Newspaper Page Text
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. Gold Medal Midwinter FaL'. CQEAT.l MM MOST PERFECT MADE. A pare Grace Crsani of Tartar Powder. Fre- boa Ammonia, Alum r- my other adulter ar.: a all the great Hotels, the leadir Onba aud the homes. Dr. Price s Crea Caking y rdr holds its supremacy. Years the Standard. LOCAL SEWS. W. B. Wemple left (or the Southern Belle yesterday. It is said that the ctpltol grounds of Arizona are second to no state in toe union. Bnckey O'Neill bss raiaed a lot of . warm diacusatoo in the Irrigation Con- grass at Phoenix. Hon. Brewster Cameron is in the city, baring just returned from an extended Tisit to Europe. The welcome news is being freely oirtnlated that very extensive opera tians will soon begin in the Rosemont eamp. It is said that the governor's reflation was a Tery brilliant event. Mi'i'ary uniforms were displayed in abundance. and fair ladies were not scarce. The university is repreee nted in Phoe nix this week by Professors kid ward M. Boogs, J. W. Tourney and William Stowe Devol. It is well worth your while to visit the . XonpareiU" next to the Tucson Grocer (Jo. Their Christmas widow 14 a beauty, and no mistake. Mrs. E. R. Osgood, daughter of Geo. W. Sander, receiver of the Caea Gran de Valley Canal company is in Phoenix, nsitiug friends. The latest advices from Phoenix are to the effect that the irrigation coogrese. each day, ebowed more bald heads than were ever seen in one Arizona assem blage before. Two young ladies from Msnitou, ' Colorado, Miss Jennie Gordon and Miss Mary Youtsey, will spend the winter in the matchless climate 01 Tucson. Suit has been instituted in thedistriot court at Prescott by attorney T. W. Johcsoo, on oebalf of Kitchen & Co., of New York to recover from Yavapai county about $260,000 for the principal and interest 00 the bonds issued in aid of the construction of the now defuuot Praecott and Arizona Central railroad. A leading oitizen toinxs tne govern Dent printieg office 6bou!d turn out all books for pub ic schools, the govern ment to sell the books at a nominal Ccvre and select the books to be used. This would knock the school book trusts and save poor men from having to bur a new est or books with each change of school management. Preeoott Courier. I. Meyer, brother of Isidor Meyer, proprietor of the Uee Hive store, is go ing to locate in Cape Town, South Afri ca, where be will engage it- the business of a diamond broker. He began hie journey to that point this morning. .The journey from here to hi" destination will consume about six weeks. George J. R skruge of Tucson, acoom- panied by hi wife, is in the city to pend tbe festal week. Mr. Rosk-uge enjoys tbe world-wide reputation of be ing tbe only man who ever whipped Oorbett, tbe champion pugilist. Of courts the distinguished gentlemen "from Tucson doea cot follow tbe voca tion of prize fighting, however. Gs zette. "Tbe Fifth national irrigation con jgrees will be productive of much good. said Seoretary C. M. Heictz of tbe na tion I executive committee last nigbt to Rspubbcsn reporter. I am proud of the ooogrees, for there are more states and territories represented than st anv cf tbe previous sessions of tbe body. Phoenix is to be congratulated over tbe excellent manner in which it welcomed the delegates." Republican. Dix W. Smith, one of the beet known attorneys in tbe state of New York and about tbe beet informed on irrigation matters, who is in the city as irrigation congress representative from the Empire etate, was agreeably surprised to tied Phoeoix suob a pleasant place snd he thinks tbe climite is wonderful. In re gard to tbe irrigation congress, Mr. Dix tated yesterday in tbe convention tbat be had tbe pleasure last week of spend ing a dsv in oompany with President elect McKioley, who authorized bim to sy-befor- the national irrigation con gress thst he sends s cordial greeting to tbe convention and all efforts put forth by the body is tbeoause of irrigation baa his best wishes, and tbat during bis administration anything tbat would come before him for the interests of tbe west would receive his closest eorutiny and attention. Republican. Governor Franklin was conversing wiih two newspaper men on Washington atreet yesterday afternoon when an in dilidual with a long-tailed coat and a distillery breath approscbed abd extend ed his hand io a fsiriliar manner to tbe governor. 'I am Dr. Robert Allen of Pittsburg, champion tramp of the world, be said. Tbe words were ut tered with the thickness of speech tbst usually tccmpaciee a 'jag.n He con tinued: I knew you were governor be cause you bae bine eyes. I am de lighted to bave the boner of y. ur ac quaintance.' It was gleaned from bim that be was 00 bis sixteenth annual tour of Amenoa and be never pays his fare 01 the railroads. Republican. If. H. Gardiner of Orange, California, is in the city and has on exbibiton at tbe headquarters of the irrigation ooo grees a contrivance tbst is sttraoting much attention from farmers and those interested io irrigation. It is an auto matio water gate for use in canals for tbe purpose ef delivering e steady and even flow of water. Tbe box is provided with two gates, one in f ont and one in the rear. The water flows through a mall orifice mod rises to tbe level of a 1 otber oriSoe oetr the top of tbe box, tbe overflow falling lmto another box. If an unusual flow of water enters tbe box the pressure rslessss a spring which oper atae a gste io tbe mouth of the box and bo matter how much water is in the canal tbe same amount can only flow through the gate. It it an intention tbat ergineers have beeQ working or for years. A California man named Beale is the inventor. Republican. RHEUMATISM in the back, should re, bios, ankles, elbows, or wrists, is caused by accumulation of acid in the blood. Hood's Sarsarrilla neutralizes the acid and cure rheumatism. Hood's Pills are the best fsmily cath articand liver medicica. Harmless and reliable. j Mrs. 8tewart, of Oracle, is in the city for a dsy or two. 11 on. Ob as. R. Drake is back from his visit to Phoenix. Prof. Wro. Stowe Devol of the univer sity, has returned from Phoenix. Eg an vs. Cameron still holds the at tention of the district court. M. P. Freeman left this morning for a trip to the Santa Ritas, upon mining business. Miss Maud Slaueon, the accomplished daughter of Mrs. V. S. Thomas, or Arizola, is visiting in the city. Tucson Lodge No. 4, F. & A. M.f will meet tnniffht for vork. All maeoue in good standing are fraternally invi'.ed. Welle Fartro ExDrees oomaoy will keep its office open between the hours of 8 and 12 tomorrow, lor tne accommoua tion of those who wish to Eend away Christmas presents. F. a McKinney, of Mammoth, arrived in theoity this morning. Mr. McKinney is a merchsnt at hs home and is justly nnmhererl f-mnnir Pinal county's ODOBt progressiva citizens. Mining locations of every description ar on sale at the Citizen omce. Anew form haa hattn nnuted which Save tbe locator one dollar of the fee for . record- . . . 1 1 1 otr cniiann tirnviaB vuurecii. hu a supply. Horaoe E. DnnlsD. editor and pro p ietorof the Sulphur Valley News, st W.llonr uin th citV. Mr. IUniBD IB publishing one of the very brightest and newsiest wet kites in tne territory. A. M. Ea nhart. one of tbe geaial of ficers of the S. P.. wlib headquarters in 1 jnm Anrrelen. la in the city on a busmets trin. Ijike the remainder ot tne o. ire representatives, he is genial and full of business. The election of two city officers is to be contested. Tne Dspers hied with tbe district clerk yesterday bear tbe ties of Brsdr vaPueob. and Finley vs. UaKes The cases are set for tearing on January 4th. Geo. A. Mauk. the gentlemanly and obliging agent of tbeS. P. at Aiizola, is 10 tbe city today on a enorl visit, an leaves for home this evening. He has been in attendance at the irrigation con gress at Phoenix, and came in from there this morwing. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown have gone to Los Ancsles. Mr. Brown is one of the popular S. P. conductors, and is. in ill health. He will put m fcis vacation on tbe coast in hopes of' resping physi cal Improvement from the obacge. Frank Riobardson visited Tucson last week, where he went to receive some of tbe hifiber degrees io masonry. Mr. Kicbsrdson says Tucson never showed more evidences of prosperity than now business is good ana substantial im provements are to te seen in all (arte of tbe city. Bulletin. The Detroit Copper Company smelter at Clifton bad a narrow escape from fire on inurcday. A bucK-nouee eituaiea near, caught fire from a passing engine and was burned to the ground. Tbe concentrator building was scorched con siderably. Had the wiBd been in tbe other direction it Would bave been im possible to save tbem. W. R.B'own. travelling agent of the Ssnta Fe, with beadqusrlers in LI Psso, spent couple of dsys in Tucson. Mr Brown is one of nature s noblemen and prince of good fellowc. Tbe Santa Fe'e popularity H very materially en hanced by such representatives as he, and there is a hearty welcome always awaiting bim wherever be visits. F. D. Simpson, better known in the oity as "FrBckie,'' is here to spend tbe holidays, and is tbegustof Councilman- elect M. P. Dodge. Frankie was born in Tucson but now lives with bis father 10 San Luis Obispo. Cal. Mr. Simpson was formerly an engineer on tbe S. P. railroad here, but now runs out of San Luis Obispo. He is a brother of our en terprising citizen, Mr. Simpson, of the firm of Donobue a Simpson. C. O McNeill, general superintended of tbe Maricopa and Phoenix railroad, u in tbe city today, end ca'led t tbe CinzEM office. Mr. McNeill is a tbor- nugb gentleman, affable and courteous and so exceptionally bright railmud man, whose management of tbe affaire of tbe M & P. i making it es pop ular as any railroad can be. lie is im pressed with tbe boy eppesrsnce of Tucson and says tbe old pueblo is "all right. A. Frederick Krobn leaves tonight for Cuba, where be goes as a citizen correspondent. Mr. Krobn is known to a number of our citizens as so exception- ally wide awake young gentleman, and a br6t claes civil engineer and drsuehts man. He htt lately been employed in Resident Logmeer Sroufe s office where he gave eniment sstiefHCtion. Be has bsd admirable military training in Europe, and will doubtless eend out most interesting snd acourate reports or wnat occurs in Uu ba it is stated tbat tbe acid from tbe great works at Cliftoo is commencing to make itself visible in the water used on tbe farms of t'uis valley. We always uooerstood tbat tbe Copper Company was very oareful to keep tbe acid out of tbe river, but of course we buve no means of knowing, and we suppose the presence 01 acid is only supposed by anyone, it is claimed tbst tbe water will now kill certain plnt life tbst it was never known to do before, and we are told that a test is to be made to ascertain tbe cause. Guardian. The Tucson Mining and Smelling company shipped today, through the Consolidated Nstional Katk, via tbe Scutbern Pacific, twenty t neof copper duiiioo, tne product or e four dav's run of the smelter. Mr. J. Francie. th manager of the smelter, is always on the lockout lor copper ore, and pays cash ror every poona tbat ts shipped to bim. Tbe longer tbe smelter rune under hit chsrge, tbe more popular bis marago- uicuk ubuuibbf, ma Doming out praiee is beard from the miners with whom he has had dealings. Senator White of tbe committee on territories, ssys: "Arizona's mineral re eources need no further demonatratinn than the product of tbe mines durinethe last ten years. Every mining man knows tbst Arizona is ore of the greatest, min ing regio; e 10 tbe United Satee. It con tains Isrge deposits of both silver and rold, and it i9 especially rich in copper. In respect of minerals it lacks nly io coal, but there is a g od deposit of coal 10 tne ean uarios Indian reservation. whioh undoubtedly will soon be brought 1010 use. inuring tbe ourrent yesr tbe proouctor Arizona's mines will establish the reputation of the territory as a eold producer if any mors of that character is required. A mad bull came very nearly creatine a panio tbie morning on Main street. He cavorted around for a while in a way that was truly frightful, he made three or four unsuccessful attempts to climb s telephone pole at the corner of Congress, and failing in this, indulged in some acrobatic feats which have never been advertised by any of the most enterpris ing 6bow outfits on the road. After de molishing everything demolithable which he could find en the street, he ws aitrsctea oy roe show windows in L. Zeokendorf &, Co. He squared himself for an attack, but upon a second look, atopped io bis mad career, wa overcome by the vision of beauty which greeted his gaze, and fell in adesd swoon. When he recovered bis senses, be besrd a pen- tie announcement that there was to be a grand opening there to;ght, and he took to b heels as fast as be was a le Attend this optioal fea't tonight It will not make you faict, but you will cer- tainly be thrown into a trsmor of ds- llgat. CUKUt WHtKfc AIL ELSE El LS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. TJae in time. Pold hr dru prists. Hon. J. B. Scott arrived in the oity yesterday. US. Attorney Elhnwood is io the city. . Jos. S. Hopley, tbe cattleman from Pant an o, is in the city today. Uity warrant up to Wo. 915 are pay able upon preuentation. Mr. aud Mrs. E. C. Paige are in the city from tbeir borne at Oracle and will remain during tbe holidays. Leonardo Ortiz, one of tbe leading Mexican residents of Florence, is in the city on a visit. Col. J. Rje Young came in last even- icg from Sacston, and will remain in the city for a dsy or two. Judge Owen T. Roups came in from Fiorrnce last night. He has been bold ing a eeeeion of district court there but has taken a recess until after tbe hoi: daye, and will spend bis vacation in Tuo son with his family. Mr. Albert T. Colton, of Florence, who has been io attendance on tbe see eioca of tbe National Irrigation Con grees, will leave for home tomorrow nioromg overland with several of the eastern delegates who are anxious to see tbe famous But e reservoir site near that city. Mr. Cotton is prominently mentioned for the position of Surveyor receral of tbe Territory and is a very able gentleman. Herald. Cbaa. F. Kuhnen is in the city from Oaea UranJe. He will remain for a day or two and then go east to Highland, III., wbere he will join bis family and return with them to Tucson. Mr Kubneo is largely interest' d in mines oear Casa Grande and bss had a force of men constsntly at work there for soroe'ima past, hie reports matters nrogrebeijg finely bis properties, and be now has ample foundation for the belief that be will get Cpk some of the money ue dbs expenuea. 1 Hon. W. M. Griffith, of Dripping Springe, is 10 tbe city, tie is ponied by Major P. K. Roots, a backer of Little Rock, Ark., an old time friend of Mr. Gr-ffith. They will go to lor ence tomcbt, and Jdsior Koots will pay a visit to tbehomeot hisfrieod io Drip" pirg Springs valley. Mr. Griffith is tbe mot prominently mentioned republican in the territory for tbe office of U. S. Marshal, and will make as good an officer as was ever favored with an appoint ment. Hon. M. J. Nugent, superintendent of the territorial prison is greeting his multitude of friends 10 the city. Ui administration of tbe affaire of tbe pris on baa called tor and received tee un et'nted praise of tbe entire territory, Tbfcre is no institution sny wbere wbicb is conducted along a basis of more rigid economy nor with better judgment, bnd Mr. P agent may be easily pardoned, 6bould be desire to display a little bit cf pride over tbe results of bis capable and conscientious work. The diuing room receatly bezan by Miss HalL to be used in conjunction with her hotel on Camp street, known formerly ss the Ruse House, haB been completed, and will be in operation at onct. It is brand new, clean, light, airy and comfortable, and offers one of the most pleasant places io theoity in which to eat jour meats. Under hereffim$nt management the table service will be eoond to none io tbe southwest; snd tbe meals of each day will be a feast in tuemeeives. Tbe bityl which was recently stolen irom Hon. S. M. Franklin, has been re covered. A Papsgo Ind'ao found it in tbe bushes on tbe San Xavier reserve iron. whre it had been left bv the thief ho stole it. Tbe Indian was going to procure a sweeter snd bicycle hose and turn "scorcher" when the owner of tbe wheel was discovered and his castle of air vanished. S. H. Gould, superintendent of tbe Oro company, is in from tbe mines. He reports everything moving in a most sat isfactory manner. Ue brought in b cou ple of bars of bullion, as the result of a .-bortrun. There is plenty of ore m igbt, and it is worked in its entirety just as it comes out of the shaft. Pre parations are being actively made for good eteady work upon tbe properties of tbe company, and it is most gratify ing 10 Know mac tne prospects lor suc cess are very favorable. Will Powers, the popular court steno grapher of tbe second distnot, returned home last night, and will spend the holi days here. Will savs that tbe robbers got bim between Globe and Florenoe; at least be thicks tbey did. lie rode horse- UBCK between the two places, upon an old, stiff stsge horse, and for a week af ter bis arrival in Florence, preferred to tctke bis meals off a pantry ebelf, in a standing position. He is better now, and bis bosom is beginning to assume its normal oocdition. J. M. Ormsby, one of our prominent citizens, wbo Las made himself widely known through bis connection with the Western Union telegrsph office, wbere he has made himself popular by bi- uniform courtesy and accommodation, win on Monday next, take tbe position of cashier in the Arizona National Bank. recettlv made vrcant by tbe resignation of Mr. Keller, wbo has returned to tbe eaet. Mr. Ormsby will be just tbe same genial, sociable, accommodating, indus trious worker aa ever, and bis large circle of friends will rejoice in his advent t a position wbicb is both more pleas ant and more remunerative tban tbat in which be has been engaged for some time past. L. r. Ksllner, the enterprising merchant of Phoenix, returned some days ago from Globe, where be does a large mercantile and banking business. Mr. Kellner esys tbat business ic Globe is improving rapidly and tbe mines are creuaicg their output of bullion. Dr. Ford and Mtesra. Fleming and Hill bave a fine mine on which tbey are no busy putting up machinery. With tbe prospects of tbe extension of the Gila Valley railroad from Geronimo, its pre sent terminus to Glebe, new life will be infused into tbat great mining camp, nod tbe result will be a larger output of the precious metals. Gazette. ArizoN is not lacking in amusements. even though f he is not in tbe circuit of tbe traveling theatrical companies. Her people are cordial and sociable, enter- pneing and industrious, and furnish iDemeeives wun enjoyments wbicb are tno rare in many Arizona communities. fl II- . ... xoe puonc sonooi 01 tne town is in a mot nourishing condition under tbe tutorship of Mies Florence Reid. of Cssa Grande. On Christmas eve there will be a school exhibition, followed bv a grand ball, which promises to eolipse all former enoris in that direotion. Great preparations are being made for the event, snd a general invitation Is extend ed to everybody. Leading dealers everywhere sell ERRV'S SEEDS Don t risk the loss of time. Ubor snd rronnd by plsntins; seeds of unknown qosl- inimuinii Ton or chesp, unreliable seeds. rriv-l ftrrrfl sreslwlvt .thebest;doiiotceept csi ainuwn, need Annual Fret. D. M. FERRY A. V mm BLACK JACK'S BAND Supposed to be Disbanded and. Seek ing Safety. Word received in Tombstone of the whereabouts of the Black Jack band is to the effect that that terrorizing bcd bss pretty much disbanded and have left tbe territory. After tbe Deer Creek tight Jesse Wil liams and one other of tbe band whose name is not known, left in one direction, and neither hide, hair or track of either of these have bteo heard of bii.ce. while Black Jack, whose horde was ebot from under bim, bid around until be could make bis escape. Ue fijjked by him self, goirg toward Mexico. Ue was traced to different ranches and followed across the lice. Later he made tracks toward Nogales wbere it is presumed be diguised himself and bearded tbe N. M. snd A. for a ride out of tbe country. It was known tbat be had considerable money as he offered to py for some victualsat the last ranch aud was anxious of tbe whereabouts of his two pptner. being apparently 6 much at eea of their looation as the officers. Tbe supposition tjat Black Jack bad difgui-ed himself and left N gale on the train is arrived at by different facta traced to reliable source?, ail of which point to bis intention of so doing. It is believed be went to Sao Antonio, Texas. Prospector. GOING AFTER SET ILEUS- Mr-Lupton Explain the Objeots of the Aransas Pass Immigration Society. Through the fertile resources and tire less efforts of General Freight and Pae senger Agent E. J. Martin of tbe popular "Mission Route, the San Antonio & Arsnsas Pres Immigration Association has at last been Isucched as a reslity It is everywhere being received with ap proval and regarded by tbe citieb in the San Antonio & Aransas Pa6s territory as one of the most promisicg plans foi settlement of this section of the etate yet put on foot. Mr. George F. Lupton cf the genersl passenger department of tbe road bus just returned from tbe forming of tbe association. In epebkrtg of tbe project Mr. Lupton said: MIt is useless to say that Texas needs more active and thrifty eeettlers. Tbe time has come for aggressive measures on tbe part of railroad companies and the San Antonio & Aransbs Pass Com pany has instituted a policy which il carriea out will be toe means or pe plicg its own line; not only this, tbe benefit accruing to the Aransas Pa6B will be felt by other railroads io tbe state. "We bave no land to sell, but know of many large tracts owned by individual and syndicates which should be divided into small farms and pUced 00 tbe mar ket at prices within tbe reaco of men of moderate means. Our object in form ing toe San Antonio & Aransas Pass Kailway Immigration Association is to put ourselves io touch with all reliable real estate dealers and land owners hav iog good land for sale ou or tributary to our line. An aoeooiation was formed having Yoakum as itsgeceral headquarter. Mr Charles Peterson of Rock Island, Col orado county, as president and Mr. M U. itanney or xoakum as general sec retary. "Yoakum being more central tban any other city wee designated as the plac wbere tbe headquarters should be locat ed. In deoidicg tbis point tbe ruilwa company acted for tbe gt atfeft good acd tbe oonvenience of iacd agents and own era "It is desired that each town snd city form a local buard cr real estate ex change, controlled by their own mec tne object being to raise money to pre pare and distribute authentic advertis ing matter, tbue making known to tbe public, e?pet;iaily pro-pective rettlere the many advantages poeeeseed in eacb loca'ity. "There can be no jealousy between the different towns if these plans m adopud, eacb pi ace and community will get tbe full benent of its own advertis ing matter acd every -dollar subscribed will be under tbe control and expended by its own local board. 'i oakum will start, the 'ball a rolling by a subscription o S300 to $500 Lock- bart seconds tbe motion to tbe extent of 1200 to 5300. "Beeville, Ilalletsville, Cuero. FUton ia. Luting, Gonzalee, Cameron, Rock dale, Giddicge, liockport, Corpus Cbrie- ti and other places will fail in lice with an equal amount. Kock jsiacd, tbat Lr.ttie uianv in Colorado county, scarcely nine montix old, and yet having sixty bouses, will keep well i" tbe front with S200. Un careful rtnection it will be eeen tbat within three to six months every place on tbe Aransas Pass Railway will he ective tn its efforts to secure settlers Tbe wisdom of tbe movement in appar ent wben it is learned snd appreciated that while each town and county will be working io it" own interest, their money expended at bom and under the juris diction of tome mn, yet every place will be working in perfect harmony with all others and all polling together for Sao Antonio e aransns iross territory, in-ir motto is 'in unity there is strength. Sao Antonio Express. Hcnae tat Ayers at tae WorUTs Yatv Ayer's Sars&parilla enjoys the extra ordinary distinction of having been tbe only blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the World's Fair, Chicago. Manu facturers of other sarsaparillaa sought by every means to abUin a ebowing of their geods. but they were all turned way under tbe application of the rule Forbidoine tbe entry of patent mediomse nd nostrums. Tbe deoision of the World's fair authorities in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was io effeotaa fol- nws: Ayer s Sarsaparula is not a at ct medicine. It does not belong to the i-t of nostrums. It ia here ua its mat A mysterious star, which appears in tbe soutn. and changes its color to blue. red, and green, has been observed ty several citizens, at tbe hour of eleven, for the past two or tbre nights. Rumor- or air snips are circulating amorg some of those who claim to bave seen it. Look out for it tonight. Taoson Baildins and Loan Atsool tion- At the last regular meeting of tbe board of directors of tbe Tucson Build ing and Loan associetien. held in the city hall on December X the following were placed in nomination for tbe vari ous offices or this association: "f or president, B. L. Wortben; for vice-president, Chas R. Drake; for secretary, J. A. Blank, John O. Etobelle; for tress urer, II. B, Tenney; for solicitor, Ro chester Ford; for members of board of directors, Geo. J. Roskruge, F. H. Lee, H. Buehman W. T. Gibb n, M. Montijo, Dr. F. A. Odermatt, Lon U. Holla- day, Homer Go-s, B. M. Jacobs, J lvancovich, W I Perry, F J Villaesou ss, J W Tierney, B D Fairbanks, W K Meade, K A Johnson, R G Brtdy. Of the above names there are to be nine selected, wbo, with the other elective of ficers (except solicitor,) compose the board of directors. Attention is called to the by-law which requires tbat at least five members of the board shall be borrowers. t-1-1 John A Black, Secretary. Mineral Market. New York, Deo. 21. Silver bari.e 65 J Lead $2.75 Copper 1135 San Francisco, D-c. 2L Mexican dollars 51X52 Every linovre there as You wi'l find each tv.o ouuee pons inside K: tlactwcU sDurLaui. ir-' coupon of valuable cT.',X . " L. W. Jim one, proprietor of tbe just j popular Jimmie Cafe, has conetoTempe oo a hying bueijes9 trip. Mrs. Herbert B. Pinching, a daughter of Judge John Miller, of Florence, is on a visit to Tucson friends. Ool. Holden is in from bis minrs in the Oro Blanco district, acd is in nowiiedis couraged over the outlook in his vicini ty. There will be a celebration of high mass in tbe new cathedral on Christmas eve at 12 o'clock. Farmer's Mass in B flt will be rendered by a eeleot cboir. Hon. S. M. Fraiklin returned last eveuicg from Florence, wbere he bsd been in attendance upon tbe term of a istrict court Some one, during the fVr, left a dain ty little lace apron 10 tbe chocolate booth, and can recover tbe same by in quiring for it of Mrs. M. G. Samaniego. Judge W. H. Barnes arrived home last evening from Florence, where he was eoghged for a few days in legal bust ness. Chas F. Kuhnen lesves for bis home to ligbt, ar d after a brief visit will return with his family and locate tbem in Tuc- rOU. Hon. Tborone E. Baker, accompanied bv bi estimable wife, spent the dsy in the city, bueily engaged in tbe purchase of Christmas goods for tbemeeives and friends at their borne io Mammoth. E. H. Cook, superictent of tbe United Globe company, is in the city. Mr. Cook ia one of the most efficient mining superintendent's io the country, and he been a prominent figure in tbe suc cess of tbe famous Globe property wbicb be has managed so satisfactorily. George William, who killed Cy Wil liams, at Maricopa, wss found guilty of murder laet week in Florence, acd last Saturday -afterc oon Judge Rouse pro nounced a sentence upon him, which will confine him in the Uma peniten tiary for 20 years. Tbe tramp nuisance at this place is becoming a serious matter and steps should be taken to abate it A day or two ago a couple of tbem effected an en trance to Hilge'e bnkery and breaking open tbe till etoletha contents amount ing to several dollars. Tempe News. Mr. A. Culton, of Sin Francisco, bss arrived in tbe city, acd has been duly msta'led into tbe Western Union office in the place made recant by the resign ation of J. M. Ormsby. Mr. Cult"o is a pleasant gentleman and a very efficient operator, and will be a we Ice me addition to tbe citizenship of Tucson. The Tucson Mining acd Smeltinc company is sampling 25 tons of bieb grade copper ore from tbe claims of El lis Baxter & Co. near the Twin Peak, in the Olive district. Tbe company bhs ben shipping io a number of email lots, but now intends to open np their claims no a more extensive scale and prosecute the work of development with vigor. The Tucson Mining and Smelting Company continues to buy copper ores and pay caeb therefor. Tbe high price of copper and the liberal treatment miners receiie from this company, should prove a strong inducement for the opening up r-f tbe numerous pros pects in this district. Hale, the winner of the six days bicy cle race at tbe Madisoo Square Garden last week, came over witb Plummer and tbe other Englishman, snd wben he started be was considered one of the weakest men in Plumper's string. The supposed tars gave out and Plummer wa9 compelled to tie up to Hale. It was a case of having a "cinch and cot knowing it McClure's Magazine will begin in tbe January number a series of Life Por traits of Gre&t Americans witb repro ductions of all tbe existing portraits of Benjamin Franklin known to bavs been made from life. There are fifteen such portraits, and some of tbem bave never teen published. Mr. Charles Henry Hart, probably the highest authority on early American portriats, is collecting and editing the material for the series. and will add introduction ani notes givirg tbe history of the several portraits and whatever is interesting in the Cir cumstances of their production. There ill also be ao article on Franklin by Profeoa-r Treit, of the Uoiverity of the S-'utb. For sal, at the Pioneer News Depot of Mrs. J. S. Manefeld. It is rumored that Li Hung Chang ts going to start tbe wheels of bis official beheading machine, acd materially de- rease the population of China. He has -eo ir. formed, upou very reliable antho rity, tbat tbe most beautiful wares of all kinds dolls,' and art work bave been clanceet nely cent out of tbe country and placed 00 sale at L. Zeokendorf Sc. Cos. store, and tbat the people of Tuc son are getting tbe very cream of tbe products of bis country, to tbe sorrow of tbe many little pig-tailed children of the Flowery Kingdom. Go to tbe store of tbis enterprising firm, end you will agree with the celebrated Li Hung tbat tbe uttermost parts of earth bave been raked with a fine toothed comb to bring joy and gladness to Tucson hearts. Open each night from now until Christmas, till 9 o'clock. "I'm a fortune teller you were born on Friday an unlucky day you have had crent croesese got two bits about you?" This was tbe usual preliminary to "Dr." Robert Allen's method of tell ing fortunes. Tbe "doctor" tells fates by tbe stars, tbe lines in tbe bands and tbe gullibility of tbe purse. He is an extremely voluble gentleman, with a conversational breatn and a flow of speech that adapts itself to whomever ha been unwise enough to submit to tbe ordeal of fortune telling. "Dr. Allen came in on a flatcar last week. He liked the weather pretty well and formed an unfortunate attachment for the beverages that cheer today and sadden tomorrow. The "doctor" never allowed himself to become sad while there was anyone io town with a past resent or future. He also olaimed to be a phrenolsgist of rare gifts, and those who fell into bis power in this line say it was a really delightful sensation to feel bis small warty hand size up and disgooee tbe cranial wheels. Yesterday the seedy prophet was nabbed by the polios for vagrancy acd drunkenness. Recorder Jobs gave bim ten minutes to leave town, and the "doctor is away up the track by thia time. Republican. old smoker is none just good as cue cou--.rt in bag,r;u luo cou- Jh each for.r cnxncc ?''?$ If iiiactw eli sDurLaui. ,- ' yrmptft- bag oT this cclc- J-?f gn TOg tobacco and read tl.e ( which gives a list rm- x presents cr.d Iiow V,' ".A .1 VrT i BAR MELTING. The Results of the Work at Aransas Puaa Surpasses Expectations. Aransas Pass, Tex. Tbe dynamiters at tbe Pajs evidently enlarged their charges today, as each explceion was followed by a dittioot shock at this place. The column of water raised by tbe biast can be eeen from town, and citizens who bave tried it find tbat it tikes thirty seconds for tbe sound to cross the baye, arrives coin eldest with tbe jir of the earth. The is a little more than 6ix miles. A blast that can produce sucb an effect at tbis distance muat certainly cause serious disturbance 00 tbe bar, where Superintendent Arnold informed- tbe Express co respondent tbe effect wculd be tbat of an earthquake. Mne louder tbe report acd tbe greater tbe rattle of toe domestic table service and the win dow g l.tsc the stronger is tbe confidence of tbe citizens that the opening of tbis ha'bor is a matter of a very short time. The very idea of blasting open a harbor ectrence. 1 specially witb a guarantee of tbe resulte, Las a most eoolbicg euect upoo tbe Arao?aa Pass temperament. that bad grown extremely irritable through repeated and long drawn out disappointments. Saturday last Superintendent Arnold received a cuts gnmect of tOOU eacks, to be ueed in building a temporary jet t on the (outh 8de of the cban-el. This woik was commenced immediately upon tbe arrival cf Col. Gjodyeare force. Tbe tacks aie filled with sand and piled across tbe bar so as to confine the whole tidal tlow to tbe chancel that ia being blustec4 out. Friday niht Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Fraoklia arrived from Sao Antonio and Saturday morning tbey 6ailed for tbe Ph9s accompanied by the local ocb- ciais of the Harbor Comonoy, Mesra. C. H. Sawyer acd T. B. Wheeler. They returned tbe same evening, highly pleas ed witb tr.e result of their observations during tbe d;-y. They had eatisfied themselves tbat tbe dynamite has made a good beginning in tearing down the bar to tbe commercial iu.portfcnco of the port aud tbat the ebb currents which have cow attaiced a velocity of two mile 4 and a half an hour, our carrying the sand out clear cf tbe pass as fast as it is loosened up by the explosions. The ff ctcf the jetty of Bind bags, together with the action of the dynamite in deep ening the channel, is to increase the force cf the current, and it is expected io a few we lis to attain velocity of three miles an hour. It was but two miles an hour wben the blasting was 1 begun. Col. Gordyer's work at Brunswick Gt., bad a similar effect, increasing two-mile current to three acd a balf milee an boor; but there it took month to effect tbat change, while here it is a matter of weeks. IT WILL PAY you to take Hood' Sars&parilla. With pure blood you need not fear the grip, pneumonia, diphtheria or fevers. Hood's tfarsaparilla will make you strong and healthy. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable carefully prepared from the best ingre dients, zoo. FEEE CUKE FOR MEN A Mi6hkaa Man Offers to Send His Discovery Fres. Claims to be a Benefactor to Weaken ed Mankind- There is always more or leeeeuepicion attached to tbat 16 clTered free but sometimes a mau so oveinjws with generosity that be cannot rest until his discovery ia known to the world, in order tbat his fellov men may profit by what he has ditcuvered. It is upon this priccip e that a resident of Kalamazoo, Miub., desires to 6end fr-e to mankind a preioription which will cure them of any form of nervous debility; relieves tbem of all tbe doubt and uncertainty which such mec are peculiarly liable to and restores tbe organs to natural size and vuor. As it coats nothing to try ibe ,exp"iiment it would seem tbat oy man, buffering with tbe nervous troubles tbat usuelly attack men wbo never stop ped to realize what might be tbe final result, ought to be deeply interested in a remedy which will res-tore tbem to healic, strength acd vigor, without wbicb Uiey couiiuueto live an existence of uctold misery, as tte remedy iu question was tbe result cf many years rebearcb as to what combination wbould be peculiarly effective in restoring Io men tbe strength tbey used, it would seem tbat all men tuffericg witb any form of nervous weakness ouifbt to write for euch a remedy at once. A re queet to II. C., Box 1782, Kalama zoo, Mich., stdting tbat you are not sending t r the prescription out cf idle curosity, but that joo wish to make uee of the medicine by giving it a trial, will be answered promptly end without evidence as to where information came from. Tbe prescription is sent free snd al though some my wonder how Mr. Olds can afford to give away his discovery. there is no doubt about tbe offer being genuine. Cut this out and send to Mr. Olds eo tbat he may know how you came to write him. 1 1-28-78 1 TIi:. li Your ti:;ort unity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a generoua 6a:nple will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Kay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon strate the great merits of the remcJy. ELY EROTHEIiS, 5G Warren fct., Kc-w York City. Rev. John Reid, Jr.. of Groat Falls, Mont, recommended Ely's Cream I'alm to rue. I can enipnasize his Btattment, "It is a posi tive enre for catarrh if used as directed," liev. Francia W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drn.o;. Price, 50 cents. Ladies Who Value J A refined complexion must use Pozzeni'a Pow-I der. It produces a aoft and beautiful akin. f Vintine! Many people wonder what Vintine ia It is a Nerve Food; a Nutrine Tonic; iilood Uleanser. It is not a pateut medicine, but is prepared only by tbe Vintine company. It creates a natural sppetite for food, makes blood, strength ens ibe nerves, and restores tbe system to its normal condition. It has received the very highest encomiums from people who have used it and wins favor every where it is introduced. It you are suffering from any of the ailments which arise fom impure blood or the effects of bad tiieestion, you can be cured by the use of Vintine. This medicine can be procured from Fred Fleishman, oruggiei. Harpers Weekly 13 1897 With the end of 1896 HARPER'S WEEKLY will hare lived forty years. In that time it has participated with all the zeal and power at its command in the great political events of the most interesting and important period in the history of the country, and it has spread before its readers the accomplishments of science, arts, an? letters for the instruction of the human mind and the amelioration of human conditions and of manners. What the WEEKLY has been in its spirit and purpose, as these have been manifested princi pally ia its editorial pages, it will continue to be. It is impossible toannounce with precision all that the WEEKLY will contain during the year 1897. It were as easy to announce what is about to happen in the world, what triumphs for gx government are to be won, what ad vances of the people are to be made, what is to be the outcome of the continuous stnis-trle be tween the spirits of war and peace, what is to happen in the far ast, what is to be the state of .Europe twelve months hence, what hew marvels of sciencb are to be revealed, or what are to be the achievements of arts and let ters, for the WEEKLY is to be a pictorial rec ord of all this. Cartoons will continue to be a feature. Serial Stories, a New England story by Miss Mart E- Wilkins, will begin in January. A tale of a Greek uprising against the Turks, by Mr. E. F. Benson, the author of "Dodo," will follow. A sequel to "The House-Boat on the Styx," by Mr. John Kendrick Banas, illus ti ated by Mr. Peter Newell. More Short Stories will appear in the WEEKLY than it has been possible to publish during 1S96. Departments: Mr. W. D. Howell's "Life and Letters" have been among the most charm ing features ot periodical literature, Mr. E. S. Martin, and others will contribute observa tions on what is going on in "This Busy World;" "Amateur Sport" will remain the most import ant department of its kind in the country. The w EEKLY will continue to present to its readers the world's news most interesting to Americans, to make important advances in both the literary and artistic features, and to retain for itself the leading place in the illus trated journalism of the world. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper & Brothers. HAEPER'S WEEKLY For one year - $4 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Address HARPER & BROTHERS P. O. Box 959, N. Y. City Haiper's Magazine U 1897 FICTION: The Martian, the new novel bv Du Macrier, theeaeerlv exoected successor to "Trilby," begun in October Number, 1896, with illustrations from the author's drawings. A new novel by Frank R. Stockton developing a Twentieth Century Renaissance full ot hu morous situations and characteristically illus trated. A Pair of Patient Lovers, by Wil liam Dean Howells. Other strikinz novel ettes by American authors. Short stories by MARK TWAIN, THOMAS NELSON PAGE, RICH ARD Harding Davis, Owen Wister, John Kendrick Bangs, Ruth McEserv Stuart. octave Thanet, Mart E- Wilkins, and other popular writers. SCIENCE: Story of the Progress of Science during the Nineteenth Century, a series of pa pers by Dr. Henry Smith Wjlliams, supple mented by contributions on special subjects by expert scientists. Articles on the relations of curious psychological manifestations to physio logy by Dr. Andrew Wilson. AMERICAN FEATURES: The Mexico of Today, a series by Charles F. Lummis. splendidly illustrated the result of a recent visit to Mexico unkertaken for HARPER'S MA GAZINE. Mexico is pre-eminentlv a silver- producing country, and it monetary operations rest entirely on a silver Dasis. Owing to the keen discussion of certain economic problems in connection with issues of urgent importance in American politics, these papers, will com mena general attention. American Histori cal Papers by Woocrow Wilson, John Bach MacMaster, and James Barnes. The true story of Sheridan's Klde, by Gen. G. A. For syth. Continuation of Howell's Personal Reminiscences of eminent literary Americans. AFRICA AND THE EAST: White Man's Africa, a fully illustrated series of papers by Poulney Bigelow, the result of personal ob servations during a recent trip to Africa, cover ing the whole field of European exploitation of that country. Illustrated articles by Stephen ' bonsal on tne transiormations going on in Eastern Siberia, recently visited by the au thor. Hungarian Sketches, written and drawn by F. Hopkinson Smith. The full stoi y of the recent Coronation of the Czar, by Rich ard Harding Davis, illustrated by R. Caton Woodville, who was commissioned by Queen Victoria to paint a picture of the ceremony. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper & Brothers. HARPER'S MAGAZINE Fop one year - $4 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Address HARPER & BROTHERS P. O. Box 959, N. Y. City SIGNATURE DM is now y BLUE, diagonally across the OUTSIDE wrapper of every bottle of Tiin itJ - rr-irt- 1-1 ri . . win The Original and Genuine WORCESTERSHIRE, as a further pro tection against all imitations. Agents for the United 5tates, JOHN TlVCAN'S SONS ,N.Y. vvrar v 4 nw y v2i' e A is fianctscme, II jht, 2araMc Such grace of design as is embodied in this u last, ccy-runnino;, much-talked-about" mount can only be secured by the most approved methods, finest mirval an-j skilled work manship. The '95 Stearns is the best birfde it is possible to produce. Finished at your option in orange cr black. Address now fr ? hczxiX'SvX nrw catalogue. "Ctc Yeilou? TcHw." E. C. STEARNS & CO., Makers. Syracuse, N. Y. BUFFALO. N. Y. SAM FRANCISCO, CAL. TORONTO. ONT. K. L. HART, Harpers Bazar. Ifl 1897 The BAZAR, a thoroughly up-to-date periodi cal for women, will enter upon its Thirtieth Volume in 1S97. , As Fashion journal it is unsurpassed, and ia an indispensable requisite for every well-dressed woman, Katharine rE Forest writes a weekly letter on current fashions from Paris. In New York Fashions, and in the fortnight ly pattern-sheet supplement, ladies find full de tails, directions, and diagrams for gowns, wraps, and children's clothing. Sandoz. Bacdb, and ChApuis draw and engrave the newest and fin est Parisian designs every week. The serials for 1897 will be: Thb Red Bridgk Neighborhood, by Maria Louise Pool; and' Father Quinnallion, by Octave Thajcet. Short stories will be constantly presented by brilliant writers, among whom are Mart E. Wilkins, Harriet Prescott Spofford, Ma rion Harland, Ruth McEnert Stuart, Vio la Roseboro, and Margaret Sutton Briscoe. I (What Women are Doing in various parts of the Union will form a series of special interest. Other interesting features are The Out-door Wom,an, devoted to healthful sports and pas times; Music, a weekly critical summary of music in New York; Amateur Theatricals, Em broidery and Needlework, Ceremony and Eti quette. Good Housekeeping, "What Girls are Doing," "Current Social Events." and Per sonals gleaned from original sources. Women and Men. Colonel T. W. HlGGlNSOX will regularly continue his valuable essays. Answers to Correspondents. This column is conducted for the benefit and convenience of readers, and all questions received are answered in rotation, as promptly and fully as practica ble. Art. The BAZAR is a notable picture-gallery, reproducing the most beautiful works of American and foreign artists, as presented ia the annual Paris and New York exhibitions. Wit and Humor. Everybody turns for a hear ty laugh to the BAZAR'S last page. An all-Round Woman's Paper. What more appropriate gift can be made to wife, daughter or sister than a subscription to HARPER'S BAZAR? Secure it as a welcome visitor in your household for 1S97. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper & Brothers. HAHPES'S BAZAE For one year - $4 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Address HARPER & BROTHERS P. O. Box 959, N. Y. City 1897. THE SUN. Baltimore, Md. 1837. The Paper op the People, Fob the People aud with the People. Honest in Motive. Fearless in Expression. Souhd in Principle. u5swerti5g in its allegiance to Right Theories and Right Practices. The Son publishes all the news all the time, bat it does not allow ila col umns to be degraded bj unclean, im moral or purely sensational matter. Editorially, the Suo is tbe ooariatent and unchanging champion and defender of popular rights and iotereats against political machines and monopolies of every character. Independent in all things, extreme in none. It is for good laws, good government and good order. By mail Fifty Cents a month. Six Dollars a year. The Baltimore WmUt Saua. The Weekly Sun publishes all the news each week, giving oomplete ao counts of all events of interest through out the world. As an Agricultural paper the Weekly Sun is unsurpassed. It ia edited by writers of practical experience, who know what farming means and what farmers want in an agricultural journal. It contains regular reports of the wcrk of the agriculture experiment stations throughout the country, of the proceedings of farmers' oluba and in stitutes, and the disoussion ot new methods snd ideas in agriculture. Ita markets reports, poultry department and veterinary column are particularly vain able to country readers. Every issue contains stories, poems, household and puzzle oolumns, a variety of interesting and instructive selected matter and other features, which make it welcome visitor in city and country homes alike. One dollar a year. Inducements to srettersop of clubs fcr the Weekly Sun. Both the Daily and Weekly Sun mailed free of postage in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Payments fcv variably in advance. Address A. is. Abell Company, Publishers and Proprietors, ' Baltimore, Md, Fell 1400 Feet. Denver Colo., Dec. 18. A special to the Times from Ouray, Colorado says: Gabriel Ross, John Antras, Charles Swanson, Charles Anderson and LVouia Jacobeon were instantly killed in tha Virginius shaft today. They were re pairing timbers when the cage fell carry ing them to the 1,400-foot level. 7 teams Bicycle Tucson, Agent 1 C$83? fSa lift