Newspaper Page Text
THE COLUSA-GLENN COUNTY CASE. Judge Johnson Sustains the Latter-'s Demurrer. Conditions Under Which a Political Subdivision of the State Can be Sued. Superior Judge Johnson yesterday sustained the demurrer to the amended complaint in the case of the County of Colusa against Glenn County. The action was brought by the plaintiff for money had and received, and the de fendant interposed a demurrer on the ground that the complaint did not state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action. After stating these facts, and some others leading up to the suit the court tsays the allegation in the complaint of the presentation of the claim to the Board of Supervisors of Glenn County, and its rejection by that body, would be good as between individuals, but the question arises is it good as between counties—political subdivisions of the State? "The State and its political subdi visions cannot be sued except as au thorized by statute and general lan guage creating new remedies or pre scribing procedure have never been held to authorize such actions." (Whittaker vs. Tuolumne County, 90 Cal., 101; Mayshofer vs. Board of Education, 87 Ca1..110.) While Subdivision 1, Section 4, of the County Government Act provides that a county may be sued, it can only mean upon such liabilities as created by the statute, and he who enters into litiga tion with the county must bring him self within the provisions of such stat ute. Sections 4. 5, 6 and 25 of the same Act prescribe in what cases the county may incur a liability, and if the liabil ity in question does not come within the provisions of some of the sections, or some other express provision of the Legislature, it cannot be maintained. It appears from the allegation that Glenn County has received certain money for the benefit of Colusa County. It does not appear from what source it received the money, or in what manner it holds it for the benefit of Colusa County. If it expects to recover, it should" make its charge broad enough to show that it comes within some vision of the law that would permit such a liability to occur. In other v. the liability of a political subdivisi a State being restricted, he who s redress must show that he comes with in some of the exceptions, which is not done in this case. The objection urged to the allegation as to presentation of the claim in this is disposed of by the foregoing opinion. If the allegation is sufficiently bioad to bring the ease within some of the acts permitted by statute, then the succeeding count relating to the first -R-ould be explicit. But I am inclined to the opinion that that allegation is good. In the case of Rice vs. Trinity County (10 Cal.) the al legation is nearly the same on this ques tion as at bar. That case went before the Supreme Court on a demurrer, and while it does not appear from the de cision that the question was raised as to this particular count, still it was unchallenged, and the appellate court overruled the demurrer. The demurrer to the amended com plaint will be sustained. CITY BOARD OF EDUCATION M_a_ Wilcox Promoted :md Mi — YVeizel Elected Substitute. The City Board of Education held an adjourned meeting last night, all the tors being present except Sher burn. The Committee on Course of Study, in relation to the systematic study of mu sic, reported that, in their judgment, the time had not arrived to take it up. The suggestion made by F. M. Camp beil that Look A of the course in music be placed in the primary schools, to be used at the discretion of the teachers, for the remainder of the school year, was submitted without recommenda tion, the committee not wishing to tie up the new board. The report was ted. Salaries and a number of bills were allowed. Superintendent Erlewine stated that he- had, by consent of members of the I, instructed tiu- teachers to close ila to-day (Friday) for a two _ the sane ■ -.' the board, it was so ordered. Api -ition*. as teachers W< re 'rom Misses Alice N. An . ; Retta E. Phillips. ,natun of Winifred Devine as? fourth grade at th< Primary s<h'»>l was accepted, - Millie Wilcox and Till: nominated, and Miss Wilcox was Florence Wilcox was promoted ; substitute !•> teacher. .'iz.l. Murphy, White. Ten- I .. Klotz. NeUbourg, McDermitt, Ebert and Mrs. Fountain wei at^-d for substitutes, and Miss V. • Davis said that Miss V. of th' ento <'rammar School had sing with him the qu< aminations every : s instead of monthly. He read a Qunlcation on the Bubject from Miss Weeks, and the matter was re i to the Committee on Course of "study. ntion to tbe pro •i of the law that states that teach ! than t■* or those holding Normal School diplo mas shall not teach be| reafter on t. only. that • ilida tion • < difficulty of which : t«,r Driver Director Huntington c in •- athy with Director Driver, and j lung felt that only • ! should !»• employed, it t an unusual thing to send thou naOes f"i of known [eyed that i step in this the r. jreatly benefit the The board then adjourned. A PEEPING TOM Gang-it at a Trie* That Should bt- v Punishable Offense. For some time past Samuel Morris, the J-street stationer, bas been an- I i by the actions of a man Di Miller, whose custom it has been to get beneath the grating in front of Morris' store for se of studying the anatomy of ladies who -d to look in the show windows. Yesterday Morris called in Officer Fisher, and the latter says he went to rear of the baeetnent ami Miller gazing up through the grating, as aX i he placed him law does not pro vide any penalty for thus taking ad vantage of vi • g members of minine persuasion, so the prisoner charged with disturbing Morris' peace. Miller is said to be a man of family. Cryptic Rite Of Reemasonry. Occidental Council of Royal and Se lect Masters, held its election last even ing, with the foili ill: R. J. Fletcher, Thrice Illusjtri r ; W. H- Mauldin. Right Illustrious Deputy Master; F. J. Butler. Illustrious I cipal Conductor of th*- Work; B. A. Johnson, Master of Exchequer; E. A. Small, Recorder; G. H. Woodside, Cap tain of the Guards; E. C. Jones, Con ductor of the Council; J. R. Dorsey, Chaplain; W. L. Goldsborough. Mar shal; Ed. Mills, Steward; L. A. Shack elfoot, Sentinel. The officers were installed by Illus trious R. J. Fletcher, Deputy Grand Master. DANIEL WEST IS GONE. One of the Oldest Railroad Conductors on the Coast Pa_»es Away. Daniel West died yesterday morning at the residence of Mrs. E. M. Skaggs, at Seventh and X streets. He was one of the oldest and best known conductors in the employ of the Southern Pacific Company, having come to this coast in 1808 from Chicago, where he had been employed on the same railroad running out of that city as the late A. N. Towne. There was no more popular conductor in the State than Dan West, as he was familiarly called, and he was never known to have an enemy, his qualities; of head and heart making him hosts of friends wherever he was known. His first railroad work on this coast was on the California and Pacific road, from Sacramento to Vallejo. and when the Central Pacific Company assumed control of that road he removed to this city, where he has resided ever since. In recent years, when able to work, he ran the local passenger train from here to Redding. At one time he accumu lated considerably money, but lost it through an unfortunate investment. For some years his health has been failing and latterly he has been unem ployed. He has been confined to the house for some weeks and his friends realized that the end was near and were prepared for the announcement of his death. Mr. West was born in Fairfield, Herk imer County, N. Y„ and was 03 years old. He was a member of Union Lodge, F. and A. ML, and Sacramento Chapter. R. A. M.. the former of which will have charge of his funeral. His remains will be taken to Oakland for interment. Nine years ago he, Captain William Siddons and Wyman McMitchell were talking of death and of the chances for survival and agreed that if either of them died, the others would act as pall-bearers at his funeral. McMitchell afterward died and West and Siddons acted as pall-bearers. West's death leaves Siddons as the only survivor to carry out the compact. Weather Notes. The Weather Bureau reports show the highest and lowest temperatures yesterday to have been 50 degrees and 44 degrees, with gentle southerly winds and partly cloudy weather prevailing. The wind during the forenoon and afternoon for a short time was from the northwest. The barometrical readings at 5 a. m. and 5 p. m. were 29.78 and 29.US inches, i espectively. The highest and lowest temperatures om- year ago yesterday were 55 degrees and 45 degrees, with ._4 of an inch, and one year ago to-day ."<'> degrees and -10 degrees, with LlO inches of rain. The rainfall during this last storm was .00 of an inch, making for this sea son 4.45 inches, as against 10.10 inches to a corresponding date last season. The river still stands at 9% feet, but no doubt will rise some to-day, as there was quite a heavy precipitation in the upper Sacramento Valley, there being 1.26 inches at Red Bluff in the twenty four hours ending at 5 a. m. yesterday. BRIEF NOTES Next Tuesday the Southern Pacific pay-car will be here to liquidate the wages of the company's employes. An operation for appendicitis has been performed on F. J. King, who is under treatment at the Railroad Hos pital. Richard Fisk, who was so seriously injured by falling from an electric light pole some time ago. is improving and hopes are entertained for his recovery. The Football Gome. If it does not rain too hard this after there will be a great game of foot ball at Agricultural Park between the High School team of this city and tha>t of the Stockton College. The game will begin at 2 o'clock. In the published list of the players on Thursday the name of Charles Reith, half-back of the Sacramentos, was ac cidentally omitted. Petition for Letters. W. B. Miller has petitioned the Su perior Court for letters of administra tion on the estate of C. W. Knight, de l. The estate consists of per sonal property valued at about $200. Christmas Charities. If, A. Burke has left with the Record- Union §_v to bedirided, as the mauagers of the paper might see fit, am >ng the several local charities. Tbe gentleman preferred that bis name be not mentioned in connection with the gift, but that liberty is taken in the hope that Mr. Burke'e generous act may remind others of their obligations to the poor and needy. Gilmore Pleads Guilty. William Gilmore, who was arrested by officer Wilson for an unprovoked as sault on a Chinaman on J street Thurs day night, and who "pave sass" to the olHcer, pleaded guilty in the Police Court yesterday and will be sentenced to-day. Mining in Folsom. The town of Folsom bids fair to become honeycombed with mining drifts and tunnels, so active are the miners there in developing properties. The White .t Donnelly mine is employing thirty men and yielding well. Lots of Logs. There are now in the American River boom above the Folsom Prison some 'ki feet of sugar pine logs which »re soon to be transforme<l iuto lumber. Wants a Jury. Edward Dawson, charged by his father with vagrancy, demanded a jury ln the Police <'ourt yesterday and will be tried to-day. Diversity Ckecks Signed. Governor Budd has signed university checks Nos. 19,418 to 19,586, both inclu sive, aggregating £18,632 51. Think Before you decide to buy a medicine, that tho large majority of all the diseases which afflict man kind, originate in or aro promoted by impure blood. Remember That the best blood medi cine before the public—the one which accomplishes tbe greatest cures, has tho largest sales—in fact tho One True Blood Purifier—ia Hoods SarsapariUa Therefore, get Hood's and Only Hootl'B. Prepared by C. I. Hood A Co.. Lowell. Mass. fi. • , mJr\r\rl''tL> Pille " ,0 "fterdlm,er PIU »"»* nUUU S rlllS ismhr cat-aruc. 2Sc. SACRAMENTO DAILY RECORD-UNION, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1895. CLOSING PRICES. | Positively Facts. MME TBE LITTLE ONES HIPPY. BUY TO-DAY AS SPEEDILY AS YOU CAN and we will make the enormous low price. :read the big list. i Regular Price. Sale Price. ( Regular Price. Sale Price. ! All our 10 and IH-cent Dolls. .. 5 cents 2T>-cent Games 10 cenls j 10-cent Fancy Horns 5 cents 2">-cent Dolls, bisque heads. .. .10 cents 1 10-cent Fancy Tin Toys 5 cents 3.">-cent Fancy Blocks 15 cents I 10-cent Sheep in Pens and 40-cent Plush Boxes 15 cents Flocks ,r> cents 35-cent Dressed Dolls, bisque 2 Iti-turning Balls for 5 cents heads, jointed bodies 1"> cents 2 ."i-cent Picture Books 5 cents 7">-cent World Fair Puzzles. .. .1"> cents |L' Dancing Balls f> cents 00-cent Toy Tables 2.*> cents j 10-cent Toy Tin Stoves T> cents 40-cent Tenpins 20 cents J 10-cent Tin Horses and Carts. . 5 cents T.Veent Tenpins .">•"> cents j 10-cent Mechanical Rabbit. ... f» cents fl Tenpins 50 cents I 15-cent Fancy Mugs f> cents $1 Large Dolls 50 cents j 10-cent Metal Cups 5 cents 50-cent ABC Blocks 2.~> cents : 10-cent Chime Bells 5 cents s*l Drums 50 cents 2 ">-cent Tin Rattles 5 cents #1 Silk Plush Manicure Sets. . .50 cents 110-cent Humming Tops 5 cents $1 50 Silk Plush Horn Stools. . .75 cents 10-cent Painted Toy Swords. .. 5 cents $1 50 Silk Plush Shoeing Sets. .85 cents 10-cent Scrap Albums, 2 for. .. . 5 cents 50-cent Plush Pincushions, set 50-cent Silver-plated Children's in metal 25 cents Set—Knife, Fork and Spoon— $1 50 Dolls' Trunks $1 00 for 20 cents $1 25 Magic Lanterns 75 cents 50-cent Sets of Teaspoons or $1 50 Hardwood Doll Cribs. . .7r> cents Forks, six in set, double- ISI 50 Song Games 75 cents plated 2.". cents I $1 25 O X Tool Chest 75 cents 25-cent Picture Blocks 10 cents j ?12 50 Toilet Case for $3 75 25-cent ABC Blocks 10 cents ' $1 Picture Frames 50 cents 25-cent Dolls for 10 cents ' |3 Silk Plush Infant's Set -SI 25 25-cent Summer Plays 10 cents $8 Gent's Toilet Case .S_ ~~> 20-cent Picture Books 10 cents 50-cent Esquimaux Figures. .. .25 cents 25-cent Work Boxes 10 cents Miscellaneous Articles, Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs, embroidered and plain, from 8c to 95c, Ladies' Embroidered Handkerchiefs, scalloped edges, Linen Handkerchiefs, 15c to 35c. Im ported Hand-wrought Handkerchiefs, 95c. Gents' Silk Handkerchiefs, 25c, SOc and up. Gents' Silk and Wool Mufflers, 25c and 50c. Gents' Large Silk Mufflers, $1 and $1 25. Ladies' Fine Purses. 25e, 50c, 75c and 95c. At less than half its value a lot of Rogers' Silver plated Ware—Fruit, Cake and Butter Dishes, Card Receivers, Casters, Sugar Bowls, Pickle Jars, etc. Christmas Millinery. We have now an elegant assortment of LADIES' TRIMMED HATS, large and small, in the latest winter shapes and novel ties, among which will be found tbe leading Croquette Toque, the Linette, the Russian and other new winter styles iv Dress Hats. Also, a large variety in Misses' and Children's Trimmed Hats, all of which will be sold at prices unequaled by any ether house on the Coast THE RED HOUSE CO., J STREET, BETWEEN SEVENTH AND EIGHTH. BUSINESS CAEDS. CHAS. WILKE, Watchmaker and Jeweler, lijlo Seventh street. First-class work. Lowest prices. SIMON STURMER, \Vatchma_er and Jeweler. Watches, Ciocks and Jewelry repaired and warranted at moderate prices. Also, tine stock of holiday goods. 504 X Btreet, bac ramento, Cal. Pacific Hotel Building. PIONEER WOOD AND COAL CO.. 1205 Second street. Telephoi Well seasoned willow and pine, white and live oak. Coal of all kinds. Full weight and measure guaranteed. Carpets cleaned. W. K. COTHRIN. ! SACRAMENTO FOUNDRY, Front street, corner of N. WM. GUTENBERGER, Proprietor. Work for sidewalks and buildings a specialty. Gasoline and steam engines to order on short notice. . H. F. Root. Alex. Neilson. J. Driscoll. ROOT, NEILSON & CO., Union Foundry—lron and Brass Found ers and Machinists, Front street, be tween N and O. Castings and Machin ery of every description made to order. CAPITAL IRON WORKS AND BRASS FOUNDRY, 1109 Ninth street. WARREN I". DREW, Proprietor. (Successor to L. Rose). All kinds of ma chinery bought and sold. Jobbing of every description done at short notice. FRANK WICKWIRE, Manufacturer of Harness, Saddles, Whips Robes, Blankets, etc. Repairing done neatly and with dispatch. ::1T X street, between Third and Fourth. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, JAMES B. DEVINE. CHARLES T. HUGHES, Attorneys-at-Law. Rooms 2 and 4. - - - 420 J street. A. L. HART, Attorney-at-j taw. Offlce. Southwest cor. Fifth and J st^ as 12, 13 and H, Ehxttcr Building. CHARLES F. GARDNER. Attorney-at-Law. Bccelver U. S. Land Office. Sacramento. Chauncey H. Dunn. S. Solon Holl. HOLL & DUNN. Lawyers, Offices, G2O Fifth street, Sacramento. Telephone No. 14. WILLIAM A. GETT, JR., Attorney-at-Law. Sutter Building, southwest corner of Fifth and J. Telephone No. 359. Arthur M. Seymour. Clinton L. White. Jos. W. Hughes. WHITE, HUGHES & SEYMOUR, Attorneys and Counselors-at-Law, Rooms 7, :». 11 ami 13, 420 J street. Sac i amento. California. jb NOW IS TKE TIME. |%&STONpieTailoß *a'l7 C. STREET, jHPf Has just got In all the latest in ■^Suitings and Trouserings, Vf^- And has made iVSi CUTTING REKUCXIOXS FOR Bl THK HOLIDAYS. .Jfc Call and _et his Drlces. '. BEND THE WEEKLY UNION TO _;UUR i friends in the East. ' PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. MRS. P. M. AKI'SI XX, M. D.-OFKICE ANI) residence. 1029 H street. Hours: a toll a. m., 2t04 p. in. Telephone 75. DR. F. D. TYRRELL (SUCCESSOR TO Dr. G. G. Tyrrell). Office over'Sacra niento Bank, corner Fifth and J streets. Hours—ll to 1, 2to 4 and 7toB p. m Residence, IG_5 P street. Residence tele phone, .">7_. A G. BAILEY. M. D.-FORMERLY Resident Surgeon Huron-street Hospital, Cleveland. Recently associated with Dr. George A. Hall, Chicago. 71s J street. 11 to lii a. m., 2to 4 and 7toB p. m. Sun days, 2 to 4 p. m. Telephone, Red. 171. DR. D. L. McLEAN. M. D., I'rom Toronto. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Night and day calls at office. Second and X streets. DR SIMMONS, SR.-HOURS 9 TO 10 A m., 2 to 3:30 i). m., and 7 to S p. m DR. SIMMONS. .lit. -Hours 11 to 12 a., m., 4to 5 and 7:.:u p. m. Telephone, house. 128; offlce, 67. MARY M. CRONEMILLER, M. D. 607*4 J street. Telephone, 473 _Hours— S to 9a. m.,1 to :'. and oto7p. m. DR. FAY, *"27U. J ST.-10 TO 12 A. M ,2 TO 4. 7 : sp. m. Res. 1729 Q. TeL 309 DR. L. A. HARCOURT To Dr. Gardner), Fifth and J sts. Hours' 9to lv, Ito .:, 7 t .8. Telephone. 377 DR. G. HENRIKSON, 1020 FOURTH ST 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m., r to 8 p.m. DENTISTRY. DR. W. O. GIRARDEY, DENTIST (FOR merty with Dr. W. W. Light). Office and residence, 922 Fifth street, next to Sac _ ramento Bunk. Sacn DR. R. L. WAIT. DENTAL PARLORS 701 J street-Filling teeth a spe< Brdge work and artificial teeth in all tcodi Extraction of teeth ren dered painless by the use of such, anes thetics as th- <\^>- may require. Pla'es repaired ar.d old plates made over '-,s as new. Reference given wh< Offlce hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p m . t , l(i quested, Examination and consultation 7 tc S evening • F F. TEBBETS, DENTIST. 014 Sixth street, between I and J west side, opposite Congregational Church. DR. A. J. THOMAS. DENTIST Successor to H. 11. Pierson, 511 V, J st Hours—9 to 5; . E. J. WELDEN. DENTIST 806 J st. Office hours: 9a. m. to 5 p. m. C H. STEPHENSON. DENTIST 5. E. cor. Seventh and J sts.. upstairs. DR. W. A. ROOT. DENTIST Sl4 X St., opposite Clunie Opera-house. Jt FOR. FINE TAILORING. Jf;;r%j. H. HEITMAN, lIIIIJj/ THE TAILOR. IjmiPnfl Fine Cassimere au J Tweed Suits *"*»ejB| toorder, SIS. 'iß_fiT Ovrri-oit t> on.i rat $ls. j HSPKiJ 'I rouseis to order at $J 50. 't ' it:,eh PiijUe su;t> toord.r. *25. fc-xSJ' 1 English Worsted suits to ordi r, 4^'Jfcji This is the liouse to (jet n stylish %rf^_f cut and Il;t;ngsuit to order. >"o. ciuo J streot, saoramento, CaL EVENT EXTRAORDINARY-GREGORY BLOCK. ON SALE DECEMBER 18, 1895. This property is high and level, has a frontage on J and X, Twenty-event b ani Twenty-eighth <:r. neighborhood cannot be surpa-sed for home purposes. Dwellinga arc being erected on all sides ot this park is on one side and Sutter Fort on the other, both of whioh will be btro-gbt Into prominence aa np-town ->thu unusually attractive to home-seekers. Electric cars pass this property every lew mluutes. bringing lt wit-in a short ride ol tie busic tiou of the city. *" <-». r K_K__a__s_^__r ~J_-__-B_-__Q_il_--i>__l^P ■■ '" *a P_ RH_-_---_--_-_sl______i \^ -•.- :'.^p __*__s_ '^W-v\. I . *?''-*\P *_r Jhc * Tne terms are very easy, being only one-fifth cash to those who build, and one-third cash to thoso who contemplate hoi ling. Bal ance of purchase money in one, two, three or four years, with interest at 7 per cent, for deferred payrm nts, w I v mort gage bo tiiat purchasers get the title at once. Lots are to be subdivided into 40x^0 on the corners atul (Bxl6o for insides, making i* tiful lots in all. For further particulars apply to EDWIN IC ALSIP & CO., Real Estate and Insurance, IQIS Fourth street. Western Agents for Sunset Colonies. HOTELS AND BESTAURANT3. GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL Corner Seyenth and X Streets. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. FREE 'BUS to and from the cars. GRAY i TITUS, Proprietors. CAPITAL HOTEL, S. W. Cor. Kand Seventh Sts.. Sacramento. CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN; Strictly iirs>cluss. Electric cars pass the door every three minutes. BLESSING £ GUTHRIE, Proprietors. y^siri' _n--d-i-----n-i-_V___i■_i--_r__vr^^-__ t _? WESTERN HOTEL, rpHE LEADING HOUSE OF SACRA- J mento, CaL. Meals, 25 centa. WM. LAND, Proprietor. Free bus to and from hotei. STATE HOUSE HOTEL, Corner Tenth and X Sts., Sacramento. BnARD AND ROOM, SI 25 TO $2 FER day. Meals. 25 cents. «#-Acccomm«.dattnis FIRST-CLASS. Free 'Bus to and from hotel. W. J. ELDER, Manager. "PACIRIC HOTEL, CORNER X AND FIFTH BTREETS. SAC ramento. Meal*, 25 cents. Si arest Hotel to Post and Express offices and Th street ears pass tbe door every three minutes. Elegantly furnished rooms iv single or suites trom 50 cent- to fl per nigi.t. 0. F. SINGLETON. Proorietor. THE SADDLE ROCK RESTAURANT ANF) OYSTER HOUSE, FIRST-CLASS HOUSE IN EVERY RK spect. Ladles'dining-room separate. Open day and night. BUCKMA'NN & CARRA GHER, Proprietors. No. 1019 Second b between J and X, Sacrami ■■ I_EITH'S Restaurant and Oyster House. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Opposite Golden Enijle Hotel, ox 6 KStreeL LADIES' DINING-ROOM BEPARATE. special attent ion to Bauquets and Suppers. FRANK LEITH, i'roprietor. MINT RESTAURANT. Jjt Second St, bet. X and L. J3_VB__ ■flgj^t The cheapest and !>psty®¥T\v 25-cent meals in the City r / NLjD ■' serve lat all hours, dav^-^ *"*" or night, oysters served in all "style-;. Pri vate rooms for ladies and families. Parties served on short notice, service guaranteed. J.>HN KOVaCEVICH, I'roprietor. White Help From the Front Door to lhe Alley. CHOICE HOT CAKES AND PURE VJBR mont Maple Syrup, with a tnurrant cup of pure Mocha and Java Coilee, only 10c. Al ways ntat, clean and attentive to bnsineas. NEW YORK KIT. HEN. iN THE SUPERIOR COURT, STATE of California, County of Sacramento. In the matter of the estate of JEAN ETTE MEYER, deceased. Noiice is hereby eiven that FRIDAY. the -Tth day of Dcci mber, 1895, • o'clock a. m. of said Mty, !ourt room of -."aid Court, at the Courthouse, in I tne City oi Sac j of Sac ramento, and State of California as the iii- ■ tor proving the will of said Jeanei deceased, and for hearing the application ■■ of Sa Boons, Herir; and Louisa Mej i letters t< stanr niai ;• th< > on. Witness mj hi eal of ?aid Com t this 12th daj I8f»"». I i \v. h'.> ■■■ By E. S. 1 '■ C Indorsed: F :> d I \\ . ' N, Clerk. Dy E. S. Wachborst, De] ISAAC JOSEPH, Attorney for Peti tioner. dl4-10t 0 ADVANTAGEOUS E OFFERS.—-*. p"; Equally Attractive to the T Home-seeker, the Cultivator of the Soil, or the Speculator in Land Values. H THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD * COMPANY'S LAND DEPARTMENT Abas iv charge and for sale, at reason able prices and en favoral le i-tids. Lthe laada of the Capay Valley Land Company, tbe lands and townsiti 1 of the Pacific Improvement Company, the lands of the Central Pacific Rail road Company, the lands of tne Oregon & California Railroad Com- Ppany, and the irrigated laiais of the Crocker-Huffman Land & Water Company. A THE PACIFIC IMPROVEMENT COM PANY'S PROPERTIES, 0 consisting of town property in 135 townsites, and a.l olassea of fruit, agricultural and grazing land, ■will be sold on reasonable terms, —long time and low rate of interest. FTHE CENTRAL PACIFIC SAILROAD COMPANY I has agricultural, grains? and timber lands,which v, for :wenty per cent of the purchase price paid ia Ccasb, with six percent interest for tlve years, payable annually iv ad \ance. THE CAPAY VALLEY LAND COM PANY'S LANDS Rare located '"a the rich, fertile valley In the western portion of Yolo Coun ty. California. They are 5 fruit iaads, iuone of the earlii st 10 -6 calities of the State, aad rat::" in price from $-3 an aero upward, and on terms of interest only, for five years; I thai £3 to say, for ti-. ■ pur chaser pay 1 interest only, at the end of which i Ime •he purchase price I •• fi_ comesdue. Theobjeotoftl i 3 to give the purchaser an oppor- B tunity to pay the pur. < ■ 1 • out n of t- I a tion is required of all purcha fj THE CROCKER-HUFFMAN LAND 8k A WATER COMPANY'S irrigated la: ds at Merced, in the very heart of I on ler st>i"ndid D climatic conditions, with the freo use of water as an appurtenant to the land, for'-ale for inti for five 01 seven years, a* 1 of the purchaser, 1 ttie ment on the laud 1. • ;ion, efrom date of ; ar ide iucunibent upon the purchasers. OTHE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY'S LAND DEPARTMENT Mean supply any seeker of In vests ent, or a Pof laud desired, at lowerpricea anil | on more fa vera San can be 1 of aay other lauded proprietor in ! ■rnia. m st of land for sale jfa partment embraces bodi Nt:'ti io thirty I or as ii us asmay I in '.iu-form of tl\ Vac: : Irrigated laud. SUGAR FINE FORESTED LANDS IN OREGON AND CALIFORNIA, hi large or small quantities-, will be • sold • '-_rs, ! Lthe the lands from alldepredal lons, foresi Ai'Ui brai ■ itde I __\ •oa it. Tl i induce* ! me* Ive investment. S COLONY LANDS. An: . active offerings ; ere the followii ::i: . oak fores*, farm Oand fruit laud iv the heart of Cali fornia, ir: ictioable. Rail operated to the center of the E U. MI acres of splendid villa prop __)____, erty "down by the sea." sloping to Pi Ocean: in part 0 sred with pine forest; in part nne garden and fruit, land under irriga ation. 12,000 acres of Sacramento Valley plain land, suitable for general farm- Ring, All for sale in subdivisions or as a whole. Fruit Lands! Timber Lands! T Fanning Lands! Grazing' Lands 1 j Townsite Properties! Mj Real Estate 1 Sei for every known use, on terms attrao- Etive to both the speculator and the j home-seeker. na For particulars aud printed circulars, ' H apply to or address WILLIAM H. MILLS. TLAND AGENT, Hobart Building, San Franeiscefc THE SUPERfOK COURT, STATE Ifornia, County of Sacramento. fn th of the estate of EVA ! Notice is hereby -riven that FRIDAY, j the _7th day of December, 18!»5, at 10 | o'clock a. to. of said day. and the Court- ! room of said Court, at the Courthou th" city of Sacramento, County of Sacra mi Dtojj and State of California, has been appointed as the iim<- and place for prov :•■ will of said Eva Weber, dec application of George the issuance to him of letters ■ my hand ara.! iho seal of said r. 1.895. i < W. B. 1 :.. < Her*. ..'".. rk. indorsed: Filed December i::. 1595. \Y. B. HAMIL.TON, Clerk. By E. S. Wachhorst, Deputy. A, E. MILLER, Attorney for Peti tioner. , d!4-td REAL ESTATE. ETC. ONE MAN'S KMLIKMIfV, Another Man's Opportunity. I have some ipleodid inv.stments I now in Fine [ocome-Payiog Business Property—one in particular, well lo cated and always occupied, payiag i»» I per cenL interest on $9,6001 Selling price now, i' 7,000. I also have great BARGAINS To offer in Choice Lots, with or with out buildiui*s. Comme_cln_ with the !fow Year l propose to put upon th# mark*! thirty acres of Al land adjoialns the flty, in lots aud acre tracts. IF YUi: WANT BARGAINS CALL ON G. 0. HAYFORD, -2^i J BTREBT, A« I This Ei* Christmas Umulnnfl i Ma-V " " >* 8 ' ver"r nilllllitll many comfortable Clirlst liiaS' I for I : c :\ li und U'Vcd onea In the fn I ....J Thl_ practical preientinof illlll real " pyjy It is a Lot 40x160 nil' " 'siZt'' UOlliir Aml ls •Ituated on tne north ( itde reen Twenty* six:h and i'W'nly-seventli pL_* !,„„_ «ii • i hich will Ull'lSHlliU ''' ;" ; •• ' ore aDeaotlful park, and we « lil the al.d ■ home n 1 oa i!ii'« property. 1 ri'itiii. "•Had" kl-'1 -ue -i,u 1 ur. ulars. WRIGHT, Tjw Bed lv • ■ __ I W P rn'l.'UiV* 't^*l K-»tate salesroom, v. f. WLbOa-l, -,;■::, ,\ A BARGAIN. 20 ACRES OF LAND MAW IHE CITY Good boase and barn. Vineyard •< .^sorted table grapes, Btrawbcrn ani blackberry patch Good windmill* lor ir' igating purpose* Ltep soil, rich lands. FOR SALE CHEAP. Only two and it half milei from town. fS/iOr\J__Y XO LOAN. F>. BOHL K. A CRO UC H GEOR3E KROMER, RK AL ESTATE AN D INSI" RA N'CE. REIS Is collected. Money : ' ovenan Mutual Life An ■ .. YOb Fourth «treet. In the Matter of Reclamation District Number Five Hundred .-ad Fifty-font ol the County oi Sacra men to, Stace . of California. IN THE MATTi::. OF KKCLAMA. District Number Five Hundred and Mftv. four of the County oi Sacramento. Btata °The%*!S_ for the rormation ol district having heretofore heen by this board, ana the land district having heretofore adopted and tiled their by-laws, Now. upon application of 11. T. tjUtKin, a landowner ot said Reclamation Dls.nct Nit bordered that an election be held on MONDAY, the 6th nay Oi January. commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. and in.. Mt .1 o'rdock v. in. on that clay, n g^of CSectfegi . f««M i. , n.nvitinn Dlstrli t No ■•■<*. and tnat no- U-et^reof be published Inl V ion a daily newspaper ol general cir culation In said ??nth. Una that "he Count > ■ "> BaW no t^ it to further ordered that saw tion be held at the store of H. T. at Walnut Grove. In said dl_l mento, State of California, In said trict. and that Sperrj " ' ' l. ,' li , ,„ v hereby appointed U ■ - '•'.';.•• t i md Clara 15. LiOra 01 .nai mty Judges Of said elec n-!': unanimous vote of the Foard of Sti penisoi-s or 10thV County of Sacramento. B. HAJaTLTON County Clerk of the Oguntj ** Sacra mento and ex-officio Clerk of the Loard of Supervisors. ________ ?_____ SEND THE WEEKLY UNION TO YOUR friends in the East. 5