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JAN. 16, 1930. Aviation LINDBERGH WILL TEST FLYING AT HIGH ALTITUDES Experimental Flights May Result in Aviation Advance. Py United Press LOS ANGELES, Jan. 16.—Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh will put his new Lockheed-Sirlus monoplane through a series of test flights next spring to determine possibilities of transporting passengers and mail at altitudes above storm clouds, the lamous flier said here. The experimental flying will be done in co-operation with naval ex perts at Lakehurst. N. J., and the United States weather bureau. “We know that an airplane en counters less resistance at high al titudes and thus is capable of pro ducing greater speed,’’ Colonel Lind bergh said, “but the flights will be purely experimental and their suc cess can not be foretold.” The tests will not be spectacular, he said, but will be made simply to investigate chances for raising pres ent flying levels to meet constantly changing weather conditions. Tells New Rate Plan fiu United Press CLEVELAND, Jan. 16.—Postmas ter General Brown has revealed his new plan for the readjustment of rates paid to contractors for the carrying of air mail. For months, contractors and the postoffice have been working on a new pay system in an effort to cut down the $3,000,000 air mail deficit. Some weeks ago the contractors sub- f*v smoked, made of tb. fia.M lobacc. "Coming events —The Cream of the Crop "IT’S cast their TOASTED.” Everyone knows that heat t purifies and so "TOASTING” not only 3nadOWi before removes impurities but adds to the flavor “It’s toasted” ♦Be Moderate!... Don't jeopardize the modern form by drastic diets, harmful reducing girdles, fake reducing tablets or other quack “anti-fat” remedies condemned by the Medical profession! Millions of dollars each year are wasted on these ridiculous and dangerous nostrums. Be Sensible! Be Moderate! We do not represent that smoking Lucky Strike Cigarettes will bring modern figures or cause the reduction of flesh. We do declare that when tempted to do yourself too well, if you will "Reach for a Lucky” instead, you will thus avoid over-indulgence in things that cause excess weight and, by avoiding over-indulgence, maintain a modern, graceful form. TUNE IN—The Lucky Strike Dance Orchestra, every Saturday night, over a coast-to-coast network of the N. B. C. 0 W 6. Tbc Arno lean Tobacco Cos.. Mfr*. Group Will Pick Butlers Fairest Four students and a photographer will be judges to select the eighteen most beautiful girls at Butler uni versity for the annual publication, Drift. From left to right the judges are: Morton Rebb, 4189 Carrollton avenue: Betty Martindale, East Forty third street; Hillary Bailey, photographer, 1909 North Pennsylvania street; Betty Jean Davis, 3269 Central mitted a plan. There has been much conjecture as to what the postmaster general would do with it. Apparent ly he has approved it. Brown, in a speech before the Cleveland chamber of commerce Wednesday, recommended that pay ment be made on the basts of a combination of mileage and weight space of the plans. Present con tracts are at so much per pound, re gardless of distance. Arrivals and Departures Curtiss-Mars Hill Airport—Clar ence F. Cornish. Ft. Wayne to Miami, Fla., Challenger Robin, overnight; three parties to Vin cennes flood regions, pilots E. L. Stephens, Charles E. Cox Jr., and Walker W. Winslow; Embry Riddle air mail passengers to Chicago in cluded Boyd Gurley, editor of The Indianapolis Times. Hoosier Airport—Barney Lawson, Wichita, Kan., to Cleveland, 0., Stearman biplane; H. C. Brooks, Hoosier airport secretary, test flight with Chevolair-motored plane to avenue, and Russell Townsend, 2919 North Pennsyl vania street. The committee will select eighteen girls whose pictures will be submitted to the Royal Photographers’ Society in London. The society will select the six most beautiful and these pictures will be reproduced in The Drift. Final selections will be kept secret until the annual is published in May. Louisville, Byron Punk, Chevolair company official, as passenger. Capitol Airport—M. C. Hack and Charles Pow-ell. pilots, explored flooded areas north of NobiesviUe, Eaglerock plane. T. A. T. Traffic Grows Reduction in rates on T. A. T. air lines has increased passenger traffic to a point seldom reached by air transport lines during the winter months, J. J. Sutherin, district traffic agent for Transcontinental Air Transport Inc., has announced. “It appears that people have been waiting only for lower rates before adopting the air way of travel," J. W. Brennan. St. Louis, general traffic manager, said. Plane Plant to Reopen Bn United Press DETROIT, Jan. 16.—Full strength operation of the airplane manufac turing division of the Ford Motor Company will be resumed Feb. 3, the Dearborn Independent, semi official publication of the Ford corn- THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES pany, stated today. Ford airplane production was curtailed shortly before the holidays. More than 1,200 men will be employed at the plant. In the Air Weather conditions in the air at 9:30 a. m.: Northwest wind, ten miles an hour; barometric pressure, 30.30 at sea level; temperature, 15; ceiling 4.000 feet; visibility, five miles; field frozen. GIRL, WINS SUIT Bn United Press CHICAGO, Jan. 16. Jeanne Claire, 7, daughter of Rosalie Claire of Shubert musical comedy fame, has won a verdict for SIO,OOO dam ages as the result of her mother's death in y an automobile accident. Julian Black, driver of the car in which Mrs. Claire was a passenger, was the defendant. EMPLOYERS IN ANNUALSESSION Chicago Man Speaker at Dinner, Feb, 4. Harry F. Atwood of Chicago, president of the Constitution Edu cational Association. Inc., will be the principal speaker at the twenty sixth annual meeting and dinner of the Associated Employers of In dianapolis, Inc., at 6:30 p. m., Tues day, Feb. 4. in the ballroom of the Columbia Club. John B. Maling, Hammond, will speak on “Business Stability Found ed on Social Justice Under Ameri can Principles.” W. D. Hemerstadt, general man ager of the Rockwood Manufactur ing Company and president of the employers’ association, will preside. Ten thousand invitations have been Dabv’s Colds mk£ Best treated without \ pii' dosin S —Just rub on OVERMILLION JARS USED YEARLY COMPLETE LINE Or Braces and Abdominal Belt* AKRON SURGICAL HOUSE, INC. 221-333 S. Pennsylvania Lin. 1132 Always the latest Victor, Brunswick and Columbia Records. Pearson Piano Cos. 128-30 N. Pennsylvania St. mailed by Andrew J. Allen, secre tary. Atwood is an authority on the Constitution and Is author of sev eral books, among them. “The Con stitution Explained,” “Safeguarding American Ideals,” “Keep God in American History” and “Our Con stitution, the Antidote for Bol shevism.” Maling will discuss evils of freak, class and jo-called “special legis lation.” Before his retirement, he was vice-president and general man Sale—Pirate Boots For Misses and Girls, in Sizes j 11 Vz to 2 / Patents and Calf- V\ skin in Blacks and t V Beige. Reduced. \ $2-98 Stout’s Shoe Stores 318-332 Massachusetts Ave. 352-354 W, Washington St. Peoples January Blue Streak Sale! r*^^CE^^^^^SAVlNC!~l I? Simmons Special Inner Spring Mattress.... $19.95 Simmons Decorated Brown Panel Bed $6.95 Helicle Top Coil Spring $11.95 ah S'lt'a.SS am For For ‘Wit This unusual Blue STREAK value on sale while they last. This price For Friday and Saturday Only Exceptional Saving Streaks on Short Lots! Soiled Window Shades, SI.OO value. Sizes including j Q 36-inch width. Streaked to lt/C Soiled Window Shades, $1.75 value. Size over OQ _ 36-inch width and extra large size. Streaked to OU C Blue Crinkle Bed Spreads, size 72x90 inches. Q Q _ Struck down by the Blue Streak to OvL Linen Pillow Cases, size 45x36 inches. OQ _ Streaked to, each. ™vv Linen Table Cloth with Six Napkins. <l*o Streaked to 0 Baby Comforts, size 36x48 inches. Choice of blue or rose. Streaked to */C 3-Pc. Suite, Davenport, Wing Chair and Club Chair, upholstered in taupe and blue jacquard velour. <P 4 Q |f A Floor sample only. Streaked to 3-Pc. Living Room Suite, upholstered in jacquard Cfl velour. Floor sample only. Streaked to I 2-Pc. Bed Suite, davenport and club chair upholstered in stripe velour with all-felt mattress. Floor sample sfiQ Cft Ruffle Curtains, in your choice of blue or gold. While OA _ they last . Streaked to (per pair) OwL ager of the East Chicago Land Com pany which developed the Calumet region. Mayor Imposes First Fines Bn Times Special COLUMBUS, Ind.. Jan. 16. Mayor H. Karl Vollpnd, presiding for the first tune in city court, fined four men charged with intoxication $lO and costs, amounting to S4O ' each. They were William Spencer. , Nick Fox. Carl Deal and George 1 Hayes PAGE 5 Raccoon Hunting Record Bm Times Special COLUMBUS. Ind.. Jan. 16.—Allen Wade and Marshal Acton of this county have set up anew record for raccon hunting. They bagged four in one night. Motherhood Scientific massage brings comfort to the expectant mother Complete relaxation j and comfort is very j necessafy to the ex . pectant mother’* well j being. Nervousness, discomfort and in | exhaust that str gth I so vital at this panic j ular time. I Thousands and thou j sands of expectant mothers have used I ‘Mother’s Friend,"— j hat time-tested, scien* j tificall, prepared skin I lubricant ai. pain re lieve” _ vhich orijri nsted in th prescrip- I lion o a eminent oo i stetrician. and iv. J bier, relieve'* the ; .train and th pain. Mothers Friend lessens pain the discomfort and the nervousness that come from the distention and the stretch ing of the skin and the tissues which at tend this delicate condition. Mothers have recommended it to their daughters through several generations. You owe yourself the comfort “Moth er s Friend _ gives during the waiting months. It is so soothing and relaxing! It is not a drug to be taken. It is used ! externally on!v—gently rubbed into the skin. Clean and pleasant to the touch. Brinp* relief promptly. Very valuable in keeping the breasts in good condition, i Also puts you in fine shape for the ap i yorehlng order.!. F— “Mother’s Friend” i, on sale 1 C C *t all drug stores. $1.25 per Tj * bottle. Try a massage with DOOK tonight and notice the ease and comfort it gives. A book- Jet on “Things to Know Before Baoyt I Comes” will be mailed in plain | free, on request. Address Bradfield Regiar I Utor Cos.. Dept. F, Atlanta, Ga,