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JAN. 17, 1930 WAR MOTHERS TO SEE GRAVES OF HERO SONS 13 City Women Will Visit Europe as Guests of Government. BV LAWRENCE SULLIVAN Timn Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON. Jan. 16.—Thir teen women of Indianapolis and its suburbs who lost loved ones on the battlefields of Europe during the World war will be guests of the fed eral government this summer on the first Gold Star tour of A. E. F. ceme teries abroad. The Indianapolis Gold Star mothers and widows who have in formed the war department they will take the first tour this year are: Mrs. Ella A. Armstrong, 1230 Leo street; Mrs. Tessle E. Barnes, 6C3 North Jefferson street; Mrs. Rose J. Dorrell. 1739 Kali place: Mrs. Anna R. Fatout, Cumberland sta tion; Mrs. Nannie Holler, Acton; Mrs. John O. Lineberry, 902 North Capitol avenue; Mrs. Margaret Mc- Donough, 222 South Fourth avenue. Beech Grove; Mrs. Mary E. Mit chell, 1621 Rembrandt street; Mrs. Efflo S. Morgan. Forty-n nth street and Colorado avenue; Mrs. Mary Munier, 110 East, Palmer street; Mrs. Edna S. Prather. Box 401, i: R. 9; Mrs. Minnie W. Humphrc. 3345 Graceland avenue, and Mr Mary S. Ritchie, 335 East Fifty-first street. Will Tour Cemeteries The tour will embrace every American burial ground as well as every isolated American grave ir. France, Belgium and England. Every mother or wife will be given an opportunity to visit the grave provided by the government for her husband or son. Approximately 12,000 women of the nation are eligible for the tour, 500 being residents of Indiana. Groups will be taken abroad during three successive summers, a maxi mum of two weeks in Europe being provided. Voyages will be made on American flagships. Six Unable to Go Six Indianapolis women who are eligible have informed the war de partment they can not, for various reasons, plan the trans-Atlantic Journey. They are: Mrs.. May Fite, Bridgeport; Mrs. Lucy Wright Ment iow. 465 West Sixteenth street; Mrs. Mary M. Peffley, 509 North Devidson street; Mrs. Leola E. Sherick, 4352 Hillside avenue; Mrs. Charles Wall, 1055 Woodlawn avenue, and Mrs. Millie Elizabeth West. 621 Buchanan street. Indianapolis women who have signified desire to make the trip next year or later are: Mrs. Mary Buckner. 1212 Yandes avenue; Mrs. Ola M. McAdams, 825 Grant street; Mrs. Hattie Myers, 805 South Shef field street; Mrs. Hessie D. Parry, 3541 New Mexico street; Mrs. Alice Rosqell, 17 North Keystone avenue; Mrs. Alma M. Simpson, 4350 Park avenue, and Mrs. Maggie White, 1004% East Maryland street. KIPLING TO MAKE TOUR Writer and Wife Will Take Ocean Voyage Through West Indies. Bm Times Special MONTREAL, Jan. 17. Rud yard Kipling, well-known tvriter, accompanied by his wife, will make a tour of the West Indies in March. This information is contained in the announcement that Kipling has booked passage on the R. M. S. Lady Rodney of the Canadian Na tional Steamships, sailing from Kingston, Jamaica, March 12, call ing at Nassau, the Bahamas, on March 15, and arriving at Hamil ton, Bermuda, on March 18. Roann Motorist Killed ROANN, Ind.. Jan. 17.—Instant death was the fate of Harry Petty. Roann, when the automobile he was driving crashed into a telephone pole after he lost control of it when it struck a road rut. on trade this diamond ring in on a larger stone we will allow you full purchase price for your old diamond, vfil Thus grow a beautiful diamond the “Rite-Way.” FiCry of J ® ri “ ,an * dUmo nd t&gkM 50c Weekly! “ >' SI.OO Weekly! Beautiful modern park lin g dia mountings of 18- “° larger ft' ' rith diamonds of I graved mountings !/ exquisite beauty. of 18-kt. solid \\ /| white gold. Vj '7si! <IOO Easy Payments! ™ A Tear so Pay! Open Open Till Till q , rI . SQUARE OEMMeWeLRY SHOP q , n . y O dock Between iVashinztan and Maryland Sts. ® V^IOCK A 1930 Ramona f s|§ m Charming Grace Woods faboveT, descendant of a pioneer family, will play a leading part in re enacting thrilling episodes in the lives of her ancestors in the an nual Ramona pageant at Hemet, Cal., in April. The historical romance of Ra mona. most colorful of early C ili forma heroines, will be presented in a natural open-air amph theator. DEATH TOLL IS HIGH London Records Show 340 Killed by Autos. B\l Vniteil Perns LONDON, Jan. 17.—During the months of July, August and Sep tember of 1929, 340 persons were killed in the metropolitan police dis trict of London. The total injured over the same period w-as 16,260 w r hile 32.000 persons suffered either property or personal loss. Private automobiles were the worst offenders, killing eighty-eight and injuring 4.905. Trade and com mercial vehicles killed 112 and in jured 1.990. Omnibuses killed twen ty-five and injured 845. Trams took the lives of seven, but injured 559. Jay-walking and careless driving are given as the chief reasons for the number of deaths and accidents. Hesitating or faltering also are listed as im portant reasons for the high toil in lives and property. IT'S COMING ?: ?: To <(' prepared—we must continue our- SALE OF Smart Footwear wanted materials— all styles—low and high heels—sso pairs to select A from ’ dffSt Pa "' ‘hßAtetSasMon anj jm, ,v’ Chari.eSßH 4 W. Wash. ARRANGEMENTS ARE MADE FOR INSURANCE DAY I Convention Tuesday Will Have Sales Congress and Banquet. More than 1,000 insurance men, representing all branches of the m | surance business and including life, | fire and casualty interests, are ex -1 pccted to attend the “Indiana Insur i unce day’’ celebration at the Jlay ; pool Tuesday. Plans for the event are nearing completion, according to James A Bawden, general chairman. The convention will be the seventh an nual event of Its kind. The event is sponsored by the In surance Federation of Indiana, but will be participated in by: The In dianapolis Fire Insurance Agents’ | Association, Indiana Association of ! Legal Reserve Life Insurance Com | panies, Indiana Casualty Adjusters’ j Association; Indiana Association of Insurance Agents; Indiana'Associa tion of Life Underwriters; Life Un- , derwriters’ Association of Indiana, Fire Underwriters’ Association, In- j diana Field Club and the Indiana State Fire Prevention Association, j In the morning two sales con ' gresses will be conducted, one for life and one for fi e and casualty men. Addresses will be made by j agency, company and business rep- I resantatives. The life section will have an | afternoon session, following a joint , luncheon meeting presided over by A. L. Jenkins of Richmond, Ind., president of the Indiana Association of Insurance Agents. Principal speakers will be W. W. Klingman of Minneapolis, vice-president of the Equitable Life Assurance Society and R. P. Devan of Charleston, W. i Va., former president of the Na ! tional Association of Insurance Agents. The annual banquet wall be held in the evening, with Clarence C. Wysong, Insurance commissioner c. Indiana, as toastmaster. Speakers will be Dr. Gustavus Walker Dyer orofessor of economics of Vanderbilt university, Nashville, Tenn., and Colonel H. P. Dunham, insurance commissioner of Connecticut, j Committee chairmen in charge of the convention are: Ross E. Coffin speakers; C. O. Bray, registration- J. J. Fitzgerald, flying squadron; Van Y. Duncan, publicity; Ralph L. Colby, entertainment, and C. F Merrell, reception. THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES DENIES SHE SOLD SON FOR $203,000 Mother Says Millionaire’s Divorce Deal Did Not Include Child. BY PHIL SINNOTT, NEA Service Writer SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 17.—“ Sell my baby boy for $203,000? Never!” declares Mrs. Beatrice ELsman. divorced wife of Ralph Elsman, California millionaire, from whom she is .seeking custody of her 3- year-old son, Ralph Jr., now with his father. “I bought the custody of our son CLEARANCE Living Room Suites Sample Suites, jacquard, 3 pieces. $95 Sample Suite, 3 pieces, jacquard... 109 3-Piece Suites, jacquard, price cut to 125 3 Pieces, Sample Suite, row at 139 3 Pieces, Display Suite, now 135 3-Piece Suites, one of a kind 148 Sample Suites, 3 pieces, jacquard.. 155 Suite, display suite, 3-piece....... 157 Large 3-Piece Sample Suites 159 Suites, pillow arm, 3-piece.. / 165 Sample Suites, mokir, 3 pieces Suite, mohair, 3 piece suite 175 Suites, 3 pieces, extra Sue 185 Sample Suites, mohair, plain taupe.. 198 Sample Suites, 3-piece, mohair— 219 3-Piece Beautiful Suite 229' [CLEARANCE AT ANY COST Sample Coxwell Chairs, new at $19.95 Occasional Chairs, samples at $ 8.75 Fine CoxweD Chairs, samples 24.75 Gate-leg Tables, ckrance at 9.95 Large Arm Club Chairs, $35 value 19.95 lllll; MW Phone Tables and Stoo,s - set at 198 Beautiful Framed Mirrors at... $1.49 Samp. Odd Dressers, wal. fin. 19.50 Windsor Rockers <*, and.... 495 | RUGS I f"*'*? Windsor Chairs, mahog. finish 3.58 | “["IiSS SSKSSrSt TI'T , MTS Samnlp Srinpf Desks at 19 75 % patterns; this sale, purchase, IQC \ !ne ressers > now a *- 28.75 Sample dpmet uesns a | choice, per now pl v , , , 'jiLofi o_i no^ r- 0* 4 n nP l,c eomnloc ?? K(\ 1 la. yd. 4iJC 9x12 Fringed Velvets, $ Wood Beds, Width 3 ft. 3, at. . 11.515 Fine Spinet Desks, samples. . .LLX % Borderless Congoleum choice of patterns; X _ 0 if.CiC IC7C Occasional Tables going at ... 8.49 f g.; ; "gj $28.75 | Decor Breakfast Sets, 5 pcs. 5.75 j. , t li i 7nc \ 9xi2 Rug cushions to go is Breakfast Sets, decor. 5 pcs. 15/./5 Davenport lables, samples... 4.“0 £ 9x12 Axminster rugs, under rugs, 9x12 ft.; § ~. - n D 1£ c 07 CA ... 8.95 is*. $29.50 IS $6.98 s Splendrf B, M !rfast Sets 27.50 End Tables With Book Trough. 3.49 * orcelam-Top Kitchen Tables. 4.89 Handsome Bridge Lamp with shade, $4.95 | Junior Floor Lamps and Shades at $4.98 | Wonderful Junior Floor Lamps at. 7.49 $lO Tab. Imp. with shades $4.98 ~'l ~■ Fine Kitchen Cabinets at 28.75 Double Day Beds with mat. 13.75 - , I _ ru - ir|J - L WpAk Enam - K,tchen Cab 29^ Samp. Day Beds, splendid. 18.75 f Il\llf ll UV m * Kitchen Cab ” iarge ' Fine Samp. Day Beds at... 24.75 J|I Il|| I1 A 7%) Splendid Gas Ranges at... 28.75 Heavy Metal Beds to go at 5.95 I> i Semi-White Gas Ranges at 39.75 Brass Beds, the sl6 kind. 8.95 " All-White Gas Ranges at.. 49.75 from her when I paid her $203,00C in a divorce settlement at Reno in 1927,” claims Elsman. “It’s untrue,” retorts Mrs. Elsman. “I never sold my baby to him. I’ll follow him to the ends of the earth. Elsman's millions can’t keep me from my little son. “I’m just an old-fashioned girl. So old-fashioned that I will fight for my baby; so old-fashioned that I loved my husband. “I didn’t know another woman, a nursemaid in my own home, was stealing away my husband's love. I was too innocent to realize what was going on.” Three weeks after the divorce. j Elsman married Florence Diehl, the woman who acted as nursemaid to I his little boy. The mother, who came to San : Francisco recently, said that Els man had offered her $500,000 at one time if she would permit him to ■ have complete custody of the child. Elsman disappeared from his Los Gatos home with the youngster. : Mrs. Elsman is seeking to regain ; custody of the child through San Jose courts. Columbus Man Retires | B,v Times Special COLUMBUS, Ind., Jan. 17.—H. P. Hughes, for twenty-seven years an officer in the Union Sales Corpora tion here, has sold his interest in the concern and will retire, he an nounces. For a number of years he operated a grocery here. He and his wife are planning on moving to Denver, Col., in the near future. Bedroom Suites Dresser, Chest and Bed, 3 pieces. .$ 59 Vanity, Chest and Bed, 3 pieces Dresser, Chest, Bed, sample suite.. 79 Dresser, Vanity and Bed, now— 85 Dresser, Chest and Bed, 3 pieces.. 95 3-Piece Sample Susie, going at.... 105 Dresser, Bed and Chest, 3 pieces.. 119 Bed, Dresser and Chrofce, 3 pieces. 129 Bed, Chest and Dresser or Vanity .135 Choice of French Vanity or Dresser with bed and chest 143 Fine suite, 3 pieces, out it goes Dresser, Chest, Bed, sample 149 Sample Dresser, Chest and Bed ... 159 4 Pcs., Twin Beds, Vanity and Chest 165 PROPOSE M/WmERMS WASHINGTON AND CAPITOL J||pfyy v j- -I rfff-jy g f Doe* this: Wffi J COLD J You’ll know why Hill's is si wars u gc millions of homes when you enjoy the iW'- ’'wPfiigjlgMteMßK JBh' qutek, easy way it knocks a cold. It brings relief in one-third the usual time because >f checks cold 3 ways at once jjfefe v Checks fever... 3: Tones system, restore* - energy. Good and safe for folks of *ll i ages. A Detroit woman says, “I haven t had a bad cold in 5 years, thanks to Hill’s Atk any druggist for the red box of HILL’S CASCARA-QUININE Dining Rsom Suites Dining Suite, Buffet, Table, 6 Chairs. $ 59 8-Pc. Dining Suites, wal. fin., samples 85 Sample Suite, Charles II Design Sheraton 8-Piece Suite, sample.... 109 Buffet, Table, Set 6 Chairs at 119 Walnut Suite, 8 pieces, sample 123 8-Piece Dining Suite, sample 129 Sample Dining Suite, 8 pieces 135 8-Piece Suite, splendid suite 139 Sample 8-Piece Suite, walnut 145 Suite, 8 pieces, handsome suite— 158 Elaborate Sample Suite, 8 pieces... 169 Extra Fine 8-Piece Suite, was S2OO 179 Very Elaborate 8-Piece Suites 198 Dinette Sets, 5 pieces, now 39 Breakfast Sets up from 14 PAGE 9