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Second Section BECK DOUBTS PASSAGE OF TARIFF BILL Noted Congressman, Here to Address State Bar, Mum on Dry Law. DEADLOCK IS EXPLAINED Neither Senate Nor House Will Abandon Stand on Flexibility. BV DANIEL M. KIDNEY “Prohibition is a cancer that slowly is eating out the moral fibre ot the American people. Enforce ment will be as effective as the ap plication by a surgeon of a mustard plaster to a malignant cancer.” That is how Congressman James M Beck of Pennsylvania, former solicitor-general of the United ■Spates, feds about this prohibition business, on the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the eighteenth amendment Congr i man Beck is in Indian apolis to address the midwinter meeting of the Indiana Bar Asso ciation at the dinner tonight at the Columbia Club. He stated his stand, as quoted above, before leaving Washington for Indianapolis. The occasion was his rejection of leadership of the rnodificationists in the lower house. Beck, however, declared his willing ness to serve in the ranks. Doubts Tariff Progress Today he refused to expand on this statement, although it is the tenth anniversary of VoLsteadism. The congressman pointed out that he is the guest here of both the state and Indianapolis Bar Associa tion, and felt that it would be im proper to be interviewed on such a highly controversial question while here. He did express his views on the impassibility of tariff legislation, on the values of the speedy procedure of the house, and the long drawn out debate of the senate. “I doubt whether tariff legisla tion will be passed this session,” Congressman Beck declared. ‘ At the jonlt conferences, differences be tween the house and senate on deb enture may be ironed out, but nei ther side will yield or the flexible tariff. “Should the President abandon his demand for flexibility, as passed by the house, reasonable adjustment of other differences may be reached. Neither Will Yield “But there is no present indica tion that either the President or senate will yield on their respective views in this important matter. The home is likely to sustain the Presi dent if he insists on the retention of his present powers of raising or lowering tariffs as amplified by the house bill. “The fight probably will be a stubborn one. for it involves a con stitutional question of fundamental Importance. “Possibly the President will abandon his position, rather than have a failure of any tariff legisla tion. “This session will be long and extremely important.” In answering the Question regard ing procedure. Congressman Beck had this to say: “In my judgment, it is an ad vantage to the American people that the house is efficient in the speedy disposition of public measures and equally so that the senate prefers a more careful con sideration of important public quest ions. System Is Good “It is to the best interests of the people that one branch should not be too much controlled by the mo tive of speedy action. Most impor tant public measures involve ques tions of principles affecting the structure of our government. ”It Is desirable that the full sig nificance of these fundamental ques tions should be understood. While this means a great deal of futile prolixity by some talkative sena tors, whose speeches are more vol able: as Napoleon said. ‘You can not make an omelet without break ing eggs.’ So you can not have or derly debate without some senators wasting the time of the senate. “The house and the senate may be regarded as the positive and negative poles of the electric cur rent of public opinion. Each serves a purpose, one in speedy and effi cient action and the other lilxrate and comprehensive debate.” U. S. HOSPITAL SOUGHT V. F. W. Post Tommandera Discuss Veterans Unemployment. Selection of Indianapolis as the site for the government hospital for World war veterans, to be built in this state was urged by V. T. Wag ner, Convention City post comman der. Veterans of Foreign Wars, at a meeting of post commanders in the pythan building Wednesday night. Eward G Schaub, state com mander ot the order, discussed un employment among war veterans. Another meeting will be held at Convention City post headquarters, 143 East Ohio street, at 2 p m. Sun day. School Employes Resign Resignation and not reinstate ment. was approved by the school board Tuesday night for William O Nan, foreman of custodians: Dan Nolan, labor foreman, and Philip Kersey, electrician foreman. The action was reported erroneously in The Times. Fnll Leased Wire Service ol the f'niteil Press Association Speaks to Bar 9 By R * l "Rk James M. Beck, congressman from Pennsylvania, speaker at meeting cf Indiana Bar Association to night. CLEAR SITE FOR NEW BUILDINGS Gas Station, Parking Lot in Heart of City. A filling station and quarters for auto accessary firms will be built within a block of “The crossroads of America,” on the triangular tract between Kentucky and Capitol ave nues at Maryland street, with a parking lot adjacent. The building will be erected by the Indian Refining Company on the former site of the independent Een Davis bus station. Old buildings, extending 265 feet on Capitol avenue and 210 feet on Kentucky avenue, are being razed by the Service Wrecking Company. "We are not certain the exact type or cost of the construction,” H. L. Rauch, district manager of the re fining company, said today. “We have not determined which tire and battery companies and other motor service films will become a part of the project.” Rauch intimated the filling sta tion, with wash and oil racks, prob ably would be ready for opening this spring. The refining company has a ten year lease on the Kirshbaum prop erties being cleared. CITY PRODUCTS TO BE GROUPED 500 Exhibits Expected for Achievement Week. Indianapolis-made goods will te displayed in downtown store win dows, with more than five hundred exhibits expected, during Achieve ment week, Feb. 3 to 8. Norman A. Perry, chairman of the week, is arranging for the exhibits, which will convert the shopping dis trict into a vast array of displays showing industrial, civic and com mercial assets of the city. Displays will be grouped in order, to show the wide variety of products manufactured here. “The movement will impress residents of the city with the tremendous assets of their city and its wonderful possibilities for future development in commercial and civic endeavor.” Perry declared. “We intend for the display to depict the greatness of the city and its metropolitan area. A number of industries plan ex hibits showing mechanical opera tions used in their daily work. In dianapolis-made products will be emphasized in all the displays. The committee will accept ap plications for reservation of display space until Jan. 21, Perry an nounced. TRIO GETS EAGLE RANK The Indianapolis Boy Scout court of honor, meeting Wednesday night ; in Cropsey hall. Central public library, elevated three scouts to the Eagle rank, and conferred several other awards. The Eagle Scouts, first to receive that honor this year, are George Wahl. Troop 51; Robert Norris. Troop 54, and Harry ‘Dragoo, Troop . 69. INSURANCE COMPANY WILL ERECT MILLION-DOLLAR OFFICE BUILDING DESIGNED to be a distinct asset to the architectural beauty of Indianapolis, a $1,000,003 heme of fice building for the American Cen tral Life Insurance Company will be erected on Fall Creek boulevard, between Illinois and Meridian streets. Herbert M. Woollen, presi dent. announced today. Ground will be broken early this spring for the building, pitcured here. The main budding. facing Fall Creek boulevard, will be 307 feet long by 52 feet in width, with the east end paralleling Meridian street 65 fet. It will be three stories high on the boulevard front and four stories high on the Twenty-sixth street side, of fireproof steel and re inforced concrete construction, and will provide for future growth by the eddU'on of th-ee wm^s. The approach from the boule vard. as shown by Rubush & Hunter, architects, will be by a ••n-'d'vis driveway. Broad steus lead to an inclosed portico. Sur mounting this will he six two-story The Indianapolis Times JURY TO GET CALUMET PLOT CASE TONIGHT Seven Hours Alloted for Final Pleas in Liquor Graft Trial. ATTORNEY GOES FREE Judge Slick Declines to Permit ‘Guess’ to Put Lawyer in Jail. Bn United Press HAMMOND, Ind., Jan. 16.— I The list of defendants in the East Chi cago liquor conspiracy case was re duced again today, as lawyers began their final plea In federal court, here. Lester Ottenheimsr, lawyer, charged with taking $2,250 for fixing a liquor case, was freed on a directed verdict of acquittal. Judge Thomas W. Slick said the government had raised a suspicion, but had not established his guilt. “Long ago I adopted the resolu tion that I never would allow a de fendant to be guessed into jail,” the judge declared. Jury to Get Case Tonight Court was slow In getting started today and the case was not likely to be placed before the jury earlier than 6 this evening. Four hours were allotted to the defense, and three to the govern ment for the final pleas, preceding the judge’s instructions to the jury. District Attorney Oliver Loomis of South Bend and Earl J. Davis of Detroit, special assistant, were to close for the government. W. J. McAleer and Timothy Galvin of Hammond headed a list of twelve or more defense attorneys who were expected to make final pleas in be half of various clients included among defendants. Presentation of evidence was con cluded late Wednesday afternoon, after a session which saw' two de fendants take the stand in their own behalf and contradict the tes timony of Mayor Hale, who denied any pre-election promises, while on the stand Tuesday. Tell of Assignment The two were Sanford Overall and Eldridge White, who, while de claring no mention was made of li quor, and that they were not boot leggers, said Hale had assigned them and Grice Chandler, Negro vice overlord, certain gambling territories in East Chicago in return for elec tion support. The government introduced only one witness in rebuttal—Leon Tor rou, department agent, who testified that White, when arrested, had con fessed to liquor activities. The twenty whose cases will be sent to the jury tonight represent the remainder of forty-one original ly indicted in the case. Nolle Prosse actions, misnomer pleas, mo tions for directed verdict, and fail ure to apprehend, cut the list in half. 4 PEDESTRIANS HURT BY CARS Man on Sidewalk Hit by Auto After Crash. James E. Hopkins, 68, of 2619 North New Jersey street, suffered injuries to his back early today when an automobile careened over the sidew'alk and struck him, after colliding with a truck at Twenty fifth and Bellefontaine streets. James Murray, 27, of 1529 West Ray street, and Hubert Abney, 34, Fishers, drivers of the car and truck, were not held by police. Struck by a backing auto in the 1300 block North Senate avenue Wednesday, Mrs. Elizabeth Holden, 49. Negro, sustained a fractured leg. Jacob Schatz, 70, of 560 Eastern avenue, walked into a moving taxi cab at Washington and Pennsyl vania streets Wednesday. He was thrown to the pavement and his shoulder injured. John Hanscom, 59, of 3329 North Capitol avenue, was bruised when struck by an auto driven by Clyde M. Bower. 3505 West Washington street, in the 3300 block North Cap itol avenue Wednesday. * jp|| lonic columns, bearing a classic pediment. Extending to equal dis tances east and west will be the flanking wings of the boulevard facade, finished in buff Indian i limestone. . INDIANAPOLIS, THURSDAY, JANUARY IG, 1930 Some Poignant Reminders of the Rise and Fall of City's Brewing Empire 'center old copper cup full of malt), still stands in the Ft „ " > f rat hung-by the beer vat in the ■ brewery back yard on Madison ' / fadlson avenue brewery. avenue. The sign on its side ad- I Center Right—The first auto- vertising “Gold Medal” beer Ls f iobile used to haul beer in the ! still on it, although faded by Lime Uppzr Lest —A truck of the In dianapolis Brewing Company, 1356 Madiecn avenue, parading with its well groomed teams in “the good old days.” Upper Right—John J. Giesen, former brewmaster, now a bottler of soft drinks. Center Left—The old copper cup that hung -by the beer vat in the Madison avenue brewery. Center Right—The first auto mobile used to haul beer in the city. The driver is Charles Hodges, BY ARCIi BTEINEL Time’s alchemy has brought ten years of prohibition to the United States. Ten years ago today, the eight eenth amendment became a law-. In a weather-worn brick build ing at 1356 Madison avenue are memories, half-fantastic ghosts of those years before Jan. 16, 1920. In a wood building adjoining the brick structure sits one whom the alchemy of time has brewed into a product of the prohibition days. For in the heyday of the li censed extraction of alcoholic con tent frem malt, the brick building employed 1.610 men and was known as the Indianapolis Brewing Com pany. But now- fourteen men labor in the few rooms of the building used for bottling of soft drinks. In those days when beer kegs were as common as auto accidents and not a curiosity in the Smithsonian Institute, the one who sat in the wood building was John J. Giesen, brewmaster. His beers won the gold medals at Paris and in Eelgium, the Cross of Honor in France, a grand prize in Italy. But now he is John J. Giesen. manufacturer of soft drinks. It takes logic to make good beer, Chief features of the interior will be the main entrance lobby, the principal executive offices, and an assembly hall, cafeteria end kitchen The lobby, as the central and pivotal point, will receive a richer now sergeant of police on the In dianapolis department. Lower Left—Group of workmen at the Indianapolis Brewing Com pany sunning themselves on kegs on a sultry day “away back when.” Lower Right—A vat (which, when the photo was taken, was full of malt), still stands in the brewery back yard on Madison avenue. The sign on its side ad vertising “Gold Medal” beer is still on it, although faded by time and weather. not alchemy. So when one asks Giesen about the past ten years of prohibition he gets the answer of a logician: “There’s been quite a few changes in industry. Horses supplanted autos. Autos, licensed and regu lated were a very good substitute. Prohibition prohibited the brewing of a wholesome, healthful beverage, as beer and light wines. But in having prohibition we received the substitute of numerous of poisonous concoctions, without license or reg ulation. So prohibition was not a good substitute.” And Giesen goes back to his vials of soft drink drops in the lee of the brick building with its discarded beer barrels, unused malt tank, empty ale vats. He’s a logician. Time’s the al chemist. He knows logic won’t make him a brewmaster again, but time —well, they still do strange things in the test tubes of alchemy. Gulls Detect Suicide Bv United Press NEWARK, N. J., Jan. 16.—Con stant circling of a flock of seagulls over one part of a lake in West Hudson park led detectives to the body of John Woodward, 63-year old bookkeeper. He is believed to have committed suicide over groundless worry that his job was to be given to a younger man. treatment both in material and de sign than any other part of the building. The floor will be of Tennessee marbles, the walls and cornices of Botticino, and the bases of Levanto or other appropriate marbles. WRIGHT DENOUNCES EFFORTS OF WETS Dry Law Author Speaks at Celebration of W. C. T. U. “The wets have just as good a right to repeal the Eighteenth amendment as we had to pass it, if they do it in a right and orderly way.” This statement was made at the Victory day celebration of the Mari on County W. C. T. U. today by Representative Frank (Bone Dry) Wr.ght, author of the rigid Hoosier enforcement statute. The meeting was held in the Century building to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the prohibition amendment. Granting the right of the so called “wets” to try and change the amendment, Wright launched a ti rade against their efforts. ‘Tor ten years the wets have de cried the multiple benefits of pro hibition that are apparent on every hand,” he declared. ’’They seem de- I Grilles and two large relief panels will be of bronze, and the celling of richly ornamented plaster coffers. The assembly hall will have seat ing capacity of 303, for the com pany’s a:*ncy meetings and for ; employes' social activities. All jaafi Second Section Ente.*-d as Second-Class Matter at Fostoffice. Icdlanapolla termined not to accept the eight eenth amendment as settling for ever the liquor question in this country. “Everything that unprincipled men with money could do to break down prohibition and bring it into disrepute has been attempted. “Today prohib tion is the biggest question before the American peo ple and there is only one thing that America honorably can do, only one way that we, a liberty loving, self sacrificing people, can afford to go and that Is straight ahead with law enforcement in this country. “We are facing today one of the most critical times in our history, we are meeting a great crisis, that of the enforcement or nonenforce ment of our laws. We must realize Lhat our nation can not exist half law abiding and half law breaking.” Tourists Spend $4 Each MONTREAL, Jan. 16.—United States tourists In Canada spent on an average of $4 each during 1929, according to the January monthly letter of the Royal Bank of Canada. will be removable so that the floor can be used for dancing. Five large clerical workrooms, each 86x46 feet and clear of all col umn construction, will occpy the end wings of the building, the central portion to contain offices of execu tives. An intricate underfloor electrical system for both high and low ten sion wires will provide a possible outlet for every eight square feet in the workroom areas. A noise less, automatic, vertical conveyor system has been especlaly designed for transporting papers between floors. Locker rooms and toilet facilities will be provided on all floors. The mechanical equipment room will be centrally located in the rear of the building on the ground floor. Tie buildings will be heated with oil. A simple but attractive plan of landscaping will add much to the appearance of the structure as a whole. Parking space for auto mobiles will be provided in the rear BAR DEBATES REVISION OF CONSmUTION Albert Stump Argues for Change, With J. W. Noel in Opposition. TORYISM IS ASSAILED Attorneys of State Gather for Midwinter Meet ing at Club. Tories never favor governments; change; and opposition to Indian- 1 constitutional revision comes from the Tcrrrs of today. This weis the contention of Albeit Stump, in deoate in the midwinter meeting of the Indiana State Bar Association at the Columbia Club :his afternoon. Stump pleaded for constitutional re vis.on by convention, as will be voted upon next fail, and James W. Noel took the opposite position. Both are outstanding members of the Indianapolis bar. “The very language of the Tory reappears and sometimes is ap plauued touay in fighting against any change in the Constitution,” Stump toid the lawyers, assembled from throughout the state. Cites Progressive Language “Against the tide of that kind of aovice is the progressive lan guage of Jefferson and Hamilton. Madison and Washington and all others whom we now honor. “The same talk about dangers on account of groups of fanatics, wild eyed reformers, half-baked idealists and vague and dreamy theorists was heard when our national Constitu tion w'as founded. These things were as eloquently spoken then as now by champions cf the things that were against those who championed the things that should be. “What America needs most to guard against is not change,” Stump said. “It is not revision of Con stitution. The most dangrrous spirit that can enter into a country is the spirit of Chinese devotion to the past that would prevent a gov ernment from courageously and righteously adapting itself to mat ters out of which injustices and in iquities otherwise would develop in the forward march of events. Mo't States Change “Every state in the Union, except eight, has set aside its old Consti tution and adopted anew one since 1851. None of them has lost the liberties that some fear would dis appear in such venture. “The people of Indiana should not be afraid of themselves,” he con cluded. Noel contended that the first In diana Constitution, made by fifty men in nineteen days in 1816, was in many respects better than the second and present one, made in 1850, after 127 days had been spent and 333 resolutions voted upon. He pointed out that the business like rather than scholarly, qualities of the bar generally and the mob spirit of the times would not strengthen the idea that anew Con stitution would be a better one. Noel Opposes Move Amendments, when sorely needed, and legislation can care lor all progress and improvement neces sary, he asserted. “I would stress the value of set tled construction of an instrument saventy-eight years old,” he de clared. “Settled construction of fundamental law is necessary.” Attorney-General James M. Ogden, president of the Indiana State Bar Association, gave a short address at the opening session this morning. James A. Van Osdol of Anderson told of the work of the Governor's crime commissloin, of which he is he'd, and urged its support by the bar and citizenry. KIWANIS CLUB HEARS ADVERTISING LECTURE Three New Members Installed; Sec retary Given Radio. Klwanis Club membership was in creased by the Installation Wednes day of three new members at the weekly luncheon club at the Clay pool. Lecture by Professor George H. Tapy, psychology department head at Wabash College, on American advertising, in which features of newspaper advertising were enumer ated, was the luncheon feature. New members were Ralph Erk, Charles E. Bowes and Robert L. Mason. Otha C. Herdrich, club secretary, was honored by members, who presented him with a 1930 Majetsic radio for having served in that place for the fifth year. TAX SUIT BRIEFS FILED Early Discussion Expected on Chain Store Law Protest. ( Early decision Ls expected in the | federal court suit contesting legality lof the state chain store tax lav j brought by Lafayette A. Jackson. | proprietor of the Standard Grocery Company, as a result of the filing Wednesday of final briefs for the plaintiff. 0 The briefs contain a summary ol the contentions upon which the in- ‘ junction is sought and makes an effort to substantiate the allega ! tions that the law is discriminatory ; and confiscatory. Three federal judges, Will M. I Sparks, Robert C. Baltzell and Thomas W. Slick heard the case. Six Miners Are Missing ' R i/ United Press j BERLIN, Jan. 16.—Six miners are missing, and sixteen were rescued : from a coal mine in Boutheq. fol : lowing collapse ol Umbers shoring