17,27 in. wide by 88 in. loag. 10 dozen undershirts, canton nannel. size 36 to 44. 10 dozen drawers, canton nannel, le,s 30 to 34, waist 36 to 44. »30 uozen pair woolen socks, shaker. 0 dozen overall, duck, canton tiaunel lined, leg 30 to 34, waist 32 to 44. Shoes and Slippers. 15 dozen brogans, buckled, 6 to 12, white labor. 10 dozen men's slippers, size 6 to 12. 5 dozen ladies' buskins, size 3 to b. Dry tioods. 100 yards bedticking AmosKeag, A. C. A., 3G in. wide. 12 gross buttons, pants, metallic. G gross buttons, horn, coat and vest. 12 gross buttons, agate, snirt. medium size. 6 gross white pearl buttons, medium size. G gross smoked pearl buttons, medium size. G dozen combs, metallic back, 4 dozen under vests, ladies' No. 28 to 36 knit, cotton. 4 dozen drawers, ladles', knit, cotton. No. 2b to 30. GG dozen cotton Clark's O» N. T. Spool, as sorted numbers, whiu\ :>0 dozen cotton Clark's O. N. T. Spool as sorted numbers, black. 100 yards cotton rlannel.XXX.unbleached Nashua. 5o yards Caledonia, No. 1, medium size check, ;}4 in. wide. 200 yards long cloth. 200 yards york gingham. 300 yarns cliallis, cotton, assorted colors. 50 yards d:;cK, No. «, 3b in. wide. 50 yards drilling, bleached. 100 yards Uanuei, check, 7 oz. 5 dosen iiiinukeichieis, ladles. 5 dozen hairpin.-, K. t t B. assorted. No. 100. 1~ dozen pair hose, ladies', cotton. G do/.eu thimbles., nickel plated, lead No* 8, y and 10, •' J.OOO m-edles, Miiwards, assorted sizes 1 gross, Wallace & Sons, No. F. t* C 3 and y v 1 uross each, safety pins, large and medium. 12 dozen thread, Harbours linen, Nos 40 ana GO, white and blade. 12 dozen darning eolton, B. <& W. Blankets. 150 pairs woolen blankets. 1< root us. Brushes, Ktc. 10 dozen brooms, California. 4 dozen brooms, whisk, 3 string. 3 dozen brooms, hair floor. No. 12. 6 dozen brushes, counter. No. 4, extra ail bristles. 10 dozen brushes, comb, hand. 2 do/.eu biushes, shoe, No. 16. G dozen mop handles, combination. Tobacco and Pipes. 240 pounds tobacco, chewing, Legeitt & Myers' Star. iuo pounds tobacco, smoKing, W. T. Black well & Co. Bull Head Durham, in 1-pouud papers. 10 gross clay pipes, T. D. Soup, and Soda. 150 boxes soap, Star of the Kitchen, 20 bars in box. 5 boxes soap, Ivory, laundry size, 100 bars in box. 200 cans concentrated lye, American, I pound cans. Potatoes. 16,000 pounds potatoes, No. 1. The above named articles are all to be of the best ijualties, subject to the approval of the Medical .Superintendent, and to" be delivered at the asylum at »uch times and iusuchquan- I ties as he may desire. And it is expressly un derstood that if a greater or less quautity of any article than above mentioned shall be re quired by the Medical MiiHTintendent. the same shall be furnished by the contractor at I the contract price. The contracts will be awarded the lowest re sponsible bidder, and no bid will b« received or considered unless accompanied by a certi fied check in an amount equal to lo per cent, of the bid or bids presented, which amount shall be forfeited to the people of the State of California as settled, lixed and liquidated damages in case the bidder to whom the award of contract Is made shall fail or refuse to enter Into such contract, and furnish such bonds lor the faithlul performance of the same as the Board of Directors may require within five days after such award. Separate bids will be received for : Groceries. Potatoes. Dry goods. Butter. Fiour, meal and grain. Fresti beet, mutton, etc Tobacco and pipes, Eggs. Clothing. Hats. boa p. lye and soda. liam», bacon, lard and pork. Shoes and slippers. Blankets. Brooms, brashes, etc. The board reserves the right of rejecting any or all bids. l'ayments to be made monthly In cash when there is money in the treasury for such payments, and when there is no money in the treasury, payments to be made out of the first money in the treasury applicable for that pur » pose. Bids to be addressed to J. 31. M A.NNUN ASYLUM SUPPLIES. Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Mendocino Asylum, at Ukiah. and indorsed on the envelope, ''Proposals for furnishing supplies." Samples of articles, showing the character and quality thereof required, except such as are perishable, may be seen at the storeroom of the asylum. The attention of bidders is called to the fol ; lowing section from the Political Code of the State: Section 3235. "No supplies of any kind or character lor ilie benefit of the State, or to be paid by any monejs appropriated, or to be appropriated, by the btatr, manufactured or grown in this State, which are in whole or In part the product of .Mongolian labor, shall be purchased by the officials for this State hav ing control ot any puulio institution under the control of the State, or of any county, city and county, city or town therooi." In order to preserve uniformity and facili- | tate the award, it has t>een resolved to receive no bids unless made ujon blank forms furnished by the Secretary. Parties will please tarry out the sum total for each article and add up the same, so that the gross ainouul may be seen ul a gla,i:c<-; otherw se bids will not be considered. By order of the Hoard ot Directors of the Mendocino Asylum at Ukiah. Dated Ukiah, September 0, l»l>4. THOMAS L. CAROTHEKS, President of the Board ot Directors of the Mendocino Asylum. Attest: J. M. Maxxox, Secretary sel4-4tF FOB SALE. F)Il SALE-UPRIGHT PIANO, ALMOST new, cheap. «o6 U street. LMJR SALE-HORSE AND CART, OR J? will trade ;or pnaetoa. DR. METCALF, Kightli and .1. sel3-lw* FOR SALE — RIVER FRONT BOTTOM land y miles below Sacramento on Baoel Slough, in acre lots to suit. Apply to CAUL srßoiifcL, 317 J street. seia-:std(aUtw» OULLETS FOR SALE AT 1530 T X street. »gll-4t» O/'IWWI t. OR *ALE OR EXCHANGE, OlJvUl'. flnenotel at Duusmuir; rent. 9UO psrinonui; lu<ium at 1:201) v, street,tiacr» mento. Sfcll-lw* V SMALL LODIUNCr-HOUSE FOR HALE With a goo 4 paying business attached to m centrally located, cull tiiisottlue. ses>-2\v FOR SALE-A GOOD BLOCK OF LAND In a good bosiuentf location. See our ad vertlaenient on oaoiiief pa^e ol this paper. EDWIN K.AXSIP4 CO., No. 1015 Fourth street, IfOR SALE-TWO NEW INCUBATORS, 400-egg capacity each; will be sold very cheap. For further particulars apply at this oihce. A WELL PAYING 13-ROOM LODGING house, domg a good business; tine loca tion; reaßou tor selling, going lutst. Address F. N., this oitice. FOF, SALE—A FIRST-CLASS SALOON, doing a good business; to right party,part lime: iwo billiard and pool tables; large re irigerator. Address S. H., this «1 AJI IN CASH BUYS 5-ACRS TRACT •PIUU near Oak Park; Balance o» easy pay ments. Call or address F. W. HUNTER, room 11, 4:iO J street, u'AA BUYS 5-ROOM COTTAGE; BATH, cDUUU tank, tunkhouse, windmill, barn, trees and vines; worth double the money; will exchange lor city lot. to N. L. DREW, los j street. GOOD PAYING LODGING-HOUSE; rooms full; also A No. 1 Saloon. T. J., this oince. iMPROVED FARM FOR SALE OR WILL exchange for city properly. Inquire or ad uress M. GATOSKEI, 1013 and 1015 J street, Sacramento. OECOND-HAND, 35-HORSE POWER EN- O glue; good order. J. F. HILL, 13u7 J st. ir«OR SALE-LOT NO. 4, D AND E, FOUR ' teeuth and Fifteenth (corner), 80x100. Inquire F. M. McKEKVER. Ilia I street. FOR SALE CHEAP, OR EXCHANGE FOR city property, ten uores assorted orchard, lull hearing; also, ten acres, unimproved,ad joining; nrst-clas* soil; barn, stable, wells, etc.; one and a quarter miles east ot city; rine place for country homes; no city taxation. Apply at 1909 J street, TWO HOUSES FOR SALE ON THE COR jner of Seventh and N. Inquire at 702 N. F)R SALE—A SPLENDID NEW MATH usheK piano, which came into our posses sion iv the way of trade; will be sold at a bar gain. The piano can be ordered direct from taetory If purchaser prefers. Inquire at this office. IpOR SALE-TWO LARGE FRONT OR ' store show windows, lot of glass, different sizes, two flue front store doors, four transoms. Apply at RED HOUSE COMPANY. GOOD-PAYING LODGING-HOUSE OF 25 rooms; great bargain. Apply 122 X st. pARDWELL COLONY-10-ACRE TRACTS \_.' only $100 per acre; water pipes will be laid to each and every tract in «aid colony". J.T. CARDWELL, owner, 1204 N street, or at 301 J street, Sacramento. FOR SALE—A GOOD WORKING LAW Library, contain ing over 400 volumes, all In good condition; will be sold cheap. Cali at (i2U M street. Sacramento, Cal. J. C. TUBBS. F)R BALE—I,SOO HOP-POLES, DELlV ered on cars in Sacramento or elsewhere; length feet, 4 and G inches at butt. Apply at this office. BLACKSMITH 3. ETC. DCARMICHAEL 1009 EIGHTH ST., . otters special inducements on all wagon repair worfc. Remeinbei, for cash only, 25 per cent, saved. Call and see his method of setting tires. Special attention given to horse shoeing. AUCTIONS. BE3LL&CO., AUCTIONEERS. Salesroom, 323 J Street, Sacramento. REGULAR BALES DAY, WEDNESDAY , and SATURDAY, at 10 o'clock. Particular attention paid to the sale of REAL ESTATE. HOUSE SALES, SALE OF STOCK, FARMS, ETC CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. O~Highest price paid for all kinds of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. | ! FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1894, AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M., AT THE COURT house in Saeramonto, California, the in terest of W. R. Strong Company in the famous ; BONITA ORCHARD, i Together with the horses, farming machinery . and tools used in the conduct ot the .-.atne. Bonlta Orchard is situated near Palermo, in r Butte County, California. It contains 007.1S . acres. . Also, the imprest of the W. R. Strong Com -1 pany in Tract* SU and 111 of the Orange vale Tract In SacrHmento County, Calitornia". TEttAlfc CASH, 10 per cent, at time of sale [ and batanci* upon continuation of sale t>y the . JSuirerior Court. S. B. SMITH. Assignee W. R. Strong Company. t, White. Hlghks & Seymour. Attorne> s tor rj Assignee. au2,24,2&51 ?et,\ 11,14,17,18 I TV ' ——_j ■ ; THE GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES 1 JOE POHEIM'S, The Tailor, T7OR THE LAST THIRTY DAYS IS CON- T tlnulng. We have sold orer 500 patrol PA NTS for »4, worth from $5 to f7. Tins Salts for $15. Don't miss your «hanc* for the next thirty days, as some of our goods ar* ■old regardless of cost. 600 J Street, Corner Sixth* 7 SACRAMENTO. 1 '— * ~~" Ladies Who Value A refined complexion must use Pozzoni's Pow der. It produces a soft and beaotifol skin. WANTED. WANTED - GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework; must be a good cook. Ap ply 830 O street. TIMPLOYMENT OFFICE.-HELP, MALE l_j and lemale, furnished on short notice; country erders solicited. T. J.SMITH, 527 K. INTELLIGENT MEN AND WOMEN I everywhere to take orders Jor "Shepp's New Voru City, Illustrated;" just out. Mar velous production of the American Metropo lis. Protusely Illustrated from original pho tograptiß taken by our own artist.* in palaces and slums. Liberal terms and descriptive circulars jhee on application. No capital re quired; profits f6 to $17 dally. If you waut to make money fast, write to-day. Address GLuBE BIBLE PUBLISHING CO., 368 Dearborn street, Chicago, 111., and 723 Chest- I nut street. Philadelphia, Pa. selO-IOtMWF ■ _____ . WANTED— A SOBER YOUNG MAN OF intelligence and energy wishes employ ment. Is excellent stableman and gardener, can milk; handy in any kind of work. Ad dreas_A. L., IJT27 Fifth street. se!2-3t* DRUG CLERK OF FIFTEEN YEARS' experience, college graduate, wants situ aiiou; good reference. Address "G.," P. O. box bob. GOOD AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR Suit Clubs. Apply 701 J street. WANTED— GIUL TO lK> GENERAL housework; retcrences required. Apply at 1114 N street. MONEY TO LOAN, IN SUMS TO SUIT, on city or country property; also, real estate bouglu and bold uy N. L>. DUE W, 40SJ. MEN WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY TO act as private detectives under instruc tion.-; experience unnecessary; send stamp. NATIONAL H_r_CTIVK BUREAU, lnui anapo'ib, lud. LOST-FOUND. LOST— AT THE RACKS, A LADY'S BELT with silver buckle. Uetarn to 000 J st. It* LOST— A DIAMOND SCARF-PIN—EAR ol corn with three leaves; diamond in the corn. Return to MILLARS LIVERY STABLE and receive reward. sel3-2t* LOST OR STRAYED —BAY MARE; weight, a,4(JO. ileturu to 1210 Fourth street; liberal reward. sel3-2t* LOST —GOING FROM EIGHTEENTH and H to Pavilion, a green cloth cape trimmed with black lace Insertion. Finder will please return to lall H street aud re ceive reward. se!3-2t* T OST-ON SEPTEMBER 2d, A BLACK JLj and tan bolitailed shepherd dog. Return to luiy M street and be rewarded. sel3-2l* GENE-AL NOTICEB. /CAPITAL ELECTRICAL WORKS, 824 X \J street. P. G. GOLDSMITH, Proprietor. pATHEDttAL AVENUE HARNESS \J Shop, 80b Eleventh sireet.—New and sec ond-hand harness aud collars tougnlaud sold or exchanged. B. J. SCULLION. rp-UB WEEK HEAVY REGULAR 50c. J. oil cloth reduced to 25 cents per yard; 50 cent linen warp matting 25 cents; body uiussels carpel reduced to $1 per yard sewed and laid. CHAS. M. I'AMi'lit.l.LS, iOy X street. Furniture and Carpets. sel2-lw. ITiROM ONE-THIRD TO ONE-HALF ' saved on our class ol dentistry at DR. N EWSOM s, 1120^If txeet. Hell-12t Ijl_OUR r 85c SACK; SNOWDROP CRACK ers, loc packet; 2 large bottles chow chow, 25c. SIMONS * BEESuE 1,818 K. BEST TAMALES AT MRS. HERNANDEZ, 1111 Fourth street. Mexican meaU cooked to order; also Mexican beans. Eu cniladcs served on Sunday. \f AY' FLOWER AS A COMPLEXION J.YJL ocautiner stands uuequaled. 1022) i l-iitli street or Gogings' drug store. TTPHOLSTERING AND FURNITURE RE \j pairing, mattresses renovated, etiairs re caued and general lobbing; furniture packed and shipped; orders by postal promptly at tended to. F. BRoWN, 100U X street. STOP EMIGRATION FOR TWENTY-FIVE years; stop tinkering with the tariff; siamp out anarchy and stopat (iEO GRAY'S, on the Riverside road, for cool drinks aud courteous treatment; men you won't have to kick about the hard tim«s. George knows how to make you feel at home, and his luuches_areNo. 1. A GOOD SET OF TEETH FOR $G; FlLL iugs, 50c ana up, at DR. NEWSOM'S DfcNTAL PARLORS, 1120 I street. VfEW STOQK SACRAMENTO BUILDING ±}i and Loan Association, 1014 Fourth st. WILL EXCHANGE IMPROVED FARMS, 40 or SO acres, for city property, or sell very cheap for cash. BTROBEL, agent, 817J^_ A 1 FOR MEN'S EXTRA GOOD SHOES AT cT)I Bankrupt Store, 510 J street. Clothing, boots and shoes ilor ladies or gents) almost gtnn away. 510 J street. /CESSPOOLS, VAULTS AND CHIMNEYS \j cleaned; no dirt; iowe#t prices. WM. SLAUGHTUR, 317 X, 531 M. READING MATTER, ST ATIONERY.ETC., for sale by S. A. DOANE, 2U2 K. HOP LAND, $50 PER ACRE—I,SOO acres finely improved hop land, iy 2 miles liom railroad on river, $50 per acre; ijicSO per acre down; balance long time; low interest. KDWIN K. ALaIP & CO., 1015 Fourth street. EVERY MARRIED WOMAN SHOULD know that "SEGURO" Is the greatest boon to them ever discovered. All druggists. Price. $1 50 and $5 per box. Every box guaranteed. Send 2-cent stamp to WILBUR'S SAFETY PaCKET COMPANY, 531K street, Sacramento, for private circular. GROCERIES. FRUIT JARS—MASON'S PER dozen, 90c quarui, 70c; pints, 60c; LIGHTNING—>i-gals.. *»1 yo; Quarts, $ 1 50; 1 ,'. M pints, £1 15; pints, $1 35. All jars guar anteed. Don't iorget to call lor Fallen Cream ery Butter, at LYNN>, Fourteenth and O. mOMATOES, 15c BOX; 20 POUNDS GOOD X brown sugur lor $1; pickles, olives, sar dines, spices, 10c can; V bars soap, 25c; Ma sou's fruit iars, pints, 60c; quurts", 70c dozen; rubbers, 5c dozen; wax, be pound. sIMONs & BEESLEY. 818 K. irv LBS. WHITE CRYSTALLIZED SUGAR, 1 I $1; choice Eastern Hums, 15c, aud ail kinds of canned fruits and cnolce groceries at bedrock prices. J. DLERSON'S Cash Grocery, Twelfth and E. KILEY'S GROCERY, TENTH AND E— Good butter, 40c to 4 5c per roll; creamery butter, 50c; soused mackerel, 25c tor 2 cans; duv. ham, >j, 2 tor 25c; \ H 2 for 15c; c. beef, 15c tor 2-pound can; sardines, 10c can. /IHOWCHOW AND PICKLES. 10c PER \j bottle each; evaporated cream, 10c per can; best coal oil and BMOIUMI76c per can. Try Miller's Medal Mocha, and Java package cotreeatA. B. MINFoRD'S grocery. Twelfth and O. MUSICAL. PROF. GEO. B. FRANZ, SOLO VIOLINIST Clunie Opera-house orchestra, desires to announce that he will begin his classes on violin and cornet, commencing the nrst week of September. All those desiring to lake a thorough course upon the above named In struments can do so by leaving word at HAM MER'S MUSIC STORE or my residence, 2820 O street. GUITAR AND BANJO—RAPID AD vancement. J. FRANK PALMER, teacher. Studio, 610>£ I street. ACCOUNTANTS. r==^==ii ■ % . — START IN NOW AT A DOLLAR A share. Sacramento B. and L. Association. A CCOUNTANT-BOOKB EX AMINED. AD- J\ Justed and kept; charges reasonable. J. SCOTT, 1009 Second street, between J and K. SEND THE WEEKLY UNION TO YOUR lrieuds in the East, TO LET OR RENT. TJOTEL, FURNISHED, FOR RENT XT cheap; full of boarders; fine loor.tion. Address P. O. Box 93, Sacramento. 1 *3ft7 FOURTH STREET-LOWER FOUR IOU i room bay wludow Hat. oi-ufiper three room flat, completely furniaJard lor house keeping; hot and cold waver, Dathand closets. Bel3-3t /'AAI I STREET —ONE LARGE FUR UUI/2 nished room; also, single rooms. IQIO I STREET—TWO UNFURNISHED L-wiO and two furnished rooms: reference required. (U)/? I SEVENTH ST.—NICELY FUR -I^^^^!^©^1^; ajso single rooms. Qli»lJ ST.—VERY PLEASANT AND t/iOS^nicely furnished outside rooms. U')l 1 SEVENTH STREET-FURNISHED 1/411 rooms, single or in suite; hot and cold water. FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, < Foresters' building, I street. Seventh and Eighty (r AQ M STREET—A DESIRABLE FRONT Oysi room, suitable for one or two. ?r A/» EIGHTH ST.—LOWER FLAT (NEW) VUU 4 rooms; batl^gas, patent closets, hot undcold water; rent,si »>. Apply B. L. HAWK, , ual estate ana Insurance, 1004 Fourth street, i QAO L STREET—NICELY FURNISHED t/U.-w rooms and rent reasonable. i 7101 L STREET— UPPER FLAT OF 7 I L»j2 rooms; papered, bath sind all modern improvements; rtni reduced. Apply 719 L rt. I ») A NEW HOUSE OF FIVE ROOMS; { 010. bath and pantry, fronts on to Oiilc Park. CURTIS A BOWLEY, 1012 bonrtfl si. SUITE OF FURNISHED ROOMS FOU \ lighi housekeeping, old Postoffice, Fourth t and K. I rpWO NICE FRONT ROOMS SUITABLE X 'or offices. Apply to DR. SHIRLEY, the cancer specialist, old I'o.itotfice, Fourth and K. 1 QOQ H STREET-NICELY FURNISHED 1.0/ CO lront room; also, single rooms. 1 "OsJ SECOND ST.—PLEASANT ROOM lt)rwO suitable for gentleman. IQOI >'INTH STREET-HOUSE OF 7 I 10.41 rooms. Apply »2t3 X street. /»i - ELEVENTH STREET—TWO PLEaS -010 ant rooms to let. /-ILEEMAN HOUSE, CORNER THIRD VJT and J—Fine furnished rooms by the day, week or month. 11 1 «- L STREET-TO LET. APPLY TO lilt) FAbIAN BROS., corner Ninth .and J, ugellts. MP M STREET—NICELY FURNISHED t/lU front rooms; rent reasonable. QAI L STREET-TO LET, NICELY FUR t/vl nished front rooms. MRS. aNAPE. KAI I- TWELFTH ST.-5 FURNISHED t)Ul2_room^suilabl« for housekeeping, jAQ N STREET—FURNISHED ROOMS •±\JO with bath. MRS. H. N. BHBET3. 1 1 (\il FOURTH STREET-GO TO THE 11 \)O COLUSA HOUSE for cool, comforu aoie uuiside rooms, from SI per week upward. -1 -I -i EIGHTH STREET—FURNISHED 1110 rooms for housekeeping. I7IRATERNITY HALL-NORTH PORTION J Masonic Building. Apply on premises. PERSONALS. A TTENTION —SPIRITUALISM—DOCTOR J\ WRIGHT, the great test, business and healing medium, gives all who desire a sit ting a free test of his wonderful powers. All Who are sick, despondent or in trouble will do well to call at once and consult the doctor. Every hidden mystery revealed in aead trance; tells the full name of each caller, uud of luture husband or wife, with age and date of marrluge; gives advice on divorce, con tested wills, speculations, etc.; removes trouble, evil lntluencta; brings the separated together: locates lost persons or stolen prop erty. All ye who are sick, discouraged or in trouble, call or write to the doctor; to see is to believe; six questions answered by mail, $2; send look of hair. No. 92:^ M street, near corner Tenth. Hours from 9a. m. to sr. m. Come early aud avoid the rush. T UST ARRIVED FROM CHICAGO,THREE O of the only World's Fair Premium Met chor Bros. Barber Chairs for the Acorn Shav ing Parlors, which is the nobbiest place in the city. Also, in connection with this snop is one of the only Douglas patent ready heaters, which will supply hot water momentarily. I cordially invite my many iriinds and the public in general. E. C. JONES, proprietor 1012 Sixth street. ' f-iR TWELFTH STREET—J. ROWE, SEC -010 ond-hand and new harness, saddles, etc., bought, sold, exchanged or repaired. SAVE YOUR MONEY, SACRAMENTO Bnilding and Loan Asso. will help you. T\ON'T FORGET SMILEY, THE BARBER, XJ formerly Twelith and E, out now located at 1007 J street. Pleased to see ali old friends again. WATCHES CLEANED, $1; MAIN springs, $l. All work warranted for two years. Goods sold on installment plan at 41 lJ X street, next to Metropolitan Theater. BOOKBINDEIIS. TiOOKBINDING— GOOD WORK, REASON- D able prices and promptness; the only first class bindery in Sacramento; 319 J street. BREUNINQ'S. RSCHULER & CO., BOOKBINDERS. 405 .J. Examiner's World Fair and Call's Picturesque California Portfolios bound. i COLLECTIONS. "\TOTICE TO THE PUBLIC.-FaRIS & I JIM SPINKS, General Collection Agency, 614 j Fstreet. Prompt attention given to all mat ters. Bad bills a specialty. DRESSMAKERS. MISS L. CRADER HAS REMOVED HER dressmaking parlors to 1115 Ninth street, between X and L. MRS. CHAPMAN, DRESS AND CLOAK maker; suits from $2 up. 1223 Seventh. BOARD AND LODGING. MANSION HOUSE, SEVENTH, I AND J streets, front suite, first floor, furnished or unfurnished; rooms en suite or single, with or without board; board, f 4 per week. CARPET CLEANING. HARRY W. RIVETT, STEAM CARPET Cleaning, corner Twelfth and O streets Carpet cutting, sewing and refitting; furni ture packed for shipment; second-handcar, pets nnd furniture bought and for sale. Tel c phone 292. CROSSHAIRS SPECIFIC MIXTURE. WITH THIS REMEDY PERSONS CAN cure themselves without the least ex. posure, change of diet or change in applica tion to business. The medicine contains noth ing that is ot the least injury to the constitu tion. A*k your druggist for it. Price. *l a ootUa. Tub' Unpre:cre:ciejnxe:d f~\ IVIjPLO-ISriF'IOENT Offer -J P^jPl^EK-S Ofths \^J FOR Ana r —CD I / 0 M7*e:e;l<:ly Union. JUST TjnNK OF „, A v«»« r . IC'-~g^ "Sacfameoto Weekly Union, Chicago Weekly Inter-Ocea* j&-<r Chicago Youths' Inter Occam PHOTOGRAPHY. "DARTS PANELS CUT DOWN TO §/> PER I dozen; Cabinets, $2 50, at KELLER A DEAN'S, 719 X street, near new Po.stortioe.^ BEALS' Gi:.M GALLERY: SNAP PHOTO graphs of babies by lightning process. My experience in the business enables me to overcome all difficulties. Cor. Seventh and J. FINANCIAL. NO TiME LIKE THE PRESENT, DON'T put it off; save a few dollars every month. Sacramento Building and Loan Asao. STENOGRAPHY AND TYPEWRITING. MISS M. YECKLEY. STENOGRAPHER and Typewriter, 408 J st. Telephone 76. BUSINESS CARDS. " .. ■ ia WATERHOUSE & LEBTER, —DEALKRS IS— Iron, Bteel, Cumberland Coa!, Wa«--on Lam* ber and Carriage Hardware". 709.. 711. 713, 715 J street, Sacramento. j 0"' j- DRISCOI -: XV Union Foundry—Irou and Brass Found* er» and Machinists, Front street, between N , and o. Castings and Machinery of every a«> Bcnptiou made to order. SIACRAMENTO FOUNDRY, > Front street comer of N. WILLIAM GUTENBKRUER, Proprietor. \\ ork lor sidewalks and buildings a specialty. | Gasoline and steam Engines to order on short I notice j nUKNEY CAB COMPANY. V_J It has come to my knowledge that parties , ve, bet-'» overcharged. 1 have dismissed th« old drivers and have a new set of men Please remember to pay 25c per mile or fract<on. 1 A\\Y OVcrcharglng reported to me at the offic* i ■will be rectified at once aud the driver diat { ■■"—d. WILLIAM H. BRADLEY. ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW. A I*- HART, Attorney-at-Law. Office, Southwest corner Fifth and J strettib Rooms 12, lo and 14, sutter building. GROVE L. JOHNSON. HIKAM W. JOU.NSO* IOHNSOA' <S JOHNSOH, Lawyers, 604 J Street. i CHAUSCEY 11. DUNN. a. SOLON HOIOft HOLL <k DUNN, Lawyers. Offices: 920 Fifth street, Sacramento. Telephone No. 14. TyiLUAM A. GETT, JR., Attorney-at-Law, Sutter building, southwest corner of Fifth and J. JTelephone No. 369. ARTHUR M. SEYMOUR. CLINTON L. WHITK. JOS. W. HUGHES. WHITE, HUGHES & SEYMOUR, T t Attorneys and Counselors-at-Law. Rooms 7, 9, 11 and 13. 420 J street. Sacra mento. Calilornla. DENTISTRY. F. F. TEBBETS, DENTIST, 914 SIXTH ST..^3^B^ between I ;tn<l J. west side.f'WHi rak ! opposlte^Cougregational Church.^-UJI TYIP PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. 3 DR. PLINY R. WATTS (Formerly of Connecticut), HosKEOi'ATHir Physician and Scrcrox, Office, 925 Tenth street, northeast corner Tenth and J. Residence 1316 N street. Tel ephoue No. 345 day or nignt. BANKING HOUSES. NATIONAL BANK OF D. 0. MILLS & COt Sacramento, Cal.—Founded 1850. DIRECTORS: D. O. MILLS. EDGAR MILLS. 8. PRENTISS SMITH. FRANK MILLER President CHARLES F. DILLMAN CashlM Capital and Surplus, $600,000. CALIFORNIA STATE BANK, SACRAMENTO. Does a General Banking Business. SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS. officers: FREDERICK COX President JOSEPH STEFFENB. Vice-President W. E. GERBLR _ Cashier C. E. BURNHAM Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS: C. W. Clark. George C. Perkins, Frederick Cox, Joseph Steff ens, Petkk Boiil, Adolpii Heilbron. W. E. Okrber. SACRAMENTO BANK. I mHE OLDEST SAVINGS BANK IN THE X city, corner Fifth and J streets, Sacra mento. Guaranteed capital, f500.000- paid up capital, gold coin, $400,000. Reserve fund, $5^,807 tin. Term and ordinary deposits. | g3.a02.072 88. Loans on real estate July 1.1*9 1. 53.308.821 04. Term andordinary deposits leceived. Dividends paid in January and July. Money loaned upon real estate only. Information furnished upon applica tion to W. P. COLEMAN, President. Ed. R. Hamilton. Cashier. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' SAVINGS BANK Southwest corner Fourth and J Streets, Sacramento, Cal. Guaranteed Capital #500,000 T OANS MADE ON REAL ESTATE. IN- I i terest paid semi-annuuily on Term and Ordinary Deposits. B. U STEINMAN President EDWIN K. ALSIP Vice-President D. D. WHITBECK Cashier C H. CUMMINGS Secretary JAMES M. STEVENSON Surveyof lUKKCTORS : B. U. Steinman, Edwin X Ax&w, C. H. CUMMINOS, (iKOKOK A. SMITH, IiOL. Run yon, James McNassbb, __Jas- m- Stkvensos. , PEOPLE'S SAYINGS BANK. Sacramento, Cal. Guaranteed capital f 410,000 | Paid up capital and surplus 001,000 | XNTEREST PAID SEMI-ANNUALLY ON | X term and ordinary deposits. Money loaned on real estate only. Address all communica tions: People's Savings liunk. Sacramenia WM. BECKMAN, President. _Geobgb W. Lorenz, secretary. CROCRER-WOOLWORTB NATIONAL BANK, Crocker liullriins:. Market mid Post Streets, San Francisco. : PAID OP CAPITAL, $1,000,000. SOKHUS, $450,00 a directors: ' Pn»iden» WM. H. CROCKEH ! Vice-I >re9ldent W. E. BROWN Cashier - G. W. KLINU ! *n*A.fU,r>i F. CROCKER E. B. POND