Newspaper Page Text
4 MISCELLANEOUS. The Darky the Most Amusing Im itator in the World. Spurious, Cheap, Nasty, PiniplcPro (lucing Nostrums. Ko Need to Say Joy is for the Jaded- It Brings Good Health to All Mankind. Of all imitators in ths world your typical towbead Southern darky is the most «mus- Ing, it he be oil" the stage, lie is a porfcct Imitator. Did you ever watch a colored man "playing the cashier ?'" He has a host of 10-cent pieces net before him. Bambo Battens them with his left hand and begins to count as he draws the clinics to lils person With the fingers of his Eight band. He will use the same lingers, the aame gestures, i lie same wise look and the ■ame shake <>i his woolly he:id as he saw Mars John, son of the Jltwood Bank, use. If yon should, however. :tsk "how many 10-ccnt pieces i iiere are in the heap," he will be short $3 In Jiis reckonings. Of course, this In an unintelligent darky. >Vhen the Caucasian imitates he generally Imitates for personal gain, not for sheer love of amusement. 1! you will go about your little village you will see imitations of the InakiMip or of the personages of dead men, and of iive men, too. True there are many ineu who actually look—in lat-t aro—the Identical pictures ol some other man; never theless, hundreds of spurious fellows aro con stantly passing to and fro like counterfeit coins. Uermany is full of •'Bisniarcks," England 101 l of "Prince Alberts," France full of "Na poleons" and the United States full of "De pews." Then ooines the mean, horribly, cheap Imitator irho gets up nasty nostrums i and palms them off lot tbe genuine. .Many ot these Imitations ure made, but they never live long. J! a person or set of persons own what is good they will not seek to force it upon the public through the imitations of another articii-. Many unwise or dishonest persons are trying to tell men and women that they hay.' a medicine lust like "JOY'a vegetable saj;sa;'ahii.l.v when as a matter of lact they know in their own hearts and souls that "JOY'S VEGETABLE BARBAPA-RILLA" iias no equal. "The tireat Household Remedy, "JOYS VEGE TABLE BABfiAPABILLA" is in the cup board, in tlif medicine closet of many ot the best lioiucs of mis country. "JOY'S VKGE TABLE SAKSAPARILLA" is, as its name Implies, entirely and solely vegetable. It is really ana truly a family medicine. It is from "Mother Earth." it is entirely, solely and wholly vegetable. Not one particle, not one minute atom Is mineral. All that goes to make the great medicine ".iol".s \ Kufc;- TAM.E BARS APART LL A" is vegetable. To■> much cannot be .-.aid on this point. Every minuteatom that goes to make "JoV's VKGfcITABLK BARSAPARILLA" is vege tal. . When your cheap Imitators tell you that a Barsaparula is as -ood or better, politely re fuse to substitute, l'neiv Is only one "JOY'S VEGETABLE KARSAPARILLA," and it is tusehold medicine, the family remedy oi California. There are liundr-'ds of nice, respectable, polite and keen-witted druggists hi the (Jnlved States who are selling "JOi'S VEGETABLE E SJR9 IPARIiiLA," and they know the Harsaparilla to b.- pur. iy vegetable and*to be a household rem< dy. In sheir own hearts and souls they know thai there is no equal to i "JOY'S VEGETABLE BARBAPARTT.T./y." It Is the one great Uoi -> bold remedy. There are no doses to "JOY'S VEGETABLE : Saks \pa .;: 1.a." &1 families keep a bot- j : aparilla in their cupboards. I 3t is their medicine-chest. They give it to i their children, to their husbands, to their s-i-'er-, 10 th. ir brothers and to the stranger within their gates. You can find no person who has taken "!o~i S VEGETABLE BARSAPARlLLA"conscientiously who can Bay that It baa brpught out a smile pimple or a blotch or an u^iy. villainous natch of red. Every mail brings assurances of the efii ctency and the wonderful results ot the B Remedy, ".JOVS VEGETABLE SARSAPA RILLA." :day I went to Mrs. .1. L. Stantou. who resldi Bat 1-.I fl Bush street, and I a.-keJ the good lady whai she thought of Joy"s Vegeta ble Sarsaparilla. she said: "Of course you know 1 can't help saying a eood word"for •!">'~ Sarsaparilla," because the ■Horn, liemedy has done so much for me. I ■u;i- alwayßa nervous •> ly, anyway, but wsv morethan usually nervous heiore I began to • ■ 'Homi B medy. Joy's Vegetable --ar ea; arilla.' I bad t> en Bufl< ring rrom a disor dered liver for some time. I could scarcely do anything wltb >ut an effort. Everything "was blui Lome. \: t tnea 1 bad thoseVeai faint ing Bpells an., dizzy feeling, iwouidsito'i my chair as if chained t«, it. My blood was lmpoverisir?d. What I wanted was a uoovi blood medlclm . with something i<;r the liver and a toning up. Yea >y'B Vegeta ble Barsaparllla, and l must contess it has Improved mj health remarkably, i heartily recommend Joy's Vegetable Barsa . l want to tell f ou," said Mrs. Stan hatwhen I first asked for Joy's I Sarsaparilla at the drug store a verj it-faced gentleman told me i.c hail Bometn - od, but, of course, you know a woman has her own mind; she won't I be put oil wltb wh.n she says8 ■ wants Joy's Ye» able Barsaparilla. She must have J ble Sarsaparilla and none other. So I toFd the drug clerk I wanted Joy's Barsaparllla, and be at last consented to Xl ..• me what l want • i." I•: my way fr >m i-*l6 Bush Ktre.-t, where MnLKtanton lives, I called at a drug store and tried to buy a bottle of ,io>'s \ . _■ I inihi; the clerk brought ~ih.' Barsapa rilla and a:so another wbicb be said was just :■ d. l had to talk with him ten minutes before I could get what I wanted. A :it this I determined to go to the company, : at, who told me be tiad 1> arned of some of the < ring to sub stitute another Barsaparilla lor Joy's V. ble Sarsaparilla, i>u: he did not belli i drug -to:-.- irere responsible for it. Possibly . ... rks were inten In Bonn otb r medicine Sowever, ii you will wi .!■■ the matter up we win puolisi; It. And au I have. H. XEIJS< »>■', i.ick. House. ¥*7mM> i^ h Tobacco^%~o\ IFcßirejt fe #^\ The Sweetest fv lhe(leanesT \ \_£/ PlugTobaccov^a eVer made. \(\ t~ mSSZtt CATARRH lilL.Ul D.iL.u is quiciv i >- fflfc?t-4M RAlWli absorbed. BMC Po*^» h, • >".inw Nasnl Paaeaxes, Hlr =>^ cc'tW HpAnfi I AIIOTS I'alii and B^HAY-FE\,'?d r®M '■ Inflammation. Kg^ t(< J%g AS Heals the Sores. e«* /^^ Protects Hip ■*■ § rM(>mbr;)ne from w&£BtSi^ I Addltlonnl (old. HI — -^aSy>XzsSn I!e«toroa the HBsTvVH »x^aß ' feonnns of Taste ■Bg^\r^"i and Smell. «%<&■ B > ..— -—. IT WILL CURE COLD "N HEAD A particle is applied into eacii nostril ami is asreeable. Prtae ;">o cent* at Druggists or by 1 anail. ELY IiiiOTUEKS, 60 Warren street, ! Vtiw York. | THE SENATE SCANDAL. Postponement ot the Inquiry. That I'itffJ.v May Procure Counsel. The Senatorial Committee appointed to investigate the charge made by Senator Ijiggy of San Francisco, that he was ottered a bribe of §8,000 by Senator Dunn (also of San Francisco) if he would stand in on a number of cinch bilis, met in the Judiciary Committee* room at the Capi tol at 9:30 o'clock yesterday morning. The committee consists of Senators Simp sou, Smith, Aram, Seawell and White hurst. Senator Simpson, who is Chairman of the committee, said Biggy informed him that he would like to be represented by an attorne3 T. Simpson said he did not like the idea very well, because the intro duction of lawyers into the case would prolong matters. Senator Dunn Baid he did not want an attorney. He was willing to go on with the case and leave it in the hands of the committee to decide without it being pre sented by an attorney. Senator Biggy aaid he was desirouß of being represented by an attorney. He had telegraphed for W. W. Foote of San Francisco, and for that reason would like to have ihe investigation postponed until Thursday morning at i) o'clock. Senator Seawell wanted to know about how long Biggy would take to present his case. Biggy replied that it would take but a very shore time to define his posi tion. Senator Simpson said that in order to expedite matters it would be better for Uigey to state to whom he referred as having ollored him £^,000 to vote for cer tain cinch bills, and Biggy replied that Senator Dunn was the man. Alter some discussion as to the time when the committee should reconvene, an adjournment was aunounced until y o'clock this morning. In the afternoon Senator Biggy was granted indefinite leave of absence and left for iSan Francisco, having received word of the death of his sister there. He will probably not return before the ad journment of the Legislature, but it« is understood the investigation will proceed at v o'clock this morning. It was staled last evening that Biggv was laboring under great excitement on Tuesday, and had been very nervous for several days, partly owing to the death of his wife a week ago. The opinion is freely expressed that under these circumstances his charges were made too hastily aud that he will hardly bo able to substantiate them. JAMES DODD WANTED. He Is Heir to tho Estate of a Deceased Sister. The following letter has been received by Secretary Luther of the Pioneer So ciety from Lawyer A. L. Huntington of 256j Essex street, Salem, Maryland: Deak Sik: one James Dodd went to California from Salem some twenty-live years ago, aud was known to have been in your city for many years, at one time running a laundry. .Nothing has been heard from him for seven years, and it is supposed ho is dead. As he is an heir of a sister recently de ceased, the administrator must endeavor to rind him, or any heirs of his, though it is not known that he was married. ASAPH WILDER'S ESTATE. Benjamin "W. "Wilder Sow Petitions for Its Distribution. Benjamin W. Wilder has petitioned the Superior Court for the distribution ot the estate of his deceased brother, Asaph Wilder. The deceased died August 10, I^JT, and left an estate consisting of 40 i) acres of land then valued at 94*500. Tue heirs to the estate were the deceased's mother, two sistora and two brothers. Tuu petitioner pure-based the interests ot" the other heirs, and asks the court to order the. e.^tate distributed to him. The petition will come up for hearing in the Prob-Ue Court on the 22d inst. VAGRANTS SENTENCED. Mxty Kays J;ich for 11. Williams and William Doyle. H. Williams and William Doyle, con victed of vagrancy, appeared for sentence in the Police Court yesterday morning, and were consigned to the County Jail for a period of sixty days each. In the case of John Pendegast, con victed of disturbing the peace, Justice Davis stated that although tho defendant was undoubtedly guilty he thought tho prospects of obtaining a iortune of |10,000 had frustrated his uraiu, and he would impose a light line of §^ 50. AH MEE. Yestorday Was a Cold Day for Chinese Lottery Men. When the Chinamen convicted of run ning lottery games appeared in the Police Court yesterday for sentence a line ot fou was imposed on Ah Mcc, who put up the amount in good American gold. One i^ee and Fong Jam each received a similar sentence, aud will endeavor to I dig up. On motion of W. A. Anderson, counsel for the defense, Ah Chow was granted a new trial. Articles of Incorporation. . The following articles o:" Incorporation have been tiiad in the oi&oa ot tna Saora tary ot State: The Peach blow Consolidated Gold Min ing Company. Principal place of busi uess, San Francisco. Capital stock •,000, with <;. M. Spencer, &. Senn < . i.rant, F. Frankonthal and W. G. Langdon as directors. The Arcade .Mill Company. Principal place of business, Los Angeles. Capital stock, 130,000, with C. A. Dillon J 1 lullon, W. li. Scott, W. H. Dillon and Amelia Scott as directors. The Pacific Coast Jockey Club. Prin cipal place of business. San Francisco Capital stock, $500,000, with E. Corngan' S. N. Androus, VY. g, Leake, 11. j! Crocker and A. ii. Spreckels as directors. Failed to Appear. W. A. Uarieau was not present in Jus tice Uenry's court yesterday alternoon when the matter of his alleged contempt was called. Albert M. Johnson, attorney for Con stable 1- avis and certain cruditors, made prool of the proceedings on Tuesday, and asiced lor a bench-warrant lor Uarieau ihe latter was in the city at the time. Lady Bicyclist Injured. Mrs. J. Todd was thrown from her bi cycle at Third and T streets yesterday alternoon and sustained a dislocation of her shoulder. It is feared she was also injured internally. she was takt-h to the home of Officer i'agley. near by, where her injuries were attended to by a physician. Furniture at Auction. Ati'iti E street, at 10 a. m. to-day, .Bell A Co. will sell all the household goods in the residence, consiating ot a full outfit from parlor to kitchen. The salo will he at the residence of L. li. Woolaey, and included among tbe household efleets is a <)Uatitity ot choice chiuaware, glassware atid ornaments ol unusuii excellence. Coursing at Sheldon. The Sacramento Coursine Club will hold a hare-chasing match at Sheldon on Sunday next, The entries will bu closed aud tho doys drawn this evening at M. Shoehan's, on I street, between Sixth and Seventh. Demurrers Overruled. The defendants' demurrers in the cases I of Hattie Hill against George E. Diersseu j and Frank T. .Johnson have been over ruled by Township Justice Henry. If you need a good medicine to purify your blood, give nerve strength and build \ up your entire system, take Hood's Sar saparilia. It prevents sickness by mak ing pure blood. Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head- J acho, indigestion and biliousness. 25c DAILY BECOBD^TOfeff. THTTHSBAT, 14, ls^. THE CAREER OF GUSTAV BRAMAN. Interesting Facts About the Notori ous Adventurer. Ho Is Aeala Seeking Public Notoriety —Hla Reoent Blackmailing; Scheme Here. Readers of the Record-Untox have not forgotten the bold attempt made last August in this city, by an adventurer named Guatav Braman, to blackmail the proprietress of a shady resort known a 9 "The Palace" out of several thousand dollars by alleging that he had been robbed of some §8,000 while occupying a room there. The fellow failed in his scheme and de parted for other scenes. He has now turned up at Marshiield, Or., whore he is said to be contemplating a sensational ocean voyage to San Francisco in a twelve-foot dug-out. Speaking of Bra man, Detective Anthony of San Fran cisco gives the following sketch of the fellow's career on this coast: About four years ago Braman made his appearance in .San Pedro, L,os Angeles (Jouuty. Ho bad a hotel-keeper there ar rested lor robbing bitn of but at the trial it was proved that it was nothing but a blackmailing schema on Braman's part to extort 11101163' from '-he hotel-keeper and the caso was dismissed, lie associ ated with several women in tiie place and the citizens uprose in their auger, tarred and leathered Liim aud drove him out of the town. He was next heard of at Santa Craz, wuore he and an imbecile brother lived in a shanty. Bramau obtained two in surances on bis brother's life, one for $5,0U0 and the other lor $3,00(1 Thirty days later the shanty was burned to the ground and the brother waa cremated. The insurance companies resistod pay ment and Braman was arrested aud charged with murder aud arson. At the tirsi trial a woman testilied strongly agaiust him, but when he had a new trial her testimony was the other way and Braman was discharged. He got the in surance money, aud it was afterward learned that he had promised to give the woman a large sum of money if she would not testify against him on the sec ond trial. Braman then came to San Francisco and obtained employment as a conductor on the Union-street line. He made him self very attentive to several ladies aud particularly to Mrs. Leroy, a wealthy widow, on Vallejo street. Finally he proposed marriage to her, but his suit was rejected, as Mrs. Leroy believed all he wanted was her money. He was not discouraged, and again pressed his suit, assuring her that he was only actuated by love for herself, and in proof of that he gave hor a valuable diamond ring. About this time the woman in Santa Cruz cauie to the city and told other con ductors ou the Union-street line that as Bramau had failed to keep his promise to pay her a large sum of money she would kill him. The police had meantime been notified of his doings io San Pedro and Santa Cruz, and he was quietly but rirmly ad vised to leave the State. He also had heard that the Santa Cruz woman was here threatening to kill him. so he took tho advice and went to Mexico. Braman remained in Mexico for a year and returned to the State. He was next heard of in Sacramento. He had been stopping in the house of a woman named Brown, aud went to the Chief of Police with a story that he had been robbed of *b,uoO in the house. He obtained a search warrant and an officer accompanied him to the dwelling. In one of the rooms ha told the omcer to search under the car pet, aud three S-0 gold pieces, which were marked, were found. Braman explained that he had been robbed once before, and since then he always took the precaution of marking his coin. He then tola the officer to look behind a mirror, and a dia mond ring was found. It was suspected that Braman was play ing another blackmailing scheme, and an olhcer from Sacramento visiled San Francisco to obtain his record. Mrs. Leroy, the widow on Yailejo street, was subpenaed as a witness, and wuen lira man learned that he returned to San Francisco bafore the trial of the Sacra mento case, and had the widow arrested lor stealing the diamond pin which he gave her. The case was heard in Judge Conian's court and Mrs. Leroy was ac quitted. Tho Judge advised her to have Braman arrested lor perjury, and she swore out a warrant, but it was not served upon him, as it was thought it might ail'ect tao Sacramento case. The case in Sacramento was dismissed and the Judga scored Braman for his &i- LADIES 2, SU LJnLoo SHOES Every lady, and especially S every young lady who is in want jj of a medium-priced shoe, that | has all of the style, fit and wear % of the more expensive ones, They are made of fine "Vici" Kid—THE KID THAT WEARS; have either top ot same material ot»fine diagonal cloth: come on the narrow Philadelphia square or the new Vassar pointed toe, and have extra Ion? pointed pat ent tips. The price, c-y -^ SBsgaeggßmß<BWlSgW« L^vsiisr^oisPS, FiftfcL and J Stre;^ts. -tempt to blackmail the woman Erown. He left Sacramento and now he comes to the front in Marshtield, Or., with his foolhardy scheme to make a long voyage in a twelve-foot boat. "My opinion is," said Detective An thony, that Braman has a well-laid scheme in making this trip, and if he should start on it the boat will be found bottom up on some beach. Braman will probably have insured his life for a big sum and after the boat is found a con federate will apply for the insurance money and he and Braman will share it. lhat is my belief from my knowledge of the man." TWO BURGLARIES. They "Were Both Committed on Mon day >*lsht Last. Since the recent demonstration against thugs, thieves and footpads there have been very lew crimes committed in the city, but it looks as if some of the crimi nal element were coming back to do bus iness at the old stand. On Monday night two places were broken into and robbed—the store of W. L.rome at Eighth and O streets and an other in the southern part of the city kept by a man named Bogart. From Brome's store a quantity of gro ceries, tobacco, bread, cakes, nuts, etc., wero carried off, but nothing of great value. Ihe proprietor, aud his wife live in the rear of the store, and Mrs. Brome was awakened by tho noise made by the burglars, bat thought it was made by some cats in the back yard. One of the burglars was there, however, and whon Mrs. Brome was heard opening the door he ran around to the front and warned his confederates. At Bogart'B a window was smashed in and a quantity of stuti stolon. Mr. lirome stated yesterday that both cases wore promptly reported to the po lice, and he was surprised to find the lads had not been given to tho press. He thinks if they had been some outsider might have discovered the thieves with their plunder. Brown's Bronchial Troches are the simplest, quickest and most effectual remody for bronchitis, asthma, aud throat diseases. The Sunset Limited is a solid vesti bulod train, splendidly equipped, leaving San Francisco every Thursday at 10:^0 A. M. Saksapahilla and Iron. Get it from the sole ageut, MoMorry, 531 M street. * COTTOLENE. d^C Ii Cottoiene—the new shortening—the only pure aud healthful and perfectly digestible fryiug and shortening mate rial in the market —is now to be had at all first-class grocers throughout the United States aud Canada. In using Cottoiene for shortening, it is of the greatest importance to use only about one-half or two-thirds as ciuch as would be used of lard. This is essential to success in the cooking, as well ar, an important feature for one's pocket book. Cottoiene, like all other good things, has found several imitators, all of very inferior quality, and sure to cause dis satisfaction. To be sure of getting the genuine Cottoiene, the best way to buy it is in the tin pails bearing the name and Trade-Mark. f& \gs\ Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK 'W^ff COMPANY, \g||p/ ST. LOUIS and Chicnso, Sew Vorii, Eojitoa. ! MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BABY'S SKIN Scalp and Hair (^VhJ use vj^ ? SOAP* The most eflFective skin purifying and beau tifying soap in the world, as well as purest and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. For distressing facial eruptions, pimples, blackheads, irritations of the scalp, dry, thin, and falling hair, red, rough hands, dialings, and simple rashes and blemishes of childhood, it is absolutely incomparable. Sold throughout the world. British depot: Nbw. Bkby, i, Kins Edward-st., London. Pottbr Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props., Eoston, U. S. A. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON LODGE, NO. 20, a F. and A. M.—< allod meeting i<?CY_ THIS THURSDAY, March 14th, atXJC 7:30 p.m. Masons are cordially invited. f ▼ \ E. A. |lt*j G. E. EBERT. W. M. YM. I.—REGULAR MEETING OF CAP . ital Council. No. 11, THIS (Thursday) EVENING at 7:3oo'clock, in Grangers' Hall. Visiting brothers cordially invited. It !BCI .r. J. MO RAN, President. OLIVE BRANCH LADIES' SOCIETY.— Regular meeting THIS (Thursday) E VEN ING, March 14, l*'.i.~>. at 7:3<> o'clock. ALICE KUNZ, President. _Deli.a Haedbich. Recording Sec. It A SPECIAL ASSEMBLY OF SAC- .*. J\ ramento Comniandery, No. ~, Kniglits Templar, for drill and re- Sfefgjl neanaL will be held at the Asylum f 1 THIS (Thursday) EVENING, March l/\AI 11 th, at 7:30 o'clock. Bojournera courteously invited. |lt) G. W. RAILTON, E. C. /CALIFORNIA TEMPLE, NO. 1. RATH \j bone SUters — meeting THIS (Thursday; EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock. SHELLY BARRY. M. E. C. M us. Georgia Glthuie. M. of R. and C. It LOST-FOUND. 1" OST—A FOLDING PURSE, CONTAIN _j iu^ §10 in coin, a note and a doctor's pre scription. Finder return to 514 J street and receive reward. mr!4-2t I OST—BETWEEN EIGHTH AND M AND J Ninth between L and M, a pur>e contain ing money, key and cards. Return to 615 .1 street and be rewarded. It* TOST —SUNDAY, MARCH 10TH, ON l_j the old Auburn road, near the Twelve mile Hou,e, a bay mare, -with small, white spot on withers; she had on a leather halter, with leat her hitching .strap attached. Finder please communicate with C. E. BAUEK. No. 221 J street. mrl3-3L PERSONALS. rpHE HOUSEWIFE, TO SEE AND TAKE J. advantage of the bargains at H. K. WAL LACETS, yi3 to Sl7 J street. Tinware, Crockery and Glassware. KARL MULLER, THE EXPERIENCED Job Gardener, will attend to any garden work by the hour, day. week or month in a very careful manner and a very reasonable pay; uy him and you will be more than sati» -li.-i; seeds, (lowers, plants, etc., for aale; gar dens laid out In ah artistic manner and taken care of a specialty. Call or drop a po-tal at 304 S street. mil l-l w* 01 ftl 3 ST; R°o-^s 8-10-DR. CHARLES •" J U2 C'JRNELL, the greatest and most re liable business test medium of the nineteenth century: patronized by the business men and women of the world; natural magnetic doctor. mrl 1-Gt« * CARPENTER CAN GET ANYTHING XX he wants at H. K. WALLACE'S. Tools at bargains. b!3 to >17 J stieet. T UPHOLSTERING AND MATTRESSES L, made over at bedrock prices, by F BROWN. 1009 X street. * I>AG CARPET FACTORY AT 1214 X Elghtnst. MRS. JOHNSON. Proprietress. HAVE YOUR PAPERHANGING DONE by A. H. ANDERSON, Jr., northeast corner of Seventh and J street. t LL LADIES, NEAR OR FAR. SAFE. 1\ quick cure guaranteed: any disease of irregularity; disgrace, dan^.-r avoided- sure relief, though otners fail; travelers treated; low fee; self-cure: send, call 8r write; strict confidence. Kuom 1, 415 J street. FtANK H. WING HAS REMOVED HIS Rubber Stamp Factory to Oid-Postoffice DOHtung. second noor. office, Koorn 10. <i-| FOR CLEANING WATCHES, §1 FOR •PI mainsprings; all work guaranteed. 410 X street, next to Metropolitan Theater Cash paid for old gold and silver. DRES3 AND CLOAKMAKING. DRESS AND CLOAK MAKER-CLOAKS made over; suits. §3, S5 and §10. 1223 Seventh street. MRS. C. J. ADAMS, FASHIONABLE dressmaker, has opened her parlura ai 1222>i Sixth street, and wishes the public to know that she does fir-t--:ass work; bridal suits, mourning suits and tailor-made s'Uts for $3 up. MRS. HAMILTON FASHIONABLE Dressmaker, with school ot uress-cut ting. Patterns cut to order; all worii guar aiuted, l;>u>; X .street. PHOTOGRAPHY. /CABINETS REDUCED TO $2 PER DOZEN \j for a short time only at KELLERS. 719 X street, near Postottice. BEALS' GEM GALLERY; SNAP PHOTO graphs of babie3 by lightning process. My experience in the business enables me to over come all liiliculties. Cor. Seventh and. J. BOOKBINDEES. T)OOKBINDING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, JL) with good work and promptness. E. W. BREUNLNG, ;i'J J -treet, Sacramento. MAGAZINES, PORTFOLIOS AND PERl odicals bound in superior modern styles atSILVIUttASCHOENBACKLSJ&'B, General bookbinders, 403 J street. NUESEfIY. rp.REES FOR SALE AT 3 CENTS EACH, JL F. O. B. Peach, Pear, Plum, Cherry. No better trees grown. Terms satisfactory. Address OSCAR KXOTT. Walnut Grove, Cal. EDUCATIONAL. MOSS ANDREWS' SELECT SCHOOL, 514 Thirteenth street; English branches and music; use of cab. CAFFMITALLER"S~^ Extra Gilt Edge ALSO FINE OLD PORTER, Delivered to Saloons Ice Coli Capacity, 75,000 to 100,000 Barrels Per Tear. BEST B^ER IN THE WORLD TRY IT, IX&w * and * NcssLt. ANKENER'S MARKET, 718 X St. Telephone i©O. CONSTANTLY OM HAND ALL KINDS \j ot fresh and Salted Meats; also, delicacies i that temDt your aouetite. i'RKKDEUVKBY. | WANTED. WANTED-THE BEST ROADSTErt IN the Stiite; must be sound, gentle, stylish and step close down to a three-mtnute gute; age, lour to seven; weight, 1,100 to 1,150; color, bay, chestnut, black or sorrei; don'i answer unless you have a horse that meet* every requirement and is for sale at a reason able price; I don't want a cow and 1 won't buy a ranch. Address, giving spot, cash flg ures^P. O. Box -103, Sacramento, mrl-l-at W^ANTED— A MIDDLE-AGED fiENTLE VV man, stranger in me city, permanently employed, wishes to engage room aud board with home comforts; widow preferred. Ad dress A._B.,_tb.is_office. mrl-l-3t* WANTED— A GOOD SOLICITOR FOR business house. Apply 513^ J street. WANTED- A SITUATION BY A MAN and wile on a rancn. The man is a com petent larmer, and his wife is a good cook and housekeeper. Both are young and willing to work hard for reasonable wages. References given it required. Inquire at 1108 Fourth jtreet, room S4. mrlB-1 w* WANTED— PEOPLE TO EXAMINE THE Magee Ranges at 11. K. WALLACE'S, 813 to bl 7 J street. The best aud cheapest. VfTANTED— THE LADIES OF SACRA ? mento to inspect the Crockery and Tin ware at H. K. WALLACE'S, bl3 to 817 J street. Bargains. TTSTANTED—A STRONG AND EXPERI > V enced female nurse for an invalid. Ap ply southeast coiner Eighth and 11 streets. ORDERS FOR BROWN LEGHORN EGOS (incubator lots) tilled in from one to live days, according to the capacity of your ma chine. MATTHIAS & BLOM, Box 14>J, Sac ramento. Agents for NhW MODEL JUBI LEE HATCHER. LOOK HERE—A MAGNIFICENT OFPOR tunity ior a firsi-elas- canvasser, lady or gentleman. Inquire of E. E. BERGMAN, 420 J street, this city, between the hours uf y A. M. and 12 n. TO LET OR RENT. F)R RENT-LOWER FLAT, NO. 1815 J street. Inquire of R. i'HlLli', 628i£ J street, room t>. mrl l-uf* ALL LODGING-HOUSE-KEEPERS AND private families having extra rooms please notify undersigned, Chairman of Hotel Committee, of the number oi persons you can accommodate during the Enoampm at of a. A. 11., to be held in this city April 22d Ito :25th next, with location and price. W 11 | AMBROSE, -Bee" ortice, City. [B.C.] mr9-3tSTT VTIOEIiY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM AT JJi N.E. cor Eleventh and G sts. mrl3-lw* Nin ELEVENTH ST.—LOWER FLAT OF luO five rooms, partially turnished for housekeeping. mr!3-lw* Q|-j(| TENTH ST.—FURNISHED HOUSE UKjtJ keeping rooms; also, single rooms. Vi.J PER MONTH—FOR RENT, A MOD- ViO era Hat of five rooms, with bath and pautry, lower flat, at 1406 v street. Inquire CHAS. M. CAMPBELL, 40'J X street, carpets and furniture. milE VENDOME.IIO4 M AKKET STREET, .L >"?an Francisco, has been thoroughly reno vated and newly furnished, and will be con ducted as a iirst-class rooming house. All Market street cars pass the house. Rates. $1 per day aud upwara. mr6-2w I Qll SEVENTH ST. - NICELY FUR 1/wll ntohed double parlors; I ath And gas. TTOUSEKEEPING ROOMS-APPLY TO II DR. J. 11. SHIRLEY, cancer specialist, OLD P. Q. BUILDING, Fourth and X streets. *1 Wv>Q G STREET-THE LOWER PART 10>»0 of house of-1 or U rooms; rent very reasonable. I)LACK.SMITH SHOP IN GOOD LOCA > tion, corner Eleventh and T streets, in quire next door. T?URNISHEI) ROOMS AT THE BERK £! shire, cor. Sixth aud L. Strictly first-class. TO LET—SUITE OFROOMS WITH PIAN( >, to geiitlemau with reference. Applj this office, 1.)/W* X BTREET—A NICE FURNISHED J^iv/o_sOorn; good location. 11AQ FOURTH STREET—FURNISHED 11 UO rooir.s. $1 and upward per weeis.; nice froni_suite. MRS. \V. A. CASwELL. 1 '^01 NINTH BTREET—HOUSE OF el YE I'J-wI roouis. Inquire KA(jrLE BAKERY HZO K. . ■— _ i POR SALE. ABARGAIN-WHO WANTS IT? SU burb.m home for sale, or exchange for city property; one acre; trees and vines bear ing; tiouse of '.i rooms, bard finished; bath; water under pressure. Address li»21 H st. mr!4-3t* A YOUNG THOROUGHBRED JERSEY cow; just come in. Apply 917 I street. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—FOR SAC ramento or suburban property, bO acres or fine land l miles this side of Colfax and l mile from Wiemar; good house, 3 rooms and ; pantry, living water, sufficient to in. several acres; very healtny location; price 81,600. Apply N. B. CANNON, Louisiana Tract, or address Sacramento Postofnce. m r 12- Gt* IpOU SALE—S. C. BROWN LEGHORN Eggs lor hatching at 50c per setting, at i'HOS. LYNN'S, Sacramento, or J. R. CAI'- IETi, Pleasant Grove. ddfcw DON'T PAY RENT WHEN YOU CAN buy a lot from me, aud 1 will build you j a house on it and give you three years to pay j iv, on Installments. I have four high l«ts-:, i ■lo leet front by ;>o feet deep, tuootthtm i Cacea Twenty-fifth street, between .1 and X and two faoe X street, and I will sell them at $550 and upward. I also have two lots •loxi go feet, which i offer on the lame term-.. Every one should own their own home, aud here is your opportunity. Address P.0.80X 354, Hacranu ir^>. F-OR SALE-K-STREET AM> J-BTREET business properties. Appls to CARL BTROBEL, 317 J Btreet, FOR SALE.— THOJR :: D PI Q Paps, 6 weeks old. Appij isai Nstu.t. mi-. « rpHOROUGHBRED JERBE\ COw WILL 1 come in m April. Applj WO6 >. street C«.)R SALS —FOUR iORES FINEST T_ berry land in bauramento \ allej , lust out side city limits, near aleatric cars Bee JAMES K. MILLS, 301 .i Btreet. HORSE AND BUGGY, $100; HALF cash, half time. See GARDINER at ' Race Track. - __ I HORSES, HARNESS ANh WAGONS AT Rice's feed and salo stabli s. Twelfth 1 and I. RUNE PROPERTY ON X STREET. FOR J; particulars, address M., tins Office. IX>R BARGAINS IN HOP LAND GO TO JJ ROSS A ROSS. 1005 Fourth street. 4 RESTAURANT DOING A GOOD BUSJ. j\ ness. Apply to ROSS & Ro.-Sd, 1000 Fourth street. 1 1 91 2 STREET-SHEET METAL ROOF 11^1 mg and lathlu-. E. 11A \- .B. FOR SALE—CANARY BIRDS FOR SALE. : 1112 F street. C<OR SALE—SIXTY HEAD OF YOUNG ' 1 horses aud mules. Call or address LIN- ; OOLN WBTTJB. 828 I street. FOR SALE—DIFFERENT SIZE PIPE, ; dipped, guaranteed to stand high pressure, i at lowratts. BACRAMENTO i'IPK WORKS, j m octagon bu;ldm_ r. near depot. I OAK STOVE WOOD, $5 75 PER CORD delivered; measurement guaranteed: yard on Twelfth .street road; P. O. address, bus , Seventh street. W. H. BASL.ER. i FOR SALE—A SPLENDID NEW MATH- j shels piano. whiOh came into OUT posses ; s>ion in the way or trade; will be sold at a bar- i gain. The phino can be ordered direct from iactory if purchaser prefers. Inquire at this office. j ! nAP.DWF.LL COLON Y-10-ACRE TRACTS j \j only $100 per acre; water pipes will be i laid to each and every tract in said colony. , > J. T. CAKDWLL.L, owner, 12u4 >' street, or 1 301 J street, Sacramento. I _^GEWEKAL WOTICBS. milE "LOS ANGELES TIMES." DAILY,' : JL J* FTJCHa' BOOKSTORE. 525 J street. 1* | TUKVENTH ANNUAL BALL. OF TUB I J5-O^.V, eni •Htar Kr:i»»-» VeTrtttn at Tnrr.' r Hall. THURSDAY EVENINO. March 14. xtiJo. Aj2nissu>n^2ri oents each, gnrt a-^t /CESSPOOLS. VAULTS AN L> CHIMNEY* \J $£*?£& *° dirt; lowest flrloefc W. U. SLAUttHIER. 317 X and 50l M. A GOOD SET OF TEETH FOR 56; FILL : j^\_ nig uoc and ujnvard; lrom one-iMrd :•» I ri&S 11 , :1" vvolk Buaranteed. DR. O. Iw» NEWSOM, LvniHl Parl,i r » 1120 I street. R E T fJ 7 .TA}VV: E£ AT MRS- HERN A> t J * . toi"-th street. meals cooked to order; i.iso. Mexican beans. Enchiladas served on Sunday. "^man, i J^O^SfSh Bt D"PWMTIOM AGENCY, ■it si. fcixtu St., Sacramento i» rm „ ■ futed 11 P furnisUl'a suia conteMU^i* STATIONERY, READING MATTER kj blank bonks, etc., for sale cheap by s. A. LwjAJMli, :.!ou X Btreet. PLUMBING CONTRACTS AND .lull p-A^o6 ut iIU kinds taken at n. K. Wal lace.--, 813 to si; j. NOTICE.-SEND FOR ELECTBIO BURG a-im^-w A1:tn"». 'Ai'llAL ELECTRIC >VORKB, 884 X, Sacrametfto. S'l" l)i\l\ TO LOAN ON FIRST-CLASS roor *JWA #i Sl^ security. Inquire of COOLgY, 1013 bonrtn Btreet, mpAKE; GLOVES \.\D _1 to F. 4 G.THOMAS dyers and <•!,■ in, •!•■ lor best and quickest WoVk^Oll sfx&Su '*>! <; T nV ( 1 1 XI'T U BTREET-J. ROWE, 0I D ond-hand and new narnoss, saddles etc.. bought, soul, exchanged or repaired. SEE A. 11. ANDERSON, Jr., FOR HOUSE painting and paperhanglng. northeast corner of Seventh and j streets. PHYSICAL TRAINING, VOICE CUL -1 ture, Elocution ;*:ul Delsarte eipre Apply Unity Hall, Foresters' building I'ues days and Fridays, MRS. ELIZABETH DOHRMAN, 7^'l [ street, graduate ol Da iroit Praining School and pupil or Oskar Guttmann, N.;w York, and Emii Behnke. London. Classes now forming. Children's classes, Saturdays, 10:30 a. h. IrNITED STATES LAUNDRY, 414 FOUR teenth Btreet; branch office, 1005 J Btrei i. i>OURLAND WILL PAINT VOL'K ROOF; ) work guaranteed or no pay. At COM aTOOK'S, Fifth and K. FOR RELIABLE HELP, MALE OR FE ma'.e, go to 6<lo I street. MI>B ISAKLS VR \ \ AUQHN. I STREET HAY M \KKF.I, No. 206, COR ner .second and I. To everyone that hay, it will be greatly to your advantage to call and see our price lIbI buiore buying else j where. .Full weight guaranteed. FOR FRESH FISH DAILY. POULTRY butter and eggs, vegetables and choice jrnltsat bottom prices yo to tne Capital Mar ket, 11:50 .1 street. B. GODEKAS. CHOICE ELVS AND MILL FEED AT your own price, 1031 J street. 11. .1. piTIZENS" COMMITTEE OF SAFETY'S \\j headquarters, 701 I street. Com mi tions dropped into the letter box will receive prompt attention. F'LOCR, 85c SACK; HONEY, 3 FOB 25 pounds good sugar, $1; lye, 5c can. BEESLJSY & HON, >lv X street. " EGGS FOR HATCHING—FROM M. oughljred poultry; agent Petaluma Inou bator; visitors welcome. E. \. MURRAY 2«28 JI street CE. ADAMS, 1106 J STREET—CHEAP .est place for hay and feed. White wild oats; also tme bay for carpets. BUSINESS MEN, HAVE YOI R 800 S exported by c. K. JACKSON, state House : Hotel. I?OK PURE*, FRE3H MILK TRY THE i -.olden Eagle Dairy. HAKVKi G . It r.I 1. FOR GOOD WCJOD, FULL MEASURE call on LXX SPURGEON. truckman, i enth and X streets. rnEETII FILLED ABSOLUTELY WITH JL out pain by DR. o. W. .\,-:\vsu.\l,,ir. i .. MKS. KEENE, IL':.'U SEVENTH STREET. Chicken served in Span. lOc; tamales, luc; tamales with co;fee, 15c; opeu ; day and night. DO YOU WANT A NEW CARPET? [F so, call and see our new line, at lowest prices for cash oron easy payments,at IH \s M. CAMPBELL 8, 409 £ street. Ifurniture and Carpets. Upholstering and Repairing. SOAHD AND LODGING. IAioJ-A, B. GILMORE, PLYMOUTH 1 U Jo Restaurant, board and lodging; good home i-ookinu and reasonable rates. Call and give us v trial. MANSION HOUSE, SEVENTH, I AND J streets—D ddedly : tee In the city, comfortable, dean and homelike; r en suite or single, wuh or without board; good board, $4 per we< k. MUSIC AND ART. HAVE YOUR PIANOS AM> ORGANS tuned and repaired by F. BLODGE eompi tent, reliable and prompt. < Orders 1< \'. at A. J. Pommer's, Ninth au i .!, or residence, 193 9 I, prom; Uy aj ten led u>. EJ. APPLEBY, BANJO AND MANDO , Un Uxstructor. Music furnlshe torprl -1 vate parties, etc. 816 rwelfth st., Hand 1. GfEORGE B. FRANZ, TEACHER OF VIO * linand cornet. Studio Eighth and J sta. yiill'AK. BANJO AND MANDOLIN— I \ Reduced rates; 8 lea ms, 95; -l 91 K-Muis, s;. IK'U-. PALMER, 610^ I street. QCHOOL OF ART NEEDLEWORK, 1014 ii Eighth treet. Stamping and embroidery give ; li -~o:. days, Monday, Wednes* • it. and Friday. GROCE3IE3. PRICES TALK FOR 1 S: rWENTY-FIVK 1 pounds Bugar, (H; rresh butter, 30c roll; 4 . Use; :; cana touiatoes, tine Japau tea, 2 ' : .'. bi .. -.-: tea, ~'scE>; .'.:.:. id M. to ■ B or Baking Powder guarante v the besl made, -1 -. 2< .; i tb, 40c; 3 lbs, 90c; White Lib- syrup, Urn b -? tal ■ Jymp, 70c galloncaus; Sooze, (.i, Farina, Morning Meal, ie fo; Scans isagle niiii: t ii 50c; fine mono , 20c B>; our square butter, . . ■ : ■■■tth-* pickles, 25c; 10 ban ■ ,2 •. • i rs Royal Savon, ~J5c; t; ban bi 25c; G bars toilet soap, 25c; ttneprunes, 5c tb; ii:ied pear*. ;>■• tt; fine raisins, 6 n« ft . No. i maca roni, 50c box; 3 fts Mocha ■:'■ $i; jelly. 10c glas iflee, 26c 1b; bams, lie :'; shoulders, 7Vjjc fc; large mustard sardines, 100. BEESLEY «t SoN, 810 X street. _^____ pILEYTS GROCERY, TENTH AND E—A Xt lull assortment oi agate and tinware, 5 and 10c Counters; l;o:m1 !,i;Uf r, from 30 to VOc per roll; sail - nt, 10c ap! ; . i tomatoes, 20c j row . '>■■ B>; - i". beans, 25c. In order to i Umes,weai ir.ggoodsat tin- lowest mark. CALL AND SEE OUR BEST FIRKIN • r. 2oc ft; No. 1 pickle roll, 05c; good hams. llcB); bacon, 10;./; E>; snoulders, 7 !,,o &; rolled oats and wneit, 4c tb; y cans tomat oes, fancy olives, 25c quart: layer raisins. 10-!r> box, »jvc; 10 b^ss soap, good tea, 25c tt>: Schilling's bes: Costa Rica and Java oollee, 3 lbs SI. it yon want to g.-t :t square deal, call at Bl> X street SIMoNS A- S' iN. ' CABPET CLEANING. HARRY W. RIVErr, STKAM CARPET cleaning, corner Twelfth and O streets. Capet cutting, sowing n fltting; furnituro tor shipment; second-hand carpets and furniture bought and for sale. Tele phone -^'j\i. ELACKS3OTH3. ETC. DCARMICHAEL NOTIME6THE PUB . lie that hereafter he will mate -i ciaity of horseshoeing; uo extra charge for stoel hand-made side toe and quarter w. lorging and inrerteiing and Btumbllnsi siiot-s, 100» Eighta street.