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JUNE 11, 1926 CLEVELAND FINDS CITY MANAGER IS VALUABLE ASSET Auto Club Man Claims New Government Form Worth $1,000,000 Annually. Bv Times Soecial CLEVELAND, Ohio, June 11.— The city manager form of Govern ment is an annual asset of $1,000,- 000 to Cleveland citizens, in the opinion of Fred H. Caley, chairman of the committee which put over the recent $10,000,000 bond issue campaign for civic improvements in the Ohio city. The business type of municipal administration was inaugurated in Cleveland Jan. 1, 1924, following the election of councilmen the previous November. William R. Hopkins, at torney, identified with some of the community’s largets enterprises, notably the Belt Line Railway, was selected as first city manager and still holds the post. Cleveland was one of the first large cities to adopt the new form. “We should have had it ten years wgo,” said Caley, secretary of the Cleveland Automobile Club, and an enthusiastic city manager form ad vocate. Personnel Improved ‘The new type of government has worked very satisfactorily in Cleve land, and brought about a big*im provement in the personnel of city administration. As far as city gov enment is concerned, it has elim inated corruption. The politicians were forced to get on the band wagon and fall in line with the gen eral program of things. “Mark Hanna once said the best I committee is a committee of three, with two dead members. That is | the point to the city manager plan I —it has individual resposnbility from the city manager himself down to the lowest executive. “The well known lack of interest among the more substantial type of residents is passing. Folks have for gotten the ‘why bother to vote’ idea and take an interest in what is go-, ing on because their confidence has been restored.” Caley paid high complimen to the administration of Hopkins as the head of the city corporation. Citizens voted for the $10,000,000 bond issue for civic improvements i because they knew it would (not be spent by the old-time politicians, Ca ley asserted. The program includes improvement of streets, sewers, parks, erection of 330 additional traf fic signs, a large appropriation for EXTRA SPECIAL! ant^some - i ewe i i Illinois Sterling . WATCH Open a Charge Account With Kay! Confesses Osage Murder . Newt : '|fgjjjM Kelsey Morrison, 23-year-old convict, has admitted killing Anna Brown, an Osage Indian woman. lie did it, he says, at the instigation of W. K. Hale, Osage cattle king, who is tin der indictment as leader of the ring that is alleged to have killed a dozen Indians. Morrison made this ad mission during the murder trial of Ernest Burkhart, Hale’s nephew, at Pawhuska, Okla. the city hospital, and other develop ments. Streets “White Ways” Since adoption of the new form, every main thoroughfare_has been made a “white way,” resuming in a decrease in accidents and crime, and 33 per cent drop in fatal acci dents, Caley said. “The lighting system has cut down crime materially because law break ers love darkness and hate the spot light,” Caley said. Complete reorganization of the traffic department and inauguration VACATION PLANS In planning to be absent from your home even though for a short stay—you may he confronted with the problem of safeguarding your silverware, rugs, furs and other valuables. Let us store them for you in our spacious storage vault. The cost of this is small—too small for you to take the chance of meeting with a loss through tire or theft while you are away. THE Meyer -Kiser Bank Safe Deposit Company 128 East Washington Street “ Store Opeh Saturday Night " of anew traffic system, followed the adoption of the city'manager form, charge of traffic, carrying out the individual responsibility idea. The traffic commissioner outlined a com plete program of street mainte nance, extension, widening and re pair, eliminating “kinks” and cut ting through “dead end” streets. “Why not manage affairs of a big city like that of any other businesp? The city*' of Cleveland is a bfg corpo ration, with every property owner a stockholder. And there js no rea son why we should allow it to be run by a bunch of gang politicians whose only, desire is to graft and hand out !&bs tp political hench men and friends,” said Caley. French troops in Morocco heaii London stations on the radio. Tortured by rash on face Reainol atop* itching and makea akin clear and smooth “I had a breaking out on my face that looked like chicken pox. 1 suffered so from it that at night 1 would not sleep for hours at a time. I tried va rious remedies, but nothing did me any good un til I tried Resinol Soap and Resinol Ointment. It stopped the itch ing and burning instantly and after a few* appli cations the skin peeled off and left my face clear and smooth, instead of rough and humpy. I don’t know of anything better than the Resinol products." (Signed) W. R. Mitchell, Piney Creek, N. C., Jan. 4. —Advertisement. Your Promise to Pay Is Good With Kay! THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES oMmashm Dimrnts! Thousands Upon Thousands o£ Dollars Worth ©£ Exceptionally Fine FURNITURE TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNITURE FOR NEW! Think of It! SI.OO Delivers This Complete 8:30 A. M. to 12 Noon Only! IJfll 100 Fine jjMf Household f BROOMS f 4-Seu)ed WSfW Full Size TANARUS Only one to * Ia customer. None sold ■ to dealers. Get here early. For Housecleaning Strong Stepladder STOOLS Every home should have one; exactly aspic- CQ tured. Special DUC LAWN MOWERS Easy to operate. Very de pendably built. (J*/* QC -Special at pD.a/0 isSSwMjS 4-Foot Size With yIQ Shaped Seat . . . MAin 1101 • MAin 1101 OTJi it £1 I FURNITURE I A|Al I FURNITURE I \2ssry Furniture CO. fey 243 t 0249 W. WASHINGTON Trade In Your Old Fur niture for flew. Saturday Only ! BRIDGE LAMPS (Complete) Only 50 of These Lamps While They Last Beautiful sunsilk shade and poly crome base. N Af - Ready to a attach j}*#•/> Fine Waterproof Felt Base Floor Coverings Regular 69c and 79c qualities. New designs for a £ s' every room. Square yard ivv SATURDAY ONLY! 27x54 In. RAG RUGS Hit and miss designs with fringed ends. While they last. 59c Limit 2 to a Customer WHITE FURNITURE CO. Extra Special! ....,... Ferneries, $3.98! Beautifully decorated, staunchly made, with gal vanized leak proof metal troughs. White's d*o AO price only J.5/0 Only One to a Customer 42-piece Set Dishes Reautiful new patterns. Or der your set early ipU**'*^ Dayton Hot or Cold Liquid or Food Container Gallon size; just the thing for camping and outing RQr parties Oi/l. LAWN SWINGS Os strong hardwood construc tion. A wonder C 7 QC value P I .30 BED OUTFIT 3 Pieces Simmons Walnut Finish Steel Bed, Fine Mattress and Com fortable Springs A brand new style bed P in wood tone with com- "’’iSl mg sortable link fabrics and ggfxj Mm fine mattress in art ffjaj ticking with roll edge. You have always want ed a genuine outfit. So pY".; be here early for this ihj Ka wonderful bargain. Bed, H mum Kh spring and mattress KBE Bp complete. .W. .ft v* > SI.OO Delivers It to Your Home! This Elegant Three-Piece m Bedroom SUITE $ jfliT|).so An exquisitely beautiful blending of fijjjl K gnm wood produces a charm to this £s n tiiAw-rfgffi group not often seen In furniture. The ff ha Kxg style also Is mighty attractive. For value, you simply can’t tiud Us equal mg any where. I*4 4R EJ IS Delivers This Suite to lour Nome 6L*9 W&tf' —— —...... .. Beautifully Finished Five-Piece Breakfast SETS SfWYSO A Typical White Value In Its beautifully decorated finish over '• light crilors this set Is a prize—one ,of fir Jr] a number in thia sale. A drop-leaf ta- bit and four aturdy Similar. to m mgm the one pictured above. Specially priced This Marvelous Eight-Piece x Dining Room SUITE £\ r a Easily Worth $149.50 E§L J >i)U You’ll marvel at this value when you Ml M BK# ttv it—wonder how we can sell such SA R 8 atjiwL fine quality furniture at this very low JUfjX price. To make friends we forget 4r profit. Kight pieces in walnut veneer ' H/jar \n —well proportioned, richly toned— U fjflj there's quality in every detail. Save Ml Mr vjL Jw “ Mr tlfc.OO Deliver* Thin Suite to Your Home. PAGE 13 Trade In Your Old niture for New.