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PAGE 14 POLICE SEIZE ALKY IN RAID ON RADIO SHOP Owner Charred With Operation of Blind Tiger; Had Two Gallon*. The moon really came over the mountain without the aid of Kate Smith in the radio shop of Lon REGAL °=rJ2r TEA Rich in flavor—pleasing in taste. Served ice cold it refreshes 11 , up jaded appetites. Try a package today. I m isb V^So^7 s WfiSfjfT \ mt *u crac ?ic\ Butt n e \ "' k n=£7illMi-a 11 m ilj j PURE CANE sugar RED SALMON 23c 25 & $1.12 I Af* IB I™ B* American (ft _ Del Monte LUAr UHttot m Lb - 4jC APRICOTS MAXWELL HOUSE —29 c , 19 C fOMATO JUICE- 4 C3ns 19c Asparagus c 13c Marshmallows 17c Hr*; 5pP Campfire in one i ■ “ Hk W A mtW awraa a ms W| mj| K --JT <tJSn pound economy pkg. NEW GREEN BEANS 2 Lb,. 13c C °[ n Si?s®! I” 19c TOMATOES hothouse r*mt 16c p Kßepi , ue<; *- , NEW POTATOES ho. , 10 i* 23c ™r™® S |7C CANTALOUPES as size 3 fr 25c as!ort l!2!L™_ LEMONS SUHKIST 360 SIZE Dozen 25c _ _ JMu, BANANAS P“G SOAP WA “The largest selling soap in the world” I K 3 Lbs - 17° I 9 Bars 25c CLIMALENE Vvr 19> SHREDDED WHEAT-*. 10c LIFEBUOY S'3al7> MOTHER’S COCOA,?, 10c GOLD DUST §= 3-10 c PORK • BEANS dS, <■ 5 JELLO _ A ,S? 3■ 2Qc .one Star Hoosier Gold SUGAR WAFERS BUTTER jg Wim Dainty, rrlspy wafers with delicious, creamy Q_ . J W 'J) gr%, chocolate and vanilla centers r OUiIQ Lb. 21C SOLD BROOK BUTTER c. 18c Biscuit co. ■“' Am I%A . f, D . . In Vd-Lb. Print* Red Cross MEATS . Macaroni or Spaghetti M Boiled Ham 2 pkg*. 15c “r Lb. 29c SMOKED BUTTS a. 16c S F * H.Y FRESH GROUND BEEF a. 12 He AA SLICED BACON %-u. 10c % D|r Pf K Is H-Ib. cellophane wrapped pkg. 8 * wfciLr Pork Chops Lb. 14c Frankfurters Lb-10e Lean rib. Large, Juicy Above Prices Good Only in Indianapolis, v -w g| Zionsville, New Palestine, nMDIVIDUAUY^^^^^^J^ and Brownsburg EACH REGAL STORE BlKdiLßfiSßll -jl fL I 1 SfCjl INDIVIDUALLY OWNED Chapman. 24(1 Massachusetts ave nue, Thursday, police charge. The “moon” in the case wasn’t the shining brand famous In Ken tucky but just the garden variety of high ball mixer—alcohol, accord ing to officers. Police raided a rear room in Chapman's shop and found two gal lons of “alky.” Chapman, accord- ing to police, said he obtained the liquor on a radio trade and was just giving it away to customers and friends in lieu of discounts on radios purchased. He was charged with operating a blind tiger. Rome today ha* fewer citizens than it had 2.000 years ago. THE INDTAVAPOTJS TIMES PALESTINE NEEDS MEN Unemployment and Depression Un known, Says Visitor. By Vnitr.4 Prrss FT. WORTH. Tex.. June 17.—Un employment is no worry for Pales tine—its problem is to find enough laborers. Simon Kushnir, delegate from the Palestine Labor Pioneers to America, said in a lecture here. There is no form of business de pression in his country, Kushnir YOU SAVE WHEN YOU USE E-Z-BAKE FLOUR ALL 4 baking Cherry Pie—with crust rich and flzkv! So delicuHM —" *nd economic*!—when made ggth E-Z-BAKE You save on ingredients when you '**“ use E-Z-BAKE Flour. You get per feet bakings with less shortening. J Nf A eggs. milk, etc., than required to ger /Hr 11 f § J it Hni ordinary aith other flours f V Thousands of women are using E-Z-BAKE. and spending far less WBbA' jr'j 3B, for other baking ingredients. The) j%jdl j arealsosasingexpenseandbotherof i numerous special flours. E-Z-BAKE If *M [ V is the perfea flour for ALL pur poses—cakes, rolls, biscuits, breads ,v '^ r -AYs co. k and pastries. The reason: a secret " blend of the best wheats—a blend V ' des eloped from more than UO .... New five-pound Sealed S*Ht yct.s milling experience. e-zpour To P . THE (T) FLOUR FOR ALL PURPOSES fv Ur During A&P’s fW I GREAT {Cfooi&mptorek JOKE FOOD SALE ®June is a red letter month at A&P! A jhonth of impressive values! Os fine foods on sale at outstanding low prices! And of bigger savings for all of us. You can multiply your June savings by shop ping at A&P. You can find out once again how far a little money goes at an A&P Sale! And at the end of the month you will find your budget flourishing . . . your family well-fed .’. .and the larder stocked. Pure Lard 50 Lb T,n - “ 6 25c IN ALL STORES AND MARKETS Gold Medal Flour 24-Lb. Bag 63c lona Flour Fine Quamy 24 Lb Ba * 39c Seminole Toilet Tissue 3*°H9c Cigarettes Popular Brands CfirtOfi 51.25 I SlSgar Pme Cane Granulated 25-Lb. Bag $“1.1 1 g arto „ 18c ,—\ 3-F Coffee tSsssss. Lb, 29c \b*** 0 Breakfast Bacon a nd" or More “ 10c \ \ White House Milk 4 Ti “ cms 17c \ - \ Del Monte Pears L.r S t no. j., *. a. q c \ u. vo' Mt n/ Pel Monte Peaches 15c \ p oun <i L- oai ’ 60 \ Asparagus Del Monte N °' l stl, Can 2 cin * 45c 1 Apple Sauce Quak ' r Mm 4 25c Sparkle Gelatin Dessert 4 ££ 19c \ A&P 'Fresh Lima Beans 3 S'™ 23c \ Glen Valley Peas Ne * pack 3 S™ 2 25c \ u Ltt andr “" Bo, " r ft, flt\ Old Dutch Cleanser 4 caM 25c coB „\ Tomato Soup Campb ' ir ' 3 Can ' 19c \ Mayfair Tea ORANG ' EPEKOE '--- Lh 37c u—- Potato Chips Crispy, Delicious Pound 39c r: ” " “ WHEATIES 2 Pkg*., 21c Finest Quality Meats sunsweet prunes 2-lh P k 2 z Pkg*., 27e rn mmm m m H TOMATO JUICE run camp s 4 Cant, 19c Ift I 1 gl II T I rT-P LIPTON’S TEA Orange Pekoe 1/ 4 -Lb. Pkg., 19c Mr A I Li II ILE I O PRESERVES Ann Page “ ISc ■ ■■■■ ■■ WWlkkilW MARKET BASKETS Each, 5c SUPt,R SUDS Suii in a Flash 2 Pkg*., 15c FANCY MILK FED galvanized pails 2 for 25c _ PALMOLIVE SOAP 4 Cake*, 25c I L nC A FLOUR A&P 5- £ b _ 10c MHP SAUERKRAUT No. a size ca„ 4 Can*, 19c * mAk SPINACH Snyder - s No. 2 Size Can 3 Can*, 25c SPINACH Standard Panic No. Size Can 2 Can*, 23c Prime Rib Roast u. 22 “ s “°'" ” <£ ss: "ana# lIVMVIa BISQUICK w md. nom w-i. 32c Boned and Rolled—Choice Baby Beef a^aa 1 - n v * n rk. Beef Roast Lb. 3c I Fresh Fruits and Choice Vegetables Economical and of Choicest Quality Beef 1 sis ala baa O A Swiss steak Lbi6c Watermelons w ww ,WW wWM \ I v Larger Sizes. 49c and 39c Cut From Shoulder New p otatoes c. ,, Q , bs . 2 2 C Fillot of Haddock Lb. 10e Tomatoes “a’S!”' m. 10c Fancy Hothouse, Lb. 13c No Waste-RUkv Tnte Meet Greon Begnß , g c Country Roll Butter Lb. 17c Lemons VS 3 fer doz 25c jß,AiuimcßMmc^ said, due largely to the contribu tions of money from Jews all over the world for rebuilding Palestine. Guard against harm from toilet paper Don’t take chance* with inferior toilet paper. Ue Fort Orange Toilet Tissue. It is soft and strong. Absolutely pure and safe. Low priced, too. 3-roll carton for 25*. + ; 1 •A. P. IT. Saiin recess fixtures. Titeue —Nation- 4-roll carton 3-rots carton ally known for over SI.OO. _ m , fifty years as the for 2t}y hygienic standard •A. P. W. s*(wr ' in toilet tissues. 3t>d Soft Wh tis B available in Tissue —For those >8 to match who prefer a white, iern soft tiaeue—lo a yyarrei Orange O Toilet Tissue Distributed bv CRESCENT PAPER COMPANY 211-217 West Georgia Street—lndianapolis, Ind. .TUNE 17, 1932