NOV. 13, 1931 Free Parking! Room for 200 machines in our free parking lot adjoining the store. For our patrons only— no time limit—no purchase—no obligation. A Sears * service. Park and shop at Sears fvithout worry. ur Great “Super Value” Sale youghout the Entire Store! bargains—Not Advertised! This New Gas Range Is Equipped with Automatic Lighter and Heat Control and Is Ftilly Insulated with Mineral Wool. $59.50 Value ~ Super Sale Price Saturday ...... $4050 1 Cash Price Delivered , . i .Another fino new Sears’ Console "*• - " Range at a big sav- Fully Insulated Automatic Heat | | I iJr ’Automatic Lighter 16-Inch Oven ■ t ' f m. Service Drawer Enameled Drip Pan J Beautifully ,1 Enameled Exterior ‘ Also Sold on Easy Payments $5 Cash—ss a Month—Guaranteed —Sears’ Basement. For Saturday—The Last Day! Rogers & Bro. Silverware Guaranteed for 50 Years! Less Than Half! 26-Piece Set $12 75 —For Christmas Gifts! —For Wedding Gifts! —For Personal Use! Genuine Rogers vJ 1 1 I Two Copper Tub Water Witches, Originally $93.50 —Sale Price Os Three Porcelain Kenmores, 8^ Two De Luxe Kenmores, . | ,*,,)% Two De Luxe Water Witches, SOOSO I Originally $94.50 — Sale Price Ou These prices are cash —any of these washers may be purchased on our easy payment plan, plus a small carrying charge. All have been SrJE 'gzM reconditioned and tested and are in perfect mechanical shape and A7JJ r n, will give years of sendee. .vL / tLOSy 1 Qy me nt3 —Sears’ Basement. Sears, Roe buck amd Cos ‘ 1 ' '•, ■ / ■ • Saturday—Last Day of the “Super Value” Sale! f Men’s Horsehide Coats '^3 30 Inches Long—Wool Blanket Lining Check these against the best you D JHHMB wS®''' ■ jj|| can find elsewhere at $6.50 \ j§ O ,-V JBH|T| \ point for point, quality, workman- 4m || ship, roominess—then you’ll know " why they are such a great value. •• Soft chrome tanned black leather l|j| As nearly weather and wearproof as if fi PilPI V v JHSuMHBit it is possible to make them. Coat Vr M Men’s Warm cuffs, 2 pockets, knit waist band. ’Mm&SBR raflV GlfiVP? Tan and gray, fast colors. All sizes. WR/W VCa Boys’ Sheep-Lined Coats M Almost unbelievable isn't it? They’re J, A&fyk fT\ THHB ’ImSTw ® made of tough-wearing moleskin cloth, \ IJ faBMBi jMlf some of which were formerly up to if M fi 1 Fleece lined cape ss 00. Large, warm collars. Fine for M 4 skin. Black or school and every day. Sizes 12 to 18. Jmm l ——— Sjffl fastener Sl Si. P —Sears’ First Floor. to 10 Vi. Saturday The Last Day of These Extraordinary “Super Sale” Values! Men’s Fine $4 to $5 s< ° r€ •Pure Wool Kj ▼¥ \7dlWl O Open Another shipment for the m 4%, §| Saturday final day, and Men, they’re ffrittl k j| good! Not in many months J H \gM are you offered such fine n ■H Tailored Pre-Shrunk Fine WmjW Broadcloth Shirts You’ll Have Difficulty m f*§ . . Finding Their Equal Else- MW ■! HUBi 'Mt, :£■ HI. V * v f: where Than $1.25! T j plain colors. Seven-button front. Each separately wrapped gBP ‘ ... *' | in cellophane, 14 to 17. ' K ' A New One If They Fadel |'7'' .;^gi —Sears’ First Floor. t—l —Wfim . THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES Saturday—Last Day of ft Super Value” Sale! Ready with More of Those Fine Nashua” Part-Wool Blankets at So Much Less Than Their Usual Cost 500 pairs to sell at this amaz - JL ingly low price. Beautiful J j plaids in new pastel shades. Tr Sizes 70x80 inches . These “Nashua” part-wool blankets MW “Super are nationally advertised at a much Sale” higher price. A supersale value Price at $2.19 the pair. er^air Fine All-Wool Blankets The Pair S>C9Q 70x80 Size—Beautiful Pastel Plaids Part-Wool Novelty Blankets Each SO4Q Heavy Quality—Size 66x80 inches ™ ** Golden Fleece Blankets The Pair $A 25 Fine, warm and fluffy, size 70x80 Part-Wool Indian Blankets Each $-I QQ Three Color Combinations, Size 64x78 X Other Special Blanket Values for Saturday SI.OO Holds Any Blanket for Later Delivery! —Sears* Second Floor Free Bus Service! Sears * bus operates between the store and Circle and English theater terminals every fif teen minutes—day time and evening. No tickets required—no purchase required —no obligation—a Sears * service. Fruit Trees Shrubbery FREE! Fine Ferns Rubber Plants Snake Cactus. Choice with each purchase of shrubbery amounting to $1 or more. Unttsual Values! ™ 49* 5 to 6 Feet High! Choice varieties of Apple, Apricot, Cherry, Peach, Plum and Pear. Shade Trees 89c to $1.49 Wier Cut Leaf Maple, Norway Maple, Catalpa Bungei, Mountain Ash, Flowering Crab, Purple Leaf Plum, Weeping Willow and Lom bardy Popular. All very fine. Choice Shrubs 3 for SI.OO Spi: ea Van Houttei, Frobelia, Spirea Anthony Waterer, For sythia, Hydrangea, Dogwood, Barberry, Bush Honeysuckle, Mock Orange, Snowberry, Snow ball, Bush Cranberry and Lilac, All fine and hardy. Rose Bushes 29c—Four for $1 —Curb Service, Rear SjffF IM&. BY BEN STERN AN already scrambled Chinese puzzle was given another twirl today when the name of Meredith Nicholson, famous Indianapolis nov elist and essayist, was tossed into the Democratic senatorial tangle by friends both here and over the state. Nicholson was noncommittal over the possibility that he may become a candidate for the post in the state convention next June. “I have nothing to say, nor will I discuss the matter,’’ he declared. Friends, however, eagerly prof fered the information that he would not turn a deaf ear to ambition. If his name does go before the convention it will be the seventh in the rapidly growing list, which in cludes Evans Woollen, Albert Stump, Walter Myers, all of Indianapolis: Lew O’Bannon of Corydon, Samuel Clelland of Ft. Wayne, and John A. M. Adair of Portland. Indications are that Nicholson will make no contest for delegates, but that his name will be used in event of a deadlock, which looms at present. # # * It Is a matter of record that, al though preoccupied with his literary labors, Nicholson has found time to take a prominent part in Democratic activities. In 1924, when the Republicans al most everywhere were swept into office by large majorities, he was Democratic nominee for state sena tor and led the legislative ticket, although also defeated. Then in 1927, when the members of the city administration either were ousted or indicted, Nicholson was appointed a member of the re form city council. At the Seventh district reorgani zation meeting in 1930 he was elected Seventh district Democratic chairman. Nicholson also .was offered an im portant diplomatic post by Presi dent Wilson. s n One of the outstanding liberals in Indiana, Nicholson will attract those with a similar bent who will be del egates to the convention, and his name, distinguished as it is, would no doubt prove a drawing card on the state ticket. There is a decided movement to ward the liberal point of view, both in his party and over the state. Usual comment regarding many of the others mentioned is: ‘‘He is too conservative.” This, at least, never could be said of the Hoosier author. HALT ECUADOR REVOLT Troops Stamp Out Rebellion in Guayaquil Area. By United Press GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador, Nov. 13. The government of President Al fredo Basquerio Moreno concen trated troops in the Guayaquil area today to stamp out a serious re volt in southern Ecuador. The Chimborazo battalion at Rio bamba, betwen Guayaquil and Quito, the capital, was reported to have joined the revolt but the re port could not be confirmed. The government contended that all of the country was quiet except in Oro province. Just Misplaced Sympathy By United Press LONDON, Nov. 13.—The following appeared in the births and deaths column of a newspaper: ‘‘On July 15, 1931, at Silverwood, Leatherhead, to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. W. Kimpton —twins, a boy and a girl. Sympa thy misplaced.” No More Hemorrhoids Thousands Praise This Great In ternal Remedy That Freed Them From Awful Pile Misery. If you think that the surgeon’s knife is the only method of escape from the misei'y of piles, it’s because you haven't heard of the new remedy known as Dr. Leonhardt’s HEM-ROID. Don't even think of an operation or waste time on external remedies until you have tried this quick acting yet harmless internal medicine. It was Dr. J. S. Leonhardt who dis covered that piles are internal, caused by blood congestion in tbe lower bow els. It was be who discovered the in ternal medicine HEM-ROID that quickly ends Piles by stimulating the circulation, healing and restoring the weak, flabby, almost dead parts. Now Dr. Leonhardt wunts every suf ferer from piles to benefit by his dis "covery. So Hook'3 Dependable Drug Stores and good druggists everywhere are authorized to sell HEM-ROID with guarantee that it will positively end piles in any form or money back. On that honorable basis, get HEM ROID Tablets today and say to your Piles, GOODBYE FOREVEli.—Adver tisement. rrr—SAFETY rr First Os Ail Jfktcher trust Compang • USED STOVES • Low Prices—Easy Terms! Capitol Furniture Cos. 211 E. Wash. St.—LL 8912 ★ Safety for Savings Fletcher American NATIONAL BANK South ot Cornar of Market and Panntylvania ALTERATION SPECIALISTS —WE KETAIR KEIINE REFIT ■ TAILORING L.tlV