Weekly Citizen. SATURDAY OCTOBER 8, PRICE OF THE CITIZEN. DAILY. On Ypy, Otx?Yr in Advance, Oae Copy, Six Months - WKKK.LT. One Copy, One Year ia Advance, l)n Ooiit. Six ?Jonth 110 00 b (JO 8 on 2 (W This paner is kept on tile at K. C. Drake's Advertising Agency, f.l and W MeroJ-.ants Kx change, San Francisco. California, where con tracts for advertising can be made for it. WTEBKB AT TH T POSTOFTICF AS ZD-OLA 8 MATTEB HERBERT BROWN - - Manager OUR CANDIDATES. NATIONAL EEPHBLICAN TICKET. tor rnF.siDEKT: nr-nfi- n AURISOX Of Indiana FOR VICE tkesidext: wniTELxw 1:eid ..Of N'cw Yoric Territorial Republican Ticket. FOR DELEGATE TO CONGRESS W- G. STEWART Coconino County F.OB COrSCILMAS AT LARGE, . GEORGE CLOLC1I C.ra'ham County. Republican County Conven- tion. A Republican C-nnty Convention U ereby called muHt a' lieia , on Saturday. Oct u -r Mb, InC. t W d.yk . m t- wi:!imt) candidate for ciantyoffiwrs, electa Cunt y Central Commit tee an.lv. trance', sneh uliier hiwn& as way 1 - ......... tufre it. And uotire i rreby given that primary elections will fcehel-i in the various procinctBof the county on Saturday, iH.Tt.ner im "ru gate to the County Convention, ll.e election in loia and Nogals precincts to be he.d un der the auspices of the IWuoUean tlalw fcDd in other precincta in such m-inuer .b ..he ile publicHnbth. rinmHy adojt. .. . I'recim-ts willJe allowed th following nuin- hr ol ueiega-esin iu vul u Tucton TaUtc . ii reaerv iile 'ntteiuien ... Comabati Cerro cvdorudii. Yellow Jacket. Ija sa Kincn. Washinm . .- Tuoaou A. 1, bpt. 15, 1S'.'-- RDFF.UGrsON, Chairman Ceil. Com. W J 03H0KS. Secretary. . REGISTER! REGISTER! If na Mr. Curry proclaimed, gin lineinc arid sorvev incr don't go togeth erw we modestly rise to enquire bow tLe former compound and legislation niix? The Star in summing up the long range virtues of Marcus Aurorius Smith, it omits all mention of the part he took or did not take in the mhtter of the land court bill. It will be on this bijl that Mark will have to face his campaign in Pima county. The Democrats are ashamed cf their legislative ticket and Inducements have been offered to several of the nominees to withdraw from the ticket in favor of more acceptabla individuals. But the aroma of office, however thin, is as dear to a Democrat as a molasses barrel is to a pickaninny. Nothing but the strong will of the people can repudiate their clamors. The ruction m the Graham county Democracy has proven an opening day for the Republicans ttfit will surely bring them victory in November. The ticket has baen made up by a judicious selection of representative men free from the taint cf bossism. It is a ticket that will commend it6elf to J.he pc-op'.e and ccJmmand the respect even of its enemies. It is a ticket that will win on its own worth. We earnestly coinmend it to the voters of Graham county. If the .Republicans of P:ma county are wise enough to take advantage of the time and work harmoniously for the common good of the party, there is no reasoo that every R3pubiican noaiin ated ehonld not be elected. They muet le careful, however, and put in nomina tion same cf the best nvitsr.al that can be found within the parly Hoes. This being done, as all good Republicans hope it will, we Deed have no fear of the resalt. The legislative ticket must ot be made up of the fa? end of the party as the Democrats have done, but o capable and eCiciont business ran, who will lend their voices and their Totes to "the making of laws for the common good of the whole people. The other nominees from the sheriff down, must be as carefully selected as ths legislative ticket. It hag bf ea definitely arsnounc?d that Mickey Ste6rt will be here on the 11th instant, when a rousing reception will be given him. Since his nomination there has. been a great deire on the part cf the citizens of Pima county to Bee him and hear him diecuss the preg nant issues of ti e o'ay. The Democrats have been industriously circulating re ports detrimental to Smith's campetitor They profess not to fear him acd are croaking continually that Mark's. ma jority will be 3000 in the territory, but at the same tirte they show more wholesome fear of Mr. Stewart than a pnrty confident of victory eoul 1 re?.son ably be expected to show of an opposi tion they loudly profess not to consider. The truth of it is they believe that the promised fourth term for thc-ir candidate has gone glimmering like many a poor fellow's last dollar over the green cloth of their chief. 'Instead of Mnrcu9 hav ing 3000 majority he will have at least 3000 on the wrong side of the elate, and will wonder seriously as to whether or not he was ia. the race at all. "" 1 i Total W reck..... J Columbia J lt.ttwt-iai van ...... . Oro IUkih'O , Ij& Nona - l'aiitano.- . Halero j Keldirglou .. . Kigin . 1 1 aruba w ....... . Tanjue Venie " J ti turnout i Quij ta. San Xavief f I'oho Hutio.. . - f l'j;irit J T i j THE DUTY Or THE HOUR. The delegates elect to the Republican County Convention are charged with a Ix the 0l yars prior to Mr. Cleve grave responsibility to themselves, their j l&ucU entry into the presidential office, ... . m- . . i . .i thSre had toen 109 vetoes. In the four party and the county. Th widespread dissatisfaction which followed the dem ocratic Dominations is a warnirg to the Republican delegates that the tax pay ers are disgusted with the methods of. the democratic bosses. The day is'past, never to return, when the people are wiling to be taxed to tiie verge of con fiscation, in order to pruvkle lucrative offices for the support of party Ftnkers. j But little interest wrs taken in the political affairs of the county, by 'the business men of either party, further than to advise that the best men in the ,1 l : t ...1 t iVn ti riilia 1 J oiuees, until atter tne democratic nomin- ations were made. Since their nomina tions were uiaile, however, and when the bu?inees men taw that the welfare of the joople wai whody subordinated to the political interests of the party bosses, a revulsion took place; and no?, happily fcr the good of the county, the business men of both parties are clani nioriug for the nomination of the beet men in the commuait cn the Repub lican ticket. This appeal to the patriot ism cf the Republican delegates will not be ia vaiu: th-y wiil nominate men whose election by overwhelming mnjjr ities will viudioata the action of the convention, in makicg the putlic gcod paramouct to all personal considera tions. The fact that there are no candidates for the several o!Tico3 bodes well far the d: r!y. When the office seeks the man noD but the best cf citizens will b chosen to till the office. There ara few pt.rjocs wuo can retist the earnest ap peal of their fellow citizens?, their neigh bore and their friends, when called up on ti serva their countryman in any public capacity. Every man of true patriotic impulses will surrender his personal interests to the public wolfare whenever he can be made to see that hi3 duty to h s country requires the 6acrificj. TLe class of men whose names are being discussed among the business men of the community for the several fiicea bodes well for the county Numbers of the best citizens, men who usually take no interest in politics, have called upon Herbert Tenney, urging him to permit the ueo of his mame fie L?fci6lative Councilman; upon George Pusch, for a Supervisor; upoo A. B. Sampson, for the Assembly; and equally goad and strong men era beicg urged for the other offices. The democratic ticket is confessedly a weak one. It muet be apparent to any one who will pive serious thought to the matter that the to candidates who are claimed by their partizans to be strong are chiefly so by comparison with the obvious weakness of thsir as sociates on the ticket. The duty of the hour u to nominate good men. The people, by their votes, will ratify the Republican nominations in November, . The president has every right to feel proud of the news from Indiana as stat ed by Hon. R. B. P. Pierce, chairman of the Republican executive committee cf that stat, who stopped in Washing ton on his way to New York, where he had been called on business. "The campaign" said Mr. Pierce, "is moving very satisfactorily to us, and the state will go Republican beyond a doubt. There ara a remarkable number of chaDges of life-long Democrats to the Republican side. Cases are reported daily among farmers as well as me chanics and business men, and I now recaU 6even counties in which marked changes hate taken place. Within the last week ten voters in one family, in one of the southern counties, came over because of the free trade plank in the Democratic platform. A few days ago a Democrat who is a prominent whole sale merchant cf Indianapolis, told me tbat be intended to vote for Harrinon, because he considered the changes which would necessarily result in the business world from tha election of Cleveland and a Democratic congress dangerous; ard beside h? was eo well satisfied with the able, ditrnified and conservative administration of President Harrison that he wa3 anxious for it to continue four years longer." All. the news received at the head- vuarters of the Republican congression al committee is encouraging, and not withstanding the enormous Democratic m:jr::y :n ins House, w.Mcn every uouy knows was o'oti ned by concerted mis- epre3nctatior.s of tho M. Xinley tariff liw, there are gco l prospects of elect- irg a majority of Republicans to the rext Iioum?. T:ie workings cf the Mc Kin'.ey law, :m shown by reports prepar ed in numerous states by Democrat!'? as well as Republican clTlcial ; hts proving to be the most convincing eort of argu ments, ncd Republican speakers who took part in the campaiKn of Ib'JO are proudly recalling to their hearers the prophecies uihda then as to ho .v the law would work. Mk. Cleveland's letter of acceptance has injured inbtad ol helping iuni, as it has destroyed th belief of the peo ple in his po!iti'il Ftriht'orwhfli.efS and honeoty and oLown Liu. in Lia true colors as a wobbling politician who tries to write on both sidt B of every ques tion without committing himself to any thing. For instance, wnile r.greeirjg with the Chicago platforji that the pro tective tariff ehall be abolished he as sures the people that the Democratic party does not propose to injure the business interests of any American citizen. Even a Democrat meet be able to 6ee contradiction in this. He square ly dodges the issue of wild cat currency, made by the plank of the Chicago plat form favoring a repeal of the ten per cent national tax on the circulation of state banks, and so ably met by the president in his letter of acceptance and by Mr. Blaine in his letter t? the Maine Republicans. j'ears of Mr. Cleveland's adminis' ration 097 bills were vetoed in one way or an other, of which oil were p ivfue pen sion biilp, which had been approved and passed by a Republicaa ben ate and a Democratic house. The D mojrati are getting alarmed ovor the news of the new "kick" by Tammany, which comes from New York, and some of them acknowledge that it is useless for Cleveland to ex pect to carry that state; if Tammany's demaDds.are fatif-fiel the mugwumps and anti snappers will become "kick ers." Mr. Cuaf. II. Williams, one of the Damo(.rf.tin nomiaftW3 for th assembly. has decided to quit the ticket for better company. Mr. Williams is neither a "gin tlinijer" nor "a faro dealer," so it is authoritatively reported that be intends to "let go all holts." The gen tleman is to be complimented on his ex Coildnt judgement in the matter. Hon. Geo. W. Cheynet has been nominated for the"cruncil from Cochise. No better nomination could be found in the territory. Cochise is fortunato in her choice. MUCH ENTHUSIASM EVERY WHERE. Strong Resolution By .the Soldiers and Sailors Union. The Lincoln Club rooms were crowded to the doors las. evening with old veter ans, who met for the purpose of organizs ing ajSoldiers' and Sailors Republican Club. John W. Brooker was elected f.resrJent and tne iollowmg as vice presidents: T. P. Laycock, A. E. Meigs, J. W. Pi ancis, Suvth Oliver; John Davis, secretary; M. F. Tarble, corresponding secretary; L. II. Whitson, treasurer; Major Thomas, -Brady, sergeant-at-arms. Speeches and a general good time fol. lowed, a committee of three to receive the Union League- Drill Corps of an Prancifco. who will shortly visit this city, was ppoirted, foilowiGg which ac tu u the ciub adjourned to meetjat toe same place on Monday evenicg next. fTba frd in tr root ilntirkr.a u'pru nrpoan ted by W. II. Savage and adopted by the club: "Whereas, It ia industriously alleged that the veieians of ?he war for the preservati'-n of the Union are becoming estranged from the Republican party to tha support cf the Democratic, we tike this occasion and th s method to define our position and our views and purpose as expressed in the following resolutions "Resolved, That it is far from our wish to revive war animosities or to manifest a faehug of hostdity to those who were our foes upon ths pattlefield ia Jthe late war, or to regard tthem otherwise than as our equals as citizens of the republic. hut we cannot consistently, with our ideas of patriotic duty support for the high offices of President acd Vic?-Presi dent men who did not volunteer, but when drafted sent substitutes to war as asainst those who volunteered, took their lives in their hands and fought for the cause of union and nationality. Of the former class are Grover Cleveland and Acbai E. Stevenson, and of the latter are Bee jam in Harrison and Whitelaw Reid, and eo little did Grover Cleveland regard his substitute that he permitted him to die in the poor house. "Resolved, That the action of Grover Cleveland durirg his late presidential term in vetoing the dependent pension bill and numerous private pension bills; and in going ou a fishing excusioa on Memorial Day while we were decoratiog the graves of our deceased comrades, joined by the patriotic citizens of the couutry, evinced his want of apprecia tion of the serviees of those who fell cr were disabled in the war, and it but corresponds with his idea of patriotism when the war -was raging and when he paid his money to procure another to ta'a his pla'ce in the army. We cannot permit history to record that our prefer ence is fer those who served the country by substitution instead of in their own persons. Such an act on our part would be a demoralizing example to those who come after us, and would endanger the rights and honor of the Nation in future conflicts of arms. "Resolved, That we recogniza Ben jamin Harrison as a pntriotic and brave e-oldier, acd that as President of the United States he has not forgotten those who ofTere d their lives to maiataiD the honor cf the Hag atid the soiitary of the republic. He deserves our respect and confidence and shall have our most cor dial support for reelection. Los An geles Express. A Leader Since its first introduction, Electrict Bitters has gained rapid'y in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medical tonics and altera tives containing nothing which permits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the best and purest medi cine for all ailments of fStomach Liver and Kidnejs. It w ill cure Sick Head ache, Indigestion, Constipation, and drive Malaria from the system. Satis faction guaranteed with each bottle or the money refunded. Prict only 50c per bottle. Sold by Dr. Martin. Tur. Day of Small Tmxcs. Ella "I lclicve in tnakinrr the most of little tilings." Eilie "I have noticed that you are always careful of your good l'oks.'" Saturday Evening Herald. Av.-fo.lv C.oxe. Ethel "Is Clara so very much in love?'' Maud "I should say she is. I saw her writing a letter to him the other Clay and bhe put 'Dear Jack' on the envelope.1 N. Y. HeraW, Ax Idea. Clara "My physician has advised me to go to Germany for my complexion, and I don't want to go a bit. I was there only last year." Maude "Why don't you have it sent over?'' N. Y. Sun. SlOO Reward 8100. The readers of this paper will be rdwed to larn that t'tere is at leant one dreadod diu. asa that ecienc has heen able to cure in ail its KtHS. nd that is Catarrt. li all's Catanh Cum lithe only pixutire enrs known to llio v edical iraternity. Catarrh ruin a coribtitntional dis- ea?e, requires a c :nsritnti .L.al treatment, -"all' Catarrh Cnr- 18 'aken inten.ally. act inir directly UMn the bk-oil and mnc"u. surfaces of the (.j sri.ni. thereby es'royinsr the foundation of the i nef se. ami nviu tne pa lent Rtr'nrti ny nun in.'upthe con-ti utjo? and a'eist:nff natoxc 'oi' k ' oik, the proprietors have so nuitr. faith in its curative powers, that they of fer One huud ed l.'ol'ars fi-r any ore that it fails to cure. (wn1 or l:st of tet-tiaioniais. ' dTfiH. F. J.CH-NEX & Co., Toledo. O. '"'Sol I by DrtrfifctB, 7V. Don't you want a nice book case to keep your books from the dust. e have a large stock: of glass door cases from Sl'2.50 to ?3o, made of Polid onk. L. Zeckendorf & Co. It Should be in Every House. J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay street, Sharps burg Pa., says he will not be without Dr. King's -New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with pneu monia afier an attack cf "la grippe," w hen various other remedies and several physicians . had done her no good, liobert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than anything he ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free tral bottles at Dr. Martin's drug store. Large bottles, 50 cents and $1.00. 'TELEGRAPHIC, Globf, Ar'z., Oct. 4.-(Speaia.) M. G. Stewart, Republican candidate fur de'e guta lo congress, appeared at ritk last night and addressed lha 'argett audi ence ever tssembled at a political meet ing in Ulobe. Every seat in the large building was uccup'ed, as well as all available standing room in tha hall, ves tibule and the steps out side. At each window w :s congregated a knot cf at tentive listeners. His speech was well received and it is confiJently piedicted that Mark Smith's mijority of two years ago in Gila couuty will be greatly reduced if not wipod but. Moscow, Oct, 4. 30,000 pilgrinw star ted fv,r i'roits- to celebrated the 500th tnniveisary of the death of St Seigus accompanied by 10,000 ciergy bearing sacrfd Bymtolsand ia ages. They sleep in o pen air and present most wreched t-ppearence. Centkalia Mo. Oct 4. Wo-d has ju6t been received that u di-.turbance occur red at a. rival meeting at Stevecscn, Galloway county Suuday afternoon in which three men and one womaa killed and number injured. New York. Oct. 4.- Patrick Egan, minister to Chili, arrived this morning on the Pacific nipil steamer New York. He was received by representative Irish societies. Nkw York, Oct 4. An interview with Ex-Mayor Grace the leader of the anti snaprerB is quoted as saying he conclud ed indiiiVrence to opinions of his frieDds, best not to put a th;rd ticket in the field in this city. Jacksonville, Fla. Oct". 4. Reports from ninaly towns up to one o'clock p. m. indicate about an average vote. In dications point to election of Mitchell, democrat, for governor by about 18,t)00 majority'. Loxdov, Ort 4, Tennison becomes worsa towards thi3 evening. At 5 p. m. the patients condition was criti cal. PrrrscuRO, Oct. 4. Tha grand jury indicted R. J. Godfrey, supreme treas urer of the Order of Salons, for the em bezzlement cf $14,000 fro-n tha order and indicted Godfrey and G. M. Ball, suprexe president, and A. S. Mundorlf, chairman and supreme financier for conspiracy "tc defraud the order. Berlin, Oct 4. At 9:30 p. ra. this morning, Lieut. Miklos of the AustnaD army , one of the competitors in the long distr.nce military ride, arrived here. He left Vienna at 7:50 Saturday morn ing, therefore he was thre9 days, one hour and forty minutes cn the road. He is the first of riderf, either Auetrian or German to ficish the rid9 r.nd it was evidently fast and furious. Bath man and beast are completely worn out Paris, Oct. 3. Joseph Ernest Renan, distinguished philosopher and author, died today. Oa Tuebday last he was driving and caught a severe cold, which tpeedly developed into congestion of the lungs. It is said Renan was rational to the last moment, and when he found death drawing near expressed a wish that he might have a naticnal funeral and his body be interred in tha Pantheon. Cenan died in the College de Prance, a little way beyond the new building' of the Sorbonne. His children were pres ent at his bedside. No priest attended the dying man. De Preycinct, Minister of War; Gen. Peurier, Pere Hyacinthe, Comte de Lisle, M. Puvis de .Cbavsnnes acd other per sonages celebrated in the political, artistic and scientific worlds called at the college durring the day and inscrib ed their names on the visitors' book. Paris, Oct. 3. Many persons continue to be attacked daily by cholera in the city and suburbs. Yesterday thirty-five fresh cases and ten deaths were reported. Buda Pesth, Oct. -3. It is officially announced tht this city is infected with cholera. Officials ttate that the difeasa was introduced here through the medium of imported hides. - Hamburg, Oct. 3. Cholera returns to day are: New cases 93, deaths 31. Nine thousand clerks have been thrown out of work in the city owing to the depress ing influence the epidemic has exercised on all lines of business. Loudon Oct. 3. TheStp.ndard'a Vien na correspondent savs: "The first Ger man military officers who left Berlin on Saturday to ride to this city crossed the frontier Sucday morning and rested at noon at ickan. Lieut. Mavherr od Fitzheil reached Rumburg at 3:45 p. m. Prince Frederick Leopold arrived at Rumburg at 0 p. in. find continued with out halting to Weiswa6ser. Caron Zand's horse, Schnippe, died of colic and Baron Osten's sustained a fracture of thn knee, The last dispatches, judging from the distances covered, show the Austriacs and Germans about equally matched Beting is very havy, and varies from hour to hour. Some riders are expected to finish on the fourth day, as they give no consideration to their horses New York, Oct. 3. A Barlin cable to a morniug paper says: "A suit which in volves no less a person than Empress Eugenia Victoria and n?ar relatives of Staswig Glucksbourg will be called in the ccutts within a few days. It appears that the late Emperor William, after taking possession of hleswig-Holstein in 1SCG, tried his utmost to befriend the dopossed dynasty. In this spirit he sanctioned the marriage of his grandson the present- Kaiser William with, the poverty-stnclren Pnncees of Agust enbeurg, and that of Price Frederick Leopold of Prussia to her sister, die distributed the castles and crowu estates of ihe Holstein family among its various homelets mambers and put them on their feet again. Among the castles was the Glucksbourg schloss, which he turned over to Duke Charles of Sleswig, The duke and duchess are dead, and tha incumbent up to a few weeks ego considered cimeelr undisputed proprie tor or the schloPB ol Utuckebourg. "Then a secret scandal was Hashed before his eyes by the letter of a lady be longing to the highest nobiiity ia the couutry, who showed him deeds and other legal instruments to prove that her daughter is the child of the late Duke Charles, who, she claims, left her all bis personal property acd select ed Schloss-Glucksbourg for her resi dence. Duke Frederick Ferdinand, who, like the rest of the family, considered his late uucle Charles a icodel of pro priety, refused to believe the lady s state ments, and 6nys the documents are not sufficient legal evidence. The lady, the refore, appealed to the Kaiser, who, however, refused to interfere. All hopes of an emirabla arrangement being aban doned, the ense will now be tried in open court, ard my diplomat friend says a grod deal of dirty linen will bo wash ed. New York. Oct. 5. Silver is stronger with certificates at 84 '4. The rise is due lo a reduction in the amount held by mercantile safe deposit companies. The revival of exports and shipments to Europe today amounting to 215,000 ounces and fixing of time and place of the international monetary conference. New York, Oct. D. Cleveland left for Buzzards Buy this afternoon. Richmond, led., 'Oct. 5,. The Nixon paper mills burned this morning. Lots 100,000. London, Oct, 5. At half past three this p. m., Tennyson's physicians report that he is dying. He is passing away quietly and slowly, but may linger some hours. City of Mexico. Oct. 5. The Spanish steamship Vera Cruz, which is high on the rocks at Vera Cruz is believed to be a total loss. None of the crew have abandoned the 6hip. It is impossible to save tbe cargo. Washington, Oct. 5. Mre. Harrison rested much better thr.n usual last niht, but is no better this morning. Nashville, Oct. 5. At Mountpelier 1 1st night a mob took Alax Bell, colored from tha sheriff and lynched him for an attempt at rape of a white woman. Atlanta, OiL 5. Georgia today elec ts a g varn r and othar state o.U jerj, and a full general assembly. Two full tickets are in the field. Democratic and J People's party. The Republicans have natpiytLe national electoral ticket acd will throw the stato vote to the Peoples party. Berlin, Ot. 5. Count Starhemberg tbe lung distance iider arrived here this morning, making tha distance in 11 hours aud 34 minuter, or threa hours be'.ler than that, of Lieut. Mickies the iirst rider ti finish, the Germans who 6tarttd on the second day made better time than those who started the first day, tima rangicg from Si to 93 hours, Kansas City, Oc. 5. A pacia! from CofTey-viile says that Bob nnd Grant Datton, Tom Heddy and an unknown member of the Daiton gang lie defcd in this city. Emmett Daiton is mortally wounded. City Marshall Connelly, Geo. Cubino and Charles Brown Shoenrasker have since died. Cashier Thos. Ayres of tha tirbt national bank and Lucius Bald win, clerk m Red Bros. 6tore, are fatally wounded. J. A. llw aad Lewis lieitz are slightly injured, all resulting from an attempt of the Daiton gang to rob the bank of C. XI. Condon Ar Co., and the Firsrt National bank of this city thio morning. At Condon's bank the cashier told the four of them that the time lock would not b3 opened for fifteen minutes The robbers said they would wait and took the moner in the drrwer. Bob ai d Emmet Daiton then went to the First National bank and forced tha cashier to give all the money up in the safe. The alarm m the mean time had been given and as they came ont Geo Cubito and express agent Cox shot wounding one of the robbers badlv, Therobberq returned th fire, killiug Cubino. The robbers in Condon's bank then began to shoot out of the window. hitting Avers acd Brown, both robbers -then ran through the bank. They were mat by Baldwin who they killed. A numberof ciiizecs pursued the robbeis and succeeded ia killing four and raor tally wounding Emmet Daiton. If he ?urvives his injuries he will be lynched, All the money has been recovered. Elizabeth, (N. J.,) Oct 4. James Corbet t, tha champion pugilist, made his appearance tcmgbt as the star in the play Gentleman Jim. Hemadeagood appearance on the state and the play was a fairly good one and well present ed. Corbett was presented wita a num ber of large lloral pieces. Chicago, Oct. 4. A morning paper says tbat Pope Leo is sending Mgr. Sa tolli, president cf the Academy of Noble Ecclesiastics, to this country as "deleg ate apostolic" to take up the much mooted school question with the pre lates of this country, in an endeavor to harmonize their differences of opinion Meantime the meeting of archbishops, which was to take place in New York early this month, has been postponad until November. Berlin, Oct. 4. In the long distance ride between Berlin and V ienna Lieut Meyer and Lieut. Uobenburg, passed Nimburg, Bohemia, last hight. This is just half way to Vienna, and the diet aoce, 200 miles, was covared ia thirty five hours. At that point they met the first of the Austrian officers riding from Vienna to Berlin. There is much inter est in the competition, and large sums are watered on the result. The last of the German riders started this morniag. Altogether there are 109 Germans in the race. Of the horses taking part, nine are English thorough brede, fourteen English half bleeds, five Hungarian, one Russian and the rest PruE6ian horses. Up to the present time only scant reports have been re ceived of the progress ef the riders Cold, wet weather and thirk fog make the conditions bad for the riders. Vienna, Oet. 4. Lieut, Miklos passed Bauzen this morning, after riding fifty 1 hours and covering 417 kilometers. It is expectad he will icacu Berlin early tomorrow. London, Oat. 4 The Standard's'Vien- na correspondent says: "The ride is turning out to be a senseless' sacrifice ol horses and riders. Already twenty Germans end fifteen Austriens have baen disabled, and every hour brings news of broken-down horses and in jured riders, owing chiefly to tbe msen sat a desire to do in three or three and a half days what with proper regard to the condition of tha animals could not be done ia less than five days." New York, Oct 4. Gen, Daniel Sick les will not go on the stump for Harrison in tha present campaign. He mad9 the declaration last 'evening and shattered the hopes many Republicans entertained. This hope was passed on a published re port of Gen. Sickles' speech to his boys of the lbird Army Corps at the recent reunion in ashington; "There wss nothing of a political char acter in that speech, said the General lastnuht. "My reference to Gen. Har rison was cot as the candidate of the Re publican party, but s a soldier and Pre sident of the United States. Neither candidate nor pirty wera mentioned and political significance is given to the speech only uy its adaptation to them. The General added:4 For the first time I find myself a sort of mOgwump, with serene indifference upon political parties and partisan contrition. No, 1 shall not no on the sump for eiiher candidate. I did so with Gov. Hill for Cleveland in lSSS and our reward was to bo accused of knifing tha ticket I went out through the State with Gov. Hill in 1S.SS. at Cleve land's request Ha had found soma trouble to handle the old soidier9, and he thought I could assist in keeping them ia line'. 1 found them all glad enough to see me wherever we want, but they would not ba shaken from their deter mination to vote for Harrison. They said, Ve are Rlad to see jyou, General, but you must not ask us to vot9 for Cleveland. Northfield, (MiDn.,) Oct. 4. The October number cf Astronomy, a scient ific magazine, edited by Prof. Payne, of Charleston College, contains several valuable papers on the recant observa tions of Mars. The first is by Prof, Holdon, who, under date of August IS, explains the work done by the big Lick telescope in California, giving Lis con clusions as follows: I may briefly state my individual con clusions as to Mnrs at the opposition to' be tbat the changes in the surface feat ures of Mars as we now know them are probably not capable of being comp- etely explained by terrestrial analogies. What are we to make of the lake called the Pons Juventae, for example, which was a single object in lb m, which was not visible in lbTO, and which has been both tingle and double during the pre sent year? Is it conceivable that an ob server on Mars examining the earth in any part of its recent history would' have seen such amazing topograph io changes as We this year have observed. Not to speak of the charges from opposition to opposition, it appears to me that careful examination of the long series of draw ices of Mars, which we owe to Prof. Schiaparelli and others up to th9 present time, will make it evident that there are enormous difficulties in the way of com pletely explaining the recorded pheno mena by terrestial analogies unless we also introduce serious modifications. Prof. Pickering, of Harvard College. writes under date of Arequipa, Peru, August 1. lie says: In seeking to explain the observa tion, I would merely poiDt out tbe fact that the changes occurred at a time when enow was melting with great ra pidity, that a dark channel suddenly appeared July 12 which had not been seen at the last previous observation of this regioh on June 13; that it shortly disappeared again, and in a few days after this event the northern sea was largely increased ia area temporarily, r at least that is southern shores became much darker. I think these changes cannot be t-xplained by cloud effect We have already obsarved larga- whitish patches upon tha plcnet, which undergo certain charjges in shape aud extended from night to night. We are now study ing them carefully, although we find them rather difficult cf observation. These changes we are inclined to refer to the'clousfs, although the matter is Dot as simple as it might at first appear. If these effects are really due to the clouds, they are quite different in character frcm the other changes noted. Coffeyville, Kan., Oct. 6. The dead bodies of the Daiton gang were buried today. The robbers secured $202.-10 from the First National bank and 300 from Condon's. Tbe artount recovered exceeds this, confirming Erumett Dal ton's statement. The robbers had 900 of their own money. It is now thought that only five were in the raid. If this is true the entire gang ha3 been exter minated. Emmett Daiton made a sworn statement that Rob and Grat Daiton were concerned in tha California rub bery several weeks ago. San Francisco, Oct C. Rain fell bribkly for a short time here this morn ing. Ironwood, Mich. Oct, 6. Tha bodies of three more men entombed iu th Norrie mine were recovered this morn ing. . New York, Oct C Kinney Brof.'s big cigarette factory burned this morn ing. Liots SJoO.OOO. Fully insured. Nashville, Tenn., Oct. G. The Amer ica3 Atlanta, Ga., special says: Com plete returns from Grgia g:va North em a majority of 0.1n. Meadvjlle, Pa., Oct. C. The jury in tbe embezzlement, cases agamst Dal matir r this morning returned n verdict of guilty as to Hon. Geo. Delrraters and notguiity as to the oihers. New York, Oct. 6. The board of health has been nctified that James Parley is suffering from suspected chol era and the case will ue investigated, New" Port, R. I., Oct. 5. A local grocer here sent the sheriff to the reM dence of Mra. Parun Steven of New lork, a mar y times millionaire, an seized her hordes and carnages for debt New -York, Ozt. 6. In tha suit of Congressman Jos. Belden fga;n6t Jtid' Stevensan Burke acd others and Colum bus Hocking of the Valley and Toled railroad involving $8,000,000, Justice Mcurahain this morning gave judge ment for defendants. Atlanta. Ga.. Oct 0. The d cratic ticket is headed by Hon. W. J. .Northern for Croverner, and the People s Party by Hon. W. L. Peck. The Hv opened beautifully and from every part ot me state ouuetins announce tae vote tha heaviest in many years. Demo crats claim the state by oO.OOO to GO.tXW, Chicago, Oct C In investigating into the death of Eiigeao Martinoa, the Italian killed in a saloon Sunday night, the police have found evidence that it was the work of a mafia. " Seven Itali ans who were present at the time of the murder nave been arrested. Council Grave, Kansas, Oct C A freight train on the Missouri Pacific went throueh a burninrr bridge thin morning. Engineer C T. PefTer, son of cDitea otaies aenator verier, and Uiint Howard, fireman, both were instantly killed. Another fireman was bndly nurr. ina wreck: took hre and burned twelve cars of gram. London. Oct C Poet Tennison died rt l:oo 0 clock this morninc Ladv Ton nison. thoucrh herself 111. hnr im well when informed that all was over. There is a coincidence in tha fact that, nna year ago today Charles Stewart Parnell uiea. it is conjectured 'that ;( iladstone win appoint Algernon Uharles S win born as I'oet J-iaureate to succeed Tennison Nashvillf, Tenn.. Oct C. News from Pulaski is alarming. Gen.'Weaver says he will go there Saturday and hurl defiance at nis accusers. Oa the othe hind it is. openly declared he will be killed if he uses insultincr lancuarre. The Third Party, including many old soldiers of the confederacy are arming anu preparing to go there to protect w eaver. San Francisco, Oct C In the Brun ner cuse this morning, Mr-?. Hwnth of 414 Mason street, testified that Otticger ence told her ha - would .never forcet Brunner for what the latter had done for him wheD he (Ottingerl was fiehtin for tha SotAhern Pacific Co. At an other time Ottinger said his testimony ai tne trial woaia never convict lirun ner. This witness said sha had related the same to the Sacramento "Bee" re porter Atlanta. Oct 6. The "Ccnatitn tion V semi official return mnlrn llotr Nothern's majority 70,5C. Peck, the tnirj I'ar-y candidate, carried only eight out of 137 counties and wts beaten in his own county. Iha democrats elected the entire state legislative, rep resentative ticket, except four Repub licans and three Third Party and every senatorial district except two which are doubtful!. Kansas City, Oat. 5. It is reported two oanKs were robbeit at Coffeyville, ian., mis morning, it is sii hvo per sons were Killed in tne scrimmage. Yanktown, S. D., Oct. 5. The dem ocratic 6tata central committee forward ed to the secretary of state as requited by law certificates of the nominatiocs made bv the democratic stata convea tioa. This settles the question cf fu 6ion in South Dakota. Tha state is be bevel to be by a large - majority surely nepu oiican. Kansas. Oct. f A eneriAl in iho Rta from Coffeyville, Kansas, says that superintendent trey, 01 the Missouri, Kansas and Tevna railroad with a snwial car in which were thirtv or fnrtv tmstv citizens, having v inchesier rifles and snu guns,ieit 1'arson lor Uolley villo upon thereceiDt of news to aasint in "rnnnmrr the desperadoes down. 1 hey found cn taeir arrival, noever mat there was nothinsr for them to do. Pitv Marshall Don nellv was about to tike nositi.m na priGeinal of the hiirh school. (len. Oahire killed by the Daltons,' was a boot anu enoe merensnt in i;otievi a ami one or tne solid business men 01 the city I , M I'jinrlnn at tSo l.on.l rf lha l.nnLr ing fim of C. M. Condon Co., who lived in uswego, in an adjoining county o Labette where he had been rondnrt?n a bank for a number of vears. Th firm owns banks in peveral towns in thij i-irin. lty. A special from Coffeyville says that ji,iumi5 uaiton. caEnot live and has niadi a partial statement. 6tating that his gac : . .1 11 . . 1 1 1 . 1 t- tm iuc tame uiat rooueu tne 1 acinc ex ' Taking butter from 'milk vya known in the earliest times. It vras left .for our time to make a milk of end- liver oil. Milk, the emulsion of but ter, is an easier food thnn butter. Scott's Emulsion nf cod-liver oil is an easier food than cod-liver oil. It is rest for dip-estion. It stimulates. helps, restores, digestion; and, at the same time, sup plies ' the body a kind of nourishment it can get in no other way, NS0YT?OW,' ChemaXa- 3 South 5th Amu, Your dnicgist keeps Scott's Fjnulsioo of cod liver Wl-all aruggou eyerywhere j,. pre?s car on tha Missouri, Kansas fc Texas ra.lroad at Adei station in the Indian Territory last July, and a num ber of other daring rebbries. Others are implicated ia the attempt of robbery, they endeavored to escape but were wounded and the body of one of them was found near the, edge of the city. Coffeyville Kas., Octo. The Daiton garg has been exterminated, they were caught like rats in a trap, they were to day 6hot down but not until four cit izens of this place gave up their lives. A band rade into town this morning and robbed two banks of this place and when they attempted to scape they were at tacked by the marshal's pesse; ia a battla which ensued, four desperadoes were killed outright and another severely wounded. He has since "died. Another escaped bat being hotly pursued by four of the attacking party, ha killed one and two were seriously wounded. The dead are Bob Daiton, Gratten Dai ton, Emmet Daiton, Joseph Evans, John Moore, alias Texas Jack; T. C Connelly, city marshal!; Im 3,1. Ualdwin. bank clerk: W Cubine. merchant: C..1. Rrown. shoemaker. The wounded are Thomas G. Ayers, cashier of Ithe First National Bank, sh t through the groin and cannot live; T. A. Reynolds wounded in the 1 ight breast, Lais Detz shot in the right side. The Grip . Leaves its victims very weak and debil itated. Hood's Sarsaparrilla is just what is needed to restore the strength and- vigor so much desired and to expel all poison Irom the blood. Hood's Pills cure Sick Headache. A Great Scmmer Drink Celery and iron in combination wita pure mineral W ater. Invigorating and cooling. Arizona Consolidated Bottling Works, C-13-tf Sole Agents. j TASTELESS EFFECTUAL FOR A 5 DISORDERED LIVER Tnk-Mi ft-rrctej th famous Filla will , pn.vrt ranrreUous rwstorat itcs to all enfeebled by the above or kindred diseaaea. 3 25 Conts a Dox, g hit generally recotrnized In England aad. In Jj'n.t throughout tha world to be "worth a i-i.-Tiii a box.' for the reason that they O 1 1 1.1. CUKE u wide runge r cm- , O rl:lat. and that they have saved to many O f:lTrM not merely one but tunicas, in J !.K tora' bills. l Covsred :th a Tasteless a Sctebb CsatiM. ! Oi all flm.-;lHt. Prl -i 25 cmta 9 Ke York Twx.:. 3" 'r.r.r.I St. SEXUAL POWER pnHiiivr.y an.l PeruuiEi-ntly lit-storvtl In I to lit dara, rtlrrtM in ' I h-.ir: almost ruiiuHliale relief. QatiMtin,? drns. miiir-rals. rills or puitoua, but tne deli-ioiiHII-: iV AN f 'ON KCTI ON. con: rosed offruitstrlwanil rlants.'iln' inoftt POWKKr I I. toni"'i"iwt. K-wt'r the Viior,Snap ami Healtb Dlyoiltli.ivalf(l lt'klrr,civiiitf fiilprticulars.A(i. trees Jjajc M.i no jku. O0..V.O. Box L bt.LouiM.Ma .XIX. any Nervous or frvfret Distil Unnatural Lqpa. rjiabetoa, Erigat LOST MAJfTIOOD Eruptions ln.ftureil inirL Bora Throat. I'lrttnt. KITMb r flwnry, Kulr-ey and Blaider Trouhlca Weak Uaric,Bumtn Vrine'.Oonorrhea UlaeWbfH; ture vtuflupt teu! and euro for life E his treatment a iie, IeyeIy eemtplex. ion, free from eallownees, freckles, blarkueads v.-tiptloni. etc. briJ.l&nt ye and perfect beal tb, ran 6eiuu WhealtUincoavanivuttucoQietotnectty by dewrlMi.? joardweaee. 00 recelrt ot f4, :ce.& cln will b. 8u t yea fr front (hm, to enit Ibn Z" &n or acSjM . FriratA Lisperwrirr Atmlattir wj-d In tu'j ,J?:&JnY. b? Dr. ficroe'e fwt Sr Vmanacia l.Luu.1 -x'nus in in wid. iOly rUTe ntfroc othvra. Perftot Bfiunw. ami m w-JeaasandcoinrtFiirUauddaT. tXr iwnued Dr. J. 5-iiiit.. p.w ur and hnojlof statn. iVw IUuMialeii pa BfiJet ro. efnta.ine fnil l!;f-m-.itioja l,GerrC ELASTIC Tl'-. COPAHV. We will aay Hetel U1 M KaUraaa rarea t OFIUHOTSPRIIIGS USERS And Charge no Fe 1 Tor any case we fail to cure of what Is common ly caiud the -PIl'Jt HABIT, which In riades the habitual use of Opium. Morphine. Cocaine, and other kindred narcotics. Address MAPLE WOOD IRSTITUTK. HOT 8PRIHSS, ABX. WEAK MEN CURED FREE REMEDY. Send at once for sealed directions of Tn Coiiaox ensb Homc Ct'KK, for weakness of run. A certain 1 ermanent cure for nervoia 'DiIitv, lost man!ioxl. emissions and varico cele, NV'EAIf OKUAN'S ENLAKOED. I have tbe reci ahich cired me and hundreds of others of ths diseases, and which I will send (sealed.) KKF.i: to anyone ia need cf it. Hires:, BOX 535, Marshall. Mich. M IMsQIstTieaf-A'ro-nedcec 'vS leadin remedy for all tin JV-V i'uresln " 7--.? irat,V'.4 Id e' unni i at ura di-barres and nrRtlllii.lMA( m.n A crtain cure for tb rtebili LTLOfcUl. t K.m'n. tifdr.iii Irresfriheltand fsesa V; THct'.,., "iCV""" i 0 in riHmof'odlng it tc C!C'(Mr!,3 :' ferer. V". u. a- i . I v r) nc5)tTv,hj fiis'Onginal and Genuine (WORGSSTESHIKS) SAUCE toporta tlie iaot deUcioua taste asd test to EXTRACT tf a LETTEIl from UIEDIOAI. GEN TLEMAN at Mad ru, V hia brother at VCi;CiTEB. May, lit I. Tci 1XA & TEKRINS that thoir Mitoe ia hildjr esteemed in India, and Is in t.y optnicn, tho n.. .t Beware of Imitations ; Bee ttat-yDu get Lea & Perrins? Blpmarore on eTery bottle of Orir!n.l k Genuine JOHN DIKCAN'S HO.NM, SEW YOU MOTIVE oas ana basoims ENGINES TTave fewer parts, and are therefore less likely to iret out of order than any other gas or ga.no) me eiurtnee now b'.lilU Just licht the burner, turn Uie wheuL aud la runs all day. MAKES NO SMELL OR DUST. Jfo (jouble or false explosions, so freqoens wttla ths uureluwle bpara. For Simplicity it Beats the "World. It Oils itself Automatically, No Catteries or Eleetrle Spark. It runs wUt a Cheaper Grade of Gaaollne than aay viiier x.ngme. jolt TKSCKX PTIVTfi CIKCVUkM AFTXT TO PALMER & REY, Manufacturers; r - .........11)t(t(t, g "WCRTII A GUINEA A DOS! K-Jvi W f S In t Ni" Gonorrhoea and . Vi?iPi3.evVll''c,l,,rv from th urinary orJ .-VL---',-1 -uDl j -nnrarrvt.ii liySaotaUMiily "Vs.K V ' 'ajwiiW-M without inimv-tn;.iic; V1w'i'i'!il. Of AI.LlKUiUIST M nr.". o. HOj. 2itr,l, Sew yorfc 7r..TT? 1 1 Jj' k ol KJZrfrr. aiw Blood uk I"XtVJ, v - j r-iiln ri.eii Syphillia. TLUrFalUr.ir.BoB Km, 5j sorpw, G KATIES ; t FISH, 'T, "TK mot coz 3IEATS. palatable, as well iv- an the ru.t whole- 'fesafi; RAUEBITSf some ftauce toot in to - J ritaae." Vt cV POWER r,if 4 rrW MRS. GRAHAI'S Removee Sunburn, Sallownese, Freck les, Moth-patchee, Pimples, Black neads and every discoloration or blem ish of the ekirj. Prompt, reliable, harm less. It never fails. Now that the sum mer is nearly over it is time to restore your complexion to its pristine beauty, purity, clearness and whitenea. Mrs. Graham's Face Bleach is warranted to do this in every case. For sale by all druggi&ts. Price $1.50, Three bottles for $4.00. MBS. Hmtusi rtHABii, HBeanty Dodor." 103 Poet Street, San Franciec,. treats Uvlvae all blemish of the face or Hiram. Ladiee a distance treated by letter. Send stamp fu her little book "How to be Beautiful." The Druggist in this towix ho first orders a bill of my preparations will bar his name added to this advertLwmeat. My preparation are for sale, by wholesale drntuta in Chicago, bt. Loas aad eyery city west. HEALTH is WEALTH Da. E. C. Wzst's Nzst aso Rblaiji Tbat Kxht, a froaranteed Bpeciflc for Uysieria. L)uai ness, Conralsions Vits. Nrrous NearsXc. Ueadache. Nerrons Prontratioii csased by the nseof aiooholor tobacco, Wakefee. M-nftl Depression, Softening of the Brain reaokinztu insanity and le ailing misery, decay and deaix Premature Old Age. Barrenneea. Lose of Powwr in either sex. Inyolantary Lotee and Spermat orrhcea caused by oyer-eiertion of the braia-self-abnse or ovr-indalenee. Each box eon. tains one month's treatment, f l.OO a box a i six boxes for $3,00. sent by mail postpaid ou receipt of price. We Gtiaranteo Six Bozm To care any case. With each order received as for six boxes, aocmpar.il with V00 et il 1 send the purchaser oar written snarantee to refund the money if thetreatrnetit does not effect a core. Guarantees iser.ed ualy by GIlOKUF MARTLN.Sois Agent, 314 Congressstreet Xncsoa Arixona. Di. LlebiR & Co r A TT XT , . D1- uebii a co.. m 1YJL r f i.N o'J' and most reiiablo r ialuU on the Pacific t'.it. 100 Garey Street, sjan Fransisco, continue to speedily and permanently core ail chronic, irpecial and watirr diseuees, no intter how complicated or who hue fail d. bli an t kin diHeaMe, Loe of Visor and Maahwnl, Proetatorrbea, b trie tare etc bend fur t'ona dential Rook explaining why thoussnrfs cannot get cared of above diabases and oompl:cauna. Dr. Lielig'i WonJdrral Qermsa Ia vigors tor, a mre ipeciSe for aioyeeomplilata. One Dollar Trial Bottle given or sent free oa applcation. Call or address 400 Geary St.. S. F Cal. Dr. Jordan &r o. MUSEUM of ANATOMY REMOVED to their New iiuiAang, lu i Market Street, bet. 6th and tli bta. iLnlariced. where) 1U.0UU inntmctive objects max bw seen, collected ia Kurope at a et offaOOUO, This is the only iloseora this side of the Mi,LMir.i.L fa. tabliehed here twenty-five years ago. Go and be taoght how Wonderfully you are made, and Lew to avoid sic knees and dieee. Entrance for ladies and gentlemen. 25 cent Private Office. Ao. 211 Geary Street, oppoif Onion Square. All diseases of men QTJ1CKLX CUULD. Consultations free, bend for Snioks ths Celebrated E. H. GATO, Factory Ko. 38, KEY VEST. SEE THAT Jic. 33 is Stamped oa tlia Bottt o of Eiery Bol ESBERG, BACH MAN & CO. JUeata f the Pacifij Cott. an Francisco Cal BBIRDSELL ALFALFA HULLE rbraohes, HalU and Cleans ALFALFA uu univrra k in tne sacs . ready for market. It gets ALL THE SEED OUT off the Straw, and SAVES IT. and Is the only Machine oo earth that does. Bend for full description aad price to BIRDSELL MFC. CO. SOUTH BEND. IND. 500 EewarfiJ WE will vy the above reward f. r any emw ef Lrr Jomplalnt. Dyspepsia, Blck Heatlacha. Inaition. Cntf stlpatloa or Cortiveneaa we cennui cure wita West's Veg-e table Liver tL Is, whoa tb Jirectiens restricUy complied with. Th.y are purely Vetretable. and ev: til to (rive aatfavtloa. 8ngap'oatel. Urv bosea eontalninjr 30 rUls, 15 cents. Beware vf counterfeit aad Imitations. The srennine manuf-u-ta.-e-l only ttj IhLK JOiU C WIST COMPA2IY, CU1CAWJ. ULU For sale by GEO. MAET1N . Draggiat. Tns FACE B LEACH ;!'; ESTRELLA fi'i' S . .-t M.-n ataxia reI by I sou, Arizona,