NO. 27V
Wetckly Citizen.
e Copy. One Tear In Advance
tCoay.Slz ttoatas -
e Copy, Oae Year in aavanee
:Cpy Six Moolta - -
I 5
McettspcTUacfor the first inaertioa u4
mmti per Use for each subsequent insertion.
TVs paper breptoa file it E.C pake's Ad
ertiss7 Acy. 64 and Merchant s Ex
aai r Frxnctaoo, California, where coo
Srct advertising can besaadeforit.
Itr sac Att, ai Merchant's Exchange. Saa
yraacaaeo. i oar aataorised ageal This papar
kept aa file in hi ontee.
Bstereaat the Poatomce itTjoon Acoordia I
Act afCoagreaa aa sad-Class Matter.
Ir you want to marry your first oouiia
go to Nebraeka. The; do an ytbing in
Nebraska, f rem making sugar to run
ning for president.
A bill haa been introd uoed into con
gress for an appropriation of $50,000 to
rot a monument to the memory of that
grand American, James G. Blaine.
Ojtk would imagine from the daring
hold a pa and robberies reported from
Tarious points in the United Stataa that
Frank James had quit the boot and
aboa business and returned to hia first
Haxi, who won the six days bicycle
raoe la New Tork.sts, during his ride(
pounds of food, which cost $65.
No wonder human beings stood no sho
in the raoe. That aort of a storage
battery could only be mailed by a
If Weyler never has anytbirg else be
haaa trocha in Cuba, and he can dance
bis grand children on his knee and tell
them all about it, if Maoeo don't keep
tooling around and knrck the enamel
eff of . it, or cause Weyler to lose the
number of his mess.
Mae. Lease is quoted as saying that
there ia do happier pi tee on earth than
Eantaa farm. If the lady had made
this diaebvery a few years eooner, abe
would have saved a good deal of wear
and tear on her voice and have been lees
responsible for great gobs of blasphemy
which have followed ber eventful oareer.
Thx battleship, Txm, has been in
peoted by Secretary of the Navy Her
bert, and he says tbe ship ia good but
unlucky. He does not epecify wbat
particular sort of a hoodoo baa pervad
ed tbo dismal atdioephere which has
urrounded tbe unfortunate vessel, cor
does ha offer any suggestion for remov
ing the uncanny ep!L
BosTOE is in a furor of excitement over
:har opportunity to extend a welcome to
ex Queen Lilueto. Tbe oenter of gravi
Tity of the Boston Baked Bean has al
waya had a warm spot in its heart for
the smoked majesties eTf tbe Sandwich
Islands, aver since Queen Eapieltni fell
in adorable worship of tbe gilded fins
cf the sacred cod fun in tbe fctate house.
There is a whirl of excitement in
Washington, D. C aver tbe receipt, by
WesWn Union telegraph operator, of
rattleaaake skin necktie. Those peo
ple should come to Arizona toeee sights.
Out here tbey take two whole snakes,
tie their taila together and make a that
rate, non-punctureble, pneumatic bicy
cle tire of tbem. Yet tbey want to tell
aa that tbe Yankees nare a flrfet mort
gage on the ingenuity business.
The New Tork Mail and Express pro
poses, in case that Cuba ever becomes a
free republic, to head a subscription list j
for tha ereotion of a monument to I
Antonio Maceo, the hero and patriot, '
and present tbe result to tbe new re
public. If the people of tbe United
8taUs respond aa liberrlly with money
a tbey do, at present, with sympathy,
the monument would be a source of
great pride to both donor and recipient.
Sekator Vest compelled the seesta to
listen to one of bis tariff speeches the
other day, and it is said tbat during its
delivery tbe senate chamber eemed to
ba rilled with jumping jacks, vieicg
with each other in their antics. The
saator'e speech was so full of inaccura
cies and misquotations that tbe mem
bers of that august body were constant
ly bobbing opto repudiate hia referencea
to their former utterances. Altogether
tb seasien waa sufficiently lively to
haee the god of slumber long ways
tSS from tbe building.
The Congressional Record is now be
ing supplied to subscribers st tbe rste
of $L50 per month. There is co doubt
that it ia worth the price, if weight ia
tha Wect sought, Tbe special Christ
mas number will prob bly rival tbe ceo
a report in point of interest, and every
library ahould contain a copy. Tbeee
long winter evenings could not be de
rotad to a better purpose tbso reading
few charming Christmas chapters of
the Record to the children. How tbeir
bright eyes would dance at tbe recitals
of soma of tbs wonderful exploits of the
Peffsrt sod the remainder of the inter
sting fellows who assemble in tbs halls
ot eon grass?
Ir the enlistments of American volun
teers for service in Cubaoontinues moch
longer, at the ; present rate, tbe U. S.
department of justice will probably
issue special instructiooe to its officers
with a view of stopping the augmenta
tion to the Cuban ranks. Tjeee enlist
ments are in direct violation of tbe
neutrality laws and are prohibited under
eevra penalties. For accepting a com
munion to serve against Spain, a oouo
try with which the United States is now
peaoe, the 1 eoalty prescribed by sec
tion 6181, Revised Statutes, ia $2000 fine
and three years imprisonment, while for
enlisting to serve againet Spain, or
hiring any one to enlist, the penalty is
almost aa heavy, being a maximum of
$1000 fine and three years imprisonment.
Tee joint reeolution to pay all tbe
employes of tbe cspitol two weeks'
salary in advance, to enable them to
have money for tbe Christmas holidaje,
which passed tbe house several days
ago, came over from the senate early in
tbe seseion and was at once signed by
SDeaaer Reed. This completed it bb
far aa congress wta concerned, but in
order for it to become effective it was
necessary that it should have the sig
nature of tbe president. Unfortunately
for the 500 employee of tbe capuoi, tbe
president is now shooting cucks at
Georgetown, S. C. In order to secure
his aignature to tbe bill it will be neces
sary to send it to him b a epecial
messenger. It is not likely that this
will be done. If the bill should reach
him it ia probable that tbe president
would veto it About a year ago a rule
waa adopted in tbe departments that no
employe of tbe government was to be
Daid in advancs. This aotioo was taken,
it was generally auppoeed, at tbe instiga
tion of the president. Tbe favor having
been refused tbe department clerks, it
is Hot likely that tbe president wou d
extend it to tbe cspitol employes, lhoee
who have not laid away sufficient from
their salaries to pu rob see Christmas
presents will be obliged to do without
making tbem.
Owi of the meet pressing needs of
Tucson at present, is a betel for the ao
commodation oCpealth seekers who
would like ts spend tbe winter with us
There is co question but a large number
of people, who were edvi6ed by pbyi-
oians to come here this winter, have gone
to other points for tbe rea&on tbat there
were no accommodations here. This
paint having been well established, it be
hooves our citizens to make such pre
parations for the coming 6eason as will
remove the cause for tbe lack of patron
age, which, by every natural right should
oome to us. It is understood tbat a pro
ject is now under way for furnishing just
what the city needs in this regard, sod
it is heped tbat the plans may material
ize into something tangible.
THETerre, Haute, Tod., Gazette says
aHeeaiao court has given a decision
upon the question of tbe injurious or
healthful methods of drinking, which is
widely quoted. A restaurant beeper in
making an application for a license to
sell spirits pleaded tbat it was Beceeeary
ily conducive to health thot a glass of
oognao should betaken before a person
drank a quantity of beer. A number of
eminent chemists and others were called
as expert witnesses, among them Prof.
Ghffky of tbe Gieaeen Hygienio institute
and tbeir testimony perauadedtbe court
to decide that, although a small portion
of brandy would have a salutary effect,
it would be better that bread should be
eaten before a quantity of beer wa3 con
In tbe matter of a presiding officer for
the council at the coming session of tbe
territorial legislature, tbe names uf sev
eral members-elect have been mention
ed. Doubtless there are a number of
gentlemen who could fill tbe position
creditably, but it ia a matter beyond dis
pute tbat Fred G. Hughes, of Pima ocun
ty, ia certainly possessed of tbosequahG
eationa which render him by far the
ablest candidate in the field. His wide
experience in legislative bodies, durirg
which time he has developed into one of
the very best srliamsntsrians in the
territory, ia a recommendation which
will cot be overlooked when tbe council
reaobea tbe eoaeideration of the ques
tion as to who shall preside over its deli
berations. His ability has been recog
nized on previous oooatioo?, and in every
ioetance he haB proven true to the trust
reposed in bim.
The Citizen heartily endorses him for
tbe position, firm in tbe belief tbat tbe
gavel could not be wielded by worthier
bands than those of Hon. Fred G
Mast congregations from pulpits of
various denominations, listened to tbe
views of their pas'ors upon the Cuban
qaestion, last Sunday.
The concensus opinion abroad is that
the recognition of tbe Cubans as belli
gerents by tbe United States, means
certain war with Spain.
What's Its matter? lias all tne pie
been distributed in Arizona? We don't
bear any more talk about tbe pie-bunt
ere lately. They muBt ell have had a
"mortal gorge."
The ocrn famine in Mexico is proving
... ww J
afeitfor corn farmers in tne uouea
States who are rspidly growiog rioh in
consequence. The shipments for tbe
past thirty dsys sre the heaviest ever
Clivelaid'b friends in Washington
will live high on duetts Kiuea uy nim
during his trip to ouin varonn.
There is octbiog which ia eo fattening
and satisfying as duoks killed by a real
live president.
The deep-sea harbor commission is
busily engeged in taking testimony in
Los Angeles. Santa Monica and San
Pedro ere the competitive points. With
P. Hautiogton favoring the former
place. It would be d.mculf, at present,
to predict tbe final out oome.
Is Brooklyn public school teachers
nd parents frequently meet to discuss
matte's relating to tbe sonooi, aois
practioe has resulted in great good, and
should be adopted io every aohool dis
trict in the union.
The Los Angeles Herald, spanking
of tbe recent irrigation congress at
Phoenix, says:
The National Irrigation Congress pro
ceedings at Phoenix, Aria., were given
quite extensive dissemination by tne
Associated PresB and other agencies,
but two resolutions of importance, which
were pasted just before tbe adjourn
ment of tbe fifth annual convention,
were not reported to tbe oouotry at
are. Ioaemuob as they briefly sum
marize the matured views and demands
tbe congress, tbe text of tbem is
ppeoded. After adopting a reulutioo
strongly advocating the creation 01 a
national irrigation committee, the con
Resolved (I), tbat we favor the cession
of tbe public lends of tbe nation to tbe
t-spective 6tntesor territories only upon
conditions eo strict tbat they shall ab-
eolu'ely insure tbe settlement of such
acds by actual settlers, in small tracts,
and prevent their monopoly la urge
bodies under private ownership.
Resolved (2), tbat we favor the eon-
truction of storage reservoirs by tne
federsl government where neoesssry to
urmeh water for tbe reclamation and
actual pett'ement of the publio lands.
Times have changed. Old customs
have passed away and in their places
have sprung up new manners and new
feasts. Tbe days of yule logs, and
boars beads, and mietle-toe, have for tbe
most part; become memories of a psst
sge, and in tbeir stead, conforming to
an advanced civilization and a complete
chacge of eccial justoos, we have at
Cbnstmss time an entirely different
program different in eons, things, but
felweya tbe same to the little ones. If
the discarded mistletoe is absent, in its
phce are holly and cedar. The lesson
of the day is forever tbe same. It is em-
bU matte of peaoe, good will, universsl
love, and care for tbe happiness of oth
ers, principally tbe little ones.
The patron saint of the children attbia
tins is hoary Old Santa Claus, always
appearing to their imagination aa though
be had ju6t emerced from snow banks;
bis busby hair and beard white from tbe
ravages of Jack Frost, and his old back
crooked with tbe burden of the gifts he
carries for good iiitle boys and girls.
Already tbey bear tbe jingle of bis
sleigbbt-lis snd the clattering hoofs of
his sprightly reindeer in tbe distance,
and tonight many bright little eyes will
do battle with tbeKodof slumber in a
vain effort to remain open long enough
to catch a ely glimpse of the wonderful
old man who brings joy to so many
hearts. But as tbe soft la&hes creep
uuwilliBgly together and shut out the
realities of earth, sweet dreams oome to
tbe innocent hearts, snd all tbe joys of
a lifetime pssain lovely panorama before
tbeir sleeping vision. How eargerly
tbey jump from tbeir beds before tbe
light of day has fairly dawnedl What
shrieks of joy make tbe household a per-
fact pandemonium! Truly it is a dsy
of "peace on earth end good will towsrds
men," and tbe duty of every parent is
plain. Make it a rule to give tbe chil
dren some reminder of tbe day, no mat
ter how slight it may be. It will teach
them early in li?e, a lesson which is
too often forgotten in this world
"it ia better to give tbsn to
receive." To tbem now, it win sppeBr
reversed; but as age creeps on, and tbe
time comes when tbeir children are
exgerly awaiting the advent of Santa
Citius, tbe memories of tbeir childhood
days will come to tbem in vivid recolleo-
tioo, and tbey, in turn, will teaob tbs
lesson of everlasting love which links
time to eternity, and makes earjh nearer
To all, the old aud young, the rich and
poor, tbe Uitizen extends a sincere
greeting, and wishes a Merry Christmas,
with all th joys tbe dsy can bring.
Senator Alijew is struggling hard for
notoriety. Lett week be got a little bit
by moving that tbe senate take up a
bill to which be himself is opposed, and
this week he made a bid for more by
offering a reeolution for tbe appoint
ment cf a committee of senators to in
eetigate the expenditure of money in
tbe recent pretidential campaign. He
claims to bace this resolution on no
baier foundation than tbat tbe vote of
a number of states carried by McKicley
was largely in exoess of wbat was cast
in 1892, when evtry well-informed man
knows tbat Cleveland was elected by
the Ftay-at-bome republican votes, atd
and not because a majority of the votera
of a number of states he carried wers
for him. This year tbe stsy-st home
vote of "92 was cast solidly for Mckinley
and for tbat reason tbta very wise popu
liet wants to inveatigate the expendi
tures. It is customary for tbs author
of s eenate reeolution creating a epecial
committee to be made chairman uf the
committee, and in tbat custom lies Mr.
Allen's real reason for offering this reso
lution. If he could gst himself t the
head of such smelling committee be
oould keep himself continually in tbe
newspapers, even if he found out noth
ing. Men who become public nuisances
in their efforts for notoriety are really to
be pitied.
For the beo-tit of this wbo think
tbat the meaning of tbe Eo-called short
crop of wheat in the United States bat
been folly discounted by tbe advance in
piice6,itis in order toexplainthstitisthe
unexpected which generally happens. Var
ious estimates of tbe American wheat re
serves this yf ar place tbem far below
quantities held nt like periods for many
years some say 65.000,000 bushels lees
than laat year. One t f tbe beet indica
tions of this is.found in very small re
ceipts st primary markets, notwith-
standing comparatively high prices. In
commenting on tbiseituaticn, Beerbohm
writ.ee, December 4, tbat'it is therefore
quite reasonable to expect that America
may, at a given time, find itself absolu
tely independent and in a position to
demand, practically, its own price for
its wheat." It sbould also be remem
bered tbat the present season differs
from previous ones in tbat both India
and Australia are importers, ioetead of
exporters, of wheat.
Tha Development of a Great Mining
There is probably no section of the
southwest which is attracting more at
tention at present than tbe Globe min
ing district. Besides a number of old,
well-established, widely known mines,
which have produced millions for tbeir
owners, numerous prospects tare of late
received attention, and several new mills
and much mining machinery has been
plsced in active position for work.
In the last issue of tbe Globe Silver
Belt, there ia a very interesting and ex
haustive description 01 one 01 tne ieaa-
ing oopper producers of this wonderful
camp, tbe Uoited Globe, and extracts
from tbe account are reproaucea, wun
tbe assurance tbat many will esjoy
learning of the workings of one of tbe
greatest oopper mines in Arizona.
The United Globe mines was organiz
ed as a company for tbe mining aud
melting o( copper in 1892.
Tbe officers of the company are, Prof.
James Douglas, president; Jo6epb van
Vleck. vice president; George otmae,
secretary; all of whom bold uke positions
in tbe Copper Queen company, of Bi
bee. However, tbe two companies are
not in an) other respect identified, the
persontel of the respective boards of
directors being differeot. Tbe United
Globe mines U a clo-e corporation, th
stock being in a few hands end not pur-
basable. wbile tbe stock of the Uopper
Queen is diversely held, ultbough, owing
to tbe large dividends pain, it is never;
offered for sale in tbe 6tock market.
Tbe property of tbe company com
prises some 30 mining claims on tbe
Globe copger belt, 1 orth of tbe town of
Gobe, a smelting plant snd other sur
face works, and a saw mill 00 Pinal
mouotaio. None cf the claims, except
tbe Buffalo and the Hjoeier, perhaps
were aoytning mors man iavoraDie
prospeote when purcbaeed by tbe com
pany, and the smelter was a crude affa r
of one small watr jacket furnace.
Io August, 189j, tbe work of remodel
ing and enlarging the plant began and
has progressed steadily since. Io thi
work of improvement tbe superintendent
has had mfoy obstacles to contend
egainst, chief of which was tbe difficulty
of getting tbe necessary lumber, nd
tbe slow transportation of macbicery
and other supplies. Happily these an-
ooyanoes are now about at an end, and
the visitor to the United Globe will see
one of tbe most complete substan
tial pl3nts fr the baodling and emelting
of copper ores in Arizona.
The smelter has been practically re
built, and Ibbemelter building and tram
way terminal cover an area of 189 fet
square, me Duiumgs are spactouB,
thorough ia construction, and planned
for convenience and facility in handling
the ores, ooke, copp 7, etc. The princi
pal furnace is a 126x38 inch, eliptical
water jacket, of tbe JJouglAS patent built
by Tbe Samuel L. More & Sons, Co., of
Elizabeth, N. J. Tb new feature (tbe
invention of Prof. Jas. Douglas) is the
leader of tbe blast through tbe water
compartment before eoterigg tbe fur
nace, causing tbe heating of tbe blast
with a corresponding cooling of tbe wa
ter and a more even temperature around
the oruoible. Tbe theoretical capacity
of th- new furnace is 12o tons per dsy,
buttbeaotual capacity, smelting tbe
oxide ores of the district, will likely he
from 150 to 175 tons. A 36 inch jacket.
of the ordinary pattern, will also be em
The most important addition to the
plant is tbe tramway, of tbe improved
Bleicbert pattern, built by tbe Trenton
Iron Works, Trenton, N. J. Tbe line
runs from tbe Buffalo ore bins to tbe
smelter, a distance of SOOO feet. Ore
from tbe Booster shaft will be bauled
1500 feet in cars drnwn by mules, to the
Buffalo ore bins snd there transferred to
the cable tramway.
At the mines th? principal develop
ment work is directed towards tbe open
ings of tbe Hoosier caim and adjacent
territory between it and tbe Dime in
Copper Canon. For this purpose there
has lately bean erected a small boistitg
plant on tbe Hoosier 6haft, together
with tbe mam blaoKsmttb and crpcter
shops, a 6tore bout-e and office fur tbe
mine foreman. Underground work bas
just been initiated to crosscut frcm tbe
mats footwall into tne limeet -oe, wnere
it is supposed tbat tbe main ore bodies
will be encountered.
The work in otber portione of tbe
Hoosier territory, for several months
past, has consiet-d of making thorough
fares and openit gs for necessary ventila
tion, and general v to connect tbe princi
pal claims of the Hoosier group with tbe
main outlet at tbe lio eter sbart.
Little or no wot k has been done for
several months in tbe Buffalo mine.
The old rond to tbe Big Johnnie claim
has been repaired and a new portion
constructed leading tc the liuffalo ore
bios, and over which it is proposed to
utilize the traction engine which some
vears since did duty for the Copper
Queen Company, in hauling ore from
tne White Tail Deer mine to Bisbee.
The Big Johnnie. Birdsneetand Buck
eys olainie will furnish some ore to tbe
smelting works snd tneir Lroaucis win
be hauled bv tbe engine.
The outlaying claims sre connecfed by
telephone with the mine foreman's office
and the smelter.
A dynamo will shortly be added to tbe
emelting plant for ita lighting and the
1 company's buildings nstr tns wows.
Nowadays when women sre trying to
do everything it is not strange tbat
many tbings are overdone. It is not
etrange that there are all kiods of
physical and meotttl disturbances. If
tbe woman wbo is a doctor, or lawyer,
or a journalist, or in business would not
try to be a society woman too it cvght
be different; but the woman wbo knows
wbeo she bas done a daj' woik has yet
to be born. Usually a woman's ay is
to kt-epVloiog until ehe drops. Working
in this way bas manifold evils. Tbe
most oommon trouble resulting from
overexertion, either mentally or physic
ally, is constipation of tbe bowels, with
all its attendant horrors.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the
most effectual remedy in tbe market.
Tbey work upon tbe system easily,
naturally. There is no unpleasant
nausea after taking them. No griping
no pain no discomfort. Tbey are com
posed of materials that go through tbe
system gradually, collecting all impuri
ties and, like tbe good little servants
th t tbey are, disposing of them effec
tually. Another Rlh Mine.
While doing this yesrs'a assessment
work on the Cardnoff group of mines, in
the Ajo d stri t, for noe favored tbe
owners by revealing a splendid body of
rich ore. A sample gave returns ss fol
lows: gold 15 ounces, silver, 9 ou noes,
and copper 49 per cent. There is
every indioation tbat the property ie one
of the very riobest and most extensive
in the district, and ita owners, Tbomss
C ilds, of Gila Bend, and Washington
M Jacobs, of Tucson, are justly jubilant
over tbe prospects.
This district takes ita name from tbe
old Ajo mine, which was worked by
Hon. P. R. Brady and Cbas. D. Poeton,
years ago, when they first came to this
Crewp Qniokiy Coxed-
Mountain Glit, Ark. Our children
were suffering with croup when we re
ceived a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It afforded almost instant
relief. F. A. Thornton. Tbis celebrat
ed remedy is for sale by F. Fleishman,
The Desert Mad to Blossem as the
There are just two requisites cecee
eary to obtain successful results in ag
riculture and horticulture in Arizona.
Those are water and work. Messrs
Crn6 and Fraker have made tbe combi
nation in just tbe proportion which in
jures the most satisfactory returns, and
tbe:r ranch 00 Cienega creek, near Vail's
station is the outgrowth. Sometime ago
tbey took up a piece of government land
there, and have eiuce been adding to it
until now they have about 300 acres. A
tine bouse snd the necessary outbuild
ings are in prooees of construction.
Water for irrigation purposes is se
cured from Cienegs creek snd reaches
the land through a private ditch two
miles loDg. There is so abundance for
all the lend they have and more too.
Th owners of the ranch propose to
put in 109 aoree of barley tbis year 10
addition to their large fields of alfslfa.
Ttey also have quite a large young
orchard, consisting of peaoi( spticot and
tig trees, which bear proliucally and
never fail. Tbe fig cuttings came into
bearing two yere after being planted
and have never been discovered neglect
ing business since. Tbe peach and ap
ricot trees' grow magoidoently and tbis
year bore from 100 to 150 pounds of
fruit each.
Tbe persistent labor of Messrs Crane
and Fraker bas been rewarded by a
growth of farm produots and fruit trees
which is most gratifying and eervee as
an example of wbat anyone can accom
plish bv the exercise of tbe same efforts
tbey bsve made.
Results In tha Death f Robert Lee
Tbe uncertainty of life has bad another
sorrowful illustration in the sudden tak
ing off of young "Bob" Lee, well and fa
orably known to a wide cirole of friends
in southern Arizona. Saturday after
noon, tbe very last day of a two month.)
round np, in tbe neighborhood of Table
Mountain, in Pinal county, "Bob" waa
at worst with his orew, holding a large
bunoh of cattle which bad been driven
together. One of the unruly beasts broae
out of the herd, and started down tbe
side of a very ' steep bill. Young Lee
followed and threw bis riata over tbe
animal. Hie horse was very tired, owing
to tbe hard work wbicb it had done, and
refused to answer tbe rein. Instead of
following tbe cow down bill, tbe horse
turned his bead away and wss thrown
over upon bis side. So euddenly wa
tbis done tbat tbe rider did not nave tbe
slightest chance to free himself from tbe
saddle, and in consequence as crushed
beneath tbe horse. His neck snd oack
bone were broken. His comrades came
to hie resoue, found bim unconscious.
and knew tbat tbe end waa near. He
was plsced upon a horse and carried to
tbe nearest ranch, seven miles sway
where he ley slive, but wholly uncon
scious, for twelve hours, when he breath
ed hie last.
His body was brought to the city and
was buried this morning at ten o'clock.
The deceaeed was just a boy, being 18
years and five days old. He was a bro
trier of Mrs. Kicbard Brady and Mrs
Moss, end was well known in tbe city.
II had a large circle of friends, won and
kept by a strict adherence to manly
Thfl sympathy or tbe entire commum-
tv goes out to tbe sffl oted relatives.
Tha Beat far Children.
"I beliere Chamberlain's Cough Re
medy is tbe be t for children 1 ever
used. For croup it is unequalled. It is
splendid seller with us. T. M. Eckles,
Pn. G., Manager wampum Pharmacy,
Wampum, Pa. When need as soon a-
tbe first symptoms sppear, tbat is as
soon ss tbe child becomes hoarse or even
after the croupy cough bas appeared, it
will prevent tbe attack. Tbe mothers
of oroupy children should bear tbis in
mini and always keep tbe remedy st
hand. Jt is also tbe best medicine in
the world for colds and whooping cough.
For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by
F. Fleishman, druggist.
Harbor Commission ia Session
Los A ho elks. Deo 23. before tbs
harbor o mmies'on todsy Captain Alex
ander. of the steamer Santa Rosa, gave
some testimony regarding storms. He
said nothing against tbe San Pedro bar
bor but was loud in bis praises or Santa
Monica as a efe place to land in a storm
Captain Johnson and other seafaring
mea gave testimony of tbe eme kind
and then Engineer Hood talked of tbe
ownership of land around Santa Monica
closing the case for tbat point. Engi
neer Uawgood of this city opened argui
ment for San Pedro going very thor
oughly into detaila and was followed by
representatives of tbe Salt Lake txard
of trade who asserted tbat tbe road will
surely be built from Salt Like to Los
Angeles if a harbor was located at San
Upon the
Fair and its j
To the Public:
For many years cce of my ardent
hopes bus beeo tj erect a church that
wouid De, at least in a measure,
worthy tbe people who would worscip
in it. When it is remembered that we
are a pioneer people, and ad uch some
what prone to tempoiarily lose sigHt of
our duty to God; that we, like all people
in a new community, are poor; and tbat
we, wbo bavt so long been accustomed
to the notion tbat anything id good
enougn and to 00, are hard to move in
any reform, you will readily believe me
wben I tell you tbat tbe star of my hope
for many years bas seemed to me a long
way cff. But la looking back over each
year 1 found tbat some progress bad
been made; and thus encouraged I kept
eteadny 00. Fioally the glad timecsme
tbe experiment was to be made of begin
ning the work. Hnca then tbe gen
erosity of the people cf Tucson bas been
untiring. Nearly all of you visited tbe
late Fair held in tbe Cathedral, and you
eaw for yourselves bow our people, re
gardless of creed, came forward 'en
masse' and gave to tbe full of generos
ity. It is tbis generosity that I wieh to
emphasize io this card. It bas built
t e Catnedral; it bas made it tbe finest
church edifice in this part of the west,
and it will complete it.
In teilitg th people of Tucson that I
appreciate their lioerahty and am grate
ful for it, 1 only faintly voice the senti
ments of my hean : that my ardent
withes are for tbeir good and tbat the
Cathedral may stand for the years to
oome aa a monument to the generous
people that erected it.
Now for a few lines bearing still more
directly on tbe persons connected with
the. work of the Fair. The persons, in
fucsoo. wbo tiok a mare or Jea active
part in tbe cod aud great work were
legion, and in the Bpace allowed to me
by lb kind Editor of tbis paper I could
cot think of ca i.iog tbem all. Tney are
well known though in Tucson, and their
memory together with that of tbeir
noble deed, will be carefully and loving
y nes teld in by ail those of my religious
Creed. And yet no one wbo eaw tbe
gentle souls at work during the Fair
would forgive me for not singling out
the lady managore, tbeir ' untiring
efforts and labor, tbeir indomitable
energy and wonderful executive ability.
The ladies, venders at tbe booths and
caterers at tbe dining tables, were simply
admirable. Tbe to dsysf previous to
the opening of tbe Fair they were busi ly
engaged in erecting and decorating with
ibeir own bands tbeir booths, amidst a
most deafening noise made by tbe pull
ing down of soaffoldiog and laying of
the, floor in a continuous cloud of dust
and cold, biting draughts. For five
nights in succession, inside tbeir cozy
and mobt artistically arranged depart
ments, with gracefulness perfect and
unsbbkeo constancy, tbey catered to tbe
wants and wishes of tneir numerous
customers. What shall 1 say of tbat
pretty swarm of youLg ladies, busy with
tbeir books for tbe different rsfflas? A
glance over the itemized account of tbe
Fair will reveal tbe stupendous amount
of fruitful labor accomplished by tbis
dtring phalanx of 'dimes gatherers'. My
sincere thanks to those enchanting
Graces of tbe University of Arizona wbo
held tbo immense crowd breathless with
their beautiful Tableau! ; to tbe four
little scgel-lik forms wbo so exquisitely
acted their part in tbe second night of
tbe Tab eaux; to the talent of tbe Tuc
son quartette wbo rendered some of tbe
choicest selections in its repertoire, and
th- chorus of Spanish young ladies who
afforded us such a delightful evening on
tbe third nit bt of tbe Fiir; to our noble
minded Pbilarmcnics; to Montijo's or
chestra with its sweet strains; to "Tbe
Citizks" and tbe "Pronterizj ' for tbe
freedom rf tbeir columns for our adver
tising and other representatives of tbe
Press in and out of tbe Territory and
a host of friends and well wishers.
To crown it all let me tell yoo that
.early one hal' of those noble workers
were non-Calbolics, whose efforts, to
say the leaT, were not Burpakseu vj
tbeir Uatholic compacDcs.
The fair was unquestionably a suc
cess and a surprise to all. Wbat was it
that made it eucb? First, tbe generos-
tv of tbe people of Tucson wbo visited
it io great numbers and lanshly spent
heir money; next, aa I have just stated,
tbe admirable orguniz-ition and work
ings of that assemblage of about a
hundred ladies of every age and station
in life, wbo took direct and active part
10 tbe fair. Almrst all of tbem in that
brilliant aid brave army of "purse
cooquerora" and pocketa pillagera"
were wormy t rank as gererais. sio
ooder at tbat tbe generalissio,o of the
campaign obtained so unprecedented a
"walk-over" on tbe .common enemy.
Bravo, valiant ladies of Tuoeon! You
will have defeated the enemy to the
h mount of about $3,200, "net" proceeds
of the fsir.
Wbat will now our younger and fair
city and town usters in tne lerruory.
think and eav of the Ancient Pueblo?
Thirty-two Hundred Dollars io ca6h
netted in a five nights fair! Surely
there mnst be some money inside of our
adobe boufea and plenty of big hearts
aod much noble spirit within tbe formB
of th- Tucaonites.. Let tbem take ex
And now many a iuc6onite win hks
to know wbat my future plaDS are with
regard to carrying 00 tbe work on the
edifice. W ell, as tar as 1 aia able to see
my way ahead, the plastering of the
waiis 13 soou 10 oe completed, lmmeum
tely to be followed by the plastering and
m .ruling of the column uni pilasters
nd the lay ing ou of tbeir proper capitals
and bases. All cf w bicb must be done
before tbe eevento of February next,
wben tbe bledsicg and dedicating of the
cew Cathedral is booked to take place,
resided by two arch bisbops and two,
and perbups three biabope, aesiated in
turn by a number or priests, wan a nioei
elaborate program for tbe festivity, to
be given at a later time. From now on
I mutt lay plaas f jr obtaining from
generous donatora memorial ornamental
etained glass windows I expect to go
io Euiore text epriog and return home
in tbe fall of the same year. After my
return 1 may do some collecting outside
of Arizona, make another appeal to our
peopie, eell some of the chnrca eld prop
erty or if I caonot ffrct a sale of the
same, borrow money, make improve
ments on tbe property so as to render it
tit to bear an income sufficient to pay
tbe interest on debt and also create a
sinking fund for the paying of tbe prin
cipal. If nothing adverse happens I
hope to be able to resume work on the
lowers and carry it out uninterruptedly
to final completion inside of two years.
And now, dear people of Tucson,
allow me to invite you to speed a most
bappy Chridtmas at vour borpes with
your dear ones and friends and in your
respective churches. Sbould you fed
inclioed to becor us with your pres
ence at the celebration cf the Pontifical
Mid-Nigbt high mass, at 12 a. m. on the
eve of the great solemnity in the new
Cathedral. I beg leave to extend to you
in to name of thos whose unworthy
spiritual head I am io this diocese and
city, as well as in my own, a roo9t hearty
A marry Christmas and a Happy New
Highest of all ia Leavcnbg Power. Latest U. S. GoVt Report
Year to you all!
P. Boubgade,
Catholio Biehop of Arizona.
Territorial papers please copy.
New Gunboat Liannched
New York, Deo. 23 The gunboat
Annapolis destined for service aa a
praotice cruiser for the United States
naval academy at Acnapolis, was
launched at Elizabeth at 10:30 a. m.
Tr e Annapolis is a vessel of an entirely
new type in our navy and of composite
construction; all framing is steeL
Some Good Claims Near Mammoth.
Harry S. Turner is in the city from hia
mints near Mammoth. Three miles
northwest of that point he has been
busily at work for sometime on the Tip
Top group of gold claims. This year
he has done $2500 worth of work on the
group. He bas opened np 170 feet of
tunnels and shafts, timbered, put np
ladders, sunk a well in which ha has
six feet of water, and built a very com
fortable stone house.
Tne Tip Top claim has two feet of psy
ore iu the bottom of tbe shaft.
He also has the Golden Eagle group,
which consists of three claims. Shafts
on the claims have been suck to depths
varying frcm 30 to fifty feet, and a cross
cut in one of tbem has uncovered six
to eight feet of ore which gives average
returns of $9 per ton.
The mines sre located in a district well
known for its productiveness, and will
doubtlees yield tbeir owner a handsome
return in the not distant future.
Interesting Discovery Made by Pros
pectors in Yavapai County.
At Mountain Springs, seven miles
from Hillside and fifty miles west of
Prescott, according to the Prescott
Courier, Messrs. Marcemy and Waters
have being doing some development
work on a gold claim. A short time
ago, while going over the surface of
this claim tbey discovered an aban
doned shaft. They placed a windlass
and rope' in position and descended
tbe shaft a depth of forty feet; from
tbe bottom of tbis shaft extended a
tunnel, partly caved in, but sufficiently
preserved to enable them to follow it
in for 100 feet. Tbe ore body exposed
in this tunnel is said to be fifty feet
wide, the ore a red oxide of iron, car
rying in places, gold visible to the
naked eye. - The old tunnel had caved
at a point 100 feet from its mouth. The
explorers retraced tbeir steps to the bot
tom of the shaft, from which they found
another tunnel running in another direc
tion. This tunnel tbey penetrated fifty
feet until their progrese was stopped by
a cave of the rocks and dirt. This tunnel
contained the same showing of ore that
the long one did. They then descended
tbe hill and 400 feet below found the
mouth of an old tunnel, stored in. which
were found rusted cooking utensils, picks
with bandies rotted out, and other min
ing tools. No man now living in this
section has any knowledge of these work
ings or who carried them on. They cer
tainly date back over thirty yeais. A
party of mining men has gone out to
examine the property and its ancient
workings. There ia an abundance of
wood and water close at hand.
Arizona Natural Bridge.
Abstract of a composition by Harry G. Logan,
of the Freshman class, in the Un.versity of
The Natural Bridge of Arizona is one
of the wonders of the world, snd far ex
ceeds tbe natural bridge of Virginia in
extent and grandeur. It spans Pine
Creek, one of tbe tributaries of tbe
upper Salt River in Gila county, about
four miles from the town of Pin.
Pine Creek here flows in a canyon
with steep Eides. Arriving at the brink
of this canyon we see before and below
us a nearly level flat of land some five
or six acres in extent reaching across
tbe canyon to the opposite side, where
there is an abrupt wail of rocks, the face
of a mountai 1, perhaps fifteen hundred
feet high. Standing on this level trsct
of land on which there are buildings,
an alfalfa field, and an orchard, it is
bard to believe that we are on the top
of a natural bridge across a chasm and
that tbe stream flows below us. But
looking to tbe right snd to the left, as
we face the precipitous bluff, we see the
open canyon perhaps 300 or 4C0 feet
wide and two.hundfed and fifty feet
deep. The height of tbe bridge lessens
as we approach the opposite tide and at
one place there is a hole in the apparent
ly solid rock through which one can
look down for 12G feet to the bottom of
the canyon.
Desiring to get under this wonderful
bridge we take a trail to tbe left and
note that the rocks lie in great benches
or strata with cave-like openings ex
tending backwards into the buttresses of
tbe bridge. Entering one of these open
ings and crawling sometimes upon our
hands and knees we find a cave, or
vaulted chamber, with beautiful iracslus
cent stalactites pendant from the ceiling
and reaching nearly to the floor. These
etatactites are resonant when Btruck,
giving off musical notes. This cave is
tbe abode of numerous bats and tbey
made it uncomfortable for us to remain
so we descended to the bottom of the
canyon where there Is a pool of water
twenty to thirty feet across, and said to
b over fifty feet deep.
Tne opposite buttress or wall of the
bridge is nearly perpendicular.
Other caves along the canyon give evi
dence of tbe flow of weter carrying lime
in solution, for twigs, grass snd otber
substances lying in tbe water are now
covered with a cmet or deposit of lime.
Tbe rocks of the canyon appear to be
tbiefly limestone.
Theorizing upon the origin of tbe
bridge we may suppose that the open
ings of calcerous water have gradually
deposited lime in greater quantity above
than below and have in the lapse of time
buili out. or cemented together, the
rocks and debris of the canyon until a
firm cemented mass was formed under
which the water cut its way.
IT WILL PAY you to take Hood
Ssrssparilla. With pure blood you need
not fear the grip, pneumonia, diphtheria
or fevers. Hood's Sarsaparilla will make
you strong and healthy.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable,
carefully prepared from tha best ingre
dients, 25c.
Faars of Anotaer Uprising of th
For seversl dsys past fears sf another
attack on the Custom Houbo at Nogales,
Sonora, by the fanatical Taquishav
been growing stronger, csueed by th
statement a few days sgo by an old
Indian woman that another attack waa
contemplated by the) Indians and that
the blow would fall soma tims during'
Christmas week. Previous to the attack
of the 12th of August, tbis old woman
warned the authorities on the Mexican
side of what was. contemplated, but
they did not place. any credence in her
story. Now she gives them warning,
again and a close observation of th
movements of tbe Indians seems to
corroborate her story. It has baen
noticed that several of the Tsquis who
have been at work around at different
places, have' left their work. It waa
feared that if any considerable number
of them came, that there would be great
danger to tbex lives of citizens and to
property on the American side. Accord
ingly communications were forwarded
to the Commanding Officer at Fort
Huachuca with tha result that on Sun
day morning Captain Davis in command
of Ca H, of the 15th regiment arrived
in Nog ales with his company to b on
tbe ground for the purptse of protsoV
ing Americsn lives and property in caaa
the contemplated attack materialized.
The boys have been camped on tha
flat just below town, and are constantly
on the alert in case any trouble arise.
So far, however, there bas been none,
and it is thought that the scare is shout
over for the present at least. Captain
Davis and LL Kirsch with their com
pacy expect to return to th Fort thia
evening. Vidette.
Is the Baby la Cntlnc Teath
Be sure and use that old and well tired
remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
for children teething. If soothe th
child, softens tbe gums, allays all pain,
cures wind colic and is the best remedy
for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bot
A Michigan Man Offers to Send
His Discovery Free.
Claims to baa Benefactor ta "Weaka-
ad Mankind-
There is always'mors or lessiuspicion
attached to anything that is offered fx
but sometimes a man so overflow with
generosity that be cannot rest until hia
discovery is known to ths world, in
order that his fellow men may profit by
what he has discovered. It is upon thia
principle that resident of Kalamazoo, -Mictu,
desires to send free to mankind
a prescription which will our them of
any form of nervous debility; relieve
tbem of all the doubt and uncertainty
whicfccpuch men are peculiarly liable to
and restores the organs to natural uo
and vuor. As it costs nothing to try
the experiment it would seem that any
man, suffering with tbe nervous trouble
that usuelly attack men who never stop
ped to realize what might be th final
result, ought to be deeply interested in
a remedy which will restore them to
health, strength and vigor, without
which they continue to live an existence
of untold misery. As th remedy in
question wss the result of many year
research aa to what combination wbould
be peculiarly effective in restoring to
men the strength tbey need, it would
seem that all men suffering with any
form of nervous weakness onght to
write for such a remedy at once. A re
quest to H. C. Olds, Box 1782, Kalama
zoo, Mich., stating that you ar not
sending for the prescription out of idl
curoeity, but that you wish to mak us
ot the medicine by giving it a trial, will
be answered promptly and without
evidence as to where information cam
The prescription is sent free and al
though some may wonder how Mr. Olds
can afford to give away hia discovery,
there is no doubt about th offer bains
genuine. Cut this out and send to Mr.
Olds so that hs may know how you came
to write him. ll-28-78t
Harper's Bazar
lit 1897
The BAZAR, a thoroaghly ap-to-date periodi
cal for women, will enter upon its Thirtieth
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As a Fashion journal it is unsurpassed, and is
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Father Qciwallioi. by Octave Tba5it.
Short stories will be constantly presented by
brilliant writers, among whom are Mart E.
Wilkins, Harriet Prescott Spofford, Ma
riox Harlasd, Rcth McEjert Stuart. Vio
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What Womex are Doing in various parts of
the Union will form a series of special interest.
Other interesting features are The Out-door
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broidery and Needlework, Ceremony and Eti
quette. Good Housekeeping, "What Girls
are Doig," "Current Social Events." and Per
sonals gleaned from original sources.
Women and Men. Colonel T. W. Higginsom
will regularly continue his valuable essays.
Answ ers to Correspondents. This column
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ble. Art. The BAZAR is a notable picture-gallery
, reproducing ihe most beautiful works of
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Wit and Humor. Everybody turns tor a hear
ty laugh to tbe BAZAR'S last page.
An All-Round Woman's Paper. What more
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household for 1897. '
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