Newspaper Page Text
PAGE 18 MERCHANDISE 31 MivrlUnron< for Sal* Es roymsons 918 to 926 So. Meridian St. Clearance SUMMER DRESSES M/I Friday and Saturday Y\, \NA Mo Ojxn Sat. Night $ 1 ..°,o \\ DR ESS KS 69c Kt : , Cp to ( DRESSES I V 88c |:k Up to / 1 r-M-L/ ??.oo / 9 iifti DRESSES Im-mWi $1.39 m Up to 1 Silk taiiM DRESSES lsl-88 f DRIVE A FEW BLOCKS SAVE A FEW DOLLARS Efroymsons 9IK to 926 So. Meridian St. ANNOUNCEMENTS fi Transportation 53.75 CHICAGO ROUND TRIP S3 7b LEAVE 10 30 SATURDAY NOON RETURN SUNDAY SITE S5 75 WORLD'S FAIR TOUR Leave every Fridav. midnight, return Rundav night. including transportation end hotel an- 2 ticket". to lair. UNITED PUS Call PI-4232 317 S II! for reser. R Beauty Parlors CROQUIGNOLE or spiral permaner' Ml includes everything. 2 lor SI 31 No ap pointment neeessarv; fre-h supplies ROYAL BEAUTY SHOP. 401 Roosevelt BWg. _ _ INSTRUCTToNS ]ll Schools, Colleges, Tutoring BARBER students earn more and 'earn more Scientific methods taught at BEN S COLLEGE OF BARBER SCIENCE 472 Wet Washington_Bt. _ STUDENTS WANTED—Paid vrnue learn ing nrwe’t and be t school. Journeymen Barbers- Fdu School 32_E Wash FREE HAWAAIAN GUITAR—To each new student HILO HAWAIIAN STUDIO 2108 Roosevelt ave BEST BY TEST.' DAY cour e. ROYAL ACADEMY 401 Roosevelt Bide. BAR EXAMINATION review lor October. Examination rec. ter now. Ll-9434. HELP WANTED 11 lI,Ip Wanted—Mai, HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES—Learn radio the most outstanding and promising profession! taught thoroughly in 9 mos. School estah 1874. All ex panses low: some earn part. Catalog free. DODGE'S INSTITUTE. Monroe St. Val paraiso. Ind. LOCAL' MAN To go into an established business Y’our financial independence is assured il vou can qualify. No pre vious business experience necessary. Musi civ> reference and have $1 500 to $2 non Ttrres Box K-209. WAN 1 ED—At once. Experienced HA wanan guitar teacher Write Times Bov K-208 cot I ECTOR with car or bicycle . mal! installment accounts. 221 Farmers Trust Bide. It Hrlp Wanted—Female 3 MORE GIRLS for pleasant work in city: guaranteed $lO salary and bonus, aver age earnings Sls-SlB weekly. Call after 4 p. m 272 Centurv bldg HOUSEKEEPER— Middle-aged more for home than wages. JOSEPH S. HALEY. R. R_7. Box-72 GIRLS—Two. to train lor office man agers . Apnlv 510 Merchants bank IK Situations Wanted STENOGRAPHER—EfIicient. knowledge of bookkeeping technical and detail: cleri cal. HA-2355-R. HEMSTITCHING —sc vd. I lurnish ooil fast oc ilk thread 2045 College. HE-2534 RENTALS 17 Furnished Rooms BROADWAY. 2456 Nice front room 1 or 2. emplovd. gentlemen oreferred; rra . C HE-iaU. CARROLLTON. 2324—Lovely room: refined modern home: accommodate 2; *5: ear are; phone furnished ____ Carrollton. 3832—Lovely, com. tur mshed room: next bath; private home; garage: reasonable COLLEGE. 3222—Attractive front room: private home: ideal 1 or 2: garage optional. HA-1003 DELAWARE 1407. N —Larr front room. 3 window a. twin beds phone nicelv fur nished EUCLID N 45—Nicelv furnsihed room for coup!- kitchen privileges, garage. $5 IR-2J27. nLINOIS*. N. 1307 —Attractive cool Iront tor 2; twin beds; closets, constant hot water: reasonable ILLINOIS S.. 24. 3rd Floor—Lodging. 15c: beds. 25c: shower free. VFYSTONE *3* N -Large sleeping room in private, modern home. lor 2; board optional MERIDIAN. S . 1454 Large front room: suitable 2 girls or couple, private home. DR-2796-W. meridian N 368 NO 12— Nicely turn, room gentleman ruelerred. $3 50 walking distance. Rl-3988 KEW JERSEY. N 2065— Large pleasant room nicelv furnished: private home. $2 50: garage. HA-3T40-J S-D W 1145 -Foot Go'.den Hill. large front 1 or 2: $3 or $5: garage optional TA-4507. a’ND E 517—Newly furnished front private home: Central bus: gentleman. $4. HO-32 CLINTON HOTEL—Desirable sleeping rms.. $2. also housekeeping: modern -3 vir g.nta ave "Downtown " __ CLEAN cor v front room twin beds 2 sfntienfn: social room. oriviltKS. I* OR-2032 _ jTi Hoteia. ReMrts. Inns DEARBORN HOTEL™* *£ Snecta' rate- 3208 E Michigan. CH-7550 IIOOSIER HOTELS,,,-", side rms.: shower oath. 440 M.tss. ave SCHWENZER HOTEL—4SB E Washington S’ Clean outside rooms. $2 50 uo. wkiv.: running water:_hcwers tubs. SEMINOLE HOTEL Double $4 50 week: bath, running water HOTEL ANTLERS Offers ail comforts- Oitra tr.odern notei aervica As iow as $2 a dav: *lO week tsa N Meridian Ll-2351 IK Rooms $2-$2 50~ 523 N. ALABAMA—Apt C; iarge. atrT. cool, hot water Close in *2 50 ~s3 s3*so WALNUT E 411—Nicelv furnished; 1-2 room apartments ort xate entrance; phone. ib-'-NEW JERSEY N *1606-Modern 2- room apartment: newlv decorated neat phone: garage fROADWAY 1134— Large J-iwa ower li so 1 and 2 room*. $2 50 to S4 50 BROADWAY 1536-Cool 2-room apart ment overvtuffed private lavatorv tn a-door bed adults Central I**—Cozv room and kitchen ett<. i single housekeeping room near bath Adults COLLEGE. 1716—3 large rooms, furnished complete sink, near bath: or;vat* en tr * nee Reasonable DELAWAPF N 2001 Wmtt furnished Dike room: privileges, kitchen Frigid aire. garage. Call evening* EAST. 821 N— 2-mom apartments fur wished and unfurnished All uuliuei •Aurhishevi walking distance. RENTALS 1* Housfkffpins Rooms 'COLLEGE AYE . 811-I .*rge ftMl IW.i iomoi kitchen. gwrwge: phono: real. EUCLID N JJO'—UPD*r Iron: J rooms: •ttracmrir furnUhtd. ornate porch; 1 tittllttes. IR-7495 HIGHLAND AYE 21 N—2 modern: everv- thing iurmihwi. Adult*. X. ILLINOIS. N . 1726—Nice elean. well fur nished apartment; private entrance. Workinf preferred, j ILLINOIS. N 509 —2-room apartmer* i screened In back porch. Everything lar- _A]jo 3-room apartment I NSW JERSEY N. 1449—3-room ap*r’- ment oyer*'iffej. utilities. reaonabie. NEW JERSEY. 2042 N.—2 large, clean, cool front rms. rm. and kitchenette, nicely furn.. sink, porch, refrig.: oriv. ent : adults- park space __ NEW JERSEY. N . 509—2 r.:ce front, large bedroom and kitchen. $4: also sing.e PARK. Ill*—2 rooms upstairs; 1 room kitchenette down; furnished complete; priv ate, LI-5236 PENN.. N.. 1945—3-room in-a-door: porch: *25. 3 rooms, bedroom, constant hot <l t er: 237.50 ST. JOE 30 W—2 or 3-room apartment; sink, range, hot water. Adults. SHERMAN riR~ 240* N—4 rooms com oletelv furnished: daanstairs. All mod ! ern SUMMIT N 237 -2 nice room: over stuffed lirniture sink in kitchen: pri ! sate entrance. RI-3871. TAI.BOT - N 2342—*3 50 modern 1 and 2 front connecting apartments. Furnished compie'e Very r-as o nable, HA-4809-M TALBOT N 2117—C001, mcelv furnished room. ki*chenette; hot water; *3 50. 4 50 HA-077* WOODRUFF 544 M DR .—Small apart men’ furnished complete; util Adults. ! CH-3FJ3 BARGAIN Nice;-.- furnished 3-room apart ment: private bath, all utilities *3O mo 21*2 N Talbot HA-4241-M 10 Room* with Board BROADWSS* 235*—Newlv furnished front room S3 50 with home cooked meal §7 HK-on. DELAWARE. N. 2055—We1l furnished room constant hot water, good meals. 88 TA-3046 FOUNTAIN SQUARE—2 large clean rooms: i pti-.aic bath utilities: ice box *5 week. *■s4 E. Morns HAMILTON N 1022—Modern room, board laundrv ornate entrance: single. *6 double 55 CH-2616-R PFTNN N 1221—Lovelv room: twin beds; on carline good meals: $8 each. RI -3971 WASHINGTON. 3145 E.—Real home, room i next bath downstairs. 3 meals, laundrv *■s, CH-1175. i Ten per cent discount on all Cash Want i Ads placed a? Times Want Ad Head buarters. 214 W Maryland St 21 I,'nfiirnished Apartments SPINK APARTMENTS 2035 N. Meridian $32 50- 57 .50 3720 N. Penn 45 00- 72 00 1433 N. Penn 35 00- 50.00 230 E. 9th 27 50- 32.50 IOR E 13tn 32 50- 42.50 111 E. 16th 37 50- 42.50 37 W 21st, 32 50- 45 00 402 N. Meridian 45 00-125.00 Modern Fireproof Apt. Frigidaire Equipped ACCESSIBLE Street cars, bus lines and stores. General Apartments, Inc. 22 W. Vermont St. LI-2439. Nights. Sundays. Holidays. Call LI-2361. j Reduced to sl7 Modern 6-room single. 11l W 28th at. RI-6412 J. S. CRUSE. INC. s2<i — bio mauisun -2-3-4 rms.. mceiv _dec.._prire_incld. nt.: wt DR-5012 *22 60—1232 BROADWAY—2 rms.: sun _ rni newly dec,; heat, wt. turn. DR-5012 *27.50 "DUNDEE' cor Virginia & McCarty. includes ht.. gas. Its,, rigiriaire DR-5012 BARTH. 1849—Upper duplex; 4 rms.. bath heat, water. $11.50. RL-3413. FALL CREEK BLVD.. 321 E.—-2-BED ROOM APARTMENT. SEE CUSTODIAN HU-5656 MADISON AVE, 1525—Modern 3 rooms: hath: tinner: water paid; 813 DR-7504 PARK. 2302—2-bedroom apt., excellent condition; heat, water, porches, yard. VERMONT 416 E.— Downtown: 4-rm. bath apt . *25 month - front porch. LI-4466. 320 VIRGINIA AVE.. 3 rms. and bath. sls; heat, water furn: a real buy at thp lowest price SPANN CO Rl-2566 NORTH—Lovelv 2-bdrm duplex, norch. hear, w a ter. *3O. Ll-3164. Eve. TA-0335 3 ROOMS and bath, heat and water furnished. TA-1713. BEA I THIS—If von can' Bedroom atJarF ment: 2nd floor: 1613 N. Alabama st. All utilities paid: sl6 LI-4364 B M RALSTON REAL ESTATE. 139 E. Mar et st Indianapolis Rental Agency City wtae listings turnlshed nd unfur n.shed acts.: free transportation Dav LI 54S> eve TA-1064 CH-448' Up-to-Date Efficiency Apts. Frigidaire. garage, all utilities paid. See 1117 College ave LI-7491. Gregory & Appel, Inc. 247 N. Penn. (fmmx herm bureau Apartment* in all parts of the city; tree transportation to inspect apartments Call HE-1328 nr Rl-1371 dav or night FOR colored Jackson Ct.. 1222-24 Cornell *2O includes utilities See custodian FOR rcloied Dunbar Court 1022 N West st„ $22.50 includes util See c.ustod lan FOR coloreo Douglas Court. 21st <fc Blvd PL: $22 50; includes util See custodian fen per cent discount on all Cash Want Ads placed at Times Want Ad Head onarters. 214 W Maryland St. 22 Unfurnished Houses 113; ST. CLAIR ST.. E . 819—6 rms . new plum . redecor . water pd.. JENNINGS LI-3814 sl7 50: BARTH. I*49—Upper duplex; 4 rooms; bath: heat; water. RI-3413 S2O Newlv decorated 6-room mod near School 45. 518 E 23d ARLINGTON. S . 317 Irvington)—Single 3- bedroom: garage: $35: formerly $45. IR -6256 3033 N ARSENAL—4 rooms mod . *l2 00 229 S OAKLAND—4 rooms, water nd. $lO. 1.1-7361 C. C. GROVE 44 Virginia. BELLEFONTAINE. 1011 modern: thoroughly remodeled. 2-car jtarage_ S2O HE-4956 DEI. A: 37TH--4-bedroom home: 2 baths: double garage: unusual; SBS. RI-7048 DEXTER. 2004 —Bungalow. 5 rooms; mod ern. carage: good condi.: SIB RI-9548 1625 English Ave. 12 50. 5-room double: modern, except furnace: garage water paid A. J. HUE BER A- CO . 144 N Delaware. KFYSTONE. 53 N—7 rooms, $10: water paid large porch. HE-2407. , M KIM AVE.. 218—4-rm modern single. good condition. $13.50. RI-7242. MERIDIAN A: 34TH-Nice 4-bedrm home; 840 RI-7048. WHITE. IR-7956 521 E. NEW YORK *-room modern single. *17.50 O J SMITH REALTY CO 1-1-8365. OAKi AND S . 234—Practically new 4-roo:n modern double: garace water paid: sl6 Inquire 1056 S. Randolph. PENNSYLVANIA Sfl N". 2162-—5-rm. house; good condition: water paid, HA-2691-R. PlNe| Bk. 217—6-room newlv decorated. ! 89 DR-7250-R | WHITTIER FL 72 1 Irvington • —Single. 4 I bedrooms: 2 baths: S4O. formerly $55 I IR-6367 WOODLAWN AVE . 2114—*12 50 wa'er paid 6 rooms; semi-modern double, re j decorated DR-6323. Mir. E 10TH —6 rooms: bath, garage: water paid: sls. O J SMITH REALTY CO LI-8565 6 ROOMS SEMI-MODERN. S3O VALUE. REDUCED TO sl2 50 IR-0167 1900 NORTH—9-room house, clear, "will sell for 1-3 of appraisal. $1,200. Easy terms. WA-0708-W. Modern Bungalow 1523 KELLY ST—5 rooms: bath: In good rendition: near Shelbv st.; *2O per mo. C.sll FRA ZEE. 1 >l-2318. After You Have Selected Your New Homs Spp the Business Service Classification foi a Reliable Mover 25 Furnished Apts, and Houses EAST 4200—Beautiful bungalow : vd : gar.: 835 RI-7048 WHITE IR-7956. PARK 2023—Nicelv turmshed front apart ment well ventilated, bath: utilities. HE-3629 21ST ST.. E. 64* upper apartment: redecorated: utilities. Adult* 835 . 2 or 3-bedroom home nicelv furn . gar.. sls e mi-monthly; key 124 N. Denny WE HAVE - 1 uiore of those nicely furnished bedroom apartments available Fricid a:re walking distance S4O monthiv *l2 weeklv Inouire MRS FREEMAN RI-89*9 412* N Alabama _ Ten per cent discount on all Cash Want Ads placed • Times Want Ad Head ouarters. 214 W Maryland 24 Suburban and Farms ! 3RD W 72—Mars Hill—J rooms, garage water, linoleum. s>. COTTAGES Mg RIVER camp cottage. $1 per day Phone Augusta 111-W-1 SC Wanted to Rent LET US rent vour house or apt.. lurn or unturn. WHITE. IR-7956 MERCHANDISE 35 Household Goods j WASHER Complete With j TWIN LAUNDRY TUBS $ AQ.95 _LZ3 j f SI.OO Delivers Your Apex | I BWr I | Block's Is the Only Factory Authorized Apex Dealer | in Indianapolis | While They Last Bargains | J 2 —LA PETITE Portable Washers ~.54.95 | | I—EASY Vacuum Cup Washer (used) $19.95 | | I—APEX Washer, $49.50 Model, floor sample. $39.95 | | l EASY Washer, $99.50 Model, floor sample. $69.50 | | I—RAINBOW Ironer, rebuilt $29.50 | All fully guaranteed | n §§ Phone F| \([T\({r l/C Fifth pj-8421 5 Floor Trade-In Sale Put in iour Old Range at $lO r —f '"y Luxurious New Table-top Gas Range, with Electric Lamp, Oven “ii i i\W Heat Control. Porcelain-lined Oven r —r fl and Broiler. I J ■ Special Sale Price $64.95 I | J Tradfe-in Allowance SIO.OO [ Balance to Pay $54.95 Goncroii* Credit Terms— r 8"" " —jm Vo Interest—No Carrying Charge - l J 4 /ffl Colonml^MF) MERIDIAN AT MARYLAND REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 27 Houses For Sale DOUBLE Near West Wash. Street Fine home and investment: take B. and L stock or bungalow in trade. MR. PRUITT. HU-6631 RI-9388. American Estates Cos., Realtors. 5-ROOM modern home; southside: $6,008 value. Only 53.500.50. Small down pay mrnt. IR-0167, 28 Sale Suburban Property FOR SALE BY OWNER—2'2 acres with 40 trees; 24 ft. by 18 ft. cottage and 24 by 30 barn. 1 mile north and ®* mile west of Maxwell: 22 miles from Circle Price_S6oo; down. Box 207, Times. PROSPECT. 3306—9 rooms, semi-modern brick; 2’g acres of ground: terms. LI -5912. 3 ACRES, sub., improved, no., reas. DAVIS CLAYLON, 702 Inland bldg. LI-1113. 31 Wanted to Trade BE SURE—UX voui title, uemana an ab stract prepared oy UNION TITLE CO 155 E Market St. Union Title Bldg 33 Wanted—Real Esfate ATTENTION acreage owners. We offer to build vou a 4-room suburban cottage; cement foundation; plastered, decorated, finish floors, good fixtures, garage, chicken house; fence ’2 acre. SI,OOO. One-third cash, IR-4297, M ERC HAN OTSE 34 Swaps FOR SALE or traae. new trailer for elec. washer or typewriter. 119 N. Belmont. VELOUR living room suite, for model T. light truck, light rdster, or sell. HA-0544 PAIGE—'27 coach to trade for equity in later model car. 1154 Olive St. CASH for used boys' and girls' bicycles and parts. 205 E, Wash. LI-6791. PRINTING for cash and what? Reason able prices, work guar. BOYD. LI-3963. TAILOR SHOP and shining parlor for light sedan. 449 Indiana Ave. WAITED— Model T. 26 or '27 sedan pre ferred. State price DWIGHT FLAN -INGAM. Darlington. Ind KING GOLD TROMBONE—C melody. Cohn saxophone. Hawaiian guitar, cash or building material. IR-2194-7. BEAUTIFUL 6-lee cabinet model radio. for car or cash. LI-1296. CASH for extra good '29 Ford. 1107 Odd j Fellow Bldg. RI-7281. WILL move—Box and street cars. Heavy | moving anywhere. CH-2545 SWAP 27 CHEVROLET roadster lor cash. 4102 E. 30th St, FURNACE 24-inch. baseburner cook i stove. Sell or trade. 1528 Kelly St. CLEAR LOT in Southeastern park addi tion. for 2-room additional on home in Bridgeport. Write R HECHINGER Bridgeport. Ind EQUITY Chevrolet '3O. A-l coupe for ear lier coach or sedan; or sell. 2171 S East St. ELECT. Ref . Radio, washer or vacuum cleaner for turn, or what, WA-1137. 3n Household Goods REPOSSESSED electric refrigerator, cheap. Reconditioned "Hart" oil burner, good as new. Call LESLIE. CH-4877. Open evenings. Dealer ICE BOXES— 1501 Trade-ins $1 and up FULWIDER SALES. 3329 E 10th st. 9x12 Felt Dase Rugs, $4 60 up CUI-KATI UNOLEUM HOUSE 811 N Alabama St rPTCCE living room suite, davenport makes bed:-$25. 2322 Guilford. HE-1462 ONE MINUTE WASHER, used as demon strator Looks like new. fullv euaran teed, same as new $39.90. only SI down payment reauired COLONIAL FURNI TURE CO . 47 S Meridian St Save Money on Bedding The largest line of Simmons beds springs and mattresses in the fitv BAKER BROS. 219 E Wash. _ REFRIGERATORS—Meat display cases, large refrigerators, novelty boxes bottle coolers Easy terms POLAR ICE <v FUEL CO 2000 Northwestern ave. INSIST u Doit DISTILLED WATER tC$ when vou hu> ice Call Rl-630t EASY WASHER—Authorized dealer: wring er rolls, for all makes 2609 E. Wasn ington S: CH-0852. The Largest Line of Beds springs and mattresses vou ever ‘aw Sim mons line complete Inner spring ma: tresse* as low as sl4 75. Over 200 beds to show vou Over 50 different mattresses Over 100 different springs All new clear merchandise fresh from the factory Sc our window fail* and sp cia's BAKER BROS. Pioneer Des'ers Opposite Courthouse DfNiNG — SUITE 8 nieces. $29 50 Term' HARTMANNS 317 E Wash. BINING ROOM suite, walnut table and 6 chairs. A-l condition, 830. 5351 Park Ae c 1 USED - New Process gas range, full en ameled. Lorain Oven Regulator Rutz Push Button Lighter 18” oven and broiler utensil d-awer Easy terms Citizens Gas Company 45 S Pennsvlva'va RI-5421 NFW SivfMONS int'*>r S pr:n~ mettres and P *ro:;s do Uie deck spring for (19.75. BAKER EROS . 319 Wash. at. THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES MERCHANDISE 35 Household Goods REPOSSESSED FURNITURE We now have a large assortment of used furniture—living room suites, dining suites, bedroom suites and hundreds of odd pieces. All from nice clean homes. If vou want junk don’t waste our time—we don’t have it. BAKER BROS. PHILCO—Super-het.. sls. HARTMANN'S. 317 E. Wash. SINGER electric portable, balance $36.00; SI.OO per week. SINGER CO.. 126 W. Wash, GAS RANGES—Reconditioned: vour choice. $5, HARTMANN'S. 317 E. Wash, WHITE CAP electric washer, with twin tubs. $39,75. 317 E. Wash. OIL STOVES—Wickless style: $4.95. HARTMANN'S. 317 E, Wash. THOR (Complete Laundry? ®S'Un,,eS69SO 32 N. Del. Thor Electric Shop LI-5386 KITCHEN TABLE and 4 chairs, sacrifice. 939 N. Tacoma. CH-6173-R USED FURNITURE For every room. Odd pieces or com plete outfits. All reconditioned and guar anteed. If you want wornout. broken up or "unfinished” pieces don't waste our time. Low' price, but remember no Junk. BAKER BROS.. 219 E. Wash. Two used furnaces for $25.00 6-PIECE DIN. suite. 2-pc. overstffd.. wal. chifT.. dress, table. 703 E. 20th. Dealer. Thousands Read The Times Who Read No Other Paper Want Ads in The Times reach a great audience of prospects who are in the market for ■ rooms, apartments and houses, household goods of all Kinds, automobiles, etc. You too can reach this ready-made market. All you have to do is oali The Times Riley 5551 for results at the lowest cost in the City. USE THE TIMES , LEARN ABOUT RESULTS MERCHANDISE 35 Household Goods SI.OO Per Week will rent anew rR"* m MAYTAG &2H I Minimum Rental—s Weeks T23Pj-J L. S AYRES & CO. RI-9441. | ’ll 7th Fi. and Downstairs S:ore_ * GENERAL electric, monitor short time, great saving FLL.WIDER RADIO SALES 3329 E 10th. CH-1443. FAMILY WASHING 4*.2C 10. returned damp, ready to iron. 51c PROGRESS LAUNDRY Rl-i3.3. 36 Radios, Musical Instruments Used Radios Philco. Crosley and other well known makes from $12.50 up. Terms. . R, fc R STORE 22. E. Wash. LI-5516. RADIO BARGAINS-New _ 34" floor sam ples. Reduced price. BELMONT ELEC TRIC. 2031 W, Washington. BE-OoSl. USED drum outfit complete, unusual bar- S PEAR S SQN T c‘q INC , 128 N. PENN. BEAUTIFUL studio piano, art case, now $175- was *375. New WILKING MUSIC CO. 120 E. Ohio. MARTIN trumpet" good conditon, *3O. CO. INC, 128 N PENN 37 Miscellaneous For Sale FRUIT JARS Sagalowsky Bottle Cos. 605 S. Capitol. RI-6800. ur; na Iv’otrci Good as new. heavily Wme IVegS charred. All sizes. We deliver. FOGLE BOTTLE CO. 901 Va. Ave. DR.-0556. Invalid Chairs - Crutches FRACTURE BEDS Back rests anc commodes for sale or rent. BAKER BROS. 219 E. Wasmngton. HOME LOAN BIDS OUR SPECIALTY Free inform and advice to home owners tor comp, paint and roof lobs or material. Tindall Paint Cos. ICE MACHINES Less >-i factory price erected. Guaranteed. BORN CO.. 208 N. Wabash. Chicago. STORE FIXTURES— Bakery equipments; special equipment. Buy and sell. 419 E. Ohio. __________ FVUI HT TiPC Qua.-ts. 23c dozen. IcUii JAhO Pints, 20c dozen. We deliver. WEST END BOTTLE CO. 531 W. Pearl. Ll-8085. WINDOW SHADES—First qual- . r itv. All sizes. 26x5 to 36x6 A Special garden hose reels 50c CHINA STORE. 361 W. Wash. _ w BICYCLES— sl2 up; tires, repairs. HOFF MAN, 251 Mass. LI-5256. 205 E. Wash. INSIST on DISTILLED WATER ICE When you buy ice. Call RI-6301. Waterproof Truck Covers Just received large quantity extra good 14x27 ft. heavy waterproof covers suit able for large trucks and trailers. Priced to sell. All sizes new waterproof covers in stock. Save half. HOOSIER TARPAULIN CO. 1 BARREL of burnt umber paint, shallow well pumps, $2.50 each. Pitcher pumps, Si each. Metal or wood hose reels. 75c each. Vegetable bins. 75c. (2> Metal coal windows. BIG FOUR UNCLAIMED FREIGHT STATION, corner Capitol and South St, TENTS 16-20 tents suitable for storage and dis play tents for fairs; also for stable tents. All' sizes of new and used wall tents. Priced one-half original cost. HOOSIER TARPAULIN CO. MEIER NU-AIR Ventilating and exhaust fans. Emerson desk fans, all sizes. All types of fans for the home. Reasonable Prices MEIER ELECTRIC AND MACHINE CO. 3525 E. Washington. Ll-H sl • ELECTRIC FAN— •’Westinghouse.” 18-in S3O. new, sacrifice $16.50. A-l. HU-5165. NEW y 2 x6-inch redwood siding; *2.99 pci 100 MILLION POPULATION WRECh.- ING CO LI-6271). SUDDEN DEATH—It never falls: destroys bedbugs and household vermin. ALBERT G. MAAS CO.. 31 Virginia ave. RI-3315 2 WHEEL TRAILER, new tires, 4x6 ft. bed. Reasonable. 801 Sheffield. OAKLAND—Roadster, S4O. Cement mixer. tools. 4-in. tile, lumber. CH-2283-J. 37-b Farm Garden, Plants, Flowers PEACHES, home grown, tree ripened. Order now. Plums. ESAREY ORCHARD. Mooresville Waverlv Road. 3527 College Ave. WA-0837. 37-c Building Materials COWEST CASH PRICES tN THE CITY on Everything to REPAIR—REMODEL MODERNIZE Save Witn cash at Cornen. OHna 37-d Beer Equipment Coil and Novelty Boxes NEW FRONT AND BACK BARB All kinds of equipment ior draft beet BUILT IN OUR SHOPS BILLIARD—POOL—SNOOKER TABLES Complete line—Supplies—We repair King’s Ind. Billiard Cos. DR-5826 1631 Southeastern PR-3578 BEER equipment, bars, booths, coil boxes. desks, chairs. Terms. 327 W. Wash. BEER—3-tap novelty box. S4O. 335 Mass. Ave. 39 Wanted to Buy CASH PAID IMMEDIATELY tor old gold. Jewelry, watches, rings, dental bridge*. STANDARD GOLD SMELTING CO 423 LEMCKE BLDG.. 4TH FLOOR Entrance 106 E Market street IMMEDIATE cash paid for old gold, plated jewelry watches, silver and dental sold MILTON GOLD REF. CO. _ 2 13 Massachusetts Ave. LI-7288. HIGHEST prices paid for old gold watch es, dental bridges, lewelrv etc. SACKS BROS . 308 Indiana ave Phone RI-5994 PHT T TMQ OLD GOLD BUYERS fivJDLiIIMO 138 N. Illinois St. WANTED —Good secondhand mans bi cycle. Cheap. LI-8013. 1336 College. FINANCIAL 53 Personal Property Loans NEW LOWER RATES ON LOANS ABOVE SIOO to S3OO , You can secure a loan quickly and confidentially at charges substantially below the lawful rate on amounts over SIOO. One to twenty months to repay. Interest is charged only for the actual number of days you keep the money. AYE INVITE COMPARISON Costs Nothing to Investigate. Call, Write or Telephone. 2—OFFICES—2 205 ODD FELLOW BLDG. 200 ROOSEVELT BLDG. PENN. AND WASH STS. ILL. AND WASH. STS. LINCOLN 8496 LINCOLN 2491 Commonwealth Loan Cos. ESTABLISHED 1887 MERCHANDISE Furniture Buyers HRRSFS WANTS GOOD FURNITURE MR. PIERCE. PROMPT SERVICE noli R | OdfiQ For anv furniture Gdii IVI. UTOS ru?s sto ves or clothing you have for sale. Calls answered promptly. WANTED 2 car loads of furniture KENNEDY FURNITURE STORE CH-0976. CH-6826. CALL Li-2832 before selling your house hold goods. Will buy anything used in homes from attic to basement. BUY whole houses or odd pieces of furn.. Pianos etc. MR WERELEY HU-7274 41 Cash Coal Mart Indianapolis Retail Yards. W. VIRGINIA lp. or egg clean fjd *7.00 POCA, and New River lv. The best .58.25 INDIANA lp. Clean forked ....55.50-55.75 COKE, furnace and baseburner. . $8 50 UNION ICE <fe COAL CO. DR-4621. LIV E S T 0 C K 42 Hogs, Birds, Pets BOSTON TERRIERS; PEDIGREED: SB-*lO 3119 WOOD ST., CH-3610-W, 43 Horses, Cattle, Poultry (8) BREEDING does, il) large buck, l 6) two months’ old. 11) six unit hutch. 320 W. 29th St. AUTOMOTIVE 45 Autos for Sale SAVE^ Select Y our Car from Our Large Stock • All Prices Reduced • Terms, Liberal Trades FORDS—AII models and body types. CHEV.—Large assortment late models. PLYMOUTHS Late model sedans and coaches. BUlCK—Several very choice jobs. NASH—Very nice sedan. OLDS—Coupes, coaches and j sedans. PONTlAC—Several models. ESSEX—Two clean coaches. Many Others to Choose from and Sold With “Personal Service ” No Reasonable Offer Refused Harry A. Sharp Cos. 443 Virginia Ave. Open till 9 p. m. JfcJUP BUICK. 29-47 SEDAN. 171 M'HENRY CHEV. CO. W#l 1302 E. Wash. LI-4378. BUiCK—'29 sedan. Master: excellent, $225: down payment $45, balance $4.95 weekly. 3815 College. 1928 CHEVROLET—Coaches, two to pick from. S3O down, $2.50 a week paid here. Pon t phone—come over and see them. at the BARGAIN STORE On Lot—72o N. Capitol 51* N. Capitol. 33 CHEVROLET COUPE Rumble Seat Losey Motors, Inc. 1933 CHEVROLET—Coach. She’s a honev! Low mileage—and low priced. Will trade —will you? at the BARGAIN STORE On Lot—72o N. Capitol ull N. Capitol. Li-0000. CHEVROLET ’29 cab. ? ill M’HENRY CHEV. CO. CHEVROLET—'3O coupe: extra clean: bargain at $2lO. Liberal trade, very easy terms on GMAC plan. Open to 10 p m North Side Chevrolet, Inc. 1930 CHEVROLET—Coupe: way above the average. Mechanically fine shape. Only S6O down, balance weekly or monthly. at the BARGAIN STORE On Lot—72o N. Capitol 514 N. Capitol. LI-8000. 1930 CHRYSLER 6 sedan. $295. THORNBURG-VOLLRATH 328 N. Delaware LI-8112. 1933 DE SOTO—4-door de luxe sedan; has pearlescence blue paint. Low mileage. She c a honey! Only $675. Hurry! ! at the BARGAIN STORE On Lot—72o N. Capitol 514 N. Capitol. Li-auub. DODGE!—Victory 6 coupe. Irey body, maroon wheels. Has never had nard use. Only $75 down. at the BARGAIN STORE On Lot—72o N. Capit FORD —30. 4-dr.' new motor, naint; ex cellent shape. SBS down. 30TH Jc CENTRAL SALES TA-5550 FORD '29 >2-ton panel. IK M HENRY CHEV CO. yf% 1302 E. Wash. LI-4378 33 FORD V-8 cpe. black velour uph.: 1.337 miles: like new: big saving. 30TH CENTRAL SALES TA-33.70 -■ FORD '3l SEDAN: $250. TfWk M HENRY CHEV. CO. Wm\ 1302 E Wash LI-4378 1931 -FORD—Coach; grey, black wheels looks and runs like twice the money we ask for it. Only *95 down; weekly or monthiv on balance at the BARGAIN STORE On Lot—72o N. Capitol 314 N Capitol. LI-80<j0_ FORD —26 sedan: fine condition. S9 down balance $2 weekly. 3815 College FORD 30 COUPE. I JfL M HENRY CHEV CO 1302 E WASH LI-4378 FORD —33 deluxe coach; like new. $495 WILES & WILSON 3315 College. WA _ 2266 FORX> —'31 de luxe coupe: maroon: th cleanest one in town; must be seen to be aporeciated 5265 Liberal trade, very easy terms on GMAC plan. Open to 10 p m North Side Chevrolet, Inc. 836 E 63rd Broad Ripple. Graham 1931 Sedans Model 820 Specials Both beautiful cars, one de luxe equipped with 6 chromium wire wheels priced to sell quickly. The Ciltizens Motor Car Cos. Packard and Studeoaker Distributors. 1511 N. 111. St. Opjp evenings. FINANCIAL 53 Personal Property Loans 55 Auto Loans AUTO LOANS 20 MONTHS TO PAY Other loans paid off and extra cash advanced. Plenty of Parking Space Open Evenings Used Car Loan Cos. 342 N. Illinois St. LI-9600 AUTOMOTIVE 45 Autos for Sale QUALITY With Low Price Oakland coupe $ 9.7 Ford tudor 125 Chrysler 75 sedan .... 225 llupp coupe 245 Studebaker sedan .... 250 Chev. 5-pass, coupe .. 295 Olds sedan 275 Buick 30-4 coach 275 Reo sedan 395 Chrysler sedan 395 Dodge R. S. coupe. ... 395 Studebaker conv. cpe.. 395 La Salle sedan 400 Chrysler sedan, 6 w. w. 445 Buick sport coupe. .. . 475 Plymouth sport coupe. 495 Chrysler sedan, radio. 575 USED CAR LOT C. H. Wallerich ST. JOE and MERIDIAN Open Evenings. RI-4576 buick Home of Assured Transportation 1934 Ford coupe s “ing lal 1933 PONTIAC 2-DR, SEDAN $515 1933 FORD DELUXE SEDAN 475 1933 PONTIAC 2-DR. SEDAN 565 1932 OLDS 6 DELUXE SEDAN 425 1932 BUICK SEDAN. 32-57 575 1932 BUICK COUPE, 6 w. w 675 1932 OLDS 8 DELUXE SEDAN 445 1932 HUPP COUPE. 6 W. w 545 1932 DODGE SEDAN 425 1931 OLDS COUPE 285 1931 BUICK COUPE. 31-86 .... 365 1931 STUDEBAKER 70 SEDAN ... 295 1931 FRANKLIN SEDAN F95 1931 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 185 Many Others to Choose From. Liberal Trades. Fair Appraisals. Central Buick Cos. Used Car Store. 832 N. Meridian. LI-1995. Open Evenings Till 9. HUDSON—'2B sedan. Looks and runs good $95. sls down, balance $3 weekly. 3815 College. LINCOLN—Sedan; good tires; runs fine; S4O down. „. .... * 30TH. <V CENTRAL SALES. TA-5550. NASH—'2B sedan; new tires, paint. A-l. $35. CH-1274-W. 2020 Adams. '3l V-8 OAKLAND 4-dr.; paint, tires, etc., good; perfect job: S9O down. 30TH. k CENTRAL SALES. TA-5550. OLDSMOBILE —29 sedan 6-wheel, sacri fice at SBS. Terms and liberal trade Open to 10 p. m , . _ North Side Chevrolet, Inc. 836 E. 63rd. Broad Ripple. LATE 31 "PACKARD 3-33: 4-pass, cpe : only 40 000 miles; extra good: price reas. 30TH. k CENTRAL SALES. TA-55a0. PLYMOUTH—'33 deix. coach free wheeling, automatic clutch like new. Finish pay ments due. Possible to refinance. WILES k WILSON. 3815 College. WA-2266. 1934 PLYMOUTH Demonstrators —3 ready to go. Brother, and they go fast.'Want one? Hurry over! 4 can ride as cheap as one. 2 sedans—one coach. at the BARGAIN STORE On Lot—72o N. Capitol 514 N. Capitol. 1.1-8090. FORD—^'29 coupe good condition J 95 PLYMOUTH—'29 sedan, bargain SIOO SACKS AUTO SALES 2606 W. Michigan. BE-2189 1933 PLYMOUTH—Standard de luxe coupe. Clean throughout: black with red wheels You should see it if you want a Plymouth coupe in the 1933 model. ° nl> *at’the BARGAIN STORE On Lot—72o N. Capitol 514 N Capitol. PLYMOUTH— 32 sedan: floating power hydraulic brakes *175 Liberal trade very easy terms. Open to 10 p. m. North Side Chevrolet, Inc. 836 E. 63rd. Broad Ripple PLYMOUTH —30 sedan; good rubber *195 820 N. Meridian —- PLYMOUTH—4-door sedan; miles on it. Owners loss, yoo^ Well trade and make it worth vour while on this car. CTnp at the BARGAIN STORE 4-dr sedan. 6 w. w extra fine *295 THORNBURG-VOLLRATH 328 N Delaware. LI-8112. LATE - 32”STUDE" COM 4-dr ; low mile age. free wheel: very ctean low down ?OTh7& _CENTRALSA_LES TA-5550. Sthtppft 2 " coach: tires, bodv and motor excellent *l4 down balance $* 9a weeklv. 3815 College. il CARS—AII makes priced from *> Low payment down and payments. These buys are for the work- Ine man—to and from his work If you are honest and don’t have —come over we 'll i pUy ball with you. at the BARGAIN S.ORE On Lot—72o N. Capitol U-OTOO. AUG. 9, 1933 FINANCIAL 53 Personal Property Loan* 55 Auto Loans AUTOMOTIVE 45 Autos for Sale WILLYS—33 sedan: like new, $365. liberal trade; very easy terms on GMAC plan. Open to Id p. m. North Side Chevrolet, Inc. Willys and Auburn Distributors The Schott Auto Cos. 2004 N. Meridian. TA-3700. USED - CAR BARGAINS at A. VV. BOWEN CO. 945 Ft. Wayne ave., 10th and Central Chevrolet Dealers, _____ Thornburg-Vollrath Motor co„ inc. Downtown Dealer in Pontiac. 328 N. Delaware. LI-8112. CASH for your car or equity. ABELS* FINK AUTO CO.. 440 N. Capitol Ave. LI-1112. WILL sell or trade equity in 28 Olds coach", A-l condition, .7627 Julian Ave.. Apt., la. 40 Used Passenger Cars 10 USED TRUCKS. PRICED $lO UP. Terms—Trade—Monthly Payments. You can always save money at WEST SIDE CHEVROLET, INC. 245 9 W, Wash. BE-1450. 46 l'rucks, Trailers, Tractors CHEVROLET —’33; closed cab and stake, dual wheel, 131” wheelbase; perfect con dition; no reasonable offer refused; liberal trade and very easy terms on GMAC plan. Open to 10 p. m. North Side Chevrolet, Inc. .836 E. 63rd. Broad Ripple. CHEVROLET—>2-T panel; 31—5125 — good condition. 876 Mass. Ave. DODGE—. 34. l’j-ton panel, nice bargain. 30TII. k CENTRAL SALES. TA-5550 FORD—’29 panel, good, first $125. 30TH. A- CENTRAL SALES TA-5550 __ FORD 112-tonI 1 2-ton stake, fine. $245, • 30TH. k CENTRAL SALES. TA-5550. _ FORD. ’3O, ’2-ton panel: good; first $Tfi"S~. 30TH. k CENTRAL_SALES. TA-5550 FORD—26, panel. O. K ; first. S2O 30TH. k CENTRAL SALES. TA-5550. WHITE. Large Panel One Ton, *125. Many Others. Trucks. Tractors. Trailers. GENERAL MOTORS USED TRUCK DEPT. 31 W. 13th. LI-7467. it's The Times for RESULTS 47 Autos Wanted CASH FOR YOUR CAR OR EQUITX “Indiana's Largest Used Car Dealer.’*- I. WOLF AUTO CO. 355 N Capitol LI-491* USED CARS from private owner*. THORN BURG-VOLLRATH MOTOR CO.. INC.. 328 N Delaware. LI-8112 49 Motorcycles and Bicycles 1930 HARLEY-DAVIDSON, 74-B L Fine condition and appearance. $125 Harley Single just overhauled, $65. 534 Mass. Ave. FI NAN CI A L 52- Securities, Bldg. & Loan HIGHEST cash price paid for any In dianapolis B. <fc L. stock. ANCHOR FINANCE CORP. 134 N DELAWARE RI-J.311. 53 Personal Property Loans Public Welfare Loan FURNITURE OR DIAMOND LOANS 330 Occidental Bldg. RI. 3587. Organized In 1912 to Combat the Loan Shark Evil. FRIENDLY LOANS. Quick service at a low cost. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 34 S. Pennsylvania St. Phone RI-5054. Money to loan On Anything. LINCOLN JEWELRY & LOAN CO. 201 W Washington St. PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS For any worthy _purpose. CAPITAL LOAN CO., INO. 207 Kresge Bldg. Phone RI-7561 41 E. Washington St. corner Pennsylvania *3O to S3OO HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORP. of America. 509 Merchants Bank Bldg. Jleildlan at Washington. Phone RI-2578 LOANS *lO 00 to $300.00 AMERICAN LOAN COMPANY 719 State Life Bldg. 347 Banker* Trust Bidg. LI-4065. LI-8439. 53- Personal Loans rM V) Q. -100 (0 1 1000 s On Chaxaciex. c income NO MO nT G*OES I SCHLOSS BROS J \ INV CO yjf X H /__ Diamond and Personal Loans Estates Loan Company 47 South Pennsylvania Room 505 LI 5*598 OVER CITIZENS GAS CO. | A Loan When j j You Need It! \ i TRUSTEES SYSTEM ! Finance Cos. Inc. 1 rise, indisnapoli* Company | 225 N. Delaware St. j Li. USBU | 55 Auto Loan* Loans on Automobiles Equitable Securities Cos. Operatint A* BUCKEYE FINANCE CO. 319 a Ohio 3t. U-4MI