prorates §lnw.
f sffl?W hTFaKkIK BTttEET,
. ttssHK Mw. one j enr, *lO 00; six
F 00; toree months, *2 50; one
irt^ $C NfW - ,oe ye** 1 - 00; tlx months,
fl M.
subscriber* wiU please observe the date
*jc their wrappers.
mates a square—a line averages
I*° ' w.inls. Advertisements, per square,
—rt-on, |1 00; two insertions, *1 80;
. ~ i-'ruons, *2 60; si* insertions, *5 0U;
. , V e ius*Ttions, *9 20; eighteen insertions,
> twenty-six insertions, *l5 80.
” . heading Notices double above rates.
U vti „. rat ., on largeadvertisements,
r" 1 ... t Advertisements *1 50 per square.
/ A , . advertisements. Marriages, Funerals,
f A v ' t ani! Special Notices *1 per square
I iw. insertion.
v wrtisements of Ordinaries, Sheriffs
L’** t;.rr officials inserted at the rate pre
inbed by law.
■*r< ing, For Rent, he st and Found, 10
. h line. No advertisement Inserted
.cv<e beadings for less than HO cents,
an tie made oy Post Office Order,
1 ‘ . ,u ied Letter or Express, at our risk.
• usure the insertion of any adver
"r , ut on any specified day or days, nor
. 1! sure the number of insertions with
„ the time required by the advertiser.
, , vertiseinents will, however, have their
,tuber of insertions when the time
4, e made up, out when accidentally left
and the number of insertions cannut be
_ T „o the money paid for the omitted in
iruons will be returned to the advertiser,
ill letters should be addressed,
Savannah, iia.
*.re,i at the Post Office in Savannah
~ sr- md Class Mail Matter.
V **■' _
The tide went out—
jiing pebbles aud shells that lay
5b the snore, ac the becK of the white armed
Went out with the tide.
The tide went out—
ic,. a hundred ships asleep on the strand
sprang up. and away from the hateful land
Went out with the tide.
The tide went out—
it: a life as sweet as a life might be,
iTifi ng away to the unknown sea,
W ent out with the tide.
The tide came in—
rue pebbles and shells, with the waves’ disdain
Hung rrom their arms to the shore again.
Came in with the tide.
The tide came in—
;weury ships from their voyaging,
jjder. with many a precious thing,
t ame in with the tide.
The tide came in—
3u: the life asweet as a life might be,
t&iue not baca from the unknown sea.
Came not in with the tide.
Georgia /-flairs.
Tiiere lives in McDonough, Henry county,
Hr. J- H. Lester, wuu is 113 years old, having
been bom m Rockingham, North Carolina, in
i;oj. lie distinctly remembers the revolution
ary war. and when eleven years ot age was de
uu.d to uefend the women ana children from
tteTories with other boys of his age. Luring
a skirmish he received two cuts on the head
from a sabre. He served under General Floyd
during tbe war of 1812. Sherman's army de
ar j-ed ail his property. His wife is dead and
y* sous nave been killed in battle or have died,
ami he is now cud aud infirm, dependent on
cfiarity for support. Henry county gives him
dollars lor his support every three months.
We bud the above in toe Atlanta Constitution.
tureij a ruan with such a history should not
be left to starve to death in his old age, and we
opme if the facts above stated were brought to
tae notice of the government by influential
patties it would do something to soothe the last
jays of the old veteran of Harris county.
I,The Laurens county primary for the nomi
o&tiun of a eenat.r fur the Sixteenth Sena
torial district was held Saturda last, and re
sulted in the nomination of Colonel C. 8. Guy
Johnson county,at a Democratic meeting held
on W ednesday last, sent delegates to the Con
gretsi"iial Convention, to be held in Augusta,
favorable to the election of Hon. J. K. Hines’
of Wasm,ton county, to represent the Eighth
Congressional district.
Tne citizens of Fort Valley vote to-day on
me question f having an artesian well bored
in that city. Tbe proposed tax to be levied if
the uitixene vote in favor of the well will be
one per cent, on the taxable pioperty of the
The mortuary report of tianta for the week
ending Monday at no n shows the total mor
tality to be 22, of which 10 were whites an l 12
colored. Of the whole number, there were
twelve children under five years of age.
There aro two opposing candidates, both
recognized Democrats, for the Legislature
from Spalding county, Mr. W. E. H. Searcy,
the regular nominee, and representing the pro.
iubition element, and Dr. N. B. Drewry, who
was nominated by the opposition or whisky
via* of the party, on Saturuay last.
The merchants of Americus are making
preparations for a heavy trade this fall, and
from a-i the indications it is pretty certain
that their hopes in this direction will not be
lisap pointed.
The primary election for candidates from the
Democratic party to elect candidates to repre
sect Richmond county in the next Legislature
wiu t* held in Augusta on the first Tuesday,
the sth of September.
In Museogee county the following is the acre
age of lands plauted taken from the returns of
the Tax Receiver, Mr. J. C. Reedy: Cotton, 13,-
Si: acres; corn, 8,824; wheat, 16J; oats, 3,295;
ryw 172. potatoes, 539; sugar cane, 188; vegeta
ble gardens, 2r>3; melons, 305; making a total
acreage planted 27,070 acres.
The Griffin Daily New* promises a mammoth
trade edition within a month from date. It
vii be illustrated with engravings showing the
business, banking, educational and religious
interests and advantages of Griffin. The
leaning articles in the trade issue will be de
voted to the Sunny South, the ‘ Empire State
of the South and the “Garden of the World.”
Georgia candidates are coming to the front
m large numbers, but very soon after the
conung elections the large majority of them
*iii be found in the rear.
The returns of taxable property in Carroll
county shows marked increase over that of
last year. The total value of property assess
ed this year is *2,499.076, a gain of *262,301 over
The number of polls in the county is
U3-’, an increase of 132 over the previous year.
Th ni these figures it appears that the county
* lacrea-iog in wealth and also in population,
f orsyth has decided in favor of fence as the
**u :of the recent electiou shows, the vote
*auuiug: Fence, 1.215; no fence, 260.
the store and contents of Mr. E. A. Drewry,
asencia. was destroyed by fi e on Sunday
tormu.-. The st_ o was valued at *2.003, on
•inch there was an insurance for *1,400.
7 li. McHenry, of Morgan, will represent the
senatorial district in the next Legis-
Liionei A. P. Wofford received the unani
sius; ruination for the Senate at the Carters-
T ~"3-- suoriai Convention on the 12th instant.
*as gentleman of ability and sterling in-
LJ. Gartrell will address the citizens
* Washington county at Sandersville next
, -te Hen ry people are marshaling their forces
* 1 :ra. u fight on the whisky question in that
and tne outlook is that they will win in
-uoUu Gazette: "Mr. E. G. Turner exhibi ed
*• ur Mreets Thursday last a live salaman
■*-a curiosity to many. Mr. Turner informs
®tc has cci u*.ht as many as nine while they
-rv destroying his sugar cane.”
•zghtmng strucs the gin house of Rockmore
‘Braswell, i.ogausvme, on Sunday night,
Jhug it on fire. The citizens were promptly
£t<u.a ana prevented it from being totally
br. chag. F. Deems on Sunday morning, in
-turch of the strangers, New York, made
j ir ate allusion in most eloquent remaras
of ’‘be late Col. win M. Wadiey,
-i a beautiful prayer for the' oe
u ' u : ; Tb-il'ict Senatorial Convention met
Ue’oiJ JSU 011 the th, and nominated L. K.
tary/, 01 Alapaha, Ga He is a young
<StatT ICJ " 1,1 tbake a good benator. The
•'■'itiou was also in session, and
J. A. uusit*.
C4g. , ‘hty Times: “That excellent peri
9, u ';\ T the farmers—the southern Farm
, v-luis tieen received for August A
*tj . “'"t-1 ours, who reads it occasion
•orth,, tLU4t he finds articles in each issue
subscription pree.”
* r™ l ,™* h’Aroaicfe says some of the wild
iginao e are in circulation in
<•> •. university. The wildest is to the
Pkc- . t fiaucedor .Me i will soon resign his
hfWi-r ' v -": re of 1,1 health, and Gen. E. P.
tew tcai * !il b - cal.ed by the board to suc
*t IUBI ■> the people of Oconee, Mor
*tg ice 0 l d r r .‘ r '-'cunties wui have a mass meet
h’tsgv - DecUe - the ooject of the meeting
the plausioility and expedi
*ttti *,' V a railroad to connect Athens
•fetUcy',. the people all along the line
‘ts importance, and doubt
A gecuT W; ‘** laree
returned from a visit to
JWtrev. s -dijiiday. mfurms tne Columbus
, Wae or r he has never seen such
J'tlaje , L ' JA grown gin that county. He
, vikics to that section for
vutt cn , I Tears, out he has never
„; rt ‘ Th “ r heard such flattering re
h? thbfeea, acd oat crops were very
wf anageek ' T t Je tßhies and harses all look
atb ' tott oa and corn appear to
“xhr^V 11 ! * row ’ tßotikh there
that too much wet
ana llle cotton. The water
is abundant, and peach
llffiS 8 u a a fmi b t re * kin * dOW “ With '°ad of de
„i! tr *7S e *^ oro TrUe The colored peo-
P urke county seem determined to keep
reputation as a people of blood. An
mo?L? tro ?i? U 8 B h°cking murder was com
mitted on the plantation of Mr. T. P Branch
county, on Thursday, the particulars of
which, as far as we hare bee-i able to gather
n. f^if 60 "' “ roUow8: Mose* Owens and
David Collins, both colored, had had a falling
when Collins happened to !
pass the field on Thursday In which Owens was
at "°. rk \ and went towards him, evidently
with the intention of having a difficulty. When
Owens saw Collins approaching he picked
up a piece of fence rail to defend him elf, but
Collins, with open knife, rushed upou him with
such terrible impetuosity that Owens had not
tune to strike, and receiving a ghastly wound
m his breast, dropped the rail and fled. Col
lins pursued him. cutting him at every step,
Owens begging for mercy untU he fell and ex
pired at the feet of his slayer. Collins was
promptly arrested and carried before 8. Wyatt,
N P , who committed him, and on Friday he
was brought here by Constable James Whaley,
and lodged in jail to await bis trial at the No
vember term of the Superior Court. It is one
of the most malicious, cold blooded murders
that has ever come under our observation, and
the gallows is sure of its victim.”
Trade Kevlvlng-A Collision on the
Kiver-Polities—Personal Notes.
Brunswick, August 14. Editor Morning
News: Since my last business begins to look a
little lively. There has been quite a lot of ar
rivals, principally from coastwise ports Sev
eral cargoes have been landed, and the river
front presents a bustling appearance. The tow
boats are nullifying the hot weather by a coun
ter irritant in the way of hot competition.
There were five of this useful craft at the
wharves on Friday last. The new iron tug,
Angie and Nellie, under Capt. Ben. Fahm,
seems to take the cake.
The steamer Rapidan. while leaving this port
last week for New York, collided by some
means with the schooner Helen, damaging her
to the extent of about a thonsand dollars. The
steamer was considerably damaged also, but
proceeded on her voyage. The schooner was
at anchor when the steamer backed into her
through a mistaken signal on the part of the
engineer. The river is a half mile wide at the
place where it occurred The schooner will
be repaired at once by Capt. Chas, E. Flan
ders, an old shipwright and resident of this
The health of the city continues good. The
port physician has nothing to do but keep
away the unwelcome yellow jack.
The Democratic party of Giyon county had a
rousing meeting on Saturday last to reorganize
and choose delegates to the convention at Sa
vannah on the 6th proximo. The delegates
chosen are J. E. Dart, Esq., and T. O’Connor,
and alternates A. J. Crovatt and Hon. T. W.
Lamb. They go uninstructed Hon. T. W.
Lamb was chosen President of the Democratic
Association, and T. O’Connor, Jr., Secretary.
The new schooner Wm. Hays, which is
partly owned at this port, arrived from her
birthplace last week with a cargo of hay, lime
and brick. She is a splendid looking vessel
and will carry 325 tons. She classes A1 for
flf een years.
The Senatorial Convention for the Fourth
Senatorial district met at Owen’s Ferry on
Saturday, and nominated Hon. James Thom
son as tbe Democratic candidate for Senator
from this district.
Hon J. M. Tison, one of the oldest citizens of
tbis county, is at present lying very low at Hot
Springs. Ark. Mr. J, M. Tison, Jr„ of this city,
was summoned to his bedside some time ago,
and at last accounts the hope of recovery was
very small.
Colonel Richard J. Bertie, another of Glynn’s
earliest settlers, died a few weeks ago at his
home in the country. Glynn.
Alfred H. Colquitt.
Written for the Morning News.
“Thin* not there is no smile
I can bestow upon thee. There ig a smile,
A s nile of nature too, which I can spare,
And yet, perhaps, thou wilt not thank me for
My acquaintance with Georgia politics and
politicians began in 1829, in Jackson county.
Events are the alphabet of history—Time the
great compositor which “sets them up” in their
enduring order, stereotypes them, and dedi
cates the mighty lessons they teach to the age -.
Among the events which have transpired in
Georgia in a little more than half a century,
I can now call to mind, always excepting the
startling scenes of the war, nothing more
dramatic than the elevation of Mr. Stephens to
tbe chief magistracy will be. The dramatic
effect of this evert depends largely upon its
significance and beneficence. I remember
’■Little Alec” well when he first entered upon
his legislative career in the General Assembly.
The whole State echoed with his clear-cut.
brilliant, ringing speeches. It was the case of
Sophocles when a mere boy hading the chorus
of youths, with dance and lyre, who performs ’
the pan of triumph in the solemn assembly of
Athens, which stood, tbe meanwhile, around
the troi hy raised to their valor, who achieved
tbe immortal vi tory at the battle of Salamis.
His whole life has been like that of the great
Greek dramatist and patriot, a succession of
brilliant victories. Like him in his old age.
Mr. Stephens has been selfishly and unfeel
ingly impeached for “dotage and incapacity.”
With all his dazzling triumphs on bis laureled
brow, the venerable o'd Greek hero of an hun
dred contests rose before the court, and for re
ply and refutat on, pronounced his -£dipug at
Colon us. Mr. Stephens needs no other answer
to those who charge him with dotage
and incapacity, than his Congressional
report*, his political speeches and letters, and
his hl-tory. Gubernatorial honors will grace
his oi i age like tbe rewards of the tragic Vic
tor did that of the ancient poet, statesman and
Genera’. A more befitting and graceful recog
nition of long and illustrious services, no Stare
did ever bestow upon a worthy son. than this
chief dignity so generously accorded to this
unselfish, wise and renowned old gentleman.
When Governor Colquitt was in Washington
and suggested to Mr. Stephens to ent r for tbe
Democratic nomination, he no doubt felt tbe
truth and force of all that I have said respect
ing the fitness of it—the worthiness of Mr
Stephens to wear this honor, and the graceful
ness on the part of tfie State in bestowing it—
but he saw and felt a great deal more.
He realized wbat the factious malignants
were not capable of conceiving. that the weight
of Mr. Stephens’ character would crush the
faction and crush tbe false Independentigm
which had conspired to crush the Democratic
oartv of the State and deliver it over, b und
haud and foot to the Republican tormentors.
As our sensible and genial friend, “Bill
Arp.” forcibly says, cutting into the heart of
this matter, as his custom is, “I don’t know
who was the father of this business—that is,
getting Mr Stephens to run—but he D a smart
man shore. He saw the breakers ahead. He
snuffed the battle from afar. The Independ
ents were massing their forces, and they w-re
going to run Mr. Stephens themselves, when
suddenly the organization came along and
stole him and carried bim off.” etc , etc.
I have no idea that Dr. Felton
nnd Emory Speer could ever have committed
Hr. Stephens to their “independent” move
ment but he committed them to his support,
and utterly broke the force of any combination
adverse to tbe Democratic party.
Remember that I am illustrating Governor
Colquitt's superior capacities. He realized at
a glance the perils of the situation. A disor
ganizing faction already existed within the
party, and was seeking a coalition with an out
side party. They had common objects, and he
foresaw that they would coalesce and form a
conspiracy, and possibly effect in Georgia wbat
M&hone and his followers effected in Virginia—
the temporary overthrow of the “Bourbon De
mocracy”—the only real Democracy in this
By this act of consummate policy—a brave,
manly, just policy—the policy of principles—
supreme policy of common sense and common
honesty—tbe Lemocratic party did the most
graceful act in the history of the State, over
threw the factions inimical to the peace of the
organization and tne highest interests of the
The State and the party owe him a debt of
gratitude for what he did to consolidate the
Democratic party. His enemies rave. They
say ”he is a weak man” aud “incompetent/’
And here the “smile” comes in “which I can
spare,” whether they “thank me for it” or not.
August 1. 1882. Ac. RICO LA.
Tbe National Board of Health.
Washington, August 15 —At a special
meeting of the National Board of Health to
day it was announced that Surgeon Billings
had been relieved as a menaber of the board,
and Surgeon Charles N. Smart, U. 8. A.,
detailed in his place. Dr. Thos. J. Turner
tendered his resignation as Secretary, aud
Dr Smart was elected to fill tbe vacancy.
Dr. Turner was then elected a member of
the Executive Committee..
Trouble in Madagascar.
London, August 15.—The correspondent
of the News at Paris says: “There is talk ot
disturbance between France and Madagas
car. The Queen of Madagascar has pro
hibited sales of land to French colonists, as
contrary to the treaty of IS6O The French
Consul has been forced to strike his flag and
seek refuge at Tamatad. A French naval
demonstration is expected."
A Terrific Tornado In Maine.
Bangor, Mb , August 15.—The most de
structive tornado ever experienced it this
vicinity visited Baisgor at six o’clock thia
evening. Tbe winds blew with terrific ve
locity, and rain fell In sheets, converting the
gutters into roaring streams, the whole ac
companled by Incessant thunder and light
ning. The destruction of property Is very
great. _
*112,400 In Prizes
And tickets omly fi each. Aug. 31st will be
the day when the Commonwealth Distribu
tion Cos. will have the grand 47th drawing.
Kverv person In the land should have at
Socket. Have s ou sent your order
ye t Don’t delay It may Iwyour turo for
I fortune. Trv. Send for tickets to R. M.
Boardman, Courier-Journal Building, Louis
ville, Ky
Complexions beautified by Ulhnh’b 80l-
A Multitude in Attendance— Bail*
nea Suspended In Macon—Tbe
Last Solemn Scene.
Macon, Ua., August 15.—T0-day wtil long
be remembered in this part of the State.
Mayor Corput, of this city, by proclamation
requested all places of business be closed
at noon, so as to give every one an oppor
tunity to attend the obsequies of Colonel
Wadiey at Bollngbroke. Special trains were
furnished for the citizens, and these, with
the cars containing those Invited from Savan
nah, Augusta and other points east, left here
at 1 p. m.
Such a funeral cortege to pay the last
tribute of respect to a private citizen as that
which assembled at Bollngbroke this after
noon was never before seen in this section.
The train from Atlanta had already arrived,
and the turnpike from the station as
far as the eye could see was
filled with ladies and gentlemen,
wending their way to the late home of
the honored and beloved dead, where all of
him that was mortal lay awaiting the last
sad rites.
At the homestead were gathered the rela
tives and friends of the deceased, the rep
resentatives of the several railroads, delega
tions from several societies, and committees
from the principal business circles through
out the community. The remains were en
closed in a metallic casket, and this In an
oaken case.
From the house the remains were taken
to a secluded spot about a quarter of a
mile distant, where, under the oaks of the
primeval forest, they were laid to await the
last summons. Rev. Mr. Winchester, of
Christ Church, Macon, read the beautiful
services of the Episcopal Church, and the
body was then Interred with Masonic hon
ors by the brethren of Solomon’s Lodge No,
1, of Savannah, assisted by visiting breth
ren from Zerubbabel Lodge No 15, of sa
vannah, Macon Lodge No. 6, and members
of other lodges.
Toe iast sad rites being ended, the mourn
ers returned to the station, and the trains
bore them away to their several destina
Ill" Defense of His Vote on tbe
Ktver and Harbor Bill.
Worcester, Mass , August 15. — Senator
Hoar has written a letter to the people of
Massachusetts, In which he at considerable
length gives his reasons for voting for the
river aud harbor bill, and his views on In
ternal Improvements. The Senator asserts
that If he and hts associates erred in their
views upon the river and harbor bill, It was
with the slnceret desire to do right, and
without the smallest motive to do wroDg,
affirming that he considered that his duty
to hie S’ate aud country requi ed of him to
vote as he did.
Mr. Hoar proceeds to argue With regard
to the national rather than to the local char;
acter and Importance of the river and har
bor bill, aud says the President did not
point out any item which he thought-of
local Interest only, and did not point out
tiny instance In whieh he thought the bill
| “He did cot refer us to the information on
which he acted, that we might see whether It
was we or ha that were deceived. We were
therefore left to our own resources. If the
bill failed all public works of this class
must stop. The suggestion that a general
appropriation should be made of half the sum
provided In the bill, with authority to the
President to expend It on such public works
as he thought tit, seems to me, with due re
spect, totally Inadmissible. It does not
seem to me In accordance with sound con
stitutional theories to entrust to any execu
tive tbe power of determining jwhat public
w rkr|ire for national advantage.”
In conclusion he says: “Whether tbe
policy of the bill is to be popular in Massa
chusetts this afternoon or this week or this
year, Ido not know. But one thing Ido
know. It is in the line of all her traditions,
and is sure sooner or later to secure bet sup
ti ara ’Kin -ii g Against Pensacola—
Tbe Plague In Brownsville aud
New York, August 15.—A Montgomery
(Ala.) special saya a strict quarantine has
been established against Pensacola on ac
count of continued reports of yellow fever
at that city. The Incoming train at 8 o’clock
last night was first subjected to v a legular
inspection. State Health Officer Cochran
has been ordered to Pensacola to investigate
the reports. There is no excitement yet.
Pensacola, Fla., August 15. —This city
Is; healthy. There Is no yelolw fever here.
BrownBvillb, August 15.—There were
twelve new cases of yellow fever yester
day—ten Mexicans and two Americans.
There was one death, that of a Mexican.
There were six deaths In Matamoras from
the fever. The disease Is spreading among
the poor of this city, though It is not so
malignant as In Matamoras. Tbe weather
continues cloudy. Mall service will be
resumed to all parts of the country to
There were twenty-eight new cases of
yellow fever reported here to-day, twenty
four of the patients being Mexicans and
hree Americans. Three of the Mexicans
died. There are two light cases of fever at
Fort Brown, but both of the sufferers are
doing well.
At Matamoras seven new cases, five of
which are light, and five deaths have been
reported. Manager Butterfield, of the Mata
moras and Monterey Railroad, Is down with
the fever. The weather Is cloudy, but hot.
New Orleans, August 15.—Malachia
England, thirty years old, a native of Fin
land. was sent to the Cnarity Hospital on
the 9:h Inst , suffering from yellow fever,
and died this evening.
Washington, August 15. —Surgeon Gen
eral Hamilton to day received a telegram
from the Mayor of Galveston, Texas, asking
government aid In establishing quarantine
at that port out of the fund appropriated
to aid local and State Boards of Health in
suppressing epidemics. The application
was referred to the First Comptroller of the
4 Vialt or Inspection to tbe Norfolk
Navy Yard—A Naval Officer Set
Norfolk, Va., August 15. —The Secretary
of the Navy and party arrived at the navy
yard this mornlDg and made a thorough in
spection of the yard. They left this even
ing. At the request of the Health
Officer of the port a warrant
was served to-day upon Commander
Kellogg, of the United States steamer Tal
lapoosa, for violating the quarantine regu
lations some time ago by bringing his ves
sel up to the Davy yard when coming from
an interdicted port without stopping at
quarantine as required. He was sent gn to
the County Court for trial, and bailed on
hts recognizance In *5OO.
Escambia Bay Bridge Completed—
Tbe Koa4 Open for Forty-Seven
Pensacola, August 15. —The Pensacola
aud Atlantic Railroad bridge over Escambia
Bay, two miles and a quarter long, was fin
ished to-day at noon, and trains passed ove r
at one o’clock.
The road was opened for forty-seven miles
to-day. Ground was broken on the 22d of
last August, and the road will be completed
to the Chattahoochee river In November.
A Member of the James Gang In
Kansas City, August 15.—Dick Little, a
well known member of the Janies gang, was
arrested here to-day by the United States
Marshal charged with complicity in the
robbery of . United States at
Mu-sel Shoals, Alabama, on March 11,1881.
The amount taken was *5,300.
Mobile’s Fire* Bele.
Mobile, August 15.—The first bale of new
cotton was received to-day from Unlontown,
Perry county, Ala. It classes at low mid
dling, and sold at thirteen cents. The first
bale last year wae received on August 3d.
Private Balds on tbe Treasury—
Renovating tbe Wblie House-
Bridge Legislation for Georgia.
Washington, August 15.—A rush Is being
made on the Treasury. The last session of
Congress made many appropriations which
personally benefited many people. This
class of appropriations were not In any sense
public. They were what might be called
individual appropriations. The beneficiaries
of this class are loud in their wall. They
haunt the Treasury Department and cry
aloud for their money. They are outraged
because the ducats are not forthwith
handed to them as soon as they
appear at the counter of the cash room.
They will not listen to the explanation that
It takes time for an appropriation to go
through an official routine before It becomes
payable. They fume and fret —I may even
6ay swear—because there Is delay In placing
their hands upon this money. Such delay
Is unavoidable, but the Treasury officers suffer from It. They are hounded
and growled at by the people who are to get
money and want to get It
right away, as much as the most
Impecunious debtor In the country. The
average citizen thinks that if money is ap
propriated there is no difficulty in just
scooping It out of the Treasury. There are,
however, numerous delays In the nature of
safeguards, which must be encountered. As
the number of individuals benefited by leg
islation at the last session was very large
the callers for money manage to keep alive
to a certain extent our usually dead sum
mer. The people after money only fall
second to the Republican mob In the House
In largeness. They are not quite as hungry
for their gold as the Republican legislators
were anxious to give It to them.
During the absense of President Arthur a
good many improvements are being made
at the White House. New carpets and fur
nishings are being laid down and put up.
The whole house Is being goue over. In
•fact, tbe whole building, though already
wonderfully Improved over what it was
under Hayes and Garfield, Is being put In a
condition in keeping with the high-toned
ideas of the present executive Incumbent.
A good deal of tbe aesthetic is even crop
ping into the White House adornment.
Arthur cares nothing for “Republican sim
plicity.” He has been accustomed to
baviDg his residence “furnished in style,’’
and does not propose to deviate from that
habit. He Is certainly having tbe
old pile called tbe White House fitted out In
a manner never before dreamed of, and at
the same time of these Improvements so pro
portionally is the public shut off from a
view of the house when it goes there sight
Among the bills which passed in the last
hours of the session was the following of
peculiar Georgia Interest:
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
llepresentatives of the United States of America
in Congress assembled, That the Savannah
and Pacific Short Line Railway Company be.
and It Is hereby authorized to construct
bridges over the Ogeechee river, in the
county of Chatham; over the Oconee, In the
county of Montgomery; the Ocmulgee,
In the county of Pulaski; over the Flint
river, in the county of Dooly; and over the
Chattahoochee river. In Btewart or Musco
gee counties, or such other county as 6aid
railroad company may de6lre or find most
practicable In the final location of said road.
Sec. 2. That said bridges shall be so con
structed, either by draw, span, or otherwise,
so that a free and unobstructed passage may
be secured to all vessels and other water
craft navigating said rivers.
Sec. 3. That any bridge built under this
act and subject to its limitations shall
be a lawful structure, and shall be recog
nized and kuown as a post route, upon
which also no higher charge shall be made
for the transmission over the same of the
mails, t e troops, and the munitions of war
of the United States, or passengers or freight
passing over said bridges, than the rate per
mile paid for the transportation over the
railroad or public highways leading to the
said bridges; and it shall enjoy the rights
and privileges of other post roads In the
United Sta es.
Sec. 4 That tf any of the 6aid bridges be constructed by this act shall
be constructed as a draw bridge, the draw
shall be opened promptly upon reasonable
signals for the passage of boats; and said
company or corporation shall maintain, at
Its own expense, from sunset till sunrise,
such lights ot other rlgnals on said bridge or
bridges as the Light H' use Board shall pre
scribe. No bridge shall be erected or main
talned under the authority of this act which
st all at any time substantially or materially
obstruct the free navigation of said river;
and if any bridge erected uoder such au
thority shall, in the opinion ot the Secretary
of War, obstruct such navigation, he Is
hereby autboiia-d to cause such change or
alteration of said bridge to be made as will
effectually obviate euch obstruatlon;
and all such obstructions shall be
removed and alterations made at tbe
expense of the owner or owners of
said bridge: Provided, Tnat nothing In this
act 6hall be so construed as to repeal or
modify any of the provisions of law now
existing in reference to the protection of
the navigation of rivers, or to exempt this
bridge erected under this act from the
operations of the same.
Sec. 5 That all railroad companies
desiring the use of said bridge shall have and
be entitled to equal rights and privileges
relative to the passage of rail
way trains or cars over the same, and
over tbe approaches thereto, upon payment
of a reasonable compenaatlon for such use;
and in case the owner or owners of said
bridge and the several railroad companies,
or any one of them, desiring such use shall
fall to agree upon the sum or sums to be
paid, and upon rules and conditions to
which each shall conform in useing said
bridge, all matters at Issue between them
shall be decided by the Secretary of War,
upon a bearing of the allegations and proofs
of the parties.
Sec. 6. That any bridge authorized to be
constructed under this act shall be built and
located under and subject to such regula
tions for the security of navigation of said
rivers as the Secretary of War eball pre
scribe; and to secure that object said com
pany or corporation shall submit to the
Secretary of War a design and drawings of
said bridges to be erected, for his examina
tion and approval, and a map of
its location, and shall furnish such
other information as may be required
for a full and satisfactory understanding of
the subject, and In all things shall be sub
ject to such rules and regulations as may
be prescribed by the Secretary of War; and
until said plan and location of said bridge
or bridges are approved by the Secretary of
War, said bridge or bridges shall not be
built; and should any change be made in
tbe plan of any bridge authorized to be con
structed by this act, during the progress of
the work of construction, such change shall
be subject to the approval of the Secretary
of War.
Sec. 7. That the right to alter, amend, or
repeal this act Is hereby expressly reserved;
and tbe right to require any changes in said
structures, or their entire removal, at the
expense of the owners thereof, whenever
Congress shall decide that the public inter
est requires It, la also expressly reserved.
A Young Negro from Jacksonville
Overhauled In Nw York.
New York, August 15.—A dispatch was
by the police this morning from
Charleston, S. C., reading as follows : “Ar
rest Abraham Reed, a young colored man,
aboard the steamer Atlanta. He Is with a
colored woman and child. He stole three
hundred dollars from me In Jacksonville,
Fla.” The dispatch was signed “Mary A.
Mattan, Jacksonville, Fla.”
When tbe steamer arrived to-day Read
was arrested, and the little party were taken
to police headquarters. He admitted his
identity, but denied the charge of theft
He said he was going to Philadelphia. Bills
to tbe amount of *125 were found on him,
but these, he said, his mother had given
him. He was remanded for a hearing.
Reed was arraigned In court In the after
noon, and agreed to return to Jacksonville.
He was remanded until arrangements for
his retnrn could be effected.
An Ocean Steamer Disabled
Bt. John, N. F., August 15. —The
steamer Rhlwinda, of and from Cardiff for
New York, fell in with the steamer Rich
mond on Saturday in latitude 47:6, longitude
40:30, with the bottom out of her cylinder.
Tbe Richmond was bound from Liverpool to
Galveston, Texas, with a cargo of co>ton
ties atid bands. She met with the accident
on Friday last and was taken in tow by the
Rhlwinda on Saturday. They arrived at six
o’clock this morning.
Tbe Nlmb Georgia Duirlet.
Atlanta, August 15.—A. D. Candler was
nominated by acclamation at Gainesville,
to-day, M the Democratic candidate for
Congress in the Ninth district.
Tbe rherlflf ot Mecca Proclaimed
Caliph— Sir Garnet Wolaeley at Alex*
aodrla—Tbe Porie Nitll Delaying -
Another Nklrtnlilt —A Rumor as to
ibeHuaalau Cabinet’s Designs.
London, August 15 —The Baity Telegraph
has the following dispatch from Constan
tinople : “Several of the stipulations pro
posed In the military convention are con
sidered unacceptable to Turkey. The
proclamation against Arabl Pasha wily
not be issued until the convention Is
signed. The session of the conference to-day
was exclusively occupied with the consid
eration of the proposal of Count Corti, the
Italian Ambassador, for a collective police
supervision of the Suez canal, which was
finally agreed to as a temporary measure,
with a modification submitted by Lord Duf
ferin, the British Ambassador, permitting
the landing of troops. The proposition was
then embodied in the protocol.
“The Turkish objection to the military
convention was not brought forward by
Said Pasha.
"El Jawaib states that Arabl Pasha has
already been seml-offictally acquainted with
the terms of the proclamation declaring
him a rebel. He has been informed that the
Sultanwould grant him free pardon should he
make submission, but If he refuee strong
measures shall be taken to enforce hie obe
dience. The Cherifs have condemned the
acts of Arab! Pasha as contrary to the inter
ests of Islam.”
London, August 15, 6p.m —A dispatch
just received,dated Alexandria, 6:30 this af
ternoon, says: “The transport Calabria with
General Sir Garnet Wolselev and the House
hold Cavalry on board, ha< just arrived here,
with all well.”
A dispatch to the Central News from
Alexandria states that the Sultan to-day
has peremptorily ordered Arabl Pasha to
lay down his arms. If he refuses, the Sul
tan will leave him to be dealt with by the
English. Two regimen s of Highlanders—
the Derbyshire regiment and the horse
guards—are just about to march through
the city. The steamer Caledonia, with the
West Kent regiment, has arrived.
A News dispatch from Constantinople
says: “It Is understood that a divergence of
views exists between the Porte and
Lord Dufferfn respecting the word
ing of the proclamation against Arabl.
Lord Dufferin desires a plain
and simple proclamation in Turkish and
Arabic that Arabl is not a Cheriff, but an
ambitious and lawless adventurer. |England
insists upon commanding the Turkish
troops. It is 6tated that the question will
be brought before the conference.”
A dispatch from Alexandria states M. de
Lesseps is impeding the laying of the tele
graph line between Port Satd aud Buez, and
that operations have consequently been sus
The hospital arrangements are so com
plete that if a fourth of the British In
Egypt should be Invalided there would be
ample medical accommodations for them.
It has been decided to send a small bal
loon corps to Alexandria.
The correspondent of the Times at Berlin
ssys. “It is feared that the Russian Cabi
net intends to take advantage of the pres
ent troubles in Egypt to Tenew the same old
claims, which were rejected by ihe Berlin
Lord William Bessford has volunteered to
serve in Egypt with the Indian contingent.
Alexandria, August 15.—Two decrees
of the Khedive were promulgated to-day.
One authorizes the British Admiral and
commander of the force to occupy such
points on the Suez Isthmus as they consider
useful tor military operations against the
rebels, aud Inviting the Egyptian authorities
to acquaint the Inhabitants, particularly the
canal employes, with the decree. The other
authorizes the British authorities to prevent
the importation of coal and munitions of
war along the coast between Alexandria
and Port-Bald, and in the event of a contra
vention of the order to seize the prohibited
Natives from Kafr el Dwar report that
Arabl on Sunday called a meeting of the
Ulemas and obtained from them a firman,
deposing tbe Sultan and naming the Cheriff
of Mecca as Caliph. Arabl, they also say,
is organizing the Bedouins and has appoint
ed commanders fo-those at Charkles and
Garbich in Upper Egypt.
On account of a report that regulars as
wt 11 as Bedouins were In the neighborhood
of the Meeks forts Major Genetal Allison
has reinforced the British post with a de
tachment of Highlanders and some marine,
artillery. Col. Gerard of the mounted Infan
try rode before daybreak to day on a recon’
r.olssance to within half a mile of tbe enemy’s
second line. The reconnoiterlng party was
pursued by horsemen, of whom It succeeded
in killing severai. Colonel Gerard states
that he accomplished the object of his
recon rtoissance.
r Horn toil’* Liberal Fiasco—Tbe
Greenbackera— Mr. Hill’s Agony
Almost Over.
Atlanta, Ga., August 15—At noon to
day three newspaper reporters and three
spectators were in the Senate chamber,
when Mr. Marcellua E. Thornton, Chairman
of the Liberal conference, said to have been
held here on July 20th, entered and pro
ceeded to the Secretary’s desk, from which
he delivered the following statement and
then retired In most dignified manner with
out passing a word with the reporters:
“Gentlemen—As the Chairman making
a call for a convention of Liberals here
to-day, I will state that owing to
arrival of two or three delegates, who will
not be here until this afternoon, I
announce that the meeting will not
take place until this afternoon some
time, and that it will be informal. The
meeting proper will not, therefore, take
place until to morrow. I will, howevet,
state tbls. Those who are here have deter
mined definitely and conclusively to Issue
an address and a platform to the people, and
upon it we expect to build up a party.”
The three newspaper men and three spec
tators held an Informal meeting and decided
that the Liberal conference party and con
vention are a myth so far as the politics of
Georgia are concerned, and that the Chair
man of the conference has been badly fooled
In his efforts to create a third party.
On Thursday the State Greenback Con
vention meets here, and while it may have
a dozen or two of delegates, it will not be a
feather’s weight in the campaign.
Senator Hill la now past all communica
tion with his family. He is only kept alive
by enemas, and may die at any moment.
One side of his neck and face are eaten
away by the cancer, and his terrible suffer
ings are alleviated bv anasthetics.
Argument for tbe Defense Besomed.
Washington, August 15. When the
Criminal Court met this morning Mr. Car
penter,- of counsel for the defense, con
tinued his address to the jury. He explain
ed briefly the meaning of the term “expedi
tion” as applied to the star routers, declar
ing that the law provided that, when a
route was expedited and the number of men
and animals increased, the pay shall be pro
rata under contract, and he asserted
that It was disingenuous on the
part of counsel for the prosecution to
pretend that the government should
have put on expeditions at a lower rate. It
was Insisted that there had been great ex
travagance in regard to expedition of routes.
Tbe defense bad offered to prove that there
has been no extravagance, but the prosecu
tiou had objected, and the court had sustain
ed the objection. Mr. Carpenter then pro
ceeded to take up in detail the routes In re
gard to which fraud is charged, assert
ing the Importance of expedited service,
and attempting to prove that importance
by reference to the geographical position
and geological formation of territory In
which the service was to be performed.
This detailed review of the several routes
occupied most of the afternoon, and at 3
o’clock court adjourned. Judge Carpenter
will conclude his argument to-morrow.
An Unprovoked Murder.
Little Rock, August 15.—Colonel N. D.
Ellis, a prominent planter In Little River
county, on the Texas and Indian border,
wae brutally murdered by his foreman,
named John Martin, on Saturday evening.
Ellis remonstrated with him for removing a
cattle pen, when Martin shot him dead.
The crime caused great excitement, and a
large body of men started in pursuit of
Martin, who fled to the Nation and could
not be found.
A Gala Dag In Dublin—Csiewayo’s
Restoration—Mr. Callan Suspended
from tbe House of Commons.
Dublin, August 15.—The opening of the
exhibition and the unveiling of the statue
of Daniel O’Connell took place here to-day.
The procession of trades was three miles
long. Good order and regularity were kept
by mounted marshals all along the route.
The statue of O’Connell was unveiled by
Lord'Mayor Dawson, in the presence of
Messrs. Parnell, Dillon, Davitt and Gray,
and a crowd estimated at a hundred thou
sand. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed.
Lord Mayor Dawson,ln accepting the statue
for the Irish people, said that their struggle
was not over, and their efforts would still
be obstructed. They must endeavor to for
get the melancholy past, and look for glory
in the future in hope that Ireland once a
province would again become a nation.
London, August 15—Cetewayo had a
ong Interview at the Colonial Office to-day
with the Earl of Kimberley, it Is believed In
connection with his restoration to his throne.
Hon. Evelyn Ashley, Under Colonial Sec
retary, In the House of Commons this after
noon, stated that the government had de
termined to consider the possibility of Cete
wayo’s partial restoration, with proper
safeguards. He said that a portion of Zulu
land would be annexed to the Empire.
In the House of Commons this evening
Mr. Philip Callan, member for Louth, re
newed his complaint regarding the putting
aside, at the instance of the court, of Roman
Catholic jurors, who were empaneled
•during the sitting of the special commission
at Dublin.
Sir Wm. Harcourt, Home Secretary, ac
cused Mr. Callan of .abusing the forms of
the House by introducing a subject twice on
the same evening. He said thia was anotber
Instance of the way in which certain Irish
members set themselves in hostility to the
administration of justice.
Mr. Callan then exclaimed repeatedly:
“It Is false 1”
The Chairman called upon Mr. Callan to
withdraw the Imputation, but Instead of
doing so he repeated the objectionable state
The Chairman thereupon named Mr. Cal
lan, andgin motion of Mr. Gladstone he was
suspended, the vo’e belDg 58 yeas to 3 nays.
The Times this morniDg says: “The Prince
of Wales, on account of the condition ot
his health, has been urged by medical ad
visers to drink the waters at the Agermont
Further Testimony for tbe Prosecu*
Mehbrrin, Va , August 15.—The second
day’s trial of Richard D. Garland, at Lunen
burg Court House, for the murder of James
Addison, of Baltimore, commenced at 9:30
o’clock this mornlDg. The first witness
called was E. T. Orgain, an intimate friend
of the murdered man. He testified to know
ing of W. W. Boswell’s, the brother-ln law
of Garland, calling at Meddebern’s saw
mill and Informing Addison that
Garland was down the road waiting to eee
him, and of Addison’s golDg to meet Gar
land, accompanied by witness and John E.
Earnes, to the subsequent introduction of
Garland and Addleon, and the duel, which
followed. Witness etated that he thought
Addison’s pistol was fired once, but after
being wounded deceased told witness that
he fired twice.
At this point the pistol was exhibited to
the court and jury, when witness said that
he examined the pistol after Addison had
been shot, and found one barrel empty and
the Impression of the hammer of the pistol
on four of the cartridges which had failed
to explode. After Garland had exhausted
the loads in his pistol, he asked Boswell for
another, which Boswell handed to him.
Addison remarked: “Foul playl my pis
tol has refused to fire but once, and I have
no other.” Boswell then remarked: “I am
satisfied, gentlemen, If you are.” AddtsoD
next said: “Well, boys, lam done, for I
have been sho’ through the bowels.”
Gariand, next replied: “I have been shot
through the arm.”
At the conclusion of this portion of the
testimony, the letters, which caused the
duel aud which have already been published,
written by .Miss Mamie Hatchett to Garland,
and those w itten to Miss Hatchett by Gar
land, were read to the court and jury.
Pending the reading of the letters the
court took a recess.
Tbe Philadelphia Branches take
Parnell’s Advice.
Buffalo, N. Y., August 15.—The follow
ing telegram was to-day sent by James
Mooney, President ot the National Land
League, to Charles Stuart Parnell at London:
“Tbe Central Land League Union of Phila
delphia has complied with your request and
passed a resolution discountenancing any
scheme to send men or money to Arabl
Tbe New York stock Market.
New York, August 15.—Share specula
tion opened strong, and % to 2 per cent,
higher than it closed yesterday, the latter
for Memphis and Charleston. There was a
general fractional advance In the early
trade, after which prices sold down to
\% per cent, Northwestern leading the
downward turn. Subsequently Bt.
Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba
sold up 4t% per cent, to 149>£, and the re
mainder of the list recovered $£ to per
cent., Delaware,Lackawanna and Western,
St Paul preferred and Delaware and Hud
son being prominent in the advance, but
about 11:30 the market receded K to 1 per
cent., the latter for Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western, while St. Paul, Minneapolis
and Manitoba fell off to 145 a 145>£jfrom
149%, rallied to 146 and again sold down to
In the early part of the afternoon the
market was buoyant, and recorded an ad
vance of %to 2% per cent, the latter for
St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba. Read
ing, Denver and Rio Grande, New Jersey
Central, and Northern Pacific preferred were
also prominent in the upward movement,
while Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
sold up 2 per cent, to 149, sold off % per
cent., but again advanced IX per cent, to
150. Subsequently the market became heavy
Id consequence of higher money rates, and
in the later trade recorded a decline, rang
ing from X 10 3X Per cent.., St. Paul, Min
neapolis and Manitoba, Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western, Northwestern, North
ern Pacific preferred, and Denver and Rio
Grande being prominent in the decline.
In the final dealings St Paul, Minneapo
lis and Manitoba recovered 2X per cent., but
the market closed generally steady. As
compared with the figures at yesterday’s
close prices are Irregular. St. Paul, Min
neapolis and Manitoba is 3, Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western IX, and Alton
and Terre Haute IX per cent, higher, and
Northwestern is 3X, Wabash preferred 1,
and Rochester and Pittsburg 1 per cert,
lower. Transactions aggregated 387,000
Weatber inaieations.
office Chief Signal Observer, vYxsh
ikgton, D. August 15.—Indications for
In tbe Bouth Atlantic States, northeast
to southeast, winds, local rains, partly cloudy
weather, stationary or slight rise in barome
ter, no change In temperature.
In the Middle Atlantic States, partly
cloudy weather and light lo’al rains, south
east to southwest winds, stationary or slight
fall in temperature, slight changes In ba
In the Gulf States, partly cloudy weather
and occasional light rains, southeast to
southwest winds, nearly stationary tem
perature, stationary or slight rise In ba
In Tennessee and the Ohio valley, light
rains and partly cloudy weather, southerly
winds shifting to west or northwest, fol
lowed at night by rising barometer and
stationary or lower temperature.
Relieved from Court Martial Duty.
Washington, August 15.— General Sher
man has relieved Colonel Charles H Smith,
of tbe Nineteenth Infantry, from duty as a
member of the court martial appointed to try
Colonel Joseph H. Taylor. Colonel Smith
was relieved at his own request, as he did
not wish to leave bis regiment while it was
exposed to yellow fever on the Rio Grande.
Cotton Futures in New York.
New York, August 15 —The Post's cotton
market report says: “Future deliveries are
quiet, and the leading months 5-100 c. to
l-100c. dearer. At third call August sold at
12 87c., September 12 61c., October 1196 c.
January 11 80c.”
>.■,. ———
Pike’s Toothache Dbofs cure In one
A Casbler and bis Female Assistant
Knocked Senseless and Locked In
a Vault—Twenty Thousand Dol
lars Carried OE —Tbe Community
In Hot Pursuit ol tbe Desperadoes.
Kewanee, Ills., August 15.—Yesterday
afternoon two men called at the First Nal
tlonal Bank In this city and asked permis
sion to leave their satchels there a short
time. About six o’clock, while the
cashier, Mr. Pratt, and Miss Palmer,
a lady assistant, were cloeing up
the men knocked at the door and asked lor
their satchels. Miss Palmer opened the
door, when she was seized by the neck by
one of the men, who then kicked her
nearly Insensible. The other man rushed by
her towards the vault, where Pratt was
standing, and struck him on the head with a
revolver, knocking him senseless. Pratt
and Miss Palmer were then forced into the
vault. The burglars secured about *20,000,
of which *6,000 was gold, and left the town.
Miss Palmer and the cashier, after remain
ing imprisoned over an hour, succeeded in
breaking the lock and releasing themselves.
They are both badly injured. Parties are
scouring the country in every direction, but
without result up to midnight.
The bank robbers were seen this morning
near Mineral, Illinois. Parties were in hot
pursuit with every prospect of arresting
both men before night. Over three hun
dred men are scouting in every direction.
Mr. Pratt and Miss Palmer are in a bad con
dition to-diy. Miss Palmer is badly bruised,
and is feverish and prostrated from excite
ment. The business houses and shops are
all closed, the owners joining in the chase.
Yesterday’s Rscea at Saratoga, Mon
raoutb Park aud Hrlgbtou Beacb.
Saratoga, August 15.—At the race course
to-day the attendance was excellent, the
track slow and the betting animated.
The first race, for *4OO, three-quarters of
a mile, Boot Jack won, Wapakonlta second,
Capias third. Time 1:18.
The second race, the Clarendon Hotel
stakes, for Aides three years old, $25 en
trance, with *BOO added by the proprietors
of the Clarendon Hotel, one and one-quarter
miles, Francesca won, Square Dance second,
Pinafore third. Time 2:14.
The third race, for *6OO, one mile and five
hundred and fifty yards, Warfield won, Gene
ral Monroe second, Ada Glenn third. Time
The fourth race, a free handicap steeple
chase, for *6OO, entrance free, about two
nette second, Rose third. Time s:2*X
and a quarter miles, Post Guard won, An-
Monmouth Park, N. J., August 15.
This was the third day of the second sum
mer meeting of the Monmouth Park Asso
ciation. The weather was very pleasant,
the attendance light and the track In excel
lent condition.
The first race, for maidens of all ages,
Miss Lumley w and, Gussie M. and Vlrgilette
beaten off. Time 1:48.
Tbe second race, the Criterion stakes, for
two-year olds, Fairfield won, Nimrod
second, Inconstant third. Time 1:17X.
The third race, for yearlings of 1880, one
and one-half miles, Harry Gilmor won,
Wyoming second, Tom Plunkett thitd.
Time 2:44X-
The fourth race, a handicap sweepstakes,
one and one-quarter miles, Mary Anderson
wod. Parole second, Hotspur third. Time
Tne fifth race, a match, the winner to be
sold at auction, one and one-eighth miles,
Yorkshire won. Time 2:Q2X
The sixth rac-, a steeple chase over the
full course, Ike Bonham won, Bernardlne
second. Time not taken.
New York, August 15.—The first race, at
Brightou Deach, seven-eighths of a mile,
Clarissima won, Blush Rose second, Jim Mc-
Gowau third. Time 1:31X-
Tbe second race, one mile, Monk won,
Bill Bird second, Tug Wilson third. Time
The third race, seven eighths of a mile,
Bouncer won, Lute Fogle second, Jesse
James third. Time 1:32.
- The fourth race, for all ages, one and a
quarter miles, Babcock won, Aleck Ament
second, Rob Roy third. Time 2.-11 -
Tbe fifth race, a steeplechase, Kitty Clark
wod. Falcon Bridge second, Oscar Wilde
third. Time 2:43.
.Spencer and the Star Routers.
Washington Special, 9th.
The failure of ex-Benator Spencer, of
Alabama, to appear as a witness In the star
route trial is likely to cause that ’gentle
man some Inconvenience. Mr. Spencer'
came into this case early as a volunteer to
assist the ffovernment in exposing the pecu
liar methods practiced in connection with
the star service by certain ‘postal officials,
and he rendered valuable aid in tbis direc
tion. Mr. Spencer has sustained intimate
personal relations with some of the defend
ants, and in consequence of these relations
he became, without effort on his part, ac
quainted with transactions that are alleged
io have occurred between Brady and Dorsey.
Spencer alleging that in one Instance he
saw several one thousand dollar bills trans
ferred from Dorsey to Brady.
Mr. Spencer, within the past year, has
frequently, and to many persons, related
these stories, and to the counsel for the
government among others. He agreed to
testify to their truthfulness, but could not
be found when wanted. About one month
ago Mr. Spencer was appointed by the Presi
dent to be director of the Pacific railroads,
and In view of his singular conduct counsel
for the government to-dav united iu a com
munication to Attorney General Brewster
directing attention to Spencer’s treatment
of the government, and asking that the
attention of the President be called to it.
The Attorney General, after placing on
the communication a strong indorsement,
sent it directly to the President Inviting Im
mediate attention to the matter. It Is likely
that Mr. Spencer, whom no efforts on the
part of the government counsel on the star
route trial could find, will be succeeded in
the directorship of the Pacific railroads by
a gentleman who will not be so hard to find
when Wanted by the government for any
No New American Cardinal.
A report has been published extensively
throughout the country to the eflect that
the Rev. Dr. Patrick A. Feenan, Runan
Catholic Archbishop of Chicago, II!., was to
be raised to the dignity of a Cardinal by
Pope Leo XIII. at the next Consistory In
Rome. The report is pronounced by James
8. McMaster, editor of the New York Free
man's Journal , as entirely untrue, aDd as
having no foundation whatever. It fs diffi
cult to trace the source from which such
ajreport originated; but Mr. McMaster, who
is considered a good authority on such mat
ters, attributes It to “some wag in Rome.”
In the issue of his paper for August
5, he says: “To obviate the necessity
of arguing all the reasons for which
what Is not ought to be true, and the other
reasons for why It could not be true, It may
perhaps be sufficient to state one little fact.
There is not one atom of truth in the story,
and no shadow of officious rumor from
which, as a dream, the canard could have
been set flying abroad.” It Is not thought
likely that any new American Cardinal will
be created for the present; and when one Is
appointed, the honor will probably be con
ferred upon Baltimore |or somaj oth-r
Archieplscopal See which is older than
that of Chicago. The latter was made
an Archdiocese less than two years
ago, while the neighboritg See of
St. Louis enjoyed the dignity in 1847
thirty-five years ago. Baltimore became an
Archdiocese In 1789—nearly a century ago—
and her Archbishop is now the Primate of
the Catholic Church In the United States.
Base Ball Yesterday^
Cincinnati —Clnclnnatls lO.Baltimores 1.
New York—Metropolitans 7,Clevelands 4.
St. Louis—Athletics 3, St. Louis L
Reading—Actives 6, Atlantics of Can
ada 0.
How Mahonb Saves Trouble —We
republish from the Richmond State the
printed blank file which Mahone uses in
asking appointments of Virginia Post
masters. Here it is in exact form :
[Form No. 5.] File No.—.
Washington, D. C., , 188—.
General —Please appoint Post
master at , in the county of ,
This at the request oi those interested
in the office, and for the good of the ser
vice, as I am advised and believe.
Yours truly, Wm. Mahone.
Oen. Frank Hatton, First Assistant Post
master General, Department.
On tbe back of tbis peculiar document
is printed the following :
General Mahone.
Recommends the appointment of
for Postmaster at , county, Va.
The Radicals and Thair Prlmarlea
—How They Manage Them—Thair
Approaching Conrantlon-Trouble
Expected—No Walk-Over for Bis
bee—Georgia Railroad Man—Col.
H. S. Haines—Hot Weather—Flor
ida’s Boom and Harvest—Bit bee
Writes a Letter—He Blunders as
Csotl—His Opinion of Democrats.
Jjlcksonulue, Fla., August 14— Last week
the Republican primaries were held in this
county, several of them, as usual, attended
with disorder and confusion. Contrary to the
ordinary practice, however, the contesting del
egations did not present themselves for admis
sion to the county convention, knowing from
past experience tbe folly and uselessness of
such a proceeding, but held a bolting conven
tion on tbe day appointed by the Executive
Committee, and elected a full list of delegatee,
who will present their credentials to the dis
trict convention.
It is in this body that the light will be made,
and the premonitory signs Indicate that it will
be lively and interesting. The anti Bisbee men
are well officered, prudent and determined,
and in their ranks are to be found many of the
staunchest Republican veterans, who are
thoroughly disgusted with tbe bossism of Bis
bee, and who open'y declare their intention of
opposing his pretensions to the utmost. This
faction is working efficiently and industriously,
and receives new recruits daily.
It is quite plain now that Colonel Bisbee is
not to have a walk over on the District Conven
tion course, and that although he may win
there, as he doubtless will, that the remainder
of the campaign will be rough and rugged.
Avowed enemies without and secret roes
within his citadel, will render the situation
anything but pleasant. The delegation from
Alachua are instructed to support Gen. Walls,
and the slate of the United States Land Office
in Gainesville has been smashed to atoms.
Marion will probably also send up a contesting
delegation, as will several other counties.
Should these be rejected by the district con
vention, the outlook now is that they will
either nominate an independent candidate, or
align themselves with the Democrats.
Money, however, has a potent influence with
the Republican masses here, and as a goodly
portion of Hubbell’s voluntary contributions
will find its way in this direction, many of the
malcontents may be brought to reason. Col.
Bisbee will be here in person shortly, and
will attempt to disentangle the knotted skein,
and gather as many threads as possible into
his keeping.
Since the last campaign the Republicans
have lost the services of the Chairman ot the
Executive Committee, Gen. Jenkins, who pos
sessed both boldness and ability. They will
scarcely find one, of his capacity, to fill the va
cancy. The disaffection among the white Re
publicans of the co servative stripe is very
general, and will assert itself quietly at the
November election. These men belong to that
quiet, unobtrusive class who do not believe in
open resistance, but who have faith in the in
fluence of the ballot, and who will use it most
effectively when the proper time arrives.
Colonel Bisbee understands this- and has
shown it to be his purpose to lean upon his
black allies, letting bis former white support
ers understand that they must yield to his will
or get on the outside of the party. This string
has several times been stretched to its utmost
tension on previous occasions, but it has given
way this time, and the ends will never again
be spliced to haul the "boss” into power.
The Republican county convention was very
quiet and otderly, when compared with former
sanhedrims. The Bisbee manipulators had
perfected all their plans, and the machine
worked with the ease and smoothness of a
well-oiled engine. The whole affair was a nice
game of “follow your leader,” and the tactics
of the drill sergeants were obeyed to the letter.
It was peaceful, owing to the fact that all tbe
disturbing elements had been rigidly excluded.
The “bolters,” however, have prepared their
mine, laid the train, and will apply the match
on the 33d instant, when a grand explosion
may be expected.
We had a visit last week from several of the
high officials of the Savannah, Florida and
Western Railroad and the various branches of
the system. They were on a general tour of
inspection, and were most comfortably domi
ciled in the elegant traveling car of Colonel H
. Haines. Colonel Haines has systematized
the vast interests under his charge in such a
manner as to have them completely under his
control, and although the responsibility is con
stantly increasing, his clear he<d and excel
lent physique are fully equal to the burden im
posed The great results that have been ac
complished by the extensive tine under hie
management are very greatly due to his supe
ror ability, sound judgment and indomitable
perseverance. His business qualities are ad
mirable, and his foresight and discretion have
been attested by tbe marked success that has
attended his operations.
The sudden and unexpected death of Colonel
Wadley. another of Georgia’s great railroad
magnates, was a matter of sincere regret to
many in Florida. He was recognized here as a
man of great mental power, and of much per
sonal worth, and the loss of suoh an intellect
is always to be deplored.
We are prepared at any moment to receive
the announcement of the departure of your
great Senator. Mr Hill faces his inevitable
fate with the calmness and faith of a Christian
and the courage of a Spartan, and Georgia’s
loss will be felt in every portion of the com
mon country.
The orange tree is wonderful in its produc
tive qualities. In tint county can now be seen
upon the game tree, buds, blossoms, fruit
varying in size from a hazelnut to globes nine
inches in circumference. Aside from its value
in the way of fruit the tree is very ornamental
in appearance. Green and gold form a rich
and attractive combination, and this union of
colors is blended most admirably in the glossy
foliage and golden globes of the orange tree ’
The flr?t really oppressive weather of the
present summer, has been experienced during
the past week, and complaints of the heat
have been loud and general. They would have
been well founded also, had the temperature
of the nights corresponded to those of the
days. But it is almost invariably the case that
you can rely with certainty upon obtaining
sound and refreshing sleep that braces up the
exhausted system and prepares it for the la
bors of the following day. This is a great boon
and blessing, and one that is fully appreciated
We are drawing very largely on your State
for peaches, our crop of that fruit having
proved an absolute failure. There has hardly
been sufficient raised In Florida to make an old
fashioned pot pie Four or five hundred crates
are daily received In this city, and consumed
here and up the river. It is our intention to
have that money back, with compound inter
est. when the oranges ripen.
Florida ought to be in excellent financial
condition this winter. The large crops of cot
ton and corn in Middle Florida should extri
cate the planters from debt, and enable them
forever to dispense with the pernicious “credit
system” of running their farms, heretofore so
prevalent. When they can again carry on
business upon the cash plan they will again
thrive and realize “the glorious privilege of
being independent.” If to a change in this
respect they will put a few of their broad acres
into Irish potatoes and cabbages, and diminish
the area in cotton, they will begin to see the
das ning of their day of redemption.
Two new steamers, the Fanny Dugan and
the Big Sunflower, arrived last week They
will ply upon the river, and are admirably
adapted for that purpose. Two others are on
the stocks in Northern shipyards and will be
launched shortly. This shows the increase of
business on the tit. John’s.
Col. Bisbee has again t een so unfortunately
indiscreet as to puolish a letter. The document
was addressed to the Florida Union, and was
designed as an answer to a question from that
paper, asking the opinion ot tbe legal fraterni
ty if under the facts os given, he could pro
perly be considered a citizen of this State. The
Colonel has never been a success as a ietter
writer, and his compositions in this branch of
literature will scarcely be adopted as models in
those very valuable books known as the “Com
plete better Writers.” He is apt to lose his
temper, and to Indulge in remarks that often
damage his prospects. His language is more
harsh and violent than is warranted by the
article in question, and has given rise to the
opinion that one of his tendered corns has been
badly mashed. Persons are usually super-sen
sitive when attacked upon a subject which
has a goodly foundation.
For Colonel Bis bee’s information, lam per
mitted to state that the extract from the New
York City Directory that read as follows:
“Bisbee, Horatio, Jr., h. 38 East Sixty-third
street,” was furnished to the Union by a
prominent member of his own party, coupled
with the request that the question that has
made him so angry should be asked through its
columns. Now, if Republicans entertain
doubts as to his status as a citizen, surely
Democrats may be excused for desiring to be
He does not deny the assertions made in the
Union, but says that the entry in the directory
“is not there by my direc ion or consent/’
For the benefit of the Florida Democrats, and
to show them his or inion of them, I beg you
to publish the following extract The ‘Bour
bon editors” will doubties-i give the matter the
attention it r* quires:
“You know very well where my citizenshin
is. Two years ago, pending a political oan
vass, you falsely asserted in the Union that I
had moved to New York, and you were in
formed by a letter from me, which I think you
published, tha’ I had neither changed my resi
dence nor contemplated doing so. Since that
date few business men in Jacksonville have
been in Florida more days than I have, except
when absent attending to public duties. The
repetition of this falsehood, just at this time
was for the purpose of injuring me politically'
and the public will so understand U. Wben my
children return to Florida (in a few years,
with cultivated minds, and robust bodies, and
their mother with restored health, you and
your politically proecriptive horde will
why they have been absent
urbon Democracy is not then dead, they
will certainly assist in killing It. The Demo
cratic Convention of the Second district, fol
lowing your cue, adopted a resolution, a part
of which reads as follows: “And seating in
his stead a man who was not elected, and
whose citizenship in this State is a matter of
grave doubt.” I was aware that the Democrat
ic party was bankrupt in principle ana charac
ter, but I did not know before that it was so
lost in self respect, and so barren in inventive
genius as to fabricate so wicked a falsehood as
this for a campaign issue. J regard tht. n d
all fair minded men will regard ic, as a coward
ly and contemptible act towards a political
opponent on the part of a body’ of
claiming to be gentlemen. It evinces a narti
saa spirit that unfits its authors and approvers
for public station In a free oountry
••fty plus inship to Florida dates from the
33d day of January. 1565, and I have been a
citisen of the. Second Congressional district
longer than General Flnle^theMvmeof whose
change of residence from West to Bast
might be interesting to your readers.
a familiar illustration, this
senshlp, just prior to the meeting of a Republi
can convention, Is the last kick of a dying
J**^** 8 - I h tve to adl that whoever asserts
or Intimates that I have changed my residence,
1 contemplated doing so, does so
r in flioting political Injury, and
Is guilty of giving currency to a falsehood.
“H. Busks, Ja.”
You will see from the above that the ap
proaching campaign promise# to develop con
siderable feeling and spirit.
In spite of Colonel Bisbee’s wrath, in spite of
HubbeU's purse, to spite of all the efforts of
the Republicans, General Finley will be eieoted
from the Second district by an Increased ma
jority. W. H. B.
Hon. Nathaniel Llttlefleld died at Bridge
ton, Me., last night, aged 7a. He was a
Representative in Congress for two terms.
Prof. William Stanley Jeveons, the Eng
lish philosopher and Professor *of Political
Economy, was drowned while bathing at
Bexhill recently.
The Treasury Department at Washington
has been officially notified that an Interna
tional Expoeition will be held in Rome,
Italy, in ia& and I3BK.
The first wife beater to be lashed under
the late act of the Maryland Legislature Is
David Gardner, colored, of Baltimore, who
will in a few days receive thirty lashes.
The loss by the fire at Grant City, Mo., on
Monday Is estimated at from $50,000 to $75,-
000. The Insurance Is unknown. The fire
is thought to have been caused by incendia
Honolulu Is to be lighted by “electric
towers” and several street railways are pro
jected there. A cable will soon be laid to
connect the city with the various Hawaiian
Charles T. O. Femally, of Rockingham
county, was yesterday nominated for Con
gress by the Democratic Convention of the
Seventh Virginia district. Only one ballet
was taken.
The Republican District Convention yes
terday at Hazlehurst, Mississippi, nominated
James Htll as Its Congressional candidate.
Mr. H 11 Is at present Internal Revenue Col
lector for the State.
Hon. G. W. Hewitt has been renominated
as the Democratic candidate for Congress
from the Sixth Alabam i district. The nomi
nation was made on the 57ttth ballot, the
two-thirds rule prevailing.
During a fight between John Metzger and
his drunken wife, at Columbus, Ohio, Chas.
Wagner, aged 17 years, a stepson, took his
mother’s part, ana killed his father instant
ly by stabbing him in the heart with a pen
At a meeting of the Central Union of the
Irish Land League in Philadelphia, M. L. J.
Galfiiu explained, in a communication, that
he had been misrepresented in regard to the
motion be had made at a previous meeting
relative to aiding Arabl Bey.
The Bill Mall Oaxette says it Is informed
that there is good reason to believe that
troubles of the most serious kind have
broken out in Corea, the relations of which
with Japan are not altogether friendly.
There Is also a very powerful party in Corea
strongly opposed to the recently concluded
treaties with the United States and England.
What Congress Did.
Cincinnati Commercial (Republican).
“Congress has- again adjourned with
out passing a law providing for counting
the Presidential vote;
“Or a law to provide for the Presiden
tial succession;
“Or a lfiw declaring when and how
the ‘inability’ of the President is to be
ascertained snd declared;
“Or a general bankrupt law;
“Or a law to reduce internal revenue
“Or a law to return to Japan the
money that has been so long withheld;
“Or a bill—but why not stop here?”—-
Chicago Journal.
Because you don’t tell what it did pass.
It passed the hundred million pension
grab and the harbor and river haul,
and nearly every other grab proposed on
the Treasury, and so increased expendi
tures for the year by seventy million of
dollars. It was not organized to pass
laws regulating the Presidential succes
sion, or to reduce the internal revenue,
or to provide for bankruptcy. It was
organized as a Great Grab Congress, and
fulfilled its mission largely.
Weight of a Million Dollars.
Mr. E. B. Elliott, the Government Actu
ary, says the Scientific American, has
computed the weight of a million dollars
in gold and silver coin, as follows:
The standard gold dollar of the
United States contains of gold of nine
tenths fineness 25 8 grains, and the -
nine tenths of fineness 412 5 grains. One
standard silver dollars contains of silverof
million standard gold dollars consequent
ly weigh 25,800 000 Brains, or 53,750
ounces troy, or 4,479 1 6 p< unds troy, of
5,760 grains each, or 3,685.71 pounds
avoirdupois of 7,000 grains each, or
1843 1000 “short ’ tons of 2,000 pounds
avoirdupois each, or 1 645 1000 “long’'
tons of 2,240 pounds avoirdupois each.
One miilion standard silver dollars
weigh 412,500,000 grains, or 859,875
ounces troy, or 71,614 58 pounds troy, or
58 928.57 pounds avoirdupois, or 29 464-
1000 “short” tons of 2.000 pounds avoir
dupois each, or 26 307 1000 "long” tons
of 2,240 pounds avoirdupois each.
In round numbers the following table
represents the weight of a million dollars
in the coins named:
Description of coin. Ton*.
Standard gold coin jzz
Standard silver coin 268?
Subsidiary silver coin * 28 *
Minor coin, five cent nickel 100
gafeing %owdgr.
Absolutely Pure*
This powder never varies, a marvel o
parity, strength and wholesomeness. More
economical than the ordinary kinds, and can
not be sold to competition with tbe multitude
of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate
powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING
POWDER 00., 106 Wall street. New York At
V mrsRV ant OMOw Oovormsh
flrup, (Etc,
The Best Liver Medicine.
Dr. Ulmer’s Liver Corrector,
(Awarded Silver Medal and Diploma.)
NEVER fails to relieve and cure Dyspepsia,
Sick and Nervous Headache, Constipa?
Hon, Biliousness, Chronic Diarrhoea, Enlarged
Spleen, Piles, Affections of the Kidneys and
Bladder, and many other diaoners caused by
Derangement of the Liver. It is invaluable for
the restoration of tone and strength to tbe syn
tem debilitated by disease. Asa family medi
cine, particularly for women and children, it is
unrivaled. It is scientiflcallj prepared from
rare and valuable vegetable ingredients, and
warranted to keep without spoiling in any
climate. Distinguished medical men and citi
zens indorse it. Price $1 a bottle, or 6 bottles,
for $B, prepaid, to any aadress.
No cheap Drugs, but only call and ez,e the
great reduction in Patent Medicine—io to 38
percent, lower than elsewhere.
Just received, a supply of Bulge’s New Crop
Cabbage and Turnip seed, for sale at bottom
Beet Seidlitz Powders,no iKiitation,3sc. a box
Best Kerosene, 10c. a gallon. Pratt’s Astral
and Bush & Denslow’a Oil 30c a gallon.
Beleot Lamp Chimneys, all sizes. 6c. each.
|y Beware 0 f o ld imitation goods.
__ d;a
Grant’s Fan Mills.
Dixie Fan Mills.
Dexter Fan Mills.
Rubber ana I lher Belting.
Packing a^ dJLttCe Leattier .