Newspaper Page Text
JAN. 17, 1930. LLOYD GEORGE CELEBRATES HIS S7TH BIRTHDAY British Statesman Battling to Regain Power for Liberals. Bv United Prete LONDON, Jan. 17.—David Lloyd George. successor to the late “Tay- Pay” O'Connor as father of the British House of Commons, is 67 to day. The famous statesman, who has won numerous high distinctions during his busy life, starts out his 68th year with still two more honors since he also is the oldest member of the House of Commons from the standpoint of service. He has held the Carnarvon seat since 1890, a consecutive term of forty years. His birthday was to be one oi w'ork The diminutive Welsh wizard had little time for hundreds of congratulatory telegrams. He is determined to carry his rigorous policy to regain for the Liberal p artv t * lo ru^ng power and prestige which was lost in October Ol 1922, When he resigned the premiership, with relentless per sistency. _ .. _ , . For a number of months, David Lloyd George has been considered the central pdAnt of Great Britain s political maelstrom. Even though his party has been out of power since 1922. his position has been re garded as the crux of the political situation. A political axiom lately has been, “Watch Llovd George, because as he goes, so does the government.” Wniie it is not expected that he will be elected premier. His in fluence in the election is enormous. Prize Recipes by Readers Raked Oyster Loaf Mix together 3 eggs, 1 quart fresh oysters, l - pounds round steak (ground*, l‘.i pounds fresh lean pork, 2 teaspoons salt (scant) and teaspoon pepper. Form into a loaf and bake 1 hour. MRS. WINIFRED LEAH JAQUES. 317 Broadway, Logansport, Ind. Date Pudding Two eggs, cup of sugar. 3 heaping tablespoons of flour, 2 tablespoons of cream, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, cup of chopped Eng lish walnuts, 1 cup of finely chopped dates. Bake in a buttered pan set in a pan of water. Bake from forty to forty-five minutes. Serve with whipped cream or ice cream. MRS. DALLAS GOOD. Sheridan, Ind. Dumplings—Two cups flour, 4 teaspoons baking powder, 1 tea spoon salt, two-thircls cup water I Mix and sift the flour, baking powder and salt. Mix in sufficient water to give the proper con sistency for rolling. Roll and cut as you would biscuits. Either drop the dumplings into the stew, or, better still, lay in a greased steamer, cover closely and steam about fif teen minutes. Any gravy which has been left mav be abided to the stew. MISS STESLLA SINGER. 1717 South Talbot, street. Reef Stew With Dumplings Three or four cups beef, 2 table spoons butter, flour, 1 teaspoon sali. -teaspoon pepper, 1 quart boiling water, 1 quart tomatoes, 3 or 4 po tatoes, 4 onions, 4 carrots, -tea spoon celery salt, J s-teaspoon pap rika. Cut the beef into cubes, dredge with flour and sprinkle with salt SATURDAY SPECIALS AT IBRAUER’S wash| rn PURE LARD, 5 Lbs... .53c I FRESH HAMS, Lb... 19y 2 c Shoulders § ( y- n h „ Hamburg, Lb. i7V 2 c Lb I6V2C 1 RIBS, Lb 15c ■*ure Pork Sausage, Lb., 15c Pi CHICS ,o ßi" nd Pork Chops, Lb., 25c Lb., lOC \ ,!' S Smoked Hams, Lb., 25c Skin and Fat PIT for every Y X baking y purpose \ IIIpV EZBAKE BELIEVE IT OR NOT —- —g—"r■ ■ "pg' v.'-nyy■ ■■ WtRE EACH MAYOR . Os CWCACO 5 t'MVS Os lwavt is stvtN 1 v • w' in am* 71 mL*!*** ft tcfuwio. Ifs&r'w. Wi SOLDMULA - rfSuilwHwd 4f SCORtOi MIOOOAIVf' • C °“ L ° F fORCES ns wv UP Through me < wsYitcoups , ,£,\ ' from miwory, SOLID tCE - TO blossom in — 1930. King KialUM Syndicate. Inr . Great Brtan rights reserved and pepper. Melt the butter, or ba con drippings, in a skillet, add beef and brown. Turn into a ketttle and rinse out every bit of the brown with the boiling water. Add to the meat, together with the tomatoes, potatoes, onions, carrots, celery salt and paprika. Cover and simmer slowly until all of ihe vegetables are tender. More water may be added if necessary. Serve hot with dumplings. Rolled Oats Cookies Two cups soft A or granulated sugar, 1 cup butter and lard mixed, 4 cups rolled oats, t 4 cups flour, 1 pound seeded raisins, 1 1 i teaspoons baking seda, lVi teaspoons warm water. 3 teaspoons cinnamon, 3 eggs. Cream sugar, butter and lard to gether; add beaten eggs, cinna mon and soda dissolved in water. KO-WE-BA ['MEANS the fSEST'j COFFEE KOTEE, WELLS & BAUER CO INDIANAPOLIS On request, sent with stamped addressed envelope, Mr. Ripley will furnish proof of anything depicted by him. Cut raisins and add to oats and flour. Mix all together and stir well. Drop mixture into greased pan by spoonfuls in hot oven. MRS. EMERY J. RASLEY. 803 North Jefferson avenue. Sweet Potato Croquettes Three cups of hot mashed sweet potatoes, three tablespoons of but ter, one-half teaspoon of salt, one beaten egg and one-half cup of chopped nuts. Mix the ingredients, cool, shape into croquettes, dip in dry bread or cracker crumbs, then into beaten egg and back into the crumbs again. A Delightful Dressing for All Salads gpp| 11 l| j PHOENIX ||| MAYONNAISE | Better—because made better and not dam- sgj aged by lengthy haul. Direct from Indianap olis factory. Also Phoenix Coffee, Canned Fruit, Canned b Vegetables, etc. > , AT ALL INDEPENDENT £ GROCERS t PACKED BY SCHNULL & Ca INDIANAPOLIS THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES L? 1? Registered C S. O V Patent Office. RIPLEY Fry in deep fat and drain. This makes sixteen the size of hen eggs. MRS. RAYMOND SNYDER, R. R. 1, Arcadia, Ind. Search for Communists Bp United Pngs MEXICO CITY, Jan. 17.—A vigor ous search is being conducted for Communists as a result of recent red demonstrations against Mexico in Washington, Detroit and Buenos Aires. Numerous expulsions of un desirable foreigners are planned. Among the sixteen leading states of the country which supply 63 per cent of the men for the United States navy, Indiana stands eighth. MIXED PHONE CALLS AROUSE JUDGE’S IRE Gives Bootleggers Year to Stop Slumber Disturbance. Bu United Press RIVERHEAD. L. I„ Jan. 17.—Sim ilarity in telephone numbers fre quently causes a deal of inconven ience, but seldom as much as it will cost Herman Kramer and his wife, Gertie. The Kramers were among a dozen roadhouse proprietors rounded up last summer As their cares came up in county court, ether propri etors pleaded guilty and escaped The Best Pound You Ever Bought! CARLOAD SALES SATURDAY BALDWIN APPLES $1.50... $1.75“ POTATOES PER 60 POUND BUSHEL Round White, small size $1.25 Red River Cobblers Red River Ohios $2.15 Idaho Bakers $2.25 OPEN ALL NIGHT EXCEPT SATURDAY NIGHT At Car Door—23o Virginia Ave. Just South cf B. & O. Freight House HAMILL BROS. DISTRIBUTORS Ijn ECONOMY ♦ YEAR ♦ FOR + KROGER * CUSTOMERS I yffe kroger^ gUZEbtt SAI * Pj£p|:s|i§y Ml jpP’ Leading right in 1930—from the greatest economy year L -pf gp ▼ ’ in Kroger history—into a year that will undoubtedly ||| 'wQpsSir be still greater. Plan now to enjoy your share of the millions of I * ftfl NP dollars that Kroger customers will save this year. When you figure 1 *** your 1930 budget—there will be more to put into “Savings” if that I most important item “Foods” reads “from Krogers’s.” nr lams W H°Sf ° r ★READ THE INTERESTING FOOD FACTS BELOW AH Surplus Fat and Skin Removed Lb. Choice Slices, lb., 42 4 J r P& G b? Ground Meat ?or r MiTo3' “Uc y Laundry Soap k. Fresh Picnics <*. .StfS. u... ISc y Tl Bars x -™, __. / JA r jrF M V Sliced Bacon' rn, x,‘rot;n.; 33c << __ ' __ A eggs i> IP ‘ 1 M A HT and SS S Guaranteed Fresh I 15 Ltl” 47c Grapefruit aa 4 for 25c at Kroger '-t'lres were brewed in one Sweet Potatoes Nancy Halls 6 Lhg. ZJt 11^ -■ mrh'n? BANANAS ssnr 4 25c SALK 0F fruits _ An unusual opportunity to Mock your pantry for Camay Toi,et Soa P 3 Cakes 2*3© Country Club y° ur bala ” r of th '‘ "inter need* Hominy „ 9e Peaches &srj te 3as 67c Cornmeal „ w ,5!.7„ w 3 toe unte can, asc v> cans, Calumet * Del Monte 3'e.s-73e Colltt Fr'en , ch B pran,i. L 'b , 35© . Large c;in, 250 * 12 cans, $2.85 Blue Rose Rice h™S”k'c 5 Lb ‘ *7c sh—i— %>. 'in r Tomatoes or ComW 3 *sc readies ( an * ] 2 cans, 77c Finest Flour 49c 95c Country Club Bread Loaf, 5c ; I’4-I.ii .sc Apricots ..SKtr™. Poundcake 17C Large can, 20c * 12 cans. 52.2 Q I Vanilla Wafers ’SfiT 22c Cherries STli7,sS!iu 367 c I Country Club Jell Flavors, Pkg., 6c No. 2 can, 23c * 12 cans, $2.00 Americas House wiv£S_SAVit* $25,993 i 9B3 1 33_AT_KROGER STORES Last Yeß Pineapple 367 c No. 2 can, 23c * 12 cans, $2.00 ★ All the foods that Kroger customers A Aaveo y / consumed durina 192, If Sjrnred at oct __ _ __ the average price of these foods at stores throughout the country as substan- A UotrosusAf \ IP &UIC Itca-lx n.. r £<i */C tinted by bulletins published montiily bj I \\ j \ „„ V. S. Derartment of Labor would have / \\ 92<// \ No. 2 Can, 30C * 12 Cans, cost them 5J5.93,95;1.33 more than they / \\ jf \ paid at Kroger-*. That's ouUe a slice of / \\// ' \ . money that Kroner customers saved. I W/ 1 f m* rt.iji-fr GJul 9 K ■ These Htures are based on the savin** j y I wild MJk Royal Am • j) Cans A which Kro*er customers made in the pur- 1 DDirc qc *. tnnot I r . _ 0O chase of 12 basic food Items last year 1 * C E fCk ' OS / Large Can, 3oC * 12 Can.S, $3.90 These Items, those that the average family 1 SOLD AT J nses almost dally, were Hotter, Fresh Kb*:*, \ iterirrc tTCiB CC / Bread Sugar. Coffee. Floor. Corn, Peas. \ ■■ ■ Tomatoes Lard. Meat and Potatoes. \ IN 102.(J J —i . The ability to offer the freshest \ / 9*? foods at su<li tremendous ravines I* at- '.,Xjr _ nil tk' atf dm f-actlne mor- and more women to Kroger with fines. The Kramers unhesi tatingly entered similar pleas. “My telephone number is almost the same as the one at this -cadhouse,” Judge George H. Fur man said. ‘‘l don't have to be told about the place. A lot of people kept getting m on the telephone when they wanted the roadhouse. I learned what their bus ness w-as. I will impose a one-year jail sentence to be sure the place is closed.” Sausage Causes Death of 6 SEVILLE, Spain, Jan. 17.—Pork sausage infected by trichinosis has resulted in the death of six silver miners here and the grave illness of sixty others. Emilio Gil, manu facturer of the sausages, was held. MIT.K-FKn POULTRY SPECIALS EOF. SATI KUAX FRYERS 32c Very Special, lb HENS ... 32c Free Dressing While Von Waft Phone Lincoln 4979 City Poultry Market 125 N. Alabama St. Northeast tor. Ala. & Wabash STATISTICIAN TO SPEAK New York Editor to Appeat at Meet ing Here Feb. 27. Robert M. Davis, statistical ed itor of the McGraw-Hill Publishing Company of New York, will speak at an open forum meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, Feb. 27. Davis comes here at the request of Dr. W. M. Steuart, census direc tor at Washington. He will ad ® Chuck 1 A Best Pure Ifir Veal 90 a $ Roast IjC LARD IUC Roast ZZC § Beef II ; 'cal 1 7 „ Boil JL*xC Creamery 9 0 Pocket II C @ BI TTER J4*C 5 Round Q ! 'cal 9l ® Steak ZBC Pork 1 C Chops. ZDC # X ROAST....* £ • | 5.,, 18c 15cP 7ic • • Beef 101 Cream OO ■ S, ' crd Ift. eg Brains... CIIEES3, Zj£ Liver I"C ® .— _ —n Flank Slankiess n-j Spare ■> 7 _ % Steak ZoC PICNICS Z 2 Beef 1 r Mild and s"ugar Cured Jowl j 4 tse Hearts.... IDC Genuine Break- or Bacon ... lit W fast BACON ZDC $ • Beef 9 C No. 1 Quality Bacon 1 g Tongues. ZDCj 1 Squares... IUC ® & EGGS. oq 4* IjSj Lamb -I Q Sat. Only J/L Pork IQ Roast lOC Shoulder.. lOC JJ W ; I No. 1 Quality OAt* ® & Lamb -i Ojl Smoked HAMS.. ZfIC Fresh |(Q m A Stew..... 1Z 2C. Whole or Half Side IDC i ® Lamb 00 CHILI SAUCE. 2 O A Pork Chops.... (ULtX, Large Bottles for. uJL Steak tiUv PAGE 17 dress the manufacturers and dis tributors of Indianapolis on the practical value of basic data on manufacturing find distribution. CALEDONIA BLENDED TEA Members of INDIA TEA BUREAU ' Send for Samples CALEDONIA SALES CO. 334 Amer. Cent. Life Bldj. M. 3731 Bur from retailer