Newspaper Page Text
KEKLY ARIZONA CITIZEN' rl ,ilHr BVKRY SATUItDAY. nfllcc Ht Church Tteia. ritHmox rate. 0p . ene yt - ti nuher - - - KATE. 1 ei. line- In this type otw -qtwrc ir,-, ten lines, oe time v ',--qnent im-ertion -.....mtlcard, perqosrter $3 00 3 00 is $2 25 1 25 U 0 uerli-ements at minced rate. K. C. BROWN, Proprietor. IPOI.PIIUS H. NOON. M. n.. l,1tO BLANCO, ARIZONA. .MOVE "IV1CKS, -..hset-at-law asi NOTAnr mime. . Arittona. SAM. II. "V1X1Y. nol.'N'EY AT LAW, GoK A.T. A T. J..BKO-M, , ,-H'KNKY AT LAW, Flu Street near A v . .:it Street, Tfl-btor, Annona. K. It. K1ILLKY. ,..1Y r. s. MINKRAL SURVEYOR 1 ' 1 11'IiUaf aval ATI ilHAn D ,r rUOU. wiiwa - O ). TKANTUM, r..KNFY AT LAW, CORNKR OF x rAtreetM Maktea Lone, Tc?ou l STAXKOUI), .ToKNKY. Oflic, corner Peuuinston A 3,! tt srm-r Streets. HUN.IAMIN MORGAN, tthI-nEY andGomitor at Law, Office lN-nntaeton "- Hr Mqraw, Tac An una. H I HUBO"K,'- J. C. HANI1V, M. 1. 1)1!. II ANDY .V 1IOL.UKUOK. ,.UU1A- SUKOEONS. offi.von Com-ress Street, Tnceou. Cm. II ILL HOWARD. ,F.nnerivofV. E. Howard Jt Sons.) Ai iokNKY and Counselor at law, Tucson, Arizona, tpectal attention Riven to jun. ai: BD.l American land and roinlnr title. UK. L.A15AKTIIK. DENTIST, J r iTK OF PARIS. OFFICE, ROOM C, J uV Lodging Hoase. All work done , ilj! iain. II. II. LIG1IT1IIZUK. i TTORNEY AN1) COUNSELLOR-AT-A u, and Notary Pnblic. Office, Camp 7 ..piMfclte ratoce Hotel, Tncson, A. 1. V .in .i ? a specialty. .lOsKPII NEUGASS. 4 TToRNEY AT LAW. All business in A tni-led to dm will promptly attended iK-cial attention peW to conveyancing J IMfSceon Meyers street, near 1 m.'i jion. G. V. SICIIEL, SI. I. Dentist. 1 .con, - Arizona. , ..!gr Streei, opposite Saftord, Hudson Bank. riRi.i r. 3i. BMrrn. o. w. sr-ACLDiNo. hUULL, SMITH &SPAULDING. ATTORNEYS at Law, Tucson, Arizona. Of fice on Pennington street, near Parley imroy's Mock. STREET. J. II. tCCAS. J. IIATNE9. UAY.VIS, LUCAS & STItEET, i TTORNEYS at low, Tucson, Arizona. A. t'tneeon Meyers street, iiraii'-t) Office at Twin niton. A. ZABBIfKIE. - II- HEREFORD. IIEKEFOItD & ZABKISKIE, ATTORNEYS and Counselors at law, No tary Pablic Office on Meyers St., oppo . .. at.' Uotei. Tucton. Arizona. OKOKGK .1. KOSICKUGE, . DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR AND NOTARY PUBLIC. oFr irE, one loor east of .lodge Osborne's i. JUi.kii Lane, Tucson, A. T. C. 1. V. "WATSON, SI. I. DHYSIC1AN AND SURGEON, has re i i!ued his office and residence to the build- i- u Pcuainstou street, opposite Uen. Stor ltu Law Oi&e, Uours-lu to IS a. m. and !?.. i and 7 to 9 p.m. Diseases peculiar to um n and children a specialty. SOLON SI. A IitlS, fl IL ENGINEER, U. S. DEPUTY SUR Vj v, v..r and Notarv Public, has returned to ,.!i:and, Pendleton streei, opposite the . miwliian Hotel, and i Prepared to do ..rkin bis Him: with PROMPTNESS AD DISPATCH. Topoiaphical and sec Drawing of Mine a siecialty. e. r-.MRcr, r- rsnixr. s DIst. Attv. Hist. Atty. Pima Co. FAltLBY & POSIKOV, A TTORNEYS and Counselors at law, office comer ileyers ami i-rawmi . ts i ucson. Arizona. IV. II. 1IOKN IILOAVEK, I). V. S. . : .!. American OolUge, New York City. ETERINABY SnnOEOK, U. S. A., It 4 '1 A LI. ORDERS BY MAIL OR TELE- trram promptly atlenueu w. -" at tti- liovernmeni .ormi, WSI. A. SCOTT, JR. i.KNT, HOME MUTUAL 1NSURAXCE A i ..miny,vr California, Imperial, Lon- "i.. N..rtl.eni of London, Queen ol Liverpool, t if . .1. , and New York Life Insurance Com t'un, uf New York. OBice in I'ima County li'i.i. WILLIASI J. OS1IOKN, ATTORNEY at law, Notary Public and Con M vancer. Special assistance given In ci '.Mhiilc patents lor Mining and Preemption - ums,iuid also title to land under the Desert -iii timU-r culture laws. Office north eide oi l i n-i btrect. Thooh Arizona. MENANllERCAMr-BEIi, JAMES S. KOWNSON, L.R t,f San Francisco. Late of Napa, cai. CASIl'lIKLI. Jt KOIIINSON. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Tucmui, A. T. Will practice in all i-.- O.urts of tue .Territoy. Ollice, corner of 'Mil and Convent streets. 1 I. C1IILLSON, m: Pi blic, Civil EsniXEEit, and V. S. Depi-tt SIinekal Sdhvevor, Tucson, Ariaona. ANI)S, SI1NES, ROADS. DITCHES, J J ' r. n cue?, SiU. mf.jv, . r- maae on ine inu"i ' m Pennington street, second door east "f W' lls, Parjro Co.V. Ti EunoRE j. STILES. J0SE1-1I C. rEttCT STILUS & I'EItKY, "TTORNE-vs AND CO-IINSELOHS-AT-LAW AND VrtTiHIES rCELlC. YFFK ES THREE AND FOUR FARLEY t Puniroy-s lilock, on Pennington street 'i ttc the Cosmopolitan Hotel, Tucson, A.:"tia. SETTLE UP. U iu-about to close our business In tlii '"'u m a few weeks, we request all our creu ' ! m lio mav have balances agalnxt ns to pro - ' ti,m atoiice for settlement, we also i.-t hIIh-iohs who are indebted to us 10 ui. ad M-tth- their accounts without further .. li.,-. l'. AltAUIK A: t-w- i' i' -n, Novemlx-r 15). 1SS0. The Old Mine Caution. A LL PARTIES ARE Hr-EBY OTI 2X fled that I claim one-fourta n'eri in the Old Sline, relocutetl tinden ine name of the Commodore mine. Oio.ian co District. Arizona, and all parties are hereby cautioned not to enter into nuy nesotiailons for said Interest. J. C. HADYA Tucion,.February 23, 1SS0. Oeh, Kate a roga-, u i thrae, But her eyes, like the skv, are so Mite, An' her dimples o swale, Aa her ankles so nate. She dazed, an' she lnrtherod me too Till oo mornm' we went for a ride, hlB, demuroas a bride, by my side. The darlint, she sat, . WId the wickedest hat Newh purty girl's chin iver tied. All' Mr llridrt. Hrrh Mn t 1.- F,uKStel,.ookMl,so,empt,B, an' "wate. i iu viivvivri iikc iue roses. Ah' all the red polios That grow in the garden so nalc. Rut I sat just as mute as the dead, Till she said, wid a toss of her head, " If I'd known that to-dav Ye'd have nothliij; to say, I d have gone wld my cousin, lnled." Thin I fell niysclrgrow very liould. For I knew she'd not scoW if I towhl Uv the love in mr heart, That would never depart, THoah I lived to be wrinkled and oW. An' I said. " ir I dared to do so, l'O lit go hv the lastc an' i'& throw Both arms round vour wai-t, An' 1m stalin' a taste Uv i hem lips that are coaxin' me so." Then she blushed a more Hiram red. As she said, without ralsiu' her bead, An' her eyes Iookin' down 'Neath her lashes so brown, ' Would ye like me to drive, Mlsilter Ted? For the first eight months of 1830, England imported wool to the amount of 111,710,000. A WOXllEKI-'UL. SUNK. The l!l Cloud Smelter in Silver ,IHs tnet Cleans Up $34,000 in Ten Days Trom the Lowest Gradu Ore on tint Dump A Itonniiza of I iiiuuii-e I'roHirtloni. Yuma Sentinel. After a ten days' run the Ued Cloud Gold and Bilver iliuing Company at Silver District put out their lire.-, to cleau the furnace and take a general ohservation of its workings. Every thing was found to be in excellent or der and the furnace will be started again in a few days. There is no doubt but what it has proved to be a perfect success in all respects, and al though running on the lowest grade ore that the mine produces, its pro ductions during the time it was run niug will causo many a bitter wailing from several parties who have had that mine bonded at different times at from ten to fifty thousand dollars. The result of the trial run is nearly twenty tons of bullion, worth 1700 per ton; a total of $34,000. When we take into consideration that no ore has 3'et been smelted that has been taken only from above the surface ol the mine, and of that only what was cast as being too poor to ship, as well as the fact that enough of this class of ore is in sight to run this furnacu for nine years, at the lowest estimates, and also the fact that the mine has been prospected to the depth of 200 feet, and a solid ore vein 30 feet in width which assays from seven to fit teen times the amount which the ore that has been worked has shown. We say that when the vast magnitude of this amount of melal, taken into con nection with the formation and its be ing a true fissure vein, is realized, the largest mining property in the known world is here in its infancy, and yet this is conceded not to be by far the best mine in the district. Our belief has never wavered in the slightest de gree, and after a two 3-cars' acquain tance with this district that here is the golden garden of the world." The Koan Mini-. Globe Silver Belt. Wo announced a few weeks ago that an important strike had been m,ir?n nt Pinto Creek. This week we are enabled to give some particulars. . ! I Two years ago, 11 win oe remciuoereu rlil enUlnrs ' nmtfi .1 fnrnrn WJ k 11 vi .... 1 was created in Globe by the announce ment made by a man namcu uunn oi ll imlil-float found at Pinto Creek, and he backed up his state- - . . . .iii inent by tue proaucuon oi some oi uie finnt Tim writer of this article made assays from it, one of which went 23,000 in goiu anu over touu in silver. The country was searched for i,o inrio-p from which it came, but it could not be found. And so two years tvccpl nwnv. with occasional hunts for the ledge by the best prospectors in the district, one of whom had act ually cut through it and thrown out ore in which gold waa visible. A few days ago John Kciss, the owner of the property, was sinking a shaft on a vein of galena that crops upon it, when his attention was called to some ore which was being taken from a cut ten feet distant. A close examination disclosed a perfect net-work of wire gold covering the entire mass. A ton of ore was worked out in an arrnstra, and yielded 58 oz. and lodwt. An ex amination of the tailings by Fred. Medler showed $500, and at least 400 worth of specimens were given away. Longitudinally through the location runs a strong vein of carbonate ore. At the northeast end, numerous small Veins are found, one ot which is galena, and this runs exactly for the place from which the ore is taken. Altogether, it is a strange property and a valuable one. The Lait Survivor. General Patterson, of Pennsylvania, savstheiNew York Tribune, is now in"tuis city for a fow days, the guest of his friend, General AVilson. lhis man nrW in lllS Hlllt ICtll reiUUIn.l"'- " -- vear is the only survivor among the J r .1 t;,1 Cintn Armr oflicers oi mc luh "f1" who took part in the war of 1812. lie also served in the Mexican war, and was among the first to.offcr his ser vices to the government in liGl. gen eral Patterson, the survivor of three wars, still enjoys vigorous health, and is still actively engaged in an ex tea sivo manufacturing business in Phil adelphia, where he continues to take a prominent part in social allairs. It is believed that the Denver and Rio Grande Kailroad will, as soon as the iron can be procured, commence lavin- the third rail between Denver and Pueblo, with a view to running Vtchison. Toncktt and Santa Fecars through o Denver without transfer, lltil it is understood, can be laid on the nrescnt ties, in the meantime ere will be erected hoisting mochin! cry at Pueblo for the purpose of chancing the Santa F cai to the Rio Grande track. Tin: Galveston boy is progressive. He was standing in a crowd of boys on the sidewalk, when his motuer called out to him to brine her a demijohn of whisky, ine Soy w"s too busy to go, but he called St- "Send the old man; I've got considerable confidence m him. -Galveston News. Detail of tho Triple Tragedy Killed Yt Iille Kncelinjr in Prayer. Chicago, December 10. Full de tails nave been received of the triple tragedy m Chester, lllinma Tb.. Times has the following account from mat place: .Last Friday Louis Tock stein, a man 20 years old, a farmer liv. iug about a inilo east of this city, auunvu mljus oi insanity nud was urougnt to town and placed in iail for safe keeping. Sunday his brother luuh. mm uome. in the atternoon. wncn leu unguarded, he torced his sisters out into the yard, making them Kueei uown anu pray, but was sur prised by the return of his brother. After getting Into the house he be came violent and had to be tied down. Monday he was delivered to the Sher iff, tried by the court, and ordered committed to the insane asylum at Anna. He had to be held until Tues day uoon for transportation. The Shoriff placed him in charge of James Waters and his brother in the St. Charles Hotel, on the ground floor. The prisoner was very quiet through out the night and was awakened to wash for breakfast. He got up pleas antly and started to wash, when sud denly he threw the water into Ger lach's face and jumped for the win dow. Waters caught hold of his coat, but did not succeed in holding him. lie and Gerlach pursued him, but tho maniac bounded over fences and ditches like a deer and was soon out of sight lie ian west, down a long, sloping hill. At the foot of the hill, on a little plat of ground, stood the house of Thomas Ryan, a small, one story, whitewashed house, about one hundred 3'ards from any neighbors. The occupants on Tuesday morning weie Thomas Ryau, an old man, wenk and feeble, between 70 and SO years of age; his daughter, Mis. Smith, about 35 years ol age; Mrs. Smith's daughter Sarah, aged 12, and Arthur Uardoff, 10 years old. The maniac stopped on the hillside and took off his boots. Then he jumped a rail fence and plunged bodily through the window, smashing the glass and sash. Overturning, the table, he rushed into the bed room of old man Ryan and commenced to pull him out of bed. The b03, who slept with his grand father, woke up and crawled over the foot of the bed, and ran out-doors and passed his aunt and cousin at the cor ner of the house, his aunt holding an axe in her hand. He kept running and gave the alarm to the neighbors, who hnstened to the scene, but too late. Ryan, the woman and the little girl were weltering in their blood, great streams flowing from their heads and throats. The head of the little :irl was cut entirely off, leaving the chin attached to the body, the head being carried away by the murderer. The neighbors were horrified and stood stunned upon viewing the remains while the maniac bounded over the hills, swinging the bleeding head in defiance. Gaining the woods, he dis appeared from view, tearing the cloth ing from his body and scattering the pieces aa he ran. He cleared the woods and came out at the back part ol Dr. Gordon's premises. Leaping the fence he rushed into the kitchen stark naked, the child's head still in his hands. The hired girl, Mary Hichtcome, had just built the fire, when Tockstein struck her with the head, knocking her down. He then rushed into the bed room of Mrs. Ed ward Gordon, pulled her out of bod, and would have murdered her, but the screams ol both women brought the hired man, Louis Hornbeck, to their assistance, who, after a desper ate struggle, succeeded in downing Tockstein. Dr. Gordon and Horn- beck tied him securely with ropes. The madman struggled desperately to get the head of little Sarah, saying it was liis sister's head and he wanted it. He was again remanded to the care of the Sheriff. The facts of the case have shown great neglect on the part of all the officials connected with it in not confining this madman in the jail. The Times reporter visited the scene soon after the murder and viewed the bodies and the premises. Ryan's body lay about ten feet from the cor ner of the house. To the right lay the hodv of Mrs Smith. About five feet on the other side of her lay little Sar ah Smith, the head having been re turned to the bodj The sight was horrible. Great poo's of blood satur ated the ground in heaps of human gore. The gory axe, on which the hairs of the old, gray-hcaded man were still sticking, was there between the bodies, and the gold dental plate knocked from tho mouth of -Mrs. Smith, with her two teeth still at tached. The axe showed of the yel low clavon the outsido of the house. There were no signs or any struggle. They were killed on the spot where they undoubtedly knelt to pray, l nc maniac, standing there with drawn axe, told them to make their peace with Almighty God and waited wnn imtnii Mirnftth for them to say amen, striking the man, woman and child almost simultaneously. The blows of the axe were heard by the neighbors, like the dull thud of one hammering leather. An Inconsistent Itivr. The Missouri River is the nightmare of railroad men a mysterious, slutt- inc. slimy nightmare, it is mo most, inconsistent, iucomprelionsioie anu uncertain stream in me worm, u cms ... i.n.,r,..ia rnr itelf which one would be willing to swear was the very best whicii tue counuj an u. t. : i nnnnmntlv contented and ilJUllS UlUUJ, "ft J - . satisfied, and seems to have the air of remarking: ".Now, i nave goi a goou -i m.:n ic n-hnt 1 hrim lmnn look. tiling. a" , ing lor for the past thousand years. Then, all ol a sudden, it takes a fancy to investigate the entomological qual ities of a curious sort of a bug it dis covers roaming off in the prairie a mile or two away, and starts for it, cutting and slashing out a path m the - - . writ Awal line SOft SOU. 111C ne.i iuuim5 u ,inrn in it new bed with an air of satisfaction that compels the conviction that it caugui uie uug aim that it will he quiet, uniii u an other one. Littlk baby is very ill, Charlie; 1 - ... -ti i: AVrtil if In- am alraui nc win me. " v... .. does die, mamma, he won t go to the l.nrl nlnri." " AVllV. now uu you l . . f,nt riinrlin'" Oh, I know AUUI mi.., - - he can't, mamma; he s got no teeth to gnash. l-nnnniiiin unrson stands ud in church and decries the lollies or this world; but if he is bald-headed, it is generally noticed that he scrapes the fringe of liis hair above his ears up oyer the bald spot just as carefully as other men. Scissored anil Penciled from the Col umns of tint Citizen's Contemporar ies. " Change cars for Tombstone!" Phenlx-got .51 of an inch of rain on the 15th. Phenix has a lodge of the Indepen dent Order of Red Men. Tombstone is to have a law-suit over a dog the departed Hilly Potus kcy's handsome greyhound. It rained a whole day at Yuma last week, the first, the Sentinel declares, that has fallen for four years. F. M. Carroll, an old man from San Diego, died very suddenly at Tomb stone on the night of the lGHi. The Nellie Royd Troupe opened a Phenix on the 17th, m a short en gagement, prior to going to Prescott. Tombstone will soon be connected with Jknson and the balance of Hie outside world by rail. This time "for The Prcfccott Democrat is so crowd ed with advertisements that a daily supplement is necessary. A good sign of prosperity. Another man has been carelessly handling a revolver in Tombstone. This time, however, he won forgive ness by shooting hmiselt in the leg. The Prescolt Miner comes to this ollice with a startling regularity about once in three weeks. Come, now, tl'at is hardly fair. A call has Imjch published for a meeting of the stockmen of Yavapai county to decide on the terms of a law regulating a time of the year for marking and branding stock. Hilly Dcnriug has brought into Prescolt three ot the largest and fat test bears we have seen in the coun try. They were killed m the hills west of Thumb Rulte. Bears are plentiful in that section the present season. Fifteen miles north or Phenix, d jr ing a storm last week, the lightning struck the telegraph line and ran along it about a mile, reducing it to a cinder which can be crumbled in the hand. At the same time the light ning arrester at the ollice in town was very badly burned. m. boullrian, foremau ol the Mountain Maid mine at Tombstone, met with a severe aud painful acci dent this morning. Being in the not torn of the shaft, on Allen street, a heavy rock fell from the bucket, hit ting him on the back opposite the heart. He was attended to by Dr. Greer, and was for a time insensible. but is now getting along all right. Tombstone is getting a touch of the tramp nujsance. Hon. Harry Woods, of the Nugget intimates that has been " struck ' hall a dozen times lor a half while troing a single block. There is one of two things absolute!' certain: Either Tombstone newspa per men arc bloated capitalists, or the tramp has sadly degenerated since he left Tucson. An editor with a half dollar, forsooth! Mr. aicCafTcrty'ii Views on a Division of the County. On Fr'day, the 2oth day of August. 18S0, the Democrats of Pima county met in this city in convention, and among others nominated John Jlc- Callertv. ol Anvaca. for member oi fit., Umicn A innnir nllipr rinl tit inns kill 1 A V H . ... Q ........ . uuw. .......... passed by the aforesaid Democratic party, oy mc ueiegaies mere assem bled, was tlie louowing: delegation are hereby instructed, in tlu oronl nf tlieir i1ir.t inn. to nitss a law dividing the county, establishing mc line oi ine new eoumy souiuw uuru west or the San Petlio River." In due tunc Mr. McCafferty was elected, but it would seem from the Inllmrinv wliipli nnnoured in the Stnr of Sunday, over Mr. McCaffcrtj-'s sig nature, Hint lie nas no respect lor ine nlntfnrm hik) iloes not intend to live up to the text laid down by his party: AS me question oi iiiuiimsiwu ui Piinn pnnntv. like a siveck from out our southern" horizon in mid summer, rises from out a repugnant rcservoi, nf ;1!nii Aunirfttion. our tax-naversr like residents of our adobe-roofed hab itations, arc now preparing against this whirlwind of unnecessary taxa-1 tion. " That there is territory enough ithin the nrescnt boundary lines on our country lor the creation of anoth er county, is generally conceited, inn that there is a resident population sufficient for the maintenance of two county seats, without an increase or taxation to the people of both such counties, is not conceded. In fact, the tax payers ot me county, anu more especially those residing in and along the San Pedro Valley, claim the pres ent rate or taxation is more than it should be; therelore, it seems to me, member ot tlie next Legislature could be regarded as a friend or our ,ir.,.nlr who would raise his voice or cafet his vote in favor of an act which must necssarialy increase tue taxa tion of every producer in the county." ' Tlie question, says .ur. jicwii srty, " like a speck from out our mntiinrn horizon in mid summer rises from out a repugnant reservoir of id iotic asperations." That is rather ' rufl ' on the party which nominated Mr. McCatl ertv. and from whom he accepted the nomination as they supposed in ood faith. But Mr. .Mct'alterty sets himself ud above the party and in substance tells it that he has no re spect for the platform, anil mat no ill, now mai ne is ciceieo. uo as uv leases. Had he have said this before the c election, as it was his duty to have done under the circumstances, nc would without doubt have Iieen elcct- ed to stay at home. However, as we lire not responsible for Mr. McCnffcr- tv selection, we leave mm to nsu i out with his own party. AH or l.onjr Years. Snn Diftfo has been livintr on ex- 'fnr a lonsr time. She has been bamboozled by Tom Scott and others for vears. Fair promises have been made'time and again, and as of- ten broken. sue apireu to oe w.-i- mi nus of a great overlanu roau, anu for a long time would have notning 10 do with the Southern Pacific folKs. riiniinr star'' has been IIUI ill ' , rfmmiKr vpfir after vear. and But finally she is glad to accept a branch road from the Southern Pacific. c should have been glad to have had a direct route East from Sau Diego to Yuma. It would have been a good thing, not only for that unfortunate town, but would have been worth much to Arizona. But tor tho pres ent Saa Diego will have to content herself with a brauch road, but m time she may get a direct outlet to Yuma and the East. Iluiicarlan Hollers to Tnke their Place fjlinaeapoll'i Correspondence Cincinnati Commercial. The old mill-stones are all being taken out and new steel rollers are substituted in their places. Wheat, bv the new process of flour-making, is not ground ; it is cracked. It passes through fiye sets of rollers, each roller set closer than the former. 'Ihese rollers are thirty inches long and ten lncnos m diameter. Alter passing be tween each set of rollers it i3 " bolted,' or sifted, through cloth. The last rollers have hardly anything but wheat hulls and tho waxy germs which do not crack up, but smasu together. So flour is now cracked and disin tegrated without grinding. The first rollers crack the kernels ot wneat into say six pieces. The starchy substance which rattles out drops through the cloth sieves or bolting-cloths. Thcso six pieces arc broken between the next rollers into thirty-six pieces. Then the white starch-crumbs arc sifted out again, and the thirty-six pieces are passed between still tighter rollers, which crack them into -10 pieces; another set of rollers multiply each of these particles into six more, making them aggregate 1,290. Another set of rollers screwed together with immense pressure makes 7,770 pieces. The scientific miller says a grain of wheat is finally cracked into 7,770 pieces without being round at all. This is the Hungarian process. The germ of a kernel ot wheat is a waxy substance not fit to eat. Between stones this germ rinds into the flour and dam ages it. By the new process of tho Hungarian rollers this germ is flat tened out and it is bolted out. How ever, it is linnlly ground up with the dobris on stones to make low-grade Hour, which we sell in Rotterdam at $2 50 per barrel. How He Was Iilil. Wall Street News. It was in n smoking car on the Hudson River Road. A New Yorker was exhibiting an invention to several gentlemen, when an old farmer with a settled look of sadness on his face heaved a sigh, and said : " I never see any such thing with out wanting to weep." " Nothing about this invention to weep over that I can see," replied the inventor. ",Wall, it sort o' calls up old recol lections. Twenty years ago this month I thought 1 had a fortune in my grasp. Yes, sir. I believed I had struck the biggest thing since steam was brought into use. " " Whai was it?" " One daj- when the old woman was flat down with her lame leg I had to cook ray own dinner. Alter I'd got the pancake batter nil fixed up I couldn't find the greased rag the old woman used to rub over the spider. Sort o" absent minded-like I picked up a piece of raw turnip from the table and usfjl it instead. It worked to a charm no smell no smoke no stick." He paused here to wipe away a tear, aud then continued ; ' There was the fortune. I figured that 9,000,000 greased rags in use in this country five months in the year. Fifty thousand barrels of grease were used up greasing spiders. Over a hundred thousand dollars wasted and gone. One turnip would make six greasers; one thousand bushels would make enough to supply the country. All that was needed was to cut them out in fancy style, affix a handle, and co to supplviiis the demand at ten cents each ." " There was money in it." 'No, there wasn't. I bought a hundred bushels of turnip, $5(5 worth of wire, and hired two men to go to work, and then I took a greaser and went over into Vermont to see how It would take. They wouldn't have it. Thev had something more simple and much cheaper. " What could it have been?" "They spit on the spider! " replied the old man, ns a tear made a break down his nose aud was swallowed up in the dust on the floor. Curry's Ilrass Minn. Homer fining Index. J Our readers will remember that uimi months ntro Bob Cameron and John J. Curry came into camp from a prospecting trip, looking very ownsn and exhibiting samples of rock from a tremendous vein they had discovered. Assays subsequently showed a value of several cents a ton. From the ap pearance of the samples it was sus pected at the time that the boys had located the levee at the north end ot Oneida Lake; but wc Know now that they aelualiy found something, and are not surprised that they should wear a puzzled a mystinu iook. urn er parties havesince jumped the claim and extracted a large amount of ore, which, it it be nnytiung at an, is ncar- 1- pure braes. 'I he metal has been tested in various ways, both here and in Bodie, and tlie result is me snme brass. It is proposed to form a com pany to work this metallurgical mon strosity, and to manufacture its pro duct into merchantable articles. One of the jwrtics concerned remarked to the Index man: " We've stuff enough in si'ht to fence the whole d d countrv with brass candlesticks ten feet high." The original discoverers have no doubt missed a good thing. We asked Bob why he didn't stay and try to do something with his discov- . i i 1 1 crv. Then his nose nvuiKieu anu ins eyes got green. Said he : " You do not know what I suflcred on that trip Evcrv night after we'd got tucked away under the blankets, Currv'd be "in, ' When I was State Printer in Oregon,' and I'd have to climb n tree to escape his infernal ding-dong about what a big man he used to be in Oregon. You know he had a way or nudging a fellow of every word or two. Well, one day I was leaning against a big tamarack, and he came up and started on his rigmarole. I just slipped down and crawled away, and left him to bore that tree as much as he liked. When I got back to .,., civ nr i.!ht liours afterward. dern mv skin if he hadu't nudged that tamarack clem off and started in on an oak stump. Oh, I couldn't stand it. ami had to come home. Tuk Denver aud Rio Grande Rail road has concluded a contract with Philadelphia parties for thirty-two locomotives to meet the growing de mand for transportation, and also to stock the extensions. This order makes 124 locomotives that have been bought for this road since the 1st or November. 1S79, 92 of which have been delivered. TELEGRAPHIC. A Disgraceful and Serious Al tercation in the House of Tiepresenaatives. Sparks, of Illinois, and General "Weaver Call One Another Pet Xames, And Strip Off Tlieir Coats for a Stand-Up-and -Knock- Down Fiht. Both Participants to lia Com polled to Make Public Apology and He Reprimanded. Dellcnto Compliments. Washington", December 21. The disgraceful sccno in the House this afternoon is the absorbing topic of the town talk lanljflit, and conjecture is rife as to what will be its consequence to-morrow. It Is agreed on all bands that the principals m this most un seemly atlair must be subjected to the severe disipline of public reprimand by the speaker of the iloiuc, and compelled to apologize for their gross ly unparliamentary language and con duct, on penalty of expulsion in case ot refusal. The excitement in the Hall during the progress of tlie. alter cation, aud for some minutes after its termination, was intense almost be yond description. When Sparks roared out " loti are a scoundrel and a villain!" in response to Weaver's epithet ol ".Liar! ' Weaver rapidly walked towards him, stripping oil' his coat as he proceeded ; and Sparks, af ter clutching a chair for a moment as if to raise it for a weapon, commenced to tako off his coat and moved to wards his approaching adversary. Numbers of their respective friends hastened to seize and hold them back, but Jones, of Texas, a Greenback sym pathizer with Weaver, had meanwhile jumped over his desk, exclaiming, "If there s going to boa right, 1 m in it! " Mills, of Texas, was observed to plunge his hand into a hip pocket, as if to draw a pistol. The members gathered hastily to the point from all points of the House, and ami 1 cries of" order! " order! " " Scrgeaut-at- Arms! nud all sortsof undisnnguish- able utterances, the confusion mo mentarily increased until it actually looked as if a free-tight were immi nent. Speaker Randall, very proper ly disregarding the fact that the House was in Committee ot the whole, and that no motion to rise had been made, hastily took the Chair, displac ing the mild-mannered Chairman, who was ineffectually trying to quell the tumult, nud strongly pounding with the gravel, commanded order, and directed the Sergeant-at-Arms to enforce it. This command proved effective and the parliamentary forms of coming out of Committee" of the Whole were then promptly gone through with and the House imme diately adjourned until noon to-morrow. It is proper to add that the sym pathy of the House and the current of popular feeling arc mainly with Wea ver, as against Sparks, lor me latter manifestly provoked the violent issue, and egged Weaver into an outburst very unnecessarily. Morool it. WioinvnTnv Diipnmlipr h Tn the House After prayer by the Chop- 1 . 1 r. 1 ... . . 1 .IT ..! am, Uie ojilmkui, ii usual, uuaiuu the Clerk to read the journal of yes terday. whereiiDon Bowman roso to a question of privilege relative to the disgraceiui proceedings which nati oc curred in the House yesterday. l ue speaker sain ine unair woum nrnfnr llii i(n tlenirtll w.'iit until till! journals should have been read. lir.wman (Kep.) said it was on mat point he wished the Speaker to rule. A rnto nt'tlii, tllllKft ktlllffl tilllt lllPni- bcrs should be held to answer not be subject to the censure ot tlie House for anything laid in debate, if further debate or business had intervened. He desired to know whether the read ing of the journal could be construed ns such intervening business as would shut off farther proceedings by the House mr the gross violation of its ignity. The Speaker said the reading of the iournal would take from the House none of its privileges. Immediately after the reading of ilio rt,rnnl MnT'ini ! n rmnsion effecting the dignity of the House, called attention to uie scene oi uis order which teok place on the floor yesterday, and which lie cnaracterizeu as oflensive, derogatory and discredit able to tho House a a parliamentary body. He called upon both offending members, berore any otner business rat intirpil t.- relieve themselves of that offense by ample apology. No resphnse having been made by ntitm. ,nmir immpil intnt v con cerned, Bowman to present what be called a suusianuve proposiuuu. He spoke of the scene of yesterday as o ff-imn nnil ns -i iiicnlt offered to the House, to Congress and to tho coun try. There was not, he said, a man present who dni not ycsieruny uung iita tioari in filtnmn. niul did not re gard that scene as personally disgrace . ... ... . .. . . tul, ana an over uie country nuu world men were reauing mis murmu of "Pot-house brawl," "gambling house quarrel,' and the fight with fists fonlv prevented by force) that took place vesterduy. Harris, ot Virginia, suggesicu mm .Mrhina lintli nfTcnrlinir mninhers were i''-l,J " a now willing to make an apolory, and if SO, mcy OUglll 10 nave an uppui tunity at once. Haskell suggested that other mem bers had been guilty of conduct equally worthy of censure. McLane insisted on his question of privilege, and offered a resolution re the two offendim: members to apologize to the House. in tlie course oi .uciinu . ruuimivs, he recognized that most nf the mem bers present yesterday were iartly re sponsible for the scene or yesterday. Bowman took the floor and quoted a remark of Fernando W'ood as to the character of yesterdav's incident, add in" that if the two offending members ha been two boys fighting on the sidewalk thev would have spent the night in the ToombJ and be brought before the Police Court in the morn ing. He felt th.'.t the House should now take action that would be a warn in", lie would, therefore, offer a resolution ot" expulsion, a punishment which would only be commensurate with the offense. After further discussion in the same vein, and after reading an extract from the Congressional Record covering the question ol the otiense. liowman's resolution was read, declaring that for gross breach ot me privileges of the rules and decorum of the House, the two members be expelled. Bowman moved as a substitute that a committee of three be appointed to report without delay what proceed ings should be taken by tho House. Smuc Herald Statements. New York. December 20. The Herald, quoting the statement of Sir Uutherford Alcock, that in 1872, 5174 vessels entered Chinese waters under the Americau flag, with a tonnage of a, 471,293. and in '79 only 818 vessels entered and cleared, with'a tonnage of -.',990,032, says: "Barely the most prejudiced and opaque minds in and out of Congress may gather frOm this data the urgent necessity for some immediate effort to relieye American shipping from the restrictions now crushing it down, as well as Iegisla tion that will encourage its revival and enable the country to share in tho vast volume of the Pacific trade which will Inevitably spring up when the ismmus canal is cut. Tho same paper says : " General McDowell is a close personal friend of Garfield, and if Ohio is to be the choice of the next President, Mc Dowell may be Secretary ot War. Suicides. Stockton. December 20. Antonio Parasigma buicided by shootine him self 3'csterday. ALVArtADO. December 20. The body of a well-dressed man has been washed out by tho Alameda Creek, with a bullet hole in the temple. Sacramento, December 20. Balz Sutter suicided Saturday night by hanging himself to the bedpost in his room at the hotel. A New I'einlnlne Artifice. Oakland, December 20. Yester day a man named Pearson, and his wife, from Sacramento, arrived at the Bartlett House. Shortly afterwards both took poison. The man t dead, but the woman is recovering. Drowned. San Fhaxcisco, December 20. J. C. Calhoun, an inmate of the Insane Asylum at Stockton, recently com mitted from Esmeralda county, Ne vada, was drowned near tho city yes terday. He had recovered hia reason and would have been discharged In a few days. He was a nephew of the late Senator Calhoun. Ireland's Itevoliitiou. Dcbiin, December 20. The coun try is drifting nearer to the rocks and nothing is done to save it. The wave of agitation sweeps with greater force through the provinces, and nlthough it is met with a check in Ulster, no body can tell how lone the barriers which the loyal feeling in Ulster im poses will be able to stand the re peated shocks at Parnell's hands. Coercion has triumphed, while the Government shrinks from any attempt to counteract it. The ICowers. London, December 20. Boyd, of Middlesburgh, repeats his offer to row Ilanlan over the Tvne course for 500 a side, ten weeks after signing the articles of agreement. The Irijh Problem. London, December 20. David R. Plunket, member of the House of Commons for Dublin University. speaking of the Conservative meeting at Chelmsford yesterday, said the Gov ernment was bound to fall. While deploring the outrages in Ireland, he asked his hearers to take into account the influences which are brought to bear on his countrymen by the agita tors, seeking to serve their own pur poses. James Stnnslleld, Kauicai memuer for Halifax, speaking at Somcrby Bridge, said that as a member of the Commission on Agriculture he had spent some time in Ireland studying the Irish question, ibey bad now. he said, to face a great crisis, and he believed a remedy tor the present state of things would be found. Iu ltiisln-s for Tlieinscl ve. London, December 21. The Boors of Transvaal, South Africa, have re belled acainst British rule, and set up a Republic for themselves, electing Paul Krugcr President. 1 Here was no violence. GluU to Ileur It. San Francisco. December 21. -The Southern Pacific Railroad is now open for business to within 43 miles of El Paso. Another Trump Outrago Tniri'LO, 3Iiss., December 21. Two tramps were given lodging at the house of one Bowen. During last night Bowen, his wife and a two-year-old daughter were murdered by the tramps, who afterwards set fire to the house. The bodies were found next mornins. A posse of citizens pur sued the men and caught one, whom they burned at a stake. Murder in San 'ranclsco. San Francisco, December 21. Between 9 and 10 o'clock this moru- nir Miss Fredenka Drell, single, a native of Germany, was found dead at her residence, 702 California street. One of tho roomers in the house en tered the old lady's sleeping apart ment and discovered her lying on a sofa, partly dressed. She had been choked with a part of a towel. Some valuable jewelry is missing, and tlie object of the murder was evidently robbery. There Is no clue to the per petrators. The Heavy lUuu in California. San Francisco. December 20. Re ports from the Interior Indicato a gen cral and heavy rain. The Atlantic and Pacific. It is estimated that on the opening tho Atlnniie and Pacific Railway of from Albuquerque, New Mexico, to the Grat Colorado River, a distance tance ol six hundred miles, the total tonnaee will be per annum not less than 50,000 tons. This ia from the present population and businoss now cn me line. iuu lupiu iui.iv. population and permanent growth of llm minim illdllStrV incident tO tllC construction will more than double the tonnage after the nrot year. Tirw trin nrf hfifricnincrto irot their trunks in order, and they'll keep them all winter, so mey can luuvu eniij the spring. Eastern Exchange. " What I wants ter know," said an Arkansas school board official, " is how a river's mour is gwine ter be bigger dan its head." A UACKiiAN's Idea of hire education -knowledge how to charge. President. wimi.w. PIA COUNTY BAI, TUCSON, ARIZONA. Agency at Tombstone P. W. SMITH, Manager. r-ORHES rONDENT : San Kuan ci sco TVt'. u E Los Asoeles FarmV & Mcrch'nt HauL Chicago..... -Ftot National Bank Baltimore Second National Bank St. Louis Banfe of Commerce , ... t Chemical annual xj.-uik NEW 1 ortK ! vi.,h v.timuil Hank We receive Denoslu subject to check at flcht. iKsne Certlilcates of Deposit payable on demand or at ibeed periods. Buy anil ioii x.xcnan?e on an mo principal ow " world. .Make transfers of funds by mail, t graph or cable. Gle careful attention to Lot Ifctions on all available points ft which wo mau prompt returns, anu Transact a General Banking B usiness. SAFFORD, HUDSON & CO. BANKERS. TUCSON. asd TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA. 1R.WV BILLS OF BXCHANGR And Make TELEUHAPIIIC TRANSFERS OKJION'EV On the Princiixd Points 1b EUROPE AND TIIE UNITED STATES. Receive denosit. uarchaseor matte advance en Territorial and County bonds a ad warrants, approved commercial paper, etc., etc. and TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Deposits of Bullion made with usomhlppe.1 An-rio California Bank Han Francisco, lor our account, cat. be checked again-t imme diately. l,orreioiuu'ins; V TCW YORK. .1. Jfc W. SM.IMMAX CO. SAN FRANCISCO AsoloCauihiR-NIAN-Rank LOSANGELES Commercial Hank. ST. LOUIS Bask oi- Couibhc. GIIICAUO. . MEnciiAN-ts Savijmw L. andT. Compact. BOSTON .MAiAciii'srTs Nation- a i. Bank. PniLADELPHI . Central National Rank. IlTltOIl IRON WORKS, Hinckley, Spiers & Hayes. (ESTABLISHED IN 188ft) WORKS FRIMONT AND HOWARD STS. 0FPI0E NO. 213 FREMONT STREET. San Franefsta HOIsTINtt WORKS. Whims rrir.-pltue small mines; Portable hoiM-.x Kuclaes and uouvrs, wirti KissiiimirteHr wtreoraemp rope, of sew di"igiM, embodying all lh- lahHt Improvement MINING MACHINERY. ItoWtinK Cases, with Baft ty attachments, Safety Ilt-olC", Ore Cars, Ore Buckets, Car wheels and A xls tin Gates, with racks ami pinions fiir ore bin, PumplnirMachlDerr, AlrCnipreors, Air or Water Pipe, Receivers, etc. MILLING MACIIINKRY. Go) 1 Mills, Willi ?ans or concentrators a requln-il, Sih.r (Ills, either for dry ir wrl crehws, wWi roartlni; and drying furnaces, Pans, Settle-, etc., as required. Smelting FnraaceH for eilliei LeaiL Copper, Silver or .ld, Wlllurtl Roast Inj; Furnaces, especially adapted for cold ores. Retorts. Bullion Mould-, Ure rV-di-f. K.x K Breakers, etc. MISCELLANKOUS MACHINERY. Saw Mills, FlonrMIIls.OinvHMeMii. rT, Wat-i Wheels aud Castings. ENGINES AND IUHI.Ulw, ftw hiiv nd all puiwt-s, adapted to the roaorairtt u-e ol lu. puirr.s jidiieimtk Among thers,lhe following lia. hru limit oy as- Tombstone Ml.l K-.r th.- T'i-'tiimi minv Corbln " l.tuki Western M Cos i ..i,t. .tli.n McMillan " " Si..-i. -m'l Ja. k-..n Corner Heale at. d Hum aril Streets, San ! rnnciKro, i?til. W. 11. TAYLOR . . !1rM0itt S-rhileilen. JOSEPH MOORE. BUILDERS OF STKAM MACIIINKRY IN all Its brnnchrj. SImHmtl. Siam-shti and land EHGINES AND BOILERS, (High Pressure or PMpnud. Okoinakt Enuine eomitoumhil ben ad visable. Steam Boilzrh Particular allrntloH idtru o the quality of the material and wnrkiunu stilp, and none bat flrst-claw work ptndtM-rit. vt atek nrc, or ixuieror "heel iron, of any ize. made In suitable length for ronnrctlui- together, or sheets rolled, pi.ncbetl awl ptiekrtl for shipment, ready to be riveted ou the jiioaad. HTDitAfLlc Rivetinh Boiler work and water pipe made by this establishment riveted by hydraulic riveting machinery, that quality ! wort bcinc far superior to ltand work. Pcjips For ruining ol any capacity and nt any style. Our style of dirert aethur, co'ihuohimi engines, with double line of pumps, are par ticularly recommended. We rfcr lo those now in use, not one having ever been broken down. DlRECT-AcTlNu hNWNns tor UDik-nrrotiJul work, Irrigation or nty waterworks purwxr bollt with the celebrated Haver val- mot .m, superior to any oth t Minino Machinery Qnartz mills, pans boilers, holntinji machinery, sinking ho;-i.i ensrines, or other machinery re-wln-d. fS A NEVE R L Failmtr fure fur Nervous Dihillt), Kxhausti-d Y'.tnlil), StminaJ Wi-sk-ii--, SpiTiu at r r h-i- a, I.t MaiihjMI.lm '.loti w v, I'itraijKiK and all tin- ti-rrPilr OVi ts uf s'!r Alm-i ind jou'Mul loiiiei" I'S.i -si s .li t:i. rj'ai-T yvirs -urn as ia of memory, lassitiiTi-. norturnsl hiu, aversion to bxltty, ilimn-s of ,1s:. mi. iml. m the head, the vita? fluid paint: u iiutm-rn a .n the nricc, and many otqi-r disease that U-tvt to Insanity and death. DK. MINTIK will airree t Girfirtt Ph. Hundred Dodani for a ca.e of this kind 11h Vltal Restorative (under his special advtn and treatment) wilt not cure or Uit anything Impure or injurious found In it. Dr. Mlntie treats all Private Diseases successfully without mercury. C instillation FREE. Thomtizh ex amination and advice, including analysis ol urine, $5. Price of Vital Restorative, 3 a bottle, or four times the onantlty, $1": sent to any addres upon receipt of price, or V O. f) , pecure from observation, ami in private num. , if desired, by A. K. MINTIK. M. I), II Renin street, San Franctsro, California Dr. Mini le's Kidney Kemeily.Neplirl ciiin, cures all kinds of Kidney and Blailil. Complaints, Ociorrhan, Gleet, I.nccirrhn-ar For sale Vy all uniexi-ls; 1 a bottle: it "t tics Tor $5- Dr. Mlntle's Dsindelion Pills are tin best and cteapest Dyspepsia and lllllou cure in the market. For tale by all drunjriati itl