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JAN. 17, 1930, BANKER GIVES YALE $50,000; QUITS HIS JOB Retires to Devote Time to Handing Out Small Fortune. BY HARRY FERGUSON rnittd Press Staff Correspondent i'EEKSKILL, N. Y., Jan. 17.—A ;an who began giving away money •.en before he was old enough to oake any sat in his office here to day and tola why he was abandon ing his Dusiness to devote all his time to the science of philanthropy. He is Chester DcWitt Pugsley, 42, a banker, who has become so accus tomed to handing out thousands, that lie leaned back in his swivel chair and said as casually as though he were at>out to tell you he was gt ing to buy a cigar: “I celieve I shall announce today hat l have just given $50,030 to Yale university.” Pugsley differs from most philan thropists in two respects—He is vounger than any of them and he probably has less money than most, for he is not a rich man as wealth Is measured in these days of multi millionaires “My income," he said, ‘‘has been • educed to $20,000 a year by my gifts. I plan to give away two-thirds of the S3O 000 this year. This gift to Yale it to endow a series of confer ences on international relations.” His sole purpose is to develop brains, not real estate. He tosses in his money, wagering that in some way it will help develop a human mind that can teach nations how to be good neighbors. Young Mother Dead r, " Time* Sneriol UNION CITY, Ind.. Jan. 17. Mrs. Robert Proctor, 21. is dead here. She leaves her husband and an infant daughter; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ruby: a sister, Evelyn Ruby, and one brother, Am brose Ruby, all of Union City. Store Open Saturday Night Till 9 strauss sails Several I Hundred men’s over coats For storm and dress. A drop in price—drop in AT ONCE for best pick! nr- sGo, Overcoat’’ to 33. W t Washiogtoo St SEPARATE RESIDENCE RIGHT WON BY WALSKA Opera Singer Exempted From Duty Payment by Court. Bj Vnltrrt Pr> x* NEW YORK. Jan. 17.—Mme. Ganna Walska has won her battle to establish the right of wives to maintain legal residences separate * rom thcir bus-1 unanimous deci the opera singer W - from payment of duty on effects j ■ * ' v 8 she brought into \ J: year ago on a , % visit to her hus ; p band, Harold F. McCormick, of .• J Chicago. Cus- Ganna Walska tom S authorities had assessed the duties on the theory that the resi dential status of a wife was that of her husband. Mme. Walska lives in Paris and that court ruled that that city is her legal residence. It called at- , tention to the fact that she and j McCormick maintain separate resi dences by explicit agreement, live on friendly terms, and exchange visits. MAKES PERFECT RECORD Harold Dunkel Receives Honors in Chicago University Report. Harold Dunkel. son of the Rev. J. A. Dunkel, and Mrs. Dunkel, 3815 North Delaware street, a graduate j of Shortridge high school, made a : perfect record of three A’s in the i autumn quarter at Chicago uni versity, according to the university ] examiner’s office. Dunkel is holder of an honor scholarship to Chicago. He is a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Dean Coulter to Speak. Dr. Stanley Coulter, dean emeri tus of Purdue university, will speak on ‘‘Making Work Count.” at the Shortridge Parent-Teacher Asso ciation meeting at 2:30 p. m. Wednesday. Music will be provided by Miss Ruth Otte and Miss Ger aldine Swarthout. CAMPUS DANCE PLEA HEARD BY BUTLER HEADS Directors Delay Action on Request of Student Council. Efforts of the student council of Butler university to obtain permis sion to hold dances on the uni versity campus were deadlocked to day while a committee of the board of directors surveyed the council's request. A petition, signed by 688 stu dents, was presented to the direc torate Thursday requesting the right to hold dances on the campus. The directors refused to act on the petition. They appointed Hil ton U. Brown and Emsley Johnson, Indianapolis, and John Canady, Anderson, a committee to examine the proposal and to report at the April board meeting. Petition Is Signed Several directors are said to op pose dances in a university affiliated with the Christian church. The petition signed by a vast ma jority of the school students re quested the privilege on the follow ing grounds: ‘‘That closer contact with college life is brought about by the dances. ‘‘That, the financial problem of renting public halls for dances would be relieved and money spent for hiring halls could be used to a better advantage in behalf of the university. Better Conduct “That dances could be conducted with more decorum than in public places, as the general public could oe refused admittance. Boisterous ness at Butler dances has been due to persons not attending the uni versity w'ho have gained admission because the dances are held in pub lic halls. If such conduct occurred on the campus, officials would be in a position to punish offenders.” The petition also cited the impor tT f darc-tv- ro-'vs in the so cial life of a university. THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES ,-ENTIRE STORE OPEN UNTIL 9 O’CLOCK* Women’s Sample r~ c- •-. •'LVGIRLS’ OXFORDS IIATC | (j~ ~~~ 0 Oxfords for growing girt^in^tan, | iTjlSW l^*2 January Clearance Sale! Thousands of dollars’ worth of new seasonable merchandise sacrificed at prices far be low their actual value. As we are determined to clear our stocks of all winter merchandise. A If 1| 1 iP SI.OO Women’s Flannelette \/|l !L Os a Pajamas and Gowns wM JuihU,, J|r|| 1 j t gs S lan BB uHk lar and extra size. Pa- M M ['tf'^T/JIA £>% One Hundred J| |1 11 11 11 Jamas attractively M M Priced fj Quick Close. J| trlmm^ m regular “”■ * j&L JiL „ New Low Priced Purchase .... Offering striped flannelette, 88c il? %*■ Astonishing Value! $1.95 Pajamas and Stout Size My m |•; Gowns Gowns Hill fit’-paMn The season’s , ‘Vf <1 t £4* w best se,lcrs ’ if* m w w lirasof flne eitra slze ~ T • 1 kind, Values A 9f Jjjf K modeled gar- Flannelette Gowns Petticoats & Bloomers Syjfcft * u 4£f nl ms sm ments costing An excellent heavy' a m Lovely quality ESBSjHPMBiA. £ J° u ma - v l l *'' j* gjjjf Ml ms a great deal oualltv, in hopedfor ’ but 9 jSjf p m raore - Beau- size only t?a " r a ” OS/C '"MMSmOr'l B 8 W i CLEARANCE sale Ilfi'fMr 1 3 \ WOMEN’S UNION SUITS iPP /j Ml rTrt^l>r^)| Women’s winter weight union suits m IBIBIHIjI in knee or ankle length, sleeveless or /% Women’s Sample DRESSES Boys - tZf Selections from regular stock. Smart styles A mml UNION SUITS UNiON SUITS for business or afternoon wear. Novelty 1 1 Ribbed union Winter weight in woolens, silk crepes, satins and georgettes, 'r suits in all styles /* long sleeve and /* also knifcted fabrics In one or tw'o-piece _ ■ and sizes. Sale ankle length, in styles ‘ Size range for women and misses. price. 1/1/ I all sizes. V V j Women’s Clearance Sale of Manufacturer’s Surplus Stock of Spring Shirts t and \ L FUR COATS MEN’S SHIRT SALE! Saturday ygg. Lovely supple . _ -■ On 2nd 1 B 1 fur coats that \ || / K Hundreds of crisp, new shirts ~ . fresh from pi _„ imm m f, about —• the makers , . . every one the smart idea Floor Vlt one-half their for spring wear! Every one full cut and pro- K actual value. portionately made . . . every one offering BPk JfsHk v ._ more than 100% value for your money! Light BTm m * . IS SI < ... or dark color broadcloth, collar attached shirts, m jm JB Avery special group of high class shirts made ydt&r A Stranded Manufacturer’s Exceedingly Smart Stock of to sell for more. GIRLS* FUR COATS 0o„a r/, S P ,e nd ,d, New Style Shirt if 7, ‘ . pi* $2 - 00 broadcloth shirts a 1 && I Broadcloth and silk stripe madras, ) (J* r*r B J. J- • so an d stiff collar attached, (v Girls’fur coats. Splendidly tai- a, f\Q separate collars or the new stiff ( I rf* V\ Wg lored and beautifully lined - gb m %• y o bosom with stiff cuff, > \ for far more than e are ask ' a W $2 Quality DRESS SHIRTS $1.50 Men’s Broadcloth SHIRTS > n g. Size 6 to 12 years. a large assortment of broadcloth 11 , . moor ., M , Soft or stlfr collar attechßd 1 74 or madras shirts, full cm. Either A 4 $125 Girls Lovely $29.98 Girls Lovely neckband. White and fancy col-P I collar attached or neckband. Col- W MUSKRAT ! SQUIRRELETTE ors. In figures or stripes. JL ored or plain white. * COATS RACCOONEY ——- - SHIRTS UP TO $lO SILK SHIRTS SCQ.9B day S oniyt atUr " $1 4.98 JoHar attached, neckband or J 4 The greatest buy in this shirt sale. \ fnl 1 j * Bca% erett 1* I " seperate collar shirts. Newest pat- 44 white or col ? red , Rllks in collar a . $ ,00 llned - Beaverette terns in silk, broadcloth and im- V f *33 tached, neckband or separate col- V $5 Girls’ NAVY Women’s Pretty I ported cloth. I ,ar style. CHINCHILLA COATS APRON FROCKS >taln Flnor $ 2- ga.3£ nPS '49c Boys’ School Overcoats 5 ENAMELED BEDS & °TeuTr Ko to SQ.9B - ((Mgk Z W cfi Jh IftJifi!; Am Gretn or nory ; w r j.-J, jj : _I-‘ ?f i■H . j W W4L [/i Buy nursery furniture on “Tin* JJ - pf= 5 T ‘ | §MjL ““TLr."" i W fi: :Pi w W m sss. Lor r , ? _g J s ° e S ßoy,’ Warm 1 BOYS’ 2-PANTS SUITS |$Q .98 JT ’floor’ sheeplined coats V $0.99 wheeis b C r tire ) *hJ f 4 Leather reinforrpd pork- * c 0 j\ A tures boys llhe Sizes 4 .. QQ u:-L r'Hair I Mattress et . belted and with heav- s3 Nursery Chair $4.98 High Ghatr mattress er iied collar. Sizes Bto <f . , Sl == ":'-r iSr'"' 1 mos ! m.7 ft o “>*"• U Boys’ ShirU and Blouse, hark and str * C 1 Qg s tructed bassinette $1.90 n/AVC' CO P A MTS BfrX'\ P,ain or fanf: y broadcloth dily constructed, v S.UO *'tucr Infants’ Flannel- BOYS $1.50 PAIN IS iff . . . slipthtly soiled nnd Q O $5 Mattress 49c Rubens Vests * , Longles of corduroy iKI ■■ \\ rnugsed f rom_ handling. g>o mattress Button or foldover style. ette Gertrudes ra.osilnere or lined golf of / _ WX VV_ SiCR Bto 44. .iflc and 73c WV A large size, well made A)1 AAr White, trimmed in pink eassimere and tweeds. i Stz#> in Ape R-l 8 gra,Jes - _ mattress and ffO QQ s j zeg or • n Ages 4to 18 ** • OIZCS in S+ge O-iO Kloor. comfortable SL,iJO g abies Dainty olae — Infants’ Flannel- Dresses Receiving Drastic January Reductions on Clothing Taken From Our Own Stocks. ette Kimonos : Trimmed with lare or* Blankets j ye a 11 HO f H V 1 A UTf"^ A Overcoats Made to Sell Overcoats Made to Sell M. JL f or $15.00 and $12.50 lor $25.00 and $20.00 January Clearance of All Surplus Winter Merchandise NOW NOW^ GIRLS’WARM BATHROBE fA wonderfully warm bath robe dfl M *""""** ■£ p3? of Indian pattern design. Cord P JB ,1 ,7 m®&a£! fasteners in sizes 7to 12. Now p _ , o pvprv 411 am ia thp timp in knv tlmt much Ks Extraordinary values in e ' er > IB 7 3r ■ Models to suit everv’one. Box, 1 tl! ? e t 0 bU} that Uh i garment. Highly tailored, plaid I'M V form flt t ins and tubulars, in needed robe— backs. 'Hirough through Shades of blue, brown, grey and Childs Sleeper Q ua i| ty Kaincoats in red, $3 Men 3 Pants * c 333 mn rrt a* > ;\r.rvr‘7 Q K ; ; £'r, k $7.50 Mens, size Ito 9 wilC I** steds, mole- J | fSM nt ¥¥TV T v-i Women’s Outing Women’s Silk kins and , 9 Eag l e „ |-‘L tl' SHEEP-LINED Flannel Gowns !!•<#< rock - Sizfs 28 to 48. A Extra large size flannel- i " ~ 7! V I & 4P dB CCI ATQ 69 c irVirir. til,™ :"S Mens Overall* 111 IJ A i o Women's Winter f"* t ‘ $3.98 JACKETS =t> VMm SSSAsT. I t m on Coats _ _ - Heavy blue denim. \ '***leatiier reinforced 78 # Q Jj l Smart fur-trimmed cloth A we jj ma( j e gar . fl Q po c k et*. 2 muff ”/i Vi (V-h coa , ts: neatly tailored Just a few of these re- ment. In Sizes 36 to AXP bea-eoVdwl 1 a^r \l ' zis s7.9B'nta ut $2.49 46. OOi. x PAGE 3