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PAGE 2 HERD-MINDED IS LABEL PUT ON MOST‘YANKEES' Only Trio in Thousand Are Outside Class, Asserts Economist-Writer. Ha V nit til Pro NEW YORK, Jan. 16.— O't of every 1,000 Americans, 997 are herd mihdcd, content merely to fellow the bdlets and actions of their leaders, Ralph Borsodi, economist and writer, believes. Os the other three, Borsodi says, two have ideals based on quantity, and only one in a thousand is con cerned first with quality. The quality-minded person ap preciates the sheer magnitude of things, according to Borsodi, who lists President Hoover, former Gov ernor Smith, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Charles Evans Hughes, Bishop William H. Manning, Cyrus Curtis and Arthur Brisbane in this class. , . . The writer’s list of quail y minded leaders, who are concerned first with the beauty and utility of things, includes Professor John Dewey, Clarence Darrow, Dr. Alex ander Meiklejohn, Judge Ben Lindsey. Eva Le Gallicne-anri Walter Lippmann. President Hoover, in Borsodi’.' be lief, showed hinx'-elf o he quantity minded when in his campaign he referred to the two-car garage as a criterion of American r.vilization. Likewise A1 Smith is erecting "the tallest building in New York, not the most beautiful.” Ford s greatest urge "is one of colossal production; ’ Bishop Manning "wants to finish the nation’s biggest cathedral . . . and is not much concerned with spiritual doctrines;” Hughes “is in the employ of the very corporations he sought to control when he was Governor." • In his list, of quality-minded per sons. Borsodi places Dewey. Meikle john and others for their “stimu lating and sincere interest in educa tion;” Darrow because he “always has battled to humanize law;” Lind sey because of his fight for ideals; Walter Lippmann for his editorial work and writings, which Borsodi contrasts with those of Arthur Bris bane, who he says looks to his readers rather than to the merit of his writings. deatiTafter coughing End Comes Suddenly at Columbus for Mother of Six, B it Timet Special COLUMBUS, Ind., Jan. 16.—Mrs. Martha A. Bofflng died suddenly at the home of Wilbur Thomas and family here, where she was em ploy ed as housekeeper, after a per iod of severe coughing. When stricken she stepped from the home to’a porch and sat on steps to get fresh air but a few seconds later she fell over dead. Her death was due to organic heart disease and indigestion, according to Dr. F. J. Beck, county coroner. fche leaves her husband, three sops and three daughters, Mrs. Lida F&st, this city: Mrs. Tillie Clark, Walesboro; Mrs. Flo Bocock, Cin cinnati; Joseph Boiling, this city; John Bofflng, Newcastle, Pa., and Clarence Bofflng, Venice, CaL Former Lawmaker Dies Ti’J Time* Special HOPE, Ind., Jan. 16.—Arthur D. Galbraith, 89, lifelong resident of Bartholomew county, is dead at his home here. He was bom in the old Galbraith homestead near Rugby and lived there thirty-eight years. In 1878 he was a member of the Indiana legislature as a joint repre sentative from Bartholomew and Brown counties. He leaves five chil dren: Oscar B. Galbraith, Clifty township; T. G. Galbraith, near Rugby; the Rev. Charles J. Gal braith, Waverly; Walter C. Gal braith, Indianapolis, and A. H. Gal braith, Bartholemew county. Silent Drinker Sentenced Timet Special ANDERSON, Ind., Jan. 16.—Peter Dugan refused to tell City Judge Jesse Shuman where he bought liquor and was fined $l7O and sen tenced to the penal farm for six months. He was convicted of being drunk. Lived in One Home 61 Years ttv Timet §d reial ELKHART. Ind.. Jan. 16.—Mrs. Lydia S. Rowe, 85, is dead at her home in Concord township where she had lived sixty-one years. She Jhad been a resident of the township fsince she was 22-months old. Mothers.. .Watch Children’s colds COMMON btzi colds often "settle” in throat and chest where they may become dangerous. Don t take a chance at the first sniffle rub on Children’s Musterole once every hour for five hours. . Children’s Musterole is just good old Musterole, you have known so long, in milder form. Working like the trained masseur, this famous blend of oil of mustard, camphor, menthol and other ingredients brings relief naturally. It penetrates and stimu lates blood circulation, helps to draw out infection and pain. Keep full strength Musterole on hand, for adults and the milder C hildren s Muiterole for little tots. All dniiguu. Seeks Judgeship Edward W. Little Edward W. Little, attorney with offices at 307 Indiana Trust build ing, today announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for the judgeship of Marion superior court three. Little has been identified promi nently in Democratic politics in Marion county for many years. He was the defeated candidate for superior courtroom three judgeship eight years ago. From 1897 to 1899 he was a mem ber of the city,council, and has been a practicing attorney here for thir ty-five years. He Is a member of the Masonic lodge and the Metho dist church. BANKS BID ON BONDS Three City Firms Obtain $390,000 Issue. Tliree Indianapolis banking firms were successful bidders today on bonds for $390,000 for the construc tion of the new Lawrence county courthouse at Bedford. Fletcher Savings and Trust Com pany, Fletcher American National bank and Union Trust Company won the bid with a $627 premium. The bonds bear an interest rate of 414 per cent. The bid of the Harris Trust Com pany of Chicago for $1,616 was thrown out because the certified check accompanying the bid was on their own bank instead of a Law rence county bank, as specified by law. George J. Vandivier, Indianapolis, represented the Indianapolis insti tutions. Corn^, Lift right Outs A few drops of Freezone yy does it! Puts the corn to M sleep—deadens all pain— j and soon makes it so loose [ in its bed of flesh that it I lifts right out! Hard corns I or soft—all are ended \ by Freezone. Callouses, too. Get a bottle at any -t drug store and walk and / S. dance in comfort! FREEZONE FELT LIKE SHE MIGHT FAINT Wanted to Go Places, But Was Too Weak. Better After Taking Cardui. “About three years ago I found j myself in a rundown condition,” writes Mrs. E. L. Allen, of 211 Pros pect avenue. Hot Springs. Ark. “At times I had soreness in the lower part of my body. I was very nervous, had weak trembles, and at times felt like if I did not lie down j I would faint. So many times when ! I wanted to go places I would find myself in this weak condition and I ; could not go and enjoy myself. I hated to give up. but knew I would have to take something or give up and go to bed. “My sister told me to try Cardui. She knew it was good. I felt better after my first bottle, but thought best to keep on taking. After I had taken Cardui I did not have this trouble again. I was rid of the sore ness and the weak, no-account feel ing. I can recommend Cardui for this reason.” Tlr-v—nd' of other women have told how Cardui helped them. In use by women for over fifty vc '. Try it in ' our case. pCAWPUI IThedford’a Blade-Draught should 1 also be used In connection I with Cardui, as a laxative. 2S*. [ BARRETT LAW INTEREST SUIT IS DISMISSED Court Rules Against City’s Plea for Depository Accounting. The appellate court today dis missed an appeal of the city of In dianapolis, in its suit against former county and city treasurers for an accounting of depository interest paid them on pre-paid Barrett law assessments. Ruling that no final judgment had been rendered in the case on which an appeal could be based, the appellate court, in an opinion written by Judge Solon Enloe, de clared action of the Hendricks county circuit court in sustaining demurrers of defendants to the suit does not constitute a case for appeal. The city sued Edward A. Ramsey, Edward G. Sourbier, Frank S. Fish back, Ralph A. Lemcke, John L. Duvall and Clyde E. Robinson, for mer county and city treasurers, alleging Ramsey collected about $60,000 in interest, Fishback, $75,- 000; Sourbier, $150,000; Lemcke, $170,000 and Duvall, $90,000, and the interest was not turned over to the city. 3 MENINGITIS GASES Total of Disease Victims Now 78. Three cases reported today raised the total of spinal meningitis cases in the city to seventy-eight since early in December. Os this number, fifty-one have died. Robert and Lucille Hull, 11 and 4, of 210 North Harding street, were second and third members of their family to contract the disease. Betty Jane Hull, 6, was reported ill with meningitis several days ago. Their brother, Clarence Hull, 10, who diet! of pneumonia this week, may have had meningitis, city health author ities believe. The third new case reported today was Richard Cheslyn, 22, of 3327 East Tenth street. Free from pimples! What a relief it ia to know that your akin ran be free of pimples. Anoint it gently with (_ - (,) y'' J C.UTICURA OINTMENT, then wash off in a ) AJ / few minutes with CUTICURA SOAP and warm water. Avery aimple but satisfying S7 treatment of pimples! The CUTICURA Treatment haa been used >. V for years in thousands of homes throughout U '’Y vt JtJ, % the World. \ \Y I //Jmmm. Soap ii€. Ointment tSc. and 50c. Talcum 25c. j- ■ \ ’/ /y' Proprietor*: Potter Drag A Chemical Corpora- }/// lion, Maiden, Mess. r Y\ l Y \/v/ Cntienra y Stop—Look—Listen! None but the rich can afford to speculate and they seldom do. They know that their fortunes were not acquired that way. The foundation of every great fortune was laid in savings. Safety of principal and regularity of interest are the factors that multiply dollars. #We Pay 4 1 / 2 °/o on Savings The Meyer-Kiser Bank 128 East Washington Street Are You Happy? TO BE HAPPY you must be healthy and well—free from pain and misery. If you EXCURSION Jit Bound __ Trip * u Trip CHICAGO Saturday Night, Jan. 18 via l, T ,|il!lil!l;lillHi CHICAGO. INDIAN APOI.IS A LOUISVILLE RY. Tickets Good in Coaches Only REGULAR TRAIN Leaves Indianapolis 1 .-00 A.M. (Sunday) Leaves Boulevard Station .....1:15 A.M. M Arrives Chicago 7:10 A.M. £ Returning, Regular Train Lena ClueafQ Sunday Night, January 19,11:00 Midnight Arrian IndianapoHa 5:50 A. M. Fvrehaa* Tickets at (M, Oty Tlehat oaw. IWta SUBm. w Iwdmrd Sm— THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES Gone, but Not Forgotten Automobiles reported to police as stolen belong to; Mason E. Mills. 1001 North Dela ware street, Ford roadster, from Tenth and Delaware streets. William Emrich Jr., 2359 West Sixteenth street, Buick sedan, from New Jersey and North streets. Floyd M. Ramsay, Tipton, Hud son sedan, 532-607, from Ohio and Meridian streets. BACK HOME AGAIN Stolen automobiles recovered by police belong to: Margaret Rutledge, 2815 Brookside avenue, Chevrolet coupe, found in rear of 956 North Highland avenue. I. F. Kahn, 3534 Central avenue, Cadillac sedan, found in front of 3534 Koehne street. Economy Woman Dies flji Times Special ECONOMY, Ind., Jan. 16—Mrs. Grace Hunt is dead here following a long illness. She leaves a son, Irwin P. Hunt, Muncie, and a sister, Miss Belle Picelle, who resided with her. “Sunkr The girl who lets periodic pains interfere with her activities has not heard of Midol. These wonderful little tablets act quite harmlessly, di rectly on the organs affected. They do not interefere with nature, but they do remove every particle of that unnatural, unnecessary pain. Midol will end the most severe pain in five to seven minutes. Midol is a marvelous discovery made by specialists.. It is not a nar cotic, yet it ends all that needless pain. And if you anticipate the time, the expected pain will not ap pear at all. Tiny tablets in con venient little aluminum case ob tainable at every drugstore. Isn’t it folly to suffer month after month? —Advertisement. Aant bright eyea, cheerful, happy thoughts, animation and attractiveness you should take Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre scription to improve your health. Dr. Pierce used it in nis Clinic at Buffalo, N. Y., years ago and found it so suc cessful he put it up in ready to use form and placed it in the drug stores. You can procure It in either fluid or tablet form. One delighted woman said— “X was so nervous I could not sleep nor rest, my sides were painful, my back ached. I was weak, had no strength—was nothing short of a physical and nervous wreck. I was almost discouraged. Finally I started to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite. Prescription and it corrected mv nervousness and restored me to perfect health. I think the ‘Prescription’ is the greatest woman’s medicine of the age.” Mrs. J. R. McKeever, 718 Wash ington St., XiOgansport, Ind. BLINDED Populace Is Aroused by Tragic Accident. ATHENS, Jan. 16.—Citizens of i this city and vicinity were thor , oughly aroused today as a result of the accidental permanent blinding of forty school children at an eye hospital at Kesarion, near Athens. Attendants at the clinic sprayed I the eyes of the children with a ! cauterizing fluid while testing their sight. The accident occurred when j the children were sent into a room | where ’ other patients had been j treated for infectious diseases. The attitude of the populace is so menacing that the minister of health has ordered the trial of all oculists in the clinic. Coal was shipped from the River Wear as far back as the reign of Richard 11. STORES HAAG S STORES There Is One In Your CUT-PRICE DRUGS There Is One In Your Neighborhood >IAIL ORDERS FlL led-add postage .Neighborhood /Bond FiashLgX Cold RemedieS /-.jA jf . , , % 35c Grove’s Bromo Quinine 23tf m \ f |1 candle or spotlight. 1 25c Zerbst’s Caps f I gg With bat- £Q 1 30c Hall’s Cold Tablets . . 19* I LYF-Tl M 1 PI teries I Quinine Caps, 2-gr., doz.. . 1 Elec tric heating pad; has the I % m qL Three-cell Bond focusing m Quinine, Vo OX Searchlight. <l*o Ad B ~ element which makes it sa.e. m % Range 800 feet.. *pZ.4o # - 4. long-lived and dependable. Heats M % m. jy at 3 different tf* 4QO Jf xk I here should be one Jr % temperatures V <sfi Electric Iron V . \ Cresent Glide Easy Elec - 1.. Pm. vSfcfea# • • of\C m, trie smoothing iron at;' \JjdU c m ** ** 1m ’ any Haag Drug Store. * ~ 'Wr* ,• * .• * *i ~ They heat very quickly, \r • * ,• ’ \ have a heavy nickel fin -9$ c \ * ‘ ••• • • '&?s■ - ■ ’ • - 152-48 r ' A* ■ ' # c lAk Cordials \ IJk | Cough Syrups I Sorni™ 1 EBB different sensation. As g nioeoverv 5 IS to have a (St 5J ft 11 inixtl T e with 80<la g boc discovery ■ dependable g Mh !* ther drinks, obtained B 60c 49C alarm clock. B — Lunch Habit Reduces 25 Pounds Truss Fitting V Invisible Truss Perfect fit guaran- (single) 54.98 Mrs. Edith Lang, 1905 e. Minne teed. Expert lady " s , ota 6ti In dianapolis, Ind., said: and gentleman at- Elastic Truss -1 reduced twenty-five pounds in a f a dont with vonrc! (single) few weeks by wearing a Brooklyn Thousands have formed the habit teildant V, lth > ears . Bridge Abdominal support. I was of lunching at a Haag fountain. of experience as- ShoUldei delighted as the fat began to dis- You will find the food a pleasing SUreS yOU of a per- Brace fysS.LV appear letting my waistline and bulg feet fit. You must Elastic ,„ B mps <. the, r nat U ra, r courteous service at the lowest pos- be satisfied OF Hose .... ®4.90 lines. Now my housework is a pleas sible prices, will give you the vnn v mnnpv will hp ilj :„„! ire ‘ 1 can dance 0r e ,° aoout HABIT. Sandwiches with all their * - jj ' u / Abdominal work with the ease and grace of a natural flavor of savory juices. A refunded Cheer- Support ..53.48 16-year-old girl.’ The Brooklyn rich fragrant cup of coffee that fullv . , . , q-g *>q Bridge Abdominal support is corn flavors everything that has gone v * Anklet . . sortable to wear at all times. Now h e f or p selling at Haag’s, 129 W. Washing- Maxwell House Coffee 129 West Washington Street £n go st - store - for $3 48 Slzes It is needless to have a cough when you can get NOW. A cough Temedy that is guaranteed to relieve a cough right now (as the name indicates) NOW loosens the phlegm which is loaded with germs. Soothes and heals the inflamed membranes of the throat. NOW enters the blood acting directly on the bronchial tubes destroying every germ. Just a few drops stops the tickle. Colds, coughs, asthma, bronchitis. Guaran teed. Bottle, 30c To All Who Suffer Stomach Agony, Gas and Indigestion Hook Drug Cos. Makes This Offer Money Back If One Bottle of Dare’s Mentha Pepsin Doesn’t Do You More Good Than Anything You Ever Used Why bother with slow actors when one tablespoon ful of this splendid and pleasant liquid remedy will cause gas, bloating, heaviness, heart burn or any upset condition of the stomach to speedily vanish. And why should any man or wom an suffer another hour with indi gestion or any stomach misery when the remedy that acts almoct instantly can be easily procured? Dare’s Mentha Pepsin not only quickly relieves stomach distress, but it also conquers stubborn indiges tion and dyspepsia, and puts an end to dizziness, nervousness, head Broken Sleep J. W Brown, Martinsville, Ind., Civil war veteran, says: •Broken sleep was sapping my strength as I was compelled to get up several times each night, due to kidney and bladder weakness. Not being able to obtain relief I had given up hope. I saw an ad vertisement of Argray tablets ana concluded to give them a trial. I used three bottles, which gave complete relief, as I now sleep all night without oeing disturbed.” Try one package of Argray Tablets under positive guarantee. 49c : ache, sleeplessness and despondency | which distressing troubles are near | ly always caused by chronic stomach | disturbance. Dare’s Mentha Pepsin is pleasaut to take, has a delightfully refresh ing taste and after it has put your stomach in a clean and healthy con dition just notice how much better you look and feel, for besides cor recting chronic stomach disorders this supremely good remedy that Hook Drug Cos. and druggists every where guarantee, is a fine tonic that builds you up and makes you work with vim, eat with relish and sleep soundly.—Advertisement. Lumbago Removed You may now get relief from lumbago in a few minutes by taking two or three doses of SYS-TONE. SYS-TONE is quickly assimilated into the blood stream, going directly to the affected parts. You can upon SYS-TONE to rid you of pains of lumbago, rheumatism, neuralgia and neuritis You may now be helpless or Just suffering from lumbago, which is needless if you take a few doses of SYS-TONE. Bottle, 89c JAN. 16. 1.730 STOMACH UPSET Get at the real cause. Tl at's what thousands of stomach sufferers ar doing now. Instead of taking tonics, or trying to patch up a poor diges tion. they are attacking the rea. cause of the ailment—clogged live! and disordered bowels. Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets help arouse the liver in a soothing, heal ing way. When the liver and bowels are performing their natural func tions. people rarely suffer from in digestion and stomach troubles. Have you a bad taste, coated tongue, poor appetite, a lazy, don’t care feeling, no ambition or energy, trouble with undigested foods? Try Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel. Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound. Know them by their olive color. They do the work without griping, cramps or pain. All druggists, 15c, 30c and 60c. Take one or two at bedtime for quick relief. Eat what you like.— Advertisement. Horrible Pain In Back and Head There are times when all women should have some thing to steady themselves so as to be able to do their housework. Now you need not be worried as a box of KO-LOID-AL IRON tablets will stop all your pains and aches. Thousands of women who have been In a run-down, suffering condition nave reported after taking a box of KO-LOID-AL tablets that their health has Im proved to such an extent that it is no longer necessary to rake medicine. Box, 84c.