Newspaper Page Text
6 POULTRY SHOW. Sacranionto Captures Several Prizes— The Next Exhibition At the late exhibition of the California State Poultry Association held in San Francisco Sacramento was well repre sented. F. P. Lowell, proprietor of Parkview Poultry Farm, was awarded first, aeoond, third aud fifth on Lang shans, second on white Leghorn cockerel and fourth on barred Plymouth Rock cockerel. E. A. Murray ef 8828 H street won fourth on light Brahma cook. There was very strong competition in all classes, there being something over 2,500 fowls on exhibition. Mr. Lowell was elected one of the Board of Directors, and be is making a strong effort to have the next show held in Sacramento. Should be succeed, it is hoped that every one interested in poultry in aud around Sacramento will assist in making it a grand success. MAY NOW GO AHEAD. A Yolo liei-lamallou Case Settled by a Court Decision. The Superior Court of Yolo County has decided that Supervisor Casaelinan is competent to serve as one of the three Trustees of the reclamation district em bracing laud along the river from the Monument down to the Bryte ranch, a short distance above Wasuiugton. The question of Casselrnan's eligibility was raised by oue of tho lund-owuers, named Berger, who refused to pay his assessment on the ground that Casaehnan, being one oi the Supervisors who ap pointed Trustees T. B. Lovdal, William JLeman and Ezra (Jasselman, acted with out legal authority. The amount of the total assessment for reclamation pur poses was £m>,uoo, levied by Commission era George Woodward, Webb Cunis aud ifelson \\ waver. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Business Transacted at Saturday's Special Meetinjr. There was a special meeting of the Chamber of Commerce ou Saturday. Secretary Felter read communications from Eastern people who desired in formation regarding land and climate in this State, which were referred to the proper committee. A committee was appointed to confer with the Pastors' Union relative to the movement to extend charity to the de serving poor this winter. The result of the work of Senator Perkins and Congressman Grove L. Johnson in behalf of the permanent loca tion of the Government Weather Service here—as published in the "Kecord- Union"—was announced. T. B. Hall was elected Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, aud K. I. Bentley Chairman on lixhibitioni. RAILROADED TO PRISON. This Time It Was the Victim Himself Wlio Did It. The i'olsom "Telegraph" oontaina the following account of how a man rail roaded himself to the gates of the peni tentiary : "One day this week a tramp rode into town od a brake-beam. He bummed about until afternoon, and concluded he would go to Sacramento, making the trip in the same way. lie therelore watobed his opportunity and slipped on to a beam, where he settled himself comiortably. The train started oil with him, and in about ten minutes he was surprised to notice it stopping at a place where there were no signs of a station or switch. "The bright barrel of a rule gleamed before him, and he was ordered to get out of there. On getting out, he fouud that he had jumped the brake-beam of the prison train and supposed he was rldiug to Sacramento. When the guard at the prison made the usual examination of the rain he was discovered." SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Albert Gallatin came up from San Franclsoo yesterday. Miss Addle Stevens baa returned from a visit to san Francisco. Mrs. E. Elliott Is here on a visit to her mother, Mrs. Theodore Deining. A. sivensson has returned from a visit of several days to San Francisco. Miss Lottie steUens is home from Stan ford University and will remain here. William Mitchell is over from bis stook ranch near Eiko, Nev., lor a short visit. Governor Budd and family have gone to Stockton to spend Christmas with reia ti res. Mrs. C. H. Rippon is spending the holi days with her cousin, Miss Ura Kunyon, near Courtland. B. K. Bloch has gone on a trip to the mountains, lie will be hume lor New Year's to eat turkey with bis family. Miss Mabel Barnes, formerly of Sacra mento, now of San Franciaco, will be the guest of Mrs. Blng Brier duriug the holi days. Miss Ruby Merkeley has returned from her trip to Portland, (Jr., and re ports having enjoyed her visit im mensely. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Ruhstaller cele brated their silver wedding last Friday. The guesis were confined to relatives and a few of their more intimate frieuds. Miss Adele Grau of Sutter Terrace and her sutler Bertha have returned home for the holidays, the former from an ex tended visit to friends and relatives in Buttalo, N. V., and the latter Irom her studies at the .State University in Berke ley. Atkinson's Business College. At the college hall, in Male's block, the graduating oxerciaes of the Atkinson Business College will be held thin even ing. There will be quite a large number DO TOO WANT TO BE STRONG I M< IOJT M KN d«, and few men are as strunc as they outfit to be. The trouble is all from past lndl-<- ; excesses, dissipation. Your body is n* grind stone and loses the flit if you wear it too much. It's easy to replace the utr.-nRtL that Is .'ost by bad habits if you go at it naturally. DR. SANDEN'S ELECTRIC BELT, Becagnlzed m • superior electrirlty-gencrstins appliance. Is acknowledged by '-live" physiriaiis »s a goad method, better than a battrry. ami the w»rd of an honest man who hat bn-o cured by It, Isn't that worth something'/ HK BATS IT CVKED HIM USMft, Oal., Ati^ust IS. 1M»3.-r>R. A. T. BANDKX— Dear Sir: It is with pleasure tlist I vrlte too thin tpgtlmontnl of th^ yreat l^ncfltn 1 haTe dertTed from one of your No. t Brita I houpht alx>ct four months Ago. I was suffi-riiiK. I think, from spermatorrhea and other tranbles that fallow It. and through the lx>nent derived tram the Belt, with your treatment and hypienlc roles. I can truthfully say I feel like x u»vr man. Accept my sincere thanks for the help I haTe re celretf from you. Very respectfully yonra. I>" i-KATT. Plain and to the point. It is honest. Tod ran write to Mr. Tratt and he will verify his state- IBi-nt. It means po*d aovrn to you if y«u arc weak. You cau see hundreds of others, with full name sec! address, in the little book, "Thivo Classes of Hon." It can be bnd free. SANDER EI,K(TK!( CO.. 050 Market St.. opposite Tnlace Hotel, San Fran cisco. Office hours. 8 to 0. eveninjrs 7 to 8:30. PurtiauU (Oreguoj •mint, 2^5 'VVaahingtuu street. SACRA^IESTTO DAILY BECOBB-t^IOK. MCftTbAY, PECEMBEB 23, 1535. of graduates from the business and amenuensis courses, together with inter esting exercises. BRIEF NOTES. Edward Dawson has pleaded guilty to vagrancy and will receive sentence to-day. Justice Davis has fined a tamale ped dler named Joseph Baker $5 for running his cart on the sidewalk. William Gilmore and Joe Perry, peace disturbers, have been taxed $i! 5U each, with the usual alternative. The weather was clear and freezing on the mountains yesterday. There is five feet of snow at the Summit. Yesterday's northwest wind, with the blight sunshine, dried the bituminized streets and also had a good effect on the others. "The sun's low down the sky, Lore na," but is just a shade higher than it was last Saturday, which was the shortest day of the year. James Williams and James Kendall have been convicted of vagrancy and sentenced to sixty days' imprisonment in the County Jail. The rise in the river has brought the usual quantity of Blickena down, and now strangers are going away with se vere criticisms on our water system. Hon. Grove L.. Johnson, Congressman from this district, has been honored by Speaker Reed by being appointed a member of the Committee on Pacific Railroads. The examination of Eugene Bosquet on a charge of having placed his wife in a house of ill-fame was partially heard on Saturday and continued till this morning. William Resser, charged with embez zlement, in stealing some paintings from the studio of Joseph Gratz, where he was employed, has been brought up from San Francisco. M. Miller, the man arrested for pur suing his study of the heavens through sidewalk gratings has been admitted to bail. His case will come up in the Police Court this morning. Sheriff Bullen of San Luis Obispo passed through here on Saturday after noon en route to Folsom with Francisco Espinosa and George Chissim, under sentence for one year each. A. Martinez for five years and William Lubeck for four years. It seems to be quite generally under stood that Mayor-elect Hubbard will appoint William F. Ren fro as his clerk. Mr. Renfro has for some years been connected with General A. L. Hart's law office, and is himself a lawyer of ability. Governor Budd has appointed Will iam Greer Harrison. P. N. Lilienthal, James D. Phelan, Wendell Baston and Hon. J. A. Filcher to represent Cali fornia at the British Empire Exposi tion, to be held at Montreal, Canada, May 24th to October 12. 1896. The Bricklayers' Union has elected the following officers: President, John Haley: Vice-President, M. O'Meara; ( Secretary, Walter Henley; Treasurer, Richard Surgeson; Sergeant-at-Arms, Charles Hanson; Delegates to Federa tion, Nicholas Rueff and Jack Tevlin. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Arrivals at the Golden Eagle Hotel yes terday: P. H. Runner, Captain Long, Al. W. Stilwell, Oakland; A. W. Jack son, C. C. Betuis, Bartlett Doe. Albert Gallatin, E. J» Pratt, G. C. Schneider, D. R. Sessions, Cliflford Irwin, San Franoisco; Albert Wile and wife, Roch ester; T. B. Hennine. Chicago. City Finances. Following is the Auditor's report for the week endiag Saturday, December 21, 18<15: E. H. McKee, water rates $2.640 00 &. fl. McKee. taps 20 00 E. H. kfeKee, city licenses 1,258 50 E. H. iicKee, dog licenses 8 0<) E. H. McKee, oemetery clues 4* 00 M.J. Desmond, Police Court fines 105 oo J. W. Watt, saddle flanges 45 00 Funded Debt Commissioners, coupons 1,781 25 M. ft. Beard, delinquent taxes 253 35 Total receipts $6,154 70 Total disbursements l,:jfO 87 Amount .n City Treasury... $254.460 52 APPORTIONKD AS FOLLOWS: Sinking and interest fund $11,766 70 Generaifund 7,964 4:J .Special Water Works lund 13,000 00 Tire Department fund 5,:i:»l 55 Kchool fund 152 6 •> Lievee fund 1,110 TO Cemetery fund 566 74 Str- c-t repair fund 10 37 PoiiC" lund 2,7'J4 47 I'.ddU redemption fund 80.14 1 'j-> Library lund 394 65 Sprinkling fund 1 61 Rewer fund 2,043 !'l Dogfund 2>j 95 Special street improvement fund 875 59 Street bond fund 1,213 97 Levee bond fund 916 45 Unapportioueil 20C,653 'j5 Total ?:>54,400 52 County Board of Education. The County Board of Education held a meeting on Saturday and passed upon the questions for the examination oi ap plicant* for teachers' certiticates, which commences this morning at half-past 8 o'clock at the Perry Seminary. "The Museum of Birds," "Vocal and Physical Culture" and "• >ur own Coun try" were placed on the library list. Laying a New Cable. The Postal Telegraph Company is lay- Ing a cable across the river at the new bridge to take the place of the old on* when the old bridge la taken down. The old one ia attached to the piles of the bridge, and will probably be broken or injured when they are removed. Freight Movements. A large amount of freight it being handled now in the freight depot, the uoar approach of Christmas adding much to the usual volume. Six carload* of wine were aetit Kast yesterday, and ■ large quantity of hops is also being moved. After the holiday* arj over the looal freight will decrease. Regular Railroad Payday. An order has beon issued by Manager Krutischnitt of the Southern Paciiio Company designating the -Ist of each month as the regular day for paying the wages ol the company's employes. Iron Bridge Near Red Bluff. Twelve carloads of iron bridge ma terial were sent north yesterday lurougn this city lor the construction of an iron bridge over Ked Bank, creek, near lied Bluff, to replace a woodeu one. Will be Taken to Oakland. The remains of Dan West will be sent o Oakland on the 6:45 train this morn ing, and wiii be accompanied by a lew of his fellow-conductors and intimate friends. Slightly Injured. Engineer Tuitle was slightly injured yeslerduy morning by tlj« crown sheet oi nis engine being blown out near Clipper Gap. Hotel at Lincoln Burned. The hotel and several adjoining build ings at Lincoln were burned on j about noon. The large shipments of poultry yester day from points north of Daviarille and KosevilLe, amounting to seven carloads, madw the trains Horn that direction late. —^ An quality mine** nu:it. w.iKht-d out at 10c a pound. A. C. S., Eighth and K. * NEW DANGER IN MONEY. Give It Away When a Thunderstorm Comes Up. An incident has occurred in England which goes to show that people whose pockets are loaded with coin should not be caught in a thunder storm. A cab man was passing along a footpath shaded by trees, when a lightning flash struck him and killed him instantly. His body was only slightly marked, but some parts of his clothes were ripped into long vertical ribbons, while other parts were torn to shreds. Half the inner uppers of each shoe was gone, the metal eyelets of the outer upper be ing burnt out, and the right shoe was blown completely off the foot. But the most remarkable point about the lightning flash was the way in which its direction was influenced. In the man's right trousers' pocket were fourteen shillings in silver, and in his left inside breast pocket there were thirty-seven sovereigns and twenty eight half-sovereigns in a common leather jaw-open purse, with the metal rim. In the waistcoat pocket on the right was a silver iratchbox, also a silver watch. The gold coins were found in different states of fusion, some being welded together, and others only partly fused on one side, as though they had been splashed with molten metal. Many of both the gold and silver coins showed fusion of the milling of the edges only. The watch, which was covered with splashes of metal, had a hole of a quarter of an inch in diameter burned through Its case. The finding of the inquest was that the gold attracted the lightning. The path of the current was through the head to the gold in the inner breast pocket, thence to the right trousers' pocket, containing the silver, touching the watch on its way. One of the jurymen expressed ths opinion that had the deceased not been immediately under the tree his head would probably not have been struck first, but the gold would have received the discharge di rect. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK MARKET. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 21, 1896. MORNING SESSION. Alpha 2t>a;27c Savage 81c Ctiollar 50@">lc G. A C 4 0c C. C.A V -i 00 Mexican 69c Union 41@42c Opnlr 1 30 Y. Jacket 40@4 lc Daudet at Home. A recent visitor to the home of Al phonse Daudet in the Faubourg Saint- Gennain describes Daudet's study as lighted by two windows which look nut on gardens. Even on the warm day when his friends sought him out, a lar&re lire was burning. Daudet is a Southerner, aud feels the cold of Paris keenly. His study is lined with dwarf bookcases, so low that oue has only to stretch out a hand In order to find the book that is wanted. Thursday is his "at home" day, when he usually invites twelve or fourteen friends to dinner. It' a well known musician happens to be among the guests, tbe drawing-room, and not the study, is the place of entertainment. — Westminster Gazette. The earliest and oldest and longest has still the mastery of us.—George Eliot. GOLD DUST. Little Grains of GOLD DUST, ?■. j Tidy, thrifty wife— f^#^ £ Clean, contented household, V^jf Long and happy life. -^HlL^-^ <" k-^k WASHING \^3wm powder. i / *^ finds a prominent place in the heart and \ < J Ji home of every thrifty, thoughtful house- J <* \yf jfc keeper who once gives it a trial. A little a I y %ll\ of this famous preparation in your ■ " f ir- water next cleaning day, will prove J a K*~ ■ T — '"~2s *t8 Xa^uc beyond all further doubt. « f /fflfccarSKj Try it and enjoy rest, comfort and , " c^^T^^ r\^l ■^'l happiness with thousands of others. J " <S^====^^==---A' The N. K. Falrbank Company, ; T^ m St. Loulb, Chicago, New York, , X ■—^ 5^^-<i _^ Boston, Philadelphia, , * r^^. n^^^7 —^^jj San Francisco. , for Infants and Children. m Caetoria isso well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D., 11l So. Oxford St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of • Castoria' Is bo universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few an? the intelligent families -who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Caiilos Jlartyn, D. D., New York City. The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, Rnr York City. TO BUSINESS AND OFFICE MEN. We have on hand a complete line of DOUBLE BREASTED STOCKINET OFFICE JACK ETS in black and blue; equally as warm as a coat, but not as burden- -_ _. some during office or (Jj _J 4- Q? f-«v business hours, at prices t~M y^\ I f J y) ranging from - - %-V— M^ v -^ CARDIGAN JACKETS For those laboring outdoors. This is interesting. A good knitted jacket is always appreciated when cold weather is at hand. Remember we have a full line in various colors, ranging in "75cto$3 50 CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER, - - 414-416 X Street. HORSES CLIPPED Dr- £ L Megowan, XAV/X VETERINARY 8UR»KO», E3V MACHINERY, | »I* fift*»niu atr«»U LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in tbe Postotflce at Sacramento Monday. DMsember 28, 18y6: Ladies' List. Benner, Mrs L J Jatunn. Mrs M ( arleton, Mrs C M Keating, Mrs E Carroll, Miss F H Krenkel. Miss J Carrie, Mrs M Malattsta, Anna Chamberlain, Mrs A Marvin, Mrs I Counsmau, Mrs W Mason, Mrs X Couzins, Mist P Moore, Mrs M H Cuneo, Miss C Moore, Mrs X Curtis, Miss G Morell. Miss M JJavies, Miss C Murpby Miss J Davis Airs J A oakauuntainer, MrsJL De Ligne, Mr* C A Painter, -Mrs H Donovan. Mrs J Palmer, Mrs C L Kd wards. Mrs C H Parry, Mrs M J English, Miss N Patton, Mrs C F-2 Evans Mrs S Powell, Mrs I M Ewer, Mrs P. Pulse=son, Miss G Felix, Mrs A (; Reeves, Miss Fincher, Miss L-3 Riddle, Mrs J B Forbes, Miss S A Richardson, Mrs L Forrest, Miss M Richardson, Mrs J F Franci*. Miss T Scoot, Trilby rritz. Miss M Sheelian, Mrs (;lbbs, Mrs L L Smith, Miss B Gillenwater, May Smith, Mrs E Greenlield, Mrs C Stelnuian, Miss M Green. Miss A Button, Mrs Jlamiltou, Misi S-2 Talniage, Mrs C V Hustings, Miss P AVadsworth, Mrs X Hester, .\. iss M Walker, Mrs J Hewett, Miss B-2 Ward. Miss X Holcomb, Mrs 0 C Ward. Mrs H J Horn, Misu Ida Washburn, Lillie O Hunt, Miss L Weiman. Airs l£ Hurst. Miss M Woods, Miss L J Iceland, Miss H Gentlemen's List. ; Anthony, Jas Hubbard, Earl Perry, F T Kartleit. J X Hyde, Jas Porter, P H Backer. H Iron*, M Pullen. K-2 i Ueuuett, J M .James. W M Ramick, AC ; nioaaom, X N Jen»cu, A P Raule, H ! Brown, C B Johnson, II Rice, Rev JR-4 I lUualla, A Johnson L Rioter, Tlieo j Latin, Gus Jones, JT-2 Richardson, J Csipps, W H Kaspf-r, .Jule W I Christie, F Keulio, T Ritchie, A ; Clark. H P Kenny, Ira flocknell, G L i Clark, E Ketoneson, P Roger*, T • Connors, M Knight, G W Rodgers, A M Cone, H W I_aiiie. w H Rogers, W Cook, T M I.Uwrence, \V Royal G A ! Cooper, T Homer Kowe, Sol i Cn.sen. L Leal, J Rowlands,Wm I Danville, S B JMahaney, E Russell, (Jeo W i Davenport, 8 Mayer, Jolin Sartoretti, Jan Liashnell, W A Martel, Juan J Hundoz, C Dieterly, Ed Murtey. Joo Bhuiinan, F H ElchholU, C S Maupin, W H Shaw, AC& Co Kvp Ut. <r II McDi venry, P Shir.ey, A i I al. • iburj, X McErnney.Pat Sherman, M O I Fe;ton. Chds McQunle, T siiva. Joiin ; Feeny, Jas II McLuugulin, J Sliupkius, J ; Fiinnniore, W W Smith, UK. Fleming. C Mcßoby, Wm Smith, .1 H IFoote, AH Me Williams, Sprout, Gus I France, Al W A Stewart, Win Futbey, J A Milcalr. John Straitor, Mr| (iarvey, H Milner. C H Streeur, A. Gray, J A Mitchell, B stritzel, J I Orlswold, R Moore, Wm Tnrpin, R N ! Haguerty, J R Mulhall, Rev Wade, Jotin I Hack, E E M F-2 Walker, I) E I Hainues, M L N'ewcum, Wm Walker, Jim i Hanks, I' H OConnoil, P R Warren, E H i Harciie, H Oil, Jo Wilcox, F J j Hennessy, P I'alazzo, C Wilson, A Home, Jas Perry, Wm Winter, J Foreign. ■ Peracca Andrea Monsieur Adolphe I Antonio M uomes-2 J< an Mayheur I Jeckeng Alu Saclila Ssignore'f H liios • Francisco Medrano Mama Amelia I'irrM i Monsieur Giries Da- M Joze. de Azevedo mons Japanese. A Rotonia H Joufu J Hasiiimatu X L'/.eda Chinese. Tong Khang Tae Third and Fourth Class. Miss Sarah A Forbes E W Mnssey L L Lants X Yauiauclii Wm Lawrence W. S. LEAKE, Postmaster. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended •Castoria,' and shall always continue to do bo, as it has'invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pardhe, M. P., ICOth Street and 7th Aye., Now York City. 2uS MCA i^fi M HB ISs Instantly stops tot mostexcTuoiatlng paias, ' allays inflammation and cures congestions, whetaer of tne Lungs, Stonaaca, Bowels or , other glands or mucous membranes. i RADWAY'S HEADY RELIEF CT7RS3 AMD I'RKVESia Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influenza, Bron chitis, Pneumoaia, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headache, Toothnhe, Asth ma, Difficult Breathing. CURES THE WORST PAINS in from on© to twenty minutes. Ngt one haiir after rea<l inr this advertisement need any one SUFFEK WITH FAIN. ACHES AND PAIN*. For headache (whether sick or aarvous), ; tootJbnche, neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago, , pain* and weakness in the back, splneor kfd ney», pains around tlie liver, pleurisy, swelling of thie Joints ana pains of all kinds, the ap plication of Had way's Heady Relief will attbrd immediate ease, and its continued use tor a few days effbet a permanent cure. TAKEN INWARDLY-A half to a tea spoonful in half a tumbler of water tor storrt. ach troubles, Colic, Wiad iv the bewalf, Cold Chills. Fever and Ague, Diarrhea, Sick Head ache and all Internal pains. Prioo. 500 par ttottle. bold by all UrusgUts. RAILROAD TIKE TABLE. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY [PACIFIC SYSTEM.] NOVEMBER 20, 1895. Trains Leave and art Dv« to Arrive, at Sacrsmsnto: LEAVE TRAINB RUN DAILY.'ARRIVB (For} iKrom) 11:00 P Ashland and Portland : 6:20 A 6:45 A Calistoga and Napa ! 8:10 P 3:00 P Calistoga and Napa 11:80 A 4:40 P peming.El Paso and East H:45 A 5:00 Pcolfax 10:05 A 7:10 PiKnightaLa'd'g&Oroville 7:45 A 10:25 AijLos Angeles 2:50 T 4:40 PjLos Angeles ! »:45 A 11:40 AlAtlantic Express for Og i den and East j 4:30 P 10:00 P ICuropean Maii for Ogden' and East 6:50 A 3:05 P Orovill* via Rosev'le J'nc 10:15 A 4:35 A Ked Knitt via Knights ! La'd'g and Marysville.. 6:40 P •6:45 A liea Blult via Woodland *7:DO P 3:06 P Red Bluff via Marysvillei 10:15 A 10:30 A Uedding via Willows 1 3:55 P 4:50 1' Sanrrun'co via Uenicia...| 11:20 A 6:10 A han Kran'co via Benicia...! 'JiiO P «:46 A ban Franco via Benicia... 10:35 P 3:00 P«.»u Kran'co via Benicia..! 8:10 P •10:00 A Ban Franco via steamer; j6:uO A 10:«!5 A San Fran, via Livernaorei P 10:25 AKau Jose | 2:50 P 10:25 A Santa Barbara j 2:50 P 6:45 Aißantaßosa : 8:10 P 3:00 1'Santa Kosa 11:20 A 10.25 AlstocKton and Gall.. 2:50 P 4:40 PlStookton aud Gait »:45 A 11:40 AlTruckeeaod Keno. 4:30 P 10:00 P Truckee and Reno 5:50 A 6:45 A Vallejo 8:10 P 3:00 P Vallejo 11:20 A •7.00 A Folsom and Placervllle .. »4:40 P '6:10 P Folsom and Placervllle... '9:15 A •Sunday excepted. excopted. A. —Kor morning. P—For afternoon. RICHARD OKAY, (Jen. Traffic Manager. T. H. GOODMAN, Gen. Passenger Agent. JUDSON EXCURSION£ast £^2 1 Sacramento weekly. Upholstered cars. Man ■ &£era through to Chicago and hoslon. Lowest ! rate. Call on c. J. ELLIS. Agent 8. P. Co., Sacramento, or address JUDsuN A CO., IS* Montgomery street. San Francisco. lrx PHgHI TME Sunset limited For the Season of 1805-96. \A/ll_L- RUM SEMI-WEEKLY BETWEEN San Francisco, Los Angeles and New Orleans, OVER THE GREAT— SUNSET ROUTE, LEAVING BAN FRANCISCO Tuesdays »nd Saturdays From Tuesday, Nov«mber 5, 1895. The most complete, modern, elegantly •quipped and perfectly arranged Vt-stibuled Transcontinental Train in America. New Equipment, especially designed and built for this service. Nothing spared to assure PER FECT COMFORI and the highest degree of ENTERTAINMENT obtainable WHILE TKAVEHNG. Direct connection* la >">-> v OrlsAna for Mil Baittern point*. Quick time. Only on* change. UNDERTAKERS. ■ nil - ■ i ■■■ ■ i ' ' ' I * —"• GEO. H. CLARK (Successor to J. Frank Clark), County Coroner, Undertaker and Funeral Director TTNDERTAKING PARLORS 1017 AND U 1019 Fourth street, between J and X streets. Telephone 134. rvJIL-l-ER 8c rVJcrVlUL_L_irsl, UNDERTAKING PARLORS 905-907 X street, Odd Fellows' Temple. EMLi A L MIN O a spec lal ty. Telephone 166. A. D. FENTON, Funeral Director. W. «J. KAVANAUGH, Undertaker and Funeral Director, NO. 513 .T STRKET. EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. OFFICE open day and night. Telephone No. 305. WE SELL. GUNS, AMMUNITION SPORTING GOODS. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE March and Falcon Bicycles. HORACECROCKER&CO. 013 X STREET. MWF jb NOW IS THE TIME. A&STONpicTailoF, \&£m3 /*'l~7 C. STREET. W^^/ Hasjustgotln all the latest in WB^Suitinffs and Trouserings, \ , , And has made Ilia CUTTING REKUCTIONS FOR £)ffl TIIK HOLIDAYS. Call and c«t his orlces. SEND THE WEEKLY UNION TO"YOUR friends in the East. OFPICi AX. Notice lo Water Inters. LXTRACTSFROM9RDINANCENO.3tt AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO, 353, Providing for the Collection of Water Rates, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof. The Board of Trustees of the City of Sacramento ordain as follows: Section 1. All water rates shall be col lected from the owner of the premises to which water is supplied by the city. Section 2. All water rates shall be paya ble monthly in advance. Section 37. Nothing in this ordinance shall be so construed as to prevent a water taker from paying mere than one month in advance. Section 38. Every person violating this ordinance shail be punished by a fine cf not less than $15 nor more than 525, and may be imprisoned in the City Prison un til the hue is satisfied, at the rale of $2 per day for each day's imprisonment for such fine. Section 39. Ordinances Nos. "47, 359 and 371, and all ordinances and parts of Or dinances in conflict with this ordinance. are hereby repealed. Section 40. This ordinance shall take ef fect on the first day of July, 1896. Passed June 17, 1895. W. D. LAWTON. President Board of Trustees. Attest: O. S. Flint. City Clerk. The within ordinance is herbey approved this 24th day of June. 1895. P.. T. STHIXMAN. Mayor of City of Sacramento. All water takers not paid up to Decem ber 1, 1895, will be delinquent January Ist, and, under Ordinance No. 348, their names liable to be placed on the delin quent list for the City Tapper. It is nec essary that all accounts be straightened up before the commencement of the new : year. EL H. McKEE, d!9-5t ______ Cit>' Coll^lo^.. Resolution Ordering Change of Grade. WHEREAS. THE BOARD OF TRUS tees did on the 14th day of October. 1895. by a resolution, declare its intention to change ami establish grades on S, T and V streets from the east line of Twenty first to the west line of Twenty-second street, and did on and after the 17th day of October, I>>LC>. publish in the Record- Union, a daily newspaper published and circulated in this city, lor a period of ten (10) days, a notice describing the proposed changes and designating the limits and location of said changes; and. Whereas, No person has in any manner objected to the said changes or filed a petition asking for the appointment of commissioners to assess the damages re sulting from such changes. Now. there fore, the Hoard of Trustees of the city of Sacramento order that grades shall be and are established in conformity with such changes as follows: At the east line of Twenty-first street at center of S 23.3W One hundred and sixty feet east of east line of Twenty-first street at center of S 29.75 At the west line of Twenty-second street at the center of S 29.13 At the east line of Twenty-first street at center of T 23.80 Oii"- hundred and sixty feet east of east line of Twenty-tirst street at center of T 31.00 At the west line of Twenty-second street at the center of T 00.44 At the east line of Twenty-first street at the center of V 30.00 Eighty feet east of the east line of Twenty-first street at the center of V 34.00 One hundred and twenty feet east of the east line of Twenty-tirst street at the center of V 34.50 One hundred and sixty feet east of the east line of Twenty-first street at the center of V 35.00 Two hundred feet east of the east line of Twenty-first street at the center of V 35.20 Two hundred and forty feet east of the east line of Twenty-first street at ( center of V .".4.70 Two hundred and eighty feet east of the east line of Twenty-first street at center of V 32.70 At west line of Twenty-second street at center of V 30.00 At all points between the above desig nated points the grade shall be estab lished so as to conform to a straight line drawn between said designated points. The- numbers used above where their meaning is not shown to be otherwise by their immediate context mean the number of feet which the points designated in the proposed new grade shall be above the city datum plane. The Record-Union, a daily newspaper published and circu lated in this city, is hereby designated as the paper in which the City Clerk shall cause this resolution to be published in every issue thereof for a period of ten d"i days as required by law. Adopted December 18, 1895. W. D. LAWTON, President Board of Trustees. O. S. Flint, City Clerk. dflO-lOt Proposals for Operating Y-Street Pump. PROPOSALS FOR RUNNING THE Y street sewerage pump by or eltctricliy for the period of six months and one year, in accordance with the specitications under which It is now being operated, will be re ceived at the office of the undersigned until 5 o'clock p, m. Monday, December 30. 1b95. Hidders must furnish fu^l or electricity and motor and sufficient help to run the pump. Each proposal must be accouipanied Dy a certified check for 10 per cent, of the amount of the bid. payable totiie City Clurk. For further information apply at this efnee. dll-td O. S. FLi>T. City Clerk. In the Matter ot Keclamatian District Number Four Hundred and Seven of the County of Sacramento, State of California. IN THE MATTER OF RECLAMATION District Number Four Hundred and Seven of the County of Sacramento. State of California. The petition for the formation of said district having heretofore been approved by this board, and the landowners of saul district having heretofore adopted and filed their by-laws, Now, upon application of P. H. Gardiner, a landowner ot said Reclamation District No. 407, It is ordered that an election be held on SATURDAY, the 4th day of January, 18U0, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., and closing at 4 o'clock p. m., on that day, for the purpose of electing three Trustees of said Reclamation District No. 4(Ti, and that notice thereof be published in the Record-Union, a daily newspaper of gen eral circulation in said county, for one month, and that the County Clerk sign said notice. And it is further ordered, that said elec tion be held at the Isleton Hotel, at Isle ton in the County of Sacramento, State.of Cal'fornia, in said district, and that San ford Dickey be and he is hereby appointed Inspector, ana that H. M. Laßue and Samuel Lavenson be and they are hereby appointed Judges of said election. By unanimous vote of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Sacramento, "SHfr&SW B. HAMILTON, County Clerk of the County of Sacra mento and ex-offlcio Clerk of tlie Board of Supervisors. u3-td In the Matter of Reclamation District Number Five Hundred and Fifty-four of the County of Sacramento* State of California. IN THE MATTER OF RECLAMATION District Number Five Hundred and Fiftv four of the County of Sacramento, State of California. -__._. ' . The pennon for the formation of said district having heretofore been approved by this board, and the landowners of said district having heretoiore adopted and tiled their by-laws, Now, upon application of H. T. Lufkin, a landowner ot said Reclamation District It is ordered that an election be held on MONDAY, the Oth day of January. IgOG, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. and clos ing at 4 o'clock p. m. on that day, for tho purpose of electing three Trustees of said Reclamation District No. 554, and that no tice thereof be published in the Record- Union, a daily newspaper of general cir culation in said county, for one month, and that the County Clerk sign said no tice. And it is further ordered that said elec tion be held at the store of'H. T. Lufki:i, at Walnut Grove, in.the County of Sacra mento, State of California, in said dis trict, and that Sperry Dye be and he i 8 hereby appointed Inspector, and Henry T. Lufkin and Clara B. Lord be and they are hereby appointed Judges of said elec tion. By unanimous vote cf the Board of Su pervisors of the County of Sacramento, December 2. 1895. (Seal.) Attest: WM. B. HAMILTON. County Clerk of the County of Sacra mento and ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. d3*td