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i^CRfPPS^HOrv^AR p CHARGE OF FRAUD, DEMAND FOR OUSTER FILED AGAINST NORTH INDIANA MARSHAL • .Victimizing of Women by ‘Home Work’ Scheme Laid to Frank E. Rozelle, New Federal Official. GOVERNMENT INQUIRY IS URGED South Whitley Magazine Editor Calls on Senator Norris, New and Sargent to Act in Sales'Case. Federal investigation of the Omaha Tapestry Paint Com pany of La Grange, Ind., alleged “home work scheme,’’ and removal of its owner and manager, Frank E. Rozelle, as mar shal of the newly created United States District Court for northern Indiana, has been asked of three Government agencies, The Times learned today. Fire was opened on Rozelle’s appointment and business by Robert E. Hicks, editor of the Specialty Salesman Magazine, published at South Whitley, Ind. This magazine vigorously has condemned operations of the Omaha Tapestry Paint Com pany as a scheme for victimizing women ambitious of earning money at home. Hicks’ request for an investigation and protest against Rozelle’s appointment as United States marshal was registered in letters to United States Senator George W. Norris, chair man of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which confirmed Roselle’s appointment; Harry S. New, Postmaster General, who was tol dabout Rozelle’s operations constitute unlawful use of the mails; and John G. Sargent, Attorney General of the United States, who was asked to investigate the “home work’’ com pany with a view to prosecuting Roselle for fraud.- Rozelle’s appointment as United States marshal bore the indorsement of Indiana’s Sen ators, James E. Watson and Arthur R. Robinson. The appointment, Hicks pointed out, place Rozelle in an important Federal post in the court in which his prosecution, if such is the result of the requested investiga tions, would be brought. Appointment Called Mistake To Senator Norris. Hicks ex plained that he believed Rozelle’s appointment was “a serious mis take” and would not have been ap proved by the judiciary committee ‘ had those who approved it known the facts.” To Postmaster General New, he repeated this statement and added that Rozelle ‘‘has been, I believe, and still is conducting a mail order business that is, on the face of it fraudulent.” This, Hicks contended, should be the basis for prosecution of using the mails to defraud. Hicks’ letter to Attorney General Sargent asked an investigation, with a view to prosecution, and explained that the editor had called the mat ter to Sargent’s attention “because I believe it my duty, as a citizen of the United States and of Indi ana, and as a life-long Republican interested in preserving the good reputation of the Republican party in this section of the country.” Methods Branded Fraudulent With each letter, Hicks included a brief disclosing in detail the methods he said are employed by Rozelle’s Omaha Tapestry Paint Company, in mulcting and mislead ing women and girls with the promise of buying back pillow tops, photograph holders, handkerchief holders and other materials sold them for painting. Rozelle has been operating the business since July 1923, Hick’s statement set out. “Prior to December, 1916,” he said, “Rozelle was located in Pferre, S. D. There he failed in business and was adjudged a bankrupt. “He located in LaGrange in December, 1916, and subsequently established a grocery store, known as Roselle’s grocery. About July, 1923, he purchased the business known as the Omaha Tapestry Paint Company, from one Herbert W. Lamb.” n How the scheme of Rozelle’s com pany operates to draw dollars from women and girls who are led to be lieve that materials bought from Roselle, painted and returned, will bring them easily earned profits, is related in eight “reasons” Hicks sets out for believing the plan fraudu lent: "1. Under the classified heading ‘Help Wanted—Female’ and in other ways, Frank E. Rozelle, in the name of Omaha Tapestry Paint Company, has advertised consistently home work to women “ 2. In answer to inquiries from this advertising, the Omaha Tapes try Paint Company mails letters and circulars pretending to offer to those answering the advertisements work at home coloring pillow tops, photograph holders, handkerchief holders, etc. / “With the letter and circular is sent a price list, showing number of designs and purporting to show the amount paid home workers - for coloring these designs. Must Buy Supplies *B. Women are solicited to do this work, but are informed they first must purchase a set of supplies and a number of patterns on which to tiy their skill. “They also are promised that with these supplies will be sent instruc tions that will make it easy tov. '*s X ’ V Complete Wire Reports of UNITED PRESS, The Greatest World-Wide News Service The Indianapolis Times Unsettled with showers tonight and probably Tuesday morning, followed by fair and somewhat cooler by night. VOLUME 40—NUMBER 32 them to color the designs satisfac rorily. “For all satisfactory work, they are assured ready sale to the Omaha Tapestry Paint Company, which, it is pretended, is seeking outside workers to supply its own demand for the completed work. “4. The outfit, consisting of nine colors and a few other supplies, is sold for $7.50, less 20 per cent for cash, making the cash price $6. “This is the regular price, but a special offer is sent out to those who do not take advantage ox the first offer. This special price is $4. The supplies and patterns, etc., cost only a small fraction of this price, which is, in some places in the lit erature, called a deposit. Misleading, Is Charge “5. Asa matter of fact, contrary to statements in the literature of the Omaha Tapestry Paint Cos., the business of this concern is not to sell completed pillow tops, etc., col ored by home workers, but its real business is to sell paints, picks, pat terns and the rest of the supplies at an exorbitant price to women and others who buy these supplies in the belief and because of the as surance of the Omaha Tapestry Paint Cos. that this company will furnish them profitable work at home. “6. Workers who finally do finish the sample designs and send them in for approval usually are informed that the work is unsatisfacory. “Possibly, work is accepted from a few of these people, but only to lend color to the claim that this concern is seeking workers, rather than merely to sell its supplies and instructions at a high price. “Only a small portion of those who buy supplies ever sell any of their work to the Omaha Tapestry Paint Cos. Evasion Is Possible “7. While the literature of the Omaha Tapestry Paint Cos. pretends that money will be returned to those who find they cannot do the work, the promise is so worded that the Omaha Tapestry Paint Cos. may evade refunds in most instances, and only a small number of refunds, comparatively, is made, both be cause of this fact and because the victims seldom request the return of their money, but pocket their loss and say nothing. “8. This is simply a home scheme, similar to many others that have been declared fraudulent by the Postoffice Department, and in some cases successfully prosecuted by the Department of Justice and con victions obtained.” Indiana, two years ago, was the scene of an important conviction for an offense alleged to be of a corresponding nature, when Glenn D. Fryer, then operating the Nile Art Cos., of Ft. Wayne, and Fashion Embroideries of Lima, Ohio, was sentenced to serve ten years in the penitentiary at Leavenworth, and fined SB,OOO in the United States District Court of Indiana. Hicks supplied the officials at Washington with copies of the La Grange company’s advertisements and literature. One of the advertise mentsh read: “$6 to $lB a Dozen Decorating Pillow Tops at Home. Experience unnecessary. Particulars for stamp. Tapestry Paint Com pany, La Grange, Ind.” Roselle in serted the advertisement, Hicks said, although the firm name is changed. Experience Necessary Despite the firm’s statement that the designs are colored easily and that experience is unnecessary, ex perience is necessary, Hicks insists, as letters of complaint and protest sent his magazine bear out. Best Foods, wholesomely cooked. Reasonable prices. Fletcher Cafe teria. basement Fletcher Trust Building, 10:30 a, m, to 1:30 g. m. Only a Hug! u u It Muc* Be Modest, but in Sunshine, Cops Tell Beach Petters. By United Press NEW YORK, June 18—A little hug on the beach is all right, but be modest about it or the policemen of Rockaway will put you in jail. The petting problem has become acute along the shore of Long Island and Police Captain Patrick Dinan has had to draw up a code for the petters and the po licemen who supervise them. Captain Dinan says an occa sional hug while strolling along the beach will not be construed as an offense against the law. but that these rules must be observed: All petting must be done in the sunshine. You must not pet in motor cars or buggies or any vehicles in transit. Girls must wear stockings in the water as well as out and one-piece bathing suits will not be coun tenanced. Undressing on the open beach or in automobiles before plunging into the surf is prohibited. BANDIT BULLET VICTIMS LIVE Man and Wife Are Shot by Robbers. With a man and his wife shot down by bandits' bullets in city hos pital, police and Sheriff Omer Haw kins today sought bandits who staged eight hold-ups over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Burson E. Manlove, living near Camby. who were shot down by two youths who attempted to rob them on State Rd. 67, two miles south of Maywood, early Sun day were reported in a fair condi tion. They were returning to their home from city market, where they have operated a poultry stand for a number of years, when shot. They had stopped beside the road because of engine trouble with their truck. The bandits in a light touring car, believed to have followed them from the market, drove up and asked directions to Martinsville. Fearing a hold-up, Manlove grabbed a re volver from the truck and fired when they ordered him to “stick ’em up.” The bandits both fired, one shot piercing Manlove’s arm and lodging in his chest and another wounding his wife in the breast. Then they fled. Manlove believed he wounded one of the men. Detectives are seeking two In dianapolis youths, out on bond on vehicle-taking charges, said to re semble the bandits. FLORIDA BANKS.FAIL Two Institutions Closed by State. By United Press WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., June 18.—The First American Bank and Trust Company and the Citizens Bank, both of West Palm Beach, failed to open today. Notices said the institutions, which withstood runs early in the year, were in the hands of the State banking department “for protection of depositors.” The First American Bank and Trust Company is capitalized at $500,000. UPDIKE VOTE MARGIN BOOSTED IN RECOUNT Adds 119 Over Hall; Campbell Gains 236 Over Brown. Congressman Ralph E. Updike has gained 119 votes in the recount of ballots brought by his defeated opponent, Archibald M. Hall, it was revealed today with the recount board finished the Tenth ward. In the same number of wards, County Surveyor Henry Campbell has gained 236 votes over Roscoe Brown, who won the nomination in the official count. At the end of the Tenth ward the counts stood: Updike, recount, 11,098; official, 12,068; Campbell, re count, 11,184; official, 11,919. The gain of Updike is in addition to the lead of approximately 2,000 votes he held in the official count. New Want Ad Service Starts Today The Times’ radio program, “News from Today’s Want Ads,” will be broadcast over station WFBM each day at 4:50 p. m. starting today. If you lose or find an article of value or need help of any kind, order your ad in The Times, where it will not only reach more than 250,000 daily readers, but also reach hundreds of thousands by radio. No additional cost for broad casting your Help Wanted or Lost and Found Ads. All you pay is the regular Want Ad charge. CALL RILET 5551. YOU CAN CHARGE YOUR AD. INDIANAPOLIS, MONDAY, JUNE 18, 1928 STORMS TEAR FOUR STATES; DAMAGE HIGH Southwest Faces New Peril of Floods, Winds in Stricken Areas. SIX ARE KNOWN DEAD 75,000 Acres of Farm Land Under Water in Kansas and Missouri. By United Press KANSAS CITY. June 18—New dangers confronted the Southwest today after a disastrous week-end of tornadoes, floods, hail and rain storms. While relief workers administered aid to the stricken sections of Ok lahoma, Kansas, Missouri and Ar kahsas and estimates of property damage rose into the millions, new storm and flood warnings were post ed in the crippled areas. Although demoralized communi cation left the exact toll In doubt, six persons were known to be dead, approximately twenty-five seriously injured and thousands homeless. The damage. It was believed, would amount to about $5,000,000. Flood Danger Is Growing In Missouri and Kansas alone. 75,000 acres of farm land were un der water. Ceaseless downpours in those two .States added to the flood danger at several points, although at Kennett, Mo., and Newpork, Ark., centers, of the inundated districts, the situation was reported to be improved. Pressure of the waters had been relieved by washed-out levees. In southwestern Oklahoma, where the toll in lives and property ran highest, relief work went forward steadily. Hadricke and Blair, reduced to shambles by a tornado late Satur day, were visited by volunteers of neighboring communities. Funeral preparations were made for four victims and medical aid was administered to three dozen in jured. Ship in Army Tents ■two hundred army tents were shipped from Ft. Sill, Okla., to house part of the 2,000 homeless, and it was believed no further aid from outside the section would be needed. Few buildings were left standing in Blair and Headrick, towns of 500 and. 300 persons respectively, and many farm homes in the thirty mile path of the twister also were demolished. A gap 200 feet wide in a levee on the St. Francis River twenty miles north of Kennett unleashed flood waters over 15,000 acres of land. About 20,000 acres already had been flooded on the previous day by a crevasse fifteen miles south of that point. Red Cross headquarters were estab lished at Kennett and today several hundred refugees were receiving care. A thousand men were work ing on the dikes to prevent further breaks. Wheat Belt Damaged Three thousand residents of Jack son County, Arkansas, were home less after the swollen White River overflowed Its banks and flooded 35,000 acres. Aid was asked for the refugees of Stephens and nearby towns. The damage there was ex pected to exceed $1,008,000. Extensive damage was reported in the Kansas wheat belt, particularly in Stafford and Reno Counties, where a tornado and destructial hailstorm struck late Saturday. Heavy rains and electrical storms swept western Missouri late Sunday. Two Lives Are Claimed By United Press FREDERICK. Okla . June 18.— Two more deaths were added to day to the storm toll in south western Oklahoma. Lewis McDon ald, 8, died in the Tillman County hospital here of injuries received in the storm, and S. A. Wheeler was killed when an automobile in which he was riding skidded into the north fork of the Red River. VISITS PRESIDENT Butler to Report Today on G. 0. P. Parley. By United Press CEDAR ISLAND LODGE, Wis., June 18.—Chairman William Butler of the Republican national commit tee arrived here today to confer with President Coolidge. Butler would not indicate the text or import of his conference with the President, but it was understood he was to report to Mr. Coolidge the ac complishments of the Republican convention at Kansas City. The conference was scheduled to be held at the executive offices at Superior, but a last-minute change in plans, due to inclement weather caused postponement of the Presi dent’s initial business visit to Su perior. Mr. Coolidge still was suffering from an abrasion on his right foot and it was feared any strain might aggravate the disability. Hourly Temperatures 7a. m 66 11 a. in 68 Ba. m 66 12 (noon)., 71 9 a. m 67 1 p. m 74 10 & Yes! Bananas! By Times Special BRAZIL, Ind., June 18.—A banana price war here has brought the fruit down to eight pounds for 25 cents, and much of the fruit is being consumed, the price being the lowest here in twenty years. One grocery alone had deliveries from an Indianapolis jobber of four large truck loads of bananas in two days. REED VANGUARD REACHES TEXAS Trainload of Missourians Move Into Houston. Bn United Press HOUSTON, Texas. June 18 —A train load of Senator James A. Reed’s supporters from Missouri moved into town today and set up Reed-for-President headquarters in the Rice Hotel. Samuel R. Fordyce. manager for Reed, began issuing statements im mediately, claiming the nomination for his candidate. This was the first sign of conven tion activity noted by the towns people here preparing for Jesse Jones’ own show, the Democratic national convention of 1928. Friends of Governor Alfred E. Smith say his headquarters will be set up Tuesday by George R. Van Namee, his pre-convention campaign manager. The early arriving dele gates found no flags,. banners or po litical advertisements. Newspaper editors here who arc supposed to register the opinions of the populace, say everything is over but the shouting. They have joined with the towns people to see that every delegate has a good time. There will be no anti-Smith dem onstrations, they say. CAR TOSSED 60 FEET Coupe Driver Is Hurt in Interurban Crash. A Ford coupe, driven by Michael Tierney, 32, off 637 N. Dearborn St., was tossed sixty feet and struck an iron post in front of the Claffey grocery, 6055 College Ave., when struck by a Union Traction Com pany interurban early today. Tierney was cut on the head, but not serious. The post, which help up a porch roof in front of the .-tore, was broken off and the roof demolished. Bernie Lewis, 46, Tipton, Ind., motorman, said Tierney crossed in front of the traction car, while in the middle of the 6,000 block. Tierney’s head cuts were treated at city hospital and he was charged by police with driving an automobile while intoxicated. PUSH HOSPITAL PLAN Health Board, Mayor Rush Architect Search. Health board members and Mayor L. Ert Slack were to confer with architects this afternoon preliminary to selection of an architect to design the new city hospital unit. Several architects have conferred with individual board members. The board is giving them an opportunity to show what public buildings they have built and whether they have designed a hospital. It is hoped that a decision will be reached so the board can select an architect and start the program to night. Dr. E. E. Padget, board president, Dr. Frederick E Jackson and Dr. H. S. Leonard will attend. Dr. Arthur E. Guedel is out of the city. BURGLAR IS 'TACKLED’ Football Rush by Roomer Results in Intruder’s Arrest. A “flying tackle” by William Wil cox, 30, a roomer at 228 N. New Jersey St., halted a burglar. The intruder said he is George Coffey, 45, of Sioux City, lowa. Wilcox discovered Coffey in his bedroom Sunday night. A suit case had been packed with loot includ ing SIOO when the burglar was dis covered. The burglar struck Wilcox, ran out of the door and had started dbwn the stairs when Wilcox caught him. The two rolled down stairs and Wilcox called police. PURDUE * GETS $20,000 % Governor Accepts Appropriation From Congress. Governor Ed Jackson today ac cepted for Purdue University the annual fund appropriated by Con gress for extension work by agri cultural schools of the nation. Proper forms to obtain the 1928 appropriation of $20,000 were sent to William M. Jardine, agriculture secretary. Under the Capper-Ketcham bill passed May 22. designated schools will receive $20,000 this year and a slightly larger amount each year hereafter. In the future the State Legisla ture will be required to appropri- I ate a like amount but the 1928 allot- j ment will be awarded without the matching fund. WOMAN FLIER CROSSES ATLANTIC IN 21 HOURS; LANDS ON WALES COAST Wins Atlantic Race Miss Earhart and Malts was Lew SUPREME CONFIDENCE OF BOSTON WOMAN IN HER PLANE PROVES JUSTIFIED SOUTHAMPTON, Eng., June 18.— Miss Amelia Earhart, a Boston so city girl, has succeeded in becoming the first woman to fly across the Atlantic ocean. Three women lost their lives in the attempt to win that distinction —Princess Anne of Lowenstein- Wertheim, Edith Mackaye and Mrs. Frances Grayson. Miss Mildred Doran disappeared in the Pacific on a flight to Hawaii. From the time she left Boston 15 days ago, Miss Earhart had shown supreme confidence in the ability of her plane, with Wilmer Stultz as co-pilot and Lou Gordon as me chanic, to make the flight. Keeps Her Confidence Bad weather conditions and re peated failures of the heavy plane to leave the water of Trepassey Bay with a really adequate supply of gasoline had not discouraged her. “We’ll get across when we do Congratulations Sent to Rival by Mabel 801 l By United Press ST. JOHNS, N. F., June 18.—“I congratulate them heartily and I take real pleasure in their success,” said Miss Mabel 801 l when in formed by telephone from here to day that the airplane Friendship was flying over British waters, its trans-Atlantic flight completed. Miss 801 l was called to the tele- Mother Is Overjoyed at Flight Success By United Press MEDFORD, Mass., June 18.—Mrs. Otis Earhart, mother of Miss Amelia Earhart, was overjoyed to day when she was informed of her daughter’s safety. , Mrs. Earhart and her other daughter, Muriel, instructor in a ‘The Girl Who Walked Alone’ at School Bn United Press CHICAGO, June 18.—Miss Ame lia Earhart was remembered by her friends of Hyde Park High School days as the girl “who walked alone.” Former classmates of the girl flier, who today became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic, recalled today that she was a “dreamer,” and that her dreaming kept her apart from school activi ties. MaJ. Reed Landis, son of Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis, and a former classmate of Miss Earhart at Hyde Park School, was “tickled Entered as Second-Class Matter at Postoffice, Indianapolis start,” she said. “I have supreme confidence in my plane.” Miss Earhart had said inciden tally that if this flight succeeded, she intended to make another flight with herself as chief pilot. She hinted that her flight might be a solo one, like that of Charles A. Lindbergh, whom she so closely re sembles. Miss Earhart’s farewell message to the American people, handed to a United Press correspondent in New foundland as she boarded the Friendship for her flight, said: “Saluting Old Glory, and thank ing our friends for their many ex pressions of interest, good luck and encouragement, we bid au revoir, not farewell, to the dear old U. S. A., within a few minutes of the time the Friendship vaults into the New foundland air on our eastward flight over the Atlantic. “Our confidence in the successful termination of our adventure is yn shaken.” phone by the pilot of her airplane Columbia, Oliver C. Le Boutillier, at Trepassey. “Bravo,” Le Boutillier had said on being told the news. “They de serve the highest praise. They started in the face of unfavorable weather reports, and they have achieved a splendid triumph in sur mounting all obstacles.” school here, had waited throughout the morning for news of the plane's progress and had been informed hourly by United Press dispatches. “We do not know anything of Amelia’s plans,” Miss Earhart said, “but we expect her to be home soon.” - to death” when he learned of Miss Earhart's successful landing. “It certainly is fine,” Landis slid. “Every one of her old classmates is proud of her.” Plans Tuberculosis Hospital Bu United Press TERRE HAUTE, Ind., June 18.— Plans for a tuberculosis hospital for Vigo County are before the board of county commissioners. The board has ordered the county council to convene June 29, to consider a $65,000 bond issue to construct the hosgitaj, u „, .■ i HOME Outsida Marion County 3 Cents TWO CENTS Amelia Earhart First of SeX to Accomplish Great Air Feat. FEW MILES FROM GOAD Boston Aviatrix and Two Aids Plan to Hop Again for Southampton. BY LEONARD SMITH United Press Special Correspondent BURRYPORT, Wales, June 18.—The trans-Atlantic, mono plane Friendship, with Miss Amelia Earhart, first woman to make a trans-ocean flight, as co pilot, landed safely in Burry in let, Bristol channel, at 12 :45 p. m. today, after a flight of 2,000 miles from Trepassey bay, N. F. Shortage of gasoline caused the Friendship’s landing 135 miles from Southampton, its destination. Arrangements were made at once to obtain gasoline and it was planned to continue to Southamp ton late today if the weather was favorable. Wilmer Stultz, who with Lou Gordon, mechanic, completed the crew of the Frienship, told the United Press correspondent, after he and his companions had been taken to Burry port, off which the plane landed, that he had been flying blind for eight hours before the landing. Fail to See Ireland “We failed entirely to see Ire land,” Stultz, the chief pilot said. “We did not know where we were when we landed. “We thought we were in the vicinity of Lands End, but did not know our location definitely until a motorboat came out from Burryport to meet us. “Aside from that we had no real trouble. “Everybody aboard was all right when the Friendship landed, al though we all are very tired. “The weather during the entire flight was cloudy. “At 4:30 a. m. today we lost our bearings and came down to within 400 feet. Try to Drop Messages “We tried to drop messages to a liner (The America) to get our posi tion, but could not get either one of them aboard (The America re ported this incident as occurring seventy miles east of Queenstown, Ireland.) “We are in fine shape, and can proceed to Southampton, our desti nation, whenever we are ready.” The Friendship landed about a mile and a half offshore. From the excited crowd watching the giant plane, an emergency crew was selected and a motorboat sped out to the plane. “Where are we?” asked Miss Ear hart and Stultz in unison, as the boat drew up alongside. Captain Fisher, in command of the motorboat, found Miss Earhart, Stultz and Gordon in normal con dition, but very tired. Stultz, as soon as he got ashore, began consulting maps to find his exact location, and then telephoned to Southampton, to the agents of the Friendship there. Makes 100 Miles an Hour The Friendship completed its flight in twenty hours fifty-four minutes, averaging almost exactly 100 miles an hour. Favorable winds thus increased its normal cruising speed by ten miles an hour. The plane left Boston fifteen days ago for Trepassey and had been held there until 9:51 (Eastern standard time) yesterday by a discouraging series of misfortunes. It left Trepassey with only 750 gallons of fuel—barely enough un der favorable conditions for the planned 2,070-mile flight to South ampton. Miss Earhart and her companions now are in the district from which Princess Anne of Lowenstein; Wertheim, first of three women to give ther in attempting the feat Miss Earhart accomplished, took off with two men companions in the ill-fated St. Raphael. Hoosier Dies at 100 MEROM, Ind., June 18.—Peter Woodall, 100, born in Monroe Coun ty, Indiana, Dec. 27, 1827, is dead here of pneumonia. Shoppers’ Guide Do your Tuesday’s shopping from the advertising in this issue: Department Stores—L. S. Ayres & Cos., Goldstein Bros., Leader. Drugs—Haag's. Furniture—Kirk, Victor Furni ture Cos. Women’s Wear—Miller-Wohl Cos.