NOV. 13, 1931 CHILDREN ‘BETS.’ AVERS AUTHOR We Wager Ours Are Finer, Sa' ( s Lewis Browne. This is the land of opportunity | for those few who get the opportu- We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities flflflflflflflflflflflflflflflßi^flßl^MßflßWMßßßflflßflflMßißflWWß I .SsIJQ E-’ jjHRr -jY.i' : v’’-4i£B& rmm # *< rll Hun 01 R SATURDAY BARGAINS. Thousands of people wait for them each week. Men and Women in all walks of life, who are skimping IM | I IJ 1. 4 fIH |l[ I . jfl J|jl nAV along—waiting for conditions to change—come to our store each week to buy Ture Foods, Clothing and things for their homes at prices that 'fill Jggl I * J "ijfl JM I1 # R wf Imfrliririlfl ;'■ .y-jf-, p- : i4iwrfßpf-i;JL fiF?tli make (heir Dollars go farther. They get what they want at prices they can afford to pay. You too, can buy for less at the tftore Without B*A*M Bw I 1 ij f Jit *Jj | fflj "8 U A Name and be happy. Come early tomorrow and get your sh„re of these sensational bargains. jfcjlWff'*'.-/* *** a*i | jgj BBKBt a g®Eggi TO mmm ■————— — ———_mii ■—■—!——m , i ■ 0,1 Sl ' l '“ sntiirduy from K:3O J W*m9a On Sale Saturday at k MSkwg On Sale Saturday at 2P. M. M ItfmmSi S mߣB&s Grade CselerfrH i , • m SMBHB a 10 lL'” n I\T “ m 1 mS 10:30 Sharp, while 500 1 WM While 35 Pair. La.t I HR WT*W% !• J Mfl „ A I Wml °" ** All Day Saturday fl fl|R °" Sale Saturday r. M. J Ilsc Buns J V Hope I I MEN’S I |™® ! J REGGS# I Ci | arettliS J V 1 R pi r J R Muslir m H WANT’S ij HYDROS Jfl !T Ege f. a,l " lrd J. Rs 4 .19 J RSHIRTS J M I* jlfl fl| §m : |r WBK in our New Bargain Shoe &BI • 1181? sdfffl, ..„ Jlir ■) fl ■■ W flB 8818 <*■?' IS 111 1 Q fl R *mfa fIH Be *&&&. JUg §gp 4jFß\ Baa |fl Basement for Children. §3& Bfc- fl f |p|k &f| Eg ■"■■" fifl fl* I %#£§£ 11 Cc if €®§ c ll I-r—-fl g oozj 9 I c AR to N I |] iJiM $u I j i!Ti HP! "qPI I J|k J, 200 PAIRS WOMEN’S NOVELTY ' I| I Talk of the Values in Warned 1 Jl .031 A SHOES *!ssm\ 1 Winter Coats I KHR S j /K S I Bargains Worth jtißM rmm jni Uh II I ■ A dJi V Values Worth Seeing! R/ B Coming After! Cl. 1 \() 1 ' ftr fl Plan WammmM m Winter coat ai. these prices. W ■ ■ %0 I S9JS fl 888 M Mil Bfl ■ Every coat well tailored, beau- - I' R •■'. ill'll I *|||Plll|lI I “III !lllli. * -*• **% 68NBES/.v fl tifully lined and warmly in- M I r mSms&MiWffl R 100 Frs. Men’s /an _ _ JTm i|Hp£ m %M m 1 fiOO P WOM f. 1 || terlined, each scrumptiously MB £ I %■& nfl@nc7 ' P*>i Neniir t.iiliirrd eh.thing <>r all-wool fabrics. M<>- M| FIS>PQHFHti P Cl |T mkp m ™ ww ' 1 '* vv vlw * &K& BpMB fur-trimmed and fabric SM__ 1 f %MfK I 'AfTI ,lil "" and Irk oolors. Vmi simply must see lliese rL.Ur.w 11 S.IPI Jjg JfjJ } anfl l HIT Ti*@ 19 Ku trimmed in the new’est II ■ ■ A d&asbi, ' 1 1 uFl' ''tits ami nvereoats m appreciate t lie great values, fl M . (*. -..a -a "W aw|ffißflßPa ■mNMH l ~-LJ J &BR £ fl w . , . ‘ Hit l#| BiXmmWK vfTTr- *- Kvery garment worth more than double our low jfl Q i Q|||JpQ Jy 13 an■ 4W ram 4/*. J&m' Vfi Ha Hundreds of coats to U|i Ilf |f'll M%fir taped, bone but- toms, all colors em- I’ W R BOV*’ and RB OIIUCm 9to 6 ~~ fl Fine quality Felt Hats _ R ✓HW I tons. All sizes.... WW U blem on pocket.... 8 fl 1,0 an ° W MEN’S Hin smart styles for Jfl Rb .gfNl I _ ~ , ■-■ OH —I —R Girls ■LJI aLMC tT *TP IT HRFSS (t* 8®! / T fl women and misses. Os- JBR o' 1 A ’J 4lj I 48 HIGH-CUX ~8~?ff 1■ I 9*2.97 SHOES VE ■ * 8 iilm-uid’An euiors. l A*l fij| A•' W niTf^^ J JKT>!lil~3l - - II Other Hats fcpi A® L\fkl.LlM ill * ——B Up to $1.33 B A^n\i IS**™ ___ FN’S FELT I W&3t ■■fll'^ kumbw amnaMnn PMHMHHHHHi I •-' Hf hats I H -ABCfii ”• I H Canvas Gloves 1 fl| °" t fl e 2 ™„„'r j Rff MIXIN6 BOWL J fll W-”• I I OLEO I R QQp T u ; IB o. N.T. 1 isjf n I ■ Salted j I?lb"'i Rf A 39c B ‘ Qu . art I [MARGARINeI IJS.J&I ff Thread i ffgap I ■ Peanuts I 7 C | ■ Pr ®' ervi "i J Oi„ 81 Men A , si oy ‘'l I *iic 8 f men's part, ff ff pa 8 8 >-■ 81 KrC“l I , " ps ■ I /, U ■ f Wool Swealeis ■ I WC If MfM I 1 ff). ■ w 2 8 1 39c;;, II * 2 & ■ fw'.-soo II ■ *s-ssrl 11Z I IN 2-I. H. Ol NTR\ ■ Ti*c fIH 8 All B Al C V Freshly roasted Spanish e MS BKSSI GENTLEMEN ROLLS V V I.imil. V quality '...,. M JaBH ■ Peanuts. fIH K from, yard .. mflffi MUjIK Flrat qualify, hoavy R Ii&raaaCiraiMMMMMNMHMBSSSS ff V enamel ware. " BBM GTTV lIACIi 1 Men's Pants large CUT-PRICE TOILET GOODS {fl JL JLI JTm. l.ako Pairs of mens Work or 20-0?:. |fl J■' t' f hH B|l| II H Hill I H B|l I Grade Ponds Vanishing and -g Regular 25c _ _ Dress Psnts in all wanted colors Paokap-p JBL A A A fl IB 118, A l Co, d Creams *“C Talcum Powders llf ft