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Weekly Citizen. rnicc OF TEES CSTJZZSS. DJUtY. e Copy, One Yfti ic Advance -le Copy. See Heaths ... WESKLY. Jw as 5 t)ce Copy, One Tttr in advaace tone Copy Six Mentis - $ s 90 I 5 !T OCAX. NOTICES WTU, BE INSERTED AT Jj 10 certs per line for Ibe first insertfcw and j cents per line for each subsequent insertion 1 TtJs nuirr is tet)t on file at K. C Date's AdV hntuinr Acrnnr. 6a and 6s Merchant's Ex- febanre. San Francisco. California, where con tracts for advertising can be made for tt. v- tT T. FISHER. NEWSPAPER ADVKKTIB LVU iog Agent, Merchant' l'.rchange, Sea Ifranctsco. is our authorized agent. This paper Is kept on file in his office. MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS. etntered at the Postoffice at Tucson According to Act of Cocjrrw as tna-uass Matter. r2HBHRT BROWN, - Mammsmr The Phoenix Gazette ia publishing ft very creditable 16-page special irriga tion congress edition. It is said that Ex-Queen Lil (eta) not a welcome visitor to Washington, Her complexion is just a trifle too dark, Everybody ia busily preparing for the holidays. Eren the shoplifters are doing a little extra work ia honor of the occasion. Cleveland has gone after ducks again. If he would come to Arizona and visit the Pinal county reservoir, could have lots of fan. he Kansas Citt is to have co-operative printing offices, as the result of a war between the TvDoersphical Union and the employing printers. Weyxeb says cow that Maceo is out of the way, he will crush the insurgents out of existence in three weeks. May not the Cubans have another Maceo? The Sultan cf Turkey is aggrieved over the report that he objected to Cleveland's mesBace. He vows by hia Fez and Turban that he never read word of it. San Feakci6Co has been visited by an epidemic of suicide. Tnere is one feature of the ecourge that is not pleas ant Those who really ehould take their own lives, rarely do so. It is stated and with apparently strong reason, that Cleveland has writ ten longer messages, whioh have receiv ed less attention, than any president in the history cf our country. The pressure of atmoephere on man's body is nearly fourteen and one half tens, says an ex-change. Pshaw, that's featherweight compared to the pressure some of the "life long republi cans" of Arizona are bringing to bear for Federal offices. The men who finished the six day's bicycle race in Madison Square Garden New York, are described as apparent human wrecks. Hale won, riding 1910 miles, and averaged about 15 J miles an hour. He took eight hours sleep in the six days. Now they have ordered the people of Havana to cease celebrating over Maceo's death, because they are pretty well as sured that he is cot dead. Weyler will have to make another change in his schedule, and push the date of the three-weeks limit. Aicd cow is the peace of the city to be disturbed again by another election. Only about ninety days until an election of school trustees. The ladies, god bless 'em, will take a hand in that, and don't you forget it. No ghosts. Everything alive. Cleveland's idea of the Cuban situa tion is that the United States ehould do nothing for the insurgents until they have won out, established a permanent government of their own, and are in a posl tion cos to care wnetner tney receive any help or not. The silly contingent of the San Fran cisco women, during the late horse show in that city, paid out enough for flowers which they threw at their favorite cage, to have fed an army of hungry people. It is said this crowd has money to throw to the birds, but they evidently have uuie oz it 10 give to tne Eiarvmg poor irho surround them. If the Tucson four hundred don't get a "wiggle on themselves" an order'some of the latest stationery, they may lose their standing in the select eet The paper must be sapphire, with a shield of of Pompeiian red, and a monogram in silver, printed in the center of the sheet, one half an inch from the top. All other stationery is vulgar and only fit for "poor whits traeh." A movement ia on foot in- New York state to change the data of the national election from November to sometime in the summer. Better not fool with the date. The cumber of deaths which oc curred in New York, from heat the past summer, would be as nothing, compared to what would follow a summer with a politioal campaign in it. The United Slates senate does cot teem tc be extremely friendly to that part of Cleveland's message which re lates to Cuban affairs. Some of the most stirring resolutions ever read have been introduced since congress met, and are fully illustrative of the fact that the majority of the American people do cot view the question with the same eyes as does the fat duck hunter from Buzzard's Bay. America has seldom been in such a powerful position, says the London "Statist," with respect to the wheat situation as she is this eeasoc, and it may be expected that wheat holders in the United States will cot be felow to take advantage cf this fact. It is es timated that the surplus of exporting countries is 41,250,000 quarters and the requirements of importing countries 45,000,000. Reports from Argentine 6ay that the crop is suffering considerable damage from locusts, and India, of course, though an exporting country, has thi? season been importing wheat, as may also Australasia. The extent of the advantage which the general situa tion offers our farmers depends, of course, on the amount of wheat they still have for sale. That they are pretty well supplied may be believed from the faot that there wa3 co failure of the crop in this country this season. Let's see? Who was it said Mark Hanna had cornered the world's wheat for political purpoees. THE BASEST TREACHERY. It now seems well settled that Gener al Maceo is dead. He was foully and treacherously murdered ambushed by a lot of Weyler'e bloodthirsty assassins. Maceo's death was encompassed by a hellish scheme, born of the ignoble treachery of Weyler. Weyler had be come convinced that his generalship wa3 co match for that of the brave Cuban commander, and in despair call ed together Dr. Zartucha and the Mar quis of Ahumada, to whom he unfolded the aooursed scheme which was con summated in Maoeo's death. Weyler took the field and in h?s ab Ahumada proposed through Zer tucha a conference with Maceo, to take place at a oertain province of Havana, with the view of arranging plans for the cessation of hostilities. The basis was ti be Cuba's independence and a mon- tary indemnity to Spain, together, with certain advantages that should be agre ed upon for Spanish commerce and Spanish capital invested there. To carry out the plan, the agreement was that orders should be given to the detachments of troops stationed on the trochaon the section between Mariel and Guansjayo to allow Maceo with his staff to pass the military lice unmo lested. Time was required to mature these arrangements, and to give them al the appearance of truth Ahumada feign ed that before acting he must make them known to Weyler for previous appro vah This explains the sudden arrival in Havana and his Dromot departure for Pinardel Rio. The conditions and place of meeting having bean agreed-upon Maceo crossed the trooha over the road to Guansjayo, without being molested by the forts, but as soon as he arrived at the place de cided upon he and his party were greet ed by a tremendous volley from the troops under Major Cirujeda, who lay conveniently in ambush. Mo6t of the officers on his staff fell with Gen. Ma ceo. Zertucha 13 alive because he was aware or tne scneme ena remained in the rear. The Spaniards know where the bodies are, but are bent on feigning ignorance to blot out the vestiges of the crime. Havana and all Spain arerejoioing be oause, in their stupidity, they hope the war may end with the death of this leader. But thir hopes In this direction are doomed. The spirit of the Cubans has grown the more ardent and today they are resolved to make every sacrifice be fore surrendering their arms to their relentless and tyrannical foes. The Spaniards may treacherously murder some of the patriots, but co earthly power can annihilate the spirit of liberty flowing, cow as ever over the Cuban people. There has never been a more diaboli cal soheme planned in the ;hishory of civilized warfare. The meanest savage has respect for the honor signified by flag of truce, and Captain-General Weyler should be brought to a realizing sense of the faot that he is the most damnable traitor; the most hideous apology for manhood; and the vilest blot which has ever defaced a page of human history. No cation on earth, which refuses to assist in his punish ment, should ever be free from the visitations of Martyred Maceo's pitiful ghost. Am Indianapolis pppsr exultantly an- noucces that Indiana no longer fries her meat, es ebe used to do and to be taunt ed for it by more progressive 6tates. Ten years ago, it 6ays, a cooking club intro duced the broiler, and has pushed it with so much energy and success that frying iti now practically unknown, except in the backest of the back counties where they still vote for Jackson. Thus, we are assured, muoh has been done for the digestion, appetite and good cheer of the Hoo6iers, and the frying-pan has gone the way of other emblems of a crude end groping civilization. There is no paper published in the west which is more thoroughly in touch with the events of day than the St. Louie Globe Democrat. Each edition is a library in itself. If anything if inter est happens in any part of the known world, and you do not see an account of it in this able journal it is just simply because you don't resd it. It is there, every time. The Sunday edition is a marvel. Every conceivable subject, which is at a'l interesting, is treated in an able and exhaustive manner by writers who have demonstrated their capability long ago. No new feature of journalism escapee the' Globe- Democrat, and it is fair, fearless, and a model in its line. Arizona can gam but little headway until her various resources are known in the centers where capital makes its head quarters; continued, persistent and liberal advertising, is the only measure which will produce the desired result. Tvcson offers more inducements for the investment of capital than any other point in the southwest. There is an almost unlimited demand for neat little four; five, and six-roomed cottages, with yards of their own and the homelike comforts of those in other cities. Such houses could be filled the year round with a most desireable class of tenants, and the interest on the investment would be far greater than it sounds well to mention. President Cleveland is open to critic ism in cot finding a similar condition of inhumanity in Cuba that he discovered in Turkey. Why did he allow this dif ference to appear in his message? Had he stated the situation in Cuba as plain ly as he did that in Turkey, would Spain cave cad any more cause for anger or resentment than has Turkey? and yet Turkey is cot expect. There is a good deal to justify the belief -that Spain knows Cleveland is her friend. IMMIGRATION BILL- Upon the matter of restricting immi gration to this country, asubjeotfraugbt with deep interest to all classes, the New York Mail and Express has the following to eay, relative to the bill in troduced by Senator Lodge: "There is at least one measure dt signed for the general benefit of the whole country that promises to receive the favorable consideration of the senate at this session. This is the immigration bill as prepared by Mr. Lodge. The question of how to reetrict immigration bas been discussed in congress and out for years. A strong sentiment for radic al restriction has arieen amocg labor organizations, and this has encouraged the growth of a feeling akin to know nothingiem. But the Lodge bill does cot cater to any violent anti foreign pre judice. Its design is cot to shutout that claB6 of labor which will prove its value by developing the fields of the south and west. It seeks, by an educa tional requirement, to keep out illiterate", of whom, etatietic6 prove, only a small peicentage go beyond the states along the Atlantic coast. The trouble with our immigration has for several years been that it is declin ing from the United Kingdom, the Scandinavian countries and Germany, and relatively increasing from Italy, Poland, Hungary and Bohemia. A large proportion of those who come from the latter countries are cot only ignorant. thriftless and physically degenerate, but are imbued with doctrines of the meet ultra socialism. It is honeBt labor, cot fanatio and revolutionary theories, that America wants for its development. There is co truth in the idea that our labor market can be overstocked, so long as the tide of domestic industry is at its normal height and our capacity of home ooneumption of product is sustained by prosperity. There is ample room for the hardy toiler and bis family in the fallow fields south of the Ohio and west of the Miesiseippi. Nor, as the recent election showed, does the country need to fear the effect of the naturalized ballot of this class of foreign born voters. The educational test proposed by Mr, Lodge is the best form of restriction yet offered. The senate bill is most con servative, and wniie it may not answer the desire of some labor eooietiee, it promises to lessen the influx of those immigrants who swell the ranks of dis contented idlers in our eastern citiee and add to the cumber of unemployed The object to be attained is to lessen the percentage of arrivals who remain in New York, and to increase the number of incomers to whom their port of dieem barkaticn is only a way station on their journey to the interior. The Lodge bill differs materially from the measure which has paesed the lower branch of congress; but it is to be Hoped tbat it will receive the approval of the eecate and the concurrence of the house." TELEGRAPHIC Washington, Dec. 15 The Rev. T. Dewitt Talmadge delivered the prayer in the senate today. Frye occupied the chair. Hall, of Michigan, reported the pension appropriation bill without amendments and gave notice that be would call it up tomorrow. The house concurred in a resolution for a holiday adjournment on December 22ad to January 5th which was agreed to. Allen, of Nebraska, offered a resolu tion for a committee of cine senators "on the use of money in elections." The resolution directs the committee to thoroughly inveetigate the extent to which money was used in connection with the recent presidential election eitner in promoting nominations or in fluencing the choice of presidential elec tors and inquire whether any such ex pecditurea were excessive, illegitimate. corrupt, or unlawful, and especially to inquire atid ascertain to what extent for such purposes the owners of silver mines, gold mines, bankers, manufacturers. railroads, or other corporations and millionaires of all classes, mad contri butions, and it any contributions were made by any persons or corporations residing abroad. Morgan, of Alabama, took the floor and madd a pro-Cuba speech, taking the ground that the president made do re commendations and gave co indication of his intention; that oocgress most ac.6ume responsibility id tne matter. which is o! must serious gravity. Morgan used very strong langu-ge concerning the conduct of the Spaniards in Cuba characterizing them as "robbers, out- throsts, assassin, raviehersand pirates." Morgan doted at 2:10 p. m. 1 u senate then sgreed to his resolution calling for information on the Competitor and other cases. Madrid. Dec. 15 A dispatch from Singapore says that the natives of Min- daco islacid, of the Phillipines group have revolted and many native troops are deserting to tne insurgent oanae. The insurgents frequently appear near Manilla at night and hre volleys into the place. Ad'&patchto the Impartial from Singapore says at Cabto, a fortifi ed seaport cf the island of Luzon, 150 prisoners revolted -and killed six sol diers, seized their arms and tried to raise the native inhabitants against the garrison, ine revolt rniiec; tne re vo it ers were shot down in the streets and a general massacre followed. Many pri soners were recaptured and were shot the following morning. Washington, D. O. Dec. 15. A meet ing of the officers and executive com mittee of the American Bimetallic Union began here today for the purposeof de vising ways and means to continue work n behalf of the f:ee and unlimited coinage of silver at a ratio of 16 to 1, and incidentally to arrange for tne resump tion of the publication of the national bimetallic organ . of the union. It is etated however that the paramount bieinees of the meeting will be to arrange details for a convention of silver leaders throughout the United States with a view of inaugurating a comprehensive organization. Cincinnati, O., Deo. 15. The second days session of the 16th Annual Con vention of the American Federation of Labor was called to order by Pres't. Gompers with all the 125 delegates pre sent. Committees were called upon for their reports a recess was taken until 2.40 p. m. The mo9t agitation is for an effective 8-hour law and the establish ment of a defence fund with a charge of 2ots per capita which, with a member ship of over 600,000 would seoure a large fund. Washington, Deo. 15 A telegram re ceived at the war department today announces the death, (from pneumonia, at Sno Bernardino ranch, Arizona.) of First Lieutenant Edward B. Bullock, seventh cavalry. The report of Comptroller Eckels shows that during last year the business done through the banks was transacted with 92.5 per cent of checks and 7.5 per cent of actual money. In the country districts 88 well as in the large cities, the check system is generally employed, and comparatively little currency suffic es for all business purposes. It is the sality and cot the quantity of money that is of most importance under the present condition of civilization. The Effect of Climate A climate cot necessarily unhealthy often proves so to those unaccustomed to it. ine acclimating prooess seems unusually Blow ia some constitutions. There is, however, a medicinal means of acclimating it of which residents or sojourners iounaocuetomed or malarious climates have oot been elow to avail themselves. Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters is a rnedioical safeguard and ac climating tonic of standard reputation, which travelers, emigrant, touriete, mariners, and otners wnoee tastes and pursuits entail exposure, suMection to changes of temperature, unusual or un wholesome diet or water, and the fatigue attendant upon long journeys by land or sea. concur in pronouncing it re liable, agreeable and safe. As a remedy for disorders of the liver, stomach and bowela, very prevalent in malarious regions and the tropice, as a preventive of fever and ague, rheumatism and kidney troubles, and as a restorative of vigor, it is also held in the highest estimation. Pima county draws a long sigh of relief. The A. P, A. ghosts and other political spooks are all embalmed and aid away until reeurrected by another political campaign two years hence. There is only one cloud cow which mars the overhanging sky of peaceful serenity. It is a wind cloud and is formed by the blowings of office hunters under the new administration. It will pass, when the sunshine of appointment strikes it, and there will be in its plaoe only the echo of disappointed wails from the lifelong MoKicley republicans" who failed to make connection. There was an effort yesterday to push the A. P. A. ghost to the front in the city election, but the poor spook was worked so hard Buch a short time Einoe, that be balked, fainted, and per sistently refused to be resucitated. Long before sundown his shadow melted away in the dim distance, and with a good bye shake of hia rattling bones, he bid adieu to Tucson forever. Let the dead past bury its dead, and let this pecter rest in peace. Tnere is co more use for it on earth, and it will never be weloomed again. Requiescat in pace. The next Secretary of state should be man whose heart beats in sympathy ;th Cuba. School Apportionment- The following apportionment of coun ty school money was made December first. A eecond one will be made short ly, probably about the 20tb. Tucson district 1 $1860.00 Harshaw " 2 100.00 La Noria 3 100.00 Tubao 4 117.20 Oro Blanco " 5 100 00 Greatervilie " 7 175 00 Rinoon " 8 10 '.00 KvaneCamp " 10 10000 Calabazas " 11 100 00 SanXavier" 12 268.00 Crittenden " 13 80.00 Nogales " 14 408.00 W. Huacbuca" 17 8U.00 Redington " 19 100. CO Arivaca " 6 1C0.00 Buenos Avres " 20 80 00 TaoaueVerdeM ....21 100.00 Klito " 23 lua.w Santa Cruz 24 100.00 Lowell 44 25 100.00 PaloParado 44 26 100.00 Amphitheater4 27 10000 Buenos Ayree 44 28 100.00 Sahuarito 44 29 100 UU Kosemont 44 30 100.00 Pantano 44 31 80 00 Contingent 248.18 $5102.18 Croup Quickly Cured Mountain Gl'uj. Ark. Our children were eufferioar with crouo when we re- reived a bottle of Chamberlain s Cough Remedy. It afforded almost instant relief. F. A. Thornton. This celebrat ed remedy is for sale by F. Fleishman, druggist. Washington, Deo. 15 Representative Woodman, of Illinois, today introduced a joint resolution directing the presi dent to intervene in Cuban affairs. The esolution, after reciting Maoeo's assas sination and Spanish oruelities in Cuba, eays: The president failed to carry out the wishes of the people so that the honor of the United States is at stake, and history gives on precedent on which to base a hope that the Spanish opera tors will effect a compliance with civiliz ed warfare; it directs the president to express the severe condemnation of Spanish methods of warfare, eepeoeial ly tot Maceo; to recognize the indepen dence of Cuba and demand of Spain the withdrawal of all troops from Cuban soil, lie is aleo directed to take proper steps to see that this demand is carried out. San Francisco, Deo. 15. The Even ing Post this afternoon will eay: The decision in the Fitzsimmons-SbarKey fight was beyond the slightest doubt the result of a disgraceful criminal con epiracy. .besides tne pnnoipaia in me original plot the Poet says another figure is cow luvolveiin the aftermath of ecandal. This man is 'Dr" B. B. Lee who happened to be at the Windsor Hotel whet Sharkey was carried thither after the tight. The Post says it is an noucced that Lee was paid $1,000 for his eervicee which rumor eays consisted in an artificial production of evidence of ful by operating on Sharkey. Rouen, Dec. 15 The French steamer Mari Fannie has been totally lost off the island of Alderney. The captain was saved; fourteen memoers of the crew were drowned. Cincinnati, (X, Dec. 15 John Seward And William Trusty witnesses in the Pearl Bryan murder case convioted of Mee swearing were today sentenced at Newport, Ky., Seward to two years and trusty to one year. Washington, D. C. Dec. 16. A I labah'e pension bill was passed over the prsideBVa veto in the senate; years 61 naye 11. The Houee to day passed a bill to transfer the rights of the Atlantic A Pacifio Riilrosd Company under the original charter to mortgages upon tbeir purchase property. Tbe bill as drawn affects about 40.000.000 aores of land granted the company. An amendment was adopted providicg that as tbe con dition precedent to reorganization all claim to lands granted by government adjacent to that part of tbe road uncom pleted July Cth, 1896 be forfeited. The effect is to forfeit all unearned lands. Helena, Mont., Dec. 15 Governor Rickar 3s has granted a free pardon to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clarke serving seventeen year terms each in the peni tentiary at Deer Lodge for tbe murder o' Jchn P. Stewart by poisoning. Tbey have already served a year. Stewart was a wealthy man. Suspicion hret fell upon bis wife Mary Stewart. She was arrested in Spokane and tried in Missoula. To save herself he aocus- ed her mother and stepfather. They were convicted by her testimony of murder in tbe second degree. Remorse overtook Mrs. Stewart and she finally confessed to ber attorney and to ex Governor Toole, but committed suicide before her written statement oould be signed. Phoenix, Ariz., Deo. 15 Tbe Na tional Irrigation Congress bas brought Phoenix aboat a thousand visitors, near ly all men interested in the water stor age and its distribution and representing twenty-seven states. The first day's session was effective J and the plans are now maturing for the organization of tbe oocgiees on new lines better suited to the work of legisla tion. A committee on organization is now in session and its report will be presented to the body tomorrow. Per manent organization was effected by the selection of C B. Bootne of California, to be president; Governor elect Frank H. Brigga of North Dakota, vice-president, and Jae. 11. McClintock, of Ariz ona; A. L. Kellogg, of Colorado and L. S. Howlett of Washington as secretaries National Leoturer J. S. Eaiory, of Kan ae, presented a report ebowiug that nub aiantial progress was made during to year in the promotion of inigation inter ests. O. M. Ueintz, of California, na tional eocretary, submitted bis annua., report concerning tne work of his office. Local Observer Blytbe of the weather bureau presented a communication from Willis U. Moore chief of tbe weather bureau transmitting oat rela tive to the weather conditions on the western plains. Judge Emory F. Best assistant commissioner of tbe land of fice read a paper in bupport of hie con viction that tbe states should be.owners of arid land aa tbey are now in control of the water without which such lands are valueless. A committee on rebolu tions was appointed and one of the first documents presented to them wa stated to be tbe one unanimous voice of Calif ornia in respect to tbe Wright act. Tbe resolution says: That all ob stacles which now stand in the way of tne suooesetui operation ot tbe irriga tion district system can be removed in those states where it is desired by del egating tbe whole subject to a state commission for sufficient lengtb of time to enable them to give to tbe matter a moat thorough investigation of existing conditions, and afford the fullest op portunity for suggestions and objec tions so tbe statutes may be so amend ed that we may get tbe full benefit of tbe light of tbe experiences of ten yeare of practical operation, and that tbe law may be so modified that it will unite as far as is possible all people of tbe dis tricts and ot tbe state in earnest and united eff irted to conserve the purpose of the law and enjoy its f rui ts. O Neil!, of Arizona, moved that a com mittee of eeven on organization be ap pointed to tbe end that the body take upon itself more than the existence of three or four days in a year. As such committee Chairman E. R. Mo?es, of tbe national executive committee, appointed C. M. Heintz national - secretary, W. O. O'Neill; J. F. Fort, Nebreeka; G. W. Watson, Kansas, Lu u. rsrainarde, Con necticut; C. G. Hudson, Illinois. Tbe committee is ia session this evening and will report in the morning. Every del egate present seems in favor of tbe plan, and from tbe session it is probably tbe congress wili assume many features new to it Phoenix, Ariz., December "16. The Irrigation congress tbts morning alter nesnng communications toon up tbe matter of recommendations for legislation. Few of tbe speakers were prepared for being beard however- One of the main speakers of the morning was George H. Maxwell of Sao-Fraocieco, one of tbe couotel in the United States supreme court against the Wright act of Califorcia. He urged that tbe conven tion should unite upon certain proposi tions as to which all would agree atd draw to their support tbe preas nd peo ple of tbe whole country. He euggeEt ed first the oreation of a national irriga tion commission; second, the ceoeion of and lands to states upon conditions ss suring tbeir reclamation and settlement by actual eettlere and preventing mon opoly cf publio domain; thirdlv, tbe preservation of forests as a source of water supply: fourth, tbe construction of water storage reservoirs by the national government and urged upon the ooovection its stroBg eupport of tbe bill of Senator Allen appropriating a million dollars for surveys for location of such reservoir 6itee. Judge Kibbey took tbe ground that legislation wasdargerou?; that its tend ency was toward monopoly and private ownership of water; that h courts possessed amply power to adjust the rights of individuals and as well con serve the interests of tbe publio. The principal objection was tbe haste that characterizes all legislation. New York, Dec. 16. The snow storm whioh began yesterday afternoon, 6till continues. At nine o'clock Sandybook reported a wind blowing from north, northeast, forty miles an hour and very thick off shore. Telephone lines con necting Sandy Hook with tbe life saving station on the Jersey coast is down, pre venting reports from tbe life saving station. Reports from Coooe.-tiout, and Maseascbusetts and interior New York sbow that the storm is of great range Snow has fallen to the depth of 3 to 8 inches. The temperature is well down toward tbe zero mark. Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 16. Tbe storm at noon today shows no signs cf bating. Suburban trolley lines with oneor two exceptions are snowbound Snow to a depth of tiix inches has fallen Cincinnati, Ohio. Deo. 16 The con vention of tbe American Federation of Labor to day directed tbe secretary to notify unions, bartenders and hotel and restaurant waiters, that their represta tive W. C. Pomeroy, of Chicago had been refused a seat in the convection and alternates would be seated. The committee on labels reported favorably on recommendation of cigar makers, that tin or cardboard signs, giving var ious labels be tcide and distributed pro rata among unions so as to f amilirize tbe publio with tbe labels of trade. Tbe report was concuired in. A discussion of the old trouble with tbe brewers of New York consumed must of tbe forenoon that prosperity never came with addi tional tariff taxes and a greater volume of money was tbe only relief. Frye predicted that if tbe Dicgley bill was not passed there would be ao enormous it crease o." isptriatioos of wolleus in tbe next tour motilhs. Senator Sherman favorably reported reveral uille authorizing tbe acceptance f orders from foreign governments to United States citizens. Allen, ot ftebraska, objeeted and the bills went over. The pension appropriation bill passed without division ae it cyme from tbe house. It carries $141,32S,5H0. V est (Mo) oalied up tbe Diogley bill 'or the purpose of making remarks, H aid he appreciated that he was talking t a dead issue and would not allude to t if any well mean i eg people were cot urging congress to act uoon this mea sure. He regarded tbe DioIey bill as one of tbe moet remarkably pieos of legislation ever presented. A member of tbe Bouee ways and means committee bas a report outlln iok a general scneme for a tarm oo silver. The o-w bill is merely Acting. No such proposition has been consider ed, although it ia generally understood there ill be a duty oo all ores of wbiob silver is the by-prodoct. Phoenix, nz, Deo. 16. Tbe fifth eeBsioD of tbe National Irrigation Con ?rees convened here today. John E. Frost, of Kansas, was temporary chair man. After several addreeaee, adjourn ment was taken to allow tne com mittees to report Sr. Lodis, Mo., Dec. 15 A despatch from Jefferson City. Mo., just received states that the aupreme court handed uown a aeoieion in enact declaring un- cocftitutioohl the etate law prohibiting poolrooms and those closed last winter will oe reopened. Santa Rosa, Cel.. Deo. 15-A fire this morning destroyed tbe fine residence of U. R. Lamb, with newly furnish d contents was a total loss. Loss $3,000. The fire originated from a defective electric light wire. Lamb and his wife narrowly escaped death. Madrid, Deo. 15 A report that Don Carlos, tbe pretender to the Spanish throoe, intends to abdioate in favor of Don Jaimie, his son, is without founds tion. Washington, D- C. Deo. 16. Tbe senate has confirmed the following nomination. William B. Childers at torjey of the United States for the Territory of New Mexico. Florence, Italy Deo. 16. Alexander Salvmi, eon Tomaso Salvini, the great Italian actor is dead. MUM Go Through a Passenger Chair Car and Secure Watches and Money. FEDERATION OF LABOR. Interstate Commerce Commission. Hermann Dead. Swiss Of ficers Elected. Olney to Testify. o ed alia. Ma, Deo. 17 While the Missouri Kansas 4 Texae flyer waa ap proaching Sedalia early this morning three men commenced to rob the pas sengers on the chair oar, of their watches jewelry and money. Some awakened passengers made a tight and the women screamed. C. H. tiopewood, of Finns- gan, Illinois, who had lost a watch. grabbed hie time piece from one of the roDoera. Ulnar paeseefirera came to Hopewood'a assistance but the thieves fought their way to the platform and jumped off as the train waa entering the city. They escaped after securing eev era! watches and a small amount of money. Not a shot waa flred by the robbers or pasaengera. Berne, Deo. 17 M. Deueoher. of a urgau, naa oeen eieotaa president end M. uuiay, of Laeanne, vioe president of tne owls Kepubiic. Both president aud vice-president-elect mtm rdieia ederai councillors were elected. Rochester, N.Y.Deo. 17 Hermann. the magician, died today of heart disease, in a private oar at Great Valley, near oaiamanoa, on nia way to Bradford. Tbe remains will be forwrded to New York. Hermann completed an enaase- ment at the Lyceum theatre ia this citv last nifnt and later waa entertained at tbe Genesee Valley Club. Washington, Dec 17 The tenth an nual report of the in twi state commerce commission sent to congress today, ests rorin tne neoeesuy or ameadicc tbe law so aa to give greater force and finality to tne findings of the commission. Tbe London, Deo. 17 An earthquake, I rapott strongly recommsods that tioaet the most violent ever experienced in this country, has shaken every shore from Durham to Surrey and from London to the Weleh coast. Tbe subteraneous disturbance was first noticed about 5:30 this morning, and lasted 4 to 30 seconds. At many points two distinct shocks were experienced. Tre meet severe shocks were felt at Cbelten, Ledbury, and Deal Forest. Tbe earth sbakitg was accompanied by a loud, rushing sound. Buildings wsre violently shaken, furni ture shifted and doors thrown open. Tbe shocks were followed by a tremor of tbe earth. The greatest alarm pre vailed everywhere. Chimneys were overthrown, windows, eta, smashed. At some points on country roads per sons were thrown down; a number of people were thrown out of tbeir beds. brokersge be made a penal offense and tbe issuance of paseee prohibited. Washington. Dec 17 It ia stated that Secretary Olnej will go before the senate committee on foreign affairs to morrow and give a great deal of confid ential information relative to Cuba. It is the expectation of all membareof the committee that a vote will be reach ed tomorrow on the Cameron resolution deo.aring for the Cuban independence. The friende of tbe resolution have so doubt that it will receive the approval of the majority. Cincinnati, Dec 17 Id the conven tion of the American Federation of La bor today the committee on organiza tion reported different trades unions which asked for help from the Federa tion Moet applications were referred to tne incoming council but the Federation organizers were instructed to give im mediate assistance to progressive organi zations, the horse-sboers organization and various state orsaoizations. Tbe Hereford cathedral was injured. There I committee on organization strongly en dorsed tbe suggestion of President Gom pers for tbe federation of employee, spe cial organization, acd lectures to sssist tradee uniona needing assistance. session. Kansas Citt Mo., Dec 16. Already 300 men are enrolled in a company which will go to help Cuba fight. Tbe author ities era not interfering. Middletown N. Y. Dao. 16.-Perry Mid- dlebrook, Frank Roe and Perry Powers, sons of prominent citizens , of rlorida took a ride in a sleiab last niffht return ing at midnight. Roe and Powers at tempted to assist Middlebrook from the sleigh but found be was frozen stiff, Munich. Deo. 16 The loss of life by tbe explosien which destroyed tbe Von Cromer match factory at Aecbaffenburg, was much greater tban p re ported. Fifteen women and girn em ployed in the mam building were killed. and many persons in an adjoining build ing fatally or seriously injured. Washington, Deo. 16 Bailey, of Texas, created a ripple ot excitement in the bouse today by asking for imme diate consideration of a resolution to investigate tbe construction of tbe battleship Texas. Dingley, of Michieao, thought the res olution ought to be considered by the committee on naval affairs before beirg acted upon he therefore objected. The resolution was referred. The senate oommittee on foreign re lations heli a meeting today for tbe consideration of tbe Cuban resolutions referred to it. No acton was Ukeo. Tbe committee adjourned ULtil Frida) for tbe purpose of securing further in formation from tbe etate department. There is a desire to ascertain eiaotl bat was reported by Consul General Lee. Senator Vest spoke vehemently agaitet the protective theory and declared that McKicley s election bad not brought prosperity, tie asserted tbat tbe elec tion was a pardy on free institutions. He hoped to see an investigation for be shared the belief n pressed by Senwer Chandler that the circumstances leainga up to the St Louis convention d tor honeycombed with fraud. He declares wps a dull rumbling beneath tbe earth's surface which was followed by two loud crashes acd a terrible lifting and rock ing. Tbe panic at Hereford was so great that one woman died from fright. People rushed wildly into tbe streets Maoy chimneys fell crashing into tbe thoroughfares. All the p ocaolee of Si. Nichflae church toppied over and part of tbe pionaole of tbe cathedral fell. AtLi verpool tbeeartbqueke was preceded by beavy tbuoder and a fearful hail storm. In Loodun th earthquake was only elightly felt. At Brideoorth, near Shrewsbury, before tbe disturbance. tbe streets seemed to be suddenly on ore and there was a violent nee accom panied by a shaking of tbe earth. Honolulu, Dec 10 Per steamer Mariposa, to San Fracoiscc No im portance 14 attac ed to tbe departure of LiUiuokalaoi, ex queen, for tbe United States. She goes aoroad simply for a ohai ge, hoping to better her health. Her Coal destination is Europe. It ws reported tbat Liliuokalaoi would go to Weabiogtuo to meet ber neice, Kaiu'anl there, and tbat both ladies would seek audience with President Cleveland. In view of the ex-queeu's abdication ano Kaiulari's acceptance of apenaioib) tbe republican government of Hawaii, the announcement is discredited. San Francisco, Cl., Dec 17 The steamer Mariposa, from Australia, this morning brought 'three hundred and fifty thousand soverigne, equal to about one million eeven buidred and fifty tbousaod dollars coin, whioh vsa shipped by tbe Bnk of Australia and the Union Bnnk of Australia, to tbe Anglo Calif ornia Bank and tbe London, Paris, aod American bank of tbis oity. Pittsburg, Pa., Dec 17 Tbe beati ral and costly fjasico building, id Schley park was destroyed by fire early this morning. The flames origicatt-o from the bursting of a large ammocii cylinder ice machine of the etatiot rink. The loss is estimated at $50,000 Detroit, Mich., Dec 17 Earl tb morning an explosion occurred st the Detroit Colleee of Medicine acd tb. building burned. Loss $75,000; part' it sured. - Incendiaries are strong I. suspicioced. Washington, Deo. 17 Horace Davi preeident of the University of California. is the candidate of the California re publican congressional deleate for secretary of tbe interior in McKicley'e cabinet. OSolal Boaes File4 The following bonds have been filed for record with the clerk of the board of supervisors: Cbse. A. Shibell. record r. bond $3000: L. M. Jacobs and Sam Hughes, snret ee. inoe. tiullook. supervisor, bond $5000. Albert Sleinfeldt. Chss. DeGroff, Alex Rossi. Gee H. D.e and W. U. Barnes, sureties. M. G. Samaniego. supervisor, bond $5000; Paul Abadis and Filiberto Aguir- re. sureties. R.J. Wood, justice of tbe nesos. Crittenneo, bond $1000; S L Psrk aod w m rowers, sureties. W F Scott, justice of the perce. Tuc son, bond S1UO0; Pedro CneroUau and o Kambsau. John Anderson, iustioe of the neaoe Greatervilta, bond $1000; Verdago and B. Btroelo, sureties. Ta Cwrw a Geld la Ob Day Take laxative BnmoQ j.oiue Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails U core. 25c. SO YEARS KXPEJMSMC3. TRAOsT HARKS, DESICKS, COPYRICHTS Jte. Anyone endlnc a aketeh and deaoiptioa may (nlckly ascertain, free, w bet ber an inraation le probably patentable. Coma unicattoca strictly eoDfldaotfaX Oldest ajreocy for earta patent In America. We have a Washington offlc. Patent taken tbroojdk Mona Co. raoatre paeial notioe la tbe SCIENTIFIC AMERICA!), beautifully most rated, lanrest eirrulatlon of n?c,ntiflc Journal, weekly, terms tXOO a ear i I1- X months, gpeetmen copies and ILlm 0 Boos o fiTisn seat tree, i rtrlrsea MUNN A CO.. Sl Breaaway. Mew Yerlu mil be cured If von sofier from anr of the , ma of men. come to tbe oldest specialists oa tbe Pacific Coast, i sr. Jordan & Co. Tboosands now live banovlhres that we 1 aavrd from tbe gre W Stricture, loss of mas nooa. diseases of tbe skin and kid neys quickly cured witboot the nse of mercury. Treatment personally or oy letter. Send for book Tbe Philosophy of Marriage.' fie. SB. JORDA2V St CO.S GREAT UrSETJU Ol AWATOMT. Co mad learn bow wonderfully yon are , made: bow to avoid sickness and disease. Thousands of new object. Additions coo- tiaually. Catalogue sent fzee. 1081 Market Street. Sas FraacJ, Cat. iJulllijSilillS Qalekly.Theraachly, Fererer Cared. Four out ot Ave who suffer nervouaaesa, , mental worry, attacks 1 of M the bines." are bnt paying the penalty of early excesses. Vic tims, reclaim your manhood, regain year vigor. Dont despair. Send for book with explanation and proof. Mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, II. Y. Ladles Who Value A raed complexion most dm PotssmlPow-i IVanterJ-An Idea rrateet your Ideas; they may btlaa; yoa asallli Writ JOHN WXDDERBCitN A CO , Patent Attoe- a, wasblnrtoo. D. C . toe their SUOO prtas oflsf L UK ot two bandied Invention wanted. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ear business conducted for moocratc Fees. Ouw omce is opposite U. S. patemt ornet and we can secure patent in less time loan those remote from Washington. Send model. d-wmg or photc. with descrip tion. We adrise, if patentable or not, free of chares. Our fee not due till Detent is secured. a s.Mf Mirr. "How to Obtain Patents. w'.X cost of . in the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address. C.A.SNOW&CO. Opa. WaTEirr Omcc. Washinoton. O. C. Harare Whsa I say I ear I do aot maaa maraly ta mUtm theos for a tim aad than have tb.nt retara acaia. I Ma a radical iv I have mad the ilinsn mt FITS. EPILEPSY se FALLING 81CK3ES& a liik. leas study. I wanaat my remedy to cor tbe won esse Becans others have failed is a rsaso fee aot bow isceiTine a cure. Send at ae for a aad a Free Bottle of my infallible (amady. Giro press aad Postoffice address. taf.W.!.rTEIZF.O Nowadays when women sre trying to do everything it is not strange ttst many tning9 are overdone. It is not j strange tbat there sre all kinds of physical acd mental disturbances. If tbe woman who is a doolor, or a lawyer, or a j lurnauet, or in business would oot try to be a society woman too it might be different; but tbe woman who knows when ehe hae done a day s work bas yet to be born. Usually a woman s way i- to keep doing until ebe drops. Working in tnis way naa manifold evils, i ne most common trouble resulting from overexertion, either mentally r physio ally, is constipation of the bowels, witb all its attendant horrors. Dr. Pierots Pleasant Pellets are tne moet effectual remedy in tbe market Tbey work upon tbe system easily. naturally. There is oo uopleasant naueea after taking them. No irriping no ptin no discomfort They era com posed of materials that go tbiougb tbe eyptem gradually, collecting all impuri ties aod, like the good little servaote tbat they are, diepaeiog of them effec tualiy. Hew to Car a lever Cold A few weeks ago the editor waa taken witb a very severe cold that caused him to be in a most miserable condition. It waa undoubte-ily a bad case of la srinre and rrcogcixing it as dangerous be took immsdiste steps to bring shout a speedy cure, from tne advertisement of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy sod tbe many good recommendations included thereto, we concluded to make a first trial of tbe medicine. To say it was satisfactory in ita results, is putting very mildly, indeed. It acted like msgio and the result was s speedy sad perms oect curs. Tbe Banner of liberty Liberty town, Maryland. Tbe 25 and SO cent sizes for sale by F. Fleishman druggist. O R -C- A FlonrlshlBg; Orgajilaatlaa La Tncr aaa. Monday nuht was the regular meet ng or Ben itavier Uivisioo. rio. 313. (Jrder of K.uway Uonduotors. and ia tdditiontot -e transaction of the regular routise busloees, there was an election ot officers. S. 8. Gillespie, one of the most pop ular conductor on the road, was elected :bief. and wi'l wield the gravsl with hgaity and grace. His selection for the honorable office is a worthy one and be will fill it with ability. T. U. Pureed was soother of ths well- known end popular members of tbs order to receive recognitions He was chosen to fill the office of secretary and treasurer, and all who know him are unanimous 10 tne optnioo mat tne eon Qdeece .of hie brethren could not have fallen oo more worthy shoulders. As delegate to the grand lodge of tbe order, which meets in Los Angelee next May. Uharles T. Kingsley was cnoeee. Mr. Kingsley will see to tt tbat tbe Tuc son Drancnoi tee order naa aa aoie re- p'sseoiatioo, for he Is wideawake. eitousiastio. and capable. Ail the railroad boys of Tucson are exceptionally good fellows, and justly popular. Their orders are strong and ft'imiraoiy conducted, aad ooniain some of our very best citixecs. eeraiMffii To the Editor : I have an absolute Cure for CONSUMPTION and all Bronchial, Throat and Lung Troubles, and all conditions of Wasting Away. By its timely use thousands of apparent ly hopeless cases hare been -permanently cured. So proof-positive am I of its power to cure, I will send FX EE to anyone afflicted, THREB BOTTL ES of my Newly Discovered Remedies, apoa receipt or express ana rostomce aaaress. Always sincerely yours. T. A. SLOCUM.M.C, 183 P Wham writing the Dostor, pi. earl St., Kew York, uoataMi Oaeof ta Hatfi! Heuesjed. Middlibbobo. Ky.. Deo. 16 At Sceadville tbis morning Hatfield waa hanged for tbe murder of Jonee TraiL Five thousand people were present Hatfield confessed implicating his wife and iNancy Jordan. Oa receii t cf tou ceats, c::sh or stamps, a cenerou enrcple will he mailed of the most popular Cuturrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely s Cream I5aliu) snfncient to demon strate the great merits cf the remedy. ELY rmOTHEPS, 5G Warren Stt, Kew York City. Tier. John Keid, Jr.. of Great FalKMont, recomnieuJed Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can einpnasize his statement, "It is a posi tive enre for catarrh if used as directed." Kev. Francis W. Poole. Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mont Elv's Cream Fa'm i tLe acknowledged , ire for cn?arrh ami contains no mercury i nor any injurious drug. Pnoe, 50 cents. A Crmalar Xlatwrmael. Wasrikotow. D. C. Deo. 18. The cruiser Newark returned to Key Weet this afternoon. Shs reported to the navy department tbat she bad been un able to overhaul tbs fiilibuster "Three Friends. TarlaT atllvar. Chicago, Deo. 16 Tbe Post Washinc too special says: Ths American Protec tive Tariff League ia promoting a "heme to pot an import tax oo silver. There is every reason to believe that tbs effort will be suooeeafuL The move is s s or prise to free coinags republicans. To the Young Face Poascon's Coicnsxioiv Powosm giTes fresher IchArxns; to the old. renewed youth. Try it. rf it tn 4 nonrs wnorrbesa ana i dlerhareesf mm tbe urinary or- r rana, srrecte-t bv 8antal Widyf f"Tf 1 Ciwa 1 n wxtboo tin oon Tenience I u-U 1 J PnceSl. of ALLDruirits. V V Central ParK Floral Co. The oldest and largest cut flower store in southern California. WHOLESALE k EETAIL DEALERS Floral Designs and Cut Flowers packed for shipment. Our prompt attention given to all orders. We also handle Redondo carnations ijS South Spring Street, LOS ANGELEL, CAL. THE AND Tucson Mining Smelting Co. Will Purchase Copper Ore and Copper Ores carrying Gold and Silver in any quantity. . Prompt Payment J. Francis, July j-tf Maaaesr H. D. UaotawooD. W. T. Oianoir. Underwood & Gibbon GENERAL Insurance Ipnts AND DIALXRS IS Eeal Estate & Mines. Tucson, Arizona.