Newspaper Page Text
4 CONVENTION OF HORTICULTURISTS. Fruit-Growers of the State to Meet Here To-Day. Preparations for Their Proper Recep tion—How the People Will Entertain Them. The State Convention of Fruit-Growers will begin its session at 9:30 o'clock to day in the Assembly Chamber of the Capitol, An adjourned meeting of citi zens was held yesterday morning to com plete arrangements for the reception of the convention and the extension of some hospitable courtesies. In the absence of the Mayor J. A. Woodaon was elected Chairman. A letter from B. If. LeLong, Secretary of the State Board of Horticulture, was read, stating that the convention would be the largest ever assembled in fruit-growing interests in the State. lie wished to meet some of the Citizens' Committee last evening to consult as to arrange ments lor the convention. A full discussion was had, reports re ceived from the first committee and it \vas resolved to carry out a programme indicated by the following orders: A general Reception Committee was named consisting of Mayor Steiniuan, EL B. Willis, C. K. McCiatchy, P. L". Platt, General T. \V. Sheehan, 11. J. Gregory, F. T. l>wyer, Joseph Steffens, J. M. Morrison, G. P. Curtis, B. T. Devlin, J^ ii. Hamilton, G. B. Katzenstein, Joseph liahu, \V. D. Knights, E. L. Hawk, Rev. A. C. Herrick, W. A. Curtis C. 11. Hub bard, L, T. llattieid and Daniel Flint. These citizens will recoivo badges from K. D. JJavis and are asked to act gener ally, be at' the opening sessions of the convention this morning and at all ses sion of the convention or as often as pos sible, greet visitors and make them foel at home. Thoy are all asked to meet at the Capitol at Sh3o o'clock this morning. in addition these citizens are of the in ception Committee and will serve spe cially on the uays indicated at the Capi tol: Tuesday, li. J. Bentloy, W. D. Law ton, K. D. Davis, Ed F. r-imth, .Mrs. 11. S. Jones, J. EL Devine; Wednesday, J. W. Vvilson, Mrs. Elizabeth Shields, J. <>. Cole man, General L.Tozer, J. G. Davis, li. K. Kent, Louis Brouner; Thursday, Will iam Schaw, Trustee Bragg, W. K. Lovdal, Mrs. J. W. Barrett. Trustee Leonard, R. L>. Stephens; Friday, Joseph Thiebeu, Trustee Wachhorst.T. B. Hall, G. M. Mott, Mrs. Kobert Stevenson, Trustee Pennish. All the reception committeemon are re quested to wear badges to bo furnished tnat our guests may feel at liberty to ad uress them wherever met. 'Ihis morning at the opening of tho convention Mayor Steiuman will receive the guests, aided by tho Reception Com mittee, and Governor Markbam or his representative will welcome tho conven tion in behalf of the State, and Mr. Weiu stock will welcome the visitors in behalf Of the city, acting by request of the Mayor, who will introduce him. Mr. "Weiustook. will announce that in accordauce with custom of the con vention, giving two Vice-Presidents to the city of the session, R. D. Stephens and P. J. Shields have been selected as such olhcers by the citizens of Sacramento. That beginning on Wednes day, carriages will be at the Capitol at the disposal of our guests in groups of forty or fifty on caoh occasion from y to lv a. \j., and ■k'J\> to J:3U p. >i. for drives about tho city. Tho entire carriage direction will be under control of Rev. A. C. Herrick, special reception representative of the C itizons' Committee, who will have tho carriages at tue hours named in lront of tho building. Tho groups for the drives will be en larged so Jar us the proffer of private car riages is made that may enable this to be done. The committee unanimously re quested thai citizens having buggies and carriages will so far as possible come to the Capitol at the hours named and assist in escorting guests about the city. It was aware that this is short notice, but hopes many will comply nevertheless. The convention will also bo informed by Mr. Wciustock that on Wednesday evening there will bo an informal recep tion at tho Art Gallery from 7:50, whore citizens with their wives and daughters are invited to meet the visitors and wel come them. There will be no set cere monies, but a general social mingling and promenade to good music. R. D. Davis was appoiuted a committee on badges, with power to act. Rev. Mr. Herrick was appointed a committee to accurc carriages, with power to act. Jj. A. Johnsou, was appointed to pro vide refreshing light beverages daily at the Capitol and at the Art Gallery "Wednesday night, with some addition of buffet lunch. Messrs. \\ ilsou, Schaw, Bontley and Colemau were appointed a committee to call on the Trustees and the Mayor and petition for thu better sprink ling of the streets in the residence sec tions, and tho better sweeping of tho business streets during the sessions oi the convention, it being the sense of the meeting that the work now done, pend ing the adjustment of now coutracts, is insufficient and not creditable. Captain T. B. Hall was appointed a committee to see to the arrangement of the Assembly Chamber for the conven tion. Josepn Theiben was appointed a committee on music, with power to act. The meeting ordered that electric lights be placed in the Art liallery Wednesday night, and J. A. Woodaon, W. H. V. Raymond, W. F. Jackson and Sparrow {Smith wore appointed a committee from the Museum Association on Art Oallory management Wednesday night, wiin power to act. Axii tests have shown the superiority ol Dr. Price's Baking Powder in leaven ing strengtu and purity. DECREE OF FORECLOSURE. Property Ordered ?»old to Satisfy Two Mortgages^ Superior Judge Catlin has rendered judgment for plaintiffs in the foreclosure suit ot Joseph Werhn and wife against Amelia lilum andtheGermania Building and Loan Association. The latter de lendant was made a party to the action on account of holding a mortgage on Jbliss Bium's property. Alter tho lirst papers in the suit were filed, the Kuilding and Loan Association brought acouui'jr suit agaiust the Wer lins iiud Miss iilum to foreclose its mort gage on the hitler's property, and to have iho court declare tno mortgage a prior one to that of the Werlins. According to the decision the Germania Building aud Loan Association \\.... upon its complaiui to foreclose its mort jjage, be eutuied to an attorney's lee of i-.'A), and the Werlius, upon their com plaint, will be entitled to an attorue3''s lee of JlaO. A decree was entered foreclosing both mortgages, the Uermauia mortjju^e to be paid lirst and thai of the N\ ennis next. The property involved consists of two lots in this city, one situated in the block bounded by iv and L, Second aud Third troato. and the otner in the block bounded by 11 and S, Ninth and Tenth ■tracts. FOUR WERE DEAD) llow an Impostor Took Away tlie UrctiiU of Her Benefactor. A woman is going: around the city ap pealing to charitable people for help. She presents a printed paper staling that she had six children and was in great need of Lelp irom those charitably inclined, She called at a house yesterday with Lor boy and the lady, having a son of about the same age, not only gave her a little money, but also a suit lor the boy ■which her own son had outgrown, say ing at the same time to him, "I should think your mother would have a hard time to clothe all six of you." "Oh," was the answer, "there are only two of us." "Why," said the surprised lady, turn- ing to his mother, "your paper says you have six children; how "is it you have only two?" "Well," was the cool reply, "four ot them are dead," and the mendicant van ished before the astonished giver recov ered from the shock. A LIGHT CALENDAR. Justice Henry Dispatches Police Court ilnslness Quickly. Justice Henry presided in the Police Court yeslerdaj-, Justice Devine being absent. The complaint of disturbing the peace against Louis Jones, who raised a row at the Plaza, was dismissed, the prosecuting witness not appearing. The case of James Donnelly, charged with battery on a Chinaman named Ah On, was continued till to-day. That of J. F. Cox, who was arrested for burning leaves in tne afternoon, was con tinued till to-morrow. The sidewalk case of J. Groth was dis missed on motion of the City Attorney, i the Sanitary Inspector having withdrawn the complaint. •*. DE CARLOW HELD. Ho Must Stand Triad for the Alleged Tho ft of Grain. The examination of \V. H. De Carlow, for stealing grain from a ireight car on J j street, was resumed in Justice Henry's court yesterday, and resulted in the de fendant being held to answer, with bail lixed at £1,0001 Deputy Sheriff Daniel Foley testified to having searched De Carlow when he was brought in, and liuding on him a card on which was writteu "oat < ar, L. P. 39,35 a," It is contended by the prose cution that ihe number of the car writ ten on the card is the one from which De Carlow took tho oats. Joseph Arnold, Superintendent of the Phoenix .\niis. yesterday attached De i Carlovv's horses and wagon for Sl-0, tue i value of the oats claimed to have been i stolen by the defendant. —*»■ THE MURDEnciD FAKMSR J. W. Knowles Petitions for Letters on tho Estate or if. p. Cornelius. John W. Knowles yesterday filed a petition for letters of admiuisiration on the estate of H. P. Cornelias, who was shot, and killed at L. Deri's saloon, on the upper Stockton road, last Friday night. Tho estate consists of eighty-nine acres ol land near the upper Stockton road, valued at $5,000, and personal property valued at $210. The heirs are Margaret Cornelius, widow of tho deceased, and j four children—Lizzie, Mary, ilobert and John Cornelius. Mrs. Cornelius has filed a request that Kuowles be appointed administrator of the estate. A STOLEN BOAT. Constable Frommelc Captures It With the Mail Who Took It. About a week ago a boat was stolen lroin Sexton Conrad of Washington and no trace ol it was discovered until yester day morning. Constable Frommelt of Washington saw a man witn tlie boat at the mouth of the American River, and going over arrested him and placed him in jail at Washington, lie had evidently ! been camping somewhere, and had a lish- ! ing outtit in ihe boat. Heal Batata '1 musters. The following real estate transactions have be n recorded since our last report : J. EL Enos to \V. S. Kendall—Frac tional lot 1 and lot 2, block ;;, town of I Gait. Kohler and Van JSergen to California Wine Association—Nine acres eaat of Thirty-Jirst street. Joseph Kelvin to T. G. Mikle—Lot 3, block 00, Oak Park; 9200. Peter McGeeto Mary Dunn—East quar ter of north 'JO foot, lot 1, X and L and Third and Fourth streets, as her sepa rate property. P. R. and M. E. Hoflmau to George B. Hoxie—Two acres, more or less, on Mor mon Island; £4W. A BINGLE triai of Dr. Price's Baking Powder will show that in real merit it surpasses all others. For economic and hygienic reasons alike, inferior powders should be avoided. — Koese District Literary Society. The people ot the vicinity of tho Reese School District met last Friday evening at the Iteese schoolhouse, and after a lit erary entertainment organized a Literary Society ,_ for the entertainment of the resi dents of that community once every two weeks during the long winter evenings. The society sums off with a roll of about iorty members, aud the following as officers: M. Miller, President; D. Jenkins I Vice-President; Miss Laura Rhoades Secretary and Treasurer. Estates of Deceased Persons. Public Administrator iJrouner has pe titioned for letters of administration on I the estate of Timothy Leahy, deceased. The estate consists of $2,600 on deposit iv a bank in tnis city. Madeline Boggiano has petitioned the Supenor Court lor loiters of admiiiistru- I tion on tho osiaie of Giovani IJo--'iano i j deceased. The estate is situated iv i?orris' : addition to the town of Gait, and is valued i at about $1,365. ♦■ . liad Burglars' Tools. A man named James Anderson was arraigned in Justice Henry's court yes terday on a charge of having burglars' tools in his possession. He pleaded not guilty and his trad was set for next I J hursday. Anderson was arrested by Constable 11. C. Bryant of Courtlauu on a complaint sworn to by Justice of the Peace W. A Johnston of that place. Two IJtMiuisitlous. Governor Markham has issued a war rant of arraat on the requisition of the Governor of Illinois for Edwin 11. Schaef ler, _charged with embezzlement in Marion County, ill., to Michael J. Jleim agen • Ho has also issued a warrant on the ! requisition of the Governor of Washing ton lor Ahat Keeso, charged with grand I larceny in King County, Washington, to ! J. H. \V oolery, agent. It will pay you to take Hood's Sarsapa- ' | rilla. \\ ith pure blood you neod nut lear j the crip, pneumonia, diphtheria or fevers I Hood's Sarsaparilla will make you strong and healthy. B Boon's Pnxs are purely vegetable carofullv propared from the best ingredi ents, -oc. The most comfortable, convenient, commodious and expeditious route now to the Eastern States is by the Sunset Limited; vestibule, splendidly equipped, lighted by iras, hotel, bath house, barber shop and all other appliances of modern elegance. ♦ Saksaparilt.a and Ikon. Get it from the sole ageut, McMorry, SJI M street. "^^ "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS." Supplied under Royal Warrants to Her Majesty the Queen of England, and to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Received the HIGHEST AWARD at the WORLD'S FAIR. _ SACRAMENTO DAILY BECOKD-UXTOy, TI TESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1894. SKELTON-CAMPBELL SLANDER CASE. How Judgment by Skeiton's Default; Was Rendered. More Affidavits Filed by Lawj-ers Humphrey and Isaac Joseph] in Explanation. B 11. W. Humphrey has riled an affidavit . in the Superior Court in answer to that of H. W. Johnson rolative to the motion , to set aside the judgment in favor ol W. ' R. Campbell and against John Skelton, j wiiich was given by default, Humphrey j states that, as a matter of accommodation, I he remained in the employ of Johnson ; it Johnson, attorneys-at-law, part of tho I month ol October and until November liih for the purpose of continuing such causes and matters as the firm of John* son it Johnson was interested in and to attend to what business he could for tho linn: that tho notice of motion to dismiss ■ and the affidavit of Isaac Joseph, attor ney for defendant in the (dander suit of Skelton vs. Oampbell were served upon ! the office of Johnson A: Johnson during ti . lenoe of both members of theiirm. Humphrey further states in hi.^ affida vit that ap to tbat time lio bad not heard oi the action and knew nothing about it, uul on the day the motion came up, Oc tober l.'th, be was in tho courtroom of Department Two, and Mr. Joseph spoke Ukbmt aud said in substance that there ..Lilo motion to dismiss au action Lbat .ihi been • pending a great number oi yearn and which amounted to nothing, and he pr --sumed thero was no opposi tion to it; lhat :iHi:inc told Joseph that be knew nothing whatsoever about the mo tion oi' Lie cause, and Joseph replied in bu 'Stance that it amounted to nothing anyway. Humphrey Btates Lhat thereupon lie dismissed tho matter from his mind and was :istouishe.l subsequently to learn that the action had been dismissed and judgment entered in favor of defendant; that up t'> the time Joseph spoko to atli- j ant in tuo courthouse affiant was not \ aware of the motion <»r of anything relat- j ing to the action, aud that be did not at j auy time know that the dismissal ot the aciou involved tbeentry of judgment for si «"<)! any other sum in l;ivor of the de fendant; that ii a;!i:iut had known th:s fact, or uad been (auiiiiar with tlie case, hn would have asked ior a continuance of tho same until the return of the John sons. Humphrey further states that he relied upon the statement of Joseph that it was a Intie matter, involving nothing and amounting to nothing, and gave thu mat ter no further attention until alter he wns asked by Hiram W. Johnson as to tho entry of the judgment in tuo case; that ;i ■ the Btatemetit of .Joseph had not been I made to tho ailiant, affiant wonid have ! opposed the motion to dismiss, or at least have endeavored to obtain a continuance. Isaac Joseph's affidavit. Lawyer Josoph has also liljd an affi davit in the matter, lie Bays lhat on October ll»th ho made a motion in court dismissing the action alier due notice had been given to the attorneys for ESkeltou, and that tho notice of dismissal and proof of service are on tile and made a Dart of the affidavit. Also, that on October 19th be cause was regularly on tho law calendar j of Department Two, and when it was > called in the court Humphrey, who at that time represented the firm oi Johnson A Johnson, was present, aud his atten tion was caliod by aliiant to the fact that tho cause lrid been called. At lhat lime substantially th^ following conversation took placo between Humphrey and affiaat: • Joseph—Are you attending to the law business of Johnson A: Johnson? Humphrey—Yes. Joseph—There is on the law calendar to-day a motion to dismiss a case in whi^h Johnson i\: Johnson represent the plaintiff. Humphrey—What case is it? Joseph—A slander suit, commenced some years ago by John Skeleton agaiust W. B. Campbell. Humphrey—Hiram Johnson has not given me any instruction about any such case. Joseph—No counter-affidavits have been liied in thecasn on behalf of plaimiil, so i presume that the Johnsons do .■<-; in tend to oppose (.lie motion to uismi>s. Joseph denies iv his affidavit that ho intended to mislead Humphrey, and states lhat lie does not believe that any thing he said on mat occasion, or at any time, had any .such effect, lie Slates that his object in calling Humphrey's atten tion to the matter was for tho purpose of assuring himself of the fact that Hum phrey, a.s the representative of tho attor neys lor Skelton, did not unconsciously overlook the matter oi the prouosed dis missal of the action. Joseph also states that on two occasions be conversed with Humphrey in refer ence to the matter, and tnat Humphrey did not at any time prior to the date ol his atiidavit allege or inliinale that alliaut I Joseph.) had misled him; that on dug of the occasions, November Ist, at affiant's office, in tne presence of William S. Howe, Humphrey state! in substance to affiant that lie found no fault with Joseph's conduct in relation to tlie mo tion to dismiss tno action. V. S. Howe, tho young man re ferred to in Joseph's attidavit, has also iiied an affidavit, in which ho states that Humphrey said ho found no fault with Joseph's conduct. •«. , Bicycle exorcise, according to Miss Francos Willard, is marvellously nealth lul. So is Dr. Price's Cream leaking Powder. LOST HIS FOOT. How G. C. Blakeir Met With a Brake- Ikkiii Accident. Yesterday morning, about 3:30 o'clock, a man was found lying beside the north track in the depot with Li 3 right loot nearly ground to places. lie was taken to the .Receiving Hos pital, where lie gave his name as G. C. | Blakely and said his parents live in Val j lejo. He could give no further account of i how the accidont happened than that ho ! was at bavisville tno night before and was drunk. His mind was a blank as to | ail that happened afierward. He had evidently fallen oli' the brake i beam, where ho had beon riding, and had managed to catch a rod and noid on with i a deatii grip while he was dragged along over the IMB, his clothes being almost torn oil' his back. Dr. Forbes, the City Physician, was called and found the loot so badly man i gled that it was necessary to amputate it at the ankle, wuicii was successfully done, Doctors Wiard and Atkinson as^ieuugl | while the patient was under the iuiiuenoo of chloroform. Cokonaiso W.vTKK.McMorry sole agent. Groceries and provisions, CWJI M street. • FOR CLEVER GIRLS. Somethins They Should Know in Ad ditiou to Lausuaeos and Music. It has b. en cyntcsjry said that women keep the doctors alive. That a girl should learn a little Frt'iieh and German, and a little music is considered of more consequence tuan that she should know the laws ot her own life. So the world is full of sickly women who might be well. They are pale and nervous, martyrs to headache and indigestion, and they complain that "the least thing upsets thorn.'" Well, laJies, there is not the slightest need of this state of things. Your paius in the ' back aud your svfleriag from heavy colds alLer a trifling exposure to autumnal or win- ; try air simply mean that you need something to revive the ilagging energies of your bodies. Once get the blood circulating briskly and the i lie.-, i in proper shape, and you will bo but- ' prised to s.>e how soon you will be rid ot that miserable, half-sick condition. The standard stimulant for ailing women is Duffy's Pure Malt Whisky. After work in the j household, worry at a sick beu, emotional si rain, or any ol the other common causes of debility iv women, Dully's Pure Malt is a j very fountain of now life, it is prepared by ssUlied chemists and is iree from anything j that could possibly be harmful. Not a beverage, but an article rich in medici- ! nal vii-iue, il l"o » th>' torpid body to apr >per I nance of all its functions. Wherever • perfect, wholesome stimulant Is wanted, Duiiy s i'ur.: Wall is prescribed. Ladies rec ommend it to * ach other. MEETING NOTICES. 4 LL OF THE MEMBERS OF COURT J.V Sacramento, No. t>,861, A.o. F. of A., are requested to attend their regular meeting TUESDAY EVENING, November 20th. <;. 8. NY., Charles Baldman, oi San Francisco will be present, and a fraternal vlsii roui Com-; Capitol. (t. HAMMOND, C. R. .vi... GuarAFSow,Secretary. it [3EGULAB MEETING OF PAIR OAKS li Kellel Corps, No. 13, W. 11. li, THIS (Tuesday) .\ri>..;.■.< in, 2o'clock. SADIE BURNS, President. May «;. n<s^., ecretary. li* GE RMA N 1 A REIJEKAH !••• :gi\ No. 01. ;.«..;. . -f~jsX;- i Your monthly miciing held THIS V's-s*^^ i EVENING, 7:;;0o;piook. It* i.LI/.Viii.Xil KR« IMER, N. G. REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING , « x of Sacramento Caledonian \.>-o- - ciation will be held at Pioneer Hall V • 'i:ils (Tuesday) EVENING at > <ii^Jp' i o'clock. Nomination of officers. A lull attendanc ■ is desired. •i. MORRISON, Chief. D. ::. X : cb, Becretary. it pALLED MEETING CONCORD a \j Lo cc, No. lir. Tills (Tuesday) Je :.':.■ n... Nov. -joti., 7:30 o' ; Work in third d gree. visiting bn.wi-/ \ ers cordially invited. It M. V. COPPERSMITH, W.M. WANTED. SITUATION WANTED—BY A YOUNG O mini of good habits; thoroughly under stands thecareof uorscsand gardening; also I v good driver. Address A. A., bi2 L stn et. iiiridfJrl IXTANTED—A SITUATION AS HOUSE- V> keeper or ao housework in small family; is a go. pu cook. 523 M street. niy-3t» 11/ ANTED — BRIGHT, ACTIVE BOYS VV about 15 years old and able to write a fair hand. Apply Superintendent WelnstOCk, Lubln & Co. ni'j-^t IIT ANTED—A MAN WHO THOROUGHLY VV understands varnishing furniture. PAINTER, this office. nl7-3l IX7ANTED—A COMPETENT GIRL l)\l \\ sires situation to do general housework ' ni tmall ;.iii.H^; eood reference given. Aa- dress A. l:., tin- otllce. niv-Jt I [APANESE YoU.\i.;.VAN, POLITE AND ?» trutitworthy, wel) educated, speaks good i-.n_M. n, wisties a position in store, or factory; vrllltngto work. Call or auaress N. 1., 81. Sixth street. nl7-8t« \y ANTED— A GOOD SOLICITOR; TWO \\ agents; chamber-maid; waitress; six girls, general bouseworic. i-STRi^KX K.U ri.«.i MKNT OFFICE, i^ii l street. ITtTANTED To SELL OR EXCHANGE \V for Sacramento city property—A lines acre fruit ranch; \i miles from San Jose in the Glenn District; on Hue of electria cars; all planted to apricots and [.nines, lull bearing; rents for 9600 a year; a goou man can dear §l,soo annually; good residence, barns, stables and complete drying uutnt. Apply N. L. UREW. iu.s .1 street. JAP-WANTS SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, plain coouing or dish washing. KOSttIMARU, P. O. Box «8, Sac ramento, nl l-m^ \l TA.\Ti:i> MR. RICHMOND WISHES A VV situation io take care of a horse or al most any kind oi work. Leave word at mis Qiriee. 11010-St* \TT ANTED-PARTIES WHO HAVE ITU >» ni-h^d house< to let during the Legis lature to leave their street, numbers and dcs scrtptiou oi hojises with us. Already Inquiry j from the southern part ol the State has come i toils. EuWIN K. ALSIIVc CO., real estate and Insurance, 1015 Fourth street. WANTED IMMEDIATELY—A SUITE OF rooms and i oaid lor man and trite; lo cation, .\l to 1, Fifth toTentn. Address ML .1., this otSce. ITSTANTED—TWENTY SCHOLARS, SPE \> rial iudii'-ement for ten tiays to learn UU cloak inaUin^; al.-o. basting, sew kng and finishing. Dresdss, coats and* capes made lo order from9s up. Fit guaranteed. 806% .1 stret t. pACHELORS', WIDOWERS' AND OTII JL) ers' mending neatly and cheaply done at 121b I street. «TANTED—MEN IN EVERY COUNTY > V to act as private detectives under in structions; experience not necessary; partic ulars free. NATION Ali DETECTIVE BU REAU, Indianapolis, lnd^ rjETANTBD — SECOND-HAND FURNI fV ture, buggies, carts, etc., for cash or on commission, at SHJERBUKN'S, 883 X street. JOK SALK nOR SALECHEAP-G< >OD HORSE, CART I I and harness; also, tight hunting boat. Api i., N stre -t. fiOOD-PAYING LODGING-HOUSE OF 25 VJI rooms; great barcaiu. Apply I^2 X st. ONE HOWE PLATFORM SCALES, CA pacity »iOO pound!-; 1 Howe counter scales, 1 No. 10 Enterprise cotlee mill, 1 showcase, 1 Rochester hanging lamp; all good as new. Address F. G. A., tuis office. COAL OIL, ?sc; "THE BEST" GASi (LINK, 85c. BEESLEY 4 SONS, Boston Cash Market, MO X streit. OAK STOVE WOOD § r > 75 PER CORD delivered; measurement guaranteed; yard ob Twelfth-street road. P. o. address, soB Seventh street. W. H. BASLER. F>R SALE—A GOOD BLOCK OF LAND In a good business location. See our ad vertisement on another page of this paper. EDWIN K. ALSIP <i CO., iSo. 1015 Fourth si ice;. VfKW LIVERPOOL SALT WORKS— XN Clieipest and best salt iv the City at 1119 1-ourth street. E. J. FLo YD, Proprietor. I7IOR SALE—LOT NO. 4, D AND E, FOUR- J_ tenth and Fifteenth icorner), SOxIGO. Inqnlre F. M. McKEEVER, Ilia 1 street. F>K SALE-A SPLENDID NEW MATH asheK piano, wbiefa came into our pos session in the way of trade; will be sold at a bargain. The piano can be ordered direct from factory if purchaser prefers. Inquire at this office. nARDWELL COLONY—IO-ACRE TRACTS \j only §100 per acre; water pipes will be iaid to each and every Jract in said colony. J. T. CARDWELL. owner, 1,204 N street, or at 301 J Htredt, Sacramento. FOR SALE—I.SOO HOP-POLES, DELlV ered on car in Sacrameuto or elsewhere; lengi h2O feet, 4 and t> inches at butt. Apply at this office. HOP-LAND. §50 PER ACRE — 1,500 acres finely improved hop-land, I 1.; miles lrom railroad on river, §50 per acre; ?30 per aero down, balance long time, low Interest, EDWIN: K. ALSIP A CO., 1015 Fourth sU LOST-FOUND FH7ND— A RAY KORSE. OWNER CAN have by 1511 F street and paying charge^ n2O-3t» LOST— A MASONIC CHARM, KEYSTONE shape. Leave at Clunie Theater and re ceive reward. n2O-2t* LOST- AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE TO country property. Reward if returned to 40H J sireet. nlMw* GENEKAL KOTICSS. r N VALI DS' HOME-MRS. J. H. STEBRINS, X 20L'J<> sireet. telephone -107, Is prepared to receive and care lor the sick and injured. rlhose in need oi hospital accommodations will find comfortable quarters upon reason able terms, and good nursing. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, COLLECTION and rental agency; help of all kinds fur nished on short notice; country ortteis solic ited. »25 sixth street, CRaDDoCK Jc MONT GOMERY, Proprietors. ON NOVEMBER 7TH, IMPOUNDED ONE dark red cow; found near Old Elk «>ro%-e, .lAS. ELLISON, Fouudkeeper, San Joaquln Township. n^o-7t \\'OiiD SAWING OF ALL KINDS DONE \V to order cheap; promptly attended to in City or country. Leave orders with C. A. BOLTON, 725 X street or 1411 P. / 1 E. ADAMS, 1106 J STREETM3HEAP \Jm esl plftce ior hay and teed. White wild oats; also, tuie nay for carpets. JAPANESE INFORMATION AGENCY, t) Sl7 Sixth a}., Sacramento. Farmhands, ye..eral help ium;shevl and contracts executed. PROFESSIONAL GENTLEMAN NURSE, X §~ 5o a day or night. Apply 500 Mst. REMOVAL NOTICE.—I W iSil TO IN ±\. form my friends and patrons v at I have ii..i:iu d m> residenoe ana placeof husn t6 ilio 1 vveuty-tirat aureet, between X and -.. where l sm., be pleaded to receive orders, wulch v.-iv receive urompt attention, mates on work solicited, t'leuneuo uo& forget the number and place, lours very truly, LEE HAIS. i|v BARS GOOD LAUNDRY SOA&, 26c; 6 J W large bars HoyalSavon, 25e; butter, :. ;; roil baiter, 35and ioe; o^ stcreaiiii ry. Ooe: potatoes. <«ic sack; best roht v oais, Ktlii'ti wheat i:u<i morning uaeal. 4c pound. i.: . .-Li-. I k >: S(».n"S Boston Cash Market, slO X Htreet. I >EST TAMALES AT MRS. HERNANDEZ, X) 1112 Fourth street. Mexican meals cooked to order; also, Mexican beans. Euchi lade.s served on toiuii-iaj. MAY FLOWER AS A COMPLEXION beautitier stands uiequaled. lu~^ , Filth street or tio^ings' dr^..- store. OTEAM BATHB <<F TUSCAN SPRING 0 water given in Sacrament:); bathrooms up Blairs in old jt'osiofnee Building, corner Fourth ami X streets,' room 14. I'nis cele bra'.i d water is also BOld by the case or i»oltiu at reasonable rates' at room 14, same build ing. UR.J. H. SHIRLEY <* \V..i.i.\N.Niv iiii .Ij, agents, our be>t advertisement — the patients whom we treat. \ LAFFERTY. FORMERLY OF THE ' »J . < Stables, has removed to his new place, lloi .1 street, whlcii will be known as LAtlerty'B Stables, lie will be pleased to see oki iriend.s and patrons. COME AND EXAMINE QUALITY OF tinted linen squares lor stand covers, sot» enshious, etc.; fan coiors guaranteed; scin>oi 01 art needle work. MiSS L. SCHUBEKT, iul i Eighth street. HIRED .t DICK-NEW CHOP HOUSE, X; 1u25 Fourth street, between J and K. I>ASTURAGE-STOCK WANTED TO PAS tare; acres <ji' fine alfalfa. Enquire of tiUOWJN lii.'i-., bUe yen til and X streets, Sac. TNFORMATION WANTED.—I WOULD X iiUe mtormation regarding the where abouts of my brother, ANTuNE GAMMA, Anyone Itnowing his whereabouts will please write or address JOH N GAMMA, Folaom,cal. MONEY TO LOAN. IN BUMS TO SUIT, on city or country property; also, real es tau: bought and sold by N. L. i>REW, 4OS J. MONEY TO LOAN ON HEAL ESTATE security. CHARLES COi (LEY, Real Es tate and Insurance Agent, 1010 Fourth si. -i £ TWELFTH STREET—J. ROWE, SEC 01Q ond-hand unu new harness. Baddies, etc, bought, sold, exchanged <>r repaired. GIOLD CROWNS AND REMOVABLE t bndge work, roofless plates and line no!d work a specialty. DX. G. W. NEWSOM'S, 1 l^O I street. i GOOD SET OF TEETH FOR Sli; FILL i\ ings, 50c ami upwards; (rom one-third to one-halt saved; all work tint-class and guar anteed. DR. G. W. NEWsoM, Dental Par lors. 1120 I street. 4OA ru\{\ To lOAN ON REAL ESTATE. y^U.UUU N. L. DREW, 408 .1 street. STATIONERY, READING MATTER, ETC., for sale by s. A. Do \NE, 20J X St. Agent lor cotton seine twinu and K. li. books. \\rilO IS GOING TO BE ELECTED? IF V V you want to know, go to Q\ o. < Iraj 's, on the Riverside road, and while partaiiin'_c of his fine lunches and refreshing drinks George will unravel the mystery and tell you who the lucky ones are. stop there while out driving. George Is all right. Piano and parlor lor guests. GEo. GRAY, Mixologist. /CESSPOOLS, VAULTS AND CHIMNEYS V> cleaned; no uirt; lowest prices. W. M. SLAUGHTER, 317 X, 00l M. rfXHJB WEEK-NEW STYLE HIGH-BACK X Antique Chairs only ','Oc each; also, a few more 0-loot Oak Extension Tables at § i 90, heavy 2-piy Carpet, !<!sc. CiIAS. M. LAMI'- BEH-, -io'J X street. ALASKA GRAPE WINS—A CERTAIN cure ami preventive of all malarial or miasmatic diseases; purities the blood aim in vigorates the nervous system. For sale at the N EAGLE MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 7:24>i X st reet. EVERY MARRIED WOMAN SHOULD know thai "SKGURO" is the greatest boon to them ever discovered. All druggists. Price. §1 50 and §5 per b.>x. Every box guaranteed. Send 2-cent stamiito WILBUR'S SAFETY PACKET COMPANY,S3I KStreet, Sacramento, lor private circular. PERSONAL^ HAVE YOU ROOMS TO RENT AND wish to secure a good tenant? list them with the Capitol City Room-Renting Bureau. Our demand lor rooms Is lur greater than the supply, our list Is large, but they go last. Members of the Legislature are availing themselves of this plan of securing Jus! what they want without any annoyance or trouble. TO THOSE that WANT ROoMS, remember it cosrs YOU NOTHING and the benefit of locating just where you wish. To one and all !we respectfully solicit your patronage. Call or address CAPITAL CITY ROOM-RENT ING BUREAU, 1023 Ninth, Odd Fellows' Temple. Sacramento, Cal. v^-i Foil CLEANING WATCHES; $1 FOR <j> 1 mainspring; ail work guaranteed. 419 X street, next to Metropolitan Theater. Cash 1 aid lor old Rold and silver. CREPE PAPER—JUST RECEIVED, A lull line of tlie lat' st shades. MISS L. BCHUBERT, 101-1 Eighth street. FINE FRENCH ACCORDEON PLEATING at short notice; satisfaction guaranteed; no electricity. R. KLJ.SIIiK, l^ilJ I street. COLLECTIONS^^ XTOTICE TO THE PUBLIC—FARIS * JIN SPINKS, General Collection Agency. 014 1 street. Prompt attention given to all mat ters. Bad bills a specialty. ACCOUNTANTS. A CCOUNTANT—BOOKS EXAMINED, AD- J\ justed and kept; charge* reasonabie. J Si.OTi, IqO'.« Second street, between .J and K. PHOTOGRAPHY. BEALS' GEM GALLERY; SNAP PllOTO graphs of babies by lightning process. I My experience in the business enables me to overcome all difficulties. Cor. seventh and J. ? A? PET CLEANING. HARRY W. RIVETT, STEAM CARPET Cleaning, corner Twelfth and O streets. Carpet cutting, sewing an>i reiitting; furniture packed fur shipment; second-hand carpets aud lurniture bought and for saJe. Telephone TO LET OR EENT. -i 1 -i .- NINTH ST.-NICELY FURNISHED 1 J. it) Iront and outside rooms; rent reason able. OKII P BTBBBT—HOUSE OP 6 ROOMS v'lJ 1 and Oath. Inquire 1022% Fifth at. 17OPS '-TO Li:T ' FLAi' (; Bl M iM.S; BATH, i i AiO "all aud closets; rent reasonable. nir-(.f mO LET-5 ACRES OF LAND AIiOUT A L mile east of file County Hospital; 2%acres In strawberries; the whole suit able tor gi iv?; a good windmill ana building "on me i place, tor terms address FARM, this office, i n!7-3t* rnwo SMALL HOUSES. BETWEEN X Fourth aud Fifth, gaudq aud i;, 94 and SC>. j lnquiiv X EH l BROS^ IUI7 Fourth street. fYQQ EIGHTH STREET — FURNISHED t /w^vlower Hat of four rooms. Nu obildren. tr<Oß RENT—BO ACMES, EIGHT MILES liom city; IU acre.-, fruit; house, burn, chicken-house, wells; good place and. reason able rent. Apply u> EDWIN K. ALfSLF A CO., Rea. Estate, luli Fourth street. nlo-Ot" mO RENT—FOR ONE, THREE OR FIVE 1 years, the well-known White Rook ranch Folsom. Sacramento County; tinu.n-res. good house, bun, miiichour-e. chio&en-house ami luo acred grain land, balance pasture, ror particuittTScali or address Mica. CHAP MAN, k Btreel, Sacramento, nlu-o't* 1 K1 i\ SEVENTH STREET—UPPERFJUAT lUlu oi three rooms; rent, f 10. mHE BERKSHIRE, C '.:. SIS I li ANI»L; _L Just opened; tirst-class furnished rooms en suite or a rr.O LET—TWO^TORY HOUSE, 6 ROOMS JL and bath; central locution; rent. Sl6. STROBEL, agent, SI7 J. dm CIURNISHED to • IMS TO REMT-NORTH- N \ UH vie? 01' rwent >'-llrBt aIKi O streets. mo LET-COTTAGE OF FOUR ROOxMS 1 l , Ull; smail yard; rent #12. Apply i.o<£l i J Street. yar house of eight ■ • • - ath. lv t uire ; ;i L street, i HOCSEKEEPING ROOMS APPLY TO ''J-- X, f- rtiUKLKV. caucer sp cialist, Oi.JJj\ O. BJ ILDIN< , Fourth ail MILKMAN HOI SE-CORNER THIRD wikSmonS I 1":n't""stiyllli;d;l- -rpHE RANCH OF THE LATE PETER .1 poms. 11-,I 1-, miles Irom city on J-street roaa; complete outtlt for dairy purposes; also V | !li- v^ !S :t'"; '•^Llile- Apply to MRS.A. l> i. ha s, on prexii - - piVE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR JC housekeeping. Apply L4lO Tentii • mO RENT - THREE OR FOUR FUR, 1 nishe.i rooms for light housekeeping lojs, corner Second and P btre< 1-. M •"» EF.?" 6? 2!™ STREET, CORNER 010 ot alley, between b; and F—Dwelliue coutalnins two parlor, with mantels, dinin f room, tive bedrooms, good kitchi n wnn sink partitioned basem at, two chiua closets two : pantries, cupboards and drawers, Hoar and meal bins; hot and cold water ana ■ K^PSjjout house; tormerly occupied K. FORBES?^ P?HospitaL rtiCttitt" &PPly U> MAO FOURTH STREET-GO TO THE lIUO COLUSA HOJ 6SE tor .ool.con.fmt able outside rooms, from $i p ,. r week up waul; aiso suite of housi keeping rooms. I^UATKItNfTY HALL-NORTH PORTION j JL Masonic liuiluiiiij:. Apjijy on premi BOAKD AND LODGING. BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE FAM i!y, 94 ou per week. ous IL street. -J .).).) II ST.-ROOMS TO RENT WITH *-j*/?O board; terms reasonable. MANSION HOUSE, SEVENTH, I ANDJ streets. Decidedly the best place in the city: epmiortable; clean and homelike rooms ! L^rb^r^:'^w^! h or wiu"'ut bua"u MUSIC AND ART. TtfISS K. MANSFIELD, ARTIST. 609} i i ill street, room 12.—Portraits enlarßedin ami uat.r color. /-IUITAK AND BANJO LESSONS-RE IJ ducedrates; .i-iu§i lessons.S& fourS] BtrBo^ 8 J' F" I>ALMEK > atiuii.. oio.'.'l GROCSSIES. TOMATOES, 3 CANS 25c; CORN, 10c PER A can; 2-t> can Soused Mackerel, asc 6 bars Uavonsoap, 2Hc; 5-gallon can best Coal oil or Gasoline, 75c. at A. B. MINFORD'S Grocery, Iwelflh and 11. " DOWN AGAIN-FANCY MOUNTAIN butter, 20c pound; potatoes, 60c sack- SSJLJPKS 8 m<*at, 10c package, 7oc pail. r.i.r.sLKV & BQN, BIOK street. pINE MOUNTAIN BUTTER, 20c POUND; 1. 1O bars soap, 25c, Our Taste hams 14c pound; bacon, 12cpound. SIMONS &SON •> l X street. " ' l/v BASS SOAP, Sue; BEST ROLLED LU oats and wheat, 4c pound; morning meal, lOc package, or in bulic, 5c pound; large bottie ot picKles or chowohow, 25c. SI ( Vili TAS^' I': HAMS, 13JiO 1.!'.; BACON, \J 12 v .c; 25 pounds Brown Sugar, fl; (ir.i ham i-imir. 20c sack; superior Oysters, 3 for 25c; Sugar corn, :; lor :>sc; Salmon, lOocau; Borax soap, 6c, Sand Soap, se. UEfciSLBY & bi ».N a v, ):itl ,n Cash Market, alu X sti tWLKV.S GROCERY, TENTII AND E- V Good buticr, lv to 15c i>er roll; creamery butter, 50c; soused mackerel, 250 lor '.> cans deviled hum, '. 2 for 25c, %, 2 lor luc; com beef, 15c lor 2-pound can; Sardines, 10 EOOKBINDEP.3. HAULER'S PICTORIAL TIi.STORY OF the war—Have them bound at E. \S'. hREUNIN(.S, 3J • I t. Sacramento. };> SCHULER A O>., THE ONLY RKi.I -t. able bookbinders iv Sacramento, and prices to suii the times. EDUCATIONAL. REMOVAL.— MRS. BPILMAN'S SELECT School (formerly mm L street) has re moved to southwest corner Ninth and M; all ' English Di-anches taueht; pupils preparedft>r all grades of public schools. ELACKSMITHS. ETC. DCARMICHAEL, 1009 EIGHTH ST., . offers special inducements on all wason ! repair work. Remember, for <':ish only; 25 i per cent, saved. Call and see hi* method of .setting tires. Special attention given to horseshoeing. DHESS AND CLOAEMAKING. MRS. MAY WALKER, CLOAK MA KING of all kinds and tuiior-nmde auits; ul>o, evening wraps. I^:J7 I street MRS. E. BALLOU, FASHIONABLE dressmaker; suits from su upward. 11~3 Third stn et. IJIRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING I ONE by electricity, without Injuring >,'oods or color; leaves no gloss, aud when pleated looks the same as when cut from tiie piece. 109 Tenth street. MRS. CHATMAN. DRESS AND I LOAK maker; suns from $"> up. 122.$ Seventh. 1 IT WILL BE TO YOLK INTEREST BEFORK BUYING A PIANO OR ORGAN to see the large stocii of be mtiful instru ments for sale nt THE COOPER MUSIC COMPANY'S (Neale, Eiiers Co.). No. S3l xJ Streot. "We are sole agent? for the Mathunhete and Jafob Doll Piuno; and Chle^o Cottage <t- CuriP. Pianos sold for cash or installments* also, rented or exchanged. We keepaeomi plete stock of everything in the musical ilne. HOTELI AND KE3TAUR\TTTi GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL* Corner Seventh and X Streets. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASa FREE 'BUS to and from the oars. ciI.AY & TITUS. Proprietors /CAPITAL HOTEL. CORNER SEVENTH \j and X streets, strictly riist-elaxa. Frae 'bus to and from depot. . BLESSING* GUTHRIE. Proprietors. WESTERN HOTEL, Tiii. LEADING HOUSE OF SACRA* mento, Cal. sh als. 85 cents. WH. LAN* Proprietor, tree bus to and from hotet. STATE HOUSE HOTEI*. Corner Tenth and X Sts., Sacramento. BOAP.D AND ROOM, $1 25 TO §2 PEB (lay. Meals, :2,; corns. 4i>-Aoccoiiim<idations FIRST-CLASS. Free 'Eus to and from lintel. W. J. ELDER, Managsr.^ THE SAI3I3LE ROCK Restaurant and Oyster House. FIItBT-CLAPS HOUSE IN EVERY RE. spect. Indies' dining-room separate. Or-n day and night BUCK MANN A CARRA uHER, l'n.-prietors. No. 1019 Spcond street, between -I and K. Sacrauiento. THE MINT Restnnrant and Oyster ITons*, «B_^ SECOND STREET, BE- .-^q. fv^§i> tween X nn >t JJsV*^b. V*JB»% y M»-au» iv the ci!y for- 2.:>f»J\£w tow", cents and np. Large Meal V--/ **& TicKetsforf^ 5;). Private Rooms tor Radios. Open Day and Ni^h:. No Chinese employed. PACIFIC HOTEL, ptORNER X AND FIFTH STREETS. SAC. \j ramento. Meals, 25 ennts. Nearest Hotel t and Express 0 Sees :u. i i: Street ears pass tho dooi every three minutes. Elegantly fumishrd rooms in sin^!.- > r suites i:om 50 cents to $1 per night. C. F. SINGLETON. PrODrietor. Unique Restaurant, 8. W. Corner Third mid J Streets. For r\n oyster stew, a raw or fry, This nrsi-class Cife y ( .u should try. EXCiiLLENT MEALS AT ALL i. MAUCu ZARICK. Proprietor. NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS. I PURSUANT TO A i: riONOFTHE rd o; Directors of the Buusel Irriga tion District, duly made and passed on the '•.. . ■ ■ : given that said Board of Uirectoi ;\vill sell to the highest bidder, and on the be^t available terms, the bonds of sai.i Irrigation Dia i the amount ol -V i6,o< 0, bearing ; I at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, payai le semi-annuaily, on the flrst day of January ily ol each year, on the prestnfa the Interest coupons :it the office ol the si ere tary of the board. Said bonds are Issued by tlie Board of Directors <>! Sunset Irrigation District in accordance with and by the au thority ot the Act oi the Legislature of the State ol California, entitled "An Act to pro vide for the organization and government of lon Districts, and to provide for tue Lion of water and other property, and lor the distribution <>i water thereby for Irri gation purposes." approved March 7. 1887, and the Acts amendatory thereto. Said bonds will be sold for cash, and for not less than ;:0 pc;- cent, of the face value thi reot •posals and bids for the purchase of the wnole or any portion of said bonds will be received by the 6 :i s. ction 28, in Township Kighte n (1H) South, of Range Nineteen (19) East, Al. l>. B. and M.. in Fresno County, Cali fornia, and ma; address to (taryof said Eioard <>? Directors at Lemoore, Kings County, C;r> i Ime after the i this notice an until 1O o'clock v.m.D] BER 10.1894, al which time and place the Bald sale will be ma le. said bonds wi be of tl c denomination of [$5OO) Five Hun dred Dollars, and will conform in :ili r« • its of said a<-(. i be i i t any and all bids is hereby reser\' d. mnsi be sealed, and addressed to the c Baid district, and indorsed **Pro i lorSunsei Irrigation District Bonds." Any furthi . ml eoting Bald bonds may be had <>n application to U retary oi said board. Done by order ol the Board of Directors of Sunset Irrigation i'istrict November 15 1894. <•;..,. v frHITESIDE, President. J. N. KiN;, Secretary. nl9-td XL". LAGES, DKAXJBB IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Hnv, Feed and Grain. Try Our 3Oc 3r»d 35c "Teas. 112- AND 1430 SECOND STREET. What is P^ore Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright I completion? For it. use Pozzoni'3 Powder. \ L2n THE SUPERIOR COURT OF SACRA mento County. State of (lallfornia. in the matter of Antone Lievi ra and John Quintal, ma >1 vent debtors—Order of adjudi cation In insolvency. Antone Lieveira and John Quintal, co partners, doing business under the name and of Quintal & Lieveira. ha 1 this court their petition, schedule ana inven tory in Insolvency, from which it appears mat they are insolvent debtors, the Bald Antone Lievcdra and John Quintal and tue said co partnership ot Quintal & Liev< ira are Hereby declared to be insolvent. Th of llio county of Sacramento is hereby directed to take possession of all t) , sonal,' Antone Lieveira and : Quintal-and <»' the copartnership, in» debtors, except Bach as may be b. law ex empt trom execution, and of all their, each of their deeds, vouoaera, books ol accountand til The i "i ;m ;t:-s>i;;n 0 "I I ami ol tiie estate ol ip. Ail Idi d to pay any <.i« bta u> t c baid insolvents or either '>:' tfaem,ortode liver ;ui\ property belonging t> snob in- BOlvenbi or either oi tbem, to tbem or to either <>t tbem, or to any person, firm, cor poration or association t>'i their use or the ; •■ sul i debt- I ors are hen sn to trant-lir or deliver any property until the further order of this court-, excep as herein o dered. i! i- farther ordered I ere !i;or.s ot .' api ear b fore tii.j lion. A. P. CaUin, J i Suj <! .o:- c<;urt of the nento. in open court, at thn courtroom ol Department One of said court, ! in the said * tnento,on ihc 2 lsi i day or December, 1594, al 30 minutes past l .... that day, to prove their debts and < or more assignees ol the j estate > ~ It Is further ordered that the order be pub s li.-., :i newspaper of gen ral circulation, published ia the said ' County of 8 Cten as said paper [ispubii rothedayset lor the meet creditorK And '.t is further ordered that, in the mean time, ail proceedings agaiu t the said in ; bolvents be stayed. i liated November 15, 1594. A. P. CATLIN. Judge of the Superior Cour*. Clahken Oj iiuss, Attorneys for Insolvents, nlli-td