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PAGE 16 URGES WETS JO PRyBE WISDOM OF DRY CHANGE Bush Speaks at W. C. T. U. Prohibition Birthday Service. "Enemies of prohibition must prove their arguments for repeal or modification of the Volstead act by shoving that repeal or modification is an economically sound pro cedure." This was the keynote of an ad dress by Lieutenant Governor Edgar D. Bush at services at the Chi Ist Episcopal church at noon today, sponsored by the Central union, W. C. T. U., in observance of the tenth anniversary of the prohibition amendment. "They must show that the liquor traffic and saloons are a better in vestment than prohibition before they can hope to be successful in obtaining a repeal or modification of the existing dry laws,” Bash said. Colonel A. J. Dougherty, chief of staff of the Eighty-fourth division, officers' reserve, said, "The trouble today in America is that so many of as are willing to obey the law, provided we can select the laws we are to obey.” Colonel Dougherty cited numer ous Instances in his army life in support of his contending that soldiers benefited by restrictions against liquor. Dr. Orien W. Fifer, superintend ent of the Indianapolis district of the Methodist Episcopal church, also spoke. Mrs. W. W. Reedy, presi dent of the union, presided. PROBE CAUSE OF FIRE Flames Damage Vacant North Side House Owned by Don Herr. Police and fire officials today were investigating the cause of a fire which did more than SI,OOO dam age to a vacant house at 31 and 33 West Thirty-second street, early to day. The house, a two-story stucco, owned by Don Herr, had been vacant several weeks. A pedestrian saw the flames and gave the alarm. DEPEND ON ZEMO TO STOP ITCHING Use soothing, healing. Invisible Zemo for the torture of Itching Skin. This clean, reliable family antiseptic helps bring relief in thousands of homes, stops itching and draws the heat and sting cut of the skin. ZEMO has been used for twenty years with remarkable success for all forms of annoying. Itching skin Irritations. Relief with first application,’* thousands say. 35c, 60c and SI.OO. All dealers. —Advertisement, Ipmft SHOES HALF- Vi SOLED X* RUBBER Workmanship i hroughout —, ■ ■ m 'a and \ reblocked \*Pl\ 4y CUT-RATE SHOE REPAIR 3 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 147 NORTH ILLINOIS 359 EAST WASHINGTON Rounding the 1930 Curves Graceful Contours Are Sought by 1930 Women New tVKS demar.a the naturally pro portioned feminine figure. Today Jsc ! Auer, noted physical culturlst. In the fourth ot a series of articles on ‘‘Round ing the 1930 Curves." which he Is writ ing for The Times and h'EA Service, de scribes an exercise that will help you to attain added grace. BY JAC AVER Written for NF.A Service Graceful contours, the kind of curves that the 1930 woman wants, depends upon two things. First, upon just the right amount of flesh. Second, upon perfect mas | cular co-ordination which comes I from having every part of the body supple and well-exercised. You can be reduced by mechani i cal methods. But unless you limber up your body, the result will not be pleasing. Moreover, unless you. exercise as you lose weight, your flesh becomes flabby. Therefore, I tell women that if they want to attain grace and the right weight, they must do two | things. They must exercise gradually un til they can stand enough work to make them perspire freely. Second, I they mast do the kind of exercises ■ that limber up their joints, and I stretch their muscles until they be | come pliable and co-ordinated. The exercise I give today is the single exercise there is for a j start toward these goals. It calls ; Into play 600 muscles, with em phasis on the waistline. Arms. | thighs, calves, back, abdomen, shoulders, all enter in. It is done i as follows: Stand with feet slightly apart, breastbone well up, arms out in a straight line with erect shoulders. Swing body easily, twist, and bend forward until the tips of the right fingers sweep the toes of the left shoe. Straighten. Repeat, chang ing arms, with the left fingers touching the right toes. There is a rhythm to this. Take it easily, slowly, and consistently The first morning, try it just a few times. Gradually increase the num ber until you can swing, dip. straighten, swing, dip, straighten from ten to twenty times. You will enjoy the way this stirs the slug gish blood by working all the con tracted knots out of your muscles. Done mornings and nights, it is a big aid to reducing. Next: Abdominal exercise. WATCH REPAIRING At Cost of Material WATCH CRYSTALS Round Fancy 49f Unbreakable Cleaning (any watch) SI OS Mainspring lany watch) 9< Jewels (any watch) *l.lß Rite’s Jewelry Shop 45 S. Illinois St. i An exercise that uses 60C muscles. For the Safest of All Investments BUY DIAMONDS Watch repairing and manufacturing of fine jewelry. J. P. MULLALLY Diamond Merchant 38 Years 531 STATE LIFE BLDG, Money Loaned —ON— DIAMONDS Liberal. Reliable, Confidential SUSSMAN’S STATE LOAN OFFICE Legal Rates—Bonded Brokers Established 27 Years 239-241 W. Washington St. THE INDIANA TRUST CO. Pay 4% Savings SEES $2,000,000 SAVE at the FACTORY SALESROOM on Living Room, Dining Room, Bedroom Furniture and Odd Pieces The H.Lauter Company West Washington and Harding Just West of Elevated Tracks Open Daily, Also Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday Eve nings. BE 1693 ! SPECIAL —2 - DAY RADIO SALE J Friday and Saturday Only! 1 Your Choice of Three of the Country’s Best Known Makes j 1 “Crosley,” “Earl” or “Apex” New SsJSiis j 1930 All New Radios I | WHILE 22 SETS LAST if I ] Gorgeous new walnut veneered cabinets—you must see them. j; —No Interest Charges j#4 • ] DOWll! _N ° Fi " a "“ Char "’ *lf No Charge for * [ 1 — No Extras of Any Kind Installation $2.50 a Week Pays Balance! Sold with a positive guaran- [ tee. 90 days’ FREE service L on both sets and tubes. II miliiwmnw RimJi JJlltjriiH o See our higher priced lines r including “Atwater Kent.” 'i 1 “Fada” and “Crosley” on U Across the Street from Courthouse same terms ES above. [j THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES RITES MONDAY FOR FORMER SLAVE, 93 Chapman Blakey Served in Civil War After Emancipation. Last rites for Chapman Blakey, 93, Negro, born a slave in West Virginia and later serving in the Union army during the Civil war, who died Wednesday at his home, 717 Doug lass street, will be in Crown Hill. At the age of 4 Blakley was sold as a slave into Georgia and lived there until his master died. Later he lived in Kentucky until freed by the K B This compensating grinder birs designed a r.'ldg., tor grinding the contact surfaces of artificial W teeth. It eliminates the tipping and rocking of 'jjf V the plates in the mouth anti thus avoids much of m the difficulty of wearing artificial teeth. Lin. 7101. TRUSSES Elastic Stockings Repairig—Lady Attendant American Truss Cos. 223 MASS. AYE. LI. 9272 600 is a Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria It is the most speedy remedy known. —Advertisement, i SPECIAL PLATE LUNCHEOR AT CAFETERIA OR BUFFET COUNTER FOR 45c Consisting of a choice of soup, fish or meat, two vegetables and rolls and butter. GUARANTY CAFETERIA Guaranty Building—Meridian at Circle Open 7:00 A. M. to 8:00 P. M. —ls You Feel That Your Eyes Need Atten tion Don’t Hesitate to Visit Mayer Optical / Department at once! ji' t Examination FREE! D LL M - Specialist in . JEWILEBS gj fl | Charge. I4* West Washington Street Prepare for Your Place There will be a good, promising position for YOU, if you only will make the necessary preparation. Avoid loss of time and op portunity by entering upon your training at the earliest possible date. Take this sure, safe, direct way to a position affording a future worth while. There’s a constant demand for those who are definitely and specifically qualified. This is the Indiana Business College of Indianapolis. The others are at Marion, Muncie, Logansport, Anderson, Kokomo, Lafayette, Columbus, Richmond and Vincennes —Ora E. Butz, President. For Budget of Information and full particulars, get in touch with the point your prefer, or see, write or telephone Fred W. Case, Principal Pennsylvania and Vermont Sts. First Door North Y. W. C. A„ Indianapolis emancipation proclamation. He' married in Memphis, Ind., in 1868. Survivors are the widow, two j daughters, Mrs. Ada Lapsey and j Mrs. Bertha Channing, and two j sons, George and Harold Blakey, all | of Indianapolis. Meningitis Ban Set SOUTH BEND, Ind., Jan. 16.—A serious threat of cerebro-spinal ! meningitis reaching epidemic pro- ; portions here led to action at a spe- ; cial session of the city council, bar- j ring children under 14 years of age j from theaters and Sunday schools. j Ten cases of acute meningitis have j been discovered in the city. There has been one death. SPECIAL Ladies’ HALF SOLES With RUBBER HEELS 75c Ohio Shoe Repair 45 TV. Ohio 18 S. Illinois Opposite 2 I>~ors South Ohio Theater of Washington | IMPORTED FOOTWEAR \ Vo. \ \ % Imported direct to Thrift .... \ i ! that’s why Thrift prices are lower. Lw J The very newest styles in this popular footwear ... all colors and combinations to choose from. All sizes and widths. THRIFT SHOe STORE Cor. Washington and Meridian Sts. Merchants Bank Bidg., Downstairs It Takes Quality Work To Make Friends . . . Price appeals to the pocketbook only . . . quality to common sense. Our prices are abso lutely the lowest in town for the high grade of work we do. We do our work to make friends enthusiastic boosters NOT just to give ij 'j| gjXpjg temporary relief for the immediate income. We rewflmfw are building a large practice and we are as proud of our work as our patients are. FREE ' Hesolite J Ouf Reg* I CROWHS 2?****l2ss PLATES § $25 Plates | !” With '{old pins. An <- 1 A high-grade nature-liU - 1 Made heavy to last for Killer .. tual S.O value. M ml,her plate. JE -_. - m m <t* jangP 213 Lemcke Bldg. s 27= I S MI I 5 1 | ALCOHOL m 15q* filfi Quick Starting 4 O—A uAw Winter Gas, 60-62 | QIOU AVIATION - BATTERIES 13 Plat*, *5.95. Exchange. For all cars and radios. EXCHO. ft 11 Zero Pour. Lowest Carbon "T ft Content 100% Pure Penn. | |J|J Gal. HOOSIER PETERS ( 0 ?TATiniK I 400 W ' MARYLAND-RI. 2767 L STfITIONS i 2037 E. WASH.-ch. 4328 16