Newspaper Page Text
COMMERCIAL. Wheat Market Duller, Though Prices are Unchanged. Barley Steady. With a Fair Call for Brewing—Oats Firm, With a More Active Market. SAN FRA>CISCO, Dec. 10th. The Wheat market is rather duller, with prices unchanged; the Chicago market is lower. A steady market fcr Barley, witli a j lair call for brewing; choice feed is held for j 70c. Oats rule firm and the market is more active; to-day's receipts were but teu centals. Several small lots or Kye have changed j hands, but the market is quiet and rather ; weak. Very little doing in Buckwheat. Grapes brought better to-day, but j Offering! are light. The Orange situation i» unchanged. A communicatiou from Jv'ew York states that receipts there of Cape Cod [ Cranberries are -mall and insunicient lor local trade and prices have advanced materially. The stock Of New Jersey berries now East ap pears to be less than at the same time last j year, and present prices are about lit) per j cent, lower than at the same date la Is'j4. A j lew Strawberries in to-day sold at the rate of i $s per chest. The Dried Fruit market has j t» en uucuanged lor some time, and changes | are not luokeu for until alter the holidays. I he Butter market is iuactive and stocks continue to accumulate. Ciieese i.s active and linn. K^gs are piling up ani go begging, j The Eastern Poultry vow oil the marKet is I cleaning up lairly weil. >ot a great deal ot j Caliiomia stock in to-day, iurkeys, botii live and dreaed, did a little better, under ligui receipts ana a good inquiry. Game \\.is in lighter receipt tlian u»uai for iueaday. fcpngaud t^uuu did particularly well. Produce Quotations. FLuUK-.Net cash prices for Family Ex tras, $3 35^3 45; Bakers' Extras, »o 15(0 0 25; aupernue. s>;i is 6©2 00 %t bbl. NViiEAi— biiippiug Wheat is quoted at $1 per ctl lor .No. 1 and $1 OlJ* lor choice. AiJhiug Wheat, *1 Ooig>l U7'«. liAKLEV-Jreeii, lair to good. C 6> 4 ®l>7,' a c; choice, 0&; 4 c; Brewing, 75<<#50c. UA'lii—MUliuK, ?Oy»7 5c per cti; Sur prise. UO(<j> !>;>»>.•; Fancy Feed, bOsbsc; good to choice, 07 JjitfSUc; poor to lair, 0~. ]g,ijbc; .black, lor beed, $1 10@l 3o; Oray, oiig, 7 6c per ell. CUK.N—Uirge Yellow, &o®B2}. a c; bniall Yellow, bj - 4 (a&sc per til; While, sou»9uc. E— 7;) a (dbUc per ctl. BUCK.W lii^Al—fesfei*oc per oil. MlDDLlNGS— ilhifl>^l per tou. liUA> — ?>l^ i>o{sj,l3 p ion. OKoL'ND BAltuEi—?>lo@lG %Uon. HAY—Wheat, $S<a>l2; VVuuut and Oat, $7 fe.ll; Uat, i>u; Ailaila. 7 5; iiar ley, f 6 6u(a,y; Closer, $tii*7 50; Compressed, fct* 0*11; .-lock. 6o(dU "t* ton. .^i K^W ~^o(&CUC ft bale. HuFB-5(3»;c v tt>. iJc-A-Na— i.ayos, $1 10$ l 15; Butter. $1 70 w,i 9Qi I'iuk, yucvfl,??l lo; Ked, $1 aoi&il o5; j .Lima, $2 i>o<»2 bO; i'ea, $1 su(fl,i 75; bniuli ; While, $1 4Oia<l 56; l^irge Wait , $1 100 ; 1 65; Biackeye, :?i Total yi>; Ked Kidney. £>1 76<d«l i»5; Horse. ?>1 oUyjd 70 fj cii. i'(ji a I'OtS-Salinas Buroauks, ou@Bsc and bo^4uc %»ctl Gor Jt&iver i;uruauit s in tacks. Oregon Buroauks, sO«ai7uc «> BU* Ki\tr Keds, oU(3r4oe "p. cit. ttwett .Potatoes VI so*cti. uMu.N>— tjO&TOc** ctl. \i.ijhTAßLt.d--L.r«.am Squash, 25c %t box; Tomatoes, -10i*05c; string lieaus, 6#7e; Ciretu i'eas, 4©se %i ib; Green Peppers, «>Oo V box; Carrots, oO@4uc; Caouage, 5Uc ! V.c.l. Gallic, 4(*4 uC * fc; Dried leppers, tiitf • luc f« tt>; Mustiroouis, 6 yl-^-'« 2) lor wild. ! -ii FKCii— Apples, ISO. 1 grades 75c ; ttSil y. b.'.x; common, 4u«OU j>er box; fancy, bpilzeUDerg, $1 i.e. 11. -> — i raiiberiies, sO<fl»l^ %l bbl. Grapes—svy*7sc in ooxe-. mid lu,<j,ioc ijiore iii crates, feare—Winter >tlis, ??1 25*1 50 %( box; other varieties, -iotifrtlUc «4 vox. i'ersiaiiuoas—4Oitf>7sc V* box. CiiKUs FKUiT—Mexican Limes,9s#s 5u V box; Caliiornla Lemons, $I^l lor com monandfl oo&\i %* box lor good to choice, and f)2 OUft.) tor laucy; Caiitoruia uranses, $1 .)O*2 %t box ior seedlings; MaveU, ?i^ soia..i \ib V vox; Japanese Man- Clai 1U&, '.•(jcj^l Ui> %i OOX. TKOx'IOAXi *'XL il — Banauas, U5&2 V lunch; l'uieapiles, $^ 50@5 * dozen; new J't-rs;.i:i I>a f D>. bivitD t Xl li—l-oilowing are the prices ,cU by the »Sau i-raucisco 1-ruit tx chauge. i'ht: iiguies presented represeat car ■•.», smaller parcels occasioiuti>y selling at ■Uglitly lower rales: ApriooU firm; Ap j .es, bteady; I'runeb fcirim^. espeoiallj' tlx larger >i/.< s; Peached quiet. Apnoots— l-aucy Moorpark, loc; choice uu. bSi<r, fancy, ;>c; choice, ktandard, he; prime, 7Jic Ap ples—Evaporated, l! 4 >isc; sun-dried, o(tf:>; a c. reaches —i-aucy. tic; euoloe, sc; sianaard, ;riiiie. iv; peeled in uoxe«. IUi&IM: icars - 1-ancy, Balvea, 7c; i^vianers, choice, Oc; standard, 5o; prime, lc. 1 >r.•= l - -l>ic pt 3>. Plami—Pitted, i . unpitu . c. Prunes, iour sizes, -ic. : Nectarines—tanej I stand prime, sc. Figs—White, choice, . . ', Black, :^©2>»c. itiiigm- ::;c.iri<>ud lout, F. 0. B. >an fnuteteco m sai-kh-r Ou-it) wii loos>-, ;j 4 c; 3-crown, B^e; 2 crottii, <i' 4- ia;ias, a- 4 ®iJ.' 2 c; nefcd lata il ■; Dried uraj e», 4 c; 3-crowu London i-a\ers, -jOc:g*#l %< u;o-;ti boxes; Clusters, ?il iio©l su; Deiiesa ■ n, $Z 10<g)^ ad; Inaperial clusters, I v 4*erewn loose, is—; i-crown loose, t.iccJ, $— r box. ia fiKK — i raamery — Fancy, 27928 c; fcDecla r; .iicoiiu.-., i26{^26c. -Fancy, 25d<2t>c; goou to choice. 23 :- ...o, l'ickled—lj y,.Me; lirk... CHKjfiiE—Fancy mild new, lOc^llc fair to item, 12<a>ia>ic %liL. a— UU(j,-lbc V- tio/.eu lor ntore and i ranch; Eastern, iua,_;ic; lancy ed, wiiite, itoc. l-'uL'l.i'KV—Live lvi,-.. \.- Qobblen, lo® lie Ileus, lO©l lc «* It.. ii>i, m L3#l3a V Koo^iers, jfia 79#4 U^rold; §4i*4 s"lwi young, luoiiers. 51'^,.) ior small and - ijilo; QSj *li*4 5O; DUCkS, $4(3> i 6 oo; i».-1.>.-, fl .iO4i»i 7 5 v pair; Pi *I<*l ~'s %i dozen lor old ana $i 2603 7 5 V doaen ior young. GA.ME- Dueka, Mallard. $l; Tea.. :i, tl T 6; small duck. $1 iiS; yuuil, $l(fti 12>,;'.ray Ueeee,f2 :>v; White ' «ut-s-, 2i>. Kiibblu, f I*l 6v, Ban ,910 1 25; Engiisn biiipe, J(ii; common iionkers, $3 5o«i; brant, 50 V dozen. Mini Market. ULEF—First quality. 5@5' v c; second qual ity, -i^jSc; third quality, .>«4c v* fc \ l-.AL -4^5; a r lor targe and sfe7cfjfclor small. U i i'ON'-405«-y 1«>. I.AMU—S>-,#bc %i tt>. I'OKK—l.i\c ;. . . ■ "f B) for i. 8; o ©o V for small, and ;>(aio;,c f^r feeders. Jiuslern Orain Market. NEW YOBK, i'ec. 10th. WHEAT—December. 66^/;; January, 67jic; liareh, ti'j^c; May, GB>4c;June, Us' s c;July, w-> C CHICAGO, Dec, loth. WHEAT—Deeeinber, Se.'^c; January, ilay, ti2c. BACBAXEXTTO macket. Xiudu Continut — \ cry ljulet In Pro duce < UfolWß. SATKAMI.M*>). DM. IOUi. Baslnew was very quiet In local j.rodnco to-day, and prices remained un .l. QaBM «M in tuol supply 10-day. wish demand enou;;li to BOM 0:1 refliipta. i.ovvtver, are low. Ye& r .iues of pioduceare in gooi Mppij. FoUowtn« urc tue retail ratt* l*»r tut vari ous articles uiantioned: FLuLH-Faiully Extra 91 sO « 300 »s, 00c v 00 B>B. thUll - llanauas, M#S6« ¥ i-lincs, loc; l.«mon«, 35c; Ura %t Uo/en. I'iacer L'ouaiy NaveU, bO#>Sc; abOc; Ai , %t Jb; I'eam, oi.-; I igs, 7c; <.:0c0au,.. --i ruuL-ijrr.o, 100 %t ciuari; 1k....ij c*, boo Mfh i'AiK\ PBODOCK-Batter— V« roll; taii.-y IVialiuua. i.oc; Cn aiuer; . Flet. ...ii, 15c ft to. Cliifse-Calitor liia, iii V' * to; Xoung America. 15c; I ,'ir; Aiiit.'i; caii .S«i>>, 3oc; Mar vi a ( rciuivry. I*^ Rinrh. 35^- p«-r dosen; BaiitiT". 26c l'<il LTKV—Turkey* L4«*Ueo«,V>>,lr2>- x c; Live . : . . .■ i, 15i. <. ~ r.-.. 6OC Bi I •1 \ UK— lluie. 145 C; ti.ib ■!: 2Uc; Quail, »1 00 )t dozen. i»iu'K«— MalUrda. 75c 'ft pan; GUYMtMtCIU, fl; :-». oc; Ueeajn, "Oc; Brant, 50<.-; l.U>-k, 40c. VEoETABLE»—OuIona, 2o ft B>; Uuuch VetjeUibie- irilc, 100 v ft; I>etiuc«, 3 ior 6c. Bavj UNUoe, ;> lor loc; l'oiua u>«>. -c v •>; (ireen Feppera, 5c '?• a>: Drti d I'fppen, zoc v J»>- " > .'_;e. l(>0 V head; sprouts, 7c: CX-ieiy, .'>dioc v iif.i.i; Oaallnower, luc t< heii'i; iiuise Uaaian, 10 ■ %« B>; MusUrooou, 1 ott>iii'»c; Splnacii, sc; Ariiciiokes, 7Oc r &; CrcHii. ■ r tb. Pol'AloES— HlvtT», 50c V cwt; ttaliuas. SI ~5; BwwU, $1 60. MtA'ls- Bawl Prlna ;. U^^l.-c; Loin Bteak, 1-J .. ;loc; Kump -tcaK. lO<-; CbUCk lioii.-t. 10.- Kiiinp. -■ :.:>.vl. ~ ; Clhick stcrtk, IOC. V.-al—Loin uud Ki< I 35c Ko;t>t Ve«l, 12C UuUOQ—Lee, 11 .j, X2SC! Loin and Kiu Chops, 1^ teitw, be; buouluar cuop*, sc Pork— s^l^c V ft; Corned Beef. B<g.l23^c; Sausage, 12'.;c; Vienna Sausage, ISO; Lacon, &®l3>^c; Hafn, 12'^IS 1 c. HAY AND GRAIN—Oat .Hay, 55c <fk cwt; Wlie.u, s;>c; second quality, 50c: Alfalfa; new, second and third cuttini,', 55c; Whole Barley, 70c: Ground Barley. 90c: Feed Oals, $I@l 25; Middlings, 95c; Bran, 80c; Straw, 65c. SAN FHAXCISCO STOCK MARKET. BAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 10, 1895. MORNING SESSION. Alpha 24c H. & B 91c Andes 21c Occidental 62@63c B. A B S3@^4c Potosl G4c Hodie Con 52c Ophlr 1 30<s»l 36 Chollar 27c.3. Nevada 64c C. C.*V v 20 Union 60c Confidence 77c 1 Utah 5c U.«fc C 43@44cJY. Jacket 20c AFTERNOON SESSION. Mexican 3>c V. .Jacket 20c ! O. & C 42c Alpha 23c B. <t IS S2@»3c,Confidence 80c C. C. A V....2 15®2 L'O S. Nerada 04c Chollar 2>>c Bullion ls>c i'otosi GO4>fj2c:i>c^idental.. 63©04 c H. am 87©'jOci CLOSING FLOTATIONS. Alta 13c ti. *C 42c Alpba Con 23c H. A W «Jlc Andes 2 lc J imtice Uc lielcner 32c Ken tuck Con 5c ii. A B 83c ilexioan 39c Bodle Con 53cj Mono 12c Bullion 18c occidental U4c liulwer 13c Ophlr 1 30 Caledonia !iy) verman 9e Chollar 28c Potosi 00c Coufid'ce 78c Savife -12c l.C.dt V 2 20 *i. Nev «4c Con. Imperial 2cjUnion 52c <;. l'oiut 2;>C|Utah 6c Lieheiiuer 7c| V Jacket _ 21c COFFEE IN THIS STATE. | Colonel Crocker Has Krought Plants From Centi-al Aiut-rica lor Trial. Colonel Charles F. Crocker is going to ■ start a coffee plantation down in the ■ San Joaquin Valley, and if his experi | ment proves successful the fertile j ranches thereabout will have a boom i that will be without precedent. The j Pacific Mail Company's steamer San Juan, which arrived last Sunday, brought from Central America 1,000 yearling plants with which Colonel Crocker will commence his interesting venture. The plants were carefully se lected by Samuel Howe, Colonel Crock er's agent, who died on board the steamer December Ist, but the object for which he made the trip has been accomplished, and the collection of plants, which perhaps cost him his life, was landed here safely yesterday and will be taken in charge by Colonel Crocker's gardener. The coffee plants which Colonel Crocker has secured for his experiment al ranch are of the hardy Arabian va riety, which produce the bulk of the coffee of commerce. They are mere slips now, and are completely boxed in such a manner that they do not take up much space and might be overlooked bj the- casual observer. But every precaution has been taken to protect tbeir roots from the chill atmosphere, and they are as good and fivsh appar ently as when taken from their native BOiL Just where in the valley Colonel Crocker proposes to locate his planta tion it is not now known. The Colonel is out "f town and left no word. The plants will be set out this fall most like ly, but six years must elapse before they will be old enough to bear berries, and not until that time will the success or failure of the experiment be known. Bcientfstg who have studied the soil I and climate of the San Joaquin Valley i are somewhat doubtful as to whether I coffee plants will thrive there. The ! coffee plant not only requires fertile soil and plenty of sunlight, but a cer tain amount of moisture, and that is where the rub comes in California. The soil is rich enough and the heat suffi cient, but there is a scarcity of the Other requisite. But time will tell, and. as Colonel Crocker is abundantly able, from a financial point of view, to sus tain a failure, his experiment will be watched with a great deal of interest- San Francisco Chronicle. The Blessing Monument. G. N. Blessing, administrator of the estate of the late E. G. Blessing, has pe titioned the Superior Court lor an order to allow fZ7S for a monument erected over the grave of his brother. He repre sents that the entire estate was appraised at 981,1164 60, and that the claimß against it do not exceed $12,500. Rheumatism is caused by lactic acid in the blood. It appears as lameness in the back or stiffness in the arms and limbs. Neutralize the lactic acid by purifying the blood by taking Hood's Barsaparilla. HEALTH LAWS PURE BLOOD. Too much acids, vinegar, limes, etc., thin the blood; avoid them. • *• Impure blood is shown by pimples, blood blotches and pale face. Purify tli. bl iby the use of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. *** The blood is made up of red and white lit od corpuscles, and when the blood is i impure, thin or watery, it is due to a lack of red blood corpuscles; If you take Vegetable Sarsaparilla your blood 1 will become healthy. *** When your blood gets thin you get I thin—you will fatten if Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla is used. *** A substitute is a two-edged sword—it cuts money out of your pocket and good I out of your body. Don't be rob bed in purse and body. Take Joy's able Sarsaiiarrilla when you ask . and take no other. *♦♦ Nearly sixteen pints of 'rood are con tained In the ordinary individual, and sixteen pints can be made rich. red and healthy by the use of Joy's Sarsaparilla. **» Kh-mnatism. gout, scrofula, sores, c children of bad blood, and Joys table Sarsaparilla is the school master to keep these children subdued. *«* Dori't eat too much fat or rancid I grease. X.iw is the time to take Joy's Vege iparilla; others are taking it ; -why don't you? There are only a few druggists who ytag to substitute, and these few should be told plainly that Joy's - raapariUa is the remedy •<i. m 4,100 ACRES OF THK McMAHAN ESTATE, LOCATKD IX HOi.ANn AXD YOLO CoUX inagiilflmnt property i» now sail ing at $67 50 I'EH ACRE, [naUM tomUtha rpquirenv-ntsof the differ ent p.uouascra. from ten term ap; <-;tsy terms. If \>>u wisu to locate the eboleeat land in all v.- will be pleaaed 'o mail you d> inJormatlon on application, with maps, etc.: something ot latent! to either yoiu>elf or tnoi.Ua In California or in the who inny b* aeekißf reliable inlorinauon of land* lv our State. BOYEF. TOY i CO. Sole Afltata, >'o. iy MontgoiiK-ry .St., Sau Kraaclaco. II W V wßp in % non-poiaon "<*V. trfi: • iiv fur (ii':n.rr)i(ji>ai^^W *T'"» Si*>r:iiat<irrlur»,^M 1 Vdicvi. unnatural di>i-har^e.->VH i^^m^fff01 '■'■">' inttuniniiiiion, irrita u3 ■ ■■■lion or iiU%i'r»tji»:i of n,- ■ j^L/^^Jjm'T,-.t r;ini-s. Non - astriiincnt HkMrittund ct-.aru!-! «Ed not to Itrictarc. It—-^-JO f»OE.l> BY I)KK.(.IKT!i l^^^y "\B;'.r s«"..i in 1 ■ r. oy ttf a flk n ■■■! re< fipt of B^^Jmi '•'■■'•"■; .'»■::..■* f.,rfi7a.BMBJBJJBBBJBJBI V tlftW^ Circular scot oa re^neit. B&.^ . j V ' H^. «»«aflflt:r|.J I.J aH|i^^Hl V -, Wtt^Jl: L?aus cti2iialCj. \il'' iW CINCINNAI 1.0. ,^B SACKA3IENTO DAILY BECOKD-TOsTON, WED^ESDAT, DECEMBER 11, 1895. are usually a sign that a woman has more than enough to do; that all * her time and strength are utilized in doing heavy work; that she | don't use GOLD DUST WASHING POWDER. If she did use this great cleaner, her heavy work would be so lightened that the little things needn't be neglected. sfifll T% FITff&TwASHiNe UULiJLI U&ffcJi POWDER gives a woman time to rest, time to go, time to read, and time to sew. Every housewife should have a supply of this great help. TUB N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, St. Louis, Chicago, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, San Francisco. I y^,T .. I C3IRL-S WHO USE =HteAPOLIO WED " ' * B ' i~^ • I ARE QUICKLY MARRIED. Jl^* Try it in Your Next Houae Cleaning. eC^Z. ! RAILROAD TIME TABLE. SODTHMFAOFfC WAN! SYSTEM.] ■ NOVEMBER 20, 1895. Trains Leave and are Due to Arrive at Sacramento: j LEAVE TRAINS RUN DAILY. ARRIVE (For) (From) I 11:00 P Ashland and Portland 6:20 A 6:40 A Caliß'oga and Napa S.lO P 3:00 P Calistoga and .Napa ! 11:20 A 4:40 P Denim-,EI Paso aim East 9:45 A 5:00 PColfax 10:05 A 7:10 P Knights Lad'gA Orovilie 7:45 A 10:25 A Los Angeles 2:50 P 4:40 P Los Angeles 0:45 A ll:4O A Atlautie Express for Og-| i den and East : 4:30 P 10:00 P European Mai: for Ogden and East 5:50 A 3:05 1* orovilie via Ko^ev'le J'nc 10:15 A 4:35 A Kcd Blurt via Knights l,a'd'(jan.i Marysville.. 6:40 P ♦6:45 A Red Blurt" via Woodland *7:. r;0 P 3:05 P Red Mull" v!a Marvsvllle 10:15 A 10:30 AX. Idlng via Willows i S:, r)5 P 4:50 P Sau Franco via lieuicia.. ; 11:20 A b:ln A San Fran'oovia Benieta—l '-':1O P ti:ls A Franco via Henicia...j 10::i5 P 3:00 i' -an Franco viaßfiiicia...' b:10 F ♦10:00 A Han Franco via steamer! gG:OO A 10:'-i5 A San Fran, via Livermore P 10:25 A ban Jose I 54:50 P 10:2 - A Hauta Barbara ! 2:50 P 6:15 A *auia liosa s 8:10 P 3:00 J' Santa Uosa j 11:20 A 10:25 AHtoclcton and Oalt 2:50 P 4:10 I'Stockton and Gait 9:46 A 11:10 Airuckeeaisd Keno.^ 4:80 P lo:0u P Truckee and Keno 5:50 A C.15 A Vallejo 8.10 P 3:00 P Vallejo ll:2o A •7.00 A FolsomandPlacerville...! «4:40 P j ■5:1" P Koisom and Placerville...i 'Ul5 A | •Sunday exoepted. excepted. A —For morning. ¥ —For a:tt-ri.oou. RICHARD GHAY, Qen. Traffic Manager, i T. H. GOODMAN, Gen. Passenger Agent. JUDSON EXCURSION g^Sr C°Z Sacramento weekly. Upholstered cars. Man- , agers through to Chicago and isosion. Lowest i rate. Call on v. J. ELLIS, Apent S. P. Co, ! Sacramento, or address JUDsoN A CO., 19 Wontgomery street. Han Francisco. Keep /OS&\ T **-\ l^t SUNSET \^TJ\ THE Sunset limited For the Seamon of 1895-96. WIL-L. RUN SEMI-WEEKLY BETWEEN San Francisco, Los Angeles and \ Kcw Orleans, OVER THE GREAT— SUNSET ROUTE, LEAVING SAN FRANXISCO Tuesdays and Saturdays From lu,i(l(iy, November 5, 1895. The most complete, modern, elegantly equipped and perfectly arranged.*"stibuled J'ransontlnentitl 'J rain in America. Nt-w Equipment, esj.t cialiy designed and buiit for this service. Nothing nriared to assure PKli- FECr i'OMFOHI and the highest degree of ENTERTAINMENT oblainuu.e WHILE TKAVLLINO. Direct connections In New Orionna for all Kastero polnte. Quick time. Only one change. BUTTER! \V liave a fancy, mountain-made, solid packed Butter that we are selling for 22^c a Pound. No hotter is made anywhere than in tho Sierra Nevada Mountains. KILGOKE & TRACY, < V-ll BHOCBBS, \. E. Corner Eighth and J Sts.,*Sacramento. .Notice of Time and Place of Hearing Appeal. .). M. AVKIIY, JAMES I. FELTER, C. E. Crocker, John J. West, p. *;. \s ermut.i, I:. Keed. i'.iiiip Uren, Thomus J. Kehrer, A. C - • wr, C. WeUs and H. U Steveoaon, own er* o4 property frouting on tenth struei. \<o tweea thesouto line c>( <: street and me north line of Us; «• amaoto <;ity,aud di ■ reotly intereste I In toe work of the Improve* meni of said reatb Btrott, paiaoaat to Ueso ' lution of Int.■lif.'iii, Kamber 2>.:>, having appealed to me Hoard oC Trustee* from tho [ ac!sa:iil deiermiuatiuiis of tho Superintend lent ot Str.ets in relation t«> sai-l «ork, by brieflj maun;' tinir oujecUoa* In irritliig, and nlinu th- name wltti the Qerk oi tin.> Board «>i rrustees, in and by whicli objections th'-y riulii! that said work has noi. hton per formed aotoidnm to urn non tract, In a good d . Mibstamial manner, and t. at the ij'i.itc rlais asade us. of >io not conform te tte oon tract and spei-iiicanon-, an i tb-<t thea^-.- meiit mai^e t>y the Superintendent of Utreetß to cover the Hum duefor Maid work ;s wiiioii Mid oujeevlons now an til^ are bereby refeiTi >i t" for FQrtber pun. Notice is thereto re bereby Klvea to Am .no Ki:i^ and - . s. and lo all owners, ■ whether nam- <i In the «-s «smeat or noi. and : to alt otlier persons dtn !i;» LntertMU>d tv said I work, or p. - - israent, that WKDNKB- V.W. t.e lliii day of I> f--.ii 1- r. 1 - '•."■•_- p. id., at the peon of tne Board : - oru- ! o. Fourt.i and ramento > Ity, pointed as the timeaue pja-i •■: U»c ..,.;..». O.M.FJ 1\ 1. i .; « i r«S. a6^d BEN! »/THE w I: I" X! .V UNION To YOUB Js in the Kasc HOTELS AJfD EEBTAURANT3. GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL, Corner Seventh and X Streets. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. FREE 'BUS to and from the oars. IiKAY & TITUS, Proprietor* CAPITAL MOTEL, S. \V. Cor. X and Seventh Sts., Sacramento. COND!'(.TEDON THE El R JI'EANPLAN. Strictly tirs;«class. Electri:- cars pass the door every three minutes. BLE»ttINq A Ol THHIE, Proprietors. WESTERN HOTEL, mHE LEADING HOUSE OF SACRA : I niento, Cal. Meals. 25 cents. WM. LAND, Proprietor. Free 'bus to and from hotel. STATE HOUSE HOTEL, Corner Tenth and X St*., Sacramento. BOARD AND ROOM, f125 TO $2 FEB day. Meals, 25 cents. *J-Acccommodaiions FIRST-CLASS. Fre« 'Bua to and from hotel. W. J. ELDER, Manager. PACIFIC HOTEL, nORNER X AND FIFTH STREETS. SAC \j ramento. Meals, 25 cents. Nearest Hotel to Post and bpren Officer and Theftten. street cars pass the door e\ery three minutes. i Elegantly famished rooms in single or >uiu-a i trom 50 cents to f 1 per night. C. F. SINGLETON. Proprietor. THE SADDLE ROCK RESTAURANT AM) OYSTER HOUSE, T7IRST-CLASS HOUSE IN F.VEKY RE- P spr-ct. Indies'dining-room separate. Open Sky and Bight BUCKMANN ,v; CARRA QHER, Proprietors. No. 1019 Second stieet, between J and X, Baexamento. LEITH'S Restaurant and Oyster House. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Opposite Golden Eaijle Hotel, 616 X Street. T ADIES' DINING-ROOM SEPARATE. J_i Special attention to LSamjnets and:sunpers. FHANK LEITH, Proprietor. MINT RESTAURANT. Ifjm^ Second St, bet. X and L. jOhl fldßEj*X The cheapest ami !> 'S'^^W^?^^ 25-cent meals in the city f ) NUB "'* serve 1 ai all hours, duy^— or night. Oysters served in all styles. Prl -1 vate rooms for ladies and families. Parties served on short notice, service guaranteed. J"HN KOVAOEVICH, Proprietor. WliHe Help From Front Door io Ihe Alley. CHOICE HOT CAKES AND PURE VER mont Mapli' Syrup, witti a tragrant cup of pure Mocha and Java Coffee, only 10c. Always neat and clean. Attentive to business. NEW YORK KITCHEN, WOOD AND COAL. c pa, MASSEY, Dealer in Wood and Coal, Xi\O J STREET. Lowest market ratesu COAL AND WOOD. OUPOT, 516 AND 51S L STREET. ALL KINDS OF WOOD, COAL, COKE, Charcoal and Fitch Klndliaq always on hand ami for »ile at the lowest cash prices. Orders solicited. JAMES McCAW. Proprietor. SACRAMENTO WOOD AVD COAL YARD. ALL KINDS OF WOOD, CO4X» COKE Charcoal and Kindling, Grain and Mil, Pmtf, I'.arley and Oats crushed io order. STEAM CARPET CLEAMIUPt ANJ EBSOVAtUG I An e:itir« pew ma< nine. No rtps, no tpars, CAPI. A. MKNDIs, rvoprietor, 1513-1616 Front itrt.-et. NtBMMfIK h: lages, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. HAY. PtEB AND GRAIN. mRY OUR CVV AND HAI'CER COKFEE X and Banner lowder. (ioodsue.tverediree. LliS and 1180 "-ccoud >treet. I t o^nffiTOTii °- johnston A Co- 2 ! Ollß I li'Jlr 410 J STREET. | II 1 .^.n. rROM TM£ OOUF.TaY PflOWPT^y iiLIL I OPEN FOR BUSINESS THIS WEEK FROM 7:30 A. It. TO 8:30 P. M. Is it possible that fine Millinery has got to be sold so low? This is what our customers now say to us about our Milli nery. Our answer is: It has been a dull Millinery season all over the United States, and while the manufacturers and wholesalers started out with fair prices at the commence ment of the season, this simply meant their first bill. We anticipated a change soon to come and bought very light, which has atall times since then enabled us to buy the same things at large discounts, and put us in a position TO-DAY to offer Millinery at half what we could at the commence ment of the season and make fully as much profit. For in stance: Fancy Pompons, with three ostrich tips, that sold in October and November for $1 we are closing for 35c. Curled Top Aigrettes, 6on a stem, in black, for 10c. Curled Aigrettes, with ostrich foliage, which is now taking the place of tips, that sold for $1 36 now 43c. And so on down our Millinery stock to the imported Flowers—SO dozen we purchased in last week at a big cut off from the regular price, as we are selling a bunch of 3 large Silk Roses and 3 Buds for 2Se. A specialty in a fine $6 Ladies' Chenille Dress Hat, trimmed with wide fancy 9ilk ribbon, wings and aigrettes, finished with silk and velvet roses in ali colors.. $3 43. Ladies' 9Sc Felt Sailor Hats, finished with silk band and bow, in browns and garnet, selling at 35c. Commencing To-Day, SPECIAL SjPILE OF LADIES' GLOVES. This lot ot Gloves consists of a large variety of importer's samples and domestic made Driviag Gloves, purchased from the well-known firm of Murphy, Grant & Co., San Francisco, and will be sold at half their regular value. LOT 1. —Ladies' 4-Button Kid Gloves in tan and grays, 50c per pair. LOT 2.—Ladies' Genuine $1 25 Buckskin Gauntlet Gloves, 50c per pair. LOT 3.—Ladies' $1 5O Kid Gauntlet Gloves, colors tan and brown, regular sizes, 73e. LO f 4.—Ladies' 4-Button Length Fine Kid Gloves, in solid black and different shades of tan and brown; sizes 5| to 8. Price, 75c. LOT s.—Ladies' 8-Button Length Biaritz Dress Kid Gloves, 75c. LOT 6.—Ladies' Mousquetaire Undressed Kid Gioves, in black, tans and gray color, 75c. An extra fine value in 34-inch wide All-wool Black (Tricots) Dress Suitings, at2seper yard. A special line of 36-inch double width Twilled Cashmere, in black, brown and navy, at 25c per yard. New designs in extra heavy English Flannelettes, lOc and 12Ac per yard. Extra heavy Wessex Flannel, for ladies' skirts, nightdresses, etc., 15c per yard, in a hand some shade of gray. Double Width Fancy Plaids, different designs and colors, at 25c per yard. THE RED HOUSE CO., J STREET, BETWEEN SEVENTH AXD EIGHTH. BUSINESS CABDS. SIMON STURM KR, Watchmaker and Jeweler. Watches, Clocks aud Jewelry repaired and warruntea «t moderate prices. Al>o, tine stock of holiday 504 X street, Sac ramento, cal. Pacific Hotel Bui Id lag. PIONEER WOOD AND COAL CO., 1205 Second street. Telephone (58. Well seasoned willow and pine, white and live oak. Coal of all kinds. Full weight and measure guaranteed. Carpets cleaned. W. K. COTHRIN. SACRAMENTO FOUNDRY, Front street, corner of N. WM. GUTEXHERGER, Proprietor. W Tork for sidewalks and buildings a specialty. Gasoline and steam engines to order on short notice. H. F. Root. Alex. Neilson. J. Driscoll. ROOT. NEILSON & CO., Union Foundry—lron and Brass Found ers and Machinists, Front street, be tween N and O. Castings and Machin ery of every description made to order. CAPITAL IRON WORKS AND BRASS FOUNDRY, 1109 Ninth street. WARREN F. DREW, Proprietor. (Successor to L. Rbse). All kinds of ma chinery bought and sold. Jobbing of every description done at short notice. FRANK WICKWIRE, Manufacturer of Harness, Saddles, Whips. Robes. Blankets, etc. Repairing done neatly and with dispatch. :;17 X street, between Third and Fourth. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. JAMES B. DEYINE. CHARLES T. HUGHES, Attorneys-at-Law. Rooms 2 and 4, ■ - - 420 J street. A. L. HART, Attorney-at-Law. Office, Southwest cor. Fifth and J f=ts Rooms 12, 13 and 14, Sutter Building. CHARLES F. GARDNER, Attorney-at-Law. Receiver U. S. Land Office, Sacramento. Chauncey H. Dunn. S. Solon Holl. HOLL & DUNN, Lawyers, Offices, 920 Fifth street, Sacramento. Telephone No. 14. WILLIAM A. GETT, JR., Attorney-at-Law, Sutter Building, southwest corner of Fifth and J. Telephone No. 359. Arthur M. Seymour. Clinton L. White. Jos. W. Hughes. W THITE. HUGHES & SEYMOUR, Attorneys and Counselors-at-Law, Rooms 7, !>. 11 and U, 420 J street, Sac ramento, California. NEW FURNITURE. Special Bargains. Hall Racks, Sideboards, Fine Extension Tables, Center Tables, ADd Furniture of all descriptions at W. D. COMSTOCK'S, fifth and X Streets. French Dressmaker -\vi) iiAi' in:E««iKi: And dealer in Hair^ools. MADAM M. L. S\VILLI>G. KOla Eiahih str<.«L PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. MRS. P. M. WEBSTER, M. ]>.-< >FFICB AND residence, 102U H Btreet Hours: ti 101 l a. in., 2t04 p. in. Telephone 75. DR. F. D. TYRRELL (SUCCESSOR TO Dr. G. G. Tyrrell). Office over Sacra mento Bank, corner Fitth and J streets, linurs—ll to 1, 2to 4 and 7toB p. m Residence, l<'<-3 P street. Residence tele phone, 572. A. G. BAILEY, M. D.-FORMERFA' Resident Surgeon Huron-street Hospital, Cleveland. Recently associated with Dr. George A. Hall. Chicago. 718 J street. 11 to )2 a. m., 2to 4 and 7toB p. m. Sun —SlMg' '-' tQ 4 P- m- Telephone, Red. 171. DR. D. L. McLEAN, M. D., From Toronto. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Night and day calls at office, Second and K. streets. DR SIMMONS, SR.—HOURS 9 TO 10 A. m., 2 to 3:30 p. m., and 7 to 8 p. m. DR. SIMMONS. JR.,—Hours 11 to 12. a. m., 4to 0 and 7:."'»0 p. m. Telephone, house, 128; office, 07. MARY M. CRONEMILLER. M. D , ."."74 J street. Telephone, t7.'.. Hours—B to 1) a. m.,1 to ;; and Gto7p. m. DR. FAY, 827% J ST.—lO TO 12 A. M,2 TO 4, 7toSp. m. Res. 172!) G. Tel. 301). DR. L. A. HARCOURT (SUCCESSOR TO Dr. Gardner), Fifth and J sts. Hours 1> to 10, Ito a. 7to 8. Telephone. 377. DR. G. lIENRIKSON, 1020 FOURTH ST -10 to 12 a. m., 2t04 p. m., 7to 8 p.m. " DENTISTRY. DR. W. O. GIRARDEY, DENTIST (FOR merly with Dr. W. W. Light). Office and residence, 822 Fifth street, next to Sac ramento Bank, Sacramento. DR. R. L. WAIT, DENTAL PARLORS 701 J street—PMlling teeth a specialty' Br'dge work and artificial teeth in all modern styles. Extraction of teeth ren acred painless \>y the use of such anes thetics as the case may require. Plates repaired and old plates made over as good as new. Reference given when re" quested. Examination and consultation tree. Office hours, Ba. m. to 5 p m and 7 to 8 evenings. F F. TEBBETS, DENTIST. 014 Sixth street, between I and J west side, opposite Congregational^Church. DR. A. J. THOMAS, DENTIST Successor to H. H. Pierson, 511U J st _Hours-9 toji. ™ ' E. J. WELDEN, DENTIST 801 J st. Office bours: Ha. m. to ."» p. aL C H. STEPHENS) >X. DENTIST 5. E. cor. Seventh and J st 3., upstairs. DR. W. A. ROOT. DENTIST M 4 X St., opposite Clunie Opera-house. CAPT. RUHSTALLER'S Extra Gilt Edge ALSO FINE OLD PORTER, Delivered to Saloons ice Cold. Capacity, 75.000 to 100,000 Bnrrela Per Year. BEST BEER IN THE WORLD XR V 11\ THE WEEKLY UNION — THE BEST weekly on the coast. REAL ESTATE. ETC. Edwin it. uar in, Real Estate Dealers and Insurance Agents. 1015 Fourth Street Sacramento Mills BulldinK s aa irancisod si,;,oO—Lot 40x156 ami dwelling; five rooms; modern; one and a half blocks tn car line; on Twenty-fourth street; .v.mi cash, balance monthly. *l.ow—Lot at Nin. | c Btr< eta: 80x160; small off this is i s i fTOD—A gpod | lot in High land Park; $150 down, balance iv __ monthly . !Us# a 8 l house; five rooms; lot •l|xlt>o- v a on alley; comer; cheap. $600-A good btuidtng lot 40x160, on Bortb lin xine . Pth ana Twentieth stn and Tenth, V and v. Btreets; h .use ftvo n fAVW—A good h< . ami lot h'sliji. N ■ 1427 I thla ia a centra] . . on oul . i; . BUSINESS CHANCES a good paying fancj Now is the time ; > buj as you will get the advantage of holiday tn Al.Su A good paying lodging-house. Full particulars up itlon. *S~Send 10 OMlta lor Descriptive Matter ou Sunset Ooloale*. It Is Intor eatlni; re»dlu« matter. Ha» Uuo outs. Houses Rented. Rents Collected. Money to Loan. EDWIN K. ALSIP & CO., Heal Igtafo aiid liswMce Agents, 1015 JOUKTH ST.. SACItAMKSTO. WP rniK\fJV Real K«tato saloaroom. A BARGAIN. 20 ACRES OF LAM) NBA! TBfi CITY Good house ;ind barn. VineyarJ of .Tssortetl table grapes, strawberry and blscktxrrj p.udi (loud windmills lor irrigating purpose*. l>eep soil, rich lands. FOR SALE CHBAR Oaly two and a half miles from towa MONEY TO L_OAPsJ. F. BOHL K. A. CROUCH FOR RENT, 4)A ACHKS IX FRUIT ANU IIKRUIKS; ~»''goo( l bouse, barn, etc.: tivo mllva iroia Citj-. Kent reasonable for cash. GEO. PCl^OlxrHli?^, REAL, ESTATfI AND itfSUBANOK, IOOS FOURTH STREET. la the Matter ot Keclamatian District Number Four Hundred and Seven of the Couaty of Sacramento, State of California. IN THE MATTER OF RECLAMATION District Number Four Hundred arvl . of the County of Sacranru-nto. State of California. The petition, for the formation of district having heretofore i o app by thi^ board, ami the landowners of said district having heretofore adopted and Qled their by-laws. Now, upon application of P. EL Gardiner, a landowner ut said Keelamation District* No. WT, h is ordered that an election be beld on RDAY, the Ith day of Jan 1896, commencing at 10 o'clock a tn . at 4 o'clock p. m., on that day, for th< purpoae'of electing three Trusti said Reclamation L>istiict No. 4<<t. and that notice thereof be published in the Record-Union, a daily newspaper ol eral circulation In said county, for one month, and that the County Clerk .-i^n Bald i •* And it is further ordered, that said tion be heid at the Isleton Hotel, at ton, in the County oi Sacramento, s^ I .nia. in said district, and that San fcrd Dickey be and he is hereby appointed ■tor, "and that 11. M. Laßue and Samuel Lavenson be and they are hereby appointed Judges of said election. !,y unanimous vote of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Sacramento, December 2, 1895. (Seal, i Attest: \VM. 1!. HAMILTON, County Clerk of the County of S mento and ex-offlcio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. d3-td In the Matter of Reclamation District Number Five Hundred and Fifty-four ot the County of Sacramento, State of California. IN THK MATTER OF RECLAMATION District Number Five Hundred and Fiftv four of the County of Sacramento, State of California. The petition for the formation of said disnict having heretofore been approved by this board, and the landowners of said district having 1 heretofore adopted and tiled their by-laws, Now upon application of H. T. Lufkin, a landowner of said Reclamation District It Is ordered that an election be held on MONDAY, the lith day of January, 1886, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. and clos in^ at -t o'clock p. m. on that day. tor the purpose of electing three Trustees of said Reclamation District No. 554, and that no tice thereof be published in the Keeord- Union a daily newspaper of general cir culation in said county, for one month, and that the County Clerk sign said no- And it is further ordered that said elec tion he held at the store of H. T. Lufkin, at Walnut Grove, in the County of S mento. Slate of California, in stud dis trict, and that Sperry Dye be and he la hereby appointed Inspector, and Henry T Lufkin and Clara B. Lord be and they are hereby appointed Judges of said elec- ÜByUBy unanimous vote of the Board of Su pervisors of the County of Sacramento. December 2, IM>3. „..„„.. (Seal.) Attest: WM. B. HAMILTON, County Clerk of the County of Sacra mento and ex-offlcio Clerk of the Board _of Supervisors. d{-td . YOUR LAUNDRY WORK MUST BE DONE, AND YOU WANT IT done neatly. It so, you need not hesitata about sending it to the American Steam Laundry, Nineteenth and I Street*. _ O-Offioe. 605 X street, Firearms, Ammunition and Sporting Good* UCKHARDT'S GUN STORE. 833 « S"R Jhj Guns choke bored. StooH bent. R«p«i«* mc a specialty. IN THE SUPERIOR' COURT OF THK County ot Sacramento, State of California- Probate. . . , ,, In the matter of the estate of WILLIAM NEWTON TRACY, deceased. Order to show cause why order or Bale ot real estate shoul d not bojinade. M. 3. Curtis, the executor oi the will anu estate of William Newton Tracy, deceased, having tile! his petition herein, duly verified. praying lor :.n order of sulu of the whole of the real estate of Mid decedent, for the pur poseis therein set forth, . . It st herefore ordered by the said court that all i emons interested in the estate of said de ceased appear betoretlie sivid superior Court on FRIDAY, the 27th day ot Deceniter, 1.595. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. at t 10 courtroum of said Superior. Court, at the Courthouse in ttio County of saoranu nu>. State of California, to show cause why an order should not be granted to the saiu M. j. Curtis, executor tu»afcms»i.l to sell so'"men of the real estate of thesaifl deceased, U Illlam Newton Tracy, as shall be necessary. \nd ihataopy of this order be published at least once a week for four successive weeks in the Sacramento Daily Kecord-Lmon a newspaper printed «nd publ.ahod m said county. MATT t". joti>au>. Judge of the Superior Court. Dated 26th November. 1595. Holl & Dunn, Attorneys tor Executor. n-'T-otAV SEND THE WEEKLY UNION TO YOUR friends in the East. 5