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pKUHt'kT BROWN, - TrTancr.
Antonio Maceo is one of the most
daring and picturesque of modern sol
diers. An atmosphere of romance sur
rounds his hifitorj, and makes him a
figure that appeals forcibly to the im
agination. He began bis military
career at a comparatively early age, not
from choice or in a regular way, but
under the pressure of cruel circum
stances and from a sense of duty that
was unavoidable. The borne of his
family was attacked and destroyed by
the Spanish troops at the outbreak of
the ten years war in Cuba, and his
mother and 6isters were shamefully
treated. Then the father and all of his
eleven eons except the youngest entered
the insurgent army, with a vow never to
Uy down their arms until the island
ehould be free. During that war the
father and nine of the sons were killed.
Antonio distinguished himself by reck
less bravery in battle, receiving no less
than twenty-one severe wounds, and was
promoted step by step to he rank of
general. When the insurrection failed,
and peace was signed, be refused to
accept the situation, and retreated with
his command to the mountains to con
tinue the fight. Finally he was induced
to leave Cuba, and he made his way to
West Point, where he acted as a hostler
and pioked up such military knowledge
as he could. From there he went to
Costa Rica, where he remained most of
the time until the present war begen.
when he returned to his country and
has borne a conspicuous part in the con
This gallant leader is a mulatto, part
negro and cart Spanish. It does not
appear that he ever bad any education
in the art of war except such as he
secured by private study and practical
experience, and yet he has more than
once proved himself to be superior in
strategy and in personal courage to the
beet of the Spanish commanders. Be
is above everything elee a fighter, and
belongs in qualities and methods to the
old order of paladins, who won dietinc
tion in hand-to-hand combats rather
than in the clash of armies. Is is his
delight to be always in the foreground
of the fight, where there is the greatest
peril and the best chance of individual
prowess. The general judgment of
military critics is that he is not as com
petent in all respects as Gomez, for
Patriotio League of America is not a se
cret organization, having for its aim a
few epecial purposes, but it is organized
to renew the eld sentiment that animat
ed our ancestors to combat tyranny and
strive for manly independence and self
government. It has no restrictions. Any
American can belong to it, no matter
what may be his creed .or color. Its
doors are wide open to every American
and its chief object is to incite all citi
zens of this Republic- with the patriotio
spirit that appears to hav been subor
dinated to commercial zeal and the pur
suit of the elusive dollar.
The addrees speaks in no equivocal
terms on the Cuban exigency. It de
clares that the intervention of this ca
tion at once is imperative, and that
"the eagle and the shield" shall panoply
the island, putting a stop to further
carnage in the interests of humanity, if
nothing more. The address points out
the indignities subjected to American
citizens while abroad, and discloses the
humility of American citizens eeeking
protection from British consuls in
foreign countries, owing to the weakness
and inefficiency of our diplomatic force.
It aocentuates the subservient and
almost servile attitude cf this country
to England and other countries in many
complications, and with unmeasured
terms stigmatizes this conduct as un
worthy of a great nation. Perhaps the
most startling part of the entire ad
dress is the advice to cease making any
further efforts towards a general arbi
trates treaty with Great Britain until
that country dismantles all the fortifica
tions along the Canadian frontier. The
address goes on to state these fortifica
tions are of recent construction and are
intended for no other purpose than a
menace and a threat to this country.
The addrees sajB that haste to be at
peace with the world is sometimes made
at the expense of honor. It advocates
protection to American products and
the immediate construction of the
Nicaraguan canal, the promotion of the
merchant marine and the incorporation
of adjacent islands and territory in the
United States, and to make the Amer
ican flag respected throughouttbe world.
This is not jingoism, but a true state
ment of broad Americanism. May the
society grow like a green bay tree.
of climate and soil. Such a couree will
bring ue both capital and population,
and thse are the two most needed ele
ments for our progress and upbuilding.
The New York Times is trying to
make people believe that the ioaugura
tion of Jefferson was conspiouous for ito
simplicity, and bitterly bewails Hanna'e
announcement thatMcKinley'e inaugur
ation will be the grandest affair of the
kind in American history. The Timee
says "it is vainglorious and sadly out
of taBte." It etrongly advises a return
to the simplicity extant ou such occasions
in the time of Jefferson. Evidently the
Times' library does oot contain a copy
of the "Aurora" of March 11, 1801, or its
ideas of matters in this direction would
undergo somewhat of a change. In
stead of tying his hobby to the fence
and walking up to be sworn, as the
limes seems io Deiieve, tne "Aurora,
in its account of the procceedings says:
"At an early hour on Wednesday,
March 4th, the Cit of Washington pre
sented a spectacle of uncommon ani
mation, oocasioned by the addition to
its usual population of a large body of
citizens from the adjacent districts. A
discbarge from the company of Wash
ington artillery ushered in the day, and
about 10 o'clock the Alexandria com
pany cf riflemen, with a company of
artillery, paraded in front of the presi
dent's lodgings. At 12 o'clock Tnomae
Jefferson, attended by a number of hie
fellow-citizens, among whom were many
members of congress, repaired to the
capitol. His drees was, as usual, that
of a plain citizen, without any distinc
tive badge of office. He entered the
capitol ULder a disc-barge from the ar
tillery. Ae eon as be with
drew a discharge from the artillery wat
made. The remainder of the day was
devoted to purposes of festivity, and at
night there was a pretty general illumi
nation." That's the kind of Jeffersonian simpli
city Mark Hanna wants, with the onlv
difference that 1896 is almost 100
years after 1801, with all its changes and
Sharkey got the $ IU.UUO which was i
the purse in the Fitzsimmons fight. In
addition to the money, he won the con
tempt of everybody who has the least
seneeof justice or fairness. It is very
wisely predicted that the diegraoeful af
fair will tend to put a very effective
damper upon the sport in San Francisco
To Car e Cold in One Day.
Take laxative Bronco Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the mone if it fails
to cure. 25o.
There has been no question for many
years which has caueed more widespread
excitement in the United States than
that involving the freedom of Cuba.
There is scarcely a Etate in the union
which is cot offering recruits who are
willing and anxious to bear the burdens
of war in behalf of the oppressed island.
Many complaints are being made by
nearly every paper in the territory that
the trampnuisance is becoming alarm
ing. The Weary Waggles and Lone
some Lons are exhibiting a spirit of in
sulting bravado toward unprotected
ladies which may result very seriously
example, but he is dashing and brilliant I to some of the fraternity if they do not
beyond all of hia fellow-leaderB, and the I chop on their system. Any man who is
cherish a. special fondness for
willing to work should undoubtedly
have the opportunity to obtain food.
The great majority of thoBe on the road,
however, have adopted tramping as a
profession, and do not propose to do
anything else. These are deserving of
severe treatment, and should be made
to feel that they are amenable to law.
Iir the republican caucus committee,
which recently met to consider the
bimetallio proposition, Senator Woloott,
of Colorado, cbarim&n of the committee,
"The senate Republican coacus com- Saa Bernardino, Cal., has a very effeo- quality.
mittee to report legislation in further-1 tive way of dealing with these gentry.
They are put to work crushing rook with
which the streets are repaired.
Work Is Actively Progressing in the
Globe District-
The following from the Silver Belt
gives a pretty good idea of what is be
ing dons on the mines in and around
The mlla is furnishing the usual
quantity of ore. Owing to the breaking
of one of the b'ower shafts at the eruel
ter only the 100-ton furnace is in blast.
A new shaft will be received today, and
a small jacket blown in at once. A new
Worthington pump for the smelter well
has been received. Coke is coming in
A new office building is being erected
at the mine, and carpenters are framing
timbers for a change house to replace
:he building destroyed by hre. Ibe new
house, with the exception of the skele
ton frame, will be constructed of iron
sheathing as a precaution against fire.
The company has ereoted several
buildings at the mines, among them a
house for Superintendent' Hill, end be
will now spend more of his time at the
mines personally directing development
The hoiet is in place on the Black
Copper and the sinking of the shaft, to
a depth of several hundred feet will be
resumed at once. Sinking on tne Dade
villa continues with very encouraging
results. The shaft is in ore of good
ruosau, Leo. K-me nrtn session
of the National Irrigation Congress ia
ended. The session has been the moat
business-like known to' the body and
the organization will henceforth be
upon the new basis of a regular organi
zation with paying member, with
special committees and with funda for
pushing legislation.
The following offloers were elected for
the ensuing year: Chairman of execu
tive committee, E. R. Moses, of Great
Bend, Kan., re-elected unanimously, aa
was also Vice-Chairman Brigham
Young, of Utah, and E, G. Hudson, of
Illinois; treasurer, L. B. Brainard, of
Connecticut, national lecturers, J. E.
Emory, cf Kansas, and I. A. Foot, of
Lincoln, Neb., was fixed upon by
unanimous vote for the kite of ..the next
California will be represented in the
national committee by J. D. Schuyler,
and Arizona by James McClmtock. '
One of the main resolutions passed )
was presented oy tne Uahiornia dele
gation. The resolution says: That all ob
stacles which now stand io the way of
tne successful operation cf the irriga
tion district system can be removed in
tbuse states whero it is desired by del
egating the whole subject to a state
commission for sufficient length of time
to enable them to give to the matter a
most thorough investigation of exist
ing conditions, and afford the fullest
opportunity for suggestions and object
ions bo the statutes may be so amended
that we may get the full benefit of the
lignt of the experienced of Uu years of
practical operation, . and that the law
may be so modi tied that it will unite as
far as is posttihle all people of the dis
tricts and of the etate in earnest aud
united effort to conceive the purpose of
the law and enjoy its fruits.
The other resolutions passed are as
That members of congress be hereby
instructed to use all honorable means to
procure the passage of an aot providing
for praotical bydrogrspb'ic surveys and
the collection of such information as
may be of use for the location and con
struction of reservoirs for water storage
both to seoure water for agricultural
uses and t make the lands below free
from damage by floods.
Peking an appropriation by congress
for 810G.U00 for sinking test wells for
the development of artesian well possi
bilities of the country.
Commending the erection of a great
storage dam on the Gila river, Arizona,
near Florence primarily for tb purpose
of supplying water to the Pima and
Maricopa tribes of Indians.
For a national trersirer A. G. Uttley,
of Rhode Island, was substituted for
Brainard, resigned.
Cincinnati, Onio Dec. 18. When the
American Federation of Labor met to
day, president Gompere, who received
unaminous vindication in the executive
seeeion last night, was in cheerful
spirits. A special order of the morning
session was the following resolution of
delegate Asbewortb of Boston, "Resolv
ed; That we, delegates of American
Federation of Labor, in convention as
sembled, demand such amendments to
the constitution the United States the
constitution of the several states there
of, as will deprive the courts of the power
to set aside laws duly enacted by legally
crown, a young woman who lived with
ner aunt. &ne was round dead in her
room July 29th. Her throat wbb cut
and there were evidences of anotter
heinous crime. Smith was a servant in
the family.
ember 24, 1895. The Proctor brothers
were accessories. All bave bad trials.
New York, Dec. 18 A World corree
pondect io Havansinterviewed the Com
petitor prisoners in prison and found
them fairly well treated.
Saw Francisco, Dec. 17 Judge Sac
dereon today dissolved the injunction
tying up the check in the Sharkey
JMtzsimmoca c6e on the ground that
the law could not recognize prize fights.
Rcsseixville, Ky.. Dec. 18 A mob
early tbis morning took Arch and Dink
and Bill Prootor out of jtil, lynobed two
or tbem and shot the other to death
Arch killed two men. Doc, and Aaron
Crof ton, of Adairville, tbis county, Nov-
T n SI I n. m.
nsu uuff. ujio.. uec. it me re
mits of the explosion yesterday io Holy
jrot9 mine tunnel are not so terious as
at first reported. No men were killed.
An inspection will be made to ascertain
the cause of the explosion, whioh is
Hamburg, Dec. 17 The police have
prohibited strikers patrolling tte port.
The strikers now are offering to go to
work but are rejected, the employers
having decided net to take any back
until the trike is ended.
Ashtabula, Om Dec. 19 At Sheffield,
sever miles from Ashtabula, early this
morning, Mr. and Mrs. Aelo were awak
ened by night beya and ioformed that
the house was in flames. Bjth got out
of the burning building but went back
to resoue their grand child. The floors
fell in and they were turned to death.
Astobia, Ogn., Dec. 19 A largeBbip is
ashore at Long Beach; the train just left
Ilwaoo at 10 tbis morning for the scene
with help. The vessel wentHshorej last
night during a heavy fog. The scene of
the wreck is ten miles north of Fort
Canby near where the Stratbblane was
wrecked a few years ago. Tbe life-saving
crew from Fort Canby has gone by
train, tio particulars yet obtainable.
Madrid, Dec. 19 Tbe decision of the
United States senate committee on
foreign relations to report Senator
Cameron's resolution for recognition of
the Republio of Cuba h89 caused a great
sensation. A cabinet meeting will be
The Danger is Averted by Using
"Xearly forty years ago, after
some weeks of sickness, my hair
turned gray and began falling out
so rapidly that I was threatened
with immediate baldness. Hearing
Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of,
I commenced using this prepara-
Washington, Dec 21 Senator Petti
grew today introduced tbe following
joint resolution: Resolved that tho Sec
retary of the treasury be and ia hereby
directed to pay the holders of the
Unioo Paoifio Railway Omany aix per
cent trust notes the amount dne there
on and take poetesetoa of bonds
and stocks not held ss securities tor the
said cotes said bonds and stocks being
tne property or tne union Jtecinc Rail
attained a higher rate of speed than he
counted on, be lost his cold and was
thrown to ths ground by the side of the
track, a portion of his hand strUing up
on the rail and was crusr ed in such m
manner as to necessitate the amputation
of the third and fourth fingsrs. Dr.
Hardy dreaced tbe injured member and
the young man is now getting along ae
well as could be expected. Mr. Gardner
waa making for Prescott where he has
way company. For the narnose of nor. J an nniun hnaina irnihwmw a . -
rying out tbe provisions of this not thel
sum of $10,000.00 or so muob thereof ss I
may be necessary ia bsrsby appropriat-1
tion, and "was so well satisfied with
the result that I have never tried
any other kind of dressing. It stop.
ved the hair from falling out, stimu
lated a r.ew growth of hair, and kept
the scalp free from dandruff. Onlj'
an occasional application Is now
needed to keep my hair of good,
natural color. I never hesitate to'
recommend any of Ayer's medicines
t o m y f riends." Mrs. IL M. Haigiit.
Avoca, Neb.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Ayer's Saraapurilla Jtewteves Pimple
view of tbe attitude of Spam, who is
firmly resolved not to draw her sword
held tomorrow to disouss tbe situation. I against tbe United States, except in
lease of positive insult, that Cleveland
Chicago, Deo. 19 -Tbe bill for a re
ceiver of the Inter-National Building &
Lioan Investment Company was filed
tad ay.
WASHiwGTOjr. D. G Dao. 19. The
House adopted a rule to give four days
to the raciuo Railroad Furding B.ll
beginning Thursday. January7th.
London Deo. 19. The Bolin broke
club offeree a purse of $15,000 for a fight
between Uorbett and r ltzsiminons.
Muskogee I. T. Dec. 19. Tbe
Cbockatw commission siaued a treaty
with tea Dawes commission last mzbt
Tbe treaty provides for tbe allo tment
of lands, town sites, coal h'elde, for
Choctaw schools and the relinquishment
of the tribal government within eight
Hamburg, Deo. 19. A ballot of
striking dockers at five ciffrrent meet
ings today has resulted iu 7,265 votes in
favor of a continuance of the strike
and 3,671 against it. Tbe result was
iveerecd with voicferous cheering.
Washington, Dec. 19 Tbe Cameron
Cuban resolution, if it proceeds to final
chosen representatives of tbe people, as passage in both bouses, will constitute
ance of the international bimetallic con-
ference bad a full meeting to-day, and
the question wa9 discussed at some
length. The subject was chiefly con
sidered with a view to securing tbe wid
est possible latitude to a commission
and bo framing legislation that the in
coming President would be at liberty to
act immediately upon his inauguration,
and without waiting further legislative
action. There were thousands of re
publicans in the West who were in ac
cord with so much cf the Chicago plat
form as stood for the free coinage of
silver, but who were unable to accept
the other planks of tbe platform. There
were aleo in tbe Middle States hun
dreds of thousands of republicans, ear
nest bimetallists, who voted the republi
can ticKet because they believed the
financial plank in the St. Louis plat
form to be a sacred promise committing
the party to an earnest effort to secure
international bimetallism.
"So far as I can observe, the senti
ment is practically unanimous among
republican senators in favor of an ear
nest effort toward international agree
ment. I do not anticipate any serious
trouble in the way of securing euch
legislation as has been outlined, and
which will prepare tbe way for this
effort. So far as I can learn, there is no
opposition on the part cf either demo
crats or populiets to such legislation as
has been outlined, for I thick it msy be
truthfully said that 99 per cent of the
people of this country are bimetallists.
and even those who believe this country
can alone maintain tbe double standard
nave no sort or objection to tbe same
result being accomplished by interna
tional agreement, if it shall be pass'
It does really seem as if people rubbed
it on tbe tnrkey a little thick. Knowing
full well his antipaty during life, to any
thing red, they insist on garnishing him
in death, with cranberries.
If Bryan would come to Tucson he
might get some pointers on election con
tests which wculd be of value when he
is defeated in 1900. If he knew as much
about such things as some Tuceon
politicians he might have been president
Henry Watterson has suggested to
the democrats that they set apart.) ackbon
Day, January 8, as a day of fasting and
prayer. Henry is a little late with his
advice. In the light of recent events,
the time for that sort of business was
just prior to that disastrous Chicago
Judge Sanderson, in San Francisco,
dissolved the injunction which stopped
payment of the Fitzsimmons-Sbarkey
cheok, upon the ground that tbe courts
have nothing toado with the wrangles of
prize fighter. If you desire the assist
ance of justioe you must preeentyour
case to her with clean hands.
Hugh Higdon and H. C. Haverly have
a good copper claim in the Joyce,
Webster gulch, adjacent to the Black
warrior property, and upon tbe same
ledge. They bave sunk 30 or 40 feet on
tbe ledge, and bave ore of a very good
grade, and apparently there is an abun
dance or it. worn on tne claim, sue
pended for several weeks, will be res urn
ed within a few days.
the continental.
An English syndicate has becom
interested witbN. L. Amc-ter in the bond
on the Continental group, eleven miles
west of Globe, and tbe develocment of
tne property will be commenced witbi
a few days. The first work contem
plated ia to drive a crosscut tunnel 00
feet end continue the present shaft
down 150 feet to connect with th
tunnel. E. D. Stoutz. M. E., is expect
ed here today from New York, to ae6i6t
Mr. Am6ter in directing the work.
The Continental is a well known pro
perty, that has been several times favor
ably reported upon, and is believed to
be one of the most premising copper
properties, for the amount of work done.
io Globe district. Ibe parties who bave
become interested in the Continental
have ample capital, and propose to
thoroughly exploit the mine.
The devotion of Americans to the
cause of Cilba is shown by tbe numerous
recruits who are offering themselves for
service in the oppressed country. Hun
dreds of men, well to do, ire furnishing
their own arms and transportation, and
are flocking to Maceo's standard, their
only incentive being sympathy and a
love of liberty.
The Cameron resolution on the Cuban
question was adopted by the senate com
mittee on foreign affairs yesterday, and
will be reported to tbe senate, at once.
There ia no doubi that this resolution
comes a great deal nearer the views of
the people cf the United States than
anything the president has had to say
on the subject. Recognition of the
Cubans as belligrrente, by the United
Statee, will give the insurgents many
advantages of which they are deprived
at present and to which they are justly
Will. Phiiadelphians never wake up?
One of the ladies of the City of Brother
ly love was reoently married to a man
named Rosen, and now she has gone
into the courts to secure a divorce, up
on the ground that she was net aware of
what was goiLg on although she attend
ed the ceremony. It s funny how long
it takes some people to get a joke
through their beads.
An address has been recently issued
by the Patriotic League of America
which is strong in its vigorous appeal to
all citizens of the United States tostand
ud for tbe spirit of T6. Of it the Los
Angeles Express says:
Tbe address of the Patriotic League
of America may be 6aid to fairly reek
with patriotism. Every line of it breath
es the fervor of love for the starry flag
and causes the blood to move quickly
in its pulsations through the body. The
The session of the National Irrigation
Congress whioh has just ended its labors
in Phoenix, will be prolific of more good
for Arizona than anything which has
ever occurred in tbe territory. Repre
sentatives from every section or the
union were in attendance, and many
of them had their eyes opened to Ariz
ona a resources in a way mey uiue
dreamed of. Their impressions will be
carried to their homes and liberally
circulated among their neighbors. Tbe
result will be, anxious inquiries and a
desire to know more of the glorious
land of the west. This irrigation con
gress should be followed by libera!,
systematic advertising of our advantages
the badger.
This, the principal claim of the group
in Lost Gulch, owned by Louis Sultan
and James Graham, continues to thow
improvement. The shaft 280 feet north
east from the original location, has been
sunk to a depth of 125 ftet. The ledge
averages 3 feet in width the full
lengtn or tne 6bait. and numerous
assays of the ore show average re
turns of about $20 per ton io gold. Be
low the 60 ft. level the character of tbe
ore has changed to a sulphuret. and
again below the sulphuret a white
quartzy ore was struck assaying in gold
over $100 per ten. Free gold ia visible
through the quartz. There are no fur
ther developments to report on other
olaims of tho group.
Activity tiarks the operations of this
company. Ibe mill is running steadily
I and tbe supply of ore is ample. The
usual force is employed in the mine, acd
considerable development work ia being
Articles of incorporation of tbe Pinto
Creek Mining and Smelting Company
are publitbed for the fin-t time in tbis
i68ue of the Silver Belt Tbe iocor
porators are: T. R. Aehbrook. Geo. W.
Jckson, M. O. Blackmore, Jauits M
Wilson, Donald Cam obeli and Grant S
Watkins of St. Jeeph, Mo., and Mrs
Winnie Fergueoo, of Globe, Ariz.
The company has been organized for
the mining and reduction or copper and
gold ores principally. The capital stock
of tbe corporation is to be $1,000,000 ful
ly paid up: the principal place of busi
ness Globe, Arizona, and a branoh office
at St. Joseph, Mo.
Ix the Baby ia Cntins: Teeth
Be euro and use that old and well tired
remedy, Mra. Wicslow's Scotbing Syrup
for children teething. If eo tbes the
child, softens tbe gums, allays all pain,
cures wind colic and is tbe best remedy
for diarrhoea. Twenij-hve cents a bottle.
we believe tbe proper function of courts
to be to expound and administer law,
Hut not to make it. The disouseioc was
participated in by most of tbe delegates.
The imprisonment of EuguneV. Debs
and, other labor leaders prosecuted on
account of strikes, and the income tax
decision were referred to bitterly. Some
epeakers condemned the course several.
but most held that the constitutions
were against the laboring classes more
than courts acd favored abolishing all
constitutions as it was difficult to amend
these instruments so as comply with
changes of the times.
A resolution extending aid and co
operation to Colorado miners was adopt
ed. Yarnell, of Colorado, then offered
resolution reaffirming tbe action of the
oational conventions of 93, '94. and
1895; endorsing the free and unlimited
coinage of silver at a ratio of 16to 1. Del
t-gate Lennon offered a substitute re
affirming tbe action of previous conven
tione on silver aud denying in so doing
tbat tbe Federation endorses any politi
cal party. Yarnell accepted Lencon's
substitute as an amendment. Delegate
Garland offered a resolution endorsing
a high protective tariff which was ruled
out of order. After many epeeohes the
Yarnell silver resolution as amended by
L9onon was carried; yeas 1835; nays
Washington, Dec. 18 Secretary
Olcey was before the senate committee
of foreign relations too ay for a consider
able time. All members except Gray
and' Daniel were present. The meeting
was held for the excess purpesjof con
tiLUing tbe discussion of tbe policy on
tbe Cuban question to be recommended
hv tbe committee. The meeting was
it iotiyj.rivate , O.ney t-eing tha only the
person, not a member, wbo wa
direct formidable issue between the
executive and legislative branches of
tbe government This is clearly indic
ated by an interview given out by Se
cretary Olcey today. Secretary Olcey
being asked his opinion ss to the nature
and effect of the proposed resolution
recognizing tbe independence of the
Republio of Cuba eaid: A resolution by
the senate or by tbe house, or by both
bodies, whether concurrent or joint, un
less approved by tbe exeoutive, remaics
inoperative and importaot only as ad
vice of great weight voluntarily tender
ed to the executive regarding the man-1
ner in wmcn be snail exercise nis con
stitutional fucctione. Tbe operation
acd effect of the proposed resolution
therefore even if passed by both houses
of congress by a two-thirds vote are
perfectly plain. It may raie expecta
tions in Bjme quarters which can never
be realized. It may iLflame popular
paesions hotb in this country and else
where; may thus put in peril tbe lives
sod property of Americans wbo are re
sident aud travelling abroad, and will
certainly obstruct and perhaps defeat
tbe beet efforts of this government to
afford its oitizeos due protection. Bat
except in tbeee ways, and unless the
aavice embodied in tbe resolution 6hall
lead tbe Executive to revise it, tbe con
clusion already reached and oQioially
deo.'ared the resolution will be without
effect and will leave u ushered the atti
tude of this government towards the
two contending parties in Cuba.
Cincinnati, O., Dec t19 When Pre
sident Gampra cal.ed the American
Federation of Labor for the sixth day
of tbe seventh aunual convention there
wa9 still much agitation in the lobbies
over the rourtn endorsement or free
coinage or eilver. borne o( tne silver
ana aicrlinlev will refuse to sanation
resolutions "Uaicuiated to make war
Obegon City, Ogn. Dec. 18, Rob
bers entered the postoffice last night by
prying open the iron door at the rear.
They broke open the safe and took all
tbe fctamps and registered packages,
cash and private papers of ths Post
mater, S. R. Green. Even ths pennies
rrora tbe till at tbe stamp window wart
taken. The loss from regitered mail I
is about $2,000.
Chicago, Deo. 21 Tbe National Back
of Illinois failed to open this morning.
This was one of ths best and oldest
banking institutions in the city, with
assets between twelve and fifteen
millions. At the 1-st report, Nov. SO,
the bank had a capital of 31,000,000, s
surplus of $1,000 000, acd undivided
profits of $150,000. The total assets,
including bonds, is
Tbe best salve in the world for cuts
bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, ohspped bands, chilblains,
corns ana au sain eruptions, and posi
tively ouree piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfso
tion or money refunded. Price 25ots a
box. JTor sale by George M rti
Aaether Wealthy CeaapsutyFi
Amd Will Operate.
The Prospector aaye tbat negotiations
V - U - M
nam ueea penamg ior some lime past
by a syndicate of w sal thy mining men
for a transfer f the valuable Jobnson
Fitte claims in Pea roe distriot and has
been culminated in tbe formation of tbe
Gold Cliff Mining Company, oanitaliaed
for $1,000,000. Backed with essh and
unlimited means, this property is destin
ed to become quite a factor in tbe min
ing world and certainly ia one of great
importance to Pearce and Cochise coun
ty. Tbe mine besides being located in
one of tbe richest mining districts ia
tbs west is a most premising claim
and has maay times received favor
able mention in these colunma. That
it was one of merit is attested by the
fact that two experts wbo examined the
claims reported favorably. Mr. Freder
ick Stook one of the company also per
sonally visited the claims and being
most favorably impressed the organiza
tion of the company was the result.
Work has already been ordered in
earnest. For temporary use a whim baa
been placed ia position, a road graded
ana a roroe or men on three shirts, put
to work to sink the shaft to a 200 foot
level when stations will be made drifts
run and mining on a considerable scale
is to be proseouted. A company office
sd assay office are to be ereoted imme
diately and other improvements to fol
low all of whioh evince tbe right kind of
spirit and progress! vsnsss.
The Gold CI ff is most favorably locat
ed near the famos? Pearce mine and
rom the surface the ore continued
Attraetiv Advertising.
The San Antonio 3b Aransas Pass Rail
way, with a view of attracting attention
to tbe coast country of Texas, bse had a
number of large tarpon mounted at the
Pass by Mr. Farley. Tbe fish are quite
attractive and appear as natural as when
taken from tbe water. They are now ia
the hand of Superintendent G. W.
Batcher at the company' shops, where
they are being remounted on handsome
boards with elegant moulding prior to
their shipment to Northern cities.
Ths fish will be placed in prominent
ticket city offices in Chicago. Dan ves, St.
Louis, Kansas City, Wssbingtoo and
Fsw York. Each agent will be supplied
w:th tarpon scales and advertising mat
ter relative to Southern Texaa coest re
sorts reached by the San Antonio & Ar
ansas Pats Rsilwsy.
Thn following is a list of the tarpon so
mounted, their weight, and. by whom
caught, and no doubt each gentleman
will Use great pains in having their
friends take a look at the best ties:
Jaoob Sanders, Denver, caught Oct 6,
1896; weight. 165 pounds.
Ban Hecey. I'acson, caught Oct. 20;
weight, 147 pounds, 5 ft 11 in.
Jske Sutherland, Chicago, caught Oct
10; weight 130 pounds.
- J. S. Hagenbaok, Chicago, caught Oct
9, weight, 128 pounds.
Cspt Sedam, Denver, caught Oct 8;
weight 167 pounds.
J. G. Morgan, Denver, caught Got 12;
weight 122 pounds.
It is the intention of the railwsy com
pany to add yearly to the number of tar
poo so tbat every prominent city in the
country will know of tbe wonderful fish
ing on the Texas coast
ia every section, to canvass, $4 to $5 a
day made, sells at sight; also a man to
sell staple goods to dealers, beat side
line, $75 a month. Salary or large com
mission made, experience unnecessary.
For sealed particulars send stamp. Clif
ton Soap 4 Manufacturing Company,
Cincinnati, O. . Jao2w-l-y
Uanted-An Idea
Writ X
of soma slmpte
roar M; thr may brfa y
OHS WKDDkKBUkM ft CO, Fktoat Attor.
better with depth until at 80 fsst a ledge ZftlZSgJ
oi xi teet oi gooa muucg ore nas been
exposed and it ' is widsaing,
every fsw feet from tbesnrfsce
the results better as depth was
thus tbe wonderful possibilities
elsims are at once spnsrent
Mr. Stock and his associates are to be I
congratulated on securing snob a valu
able property, and we predict ere long
tne great rear oe mine win nave a worthy
competitor in the uoid uufx.
Deafness Cannot be Carre!
by local applications, Cthey eanaot reach tbs
diseased portion of thenar. There is only one
TO the editor : I have an absolute Cure for
CONSUMPTION and aU Bronchial, Throat ant
Lung Troubles, and all conditions of Wasting
Away. By its timely use thousands of apparent
ly hopeless cases have been permanently cured.
So proof-positive am I of its power to cure, I
will send FREE to anyone afflicted, THRES
BOTTLES of my Newly Discovered Remedies,
upon receipt of Express and Postoffice address.
Alwavs sincerelv vonra.
T. A- SLOCUif. M.C., 183 Pearl St. New Tort,
w aaa vnbif tae uoetoe, please i
1 writiag the Doctor, pi
way to core ifealness. and that is by constitn-
uonaj remeqiea. uearn ess ia caused by an lo-
uuicunuiuiuvavi mo mucous iininr or the
Eustachian Tnba. When thii tnh Mu7.mi
i r,n ni rwi. . v I v.- 1. 1 . . . . " .
li.K.i.ii,. -..11 .1 m mmiviA t. I ..wucuneaureij ciosea uearn
To tho Young Faco
Poaaosu'a Oomtlkxiom Powpp gives fresher
Icharms; to the old. renewed youth. Try It.
is feared serious results may foilow.
Constantinople, Dec. 21 The Rus
sian ambassador, M. DaNelidoff, had an
hour a audience with tbe Sultan Satur
day, at which he urged tbe introduction
of reforms and granting amnesty to im
prisoned Armniaus. His majeai)
aa9ertd thBt tha reformu agreed uooc
by ihe powers already, had been ex
ecuted, and promised to issue the am
nesty decree in a few hours. Bub
eequentljr tbe ambassadors exchanged
views relative to new reform proposals to
be submitted to the Sultan.
Saw Astosio, Tex., Deo. 21 Tbe
west buund passenger train. No. 20. 00
the Southern Pacitio railroad, waa held
op by three masked men, and three
money packages from t e express car
stolen, at midnight, near Comstock, 28
mil' s west or sun Antonio.
1 eatirelv closed Dufivu
me rcsun, ana umess ue inflammation n be
taken out and this tnbe restored to its normal
conuiuon.neanny win oe destroyed forever;
nine cases out of ten ar? caused by catarrh,
which is nothine but an inflamed conditio Af
we mucous aunaces. -
We will rive One Hundred Dollars tnr an
ease of Deafness (caused bv catarrh t that can
not be cured by Hail's Catarrh Ckim. KtwI fn.
Tvcuiacs, iree. v
. c,. it. ElflfH7 Toledo, O.
A Caurd ef Tkauaka-
At a meeting just held cf the ladies
composing the com mittee having in
charge the late fair, in aid of the new
cathedral, the unbounded generosity of
tbe people in sspport of their enterprise.
ss discussed, scd tbe fsct thst tbe
Spanish and American people, regard lee
or their creed, joined with the commit
tee, freely living it their time, count
and mocsy sod io this way making ths
enterprise ths satisfying it waa, there-
Dasville Jcsctiox. Mains. Dec 21 I fore it was decided that in tbis public
. . i . m J . I I -11
manner, we snouiu leemy to toese peo
ple, our appreciation and gratitude o.
ind for their kiodnsse. assuring tbm
tbat their disinterested labors and on-
tints J financial aid, shall not be forgot
ten by tne women composing the
tlis advice was against precipitate ao- dvooates expressed apprehension for
tiOO. a oe lureigu reiuuuut oummitiee,
however, agreed to report the Cameron
Cuban resolution. Cameron s reeolu
tion was as follows
Resolved, by tbe annate and house of
representatives of tbe United States of
America, in congress assembled, tbat
the independence of the Republic of
Cuba be acd tbe same is hereby acknow
ledged by the United States of America.
Sec. II. Tbat tbe United States
should use its friendly efflcea with tbe
government of Spain to close the war
between Spain and Cuba.
The committee changed tbe Cameron
resolution so as to make it more empba
tic. Tbe title waa changed to read
Joint resolution acknowledging tbe
independence of tbe Republic of Cuba.1
Tbe words "the Republic being insert
ed. Instead of declaims tbat tbe Unit
ed States ehould use its friendly offices
the resolution was made to read "tbe
United States will" do so. Secretary
Oioey, it is claimed by the members of
ibe committee wbo favored tbis action.
did not have any new information to
present. Secretary Olney urged that no
action be taken at present acd pointed
out tbat there was no real government
to reoognize. Tbe agreement to report
tbe Cajaeron resolution was reached im
mediately after Olney left without divi
eion or expressed difference of opinion
Tbe only difference was as to the time
tbe resolution should be reported to tbe
pen ate. Cameron moved its report ou
Monday next. Sherman suggested that
tbe report be not put in until after tbe
holidays. Cameron s motion prevailed
by a large majority.
Tbe members of the oommittee are
reticent ae to what Secretary Olcey said
but it is certain be advised against any
action like tbat contemplated, as u
would involve war with Spain. One
member of the committee said: Ur
course Spain will fight. But there is
no danger of other countries getting in
our way. no otner European nauoD
wants to finbt us and we woaid wind
p a war with Spain in short order."
The oomion wss expreseea tnat Wie
the future over the introduction of
economic or other questions cotgermaoe
to labor on which there were radical
diffences of opinion. Granting a charter
to the American Federation of Musi
cians with over 5,000 members wan con
firmed; aleo affiliation with the National
Association of Electrical Workers and
'Longshoremen on the sea coast. At
tbe request of the grievance committee,
Mernao, of St. Louis, president of the
Miners' Association, addressed the con
vention on tbe contest between the aeeo
ciationa of Iron-moulders and Tin
Sheet iron and Cornice Workers.
St Pact. Minn., DdC. 19. Between
two and three o'olock tbis morning
lire wss discovered in th Ryan Annex
on Seventh street Before it was brought
under control at five o'clock tbe build
ing was partly destroyed: loss $750.0(0
and the Sohutte block corner of Seventh
& Jackson wbb consumed; 8100,000. The
stock of several stores was badly dimag
ed. Tbe Sohutte Building owned by J
Leroy White. Henry White, and H.
Buckler, of Baltimore was occupied by
ibeNortbern Exchange Bank, a large
number of doctors, tbe Prudential Life
Insurance, Twin City Piinting Company
and tbe United States recruiting omce,
wers all burned out. Tbe entire loss
exceeds $300,000. Two thirds was 00
the building. J. V. Brewer s collection
of historical arobeological and geologi
cal mpteiial was destroyed, it repres
ented tbe work el tnirtv years and
Brewer valued it at $6,000. Shortly
after 3 o'clock the engine room at lh
rear of tbe Ryn Block fell, precipitat
in? several ere men io iub ktuudu
Lieut O Meara was quite seriously curt.
Tbe guests of tbe R iyal Hotel adjoining
tbe Annex, were badly ingbtened by
tbe fire but tbe hotel was almost nc-injured.
8an Franckco, CaK.tDeo. 19. Tbe L.
A. W. has suspended J. N. Liong or
Phoenix, and Albert Cooper and Cbarlee
Hoffof Tuoson, pending investigation.
Pabis. Dao. 19. A despatch to tbe
Journal from Msdnd quotes the Spanish
veland wonld veto tbe joint resolution. I nPAmir. 'Ssro? CamovaB de Castillo, a
I r ? .. y- TTT . I
Uppeb MALBOBO,Md., Dec. 18-James esyicg tbat uapuan genera wey.e,
mitb, colored, was bang-d here tbis misna 10 .uiuon.-K.bU...
' " . . . .... Af n.ih. 1?iiiarn sxrACta. that la
morning, omitn, muraerea juaxguee w - -
A train 00 the Grand Trunk railwav
was derailed about two miles below the
Junction today, and four cars wrecked.
Seventeen passengers wers hurt, but cot
eeriou9ly. Tbe Injured were taken to
B.f-ton. Tbe cause of the accident wa
a broken 'ail.
Washington, Dec. 21 Senator Vest
attempted to disouss tbe Cuban ques
tion today in the seoste, bat Ssnstot
Hale, of Maine, interposed so objeotton,
6aying tbat with tbe understanding of
the case, viz: tbat it was to go over till
after tbe holidays, it was unfair. Test
then eaid be would reserve discussion of
ths matter.
Berlin, Dec. 21 A despatch to the
Frankfort Ziituog says a rising of tbe
Young Turkish party is feared. Fifty
Young Turkish o fleers escaped arrest by
fleeicg from tbe city and a number ot
army officers of high rank bars been
taken to tbe Yildiz Palace to tbe b
tried by court martial. At the palace it
ia further stated tbe usual precaution
for the safety of the Sultan bave beei
doubled and every suspect approaching
tbe palace is arrested.
Washington, Deo. 21 When the im
migration bill was laid before tbe houe
today Bartbold (rep Mo.) made a speech
opposing tbe senate amendments. rl
olaimed that foreign residents in Amer
ica saved the country in tbe late eleotioi
and should now be treated fairly and
not discriminated against. He also
ridiculed the amendment proposed b
the senate. Tbe bouse nou-cocourred
in tbe senate amendments and agreed to
a conference. Consideration of the
legislative appropriation bill was then
Washington, Deo. 21 Senstor Ba
con of Georgia, introduced a resolution
today on tbe constitutional question
raised etween the exeoutive and con
gress by the Cuban war. The resolu
tion decinres tbat tbe recognition of tbe
government is tbe sovereign power
which does not appertain to tbe exeou
tive except as the right of veto makes
him part of tbe law-making power. Chil
ton, of Texas, introduced a substitute
for Cameron's resolution dsolaring tbat
a 6tate of war exists in Cuba aud tbe
United States should remain neutral ac
cording to ths rights ot belligerents of
both parties.
Albany, Dao. 21 Governor Morton
refused to pardon or commute the sen
tence of John Y. McKane.
Cincinnattt, Deo. 21 Tbe convention
of American Federation of Labor today
dopted a resolution deolaring tbat no
official of tbe Feden tion should affiliate
with any political party.
Washington, Deo. 21-The comptroller
of ourrenoy made a call on National
Banks for a report of their condition at
ije close of business on Dec. 17.
Washington, Dao. 21 Tbe Supreme
Court today affirmed tbe verdict of the
Supreme Court of New Mexico in the
case of Frsuoisco Borrego. Antonio
Borrego, Laurioae La rid and l'atricia
Valencia under sentence of death for
ths murder of Franoieoc Chavez, of
Santa Fe County in 1892. Tbe case
was appalled to the 8upreme Court on
hd allegation of error but tbe court de
ided tbat tbe proceedings of tbe tsrri-
orial courts were regular.
A New Year's Gift Heralded-
The measureless popularity of U os tet
ter s Stomach Bitters has been the
growth of more than a third tf a centu
ry. As in the past, the coming new year
will be usbsred in by tbe eppeerance 01
a fresh Almanac, clearly setting forth
the nature, uses and opsratioo of thii
medicine of world wide fame. Itie wall
worth perusal. Absolute accuracy in th
astrocomicsl calculations and calendar
will, as before, be valuable charactsria
tics, while tbe reaoing matter ' will is-
oluds statistics, humor and general in
formation, accompanied by admirably
executed illustrations. The Almanac
s issued fram the publishing depsrt-
nsnt of 1 he Hoa tetter Compsny atPitte-
urgb, and will be printed on tbi
reeses in English, Germsn, French,
vel-b, Norwegisn. Swedish, Holland,
Bohemian and Spanish. All druggists
md country dealers furnish it withont
Whea I say I core I do aot
tbeaWore time aa4 than have than return scaia. I
sioaa a radical euro. I ha nul. th Aim
loaf study. I warrant my renwdy to core tho worst
eases. Boeaase others aavo f mil ad ia no hum far
not mow reeourmo a euro. Send at ooeo for a treatise
ad a Froo Bottle of ray infalliblo mud,, n... e-
proes aod Pootoffico eddraoa.
von suffer from any of the
1 iQs of men. come to tbe oldest
ipedausu on the Pacific Coast. 1
Dr. Jordan & Co. Tbooaands
now live nappy uresust we
1 saved from tbe grave.
Stricture, iocs of manhood.
diseases of the skin and kid
neys quickly cured without the use of
mercury. Treatment personally or ny
letter. Send for book The Philosophy
of Marriage.' fxee.
Go and learn how wonderfully yon are ,
made: how to avoid sickness and disease.
Thousands of new objects. Additions 000- ,
Usually. Catalogue sent tree.
1051 Market Street. Saa FraKlsee. Cat.
are- i
inn Hunn uraomot ana mm
dlachartrr from tho imnAry or f
rsna, arretted br Smntal ikly f f"TTf I
CapoulethoDtlooouvFnlooeelkUi I
fry?!, of AUjpnuwia,VV
The Peifumo cf Violets
The parity of tbe lily, the glow of the rose.
ana tne uusn 01 ueoe comma in pocnoave
wondrous Powder.
Victims ef Lost Manhood should
vocb tor o, nook
that eIalna how
TnanJy rir
eaaily, quickly
and permanently
restored. No man
suffering from
weakness can af
ford to ignore this
timely advice.
Book tells how
relotnnent and tr.ne am imn.rt.H ,n
portion of the body. Sent with positive
proofs (sealed) free to any man on SDnlXcation.
peka & Santa Fe baa done a great deei I tmcucuiUALUU., BUrrALU.H.T.
n tbe wsy or building up rlsnsas and
Happealags of Interest Freaa Terri
terial Fweheisjeav
The Santa re New Msxican rsry
California, why not give some attention
00 w to New Mexico and Arizona? Ga
A Phoenix paper says thst "despite
tbs fsct tbat the city is tilled with strang
ers, no arrests hsve been made for psace
disturbances or other inrrsctions of the
law." It waa real nice on the part of
those irrigators to behave themselves
while in Phoenix and not subject them
selves to arrest. Journal Miner.
The children in the poblio school are
doing good work and wasting no time
tbis month. The three weeks lost by
the closing of the schools dnnng tbe pre
valence of diptberia has made extra work
oeoesssry to bring out the term all right
and under tie carsfel guidance ot our
corps of efficient teaobers the pupils are
responding bravely. Florence has no
osuse to blush for its publio schools.
Florence Tribune.
W. P. Dorsey located an onyx claim io
1885 on the lower Gila near tbe Baal
ranch, whioh may prove of great value.
Tbe veio crops out for a distance of 1000
feet and varies in thiokness from one to
'orty feet. Mr. Dorsey reoently sent
soms samples of tbe onyx to Tiffany &
company and waa advised that if it could
bs mined in Urge blocks that it would
be worth a dollar a pound. Tbe samples
brought in Isst week indicate remarkable
purity acd fioeness. A force of men will
soon be put to work taking out the min
eral and a sample oar load will be sbip-
ed essj. 'gazette.
Oo Tuesday ss No. I palled out of this
tfte Saddle Question
fully you will note that it
fits like a glove, presses the
sensitive parts causes sore
ness stiffness and cnafin?.
.J 1. . " ' wAasa.
u im maac cycling 10 a
certain extent injurious. 'With the
Cftri5iy Jfnatcr:i!
the pelvis rests on the rn-ft. It is ths
only saddle that is built right. Made of,
metal of light wc&M can
not warp or change Its
shape, has p& that rest the
entire body, does not press
the sensitive parts prevents,
stiffness, and makes cvclino-
CfcrMa. P'ure.
PRICE. $5.00
-JLG-Spaltifci & Bros-
New York Chicago PUhtioha.
ration, a young man giving the name of I UPiYlfifl IHl Iflfir?
E N. Gardne Vnd hi. bote, as K.nsee I l
or soase aunpMr
lolac to pateaU
City, attempted to board the blind beg- wni john w ldd chbc rn co . Pateat Ataor.
oaom fne av fr iAm Tha ImIii tiavlni ss.Waahtaeton. D. C. roe taoir ei.aw pet
- - asA ass ox two aaaoreu lAveauona wantee.