Newspaper Page Text
•TAN. IG, 1930. Lepal Notices LEGAL BALE Hottce if hereby liven pursuant to the *talut.< that the undersign'd, conduci ng * pubUc *U>ragf house, will on Mon day, Pet>. 3 1930. sell for accrued charges he household and other goods belonging to the loilowing named people Guv All*ood. No. 576: Flossie Allen. No. 533 Joseph Allen, No. 454: Oscar Boyd. No. sec Mrs Marths Bulloclc, No 771. Const. Hawkins. No. 617 Dr Char ter, No 82719: D F Deakln. No. 571: Mattie Douglass, No. 545. Elcar Sign Cos . No. 537. Pic: ird GriJlin. No 307 Mrs. Orville Hodg" No 273 Luclle Hedrick. No 811467 Wllbir Mcßeth. No. 531: Vivian Plu No. 578; James Rogers. 521; C. etewart. No. S3' 1 SHANK FURNITURE AND STORAGE CO. 1432 N. liilnois St.. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Bids will be received by the board of trustee- at their office. Central State hos pital. Indianapolis. Ind until 10 o'clock a. m„ Friday. Jan 31. '930. lor the I*bor and material required for the completion of alte-a* -r/ and aridl’.on to h- p.-es er.t power house at t!u Central State hospital Indianapolis. Ind Drawings end specifications will be on | file on and alter Monday. Jan. 13. 1930. ! at the offices of the board of trustees of the Central State hospital, the state board of accounts: Bevlngton-Wllllams. Inc., englnee:* and Fo'.’c. Osier & Thomp son, architect' Release* will be made to bldderr on and af’er date from the office of the architects. 129 E. Market it.. Proposal- shall he made according to the form notched to the specifications and *ach shall be delivered In a sealed envelope addressed to the president of the board of trustee . mark'd -proposal and bearing the title of the work and name of the bidder Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified i berk payable *o ‘he board >f trustees In a sum equal to five per cert j .570) of the amount of the proposal in accordance with conditions Included in the proposal form, which check shall be for feited In case of failure of any bidder to enter into contract and furnish a satis factory bond In amount equal to the con tract price within eight ißi days after notification of accep'ance of his proposal The board of tru'iee Is not obligated to accept the lowest or any other bid sub mitted and reserves the right to reject ar.y or all proposals: to v aivp Informal ities in any proposal if it - hall be. .n 'he Judgment of the board, to the inter est of the sta'e of Indiana o to do. and to deter aeroplane’ or rejection for a period not to exceed eight i6i davs. A deposit of Jls will be required of prospective bidders for each set of draw ings and specific • tions taken from the of fice of t.-.e architects, which amount. Will he returner; ,n fuii in rare the follow! ig two conditions are complied with, via: <ll The re'urn of the drawings and specifica tions to the architects on or before Jan 31. 1930. and 12 > the delivery to the board of tru'tees of a bona bid at the time ! and place fixed for receiving bids. Should I the bidder fall In the observance of either I of these conditions, he shall be entitled to i a refund of five 'ssi dollar.-,: should he fail In the rbservanee of boih of the ren ditions. he shall forfeit the full amount of his deposit. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUBTF.ES _ Death Notices BADER. GEORGE—Beloved husband of •Lena C. Bader. stepfather of Charles, William. Albert. Otto Abraham. Mrs Ama Schultz and Mrs. Madie Huegele, tiled at the family residence. 2048 S Pennsylvania St., Thursday, Jsn. 16. 1930. at 4 a m.. age 68 years. Funeral services Monday. Jan 20, from E. E OROSS FUNERAL HOME. 1349 MadlSOh Avr.. 2 p. m. Friends invited. Burial Crown Hill. PROHAN. MICHAEL—Age 68 years, passed away Wednesday. Jan. 15. Funeral Fri day. Jan. 17. 830 a. m . iron) FINN BROTHERS FUNERAL HOME. 1639 N. Meridian St. Services, St. Johns church at. 9 a. m. Burial Holy Cross cemetery- Friends lnvtted. ROZIER, EDITH -Beloved wife of Edward Rozler. passed away Wednesday, Jan. 15. at residence. 607 Tecumseh St. Funeral Friday. Jan 17. at 2:30 p. m. from FEENEY Ac FEENEY UNDERTAKING PARLOR at 923 N. Pennsylvania St. Friends may cal! Thursday afternoon at undertaker's alter 2 p. m. Burial Crown Hill. Friends Invited. [Columbus papers please copy.] WAGENER. EDWARD I Belo-cd brother of Mrs. William Hodde. William E. Wngener and Harry C. Wagoner, of In* thtnapolls. pased away at St. Francis hospital Tuesday. January 14. Funeral services at the residence of his sister, Mrs. William Hodde. 1138 N. Oxford St.. Fridav. January 17. 2:30 p. m. Friends invited. Buriai Crown Hill. Funeral Directors WM. D. BEANBLOSSOM. Mortuary. Phone Be ISB3 1321 W. Ray St W. T. BLASENGYM Main office. 2220 Shelbv Si. Dresci 2570. George Grinsteiner Funeral director 522 E. Market , Riley 6374. UNDERTAKERS. HISEY Ac TITUS. i 931 W. Dele ware Li. 3821 ; LAUCK FUNERAL HOME 1458 3. Meridian. Dr, 2140. j J. W PATTERSON. Funernl Director. Riley 3606. "A REAL HOME FOR SERVICE” RAGSDALE & PRICE Ii 3606. 1219 N. Alabama I WALT) 12.32 Union Si. 1619 N. Illinois St | J C. WILSON funeral parlor: . ambulance i service and modern automotive equip- j merit. Dr. 0321 and Dr. 0322. Lost and Found BEAGLE HOUND—Pet only, lost vicinity 21st and Illinois. Reward. Ha. 3326, BULLDOG- Screw tail, with harness. Name- Buster." Children s pet. Lost vi cinity of 21st and Harding. Rew. Ta. 6835. KFYS—Leath -. c ,c. Hat. night: north Owner needs badly Rew. Wa. 9898. - • IJO Siu • OST S : :r!u*. . • reeds badly. R jjj ai : Call I L 1800.. j jVitnter" PUP Female strayed: brou n | ice and spot on side: lib re. Be. 1579 REWARD - Black cn. iet Minne apolis license on collar. Also my name. Purdy." Wa. 3950. WILL truck driver who picked up bale of cotton batting at South and Senate please call Be. 0367. Special Notices ANNUAL meeting of southside Turnvereln Hall Association will be held at 8 p. m Wednesday eve.. Feb. 12. 1930. at 306 Prospect street: election cf directors and transact other such business that may come before It. S. B. FOX. Pres. AFTFR Jan- 14. 1930. I will not be re sponsible for anv accounts contracted by mv wife. Mrs Clara Smithy DR. H. E. CRUM Specializing in digestive trouble. 3217 E 16th St Ch. 4638. 4 NDICOTT-JoHNSON—Work or dies shoes. *1.98 to *3.98. Overalls, pants shirt', gloves cut prices. 118 Virginia Instructions “aviation Brter now and assure your future. Oround engineers and pilots earn ar high as *I.OOO per month. Investigate Curtiss Wright Gov. Approved School. Terms 104 Monument Circle. LI. 4282. Open eve. Transportation STAGES fg IWTYRSTATT TRANBrr._ Ride in Comfort Great Lakes to Gulf Coast to Coast Gbleaso $ 4.00 Pittsburgh | s on Payton .TOO,Philadelphia 16 00 Detroit 8 00 Now York .... 1*4.00 ClnHnnntt* ... TOO St. Louis 5.00 Louisville ..... CSO Kansas City.. 900 Nashville .... 700 Denver 2C50 Jacksonville . 22.00 Lot Angeles .. 47.50 New Busses—Air Cushions — Reclining Chairs Gold Medal Drivers Three Convenient Depots DENISON HOTEL TERMINAL RI. 4000 104 Monument Circle Lincoln 40rt0 Union Bus Station KI ley 2255 Business Announcements KEATING, plumbing, bake ovens, boilers. grates repaired. Call Ta. 3414. LEATHERS— Bought son. ana renovated feather mattresses. pillows made to order 8. F Burkle 431-433 Mass Ave Rl 689* * *4~PER ROOM For 1 month only: owner fur and hung Tr. 2415 F:ahk Jackson. Cb 7004 RUGS" cleaned 9x12 *1 50 Call 'or del 10-da spec Keejner Rug Cos Ch 5336 _ PAPERHANGING —And aecoraung. reduced prices good work; rei Cb, 1884. CLEANING, papering, floor sanding, re flnighing of all kinds. Jones. Ch. 0&7. 83.75 PER ROOM. Paper hanging, furnished and hung: guaranteed. Ford. Cb. 8051-W. Business Announcements BATH ROOM—Complete. *7O: plumbin A- he a ting lnstaile and; reasonable. Ta. 4057. BROWN <k BROWN— Magnetic paint will keep vour cellar dry. LI. 3298 TINNING— Gutters, spouting, roofing, fur nacev cleaned, repaired; free estimates Chav. Goldstein. 1040 S. Mer . Dr. 3431 PAPER HANGING SPEC. PRICES FOR THE NEXT MONTH. DR 3747, MCOY BROB Interior cleaner pa.ntlng. gen. house cleaning painted wails washed, resurfac'g cf herc-cc floor l , paper cleir.'g. Dr 2739. HFr..;AL Ss - e 20 tr.;* next month, all rt;nd.s la-, atones, hath tubs, kitchen sink . aH in.naflT£ns_ rf_j Hn r 866. H:. 2555 Help Wanted Male 1 HAVE -In Indianapolis and surrounding territories irnmedia;- employment for 20 men. with or without cars, who have house-to-house sales ability and desire a permanent connection paying big returns and offering unusual opportunity for ad vancement. A. D. Teare. 622 Peoples B_; :ik Bi _dg. USED CAR SALESMAN With privilege of selling new cars; good opportunity for a man who is ambitious sfIOLTY MOTORS. INC. Authorized Fo.d Dealers. 3316 D. Wahlngton WANTED RADIO SALESMAN Oldest organiration of its kind In state, offers you permanent employment with special renuneration. We train you at i Irvington Store, 5618 E. Wash. RADIO SALESMAN Must be experienced. See Mr. Boyd, i Pa no Cos . 35 Monument Circle. Uc!o Wanted Female REPRESENTATIVES for city and sur rounding district for fine lingerie, hosiery arid Boston made dresses. 303 Bankers : J V. FOSTER. MIDDLE AGED WOMAN— For housework and to help with children. 1411 College Ave. Call 4138. Situations Wanted Male MAN TAlLOß—Temporarily out of work, solicit;, repair ol cloth, ,ur gar . estimates given. 6934 Oak Ave.._tr. 1836-R. PLUMDERr—ALL KINDS OF REPAIR WORK _P FA SONABI.S. RI. 1695. WANTED Janitor or porter work or house work by the day; ref.; colored. Li. 8658. Rooms for Kent ARSENAL. 144 N Apt. 5: nice rm.: steam heat; private, family: $3, Rl. 3645. BUCKINGHAM DR.. 208—Attractive warm rm.. garage optional. Hu. 5872. CENTRA!. 2418—Nicely turn, front rm.: private home: gentleman preferred. CENTRAL. 2325—Attractive rin., Ist cuss home: 1 or 2; references exch. He. 3737. CENTRAL. 3149 Pleasant dble. rm., well heated, suit, fer 2. $3.7:) each. Wa. 2122. CLINTON HOTEL- 29 Vi T. Ave.": clean". Pc an i heated, a Iso housekeeping: $3 to £6. COLLEGE, 2206"'a—Nice rm.. adjoining fcarh; private home; gentleman; reas. He. J44L COLLEGE. 2645. Apt. 3—Mod. furnished rm., steam heat, hot water. He. 4576. Denison hotel Pennsylvania and Ohio. Now Is your opportunity to secure a nice warm room fur winter. Complete hotel service. Rates surprisingly low; $5 wk.: 2-room suites; parlor, bedroom, bath for 4 persons, as low as £75 mo Let us show you. DREXEL ARMS. 730 N. ILL.-Desirable rras., $5 week up; 2-rm. suites with bath, $lO week up. LI. 2821. east; SL 718—Front rm.. steam heat: home privileges. EMERSON. N.. 421 Front rm.. bath, adjoin, gentleman. Ir. 1336. ID, N. 120 -2 lovely mis.; private home; 1 or 2. Ir. 4659. _____ MARKET. E.. 528 Sleeping rms.. steam heat. *2 wk. and up. Ri. 4919. MERIDIAN. N. 1927 -Large lovely single rm.: warm; clean front; reasonable. ME ■Ti> -• > . -v 6. • .M.’teiy furnished, steam-heated sleeping rooms. Rl. 6981. NEW JERSEY. N~ 3047 Attractive rm.; pri. home: Instant, hot water. Ha. 1844. new" j'-SySEY.~N.. 2103. -Modern, "priv. home; nicely furn.. front rm. Ha. 3854-W. NEW JERSEY. N., 1510—Large, attractive, _sjearn heated room. Li. 6019. NEW YORK ST.. E.. 310—Modern "home: cozy. warm, front room. Not a rooming house. $4 or £4.50 per week. NORTH—Private home: lovely, warm, •small, sleeping room. Ha. 4897-W. OHIO HOTEL. 126V 2 E. Ohio —Clean rms ■ steam heat: hot, cold water; 85 wk. & up. RUCKLE. 1f,37--Nice, warm rm., private ho'i'P. meals ont. He. 2020, RURAL. N. 1210—Large rm.. next bath, couple or 2 girls. Ch. 0699-J. TALBOTT! 1635 N.—Attractive, warm frri.: mod.; ailioining bath: good location. 320 E. VERMONT Nice, warm sleeping rooms; plenty hot water; reasonable. Ri. 0575. WALNUT. E.. 412—ATTRACTIVE RM.. HOT WATER: HOME PRIVILEGES. WASH.. E.T 1710—1 modern sleeping room; S3. 1,1. 4081. 10TH.. E. 2417—Clean, comfortable, warm room for 2: reasonable, Ch. 3473. EMPLOYED girl to share home. In ex change for company. Go home week ends, preferred. Dr. 6083. NICELY furnished 7m.: 111.. Northwestern car lines: 1 or 2 men. Ha. 2189. 2 ROOMS—Heat furnished; references. Dr. 0 ! 53-J. LOVELY’ ROOM—Modern apt.; plenty hot water; close in. 1,1 3749. Room for Rent With Board ALABAMA, N.. 1802—Rm.. board, home cook.; private family: men pref. Ta. 6626. ALA.. N.. 2201—Large front rm.. suit, for 2 c 7 50 each; home rook. ASH'"' ND 2",54; mod rn' room, board, for ome pri leg* . hf. *659. rOL. N.. 3126—Attractive rm.: private home conking: gentleman. Ha. 0148-R. CENTRAL 2215 —Nicely furnished front room: 1 or 2; good meals. He. 3220. CENTRAL; 2358—Cozy warm - rm.. *3.50; board opt., gentleman. Ta. 6576. DELAWARE. N . 2330. In private home. $7.50 for !: sl4 for 2 Ha. 4859-J EMERSON - S.. 142- Nice furnished rooms. with meals. Ir. 3167. GRACELAND. 4235—Warm room; home privileges: girls; garage. Wa. 2627-J. tt.i , N.. 2734 —Nlrei' furn. rm.: home atmosphere, ladies, gentleman. Ha. 2037-J. MINNESOTA. E.. 265—2. warm, modern rooms: reasonable. Dr. 0432, PENN.. N.. 1864—Lovely home, private lavatory, toilet, references; sl2. SOUTH RM. Private home: across from go's links: 1 or 2. Ha. 1072. NTH. tV.. 3355 Furn. front rin.: meals or kitchen privileges. Be. 3585. after 6. 30TH. W. 541- Rm.. near hath: modern. private home: 2. mnls optional. j * REN TO BOARD Modern home. 606 Somerset Ave. Bp 4963. CHLIDREN—Room and board; *3 week. Call He. 1772. CHILDREN- MOTHER S CARE: GOOD HOME. CH. 1630. ROOM AND BOARD -Girl, empi.. private family: home privileges. He. 2742. CHILDREN TO BOARD Mother's care"; near school: $4. Ri. 8863 Rent Housekeeping Rooms ALABAMA. N.. 528-Targe room, kitchen- Ge. first floor; warm; $6. Rt. 3675, ASHLAND. 1650—2 rms.; gas range, pri vate entrance; gar.: $6 He. 2298. ASHLAND. 1634 1 housekeeping rm.; con nects bath; private entrance. He, 4401. BARTH, 1315—2 furnished rms.. 1 square •Shelbv carline. BELLEFONTAINE. 936- Nice, clean, room. well heated, near bath. Li. 3953. BROADWAY. 2023—New iv cecorated. warm rm.. kitchenette, sink. He. 2687, CAPITOL AVE.. N.. 3315—3 vacant rooms for housekeeping: private entrance; ev ervthin.'; furnished: reasonable. CAPITOL. V. 1131—Nicely furnished rooms 2 or S steam h“at: also sleeping rooms. *2 50 and up Rl 7937. ILL.. N.. 3120—Change in furniture. k.: hrnette apt., exc.bed. Reas. Adults. LEXINGTON. 1021—Large front rm. down; private entrance, gar. Dr. 0562-J. MARKET E.. 634-—2 nicely furnished rms.. upstairs. Ri. 2102. MERIDIAN. N.. 1835—Nice, clean, desire able apartments: furnished. MERIDIAN. N.. 1728—Apt. 2: 3 rms. furn.; could use some furniture. Ta, 1592. __ MORRIS. W.. 1414—3 rms.; everything furp.; nr Nordyke & Mar. Call aft. 3p.m. NEW JERSEY. N. 711—1 large room. *5: ' ep;ns room. $3.50. Li. 9019 NEW JERSEY. N.. 134 - Good. warm. housekeeping rooms. Rl. 4145, NF55' JURSFY. 1029 N. 2 furn., mod. rms.. kitchen, bath, cuio space: S5. NEW JERSEY. N.. 2042—1 and 2-room apartments cozily furnished, good heat, electric laundry, teleohone adults. new JERSEY N.. 1207—2 warm rooms; also 2-rm apt. Rl. 8875. NOBLE. 615 S.—2 or 3 rms.; furn. apt.: steam heat; everything furn. walking distance: week or month: adults. OHIO. E.. 540—2 housekeeping rooms. *4 rer week: 1 room, *3. _ _ OHIO. FT. 540—Housekeeping, rooms; $2.50 per week up; garagt ORIENTAL. N.' 20—2-rm furr. apt..'also front sleeping nns. _LI 9055 PROSPECT. 719 2 or 3 mod. housekpg. or sleeping: everything furn. Dr. 6025. PROS?SCT. 2008— Ntcelv furnished mod ern light housekeeping rooms. SHERMAN DR.. N.. 2406—Modern 3 rms.. downstairs: everything furnished. Wl" INDPLS.. I. 3. or 3 rooms; private entrance. 653 Birch Ava. Rent Housekeeping Rooms WOODRUFF PL.—Apt.: completely furn.; priv. bath; hot water; *6 to *l3 wi. 10TH, E.. 321—2 connecting furn. front mod. rms.; 2 beds; excellent heat; auto spa or. Employed. $6. 512 E. 11TH BT. 2 Suites, also sleep., mod., Li, 9647. f7TH, E.; 523 —2 front rooms, furnished. modern. Central car. 35TH. W . 1441—3 rms. up. alnk; water paid: *ls mo. Wa. 0110. NICELY FURNISHED—2-rm. apt., near Fountain Souarc; *7. Dr. 3540-R. 115 LEOTA ST.—Two light housekeeping room. $3 per week. UNFURNISHED RMS.—2. 3 or 4 modern, heat, light, water furn: low rent. Dr. 3371. Houses and Flats Furnished AUDUBON RD., S.. 214—2-room furnished a part m ent, *3O. Ir, 3556-J. BROADWAY. 4831—2-way double, nicely furnished; 5 rooms, bath, garage. Hu. 6909 : 4:30 to 7. BROOKVILLE ROAD. 5001—1 or 2 lovely rooms, priv. entrance, bath, kitchen, gar., adults employed preferred. Ir. 1499-M. DELAWARE. N.. 1017—1 room, kitchenette; private bath: sleeping room. LI. 1127, KEYSTONE, N . 2008—4 rooms, well, elec tricity, near school. S6 per week. RILEY 7 N.. 101—Warm, attrac. 3-rm. apt., fur . ga.. adults, $lO per week. Ir. 2495-M SALEM. 347(P-4 rms. bath: upper duplex: everything furnished; *11.50 wk, Ta. 6557. VILLA, 1627—Nice clean upper 4 rooms, modern apartment: private Oath, her.t. water, lights, gar. opt.: adults only, $9.50 per week. Ref, required. Dr, 4168. WALNUT, E.. 115—3 Rooms, private bath see housekeeper In basement. 11TH & College; Wallbrook: furn.: 3 rms.; efficiency: $42.50. Janitor or Ha. 0379-W. IdtH, W., 28—will share lovely home or boa rd couple. Ha. 4298-W. ALAMEDA APARTMENTS St. Clair & 111. Bts. Weekly or monthly; reasonable COMPLETELY FURNISHED—4-room apt; garage. Call at 2611 North Illinois St. 3-ROOM Half double: elec, gas, water, inside toilet: $6. Ha. 2132-J. SMALL - Clean modern home; basement yard: Dorcltes: 111. car. Wa. 2325-R. WANT to share elegant apt.; 2 bedrooms: residents away most of time. Willing to rent outright. Reference. Ta. 1660. Apartments for Rent ASHLAND. 1232—Large, clean living room, Murphy bed. breakfast kitchen, bath; ex celient. heat, hot water, Li. 6449. BELLINGHAM—36IO Balsam Ave.; newly decorated. 3-room epts.; $47.50; utilities furnished. Wa. 4413. BROADWAY, 21ST—1-3 and 1-4 rm. mod.; porch, ■•puth exposure; plenty ht. He. 4953. Tfio3 Central" .. T *45 to *55.00 1220 Park 43.09 1655 N. Alabama 37.00 1733 N. Meridian 70.00 3515 N. Pennsylvania 55.00 418 E. 15th 55.00 MOYNAHAN PROPERTIES 710 Union Title. Li. 3458. JULIAN, AVE.. 5627—New Marilyn Apts., 3 to 5-room suites; have Frigidaire, kitch en cabinet, gas range, radio connections, gar. See Mr. Vernla. Apt. 17. Ir. 1620. MERIDIAN AT 32ND— Lower 7-roonl apt., electric refrigeration; rent SIIO.OO. MERIDIAN. NT7 2235—Strictly modern 5- room apt.; good condition: oil-o-mattc heat: Frigidaire: SSO. He. 5858. Li. 2662. NORTH, W., 220—La Verne; colored; 4 rooms, bath. gas. electricity; beat, water; Janitor furnished; *3O. Li. 2662. He, 5858. apartment rental BUREAU Let us help vou find an apartment. W t take vou in our car No obligation of course. Ri 1371 AMBASSADOR APARTMENT HOTEL Beautiful ultra modern, furnished oi unfurnished; *60.50 and up Daily or monthly rates. Hotel service. Phone R! 137’ or call at building. 850 N. Penn. KRIEGER 336 E. Prospect One and 2-room apts., newly decorated; $25 and S3O. See custodian or call Li. 5391. H. H. WOODSMALL & CO. ' ADAIR 2154 N. Pennsylvania Five large rooms, thoroughly modem, with garage, SSO. Shown by appointment only, Li. 5391. H. H. WOODSMALL & CO. THE HAINES—BIO>/ 2 N HI.: living rm.. dinette, kitchenette, bath. new, dec.; *35. Houses for Rent A3HLAND, 1637—6-room modern double, garage, water paid; *32.50. Li. 6662 or He. §657. BELLEFONTAINE. 2415—Attractive 6-room mod, double; reduced $35. He, 2277. BYRAM, 3856—4-room mod. double; in-a door bed; water paid; $37.50. Wa. 1164. CEDAR, 855—Completely modern 6 rooms, reduced rent. Call Miss Marer, Ri. 2727 before 4. Li. 1908 after 6. CENTENNIAL. 409—5 rras.: pantry; gas. e'ec.. porches, well, clst’n; gd. paper: sl6. CHESTER - 34~S.— 6-room double; sun par lor: garage: water od. S4O. Be. 1118-R. COLLEGE. 3247—High-class brick double, long living rm., breakfast nook. Ha. 3679-W. COLLEGE, 1500—8 rms.. mod. double. cleaned, good Jurn. S4O. Be. 2501-Rl. GRANT" N. — 928 ~4-roo:node rn double, garage, water paid. Ir. 3345-M. HAUGH. 422—5-rm. cottage: gas. elec.; garage: well, cistern; good paper: *ls, LEE. 1450—Double. 5 rooms, clean, gas. elec., garage, good condition: *lB. LEEDS. 339—4-room double, kitchen, newly painted, garage; S2O, Wa. 3498. LEEDS. 240—Double; 4 rooms: gas, elec., garage. Inside toilet, water paid: $lB. LEXINGTON. 1910—5-room double, bath. gar., water Pd.: $27,50, Ha, 3833-R eve. LUETTE. 644- 5 rooms, clean: furnace: near schrol; S2O. He. 2492. MERIDIAN. S., 1445—Modern 7-room double, water Daid: $35. Dr. 1713. MILBURN. 1712—Riverside car; 6 rooms, strictly modern; full basement; hardwood floors; garage; *27.50 if rented at once. RL 6623, MORRIS. E., 952—5 rooms, bath, garage. water pd.. $27, Ir. 3354-J, NEW YORK. W.—Close in: 8 rms.; mod.; new furnace. Can make rent back. Two weeks' dating; *25. He, 2470. NORTH. E., 2818—Cleaned; 4 rms.; strictly moderns water paid; S3O. Ch. 0509. NORTH ST . E . 5228—5-room modern dou zie: fine location: garage. Ha. 2350-W. OAKLAND, S., 22&-5-room double; rape: water paid; sl9. Dr. 2023-R. OHIO, E., 432L3(pL"bowntown; large house; suitable roomers; reasonable. Ta. 5754. OHICL W~! 192 Y-Double. 5 rooms, gas. elec.. ln?lde toilet, water paid; $lB. PALMER, E.. 1634—5-room house, water pd.. gas, elec., improved st.; $lB. Hu. 4368. PARK. 1545-47—Attractive 5 rooms, city heat: $37.50 plus heat. Li. 2407. PROSPECT. 1812—6-rm. house, furnace. Indoor toilet, hardwood floors. $35. A. R. Madison. Ha. 3490-M. or Li. 5966, RITTER. S.. 145—6-room modern, garage. water paid; *32.50. Ir. 1547-R, RURAL, S.. 413—4-room double; redeco rated: semi-modern: water paid. Dr. 1304. ST.' ’ CLAIR. E. 1122—Double. 9 rooms. modern, gd. condition: water paid: $22,50. Sheffield. 34. N.—Five large rooms, brick veneer double, hardwood floors thoroughly modern. Ideal, safe school facilities, splendid neighborhood, near all churches, ideal home, *SO. SINGLETON - 2108- 5-room modern; ga rage: S3O: near Garfield park. Dr. 1598. TACOMA 1626 N. —Attr., 6 rooms, strictly mod.: hardwood floors $37, Ir, 2360, UNIVERSITY. 4927—7-rm. mod., hardwood floors, good cond. Reduced to *25. Ch. 3365-J. TALBOTT. N.. 2531 —6-room modern dou ble. easily heated; garage: S4O, Ta. 5415. W. FnDPLS.. 625—Arber Ave.. 5 rooms. semi-modern double. Wa, 4815. wTnthROP. 4145—Attractive 3 bedroom double, sun porch, garage. *52.50. Li. 2423 TENTH. W . 3313—Cozy. 4-rm. mod. dou.; good furnace: garage: S3O. Ha. 2476-W. TENTH. E.. 3707—Almost brand new, at tractive. 4-room bungalow double; com plete bath: Heatrola: garage. Call Miss Wiehke. Ri. 9512. or Miss Eisner, Ir. 3955. 29TH, W.. 361—Il’inois car. 5-room mod ern double, garage. *3O. Wa. 0428. 31ST ST.. 342 W.—6-room modern double: excellent condition; toilet on first floor: full bath up: near school, car and bus; garage: beautiful location: S4O. Hu. 7175. COLORED—Highland PL. 2846: 5 rooms, toilet, garage, w a ter pd., $24, Ta. 6675. sTs—l726 W Minnesota: T-rcem douhle: electric lights gas. garage: newly pa perert- good condition. Ri. 6367. 6-ROOM—Strictlv modern: bullt-lns: large yard: near car line: double garage. Ir. J736-L Single Home for Colored S rooms, elec, lights, gas, inside toilet. 747 W. Michigan. $25. Dunlop & Holtegel LI. 6517. 122 E. Market. TRY TIMES WANT ADS FOR BUSINESS Suburban for Rent RENT FREE—To February Ist: high and drv district raise what you eat; Rock ville Road. Stop 6’j. 3~DQORS _ froir. bus nicely furn. bungalow; double carsge; *lO week. Ri. 2104 Business Places for Rent PACIFIC Ooaa* Borax Cos. will share office vlUt rtspomflbi® party; *3O, RL 4771. THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES Business Places for Rent _ ! FOR RENT—Deeslrable storeroom on Ala bama. comer of E. Washington, rear Wal green Drug Store. C. L. SORENSEN, 10 N. Osage. Li. 2378. Houses for Sale $250 DOWN NEAR GARFIELD PARK. New 5-room modem bungalow; brick and cement porch, hardwood floors, al cove bath, shades, linoleum; garage. 1046 ALBANY ST $4,350 1048 BERWYN ST $4,500 | RI. 2509. N. J. FOX. HU. 1168. j BARGAIN ! Out-of-town owner will sacrifice flve | room and bath home at 950 W. Thlrty i second St. This is a real chance for someone. Will accept cheap automobile or vacant lot as down payment. Address 1 W A RIBI-EY. 3529 Andover road. Ander son, Ind. Close in $2,500—550 Cash Five rooms, gas. electric lights, city water, inside toilet. Call MR. CAINE. Wa. 0245. Beech Grove 5 Rooms and Furnace *SO cash. S3O per month. 2 lots. Call Mr. Caine. Wa. 0245. __ NEW. modern. 5-room bungalow; built-in cabinet, breakfast nook, shades, hard wood floors, brick porch; cheap: $3,950; on terms. Ha, 1291-J. FIVE ROOMS—-3 lots; near 3100 Madison Ave.. SI,BOO If sold this week. 866 Vir ginta Ave. Dr. 7174 or Be. 2996. 5-ROOM modern, north side of Rhodius park; easy terms. BRIDGES & GRAVES CO. 243 N. Delaware. 351 l E. WALNUT—6-rm. bungalow, semi mod.; gar.; SI,OOO cash. Mr. Sam Smith. Suburban for Sale NOTHING DOWN ~ 5-room semi-modem bungalow, newly papered, nice home, only 2 years’ old: garage and front drive; located 4300 west, near National road. Payments S3O per month. Call FRAZER, Li. 2318. SCHLOSE BROS. INV. CO.. 137 E. Wash. Real Estate for Exchange 2819 Adams —5 Rooms Modern, hardwood floors, high lot, garage, trade for suburban. Kinnick and Hill. 807 Fidelity Trust Bldg. Ri. 8825 eves.. Ch. 1584-J. Storage and Transfer LOCAL AND OVERLAND HAULING—Spe cial prices on large or small lots to all points. RI. 6561. RL 3628. CH 4579. Nites— Ch. 0699-W. LOCAL AND OVERLAND TRANSFER. Fire-proof storage house. Store now. pay 6 months later. No charge for hauling In. New trucks. Experienced men. PARTLOW-JENKINS MOTOR CAR CO. 419 E. Market. Ri. 7750. BRITTON TRANSFER—Moving $3.50 load; large trucks, responsible men. Dr. 7616. TRANSFER—Storage, packing. shipping. Low rates on California shipment. OTTO J. SUESZ. RI. 8361. RI. 3628. CH 1579, —Nites— Cll. 0699-W J H. TAYIOR TRANS. & STORAGE SPECIAL PRICES OVERLAND-To or from Chicago. St. Louis. Detroit, Cleve land or other cities. Dr. 3071 or Rl. 4265 Miscellaneous for Sale BREAKFAST SET—Beautiful living room. 9-pc. dining room complete, bedrm., rugs. occasional tables 2428 N. Meridian. SUPERIOR HOUSE PAlNT—Outside "or in side. 15 colors and white. $1.64 gallon. COMPETITION PAINT CO.. 366 S. Me ridian St. Ri. 9165. RUMMAGE SALE—Winter Coats end clothing, big variety, lot good gas stoves and furniture at prices to suit vour purse. 127 W. Georgia St. SINGER SEWING MACHINES—AII in per fect sewing condition $lO up. Singer Cos. 126 W, Wa; h. Ri. 9718. SCHOOL BOOKS—New and used, pay cash for used books. Crawford's Drugs. Li. 1800 SINGER SEWING MACHINES—New and used, drophead Singers as low as $10; portable electric, s2a. SINGER CO.. 405 Massachusetts Ave. LI. 8463. WASHERS—Electric. 7: must be sold at cost, bargains. Patterson Shade Cos., 3rd floor Woolworth Bldg.. 9 E. Washington. (Elevator service.) ELECTRIC WASHERS —We rebuild and service all makes. ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CLEARING HOUSE. LI. 3707. WAGON SCALE—IO-ton, 16x8 INDIAN APOLIS BCALE CO. 620 E- Washington St. Ri. (726. 12 GAGE Winchester pump gun, 1-year old; $25. 2905 Moore Avee. SOLID MAHOGANY dining suite, cheap: 18 lolding chairs, yater cooler, mapy useful tihngs; many antiques In dishes. N - v "- for. Penn, fc 27th St. Variety shop. COOK STOVE—Lovely dresser, painters equipment other furniture. Ha. 3695. HOOVER vacuum cleaner; good cond.; bargain. 2910 E. 17th St. Ch. 2817-R. ELECTRIC SWEEPER—Bee Vac. like new: only used few months; barg. Ri. 4935. WATERPROOF tarpaulins, truck covers, wind breaekrs,'all sizes carried in stock. See us and save money. HOOSIER TAR PAULIN AND CANVAS CO.. 1302 W. Washington St. ; INCUBATOR—BS-e'gg. Is! class, never used, will sac. 4ir trade. 160.) Spruce. BOY’S Leather Jacket, a,so can: Georgette dress, sjze 14; bargain. Hu, 4726. LADY'S FUR COAT—Gray Persian Lamb, size 36: real bargain. Be. 3548. CAMEO PIN—IOO years old. $lO cash. Cail Ch. 2940-M. *2OO NEW FUR COAT—Never been worn; will take $59 cash. Ri. 7748. CHIROPRACTORS ATTENTION Suitcase table. Palmer text books, Baumonometer. spine, cheap. Rl. 0339. FURNACES all makes, cleaned and re paired properly. Model. Rl. 0369. SAMPLE dresses: silks, woolens, velvets, half price and less: sizes 16 to 40. LOUISE BRIDGES DRESS SHOP. 1109 Park Ave. Li. 8167. LlNOLEUM—Remnants; lale patterns, low prices. PATTERSON SHADE CO.. 9 E. Wash. St.. 3rd floor Woolworth Bldg. Ri. ' ■*96, (Elevator service >■ BATTERIES—New guaranteed. $4.90 ex.; used *2.50 ex. 805 Mass. LI. 0518. DRESSES—TaIk town, stylish Stout; $12.75. 668 Arch St. Ri. 3208. RED STAR RANGE —Like new, day bed. library table, very reasonable. Hu. 5781. Unclaimed Freight Station 1 four-burner hot oven gas range, $40.00. 1 Enamel parlor heater, $30.00. 1 two-burner kerosene range, SB.OO Baking ovens, SI.OO each. 25 Overnight bags, 50c each. 43 Window sashes and parts, $3.00 for the lot. 1 four-hole kitchen range, $15.00. 1 Ideal hot blast heater, $3.00. 1 four-bowl Marvel kitchen and laundry stove. $7.00. Hand washing machines, $4 and $5 each. 1 Feed cutter, $12.00. 1 Bedroom suite, $30.00. Breakfast tables. $4.00 each. Ash cans, garbage cans, galvan ! ized pails, tubs, wood doors, iron : pumps, rugs and linoleum. Hose bibs 50c each, and many other articles at bargain prices. Corn Capitol Ave. and South St. Miscellaneous Wanted H FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. HOMES COM PLETE PREFERRED HODGES AUCTION RI. 2019. HOUSE CLEANING?—Your surplus cloth - ing. furniture, magazines papers, will help ur to help others. f?alv3tiotr Army Industrial Home Phone ior wagon. Ft; 6622. 127 W. Georgia St. FURNITURE—3 rmf. or more, odd lots for cash Hu 7274. Radio and Equipment INVENTORY SALE All-electric radio sets, $35 up. Battery sets. $16.59 up. Everything has been markd down. Terms if desired. RADIO BARGAIN SHOP 225 E. Washington St. Large assortment of phonographs. all electric to close out at cost. Patterson Shade Cos.. 3rd floor Woolworth Bldg.. 9 E. Washington. Ele vator service. RADIO SERVICE—On any make radio Fower pack and eliminators a specialty EAST END RADIO. Ch. 4033. WE sell and service all makes radios Easv terms. Aerial*. *4. Fount* c Hardware Cos.. LI 5381 REPOSSESSED Majestic for balance due Doll, 3340 Madison Ave. Dr. 7719-J. *lO FIRST PAYMENT—PhtIco. most per fect radio: free demonstration. R. L. Berry. 227 W, 42nd. Wa 4459. „ EFFICIENT radio repairing, service calls $1 LANE S. 2838 S. 10th. Ch. 021*. RADIOS—Anv make serviced, repaired. Calls *l. 1701 Roosevelt Are. Ch. 6848. RADIO CABINETS—WhiIe they la*t: $5 •each. ALLEN. 511 Mass. Ave. DAY PAN—In cabinet, batteries and tube*, A-l condition, *25. Wa. 0J74. BUEBCHER SAXOPHONE- Para mount bar.Jos. C. F. Martin guitars Pensel Mueller clarinets Bettony flutes. Roth-Art violins. The best In eserv line of musical Jnerchandisi Sold on convenient terms. Write lor catalogue today. 128-30 N. Pennsylvania St. Pearson Piano Cos. GRAND. $315 BALANCE" DUE W ILK ING MUSIC CO. Li. 641 DRUMS—Lcedv: ccmp:ete: marvelous bu SSO. 2018 Central Ave. Ta. 0362. TWO ORTHOPRONIC VsLTROLAS These were repossessed and can had by finishing payments Prices S3B . $49. Formerly sold as high as slf W ILK ING MUSIC CO.. J2o_ E. Ohio bl GRAND PIANGB SltghUv Used. Shopworn. Rentals. $395 Ui KIMBALL PIANO STORE. ' Riley 8538 150 N Delaware S' EDISON PHONOGRAPH. SlO WILKING MUSIC CO. 120 E. Oh: SAXOPHONES—Trumpets. etc.. eas.e Eavment plan In town. Lorenz Saxopho __ chool. ground floor. Pembroke Arcad: , PIANOS fOR RUNT. SI.OO Per Month BALDWIN PIANO CO 35 Monument Circle. LI. 733. COLUMBIA Victrola, mahogany. 390 records, A-l condition. $35 Ch. 0353 BEAUTIFUL Kurtzmann upright. $33 50. Terras. Wllking Music Cos.. 120 E. Ohio PIANO—-A. B. Chase, medium upr.ght, ma hogany, including upholstered bench, ex cellent condition. SICO. Wa. 3811. ORTHOPHONICS FOR RENT $1 PER WEEK PlANO—Upright, mahogany: beautiful tune: good condition; $35. Ri. 4015 PIANO—Baby Grand; good condition; great reduction for cash. No dealer. 433 R""" Ave, LI. ??51. L/.0.-.u ROOM but lE IS pcs. excellent cond.' real berg. Hu. 5945. BEAUTIFUL gray port dein i.fv. Peerless combine.tlon range. 833 Oliw St. VICTOR VlCTßOLA—Mnh.'"wi’h r?co''<K good as new: -. erv reasonable. Dr. 5472-R. STBINWAY GRAND—WiII take uprlgh in trade. OTTO GROF 1317 sT.r'n Ave VICTOR ORTHOPKOMC main".. 40 re - . like .rraw; very re- 1 \- v 1 e m. 0177-J. PetA, and Live Stock MILK FED spring turkeys from our own farm. 12 to 20 pounds. Free delivery service. BOYER’S HATCHERY 34 N. Delaware. R1._54 79 FRESH COWS -Reasonable; cash or pay ments; first barn east of Arlington Ave. on 26th St,., Li. 9017. BOSTON PUPPIES^-Blue ribbon pedigreed: reas. 407 N. Arsenal. Ch. 2637-M. POLICE DOGS—4 months, eligible for res istratlon S5-410. I-j. 1?1S. 437 N. West WHITE English Leghorn cockerels: $2. £3". 29-11 Central. Ha. 2968. * SHOW DOG—Pedigreed. 5 months old; $25 leaving cltv. 013 E. New York St. FOX TERRlEß—Puppies only 8 weeks old, beauties. 1410 E. Vermont. Ch. 3365-J. BULL' TERRIERSP-2 - months old; eligible fer registration. Call Ch. 0195. CANARIES—RoIIers; eligible. beautiful' songsters: ve-v reasonah'e. Dr. 4350. Store-Office Supplies TYPEWRITERS — All standard makes new and used portables; Dalton adding ma chines. Rentals, repairs and typewriter supplies. AMERICAN V.’RITING MA CHINE CO., 137 N. Meridian St.. Board Os Trade Birig. Li. 6822. TWO showcases and one counter, display Ice bo:, cheap. Be 3722-R-4. ____ "TYPEWRITERS RENTED Lowest Prices. WOODSTOCK TYPFWRITER COMPANY Li. 4712. 748 Consolidated Bldg. DEMONSTRATORS and rebuilt machine left over from Xmas, also repair work. King Typewriter Ex.. 205 Mass. Li. 9470. ADDING _ MACHINE - ~ WALES" GOO ) CON:. $25. 36 8., MERIDIAN. LT. ,7263. TRY TIMES~WAN 7 ?' APS FOR BUS : NES£[ Business Opportunities DISTRICT MANAGER For Indianapolis and surrounding te-Ti tory for sensational new necessity. Un limited possibilities, tried and proven a sales success. We want a reliable man who Is not afraid of work, who will accomplish real results for us: to such a man we offer a real opportunity to build a business oi his own. which should be good for $303 to SI,OOO nor month, depending on the effort devoted. The man selected must have from SSOO to $1,500 to get started, which is fully secured and handled by himself. This is a bona fide, unusual opportunity which will stand the most rigid investiga tion. If you are a chronic ad snsverer. a curicsty eekar or- not financially handle, please do not answer, as this is .• company and we do not want the time ol our men wasted. Write or wire Sale? Manager. 800 N. Clark St.. Chicago. 111., lor rv-' ml ion blank and if accept-d. an appointment will be arranged to go into details. RARE OPPORTUNITY—FuIIy equipped drug store, excellently located, offered for sale in consequences of concentration on larger unit. Will sacrifice for quick sale to one of proven ability. Address Times Box A _7!L TAILOR SHOP ’ 14 years of pro; p r> bnsi'-rss can be bouglii reasonabl y 18 N WM SL CIGAR".-STORE—Offered for v Oppor tunity for person with limited cap:’. . to got in business. Sacrifice for quicn 'pie. Address Times Box A TO. TIRE and battery shop; must sell ier.'ing town; doing excellent business; good buy for right party. 1905 \V. Morris, BE. 1335. GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET FOR SALE. 650 S. LYONS. CORNER FILLING STATION 5-rm bun galow: reas. K. 10th and Linwood. Coal and Wood fnd. No 5 6-in. forked lump Is. Crk. W. Va. 6-in. forked block. 6.50 Is. Crk W. Va. 4-ln. forked lump . 6.25 tc, crk. W. Va. 2x6 furnace lump. 6.00 E. Ky. 6-in. forked lump 6.50 E. Ky. 2x4 egg 600 Foca. mine run. 4 >) c / c lump No. 3. TOO Genuine No 3 Red Ash Poca 8:75 Citizens basebUrner coke S.ia Citizens furnace coke 9.20 W. Va. nut and slack 4.00 KINDLING WITH EACH TON 225 S. lowa. Dr 6685. White Ash fkd. 1p...54.50 White Ash 6-in. blk. .$4.75 W. Va. fkd. Ip *..*6.00 W. Va. 4-in. block.. .$6.25 Is. Creek 6-in. b10ck.56.50 W. Va. shoveled $5.75 FANSLER COAL CO. 936 E. Vermont. LI. 7950. NO WHEELING CHARGE WEST VIRGINIA LARGE FORKED LUMP 6-7 xi No '5 $6.25 EUREKA COAL CO. j 128 N. Richland. Be. 2X36. 80 Lbs. 19c i stb vein Indiana 3-6 lump Return- I able sacks. 10c. Sacks exchangeable Hoosier Pete's 400 W Maryland. WE _ DELIVER \i TONS HY-TONE INDIANA LUMP $4.75 W. VA. BIG LUMP FORKED 6.2a ISLAND CREEK 2x4 LUMP 6.50 ISLAND CREEK. THE BEST 7.00 NO. 3 RED ASH POCA. LP. i Right off the car) ■ 8.50 Merchants Coal Cos. Owned and operated bv <"*arl H. Suess. RI. 5052 936 E. North for best VIRGIM'A coals - HAMILTON COAL CO. 56th and Nickel Plate. Hu. 5250 SPECIAL BLOCK f5 29 Whit* Ash lump ■■■■•: 47E HARVEY COAL CO. _ IJO E. Morris 8t Dr. 20M unrnm.MmDLETOS FUEL CO. QUALITY COAL. DR. 3100. '• i*. Goai and Wood iTjoWHiELCHAEGE e> IN INDIANA JL 6 IN. LUMP WESTVIR6INI& FBEDRiCK COAL CO \ esr 30v£An$ 1 80/-899 BEECH£% ST. f PHcrve o&sy-EL W. VIRGINIA LUMP $6.25 CLEAN FORKED W. Va large olock, large fkd $6.50 W. Viiginia, 2 to G-in. lump 6.00 VV. Virginia mine run. 50 % lump.... 5.50 Gt n Isi. crk. 2 to 6-in. Id. cln. fkd. 6.50 C ir Poca-spllnt has some earmarks of Pocr.iic itas but it is a firm coal and has a vp; high heat value. POC , . SPLINT CLEAN FORKED . 6.75 Economy ■ plint. cl. lkd 6.75 H'gii-Grade Virginia. ECHO LP CL. FKD 5.50 Will not clinker. Hold fire over night. Economy lump, clean I'orl ■ a . . 0.00 i Economy egg. clean forked ... 4.75 j A ' erv good India: .. No. 5. Indiana. No. 6 clean forked 5.00 | Wonder Pocahontas Rev .?h lump 8.00 Wonder P ahontas. mine run. 6.50 Immediate service to auvwhere in city. DR. 1220 DR. 1221 , Economy Fuel Supply Cos. "ECONOMIZE WITH ECONOMY" j BEST COAL FOR LESS MONEY B"RN GOOD COAL TILS tV i.Vi SR | * EACH TON 2.V DISCOUNT ON 2-TON ORDERS I ST VA. 6-IN BLK. CL. FKD . . .$6.2,’ j Best Va. 4-inch. rl. fkd 6.0 h Bcvt 3'a. 2 to 6-in. clean, fkd 5.90 Bos*. Va egg. clean, fkd 5.85 Best Va. mine run. 50'e lp 6.25 Ve.-v good furnace coal. Island Creek block, clean fkd 6.75 B st E. Ky. G-in.. large block, fkd... 6.75 Best E. Ky. 4-ln. lp., clean fkd 6.5 C Tiv our Ashlers Ky. washed eg -. 2x3 nut None better for rook st. or retort.. 7.00 Gen. Glendora 6-ln . large blk. fkd. 7.00 Glendora lp. medium clean, fkd ... 6.75 Gen. Glendora. 2x4 egg. clean, fkd.. 6.25 E. 111. lp. cln. tkd 5.00 Best White Ask reg. fi-ln.. e’ean. fkd.. 4.75 Best Ind. lp. C-in.. dean. fkd. No. 5. 4.75 B St Ind. egg 2-:1. clean, fkd 4.75 Genuine rep ash smokeless lp 8.50 No bettp' smokeless Poca. mined. Citizens coke, all sizes, fcaseburner.. 8.75 Deliver anywhere in City. Union Ice and Coal Cos. DR. 4671. 1910 Bluff i u will pay you to visit our yard and j see the difference in gc od coal. Est. 1908 WHEN BETTER COALS i ARE MINED We Will lie Selling Them AMBER JACKET V/e have sold this coal for years and | it ovv it is on- o, :.;e best and ci‘*apesi I coals money cm buy. It is a high-test Indiana coal. High In I her'., lov in ash. free from rock and , .slate. Holds fire over night and does not I clinker. THOUSANDS CF TONS SOLD ANNUALLY IN INDIANAPOLIS Largrs 4-i:i. Lp., cln. fkd $5.50 2::-j cln. fkd. fur. Egg $5.25 We ai-o curry a full line of high-test Wes: Virginia and Eastern Kentucky coals. ’ Genuine No. 3 red ash Pocahontas and Citizens ke. A.! ct reasonable prices. WE DEI.IV i TO ALL PAR ' S 0 F THE CITY. Brook side Ice and Coal Cos, CH. 1567 CIL 1568 SPECIAL CASH COAL PRICES Big W. Va. blk. fkd., $5.75 Indiana fkd. lp $4.50 2 TONS, 55.75 Eliminate diUt in your base- ' ment coal is delivered. Buy our dustless Pocahontas coal. Capitol City Fuel Cos. - North Yard HU. 1334-1335 South Yard DR. 0263-0264 f A (f M|) WesJ <4> vj © W va e j 6-in Lump Sewickley Seam 2 TONS, $11.75 NO WHEEL CHARGE Fredrick Coal Cos. Dr. 1792 H 076966 HU74373 WHITE ASH BLK $4.75 ISLAND CREEK. $6.75 POCA. 6-IN. LUMP SB-00 CODCO SPLINT $7.25 (’. 0. D. COAL CO. HU. 6986 HU. 4373 Money to Loan loans’ We make loans tp pav any or all of your bills ’.rd let you pay us in small monthly payments. We refinance automobiles—reducing vour payments. We write insurance for you to cover your indebtedness against sickness, ac cident or death. We refund lON of the interest paid if all vour payments are made according to contract. See ns first. Telephone Rl. 5027. Boom 24 Pembroke Arcade 137 E. Washington St. QUICK LOANS AUTOMOBILE OR FURNITURE Lr-al ra e. In -rr:t charged only for tlu ;me vou use the money. I Buckeye Finance Company 207 E. Nev York SL Ri. 4974. Rate 2% _ Lowest in City Public Welfare Loan 330 Occidental Bldg. S E. Corner Wash. Sc Ills. Sts. Riiev 3587. LOANS SIO" TO S3OO. METRO LOAN CO. 300 ROOSEVELT ELDG. i Li 2491 Es’abnshed 1887. LI. 2491. i Korth >'• corner Illinois and Washington. 1 NEED MONEY QUICKLY? Come in. write or phone, if vou need up to S3OO. Quica. courteous service. Beneficial Loan So ciety. New Citv Trust Bldg.. 108 E. Wash ington St. Room 601. Rl. 5045. MONEY TO LOAN First and second real estate mortgages. AUTOMOBILE and HOUSEHOLD loans Equitable Finance Cos. 219 E. Ohio. Li. 0605 LOANS On household goods, pianos, auto* CAPITOL LOAN COMPANY, 141 V a East Washington St. Ri. 7561 LOANS—SIOO to *3OO at 2‘ 2 per cent". HOUSEHOLD JFINANCE CORPORATION OF AMERICA. 404 Kresge Bldg. Ri. 7923. PERSONAL PROPERTY L DANS. SECURITY INV. Sc LOAN. INC. 136 N. DELAWARE. LI. 5050. Auto Supplies and RePjurs _ John gudelhosfer wagon co.-wtu repair of make new tops and curtain* lor your c*r. 202 Kentucky Av*. Automobiles Wanted WILL—Pay cash for vour car or toui faulty. I. WOLF AUTO CO. LI 4516. 561 N. Capitol pai cash (or late mode! used ard recked cars. DORMAN BROS . 529-31 Washington. Rl. 2793 CARS—Trucks, wanted: anv 00r.d.. old er n rer_k_m _23_l N Belmont. Be. 0848, Automobiles for Sale j These Offers Are Specially Priced for Quick Sale See them Today 1928 Graham-Tkiige Sport Coupe . $550 1927 Willys-Knight Sedan 375 1927 Stude. Vic.‘Coupe 350 1928 Nash Sedan .... 325 1928 Paige Brougham 325 1927 Olds. Sedan .... 300 1927 Paige Coach .... 295 1924 Lincoln Sedan... 275 1926 Marm on Sedan 7-pass. 275 1926 Hudson Coach.. 195 1927 Essex Roadster. 195 1926 Jewett Coach . . 125 Graham-Paige of Ind.. Inc. 1030 N. Meridian St. Phone RI. 7465 Open Evenings and Sunday CHEVROLET ”COACH. li'.'K Five and good tircr., motor thoroughly inspected r.r.d guaranteed. Wa? $425. now $335 Your old car taken in same as cash. Balance direct to us. OLIN CHEVROLEI USED CAR STORE, Fountain Square. Dr. 107 Y 1929 CHEVROLET COACH. B Dn not be told from new. ehrvonirrl Fully equipped, s-at covers OifvliOlELJ Has been run but 7.000 mile.' W;-Was $5lO, now $425. Olio Chevrolet Cos., 1040 N. Me ridian St. LL 536 L Open evenings. SEE OITR USED" CARS. FRANK FEESER CO. 1126 Prospect. 1926 FORD ROADSTER. $75 TR 4 .DE AND TERMS. C. K. MARTIN CO. 4451 W. WASHINGTON ST. FOLD TUDOR SEDAN SBS Here is your car r.nd priced so yoi can b"- It. Tre ' "id &HOLTY MOTORS, INC. 3816 L. Wash. St Ir. 1598 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS I MiTi■! 11 CHEVROLET. 1927 coach am 'sP*s*rt*.‘Si3B out; real bargain: $275 al terms or trade. Jones- |i Whitaker U.-'d Car Store ■Sganp 343-345 N Capitol Ave ~I926"N"ASHc"6aCH A dandy job at a low price. This cai has been overhauled and is almost a: good as new. Only $250. Trade ant terms, SHOLTY MOTORS. INC. 3816 F\ Wash. S'. Ir. 1598 1926 STAR COUPE. A buy Jg lift if there ever was one. Was rrl ‘>2oo, now $125. Terms tr AS? ,-JJ? suit. Olin Chevrolet Cos.. 15 m- m w. nth st. Li. 5.363. open evenings and Sunday. ESSEX BARGAINS 1928 model Essex de Lux sedan. 1928 model Essex coach. 1928 model Essex coupe; nimble seat. Your choice for $295. Terms and Trade. OAKLEY MOTOR SALES 1663-65 8. Meridian. Dr. 4743. fc. "H CHEVROLET SEDAN, xk Totor recently overhauled. Si r, s ln excellent condition klEUsotm i.nipped with bumpers and •S -■~ gs p BTe tire. War- $445. now $350. Terms. Olin Chevro -1?. no 1340 N. Meridian St. Li. 5361 Open evenings and Sunday. ~ $95 BUYS $95 Buick coupe. Essex coach, Studebaket phaeton. Auburn soort model. Oakland phaeton. Murpny Motors. Inc.. 2004 N Meridian St. Ta. 4284. 1927 NASH COACH. In ex mK' cellent condition throughout \HNottB Fullv equipped. Was $350. now $295. Trade and terms olin Chevrolet Cos.. 1040 N. Meridian. Li. 5361. Open evenings and Sunday. QUALITY CARS AT BARGAIN PRICES CENTRAL BUICK CO 60? N CAPITOI AVE # 1928 CHEVROLET COUPE Transportation at extra low cost. Good cond. through out. Was $lB5. now SIOO Terms to suit. Olin Chev rolet Cos., 15 W. 11th St Li 5363. Open evenings and Sunday. FORDS —A nice, complete stock at al times. The Frank Hatfield Cos., 625 N Capitol Ave. Authorized Ford dealer. TRY TIMES WANT ADS FOR BUSINESS m OUR m discount sale Has practically eliminated our used car stuck. There are still four of these cars available which we offer for your approvaL 1927 Nash Victoria. 1927 Nash special sedan. 1927 Nash 4-door sedan. 1928 Nash 2-door sedan. NOW we offer to you 4 cars which have been used so ra short period by members of this company. 1930 Nash, Model 480 1929 Nash, Model 440 1929 Nash, Model 470 1929 Nash, Model 440 Some of which have never been titled and as in the case of our used cars we are not letting price stand in the way of moving them om quickly. This is your opportunity to purchase one of these laroouß 400’s at a great saving. Come in today. Liberal trades. Convenient terms, • Losey-Naslhi Motor Cos, *|jg 416 N. Capitol Ave. RL 4301 Open Evenings I PAGE 15 Automobiles for Sal i # ~ 1 All in Good Running Condition —Terms 26 Huoson coach $ 50 26 Ford coupe 00 '24 Studebaker light touring, has 4 new tires, refinished 40 24 Studebaket special sedan... 35 "24 Dodge truck. \ - ton 25 '24 Chevrolet sedan, 4 new tires 45 25 Studebaker special phaeton 60 73 Studebaker special 6 sedan 35 73 Studebaker light 6 touring.. 25 ’24 Rickcnbacker sedan 95 26 Oterland 6 coach 150 '25 Dodge coupe , 95 24 Buick Victorian, new tires...' 150 And Many Other* AIIMACOST 209 W. North St. Li. 5425 1929 CHEVROLET COACH Pracdcally new: good tires, top and up i halsterlng. Will make a flrst-clasa busi ness yr fnmlly car. Ride In it and vou will bir - It. $545. Terms and trade. SHOLTY MOTORS. Inc. ' 3816 E Washington. Ir. 1598. 1 29 MODEL A Ford’ Tudor; driven 8,000 I miles fullv equipped; must sacrifice. ( Wa. 0524. 1927 FORD COUPE Special price. $195. Don't fall to see it before deciding, good tires, paint and I uphoistsnng. SHOLTY MOTORS, Inc. ! 3816 K Wash. St. Tr. 1898. ‘ 1928 CHEVROLET COAdtt. M p* i ;ood rubber all around. Bumper. and spare tire. SCnmoiET? Mech A-l Was *415. now tar-.-. - mr $325. Trade and terms. Olin i I Chevrolet Cos . 1040 N. Me ridia 8861 Open evenlnfs. ______ FORD COUPE, S3O If you don't believe that tht car is Wurtii twice as much come and see It; A-I mechanlcallv. Sholtv bargain. SHOLTY MOTORS, Inc. 8816 E. Wash. St. Ir. 1598 i SMALL stock auto acessortes and equip j ment to trade for Chevrolet truck; good I tondiuoii. Call at 1437 Prospect. CHEVROLET COUPE 1927; new Duco, j good tires, mechanlcallv guaranteed. Was i $325. now 1236. Your old car taken in •h.m.e as cash balatvc easy. OLIN CHEV ROLET USED CAR STORE. Fountain 1075. 1929 FORD SPORT” COUPE This is r> beautiful Job and is in per | feet condition. Has "xceptionally logs mi'.ea, . The best buv in the city at *426, SHOLTY MOTORS, Inc. 3816 E. Wash. St. Ir. 1598. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY ! CHEVROLET COACH—I 929: five gOo3 I tires. One of the beautiful gray lobs tha, were so popular last year. was .‘550. now $450. Small down payment, balance direct to us. OLIN CHEVROLET i USFM car STORK, Fountain Square, ; D . 1075. ■ " 1926 Os bs COUPE. Special Be -~ak paint Job. P-eal snappy look inK J o ' s - Was S2OO, now *l3B. ~.JIDROI.£D Tr ;,de and terms. Olin wk' Che v rolet Cos., 15 W. ll*th St. Li. 5363 Open evenlnn. liOrVoK COUPE— i925: new paint; five, rd . hoon tires; meclianlcally guaran teed. Was $225, now $l4O. Small down ! pay- ent. balance OLIN OHEVRO ! lut USIID CAR STORE. Fountain Square. ; Dr. 1075. ' | R. V. LAW MOTOR CO. Two Used Car Stores. 430 N. Capitol. LI. 4088. i afi W N-w York Li. 4366. 1927 ESSEX COUPE. A #. Vr dandy car for sales work. VrtffvDiii rr7 Rorfect. condition. Was $285. *£SI V " W r£' now- S2OO. Terms to suit. I olin Chevrolet Cos.. 15 W. 11th St. Li. 5363. Open evening:, and Sunday. . " 1929 ESSEX CHALLENGER COACH Paint, tires, upholstering like new; me chanically A-l: another Sholty bargain: $495 Small down payment. Trade and erm SHOLTY MOTORS, INC. 2310 B. Wash. St. Ir, 1596. # 1927 CHEVROLET COACH. A buy if there ever was one Fully equipped. A-l condition throughout. Wa* $250. now S2OO. Convenient , terms. Olin Chevrolet Cos., ; 1040 N Meridian. Li. 5361. Open eve- I nings and Sunday. 1928 CHEVROLET SEDAN A-I condition, good paint and tlrea. Can be had with low down payment ana easy monthly payments. Onlv * 3BB > SHOLTY MOTORS, INC. 3816 E. Wash. St. Ir. 15W. # 1928 MODEL A FORD ROADSTER A real sporty ion. completely *d u lpP*°* A-l mechanicat conalitan.. Was *335. now *350. Terms. OUn Chevrolet Cos.. 1040 N. Meridian. Li. 538L_Open evenings. T 1928 CHEVROLET COUPS Paint, tires, top, u P l ™'^ rlw kl], IdP' 1 d P' fSr' Motor in perfect condition. Rf*°y 101 you Ind onlv $395. Tradcandtermt. SHOLTY MOTORS, INC. 3816 K. wash. Bt, HUPMOBILE TRADE-ntff- We I If T S _® lar.-e selection of used ro . r *J m *. m4 ctnHol Davirents. bale nee ca--. Trnia. Capitol Motor Cos.. Capitol Ave and Michigan Bt. FORDS. Overia nds. Chev rolet*. K*m. coupes, roadsters, tourings. 24 25. model . sl3 to $35. Oin C^r-_ roiet Used Car Store. Fountain Square, Dr. 1075. —■■k.VAr SST TRY TIMEB WANT ADS FOR BUSINESS. Trucks CMC. . 1929 Model T-80. 18.000 pound* *ro capacity: this truck has on\y ice thirty days and ha' been repow*M and will carry anew ? tuek guarantee, 1* equipped with closed b. fifteen-foot stake body and 38*8 dual tires; you can jay* ser-eral hundred dollars buying this true* InSt 'oENERAL n MOTORB TRUCK CO. Used Truck Dept.. E. Market St. - PONTLACTUATE 1927 ” de luxe panel delivery; new Dueo HnUh, rtise wheels, practically new tires. thW truck 1$ un to O. M C 'tandards In rvetf r-- pec and is priced to sell aulck., G*a eral Motors Truck Cos.. Used Truck D* partment. 741 F. Market m. LL <46:, i 30 GOOD"”rebuilt trucks an sires: P*rtß and bodies, for all make trucks INDIAN- I APOLIS TRUCK AND PARTS CO. 1U E Georgia Dr 2220