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2 DAILY RECORD-UNION ISSUED BY THE SACRAMENTO PUBLISHING COMPANY Office. Third Street, between J and K. THE DAILY RECORD-UNION For one year *<* nn For six mouths « V" For three months —••-••• **"? Subscribers served by carriers at Fiftkkn Cents per week. In all interior cities aw. towns the paper ran be had of the principal teinodical Dealers, ISewsmen and Agents. THE WEEKLY UNION ft the cheapest and most desirable Home. >'owe and Literary Journal published on the Tad fie Coast. Uiie Wekkly Union* per year $1 50 *»- These publications are sent either by Mail or Express to agents or single sub scribers with charges prepaid. All Fostinustr •re are agents. .__••, >*, Tfar best advertising mediuma on the Pacmo Coast. Enterrdatthe Postoffice at Sacramento aa Wooad-class matter. "Reoord-Union" Telephone. Editorial Kooniß R*£ 131 liuiLne** Office - Blac* 131 Special Agencies. Thlß paper is for sale at the following places t,. P. Fisher's, room 21, Merchants' Exchange, California street; the principal News tetands *nd Hotels, and at the Market-street Ferry, Ban Francisco. Loa A*GEi,H3.-Eclectic Book Store, corner Becond and Main stieeta, San Diego.—Emmal A Co., 860 Fifth street. CoRONAUO.-Hopkius & Cox, Coronado Botel. Santa Babbara.— Hassinger's News Depo*. Fresxo.—C. T. Cearley, 1111 J street. Banta Cki-z.—Cooper Bros. News Depot. 49- Also, for sale on all Trains leaving and Onilng into Sacramento. Eastern Business Offices. 48 Tribune Building, New York, 60<J "The Rookery," Chicago. U. C. Beck with, sole aaent foreign adv«rtUlne. The Record-Union and Weekly Unton are the only papers on the Coast, outside of Sa7i Francisco, that re ceive the full Press Dispatches from all parts of the world. Outside of San Fran cisco, they have no competitors, either in influence or home ami general circulmtum throughout the State. T*. •attit-T forecast. For Northern California—Fair in the south portion; partly cloudly in the north portion, but generally without rain; stationary temperature; light to fresh variable winds, generally westerly on the southern coast. ASSAULT UPON AGRICULTURAL INTERESTS. Throughout the addresses of the Presi dent of the MiueiV Convention, the speeches made, and the resolutions adopted, relative to the protection of min eral lands, there runs a vein of falsity that cannot be permitted to pass unrebuked. The whole tenor of the proceedings and expressions of the convention sound the note of assault upon agriculturists, though the piping is declared to be against the railroad company alone. It is persistently put forward and kept to the front that the railroads have been and are seeking to rob minors and min eral exploiters of their rights, when the fact is, these mining convention people well know that not only does the rail road grant except mineral lands, but the railroad companies do not under their grant wish to take or hold mineral lands, that they oacnot do so. and that thoy can not have the slightest interest or profit in doing so were it pousi'uie. Hero we lind the President of the con vention declaring that the mineral belt is well defined from the Sau liernaidino line to the Oregon boundary, and that this entire sweep of country ought to be by law declared mineral in character, aud the burden of proof pat upon those who claim that any part of the tract is ag ricultural. Yet it is well known to him that the granted lands to the railroad com pany represent but a small portion of the ■o-called mineral belt he so freely bounds; that the grant of odd sections extends but twenty miies each side the line of the Central Pacific Kail way, lor instance, from Sacramento County easterly across the Sierras; that the larger area aud the most valuable unpatented lands involved lie witin the California and Oregon Con gressional grant, whioh provides for in demnity in case oi'losu of lands by reason of the establishment of their mineral oharacier. Therefore, by no possible con tortion of motive can auy reasou be fast ened upon the railroad oompanies for wishing to possess themselves of mineral lauds as is charged. It was announced in the convention that the purpose of the miners' organiza tion is to prevent the railroad peopie "from obtaining title to auy more min eral lands under the guise of ajrrioultuial land." The President therealtor talked ©f these lands passing: into "railroad ownership through an iuiquitious sys tem." But it is well known that the system is that of the law and the re£U;a - tions of the Government, and that these simply require that to be done which has always beon done, thai the mineral character of lands be shown in order to take them out of the grant and throw them within the exception of the grants. it uiUbt be apuarent to tho fair-uiiuded that this is simple justice; that to adopt aoy other procedure would be so lly in the very face of the grantn. i hese assume the lands granted to be agricultural, but •xcoyt suob as are more mineral thau acricultural, the e«|uitabie, just and rea sonable conclusion moat be reached that be who olaims uenelit of tbe exception must show that the lauds indicated are not agricultural, but that tbe mineral character dominates. The simple truth is that the Miuers' Association, uudor the guise ot whacking the railroads while playing to tbe ami railroad gallery, is assaulting to the most direct manuer high agricultural interests. It itj not tbe railroad that is to be injured, but the agricultural area. The railroud is not to lose by the exception of mineral lands, but if the exception is mado the ruie and the bome-seekor laraqvirad to prove a negative athrmatively; ilia tho agricultural interests of California that are assaulted and injured. In the report of one of the comniiitcos to the convention it is .set out as some thing grievous that the Gsvsrnmwt bus required that the true character Of forty acre subdivisions shall be established. This keeps paoe with the declaration in ods of the resolutions that tho wish and SACRAMENTO DAILY BECOBD-UNIOtt. THURSDAY, OCTOBEft 17, 1805. scheme of the association ia to keep this whole broad domain or belt so graphic ally bounded by the President on the north by Oregon and on the south by San Bernardino's deserts, as an open and free fiald for exploration and purchase by the prospector and the miner. Which is to say that the agricultural home-seeker ■hall be excluded. While the resolution refers to this "free domain" consisting of "mineral lands," it requires no deep insight to discern the intention to sequester if possible the whole region referred to, so that agricult urists shall not invade it. Indeed, this has been praotically declare,i, so that there can be no oonfusiou of understand ing concerning the r«al purposes of those who are prouioting this crusade against agricultural rights and interests. For by no possible twisting of logic or warping of reason can tho Miners' Association lead redacting peopla to believe that lands determined to be agricultural and pa tented to the railroads are to be held by them as estates. On the contrary, tho whole effort, and the one desire of the grantees, as every one with an ounce of brains knows, is to dispose of these lands to tillers of the soil; to call to their culti vation the best class of hotneseekers. and make them contribute in the highest sense lo the up-building of California, and the rapid and best development of her resources, because this is the iirt-tauu highest interest of the rail transporter whose lines traverse a country, So that it must be clear to every intelli gence that in this whole matter tho lash the miners me attempting to lay over the back of the railroad company reaches and welts the agricultural interest. In short the railroad company iv this con tention stands between agricultural de velopment of uou-mineral lauds, and the attempt to sequester them from agricult ural uses. RESTRAINIG DAMS. The Miners' Convention has resolved to ask the Government to appropriate a million or so, to be added to sums to be asked from the State, to build dams to hold back the debris of hydraulic mines. It is recited that it was through Federal agency that hydraulic mining was checked, therefore the Government should pay the cost necessary to enable the industry to be resumed. This is not true. Tiie Federal Govern ment was not the agent employed to pre vent hydraulic miners from invading the rights of the people below them. It was tne invocation of a principle of law older than the Government by a thousand years thai stayed the hand of destruction. It was through the State courts, which applied this old, sound and undeniable principle of justice, that stopped wanton injury of innocent partiea. But why should the Government build dams lor the miner any more than re claim lands for the agriculturist? Vet it is a settled principle and policy of the (tovernment that it will not make ex penditure for private ends. It so held away back in the other century, and that poii«y has not been departed'from. >o it cornea that navigable rivers are not treated by the Government to conserve the interests of the people living along them, but to preserve navigation and im prove it for the benefit of the United State 3 and ail the people. Hence it is that it is folly to ask the Government to improve a stream for the purpose of reclaiming the lauds of private parties. If treatment of a river results in reclamation that is the land owner's good fortune, but not the end and purpose of the Government. So it will be with the miners: Government will not build dams for them. A wholly new policy would have to be adopted and an old and settled one departed from lirst. This the Government will never do, for the precedent would be danger ous, and lettd to the most extraordinary demands and grants. And speaking of dams it is noteworthy that another of these "saviors" has gone the road of all debris barriers, for tho Valentine data in Shasta County has given way and the vast stores of mining debris held behind it has made oil toward and into the rivor. Aud such will be tho 'ate of all such dams built to accommodate hydraulic miuiug. Kven if kept up while the mining in a given placa pro gresses, they will be loft to decay aud wreck when the mining ground is worked out, or when the basin capacity created is exhausted. There is no guaranty, nor can there be any, that these dams will be permanencies. None oi them can as yet be so declared. Con structed at the beat in au unsubstantial manner, sooner or later th«y must fail into decay, and then the torrential washes of the mountains will wear down an i sweep the ac■■■uiiiulations behind them into the tributaries of the navigable ntroams and down upon the agricultural lands of the viUley and foothill dwellers. A i tho minor*' convention in.San Fran ciaco Miner R. M. darken of Sacramento, who mines in a Jaw offloa up one flight of Hlairs on J street, VU Chairman of the < 'nmmittee OH Resolution*. Minor darken, who hydraulics among tbe law books of an office dusty with legal lure, presented a preamble and resolu tion that read: Whi rkas, Tbe in oatice done to a branch of tue mining industry of this state, v thousands ■> ;••■>, >•■ wet i uln d .•,-.-• ■ operty - i i continue* to exist, in spite >>; ttbrt made to briug tta m relief wltb- I tsretore, b ■ II at as It was Itirougb one branch ol the federal Govern ::i.:it thai tne hydraulic raioing Industry was pro->trat*'d so it must tie !i:i!iotirr brancb erf tbeQovsrauaent Tbe preamble ami resolution wore adopted. Bat how maofa hotter they would sound had Minor Ciarken by the midnight oil of his law office have lormu laied them to road thus: - , . IQj UStiC ■ dOM U) ii-: grea) riveni ol California, to Khs nav%at»ta Kreams and to tbe low lands, wbereb] tboasaods ol peoph n a d and Diililous ol dollars' wortb at property «Je«tP»y*d, sttH exists, In • ■. ... . i iiuL ire b liove tnai salt was tbroagb tbe ueglef:) <>; the Govern meut tba I sviisteve b i;> vi-ite.i upon au noof teudiotj p—t>lu. and Uteir Industri - tie ..r : ■•-■.!;•• i. so ,t m;is; !••• by acUoU . Mivi-rn:in>:ii uiui ri h.f be tecared to tue peopMft the riv« rs mi J tlie low lauds lrom t j It . ji . Iraolle saining dsbriit. eta CLEARLY UNFAIR Louis Payeii Cheated Oat of Ilia Vic tory Over Carter. Louis* A. Payen, the Sacramento Ath letic Club's clever welter-weight boxer, who figured in the San Francisco Olym pic Club's.tournament on Tuesday night, should, according to ail accounts, have beenglveu the decision over Stewart Car ter, the Olympic man. The Sacramento man had the boat ot the four-round bout and was clearly the winner, but the club's referee declared it a draw. The decision is generally con demned as unfair. La»l evening's Ban Francisco I'vst thus scores the management of the tourna ment: "lv an amateur club, especially one having the reputation ot the Olympic, a stranger should receive fair treatment. He should not be discriminated agumst and robbed, as whs Payeu last night. "The latter went against Stewart Carter of the Olympics, and, although he was lighter a:id shorter than the local man, , he showed such marked superiority ay a boxftc and stayer us to impress all present with the idea that no should have been awarded tho decision. "Vet the jutiees divided, one declaring in fuvorof L'ayeuaud tho other for Carier. Tho ueciaiou was left to the referee, ac cording to the rules, and L. E. iiayan, the weak-kueoj individual who hoid tho job, and who must have been piekoil lor j his woli-known partiality lo Olympic Ciub members, dociared the mill a draw. | "The announcement waa received with i jeoi'd and hisses, ihe decision being so un- j just aod outrageous that the ciub mem- j Uers could not coutrol themselves. "Olympic Ciub oibciais should not for- ! got thtuwioy aro conducting a yenilomeu's j amateur organization, and thoy should j see that their riiiK contests are carried on t in ft dignified, decent way. Fighters of' the .stewari. carter stripe should either bo barred Irom competition or compelled to COtnpetiß like goullemeu. Lust nichi«ar ter brought uisgraco to the club, for he I lought like a low bruiser, and resorted to all the brutai tricks which mark the di( xerouce between professional and ama teur contests. •'ilo uisjiusted ail tho gentlemen in tho audience, and was denounced on ail aides for hia heeling, lighting In clinches and other violations ot tho ruies. If Keluroe ilagau had known his business, and had hatt lhe nerve to decide tba bout between Carter and l'ayen acoordiug to rule, lie would havo awarded it to the iSacrameuto boy on a foul." HEALTH OF THE SPATE. Ihe Deatli-HRte for September Was Very Low. Dr. J. 11. Lame, Secretary of the istato Board oi Health, iv his report for Sep teuibor, asiys: llupurts lrom 34 localities, outside of tho larger cities and towns, give 6 cases of pneuinoma, lil of broucbuis, l'J 01 pleu risy, y of conyeation of the lungs, 137 of diarrhcek, -0 ot dysentery, 3o of cliolera morbus, 'S6 of choiora inlaniui'n, 7 of diph theria, 3 of croup, 11 of;us, 1^ of w.ioopiujj-oough, 78 of la grippe, 40 of tyuhoid levor, 10a of iualarial levers, 1 of cerebro-s;. inal fever, 16 of erysipelas, b of rheumatism, G'j of neuralgia, Gu of tou silitiss and 33 of pharyngitis. Chicken-pox was reported epidemic at Sau Kafael. The death-rate was 1.17 per 1,000, or at the rate of 14.04 per I,OW per auuuai. CHOLBBAt Keporta from Honolulu indicate that cholera has beou pretty woil Btuaiped out, though it in too soou to lift ihaquarau tiue. The development of an occasional new caae now and then may be expected, ami this oxpuclaiiun should lead to iho observance of the same precautions which were iound necessary during the crisis 01 danger, for any u«w case is liable to be the beginning of an epidemic, We uniy, however, anticipate our congratula tions to the islands, aa showing another installed iv which cholera is proveu to be a preventable disease, susceptible of check and even destruction wheu haudled with intelligence and determination. SMAIJ.PUX. Dr. M. 1. Price, who has been acting as .Sanitary Inspector agaisist smallpox, which has prevailed moro or less on the Mexican border during the summer months, has beeu recalled, there being no I urgent necessity for ooutiuued iuspec | tionu. Tho disease, however, continues 10 amoldor near the border, the natives regarding it as of little importance, and it will require more than urdiuary vigilance on the part of local health oilieiais to prevent it sneaking into thickly settled coiumuuities or villages or towns. Articies of Incorporation. The following articles of incorporation have beeu hied in the .-Secretary ol State'a otlice: i/uarte-Monrovi<i Kruit l-3xcbange. Principal place of business, Duarte, Los Angeles County. Capital Btook,sc>,ooo,with tbo lollowiuu directors: E. Tiuuey, M. 11. liolmos, A. 11. Johnson, J. P. Spenoe, Monrovia; 15. W. Corhart, \V. W. liacon, \V. U. Young, VY. riiippeudale, E. I>. Northop, F. M. Douglass, A. S, Church, Duarte. Ciioniioal Paint Company. I'rinciyai place of business, San Francisco. Capi tal stock, §100,000, with the following di rectors: H. EL Miilor, C. 0. <J. Miller, Oakland; E. S. Heller, 1 . Thomas, San Francisco; W. H. M. liaurhyte, Ala msxia. Tropico Mining Company. Principal place of business, Loa Angeles. Capital stock, $50, ■"■ >, with the following direct ors: <>t*orge Khorer, Pomona; P. 15. Mathiason, i.. L. lioweu. i'rauk Lercu, C. A. Kuauls, Los Augeloa. Notaries Public. Governor Hudd has appointed the fol lowing Notaries Public: -Maurice iiirsch. I'kiah, Moiidocino County; i 5. F. Iliir tritiH, Mandooioo, Mendocino County; Alfred iJojfgeit, Viaalia; William <>. < tldhatn, Santa Koaa. tTn,\T ltmp in a man's stom a c h which makes him ir ritable and misera .Mte mess or pleasure is iI9|^HBH& li^e charity, covers The trouble may be | W bowels. Wherever it is, it is caused by the I A\ 1 tmS) rclnsc matter I P\ \ I been naable to rid J / v IJ) herself of, unaided. I J \) JK? -n such cases, wise 111 \| j|X9P] 'i' ' I:'' ■'' "•" ■' I ' little health officer, \ I jilffljl I | penouified liv one ((^ Joß^i * / ant >t'^t*ts>to searcn \y trouble and remove the cause. Ooe lit tle "Pellet" will remove a very big lump and act as a gentle laxative. Two " Pel :::iid cathartic. A short "course" of " Pelfets" will cm\: Indiges tion / 'tfy. Lt will cure constipa tion. After that, you Can stop taking then:. A good many pills act so vio lently as to derange the system, and in its disordered state, di^-stion will not go on without a continued use of the pills. That's the worst feature of most pills. Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets never make slaves of their users. !)r. Pierces Pleasant Pellets—it's an oaxae to remember. Don't let a designing druggist talk you into <• some thing just as good." He makes more money on the "just as good" kind. That's why he would rather sell them. That's why you had better not take them. . , Whenever they are tried, they are al ways in favor, so a free sample package i 4'to 7 doses ,is sent to any one jivho asks. World's Dispensary Medical As sociation. Buffalo. N- V- SPECIAL NOTICES. A CHOICE collection of Holland bulbs, hy acinth, tulip, narcissus, etc.. at the .Bell Con servatory, Tenth and V streets. Vehicles—BAKEß & HAMlLTON—Hard ware. Carts, Buggies, Carriages, Phaetons, Kain Farm and Header Wagons, Wholesale Hardware. Send for catalogue. TRY Figsj's Medicated Sea Salt. Also, Hay, Feed and Grain, lilt) Fourth street. New Telephone 404. DIRECTIONS lor \;muj KtJf 1 i Lv s^W CREAM BALM. — Apply %&&*£'AM BAI^S a particle of the Balm di-WjE^U^Cu/jfjCOlal rectly into the nostrils. X~>£*oifi\S ll£*i:iJ After a moment draw E^|J strong breath through the |ct^ _/*4^a§H nose. L ■»c three times a SSt^ ./rl™ day, alter meals preferred, KHL-^CT^^^H and before retiring. |^F\^>^r s*^a CATARRH ELTtICBEAS BALM Opens and deansesthe Nasal Vnssiiires, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Sores, Protects tlie Membrane from colds, Restore-- the Senses of Taste and Smell. The Balm 1_ quickly absorbed and gives relief at once. A particle Is applied into each nostril and is agree able i'i-;ci- SO (••■uts :it Druggists or by mnil. XI.V BROTHERS. 56 Warren Street. New York. | Always FIRST I Gail Borden I I Eagle Brand I CONDENSED fIILK 2 For 3? years the leading brand. It is the J • Best and the most economical. "* § A PERFECT FOOD FOR INFANTS * Sacramento Women! Feeble, ailing women are mude well and strong by that great modern nerve in vigomtorand biood purifier Paint's Celery GomMMad. \V«'ak, sualcy, tired nerves, on the verge of prostration, Deed nothing M lnucii as this rood for *.he nervei. Try it and be well. NEW TO-D.\Y. DATE TAKEN. CAPITOL COUNCIIi, NO. 11, Y. M. 1., Turner Hall, October 31st. It LIEUTENANT-COMMANDER WADHAMS WILL DELIVER HIB ENTERTAINING Lecture, ''Our New Navy and Life on a Man-of-\Vai," at tho Congregational Church, MONDAY KVENINQ, Oct. Ulst. Nominal admissiou fee to cover expenses. 017-4t NOTICE."" MR. 0. P. DODQS OF THIS CITY HAS been eiua^ed by the Uacramento Elec tric Power and Light Company to act as their agent for the purpose of soliciting: advertise ments from the business men of Sacramento and vicinity, lor placing in the street cars, and he Is authorized to make contracts for this purpose. Any communication on this subject siiould be addressed to O. P. DODGE. Corner .Sixth and H streets, or P, O. Box 2U6, Sacramento. Signed: BACUAHENTO ELKCTRIO POWEK AND LltiHT Co.Mi'ANV. 017-Ut COMMBSIOMS SaLL 1)Y VIRTUE OF A DECRKE OF FORK y dosure, made and entered in the Super.or Court of thi; county ol Sacramento, aud state ol California, on the 27 th tfay ol Beptember, a. d. l^.'Jb. and an order of sale issued out of said court, ana di reeled to the Commissioner on the 11th day ol October, 18'J5, in uiiuction wherein N. Dincley is plaiatin, and 3. R. }{•■ i-on, H. l>. Mlslard. Aurostus K. Varney, John Doe and Klctianl iioe are defendants, the undersigned was appointed Commis sioner and commanded and directed to sell the re;ii estate described in said decree, and situate, lying and being in the county of Sac ramento, and state of California, and bounded and particularly described as the east half of the northwest quarter of section nineteen, in township eight north, range six ta>;. .Mount Diablo base and meridian, and belim that portion of tsaid tract of land lying south of the Jackson road, and containing fifty-five acres, together with all anil singular, the tenements, hereditaments and appurte nances thereunto belonging or anywise ap pi 1 tnining. Notice Is herebyciven thai on SATURDAY, ! the luh of November, l-^'j'*. at 10 o'clock a. >i., m front of the courthouse, in tne city j oi Sacramento, In county, i will sell at j public auction to the highvst didder, lor cash, j tbe above described real estate, or so much thereof M may !»-• necessary to satisfy said j decree. Dated October 16th, a. d. 1895. Fka.nk HICKMAN, Commissioner. Hui.i. A I)inn, Attorneys for Commissioner. 017-4tTh R^soiuliuQ of lQtcation to Change Grade. FJESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TKUB -: i ties of the City of Sacramento, that they ! Intend to change and esinblish the grade of S, j 1 aud V streets from the east Hue of Twenty- Brst street to the west lino of. Twenty-second street, as follows: At the east line of Twenty-first street, center of S, -Z.i.Mj feet. lt>o ie« t east of east line of Twenty-first street. Center Of S, 2 1J.75 fret. At west Imo of Twenty-second street, center Of S, 2 U.I 5 feet. Ateavttlueof Twenty-first street, center of 1, U3.80 feet. 160 leet east of east line of Twenty-first street, center of T, 31 teet, At west tine of Twenty-second street, center of T, ;;0.4 1 feet. A) east line of Twenty-first street, center of V, :jo teet. a i east of east line Twenty-tirst street, center ot v, 3 4 feet. I :iO feet east Ol oast line Twenty-first street, center of V, :>4.50 teet. l(iu f'-e; east of east line Twenty-tirst street, center of V, 85feet, :iuo teet east of east line of Twenty-first street, center of V, .'jo.ijo feet. 21 v leet east of ea-t line Twenty-first street, center ol V, 84.70 feet. 280 teel east of east line Twenty-first street, ceuierof V, 38 70 feet. At wesi line of Twenty-second ol V, 30 feet. An 1 ;it ail points between said designated points the grade si.all tie t slablisued sous to conform to a straight line drawn between said designated point-. The numbers used above, where their mrau ing is not shown to be Otherwise by their im mediate context, mean the number of feet widen the points designated In the proposed new grade >iiuil be above the city datum plane. The i;k•••okd-Union, a dally newspaper published and clrculuie.l In tnis city, is hereby designated as the paper tn whicb the City Llerk shall orate this Kesulutton to be pub lished, in every issue thereof, lor a i>triod of ten days as required by law, in Board of rnutees, City of Sacramento, October 14, i»!)5. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes— teunisii, Leonard. Devlne, Tozer, Bragg. Davis, Kent, Wuclihorsi, Lawton. W. 1). LAWTON, President i oard of Trustees. O. S. Flint, Clerk <>i Hoard of Trustees. 017-10t In the Matter of Reclamation District .\tiiuber Five Hundred and Fifty-Six, County of Sacramctno, Slate or Cali fornia. mHB PETFfIOS FOX THE FORMATION j of siiui district having heretofore been ap pro-ved b; this board, and tbe land-owner-of KaiU district having heretofore adopted and recorded their by-laws, Now on application ot SOL RUNYOX, a .; 1,-!-owner of>ald district , II s ordered thai an o'.ectiou be held on SATURDAY, ihe 16th day of Novemip:. 1895, commencing ut lv o'clock a.m.and dosingal I oeiock P. m. on that day, for tiie purj ose ofelectlnc three Trustees of said dis trict, and that noUce thereof be published in the Hko>ki»-I'nm>>, a newspaper of general circulation in said county, for one month, and that thf> County Clerk i»n said notice. And it is further ordered tuat. said election be held at the warehouse of Sol liunyon in Swamp Luna Survey No. 330, on Andrus [sin id County Of Sacramento, Hiute of Cali fornia, and that Pleasant Crew be, and he is h.i\i>s apiolnied Inspector, aa4 tnat J. M. Qlesson and .lames s. Foster be, and they are hereby tipj olnted Judges of suiu t-iectioii. Hv unanimous vote of the Board of Super visors of the County of Sacramento. October 9V»EA^I Attest: \VM. B. HAMILTON, County Clerk of the County of Saoramento, and cx-orticlo Cleric of the Board of Suiht visors. »10td r-r-r-T » -<r 7 rTP YOT" CAN BUY -J LA. -i_ J «- •of all Kinds for your money at New York: Market, 1020 X street, Sncramento, than at any other house in the city. M. F. ODKLL. FroDrietor. __^ JOHN BRENNER. o^»o«x>bTOBcococcobbcoooc P A Hat Wreck Q ,sa/ Mtf subject is HAT RACKS. Here is one at $14. Q <S^«S^, solid oak — 6) pet 4 inches high. The mirror is 8 lit by 15J, French bevel glass. The bottom part is a good seat, as well as a box with hinged lid, in which to / f\ put brushes and things. And in the rainy season the ? f\ umbrella stand attachment alone is worth the price. ? Q Hat Racks from $7 50 to £25. ( i JOHN BREUNER, O 604-606=608 X STREET, SACRAMENTO. AMUSEMENTS. I METROPOLITAN THEATER. J. H. Todd Manager TWO NIGHTS, THURSDAY and FRIDAY, Oct. 17th aud 18th. Operatic Event of the Season, PEERLESS PAULINE HALL And her Brilliant Company in the Merry Operatic Comedy, DORCAS. EXQUISITE MUSIC. SUi'fcßß COSTUMES, BEAUTIFUL SCENERY, GKEAT ORCHESTRATION, PrfOM 50c and ft. Box sheet now opeu. _oIG-3t CiTJNIE OPERA HOUSE. J. H. Todu Manager Week Commeuclue Monday, Oct. 1 lib.. The CALDWKLL, STOCK COMPANY in McKce Kankin's Great Drama, THE RUNAWAY WIFE. Popular Prices—lOo, iOc nnd 3Oc. SOCIAL. F>ARTV — or thi: — /"IVTHOLIC LADIES' BELIEF SOCIETY, \j at Turner Hall, on THURSDAY KVKN -ING, October 17, 1895. Tlclteus, ou cent-. 010-l:2-17 AUCTIONS. AUCTIOxX! AUCTION! AUCTION! THURSDAY, October 17th, at 10 o'cloc'k a. w. sharp, we will sell on the prumi-es, 521 Ninth street, «>n>-grand square piano, cover and stool, sev eral pieces ol imrior furuiture, bamboo and wicker rockers, parlor tattles and bookcase, pictures and parlor ornuincnis, two tine oak bedroom suits, spring and top mattresses. Also, dining-room lurniture, extension table :uid chairs, "no fliU' ra-.isro and nitures coinpleu-, tine crockery and glassware, Brus sels carpets, lacs curtains, parlor stove; alsc, one gout's $90 bicycle, only ridden three times. The goods of the entire house are very choice, having k>een in use oniy ;i lew montbs. bale positive; terms cash. BELL dk CO., Auctioneers. ~ REFEREE'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ISY THE \ onderslgne t, referee heretofore appointed In an iiction pending In the .Superior Court ol the county or Sacimmenlo, state of California, wherein 'Louisa Castnrf is plaintili, aud Georse W. \'au;jhan, Kutiie Vaogban, Sacra mento Stamm No. 124, Independent order ol tied Men. and K. J. Henichel are defendants, will sell at public auction, at the time and place hereinafter stated, tne io;il property hereinafter described, said sale will be made in pursuance of and under a Judgment ol toreclosore and order oi tale of said court In -~;i:d iiction, given, made and entered on the 21rt fisky of September, 1896, wherein nnl whereby it \sas 'decreed that said premises be sold by said undersigned at public venduo In the manner that lands are sold upon execu tion, and apply the proceeds of such sale 10 the payment of 1111 1 Hollowing sums, wnlch are adjudged to be due ironi said deft ndanta, George W. Vaughan and Kathe Vaughn n. to the defendant, Sacramento tttamm, No. 124, Independent order of Ued Men, and to said plaintltf, respectively, in the order in which ihey are naineu: $1i,'.»46 4U to said Sacramen to stamm, due it upon a note and mortgage, and for its costs and attorney's fees herein; to said plaintiff rorthe amount due to her upon a note and mortgage and for her costs and at torney's lee herein, S<>7 2 20; said sau- will be made by me as directed in said decree and order of sale, for cash, iv United States gola coin,at the County Courthouse door, on the 17TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1895,ai tiie hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day,and to the high est bidder, said Courthouse beiny locate! at tiie northwest corner of Seventh and I streets, 111 the City ol Sacramento, County of Sacra mento, -State of 1 aliiornla. f^ald property is situate, lying and being in said city, county and state, and Is particu larly described as the north twenty feet of thi south sixty feet of lot Number One, In the block bounded by It and L, Eighth and Ninth streets, of s:urt city of Sacramento, and there will be sold the wnole. or so much thereof as will satisfy said Judgment. Said sale will be made subject to redemp tion. Dated, September 26, 1895. :■. c. casTLEIIUN. Referee in said cause. D. E. At.EXANiiKn, Attorney for Plaintili'. s:iO- Itl'ti A Ot*&ld!!#f3Lti 1 ondaryorTer- Uary 11LOOI> I'CISON permanently cursd in 15 t035 days. You ef;r: be treated at home for Bume price under paine sjuaran ty. If you prefer tocomehero wewulcon ♦ fnct tr> i>ay rai Iroad f areand hotel bills.and'we fait to cure. If jou have taken mor* cury, iodide potash, and still have aches and £:r;ns.MucouftratcheB in mouth. Sore Throat, •implcs. Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on any jartof the body, Hair or Kvebrows fulling cut, it to this Secondary IiLoOO VOLSON 'c jjuarantee to cure. We Bolicit tho mnst obsti nate cases and challentro tho world fov » case we cannot euro. This divease has alwars (>:tfllod th« skill of the njost emineut physi cians. 8«r>OO,0OO rnpital beliit.rt our uncondi ti' inal jrnaraatr. Abso Mile proofs son t scaled on nDpllcnT:oTi. Addrp>s COOK RKMKDY CO., 307 Masonic i'cuipie, CiIICAUUi JLLL* SACRAMENTO WOOD AND COAL YARD. 1 LL KINDS OF WOOD, CO\L, COKE t\ Charcoal and Kindling, Grain and Kill reed. Barley and Oats crushed 10 order. 3T£AM CARPET CLEANING AND REKOYAIIN6 WORKS. An entire now machine. No rips, no tears. CAPT. A. MF.NDIS, Proprietor, 1513-1516 Front street. TeleDhoue i>s7- FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS At Heasonablo Prices Call on TOM SCOTT, P, u Ti 303 J STREET. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL, Corner Seventh and X Streets. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS*. FREE 'BUS to and from the cars. GRAY & TITUS, Proprietors. ~~— -. *r -^-1-.- "*■ ■ ■•' ■> CIAPITAL HOTEL. CORNER BEVEWTH and X streets. Strictly rirst-clans. Free 'bus to ami from depot. BLESSING 6l GUTHRIE. Proprietors. j _ JL M If A '-A \ WESTERN HOTEL, nnHE LEADING BOUSE OF SACRA J mento, Cal. Meals, 85 cents. WM. LAND, Proprietor. Free 'bus to and from hotel. MECHAMCS 1 EXCHANGE MOTEL, ! STREET, BETWEEN FRONT AND SECOND, Two Blocks iruin Railroad Depot. BOARD AND 800 SIS BY THE DAY, week or month at reasonable prices. MK-M.S, 25c. ROOMS, 2:"..-, 500 and $1 ■er night. JAMES McCAW, Proprietor. STATE HOUSE HOTEL, Corner Tenth and £ Sts., Sacramento. BOARD AND ROOM, $1 25 TO §2 FEIi day. Meals, 25 cents. «S-Acccomuii>datlons FIRST-CLASS. Free ?Bus to and from hotel. W. J. ELDER, Manager. PACIFIC HOTEL, /CORNER X AND FIFTH STREETS. SAC \j ramento. Meals 26 cents. Nearwtßetel to Post and Express Offices and Theaters. Streel cars pass t!if door v\cry three minutes. Elegantly tarnished rooms in single or suites (i*om 50 cent*; to $1 ;>pr night. C. F. aiNGLKTON, Proprietor. THE METROPOLITAN, I. W. for. FiHl and X Sts.. SawißWtfl, Cal. HANDSOMELY FVR»I3ttEB ROOMS. single or eu suite. Centrally located and strictly iirst-olass. Especial attention totran s int. Electric cars pass the door to all part* Of the city. Conducted on the European plan. MRS. K. J. C. KETCHUM, Prop. _ THE SADDLE ROCK RESTAURANT AND OYSTER HOUSE, 1711 RST-CL ASS HOUSE IN EVERY BE- I" 1 spect. Ladies'dining-room separate. Open day and night. BUCKMANN <fe CARRA GHER, Proprietors. No. 1 019 Second street, between J and X, .Sacrauieuto. TO THE PUBLIC. mil ERE IS NO PLACE IN THE CITY I where you can get as good a 15-cent meal as at the MISSISSIPPI KITCHEN. 108 THIRL' STREET, TEL. 231, Oysters lo Every Style, Open Day and Night. LEITH'S Restaurant and Oyster House. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Opposite Golden Ea^le Hotel, 616 X Street T ADIES' DIN ING-ROOM SEPARATE. Jj Special attention to Kanq'iets and Suppers. FRANK L KITH, Proprietor. MINT RESTAURANT. i^ Second St, bet. X and L fcJH^k The cheapest and h<*^t^^nV^K ~s^^k 25-ccnt meals In the city fy %O& ■■ - serve iat all hours, fl»y"— or night. Oystors served in all style*. Pri vate rooms lor ladies and Tamiließ. Parties •erved on short notice, i-errice guaranteed. J. H. CAMPIU'.LL. Proprietor. CALIFORNIA SEED COMPANY. Notice to Stockholders. XfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, IN PUR x\ suance to tlio call of the iioard of Di rectors, made on Friday, the ;>><th day of June, Ib!is, that a special meeting of tbe Stockholders of the California i^eed Company will be held at the office of said corporation at Walnut tirove. sacrainunto County. Califor nia, in the building when- tue Board of Di rectors usually meet, on TUESDAY, the lOih day of December, 1895, at 1 o'clock >\ m., tor the purpose of considering and acting upon the proposition of creating; a bonded indebt edness ot 1 his corporation to the amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars (f 100,060;, and also lor the transacting of any other bus iness that may bt: brought beloro the mee.t inir. A full attendance ia requested. By order ot the BOARD OK DIRECTORS. \V. L. Jones, Secretary. Walnut Grove, Cal.. October 1,1895. 03-10tTh