Newspaper Page Text
COMMERCIAL. The Produce Exchange Adjourned Till After Christmas. Brisk Tiuslness In the Produce Mar kets In Holiday Goods at San Francisco. San Francisco, December 24th. There was uo session of the Produce Xx- CiMU-ge to-day. Consequently there were no transactions In (irain, and quotations are un chanced- Tiie other produce market did a brisk business in holiday goods. Vegetable, and Fiesta Fruits were unchanged. Grapes dull. Choice Apples linn. Citrus truiU steady. Mure Mandarin Oranges arrive. Onions linn. Potatoes steady. Tuiktys higher. Poultry weak. Butter and Eggs t-i aiiy at quotations. AU business will be suspended in the city to-morrow. Produce Market. KLoUK—Net casli prices for Family Extras, ! £3 -.(;(_.;. 55 fi bbl; liakers' Extras, $3 30@ U lo; bupt-riiiie, 92 2Ufeii ob fe 001. WH.I-AT—Na lshlpinng Wheat is steady at ! at fe ctl lor No. 1 quality, with 88J4C ior \ cuolee product. Milling gra le. are lairly | lii lv at lUe old range, say 9S*s_#97<W_C fe ell. BAULK-—Feed, law to good, &oi<_,a2;_c; choice, 8354 c; Brewing, UU&.ibc %* ctl. OATH—Milling. $l(a»l 1~ if^cU; .Surprise, I 81 Oov&l 15; laucy Feed, $1 o^y.&l 07> a ; j good u» choice, U2l u ig>u~ '..c; poor to lair, _.;-_! <t,i,Oc; Llack, $1 _og>l "j(J; Ked, 81 V~'/-J9 I 1 lo; Gray, <jJi. J c(_.i>i fectl. < "K.N —tfcaoteole at 15 fe ctl for ! large leilow, si 20<Sg>l 2b lor small Yellow. I ana 81 17 >-_(_} 1 -.5 lor White. HAY—Wire-bound sells at 81 fe ton less than rope-oouud Hay. Following are tne vnolesale city prices for rope-bound Hay: Wheat, 8->@l2; Wheat aua vat, *S(# 11; < 'at. _^<fl>lo; Allaila, 8"" bi)&'J; Barley, I 8 fj<^'<; Clover,f_K§ 10 oojco-iipr.s.ecl, $_•(_. l;i; btocK, B'><_>7 fe tou. BTKAW —60®75c _. bale. 11' »PB—§©734o fe H>. BUA-N—vl 1(012 feton. BYE— \)2'-..<<i 'jocfecti. BUCK WllLAX—ttOcOf 1 fe ctl. GROUND BAULKY—9I9^II9 ">0 feton. POTATOES—VoI unner New Potatoes, 2® 2>_c fe lb; Early Lose, :io(*ase; Liver Ited, 30 fe"6c; Burbanks, 40@idue; Oregon Bnsbeuks, 6U(g>76c; Salinas Lm bunks, 7oe(; Sweels, 70.@8i 25fecti. ONIONS—4O(_. 00c fe ctl. BEANS—Bayos, 81 "6<<_il 90; Butter, 81 75 (cii 85 for small aud 81 'JUCn~ ior large; Pink, 81 10fa,l ;i5; ited, 81 obi^i ;5; i.lum, ?;■_ lv (y,4 Pea, 82 2b<a,2 50; Small White, $20 2 50; Lar-.- White, f 202 U's; Biackeyc, 83(a) ;} -25; Ked Kidney, 83@3 25; ilors-, 81 bo(& 1 45 r Ctl. VEGETABLES—Mushrooms, s(«sc fe fl) for common and 10(_.12u lor choice; String Leans.S(«,loC .Att>;(;reen Petis.M^loc Vo>; Mar- ! rowiat squash, $?<_«>; Hubbard Squash, 810 fe ton; Green Peppers, 50(0>75c fe box; Tur nips, ; ')'■ <h cii; Beets, 75c fe sack; Parsnips, 81 ~5 fe cv; Oarrota, fueu, ;;_>@4oc; Cabbage, oo@i>sc; Garlic, u^-ic lb; Cauliflower, 60 07Ocfidozen; Dry Peppers, lo__,lx:)_c fe lb; Dry Okra, 1 :: ] _#ldc fe a... FRESH EKi.;I i—Persimmons, 250500 fe box; Apples, 35c#fl ~'s fe box; Lady Apples, 8-' 50© 3 r box; Heats, :.s<-@?il fe box. BEKulES—Cranberries, 8lii(_vl~ 50 "ji bbl. CITRUS 1-KI IT-Caliioruia -Navels. 82 50 #0 5o; Seedlings, 81 :ib(&2 fe box; Florida ' oranges, 82 "5(g»:;; Mandarin < ranges, 91 10 081 85; Loreto Oranges, 8202 su; Mexican i Limes, 84 50@5 fe box; Dal ifornia Limes, In j small boxes. _U(<jtoOc fe box; Lemons, Sicily, 85; California Lemons, 8202 50 lor common I and 8804 lot good 10 choice; Bananas, 81y»2 fe bunch; Pineapple s. $4<g>u' fe dozen. DHIEO FRUlT—Following are the prices furnish, ci by tiie Fruit Exchange: Apricot.-.— I lancy Moorj ark, js>_c; choice, ito, Be; fancy, | 7,'._•; choice, 7c; standard, oJ.-_o; prime. 6c '< Apples—Evaporated,s_4o7c; sun-dned,4@sc. ! I'caches — Fancy, o}_c; choice, Oc; Standard, | 5 1..'; prime, sJ4c_ peeled In boxes, 12(gjl3c; j Pears—Fancy, valves, 5,'., c; quarters, 4^,c; ; choice, 4^c; standard,* 3}._"; prime :>c. Piums—Pitted, 405 c; unpuied, lj.__.2c. Prunes—Four sizes, •l-,(al- 4 c. Nectarines- Fancy, 7c; choice, U)_c; standard, 6c; prime, 6..c Figs—White, choice, 505% c; Black, choice, 1 '/_(§> .'c. itafsinn—4-crown ioo^c, 4c %< to in 5-K) i-".\e-; 3-crowM, 2Jv.c; 2-erown, 2cj seedless btoltanas, oc; seedless Muscatels, 2c 1» lb: 3-Crown London Layers. SI ~5 "ji box in 20-tb boxes; Clusters, si 50; Oehesa clusters, 82: Imperial clusters, 83; 4-crown loose, -vl 15; 4-crown loose, Csoed, 81 ~5 P box. Dried Grapes—lj_c r lb. BUTTEK—Fancy creamery, 21_v^3c; fancy dairy. Ib019c; good to choice, 15_tH 7c; store , lots, 13014 c; pickled roll, nominal; iirkiu, 15 @17 c 9 lb. CHEESE—Choice to fancy, 9<s»llc; fair to ! good, 7'_;sc; Eastern, ordinary to line. 12\.M lk-r'lK l-.OGS—California ranch, 32"-_i^3sc; store lots, 25029 c; Eastern bCggs, %. dozen lor cold storage, and us®:.^oc for lresh. I'DILTIiV — Live Turaeys— Gobblers, I'2@ lie; Bens, 1201 )<■ v to; dressedl urkeys, 10* 15c* to; Boosters, 83© 1 ior old and S3 50(g> 4 50 for young; Broilers. #803 5o for small and .'r3 50. for large; 1- ryers. Bl@l su; liens, $'S 5004 50; Ducks, Si 50toi>; Geese, 81 2'jnjil ; 5 .. pair; l'igeons, 8101 50 "ji dozen. GAME—Quail, §1 5001 75;Canvasback.$4 05; Mallard. 8 l<g*s; Sprig, S2 50(u> 3: Teal, $1 50@1 75; Widgeon, 81 su; small Ducks. 81 <3>l 2b; English Snipe, 82® 2 5o; common Buipe, 81(oJl 2b; Brant, $1 5o; Urav Qeese, *2 s</-(g;3; White Ocese, 81 26 tj 1 50; Babbits, 81<_v 1 -^5; Hare, 50t_>75c- Meat Market. Following are tiie rates for whole carcasses from slaughterers to dealers : BEEF—First quality, 505%e; second qual ity. -l>_c; third quality, 3"_(g>4c %* to. CAla ES—4@sc for large and s©7c "_* B) for small. Mil tON-r3*4o4>£co_h_ LAMB—SO6C « to. it >XK—Live Hogs on foot, grain fed, heavy and medium, 404% c; small Hogs, 4^^c; stock liofeS, 4c; dressed Hogs 5' 4 ;<i,G}_c. SACRAMENTO MARKET. Trade in Local Produce Circles Fairly Good. sacrament-., December 24th. There was lairly good trade iv local produce circles to-day. Receipts oi Turkeys were lancer than expected the day previous, and prices Were kept at moderate holiday figures. Following are the retail prices lor the vari ous articles mentioned: i.KKI.N FRUIT - Apples — Tewksburys, Baldwins, Greenings, spltxenbergs. Bell llow-ers, Pippins and Smith Cider, $1(*1 25 ft box, ;><g> 1c %»lb; Grapes—Corniehons und To kays, 5e -•*. it>; fears— Vicar a:.d Winter Nellls. $1 ■ box. lc V a>. CITRUS FRUIT — Pineapples, 50c each; Bananas, 25c fl doz: Limes, ioc % do/.; Lem ons, 25040 c v*do/.; Mexican Oranges, 2<J#3oc %< «.ioz; Florida Oranges, 25#40c; Navel Or anges. 25#760, as to size: orovilie seedlings, 15(g.30e; Hive: Side Seedlings. 15<_j;50c. DAIRY PRODUCE— Bauer—Valley n roll, 4 0c; Pickle roll, luc; Petalnma, 5' c: Fancy Creamery, 55c; firkin, 85c; UaiUorais Cheese, 1^ ;_c; Young America, lie; Hastern Cream ery. ~<.c: Ljimtmrger, 80c; genuine Swiss, 3>e; American, 2 be: Martin's Cream. 15c; _\.iuichatel, 10e each. F.ii&-Eastern and store, 25c: ranch, 30c ft doz. POULTRY—Turkeys—Live Hens and Gob _o&lß%C > R.; dressed, 16<#1 7 >_r; Chickens—Bens, 50#o0e each; Unring. sue; Broilers, 40#40e; lame Ducks, 75c; Geese, $1 5U each. VEGE'i ABLES—Cream Squash, sc; Hub- EXTRA XMAS FREE ! SUGAR and CREAM CHOCOLATE WITH — TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES ai GREAT. AMERICAN Importing Tea Company, 617 J Street, " SACRAMENTO. Get (TEAS, Your ] COFFEES, Christmas (SPICES AT OUR STOKES. WHOL.ESALE PRICES. bard Squash. 2c; Yankee Pumntin, 2c: Cu cumrtcrs, 10c V dozen; Green < mions, 3 for sc; Peppere, sc; Celery, 10c fi head; Cauliflower, 10c; Onions, 2c; Cal>ba-e. I<-; Spinach. sc; KHd Cabbage, 10c; Mushrooms, lot3>l2>£c ft lb; <Tarlio, 10c ft lb. POTATOES—Local,50(<£G0c; Salinas,sl 25 • nek, l^i»._c»lb; sweets, l'/y lb. MEATS—Beef—Prima Klb H », 12>_@15c; Cnnca Roast, 10<-; Hump. 8c; Hrisket He; Loin Steak. 12, I._®lsc; Round Steak, ioc; ChucK steak. 10c. Ve:il-Loin and Rib C.iops. 15c; Roast Vial. 12c. Mutton—Leg, ll@l2*^c; Loin and Rio Ciiops, 12»_c: Mut ton S^•w, «c; Shoulder C'iiop-*, sc. l'ork— Roast and (hops, 15c; Corned Pork, 15c; Sau«a2<-, 12. _c; Vienna Sausage, 15c; Bacon, 14^15 ; Ham, lG(*2oc. GAME—ouail. Si 5" » dozen; Ducks-Mal lard. 7">@!'oc V pair: Cuivasba-k^, §1; Gray and Sprig, 50(§>i;nc; Teal, 30c; Widgeon. 30c; Gray Oeese, 75c; Hare, 200 each: Rabbits, 40c v i.air. HAY AND GRAIN*-oat Hay. 75^s5c » cwt; Wheat, 6".<arsc; second quality, Ho@ 7 0c; Alfalfa, Gsc: Whole Btriev, : sej Ground };arle>.Sl 15: Feed Oats. $1 3o@l 50; Mid dlings, l«5c: Bran, Straw, Gs(_.7oc. SA_<J FUAXCisio STOCK MARKET. Has Fran-cis ;>. Dec. 24 1894. mok.vino saasxosr. ! Alta 19c H. AN 9.">©9~-C 1 B. A B .^GfeHTc Ophir 1 40@1 15 1 Bullion Savage .'he j (.'hollar 43c Mexican stio<>()c C.C. iVa...3 4503 50 Union 4«c C. Point 71ci afti:i:nd!>x sKmt.ix. Alta 17(|,18c H.A S 9209:*.C i Andes 34c Mono 20c 1 Bodie G3(S»<;4c Mexican s_t(-)'.oc 1 Belcher s^c Ophlr 1 45 j Bullion. l'tc Occidental 6e I li.AH 89c l'ofosi 31c C. C. A Va 3 ~>o Savage 28<_i'-'.,c I Chahenee 3Gc Se_\ lielcher l;>c C. Point G7@'> >,c Cniou 45@49c i O.iC 3Sc Y. Jacket 37c CLOSING HUOTATIOSI, i Alta - 17c 11. AN «»3c I Alpha Cou 10c Justice lGc j Andes _ 34c Kentuck 5c i Belcher ,58c Mexican s^c B. Isle 5c Mono lite i B. A B site Occidental Gc I Bod in con file Ophir 1 45 I Bullion 1.-c Overman 18c 1 Caledonia xc Potosl ;>ic : Challenge Con 36c Savage 27c ("hollar 41c Bcorplon „4c j Confidence 75c Union Con 48c I C. C. A Va 3 50 Utah 5c j C. Point iißc V. Jacket 3Gc G. A C 88c No Christmas and New Year's table should be without a bottle of Dr. Siejjert'a Angostura Bitters, the world-renowned appetizer of exquisite llavor. Beware of imitations NEW YORK IS 3.KJO MILES FROM SACKAM--NTO, BUT THE TELEGRAPH. COMBINED WITH OUR PRIVATE CODE. REDUCES HIE TIME TO A FEW MINUTES AND THE EXPENSE TO A FEW CENTS. T. E. WARD & CO. Bankers and Brokers, 31 & 33 Broadway, Hew York City. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON, COFFEE. Bought and sold for cash, or carried on 3 to 5 per cent, margin. Commission 1-1«. Ik you want to keep posted you should send eOl. our daily m.vkkel' letter. which tells you when to sell as well as what and when to buy. Y. m should also send for our CIRCULAR, which gives some valuable suggestions in the way or avoiding losses. If you will examine every ac count you ever had which showed you a loss, aud then lltfure out what you would have made fol lowing our rules, you will say your losses were unnecessary. We have the largest offices employ more clerks, riiurr brokers, have more private wires, use more telephones, and have a larger number of customers than any other brokers' ojice in the world. If you are making money where you are, don't change, but if you are running behind, give us a chance. If you are speculating in the NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE, quit at once ;.nd try the CONSOLIDATED, where you can save half the commission, and ail of the interest, if you wish. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ 8 MAINE'S £; (MY pfliß 5 F> BE O *=» l_ X WE_.__.l-,. S CLOSED TO-DAY ALL DAY. CHRISTMAS DAY (TO-DjPIY) Is a day of rest and pleasure. We hope the majority of the people will be afflicted in this way, and able to pick a turkey bone, when the hour for such things comes 'round. We have had a good trade in goods suitable for the above occasion. There are still some things left that we do not wish to carry over, and we shall hold a special sale of such goods THURSDAY NEXT, and give you a big list in this paper that day. Yesterday we sold goods low, but not anywhere as low as we shall sale day. Be careful and read Thursday's list. We close by saying a happy Christmas to all. Respectfully, THE RED HOUSE COMPANY, J Street, between Seventh and Eighth. C. H, G. SACRAMEISTTO BAILf BECORD-ryiON, TtHESPAIT, -DECEMBER 25, 1894, MISCELLANEOUS. f" It's Cruel for tnem not to give you Pearline for your washing. Your folks can't know much about it. v My ! They could save their money, and all your /( /\ il - hard work besides. I'm thankful" I V/ 1 AI V £^~\ the lady I live with is just the (/) "(Va \>r^o other way. She knows what j^//\y\ Pear^ne *3! d°' anc^ sne I 111 I \\ f * \ wants it. She'd never let me a fl/ \\ _ \ic~ \ -ose my me trymt<to get 111 \\ JP^^Z? things clean with soap —and mi ~//L^^:ao^R\ sne woluc^n'* stand it to have If //^^^//// ncr c^otnes a^ worn out with fl / rubbing, either." 'l / l'|Tl\\ That's the truth. The l s\ |\\ lack of Pearline comes just as f I J hard on the mistress' clothes as it "-*i>-, a — —^*—-v l Jfr does on the laundress' back. Teddler?; and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you " this is as good as M K_/V_.lll__. or "the same as Tearline." IT'S FALSE—Pearline is never peddled, if "D^,_-»1_ anQ 'f}""or grocer sends you something in place of Pearline. bo JPcLC-K honest— send it back. 4£T JAMES PYLE. New York. ffiaJ£__3M___f__H7 ELY'S CREAM B ALWI-Cleanses the Nasal Bf^,S3K.i ■_»—Piy?alPassages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals ___»o*rlhVrt\KV g*y Sores, Restores Taste and SmeU, and Cures Hfcfl^f3" ? rcijnj WSt^ -j-ffil <iiv<s iT.^iefaTT» v^Tlov (^iinl^ur^^SM^^^^ B^ r_*_-3-*S______B-i App'p ui'n tif .Xostri's. /.' is Uitv-kly Abgorb'd. __H-^V_<_i"';'"v _. Pfi_9-B--I-B____9!-'•>'. I)ruK_-i9t« ><r by mail. ELY' BROS., 50 Warren <» ,v v JtkTkT<vr\ m^ : '" " W. P. FULLER"& CO. OFFER -PICTURE FRAMES Ready-made for-portraits and photos, or made to order of any size or shape. A large line of Moldings from which to select. MIRRORS, Mantel and pier. A good assortment of different sizes and shaoes. PRICES WERE NEVER SO LOW. PICTURES. Many of the Standard Engravings and lots of new subjects of mod erate and low prices. lOie SECOND STREET. OPEN EVENINGS. BOOTH'S SELECT BALTIMORE - OYSTERS - _R.e;cre:i--j-e:ci $f£ IDsaily (IISTIMSON i CO.'S.! <*" -"" '^^Whw.^ _nl Ms, ißr i; a nwi-pui.-.nn.'Mis JUGEV remedy for < iiTicrriei-a.^BB /sStJuSKm Whites, >periiiatnrrlii.':i. mSBS^E& Oin-r, unnu',ur;ii discharges ■■ ___r_Jg"t^__? or U!-y inllammation, irrita- ■3 E3L*tE&^3 l'"n "r ulceration of mucous W3_tf fc _-\ij}!ii!ir:ie s. Non astringent MJH| und guaranteed not tostricture. Smbm! SOLD ItV DRt'4.«.IKTS situ ;u plain wrapper, by H(||m expre.s. prepaid, on receipt of ■l^^Jß(l.i)ij. Descriptive Circular V '■ "J^ftmailed on request. . *e^5;Vj I>___l_1 >___l_ ■«Baf»ftorrd liy .v**.'T'T*fSl CINCINNATi. o. __^PBJ. V'*'*%V '''' s' *' __^_r »^ ' GROSSMAN'S SPECIFIC MIXTIRE. WITH THIS RKMEHV PERSONS CAN cur.- themselves without the least ex posure, change «>!'iiie. or change in applica tinii to business. The medicine contnlna notb ni- that is ot the h-ast injury to the oonsutu tion. Ask jour druggist lor it. Price.9la bottle. TuX MISCELLANEOUS. THE FIRST OF THE YEAR will soon be here, and when you out line your business policy resolve to PLACE YOUR PRINTING where you can get it done promptly, neatly and at fair prices, and that is WITH TOM A. CODY, RECOUD-I'MOX BGILDING, SACRAMENTO. DIVIDEND NOTICE. Sao Francisco Savins Union, 5;.:. California Street, corner Wehh. F OX THE HALF YEAR ENDING WITH the Slst of December, 1*94, a dividend baa been declared sit the rate of fourand eight tenths <4 8-10 per cent, per annum <>n term deposits and four (4) per cent, per annum on ordinary deposits, tree of taae^, payable on and after WEDNESDAY, tho utd day ot.lanu ery.lB9s. LOVJSLL WHITE. Cashier. dlr-.',vu„'.v MEDICAL DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. mHE REGULAR COURSE OF LECTURES 1 will begin MONDAY, January 7, 1895, at v a. m., al the College Building, .'Stockton strict, near Chestnut, San Francisco. It. A. McLEAN, M. !>., Dean, 805 Kearny street, cor. Bush, San Francisco. d2O-2Wd<".w NOTICE TO DELINQUENT WATER TAKERS Water Rates Not Paid to December isi are Delinquent—Extracts from Ordinance Xo. 348, Providing for the Collection of Wat^r Rates, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof. rpHE BOARD OP TRUSTEES OF THE 1 City of Sacramento ordain as followr*: Section 2. Ail water rates shall be payable monthly in a Ivance. Section :i. It tiie amounts du^ for water rates arc not paid to the City Collector ai his office, or witiiin thirty days after the same shall become due, the City Collector shall, in writin_, within ten days thereatter, notify tiie City Tapper of such default; aud tt shall be the duty of the city Tapper, witiiin ten d:iys after re< clvtns said notice, to cause the water to be sini oil from s;iid premises. se tio:i 7. Any person violating any of the provisl ns of this ordinance, sbaU, for the tirst offense, in- fined in the sum of §25, and for each _occeding offense be fined tbe sum of $50. and in defhnlt of payment of said tine thall be Imprisoned In the City Jail not less than ten, or more thau twenty-live days. Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect from and alter the Ist day of July, IM»4. Pass.d June :.8. 1894. W. l). LAWTON, l'resident Hoard of Tiustees. O. S. Flint. City Cleric. dl'j-rt SiCRiMENTO COUNTY BOMS. VTOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN THAT I, __\ Edward I.yon. Treasurer of the County of Sacramento, Slate ot California, will re ceive bids at my otlice from December2o, 189 I. at 12 m.. to JANUARY 14,18i»5, at 12 si., for th<- --ale of ninety-five (95j Sacramento County bonis oi tbe denomination of one thousand $ l.OOo) dollars each; said bonds to run lor twenty _20) years from the lirst day of January, 1895, and to bear Interest at the rate of tour and one-half 4.. per cent, per annum, interest payable semi-aununlly at the county Treasurer's office In the City of Sacramento. No bids will he received lor less than par value and accrued Interest, The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. By order of the Board ot Supervisors, made December l ">. 189 i. K. LYON, d2O-td Treasurer of Sacramento County. IN THE BUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF California, County of Sacramento. inthe matter of "the estate of ANNA M. BASLER deceased. Notice is hereby given that FRIDAY, the 2-th day of December, l»!>4, at lo o'clock \. si. of said day. and the courtroom ol said court, at the < courthouse, in the city ot Sacra mento, County of Sacramento, and stateof California, has been appointed as the time and piace lor proving the Will Ol said Anna M. Basier, deceased, and for hearing the appli cation ol William H. Basier for the issuance to him of letters testamentary thereon. Witness my hind and the seal ol said court tins 14th nay ol December, 1804. XV. 15. HA.MILT >N, Clerk. By E. s. Wactthohst, Deputy Clerk. Dt nn, Attorneys lor Petitioner. indorsed: Filed December 14, ls!»4. \V. n. HAMILTON, Clerk. By E. S. Wachhokst, Deputy. dl7-10t IN THE BUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF California. Count v of Sacramento. In the matter of the estate of PETER McGEE, deceased. Notice is hereby given that FRIDAY, tho 4th day of January, 1896, at 10 o'clock: a. v. of said day, and the courtroom o> said court, at the Courthouse in the City of Sacramento, County Of Sacramento, and' state of ( al ifor nia. has been appointed as the time and place tor proving the win of said l'eter McGee. deceased, and tor bearing the application of ; ank Hickman tor the issuanoe to him of l< tiers test tmentary thereon. Witness my band and the seal of said court this S2d day ol Dec mber, 1894. ai.. W. B. I; AM 11 .T.)N, Clerk. By E. P. I'HNii, Depute Clerk. Hoi.i. A Di nn. Attorneys for I'etitioiicr. d:.' 1-t I IN THK BUPERIOR COURT OF THE I County of Sacrami nto. .state of California. In the mat c.- of JOHN McNAMARA. an in-olvcnt debt r-Nut c by Clerk on Appli cation for Discharge. Notice H berebj elven to sll the en dtt >rs ol John McNamara. the above named insolvent, who have proved tin ir debts, that said in solvent baa mis day a; pile I to this court lor a dlseharze from bis debts, and Hint FRIDAY, the 4tu day of January, a. d 1895,al 1:80 p. jt„ at tho courtroom of said court, at the Courthouse m Baeramenlo, County oi Sacra mento, baa been fixed OS the time and place lor said creditors to appear and show cause; If any th y have, why said insolvent-; appli cation should not be granted andbebeais cbaigi d trom all bis debts, In aooordanee with the statutes in ■ neb eases made and pro vldi i. Witness my hand and the aaal ot said su per ior Court this :;oth day ol No • mbi r \. d. 1894. W B. II -MILTON, -i al,] Cietkot ihe Superior < ourt. i y E. a, Wachhokst, Deputy. Dal d November :soth, a. p. l^ai. dl-stTu THE SHOOTING SEASON I8 V r» __< now open. Come and make v*\.Jl^^ your pick from WM. H. ECK- «_____Xl_«sV II AUDI'S new invoice of (iuns __J5^ <r^L and fixed and loose Ammunition, I^n. j/ etc.. from all tho best makers. Now lot of Shooting Coata—In k, corduroy and fustian, (inns choke bored, stocks bent and repairing on guns and rifles a specialty. Send for price list. No. 583 X T_r_?DE_.TAKEB3. J. FRANK CLARK, UNDERTAKING PARLORS, 1017-1010 Fourth St., Sacramento. I7MBALMINQ A SPECIALTY. GEORGB X_j H CLARK, Funeral Director and County Coroner. Telephone No. 134. W. J. KAVANAUGH, Undertaker IMO. Sl3 -J STREET. EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. OFFICR oj_en day aud night. Telephone No. 30fi -tAILROAD TIME TABLE. southern" pacific company [PACIFIC SYSTEM.] DECEMHER 5, .894. Trains I,eave and are Due to Arrive at Sricraimento: LEAVE TRAINS RUN DAILY. ARRIVE ihoi'| I (From) 10:50 I' Ashland ami Portland ♦;.-20~A t?.~45 A Culisto.:i and Napa j 11:15 A 3:00 t' Caliatoga and Napa I >:io P 1 10::,5 A Demlng, Ei I'aso and l_astj «:06 P j .>:l5 P Colfax I 2:00 P | 7:10 FKnights L'dlng&Orovliiel 7:45 A -:?> - k OB, Angela 10:25 A 11:40 A Os?i:eu uud East—Second Class 2-40 \ 10:00 PjCentral Atlantic Express .oner. lUr ° -''U>n :Uid EaSt- •"' ir> A ♦3:05 POrevlu. rfa Rosev'le J'n'c *10:15 A *6:4sA|Ked BlatT via Woodland '7:50 P 3:u."> P:Red IJlutl \ia l_tarysville 10:15 A 10:30 A Redding Tia Willows 8:55 P 3:00 A Sau Francisco Tia Benicia 11:15 A 0:io A >an Francisco \ui B.>n:<N.i 9:40 p »-:4 . a sun Francisco via Benic ;■ 10:30 P :?:Oo P S;in Francisco via Benicia »:10 P *10:0O AJBanFrancisco viasteamen A 10:25 A Sau Fran, via i_ivennora 2:60 F 10:.'5 AlSan Jose :_>:so P i 10:25 A Santa Barbara *>:0b P j *6:4sA|Santa Rosa 11:15 A 3:u • PiSantaßosa _..: *!S:io P Stockton and <.;111 j 0:05 P 10:.',. A Stockton aud (Jult ; 2:50 P 5- 0 Pistockton and Gait 1 10::.5 A 11:40 V Truekee and Reno 2:40 A lO:00 PTruckee and Rt-no ' 5:45 \ ] 0:15 A Vallejo 11:15 A ; 3:00 PI Vallejo 8:10 1' ! *4:ln P|FolBom aud Placervllie 'llioS A *:.-00 AI Folsom and Placervllie 2:40 P •Sunday excepted. (Monday excepted. A—For morning. P—For aiternoon. RICHARD GRAY, Gen. Traffio Manager, T. H. GOODMAN, Gen. Passenger Agent, THE JUDSON EXCURSION "Sab^'i e 1 Ekicramento every TUESDAY. Upholstered cars and managers through to Chicago und Boston. Call on C. .1. ELLIS, Aeent S. P. Co.. Sacramento, or address JUDSON A CO., 19 Montgomery street, San Francisco. HOTEL- AND RESTAUR \Nn GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL 1 Corner Seventh and X Streets. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. FREE 'BUS to and from tin cars. CRAY & TITUS. Proprietors. CAPITAL HOTEL, CORNER SEVENTH and X streets. Strictly tirst-class. Free 'bus to and from depot. BLESSING A GUTHRIE, Proprietors. WESTERN HOTEL, 3 IHE LEADING HOUSE OF SACRA- L mento, CaL Meals. 25 cents. WM. LAM) roprietor. Free bus to and from hotel. STATE HOUSE HOTEL Corner Tenth and X Sts., Sacramento. BOARD AND ROOM, $1 25 TO S2 TER day. Meais, 25 cents. *S~Acccommodatlons FIRST-CLASS. Free Bus to and from hotel. XV. J. ELDER, Manager. PACIFIC HOTEL, CORNER X AND FIFTH BTREETS Sac ramento. Meal?, 25 cents. Nearest Hotel to Post and Express Offices and Theaters. Street cars pass the door every three minutes. fclegantly furnish d rooms In single er suites tiom 50 cent- to $1 per night. i . F. s;ngLl-;T(jN, Proprietor. THE SADDLE ROCK Restaurant and Oyster House. J7IIRBT-CLASS HOUSE IN EVERY RE ! spect. Ladies'dining-room separate. Open day and night. BUCKMANN A: CARRA GHER, Pro; littMi-s. No. 1019 Secoud street, between J nnd k, Sacramento. THE MINT Restaurant hum Oyster Hon^e, SEI'ONI. STREET, RE- aiiy^^ Meals In the city for 2bow\ a^y. .icKetstorS4 50. private Rooms tor r.adies. Open Day and Night. No Chinese employed. Unique Restaurant, S. W. Coiner Third and J Streets. For an oyster stew, a raw or fry, This first-class Cafe you should try. EXCELLENT MEALS AT ALL HOURS MARCO ZARIUK, Proprietor. Sacramento o_y«ter IVlarlcet. FRESH OYSTERS — EASTERN, CALL fornia and Olympla. Families supplied. < »ysters lv every style. < tyster Cocktails, 10c 817 X St.. bet. Ei_ht.i ana Ninth. Sacramento. W. F. FRAZER WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL DEALBR IN Redwood, Oregon arid Mountain LUMBER Doors, Windows and Blinds. i OFFICE AND YARD. FIFTH AND L STS GrO TO WELCH BROS' For. tiij-:^— LATEST I.N NOVELTIES, BOXES AND FANCY BASKETS. 607 J SXREEX. Stop and Consider BEFORE YOU BUY ANY AND ALL kinos of Eastern mixtures to take the Place of lard. Use PURE CALIFORNIA I JUAKD; it is always fresn and sweet. Xv so doing you -will benefit the hog-raisers on tho i Pacific Coast. i MOim &YOERK PACKLNG COMPANY. SUNSET LIMITED. I TjPlkih: the "Sunset Limited" Tbe New Transcontinental Ffyef < OF THE— SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, COMMENCING— Thursday, Nov. i, 1894, AND— Running every Thursday until further notice ——BETWEEN— San Francisco AHO H s2r. New Orleans OVER THE POPULAR SUNSET ROUTE, tbe Favorite Routs ot America tor Winter Tra?A A SUPERBLY EQUIPPED SOLID VESTIBULED TRAIH, CONSISTING OF Pullman Palace Double Drawing-room, SIMM injj-cara, Uining-c.irs and Composite Can. with Ruflet, Smoking-room, Batn room and Barber Shop, Brilliantly Lighted by Pintsch Gat» NO EXTRA CHARGE. AU first-class tickets, local and through, honored ;or pa.-,vige. Sletplng-eaT Berths at regular rate*. Dining-car Service Best Obtainable Meals al a Carte. Immediate connections at New Orleans wltfc trains ior Chicago, St. Xx>nls, Cincinnati, l_ouisvllie and Memphl-. Also with __IMIT__D TBAXNS or the & PIEDMONT AIR LINE FOR Atianta, Charlotte, Danville, Washington, l'hiladelphia. >'ew York, Boston and other Eastern Boinis. THROUGH SCHEDULE: Laave San Francisco, 10:30 a. ji., Thursday. Leave Los Angeles, 4:<JO a. m., Friday. Arrive Fl Paso, 0:3O a. m., Saturday- Arrive New Orleans, 7:40 p. m., sua day. Ar; ive New York, 1:30 r. m., Tuesday. I'hrough Time to New York City, 119 hour* For further particulars inquire ol any agent of i THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, j RICH'D GRAY, T. H. GOODMAN, Oen. 'i'rad.c Manacer. Gen. l';iss. Aeent, l - SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. REWARD! San Francisco, Oct 12, iBg_f. TO CNITED STATES MARSHALS, SHERIFFS. CONSTABLES, POLICB AND OTHER OFFICERS. At or about 9:30 on the evening ol October 11th the overland mail and express train No. 3 wat topped by robbers, about five miles west of Sac ramento, in Yolo County, California. The express car was robbed of about $30,000 (fifty thousand dollars) in gold co;n. The train men nnd express messenger were shot at sevoral times to accomplish the robbery. Tne fol lowing is a brief description of the robbers, as near as known at present: One about six feet high, weighing about 200 pounds, the other about five feet nine inches, weighing about 170 pounds. Each wore linen dusters and masks and had their faces whitened. The Southern Pacific Company and Wells, Fargo & Company will pay a reward of two thousand five hundred dollars (52.500) for the arrest and con- I viction of each of the robbers, and five thousand (SO.OOO/ dollars for the recovery of the money stolen or a proportionate amount for any surro recovered. This offer of reward supersedes any and all others. Further information may be obtained from tiie under signed, or of Mr. J. B. Wright, Division Superintendent, Sacramento, or ot Mr. A. D. Wilder, Division Superin tendent, Oakland Pier, or ot' Mr. E. H. Cooper. Manager Wells-Fargo's Ex press, San Francisco. A. N. TOWNE, becond Vlce-Presideut and Gen'l. Manager, J. J. VALENTINE, President Wells-Fareo A Co. REWARD! The SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANI hereby offers to pay FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS I As a reward for information or evideactf leading to the arrest and conviction of one or more of tbe criminals wh» caused the derailment of west bound mail and passenger train, No. 4, at a point about three miles west of Sacra* mento about noon this date, JULY it, 1894, i° which wreck three or mora persons were killed. (Signed) A. N. TOWNB, Second Vice-President and General Manager CAPT. RUHSTALLER'S Extra Gilt Edge ALSO FINE OLD PORTER, Delivered to Saloons Ice Cold. Capacity, 70,000 to 100,000 Barrels For Year. I BEST BEER IX THE WORLD J TRY IT. 5