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The Indianapolis times. [volume] (Indianapolis [Ind.]) 1922-1965, May 27, 1933, Capital Edition, Image 8

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015313/1933-05-27/ed-1/seq-8/

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Gold Act Repeal Proposal
Sets Off Bull Wave
at Close.
Average Stock Prices
Average of thirty industrials for Thurs
day. high 85 48 low 82 7'. .a.st 83 73. off
•*”> As orate of twenty rails 41.42. 39.78.
*'/ *2 "jT 05. A-.erage of twenty utilities
23 42 28 11. 28 52 off 18 Average of
forty bonds 82 82 id 43 Average of ten
m.t rails 88.92 un ,27. Average of ten
Ret'.nd rails. 69.17 jp 80 Aorage of ten
utilities. 90.79 un 18 Average of ten
Industrials 82 39. im 49.
United Press Staff Correspondent
NEW YORK, May 27. Stocks
bounded into new high ground for
1933 in an active session Friday.
Highest grade issues were late
features when word came from
Washington that the administration
sought repeal of the gold standard
act. Such action, it was said, would
definitely take the United States off
the gold standard and make way
for broader use of the President’s
inflationary powers.
Before word came on the gold
standard act the shorts were being
severely punished in many groups.
Leading issues were dull, but firm.
First the alcohol shares went into
new high ground, with National
Distillers at a record high.
Gold Shares Strong
Then the farm equipments and
mail order shares were whirled up
with Case up more than 7 points.
Gold Mining shares scored wide
gains, with Homestake at 215, up
15% points and a record high. New
York Harlem shorts paid dearly
lor stock when it shot up 22 points.
All the so-called wet stocks were
strong and active.
Railroad shares joined the late
rally after early steadiness. Oils
firmed up near the close. Automo
bile equipments, railroad equip
ments, chemicals, except Allied, were
strong. Near the close the leading
motor shares joined the rise. Utili
ties were up 1 to 3 points. Textile
issues made wide gains.
U. S. Steel reached its 1933 high
of 51, while American Telephone
made anew top for the year at
113%, up 3% points. American Can
made anew top at 88, up 314
Motors at New Top
The wheat market reversed itself
and turned sharply higher. Cotton
followed. There was wild buying by
shorts in the farm equipments and
mail order shares.
Before the close the Dow-Jones
industrial average pushed upward
toward 86, anew high for the year.
The close v/as sensational. The
last quote in the active stocks
was printed 15 minutes after the
traders had leic the floor. The last
inactive stock was printed at 3:18
p. m.
Huge blocks of General Motors
appeared at 25, up a point and a
new top for the last two years.
Steel common reached 51M:, up
2% and anew 1933 high. It closed
at 51%.
American Telephone closed at a
new 1933 top at 113%, up 3%.
Case closed up 9% points, at a
new high at 71. DuPont jumped
more than 4 points, Westinghouse
Electric 3, General American Trans
portation 4 and Pullman 9.
Bank Clearings
—May 26—-
Clearings $1,391,000.00
Debits 4,842,000.00
—Mav 26
Net Balance for Mav $349,257,652.37
Expenditures 3.860.840.83
Customs rects.. mo. to date.. 16.375.713.99
Foreign Exchange
(By Abbott. Hoppin & Cos.)
-May 26-
Open. Close.
Sterling. England $3.91'.1 $3.90 5
Franc. France 0456 .0456
Lira, Italy 0603 .0602
Belgas, Belgium 1612 .1615
Mark. Germany 2712 2715
Guilder. Holland .4657 .4660
Peseta, Spain 0989 .0991
Krone, Norway .1986 .1987
Krone. Denmark 1742 .1745
Yen, Japan 2400 .2400
Investment Trust Shares
(Bv Abbott, Hoppins A; Oo.)
—Mav 26-
Bid. Ask.
American Bank Stocks Corp,. 1.22 1.42
American Founders Corp 100 2.00
American & General Sec A . 5.00 6.50
Basic Industry shares 290 ...
British Tvpo Inv Tr sh 92 .97
Collateral Trustee shares A... 4.50 4.87
Corporate Trust shares (Old).. 215
Corporate Trust shares (new). 216 2.23
Cumulative Trust shares .... 3.76 3.82
Diversified Trust shares A. .. 6.62
Diversified Trust shares B ... 712 7.62
Diversified Trust shares C ... 2.83 2.90
Diversified Trust shares D ... 465 475
First Insurance Stock Corp... 1.87 2.17
First Common Stock Corp 1.29 147
Fixed Trust Oil shares A ... 7.98 808
Fixed Trust Oil shares B 6.50 6.60
Fundamental Trust shares A . 395 405
Fundamental Trust shares 8.. 385 395
Leaders of Industry A 2 00
Low Priced shares 450 ...
Mass lines Trust shares .... 1.12 18.62
Nation Wide Securities 310 ....
North Amer Tr sh i 1953% 111 ... .
North Amer Tr sh (55-56) 2.2, 2,50
Selected American shares ... 239 2.45
Selected Cumulative shares.... 6.30 645
Selected Income shares 337 3.43
Std Amer Trust shares -.85 295
Super Amer Trust shares A... 2. .3 ....
Trust Shares of America 2.82 2.90
Trustee Std Oil A 437 462
Trustee Std Oil B -.77 3.9i
U S Electric Lt A- Pwr A 13 50
Universal Trust shares 2.i8 *.BB
Daily Price Index
By l mted Press
NEW YORK Mav 26 —Dun & Broad
stroet's dailv weighted price index of thir
ty basic commodities, compiled for the
tlnited States Press:
(1930-1932 average. 100>.
Today ...•
Thursday 22 2;
Week Ago Si,
Month Ago 2; -S
Year Ago ii d?
1933 High (May 17) ‘i
1933 Low iJan. 20 . 6l 86
(Copyright. 1933. bv Dun & Brad
street. Inc.)
Marriage Licenses
nevandria J. Cothrell, 24, Terre Haute,
funeral director, and Mary La \erne Spen
i.r -A of 935 De Quincv street, nurse.
Clinton Manker. 23. of 511 North Illinois
street tire checker, and Estede Faye
Meadows. 22. of 5048 Alexandria avenue.
W Lawrence Henry Harr. 32 Newcastle
farmer and Helen M. Ray. ... of 1.23
North Meridian streev
Thomas Chester Cole. 19. of 645 South
East street, clerk, and Martha \elma Mc-
Cammon. 18. of 1439 Deloss street
Harrv Charles Hulse. -1. of ..4 Nor.h
Sheffield avenue, laborer, and Avis Ellen
wright 16 of 311 North Lynn street.
James Eiiot Carr 32. of 1802 West Min
nesota street typewriter service man. and
Effie Ellen Lewis 26. of 1533 Shepard
Plumbing Permits
Frank Irish. 5158 Carrollton, three flx
*UceS A. Johnson, corner Roach and Hard
ln| M** H a rdi ng. f $ 213 6 South East, four
flX K Ur v' Stahl Company. 43 Frank, four
flX john S Anderson. 3510 College, four flx
-tUje&W. HarreU. 1539 Hoefgen. four fix
New York Stocks
~ (By Abbott, Hoppln At Co.I —————————
—Mav 28—
Oil*— Prev.
H eh. Low. Close. close.
Amerada 3a 35% 25% 35
At, Rfe . . 22', 22 22% 22’.
Barnsdail ... 7% 7', *■ 7%
Consol Oil . . . 9% 9% 9% 9%
Cont Os Del. . . 12 s , 12 % 12% 12%
Houston /new/.. 6 5U 5 4 s ,
Houston .old- . 24% 23% 24% 23 .
Mid Cont Pet . 10 9% 10 10
Ohio Oil .. . . 10% 10% 10% 10 s .
Pet Coro 3% Bs,8 s , B', 8
Phillips Pet 12', 12% 12% 12%
Pyre Oil . 8% 7% 8 7%
Rcval Dutch . 23% 23', 23', .
Sbd Oil ..30 29% 30 29%
Shell Union..,. 6 s , 6% 6 s , 6%
S mrr.s Pet . ... 9 S%
Siteilev OH . . 6% 6',
Soc Vac . 10 9% 9% 9%
S O of Cal . 31% 30 s , 21% 31
S O of Kan .. . 16
S O of N J . 34% 33% 34% 34%
Sun Oil . 40% 40% 40% .
Texas Corn . . 18% 18% 18% 13%
Tidewater Assn 6 s s , 6 5%
Un Oil ol Cal.. 14 s , 14% 14% 14%
Am Roll Mills. 16% 15% 16 s , 16
P.e-h Steel 27 s , 26% 27 s , 26%
Evers AM. . . 23 5 , 21% 23% 21
Col Fuel A; Iron 11% 10% 11 s , 11
Cruc Steel . 23 s , 22% 23% 23
Gulf Sts Steel.. 21% 20 s , 21%
Inland Steel 31 30% 31 30
Ludlum Steel... 13 s , 12% 13 12%
McKeesoort Tin. 90 s , 81% 81% 80%
Natl S’eel 44 42% 44 42%
Rep Irn At See! 15 14% 15 14
Ren In A: Stl Did 34% 33% 34% 33%
U S Smelt . 41% 38% 41 s , 38%
Vanadium 20 s i 19% 20 s , 19%
U S Pipe At Fdv 15% 13% 15 s , 13%
U S Steel .. . .51% 49% 51% 43 s ,
U S Steel pfd . 90% 87% 90% 88%
Youngs S & T 27 s , 24% 27% 23 s ,
Atchison 68 65% 68 65%
Atl Cst Line... 47 44 s , 45% 44%
B A’ O 17% 17 17% 16 s ,
Can Pac 13% 12 s , 13% 12 s ,
Ch & Ohio . ... 36% 36% 36% 36
Chi Ar Gt W. ... 4% 4% 4% 5
C M At St P ... 3 s , 3%
C M At St P pfd 5% 5% 5% 5%
Chi N W 9% 8% 9% 9%
Chi R Ist .. 8% 8% 8% 8%
Chi R 17% pfd 12% 12% 12% 13
Dela At Hud .. . 70% 68% 70 68
Erie 10% 10 10 10*
Grt Northern .. 22% 21 s , 22 s * 22%
111 Centra! . .. 29 s , 29 29 5 , 29',
K C Sou ... 18% 17% 17 s , 17%
Lou A Nash . . .51% 49% 51% 49%
M K A- T . 12 s , 12% 12 s , 12%
Mo Pac 3% 3% 3% 3%
Mo Pac pfd 5% 5 5 5
N Y Cent 30 s , 29 s , 30 s , 29 s ,
N Y Chi A- Si L 10 s , 9% 9% 8%
N Y Chi A- St L .. .. . 13 s ,
N Y New Haven 23 s , 23% 23 s , 23%
N YY Ont A- W 12 s , 12% 12% 12%
Norfolk A- West 151 151
Nor Pac 24 23% 23 s , 23
Penn R R 25% 25% 25 s , 25%
Reading ........ . 45 44%
Sou Par 25 24 s , 24 s , 21 s ,
Sou R R ... 17% 16% 16 s , 16%
Sou R. R pfd ... 22 s , 22% 22% 23
Union Pac . . .101% 98% 101% 98'.
Wabash ..... . 2 s , 2 s ,
W Maryland... 11 10% 11 10%
Auburn 53 s , 50% 53% 50%
Chrysler 22 s , 21 s , 22% 21%
Gen Motors 25 24 25 24
Graham M0t.... 3 s , 3% 3% 3 s ,
Hudson 7 s , 7 s , 7 s , 7%
Hupp 4 s , 4 s , 4% 4%
Mack Truck. .. 35 s , 34% 35% 34
Nash 18 17 s , 18 17 s ,
Packard 4 s , 4% 4% 4%
Reo 4% 4% 4 s , 4 s ,
Studebaker 4 3 s , 3 s , 4
Yellow Truck ... 5% 5% 5% 6
Motor Access—
Bendix 15% 13% 14% 13 s ,
Bohn Alum .... 35 s , 31% 35% 31 s ,
Borg Warner ... 14% 13% 14% 13%
Briggs 8% 8 8 8%
Budd Wheel . 4% 3 s , 4% 3%
Eaton Mfg 13% 12% 13 13
Elec Auto Lite... 20% 19% 20 s , 19%
Mullins Mfg .... 8% 8% 8% 8%
Murray Body ... 8% 6% 8% 6
Stew Warner. .. 6% 5% 6%
Timken Rol .... 25% 24 5 , 25% 24 5 ,
Alaska Jun 18 15 18 14%
Am Smelt 31% 30% 31% 30%
Anaconda 13% 13V, 13% 13%
Cal At Hecla .. . 5'/ 4 5 s', 5%
Cerro De Pasco .21 % 20% 21% 20
Granby 12% 11% 12% 11%
Gt Nor Ore 12% 12% 12% 12%
Homestake Min .216% 200 216% 199%
Howe Sound 18% 17% 18% 17 s ,
Ins Copper .. 5 j
Int Nickel 14% 13 s , 14% 13%
Isl Creek Coal. .. 24% 23%
Kennecott, Cop . 17% 17% 17% 17%
Nevada Cop ... R% 8%
Noranda Cop .. 27% 25% 26% 25 s ,
Phelps Dodge .. 12% 11% 12 11%
Am Snuff 47 5 , 46% 47 36%
Am Sum Tob ... 15 14% 15 14%
Am Tobacco ... 82% 81% 82% 81%
Am Tobacco B. 86 84 86 84
Gen Cigar 36%
Ligg A Myers B 87% 96% 97% 95%
Lorrillard 20 19% 20 19>
Reynolds Tob B. 41% 40% 41% 40%
Allis Chalmers.. 15% 14% 15% 14%
Am Car & Fdv.. 20% 19% 20 19%
Am Loco 16% 16% 16% 16V,
Am Mach At Fdv 17 16V 2 17 16%
Am Steel Fdy .. 14% 14 14% 13%
Bald Loco 8% 8% 8% 8%
Burroughs 15% 13% 15% 13'4
Case J I 71% 62V, 70% 61%
Cater Tract .. 17% 16 17% 15%
Colgat Palm Peet 17% 16 16% 15 s ,
Congolcum 14 13% 13% 14
Elec Stor Bat .. 40 38% 39% 37%
Foster Wheeler , 15% 15 15 s , 15%
Gen Am Tk Car 35 31 >4 35 30%
Gen Elec 21V, 20% 21% 20
Gen R R. Sig . 34% 33% 34% 33%
Jngsol Rand .. 56 53 55% 54
Int Bus Mach .123% 120 123 121%
Int Harvester . . 36% 33% 36% 34
Kelvinator 9% 9% 9% 9%
Natl Cash Reg. 19 s , 18% 19% 18V,
Proc & Gambble 41% 39% 41 39%
Pullman Inc... 46 37% 46 37
Simmons Bed.. 12 11% 11% ...
Und Elliot 27% 25% 26% 25
West Air B 25% 23% 25 24 s ,
Westingh Elec... 41% 38 41% 38%
Worthing Pmp. 26 25% 26 24 s ,
Am A- For Pwr. 10 s , 10% 10 s , 10%
Am Power & Lit Bs,8 s , 8% 8% 8%
AT A- T 113 s , 111% 113% 110%
Am Wat Wks. .. 27 26% 26% 21
Brook Un Gas. 77% 76 s , 77 s , 75
Col Gas & Elec. 17% 17% 17% 17%
Col C, At E pfd 71
Com & Sou... 32% 33
Consol Gas 55% 54% 54% 53 s ,
Elec Pwr & Lit. 84 7% 8 7 s ,
Elec Pw & L pfd 17 16% 17 17%
Int T & T 12% 12% 12% 12%
Lou Cl & E -A’ 18 s , 18% 18% 18',
Nat Pwr At Lit. 14% 13% 14 14
North Amer 26% 25 5 , 26% 26%
Pac G Ac E 25 ! 2 24 24% 25',
Pub Serv N J.. 49% 48% 49 48 s ,
So Cal Edison. 21% 20% 21% 21%
Std Gas 12 11 s , 12 11 s ,
Std Gas pffd. .. 16% 15% 15% 16
United Corp ... Bs,8 s , 8% 8% Bs,8 s ,
Un Gas Imp ... 19% 18 s , 19V, 19%
Ut Pwr A Lit A' 4% 4% 4% 4 s ,
Western Union.. 43 41% 43 41%
Firestone 20', 19% 20% 19 s ,
Goodrich 12% 12’, 12% 12',
Goodyear 32 s , 31 5 ,335,2 5 , 21
U S Rubber .... 9% 9 9% 9%
U S Rubber pfd. 23 s , 22% 23% 22 s ,
Croslev Radio 7% 7%
; Fox Film 3 2 s , 33%
| Loews Inc 18% 17% 17 s , 18
Radio Corp .... 7% 7% 7% 7’,
R K O 2 s , 2% 2% 2%
! Warner Bros 33
Am Sugar 59% 55% 59% 56
1 Armour (A> 6 5% ss,5 s , 5%
Beatrice Cream y 21 19% 20 19%
I EntmnceM. —— r -- .■■ ■■■ ■ ... ■ t (vnrinnt),
pi coi.McioiiH. START AITiE LjAPjSiE n u s has tern,
111 IVrtninine to POLAR SHY OiRiA LiE llerod a f
.. oil). ATONE &EE FI IIL AR HAvaiim., the
13 Inflexible. iFIrTrS cT In.|| TIAHTIV Nilent, Prince
15 To tnnke n Mir- ;UjO|_ ...j N| [I A ' of Ornnpre, was
>;ieiil incision. CRAG GV| ’ ** le liberator
17 sZd'S people. [oraLllaCm alHUcam] ltt n d a —iL
1!) Learning. DA’N I E LSBM A C HA DO rootstock
* S;a;Iv;. mui~ll * v i Rr~|pbTi „j.~......
as To elect. IB A S ! I INEITI si Sort f HrM
avr- 4 Fate r3sET£KQI El 24 Perched.
25 I.iitht liman. ME 'R|! IT DAB NAVAL 2Ga*elle.
Wi Dinurnm arm- ANt L E AG O OIMiEINiS 29 repß ‘
lx.li/inir n >*- c/Wr-, —— wt- X =) , v tntion.
trm. I> K|otN I— 30 Plnre* with
und linen. reference to
•27 splant. , n the s< . lllc of VERTICAL Peculiar
SS Kern root- fenlures of
stork. t.uuto. j Maple shrubs. them,
2ti Period. 44 Less common. 2 Superin- 31 Fixes limits,
31) (liiiiled. 41! Illiick bird. tendent. 33 One who
32 Collection of JTnrei.ro. 3 Yellow bugle. averts.
facts. 4. liress pro- 4 As soon. 35 Verbal.
34 Colonist in teetor. S Smell. 3H Go on (music).
South Africa. 4!) Kree/.inpr. O Malicious 37 Seventh note.
30 Mmu mi's flow- 51 Nullified. burning: of a 39 Herb.
inti well. 53 Crimped fabric. dwelling:. 41 Inquisitive
SS Relating to 54 To run away 7 Cunning:. one.
an age. and marry. S Since. 42 Outcast.
40 N\ ork of 55 Bargains in 0 Formed by 45 Pale l.row'n.
genius. tribute mining. rivers. 4S Father.
41 Irenic, Oriental 10 Swelling pro- 50 Ready.
43 Highest note guitars. duced by wat- 52 Prophet.
1 12 B 4 5 |<b 17 |6 b |lO ~'
TT"| vZ )3 14*
I? 6
3 H 55 21
-34 45
40 - 50 ~ 52
ImJ J —I,. —La
Borden Prod .... 34% 33 s , 34% 33 s ,
Cal Packing 22 s , 21% 22% 21%
Canada Drv G A 20 19 20% 8 2
Coca Cola .92 87% 89% 87 s ,
Cont Bak Ai.. 15 s , 13'2 15* 2 13 s ,
Corn Prod . . 74% 73 74 72 s ,
Crm of Wheat.. 32 31 s , 32 32
Gen Foods 33'. 32 % 33'. 33%
Gold Dust 21 s . 21 21', 21
G W Sugar . 27*2 25 27% 24 s ,
Hershev 53% 51% 53% 52%
Int Salt 25 24'. 25 24'.
Loose Wiles 39% 38 s , 39% 38%
Natl Biscuit . . 54'. 52 54'. 52%
Natl D Prod . . 19% 19 19% 19%
Pet Milk ... 9*a . ■
Purity Bak . 23% 22% 23% 22*2
S Porto Rico S . 32'. 29'. 32 29%
Std Brands .. . 20 s , 20', 20A 20
United Fruit 52 s , 50 51V* 50
Ward Bak (A).. 10 9% 10 8%
Wrigiey 49 %
Retail Stores—
Asso Drv Goods. 12 s , 12 12 s , 12
Best A Cos 22 21 % 21 s , 21*2
Gimbel Bros . . 4 s , 3% 4% 3 s ,
Gimbel pfd ... 21 17 21 ....
Gr Un Tea 7% 7% 7 s , 7 s ,
Hahn Dept Sts . 4% 4 4% 4%
Jewel Tea 36% 36% 36% 36%
Kresge S S 11 1 2 10% 11', 10 s ,
Kroger Groc ... 29 5 , 28% 28 s , 28 s ,
Macv R H .. . 56% 55', 56% 55 s ,
May Dept St. .. 24% 24', 24*2 ...
Mont Ward 22 s , 21% 22% 21 s ,
Penny J C 38 1 2 36 s , 38 1 2 37>2
Safeway St . ... 51 1 2 49 50 s , 49
Sears Roebuck . 28 s , 26 s , 28 s , 27%
Woolworth 39% 38% 39 38
Aviation Corp .. 11 s , 10 s ', 11 s , 10%
Douglass Air . ~ 14%
Curtiss Wright . 7% 7 s , 7% 2%
Curt Wright Ass,5 s , 5% s s , ss,5 s ,
Nor Am Av 7>, 6% 7 7
United Aircraft . 29 s , 27 s , 25% 27 5 ,
Air Reduction . 79% 77' 2 79% 76%
Allied Chem 104*2 101*2 104% 103
Am Com Alcohol 30 % 27% 30 1 2 26 1 -
Col Carbon 56 54% 55' 2 54
Com Solvents .. 19% 18*2 18% 18%
Dupont 71 65V, 71 66
Freeport Tex .. 34% 34% 34 s , 34%
L.quid Carb ... 36 34% 35 35
Ntnwn Alkali . . 28 26 s , 27 s , 26
Tex Gulf Sulph. 27 s , 27% 27% 27
Union Carbide . 38% 37'4 388 s , 37%
U S Ind A1c0... 47’% 42 47’,, 40
Coty Inc 5 5
Drug Inc 51% 49 51V, 48%
Lambert 35’/, 33% 35% 33%
Lehn & Fink ... 19*, 19 19 19V*
Zonite Prod ... 6% 6% 6% 6%
Adams Exp .... 9 B'% 9 B*2
Allegheny Corp. 2% 2% 2% 2'2
Chesa Corp . 1... 30 29% 30 29 s ,
Trans America .. 6 5% 6 s s ,
Tr Conti Corp... 5% ss,5 s , 5% ss,5 s ,
Am Radiator... 11 s , 10% 11% 10%
Gen Asphalt ... 15 14*, 14% 14 s ,
Int Cement .... 26 24' 2 26 23 %
John Manville . . 35 s , 30% 35 31
Libbv Owens Gls 30 28 s , 29% 28%
Otis Elev 17% 17’, 17% 17
Ulen Const 2 s , 2% 2% 2%
Am Bank Note. 20% 20 20 20',
Am Can 88’, 85 s , 88 84 3 ,
Anchor Cap . . 23 s , 22 s , 23% 22V,
Brklvn Man Tr 35 s , 34 s , 35 35
Conti Can 57 56 57 55%
Eastman Kodak. 75% 74’, 75% 73 s ,
Owens Bottle ... 75% 73% 75% 74V,
Gillette 13 s , 13’ 2 13*2 13
Glidden 12 s , 11 s , 12 s , 12',
Gotham Silk ... 13’, 12 s , 12 s , 12V,
Indus Rayon . 64% 62% 64 s , 62%
Inter Rapid Tr. .. ... 6 s , 6%
Real Silk Hose . 13% 12 s , 13% 12%
By Abbott Hoppin & Cos.
High. Low. Close.
Asbestos Mfg 3’4 33
Bastian-Blessing 12’/4 11% 12'4
Bendix Aviation 15 13 3 /4 14 s ,
Borg-Warner 14 s/ s 13% 14%
Butler Bros 4%
Cent & So West 3% 3% 3%
Chicago Corp com ... 3 2 3 i 3
Chicago Corp pfd "23% 23% 23 3 4
Chicago Yellow Cab ... 13% 13 13%
Cities Service 3 s ', 3*i 3%
Commonwealth Edison 68 65 ’ 2 68
Cord Corp 10 s /s 9% 10%
Crane Cos 8% B' 4 8%
Electric Household .... 9% 8% 9%
Great Lakes Aircraft. 1% 1% 1%
Grigsbv-Grunow ... 1%
Libby-McNeil 4% 4% 4%
Lion Oil Refining C 0... 3%' 3 3 V V/&
Lynch Corp 33 29 3 ,4 33
National Standard ... 19
Noblitt-Sparks Indus Inc 22 21 22
Prima Cos 15% 15% 15 1 /,
Quaker Oats 114% 112 112
Swift & Cos 20% 19% 20%
Swift International ... 27% 27 27
U S Gypsum, com .... 37 36 37
U S Radio & Tel 18', 16% 1679
Utility & Ind 1% 1% 1%
Utility & Ind pfd .... 4% 4% 4%
Vortex Cup Cos 8% 8% 8%
Walgreen Cos com .... 17% 17'/, 17%
Zenith Radio 2 l’/g l 7
New York Curb
(By Abbott, Hoppin & Cos.)
—May 26
Close! Close
Alum Cos of Am 75% Irving Airchute.. Sts
Am Bev 2%ilntl Petrol 13*/ 8
A Cts P & L B 4% Mount Prod .... 4%
Amer Cyan iB) 8 Natl Bellas Hess 2%
Am Gas & E 1... 35%!Niag Hud Pwr.. 10%
Am Sup Pwr... 4%:an-Am Airways. 40
Ark Nt Pwr (A) 1% Pennroad 2%
Asso Gas (A). .. 1% Pioneer Gold M. 10%
Atlas Ut Corp.. 13% St Regis Paper.. 3%
Cent Sts El ... 2', 2 Salt Creek Prod 5%
Com Edison.... 67 Std Oil of Ind.. 26
Cord 10% Std Oil of Kv. . . 137*
Derre & C 0.... 18%iUnited Founders 1%
El Bnd & Sh.. 23%iUnited Gas 2%
Ford of Eng... 3 3 i ! Un Lt &Pr (A) 6%
Ford Mot Can.. Bs,8 s , United Verde .. 3%
Hudson Bay M 7'VUtil Pwr & Lt.. 2
Imperial 0i1... 11%!
New York Bank Stocks
(By Abbott, Hoppin & Cos.)
—May 26-
Bid. Ask.
Brooklyn Trust 61 % 62 1 ,
Central Hanover 129 131
Chase National 24’ 2 24%
Chemical 37 s , 38 %
City National 30% 30%
Corn Exchange 58 59' 2
Continental 15 1574
First National 1.375 1,390
Guaranty 289 292
Irving 19’i 20 s *
Manhatten & Cos 23’ 23 s *
i Manufacturers 16 16%
i New York Trust 88 89%
Public 24% 25%
Liberty Bonds
/ United Press
NEW YORK Mav 26.—Closing Liberty
Liberty 3%s (32-471 102.17
Liberty Frist 4%s (32-471 102.16
Liberty Fourth 4%s .33-38) 103.5
Treasury 4%s (47-52) 109.18
Treasury 4s (44-541 105.26
Treasury 3%c < 46-56) 104.3
Treasury 3%s (43-47) 101.27
Treasury 3%s (41-43) March 101.28
Treasury 3%s (40-43) June 101.29
Treasury 3%s (46-49 99.27
Cattle, Calf Trading Dull;
Spring Lambs Sharply
Despite heavy receipts at the city
yards Friday morning, hogs held to
previous levels with prices showing
a firm tone. Values remained steady
for the bulk, 160 to 400 pounds,
sales ranging from $4.90 to $5. Sev
eral butchers made the market at
55.05 and $5.10. Receipts were esti
mated at 10.000 Holdovers were 348.
Steer trade was negligible in the
cattle market. She stock mostly
held steady with bidding lower on
grassy kinds. Receipts were 400.
Vealers %-ere steady at $5 down. Calf
receipts numbered 600.
In the sheep market spring lambs
were sharply higher, the bulk sell
ing at $8 to $8.75 with an odd head
or so making a top price of $9. Plain
kinds sold for around $7.50 down.
Clipped lambs were undeveloped, the
bulk of sales in this class late
Thursday holding around $6.25 to
$6.40. Receipts today were 800.
Hog prices displayed their first
substantial advance of the week at
Chicago, with practically all bids
| around strong to 10 cents higher
j than Thursday's average. Good to
choice porkers scaling from 190 to
! 280 potinds were bid in at $5.00.
Receipts were estimated at 17,000
including 10.000 direct; holdovers.
4.000. Cattle receipts were 1,500;
calves, 500; market unchanged.
Sheep receipts numbered 8,000; mar
ket mostly steady.
May Bulk. Tod. Receipts.
18. ss.ls(ii 5,20 $5.25 9.000
19. 5.004/ 5.10 5.10 8.000
20 5.00® 5.05 5.10 3.000
22. 4.95® 5.05 5.10 9.000
23. 4.75(8! 4.85 4.90 12,000
24 4.80® 4.90 5.00 7.000
25. 4.90® 5.00 5.10 6.000
Market, higher.
(140-160) Good and choice...s 4.65® 4.75
—Light Weights—
(l6o-1801 Good and choice... 4.90
(180-200) Good and choice... 4.90
—Medium Weights—•
(200-2201 Good and choice.... 4.95® 5.00
(220-250) Good and choice ... 4.95® 5.10
—Heavv Weights—■
(250-290) Good and choice... 4.95® 5.10
(290-350) Good and choice... 4.95® 5.05
—Packing Sows—
(3so dowm) Good 4.95® 4/5
(350 up i Good 4.75® 4.60
(All weights) medium 4.00@ 4.35
—Slaughter Pigs—
(llo-190) Good and choice .... 4.45
Receipts. 700; market, steady
Good and choice $ 5.75® 7.25
Common and medium 4.00® 5.75
(1.100-1. 5001-
Good and choice 5.50® 7.25
Medium 4.50® 5.50
Good and choice 5.00® 6.25
Common and medium 3.75® 5.00
Good and choice 4.75® 6.00
Common and medium .... 3.50® 4.75
Good 3.75® 4.25
Common and medium 3.00® 3.75
Low' cutter and cutters 1.75® 3.00
—Bulls (yearlings excludedl
Good (beef) 3.00® 3.75
Cutter, common and medium.. 2.00® 3.00
Receipts. 500; market, steady
Good and choice $ 4.50® 5.00
Medium 3.00® 4.50
Cull and common 2.00® 3.00
Good and choice 3.00® 4.50
Common and medium 2.00® 3.00
—Feeder and Stocker Cattle—
Good and choice 4.75® 6.00
Common and medium. 3.00® 4.75
Good and choice 4.75® 6.00
Common and medium 3.00® 4.75
Receipts, 1,000; market, steady.
—Lambs. Shorn Basis—
(9o lbs. down) good & choice..s 6.00® 6.50
(90-110 lbs.) good and choice. 5.50® 6.00
(90 lbs., down) com. and med. 3.50@ 5.00
Spring lambs 7.00® 8.50
Good and choice 2.00® 3.00
Common and medium I.oo® 2.00
Other Livestock
CHICAGO. May 26.—Hogs—Receipts.
17,000, including 10,000 direct; active, 104/,
15c higher than Thursday's average; 180-
325 lbs., $50.5.10; top $5.10; 140-170 lbs.,
$4,604/5; pigs. $4.50 downward; good pack
ing sows. $4,504/4.65; light lights 140-160
lbs., good and choice, $4.504/5; light weight
160-200 lbs., good and choice. $4.750,5.10;
medium weights 200-250 lbs., good and
choice. $54/5.10: heavy weights 250-350
lbs., good and choice. $4,904/5.10; packing
sows 275-550 lbs., medium and good.
$4,254/4.75; slaughter pigs 100-130 lbs.,
good and choice, $4,104/4.65. Cattle—Re
ceipts. 1.500; calves, receipts, 500; supply
moderate; most medium to good steers.
| fairly active. mature classes around
steady: bulk steers, $5,354/5.75; most cotvs,
$3,404/3.75; cutters and low cutters, large
ly $2,504/3: sausage bulls fairly active,
bulk $34/ 3.25; vealers in light supply, de
mand good, market strong to 25c higher,
few select, $6.50; slaughter cattle and
vealers: steers 550-900 lbs., good and
choice, $5,504/ 7.50: 900-1100 lbs., good and
choice, $5,504/ 7.50: 1100-1300 lbs., good
and choice, $5,754/7.50; 1300-1500 lbs., good
and choice. 55.504/7.25; 550-1300 lbs., com
mon and medium. $4,254/6; heifers 550-750
lbs., good and choice, $54/6: common and
medium. $44/5; cows. good. $3,504/4.25;
common and medium, $3,254/3.75: low cut
ter and cutter, $2.2547 3.25; bulls, year
lings excluded, good, beef. $3,404/4: cut
ter. common and medium. 52.75®3.40;
vealers. good and choice, $5,254/6.50; me
dium. 54./50 5.25: cull and common, $2,754/
4.75: Stocker and feeder cattle, steers
500-1050 lbs., good and choice, $54/6.50;
! common and medium, $447.5.25. Sheep—■
Receipts. 8.000; active, fully steady; num
erous small lots choice native spring
lambs. $7,754/8 to packers; bucks, out;
Californias, $7.75 straight; choice medium
weight clippers, $6.50. one load $6.60;
slaughter sheep and lambs: spring lambs,
good and choice. $6,504/8; medium. $5,754/;
I 6.50; lambs, 90 lbs. down, good and choice,
$6,104/6.65; common and medium, $4,504/
6.25: 90-98 lbs., good and choice. $6476.50;
98-110 lbs., good and choice. $5,754/6.35;
ewes 90-150 lbs., good and choice, $24/3;
all weights, common and medium, $1 25®
EAST BUFFALO. Mav 26—Hogs—On sale.
2.100: weights above 170 lbs., fairly active,
mastlv to packers: steady to strong;
lighter weights, draggv. weak to lower:
desirable. 225-260 lbs.. $5.40; bulk 170-230
lbs.. $5.25 to mostly $5.35: 150-160 lbs..
Quoted $4,754/5; bidding $4.50 on pigs.
Cattle—Receipts. 250; steers and yearlings
firm: good heifers. $6.25: common and
medium steers. $54/ 5.40; cows unchanged;
low cutter to medium grades. $2,254/3.25.
Calvves —Receipts. 500: vealers active, fully
steady; good to choice mainly $5.50; com
mon to medium. $44/5. Sheep—Receipts,
500: lambs, strong: plain Quality and sorts
considered: common to medium old crop
lambs. $5.5045 6: good and choice eligible
around $6.60; few good native springers,
EAST ST. LOUIS. HI.. May 26.—Hogs—
Receipts. 10.000. including 600 direct: mar
ket. 5c higher: top. 54.85: bulk 170-300
lbs.. $4.7547 4.80: 140-160 Ibbs.. $4,104/ 4.70;
100-130 lbs.. $3,254/3.90: sows. $4.15474.25.
Cattle—Receipts. 900: calves. 800: market,
fairlv active and generally steady; re
ceipts. all small lots: a few steers. $54/6:
mixed yearlings and heifers, $54/5.75;
cows. $3.2503.75: low cutters. $1,754/ 2.50:
top sausage bulls. $3.50: good and choice
vealers. $5. Sheep—Receipts, 1.200; mar
ket. storing lambs, strong, some sales
154/25c higher: bulk of better kinds to
city butchers. $7.75: few good to choice.
$7.8508: no action on clipped lambs.
FT WAYNE, Ind Mav 26.—Hogs—10c
up: 100-140 lbs.. $4.25: 140-160 lbs.. 54.60:
160-190 lbs.. $4.90; 190-250 lbs., $5: 250-300
lbs.. 54.90: 300-350 Its.. $4.80; roughs. $4;
stags. $2.75. Clipped lambs. 55.25; spring
lambs, $7. Calves—ss.so; steers, good to
choice. $5415.50: medium to good. $4,504/;
5; common to medium. $3,504/4; heifers,
good to choice. $4,504/5; medium to good,
$44/4.50: common to medium. 53"4: cows,
good to choice. $3473.50: medium to good,
$2.50®3: cutter cows. $1.75472.25; canner
cows, $145 1.50: bulls good to choice. s3®
3.25: medium to good. 52.5003; common to
medium, 5202.50; butcher bulls, $3.25®
By Times Special
LOUISVILLE. May 26. —Cattle—Receipts.
175 bulls weak to 25c lower; other classes
around steady: bulk common. medium
steers and heifers, $4.7545,5.50; best light
weights eligible to $6 and above; bulk beef
cows. $34/3.75: low cutters and cutters,
$1.7547 2.50: bulls, $3.60 down: bulk light
Stockers quotable. $4.7547 5.25. Calves —
Receipts, 325. including 189 stock calves;
vealers steady at $4 down. Hogs—Re
ceipts. 1.000. steady 185-275 lbs.. $4.90; 275
lbs., up $4 50: 1401185 lbs . $4.25: 140 lbs.,
down. $3.35; sows mostlv. $3.60: stags.
$2 55. Sheep—Receipts, i.700, market not
established; early indications fully steady;
bulk better trucked in springers Thurs
day. $74/ 7.50: some choice kinds to $7.75:
buck lambs including heavy coarse spring
ers mostly $6 50 down; old crop clipped
lambs. $5 down: fat ewes mostlv $147
150: choice kinds 120 lbs., down $245 2.50.
Thursday s receipts. 134 cattle; 295 calves:
1.104 hogs, and 1.418 sheep Thursday's
shipments: 105 calves; 404 hogs, and 1,440
The following quotations do not repre
sent actual bias on offerings, but merely
indicate the approximate market level
based on buying and selling inquiries or
recent transactions.
—MAY 26-
Bid. Ask.
Belt Rail & Stock Yards com 24% 29%
Belt Rail <fc Stock Yds pfd 6% 45 50
Citizens Gas com 13 17
Citizens Gas Cos pfd 5% 60 65
Home T & T Ft Wavne pfd 7% 35 40
Ind & Mich Elec Cos pfd 7% 63 67
Ind Gen Service Cos pfd 6%... 58 62
Ind Hydro tiec Cos 7% 20 25
Indpls Gas Cos com 40 45
Inapis Pwr & Lt 6*, 63 68
Indpls Pwr <fc Lt Cos pfd 6%% 72% 76%
Indpls Water Cos pfd
No Ind Pub Ser Cos pfd 5%% 33% 37%
No Ind Pub Ser Cos 6% 37 ’ 2 41 * a
No Ind Pub Ser Cos 70 39 1 2 43 1 2
Public Serv Cos of Ind pfd 6% 18% 22 1 2
Public Servos Ir.d pfd 7G.... 37% 42%
South Ir.d Gas & El pfd 6%... 47 55
Terre Haute Eiec pfd 6'r... 37 44
Citizens Gas Cos 5s 1942 75 80
Citizens Gas Cos 5s 1942 75* 2 80*2
Home T & T W 5%s 1955 93*2 97%
Home T<k T Ft. W6s 1943.... 94% 98%
Indpls Gas Cos 5s 1952 77 82
Indpls Rys Inc 5s 1967 24 29
Indpls Water Cos 4%s 1904... 94% 38*2
Indpls Water Cos 5s 1952 94 98
Indpls Water Cos 5s 1960... 89% 93%
Indpls Water Cos 5s 1970.... 89 93
Indpls Water Cos 5%s 1953 97 101
Indpls Water Cos 5%s 1954... 97 101
Kokomo Water W*rks 5s 1958.. 71 76
Lafayette Tel Cos 5s 1957 81 85
Muncie Water Works 5s 1939.. 80 95
Richmond Water Works 5s 1957 80 85
Terre Haute Water Wk 5s 1956 82 87
Terre Haute Wat Wk 6s 1949.. 91 96
Traction Terminal Cos 5s 1957.. 42 49
Joint Stock Land Banks
Bid. Ask.
Atlanta 5% 36% 39%
Atlantic 5% 44’2 48 1 2
Burlington 5% 33 37
California 5% 53 57
‘Chicago 5% 23 27
Dallas 5% 50 54
Denver 5% 48% 52%
Des Moines 5% 40 44
First Carolina 579 30 35
First Ft Wayne 5 47 51
First Montgomery 5% 36 40
First New Orleans SCo 36% 40%
First Texas 5% 43 47
First Tr Chicago 5% 50 54
Fletcher 50, 65 70
Fremont 599 ... 44 48
Greenbrier 5*9 58 62
Greensboro 5'9 43 47
Illinois Monticello 5*9 60 65
Illinois-Midwest 5% 40 44
Indianapolis 5% 74 78
lowa 5*9 50 54
Kentucky 5*9 59 63
Lafayette 5% 49 54
Lincoln 5*9 46 50
Louisville 5*9 50 54
Maryland-Virginia 5*9 60 65
Mississippi 5*9 43 45
New York 5*9 46 50
North Carolina 5*9 39% 42*%
Oregon Washington 599 3 4 3 8
Pacific Portland 5*9 41 45
Pacific Salt Lake 5*9 46 50
Pacific San Francisco 599 46 50
Pennsylvania 53 58
Phoenix 5*9 63% 67 *2
Potomac 599 45 49
•St. Louis 599 18 % 21%
San Antonio 599 53 57
•Southern Minnesota 5*9 13 16
Southwest 5*9 41 45
Tennessee 5% 43 46
Union Detroit 599 44 47
Union Louisville 5*9 51 54
Virginia Carolina 599 42 46
Virginian 599 48% 53%
Produce Markets
Delivered In Indianapolis prices: Hens,
heavy breeds over 4'/2 lbs, 10c: Leghorns,
Bc. Broilers: Colored Springers, 2 to 2Vx
lbs.. 17c: IV2 to 2 lbs.. 14c: Springs (Leg
horn) l>/2 lbs. up. 13c: Barebacks. 7c;
Cox and stags. 6c: Leghorn cox and Leg
horn stags. sc. Ducks, large white full
feathered and fat: over 4 lbs.. 4c: small
and colored. 3c. Geese, full feathered and
fat. 3c Young Guineas. 20c: old Guineas.
15c, Eggs—No. 1 fresh country run eggs.
9c. Pullet eggs. 6c. Each full egg case
must weigh 55 lbs. gross; a deduction ol
10c per lb. for each lb. under 55 It*,
gross will be made. Butterfat. 16c; No. 1
butter. 214722 c. These prices are for
healthy stock free from feed, no sick
poultry accepted. Quoted bv the Wadlev
CHICAGO. Mav 26.—Eggs—Market, un
settled: prices tic lower: receipts. 39.656
cases: extra firsts. 124/ 12'4c; firsts. 11'20
12c; current receipts. 10'ic: dirties. 9> 2 c.
Butter—Market, unsettled: prices t 2 c to
10c lower: receipts. 19.600 tubs; specials.
2102112 c: Oxtras. 20 , 2 c; . extra firsts. 204/
2014 c; firsts. 19 , 4<f719 3 4c; seconds, 18 1 2<7g)
19c: standards. 21c. Poultrv—Market,
weak: receipts. 30 turkevsifowls. 12012'i.c;
springers. 144716 c: Leghorns. 10c; ducks.
7®9'/2c; geese. 6c; turkeys, 10012 c;
roosters. B' 2c: broilers. 170 20c: stags. 11c.
Cheese—Twins. 1301314 c: longhorns. 12'/
471314 c. Potatoes—On track. 171; arrivals.
57: shipments. 715: market, steady to
slightly stronger; Wisconsin sacked round
whites. 75®85c: Idaho sacked Russets,
$1.6501.75: Louisiana sacked Bliss Tri
umphs, $1.700 1.85: Alabama sacked Bliss
Triumphs. $1,604? 1.75.
North Oxford street.
Other Livestock
LAFAYETTE. Ind., May 26.—Hogs—
Steady; 250-300 lbs., $4.90; 300-325 lbs..
$4.80: 225-250 lbs.. $4.85: 200-225 lbs., $4.80;
170-200 lbs.. $4.75; 150-175 lbs., $4.55; 130-
150 lbs.. $4.30; 100-130 lbs., $4.10; roughs,
$4.25 dotvn. Calves—Steady; top. $4.
Clipped lambs, $5; spring lambs. $6.
TOLEDO. Mav 26.—Hogs—Receipts. 200:
market, steady; heavy vorkers. $5: mixed
and bulk of sales. $4,854/5: pigs and lights.
$4: roughs. 53.25473.50. Cattle—Receipts,
light: market, steady. Calves —Receipts,
light: market, steady. Sheep and Lambs—
Receipts, light: market, steady.
CINCINNATI, May 26.—Hogs—Receipts,
4.000 head; 143 direct; moderately active,
generally top: top and bulk good to choice
170-300 lbs., $5.20: 150-170 lbs.. $4,654/ 4.75;
130-150 lbs., $4.25 0 4.50; underweights
mostly $3.5047:4; sows. $3.7504. Cattle—
Receipts. 325 head; calves, receipts, 500;
mildly active, generally steady: early sales
steers and heifers, $5.2506.25; most beef
cows, $3.250 4; low cutters and cutters.
$1.75®3; bulls, $303.85; good to choice
vealers. S4O 5; plainer grades, mostly $34/
4. Sheep—Receipts, 2.800 head; fairly
active, steady to strong; better grade
spring lambs, $7,754/8; some selections,
$8.25; plainer kinds and most buck lambs,
$6.500 7.25; a few old crop shorn lambs,
around $5.50 down; aged fat ewes, mostly
sl®2; best light weights $2.50.
Gardner and Thelma Voorheis, Metho
dist hospital.
Eugene and Letha Prather. Methodist
Willie and Carrie Miley, 1005 South
William and Mary Grose, Coleman hos
Alvin and Nora Leeb. Coleman hospital.
Vernon and Emma McQuilkin, Coleman
Russell and Martha Bray, Coleman hos
William and Jean McElfresh, 176 North
Harry and Demcy Spann, 302 South
Mathew and Jeanette Cheusde, 850 East
Otis and Rose Berry. 1137 East Tenth.
Donald and Stella Miller. 1330 Olive
Hansel and Bessie Davis. 225 South
Roscoe and Minnie Hendrickson. 1862
George and Alice Jones. 2844 Highland
Raymond and Mary Franklin, 533 Leon
Isom and Dorothy Cox, 821 1 z Chadwick
Chris and Susie Briscoe, 311 West Seven
Joseph and Mary Drake, 1757 North
Carl and Hilda Nerding, Methodist hos
Alfred and Kathryn Shotwell. Methodist
Troy and Irma Scott, Methodist hos
Clarence and Fenora Johnson, 461 West
Sixteenth place.
Thurlow and Mabel Elliott, 2832 North
Elsworth and Lassie Rice. 1809 Lock
James and Ameda Whitlow. 914 Chad
Joe and Stella Ellerv. 2960 Columbia.
Charles and Ruby Pittman. 514 South
Onan and Eunice Harvev. 4431 Man
Russell and Sybil Brown. 517 Berwick.
Ranzie and Minnie McNay 1249 Roache.
Charles Campbell, 53. 3738 Northern
Stella May 27. city hospital, general
Mary Hughes. 53. city hospital, per
nicious anemia.
Ross Smith. 54. 131 West McCarty, pul
monary tuberculosis.
Ella Reagan, 79, 1648 Central, hypo
static pneumonia.
Charles Christy, 43, Long hospital
chronic nephritis.
Dora E. Todd. 75, 3030 North Capitol,
acute cardiac dilatation.
Julia Duff. 67, 1645 North New Jersey,
cerebral hemorrhage.
Gertrude Mooney. 48. city hospital,
diabetes mellitus.
Aafke Posthumus. 57. St. Vincent's hos
pital, pulmonary tuberculosis.
—Mav 26
High. Low. Close.
January 5.23
March 5 20
Julv 5.50
September 5.38 5.35 5 35
December 5.25
January 7.48
March 7 40 7 38 7.40
Julv 8.25 8 05 8.05
September 7.72 7.67 7.67
December 7.50
—May 26-
High. Low Close.
January 1.58 1.54 1.58
March 1.63 1.59 1.63
Mav 1.68 1.63 1.68
Julv 1.45 1.41 1 45
September 1.49 1 45 1.49
December 1.57 1.52 1.57
Heavy Rains Boost Prices in
Corn Mart: Oats. Rye
Move Up.
United Press Staff Correspondent
CHICAGO. May 27.—Wheat made
a strong recovery in the Late trad
ing on the Board of Trade Friday
when eastern interests, locals and
shorts began buying, rallying prices
nearly 2 cents. The market fluctu
ated erratically during the session
and had a sharp downturn early.
Heavy rains were reported in the
corn belt, mostly Illinois, which
limited the early decline in corn
and enabled the market to rally
with wheat. Oats and rye also re
covered in the wake of the major
Wheat Closes Up
At the close wheat was % to 1%
cents higher, corn ■% to 1% cents
higher, oats % to % cent higher, rye
1 to 1% cents higher, and barley
a s to % cent higher. Provisions
were strong.
Traders were proceeding cautious
ly in view of the conferences being
held in Washington on subjects
relative to the application of in
flation. Transactions were light in
view of the approaching week-end
and holiday, and the publication of
private crop reports early next week.
Winnipeg met selling bv commis
sion houses early and declined % to
;i 4 cent where export buyirg checked
the downturn. Liverpool turned
weak and closed % to 3 4 cent lower.
Cash prices were unchanged to 1
cent lower. Receipts were 6 cais.
Rains Are Heavy
Rains overnight in central Illi
nois were heavy. lowa and Indi
ana also had precipitation. The
market was influenced by the ac
tion of wheat and ac mid-session
prices were % to % cent lower.
lowa contributed most of the 120,-
000 bushels booked, indicating
planting is proceeding well. Cash
prices were unchanged. Receipts
were 157 cars.
Oats was steadier than the other
grains more l’rom dullness than
any other factor. Prices were %
to % cent lower at mid-morning.
Rye was % to % cent lower. Cash
oats was unchanged. Receipts were
36 cars.
Chicago Primary Receipts
—May 26
Wheat 690,000
Corn 678.000
Oats 346,000
Chicago Futures Range
—May 26
WHEAT— Prev.
Open. High. Low. Close, close.
May 70'8 .70% .68% ,70 s * .69 s 4
July 71% .72% <7o*4 .72% .71%
Sept 72%'' .73% .71% .73% .72%
Dec 75 5 /, .75% .73% .75% .74%
May 43% .43% .42 .43% .42%
July .... .45 .45% .44 .45% .44%
Sept 47% .48 .46% .47% .47%
Dec 49% .'.50% .48% .50 .49
May 23 s , .24% .23% .24% .24
July 24% .25 .24% .25 .24%
Sept 25% .25% .25 .25% .25%
Dec 27% .27% .26% .27% .27%
RYE— .
May 54% .516% .54% .56% .55%
July 56% .58% .56% 58% .57%
Sept 58% .59 .57% .59 .58
Dec 59% .61% .59% .61% .60%
July 33 .33% .33 .33% .33%
Sept 34% .35% .34% .35% .34%
May 6.45 6.42
July 6.50 6.60 6.50 6.60 6.50
Sept 6.70 6.75 6 70 6.75 6.65
Oct 6.72 6.72 6.72 6.75 6.70
Nov 6.75 6.70
Dec 6.50 6.50 6.47 6.50 6.40
May 7.15 7.15
July 730 7.30
Sept 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.60
By United Press
CHICAGO. Mav 26.—Cash grain close:
Wheat— No. 2 red, 79c: No. 5 mixed. 67c.
Corn—No. 3 mixed. 42c; No. 5 mixed. 40c;
No. 6 mixed. 39%47 40c: No. 2 yellow. 43%
® 44c; No. 3 yellow. 41%4/ 42%c: No. 4
yellow'. 41%'u41%c; No. 5 vellow. 40c; No.
6 yellow. 39®40%c: No. 2 white. 44%c;
No. 3 w'hite. 43 1 43%c; sample grade,
20®36%c. Oats —No. 2 white. 24%'U25%c:
No. 3 w'hite. 23%'524c: No. 4 w'hite. 22 1 2
®23%c: sample grade. 20c. Rye—No sales.
By United Press
TOLEDO. Mav 26—Cash grain close:
Grain in elevators, transit billing. Wheat
No. 2 red. 82%4i83%c: No. 1 red. lc
premium. Corn—No. 2 vellow, 48%4i 49%c.
Oats —No. 2 white. 28 , 2 4/ 29%c. Rve —No.
2. 614/ 62c. Track prices. 28%c rate. Rve
—No. 2. 61®62c. Track prices. 28%c rate.
Wheat —No. 1 red. 79%4i 79%c; No. 2 red.
77%(578%c. Corn—No. 2 vellow. 444/45c:
No. 3 vellow. 434/ 44c. Oats—No. 2 white.
25®26’ 2 c: No. 3 white. 24%'520%c To
ledo seed close: Clover—Cash, $7.50.
By United Press
ST. LOUIS. Mav 26.—Cash grain: Wheat
—ln slow demand, steady to lc higher
on red and l%c higher on hard grades;
No. 2 red, 80c; No. 3 red, 78%c; No. 5
red. 73%4(77c; No. 2 red garlicky, 77%®
78c; No. 3 red garlicky. 77’bc; light,
weevilly; sample red garlicky. 68c heavy
musty; No. 1 hard. 73 5 2 c; No. 2 hard.
73c: No. 1 mixed. 77%c. Corn —In good
demand, unchanged; No. 2 mixed 43c.; No.
2 yellow, 43% 4/45c: No 3 vellow. 42 >,4/
43c: No. 6 yellow. 384(39c, musty; sample
w'hite. 27%c, sour musty. Oats—ln slow
demand, unchanged: No. 2 white 25c; No.
4 white, 23%c. musty.
Indianapolis Cash Grain
—Mav 26
The bids for car lots of grain at the
call of the Indianapolis Board of Trade,
f. o. b.. shipping point, basis 41‘ 2 New
York rate, were:
WHEAT —Strong: No. 1 red. 72® 75c: No.
2 red. 73® 72c; No. 2 hard. 70® 71c.
CORN—Strong: No. 3 white. 38® 39c: No.
4 white. 37® 38c; No. 3 yellow. 36® 37c: No.
4 yellow. 35®36c: No. 3‘mixed. 34®.35c; No.
4 mixed. 33® 34c.
OATS—Firm: No. 2 white. 21®22c: No.
3 white. 20®21c.
HAY—Steadv if. o. b.. countv points
taking 23' 2 c or less to Cincinnati or Louis
ville'. No. 1 timothy. $5.50®6: No. 2 timo
thy. 55®.5.50.
WHEAT—No. 2 red. 2 cars: No. 3 red. 3
cars Total. 3 cars.
CORN— No. 2 white. 5 cars: No. 3 white.
8 cars: No. 4 white. 1 car: No. 5 white. 1
car: Sample white. 1 car: No. 2 yellow. 4
cars: No. 3 vellow. 12 cars: No. 4 yellow.
3 cars: No 6 yellow. 2 cars; sample vel
low. 2 cars; No. 4 mixed. 1 car. Total.
40 cars.
OATS—No. 2 white. 5 cars: No. 3 w’hite.
9 cars: No. 3 mixed. 1 car. Total. 15
City grain elevators are paving 70 cents
for No. 2 soft red wheat and 64 cents for
No. 2 hard wheat; other grades on their
In the Cotton Markets
—Mav 26
High. Low. Close
January 9.40 9.16 9.40
Julv 8.96 8 64 8.96
October 9 20 8 88 9.20
Decembber 9.32 9 06 9.32
January 9.39 9.05 9.37
March 5.51 5.21 5.55
Mav 9.70 9.47 9.47
Julv 8.94 8.56 8 92
October 9.18 8 82 9.15
December 9.32 8 97 9 31
January 9.33
March 9 44
Julv 8 86 8 52 8 85
October 9 12 8.77 9.11
December 928 8 96 9.27
By United Press
CHICAGO. Mav 26. Apples—lllinois
Willow Twigs, bushel. *125; Michigan
Spies, bushel. sl2s® 1.35: Baldwins, bush
el $1®1.15 Onion Market—Texas: Crys
tal White Waxed, bushel. 90c® 1.10: Yel
low Bermudas, bushel. 90c® 1.10; Yellow
Commercial, bushel. SOcbl.lSk
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