Newspaper Page Text
4 RECLAMATION DISTRICT TRUSTEES. Elections Therefor Are Called in Three Districts. Progress of Road Repairing in the Lower End of tli<- < utility— Courtlaud Obstruction. The County Supervisors mot in regu lar monthly session yesterday, all the members being present, and Morrison in the chair. The first business taken up was a petition from residents "6f the new reclamation district near Freeport for I ection for Trustees. Supervisor Todd moved that the prayer of the petitioners be granted, and that an election be held on the 4th day of January for Trustees to manage the affairs of the district. The motion was carried, and J. C. Baumgartel and James O'Neill were appointed Judges, and Chris Weisel In spector. The polls will opened at the Sacramento Transportation Com pany's brickyard. W. A. Gett, attorney for the landown ers in Reclamation District No. 554, presented a petition by H. T. Lufkin for ti. n of a Board of Trustees of the district. The petition was granted, and an election called for June 6th, at 4 p. m., at the .-■ >re of ii. T. Lufkin in Walnut Grove. Sperry Dye was named as in spector, and H. T. Lufkin and Clara ii. Lord as Judges. A similar ord r was made for Dis trict 407, the election to take place at the Isleton Hotel in Isleton at 4 p. m. on the 4tl E January. Sanford Dickey was named as Inn ctor and H. La Rue and Samuel Lavenson as Judges. Major Gett also presented the report of the Board of Election of Reclama tion District 556, of th< held on Andrus Island en the 16th day of November. The Trustees elected were Sol Runyon, P. 11. McGrath and George A. Knott. Some residents of Folsom complained hat obstructs an alley in that town, and Supervisor Curtis was in structed to inquire into the matter and Bee that the obstruction, if it be such, is remi ive L W. A. Gett addressed the board in regard to a road on the upper end of Tyler Island. A g 1 levee has been built there, bui then pots constructed over quicksand deposits, and in these spots : t Bometimes sloughs off, c: several districts on island. • lation work was begun : was wholly submerged, but has 1 n made valuable by recla i ■ in. The driving of ;: few piles at 11 and Clark ranches, at a cost of perhaps $100, would perhaps prevent a loss of several hundred thousand dollars later "ii. Mr. Gett requested that the county do this work, for the reason that some of the land affected is in litigation, or Involved in probate proceedings, and it would be months before any xi ing could be done. The matter will be further considered ;-i the week, mty Surveyor I that : i xamined the site of the I petitioned for at the old mouth of the American River by L. M. Billings and others. He did not think tl. to such a bridge would stand •' high water levee n MAN MUST BB PRETTY DRUNK IF Tin Ii ant get eaoagh smoke oat t cutting it in two ami litrhtintr both .t once. But mnny a man livt-s !iis !:f3 way—burns it at both ends at once. ara of pleasure is often cr I into ten in the effort to ma] The exoesa of Til up in the hilarious ; ..! of j<'y during these ten yean is taken out oT tii- PC€ —a fund, as i; that is reaerved by nature to keep i;p your ■future manhood. That force is known to ■,;tal or nei • of course it jr. If you can % <ricity back into :■ i cai c fund. To pet it ba - Dr. >'a.r)'. n'a Kk-rtric Belt Dr. : ' i this subject I is lost and restored, with proofs. It .3 - lay. Ad'ir B \M)i:\ BLECH Kir CO., , -:.. .■-. n yraactsf, opposite PaltMi £ If you want a sure relief for pains in the back, side, chest, or rf limbs, use an v 5 A l\rf\rlr*<& Porous I ? riIICULIV O Plaster j Bear in Mind—Not one of the host of counterfeits and imita- \ v; tions is as good as the genuine. "J HORSES CLIPPED Dr- C L Megowan, \KTi:illN,\i:v BURGBON, BY MACHINERY, | SIS liftp«ntli xtroot. b^'T Your Wtf Weaker than she was when you married her ? She shows lack of energy, lack of vitality, poor digestion, and suffers from ills common to women ? Have you ever tried to help her? If so, yoa haven't gone the right way about it, if you haven't got a case of DR. HENLEY'S CELERY, BEEF AHb IRON \ for her. That will make her strong and well, and bring back the roses to her cheeks, and the bright happy look to her eye*. Don't waste a moment Get it for her to-day. n for Sale by ing & allee, 712 j street in that vicinity is rebuilt. He advised that no action be taken In the matter until the character of this proposed work is determined. It was so ordered. Surveyor Boyd also reported that he had examined the trestlework recently constructed by S. Carle on the Lower Stockton road, near the Mokelumne River, and found it had been done ac cording to the plans and specifications. He further reported that he had measured the bituminous pavement laid on the American River bridge and found that it contained 12,0bu yards. Supervisor Jenkins reported that he, County Surveyor Boyd and Supervisors Todd and Dreman had visited and ex amined the work done on the New Hope road by William Hicks and found it well done. They found that it was necessary, however, to extend the work over about a thousand feet more of the road, and had Hirected Mr. Hicks to complete it. Mr. Jenkins said the work was being done at a very low price, and by hav ing the additional grading done the people there would be able to travel the road at all times of the year. But little improvement had been made in that end of the county of late years, and as the residents all depend on this road it was deemeu the proper thing to have it put in good condition. Supervisor Curtis was authorized to have approaches made to the new bridge across Willow Creek, near Fol som, recently constructed by Silas Carle. Assistant District Attorney J. C. Jones appeared before the board in r< 6 rence to the matter of the obstruc tion of the road through Courtland by a Mr. Bates, who claims a portion of roadway is on his land. Mr. .Tones said that from what he could learn the county had used the road for a quarter of a century, while five years' use was sufficient to estab lish its right to the free use of at least forty feet of roadway. < >n motion of Todd, Supervisor Jen kin? was empowered to take such ac tion in the matter as might be further advised by the District Attorn< y. The rest of the day's session was spent in examining demands against the county, and the board took a recess till this morning. AFTER THE BUG EXPERT. Fruit-Growers Ask That J. M. Stepb. <'iison be Removed. J. W. Armstrong appeared before the County Supervisors yesterday and nted charges against Horticult ural Commissioner J. M. StephtSnson, signed by fruit-growers. The charges read: "We, the undersigned, resident tolders and possessors of orch ards In Sacramento County, heri - by represent to your honorable body that the present Incum- Horticultural Commissioner. J. M. Stephenson, h;is not visited in an offi cial capacity the orchards owned by either of us, and has not in any manner aided us or supervised the destruction of the scale insects or codlin moths that infest the fruit, fruit trees and vines in our orchards, and we hereby recommend your honorable body to de clare a vacancy in said office of Horti cultural Commissioner, and that a < '"mmissloner be appointed who will attend to and supervise the destruc tion of said insect pests; and your pe titioners will ever pray." The charges are signed by O. O. Good rich, H. F>. Bagwell, James Larrabee, <■ C. Taft. R. Sherburn, O. A. Lovdal, John Neal, Joseph Grondona, Andrew Grondona, A. A. Hutchlnson,J. H. Hay den, J. A. Lowney, Frank Hogeboom, X. B. Cannon, W. F. May, <" r . Pranza, A. ("..■ lotto, s. I. Randel.E. A. W< Thomas Oats, F. V. Flint. J. E. Camp. \V. W. Ellis, F. A. C. Nichols, F. I v Caselli, tl. <>. Morgan, Carl B X. <'!ark. T. P. Eldred, F. P. Lowell, Thomas P.annister. Jesse Alken, F. M. Poole, J. P. Odbert, Mrs. Dora Allen, F 1.. Spencer, Sol Runyon, E. Dam. W. H. Barry, W. X. Runyon, O. R. Run y. n, James Collins. C. V. Talmadge, J. R. Olsen, P. K. Linnell, John Ci A <\ Eastman, M. S. Green, J. Stu darus, Mrs. E. Shields, J. K. Beach, -NT. <\ Pike, [saac Xuttall. K. C. Bedell, F. !. G. F. Wilson, F. L. Fowler, ii. .1. Parks, F. Hall-r. C. E. Milne. M. A. Ratcliffe, K. G. Raaf, Edith Beau champ, W. W. Lane, C. J. Forman, A. .van, L. P.. Hinman, H. Sawyer, j. P. Mampel, John Moncure, X. l>. .\!;s. A. P.. Burns, Frank Wise, James Rutter, P. M. Artz, <'.. !■:. Duden, <;. A. Knott, M. A. Hensley, G. H. Kerr, \\. R. Grimshaw, John Moncur, John 1 ia O'Brien, H. G. Smith is, Th> odore 1 ►emlng, S] Bros . G. C. McMullin, Charles Beknap, A Menke, J. E. Manlove, I-'. W. Menke, A Hall, Joseph Routier, '".. 11. Menke, Studarus, L. <:. Rodman, Mouton Bros., E. i ■ Gai Ibaldi, F. G Ames, Harvey WTiite, I. C. Grant, \\\ W. White, G. P.. Baker, E. R. Ed wards. A. H. Gerhardt, and others. Til'- charges were placed on file and laid over for hearing on the !nh of Jan uary. _ — Will Brenk Rock. A. "Lupton ami J. Dunn vrho followed a drunken man around on Saturday night, with the evident intention of robbing him, and were arrested by Officer Doug las, who caught on to their little gamo, wore convicted of vagrancy yesterday in tho Poli'-o Court and sentenced to siity days each In the County Jail. County Officials' Fees. luiring the month of November forty- Reven new cases were filed in County Clerk Hamilton's oflice, and the fees amounted to $756 '■>'>. The fees <>f the County Recorder's office were $407 85. Sheriff Johnson's office received iv fees | Contributions to the Treasury. Frank Harper was convicted yesterday in the I'olice Court of battery ou l'e:er Johnson and lined f] L J. A. Downey wae line! ?•> for dis t hargiiig a pistol iv a saloon at Second and X streets. Coursing Match. The Capital City Coursing Club will hold its first coursing match near Shel don noxt Sunday. liojjs will be drawn Thursday evening at Twentieth and 0 s-:t B'.s. SACttAtfEITTO BAILr RECOI?D-T rS*TO:N v, TTtESTUT, WECESSKft 3. 18«T5. A HEARTLESS TRICK BY CHINAMEN. Attempt to Swear Away the Lite of an Innocent Man. Fearful of Falling Into Their Own Trap, However, They Aban don the Job. When Bret Harte wrote that "For ways that are dark, and tricks that are vain, the heathen Chinee is peculiar," he must have foreseen a condition of affairs that has come to light here. Four years ago Lee Fong Gee, a butcher, was murdered in this city, but there were no witnesses to the crime, and the murderer escaped. Recently two Chinamen told District Attorney Ryan they knew who the murderer was and where to get him. A warrant was accordingly issued, and the Chinamen went to Visalia and had Haw Yue ar rested and brought to this city as the murderer. When he was arraigned in Jus tice Henry's court yesterday, however, the alleged prosecuting witnesses were not there. The reason was, apparently, that thi s w< re afraid of being charged with perjury, for it now looks as it" the charge against Haw Yue was a trumped-up one. Recently the prisoner, who is known in Visalia as a trustworthy Chinaman. I at a lotfc ry game out of $2,000, and the cunning and heartless fellows who owed him the money sought to get him out of the way by, If possible, swearing a way his life or his litx rty. Bui when th y saw that he had em ploy.-d ,-x-A semblyman Alvord to de fend him, and realised that he would be able to prove an alibi, they got their is to keep ;iu ay. On t!i-- request of District Attorney Ryan yesterday Justice Henry dis charged Haw Yue. and now the Dis trict Attorney is very anxious to find Lee Kee, the man who signed the com plaint charging Haw Sue with murder. If caught he will no doubt soon find nimsell behind the State Prison walls, he sought to have Haw Yue put. Th« re Is no doubt that scores or hun ,i;. a a i i !hir ■.-.■ have been sent to ! rlson in this State on testimony of the character that it was intended to em ploy in convicting Haw Yu.-. The Chi d i >n courts and juries in the most shameless and barefaced manner, a ; many lawyers who have ■ business for them are well aware. if this fellow Lee Kee should be caught he deserves the severest punish ■ the law can give him, for he has not only committed perjury but he at tempted to.swear away the life of a fel low-being. RETURN OF TROOP "I" Las! of the Regulars Back From Se quoia National Park. Troop T. Fourth Cavalry, commanded by Captain James Lockett, arrived at •:.. Presidio Saturday about noon, after a twenty-one days' march from the S< quoia National Park, where they have been stationed during the past six months protecting the park from in truders. Troop I is composed of fifty-eight men, fifty-three of whom have beeri out in the field, while the remainder were left at the Presidio in charge of the quarters and troop property. The officers with the troop were Captain James Lockett, commanding, First Lieutenant J. E. Nolan, Second Lieutenant Thomas G. n and First Lieutenant Charles E B. Flagg, Assistant Surgeon. The t p left here the Wth of last May, and after arriving at the park established a permanent camp at Min eral Lake, Tulan County. Three other camps were established throughout the Giant Forest, commanded by Lieutenant <'arson; Grant Park and Hockett Meadows—each in charge of a non-commissioned officer. The men ■>«.<•!-,■ distributed among these camps and wen under the supervision of cap tain Lockett, who paid regular visits to them during the summer and regu lated t heir movements. Their principal duty was patrolling the country surrounding their camps, with Instructions to arrest all sheep and cattle men and capture ;ill stock. The .- were very shy this year, .< •!■•• there last year and en forc< i 'H: cipline. Only one intruder was arrest luring their stay, and he was tundary and turned loose warning, while the sheep were scattered. A canteen was established . main camp for the benefit of the men and the profits derived from the ul< - were 'devoted to their mess. Asid< from regular duty the troop en joyed splendid bunting and fishing, as d< ■ p and bear were in great abundance. Aboul ;'■:! Inches of snow had fallen in tin park when the soldiers left, which i 1 from invasion until spring, mor< troops will !>•■ detailed there oil the same duty. The horses and pack mules stood the trip well, notwithstand ing poor forage In some portions of the Troop C of the samo regiment and in their quarters at the Presidio had a ■ '._.■ dinner awaiting the troopers upon their arrival, which was greatly appre ciated by the boys after their long march. were twenty-one days trrr. rman< nt camp, which was ITisalia, to their proper station, tho distance being only HMt miles, a^ ! y a roj dometer ai tache I to on Quartermaster wagons. The reason for-short marches was to avoid arriving here just before muster, which takes place on the last day of th, as their equipments are . to be passed upon by a nlzing Inspector. They will be ex cused from post duty for three or four i cabling them to prepare for tho of garrison drill.—San Fran< Isco Examiner. Articles of Incorporation. The following articles of incorpora tion have been Hied in the office of the of State: The Altruria Association. Principal place of business, Altruria, with Allan \. Morse, William 11. O'Bryan and W. .!. i\. ■ -■• of Allruria as directors. Dyer Estate Company. Principal of busin< ss, i Oakland. (!apital ... k. $100,000, with Ellen .1. I >yer, Har- Et. i '>,■;•. Henry s. Dyer and Er [, Dyer <>!' Oakland and Hubert i\ Dyer ■ ; San Francisco as directors. ■| ; ■ California Engineering and Pro motion Company. Principal place of i '<■ mclsco. <Capital stock, I' \ ' '•:■ ene, P. i. I>an < T. .). Field of Mont irey and Thomas R. Knos and \i. B. Elder of San Francisco as directors. ..:. F & Co. Principal place of business, Santa Maria, Santa Barbara County. Capital stock, $75,000, with : -. s.nnu. I Fleisher and heimer of Santa .Maria. rd Si: sheimer of San Luis Oblspo Sinsheimer of Sao Francisco a/, directors. Th< ITnion Francaise. Principal place -. i>s kiand, « Ith I. t falbn, \'. I i .: tips, .!. Longe and J. Calon 1 rectors. • Land and Dairy Com , ncipal place of business, sail Capita! BtOCk, $GO,OOO, with Leon i>. Stone, Henry H. It ■.-•■. Joseph i. ipinger and Max Blui ■■' S n Ffanda oas directors. Farm. Principal place of San Francisco. Capital stock. .- :i'.>iti(i. with Jacob Stone, Leon I>. Henry H. Pi uelli i Ep :. Max Blum of San Francisco ■ ■!■.-:. The Kimball Magneto-Electric Pros tnd Development company, place of business, San Fran cisco. Capital stock, $000,000, with L. j. Kimball, A. r. Bacon, Frederick Hiller i>[ San Francisco and J. W. Guthrie and W. F. Jackson of Sacramento as direct ors. The Fountain Head Gold Gravel Min ing Company. Principal place of bus iness, Maybert, Nevada County. Mem bership fee, *•"!»>. with M. A. Baugh, W. 1!. Frye, C. A. Lillie, C. C. Whlttaker and J. W. Zeigler of Maybert as direct ors. AN INFAMOUS OUTRAGE. Tho City Wrapped in Darkness Last Nitiht. The Board of Trustees last night gave another evidence of its imbecility and its utter disregard of the welfare of the people whose servant it is supposed to be. A short time ago, in the face of strong public protest, it entered into a contract for lighting the city, one clause of which provides that the electric street lamps need not be lighted on the four nights preceding and following the full moon unless the moon is obscured by clouds. That this provision is a ridic ulous one every citizen, except he be a member of the Board of Trust* es, knows. But the action of the board last night even went farther in stupidity. The company which secured the light irg contract, which went into i ffect i Sunday night, has nothing like the full number of lamps in position, and is not in condition to light up the city. Last night J. C. Pierson of the Capital Gas Company, which has heretofore had the contract and whose lamps are still in position, went before the Board of Trustees and asked whether it was de sired that his company should continue to furnish light until the new com pany was ready to do so. L. T. Hatfield, representing the lat ter, said that they were operating under the ■"moonlight Bchedule" and were not ■lied to light up last night. The attention of the board was called to the clause providing that the lamps should be lit when the'moon was obscured by clouds, but it promptly ordered that the Capital Gas Company's contract be declared closed and the city left in darkness until such time as the new company ran furnish light. A dense fog had settled over the city and thi- darkness was Cimmerian. Cit izens on their way home from the bus iness portion of the city actually had to feel their way. Just a littli light spot < auld be seen through the dense clouds of fog to show where the moon was. Of course the new electric lighting company is not to blame for this state of affairs. It is probably making every possible effort to get its lumps in posi tkn, ami besides, ir is not its business k out for the city's Interests. That is the business of the Trustees, but it is most shamefully neglected. GRANGE OFFCERS. Those of Pomona Grah&re Were Kloeted Snturdiiy. Tho following were elected officers in Saoramonto County Pomona Grange, >>"o. 2, on last Saturday : Master, Joseph Holmes; Overseer, Ed. J. Lynch; Lee, Mrs. Myra Keeso; S., John A. Simons; A. s., Louin Sculmeyer; c, Carl Halver son; Treasurer, M. .Sprajjue; Secretary, A. A. Krull; (J. X., s. 11. Jack man; P., Mary Kerr; 1., Fanny Simons; *' Kuoda McXialien; L. A. S., Ann .lack inau; Pianist, Adell Krull; Trustee, A. M. I'luuiiuor. Wharton Appeals. '/.. F. Wharton does not wish to give up the practice of the law. lie ha 3 liled in the Superior Court his notice of appeal from tiie order disbarring him from praetico of the law iv this .State. It will bo remembered that some months a^o Wharton was disbarred in consequence of unprofessional conduct in connection with certain cuses in the Superior Court. For Pumping Water. C.W. Clarke has commenced suit in the Suporior Court against ltebccca Thisby to recover 91,080 72 for services performed in pumping water oil" 131 acres of land belonging to heron Andrus Islaud. The alleged pumping was done in 1893. A Painful Operation. Dr. Girardey, the dentist, underwent a painl'u 1 operation at the iiauds of an ocu list yesterday in the removal of a small piece oi Bteei wbicu had lodged iv bia eye. The Szcret of Bfatjty of the comrlexion.^ $$% v^, hands, arms, and hair is found in the perfect action of the Pores, <^J^f\ produced by [\Wu / A The most effective *\\ \ X V skin purifying and-^^-J \\\ \ jf .. t* 3 beautifying soap to the "1 jl>"C /y\ world, as well as purest l_^*^/^j and sweetest for toilet, " ~~ bath, and nursery. fold throughout the worM. Brili^h depot: F. N'r.w- BERT A SOS-. I, KiMC EdWd^t., Lorclnn. POTTBS D»va am; CRXM. Coup.. MM I'f.|.i. BoitOS, U. S. A. —1 The Most Miserable Man. "The most miserable man is the one who iB all the time auxious about his health." Use Paiiio's Celery Compound, and keep well and strong. It is not lixe ordinary remedies—it is medicine. Try it. MEETING NOTICES. CAPITAL CITY W. C. T. U. MEETS TO DAY at Pythian Castle, '^ o'clock. lt< SPECIAL. MEETING OF BACRA juunto .•. (irund .*. Council .•• fltaKltA Knights Kodosh.'. THIS (Vwa- tn&Fi. day; EVENING, December /rjjQ * 3J. at 7::s<i sharp. 28th° 'vf^ff: will i»e conferred id lull form. So journing .^ir Kiiigiits Kodosh courteously Invite i. A. HART. ;;2 . Jl!.\ Commander. H. A. Burnett, 33 , 111.*. BACRAMENTO CHAPTER, NO, 3, c. H. A. M.—Annual meeting lor tho^j^, election of officers and other im- /v^\ portunt business THI.-S TUESDAY,' ▼< Deoeruber 3d, at 7:->o p. m. A full attend* unit is d< lilt ii. It .1. W. BOYD, H. P. THK ANNUAL MEETING OP THE stockholders of the Motonlc Hall Associa tion of (Sacramento, t':il.. will be held at Masonic building, southwest corner sixth and X streets, on AIoM'AY EVENING, December y, 1«<)5, at 7:30 p. in. n25-10t Juli.N W. BOCK, President. LOST FOUND. STRAYED FKo.M wr* o STREET—A red Durham cow. The finder will please return the same and receive re ward. ii:;-.;i* BOARD ANi> LODGING. PRIVATE BOARD; ALSO, ROOMS nice ami cosy, with fire; furniture new. 7ii."« I, street, near Clunle Opera-h :l>. WITH OR WITHOUT ROOM, ( .ii|H,s;''- «'pitol; good home cooking :,r..l )>!. asuiu rooms, l.i-4 Tenth street. PHOTOGRAPHY. CABJNKT PHOTOGRAPHS $1 PER dczen: opposition la thi traue. Call at BKAU3 1 GEM G \1.!.i.1;V. &J7 .1 street, corner uf Seventh, until further notice, l. !■ ea \\ 111 not be chang GREAT REI >l'< JTIONS I N KIIiST-CLASS photoa at DEAN'S 718 X street, near Postoffice. Call and examine our work. | MUNYON Wins His Fight. Old-Fashioned Doctors and Tbeir Horrible Nauseating Drugs Knocked Out! Sacramento People Show Their Appreciation oi professor Man yon's Houest Methods aud De mand His Keraedies and Will Take \o Substitutes. It is simply wonderful, said Munycn 3 representative, to watch the growth of the public's confidence in our now method of treating disease. About five years a;;o we began our first free dis tribution of Munyon's remedies. At that time very few persons in the United States had ever heard the name before; but his honest, frank and fearless letter to the press demanding a public in vestigation of his claims opened their eyes to the fact that there was at on.- medical company in the world who had the honest conviction of the value of remedies, and believed lhai they had discovered positive cur< disease, and over 3,000,000 people have called at the various newspaper o in the principal cities to test his liberal offer of free distribution. The distribution just ended brought over 8,000 people, who now know chai Professor Munyon's remedies cannot be surpassed or their curative qualities • qrual d. Where can you find a parallel to this wonderful confidence of the pub lic in Munyon? Curiosity may have prompted some, and others may have thought tin r< something behind the liberal Most, no doubt, doubting the existence of remedies that were guaranteed to cure 90 per cent, of those who i?i- 1 them, but when they found that Pro fessor Munyon was in earnest, accepted their free sample and left with th< termination to give the remedy a fair test. What Is the result so far? Tes timonials are coming in from a:l sides reporting the wonderful cures effected, and Munyon's New Sihool of Medi cine is the topic of . conversation in Sacramento. What better proof can one ask of the icy of these little pellets? Ad vertising, no doubt, has brought them to tho notice of the California public, but the sole reason of their enormous success is that they do cure disease and are just what is claimed for them —the triumph of modern medical science. RHEUMATISM CURED. Munyon's Rheumatism Cure is anted to cure rheumatism in any part of the body. Acute or muscular rheu matism can be cured in from one to five days. It speedily cures shooting pains, sciatica, lumbago and all rheu matic pains in the back, hip and loins. It seldom fails to give relief after one or two doses, and almost invariably eur< a before one bottle has been used. Price, 25 cents. Specials. 50 cents. STOMACII AND DYSPEPSIA CURED. Munyon's Stomach and Dyspepsia Cure cures all forms of indigestion and stomach trouble such as rising of food, distress after eating, shortness of breath and all affections of the heart caused by indigestion, wind on the stomach, bad taste, offensive breath loss of appetite, faintness or weakness of stomach, headache from indigestion, soreness of the stomach, coated tongue' heartburn, shooting pains in the stom ach, constipation, dizziness, faintness and lack of energy. Price. 25 cents Munyon's Nerve Cure cures all the symptoms of nervous exhaustion, such as depressed spirits, failure of memory restless and sleepless nights, pains jn the head and dizziness. It cures gene ral debility, stimulates and strengthens tho nerves and tones up the whole I'O'ly. Price. 25 cents. Munyon's Kidney Cure cures pains in the back, loin or groins from kidney disease, dropsy of the feet and limbs frequent desire to pass water dark colored and turbid urine. pediment In the urine and diabetes. Price, 25 cents CATATtRII CURED. Catarrh positively cured—Are you waiting to spend 50 cents for p cure that positively cures catarrh by remov ing the cause of the disease? if so ask your druggist for a 25-cent bottle of Ca tarrh Cure and a 25-cent bottle of Catarrh Tablets. The catarrh cure will eradicate the disease from the system and the tablets will cleanse and heii the afflicted parts and restore them to a natural and healthful condition Munyon's Liver Cure corrects h«ad ache, biliousness, jaundice, consti-./ tion and all liver diseases. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu monia and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Munyon's Cough Cure stops cou->b night sweats, allays soreness and s] i edily heals the lungs. Munyon's Female Kemedies «re a bo<m to all women. Munyon's Headache Cure stops ho a^. ache in three minutes. Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cures all forms of piles. Munyon's Asthma Cure nnd Herbs are guaranteed to relieve asthma in th'-.-e minutes and cure in five days. Price, 50 cents each. Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all impurities from the blood. Munyon's Vitalizer imparts new lif? restores lost powers to weak and <V> bilitated men. Price. .SI. Munyon's Homeopathic Remedy Com pany. 1505 Arch street, Philadelphia Pa., put up specifies for nearly evei / disease, mostly for 25 cents a bottle. FOR «AT,K BY ALL DRUGGISTS. MUSIC AND ART, LESSONS IX OIL. r,O CTS: TAPESTRY, dyes or oils. 50 cts; china. 7."> cti-. MRS A. c. HERRICK, 1304 N stri I MRS. EFPIE McNAMEE COKER WILL soon arrive in this city prepared to give |i ! sons In the now famous Tapestry and China Painting. She has years' ,\ -pi rience In the fine art.s, and is now in tho East gathering up all the newest ideas in this line oi work. Persons feel- Ing Interested In this line of decoration will find it to their interest to await her arrival and be convinced of the magnifi < nice and beauty of this work. Further information for the present can be ob -1 Horn MRS. F. SULLIVAN, 51i) J street. MiSS LIDA I. CLINCH, TEACHER OF vocal music: residence, 1116 Seventh st. INSTRUCTION INT FRENCH—EITHER , . . >a or private lessons. MRS. N. E \\ urn:. r_-u Prtreet Mlcß. CARRIE K. TURRELL, TEACHER ■ ■•''-•noe, V.iSA 1 street. PIANOS AND ORGANS TUNED AND repaired l>> P. BLODGETT; reliable and prompt orders left at POMMER S, Ninth and J, or residence, 1918 1. CARPET CLEANING. B V.'. RIVETT, THE ONLY PRACTI caI carpet man in the steam carpet-beat ing business in the city. Knows how the work should be done, and does it accord ingly. Southwest corner Twelfth and O. Telephone 202. Lowest rates. Best work. WANTED. A LAI>V OF REFINEMENT AND EDTJ cation would like a position as governess for small children, or housekeeper for widower or bachelor; none but first-class people need answer; references given. Address s. M., this office. d3-2t» WANTKI.-HY AX ELDEJftLY WIDOW lady, no children, an unfurnished room; reference given. Address J.K.W., this of . flee. d::-;;t» CONFIDENTIAL — WANTED, THE names of every drinking man and woman In Sacramento County. We have a SURE, SAFE AND PERMANENT HOME TREATMiiNT that CLUES all desire for liquor. Write for circulars and testimonials. Some of the v.ors; now being cured In this city. Address FITTZ CURE CO., box 4".0, Sacramento, Cai $4,000 WILL BUT '-'U . ACRES OF PINE land one and a half miles from Colfax. Good house of five rooms, with bath, and i;^' barn, packing-house with set boiler, tray for drying fruit; all under ditch, with 2%-inch pipe for Irrig ah planted t<> fruit trees of the very best and rieties, In good bear ing; plows, cultivators, cows and ything complete, an Ith the ranch. This is a great bargain. Apply to CURTIS, CARMICHAEL vv BRAND, _ I- ourth and J. FOB SALE-LOTS IN OAK GB ' act on the installment plan; only a f< « left. CURTIS, CARMICHAEL vM BRAND, Fourth and J. 1 T( I LOAN, IX SIMS Ti 1 SUIT AT CURTIS, CARMICHAEL & BRAND'S, _* ourth and .i. WANTED—100 MEN TO EAT 10-CENT 3 at U0 X street, Ik tw< en Front S nd. FOR SALE—NEW HOUSE AND TWO lets, fenced and set to trees; a bai Hi Oak G t. CURTIS C '•'l.m-.-l l;l;.\.\l>, l--..urth and J. GENERAL NOTICES. THERE WILL BE A VOCAL AND !N -sti umcntal concert givi n bj Mrs. .1. Hanlan, at Houston's Hal . FRJ I >A V LVKXi.V :. ! ■ ber 6th. Social danci no rt. Ad -50 cents. 3t« DR. W. O. GIRARDEY, DENTIST (FOR merly with Dr. W. W. LI . :•-_• Fifth str< ■ .. n< xt ■ ramento Bank, Sacramento. VIEWS OF SACRAMENTO FOR XMAS— Bend to your friends in the Eaat or al •oiueof those elegant Kmaa cards—Sacra mento views—to be bad at SCHWAMB'S _804 J Btreet. NEW FRENCH DYEING AND CLEAN ing house—Cleaning, dry—By a new ning all kin cl< thing, woolen, silk, velvet, lac . collars, and furs p iik( new, the shape nor color being chtngi d. < leaning, u.-t pi most iothes are cleaned with out changing the color; 1 - color I. f< athers ol all colors 1 I and cleaned. Gentlemen's suits ned and pressed, si . ladi< s" d clsaned and pressed, T."« cent and up N«at repairing also done. MME. M Di-'SHAYKS, 308 M str« NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC—THERE IS a pry traveling through tl repn iin sell as a solicitor of tographs for my gallery, 415 J street He Is an impostor, as I have no a F W. APPLETON. MONEY TO LOAN. H. J. GOETHE, 1011 Fcurth street. RAG CARPET FACIORY AT 1214 Eighth st. MRS. JOHNS* X, I n>] MOXEY TO LOAN OX REAL ESTATE security. CHARLES COOLEY, 1013 I'C Ul til Stf't. THE GRANGERS' MEAT AXD PRO duce Market, northeasi Tei th and Q streets. GEORGE LLEWELLYN, proprietor.—Dealer in Beef, Mutton, Lunib, Pork, Ham, Sausages, P< and Game: also. Fruit ai | - of all kinds in their season, al lowesi mar keJ prices. Pure Kettle-rendi red Lard a specialty. Telephone oU (main). NOVELS AND BOUND BOOKS Bought sold and exchanged at reduced : 71!o X Street. LISTER'S SPECIAL DELIVERY: trunks. 25c; stand, Kolliker's drug store Sixth and J: leave orders. THOMAS E. LI&TER. Telephone 38e. JOHN" D. SHEARER, ARTIFICIAL S \\alks and concrete foundations. IMS reet. PARKER & COULTER, WOOD CARV ers, decorators and designers, :>"«; Ninth iza. JAPANESE INFORMATION AGENCY, SIV Sixth street, Sacramento. Farm hands, general help furnished, and con • xecuted, CESSPOOLS. VAULTS AXD CHIMNEYS cl< aned; no dirt; lowe >t prii ■ \'. [ 1 SLAUGHTER, .:17 X and .IJI M A GOOD SET OF TEETH FOR >•'■. filling SOc and upward; from on tc one-hall saved: all work guura DR. G. \\\ NEWSOM, Dental 1. llL.'ii 1 street. GROCERIES. FINE WHITE BURBANK POTATOES, 50c sack; fine eggs, - doz. for 4."p. ; <"al ifornia eggs, 30c; orangi ozen; beans, 10 n s for -.'i<-: good 25c; mountain butter, -"<• Ib; mince meat :> !bs for -j."h-; Chico mince meat, '_' l-"Jlti cans. 35c; 5-Ib pails mince 1 65c. BEESLEY & SON, the up-ti grocers, at their new store, 518 .) Btreet. NEW SALMON, 3 CANS KOR 2;"> I'KXT H 4 cans oysters, 25c: mountain butter, SOc pound roll; very fine butter, 4V; cracKers, 45c box; new raisins. 1; Ib* lor 2.">c\ Beedlesfl raisins, ti p.- (or 2.'>.-; One cleaned currants, lOcpacket; dried peaches, prunes and apricots, 6c v>; ammonia, 1 >11 k t.-. sc; Quarts. LOc; sardines in oil, mustard or tomato sauce, Go: Sne potatoes, Burbanss, 60Csack; 12 bars soap »! l.ars borax soap, ":5c corn or uloss starch, I tor 25c; macaroni, vermicelli or s}..-ig!iettl. n ■■'■ box; Java and Moclia coffee, .jjc ib; :; tt^s lor 91; good tea, Ib; the beat tea, 50 ; good lard, :>sc 5-!b tin; Eastern picnic bams, SV ft>: snoulders, 7Jsc tt>: cornmtal. 20csack; morning me;:! and rolled oats, 4o Tb; tomato catsup, sc. B£ESLS) a :«<»>, slb .1 Btreet. FINE WHITE BURBANK POTATOSS, 60c sack; flne eggs, 2 <\«/.. tot 4ur; California eggs, 30c; oranges, 10c dozen; bran-, lulbs for 25c; good cheese, 3 lbs for 25c; mountain butter, 2i>c tt>; mince meat, 3 tt-s lor ; Chico mince meat, 2>^-fc cans, 35c; 6-K . - mince meat. 65c. 1:1:ks 1.;•; 1 ,v SON, tbo up-to-date grocers, at their new store, 51^ 1. EMPRESS SUGAR CORN, S1 DOZEN; Dcuglas Creamery Butter, SOc sq All goods sold at lowest prices at LYNN'S, corner Fojirte nth and O sts. in i f r ir r ii '~' ~lf fTTfrii ' niii ii liTiT—MfaW THE ONLY PLACE IX TOWN TO GET those large Norway bloater mackerel 40c each: Price's Baking Powder, i-lb caus, 30c; Vii> cans, 15c; galvan tubs, (Ktc, 7<ic and SOc each; P -!b can good baking powder, 20c; 100 lbs dry granulated sugar, $4 66: ;; lbs Miller's Mocha and Java coffee, £L SACTO CASH, Eleventh and J. CAT L ON J. BELLMER. GROCER, Oir, X street, oposite Turner Hall, where you will find everything in the line of ch< ap and fresh groceries, raisins, cur rants, cranberries, etc. Try a square Fi 1 omans butter. IF IOU WANT TO GET YOUR Moneys worth, buy your groceries, hay and teed at WIXGAUIVS. Tweruy-fifth'and O sts. BOOKBINDERS. BOOKBINDING IN ALL ITS Branches with tfood work and promptness. X W, BRUENING, 319 J street, Sacramento. MAGAZINES. PORTFOLIOS AND Peri odicals bound in superior modem styles at SILVIUS & SCHOENBACKLJ General L', 4w;; j s ir-.t. SELECT SCHOOL. HOWE'S ACADEMY-GRAMMAR Grade, bigh#schoo] and normal branches; elocu tion, French and German are taught; all branches taught at nipht school. Information regarding terms of tuition. etc.. will be cheerfully given at the Acad emy building, corner Ninth and I streets. TO LET OR RENT, TO LET-322 TENTH STREET. F s. P. c. HYDE, agent, toll Ninth TO LET-FRAME 00TTA8E, 7 ROOMS: hath and gas; 1321 Seventh street; rent. §^o. Apply at 1317 .-cvyuii, >: . TO I.KT-TWEXTY ACRES. dRcKARD and vineyard, table B Kine. v-uidmul, dwelUns-houM and one mile ttoax Oak Park; rent dj .. r | - H v,. A., Uu>o:l: ft, 520 X BTREET-FURNIBHKD R for housekeeping (opatalra). Ny FOR RENT-SOACRES,BUILDINGS - acres m bearing vineyard, rein ' 80 acres, building, for »10o; 20u U ri.-" buildings, on share*; 28a< • at $o per acre. Apply to aau n;2B-t»t-wlt PASTURAGE THREE HUNI acres ol alialfa u> rent, or will k on pasture. Address LOI M \\i.\ tS, Clarksburg. LOWER FIAT oK FIVE ROOMS uuth; all modern impro^ meu - desirable people, $15. Appb Mil -1 T\\ KNTII.IiI STB : . vat oi unmrniahed r ~ L'rPER t, -. L. TO LET— 90S POUR i ■ i ■ i. HYJ I I . . TO LET- A VIM- . \i;:, ■ ■ 1 ■ xtii stk.::•.»■ to i « • ping. IM RNIS I PI RNIS ter. sia (» Bti TO I. OURTH STREET NIC] I I I rooms, .<] a» d up. ■ S ramento. Ing lA.\Kl\i; AND . . \.\ i . '■'"- " ■ !•: BTOR] y K. L, hawk. 10 CORNER STORE TO LET THE ■ FABIAN ST 1 J streett \N ! ' N furnished rum:. •' !!!. DAVIS BUILDING [*S NOW ■ : hing i- i J' 'HX P. DAVIS. M UK 1211 with bath. LE Wl i'ir PO R BTAJ L 8 TO Ut. I^l7 X ati FOR SALE. P< I: SAL] | at W . nty-tlfth and Twi til FOR SALE CHEAP A HIG ■ le; new; a bai gain. Ap] l-< »R SALE THIS Ts A fer i"!' horn thops; cot tape ol bath, pat. m . l< |l,:tUt; .>.;imi do« n. ! ly p.i\ •'!• nt i:. 1.. ii .\ rt I 1 h street. FOR s\M -a LODGING>HO( I I ISaanny rooi kally loi-.itcU. Addreu J. E 11L". ■ THRE . N IBE LI ITCH D lay; few more ii ■ MILLb, V\ I;- ■! -i;ilT IR< >X BC] s,.- • t ;11i•! for i .■■ ■ ORKS »i - .- BALE OR FOR 81 KOBEL . . . 1110. BOX] ;'. T\\ i'; : ! AND s \! ak : lifer. Inquire 11. J. GOETHE, lull v rr 10X80, six Bi prop« ity < >iie • In t! ■.. ■• i-.'.mi i . miles from Cltj Cobm and m R< !E E. DUDEN _ ..i CHARLES I • K>LJ J. 1013 Fourth ~t. A U >DOING-HOUBE OF 17 i:<" >Mfl . good iian iU nt bus ;i tin- city: U".x! reasons for i i "all at this ..,: GOOD PAYING LODGINQ-HOUBE « ■!•' 23 rooms; greal bargain. Appl] 1_- i> t PERSONALS. NTINE VOGEL, PHENOMENAL ::id healing medium. Parlors, . THE UP-TO-DAI I IS, 881 SL t>ON, can now be fouc i .;is,: ■ .i : ' • i , ■• r«- .">i» J, aearlj oppomtc Urn Nonpareil BEE MISS BCHUBERTS .\ i • . PfOS t KITER'S : r.,k.- no • tc itan i I culars. In lottei l>j rex urn mail .i istP. CHU'H HEMICAi^ . i'AX V, Philadelphia, la. rj. WAT-mis CLEANE] LTCH mainsprings, $1. All work w 419 k it to Metropolitan Thea ter. C 'i'l and si!v> DRESS AND CLOAKMAXINO. DUK-SM AKKK. Fills! i i im (.'I ill i; and tittw, wlthee eng»gement« bythi Call or addreM Hb L street, • ,•- ;• DRESS CUTTINa AND MAKING c( m tv ■ II,\IK BEWING—WRAPH AND CH1L j.,',.,1 !- ' 1 ■ Mi:s J M. KELLY. AT TH .in I j ; ent •'• •-■ '" 'v ■■ ■ t nt and ilonable n DRESS AND CLOAKMAKINO—PRICES reduced for -x Skirts. . suns, |3 up. l'--' 1' Vi nt'i ■treat. THE WEEKLY UNION — THB . weekly oa Ike coast.