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ARIZONA WEEKLY CITIZEN. TUCSON. PIMA COUNTY, ARIZONA TERRITORY, SATURDAY DECEMBER Ji, 189G. NO. 26 VOL. XXV Weekly Citizen. rasa or net la-maa. DAILY. Stoe Copy, Om Year in Ainact - w CmOdpTiSU MmUb .... S " WKKXXT. Om Copy. 0e Tr ia Adraao - f 9 OacCopy SUattmta .... i IOCAX KOTICES win. iksektkd at NCtrbperUacfor tbe ftrst taacrtioa ul ceats per liae for each Mbscqueat inacrtio. Tkl pp is rcptoate at K. C Dak' A . .,-.fTn . Mercaaat'a H- re, saa rranciaQO, v.uioim. w -tffM-advcrtisiag caa be ad far IC T r. FISHER. XKWSFATK ADTKITI Xk r Ajeot, t Merchaaf Krrtujt. Sam raacUco. Uouraathoriae aeaC Taia paaw it kept on file ia hi office. MKMBEK ASSOCXATKD MLKSS. Batmd mi the PaatoAcc atTacaoa i Act ofCoafraa a a4-Oas Hatter. The North Stonington, Ct man who sent President sleet McKinley a Thanks giving turkey probably expects a plum in return. A Boston reporter was promoted to an editorship because he wrote np a foot game without referring to the bell as the "pigskin." A Buffalo horse attempted euiciJe by lesping into the canal at tbit oity. This ie tough oo Buffalo. What's the matter with the Beon city? What's in a name? The only negro looted to the fifty -fifth Congress ie named White. New York has a Blank governor, but just the same ha is white. Ms. McKinley has doubtless eome to the conclusion that there are a number of people in various parts of the country quite willing to aocept the office! within his gift. Ir the Cuban insurgents were as accomplished in the questionable art of lying as are the Spaniards and Weyler, they would hare butchered all Spain by this time. The great divine, Rev. T. De Witt Tal mage, is to take another wife. She Is Miss Lucie Maogam, of Sing Sing, N. Y, a daughter of a wealthy commieeion merchant who does businees in New York City. The Corning farmer who was swindled out of $2,800 by stranger who worked the ancient tin box trick has probably reached the conclusion that he doeent know as muob as he thought he did, and that newspaper reading isn't sch a bad thing after all. J. K. Emmet, known world wide as Fritz, ban been granted adeoree of divorce from his wife. She would'nt listen to his "yoedtlmg", but went to hear the sweet voice of another fellow, for whose ringing ehe bad greater ad miration. The deer hunting season is cn in Maine. So must the jug be, judging from all accounts, for a Lynn doctor who went shooting up in the state wnich Arthur Sewall hae been forgotten as serts thst he saw a deer tetty feet long while out hunting. Probably the deer was stretching itself when the doctor's startled gaze fell on it. The wealthy Brooklynue, R. Pilcher Woodward, who bet on Bryan; and is rii)r tn Son Wa.miann nn a danker in . psyment of a wsger, is meeting with J' n- j Li mit nsps on me roaa. am uu ma donkey collided with a beer wagon in Yonkers and botb were injured, aad delayed four days. No information ia given as to whether or not the beer wagon suffered from the collision. It is rumored in Washington City that a number of prosecutions will re ault from the investigations cf the oom xuittee which was appointed prior to the adjournment of the lest session of con gress, to inquire into the facts eoneeot d with the bond issues made by the preaent administration. The commit' tee has been eo quiet since its appoint ment tb at people generally believed it was among the things that jrere. St. Louis is evidently a Mecca for high wsy men. A perfect epidemio of thievery is raging in that oity. Within the city limits an evening or two ago an express train was held op by masked men who succeeded in making good their scape among the crowds of people nn the streets. Ssndbaggers are plentiful and ply their vocation nightly. Better hire Frank James to stop them. He is looking for a job. The death of Mrs. Sarah B. Cooper, of San Francisco, removes one of ths most prominent women upon the Pa cifies coast. 8he waa widely known as a writer, philanthropist, and church worker. That ehe should have violated the very creed which she ban eo devoted ly taught for many years, by taking ber own life, is one of the mysteries of life which mortals do not attempt to ex plain. Judge Bakes justly held, in the oaee of Nash vs. Horton at, aL, that the LEVI STRAUSS ft CO. FACTO RY-SAN FRANCISCO -CAL, COPPER RIVETED TtiOl OVERALLS AND SPRING BOTTOM PANTS. EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED. EMPLOY OVER 33 O GIRL6. locator of a mining claim muat complete his looation within a reasonable time. or forfeit his rights. The law aa to looatioos is verv plain, and if not com plied with, should result in ths forfeiture of the ground eo that others who desire to make bona fide locations msy do eo with the assurance of the law's protec t'lOD. REVISE THE GAME LAWS Theee is one measure wbioh should receive attention at the hands of the oext territorial legislature, upon which there is no difference of opinion. It is suoh revision of our game laws as will protect deer and antelope from extir mioation. As the law now stands there is nothing to prevent the killing of a doe or ef fawn, and the numbers of them whioh are being brought to market, indicate very plainly that but a short time will elapee before both the deer and the antelope will go the way of the buffalo. Foraometime past the seasons have cot been very favorable for theee ani mals, especially in the valleys, and their numbers have decreased somewhat. This year, however, has provided them with plenty of feed and they have left their mountain retreats and are seen on the plsins in great numbers, wbsrs they are killed indiscriminately. The law should be so amended as to make it a serious offense to kill a doe at any season. Fawns, too, should be pro tected until they have attained the age of one year. If suoh laws were enaoted and en forced, it would not be many years until the nerds of theee beautiful animals would be very materially iooresaed, and there would be books enough to supply tha markat d amend, aa well as to furnuh ample pastime and enjoyment for sports men. Sair FhaXci&oo has an alsatian, Hugo Wittkowsky, who confines his meat diet wholly to dog flesh. He prefers young. fat puppies, but when his bill of fare ia a little short, be makes kind of a our. The Topolobampo colony, in the state of Sinsloa, Mexico, whioh has struggled against adverse fates for six years past, is sbout to Buccumb. The manager, Owen, managed too muoh to suit the colonists and the strain between them has proven too great for the life of the concern. People are leering more and more very day of the wonderful resources of wondsrful Arsons, and as tbey learn they are benefitting thereby. As time goes on many revelation will be made which will astonish tbe world, and Ariz ona will be known to the remotest corn ers thereof. It ie asserted, upon high official authority, that a treaty is already in preparation in Washington for the annex ation of Hawaii, and that the matter will reoeive the early attention of congress. There ie a neanimousdeeire in Hawaii for the annexation and the chances are more than favorable for tha materializ ation of the scheme. These has nsver been a time In the history of Tucson which promised a better return for real estate investments tbsn does tha present. Indications, which cannot be disputed, are plain at very turn that there will be a constant increase in the price of every foot of land adjoining the city. The demand for modern dwellings in on the inoreaee. and some one, with oapital to invest ia going to reap a rich harvest before many years have psesed. The wonderfully besefioial effeota of the Roentgen ray, have just been de tnonstrsted, in the relief afforded a little child who was strioksn with total blind ness two months ago. By msans of the ray, the olot of blood, wbioh was the cauee of the affliction, was loos ted, and an operation has so fsr restored tb sight that the patient now distinguishes light from darkness, and when the physician finally removes the bandages, he gives the assoranoe that tbs child will be able to see as wsll as it ever did. A special from Madrid says that the Spanish govsrnment has ordsred Gen. Weyler to again taks the field against Maoeo. In the language of Cor win, Maoeo will weloome with bloody bands the invader to a hospitable grave" if be gets a cbanos. Hs has offered $5,000 for Weyler'e hsad, dead or alire. This is said to be one of the reasons why Weyler wae anxious to get back to Havana. Weyler is afraid of the sharp shooters and that terrible dynamite gun. These is a very old saying which tenders tee information that "you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear." Maybe you can't; but an African doctor baa accomplished a feat which appears almost aa remarkable, if reports be true. In order to protect himself from tropical fevers so prevalent in Southern Africa, Henry M. Stanley, the famous explorer, previoue to his exploits there, had a quantity of African blood injected into his system, and in consequence he is turcicg blsck. If his hair assumes ths kinky cul, be will be a sera enough negro. NARKi, tea in San Fr:i cis.:o cos-'s more than roasting otiur tea in China or japan, but it makes tea better. You don't have to pay the difference, though. It comes out of our profits. We make money in giv ing up profits. Queer! A Schillinr at Compaay aaa rraacuce an New Mexico' first car load of augar was shipped from Eddy todsy. . It goes to the Thurber Coal company, Thurber, Texas. Score another progressive step for our territory. Who ever dreamed that the arid caotue bedecked plains of New Mexico would eome day ship eugar into Texas. Santa Fe New Mexican. Ariioca also offers msgnifioent in ducements for the raising of sugar beets. Tbs soil has been tested by experts, and oronounoed first class. There is a vast arsa of rioh land which will some dsy be brought under irrigation, and when it is the possibilities for sugar investors will be well worth considering. The latest rsturos show that Navsrro County, Texas, which, by the wsy, is the borne county of Roger Q. Mills, gave a plurality of 122 for Major McKinley Hitherto the county has thrown a heavy msjority agaiost the party of McEiuley. The returns further ebow a gain of 100 per cent throughout the state for Mc Kinley, over any vote previoualy oaat for his party. It does not require a great stretoh of the imagination to hit upon a probable oause for his change in senti ment in Mr. Mills' state. At the time of the passage of tha Wilson-Gorman bill, long petitions came from Texas against free wool. Bat free wool went through just ths same. The Texas wool growers have had a chanoe to find out what Free Trade means, and tbey know that it means something that they don't want. And eo say all ths rest of the people of the country. Ireland ia going to celebrate the three hundredth anniversary of the advent of the "spud" this year. The first potato planted in Ireland was by Sir Water Raleigh, in 1596, on his estate near Cork. Kansas people are queer but Pennsyl vanians are real curiosities. A man in the latter state called another a mugwump, atd ha was arrested for de famation of charaoter. The court dis charged the prisoner, and held that tfce designation was highly complimentary rather than other wise. Phoenix has bad a "didn't-know-it-was-loaded' aocident. Jesus Villas, a Mexican lad, had a pistol which be just knew wasn't loaded, and he poked it plsy fully into the face of a celestial son of the orient, and as usual the blsmed tiling went off. It may t-ke an X-ray to find where the bullet ia located in the Chinaman'a cranium. It ought to take two X-rays to find Jesus after the oourts get through with bim. The National Irrigation Congress will begin its work, at Phoenix tomorrow, and it msy be positively stated that as aa advertiser for Arizone, nothing has ver occurred which will be so far-reaching. There will be in attendance pro minent irrigators from every arid region in the world, and tbey will carry away with them impressions of Arizona which tbey could obtain in no way ex oapt by personal observation. The increased prices offered for cattle for a little time psst is a eouroe of great satisfaction to those who have stock for sale. Arizona is a magnificent cattle country, and with anything like reason able prices, will famish a large quantity of beef at nearly any season. The principal advantage, of course over Texae and northern ran see, ia in our model climate the freedom from north ers, blizzards and snow-storms. The joint ooanty teachers' institute which convenes in Phoenix on the 28tb ioat., will doubtless bo productive of much good. There is nothing which adds bo much to a teacher's fund of knowledge as the meeting of his brethren for exchange of experiences. Maricops, Yavspsi, Coconino, Pima and Pinsl oounties will be represented in the joint institute, which will last for three days. Following tbis will be atwodsy'sseoeion of the Arizona teachers' association. Every teacher in the territory should attend these meetings, and share in both the work and the benefits. THE IRRIGATION CONGRESS The Toledo Blade has the following tossy. with reference to the national irrigation congress, which will begin its work tomorrow: On December 15 the fifth session of the National Irrigation Congreea will be sin iU deliberations, in Phoenix, Arizona The first session of this body was held in Salt Lake Oity, ths second in Los Angeles, the third in Denver, and the fourth in Albuquerque. It will be seen thst its meeting-pi aces are all in "arid Amerioa,". where the need of irrigation is recognized by every one as a necessary factor in their prosperity. But the question, in its broader sense, is nation al Irrigation offers the ssfest and surest investment for ospital. It is the only means by which much of the oapital now invested in all kinds of mortgages in the semi-arid and arid regions will ever receive remunerative returns. It is the only means of giving homes to thousands of homeeeekers in the most beautiful, fertile and delightful part of the United Statee. The dry of theoriz ing in irrigation is past. The time for notion baa some. Hsnoa its promoters I are trying to make the coming congreea Li- . : l . 4 .. . - 1 : 1. iu every particular." THE CUBAN SITUATION. Senator Cullom ctrtain'y voices the sentiments of every liberty- loving citizen in Uncle San? a domain in his speech upon the Cuban question. The Spanish papers of Havana are urging We) ler on to butchery as the only means of ceding the war. Theee butcheries include women, children and non-combctant, but they argue that this is but the fortute of war, call it a necessity, and et it go at that Ibe civilized world ficds no excuse for this wholesale but chery, and there is nothing which can justify the outrages which have been committed under the orders of We ler. If there were no other reaon why the United States ebould interfere, the wholesale slaughter of the innocent and helpless is enough. Should this gov ernment stand by in a state of "inocuous desuetude" and permit the ruthless murderer of women and children almost witbin eight of ber f-hore6? If the self interest of - the United States does not demand interference, humanity calls for notion, ncd all this asinine quibbling over a few immaterial technicalities in international law, while murder and rapine run riot, is simply criminal, to speak of it in the very mildest terms. 8pain'a inhuman action in Cuba is ample cause for any cation on earth to wipe ber murderous army out of tiit ence, and upon the shoulders of tbis government rt-eta the chief burden of putting an immediate end to an era of disgraceful warfare, which has copt the lives of thousands of innocents, as well as the blood of myriads of as noble patriots as ever sought to breathe the air of freedom. The name of Jam? s O. Blaine has been upon millions of lips for sometime past, and many have been the tearful wishes that be might have occupied the presidential chair, just for a little, during this struggle of the brave Cub ans. R-MlotAyanatta War!? Paly Ayer's 8srssparilla enjoys the extra ordinary dietinotioo of having been the only blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the World's Fair, Chioago. Manu facturers of other eareaparillaa sought by every means to abtain a showing of their goods, but they were all turned away tinder the application of the rule forbidding the entry of patent medicines and noetrums. The decision of the World's fair authorities in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was in effeotes fol lows: 'Ayer's Sarsapariila ia not pat sot medicine. It does not belong to ta list of nostruma It is bare o its Respect the Stomach. Few people do have proper respect for tba stomach. If a thing "tas:es good" and is not 60 hot or eo cold as to be pain ful to the mouth or throat, it U swallow ed by too many people regaruleea of the consequences. Do not give the stomach foqd that will irtitate it or retard it io the per formance of its natural fucctious, or it will retaliate in a way that ia decidedly unpleasant. A headache, a "lump" or "heavy feeling" in the stomach, irrita tions of the skin, are mostly symptoms of disordered digf6tion resulting from unwholesome food. Alum baking powders are responsible for the larger part of this unwbo'esome food, for it ia a fact well recognized by physicians that alum renders food indi gestible and un wholepome. The danger to health from this ciuse is so imminent that it behooves, every one to adopt precautionary measures to keep alum baking powders, which sre now so numerous, from the kitchen stores. It will be found that, those powders eold at a lower price than Royal are almost invariably made from alum, and therefore of inferior qnality and dangerous to health. The safer way is to look for the well known red-and-yellew label of the Royal Baking Powder. That is certain to cover a powder free from alum. The Royal is made of cream of tartar, a pure, wholebame fruit aoid derived from grapes. It is renowned for adding anti dyspeptic qualities to the food, as well as for making finer and better food. Deafness Cannot be Cored Kv local applications, a they cannot reach tha diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tu be getsiinfiamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an infiimed condition of the mucous surfaces. -' We will give One hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (cavsd by caiprrb) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarii l ure. Send for Circulars, iree. . b . J. CHENEY Jl cs j. , Toledo, O. r Bold by Druggists, 73c. A Card of Thunka- Nelson v i lle, Ohio, Dec. 7, 1800. Editor of Daily Citizen, Tucson, Ariz , Dear Sir: I h ve received letters from Mrs. Jas.K. Brown and Mrs. Jno. A. Stephenson, mother and e'ater of Mies Berth a A. Stephenson, who has been so very sick in your city, and both have given me a vivid description of the sympathy and kindness shown by the good people of your city to the western half of my family. Now I would nsk you feiodly to give to the people of Tuc scn, through your paper, the heartfelt thanks of the eastern half of my family for their good wishes and kindness to our darling Bertha in ber time of sick ness. Alt-o Mrs. Stephenson says ehe has been received and treated bo cor dially by the people who were perfect strangers to her in Tucson, that she never cao forget and will never be able to repay them. Now, Mr. Editor, please give some little part of this io your pa per by picking out what is suitable and oblige the balance of the family in Ohio. Yours Reepeotfully Jno. A Stkphensoit, (Father.) Jas. W. Stephen sow, (Brotuer) Mrs. C. H. Martin, (Sister.) To Care Cold'tnlO-no'Day. Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money it it fails to cure. 25o. WANTED AN AGENT in every section, to canvass, $1 to f 5 a day made, sells at eight; also a man to sell etaple goods to dealers, l-e3t side line, $75 a month. Salary or large com mieeion made, experience unnecessary. For sealed particulars 6eod stamp. Clif ton Sosp &. Manufacturing Compsny, Oinoinnati, O. Jan2w-l-y IN THE TERRITORY. Happenings of Interest From Terri torial Exchanges- The Lost Gulch Mining Comp&oy started their 10-stsmp quariz mill last Saturday for u trial run. It is one of the uioelcompleta in ilia io Globe dis trict, furuiebtd with the newest atd inos. approved appliances for aaviog the yeilow metal. Silver licit. Geo. McLean, an old man from Globe, waa one of the patients sent to ibe asylum yesterday, lie nas fabulous mined in hia Mead also a plan for blow ing up steamships by means of diving under and depositing the deadly 6tutl tbat explodes by a time lock attach ment. Gazette. Lieut. C. C. Smith, who is to be placed on the governor's dtaffto drill the N. G. A., ia now at Fort Riley, Kansas, from whioh point be writes tn chief executive that be ia on a leave cf absence unt.l December 27, at which time be will report for duty. In the meantime be will visit San Antonio, lex. Gazette. It has been ascertained by experiment that a mumber of persona who use the ttlepbooe habitually hear belter with the left ear than with the right. The common, practice of the telephone com panies is to place the receiver ao that it will be applied to the left ear. In order to educate the right ear to the same point of tfboieooy it is recommend ed that the receiver be held in the right uand half the time. Republican. Eastern parties have secured the Pleiades group of hve minee upon which tbey will put a mill. Very rich ore baa been struuK in the Pleiaaee mine. Tbis groupi3only baif a mile from the Colora do liver. The Gulden Dream company will put a mill oo their White Gold and Alcyon group of mines as soon aa their Noonday mul is running. Republican. II. C, Herriok came in today from Dos Ctbezas, and reports tbat camp as holding its own, every body cheerful and uevelopment work in the mines bravely on. Mr. rJ. cays his section is coming to the front, sure, and tbat be ,ore long bullion will be going into the orld's market from the "two htade." Prospector. Jos. W. Masters, tieasurer of the KhBaer G. M. Co., arrived from New York last Sunaay to take charge of the bffairH of the company, which has ben without a local bead for the pact two weeks owing to the unfortunate de mentia of Col. A. O. Crance, late man ager. CjI. Urance'a condition has im proved tome what and hope of bis re covery is entertained. Silver Belt. A ripple of exoitement was caused in mining c-rcles the pat week by the dis covery of a blanket vein of gold bearing oru about ii miles a little east of north from Jerome. The discovery was made by V. U. Hawkins, who had assays made which gave returns of $116 in gold anu 41.90 io silver. The vein is said to be nearly one-half a mile wide and can be traot-d for miles through the foot bills. Jerome Mining News. A telegram from San Marcial, N. M., stated that T. F. Lyons, formerly of Phe on, once editor of the Arizona Popu, died in that town on Tuesday, of consumption. Ue was an eccentric man, widely known at one time as a lecturer for the A. P. A., during which career be killed two men in Cheyenne, for which he was acquitted. Later be renounced tbat faith and joined the Seventh Day Adventists. He belonged to several secret orders, among them the Knights of Abraham Lincoln, of which he was the founder. T. A. Gorman, oneof the three late proprietors of the Rlata, has eold that illustrated journal to Horace Harrison, the talented artist, which insures tbat tbe paper will not lower its standard of efficiency and usefulness. Mr. Gor man has published a good paper and made a fair profit, retiring with tbe respect and best wishes of his fellow laborers. The new management will endeavor to further extend tbe good qualities of the Riata. Gazette. Lee Ikenberry, representative-elect to the 19 legislature, came down from Rich mond Basin last Saturday. Lee's luck teems to be perennial. He is tbe owner of the Bland mining claims, from which be and others have taken thousands of dollars in silver nuggets. The ground wbb supposed to have been worked out long ago, but Lee continues to find nug gets of almo6t pure silver every little while. Last week be dog out twenty five pounda of nuggets. They are much sought after as oabinet specimens and sell for $5 per pound. Silver Belt. C. G. Bilicke, one of tbe proprietors of the Hollenbeck hotel, Los Angeles, died in tbat city Sunday, after a long and painful illness. He was well known and mo6t heartily esteemed throughout Ariz ona. In tbe late 70s he bad a hotel in Florence, geiog thence to Tomb-tone, where he engaged in the same business, for which 'his wbolesouled individual ity made hitu popular nnd successful. He was buried with Masonic honors at Los Angeles today. A widow and two crown children survive him. Phoenix Herald. Mr. Bilicke wa9 well and favor ably known to many people residing in Presoott Journal-Miner. Few persons wbo have never visited the great mining camps of Miona PrictaB and La Colorado in "tue stile of Sonora cao form anything like a correct ideu of the magnitude of tbe work being done, and of the improvements atd develop ments daily being inaugurated tnere; or of the vast amount of capital daily re quired to carry on the work necessary to bring to the surface the tons of ore found at the depth of hundreds of feet, and for the reduction of tbe ore and tbe extraction cf the precious metals. Millions of dollars nave already ten expended in tbe work of development of the mines and in the purchase of in&chi nery necessary therefor and tbe work ia still being carried on to a greater ex tent, if possible, than ever before. New shafts are being sunk, tramways are being constructed. Huntington mills are being put io and general preparations are being made to increase the output of tbe billion and ore from the now fa mous mines. Nogales Vidette. Tbe mining industry of Arizona is in a healthy condition and until suoh time as the world will need our silver at a re munerative price, our gold and oopper mines will yield a wealth of metal to en rich tbe producers and give profitable employment. Copper is constantly find ing employment in new avenues of manu facture. A recent writer in the "present status of electricity," esys tbat among the various branches of manufacture it is exceptional to hod one where electri city is not used in some way. The capi tal invested in electrio lighting in tbe United States alone is computed at over $5C3,U00,G00. The electrioil apparatus used in mining is estimated at $100,000, 000, and tbe value of the electrical ele vator industry will not fall short of $15,- 000,000. The most important of tbe rlectncal industries however, is tbat of electrio railways in which there is said to bo invested over 1700,000,000, and this field ib by no means developed. Tbe telegraph is oce of the oldest and impor tant ri.-ldd for the employment of cop per and ita demand to replace steel wire is cot ttaotiy gro d. Truly t ;ere is no br. bcli of the rumitg industry with a brighter future or otfciiintt a more pro htbble held for tne inresiment of than copter. Proopeotor. Tbe Rtbdabury mining district is situated in tbe t-xireue eatteru portion of Kern county, Cttl., on what baa been knoAU for jeara as the Mohave desert. To reict ibe town of Kandsburg frtni Los Angeles you can take either the Southern Pacini) or tbe Atlantic & PaCitio railway. . By the former route you reach Mohave at 7 p. m. and take tbelUndsburg daily stage froin tbat point at 8:30 a. m. tbe following morn ing, covering tbe distance of fifty-ens miles in eight hours. There are a num ber of watering place along the ro&d at short interval?, tbe first station is six miles from Mohave, n teocod watering place liee ten miles further to the north. At Ciin Springs there tea five-stamp mill operated by Charles Kiebn, and at MetquitH Springs another five-stamp mill. At Garlock's there ia a third mill now runnirg five stamps which will be moved to Rowland's mill site and the capacity doubled, if the prospecting for water now under way at tbe latter place proves successful. On tbe Atlantic fc Pacifio route you take the stage at Kramer station, thirty-eight miles eaet of Mohave. The stage leaves Kramer at 6 a. m. every morning and arrives at Randsbury at 10:45 m m. Tbe distance is twenty-six and a half milee, and two etages run each way daily. A water s'.ation is now beicg built at a half-way point. A grizzVd old miner yesterday pre eeoted h Republican reporter with a liece of soup. Tbe gift was not meant as an Insinuation, for in the kindly care seamed countenance one read only the most honest motives. The soap was a specimen of a peculiar mineral product of Cave Creek that has before attracted attention, but the investigation of wbich has never been industriously pursued. Near tbn junction of tbe Black canyon road and the Ague Fria, this scap-bear-ing rock lies in large upheavals, having been foroed to the surface from tbe seep age. IU quality waa first discovered t enty years ago, says "Old Rackensack," tbe d cor of tbe specimen, but the man wbo found it never learned a practical oroctea of extracting tbe oil. '01d Rackensack" lbiok9 this could be read ily done and tbat capital could make a payirg investment in Arizona toap. There is a mice of it there waiting for development. Tbe rock is soft and oily, and applied in its crude state the soap is quit satisfactory b a dirt eliminator. '"Old RackeLsack" hs found fortunes for manv men. He was tha discoverer cf the Rackensack mine in Gold Hill, and also the Red Rover. His earlier pros pecting days were passed in Colorado, and though hi9 most vigorous yers have been spent in the search for natur al wealth he is g t i 1 1 living on eternal hope and tbe lowly prospector's frugal fare. Republican. All the officials of the Gila Valley, Globe and Northern Railway were here Tuesday for the purpose of holding a Director's meeting. They were Presi dent Wm. Garland, Vice-President E. A- Cutter, Secretary A. C. Lird, and Auditor B. Jones, also Mr. Burnett, a lawyer from Loa Acgele". When seen by the Bulletin, President GaHnnd eaid the meeting here had no significance. He had co la'e news from the Iodians oo the reservat on as to the probable outcome of negotiation for a right of way through their domain. As soon as tbis consent ia given the road will be built on to Globe. Mr. Garland etatr d a!fo that which will be welcome news to Soloinonville, being a declara tion of tbe intention of his company, as socn as practicable to change his lice at thia point ao as to run into and have a depot io Solomonville. Bulletin. "It ia really a most disgraceful habit," said Mayor Monihon, "and 1 am going to do what I ran to 6top tbe nui6ancA. The mayor was referring to tbe filthy habit of expectorating tobacco juice on the sidewalks. "A stranger walking on Washington 6treet," be continued, "can not help notice tbe tobacco aains every few feet. It ia a moet disgusting habit ard shocking to a person of refined sen sibilities. It is just as easy for a person to step on the curb and expectorate on tbe street. The sidewalks oo Washing ton street are none too clean, anyway, and the abomioub'a practice only ex aggerates their unole nly appearance. Republican. A strange dog. unacquainted with city life, forced his way into H. O. Hitchcock's' dreg store last luesday, doubtless in search of bis master. The door closed after him with a bsng, when tbe frightened brute plunged through one of tbe show windows, breaking the big show globe which stood in the center and deluging the Curistmss goods with the chemical solution which filled the globe. The dmage amounted to $35 or $40. Silver Belt. We understand tbat a movement ia now on foot to establish, somewhere in the valley a oi-ooerative mercantile institution and flouring mill. The scheme is being agitated by tbe farmers, and we have been assured tbat it will go through. Those with whom we have talked say tbat it is absolutely necessary tbat the farmers of this VAlley Lave in stitutions of this kind. Guardian. A habit tbat is fraught with danger to life and limb ia that of carrying a small child on an improvised seat in front of a cicycle. There are several people in the city wbo talc their chil dren riding in this way. Some day a serious accident will happen and the habit will be discontinued for a time. Ivpubl:cm. Thera was joy in the Solomon house hold Tuesday evening when a dispatch was received from Phoenix announcing that Mr?. Dare Goldberg, nee Rose Solomon, bad given birth to a fine boy. Grandpa Solomon set 'em up to all comers and telegraphed his son-in-law to name the boy McKinley. Bulletin. President William Garland, of the Gila Valley railroad, was at Geronimo last week lork'ng after tbe business of his road. His. company advertises in the BuIIeteo this week for bids on 400, 000 pounds of corn delivered on board cars. Bulletin. tiJ? plant seeds, plant AH Always the best. k fcVtL For sale everywhere. fg Frlbv D- M' FERRY C0- JVA J Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report' . v SHARKEY IS A FRAUD. There is no Question Bat What There Waa a Conspiracy- San Fbancisco, Deo. 11 The evi deuce in the Fitzsimmons-Shnrkey casa today was along tbe lines of the testi mony previously given, and Fitzeim- moos and Julian have certainly fulfilled their promise to produce a story of cons piracy that would etartle tbe sporting world. George Allen, Snarkey'a eeconJ and assistant trainer, was the principal witness today. His evidence corroborat ed in tbe main tbe testimony given by Australian Billy Smith. On cross ex amination Allen admitted that while Sharkey after the fight gaveco external evidence of injury in the groin, be asked for water when taking to his dressing room, and when water was brought directed Allen to bathe hia groin. Allen considered that Sharkey had been fairly knockouted by FitZ6immoos,and declares that no foul blow had been struck by tbe latter. He was so impressed by tbe fact tbat Sharkey was knocked out that after the sailor had been down 6ix sec onds he started to throw up his towel to indicate Sharkey's surrender. Allen said he helped to carry Sharkey into the dressing room, from which alt but Sharkey, Lynch and the trainers were excluded. In ths dressing room Shark ey was carefully examined and the wit ness wis positive he was at tbat time uninjured in tbe groin. After Sharkey was taken to his hotel end the trainers excluded from Sharkey's room, Lynob, Danny Need hem and Dr. Lee were alone with Sharkey. Shortly, from his position outside tbe room, the witness said he heard Sharkey cry out, aa if in pain. When be next saw Sharkey, on the following day, hia groin was ban daged and there were stains of biood on the groin. He applied fomentations to the groin, which was then swollen and discolored. No doctor was permitted to examine Sharkey in the dressing room immediately after tbe fight, although several, including a physician of the Rational Athletic club, applied for ad mittance and tendered tbeir services. According to tbe witness Lynch eaid: "We want no doctor here.' William Abbot, who eat close to the ring, corro borated Allen's testimony. At tha Churches. GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services tomorrow iu Grace Episcopal Church as follows: Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Divine service at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Bible letture Friday at 7 p. m. All are cordially invited to attend. BAPTIST CHURCH. Services at the Baptist church to morrow at the usual hours: Sunday School at 10 a. m. . Preaching at 11 by Rev. Henry P. Aulick of New York, Subject: "Strength Renewed. Young People's Meeting, 6:45 p. m. Preaohing again at 750 by the pastor, subject: "Out of the Eater Came Forth Meat." All are cordially invited. To Cnra a Cold in One Day Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund tbe money if it fails to cure. 25a Harper's Magazine. Features of the January Nunber of Harper's will be: "Portuguese progress in South Africa," by Poultney Bigelow; an instalment of "The Martian," by George du Maurier; MA century struggle for the Franchise," by Prof essor Francis N.Thorpe; "Fog Possibilities," by Alex ander McAdie; "Science st tbe begin ning of the Century, by Dr. Henry Smith Williams; "Literary landmarks of Rome," by Laurence Hutton; "Ea glish Society," by Georte W. Sm alley; "John Murrell and His Clan," by Martha MoCulIoch-Williams; "Indian Giver," a farce by W. D. Howelle; "One Good Time," a tale of rural New En gland; prize-fund beneficiary, by E. A. Alexander; and "In the watches of tbe Nigbt," by Braoder Matthews. For sale at Pioneer Book store. A MINING LAW POINT- ImportantlSaitlAdjndicated by Judge Baker this Morning. Judge Baker made a ruling of impor tance to miners this morning, in the case of L. P. Nash et al, against L. J. Horton et aL. The action was one to re cover the possession of the ground alleg ed to have been covered by the notice of location of tbe Overlook mine. In August, 1894, tbe plaintiff put up one monument and placed his notice iu it, and, without doing any more, left the premises. In October of the same year he returned to the place in order to erect other monuments, but was there met with arm by the defendants, who were upon the claim, and they or dered him not to enter. Judge Baker held that the plaintiff was guilty of unreasonable delay in not completing bis location; tbat the law required an immediate completion of tbe location, or, at least, its completion within a reasonable length of time, and tbat plaintiff, without excuse, had de layed too long; that the defendants hav ing lawfully and peaceably entered upon tbe premises during the interval and being actuary in possession thereof when the plaintiff returned in October, plaintiff could not recover. A verdiot was therefore direoted for the defendants. The decision clearly and suocintly covered the general principles govern ing mining locations and was pronounced by the parties to be a very forcible ex position of the law. Herald. R. G Dan & Cos Monthly Trade Re port. General trade continues moderate in volume. After a period of distrust and depression buaince? revival cannot come immediately but by a gradual growth. The tone of business is good through out the country, money is easier, rates lower and there is a universal confi dence in tbe betterment of business con ditions in 97. In our immediate district the situa tion has not changed much the past 30 days. The demand for lemons is light. Prioes low. Oranges are moving freely and in good condition for this time of tbe year. There will be a falling off in shipments after the forwarding of tbe holiday fruit until the regular trade commences in January. The formation SI? of the "Orange Packers and Shippers Organization" seems to bo timely. The foreign orange crop is unusually largo this) ear and tfce successful marketing of our product demands especially care ul handling. Tbe dried fruit market ia at present dull and orders for raising have fallen off, but prices are firmly held to the) advanced quotations, with no disposi tion on part of seller to make conces sion s. Tbe reversal by the supreme court of Judge Roes' decision in the Fall brook Irrigation District case establishes the constitutionality of the "Wright Aot,V It is generally believed that the state at largo will be benefitted by the decision, although it works a hardship in some districts formed under improper condi tion?. Good reports come from the oil field of Santa Barbara and Ventura. In our local field capital ia endeavoring to add new territory to the present failing; field. The real estate business is showing decided signs of activity. There ia a general revival of interest in mining pro-' perties of this section, although at present R'ndsburg focuses attention with what looks like a veritable boom. Failures for November in our district show tbe lightest list of financial casualties for several years, numbering eleven, with liabilities of 115,000 and assets of $3,000. MINES AND MIXING. What is! Goine" on ia tha Different Camps in Arizona. The Commonwealth Mining Co., at Pearce, Cochise county, employs sixty men and ships to the Pueblo smelters three to four carloads of ore per day. The rock is rich in gold and silver, yield ing 8 ICO per ton. News reached here Thursday that the Queen mine at Hedges, Cal one of a group owned by the Gold Cross Mill ing and Mining Company at that place had caved in at the 100 foot level and buried four men. The miners were shortly afterward rescued with slight in juries and it is said all will be well enough in a short time to go to work again. To add to the excitement two dwellings caught oo fire and were des troyed. The loss of the company is email. Yuma Sentinel. Tbe Ponce de Leon Mining Syndicate has 50 men at work doing the assessment work on its mines in the White Gold and Picacho basirs. The Golden Dream Co. is crowding tne work on the Alfonso, Little Frank and Sambrano shafts and on the Noonday mine in each of which very rioh ore has lately been struck. All three are in splendid ore and growing better aa depth is attained. They axe all, together with the shaft in the Alfon so, cut above tbe falls and 60 feet south of tbe tunnel; and the Little Frank tunnel, on the rich vein of ore whioh now is known to run tbe entire length of this Noonday mine location. Yuma Senti nel. The outlook for Picacho and ita mines never was better than at the present time. Eastern men and money are ready to push the work on the promising min ing claims which they have already se cured. The same is true of London. There i an abundance . of money for development and macninery, but not a dollar with which to buy mines out and out. When such mining experts as Wm A. Fariab, C. J. Bell and Emerson Gee, after having spent days and weeks in a most careful and thorough test of the ores and their veins in that mineral belt, pronounce in their favor, and confirm the good things which have been said of them, the time is not far distant when the Picacho mines will come to the front and occupy the place which they so richly deserve. Yuma Sentinel. An excellent hint to that unscrupu lous class, the "salters" of mines, whose field is happily becoming more limited in the light of better and more intelli gent investigation of mining properties, came to light in sn exhibition recently, before the Imperial Institute of Edin burgh, Scotland. The exhibit arose over the much discussed questions as to how gold was originally deposited ia quartz, and Mr. J. C. F.Johnson of Port Adelaide, Australia, who has given much attention to the subject, showed some specimens of non-auriferous rook into which he had introduced gold arti ficially and in suoh a manner that the experts present were unable to detect tbe handiwork. Mr. Johnson has for years been experimenting with the various salts of gold, and the result hi some remarkable specimens of manufac tured auriferous quartz which when broken, show the gold through every lamination of tbe rock. Tbis discovery of how gold was deposited msy prove of value in suggesting an economical method for its extraction, but the agents of the investors should be guarded that tbe work of nature is not copied by those who have gold mines to sell snd are not above "salting" them. Inter-Mountain MiniDg Review. Did Yen Ever ' Try Eleetria Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be particularly adapted to the relief and cure of ai Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence im giving strength and tone to tbe organs. If you hava Lr of Appetite, Sleepless, Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells or are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy or are troubled with Dizsy Spells. E!ct-:T Bitters ie tho medicine you need. . eaith and Strength are gucranted by its use. Fifty cents sad 1100 at Geo. Martin's Drug Store. Congregational Work. This is thetitle of a new monthly publi cation devoted to the Home and Foreign Missionary operations of the Congrega tional churches in tbe United States. It has been started in answer to a strong feeling in the Congregational body tbat the missionary intelligence of the denomination has not hitherto been thoroughly disseminated throughout ita rank and file. One hundred and twenty five thousand copies of the first edition will be circulated, and in view of the subscriptions already received from tha churches, the watchword of the paper "Into Every Family" may soon be re alized. Congregational Work is attraotiiely p-inted, ably edited, acd furnished to chu chea at the cost of Ten Cents per et