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JAN. 16, 1930. URGES DRIVE TO PASS DRY LAWS IN EVERY TOWN Mass Enforcement Is Only Solution. Anti-Saloon League Told. Km Tjnifrtf Prt n- DETROIT. Jan. 16.—A nation •vide drive to pass municipal and village prohibition laws was urged by James K. Shields, in an address before the Anti-Saloon League's biennial national convention here today. Shields, superintendent of the New Jersey state league, spoke be fore the second session of the con vention, which opened Wednesday night. Prohibition can be enforced only, he said, by making enforcement agitation a movement of the masses. “For ten years,” he said, ‘‘we have been attempting to enforce the law by a method which begins at the top of the pyramid and works to vard the base. The great masses of the people, instead of operating themselves to enforce the law. have been operated upon. “Power eom r \s from the many, and from the standpoint of numbers alone, the weakness of the present ystem is apparent. The local po lice. whose beats cover our cities and villages like a network, feel but slightly, if at all, any responsibility for the enforcement of prohibition. “The federal courts and officials have been left practically alone to bear the burden of enforcement. Under such conditions the success of prohibition has been little short of marvelous. "Let each city and village pass an ordinance prohibiting the manu facture, sale and transportation of liquor, w T ith prompt penalties. “More will thus be accomplished In one year to make the 'noble ex periment,’ a success than all the in vestigating commissions of congress ran do in ten.” Shields said. Shields urged formation of dry organizations of “law enforcement leagues” in every city and village of the country, to demand that legis lative bodies pass prohibition ordi nances. DENTAL ASSOCIATION WILL MEET FEB. 20 Arrangements Will Be Made for Annual Convention in May. Ten Indiana dentists are speakers on the program of the annual mid winter conference of the Indiana State Dental Association at the Lin coln Jan. 20. The dentists will make plans for ♦he annual convention to be held in May. Speakers at the conference will be: Dr. Victor Knapp, Evansville, presi dent; Dr. C. L. Byers. Indianapolis, secretary: Dr. F. C. Henshaw, In dianapolis, president-elect: Dr. W. C. Hessler, Crawfordsville; Dr. A. L. Harter. Kokomo: Dr. E. E. Voyles, Indianapolis: Dr. W. I. McCullough, Indianapolis: Dr. R. N. Douglas, Elkhart; Mabel Jean Melton. Louis ville; Dr. A. R. Ross, Lafayette, and Dr. W. E. McLeod, Columbus. HUNTING SEASON ENDS No Game May Be Shot Legally in State Until Aug. 1. Hunting in Indiana w T ent, on the blacklist today, the hunting and ♦ rapping season having closed of ficially Wednesday. Until the squir rel season opens on Aug. 1 it is un lawful to shoot, any game in this state. After Jan. 15 the closed season started for duck, geese, coot, brant and the trapping of all fur-bearing animals. Rabbit hunting ceased law fully on Jan. 11. and the season does not. reopen until Oct. 1, when water fowl also may be shot. Trapping season starts Nov. 15. EXCURSION TO WEEK-END FARES CINCINNATI Every Saturday and Sunday to _ gst Cincinnati $3.95 jlf J 5 Decatur $5.51 SUNDAY, JAN. 19 Springfield $7.10 I.faie tmlinnapnli* S:00 A. 51. One tare for Round Trip to alt RETURNING l.eaxe Bajmiller Intermediate station*. Returning Station ;00 P. M., Central Union to and including following Mon- Station 10:00 P. M„ E. T. day. BALTIMORE & OHIO ( mSSm MEDICINE MADE EASY! j TAEMEMBER your own childhood. rfr* 1 lx Taking medicine was no fun. Give L, y )k your children cod-liver oil the pleasant way —Scott's Emulsion. Easy to take. Easy todigest. Growing children need it. ibJtr SCOTTS EMULSION FOR BETTER TEETH AND BONES * "j\ 1 f i Sen a Sown., racofta<s. s. j. is-w COLDS MAY DEVELOP INTO PNEUMONIA Coughs from colds may lead to se rious trouble. You can atop them now with Creoniulsion, an emulsified creosote that is pleasant to take, Creomulsion is a medical discovery with two-fold action; it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and in hibits germ growth. Os all known drugs creosote is rec og n : red by high medical authorities as one of the greatest healing agencies for coughs from colds and bronchial irritations. Creomulsion contains, in addition to creosote, other healing CREOMULSION fOR TH£ COUGH FROM COWS THAT HANG ON BELIEVE IT OR NOT I ~ - — — -M*'™ 'sirssssrr VjIVMO rIILIN . I \V* 3 ,MO, * u ‘ ■. r.„. ; Bntm hto nM r THE. FLUID RtSE.MBLE-5 Thl MILK OF A COW V\ * 77 7*7* 50 CLOSELY TMAT IT IS USED AS SUCH - -f*eiJ\ed mGvd p >9Z9 * CONVENTIONS SLATED City Bureau Campaign for Members to Close. Prospects that Indianapolis would establish new precedents in 1930 as a cenvention host appeared bright today as the Indianapolis conven tion bureau neared the close of its annual campaign for new members and increased funds. The record of 247 conventions, with a total attendance of 96,840 and an estimated direct revenue of $5,398,830 is expected to be increased this year, Henry 7 T. Davis, bureau manager, announced. Fifty-two of the 1929 conventions were national and attended by 26,- 761 visitors from every state in the Union. Mexico, Canada and foreign countries. The bureau already has booked 164 conventions, twenty three of which are national, for 1930 to 1934. Workers in the financial drive have a minimum goal of $40,000. There are about a million square miles of islands in the sea. II STOMACH o I TROUBLE! [ AC I PINE elements which soothe and heal the inflamed membranes and stop the ir ritation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed into tho blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and checks the growth of the germs. Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfac tory in the treatment of coughs from colds, bronchitis and minor forms of bronchial irritations, and is excellent for building up the system after colds or flu. Money refunded if not re lieved after taking according to direc tions. Ask your druggist, (adv.) On request, sent with stamped addressed envelope, Mr. Ripley will furnish proof of anything depicted by him. ] Following is the explanation of Ripley’s “Believe It or Not,” which j appeared in Wednesday’s Times: ! Coin the Size of a Nickel Made of Star Matter Would Weigh 200 j Pounds. From the calculations taken from tables and information GRAND FINAL SHOE SALE! • Sizes . BBmmjji’ to AAA MSr $6.85 ' of trhsi'c J^|j|||j^ The Greatest Shoe Values in Indianapolis Included Are Suedes —Reptiles—Patents— Satins and Kids Morrison^ * FOUNDED 1894 26 W. Wash. THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES X-c-wj Registered 0. 8. JLf j Patent Office. RIPLEY found in Jeans’ “Astronomy and Cosnogony,” it is concluded that a nickel made from matter in one of the faint stars in the constellation Eridenus would weigh over 200 pounds. LOOT IS VARIED IN ROBBERY OF 5 HOUSES HERE Filling Station Attendant Held Up; Slugged by Negroes. House burglars, renewing activ ities in Indianapolis Wednesday night, took a wide variety of loot in five burglaries. Tw t o apartments at 4609 East Washington street were entered and looted. From Apartment 10, occu pied by Miss Martha Hays, the bur glars got clothing and jewels val ued at $l5O. From Apartment 12, tenanted by William Hoenig. a radio and clothing, valued at $260, were taken. At the home of Mrs. Carrie Martin, 1510 North Talbott street, two upstairs rooms were ransacked, while members of the family were dining in the house, and jewelry valued at S2OO and S6B in cash w 7 ere taken. The burglar escaped by leaping off a front porch and dropped some of the jewelry in the jump. Nora Dawson, 12, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dawson, 728 Vi Virginia avenue, returned home from school Wednesday afternoon and found the house had been en ATTENTION! I BELIEVE IT OR NOT 4OR 5 9 DROPS OF mm WILL STOP YOUR Coughs and Colds Instant Relief Guaranteed “Tells Its Own Story” For Sale at All First-Class Drug Stores Take No Substitute uOf [ we made SIGNS 1 [before we could talk j Furniture—Rugs Draperies Sander & Recker Furniture Cos. MERIDIAN AT MARYLAND tettMULu!■ i mmmmm A CLEAR, smooth, lovely skin en* jLX. hances personal attractivene*sl Men admire it. Women praise and secretly envy. More happiness and fljr friends may depend upon it. Healthy skin is clear, smooth and lovely. It is Nature’s outward reflec |Pjjp|f tion of internal healthfulness. Thc wa y to the skin is through the *" blood. Rich, red, healthy blood noux mWSKBmSKSBSm ishes the body and aids in protecting it against infection and disease. V . MsrwBkSHHI Skin troubles ant * sa,low complexion * \ are usually but symptoms of a deeper, iBH| I % M a more dangerous trouble—a lack of | 's. m the normal count of red-cells in th IHJk % blood. When you take S.S.S. to 's*oo?' ' m fHn|Sr 1 get rid of these outside blem- I ishes you are building up th# If you are one of the embarrassed —and men are not When your system is filled with rich, red blood, the exceptions—with skin blemishes that linger, and some- body’s power of resistance to infection and disease is times leave scars, you will want to possess body power raised. Your appetite should improve. Firm flesh shou ld ,i., r „„ „ n „r cVin take the place of that which was once flabby. You should P y ’ sleep soundly. You should feel strong. Your nerves be- S. S. S. will help Nature give you this power. Internal come stea dy # healthfulness will then reflect in your skin a natural Xake s s ; s dailjr at mM , t ime. It promotes healthy loveliness a skin glorified. body building. Seek energy, vitality and a clear skin Millions of people have taken advantage of the wonder- through the great blood tonic which is made from strictly ful medicinal properties in S. S. S. It gives to Nature fresh vegetable drugs and has stood the test for over 100 what it needs to build you up so that your system may years. All good drug stores sell S.S.S. in two sixes. Ask throw off the cause. for the larger size. It is more economical. A Clear Skin Comes From Within tered and ransacked. Clothing valued at S6O was taken. Goodman Thomas was slugged unconscious and two Negroes escaped with $22 in cash, an over coat. and a watch at a small dry goods store at 18 North West street, Wednesday night. Three men in a stolen automobile got $65 in a holdup of Vesper Mc- Kinney, 1230 West Washington street, attendant at a Sinclair filling station, at White River boulevard and Washington street Wednesday night. The car, owmed by J. F. Kahn, 3534 Central avenue, later was found abandoned. A brick was* thrown through a plate glass window of the Schoen Hardware store, 905 Indiana avenue, Wednesday night and a shotgun and ammunition were taken from the display. Louis Schoen. sleep ing in the store, could not reach the door in time to stop the thief. Eight Motorists Fined bi/ Timm Koecial GREENCASTLE. Ind., Jan. 16. Eight motorists were fined here in campaign by state officials against drivers without licenses. Two-Day All New Sale! Hats! Timely 1 Jr Sp e citd Event! \/ / \Jt Purchase! New Spring Hats 300 Felt and Straw Combinations New Pokes , Friday and Saturday New Flaring Colors, Sides, § (|Q Pastels, Long Backs, _ Black, Upturned Bright Brims Shades A Specially Prepared Event Brings These Outstanding Values in New Hats to You Millinery—Downstairs Store j rrwisu MURRAY IS INDORSED Urged to Seek Nomination as State’s Attorney. A boom for Raymond F. Murray, Indianapolis attorney, to become a candidate for the Democratic nom ination for prosecuting attorney of Marion county, gained impetus to day with the announcement that approximately 100 members of tire Marion county Democratic central committee were urging Murray to enter the race. The movement originated ten days ago when Michael E. Foley, president of the Indianapolis Bar Association, asked Murray to be come a candidate cn the basis of the creditable race which he ran in 1928 for the same post. A series of conferences of Demo cratic leaders resulted in poll of precinct committeemen with his resultant indorsement by 100 mem bers of the county committee. PAGE 3 Taxi Prevents SodcUto ] Bv United Pre* PHILADELPHIA. JaEL IC—A young girl’s attempt at suidda was thwarted Wednesday when the taxi cab in which she was riding swayed at the moment she pressed the trig ger of her revolver, diverting the bullet intented for her heart. HOT TEA BREAKS A COLD-TRY THIS uet a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of this hamburg tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacupful at any time. It is the most effective way to break up a cold and relieve grip, as it opens the pores, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking a cold at once. It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore harmless. —Ad- vertisement.