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Newspaper Page Text
JAN. 17, 1930. TEXAS WONDERS IF FERGUSONS WILL RUN AGAIN ‘Farmer Jim' and ■ Ma’ Have Backers Who Want Them for Governor. BY GORDON K. SHEARER Inlled Press Staff torrupondfnt AUSTIN. Tex.. Jan. 17 —All over the 266.000 square miles of Texas, people are wondering if "Ma" Fer guson is going to enter the Gov ernor's mansion for the third time. It would be but another turn in the remarkable career of the two Governors, Miriam A. and James E. Ferguson, who have alternated be tween the zenith and the nadir of fortune's wheel. In 1914 a rugged, smooth shaven. 200-pound man of 47. risen from day laborer to banker, startled the poli ticians of Texas by suddenly an nouncing that he was going to run lor Governor. With a plank in his platform pro January Clearance Sale Save 1-5 tv 1-2 On Everything You Buy! All F ionr S' ;>!e —\il Odd Pieces Must Go! Never before such surprising say ini's —never before were prices so low and quality so high. Buy now! Save! g.igpjj * Cl -- a^2^l M For Saturday P®CialS One Day Only! -Wy A Sensational Offer of Fine Breakfast Sets Just, to Open 100 NewAccountsTomorrow! (Beautifully Finished Bevel-Edge 1 Chairs Are Strong | I. '..'. I Tl.I. l'i, | r\ew Design I I Chairs Are Extra I All Pieces Are 1 Drop-Leaf Table | I Well Built. j Finished to Match J Beautifully Decorated, New Design 5-Pc. Breakfast Sets Group No. I—Consisting o£ DropLea£ Table and 4 Chairs gSrjfip jL Exactly as Pictured J|| B Graceful bevel-edge top, drop-leaf table. In Pafejjl choice of gray and blue and pray and green Bray $0: BFW enamel finish. The four chairs to match are very substantially built—a rare value Pay Only 95c Down! I GROUP NO. 3 5-Pc. Breakfast Set \l ?: P f; srs!?^s^5 r s !?^ s^® t * m for this 3-piece set. 3) M 1 |f y L Includes drop-t at'table a. Jtb. ~ Carefully made and E£ SR and four well-made Q* wra jffVk §1 L II ll *cely finished in col- m chairs, ihe entire set * 1 M • JH I B ored enamel with at- JW al B finished in beautiful tie U K*l/ 1/ I tractive decorations. Mr B M colored enamel, with * W M W Table and four chairs. fifegj pretty decorations. d? M j n _ _ . " 95c Down! nkl j \ 95c Down! Beautiful 6-Panel Windsor Type “Simmons” Bed -4| .75 Both head and foot two 1 I I 3-Pc. Living Room 1 £%CC B *Pc. Dining Room & Suites, Now VII Suites, Now *■** 3 and 4-Pc. Bedroom g* £\CC Junior Floor and jg £%££ Suites, Mow Bridge Lamps, Now. . . All Overstuffed Chairs, Occasional Chairs, Coxwell Chairs, Davenports, Daven port Tables, Occasional Tables, Desks, Odd Buffets, China Closets. Go at Vs to Vs Off Regular Prices! EASY CREDIT TERMS ARRANGED TO SUIT YOU I “The Home of Guaranty Furniture’' I* ronyenifntly located on Wahhin*- ton street. ju*t 14 blocks viest of Illinois street, directly opposite the VICTOR Wmm : Furniture ca^s J 231-237 W. Washington St. t poring to limit the amount of the crops that landowners could clain I from tenant farmers, Ferguson was swept into the governorship. After being hostess at the "man sion” for nearly three years, Mrs. Ferguson left it in October, 1917, with her husband, who had been impeached and sentenced never again to “hold office of honor, trust or profit” in Texas. Then came the Ku-Klux Klan Ferguson became its vitriolic attack er. He could not run for office. Mrs Ferguson said she would. On the twin planks of opposition to the Klan and vindication they again had fortune's favor. Pardoned Husband She pardoned her husband. The legislature passed an amnesty act restoring his political rights. Atiorney-General Dan Moody be- | gan a probe of highway activities. Huge contracts had been let. He demanded tneir cancellation and re- I turn of approximately $1,000,000 to the state, in a series of suits. Win ning a $600,000 suit Moody an- i nounced for Governor. In the second primary Moody won and in January, 13*17, “Ma Fergu son” left the mansion the second time. Amnesty Act Repealed The amnesty act. that had re- j stored Ferguson’s rights was re- pealed. Opponents claim the ara i nesty never was constitutional and j that'“Ma” Ferguson could not legal j ly pardon him. Ferguson supporters say the par don was valid. They assert also ! that once having taken effect, the I amnesty act restored his rights re gardless of the pardon. Once re stored, they say, repeal of the act could not deprive him of the right to hold office. Because of this dispute some think ”Ma” will again be the candidate, ! not “Pa.” In either event, a Ferguson victory will take her into the “mansion” for j the third time. READY FOR QUOTA FIGHT • /?;' Srrions-ll'if'ird Sf.icspnner Alliance ■WASHINGTON. Jan. 17.—Senator David A. Reed of Pennsylvania, au thor of the national origins immi gration law, is prepared to lead a fight against the proposals of Albert Johnson of Washington and John Box of Texas to extend the quota ‘ system to North and South Amer ican countries. The legislation is intended to halt unrestricted immigration from Mexico. The existing law places i no restrictions on Mexico or any other western hemisphere nation. Labor Secretary Davis and other immigration students long have ad vocated the quota system for Mexico. THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES i STORE OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 O’CLOCK I _ | D0N ’ T MISS THIS j | and r these great adver- ■CHOICE TABLE | CHOICE TABLE | CHOICE TABLE | 75c to $1 Values? S | $1.25 to $2 Values 1 $2.50 to $5 Values & Men’s Dress Shirts. !S n r Slishttv soiled and mussed lots. Men’s Shirts and Drawers, fwa Slightly soiled and mussed lot o. Men’s Wool Union Suits. ,^9 Men’s Athletic Union Suits, * Flannelette Nightshirt SB Men’s r. 0% Wool Men's Work Shirts, YW Men s Flannelette NUbtshlrts. Saturday and Monday %jft\ All Day Saturday and Monday fek j I All Day Saturday and Monday HOPE MUSLIN P Outing Flannel 1!, ~““ B I *1.28 HEAVY BLAHKETS If a, w, fcr-a * H 1 a.-" 1 s fa Ij Second § m (J Og nel. First quality ■ fjßfi m\ * Tlml# I® last! at- I®C Kfj Floor ML M u from full bolts, at H * w, ” , *=r Bg Limit— ** KgS Limit— only, yard— CD I Second Floor. '* sty j Second Floor. sdM M* s ! SBUIH 'VBCBBHHH mHB fgs MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN’S 1 2-PANTS SUITS [Jm OVERCOATS ver y Garment Made to Sell from SIO.OO to $35.00 Large variety of fabrics, patterns and shades. Materials are all wool. Styles for men || V \ifjr* and y° Ir * en * Sizes front 33 to 48, Go on sale tomorrow in three great groups, p I wml Your choice during this sale at— jjjpj WLmk v (A OC Men’s Wool Boya’ I and )kmkm COATS Dress Pants 1 IgWBBfSA AVIS SUf * 36 *° 46 ' R,Ml,l<^P,l tf ’~ Formerly sold from fS to $6. WUI 1 O I Ilf SIO.OO-118.00 MEN’S BU’E Reduced for this sale at— Formerly sold from $5 to $lO. Hj Si \Qi F CORDUROY A jVW Ar JgL . MSk, iio on sa,e tomorrow at— KB. B She^^ ned s 6:Hsl-$2- $ 3 $ %-M s d-M I Final Clearance of & w 7j?i:fveilT’ W MiUlneryl y I Hats formerly sold from $1.50 to SI.OO •W Sm't 0 H *** y£{ FINAL CLEARANCE WOMEN’S |> Fur €@ats| Only While They East. Coats formerly sold tor $55 to un a Aten s High-Grade k Dress Shoes and Oxfords i /N. Black and tan. Sizes 6 to 11. Discon- B JfM tinued numbers. All Goodyear Welts. k Diplayed on tables in three groups. !, #k $1 $0 $Ol Ma Szza S n , /,( .ij y Boys t UiViS and C niidren s HIGH and LOW SHOES % Black and tan leathers. AH styles. sM In all si/H., Irregular,. Only, Pair. nl OpS jSSfe. mSbT • ’nL Wmw,’, - 25; 11 fgVjn PAGE 7 Saturday and Monday— K On Sale H:SO A. M. to 12 Noon Each Day We Will Sell g| j Maxwell a S 1- h. ran—Limit--2nd lioor. jpj; Saturday and Monday— k On Sale H:SO A. M. to 12 Noon BflK 35t—45n I’ll ONOG RA I’ll Popular SonK go on jjiZUSh P plirf sale at, each— Limit—Second Floor ‘BP Afternoon Special! Saturday and Monday— MT On Sale 3 to 5:50 I*. M. t. JELLO 3 Pkgs. m If Jop 1 e I Limit—Second Floor Afternoon Special! k Saturday and Monday— jmjj On Sale 12 Noon to 3:00 P. M. Ear Wilson’s ggg* ft' Evaporated @ Milk * t-Iil). fall run—Umlt. 2I Floor 36-Inch Wlfle 1 nbleaclied MUSLIMS gM | ! Oood fjuelity, yard— (J SH Umlt— Zj Second F'loor. ’USSs' I 36-Inch Wide Novelty Ms. Printed Percales 2lc Value. Beau tifnl patterns, in nHR Alj' '•’•■'A pa lights and darks. H E 9 Efia -s Fast colors. JL TAjjm -* M Yard— eStS) AjW hM ym ——■ i "PILLOWCASES |j First Quality. Sizes 36x42, QB H at only- | ffl l.imit— Ma m. 1 Second Floor. GINGHAM k In checks and KjS^j plaids, yard— g RH Second Floor. ffls Razor Blades f FOR GILLETTE RAZORS Package of ®| 5 Blades || for Main Floor. SUNDOWN—*I LARGE |k COTTON BATTS | Sire 72x00. Full __ size. All in one | zgmn, BW sheet. Heavy fiuffv /feffl iNTjAdca trade. Will make Sj &U 'fNe? u (A M fine com sorters. |i a BS JA Only— * a Sff Limit—Second Floor. wo- O. N. T. SEWING THREAD <m /, Tn hiack and : a J ,N white. On sale, _JSp '^StS9 RPOOI.— HI vmH—i 35e Caravan Playing CARDS W IJnen finish tfSi nod Package— gl * r I Main Floor. JR I Limit. 9®^ I Arrow COLLARS ' °sr IS’I $1 06-$1.23 SIEN’S ® Flan'ette Shirts p 2- triple grjjp jZ?7S. stitched. AllUia, M size* 14 to 17. ~mß Red Deed to— Knit BLOOMERS k 4*c Women’s Jersey In pink and atx^j white. All sizes. H| Reduced to— C j Second F'loor— nASf 69c Women’s Heavy Flannelette Gowns Reduced Second Floor— ’ Limit. WF