Newspaper Page Text
aatll"" ARIZONA WEEKLY CITIZEN. TUCSON. PIMA COUNTY, ARIZONA TERRITORY, SATUEDAY DECEMBER 12, L896. NO. 25 VOL. XXV Weekly Citizen. psxcs or Trir; j XXX.Y. mc Copy. Oa Tear in Aevaace tec Copy. S4x Hwtlt - - VXBKX.T. Oec Copy, Oa Tear la Oae Copy Six Month f 9 9 LOCAX. SOTICES WILL IK8MTSD AT w ad per line for tke trst iascrtm aa eeats per Use for each aubaeqweat iaacrtioa. This paper is kept eagle at JL C Date's Aa- f-rttsinr irmt. aaa 5 Mcrcaaars - e. saa rranosco. t-amorua, waczv tracts lor advertising caa be a&edc i -it. LP. FI&HKJL, KEWSPAPSK ADTlJLTre- iar Agent, at Mercaaafs Bwmaage. Saa Craaciaco, is our authorised ageat. Tass pt kept ea file ia his office. MSKBEK. ASSOCIATED rUOB. Satocaat the restoaux at Tucsoa Aoearatac t Act of Coagreas as aee-uaaa aaaewcr. 31 SSOVB, - Thkt eay that Copid is playing havoc imonff the heart of the fair damsels and gallant men of William. Reports of severely oo Id weather and hlixzarda continue unabeated from the est and north. Tfiere ia no place like Arizona for pleasant winters. It is a hard matter to guess what a California kleptomaniac will cot do. One of them has iust been arrested for stealing ao empty parse. Next Monday the city eleotion takes place. If, after the ballots are' counted. there are no oontests filed, the political pot will be stored away for a oouple of years. Skvator Peffeb lays claim tore-election npon tha ground that he has made 437 speeches, loog and short. There is no doubt that the senator has talked as much and said as little as an populist in the couvty. President McKiklxy will onl y have fifty-three ooneular appointments to make. There are thirty-fire ambassadors or ministers which he may name. These latter do not have to pass aoy examine tion. It oertainly looks as though there are disappointments in waiting for a number of office seekers. The irrigation congress In Phoenix will be of greater benefit in advertising the resources of the territory than any thing which baa ever ocourred hereto fore. Delegates from all quarters of the United 8 tales will be present, and will learn much in relation to Arizona of which they never dreamed before. The Yankees sre always wide-awake. An enterprising cobbler down in Maine has rigged a portable business buuee for himself. In eumme-, it is a boat, and he sails from place to place, shoeing the inhabitants. In winter he goes aahore, places the boat on runners, and hauls it to convenient locations over the enow. His scheme is useless in Arizona, (how ver. Boston is really becoming sanctified. The proprietor of a Boston theater was recently called to account for allowing his orcnestra to play the Star Spangl ed Banner" or Sunday evening. The court decided that the national anthem is not essentially wicked but it is not aacred, and is consequently ruled out or Sundays. Boston is trying hard to wipe out the recollections of wooden hams, nutmegs, and her treatment of witches. A Fbekchkan has discovered a method by which the ordinary life pre servers may be discarded. You jost take an aBeptio syringe, insert it undsr the skin upon your breast and pump in 200 eubio inohea of air. This will suf fice to float you, with yoor head above water, for an indefinite time. If ocean steamers would eaoh carry an Arizona office hunter the neoessity for the syringe would be obviated. One of our cactus politicians could blow wind enough In a whole ship load of pass engers to float them until the crack of doom. Air Ohio man has had a curious ex perience. He spent a lot o'f time court ing a girl, and the marriage wai arrang ed. He received a blow on the head which resulted in the total loss of his memory. He wandered away, was dis covered by his father, returned home, renewed his eiege upon the young lady's heart, and is now happily married to her. It is hoped his malady may. not return, for in the event it did, he might forget hia marriage and leave the lady a grass widow. The following from the New York Mail and Eipret-e conclusively proves WHY Be bothered with inferior goods when you can get a first-clasa article if only you will call for it. LEVI STRAUSS 6, CO'S CELEBRATED COPPER BIYETEO OVERALLS AND SPRING BOTTOM PARTS Are made of the best materials. Sewed with the best threads. Finished in the best style. ETEIT CIRIENT GU1R1HTEED. FOR 6ALI BVIRYWHIBI. of our! SFND for a picture Factory, we will mail one to you free of charge. TO IIPLOT OYER 800 GIRLS. C3S: LEVI STRAUSS & CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA. that Weyler ia in Cuba for other than climatic reasons: Weyler msy be a dis mal and coetly failure as smasher of re rotations, but if current reports from Havana are correct be is likely to shine as the most brilliantly successful mule dealer on record. The General appears to have srone into the mule business psrtly for the glory of Spain, but more laxgely for the money there is in it. The st ry is that he has American mulea delivered in Cuba at a ooat of $35 per head, which he promptly turos over to the Spanish authorities at $75 per head, the difference between prices remaining in tha handa of middlemen as a sort cf self-collected reward for their highly Masoned ratriotism. With this ex planation of the traffic to guide him, Weyler probably concludes that the commission on the mule trade ia a great deal more profitable than a commission in the Spanish army. Text thousaud head of small native horses, says the Tacoma Ledger, are likely to starve to death in eastern Washington this winter, and, strange to say, thsir owners are glad of it. Praoti oally valuelees are these horses. Else tricity and the bicycle aie the cause, Instead of being man's best friend, the horse has become an aotual pest in east ern Washington. "An eating machine1 is his latest niokn ame, and hia death is desired that feed may be preserved for great bands of cattle and sheep, wbion are yet valuable to man. And ao the most severe winter the Northwest has sen at least since 1851 is a thing to b desired, rather than otherwise, by the greet grazing interests of eastern Wash ington and Oregon. A Ixm Angeles msn has taken a tum ble. A barn fell on him and he could 'ct help it Maco has broken Weyler's troche. If he could only succeed in breaking the old sinner's spinal cord, he might bring the troubles of Cuba to a Budden end. Bjitab proposes to get even with the American people in eome way, so he has written a book. There is consolation in tha fact that no one can compel you to read it if you do not desire to do ao. The safest place for a Chinaman who desires to institute reforms in China, is in the domain of Uncls Sam. The Chin- officials have a very unpleasant fash ion of cutting off reformers' heads If they catch them in their own country. The California boy who killed his step father for beating bis mother, has been discharged oo motion of the d it trie t at torney. This is well. The boy deserves the worship of the entire nation for the brave defense of bis mother from the anger ot the brute who was beating her. The Chinese are rather favorably im preased with the Amerioan republic, and are now proposing to depose their em peror, overthrow the present dynasty. and erect in its stead a republio found ed on Amerioan lines. What a picnic the Mongolian politiotane will have. It won't do to get on too intimate terms with the X-ray. A msn in Wis consin had a bullet ia hia head and it was located by means of this wonderful disoovery. He has a gocd joke on his wife, if nothing else. She can't ever pull his hair any mors, for be hss'nt any, the rsy having left his head as bars of hsir as a billiard ball. Soke dsmocrsts are setting up an un- eaithly howl for fear Mark Hanna might be McKinley's secretary of the treasury. They are sis a weeping end wailing and gnashing their teeth because ttiey fear that McKinley may appoint a few fourth-class postmasters. Awsy baokin the not very distant past, these same fellows were virtuously howling for the division of spoils among the vio tors, but it spparently makes a very significant difference as to who the vict ors are. THaKeelsy institutes over the coun try are recognized as a sure cure for drunkenness. If the army ot temper ance reformers would devote their time to rsising a fund for the purpove of furn ishing treatment to the unfortunate vic tims ot drink, who are unable to get the neocessary money to secure it for them selves, they might accomplish a world of good. Possibly, though, it is argued that a man who cannot rustle the gold to pay for his own treatment, is not worth saving. Ik the north and west tbia season is the most severe in the history of the country. In Oregon and Washington the rivers, Including the Columbia and many smaller streams, are olosed with loe. wnile the small bodies of wster are very where frozen. Such severe weath er, so early in the season, finds stock men totally unprepared to proteot their oattle, many of which are still on the range, and it is estimated that many thousands will psrish of cold snd starva tion. In the region about the bead- waters of the Missouri river the whole country is covered with snow and ice to the depth ot 12 to 16 inches. Cattle by the thousands are nnable to get food and are dying by droves. Many stock men have large stores of feed, but owing to the sudden severity ot the weather, are totally unable to distribute them in way to relieve their stock. Speabtiko of the fsvorable conditions which are in evidence all over the coun try since tbs eleotion of McKinley, the American Banker says that a wonder fully encouraging fact is the continued high prices for wheat, and the fact that the farmers are gstticg a substantial ad vantage from it. It has been observed that deliveries of wheat are much less now than at this time last year, and this ia taken as svidsnoe that the farmers are fully alive to the immense advantages which lie within their reach, due to the failure of crops on the other side of the world. As the orop is marketed at the higher prices, and the farmers reoeive their cash and credit, there will follow a demand for wares of all ainds, greater perhaps for the economies whioh they bad to prsctice during three lesn years. The foreign demand for our commodi ties continues on a considerable scale, even if capitalists abroad still ahow eome hesitanoy towards investing money here. - The death of Col. John R. Fellows, in Naw York, removes a brilliant lawyer and a conspicuous politician. The preachers and newspapers in Los Angeles are at war with each others, and the proepeots are that the preachers are going to get the worst of it. Clsvilihd presents the first instance on record of a presidsnt of the United Ststes publicly rejoioingin the defeat of bis party. There ia almost sure to be a conflict ot a serious nature between Peru and Bolivia on occouot of a usurpation of territory by the former. The bicycle craze baa struck the City of Mexico. The papers from there carrv large advertisements of almost every leading bicycle manufacturer in the United States. Tucson's magnificent olimate is at tracting many winter visitors, and when the assurance is given that ample so- eommodatiotis will be afforded, the number will be greatly multiplied. The amount of building that is going on in Tucson would be taken as evidence of a boom in most places, but here it is looked unon as nothina more than the legitimate growth of a prosperous com munity. Los Angeles is recovering from the affliction of a municipal election. The Herald's rooster is crowing, consequent- is safe to conclude that the Times' rooster will have to tell how it happen ed. The members of oopgress differ very widely in their opinions ot Cleveland's message. It is referred to in most com plimentary terms by some of the states men, while others consider it very weak. The manufacture of bioycles and bioyclista sundries is productive of enormous revenues. During the first seven months of the present year France exported $900,000 worth of oyoles and cycle sundries. The doctors are shy a cumber of patients siaoe the bioycle fad has seized the people. Wetler is tryiog awfully hard-to make himself believe that Maoeo and Gomez are both dead. They are thorns in his flash which he would gladly have removed. Great regret would follow the confirmation of the reported death of either of these brave champions of Cuban liberty.' Groves may not oare much about the Cubans and their unfortunate condition but the spirit of James G. Blaine is alive in congress, and the extremely vigorous resolutions which are being introduced give promise of materializing into something definite and decided. Most any of the prize fighters would enter into a ''foul" conspiracy with $10,000 as the reward for its successful consummation. It is such dishonesty among that fraternity which is account able for a great deal of the disrepute whioh has fallen upon the participators in the manly art. There ia a serious phase of life con fronting Durrani. He does not seem to be in much danger of legal execution upon the gallows buttbsre is a pretty well founded suspicion that he will die cf old age, behind prison bars before the suprsme court decides whether or not he shall have anew trial. The Los Angeles Herald is fighting the Parkhurst society, and says some awfully naughty things about a preach er. Rev. T. A. Cowan, who scored the press of Los Angeles at a recent mas9 meeting held under the auspioes of the 83ciety. The Herald says that Mr. Co wan is a malioioua ass." Now that's just simply dreadful and the naughty Herald ebould be ashamed of itself; so there. The airship continues to hold its own as a subject of public discussion. It is alleged to have been seen in all parts of California and the visual evidence in support of one euoh ship is quite as irood for fifty. The only person whose talk may be considered serious is Mr. W. H. H. Hart, the well-known lawyer, who soberly declares that he is the attor ney cf an inventor who has recently built and operated two airships in that state and that he is cow engaged in building a third. He has been able, Mr. Hart deolares, to attain and sustain for several hours a speed of about twenty miles per hour and is making improve ments designed to vsstly inorease the efficiency of his ship, Mr. Hart does not olaim to have personally seen these ships, but he says they undoubtedly exist and that San Franoisco will soon be given an opportunity to view them in broad dayiigbt. A cock-and-bull-air is given to Mr. Hart's story by his addi tion to it that hia client is negotiating with the Cuban junta for the drstruo tion of Havana by dynamite and that he will dsmand for such services something like $10,000,000. People generally hare come to regard the whole thing as a hoax, but there sre many who assert that they hare seen the mysterious sir ship and are willing to stake any sum upon its existence. Mexico is gradually adopting all the modern adjuncts to prosperous business methods. Lately, in the City of Mexico, a building and loan company has been established and advertises that its cap ital is unlimited. All the officers and direotors are under hetvy bonds for the faithful performance of their duties. The State of Washington is lining op with Kansas, end the inhabitants are evidently trying very hard to be as fool ish as the Jay hawkers. Washington has elected a populist governor and will have one of the same breed of statesmen in the senate. May the powers have mercy on poor Washington. This is her first offense: but Kansas should have known better. The parents of school children in this city should demonstrate their interest in the educational work which is bein,-; done by frequent visits to the different rooms. There is no question but what splendid results are beii.g accomplished, and the teachers should have the en couragement of every parent. A fact which is spparently not generally known, and which exarts a remarkable influence on educali tonal matters in the territory, is that (he apportionment of the school funds is based upon the average attendance. It the parents de sire to maintain their schools for the full period, they should see to it that their children are all in their seats each day. The difference of a thoueacd dollars or so in the amount of available money for school purposes in this city j would make a marked difference in the length of the next school term. This matter should be constantly be borne in mind and nothing but the most press ing necessity scouid afford an excuse for absence. The Effect of Climate. A olimate not necessarily unhealthy often proves so to thoe unaccustomed to it. The acclimating process seems unusually slow in some constitutions. There is, however, a medicinal means of acolimaticg it of which residents or sojourners in unaccustomed or malarious ohmaUs have not been slow to avail themselves. Hostelter's Stomach Bit ters ia a medioinal safeguard and ao- ciimatiug tonic of standard reputation, which travelers, emigrant, tourists, mariners, and others whose tastes snd pursuits entail exposure, euf jection to changes of temperature, unusual or un wholesome diet or water, and the fatigue attendant upon long journeys by land or sea, concur in pronouncing it re liable, agreeable and safe. As a remedy for disorders of the liver, 6tmach and bowels, very prevalent in malarious regions and the tropics, as a preventive of fever and ague, rheumatism and kidney trouble?, and as a restorative of vigor, it is also held in the highest estimation. The Catholic Fair. The Catholic fair opens this afternoon The most elaborate preparations . have been made to make the opening the grandest thing ot the kind that has ever been attempted in tui9 territory. From five this afternoon a Spanish dinner iil be 6erved at the new cathedral under the auepices of Meedames Brena and R dondo. These dinners will be given eaoh evening of the fair, beginning at this hour. The second evening will be in charge of Meedames Martin and Le vin. The third in ohsrge of Mesdames Kelly and Hughes. The fourth in charge of Mis. Velaeoo and Mrs. Felix, and the fifth in charge of Mesdames Moreno and Aguirre. These ladies are well known for their skill in the delicate art of din ner giving, and the dinner served by them to all wbo come will be a thing to be remembered. No charge will be made for admittance between five and seven o'clock. At eeven o'clock the fair will be opened; the admittance fee will be ten cents. The principal features of the entertainment for the first eveniog are opening addes in Spanish by Arch Bishop Salpointo, followed by one in English by Rt. Rev. Bourgarde. Then will follow nominations for voting, refills eta An elaborate and interesting mu sical programme has been prepared by the Philbarmonio baud to continue through the entire evening. Cat hoilo Fair. The feature of the Catholic Fair last night waa the vote oo tbp wo sacks of flour, one being won by Mr ; Black one by Mrs. VJlescusa. For shea two twenty rive pound sacks ot flour, donated by Mrs. Leo Goldsmith, the fair realized $48,40. This shows what intelligent effort can do. This evening the grand march begins at eight o'clock. -The point of attention will be the musical programme under the direction of Prof, and Mrs Castillo The 9ingiog cannot help but be very fine as there will be a large chorous of young ladies, led by Mrs Castillo. The Mexican dinner will be eerved by Mrs Kelly and Mrs Sam H U2be9. Much time and skill has been expended on this dinner as well ha on the American supper, served at the same time. An Embezser Arretted Chicago, 111., Deo. 9. Ex-Alderman Frank C Vierlmg arrested on a charge of embezzlement preferred by W. E. Kleineorge of Sacramento, California, has made an Assignment of bis real estate interests in the Chicago Rubber and Mill Supply company, of which Vierling was president. He has sleo confessed judgement in his favor for $11,652. VierliDg's wppeeta were given at $1G0,00U and liabilities at $140,000. The assignment is said to have been made necessary by his arrest. THE HOUSE. Flagstaff May Iasne Water System Bondi. Washington, D. C Deo.. 9. The House huld a three hours session today and passed a dozen bills of minor importance. Among them thefo'lowing: To authorize the use of abandoned Fort Bidwell military reservation, (Jala., as a training school for Indians. To provide for the location and purchase of public lands for reeervour sites in Moclona Dakota and Wyoming. To authorize Flagstaff, Arizona, to issue bonde4forthe construction of a water system. To authorize aoy member of tbe legislature of New Mexico to swear in a presiding officer. Tbe House agreed to the senate amendment approving of certain sots of the legislature of New-Mexico for the issue of bonds so as to validate $712,500 bonds of Santa. Fh County. ' Sbafrotb's bill for tbe protection of forest reserva tions from tire was dsf sated. No one would drink poor tea if he or she knew the difference in tea. Good tea is not costly. Your grocer will sell you Schilling's Best, and return your money in full if you don't like it A Schilling & Company Saa r rang tea 88S MoC.nrt a Magazine for 1897. For the coming year this enterprising publication will present a strong list of attractions to its readers, fc'even great serial stories by such eminent writers as Rudyard K pling.and Ian McCUren will prove a drawing card. Joel Chandler Harris, Octave Thanet, Bret Harte. and a cost ot others equally well known sn popular, will contribute in te re ting articles, for sale at the Pioneer Nee Depot. The O. A. R- Election. ine following was the result of an eleotion held by Negley Post No. I Dept. of Arizona U. A. K , for officers for tb ensuing year: R B Kelley, P C; Fjed G Hughes, S V U; Jacob Schneider, J V C; A B Samp, son.u M ; l) J Burrow, Surg; Nr8 Ful mer, O I: Ira A Height. O O. Dele gate to the Dept. Edc. A J Doran, C r Scbumaober, It K Richardson, Fred G Hugbee. Altercates Matt Flynn. J Dodsoo, Jacob Sohneider, Ira A Haigbt. To Cure a Cold in Oae Day. Take laxative B romo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if ltfsils V cure. zoc. Resolutions of Condolence Hall of Arizona Lodge No. 1, A. O. U W Tucson, A. T.. Deo. 2. 189S. Whereas the sad and mournful intel ligence has been received that Dr. Alex ander Trippel. father of our honored P. M. W., E. J. Trippel, died in the city or Mew lorn ou the lbth dsy of Novem ber l&n. Therefore be it Resolved: That in the death of Dr Alexaoder Trippel, Arizona has lost so honored, useful snd conscientious citi zen wboee life and efforts have been de voted to tue upbuilding and advance ment of all the national interests of Ari zona and particularly to improvements in mining and agricultural pursuits. He was a true man in all respects, helper to friends end a true friend to the needy and deserving. Resolved: That we tender to ourjbro- tner r. Al. w. Trippel our mournful sympathy in his esd bereavement. Relolved: That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes, a copy fur ciehed to our brother Trippel and to the press for publication. L. ROSENSTERN. Gca. A. Hofp. J. M. Beuext. Committee. THE CATHOLIC FAIR. The Opening Night a Grand Snooeas The much talked of Catholic fair opened, as per announcement, last even ing. '1 he history of Tucson is brilliant with records of successful entertain menis oi every sort, Dut no event ever recorded in the annals of the old pueblo win surpass this effort of the ladies. Liast night's proceedings stsmp the affair as a gorgeous success from every point of view, lne crowd which sssembled was surprising, livery cook snd oorier of the grand edifice was crowded to tbe limit, end tbe scene was one of un usual attractiveness and brillianoy. Tbe gaily deoorattd booths were made more attractive by the splendidly arranged electric lights, and were presided over by ladies vho were fully qualified to transact tbe immense volume of busi ness which came to each one. The at tractions were almost without limit. Fish ponds, post office, raffles all were taxed 10 the utmost to meet the de mands of tbe liberal patrons who swarm ed around them like bees. The dinners which were eerved re ceived the highest compliments on every hand, and proof is not wanting that, in the culinary art, the ladies who did the work are experts. Every delioacy imaginable was there to tempt tbe ap petites of the hungry, and everything was eaten up "they licked the platters clean." The treasurer is burdened down this morning with tbe proceeds of the even ing. A count rtvealed $500 as tbe result of the night's work. Too much credit cannot be given those who have been active in tbe manage ment ot this grand event, and doubtless a very creditable sum will be the result ot their work. Contract Awarded. Washington, Deo. 9 Tbe war de partment has awarded the contract for building gun and mortar battery im plements for San Diego to the Califor nia Construction Co. for $109,417. IT WILL PAY you to take Hood' Sarsaparilla. With pure blood you need not fear the grip, pneumonia, diphtheria or fevers. Hood's Sarsaparilla will make you strong and healthy. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, carefully prepared from the beut ingre dients. 25c. THE ALLIANCE. Their Combined Fleets May Force the Paaaage of the Dardanellea. Londun, Djc. 9-Copyrighled 1S9C by Aes'd. Phes. The Birmingham Poet today oonfiruis the repeated statements oo the same subject cabled the Asso ciated Press d tbe past two months, in eaicg it learns from a high quarter that an understanding has been arrived at tetween Greet Britain, Russia and Franoe for the settlement of the so call ed eastern question, which has for gen erations been troubling tbe statesmen of Europe. Tbe Post adds that the Russian black sea fleet and tbe British and French Mediterranean fleets will shortly be mobilized in contiguity to tbe Bospborus and Dardanelles, in order to enforce, if necessary, the reforms which tbe embassies of the three powers are about to present to tbe Sultan, and to which other signers of the Berlin treaty, Germany, Austria and Italy, have con sented. To this end it i9 asserted that the allied fleets msy force tbe passage ot tbe straits of the Dardanelles. W. E. Amann, of tbe Galena Oil com pany, whose headquarters are at Frank lin, Penn., is in tbe city. Since his vis:t here in September be has traveled ex tensively over tbe bob th west, and atates in very positive termB that he is more than favorably impressed with the future prospects ot Tucson, as a busi ness point acd health report. Mr. Amsnn is in perreot acoora witn tne general opinions wbtsn are expressed j upon ne suojec on evsry nanu. i IN THE TERRITORY. Happenings of Interest From Terri torial Exchangee. A Chinese beggar of this city fre quently visits some of the cafes. His face is hideous. The little eyes scow -furtively at evey one. He walks aboutl in silence, aa outcast, and humanity turns aside when heapproacber. Withal, he is a pitiable object, friendless, home lees, sleeping no man knows where, liv ing, no man know how. Night after night he prowls about, and night after night be is turned away empty handed. He wears Americsn clothing of the shabbiest sort. Such is Wsn Sen. Re blioan. Mr. J. Harry Brown, tbe - popular Phoenix bicycle r.der who has covered over 10,000 miles on bis wheel since last May in a tour over the western and central statee, is new st El Paso, Texas ooming tbi9 way, and expects toreaoh home next Tuesday. A large number of Phoenix wheelmen expect to meet him between here acd Florence and escort him in. Harry Brown is the holder of several Arizocacbampionsbips ana win prooaoiy ride at tbe cycle races here January 1 and 2L Republican. Owen Williams, one of the gentlemen who in tbe early dajs of Pearce thought the mines there were bound to bs exten sive ae well as very rich, acd on this basis figured that a city would spricg up and that water would be in great de mand, on these grounds, began boring for this necessary . ot life. They worked under dimcultiee for a time but by pre- serversnce they finally struck water and irom mis vein toeiownoi fearce as well as tbe great Pearce mine draw their daily eupply. Prospector. John W. DeWitt equipped yesterday one of his hacks in regular city style with a colored driver in livery. This will hereafter be mainlined so that tbe most fasboioable turnout may be secur- ea oy ine lastiaious tourists now bo rapidly tilling up the city. Mr. DeWitt has always been progressive and tbe highly etficiett hack service afforded either day or night in this city is largely due to bis efforts. Gazette. a. u. KiiiicKe. or tbe iiollenbeck at Lob Angeles, ia dead, and yesterday the remains of tbe noted hotel man were placed at rest. In early days of Tombs tone be lived ia that lively camp where be ran the Cosmopolitan. Later he moved to Fresno and frur years ago took charge of the Iiollenbeck. De ceased was a jolly whole-souled man of known will his death be mourned. Ga zette. Coal mining is promising to become ao important industry in Arizona. In tbe northern part of the territory ex tensive Doaies or Dituminous coal are encountered north and east of the Paint ed Desert region. This coal cropa out in many places acd at one point has a thickness of twenty-three feet. The San Carlos coal lands lie eist of the Painted Deeert tract and extend north east into Colorado and New Mexico. The Mining Industry says It oomea to tbe surface in many places and aafar aa now known consists of three strata?, the first two having a thickness of four feet while the last snd lower oee is often found fifteen feet in thickness. One thing which has prevented the develop ment of the San Carlos coal measures is tbe fact that it ia covered by tbe Indian reservation and ucless some steps are taken by congress no work can be d one. Pros pec to r. MINES AND MINING. What is Going on in the Different Camps in Arizona- The Las Amarillas mines, Sonora, are producing from $110,000 to $120,000 gold monthly. A rich strike is reported on the Blind Goddess, a olaim near Kingman, owned by Henry iumng and others. A recent visitor in Big Bag district noted many evidences of prosperity. Many miuers are building new cabins, placer miners are doing well, having an bundance of water, while on every hand quartzs miners may be Been at work. Prescott Courier. Arrangements will Boon be made to start the furnace ot tbe Arizona and New Mexico Smelting company, which is controlled by tbe American Zinc and Lead company of Cboot. City. Colorado. lhe washing out of the track of tbe S. C. fc N. R. R. by floods last summer. shut off the transportation and supply oi fuel and oaused the closing down of tbe furnace. The Cedar Valley Gold and Silver I Alining company, wboee property is lo- I cated forty miles south of Kingman. Is bout to add fifteen or twenty stamps to its present five-ton mill. There are two veins ia the property, one four and the other fifteen inches in width, as saying 812 gold and twenty-five ounces silver. Tbe Treasure Mining company of Denver will soon start sicking tbe shaft I below tbe 300-foot level on tbe Atlcntio vein. About fifty men are employed at tbe mine and tbe mill and tbe prcperty is paying handsomely, lhe same com pany will also start sinking below tbe 400-foot level on the Deep Down vein, which runs parallel to the Atlantic and about eixty feet distant. The pre perties will be worked from separate shafts on each vein. Solon Marker, who is hnuling ore for Mr. Scbaar, came in from Placeritas last evening, brioging favorable reports from tbe camp. He says the mice ia showing p one, with about fifty men at work thereon. While Mr. Marker and Mr. Mendenhall were out prospecting a few days uiO tbey discovered acd located, three miles east of bchaat s mill, a four r. oi leoge or ore wmcn assays f zo per ton gold. They expact to have a five stamp mill ic operation upon same in side of three months. Mr. Scbaar is running bis ten stamp mill day and night, handling twenty-eight tons of ore every twenty-four hours. The best of the ore goes over 1300 per ton, while the low grade ore will average 150 per ton. a wo sieam noises are in operation up on tbe mines. Mr. M. started in haul ing ore there some months ago with i . t . i . I two horses; now he uses twelve horses ana is in xrescou 10 inriaer increase his hauling facilities. Prescott Cour ier. B. Schwab, of Schwab, Rasenstern A Co., has returned from San Francisco. The firm will open its new store on Con gress street on Saturday morning. J. L. Powell, tbe cattleman, is in the oity from Lcs Angeles. The price of cattle is very satisfactory at present, and there is a large demand for them. C. M. Shannon, than whom no one ia better or more favorably known in TuC' bop, states that this is reputed among I travelling men to be tbe best citv in the Boutnwcet. wntn bis term of office as colleotor expires, he intends to establish I ni9 residence nere. i the typical western type who never for- turned a judgment for the plaintiff in M"f. .lcerB; IneQn?? 'T,r gets a friend. His acquaintance was lhe -Qm 'f ios t ogeth erPwito oo quite extensive snd so far as be was ;f:V B 1,0 corns and all skm eruptions, and posi- Highest of all in Leavening D. J. Duncan, ot Yuma, is in tbe city. N. Borchers, the piano tunccr, is in tbe city. Rev. A. P. Graves. D. D.,of New York City, is visiting TucBon. Dr. Pease has gone to Florence to testify as an expert in the Cy. Williams murder oase. Dr. Geo. Goodfellow. acd . Mr. Benigno Garcia, left yesterday for So- I nora on mining business The A. O. U. W. quartette sang two songs in a very creditable manner at the Catholio fair last evening. H. J. Small, superintendent of motive power on tbia division of tha S. P. is in tbe city on business. Allen R. English, the widely known and able Tombstone attorney, is in the city on legal business. District court coveced in Florence yesterday morning, with Judge Rouse on the bench. Tucson Chapter No. 3, R. A. M will this evening have work in the Mark Master Degree. All Royal Arch Masons sre fraternally invited to be present. Rev. A. P. Graves. D. D.. of New York, will preacb at.the Baptist church tonight. All come and bear this noble evangelist snd man of God. Whatever may be the cause of blanch ing, the hair may be restored to its original eolor by tbe use of that potent remedy lian a Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kenewer. The steadily inoreasicgdemand for cop per beeps the price up to a notch that is sending many prospectors into tbe hills and causing a great deal of active devel opment work. In the case of Bernard vs Brown, in Cherry Pectoral, and so have the means at hand for contending successfully with a sudden cold. As an emergency medi cine, it has no equal, and leading physi - oiaoB everywnere recommena ii. Messrs. Ryncicg & Parsons have formed a partnership to engage in oon - tracting and building. Both the gentle men are competent workmen and will doubtless be kept busy, as Tucson is rapidly developing a building boom. Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers is tbe best, handiest, safest, surest, clean est, most economical and satisfactory dye ever invented. It ia the gentlemen's favorite. r.ddie jJowcer has returned from a week's visit to his parents in Greater ville. While there he visited Gardner's cave, and obtained some very fine stalac tites and stalagmites. It is reported that Chan Tin Wo, a very enterprising Chinese merchant ot th;s city, will shortly open a large wholesale grocery in the building formerly occupied by theThos. Hughes Hardware company. With many clergymen, public speak ers, singers, and actors, Ayers Cherry Pectoral is the favorite remedy for hoarseness and all affections of the vocal organs, throat, and lungs. Its scodyne and expectorant effects are promptly realized. There is one very conspicuous feature in tbe conduct of the Catholic fair, and that is the raot tnat there is no "gauge game or. any nature carried on. Every thing is first-class acd conducted along lines of the most agreeable nature. The suppers, as well as everything else offer ed for sale, are well worth tbe price asked, and no force is used. - You are perfectly safe, bo do not be afraid. The two Mexican bicycle thieves had a bearing before Judge Myers tns the grand jury. In default of bail they were locKed up. xney are evidently no greenhorns in cycling affairs, for tapp a up fhrwor'wMkiuto'iy done and ehowed plainly that they anew their business. Uf tbe two wheels recovered one was a new "Thistle" the property of Mr. Bowers and the other was tbe lady's wheel recently stolen from Mr. Hart, Mr. Franklin's wheel is still missing, but hopes are en tertained for its recovery. 'Darkest Russia," a romantic drama under the direction of Sidney R. Ellis, that dettls with the brighter side of life I in the Russian Empire, as well as show ing scenes in Siberia, will be seen at tbe Opera House, Wednesday night Deo. 16. Tbe story is told in a series or power ful situations and from tbe opening to the closing Bcene the interests is sustain ed. In the handling of tbe various char acters marked ingenuity his been Bhown acd in no way does the sensational enter and the scenes though stirring never border on tbe melodramatic In every respect it is a play for the people and one that has metropolitan endorsement. It is bright and attractive, with a Btory cnserful and intereetmg. 1 be cast is made up of over twenty speaking characters, all of which are strong acd effective. Two of the most prominent are the comedy roles of Septimus Cobb, tbe Amerioan Colonel from Kentucky, and tbe Baroness Von Rhineberg, a young French widow. AH through the play these happy funmaxers keep tbe audience in a state of merriment Pcafaos3 Cauiiot to Cnml diseased portion ci ii:i3 ear. Tiiere ts only one wit to ivire i-u.riis-:. aai i'tat is br constitu tional r,;ire:!Ci'. i.-.-ii'sc.-s is caused fcv an m- flamoG coiHiinon the i-.ncoui liinr.-T of th:- you have a ruir.bliacr sound or imperfect hear- fag. ajKj whe it cmirciy dosA .Deafness is insracnui mr,e. n .-.en trus lurereis-init-.treicu the result, and i:aJcs- the inS&rnmation c&n be taken out anil tb:s f.iba restored ta its normal condition, heanr? wilt be destroyed forever: which is nothing but an iaSatncd coudltioa ol nin. p!;40a Ant t tn n rm fiansnfl hip ..f.nth we mucous suuaces. Wewilleive One Hundred Dollars for an case of Deafness (caused by cat.irrlj) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, bend for urcu.LU! , tree. v - . j. t'Hoisr a uvj., Toledo, O. Alex Rossi is fully up to tbe times in the conduot of his business. He has just received two barrels of Kentucky Monarch whiskey, 16 years old. lie I keeps on hand all the best brands of liquors of every description. Mescal of the very best Quality: Zmfacdel. claret and everything furnished at the very lowest rates obtainable anywhere in the city. tf Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report CITY ELECTION 1896. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the city charter of the city of Tucson, a muni cipal election will be held in said city on the second Monday, being the 14th day of December, 1896. when the following officers are to be elected: One Mayor, term of two years. One Recorder, term of two years. One Assessor, term of two years. One Treasurer, term of two years. , One Chief of Police, term of two years. One Councilman at Large, term one year to fill unexpired term. One Councilman Ward Xo. 1, term one year to fill unexpired term. One Councilman Ward 2, term one year to fill unexpired term. Ward No. 1 is all that part within the limits of the city ot Tucson, north of the center line of Congress street; polling place at city hall. Ward No. 2 is all that part within the Kmitsof thecity of Tucson south of the center line of Congress street; polling place Grand Army hall, southeast corner Jackson and Convent streets. Polls open at 9 a. m., and close at sun down. Qualification of voters, extract from section 3, article III, charter of the city of Tucson. "Nor shall any person be entitled to vote at any city election, unless he be an elector for territorial and county officers, and shall have actually resided within the ward in which he claims his vote thirty days next preceeding such elect- By order of the mayor and common council made this 9th day of November, 1896. Chas. T. Coxxell, Recorder and ex-officio City Clerk. 11-15-lm Backlan'alAmioa'SalTa, The best salve in the world for outs Ivivoijr curoo juive, ut uu pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25ota a box. For sale by George to rti 1 Notice- We tha nnrfaraiW r,ni;e that I no presents of any description will be 1 given the coming holidays. L. Zeckxndobf & Co. Tucson Gbocek Co. Wheilxk & Pkbbt. J. Ivancovich. ROSABIO BftJCNA. 12-8-lw. The firm of L. Zeckecdorf & Co. are always alive to the interests of their cus tomers. They are goiag to make one fo their customers a Cbristmss present in the shape of a High Grade Whxxl. Ix the Babriis Catlnac Teetn Vim anrtk and naa tVt of rA mrtA va11 ttvif remedy, Mrs. WinsWa Soothing Syrup for children teething. If soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain. cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bot tle. Vlntine! Many people wonder what Vintine ia It is a Nerve Food; a Nutrine Tonic: a Blood Cleanser. It ia not a patent medicine, but is prepared only by the Vintine company. It creates a natural appetite for food, makes blood, strength. ens the nerves, and restores the system, to Its normal condition. It has received the very highest encomiums from people who have used it, and wins favor every where it is introduced. It you are suffering from any of the ailmenta which arise from impure blood or the effecta of bad digestion, you can be cured by the use of Vintine. This medicine can be procured from Fred Fleishman, druggist. FEEE CUKE FOR MEN. Michigan Man Offers to Send His Discovery Free. Claims to be a Benefaeter to Weaken ed Mankind There is always more or leesauspioion attached to anything that ia offered free but sometimes a man so overflows with generosity that be cannot rest until hia discovery is known to the world, in order that his fellow men may profit by what he has discovered. It is upon thia principle that a resident of Kalamazoo, Mich., desires to send free to mankind a prescription which will cure them of any form of nervous debility; relieve them of all the doubt and uncertainty which such men are peculiarly liable to and restores the organs to natural size and vuor. As it costs nothing to try the experiment it would seem that any man, suffering with the nervous troubles) that uauelly attack men who never stop ped to realize what might be tbe final result, ought to be deeply interested in a remedy whioh will restore them to health, strength and vigor, without which tbey continue to live an existence of untold misery. As the remedy in question was the result of many years research as to what combination whould be peculiarly effective in restoring to men the strength tbey need, it would seem that ail men suffering with any form of nervous weakness ought to write for such a remedy at once. A re quest to H. C. Olds, Box 1782, Kalama zoo. Mich., stating that yon are not sending for the prescription out of idle curosity, but that yon wish to make nee of the medicine by giving it a trial, will be answered promptly acd without evidence as to where information came from. Tbe prescription is sent free and al though some may wonder how Mr. Olda can afford to give away hia discovery, there is no doubt about the offer being genuine. Uut this out and send to Mr. Olds bo that he may know how you came to write him. 11-28-781 Wanted-An Idea s thfak aba ale talntopeteatr Protect yonr Ideaa; ther way briaa? yoa waalta. Wrtta JOHX WKDDERBURJ CO, Pataat Attacw ra, waablngtoo. D. C. for tbalr tLKD prise eSsf X list of two nuadrad laTsntiooa waalao. To the Young Face Poaaojci'a Cokpixxioit Powtkb firea fraaaer tc harms; to the old. renewed youth. Try it. i