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Commercial. ~ SAVANNAH HhH ItKT. OFFIGE GFJHB N\W9. 6 | WKKKI.V BKPOKT. General RBMAMB.-There was more activity in the general market during the pant than the previous week. In pretty nearly all its departments ihere was a notice able improvement both in toue and move ment The greatest activliy was in the grocery and provision ami dry goods trades. In the latter the spring trade has almut begun, but the bus ness is mostly on orders as yet, very few buyers being on the spot. Still the buying < quite liberil, but vrlih considerable caution exercised by both buy ers and sellers—the latter on account of time and credits while the former are held in some restra nt by the low price of cotton. Collec tions in the interior-till remain in an unsatis factory condition with very little in the gen eral outlook that is encouraging. The money market, however, was easy while the securi ty market was somewhat active. There was considerable demand for all guaranteed Blocks and bonds for investments. The leading articles of provisions and grain Bhowed a firmer tone, and bacon ad vanced l l sk'4%v- 1“ all other commodities values were comparat vely stealy with but one or two exceptions, in which there was a alight decline. For conditions and quota' ions of the different markets the following review will show: Naval Stores—The market for spirits tur pentine was quiet and somewhat nominal, wild# prices fell off He. since last report. There was a very small iuquiry, with oniy a light stock 111 first hands. Ihe sales for the week were about 45Uca*k8. Ro-ius —The mar ket was also quiet and easier, prices of the better grades declining 125((525c.. while the lower grades b irely he.d iheir own r l here was comparatively a steady inquiry, though ou small orders, princi pally for domestic account. The sales for tne week were about 8,500 barrels. Elsewhere will be found a table of receipts and exjiorts from April 1 to date, and for ihe same period last year, showing the stocks on hand and ou shipboard not cleared, together with the ofii cial closing quotations. Rice. —There is no'b'ng new to note in this market. It still drags, with no indications of an early Improvement. Prices in the other primary markets were again easier but no lower. The sales during Ihe week were about 800 barrels, the hulk of which u as sold to-dav. The following are the Board of Trade's offi cial quotations: Fair Good 5 & 5 1 4 Prime 5'A& Rougn— Country lots 85® 85 Tide water 1 00f<91 20 Cotton.—Tbe market continued qu et though ihere was some improieinent o>er the previous week both in tone and in the amount of bn-inea* done. In ihe early part cl ihe week prices fell off J$ -. ail roun I. in fluenced bv the wean feenng exhibited by Liverpool, aud the tendency of factors to sell out, refusing to carry stocks any longer, as they have become quite burdensome. There was, therefore, qu lea liberal stock offer ing while buyers were still in clined to lower prices and only bid current quotations on a full grade. The toial sales for the week were 8,403 bales. Tne follow mg resume of ihe week s business will show the lone and transact ons oi the market each day, together with the closing quota tions: Saturday the market opened quiet and unchanged. At the Second call it was dull ll c osed dull, with a decline of l-lfic in good middling. The sales for the day were 603 baies. Monday the market opened dull and lower to sell, though quotations remained un changed. At ihe second call it was qu et and Btcady, at a decline of it closed steany and unchanged. The sales for the dav w ere 525 bales. Tuesday the market opened and closed steady aud unchanged, with sales of 2,834 bales. Wednesday the market opened quiet and unchanged. It closed quiet. The sales were 902 bales. Tnursday the market opened quiet and unchanged. At the second call it was steady, ltelos and steady and unchanged. The sales for the dav were 1,650 bales. Friday the marketopened and closed steady and unchanged. The sales for the day were 1,899 bales. The following are the official closing spot quotation.- of the Cotton Exchange: Good middling 9V$ Middling Low middling Good ordinary 75a Ordinary 7 The reeelpts of cotton at this port from all sources for the past week were 14 348 bales of upland aud 898 hales seaisland, aguiust 5.14s bales upland and 399 bales sea island for this week last year. The pa tieu'ars of the receipts have been as follows: Per Central railroad. 9.595 bales up land; per savannah. Florida amt Western railroad. 1,429 hales upland and 3 6 bales sea island; per Charleston and Savannah rail road. 25 hales upland; pir Savannah river steamers 236 hales upland: per Brunswick and Swtilla steamers, 2o biles upland and 0 hales sea islumi; per Florida steamers, 34 bales upland aud 29 bales seaisland; per carts 7 hales upland; per Dam n and Aita inslia river -'earners, 2 bales sea island. The exports lor tbe week were 13,964 bates upland and 222 bales sea island; to New York 6.3*1 bale- upland and 180 bales sea i-land; to Philadelphia. 72 bales upland; to Balti more. 1,197 bales up and and 55 hales sea island; lo Norkoping 1,950 hales upland; ti Genoa. 1. 59 hales upland; lo Boston 4,007 bah s of upland and 37 bales Sea I-land. The slock on band at the cl se of the market to-day was 83,3< 6 hales un land an I 7,625 hales seaisla and, against 4,5160 bales up ami and 5.746 bales sea island at the same time last vear. Sea Mind— The receipts by factors for the past week were 821 hags, and the sales tor the same time were 1,065 bags, whie the stock on hand was 7.911 nags. The m arket was p ,r. ticulariy quiet ntil towunis the 'att r part of the week, when there was considerable trading done by one or two factors. The inquiry was principally for poor cottons intended a- a subslitnte fur Egyptians while i ro es offered lor me better qualities are to > low to induce g neral sales. The follow mg quotations are based ou the above -ales: Common 16 (®l9 Medium Floridas 20 rD2I Good Floridas Slls(<M2 Medium fine Floridas 21:0,M 7 Fine Floridas 21K924H Extra linn Floridas 25 MOV KM K NTS OlMoriON at I NTKKIOK t*OI N "a, giving receipts and shipments for Hie week ending F*o. 5, and stock on hand to-night, and for the corresponding week of I8M5: —Week ending Feb. 5,1886-^ Reimipte. Shipmente. &1o k. Augusta 2,7 '7 9 8 41.614 Columbus 969 1,81(6 16.8:5 Rome 1,0x5 950 11,401 Macon S7i 546 2.070 Montgomery 1.0n5 8,216 6,7.1 Selina 20 950 14,391 •"inphm 6,1i: 8,304 140.8 Nashville 643 746 2.695 Total .14292 17.028 285,385 —Week ending Feb. 6,11*1—. Here .pie. Shipmente. Stork. Augusta 1.460 ],"O 19,894 Columbus 1,207 2,519 7,!6i Rome 47>: 1,242 8,873 Macon 171 807 8,077 Montgomery 8,152 8,(M5 6.753 Belma , 798 999 5.220 Memphis 7,5 4 11,4 0 108.011 NaehrtUe 678 677 4,186 fetal 14.450 22.409 157.. Ml rHX FOI„ OWINU STATKXUNT SHOWS TRr nkt rrokicth at all forts roa thk week* ENUINU KKB. 5 ANO JAN. 29, AND TOR THIS WRXI LAST TKAR. ThAe /.net Pact Week. Week. Bf restn n 11.481 13,.I I 'l 7,8*1 New Orleans 5n.i7!) 51,185 87.35! Mobile 6,269 13.1.57 7.189 Bavanuah 14,715 18 058 10,504 Charleston 7,!St 6. >27 8,942 Wdinjf.gton 1,914 1.023 1,181 Noilolk 14,376 12,121 7.39! New York 1,786 8,057 4,804 Various.. 1 ,037 16,853 7,119 Total 11‘,619 134,725 99 859 LIVRHT'I.II. UIIVK'I-NT KOK TIP. WRKX IjVII. INO EKII. 5, i486, ANU EOS TIIE CORRK arONDINU WERE* or ISSS ANU I*l.l. n-fi. ms, mu. Sales for tlie week.. M.nnfl 44.'00 ai.OoO Exporter* look. 4.8U0 l 3')o 4,100 Speculators t00k.... ::,w 0 5.1(6 Total stock 6311.000 80 '.ink) 866 (ho Of which American. 47'.000 613.1M4 c s.uoo ri imports for week *2. "0 :15.ikjo 146,000 Of which American. 54,mi0 os.iho ;in non Actual exports .... u.oxi 4,000 2I.Vn) Amount alloat 540,u00 1u0.0.0 41 1.0,1, Of whidi American 20s. 110 J70.("j0 301.""" ***** ♦ U-Itf ! 5 t 16<1 bl4l CONSOLIDATED COTTON STATEMENT FOR THE WREK ENDING Fkß 5,1986. Receipts at ail 0. 6. porta this week... 119,518 Last year 89.-59 Total receipts to date 4,257,'49 Last year 4, ! J 795 Kximrt for this week 02 .185 Same week last year 93,413 Total exp Tts to da: 2,592 7'o Last year 8.870,1-0 Stock at all United States ports 1, 6i,.rt6 Last year 869 146 Siock at all interior towns ■_ 4.4 >6 Last year t5.,5t2 Stock at Liverpool 6:;6." 0 Last vear. 86n.0 0 American afloat for Great Britain 2.1.0 0 Last vear 2:0.000 iiomparatlve Statement of F.eetps Export# and Stock* of Cotton to tne Following Plaoee Latest Dates. Stock on Received tincr Exported since September 1, 1885. hand and on FOBTB. -rptrmbrr let. Shipboard. Great O'hr I’n Total C'etwi* 1885. I 1885. Britain France. Porte. Foreign. Porte. 1885. 188 L. Sew Orleans Feb. 5 1,889,416' 1.31a. 071 499 694 220,248 277,063 997.006 377,868 378.907 311.543 Mobile Feb. I 808.561 212,915 28,884 83.884 140.740 55,0.82 43.980 Florida F.-b. 6 18.7 0 21 47' 16,720, ! Texas Feb. 5 6"-.'. 247 427.8“" 800,299 16,545 61,00' 277.84 7 289. 340 1 66 559 26.998 I lUp’d Feh. 5 687 541 6SUIIO 88.934 B,'. 52 229.877 320, 503 240.805 88,806 I Navannan f Sca , g>d Feb> 5 ]9,818 17.457 8841 884 11.665 7.628 5.143 jllp’d Feb. 6 401.5C3 4tk.22l 75,100! 17,297 126,567 218.964 104.060 71 "<*o 29,800 Charleston j Sea i a , d .lan. 29 6.715 11.818 8)6 8 8 2,880 4.608 4.921 North Carolina Feb. 6 8: ,5 ’2 “7,:W 40,166 16.559 56.725 18.582 10,4 3 Virginia .Feb. 5 42 ,9<<9 49“ <l-4 176,581 2,329 13.134 199.343 226,792 46 491 81.666 New York Fe >. 5 53.601 57 026 *4,72P 24,167 113,118 883.014 279,7'9 319,897 [Other |iorta Feb. 6 358, 5 1 423.876 162 98- :,635 19,9:6 171 589 59 658 43,607 I Total to date 4,205,759 1,499,578 291,472 862,037 2,652,084 1,379,967 1.061.166 I Total to date in I*s 4.187,558 | 869,146 Comparative Cos tton Statement. Receipts, Exports and Stoce on band Feb. t, 1886, AND FOR THE SAME TIME LAST TEAR. 1885-5. 1881-5. Sea Sea /eland. Upland, /eland. Upland. Stock on hand September 1.. 551 8.29- 91 1,188 Received this week 893 14,348 899 6,148 Received previously 19,220 881,660 17,171 642.450 Total 20,114 650.21)6 ' 7.661 648,781 Exported this week 222 18 9 4 1,052 10.34" Exported previously 12,317 552,936 11,446 691,281 Total 1?,539 666,900 12,5181 603.621 Stock on hand and on ship board this dav 7,625 83,306 5.146 45,160 Visible proof ton.— Bemw we give the table of visible supply, as made up by cable and telegraph for the Financial and Commer cial Chronicle to Jan. 29. The conlinenla stocks, as well as those of Great Britain an<i the afloat, are this week’s returns, and con sequently all the European figures are brought down to Thursday evening. But to make the totals the complete figures for Jan. 29 we add the item of exports from the United States, including in it the exports of Friday only: 1886. 1888 Stock at Liverpool 618,>10 823,900 Stock at London 15.000 41.000 Total Great Britain stock. 683.000 864,000 Stock at Hamburg 4,300 7,000 Stock at Bremen 85.500 44,900 Stock at Amsterdam 29,000 63,000 Stock at Rotterdam 800 800 Stock at Antwerp 1,700 1,100 Stock at Havre 141,000 21C.C00 Stock at Marseilles 4,000 4,000 Stock at Barcelona 45,000 41.000 Stock at Gonna 10,000 4,000 Stock at Trieste 8,000 7,000 Total continental stocks... 273,800 372.800 Total European stocks ... 906,800 1,236,-00 India cotton afl'l for Europe 93,000 39.U00 American cotton afloat for Europe 454,000 552,000 Egypt, Brazil, etc., afloat for Europe 41.000 60,009 Stock in United States iwrts 1,0“ ',239 885,457 Slock in U. S. interior lowua 444, >l4 26..01 United Stales exports to-day 27,118 19,000 Total visible supply, 3,049,671 3,058,-4- Oi the above, tne totals 01 American auu other liescriDlionaareaa follows: American — Liveri*ool stock 476.000 599,"00 Continental stocks 217,000 274.000 American afloat for Europe 4 4.000 s'2.pu" United State* stook 1,08 2 9 885.457 UnitedSiatesinteriorstocks 444.5'l 206,391 United States exports to-day 27,118 19.0 ill Total American 2.701,871 2.596.018 Total East India, etc 347.800 412.8C0 Total visible supply 3,049.871 3.054,848 The. tinpnri- into continental porta this week ha-e been 59.000 bales. The above figures indicate a decrease in the cotton 111 aignl to date f 9,177 baies a comuared wi'h the same date ol 1.885. a de crease of 331.739 bales as compared with the corresponding date of 1884. amt adeere rai ol 187.753 bales a- compared with 1883. INPiA Cotton Movement.—The following Is the Bo.noay statement for the week and your, bringing the figures down to Jan. 28. BOMBAY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS FOE FOFH TEARS. Shipments this week— Great Britain. Continent. Total. 1886 16,000 19.UC0 18-5 2.0P0 4.000 B.ooc 1-84 7.00 J 13,000 23,000 ISM3 11,0 0 89,000 50,009 Shipments since January 1— Great Britain. Continent. Tata'. 1886 lO.OfO 42.000 52,000 18-5 11,000 87,000 48,000 1884 53.000 7 2,000 1 5,00.i 188.1 89,000 O'.Oou 108.300 Receipt*— /hie week. Sin or dot,. I. 1883 45,000 UI'.OOO 1885 27.000 85,000 1884 86,000 l 3,000 1863 88.0‘K) 1'15,000 According to the foregoing, Bomuav appears to show an Increase comeared with last year in the week’s receipts of 18,000 halos, uni an lncre;u>e m sh.pinenl* of 11,000 hales, an l the shipments since Jan. 1 show au increase of 4.000 hales. FINANOf AL. Monet M 1 kxit.—Money easy. Domestic Wxohmnuic.— Scarce. Banks and bankers are buying sight drafts at par, auu selling at V, percent, premium. Foreign Exchange. steady; com mercial, shore 64 Stiff; six'v days. $4-6' 4 ; ninety days, 84 <W$; franks,cmmerclal, sixty days, Pnri-anil Havre. $6 IsAJ; <hort, 4'< I‘4; Swiss. $6 marks, BECCEITIBB.—The market is firm for long date bonds and tor deb' ituros Southwestern aud A Hunt a and West Point stocks. STOCKS AND BONDS State Santo— Bid. A eke a, Gano -vtis, 1889, January and July ooop *ns 104 10m State if G • orgla gold quarterlies. 112 11.1 ua mortgage on vt A A R 11, regular 7 per cent, c moons Jau HI I July, mu urltv 1383 100'4 101 Ga.dinl It's, m tlunty 1306 lll'/i I*3*4 t’itg Nando — A1 lan 1 art per cent io. 107 Allauts 7 per cent 112 ll* Augusta 7 per cent .108 112 Vugti-ta per cent. 108 107 U(ilutiiim-5 |-rcent 4 tfi Macon 8 per ceut 110 Ml SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 6,1886. New Savannah 5 per cent, quar terly, April co ipon New tvannali 5 per ceut, quar terly, Mu > O' 99*x4 100 Railroad Baa l Savannah. Fieri la and Wei'ern K R gen *ral mor'gage bonds. percent iut,coup >us April. 104*4 106 A Jt ii Ist m rtgageconsolidated 7percent, imp msJauu.irvand July, maturity 1897 .117 118 Centra-cn-01l ta’.ed morigage 7 per cent, coupons January aud July, maturity 1893 ill 114 Georgia Railroad 6-. 1897 108 110 Charlotte,Columbiaand Augusta Ist mortgage 114 114V4 Chariot te. Col urabiaand Augusta 2d mortgage 103 105 Mobile and Girard 2d mortgage Indorsed 3 ner -em, eoiinona Jan anil July, maturity 1884 .108 109 Montgomery and Rutaitla Ist mortgage indorsid 6 per cent.. 107 109 Western Alabama 2d mortgage indorsed 8 ner cent, coupons April and Oct. mat ntv 1390 112*4 113 South Ga and Fla indorsed ... 119 120 Ron tli Ga and Fia 2d morigage .ill 118 Augustannil Knoxville 7 uerct 113 115 Ocean Steamship 6 per et bonds, gear’d hv Central Railro id 103 105 Gainesville, Jefferson aud Routh ern Rli Ist inort. go train'd. • 115*4 U®)4 Gainesville, Jefi'ersou and South ern. not guur.mteed 111*4 112!$ Gainesvilie, Jefferson ami South ern 2d guaranteed 111*4 lltk Railroad Stooka— Augusta and Savannah 7 per ot, guaranteed, ex-dividend. ... 124 125 Central common, ex-dividend . 72 Georgiac.ommon 1#3!4 165 Southwestern 7 percent, guaran anteeiLex-dividend .118*4 119 Uentrul 6 per centcerti Scales, ex liivi'iend 91i?4 97J4 Atlanta and West Point Rairoad stock .96 97 Atlanta and West Point li per ct certificates, ex-interest 102)4 103'$ Savannah Gas Light stock, ex d'-.-idend 1 ln)s Mutual Gas Light 22 23 Southern Rank State ofGoorgi 4 170 175 Mercbanla’National Bank . ..140 142 Savannah Bank and Trust Cos. 70 75 National Bank of Savannah .100 102 N AVALSTORBB.—The receipts for the past week have been 52 barrels amrits tur pentine and 7.3 0 barrels ros.n. The exports were 2.337 barrels spirits turpentine and Or 73 barrels rosin, moving as follows: To New York. 2 382 barrels rosin and I 7 barrels spirits to Baltimore, si- barrels -pint- -urppn m -and *42 barrels rosin; to Philadelphia 137 barrels spirits turpentine and 2i6 barrels rosin; o Hauiburg, 3.95i barre - rosiu; t > li'istoi, i,31 1 barrels sp rits turpentine, an 1 1,771 barrels rosin;to B st n, 265ia re ssp ritsturpentine, and 153 barrels ro-ln; lo the I -t • ior. 176 b r rels spirits turpentine, auu ll!8 barr :is rosin; for repacking, etc., 303 bare is sp lis turpen tine. The following are Board m Tra le quo tations: A, B. C. and D 95c. E 51 (10. F 51 05, Gsl 20, H 51 6b, 1 12 3714 K 52 70 a-ked, M 51 62*$ a-ked. N 54 62L5 a-ked. window gas 54 '0 asked, water hue 56 00. Spirits tur pentine regulars 39)*c. • fieceipte, Shipmente and Stock, from April 1, 1885. to late, and for the aorreeponiing date laetyear: r— 1885-6. —. 1884-5 Soir to, Raein. Spirite. Roein. On hand April 1.. 1,672 3rt,205 5.409 49,369 Rec’dthis week.. 552 7, >59 735 S./2I Rec’d previously, 103.413 412.8“ t 111.750 415,810 Totals 105,d .7 45(1,i3.8 119,894 413,400 Shipmente: Foreign — Aberdeen .... . .... 4,221 .... 8.700 Antwerp 12,313 6,403 13,562 2,014 Barcelona 2,330 1,618 lie last 600 1,54" B rgen 206 Bristol 2,827 4,1*90 7,625 28,329 Buenoß Ayres.. ... B'o .... Cardiff 4,000 3.412 Jartagena 9t)B .. . 762 Cork fur orders. 10,477 2,9j5 17,181 8,057 Cronsiadt 4,486 Danzig 2,500 .... 5.46 Genoa 6 120 Glasgow 9.0(0 1.282 6.418 Goule 3.650 Granon 9,441 Hamburg 6,03* 21,67* 3,786 11.187 Hacburg 3,400 .... 8,231 Hull 4,562 2,188 5,277 4,2 1 Liverpool 3.625 10,506 700 5/85 London 14.40S 13,457 17,456 20,6'7 Malaga 10 1,000 Montevideo 402 Marselles 8,870 New Castle on Tyne 183 2,354 Naples 2,772 Oporto 500 60 L 351 Palma de Ma jorca ... 440 Reval . 1,943 Riga .... B.ICO 6.300 Ri-oer 2,9 5 Rotterdam 850 7.220 2,950 28,0 ii, Santander 280 6 Trieste 200 2,200 6CO 17,032 Vigo 6 .... Venice 2,388 Coaet/mie+— Baltimore 4,501 61.221 7,288 72,0X7 Boston. 9, 27 22.414 8,853 27.546 Philadelphia 7.516 1 ,181 7,018 25.0.>2 New York 17,301 109,657 16.077 106,502 Interiortowns... 7.449 3,076 4,H27 6,816 Packing, eto 1,684 .... 614 .... Totalshlpmeuts..l'3 102 323,324 115,788 406,8*9 Stock on hand and ship board Feb. 5 2,535 128.310 4,111 67,001 Bacon.—Market strong and advancing; de mand imnrovmg: smoked clear rib sides. 7c; shoulders, sCsc: dry salted clear rib sides. 6 -c; long clear 6)40; shoulders, 4)sc; hams, lie. ts aggino AND Ties.—Market (lull and easy. We qnote: Bagging— Vd lbs, lUsall34c; 2 tbs. 104iallc; 14* lbs, Iftalil'ic; l's tbs. 9|<a9)sc, according to brand amt quaiuiiy. iron ties—Arrow, 4 15al 29 per bundle, a cording to brand and quantity. Btgglngaud lies in retail lota a fraction higher BUTTER.—Market ery quiet.; Oleomarga rinc, llitlic; choice Goshen, 20c; gilt edge, 22a24c; creamery. 23ca25c; country, 16a20c. CHEESk.—Market steady, demand good; stock light. We quote: 9al2)sc. C abb xdES Noidfiern. l'kq)l2c. Coffee.—Toe market Issteidy; demand fair. We quoie for small lots: Ordinary, 84$o; fair, 9 se; good, 10c; prime, 11c; choice, llall‘sc. Dried Khijit.— Apples, evapora'ed, 9c; peeled, 6c. Peaches, peeled. lUallo; un peeled, sa7c; curi aula. 7c; citron, 33c DrvGoous.—The market m tl eandflrm; slocks ample. We quote: Prints, 4a6c:Geor gia browu ■ liirting, 3 4. \%a; 7-Sdo*4io: 4-4 brown sheeting, a*ic; white osnahurgs, 7’sa 8)$c; checks, 6a6 c: varna, 85c, for best make-: brown drillings, 6'sa7vsc. Fish.—We quote fall weiguts: Mackerel- No. 8. half bbls. 83 25*8 50; N o 2, *4 50a5 50. Herrmg—No. I, *oc; *vled. 25c; coil, 6aßc; No. 1,6 50. Flour. Market firm; demand mod erate. We quote: Superfine. 58 wa 8 76; extra, 84 40.a4ii0; fancy, 45 65a5 35; choicepu'ent. 46 POafl 50: family. 45 00a5 15 Fruits.—Lemona—Stock ample am! demand light, |8 5"a4 (iO. Oranges—Market quiet; Florida bright*, 82 90a si; russets. 51 f.oal 78. Apples—Northern, |2 50a1 iki per bhl. grain.—Corn: Market steady; demand good. We quote: Whitecnrn, job bits 65c;car load lots, 62c; mixed corn. Job lois, 640; car load lots, file Oaissteady; giasi demand. We quote: Mixed oat*. 17 ; carload lots. ilc. Bran,4l 15a125. Meal, rt7)sc. Grist, per bushel, 72)40. li at.— Btarkel steady, with a fair demand; stock ample. We quote job lota: Western, 4i'it; carload lots, 5100; Eastern, none; Northern, roue. Hides. Wool, Eto. Hides; Market quec receipts fair; drv flint, 15c; salted. 13c; drv butcher, 12c.; Markc iwmimil; prune. 20c; Imrrv, Halto. Wav 22c. Tallow, Je. Deer skins, flint. I'd; sailed, Inc. Otter skins, 25ca12. Iron.—Market stealv; Swede, 4'.saSc; re flned. 2*c. Lakd.— The market is firm; in tierces and tuli. 7 j -,c: 50-It* 11ns. 7 ,0. Lime, calcined plaster and Cement.- Alsbaina lump lime is in fair demand and Is selling a' 41 80 per barre’; Georgia, 41 80; cal cined piaster. 41 -* per bhl; hair. sc; Georgia cement, s'; Rosendale cement, 81 #*: Porlisnii cement, 8150. Liquors.—Full sow,a; stendy demand; Bourbon, 81 50a5 50; rye, 41 V'art :>0; rectified, 41a185 Alesnn hanged and in gnod <lern Amt. Nails.- Market steady; 3d, 81 Is;4damlsd. 88 IU; 60, 83 25; Bu, 5i 00; lOd to6od, 52 75 per kec. Nuts.—Almonds, Tarragona, IBUo; Irtcaa. 10c: Brazil, 9c; filberts. 12c. Uocoanuto— Baracoa. >8 75 per 100. Oils.—Market aH: moderate demand; signs'. DOartfic; West Virginia buck, ll lie: lard. 55 1 Or.; headlight. GuflOc; kerosene. 16c; noai foot. sc; machtnerv. 2 aiuc; linseed, raw. 6c; balled, 58c; mineral seal, lac; Ore proof,B6c h 20'. Onions.—Northern, per bhl, 88 75al 00; per cm c. 51 0. Prune*.—Turkish, 554 c; Freuon.kc. Peas.—Cuw peas, slock ilgnt; demand v ; mixed. Bi*; 01*7, 5125; black-eve. 81 75. potatoes.—Rtock light, with eoihl demand. Nor hem, per barret. 82 76al no: Aroostook 11 -c "i. Raisins.—Demand julct. market stead.; loose new Muscatel. 85 69; layers, 82 75 per box; London lavors, 88 2i per box. Salt.—The demand is moderate and the market quiet;car-ioail lots, 75c, f o b;joo lots. 98fvS 1 BugAES.—Market steady; cut loaf. 7*sc; standard A. c: extra C. 6 c: C. yellow 5 c; granulated. 7 ,0; owdered, 7 „c. Steup.—Florida aud ru ps m mod erate demand; supply xcciv . Wequoie: 25a10c; toe m iraet is quiet for sugar house 41 85*40c; Cuna straight goods 30c in hogs head-: m ' sees. 2uc Tobacco.—Market dull; demand moderate, Wequoie: Sm isiug. 25ea$l 25;otiewiug. 00m m n. sound, 28a30c; fair. 35a Sc ; me bum. 40h55c: brigm. 60a75c; flue fauoj, <ia9oc; ex tra fine, 90 ill In; bright navies. 45a57u; dark nav ec 40 (50c lumber.—The demand coiitinucs heavy, an I inn h lumber wanted for quick de li try that cannot be pi iced. Prio. s firm a! slight advance, aud with a further u"- wa'd in D nny. Mills all full of worn. Onlinarvs'zos |l3 nnais 50 Difticiiltsizes 18 00a20 30 Flooring boards 18 00*19 50 Bhi "stuff .. IN 00*29 50 Timber.—Market dull and nominal. We quale: 700 feet average 5 9 OOall 0C 800 “ *• 10 00atl 00 900 “ 11 00al2 00 1,000 “ “ U OOal* 00 Shipping timber In the rafi— -700 feet average 88 00a 7 00 800 ** “ 7 00a S 00 900 “ “ 8 00a 9 00 1,000 “ 9 00*10 00 Mill timbersl below these figures. ruifiGHrs. Lumber.— Sy Sail.— W,- uave a good supply of spai toniii ge, and the iifTcringa tu arrive are s 111 well p to the want* of trade. We qiofie 54 00a5 00 as the range of prices from this and the near Georgia porta on lumber to It all I mure. Philadelphia. New Y"rk, sound ports and east *, ir l. Timber is 50c it! higher than lumber rates; to the West Indies and windward, nimlna 1 ; to South America. 812 50*13; to Snantsh and Mediterra nean porta. 815>all: tu United Kingdom for orders, timber, 27*28; lumber £4. Bv steam to New York. 87; to Philadelphia, 87; to Boston, 80. Natal stores. Coastwise.—By sail.— Du i ami ominal. Foreign.— Cork. etc. for orders. 2s 6(1, and. or. 45.; Ba tie, 2. 61, md 2v :)$(. Coastwise. Steam —To B,ston. 50c on rosin, 41 on spirits; to’New York, rosins 40c, spirls 9fic; Philadel ph4a. rosin :We, spirits SOc; 10 Baltimore, rosin 30o.9idrus70e. Cottoe.— Bv Steam— Room in fair supply; marketsteady. „ Liverpool, direct ; lfMitd Reval 23-64d Bremen .....) ..+ 5-lew i- rcelona 2S-64d Havre 10-64 Genoa 28-4 ii Liverpool via New York, m 9-3 :u I.ivsriKjol via Roßon, y th 19-6ld Liverpool via B Jkimnre*® lb 17-6d Antwi-rp via New" York, tb 11-S2U Havre via New Yt*rk, jfl lb .... 11-19 Bremen via NeW York # Tb >^d Reval via New tMrk, W> Bremen via Baltimore, lb . 9.1 Amsterdam via New York, jk bale... Vfn■ Genoa via New York 13-S2d Boston, ft bale ... 41 7o Seaisland.* ba1e....:,.,. 175 New York. * bg| 1 50 Sea island, m hale 150 Philadelphia, ylDa'e 150 Seaisland, 150 Baltimore, jjl bale 1 Ji Providence, |) bale 2 00 By Sa.L. Liverpool 17- l 4d Genoa ..... . ..m... 2.-........... 5-ltw Bremen #-!*d Rice,— BvSteav *— New York, 18 barrel : 60 Philadelphia, barrel 60 Baltimore, 18 barrel 60 Boston, t) barret .1. u,: CCfiINTRX PRODUCE Grown fowls, 18 P*r 60i#7n Chickens. 1 bree-quarters grows ... 6"(B>n Chickens, hatf-growK, JSL.T, 35#45 Turkeys, 18 pair....ap..A.;'. 1 OOifiH 7u Eggs, 18 dozen z3#25 Peanuts— FxnhT hrm Va., * lb Peanuts—Haad ’itqked, lb tb,........ i*s El- Pea nuts—Straight Virginia ti- Peanuto—(.eopgia, apunnal 2)s# Sweet potatoes, Klwida, ft bushel.. 31#*0 s wcet uotatoea. yellow reds * bush. 66# Sweet potatoes, yellow yams, gl bush 60# 5 White yams su(ql '0 Poultry.—Market ea-ier, demand fair, stock large. EGGS.—in good lema and. mar c pn rly supnli ii; market firm Peanuts— Ample stock; demand light: native peanut* in light request at q uotalions. Sugar.—Georgia and Florida, nominal: none m market H inet.—No demand; nominal. Sweet pota toes scarce; demand good. SAVANNAH .VI Alt ART, OFFICE OP 1 TUB H UNO NEWS, > savag-taa. Feb 5. im. $ r. Cotton—The market was fairly aotive am) very steady. Tnfc inquiry was good, but buy ers insist on a full grade at current prices. The sales for the nay were 1,899 bales. On ’Change at the opening call, 10 a. m., the market was reported steady and unchanged, with sales of 4*B bales. At the second call. I p. m., it wassteady, thesales oetng4o9 bales At the closing call, 4 p. m.. It wus still steady and unchanged, with further sales of 1,067 bales. The to lowing are the official closing spot quotations of the Cotton Exchange: Good middling 9'4 Mid lling 0% Low 4 Good ordinary , , .754 Ordinary *.¥■.. 7 Kies.—TbO jptarkptLpriyi quiet and steady. There wasAnM' Itfiprtrvetient fu the demand, and a good daxV pttgLnea* was doing. The pales for the ’ukyx wised 44* baFre s. The Board of Trade's official quotations were a follows: G ,77113 c r EiE"-‘-Tr*vr"xr Country lots—; 85 4 95 Tide water VA. Ml I OotAl 20 Nxvsl market tor spirits turoentme couii ones'mtu and more or ter nominal, there, was, it*’ng doiug. and tc r.ales reported. '-'At I ftte kr tfnard of Trade on the opening cAtWtfie nia-Lri was reporton quiet, at :;H4r. Wr regulars. Al the’losing call it was qu et, at Kl)4e for regular". Rosin—The market was quiet and unchanged. There was very tittc doing, ami about bin oarrels CO re rod he day’" business. At tin Hoard of Trade on the rfirk.e>ll the marcel was reported quukt, altllttPf dtowinx quota tions: A, B, C and Dse. E. *1 90, r|l 0 G II 20, II *1 00. I *8.70 I.ked. M•* , • sked.' N $i 62*% i*A, and; 'window glass 24 7o a-ke t, water white |6 tw. At the closing call it was unchanged, g A MiKlUtb ifg t>trßuilAPffi. FIX tlOl IL. Nkw Yoak. F d>. .swfoa.-Wtioehsant'TO And llrm Minay easy ift’l l eeu . Rx ohange—long. (4 short. $4 so. eta bonds uo . e dwt. Government bonds dull but steady. 6:on n. me— K.wiiiauA|dßliy Moneydio*d at qf % Udr beet. Hub-Tiauryh.4lsnoe*—Gold, ♦ls6,liS.OJtiCurrenoy. 4J',l 9. 'CO. Uo.ernmea' bonds 'to lift liroitf 'ifr pere.en l lit :,; three percent. 100'i. State bonds negMtted. l be slock market WAigeuervlfv very strong at nil' opening. l|rt qvdtet)up- sin,wing g ot s ranging fromMoV r I i>er Celt',, the latter for llnicn t'aeillc aud Lacka i auuu During the Hrst hour there wa- continued strength and decided activity in dealings, durtig Wblch advance* from the opening of iramaon' to over 1 per cent, were .unde. The highest prices of the day were made about 11 o'clock, and aficr midday there was a very deoided d< o easc hi the amount of business. Prices llumaateil within a narrow range until lute in the day, when there was a decline of J 4 lo 1 per lien . Tins was cheeked Just berms the e, ose, and slight advances were ma o: in tossy cases, toe market closing moderately active and firm. >peculation hinges to an over lerge ex eu’. upon the pro'iabilltlas of an early settlement of the railroad and oual troubles through ne gotiations which, it is beiicvisi are going on at present. In the afternoon dec inu the coal siocks were consp cuous lor tne losses made. Lack iwantia closiug with a loss of % per cent, and Reading I Hi. Erie was very active and dosed with a gain of 1 perc nt.; Northwest era is up %. We tern Union L. end Lake shore. New York Centra'. Psciile Mall and Union Pacific each *, Males 1411 UnO shares, the following lining tne c'ocng quotations’ Aia.oiast A,am > 99 4 Nash. Acn ilt’a. 47 Ain. class B, 6s. . 145 New Drleant Pa- G rgiats 100 m 10, Ist inert St •• 7s, mortgage 101 N.T.Usutral 106', N. Carolina* ~80 Norr.A W. pref *7 ” new M Nor. Pact So 27',, *• funding 1# “ pref.. S' So.Uaro.ißrosrni Pacific Mall ss-* consol*. 109 Reading..,. 19*/, Teonrs-ee bs ... 55'4 Klehm'd A tl'gti. 7 Virginia 4B Kiebm'd Al •. 76 Va. 0 mso'idtted. 12 Kicbin'o A W.Pt, Ch’oc ike A'lino. II Terminal 85'4 Cnic.A N’nttiw’n.llo‘4 Bo eh It laud ... .1* ’ a •• nreforrst.. 196'4 fit. Paul I tela.,Lack. A W.l*9i, “ nrsforred 12s 1 ., Erie 26 TexssPaelite ... 12c, K. renoo'se# Bit B*4 On on Paclrte ... bi\ Lake 6 lore. 88 7 N. ,1. Central 45fc l.’vrlet Nsvh... titg Missouri Pacific..]l t Memphis A Uttar 86 Western Luiou 7894 ■loblle A Gu10... If corTON. LtvKRFOOL, Feb. 5, noon.—Cotton dull; I pro s generally in buyers favor; middling I uplands 4 15-lUd: mi Idliug Orleans 6 1-161; | sales 8,900 bales, for spe uiaiinn aud export 1 1,000; rsosipis 10.000 ba es—A merman 6,4 C. Future:: Uoiau ls. low ui t Hun ciaus*. Febrnan and March de iverv.4 5 -6|@4 58-64d; March aud A.■ rif, 4 58 fiua* j9-6*it: April ami May, 4 80 fit cp4 61-64d; May and June.462-64® 4 61-64(1; June and July. 5 1-64-Vi' 2 Hd". Au gust an I September,B 7-64*1 Marktd firm. Tlie tendera uf deliver! >* at 10-dav’s clear ings amounted to ,:i>o bales new docket. Sales for ihe we k. 54.18)' ba e—American 43 0(10 bale.; speculators look 4.1100 nalcs; ex porters 100k4.800 bun's; actual exports, I.Hoo bales; imporis, s-l.ii'o bii'es—Amcrie ui 54.000; total stuck 6:16.000 bales—American 479.0 0 bales; toial afloat, 240,000 bale*—American •201.000 bales 2:o# p. in.—-The sales to-day included 6,900 bales AiiitTH an. Futures; Unlands. low mid illnr olanse, February delivery. 4 59- 4d, selu r-: February and March, 4 9-6 id, sellers; March and April. 4 59-Ald. buyer-; April and May, 4 61-ttld buyers; Mai’aud June. 4 Hl-64'1. buv ers; June and .July. 5 2 64 I, vain ; July and August, 5 5-64d, sellers; Ailgll-t md aetitem ber, 6 i-84d, sellers. Market steady. 5:90 p. in. —Futures: UnUuus. 10 v middlin* (fifcuee, February dsllverv. 4 51-144d. sellers; Feltruary and March, I si-fild. -cl ers; Marcli and April. 4 69 64d. seders; April and May, 4 61-Bid, sellers; Mv and June. 4 i>B ltd, sell ers: June and July, 5 t-64d. Ini'ers; Jnlyaud August. 6 4-ii4d. sellers; August and septum ber, 6 7-t4d, (-ellera. Market cosed quiet bu steady New York, Feb. 5, noon.—( otton qnlet; middling upianda. 9 3-16 c; middling Ormans. 11)1,0; sales 1 <i bales. Futures: Market opened dull, withsales as follows: February delivery, 9 09o; March, 0 lie; April, 9 27c; Alay, 9 370; Juue. 948 c; July . 9 6 c. 5:00 p. m.—Cotton closed qnlet; middling uplands, 9:4.160; middling Orleans9 : [ie: sales 20! hales; not recoups 11 me, gross 1,675 bales. Futures: Markelciosedquiet bulstead).with sales vf6 -itiU bales, as followe: February de lively, 9 08® 9 09c; 61 are 11. 8 14c; April, 923 9 2tc; May, 9,(8®0 Me; June, >l4 *9 41c; July. •11(49 6io; August, 9 61fi*9 59a; Sontember, 9 .14 ji" 15c; October, 9 15*9 180; November, 9 12(49 file. The Pint says: “Futures, after losing 2® 1 points, recovered part of the loss, bul the third cull showed little lile. and few tales us well as offers were made 2693 1 oints below yesterday’s closing Futures dosed steady but B(4* points lower than vesierday.’’ Weekly—Netreceipts 1,783 hales. gr 0531,166; ex|iorts, to Great Britain 11,703 hales, lo Franoo 612, to the continent 2,122; sales 3,021 bales: stock 279,770 bale*. Galveston, Feb. a.—Cotton dull; mid dling 8 13-lOC. Nohfolb, Feb. s.—Cotton dull; middling l;ic. haltimorf, Feb. s.—Cotton quiet; middling Ship. Bpstoi. Feb. 6.—Cotton quiet; middling 9*jn. IViLMiNOTON, Feb. s.—Cotton steady; mid dling B'*C. Philadelphia, Feb. s.—Cotton dull; mid dltu o':c. New Orleans, Feb. 6.—Cotton quiet; mid dling 8 11-lOc. OluBiLK, Feb. 6.—Cotton auiet; middling 81-16(1. Memphis, Fob. s.—Cotton quiet; middling 8 11-16 c. Augusta, Feb. s.—Cotton dull; middling B%C. Charleston, Feb. s.—Cotton quiet; mid dling sv„ Montgomery. Feb. 5. —Cotton steady; mid dling B'oC. Macon, Feb. s.—Cotton quiet: middling BWc. Columbus, Feb. s.—Cotton quiet; middling sc. Nashville, Feb. s.—Cotton steady; mid dling B%c. SELMA. Feb. 6.—Cotton quiet; middling B'so. Rome. Feb. s.—Cotton quiet; middling /„C, Atlanta, Feb. s.—Cotton—Ml dlingßßsCA New Yoke. Feb. s.—Consolidated net re ceiplslor all cotton ports to-dav, 20 B's bales; exports, to Great Britain 15,439 bales, to France PROVISIONS. GROOKIIIKS. ETC. Liverpool, Feb. 5, noon.—Wßeat qu t but steady,with poordem md; h dderaoffer freel). Lard.'prime Western 32 3d new Yoke, Feb. 5, noon,—Flour dull an 1 heavy. Wheat lower. Corn better. Pork firm; mess 5.0 50411 00. Lard weak at 346 c. Freights steady. 5:00 p. m.—Flour, Southern unchanged. A heat—spot lois '/$(41c lower; No. 2 red, 90)$c, February dsliverv *9O' >c. Corn— spot lilts )f4lc lower; ungraded 47(449r; No. 2, )0i,@60t 4 ('.. Februurj delivery 50)*(4il(! Oats a shade B'ronzer but vry uuiet: -o. 2,38 c. Hops unchanged. Coffee, fair Rio. ou toot Steady at 6*4c; o. 7 Kill, oil spot 6 70c. Sugar .-10-ed dui and nominal; fair to good re filling, 5 7-16(45 9-16 c; refined closed quiet -C 5)5(45j4c, extra C 5 7-16i#6%0, wui e extra C 54$c. yellow 4js (*s)oi' , oil A sjglie. mould A ’l)sc, siaudard A b*s '- confectioner’s A Hlgc. c 1 ■ at anil crushed 6 7 4'4"e, powdered 6 11-16 -41440, granulated 6)sc. cuhea 6 11-I6 46f4c. Mol *s stiodv. CoM"n “cedoil *u for crude, Slo for refined. Hides firm; New Orleans OAglSlOc,Texas 10)jC. Wool u..changed. Pork Ui uj; ui ss #iu so. Mid-lie.'' firm, card UUii aud without quotab'eebange; eouiract vrade, 011 apui 6 iSc.Muy delivery 0 vuc. Freights to Liverpool steady; cotton, per steam )$4 9-64d: wheat, per steam 2d. Chicago. Feb. s.—The toue was bearish at the opening iu wheat to-day, May starting at s*)4o and selling off )$c additional, but fair i.uving covered a r dly tos4jse. followed by a quick decline to 88)f(C( at which point the feeling was very heavy aud offerings large. The r. port of a belter export demand at the seaboard began to be circulated, followed bv a wave of bettor buying, and before 1 o’clock there was quite an i-xc led rush by the sborls to cover, under which the prlGe raided to KS 5-16 c aud closed ou the regular board at 15 8-16 c Latest trading ibis afternoon was at these figures. Coro an l oais ru ed a litt'e firmer, but developed uo new featur *. Pro visions were )"-s active. Moss porx siurtei iu weak ai 811 80 for Mav. rose to 111 42)5, and closedquie' at 111 37*v41l JO- Flour unchanged Wheat do-ed %c higher Ilian ys-lerday; regu" r, February delivery 7)gi4ill>,c, M tri ll 7>4'U.o}4c, May -Bf, V -5- c. Corn quiet but a shade higher; cash and February delivery '.B)4', Marc ■B6 5- 16c, May 40U0. Oats steady and firm; cash 26)$ , March delivery 28 .a:, May 81j$u. Provisions —Messpork opened 21 (#25 lower, ral led Da, L)sa, closed quiet; ex-li 111 2fiufill 22*$, Feb ruary amt March delivery 5U 1 etyll2s, May 5113 >(41142)5. Lanl steady and uncuangs'i; oash and Fehrus.ry delivery 6 12*$c. M irdi 6 I7*se. Mav 827 (4*l Boxed meats—dry sailed shoulders 895:44 o'ic. short rib 5 57 ,(4 5 6'ic, short clesr 5 -0 ~* hsc. W uiaky steady at $1 16. bugar unchanged. ST. Lot is, reo s,—Flour unchanged. Wheel dull bu' higher: No. ‘2red,cash au I February deliveryOOc bid, March 9"', rc.'if*( urn v -ry quiet and easier; No. 2 33)$ sß.l‘,e. March delivery 3l‘,c. Oats nominally uu cliangsd. Whisky stsaily at 51 I". Provinious quiet aud g nerally lower: Pork ("tsier at fll 40. Lard ieadvat6 SOc. Bulk meats— boxed lot* loug clear 5 9 46 (1 ic. short rib rt I2'se, -hori dear " 26c. Bacon - long clear 6e. short rib 6 10.36 I2‘sc, short clesr 8 2 .(4 6 25c. GINOIMNATI. Feb. 3.—Flour unchanged. Wheat quiet but steady; No. 2 red, 03c. • C on firmer; No. 3 mixed 37 Lorn (inner; No. 2 mixed, 97",. 37?,. Gats linn; No. 2 mixed, 82c. Provisions—Pork quie at *ll 25. Lard firm 111 6 l ie. Bulk meals In ilgbl demand; shoulders 4 25c shot t rib 5 fgl (#;, 70-. Bacon quiet bu' firm; boulders 5 !2*sc, short rib 6 87)$c, clesr 1.50 c. Whisky llrni at 51 10. Sugar liuliaiiyed; Nr-w Orleans 5 4594 c. H"gs Steady ; oumnion and light 88 26 (44 lo; pa.• King aud butcherss* b(*44o. Baltimore, Feb. 6, 11 ion.—Flour stoadv; far innuirv; Howard street amt Western suosrrtne <2 6243 ra 43 -’. ".4 "0. family 54 25494 .5; City mills auusrfine 52 50 43 00. city mills extra 83 ’•''•hi 15. city nulls Km brands 8* 0-244 76. Wheat—iouibero stead> aud firm; Wesiarn unsic. null fa rlv active; Southern, re I 9i4Jc amuer u .@‘>.c; No I Maryland. 92!$- bit; Nut Western winter red, on epot 8,<467)5c. Uorn—Southern i.iiiu nal in the altsenne ot receipts; Western steady snd active Southern, white 66 450 c. yellow <0 (4 He, Louisville, Feb. s,—Oram closed firm: Wheal. No. 2 red 9to. Corn. No. 2 mixed 87)$ (§3ic; No. 2 white 19c. Oaf". No. 3 mixed, 81'$(*t2c. Provisions steady; Bacon—elver nbeidet 6 80c. shun ilere 4 26c. Bulk meats— clear rib tulas 6 70c, elsar sides 6 n. e, eboul ders 4c. Pork, mese <ll 61. Lard, choice lesfHc. Hams, sugar o ’rcl B*s(4llc. New Oei.eanr, Fob. s.—t'off. e steady; Rio, osrgoiMi 140)$R. Sugar Closed steady. Mo lasses steady. Lotto 11 seed oil Arm NAVAL STORKS. London, Fab. 5,1:00t>. in.—Soleltetureen tlne firm; spot 2S-, March to April delivery 88-. Mav to August 21e. New Yoke. Fib. 5, noon.—Spirits turpsn tine steady at 4uls'4 te. Rosin ateady at 81 01)$ (4< 05. 8:00 p. ra.~ Spirits tnrnentlne ateady at 501,c. Roein dull at 81 92*$ <*l 06. L’H ieles ion. Feu. 6. Soirne turuenilne Arm at 3j)sc. Rosin—sec for atramed and 85c fur got >i f sirs Ined. Wilmington, F-w. s.—Np rue turnantine steady at 7M*.s Rusin Arm; 74c for strsinsd and nOc for g "and strained. Tar Arm at 81. Crude tur anmn firm; uard 11 18, yellow dip aud yirgia li 90, RICE. !<w York. Fob. s.—Market unchanged. fixELEsroN. Fob. 5. tlrkt steady: fair B"sc. good 48548 c, prime s)s46)sc; *ales 427 bai rei-. Veiv Orleans. Feb. s.—Market quiet; fair *’'*“. . good 4 1 , *o4)sc, prime 5046',c; ealcs 30 hftrrel*. ?;i ;t,unij jutfUtacacf. Mf NT V DIJ it K AL and A.N.V.U—l’iilrt DAY. Sun Rises 6:43 Sun ders 5:17 High W ATEuatlivinnih 9:33 a m. 9:B6pm SATUHDAY, Feb 6, 1836. ARtUVRD YKSTKIIDAY. SteamshipL ty of Savannah, Daggott, New Y".*v—G M sorrel. steamship Lancaster (Hr), Sleeve-, Phila delphia—A uder & Cos. (bee local.) AKUIA KD UP FROM QUARANTINE YES TBkDAY.' Bark Tillld Nor). Kuudsen, to load for the Continent—Holst A Lo. Bar* Tliernl- (Non, rerjesson, to load for the Comment—Holst A Cos. ARRIVED AT QUARANTINE YESTER DAY. Bark Orient. (S), Kellner, Barbados, in ballast, to Al S Cosuiicli X 1 o. ARRIVED BELOW YESTERDAY, Brig K >li. Dillon, Hawkins, New York, with coal lo D R Thomas; vesael to Jos A Roberta A Cos. S hr Cathie C Berry, Smith, New Bedford, with gu .uo lo order; vessel to Joa A Roberta A Cos. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamsb.p city of August*. Nickerson, New Yoik— ti M Sorrel. Ship ( amelia (Ger), Brecke. Philadelphia. 111 lihllhsi—B F uinan. Bark Emma Marr (Br), Brewster, Norfolk, In ballast—Wilder A Cos. Scur Annie ( Grace, Grace, Philadelphia— Jos A Roberts A Cos. ichr S It Hu bar l, Wehoffey. Dancn, in bull st, to load for New York—Joe A Bobcrls A Cos. DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer St Nieholas.lTsina. Kernandtnaand way landings—C Williams. Agent. Steamer Ethel, Gibson, Coiieu’a Bluff and landings-W T Gibson. Manager. SAILED YEiTKRDAT. Steamship City of Augusta, Now York. Steamship Win Crane. Baltimore (not pre viously.) MEMORANDA. Tybee. Feb 5. 7:00 p in—Passed up, steam sh'p City of savannah.bark Orient (Sw), brig R.ibt, Dillon, sehrCalhle C Berry. Pi*(d out, steamship* city ot Augusta, AVm Crane. At anchor, outward bound, ship Camolla (G"ri, bark Knims Marr (Br). Wind NK,light; fair. N w Yurie. Feb 3 Arrived, chr- Win Hay*, -in.tli, Fcrnnndiua. Alible H GUecu, Gheeu. Gcoryetown, 8 C. Buenos Ayres, Deo 29 Arrived, bark Nortli Starißrj, Hdwards, Pensacola; Jan 8, Ruth ;Nur), Olsen, B mis wick. Dec 90. sailed, bark Sarin* (Hal), Marconi, Pensacola. Corunna, Jan 23—Sailed, bark Nlobe (Nor), OLen, Savannah. tv 'sale.Fi- B—Passed, ship Revolving Light (Br). Dorkee, Savannah for Liverpool. New York. Febs —Arrived out. stair Wis consin, New A'ork for Liverpool. D laware Break water, Feb 2—Arrived sclir Henry I> May, Morris, Fernandina. Prov.deuce, Feb i —Arrived, sc,lira Ella El liott, Ch 1 pies. Brunswick. Ga; 3d, George E Young. Perry, Bavan" (h. , Wiliumiloii. Feb 2—Cleared, arhr Addle Jordan. Harriin.tu, Bruo-wi. k, Ga. Wood’s Hole, Feu *—Arrived, schr Fartuna, Rich, Bull River. SPOKEN. Schr Sarah Potter, from New Bedford for Pensacola, about Fob 3, off baud Key. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Baltimore, Fnbs—Stmr Danville, from West Polut. reports passed red can buoy No 14 about 4 in 1 a above Smith’s Poiut, in tbe traca ui vesse.s. CHANGE OF BUOYS. A whistling buoy, painted red, has been plHced in 8 fathoms of water 1)4 tni es Bof Point Judith lighthouse. A whistling buoy, with red and buck horizontal ripes ha* been in >orad on Snuthwcul Ledge off Block Island, as u substitute for the ba I buoy pre viously there. A black bell buoy has been put instead of the whisilmg buoy which marked the rocky ledge projectiug from the north point of Block Island. WKKCK buoy placed. A spar buoy, horizontal striiies, baa been placed in 8 fathoms water on the west side of .•(sunken barge, in the Eiist Itiver. N V, be- I iveeu 49th street and < tt..o Rock, on the fol lowing bearings: South end ol Blackwell's Island. ESE, shot tower, NJSW. Vessels should pass to the westward ot tbe wreck. By order of the Ligbthuuse Bourd. MARITIME MIBCELLANT. Norfolk, Fell 3-1 be Captain of bark Chari ty (tlr) reports that ou I bursday. J,in 28, lat, 34 41. ion 74 47, about 50 miles sE of < aoe Hst lei as a 2 p ra. fell in with the Norwegian bark Catherine, of Sandefjord, waterlogg and and abandoned (liefure reported); sm>t tip mate and tbree seamen on board Hie vess. 1. They returned and reported tiiat she was full of water, with rudder and boats g .lie. mst and sai § in cood condition, and no livlou thing ou board. Caot Strahsn, of the Chari ly, deeming the abandoned vessel dangerous tii navigation a- cided to burn her according ly. After savin a telescope, clock, charts, harpoon, carpenter’s loots sn*l some olher small articles, lie set her on Are "bout 3 p in, and she was burni. fc fiercely when on hour later a thick fog cine up, completely hiding the vessel 1 rom sight. Tne bark had bills of lading dated Savannah, Jan 7. 11*8, showing tier cargo to be pitch piue pianking and bouud lo ismdun. FAST PASSAGE. Ship Henry Hyde. Cant Pendleton, from Han Francisco Oct IS, arrived at Liverpool Fob 2, making the passage in 96 days. RECEIPTS. Per Central itillroad. F-h 5—1,176 bales notion, 6s bains yarns, 64 bales domestic-, 4 bales plaids, 4 hales bides. 16 Ini.a paper. So pkgs tobacco, 1,9119 Ilia bacon, 95 bhis losin. 6 iiblsspirits 1 iirpeniine, * ptgs dried fruit, 2,769 buahels outs, *lll bushels corn. 8.16 lutes hay. 21 pk. s furniture. 21 cattle, 2:1 horses, 4 cars lumber, 12 cars wood, 1/8 toua pig Iron, 8 tons railroad Iron, *> pkgs wood in shape, 18 pkgs mu' inn ry, 171 sacks guano, 189 pkgs ind-e, 119 pkgs paper slock, 4b earns eggs, 15 pkgsj' uk. Per Chkrleston end Savannah Rv. Feb 5 50 bbls O’duloes, 9l boxes and 265 caddie* to bacco. 35 sack* peanuts, 9 sacks rice. Shales hides, and mdse. Per Savannah, Florida and Western Rv, Keb 5 —1,2*8 oalss ooltnn. 81 csrs Inmlier. 1 car wood, * cars Iron,* ears cstile. 1,144 lib's rosin, 29 Mils spirits lurnsn 1 me. 2 bbls und 672 boxes oranges, 9 sacks rice. 12 sacks potatoes, 12 bales hides, and mdse. EXPORTS. Per steamehin City of Augusta, for New York—7s9 bales uuiand cottou. ' bbls rosin, 79 bales sea island cotton, 71 bales domestics nnil yarns, *6 lib * sidril* tur ionium. 50,571 feet Inmlier 7 lislss hides, 16 bblsiill. 11 pkgs fresh fl-ti, 494 boxes oranges, 298 tons pig Iron, 4 ears cedar logs. 95 pkgs mdse. Per ste.imshin Wm ’ rsne. for Baltimore— J.1'74 bales cotton. *tl bales sen island cotton. 216 obis P'Sln, 196 bills rice. 5H lndes. 50 blits syrup, 1.98 b Itoxes fruit, 10 bbls spirits turpen- P r svhr Annie f Grace, Pl-'ladel; k'a—ll2,. 14 : feel cypres• lumber. 3a) to’a old railroad iron, 164 liUds iron tie clippings, P\HHEV'4ER9. Per steamship L'ltv of Savannah, from New York—Miss * Field, Mrs Pod , lt;r- Itreit. Mr WlMluS’in. Mr llrltt, W O Hslmocg, ,1 Atnsti,. k,r.i 11 t.T-on A wlie, W • (lidding. EC Clinch. 'I K Wi ter. Rev R Warren, .1 P Bo dlne and Wfe. Rev II MRitn oek an I wi c, Mrs K I. Psltnero, T Phillips and wife, K VV Allyn, C .Mnrii g, F ( aliansn, Mrs ( \ Fulton anu infant. Mls U Fultou, tlisa DeV llu, K c Sconideu, W It Mallory. C tVilley. H M Mills. C P Nadi, R .1 C 'ptiln. N Englander, W Will sev. Hleei ago—C II timitb, I) P Carman, H M Hill, K Row lev. Per steamship CUy of Augusta, for New York- A Adams, H 1; West, D- aud MrsU k Johnson, Mr and MrsG R Kite ier. P- r steamshm Wm Crsne. for R tltimore J E Gould, W ssylcr. Dock—C Newton. CONSIGN kks Per Charleston and fixvannah Rv. Feb 4 Trnn*fer timne. 8. E A W Bv l ee Bov Mvers. II Myers A Bros. West Bros, Ja Hari A Mro, U M I'vs's. C ' hsrlton, W I Miller. H A Ul mer. K T wer. M *>rst Abu, M Mendel A tiro, V M lloil. Itiescr A 9. Per Savannah. Florida and Western Bv. Feb 4—Transfer Uffiioe. Jno Flunner / 4 Cc, J K Clarke A Cos, Dale. D ft Cos, B B Hender an, Riesei ft S. r, *, i.u,a, A *■ hr *oh A lire, Hendheim Brov A Lo Vv |j "/ v.'a • 11 M ver ’' 4 Kr '’?. i-ve Rov Myers. V) I Mil cr. SGuckenheniierft Son. J Lao* I.lnpman Bro-, vi m ()rr . j A D, lUK iase ft •' 1 ' lv . *. M'ers, La Biker. 1 Heriofi L ilenihal ft S in. f M Hull, E Lovell ft Soil Weed ft C- Win Hone ft Cos, I, Wit e*. vv *3 Phillips. Eli. t. in ft ! , Meinhard Bros ft Cos If I’ll 11 lips, Ep-to nft W. M it,oev * , pi | ‘ OX. A coal ll AK, D C Bacon ft Cos. Me- Doiu.ogli ft 1 0. Bacn J ft Cos. H 8 Haw kina li M ( oner ft Cos. M Y ft I>l Melnlyre. Gor. don ft 4; 1, Baldwin A 1.., and V Liaucy, It t et AS. A RPa wee It, Peacock, 44 ft o, M Mae lean, W W Chi-holm, Warren ft A, Waiter I'ftCo, W oods ft Cos, Garnett, s ft Cos, Elila H ft Cos, J I’ Williams, * C Jack-ion. Per Central Railroad. Feb 5-Fordg Agt, I M Comer ft 1 o, hogarl A H. Bald wln ft Cos, Wood*- A C", JlO. Flannerv ft Cos. F M Far ey, Garnett, Sft Cos. M Y ft 1)1 .Mclntyre. Wore "ock. s A Cos. M Madeun. Waller, Tft Co* L J Gnllinartln ft ' o, J L Thumps n. K Kirk land. 8 La w<oo, Order. Lippman Br. s, GS McAlpin. Palmer Bros, Mohr Br os. Wee" ft C. Bond. 11 ft E. W I) Sunkios. p M DeLeon, T P Bond & Lo, K . astlin, Moore A \, Luke Carso", A Einstein’s Sons, J S Collins ft Cos, Epstein A W I) C Bao .n ft Co.E E Cheatham. 8 Gurzenheimer ft Son, Acosta ft. E. Savan nah Times. A J Miller ft Cos, B H ft Bro, J A Pearson, J P Williams, Roy Myers. C H 1 arson,Ryck AS, Boiler Bros, R Charl ton, M Y Henderson, Frank ft Cos. TP Bond, Peacock, 11 ft Cos. PO instead, J Well, Lud den ft B, G Eckstein * Cos. Per steamship City f Savannah, from Nexl York—A It Allmayer ft Cos. Mrs II r Botta. G W A lion. Acosta ft E, C I- Byck, Byck Bro* Tl’ Bond Byck ft S. L K ByoK ft Son, C l lirundl. M Holey ft Son, Branch ft C, KM ( iinnur, Collat Ifros, It C Couue I, J Cohen, J M Case. Cohen A B, J K Clarke ft Cos. B J CuMiedge. A II Champion, W s Cherry ft Cos, \ It Cos 1 oft Cos, 1' II Carsoo. 1 Dasher * Co* J Der-t, Kckman ft V. Einstein A L. W E-nll, I Epstein A Bro, G Kck-tciti ft Cos, T H En ' ight, J H sip , .1 a Engl nh Flank ft Cos, A Ehrlich A Bro, K ll Flood. K Frank. P Fox. Fleisehman ft 1 *, J V\ Farrow. I, Frelil, R Friedman, Kretwell ft N, .1 W Fretwell, M Trostcnbe g. M torsi ft C", Fdg Agt I BR, Gray * O’B, F Gutman, L J Gazan, S Hexler, Graham ft 11. 8 Uuclienhelmer ft Son, L Ho gs ,O M Gillicr ft Ci.(l P Havens,B P Ham. llton. G M Jleldi ft Cos. G \ Hudson, A lian'ey, It - J n- *, 8 Kcou-kofl. E Karruw. WK ng, Knickerbocker Ice Cos, l> K Kennedy, Ksva n mgli ft B, H H is v ft Bro. K Lablche, H Lulls. 9 m l.ce, I. M Lewis. M Lavln. It H Lewis, l.udiien ft B, I.ippman Bros, * Leflfier. ls>vellft 1., I.iu.lsay ft M, F, tsivell ft Son, J Lang. S Lang, Jin. Lyons ft Cos, DB Lester. Mohr Bros. B F M Kenua, K A McCoy, L| M>er., Meinhard Bros ft Cos, DPMyerson, Me l ft H, H ' Morgan, W B Mell A Cos. P | Maners. A N MiLer, ,1 J McMahon, McMillan Bro , A J Miller ft Cos, Mojlo ft Cos, Tclfalg Aesdemv. J McGrath ft Cos, McUooell ft Cos, Nathan Bros, 1 ihlandcr Bro , J O’Byrne. W Orr, Order J Luta, Orders Miller, J Perlius. ky, K Power, Palmer Bros, T Rovilsky, W 9 lieed.J H Kiiwe. Kieaer 4S, oss ft 9. C A Roger-, J eillv yg . L Stern. Solomons ft Cos, J s m y;i, II L Aehrclner J T Biiiiptrine, S- re vc 11 liou e. VV l Slinkins, Smith Bros ft Cx P B Springer. II Sillier, W S> lieihmg, Mrs.l L Taylor, Jim Sollivao, II Solomon ft Hon, S, Fft W liv. P I nberdv, R H Ta'em. B t Ulmer, .1 c Tu .inp-on, J W Tynan, Va e boy. ai MfgCo, D Wcisbein. ' Ir J J Waring, Thus Wes ,G V Wa dimr. W est Bros, Wi cax ft <7 Gu tnoCo, W ’* olff, V M West, A 81 ft C VV West, Weed ft C.boulhem Ex Co} Gu ft r la I 8 B Cos. LIST OF VESSELS IN THE PORT OP SAVANNAH. Savannah, Feb i, ISS6. STEAMSHIPS. City of Savannah, 2.029 lons, Daggett, New York, Idg—G M Sorrel. Desso .g, 1,367 tons. Smith, Philadelphia, eld —G M Sorrel. Core.nilia ( Br). H 75 tons, Gavin, Antwerp, ldg A Minis ft Sons. Border Cnicftaln (Be), 990 tons, Nlool. Bre men, ldg—A Minis A Sons. Avlona t Br), 1.279 ions, Sargent, Bremen, !d( —A Minis ft Sons. Eaaiugt n (Bri, 1,136 tons, Greig, Barcelona, ldg—Ri hard-on A Barnord. L'angnrs ’ I Hr).1,139 tons, Noalls, Bremen, idg Richardson ft Barnard. I-aueasu r (Hr). 1,145 tons, Stecves, Liverpool, ldg—Wlldi r ft Cos. Eight aieaiuoiiip*. snips. Reguluv (Nor), 991 ton*, Lowe, Baltic, ldg— Holst ft Cos. Hermon ( Br), 1,077 tons. Marvin, Hamburg, dis— Richards. 11 A B truard. Mary Mewart (Br), i,071 ton*, London, dl— Master. Cameiia (Geri, 1,186 tons, Brccke, Philadel phia. rid— S Fatmau. Four -hips. BAKES. Niagara ;Gcr), 920 ton*, Steenken, Bremen, Idg—Holst ft Cos. Carries* (Non, 916 ton*, Jensen, Baltic, ldg Holhl ft Cos. Fed* Mei dels-obn (Ger), 081 tons, Wahlman, I.lveri o", ulg Holst ft 'o. Them 1- (Nor). 527 tons, Terjeen, Continent ldg-Holst ft Cos. Aicliea Kii-iNur), 657 tons, Hansen, Conti nent, ldg—Holst ft Cos. Victoria 1 Nor ), bfiS ton*. Arnesen, Liverpool, dm—Holst ft Cos. Mlmer (Nor), 4 3 ton*. Hausen, Palma Ma jorca, ldg— Holst ft (.0. Til'l l Nor), 4 Stuns, Kuudsen, Continent, ldg Holst ft Cos. Hindostan, (Hr), 454 tons. Stansfleld, Aquin, Hayii, dis—Holst ft Cos. Kagoa 1 Nor), 487 sous. Petterson, Cork tot orders, Idg—Hoist A Cos. Sophia Gurbiiz u.e- ).324 tons, Scblopsma. RU Jauclro. dis—liolsl ft Cos. Zorida (Nor), 617 tons, Berentsen, dis—Botsf ft Cos. Julie 1 Nor). 614 tons, Jors9 isen, Hamburg, dis—Holst ft Cos. (Nor., Aauoldt, Darien, repg- Holst ft hineiie (Sw). 665 tons, Tnrstromsen, Ham burg. eld—A It Salaa ft Cos. Alette (Non. 681 tons, Stokke, Reval, ldg—A it salae ft Cos. Agaolyr (Norj, #44 t ms, Holmer, Barcelona, ldg- A ;t -a'as * Cos, Arendai (No- . (6i -ons, oosepbaen, Norkop. lug, ldg -A It alas ft 1 o. , I Du Fratelu (*tal), 476 loos, Romano, Ply. in nun, ilia—A It -alas ft Cos. Ol us (Nor), 6u7 tons, Falck, Genoa, ldg—A H ft C'O. Sospir 1 Ausi. 196 'ons. Vn- a ov'eh, at quaran tine, ulg—M S Co-ul'Ch ft Cos. Or eot fi" j. 367 t "► Keduer, At quarantine, wt M 8 Coaultctl ft Cos. Roo 'o 1 N 'rj, 762 to..a, Olsen, at Tybee, wtg— M S Co-ulu h ft Cos. LjuMorug < vus). 4'o tons, Scrabalo, Genoa, eld—M S C" uli. h ft Cos. Br.erly Hill iGor), 530 ton*, Scbiebe, repg—B Fatinan. Prasiilent Trotsche (Ger), 504 tons, Neijahr, Reval Idg—l Fatinan. Memio (K' 1 ,954 ton*, Horn, Baltic, ldg— Rich ardson ft Barn ird. Cato v r , 476 tou*. v ndreasen. Ear pe, Idg —8 I* Shutter ft Cos. Brunlga • P.r|, 596 tons, Geltzler, Liverpool, dm—s P Sholier ft Cos. Minerva Nor;. 514 tons, Hansen, Liverpool, dis—A Mm sft Sons. Kmma Marr (Bro 799 tons,Brewst r,Norfolk, cl Wild r A Cos. Ellen Rosi 678 toua, Dsblstrom, Barcelona Idg— D L Bun n ft Cos. Thirty-two oarks. 99106. Murgam (Br), W 4 tou-. Wilson, Cork or Fal mouth f r . id- rs, Idg—Holst ft Cos. Ail 11 ( Hr). 2 0 tons, McLeod, Porto Rico, ldg A K Sam* ft Cos. Bam- (Nor), 3"3 "ins, Andreasen, Baltic, Mg— M S Cosuhch A Lo. oliert Dillon, (81 tons. Hawkins, New York, die- Jos A Robena A Cos. Four brig*. ■cnooNgaa. Hantiel H Crawford. 8 I tuns, Tilton, Baltt* more, ldg—Jus V It oerla ft Cos. Win II Aloson. 433 tuna. Keuiaton. Baltimore. Idg—Jos A Roberts ft Cos. Kiauk Vauderhorchen. 611 ton*. Hand, Now York, ldg Jos A it .here ft t o. Nellie Chanipliio, 423 tons, Somers, Phlladel pluu, Idg—Jos \ I'.olu-rla ft Cos. Grace Brad ey. 630 tuna, M lutyre. Annapo lla, Md Mg—Jos A fto rrts ft o. Annie C Grace. 401 to s, Grace, Philadelphia, eld—Jos A Robert* ft < o, Mary F God(re> |u ton*. Gmlfrey, Bridge imrt, ldg Jo* A R 'be* la ft Cos. Varnna46.l tons, Blrdaall.New lurk. Idg—Jo A Robert* ft Lo. „ _ Adele rbaekera. 651 tn. Klmmey, Baltimore Idg—Jos A R<> eris A ' <>. _ .. Bu')”> vvilentt, 317, lillchrist, 80-ton, ldg —Jos A Itolieri* 4 Cos. _ Samuel B Hub anl. m o". Mehaffey, Darien, o' I—Jo- A Kolwru ft Lo. Samuel P llilrhcock, *.4 to*. Blair, Phip*- horn di lo A bolo ra ft Lo, S G liar*. 505 ion*, liners. Weymouth, drn vifda Reimard.*3i7 ton*. Smith, at quarantine wi ¥ ,) 1* a Kolm il h A CO. Fsnole K Wol-too. *4' loos, Marr, AtD Wand, d|s—l'M A K hrta *Co. CAthoC Berty. 101 " n*. Smith, New Bed ford ills- Jo- A Roberta ft ■ o. 11m* 1e I- fl, 4lone# Dole, New \ ork, ld| .lohn)n. Orin<H*o < Br). 29S foil-. Uph Ui* to l*4 for r *rn mco. —H rhi*r-U*n ft Baroftru. Kortun* (Sp)* I*7 Cuban, wtft. Mueu ou •c*huuur. 7